#but we lost interest with coffee shop boss
tinknevertalks · 1 month
Eldest is watching Melissa Joan Hart!Sabrina The Teenage Witch, and so far... I think she's enjoying it! She enjoyed Cardcaptor Sakura, so it's been cool to suggest another show for her. :)
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bitterie-sweetie · 1 year
This is how we fall
Pairing: Mingyu x reader Genre: fluff, light angst, fake dating au WC: 18.5k Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, alcohol A/N: happy belated mingyu day!! this is an updated ver of my fave fic i posted for another fandom, but i think it fits mingyu the most <3
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You should know better than to make a deal with a stranger, but the need for a date to Minghao’s party has you desperate. It can’t be too bad though; all you have to do is show Mingyu what you saw in your reading, and he would be your date for one night. Simple enough, right?
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The fates were playing with you.
That much you can be sure of—there is absolutely no way you should be seeing yourself in one of your clients' readings, in the same way that you aren't able to see what lies in your own future. And yet, here you are, getting a glimpse at the same hairstyle, the same smooth skin and face shape that you see in the mirror every day. It isn't entirely clear when your client doesn't look at his lover's face directly, but surely those features are enough to conclude that it's you, right?
"I see myself in your future."
"Is that a terrible pickup line or are you serious?"
You vaguely notice that Mingyu is laughing. It makes you realize that neither option was a good one really; a pickup line would imply you're interested in him, while seeing yourself in his future certainly implies a lot more than that. Perhaps you silently pray to the fates that those words didn't make their way to your boss in the other room.
But as the scene progresses, there are some other details that you notice. The kitchen in the background doesn't look familiar at all, nor do you recognize the light fragrance of oranges surrounding you—not a bad scent, though it isn't one you have lying around at home. What his lover is wearing is different from anything you own too, which could only indicate that you were wrong: they have to be someone else.
"Nah," you shrug, quickly trying to brush off your mistake, "I was just kidding."
That earns you a bemused smile as Mingyu raises an eyebrow, entirely unconvinced. "You sure about that?"
With a nod, you quickly pull your hands back to break out of the visions and internally curse yourself for being stupid enough to think that the lover in the visions was you. Just how delusional are you now? Sure, you've always been a head in the clouds type of person, falling in love with the possibility that everywhere you go, the next person you meet might just be the love of your life. Eye contact with the cute dog walker at the park turns into getting lost in their eyes while walking under the stars, and a brush of hands with the hot barista at the local coffee shop turns into holding hands while reciting wedding vows.
And admittedly, Mingyu is good-looking. But this isn't the same—he's a client, and you're working. It was silly to have thought of the possibility of being in his future in the first place, but even more ridiculous to have said it out loud.
You immediately shake off the thoughts when you catch him staring.
"So?" He leans forward, looking at you like he has some big secret to share. "What did you see?"
"Um, your love life will be just fine."
"Yeah." You avoid his gaze, choosing to stare at the small piece of lint on your sleeve instead. "Things will run smoothly with your partner. I could sense your love for them and how committed to them you are. And similarly, how in love with you they are." 
This is the part you've always hated the most about the job. Jeonghan may have thought that hiring a "real psychic" was a good idea, but you think otherwise—surely anyone who knows anything about palm reading would immediately be able to tell that you're a fake. A fraud. You're not here to look over the love lines and life lines on your clients' palms when the visions come to you as naturally as breathing: they let you see a few scenes from the client's future, usually scenes involving a lover from what you've gathered over the years. And while it's no surprise that Jeonghan put you on love readings because of this ability, it's not like you can tell clients about the exact scenes you see.
Hence why you resort to vague summaries of the readings that make you feel like an imposter.
"Really?" Mingyu cocks his head, still watching you carefully. "Anything else?"
There were three scenes that you witnessed: holding hands across the table at what looked like a dimly lit restaurant, with tiny scars on his lover's hands. "There might be some dark times in your life or your partner's, but the two of you will be able to support each other." A kiss in what seemed like an open-air market, with the sweet taste of apples on your lips and the warmth of sunshine against your skin. "They'll bring you warmth." Then there was the final scene where you thought you'd seen yourself—slow dancing in the kitchen at midnight with faint music playing in the background and Mingyu's soft whispers reaching his lover's ears. "And your partner will make you believe in love again."
