#but yeah here it is
bimoonphases · 3 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 19 – prompt 19: Unbreakable Vow – word count 689
Unbreakable Vow - A magically binding contract that results in the death of whoever breaks it
Sirius knew he could scream all he wanted but his father’s studio was shielded and no one would hear him. Not that the over one hundred guests at the Sacred Twenty-eight Gala would actually care. No, they would probably just admire Walburga Black’s sense of discipline over her household.
He screamed again, every part of his body as if it was on fire, as his mother kept her wand pointed at him, her face twisted with rage.
“You thought I wouldn’t notice?” she hissed.
She lifted her wand and the pain decreased enough for Sirius to notice his trousers were sticking to his calves. He wondered vaguely if all the blood from the Slicing curse would finally ruin his best robes.
“You really thought you could get away with it?” Walburga went on. “As much as it pains me, I am your mother, I know you!”
There were spots dancing before Sirius’s eyes and a small part of his mind was sobbing that for once he had behaved. There had been no pranks, no impertinent answers, nothing. He had kept to himself throughout the reception and the dinner, focusing on the only thought that could get him through it. Moony. Moony and his calm, Moony and his smile, Moony and his embrace. Moony’s arms, Moony’s hands, Moony’s lips.
“Crucio!” his mother shouted.
Sirius screamed again, writhing on the expensive carpet, the office whirling around him.
“You thought I wouldn’t check why you were behaving so well?” Walburga lifted her wand again. “You really thought you could hide those disgusting memories from me?”
Sirius’s heart dropped. With all her duties as hostess of one of the most important events of the year, he hadn’t thought his mother would take the time to use Legilimency on him, especially if he was behaving well. He really couldn’t win with her.
“No son of mine will ever consort with a half-breed!” Walburga went on. “No son of mine will ever have unnatural relations!”
“Then,” Sirius managed to whisper. “I’m not your son.”
Walburga’s features twisted in an evil grin.
“But you are, Sirius,” she lowered her voice. “You always will be. And if you don’t want to, I will make you. Next summer, you will take the Dark Mark and follow the path you’re destined to.”
“You will. You will take the Unbreakable Vow tonight and do as you’re told.”
 Sirius swallowed. The most powerful magical pledge you could take, which bound you to your word and killed you if you broke it.
“I’d rather die,” he spat.
“I know you would,” Walburga said slowly. “But you’ll take it with Regulus who will swear to help you keep your word. And you wouldn’t want something bad to happen to your brother, would you?”
She whirled around in a flurry of evening skirts and walked out of the office, leaving Sirius frozen in horror on the carpet. She was right, he wouldn’t make Regulus risk his life. He wasn’t fine with the idea of dying, but better him than Regulus. Always.
He managed to get up, leaning heavily on the fireplace, roaring despite the warm weather, and looked desperately around, locating his wand, which had been confiscated as soon as he had crossed the threshold coming back from Hogwarts, on Orion’s desk. Grunting with each step, he managed to walk there and grab it along with the ornate box his parents kept the Floo powder supply in. There was no time to think it through or hesitate, no time to wonder if there was another way. He needed to run. For himself. For Regulus.
He threw a handful of Floo powder in the fireplace and as soon as the flames turned green he said the first address that came to him before stepping in. James’s.
“I’m sorry, Reggie,” he sobbed, gripping his wand as the flames engulfed him and the fireplace in Grimmauld Place disappeared, the signet ring emblem of the heir of the Black family left glittering malevolently on the carpet.
He had always thought he would run away one day. He had never thought he would need to leave Regulus behind.
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capriciouswriter207 · 9 months
More often than not, Lizzie’s gaze wandered and went up. This deep in the ocean, it was difficult to see where the water would eventually break apart and reveal the surface, that cold air on her wet skin and the knowledge that she could be vulnerable.
Not that the ocean itself did not hold any dangers, either.
The threat had been eliminated. The salmon, wherever they’d come from, had been pushed back. Not defeated, but they had retreated far enough that the inhabitants of Lizzie’s kingdom could breathe and live freely again, without the concerns for fights on their close borders or to contract that horrible illness.
