#but what decides if a god is fake or real?? if someone believes doesnt that make them real enough?
malikselfindulgence · 7 months
God I want to relate Morshid and Marek to akhenaten/amenhotep the fourth and the sun disk god aten somehow but that's almost entirely because aten is my fav god and I just want to mesh my obsessions
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What happenes if/when allura shiro and lance meet in the shrödinger reality au? Theres do many ways this meeting could go wrong..........
Also shiro having a brother in this au is such an interesting plot point.. Shiro is slowly descending into madness by his memories halucinations and stuffing severed limbs into potted plants pots and kuro is like 'im so glad my brother has a new hobby:) hes been so passionate about gardening recently! I wonder what fertilizer is he using to make them grow this well.. also why is the floor do slippery nowadays'
and the answer turns out to be maybe-propably-not-real severed body parts
The way i see it (and i am basing this on vibes), that they didnt even notice or remembered. The way Lance's Thing works is that he 1) goes usually unnoticed, like pebbles on a road 2) even if you notice him, or talk to him, or he talks to you as long as you are not the one he's targetting (which rarely ever happens) they dont usually 'recognize' him. It is like how some animals dont recognize their own reflection, maybe some people would feel off about him, some people would be curious about him and some people would be able to notice and remember him (like that one doctor) but ultimately they wont be able to pinpoint what exactly is wrong just a constant feeling of wrongness. 3) they usually wont remember him. They might feel like they are forgetting something, or something is missing but usually they will forget about him.
However again the pebbles on road metaphor applies here. If you dont notice him, you just dont notice him, if you had one passing glance, you'll forget about him instantly, if you noticed him, talked to him, examined him, you are more likely to notice some details meaning you would realize that Something is Wrong, meaning you will remember him for a bit longer.
Which is how i feel Lance's first meeting with Shiro and Allura is going to go. They wont notice him, or recognize him, or remember him. I imagine there's some serial killer case both Allura and Shiro got dragged into with Allura was a witness (she was trying to understand wth us going on and trying to understand this world and oh shit that person just attacked someone) and Shiro kinda being a suspect cause he's being odd according to his friends, and Lance who has decided that he can do a better detective job than the cops (and he's 100% right) and also he thinks said serial killer is the one who 'killed' him. They do meet Lance and because they do remember or have dreamt Lance from their vld timeline, they are able to notice something is off about that guy, but they lose track of him and they kinda forget about him but do keep getting this nagging feeling that they forgot something important
Allura and Shiro do not get along at first. Allura who remembers Everything is like "Shiro? Shiro! Shiro it is you!! It's me Allura!! Oh thank voltron and guardian i found you this world is so strange and a total fake" and Shiro who has been trying to suppress his dreams for past few months is like- "Who tf are you??? I dont know who are you or what this voltron is but please stay away from me" (<=lying). And like Allura who was so desperate to have traces of her old life back, started to pretty much like trying to reach out to him (aka pester him). Eventually Allura is able to convince him that, yeah she indeed is both girl in his dreams but also real and Real af, and while he does Not believe her, he is also just so tired of the paranormal bs he is dealing with and if this Weird stalker lady can help him than on god he's taking that help.
And yep (in my mind his brother is Kuron) and while he doesnt show it, he is Very worried about Shiro. He reasons that he is just coping with his accident and dealing with loss of his arm and dream job and the Trauma™ (and technically he isnt wrong) but he can also tell this is something beyond That. However he has decided that he'll give Shiro space, let him come to him on his own, be supportive and strong and smiley for him. But yeah he's glad that Shiro is getting into a new hobbies, even if he is too into it sometimes.
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i dont fucking know if my thoughts are my own or if ive just been so emotionally and verbally abused each day that im starting to internalize someone elses idea of me. idk what to think lately. im so fucking depressed and anxious and sad like every single day, it hurtsso much, and it fucking sucks that there are people in my life who just view me as a sad sack of shit with no aspirations or value. i never get more than a day to get better from anything before someone in my life is pressuring me to get off my ass and do something productive. dont you know tht there is something seriously wrong with me. idk why i cant do things, i just cant. i wan to be so productive and social, i just cant bring myself to do it right now. i feel so trapped and overwhelmed. do you realize how exhausting it is to wake up everyday with a mind attacking itself, with a body that aches, with a hope that this will be your last day of suffering, with no sense of what it is you need in order for the suffering to stop. i want to scream but i have no energy to. i want to die one minute and then hope to save my own life the next, contradicting every word or thought with an action that is not my own. theres days where my health anxiety is practically non existant and then something will happen, it could be something so nonsensical and somehow ill get triggered or worried and there i go absolutely obsessed with some strange pain or weird tension, or god forbid i actually get infected with something. thats all i could focus on 24/7 until i find some way to make it better, but the worry from the thing that im feeling and wondering about my health, this shit brain decides its so stressful and scary that i should just starve myself, cause if i were skinny, these prooblems wouldnt feel so big, or maybe id be able to go to the doctor if im 2 sizes smaller. that doesnt make any sense. i know it doesnt so why do i do what i do. and then theres the cutting that i feel i have to do or else i wont learn from my mistakes but if i cut myself whenever i impulsively feel like it, then that makes my immune system too weak to fight off whatever i think i have this week so im trying to recover from that as its only making everything more complicated, but its all i can think about, especially in this self loathing state im in now. im such an idiot, im just a sick fuck who cant stop thinking to herself that maybe im faking all this and im actually okay. i think its all my fault for being this way, i dont remember what started all these unhealthy coping mechanisms but it has to have started with a thought right? i feel so ashamed for being this way, it was stupid of me to ever adopt such habits restriction makes me more confident but the constant exercise makes me too weak to go anywhere to show that confidence, and great! now i actually am sick, and my immune system is shit, and my emotional state and self hatred is making it worse, and im too overwhelmed to see anyone in my life who thinks they love me, because i dont want them to see me like this. they wouldnt believe me if i tried to explain that im struggling and need help. ive tried. they dont listen. they dont realize whats important. i know i put em through hell, im selfish, im self centered and dramatic and lazy and gross and undeserving of any love they think they have for me. i dont trust it. dont tell me you love me, you barely know me, the real me, the one i keep locked behind a closed door each night, to contemplate what im going to do about this shit life ive curated for myself. im so tired, im so fucking tired all of the time. i dont know how to keep going. i dont know how to do anything for that matter. im not even going to revise this shit post, im too tired, i just need to announce somewhere, somehow, that im so fucking lost that i dont even know if my thoughts are my own, or what it means to be a person. everyday with this bullshit, now im getting into existential dread territory, im just so sick of my own shit! im sick of myself. why cant i function like everyone else???
i want it to be over, i wish my problems could just be solved without any external help. i just want to wake up tomorrow and for everything to just be okay. i want to feel okay again. i dont need anything fancy, please let me wake up tomorrow with hope of brighter days. its so hard to see the beauty in my life when im being suffocated and pinned down by something invisible. i dont have the capacity to love or care for anyone or anything, and no one can see that i just need a break?? how can you not see me? no one can see, ill show them and they still wont see! they refuse, simply because, they cannot see inside my head and dont care enough to want to. they think they do. i tried to tell them time and time again but i think its just that when i am feeling okay, they dont like the choices i make. when im okay, i make sure i make the most of that time by prioritizing my own happiness over everyone elses, and that really pisses people off! to the point where they want to tear me down and take that light away from me. i didnt ask to be here, now, with all this pressure on my shoulders to be more than what i am. im simply existing. i can feel it. tomorrows gonna be so shit. i can always sense the storm before it comes, i wish i could prevent it, or ease my pain in some way. these substances are nice in the moment but eventually the buzz will wear off and ill just be me again, with nothing to offer. i dont have anything to offer. life is too hard, i gave up so long ago and didnt even realize that is what was happening at the time. i just go through it day by day without fully processing that ill have to wake up the next day. i wish my life was a dream i could wake up from. my brain isnt working right. i dont recognize myself. i hate how alone we all are. every sensation, thought, visual, sound, and taste. you are completely isolated from everyone around you.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Hey!! Could we please get more sugar daddy fics with a black reader ofc 😋 idk if you've done shoto already but that'd be nice or hawks and deku💕
A/N: “wrist on glitter, waist on thinner, imma show you how to bag a eight-figure nigga” 👅💋 I enjoyed this way too much
All characters are 18+
Warnings: it got a lil spicy so imma put the line 
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Todoroki Shouto:
this mf has money to burn 
we all know todoroki came out the womb w cash from his hair to his ass 
he’s on some “yes, jeff bezos knows me” type shit so if you’re tryna end up with someone that’s gonna possibly buy you a house, he’s your guy 
he slid into your dms after you posted a pic with your skin moisturized and glistening under golden hour and your body had him wanting to run laps 
he had been plottin on you for a min but never got the motivation to do something about it until then
he’s a no strings attached type of sugar daddy
todoroki is a big name even outside of hero work and he’s well aware of all the people that have tried to use him. so instead of letting that happen, he’s decided to do things on his own terms 
when yall first started talking, he questioned you like this was managerial position at apple 💀 
best believe he ran an in-depth background check and made you sign an NDA 💀💀💀
he was a tough one
but you passed w flying colors and y’all settled on an arrangement
you have a weekly allowance that hits your bank account every saturday with some bonuses that he’ll give you depending on how the week goes
todoroki isnt needy nor is he one to be all up in your business 
it’s actually weird in an endearing kind of way? 
he only wants to have conversations with you 
i mean, dont get me wrong, he’s up for anything you are
todoroki would be a liar if he said he never ended some nights with a picture of you and a hand down his pants 
but that’s not what he’s mainly looking for 
you figure out very quickly that shouto just wants someone to talk to 
he’ll randomly hit up your phone and have a 30 min convo about something like the weather or hero politics, and then he’ll dip
next thing you know, you got $1000 in your cashapp
you kind of panicked bc like...wtf? 