A fairly normal set of scenes compared to some of the things you've seen from other people, although it's a bit strange that they happen to be scenes where he's not looking directly at his lover.
"Hmm, okay." Mingyu nods slowly and then purses his lips, seemingly deep in thought. Maybe it's the dimness in the room, but it's like you can see the gradual change in his demeanour as his smile falters. "That sounds great and all, but I'm single as hell right now."
It takes all your efforts to not let your shock show. "Well, it can be your future partner."
"Sure, I guess." He shrugs, but the gloomy expression never leaves his face.
You open your mouth to give a retort, to defend yourself or to convince him somehow, but nothing comes out. Plenty of skeptical people have sat in that very seat before, but you've never dealt with someone who reacted like this. It almost seems like a prank or a test that Jeonghan is giving you to gauge how well you can react in these types of situations.
"Things didn't really end well with my ex, so I don't know if I'd want to go through all of that again." He grimaces. "But I'm kind of curious as to know how you came up with that."
"Well, what did you expect?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe something more realistic? Like telling me why my past relationship failed and if I'm destined to have bad luck with them."
Destined to have bad luck with them? Now that's a first. Many clients have argued with you before that any bad readings would never come true, but you're surprised to hear that it's the other way around with Mingyu. Just what has he gone through to make him doubt a good reading? You almost want to convince him, to have this reading be what helps him out of this turmoil that he's going through.
"I can show you, if you want." The words are out of your mouth before you can process them, and it isn't until you see the stupefied expression on his face that you realize just what you said.
"I can show you what I saw in the reading," you repeat, figuring it's too late now to back out. Show him? Are you out of your mind? At least the worst that can happen is it'd make you look stupid; there is no way he'd accept—
"Oh. Um, yeah." Mingyu's shock gradually disappears and turns into something else that you can't quite pinpoint, but you might say that it almost looks like hope. "Okay, sure. How would that work?"
"I can show you the locations that I saw and, um, the—" You pause because how are you supposed to word this? "The events that happen in them."
This should be when he says you're joking, that he's not going to fall for some scam. But against all odds, he nods, and a smile gradually appears. "Is this a part of what's included in the reading, or do I have to pay extra?"
You're about to open your mouth and tell him that it's included—to essentially own up to your own mistake of offering in the first place—but something else comes to mind.
There is the party coming up. You've been complaining to Jeonghan all day about your lack of a date for Minghao's party, since receiving the invite and figuring out just who would be there. And while normally you wouldn't care about whether you had a date or not, this would be the first time that you're reconnecting with your old college crowd since graduating and leaving certain people behind.
"It's not included, but you don't have to pay; I'd gladly accept a favour instead. There's this party that I'm going to, and I need a date—not even like a real date. You could just be my fake date and—" You force yourself to stop when he doesn't react and simply blinks at you. "Never mind, forget I ever said anything. I'll just ask Jeonghan to be my date—"
"Y/N, you know I can't go to that thing," Jeonghan voice comes floating in from the other room. "I have a business to run."
Mingyu's face brightens, eyes twinkling in amusement, and you have to resist the urge to sink into the ground. "Okay, so a party? Sure, I can go to this party with you if that's what you want."
You want to stop this thing in its tracks. Your joke of an offer coupled with the mention of the party to a complete strange surely would be a recipe for disaster, and besides, why would he would even care to know what you saw in the reading? Why would he believe you if you do show him the scenes? But you can't bring yourself to say any of that. At the prospect of being handed a solution to your dateless party problem, you decide to bite your tongue and go ahead with it. Showing him a few locations that you saw in your reading would be nothing compared to being alone with certain people from your past.
"Okay, deal. Let's do it."
A few minutes later, he's leaving the shop with a little wave, and a new contact has been saved into your phone.
"You good?" Jeonghan raises an eyebrow, stepping out of the back room as he gives you a look that says he heard everything. His glasses are halfway down his face and hair ruffled like he tugged on the strands in frustration way too many times, which isn't surprising when the shop is on the verge of needing to be shut down. "Were you serious about asking me to be your date?"