That illness… 
She’d been by her brother’s side from the moment he started showing symptoms. No matter how her healers and doctors told her that it was unsafe to be in his presence, she remained by his side. How could she even consider swimming away from him, when he always held her hand so tenderly, when his voice broke after every third word, how he looked so weak and scared - which only grew as time passed.
There hadn’t been a cure. Lizzie had been fighting to get one made, but none of her doctors succeeded. They only ever found ways to suppress the illness and ease the passing of those who had contracted it.
Her brother could not die. Lizzie would not let that happen.
So she sought and sought and sought until all of her options were exhausted and then she sought some more. They were the only ones left, damn it! Her and him. They could’ve had hundreds of siblings, but nature had made a different call. She hadn’t gone through all this effort to hide his egg, to nurture and love it, just to give up on her now sickly brother.
One strait hadn’t been explored by the healers…
The decision had been difficult. Her world shattered all the same as it would have, had her brother passed away. She’d been against it, vehemently argued there had to be another way, but her brother insisted. In his sick delirium, he thought it was a good idea. And because she had a hard time saying no to her little brother, she eventually complied and agreed to let him go.
The surface world did not know the salmon illness. The surface world did not have to suffer its consequences nor did they even know how devastating it was to the denizens of the waves. And, as theorized by one bold doctor, staying on land could cure him all the same.
Unfortunately, being separated from the ocean meant to lose one’s memories. 
Her brother knew the risks, begged her to take that chance. It’d be fine, he promised he’d remember and come visit all the time. She said her goodbyes with tears in her eyes and a letter in hand, for him to find and remember her by. So that, when his memories had faded and he stumbled upon this letter, he would remember anew and come seek her out. 
Now, she looked up, in the direction of where her brother was living. On that cold surface world, where very little made sense and where she could not follow indefinitely, lest she forget too.
Though the forgetting already started. 
Her brother… the name is on the tip of her tongue. Yet, her mind refused to give up the name of her only surviving sibling. 
How long has it been since he’d left? Even that knowledge was unavailable. 
One day, perhaps, she would look up and not remember why. She hoped that day would never come.
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chuluoyi · 5 months
Hii what's the next love entries post ?
hii anonn!! next entry to be posted within this week would be curiosity!! it's going to be nsfw though🥲 and after that it's going to be either an extended cut for rivals... in love?, gojo vs the cat or sick days!
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mitamicah · 8 months
@carpblu @somniari0 @fornowimwinter @formulalakana @feral4kaarijasquat here it is; the famous Butt video x'D
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angelcasendgame · 2 years
Since we're talking about widower!Dean, here's an excerpt from my s13 arc where Cas is dead for a bit longer and Dean is pissed off and exhausted after being even more sleep deprived that usual from caring for a baby nephil that won't stop crying. Warnings for Dean being a complete asshole and Sam being done with his shit. Dean antis dni.
“You don’t know what it’s like!” Dean finally snaps.
Sam hardens. “I don’t know what it’s like?” he yells back. “I don’t know? Seriously, Dean? Okay, tell me, then. Tell me what the fuck it’s like, then!” Sam shoves Dean and Dean lets him. Good. He deserves this. He deserves worse. “You know, I have been patient. I have been understanding. But you are a fucking dick. You think,” he takes a deep breath, almost as if he's debating on what to say next. It pisses Dean off more that Sam thinks he needs to handle Dean with special gloves as if he’s fragile. “You think I don’t fucking know? You think I don’t fucking know after Jessica? Madison? Eileen? You don’t—”
“How could you understand,” Dean interrupts, meeting Sam’s eyes with a cold glare of his own, “when you have a fucking list?”
It's cruel. It's unfair. He wants Sam to clock him. Maybe hard enough to get knocked out for a moment of peace, definitely enough for a bruise. He braces himself for it, waits for the inevitable blow.
It never comes.
Sam is taller than him, has been for years, and he goes on stupid runs and works out, but he still manages to look so incredibly small now.
Somehow this pisses Dean off more.
If Sam hadn’t pulled Dean through that rift—if Sam was as weak as he looks now, if Dean was stronger—he takes another breath.
The last time, fuck, the last time fists were exchanged, was when Sam was addicted to demon blood.
Don't say it, his brain warns him. Don't fucking do it you, asshole.