your dumb ass messaged him: “did you mean to send $1000?”
sis, dont put a question mark where God put a period
him: “Yes.”
and that was the end of that
you dont question anymore
he’s not doting in any kind of way, and sometimes you lowkey think he forgets about you, but you still get your allowance 
doesn’t send a lot of gifts unless you explicitly state you want something
he doesnt text back a lot, but he tried to respond when he can
but i do see him liking it when you send him mundane things you do throughout your day, like pics of cookies you baked, or a cool plant you saw at home depot
and he enjoys the times you and him end up just trashing his father for nearly an hour. expect to find flowers, with some expensive ass coats or something at your door the next morning 
he really fucks w your laid back vibe 
sometimes he forgets you guys arent really supposed to be friends 
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Takami Kiego (Hawks):
this is not hawks’ first time being a sugar daddy
he’s hot, rich, and one of the most eligible bachelor’s in japan with a life that prevents him from having anything too serious
so, long story short, he’s a veteran at this 
he used to be the type to reach out to instagram baddies but he had a couple bad run-ins and decided to stick with the official sites because it was a lot more secure on both ends 
the funny thing was, you set up your account a long time ago as a joke. though at one point, you did take it seriously, but you came in contact with a lot of super creepy men that sexualized you for your skin and ethnicity. 
you were tired of the “chocolate king/queen” and “amazonian god/dess” comments,so you took a break. you didnt have much activity since
so imagine youre surprise when the #2 hero hit your line talking about some 
“Hey~ I’ll get straight to the point. I think you’re beautiful and I’d like to talk with you about an arrangement” 
you thought this was a fake account, but after he chatting for a little and sending some pictures, you knew he was the real deal 
hawks is your standard tit-for-tat transaction sugar daddy
he’s the type to hit you up at night with a “how ya doing, dove? got any pics for me?”
he’s good about his respect ad won’t do anything out of line
it’s the bare minimum, be he doesnt fetishize you so that’s always nice 
however, he does make you call him daddy, sir, etc. whether it’s through text, call, or when y’all get together for...reasons
ngl his dicc game is fire
he might ghost you for a week or so but he’ll always come back with a nice check to make up for it 
just be careful about catching feelings bc he’s so fucking smooth. he makes you feel like you’ve got his heart, but dont fall for that shit
if you think you can “change him” or fuflfil whatever wattpad romance fantasy lives in your head, he is not your guy. you better get on w your life before you get your heart broken
he’s here to suck, fuck, send pics, do a little phone call here n there, send some money, and go 
if you’re not with all that, you might as well dip 
but if you’re cool with that, rest assured, you’re gonna be living your best mf life with this man in your wallet 
and good news, you might not be his only, but you are his favorite
there’s just something about you that’s got him giving you a few extra thousand than he normally does 
he doesnt take his sugar babies on proper dates bc he’s gotta stay away from media outlets, but he will invite you to his office for a “lunch break”
if you ever surprise him with a cute but sexy hawks cosplay, you won’t have to work for two whole weeks bc you cant walk  
overall, he’s a good sugar daddy. defintely good for your pockets and any other non-romantic desires you want fulfilled
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Mirodirya Izuku:  
the way you two met and came to this arrangement was more or less an accident
the life of the number one pro-hero was lonely and stressful 
he’s tried to dip his toes in the water here and there, but it never worked out because not many people could deal with the fact that he’d always put hero work first
he was teetering on the edge of signing up for one of those sugar daddy/baby websites until he met you at some cafe he passed by 
it’s cliche really. you were his server and, honestly? he was hooked on day one 
he watched you intently as you pranced around in your cute uniform. he couldnt stop admiring your brown skin and eyes and how cute your hair was. you spoke with such enthusiasm and cheerfulness that he couldnt help but swoon. and it didn’t hurt that you were very easy on the eyes
he listened to you as you went on a spiel about how college was a fortune and how you stayed up last night for a project bc you had to pick up extra shifts
that’s when he made his decision
by the time the hero is out of the door, you collected the reciept and almost fainted when you realized he left you a $500 tip and his personal number 
“i enjoyed talking to you today and i hope we can continue that...here’s something small to help with your bills. and i hope this isnt too forward but you’re very beautiful. stay safe. deku.”
and what did you do that night?
you called his ass right back
you were nervous as hell bc you still couldnt believe this was real, but after talking on the phone with him for two hours, an arrangement was set
midoriya is the most gentlemen like sugar daddy out there 
you wake up to good morning texts and a few hundred in your bank account almost every two days 
he goes crazy over your insta posts. and if you wear something green? expect a bonus
takes you out shopping unprovoked 
izuku: “are you busy? i saw you were having a rough week and was wondering if you wanted to go to that new outlet mall downtown”
you: 🏃🏾‍♀️💨  
you most certainly had homework due that night but what tf you look like missing out on that offer? 
it’s after so many “dates” that deku realizes that he prefers hanging around you more than he should but he doesnt wanna ruin anything so he keeps that underwraps 
he’s the idiot that goes into this thinking he won’t fall in love
deku defintely has some dirty thoughts about you but he doesnt try to bring it up unless you do first
if you’re comfortable with anything nsfw, you gone see a whole different side to izuku
he’s a giver, giver, giver, but when he recieves, he just about loses it
send him “innocent” pics of yourself matched with a string of filthy texts and he’ll combust 
when you send him pics of yourself in deku-themed lingre, he deadass sends you a whole black card with your name on it as a thank you
you guys get very comfortable with each other very quickly
soon enough, DA’s start turning into y/n stayng over for a week 
you both realize this relatiosnhip runs a lot deeper than an arrangement when he accidentally let it slip that he told his mom about you 
he’s profusely apologizing but you shut him up with a kiss and tell him that you’ve kinda caught feelings yourself 
your next conversation works out well for the both of you 
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diavolosthots · 4 years
i know its nowhere near halloween but how about a spoopy request anyway 💀 the bros and Diavolo's reaction to seeing their crush walk into a halloween party dressed as a nun? sexy nun or not, doesnt matter but the thought of them just showing up as a nun cracks me up hjjwoakqo
I cant even say shit because i sang christmas songs yesterday 😂
THE BROTHERS + DIAVOLO sseing their crush dressed as a nun
He hated that Diavolo decided to throw such a silly party for such a ridiculous event anyway. What made it worse was that EVERYONE had to get into a costume and no matter how much he argued that they're literal demons and scary enough, diavolo wouldnt let it go. So here he was, dressed as Count Dracula, watching the crowds in their ridiculous costumes. But then his eyes laid on you dressed as a... Nun? He was kind of taken aback because it wasnt just a nun it was so... Sinfully holy. His lips turned upward into a smirk as he made his way over to you, ready to hear you spill your sins and beg for forgiveness.
He hated this almost as much as Lucifer. That is, until he found a Han Solo costume and he was sold. Star Wars is his guilty pleasure and he'd pay almost any amount of money to get his hands on some real blasters and lightsabers. He was currently toying around with the blasters when he stepped onto someone else's shoes. About to tell them off, he actually turned to come face to face with his angel, err... I mean you and he almost dropped the fake weapons "wow (Y/N)... I mean why ya dressed as a nun? A nun aint scary!" His argument did nothing to cover the blush spreading across his cheeks.
He loved Halloween for one reason and one reason only; he gets to cosplay. Now he was debating on doing something TSL related but actually decided to turn into Ruri-chan's love interest instead. That way he could stay as true to his demon nature as possible while also drowning in the idea of him actually finding love. Stupid love. It's all so dumb; such a dumb game. While he was deep in thought, he didnt notice the hand being placed onto his shoulder nor did he hear your voice calling out to him and he actually jumped once he realized. He was about to tell you off for scaring him but then he saw your rather... Revealing nun outfit and his face immediately flushed, not knowing how to react. He couldn't get the image out of his head for the rest of the night.
Satan was... Just tagging along at this point. He decided to become Phantom of the opera, a splendid idea in his mind. That happiness was short lived, though when he saw Lucifer's outfit as Count Dracula and how they were way too identical. Gross. He was searching for you to ask you for a dance. You always seemed to get his mind back into the present and he loved to have conversation with you. However, he did not expect to find you dressed so... Innocently. He chuckled at the sight, knowing better than to believe you're a true person of God.
Oh darling he was the one who picked it out of course! Meanwhile he was dressed as a priest, which is irony in itself since, as we all know, priests dont indulge in lustful sins like he does so effortlessly~ but he didnt expect you to pull it off that well. Your long legs were showing from underneath the very much unholy gown and the rosary around your throat neck was basically screaming to be pulled on. Don't worry, Priest Asmo is here to help you repent all your sins~
He was raiding the food the minute he got there. He decided to become the Three Musketeers together with Belphie and Solomon and they pulled it off quite well. They even got real sabers! Solomon challenged him to a "fight" earlier, which Solomon of course lost but it's not his problem. He was currently stuffing his face with "gut soufflet" when he heard your voice behind him. Turning around, he almost dropped the food at the sight of you. Its so funny to see you as a nun surrounded by, well, literal demons. But who is he to judge the holiness in front of him? Seeing you so covered so... Secretive, made him want to unpack a new snack.
Belphie hated all of Diavolo's get togethers, this one included, and he quickly wandered off to one of the castles empty guest rooms, which there were many of. Not realizing that a certain someone was looking for him until his head already hit the pillow. His saber was tossed somewhere, too. Honestly, this costume was so uncomfortable and he only did it because of Beel. Anyway, he heard soft foot steps passing by him and then coming back to look at him. Opening his eyes back up, he saw your... Prestige form in front of him and almost laughed. You? A nun? God would never accept a... Sinner like yourself.