"No, you must've heard wrong." You quickly shake your head, plastering on a smile. "And I'm great. Wonderful. Amazing." You're definitely not. "Everything is fine." It definitely isn't.
The only reaction you get is a teasing grin. "Well," Jeonghan pats you on the shoulder, "let me know how it goes. Maybe you really did see yourself in his future."
It was at this moment you knew you fucked up.
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"You look like you just lost your job," Soonyoung says right when you step into the apartment that night.
You shoot him a glare. "Unprovoked?"
He's slouched in yet another strange position on the couch, eyeing you with the concern that should probably be going towards fixing his posture, and his phone screen in hand is flashing with probably some show he's been bingeing despite the TV being only a few feet away.
A typical night at your residence, really.
"Should I leave?" he asks, sitting up straighter.
You kick your shoes off, too worn out to think of a smart retort tonight. Then you slump onto the couch beside him. "Is it that obvious?"
"Uh huh. You want to talk about it?"
With a sigh, you start from the beginning. Mingyu had been friendly when he walked in that evening, all charming smiles and lingering stares. There wasn't anything particularly interesting about him, though you may have thought he was good-looking and may have been a tiny bit glad that he made a last-minute decision to switch from the career reading to the love reading.
You tell Soonyoung about the readings, dragging on the details until he's waving you on impatiently. And then comes the end—the deal you made where you'd show Mingyu what you saw in the reading in exchange for having him be your date to Minghao's party.
"Why the hell would you do that?" Soonyoung narrows his eyes, stare seeming to bore into your skull. "He was hot, wasn't he?"
"Um, well..."
"I knew it." Then he put his hands on your shoulders and shakes you a little. "Y/N," he looks you dead in the eye, "you need to stop being so nice to people you find hot. Well, except for me; I'm an exception."
You scoff. "It's not that. I need a date for this party, okay? You know he's going to be there so there's no way I'm showing up alone."
"Forget the party," he gives a dismissing wave, "how are you going to show him everything? The guy seems like someone who doesn't believe in this kind of stuff."
"Yeah," you mutter, "maybe he knows I'm a fraud and is secretly filming all this for his YouTube channel. Can you imagine the title? Delusional psychic makes up romantic scenes."
If Mingyu really did think you were a fraud, he wouldn't be wrong. After all, you only learned about the different palm lines as a cover for the real abilities you used for these readings. Maybe it isn't such a bad idea to switch over to regular readings now though; if only you'd been blessed with Jeonghan's bullshitting skills instead of this ability that's starting to feel more like a curse.
"No, Y/N. Who does he think he is?" Soonyoung abruptly gets up from the couch, hands balled into fists instead of laughing at your joke like you thought he would. "No one forced him to go to you. And we all know that fortune telling is a big sham; surely he should know to take everything with a grain of salt."
You nod, but then you think back to the reading. "Well, I did think that I could be wrong. The reading was... well, it was weird. I couldn't see his lover's face, like, it either went by really fast or he wasn't looking at them at all."
"Those scenes don't necessarily have to be with the ex he mentioned, right? You have no control over what point of someone's life you see."
Soonyoung is right. You can't control the time frame of someone's life you witness, so it's plausible that the love interest is someone else entirely. Perhaps from a future relationship, or maybe Mingyu and his ex if they get back together one day.
Or maybe the visions are wrong. Just because they haven't been wrong before doesn't mean it can't happen.
"Or," Soonyoung flops back onto the couch excitedly, "do you think it's because he has bad eyesight?" He leans in until his face is mere centimeters away from yours, pretending to examine you through squinted eyes. "Maybe he never sees his lover's face that clearly anyway."
"There's a big difference between having bad eyesight and simply not looking at something, you know."
"Then do you want to use me as practice?" He holds out his hand, placing it on your knee with his palm up. "You can check if futures can change or if eyesight really does affect the readings."
You give him one last skeptical glance before going along with it. Then you press two thumbs at the edges of his palm with your eyes closed and wait for the visions to arrive.