But then again. Dean is an asshole. That's the whole fucking problem.
“You’re not going to add Ruby to your list?” he snarls.
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honeybyte · 1 year
Can you explain all your OCs and worldbuilding in detail? I've always seen these beautiful drawings and sketches of your character is based on song lyrics and stuff, but I've never really figured out much from a cursory scroll of your blog
OKAY i'm gonna take this as an invitation to spill my guts abt my verses. so let me start by saying these get tweaked all the time, little details might change but generally once i settle on a plot it typically stays the same. And, for the most part, these are all outlines w scenes and A》B subject to change. BUT 👏
Honey Verse Compendium: Start!
Axe + Cleaver
》Agnes, Elle, Goliath, Angus, Euan, Odelia
Agnes Laroche is a theologian hellbent on writing an esssy of the Harlach Parish, a cult in a small town called Kencree. While searching for leads she meets Elle Sinclaire, a butcher in the Rhodes District of Kencree who specializes in. Less popular cuts for the smaller crowd. Elle points her in the direction of Goliath Abernathy, a former cult member and champion for the priestess Odelia Harlach.
As it turns out, the Harlach Parish is darker than Agnes imagined; members offer pieces of themselves to the priestess for her favor, trophies she collects in reliquaries. Her most favored happens to be an eye she keeps on a necklace, stolen from Goliath shortly before he left her court. As Agnes pokes around (meeting blacksmith Angus Reid and unwilling court member Euan Harlach), she catches Odelia's attention, who makes a bid to ensnare her in the cult. Outraged and fueled by old anger, Goliath finds his way into her church and a confrontation. He takes back his eye, steals documentation, and sets the church alight.
The town will take time to heal, but Odelia's death is everything she didn't want it to be: quiet and unremarkable, alone in a dark hall.
》Kaz, Valentine, Mozzwood, Gabriel, Neera
Years after a series of HEMP bombs take out tech worldwide, knowledge on agriculture and horticulture are considered scarce and precious. Kaz, a tractor driver, and Mozzwood, a variant of apex predator gone anxious, are traveling cross country looking for... something. Neither is quite sure yet. They meet a ghost from Kaz's past, a seed dealer and arsonist named Valentine. In a fight to understand their actions comes the revelation Valentine was a cult child-- one that burned down the church that kept them captive, and who continues to burn churches now. Its cleansing, they say.
During their journey, Valentine burns one more church, saving a single little girl named Gabriel. This event inspires a new direction for the group: a cross-country trek to find Kaz's mother and shelter with her.
From there, the story is a road trip. It comes with the ups and downs of having a family along for the ride, with the trials of tribulations that comes with adventuring across a post-apocalyptic land. But they find Kaz's mother, find a safe place with her, and build a home.
Red Heron
》Alec, Librarian, Johann, Kairos
The Red Heron Project is an experiment in body modification, its extreme and practical uses. Alec and the Librarian are abandoned projects, experiments deemed failed but just functional enough to keep in the program as archivists. They rarely receive visitors (there's often fights when they get them), and they like it just so. Its when the doctor Johann and their subject Kairos visit that things become strange.
Alec has never known much about the Librarian; they met in the archives and he's never seen the actual body behind the modification. It happens that Johann knows everything there is to know about the Librarian-- in fact, they're the one that made it. The question isn't so much where the body is as much as it is who has access to it? Certainly not Johann, and definitely not Alec. Not now that they're both considered failed experiments.
Now. How do they get the body back?
Farmer's Bible
》Eremiah, Garrett
This is admittedly my most threadbare concept. What I know is this:
Garrett is a priest in a small town beset by a plague, one which consumes the host via spore and mycelium. The host becomes feverish, then demented, then becomes a mushroom, and Garrett is sick to death of watching his people die. He sets out to find patient zero, tracking lead after lead, until he is brought back to his hometown, and the woods behind it. He finds patient zero there: a man named Eremiah, who keeps to himself and tends an infected farm.
Eremiah doesn't really know he's infected, and if he did he wouldn't much care, benefit of having a mushroom for a brain. The real trial for Garrett is whether it would sit right with him to kill a man like Eremiah, someone who just happened to wander into town with a bad cough.