Oh he loved this human tradition so much! It's so fun and theres lots of games and spooky movies to watch. He loved throwing this party every year, and every year his costume topped the last. This year, he was teasingly dressed an angel. But not just any angel; Archangel Michael. He could tell Luke wanted to say something and Simeon wasnt too pleased either, but he also knew they would never dare go against him and so, awkward smiles were exchanged why he continued to mingle with the nobles. However, his attention got dragged away once more when he settled his eyes on you. A sexy nun costume, huh? Being so sinfully ravishing should be, well... A sin. Smirking, he pushed passed the nobles to approach you with a confident stride; afterall, all people of God need a Guardian Angel to be watch over them.
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Snowy Favours
i wrote this for one of my favourite humans in the entire world! @queen-of-demons-and-hell i just kind of forgot to post it on here oops
masterlist; my links
[image has alt text]
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She smells coffee. And then pancakes, and then freshly squeezed orange juice. And suddenly she's three days into a Indonesian island holiday and there's sun streaming through her windows and the sheets draped over her bared skin are cool and if she opens her eyes she'll be met with ruffling lace curtains and the sight of the ocean just over the deck.
Annabeth Chase wakes up to silence. To darkness. To New York plunged into winter as if Khione had taken her rage out on the city over night. Snow covers the concrete buildings, already turning sloppy and muddied with the trek of never ending people. She is nowhere near Indonesia, nor in a villa overlooking blue waters. She is in her grungy apartment in her more-mattress-than-bed bed and the single window in her bedroom looks out onto the brick of the building next to her. In short its just another Monday morning.
The disappointment that floods through her is breathtaking. She feels her life swallow her up, wrapping around her lungs and squeezing as if it had taken lessons from a python. Her fingers curl around the duvet pulled over her as she stares at the wall, at the pictures littering it. She takes a deep breath, another, another. Slowly the python loosens, her heart returns to it's normal rhythm.
Glancing at the small pink clock on her bedside table she almost groans as she sees the time. Three minutes till her alarm rings. Not enough to dive back into bed but enough to consider it anyway. She forces herself to get up, feeling the cool of the wood under her feet and traipses to the bathroom where she is met with tile, the sudden cold pulls a hiss from her.
With a zombied look in her eyes she goes about her morning routine: pee, teeth, shower, change, scrounge around in empty cupboards for something at least half edible, scarf another energy bar when nothing better makes itself known, and then finally pack her bag and make her way out. She can do it with her eyes closed by now, sometimes she even does.
Still as she steps into the biting air that comes with snow her body wakes up considerably. With a curse that middles Greek and English, she twists her scarf tighter around her neck and pulls her beanie over her ears. She decides she can spare a moment to go to her favourite coffee shop this morning just to throw down a hot drink that hopefully scorches her insides.
With a determined step she sets off to the subway, earbuds shoved into her ears blaring "do re mi" by blackbear. A violent song for this early in the morning but one she mumbles along to all the same.
The coffee shop, as she so lovingly calls it, is more like a caravan sized hole wedged between two skyscrapers. It fits maybe five people comfortably, ten if you're looking to be smothered. But the coffee is beyond magical and they have the most decadent blueberry muffins she's ever had the pleasure to eat. Besides her best friend works here and really if anyone can turn her from bruised-eyed zombie to semi-human it's Percy Jackson.
The door creaks as she steps through, announcing her presence. She's too busy basking in the warmth of the little hovel to worry about the greeting thrown her way.
"Gods it's cold out there." She sucks in a breath, feeling her lungs defrost.
"Yes," Percy grins, "I suppose someone pissed off Khione again."
She rolls her eyes, as her body collapses against the black marble counter. "Khione gets pissed off about everything that's hardly an excuse to give us all frostbite."
"I suggest you take that up with her, because I cannot see any of us coming out alive after that conversation."
"Just give me a coffee you menace," She scrunches her nose in distaste, but cannot keep the playfulness out of her voice.
"Want a blueb?" He shakes a paper bag, something thumping inside. "On the house." The accompanying wink sets her cold skin on fire.
Her eyes narrow as she surveys him. His unruly black curls are kept back by three butterfly shaped clips, bright pink and probably Estelle's, and his skin browner— like dark roast coffee— from the weekend his family had taken in Spain three weeks before glows softly under the warm yellow light hanging above then. The black polo neck he wears under his "Holed Up" company t-shirt, makes his eyes look darker than normal. His jeans, faded blue, stand stark against the rest of his outfit. Even like this, in work appropriate clothes, he looks beautiful. Looks like the beginning of spring, and the happily ever after of stories, and the change of tides.
"What are you planning?" His look of incredulity almost makes her laugh.
"Why would you think I'm up to anything?"
"I've known you since we were twelve Jackson," She scoffs, as if his question is ridiculous in itself. "I know every face, every expression, every movement of your body. I know when you're up to something." She finishes off with a glare for good measure.
His green eyes are bright as he studies her, emotions warring across his face. To spill or not to spill. He pushes her coffee across the counter and she looks at him expectantly as she grabs the cup with both hands. Her numb fingers instantly start to sting with the sudden change in temperature.
"Fine." He sighs, looking at her through his lashes as if maybe be could get away with not telling her. She raises a brow. He curses under his breath and flops down on a chair hidden behind the counter.
"I need your help with something—"
Yes, of course, is on the tip of her tongue. She would do it. No hesitation. There's not much, not anything, she wouldn't do for him.
"But before you say no or worse get mad you have to hear me out." He finishes quickly. And then his eyes are big and pleading and she doesn't know if she wants to turn away or lean in closer, study that captivating green like it's the newest find in her paleontology class.
Instead she clears her throat, "What is it Percy?"
"I need you to be my fake girlfriend." He says it in one breath.
She almost asks him to repeat in case she hadn't heard right. But she knows she did. She knows she couldn't have heard anything else
He swallows. She blinks. He drops his head to his hands, a sigh already on his lips. She opens her mouth, snaps it shut.
"Okay I know it's...odd," He starts, "But I kind of got roped into going to a mixer with some people from my class and this one guy asked if we could go together but I don't really like him so I said no." Percy was rambling but she was too speechless to stop him. "But then he looked really hurt and I felt really bad so I kind of said I already had a partner which made him look less hurt but then Piper, the girl hosting the mixer, over heard me and said I should bring my partner along, since a few of them were bringing their partners, and you know I couldn't exactly back out of the lie after that so I said I would and well..." He gestures between them. "Then this happened."
Annabeth takes a sip of her coffee. And another, she downs almost half the cup before she has the ability to talk. "Why don't you just say your partner is sick on the day?"
It's her first question and instantly she wants to take it back. Because the flinch Percy tries to hide is enough to have her scrambling for a way to take back the words. Because it's not that she won't be Percy's (fake) partner, or even that she doesn't want to.
It's more that she doesnt know if she'll be able to draw the line between fake gestures and her very real feelings. Having a crush on someone for the better part of eight years tends to tug at her emotional side in a way that overules her logical one. Yes she can be Percy's fake girlfriend. No her heart won't believe the lopsided grin he gives her when he makes a bad joke will be 'just for show'. Yes she can hold hands with him and meet his friends. No she can't help the jump in her stomach as she sees the interlaced fingers.
"You don't have to." He says quietly. "I'll think of something." He waves it off, a small smile already finding its way onto his face. She knows, even without careful study, that it doesn't quite reach his eyes. She has to fix this.
"No." It comes out in a snap of rushed regret. "I will, I want to."
He looks at her, gaze wide, hesitant. "You do?"
She nods and then, as if the gesture isn't good enough stumbles through her words. "Yes, I want to." Her smile is shy, but the beam she's rewarded with nearly knocks her off her feet. "I think it'll be fun."
He scoffs at her, waving a hand. "Everything we do is fun. We're Percy and Annabeth."
And he says it's like there's no other way their names could be said. Like if someone says his hers must follow. Like if someone says hers his cannot possibly be far behind. He says it like they belong.
Her heart does a giddy sort of flip that spreads warmth through her chest and in her stomach, better than the coffee ever could.
"Okay Percy Jackson." She holds out her hand, to shake on. "Let's pretend to be madly in love."
With a wink, that causes her brain to explode, he takes her hand in his and turns it over before placing a delicate kiss on her knuckles.
She becomes the air itself. And as she floats to lectures she decides maybe it's not just another Monday. Maybe she did wake up in a paradise of sorts. Maybe life isn't so dull. She laughs to herself.
It can never be dull if Percy is there. It never has.
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night-rhea · 3 years
How would Ben and Night fall in love? I imagine there was a period where they gradually became friends first, maybe there was a friendly bet between them? I'm a sucker for friendly bickering turning into flirting and everybody around the two being like "oh my god just kiss already" while the two are both oblivious to the changing relationship dynamic -🍦
Aaah ah the most important and the hardest question for me...
Knowing Night, they are not the, uuuhm most romantic person. Their close friends saw it many times, when someone tries to flirt with them Night never had a problem to turn it into very friendly conversation. Mx. İmpossible To Flirt at your service! If you ask, they would say that they doesnt like the 'flirt'. Its just faking emotions and trying to impress other person right? Nope, not something for Night. (But still, you can see them flirting with their friends. Because its fun. Come on we all would be like that with Diego right?? XD)
But in the other hand, that means they doesnt fake their emotions while they are with people.
At first, Ben didnt believe that. You know new Ben... Its not actually suprising. He decided to wait until he see real Night. He didnt want to feel stupid for falling for fake laughs you know. But what isnt in the his plan is he seeing nothing is fake. Despite all the secrets Night hide, they were smiling at him because they were happy to see him.
Such a basic math, yet it hit Ben hard.
Night never treat him differently. Even when he was being too dramatic, being unreasonable, ignoring his friends and Night's warning, Night kept being there for him. Never changed the smile they had when they were giving him his drinks. Sure he had friends who also kept being there for him but, Night was the only one who doesnt know his old self. His other friends knew his past, and loves his pastself, wishes him to be like that again. İts like everyone is being patient with him, just giving him time to heal and be that person again.
It made Ben so angry that he couldnt even yell this feeling. He doesnt want to be that scared boy anymore. He doesnt want to change. He just wishes someone can see he can be happy while being himself.