It's been years since you've glanced into his future, but still you immediately recognize the images. There's Soonyoung laughing while on a picnic with Wonwoo in the same sunny field, Wonwoo playing the guitar in your current apartment, and a final close up of the ring on Soonyoung's slender finger. You wonder if he still remembers this last one; you're at the age where all of your friends are getting engaged left and right, and you're half expecting a wedding invitation any day now.
But just before you can pull your hands back and ask him if the first two events have already happened, the vision changes. A new scene takes shape this time and it confuses you at first because the view starts off with an unfamiliar ceiling. Then as Soonyoung glances down, Wonwoo's face comes into view and—
"What the hell?" You immediately jerk back, scrambling to break out of the vision. "Please don't get me to do your reading ever again."
Soonyoung gives you a confused glance. "Why, what did you see? Did it change?"
"Let me just say that I really don't need to see the things that you and Wonwoo do."
"You—you saw what?"
"I heard it too." You bury your face in your hands, trying to wipe the memory away. "The visions really just had to give me first person seats to a show I never wanted to see."
Soonyoung chokes on his spit.
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If Mingyu forgot about this agreement entirely once he left the shop, it wouldn't surprise you. You'd just take it as one of those situations where friends tell each other to hang out but never end up making plans, so why would this be any different?
What surprises you is that he does text you a few days later.
So through your text conversation, you tell him all about the first scene you saw—the restaurant with the hand holding across the table. A dinner date, essentially. It's a good thing that this is the easiest scene to reenact; maybe after this he'd decide that he's had enough of this fake fortune telling stunt while still upholding his end of the agreement.
But despite how simple the scene is, the thought of doing this makes you all kinds of nervous. Your stomach twists at the thought of spending a whole night on the receiving end of Mingyu's intense stare, especially when this would be so different from your interactions with him while working that day. At least at work you knew what you were doing. This on the other hand, is completely out of your range of knowledge. Like, what do people talk about during these kinds of events? What if whatever you're eating gets really messy? What if—
"Wait, where are you going today? Soonyoung didn't tell me about this." Wonwoo glances over at his boyfriend in confusion before turning back to you. "And what did you agree to do?"
"Um," you say slowly, glancing between the two perched on the couch. "I made a deal to show a client what I saw in his reading."
"But why?" Wonwoo puts his hand on your knee, leaning over with concern written on his face. "You haven't done anything like this before for your other customers, have you?"
"No way. I probably wouldn't be doing this if he hadn't agreed to be my date for Minghao's party."
Maybe it was weird to have agreed to this—the look on Wonwoo's face said as much. After all, Mingyu is a stranger, and you don't know anything about him other than the flashes of his life you witnessed through the reading. But won't it simply feel like an awkward first date? All you have to do is take him to a restaurant that resembles the one you saw and hold hands across the table. It can't be too challenging when there is no need to do much talking nor get to know each other.
"Oh. Because of..." Wonwoo trails off, giving you a feeble smile. "Right."
"Well, don't mention him," Soonyoung elbows him in the ribs.
Wonwoo waves his boyfriend off. "I'm not sure how you're going to make this client believe you, but your time with him today doesn't have to be a bad thing."
"But babe, you didn't see how upset Y/N was that night after agreeing to this." The dramatic pout on Soonyoung's face has you rolling your eyes. Then he turns to you. "He might be hot, but he could still be an asshole. This guy seems like bad news. What if you get kidnapped? What if you go missing? Who's going to help pay the rent then? And—"
"Don't act like you're not waiting for me to move out so that Wonwoo can move in," you reach over to flick him on the forehead. "Thanks for your concern but I think I'll be just fine."
"At least share your location with us, okay? If you need an emergency phone call to get you out of there, I have my scream perfected."
"Unfortunately, I am very aware of that." You definitely don't want to think about the last time Soonyoung called to pull you out of a group meeting back in college and nearly damaged the hearing of your entire group. "Okay, I'm really going to go now."
"Oh and," a hand wraps around your wrist just as you stand, "don't fall for him."
"Shut up, it's literally one meeting."
One meeting won't be a big deal. It'd be a nice dinner date with some innocent hand holding, and then you probably wouldn't have to see Mingyu again until the party. Nothing can't go wrong when you'd be in public the whole time anyway.