》Adriana, Frogmouth, Grace, Andrew
Adriana spends her whole life blaming herself for the death of her best friend when she was a child. Wrought with grief and self-blame, she becomes skilled in ways she shouldn't and takes up work as a mercenary. Work eventually brings her home, where she meets a strange jester with the circus visiting town. She calls him Frogmouth when he won't say his name, but soon annoyance turns to fondness as he gives her a peek of his world. She takes up singing, something she hasn't done for years, and finds herself a new life within the tents. She can almost leave her grief behind like this. Almost.
Alas, work brings her to an audience with the duchess of the town and her advisor. In a breakdown of negotiations, a fight ensues, and Frogmouth finds himself at the center of it. He steps in to protect Adriana, but in the process loses his mask, shattering against the edge of a blade as it reveals the face of the elusive jester:
Adriana's childhood friend, Kor.
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
Rep. McAllister’s room :)
lol i made a Gulliver au drawing without anyone in it 😮
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skleech · 2 years
For the ask game!! #9, #11 and #13 👀
9. What are your three favourite weapons and why?
Bowblade - I adore the move set of this weapon, especially the charge attack that makes you spin. idk why i just rlly like how rhythmic this weapon is and how it kinda makes me feel like I’m dancing in a kinda morbid way lol (also its a sword that turns into a bow that idea fucks so hard)
2. Ludwig’s holy blade - the weapon I usually go for when doing playthroughs as it’s pretty fast and I like the patterns and engravings on the sword’s scabbard
3. hunter scythe - scythe weapons look so cool and plus I like the moveset for it :]
11. What’s your favourite bit of lore?
this question is gonna be a bit difficult for me to answer because I’m stupid and my monkey brain still knows very little about other parts of lore in this game, but! I do enjoy the research hall lore as there’s a lot of stuff hinted there that you can pick out (such as that one patient in the dark room that might be hinting that as an act of punishment the church forced her to be a research patient)
13. Do you have any weird head-canons about the games/npcs?
I have no clue if anyone else thinks this but I like to hc the younger madaras twin being fucking huge, like around 6,7ish. Just an absolute unit while also just being some guy
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lesbianralzarek · 4 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 days
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Hey now, Let her cook!
#dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#senshi#laios touden#marcille donato#izutsumi#oyasumi punpun#<- In case you are wondering what the source for the little bird guy is.#Yeah that's right. I'm back to my extremely obscure crossover BS.#Punpun is one of those series that falls under the category of 'Good! but I cannot responsibly recommend this to anyone."#If Dungeon Meshi is like a friend asking you to go on a quick errand and you accidently go on a life changing roadtrip -#Punpun is your friend asking to go on a quick errand and they pull up to the vet and tell you your dog is being put down.#Then they explode into sludge. Melting your car. You hitchhike back but the person who picked you up is an axe murderer.#I could not finish it. My friends who did say it was good. But agree it was for the best I did not finish it.#Hey speaking of tone twists...We are one episode away from one of my favourite chapters being animated!#WHO'S READY FOR THE SENSHI BACKSTORY! WHO IS READY TO CRY!#ME! I AM! I spooked my flatmate with how energetic I was this morning. I'm vibrating with energy I was not designed to contain.#I should talk about today's episode here: It was very good. I love how they animated the familiars.#And!!! Anime only people now are in the loop on the Chilchuck lore. Part 1 of many. He still contains multitudes.#They all do to be honest! If this episode told us anything it was that we still don't know these characters as well as we think!#See you guys next week. I'll be inconsolable.
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bakedbeanchan · 2 months
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I love the first season of atla
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calamitys-child · 6 months
One of my favourite mundane weirdnesses about Edinburgh is that we set the big clock visible approaching the station to be 3 minutes fast to make sure people are on time for their trains. My Favourite mundane weirdness of Edinburgh is that we check this by firing a cannon.
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triona-tribblescore · 4 months
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I just wanna draw them being all soft n stuff okay? :'( <333
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cyberstarlope · 11 days
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based off of a beautifully unfortunate phrasing of conversation between myself and @arsonistmoth
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kimeoshi · 9 days
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derpiedoxie · 8 months
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I like the silly little new indie show
Someone give Pomni a cookie
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