Soon he will understand there is someone who loves him for who he is now. It will scare him. Because despite how much he wanted it, he didnt actually thought it would actually happen.
So! Enough with deep feelings, lets talk about their 'flirting'!
Its mostly Night being teasing him, and Ben giving aggressive answers...
"Just because you had one compliment, you transformed into a tomato. What are you, a wizard?"
"If i was a wizard you would be a frog right now."
*gasp* "How cruel! At least make it hawk or eagle or AA OR A DRAGON!"
"..... Why are you getting excited.. Not like its gonna happen..."
Rowan, who was watching them "Just- never mind. Im out."
I think there will be special moment for Ben to understand, admit he has feelings for Night. But for them, it came so naturaly. One day when someone asks Night why they are doing these for Ben, especially when he didnt asked for it, they would give a small smile, almost shyly, and say "Isnt it obvious? Because i love him."
Well, Night uses l word actually often. "Thats the kşndest thing i have ever heard, i love you Rowan..." "I fucking love you, youre the BEST!" "Vixen... I love you but... What, the, FUCK?!"
But when they said they love Ben, you would understand their feelings. Almost you can feel it yourself. Night will not ask him out, no. All they want is to be there for him, no matter what, and thats enough.
So we all are glad Ben asked them out. Or everyone would continue to suffer from their obvious feelings XD
Its your chance to tease Night/Ben about being obviously in love. Come on.. Do it.. It will be funny...
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keepcalm-and-beyou · 4 years
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Summary: Running into Pete at a Party was expected with the mutual friends you have. When a simple so called secret is heard how will the night turn out between you two. 
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Colson’s place was decently packed with people you know having a good time drinking, smoking, and doing some illegal things to. which uh i didn’t mind that’s for sure. I’v seen faces of friends and people i know, people i don’t fucking know and someone i didn’t know was going to be here. man Colson is an dick he should of told me she would be here. him of all bros knew her being here would be something i’d like to know. I have no clue if she even saw me or cares that i’m here when she is here to, why would she care really not like i’m her ex boyfriend. nope not hers, just her best friends.. and that how i first met her through Ariana. she was one of Ariana’s friends i got along with really well, someone i really liked maybe a little to much. but i was with Ariana and i wasn’t the type to act on the confusing infatuation i seemed to have in my head with her. like fuck come on who wouldn’t of been attracted to her, she was gorgeous, her curves were sexy as hell not the body type i tended to be seen with skinny no ass chicks. she was also smart and funny her laugh was intoxicating and i loved making her laughs with the comedy i attempted. her bright big smile could make any one smile to and her eyes always held a kindness in them to most but they could also hold fire to go with her sassy wits when needed that she used to stick up for her beliefs and the people she cared about. she is a mix of many things and all those things just made me like her more. 
“your a dick” i whisper yell into Colson’s ear where he is standing by a wall drink in hand laughing with a few people by his side. know i wasn’t meaning it to be rude it was like half you are a dick and half joking bro. 
“what did i do man” Colson chuckled looking at my annoyed facial expression. 
“could of warned a bro” is all i said while nodding over to the direction Y/N was standing. seeing her smiling while shes surrounded by people. Colson followed my gaze and nod direction. 
“Oh.. my bad” he chuckled again. 
“uh oh yah your bad dude” i reply sounding annoyed.
“i don’t see the issue man your single now who cares if you wanna get with Y/N” he says slightly louder then i liked. 
“uh still not a good idea the whole best friend thing” i shook my head while speaking
“no it wouldn’t of been a good idea to do anything with her while dating Ariana but now you can and not feel bad about it” Colson tried to reason. and then turned his attention back to people he was near clearly making his words the end of that convo.
 I thought his words over battling with my self to even talk to Y/N or act like she wasn’t here, wasn’t here looking amazing and full of life as she always was. standing against the wall in the common area looking over to her, watching as she embraced a girl friend of hers, them smiling laughing and talking into each others ears. they pulled away slightly from each others faces as it seemed their short conversation was over and i caught her eyes on my slumped figure for probably all of two seconds. and even in that short time i felt panic in my self. was she talking about me? did she magically hear what me and Colson were talking about? oh fuck.. nah its probably nothing. i’m just to stoned i’m being paranoid. 
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I decided on smoking more weed and a few shots to distract my self. keeping a good distance between me and her and trying real fucking hard to stop glancing her way. Thank fuck for the liquor i been drinking making me enjoy my self and focusing as much as i can on the music and friends around me. a few of us dancing as a Kid Cudi song came on. that’s awesome love this dude. my dancing slowly came to a stop as i stupidly looked her way again but seeing eyes on me as well and a small smile on her lips. there was a split second i felt i was gonna faint at the sight her. her looking at me looking at her looking at me. air escaped my lungs and i coughed awkwardly looking away from her beautiful figure. i seriously wish i could stop looking at her. anytime i see her looking at me i freak the fuck out like why.. why you looking at me for? did i have something on my fucking face? like no oh okay then why??? 
Few more shots later and i’m sitting with Colson on a couch zoning in and out on the conversations around me. then i hear her laugh. if i can hear it she must be close, and i mean to fucking close. i look up to see her standing across from the couch only like three meter sticks away where a big chair is and shes laughing with a douche bag looking guy who’s sitting in the chair. my face crunched up and great now i get to see and hear her and some dude probably flirt. who the hell wouldn’t flirt with her right. 
After witnessing enough giggles from her lips and his hand on her body i had to leave before my bitterness came out full force at that dude. so here i am finding more liquor in the kitchen to drink. i wondered if i was being an idiot. maybe it was simple just talk to her i was freely able to i had no girl holding me back. but i keep thinking would i be an ass to go after her sense i dated her friend.. its not like i’d be the first guy the world has seen with an ex’s friend. 
“You gonna share that bottle or have it all to your self” that voice.. that giggle.. fuck me.. i turned to her my eyes bugged out my head a little surprised shes here talking to me. 
“Uh..Hi” really thats all i can come up with! uh hi yeah sure that doesnt sound like an idiot idk what does. 
“Hi” she giggled. and then silence.. great i made this awkward. of course i did yep that’s me everyone Pete Davidson the awkward dude that makes other awkward with my awkwardness powers. Mr superAwkward! my superhero name. 
“Well you seem awkward” she blurts out like no big deal. her and her bluntness. 
“uh yeah you uh can just call me uh Mr superawkward here to make every situation as awkward as can be. that’s me!” i stupidly use my awkwardness as comedy with her cuz the fuck else should i be saying right now i don’t know shit. 
“awe i miss your humour” she laughed. awe she laughed! yesss i made her laugh!
“I miss you too!” wait that sounded weird to say.. shit hold up let me remove my foot from mouth. why she looking at me like that. one raised eyebrow hand on hip and smirking. 
“oh yeah i bet” her smirk turned into a smile. i cant tell if she is joking or being sarcastic or what that meant. all i could do is take a swig of the bottle of liquor i was still holding and swallow hard in my still awkwardness. 
“there was this little bird that told me you liked me” she says no big deal all nonchalantly stepping closer to me. if i thought my big ass eyes were bugging out before then i was a dumb ass cuz now i look like Jim Carey in the mask. 
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“There’s a bird here?” faking seriousness in my sweaty panic. 
“oh yeah flying around hearing things they couldn't help but chirp away telling me” Y/N smiles while talking. that’s good right that smile that’s a good one. she took another step to me, she was close as fuck few inches between us. i licked my bottom lip nervously starring down at her. “so did the little bird lie or is there truth that was told?”.
“uh that bird might have good hearing and no reason to lie most likely” I shake off some nerves by taking another swig of the liquor in my hand. the second it leaves my lips Y/N is taking it into her hand bringing it up to her sweet looking lips taking a delicate sip as she brought the bottle down to her side she slowly moved closer to me, it took me a moment to realise when her lips were on mine. Once i knew what was going on i was more than willingly to apply to what she wanted and i have wanted sense what seems like forever. 
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“Glad to know Mr superawkward liked me back” she whispered so sweetly on my lips. I cant believe she liked me all this time to. thank god for being single now and following my desire. Her. 
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beigejournals · 3 years
The Truman Show
what a great concept for a movie and it’s interesting how it was made in 1998
how scary would it be for me to think that this might actually happen in real life, what a boring show that is
but if we’re being real, today in 2020 with social media, the truman show i s pretty much what’s happening right now and as bo burnham said in one of his performances, we are constantly performing and are watching people perform but in this case… he just doesn’t know it…. yet
day 10, 909.. wow that’s 29 years. also since i thought of writing this in somewhat middle/start of the movie i googled how many days only to see a little explanation for the light that fell and ugh what a spoiler
so now we have the radio and the radio talking back at him and him not noticing it frankly… you just have that moment at times so i’m guessing him not noticing it is understandable.
also i started making notes when he was being shoved against the ad. that’s funny and when they had nothing to say to him after shoving hiim there. that’s fun
also if everyone there are just actors and he’s the main character, what’s the plot then?
is he looking for his parents with that call? what’s that magazine with the girls?
is everything superficial because i will die
the amount of ads in this show wow
oh so, the call is about him wanting to leave.
he has issues with the sea; if anyone played with my life like that….
which if we’re talking about a higher being then it’s probably possible
i love how they got a delay with the rain HAHAHAHAAH
that smile he always makes. hahahah
i appreciate that they had a destined plot for him but they really couldn’t control his choices
naol si lauren garland
what would have happened if they made things take its natural course
lauren garland!!!!!!
wow 30 mins in that was beautiful
and it’s so sad for everyone to treat him like a show when he really treats his life as if it was a “normal life” which by the way i don’t know what that means
it’s just very interesting tho he acts like as if he knows there are cameras
lauren is watching!!! ganda ka ghorl
does God ever make that mistake with that us? i mean assuming that he does make mistake
this is like The Good Place but not heaven
when he breaks routine, that’s when they realize they fucked up  w
wow jim carrey was perfect for this
OOPSSSSS they saw crafts and services
this is like that movie where the child was born for the purpose of giving bone marrow to her sister like you were born not for yourself but for others.
i feel so bad for him. damn.  
marlon please be a friend!!!
wow the sky is beautiful because it’s fake but ive seen that before also the moon is so big/ perfect sunset
this conversation with marlon is great
happiest day of our lives and he smiled while shaking his head
i love how everyone’s subtly telling him this is the place on earth. did they not ever think about the ending of the show? they were just like. that would be nice.
the script!!!!
lol why was she crossing her fingers HAHAHAHAHA
i just how realized how perfect the sunrise was
nice one truman, cross fingers go siz!ARE SO CONFUSED
the extras are so confused
ACTORS hahahahahah
travel agency but the ad for airplanes are against that
i also feel bad and good that the actors feel bad for him
i can’t believe the actors HAHAHAHA would improv actors be better in this scenario?