Soonyoung shouts something that sounds like, "At least wear something nicer!" but you're already out the door.
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"Oh, you actually came." Mingyu comments, face instantly lighting up when he spots you. "I almost thought you decided to back out."
"Me? Never." You try for a smile, but you know he's referring to your tardiness.
It'd be easy to blame your annoying roommate for holding you up today, but embarrassingly enough, it wasn't because of him. Your shortcut through the park's uneven grounds was the culprit, causing your massive tumble which ultimately led to being much too late for this date. It's times like this when you wish your ability would let you see more useful things than random points in other people's futures.
Upon arriving at the restaurant though, you realize that something else you wish you'd seen is how your choice of restaurant is nothing like what you expected. You picked the place after scavenging through the depths of Google Maps, digging up pictures left and right from various reviews, and the single review of this place was the only one that seemed to match the one in your visions. In the photo, the restaurant was just as dim, and looked like a casual place. But now, in front of you, is a restaurant that looks nothing like the one in the photo.
In front of you is something much fancier—small chandeliers hang above every table and elegant decorations line the walls. There is no doubt that it must've gone through a major upgrade since the local reviewer posted those pictures from five years ago. Now not only was your attempt at finding the restaurant in your visions futile, but this place also makes you wish you chose a different occupation entirely. Preferably one that pays more than the meager amount your readings are worth.
"Well, this is an interesting choice," Mingyu comments, eyeing the walls. "Seems like a nice place."
You debate pulling him right out of there. "Um, actually, it's not—"
"Hi, do you have a reservation?" the hostess asks, looking between the two of you. And before you can even answer, there are two menus in her hands and she's leading you to your table. Great. Perhaps you'd just have to take off one of your rings and fake a proposal for the sake of a free meal if it turns out to be too expensive. You heard that it worked for a friend of a friend once upon a time.
Once seated, you nearly do a double take. There is no dim lighting obscuring Mingyu's handsome face this time, and under the glow of the chandelier, you can finally see his smooth skin, plush lips, and large eyes that seem to twinkle when he glances at you for whatever reason. If you thought he was good looking before, you have to admit that he looks even better today. 
You turn to the menu instead, studying it intensely despite having immediately picked out the cheapest option. Five minutes go by. The waitress comes by to take your orders. Another five minutes. Are first dates always this awkward? It's been years since you've gone out with anyone, but if this were the reality of the dating scene, maybe third-wheeling your friends for the rest of your life wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Mingyu clears his throat. "Should we start with the basics?"
"A story to tell people at the party if they ask about us." He swirls his drink around, eyes flickering to yours occasionally. "We need to be on the same page with our answers to make it convincing."
Right, he's going to be your fake boyfriend for the party. You haven't thought that far yet when you've had the scenes to worry about, but he's not wrong. "Oh. Um, okay. So how did we meet? It wouldn't be through mutual friends because most of them would be there. Maybe a dating app?"
"Hmm," he hums, looking over everything on the table as he thinks. "We met at your shop when I got a reading done. Then you showed me how everything happens."
"We're just going with the truth?" You're slightly doubtful of whether this story would be believable, yet the same time you're relieved you wouldn't have to be lying. Soonyoung has always said you were a terrible liar. "I guess that works. So then how did we fall for each other?"
Mingyu presses his lips together and thinks for a while. "Through reenactments of the things you saw in the reading." As if for emphasis, he moves his drink out of the way before putting his hand on the table between the two of you, and then beckons for you to do the same.
"Oh. This is what you mean by reenact it."
Of course you knew this might be what he wanted, and you came here fully prepared to reenact this with him. But because of your fall at the park earlier, now the fresh scrapes on your palms are telling you to stop in your tracks. You shouldn't be touching anything and sure as hell don't want him to see the state of your battered hands.
You opt for a shrug, feigning nonchalance. "Um, yeah it was just hand holding. You know, we don't have to actually—"
"Come on, Y/N." He puts on a pout and the longer he stares at you, the more his eyes somehow start to have the effect of puppy eyes. "Just humour me?"
So you give in, reluctantly. You reach out a hand and rest it on his with your palm up to show him exactly why you don't want to do this.