“are you even listening to a word i’m saying?”
29 years. it took him 29 years of routine for everything to stop.
whoa they landlocked.
after all that, meryl is still not mad? damn
ok go off siz ure going insane
omg marlon  pls be a friend
fuckk i thot marlon was a friend
marlon pls!
ang gusto niya si sylvia pls
ironic how he guards his privacy (the creator) but the whole life of truman is televised
i love the philosophical dialogue that i would like to quote
why the sudden return
now that we’re going behind the scene, i’m starting to realize na maybe he’s up to something
but the creator’s highly aware of his patterns
tanginang beer mo marlon
marlon he trusted you! ;(
you really empathize with him huh
it’s nice that the creator knows him that’s great
aww people are betting over him :(
okay im mad at the creator again
wow thats when you know the creator doesnt care coz he’s planning to create a storm wow
wow to just keep this lie
ayan gago ampota
“he was born in front of the live audience!” wow christof!! that was my first thought, if he wasn’t going to make a child, he’s gonna die. what kind of sick person is this.
wow the creator is really committing murder
the show was unethical in the first place, now they’re killing him
wow, i hope he goes to hell or if not
i hope he goes to prison in this show
i knew he was ready to die when he was talking about death with the insurance company thingy on the phone
there’s an edge i love it
and i feel so sad for truman damn
this is inhumane.
no wonder our prof for philisophy decided to make us watch this
that’s a beautiful shot i don’t get why this didn’t win best picture if im being honest
the one with the sea and the horizon as the wall
fucking kill him bro
“you never had a camera in my head”
you watched him die. didn’t you see that?
nice. go truman!
but everyone was rooting for him???
im confused?????????
that scene with the two people watching and was like “what else is on” damn im ready to die
someone as significant as him can be forgotten like that?
idk but theres a feeling that i wanted something more for the ending, but for a movie that was release in 1998 that was really good
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ghoestys · 3 years
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i’m literally pulling this out of my ass so if there are errors and stuff doesnt make sense then please myob and pretend like u understand what im saying im trying to do this before i get caught not doing hw he comes at 6 n its 5:43 rn 
full name: suzy nora yoon nickname(s): su, suz (pronounced like snooze without the n)  age: twenty three date of birth: tba! hometown: tba! gender: cis female religion: athiest sexuality: bisexual hair colour: black/dark brown eye colour: brown height: 5'5″ tattoos: tba! piercings: tba!
prompt + blackmail
a member of the yale's elite, they're twenty-three and a senior undergrad student majoring in aviation engineering. they are as gregarious as they are aimless.
TW DRUGS!  1. to pay for yale's very expensive tuitition, suzy sells weed that's both fake and real, depending on who is buying and if she likes them. she's not a good seller, though, so this hasn't been the best form of income for her. 2. got accepted into the aviation engineering program, but suzy can't complete her homework without the help of drugs to keep her mind focused and creative enough to understand the problems
so! literally pulling this out of my ass and making things up as i go! suzy was born in a family with her parents (mom & dad), her older sister, and her older brother. the family was strictly middle class and her parents and siblings were very hardworking. her siblings were good at what they did and they excelled in their academics because they tried hard and all that stuff!
growing up, suzy followed her siblings and her parents and was basically a gifted child from the very start. elementary and middle school was not hard for her and she was in all the advanced and gifted programs. the family was calm and there wasn’t anything drastic that removed the peace or caused any disruption at all. like. they were just chillin. 
i think suzy had an average relationship with her parents. they were still asian, so like... it’s as good as it was going to get. she was somewhat close to her siblings, but seeing as they were 5/8 years older than her, the age gap wasn’t that welcoming to the baby of the family. she was kinda just.. having fun on her own being smart n shit. 
anyways! high school! where all gifted kids literally come to die! due to her shit from elem & middle school, she was offered a full ride scholarship to some prestigious school and as asian parents, they were NOT going to reject that free ride to a school that would help ensure suzy’s success in the future. she went from being one of the smartest kids to being another burnt out gift child and high school was fucking ROUGH! 
bitch really had a fucking crisis and burned the fuck out. her not being the smartest bitch anymore literally killed everything in her and she just stopped being that. she met people and what do u know! got into the wrong crowd where drugs and alcohol was everyones bff! 
she got into that pretty heavily by sophomore year i would say. she was just. yea. 
i mean. she was burnt out  but her grades were still fine if u saw them. studying isnt hard for suzy and shes pretty smart, but she wasn’t at the very top of her class anymore and thats what killed her. instead of having straight a’s, suzy was getting b’s and a few c’s. in a family where anything other than an a was acceptable it really just killed suzy some more 
anyways! drugs and alcohol! made her feel good so she did it. she found that weed was the best thing as well as some tranquilizers/anything that relaxed her essentially. she just liked the feeling of floating n not caring or feeling any pressure like. she wanted to b in her own world n shit. 
college/the elites
after graduating high school, she didnt apply to college right away because honestly? drugs and alcohol and a bitch didnt care by her senior year. her grades were not the best and while she couldve gotten into college, she literally had no interest for college and her parents at this point baiscally disowned her so like? who the fuck is gonna pay for her college??
her work ethic is the worst bc shes so careless like. bitch had a shift from 1-7pm and showed up at 5 because she literally didnt feel bothered enough to show up.
anyways a year or so after graduating high school (idk the math rn) she got really high off something and just. did a whole ass application to yale bc she decided to apply for the shits n giggles. wrote a fake letter of recommendation, wrote killer essay and personal reflection shit or wtvr, and even submitted the application with an attached document of her outlining an entire airplane that wouldve been fully functional except for a few tweaks n shit that was needed
she some how got in from that (this is fake this would probs not b real <3 teehee) and bc she was now accepted and going to yale (she accepted high aha a theme for her), she had to think about how to fund for this shit so she decided to get into drug dealing!
which is honestly. not going good like a bitch again has poor work ethics so her as a drug dealer is so.... she literally got into it bc of euphoria bc it looked easy but doing it... is not easy at all but its her only form of funding so she’s doing it. kinda. loosely. please fire her. 
idk where to put this but. suzy is kinda like that girl from the queens gambit where she feels like she needs drugs to function so like she ditches class but she’ll do all her assignments nicely bc she thinks the drugs give her superpowers to b smart n at the top of her academic class again
when shes under the influence of anything she feels like she can function more or like her life is just... better when shes not sober and ull rarely really see her sober like shes usually just on something 
idk where the post is rn bc im too lazy to look for it bc i jsut got a text that he was coming now but!!! its the tweet where a guy was drunk n drew up an entire blue print of an airplane and that is literally fucking suzy i swear to god 
when shes high she’s like the smartest bitch around (shes smart without drugs but doesnt believe that) and can build airplanes n blueprints n solve maths n wtvrs
suzy is truly an asian stem bitch and the sciences and math is where she excels the most!!!! probs won awards n competitions for math and science but doesnt really acknowledge that much becase like... its just not something shes focused on
got into the elites by just making a blueprint of a plane from scratch infront of the twins like. legit just went infront of them, started making the blueprint from scratch to finish n gave it to  them saying here is a blueprint for a new private plane u guys can build for urselves 
personality wise she is very friendly n goofy n chill n chaotic 
literally a dumbass n honestly really annoying just ask orion 
shes just a stoner having fun doing her life n not really caring about anything like. how she made it to senior year who the fuck knows i really  dont honestly
i think the main way to describe her is bimbo like thats it 
not really into sharing her life and is more of a listener than a talker when it comes to conversations that are genuinely deep and personal. she will not talk to u about her problems and insecurities seriously (maybe she’ll do it in a self deprecating way) unless she trusts u w her life. otherwsie she will keep it to herself n prays that her stoner part will make people believe shes just chillin w no problems
when it comes to conversations about  nonsense n fake deep shit like what is air then suzy will not shut the fuck up like if u wanna talk to someone about nonsense then suzy is truly ur bitch like. a bitch can fucking talk 
doesnt mind being alone bc she has fun on her own but she prefers company more bc she likes having fun and having someone to accompany wtvr she does. whether its for smoking/drinking or hanging out but also just for like... going to class if she chooses to attend and doing everyday errands like groceries or wtvr. she doesnt really do groceries tho bc she just steals orions fodo but when she does choose to go she likes having people with her :) 
she doesnt have a passion for anything bc she doesnt dream of labor but the closest thing about b making airplanes or helicopters like. blueprints  come easy to her n she enjoys making them bc she feels like shes actually capable of something bc shes aware that making them isnt something everyone can do 
u can treat her like a dumbass n she wont call u on it even tho shes kinda smart bc she feels like shes a dumbass
most likely has bad self esteem and feels like a failure but uses drugs n alcohol to ignore that feeling :) 
probs the least judgemental person ull ever meet bc she really doesnt care about what u do like. she hears the secrets getting outted n she doesnt care there r high chances that she’ll still look at u the same way
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non-binharry · 4 years
I’m another anon who also happens to enjoy reading BL fics and loves your blog, and I swear me and your anon share the same thoughts. Because even if I enjoy BL fics it makes me so uncomfortable when louis is so out of character or just a pillow princess uwu and a brat, because there are some good BL fics out there but the ones who have louis like this are so boring and applauded by blouies, and its so weird to me because it’s unreal? and weird, sometimes I just imagine Harry or Louis as the actors because that’s how unattached of reality these types of fics are to their real personalities so I can get through the fic. Besides it will always be weird to me how most blouies are so against bh, like???? its just a dick up his ass and how in BL fics they also warn blouies for bh vibes and mentions? It drives me so mad when I see them talking that way, I might have a preference to read BL but catch me dead before befriending these people or be called a blouie like them, and God forbid believing their theories about how they know about what irl Harry and irl Louis do in their sexual life. I’ve also realized some of them like BL because of daddie harry, so their fics are a weird breed of y/n but make it Louis as an actor and others just like to make the main plot a Louis suffering through all the fic because of Harry, either because he is mean or because he doesnt want him which sometimes has a happy ending with Harry. So yeah practically het harries who pity Louis with a mlm fetish and rads who love to read about Harry being the bastard they think he is irl to Louis, thats most blouies for you.
(And I don’t wanna start about how blouies/rads use Zayn as a replacement for Harry because they hate Harry so much or use Luke who never talked and bc of that he is perfect and they can create him a personality. But I’m always mad in behalf of zayn, blouies never do him justice, just another dick for Louis to replace Harry’s and the same thing with Luke. They feature BL fics so much even if the fic is Larry, and is so weird how obssesed rads and some blouies are with them and actually fuss over them in their blogs, they dont even care about Zayn’s career or him as a person, they see him as part of Zouis, a dick to Louis’ hole, so yeah Zayn is a replacement for Harry to them and the same thing is with Luke. Poor Oli, the closest to Louis irl and yet because he’s not hot he’s not worthy of Louis 🤯 )
I might like to read BL but I can’t stand blouies’ fics if that makes sense 🥸 Well, I wanted to share this hot thoughts with you because thought it would be interesting to share my takes after the amount of BL, BH, and vers fics I’ve read 🧐
this whole message is it, but definitely the bit about zayn. honestly i get uncomfortable with anyone using zayn as their anyone but harry (or anyone but louis in z*rries' case) replacement, especially considering their history. using a moc as a counterpart to either of those shady twins is never gonna not feel at least a little racially insensitive AT BEST.
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it's weird man, like they really truly be fighting people over this misogynistic fetish they made up and that shit's embarrassing
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this plus the vibes. like you can't even tolerate "vibes" my dudes? unhinged behavior tbh
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that's because they assume that bottoming is tied to femininity hence why they've created this fake louis to make it make sense, when the only thing that makes someone a bottom is... liking to bottom. dassit.
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i'm really not here for either of them being written this way but it's undeniable that it's something you see way more of from bl writers
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@jlf23tumble is a one person cheer squad for early 1d bottom!louis fics before it got so out of hand people decided they no longer wanted to be associated with it
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that's why i will fully maintain the fact that it's not about the bottoming, it's about the fact that they make their characters' entire personalities center around stereotypes for this dynamic and it's weird and gross
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intearsaboutrobots · 4 years
Ppl who are aro: Dan A81, Jon tma, Edgeworth, Lang, Phoenix, who has had one (1) canonical relationship and still didn't do a single date thing with her as far as Capcom is concerned (no, really!), Kepler, Maxwell, Archer from the TV show Archer, that nice woman from Between the Stars and Bones whose name I forgot,, Elliot Scrubs! Also everyone who keeps having Lots Of Relationships bc honestly, they're just trying to Do Romance Right while Not Getting It At All, also FUCK this bullshit, wtf is wrong with them (re: that post about u kno)
!!!!! these are all very blessed and true and good, and i am going to write some small hcs abt all of them that are now under a read more for some talks of arophobia/internalised arophobia, brief allusion to dub/noncon
also i am as per the terms of the original post going to contradict popular and yes, even canon ships, do not read this if ur gonna b a dick abt that bc that is like the entire conceit of this activity so if it will make u mad then like just give the whole thing a miss
dan a81: imo routinely will end up in relationships w ladies who kind of take the lead and then like, will do his best yk like he is honestly pretty good at the skill of Being Boyfriend, but it is like a thing he is doing not a thing he is feeling? and that can kinda only take him so far. so every relationship he like coasts on that for a while, until the like. projected arc of the relationship gets to be one he cant keep up w before, and he slowly falls behind the like arc he has plotted out, and the relationship kinda coasts to a halt and ends. usually he gets broken up w, bc he is like. he does not hav the Relationship Feelings to begin w so its not like his Relationship Feelings are fading, he is kind of chugging along trying to keep doing the Being Boyfriend activity until his gf of the time breaks up w him
(i say gf bc, again, no relationship feelings, dan is largely adrift and he has fashioned himself a raft of Convenience and Social Norms - he is not gay, so he must b straight)
jon tma: SO ARO oh my gosh!!!! this man has never met a romance in his life and frankly doesnt want to. yes he dated georgie in uni. however in this case “dated“ was:
they were friends,
she kissed him drunk at a party,
he panicked,
she apologised and then passed out on him.
he ghosted the next day, or attempted to, but georgie loves her friends and feels really bad
and so shows up at his door w like. a lightly crumpled bouquet of a mishmash of yellow flowers
and is like, “yellow flowers are for friendship. also i am very sorry abt last night.“
n then they talk, n he is like “romance and sex are both gross and i hate them“ and she is like cool and rad
and honestly probs she is the first person he comes out to, not bc he didnt know before but bc hes a little misanthrope who doesnt let ppl that close to him
this unprecedented emotional intimacy means georgie is now Best Friend Status
everyone in their like social circle, seeing jon behave unprecedentedly familiar w someone, is like :eyes: oooooh love is blooming???
and jon n georgie when they figure this out r to each other like LMAO OH MY GOD, CAN U IMAGINE
but then also end up deciding tht like. actually letting ppl believe this is more convenient for both of them so no one will try to fuckin set them up w ppl or probe into their love life (ive just now decided georgie is like arospec also but not ace, and like. she loves ppl she hooks up w them, she could see herself maybe dating someone sometime, but she really doesnt lov the PRESSURe)
so its actually like. dating of convenience. fr fake dating. and they lov each other but the dating is not real
edgeworth: god just the aroace-est!!!!!!!!!! did not hav like a lotta dating opportunities growin up at manfred von karmas, which like, at the time i imagine he was rlly feelin the social isolation and like maybe at seein some fellow teens like, sharing a milkshake w 2 straws (IM ARO i dont know what dates look like!!!!) he was like :cc aw im sad. but it turns out!! he was just sad bc he was generally lonely, not bc he wanted to date. also he probably wanted a milkshake bc manfred doesnt seem like he gave his kids enough milkshakes.
lang: who needs romance when u hav 100 interpol agents !!!! lang i think really does crave that like, its a diff flavour of love to romance for sure but also to qpr type stuff, smth closer to family (it is pack love, he is a wolf) that is the thing he like, really needs and craves !!! also he defs has like casual recurring hookups w edgeworth (edgeworth doesnt feel the like attraction but, w someone he trusts n whatnot, the exertion/sensations n whatnot is like. nice ! neat ! not a thing he needs and just an occasional thing when lang is in town and theyre both free and inclined)
phoenix: i am choosing now to believe that phoenix is totally the aro who is like, im pan ! i am attracted to everyone equally ! as like a young adult, and only later is like .............ohhh. i am attracted to everyone equally Zero. that is the amt i am attracted to ppl. and he is like, a generally p friendly guy ! so he could defs end up in a situation where like, someone likes him n is like “hey wanna go to the movies?“ and hes like “aw yeah awesome!“ and then goes and he just like is fully monchin popcorn watchin the movie and laughin and ignoring any romantic advances, and then like the person later is like :ccc i thought u said u liked me... why did u ignore me on our date...... and phoenix is like ?????!?!?!?!?! when did we go on a date!!!
kepler: mmmm i think this is very neat bc like, goddard-era kepler is. you know. we all know my kepler hcs. he is a human trying to shed all of the mortal weak soft bits of himself so he can become an Ideal, and unfortunately humans are made exclusively of mortal soft weak bits so it is a very tragically impossible cause he is tearing himself apart for. but a facet of that is he is like super not in touch w his own like. “feelings“. he is a very calculated being, ok, a very crafted created being (or trying to be) and irrational stuff like that hes really good at ignoring. and also he is a spy. anyway what im saying is kepler is like, on a mission, or honestly maybe not on one, and ends up in a situation where like clearly another party is Interested in him, and tactically it is the most convenient best choice to Use that, so he does, and like afterwards when he is alone absolutely has a fun thing of “having an emotional breakdown while also not being aware of ur emotions“ (aka the great thing of like *touches face* oh are tears happening? i guess that explains why my breathing is so ragged. also why is all of this happening.)
maxwell: so aro!!!!!!!!! i hav like, a lot of hcs for the teams backstories ghsdlgk but maybe my fav maxwell one was that like, she grew up somewhere that did debutante balls, and before hers like, right before, she shaved her head in the bathroom. and her parents were v mad. this is a gender thing and also a thing of like, not wanting to be seen as an “attractive girl“. she does not want to be like. either of those, actually. do NOT perceive her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (<< this is tru of teen maxwell who like does not hav the words for this and is Figuring It Out, adult maxwell is probably pretty fine w being perceived and flipping ppl off if they are dicks and whatnot but this is like teen maxwell just feeling like AAAAA WHAT IS HAPPENING)
archer: i hav not seen this show in some time ghsdlgksh but i would like to say that yes, absolutely, and lana is too bc she is pretty and i like her
that nice woman from Between the Stars and Bones whose name I forgot : i hav heard 1 ep but im guessing kathy? i will listen more and find out!!!!!
elliot scrubs: oh my GOSH she is very very aro and also very ace, eliot imho really feels like someone trying to Do Romance and Sex but like, with no internal meters that measure those things, so she kind of veers wildly off course in all directions bc she is flying utterly utterly blind. maybe this is why she keeps ending up dating her friend jd, bc she is like “jd is my friend and i like him !“ and then she talks herself into “do i like-like him? i do. i must! i do, i definitely do!“ and then they date and a) jd is kind of a tool ghsldghsg he is not good at dating and b) she also starts to panic bc like “oh no why do i feel stressed and bad now??? am i doing dating wrong???? but i like jd????“ and its like yes hon bc he is a pal, the thing u do not like is dating him, and only partially bc of him being a real tool !!!!
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dashimba · 5 years
THE 100 my thoughts of 6.07.
Well, me, finally, calmed down and rewatched the whole episode again.
The first thing is that this episode was splendid! I loved it all from first minute to the last once, basically was glued to the screen all the time.
I enjoyed the idea of space minds, because, firstly, it allows to see character deeper and feel their intention, fears and feelings through simple objects of reality, pictures, things. It also gave us a link to ‘Inception’ movie and pointed to Freudian concept of the unconscious. Besides, it also guides us to the Eric Burn theory that each person contains ‘child’, ‘adult’, ‘parent’ personality.
It was smart to use the rain as a metaphor of Clarke swings moods, chest with the code for her secret memory, also show us her dads video and Jasper glasses inside of it.
Her mind is constructed by series of locations. The reason behind is that Clarke really changed through all of her stages in life. Each one has its own meaning for her, as she grew from a young idealistic teenage girl to a grown woman, complicated and contradictory person. She became not only leader to her people, but also a parent figure. We could equate it to the thing of becoming a real mom to a child, who needs care and protection.
Clarke character this episode, her development was really thought through.
Lets try to analyze main locations.
First, we should compare how Clarkes personalities are connected with each stage of action. Second, we ll try to have a general concept of each mind space.
This place is where all Clarke memories lies, her story. I guess its just a hard drive to the whole computer, shortly her brain. There she is represented as ‘the princess on the spaceship’ and also as Wanheda, also as The Clarke ‘Madis mother’ ( Read it that way ‘child’, ‘adult’, ‘parent’) . These three parts of her personality show us the two parts of Clark, the peaceful one, rebelious one, guilty one. It’s her three sides, which are struggling to fight each other to prevail in behavior. She still has her child hopes. She still tries to be rigidity and consistency in her solutions. She now is accepting her responsibility, drowning in a blame for her decisions.
The Clarke on the spaceship is the Clarke, who believes that there is so much more than survival and fighting for life. She appears to be the most vulnerable one. Wanheda has the power of being more dark for the purpose of the survival and life. She is the dark side of Clarke who was formed by conditions of her living. Clarke from season 5 and 6 is Clarke who is trying find a peace for herself as a human, suffering inside from two sides of her world.
The lights and the colors in this mind space are truly melancholic and blue. I feel her depression and longing for sadness through this location. Clarke at the moment does not feel right at all, she is feeling down and she is losing hope.
2. The forest
Its totally the most dark place, therefore dark lights and night forest as the symbol of loss and deprivation. Its kinda blurry here too. The ruined throne of Lexa is her pain, which hides under the layers of self-control. There she loses her hope after fake memories of Bellamy. He is still that person, who has that strength and hope for her which she seeks. He is her last pillar of energy to survive and live, as the leader of her people. Because of him shes still trying.
‘You still have hope?”
‘Were still breathing’
But after the fake memories, she doesnt see any benefit to live as someone who can look for her people. Shes already dead, why bother?
3. The fighting pits and the Mountain weather.
Sharp and bright light. The fighting pits is another symbol of her guilt, though Bellamy forgave her, she coudnt do it herself. She didnt win her war with her demons. The BloodRena represent rage, anger for herself, crawled inside Clark. The Maya is the sigh of her moral system confused, her inner guilt for what she thought she would never have done as a child on Spacekru ship.
4. The home
The place where Clark feels most safe, focused and calm. Warm,
light colors and drawings not from her memories, bur from her feelings. The most significant drawings are Ebby, Madi and Bellamy. Its her family now. There she meets Monthy, there she finds her dad alive.
Its her heart in this home.
Her last hope is to live for Madi, as Monty reminds her. To be a mother to a child she raised. I mean, obviously, Madi is the last reason, why Monty as her mind protection appears. Monty was her friend, who truly figured that sometimes good and evil are twisted, and having burden of blood hands doesnt mean ure a bad person, but still means that its the best way to live and find peace.
There she is a ‘parent’.
Anyway, this Clark destination is to forgive herself and to start create something new through the ashes, to find something beside Madi, her people and Bellamy to live for. To heal and become more balanced.
Whats about Josephine?
Her line is connected to Clarke one, as their minds are tangled.
Let me say one thing, she is really hell of sociopath. I do not hate her as a character, but I do see the motivation of her behavior.
The thing is that in Josephine minds her father is the really important figure, affecting her the most through all stages of life. His voice is everywhere, in the library(her voice from childhood memories, calling him. reading letters). Through the door. He is shouting ‘The Sanctum is mine’. This pair could be compared to Odin and Hela relationship. Same spirit there.
Her brain structure is the library, completely rationalized and sorted. She doesnt feel mercy or regret, pity or happiness, pain or pleasure. She doesnt understand human emotions, as she is not able to comprehend them fully. By all sort, she is freaking genius(knows various language, deep in biology and science, gifted for art) but by the cost of her mental disorder. In her memories she adored herself so much that she could stop drawing her first body. She doesnt know what moral is. Its a blurry concept for her.
Her moral is to provide herself the immortality on all costs. She doesnt find it right or wrong to murder, to betray, to tortue. She doesnt care about anything but about herself. Not life of a newborn baby, her friends lover, her father could prevent her from achieving the goal. Its truly frighting and dreadful. She shouldn't be in the lead at all.
Read this to insure yourself that Jo is in fact sociapath https://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html.
And she knows that. Her hidden thing is the awareness on that. She doesnt accept it at all. She is savoring it, not trying to control or to restrict herself. Its caused by the trauma of guy who kills himself , but still not completely.
I also liked the referral to the predator behavior( dialogue of J and R, when they are haunting Clark), as the main concept of Lightbourne views.Besides, they regard science as the God for them, it means the complete refusal to moral question and ethics.
Josephin: I studied all species, insects are almost fascinated me the most,...ruthless. People theyre so messy, theyre too emotional.
Josephin: You, nulls, are more than worthless, you all don have positive value. You are less the useless. U delude the bloodlines...
So on.
From Clarks side theres a lot of talking whats right or what wrong, even with ALLIE. What defines God.
Its not a coincidence that she tells Monty about the God question, overshadowing Lightbournes things. About connection of moral and real life.
‘I dont want to decide for everyone, Just for myself’
Its a good thrust that through her mind projection of Monty she still thinks:
The end does not justify the means
Murder is still murder, whatever it brings after, peace or war.
She doesnt devalues the human life. Thats why Clarke is the best leader from the start. Her moral compass is always there to remind her that leadership should be based on clean hands, true intentions to help and grow, not in dark night, but in the light of a new day.
Clark also says: ‘Theres no joy without pain’.
For me, it sums up all of her personality. Meaning - to have something good, first sacrifice. To earn happiness you should feel the real anguish. But even after the pain, you are capable of finding hope and peace. Thats why she agrees to go with Monty and fight J.
That what differs Clark from Lightbourne.
She is still in a process of defining what decisions shed like to make, what person she should be. She senses and appreciates.
Lightbournes are in stagnation there.
The last few senconds
Bellamy is just the ‘heart’ all over the place. He is back to his natural statue.
That means head and the heart in work, which, I remind you, always the best.
Thanks for reading.
All the love :)
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poetical-irony · 5 years
I was thinking about it the other day and thought that creation and evolution has to be both real and not just one or the other. I just wanna know what faulty logic you atheists have that is real proof that God is fake. I have had spirits around me my entire life and so if they exist so does God sooooo. People who think God is fake will find out the hard way that he is not.
first off, if youre referring to my emoji rant, please understand that that was satyre.
when i find out that god is real, we can have this conversation again.
however, in the meantime. some small background. i was raised in a religious home. brought up on a mix of creationism and evolution.
at a certain point (14-15 years old) i started to question what i had blindly taken for granted. the opposite happens too: someone from an atheist family will discover god. thats fine.
personally, i started questioning and found myself finding answers for things i had assumed were unanswerable questions.
my argument against creationism is that its superfluous. when you start to ask "what came before" often people get stuck at the moment before the big bang. the problem with that reasoning is, there were bo physics before, and therefor no moments (since without physics, there cant be time).
if there are no laws of physics in a timeless void, nothing happens. the problem is, since there are no physics, everything can and must happen. when? yes. there is no time, so it just happens.
some people call thus god. thats okay. god comes with rules, which in my opinion dont work. these rules are very human in their mentality, and thus in my opinion, man made. the only way to enforce rules is to be stronger, whether father, leader, ruler, or king. however, you can revolt against a king if you dont like the rules.
how can you revolt against a non corporeal, all powerful being? its the perfect placeholder to enforce laws which may not make sense. how can you question something you cant communicate with?
problem is, if theres no interaction, then wheres the proof? envoys, be them priests or saints, are subject to themselves or whoever physically rules over them. in a religious home, i was taught not to "question" these authorities, let alone disobey. but where do they get their authority?
miracles? people want to relinquish responsibilities, which is easy for negative, but hard for positive. people want credit, but if they take it, they have to accept the burden of the negative. a miracle is simply an arrangement of occurrences that coenside with a self involved narrative. talk to a holocaust survivor and their stories will seem miraculous. and i cant deny that. however, their stories have to be near impossible. they survived against all odds. however, 12 million people perished in the holocaust. when you put the quantity against one another, its near impossible to compare.
do i want to "convert" you to atheism? never. what works for me may not for you. do i believe everyone should question everything? yes. find answers. theyre out there.
issac neuton was one of the most influential people in the fields of mathematics (before they were seperated), but when he couldnt figure something out, he declared that god must be the cause. after neutons death, someone came around and solved that problem, abd the cycle continued. just because you dont understand something doesnt mean its impossible. it means we dont have tye necessary pieces to solve it yet.
religion works. but i believe that being a kind and tolerant and understanding person is more important. i found that religion does that, but only to a point. if youre able to go beyond those boundaries, bless. most cannot.
one final note; i understand wanting to remain anonymous. by all means. religion and the internet dont play nice. i tried to cover a lot of ground in hopes that you would be satisfied with my response. however if you decide to reply, please reblog so the debate can be chronicaled for others to read.
thank you for your time
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jadecringecomp · 5 years
jade, of course, is still trying to deflect rather than own up to anything at all. im too lazy for screenshots so youre going to have to deal with text for this one. you can see their post here though. and if receipts are needed they are most likely on the callout blog or you can come to me if you cant find them.
“uses their own dead grandma as leverage out of nowhere literally months after the original argument”
jade are you really that braindead. like youre still just proving my previous point. youre still practically shitting on me for it. i gave a reason as to why that night was so traumatic for me because you keep trying to make it seem “like it wasnt that bad” by your own words!
also like uh, jade. you yourself have used your aunt having cancer as a reason to just... excuse every single action youve done. so again, take that and choke.
“abuses their own bf/ex but its fine because he abused her first lolololol!!!”
jade i... honestly have no words. youre still defending a pedophile, and you even admit he abused me. like, yes, i cheated on him. but how does the fact he is a pedophilic abuser not process through your head. why are you so set on defending that. a genuine question.
“flips back and forth on whether they were actually abused or not whenever it benefits her“
theres... nowhere that even says that in the link you posted. are you posting that to still try and imply i lied about the abuse you inflicted upon me or...?
“refriends their own ‘abuser’”
ok well one jade, you still have no actual proof ive befriended broden at all. all you have is a like on a fucking post. really how braindead is it possible to be at this point.
and regarding bailey, i never called her my abuser. you were the one to do that. you said she abused me after i showed you screenshots of what went down between us. and whats worse after i even came to you and showed you the screenshots and you got involved with that mess?? you still wanna try and say what happened was fake. like you wanna call me two-faced, yet youre so quick to change your mind once you realize that person doesnt benefit you anymore. 
also! for someone whos a survivor of abuse, you sure as hell dont realize a common thing between us survivors is literally going back to those who’ve hurt them right?? like you keep bringing this up as if im fucking lying about the whole thing when im not since again, i came to you while we were friends with the proof. i can even post them if need be. and honestly it doesnt even fucking matter anymore ive broken contact with her after shortly realizing my mistake.
“denies other ppls abuse just because they doesnt like them and a few vent discord messages means they knows literally everything abt it“
i can admit to saying i denied your abuse because there is actual proof that you werent abused two years ago, not because i dont like you. do you really just think nobody will believe proof right in front of them jade??? do you think youre some perfect princess who can do no wrong???? like jade the proof is right @deeancie, @estweri, @honeykeis-callout, and even here. you really expect me to just not believe it if i didnt hate you. you honestly need some real fucking help if thats the case jade.
and really like. if you say your bf clams up when you go to him... what else am i supposed to believe. sure i can be wrong, but reading that shit can really make you wonder what is going on between you two. and jade you wanna say that like you yourself dont do that shit. remember all the times you read vague text posts and would go on a tangent as if you knew every little thing about what was going on in my life. yeah kinda what i thought.
“says grooming minors is talking to people One time“
i love how you fail to leave out the fact that these people were minors and that youre practically defending loli. so if youre still talking to these minors and since youre still defending loli, then yes youre grooming minors into thinking loli is ok.
“straight up let a minor into their porn server on discord (they can go as rabid about this as they want but they still straight up showed an actual minor graphic porn but IM a pedophile bc i rb anime sometimes lmfao)”
again its been resolved. like ive acknowledged it was wrong of me to do and ive changed it. and how can you say you just rb anime sometimes when. you literally are reblogging this kind of fuckshit. like do you not remember reblogging that obviously naked child in a collar or what. the difference is i realized my wrong and changed it while youre still rbing actual loli.
“lied about the relationship (the one where they abused each other and she cheated on him with her other abuser???) having elements of pedophilia because they lied about her age”
this is so... ive told you i forgot. the ages. i was literally an age off for the both of us. like what else do you want me to do about this.
“has sketchy as fuck ocs, including one thats physically ten who would force their adult self insert to be naked around them and also drew them being physically beaten“
while the first was true (but i dont have that oc anymore), where in the fuck did i draw them being physically beaten lole??? are you pulling this out of your ass to deflect you yourself rbing beaten children????
and i swear to god if you bring up this comic, im going to scream.
“is a stalker and an abuser. by their own logic“
ok like. a couple of things to this. jade when are you going to get it through your thick skull i didnt give a shit if you were lurking or not, it was the fact you would comment on my every move. which is stalking by the way and incredibly creepy like get a life!
and an abuser “by my own logic”. the link you shared, again, doesnt show that anywhere. also with how badly of a hypocrite you are, thats you. you told me it was abusive to call people delusional. you started doing that once i realized my wrong and stopped. you told me it was abusive. you told me making people relapse was abusive. yet once i relapse you still didnt give a shit and somehow that makes you in the clear (though i still dont give a shit we both literally did that to ourselves the point is youre an abuser too to your own logic). you said trying to gaslight people is abusive (which it is). look at the stacks of proof i have of you gaslighting me. like i could go on but all the proof if here on this blog.
“oh and dont forget they foamed at the mouth that i didnt instantly know when they changed their pronouns but has been proven to have Actually knowingly misgendered me for weeks“
jade the fact you were lurking should make it fucking obvious you should have known my pronouns. and for weeks?? jade i misgendered you in your callout, which i immediately changed once pointed out. will you please stop lying to make yourself look victim and just tell the truth for once in your life.
“also apparently i can call them rae and its not deadnaming because its not their birthname so“
oh my god youre literally fucking braindead it hurts to watch at this point. no rae isnt my deadname. but i do prefer not going my that. the whole point of that was that you tried screaming transphobia because someone called you by a previous name you went by. you fucking dumbass.
“claims to have bpd but doesnt even know what cluster b is holy shit!!!“
what do i even say to this jade?? what does the fact i didnt know what that was at first matter to me having bpd??? also are you just gonna shrug off the fact that you first claimed you got misdiagnosed with autsim, then suddenly you do? you claimed to have bipolar disorder, then later you suddenly decide you have bpd??? kind of sketchy if you ask me!
“tries to send anons under my name but forgot that their friend levi doesnt even have me blocked so why the fuck would i go on anon if i would ‘sign’ it anyway hm“
a....... are you implying i was the one to send those....? is it because you realized once you did so it backfired?? jade for someone who wanted to claim i was the one making up conspiracies, you sure make up a lot of them.
in conclusion: jade you still are just deflecting! you still havent defended any of the shit me or my friends have called you out for! the fact you still havent admitted to them or so much as even defended the claims sure does speak a lot! stop deflecting and lying and just fucking come out about it!
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gilly-jilly · 6 years
So I’ve seen the theory that JJ isn’t real and that he was just a character Anti made up to manipulate us. As much as it hurts to think my sweet little boy isn’t real, I absolutely LOVE this theory. And here’s why.
Switching it up a bit, what if the reason Anti made up this character was because he knew we’d bring him to life? What if his whole purpose was to create another ego, another mindless puppet, to have under his control?
We already know that Anti attacked Jack, Chase, and Schneep, but those are the only people he’s attacked. As of right now, Marvin and JBM are the only ones he doesn’t have under his control.
And something tells me that the hero and the magician aren’t going to be taken down as easily as the others.
Anti realized this and decided he needed something else, someone else, to help him take control of the remaining egos.
And that’s where JJ comes in.
Anti decided to go back in time before all this happened, long before Chase, Schneep, and Jack were taken out in KJSE and Dark Silence.
Now we find ourselves with A Silent Movie.
Anti chooses this specific place in time so that when he makes JJ, he’s given enough time to develop and become strong enough to help take down Marvin and JBM. Not as strong as Anti of course, but he knows at the very least JJ needs attention to thrive. So he gives him a little less than a year.
With all that in mind, I think that JJ was made for the sole purpose of being used as a tool by Anti, all to take down the other egos and seize control of the channel.
But Anti’s plan got ruined along the way. In between A Silent Movie and now, something unexpected happened.
We fell in love with JJ. Anti knew that we would take a liking to him because hey, a new ego am I right? But he planned ahead.
By revealing himself at the end of A Silent Movie he made sure to remind everyone that yes, while this character is quirky and fun, Anti is the one we really want. He’s the one who stole the show in the end. He’s the one we went crazy over for a few brief seconds of screen time. Not JJ.
And it’s because of our blind love for him that he believed we wouldn’t get as attached to JJ as we did.
But he was wrong.
Even though JJ was originally just a fake, we made him real. From the time Anti created him to now we’ve been drawing fan art, writing fan fiction, giving him a personality. Eventually JJ became our JJ, not the mindless puppet Anti wanted to use.
And now he’s self-aware. Or at least he will be whenever the next ego video comes out.
By the time that happens I think JJ will want to fight back. He‘ll want to be on our side because we truly care about him.
He doesnt want to be a mindless puppet. He doesn’t want to be evil.
Because what did Jack say in today’s video?
“Does your character fight evil?”
JJ, poor sweet little JJ, is going to do a lot of bad things with Anti, but it won’t last. Come the next ego apocalypse he’ll be fighting with us to save the egos.
And god knows the hell he’ll be put through when that happens.
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