Mingyu's eyes widen at you before he's holding your hand up to examine it closely. "Oh shit. What happened? Did you fall on your way here? Is that why you were late?"
You nod a little.
"Hey, you should've said something. I'll go ask for some bandages, okay?"
"No, it's fine—" you start, but he only shoots you a smile before leaving his seat.
Looking down, you can see that your palms already appear to be much better than earlier—the red splotches are mainly dry now, and the dirt has been wiped off. Thankfully, Mingyu didn't see the worst of it, but that does little to stop the embarrassment in its tracks. You only hope that the heat at your cheeks fades when he comes back a few minutes later waving a handful of bandages around.
You think that it would end there, but it doesn't. Mingyu insists on putting these bandages on your wounds. His fingers are light where they graze your skin as he carefully places them on your scrapes, and it's such a nice gesture that you're suddenly taken aback. This is supposed to be a quick dinner, and he's supposed to hate you for the bad reading. But now you question if any of that is true when he continues to act so kind and friendly.
"This is not how it's supposed to go." You frown, trying not to stare at his face as he works on the bandages in total concentration. "Not at all."
Because your hands may be in his across the table as you wait for your food to come, but he's only holding them to bandage your wounds. And while this restaurant does seem romantic, it's nowhere near the look of the one in your visions.
Mingyu's eyes fill with amusement when he looks up. "Holding hands across the table as we wait for our food, right? Isn't this close enough?"
"You're bandaging me. This isn't remotely romantic."
"Love isn't always supposed to be romantic, Y/N," he says dramatically, rolling his eyes. "Haven't your readings shown you the small things that people do for each other?"
You wonder just what kind of readings he thinks you do. "Um. I guess."
He does have a point. Maybe this moment, no matter how embarrassing or ridiculous it seems, is better than having to sit through faking or pretending everything. It may force you to be vulnerable, but each gentle brush of Mingyu's fingers and each press of a bandage against your palms hint at a vulnerable side of him too.
You study him, wanting to figure out just what kind of person he is. Why is he being so kind when the two of you are practically strangers? When this meetup should be a quick meal at a casual food place, involving no more physical contact than two seconds of hand holding? Well, perhaps five seconds. But now, it seems like the two of you have gone beyond your original plans of fake pleasantries.
"All done." He lightly presses the last bandage onto your palm, and you're grateful for the arrival of your food as an excuse to pull your hand back.
"So, um," you rack your brain for literally anything to say, "why did you come in for a reading that day?"
"There was a career decision that I was stuck on," Mingyu picks at his food then looks up with a twinkle in his eyes. "I don't believe in this whole fortune telling thing, but I needed some advice on what to do. Figured that maybe while you were telling me to look deep inside myself and to follow my heart or whatever, I'd suddenly get an epiphany about what to do."
"And did you?"
"Even without the reading? The boss would've done a good job on it." That part is true; you may be the real psychic of the two of you, but you can't deny how good Jeonghan's readings are. Heck, you'd rather choose to believe his words over what you see in your own visions.
A nod. "Just going there gave me what I needed. I decided it would be good to start fresh, to try something new." He pauses to take a sip of water, but then his eyes snap to yours. "Wait, hold on. Did you say he's your boss? You were going to ask your boss to be your date? For the party?"
"Oh, Jeonghan?" You want to laugh at the incredulous expression on his face. "Nah, he's not exactly my boss. We met in college as classmates."
Your previous thoughts about not needing to talk completely disappear as you tell him about how this little psychic shop started. It had been Jeonghan's idea, a backup plan for a backup plan essentially. He'd always joked about starting a business if nothing else worked out after graduation, and the opportunity came around sooner than expected.
"Damn, I wish my boss was chill like that. Mine really makes everyone stay back to finish the projects that he deems urgent when they aren't."
"You mean you're not in school?" You have to wipe the shock from your face. "I would've thought that you were some frat boy in college."
Mingyu stares at you blankly, blinking a couple of times. "You know, I'm not sure if that was a compliment or insult." He frowns. "Well, I guess it's good that my job hasn't aged me too much yet. But frat boy? Really?"
"Hey, maybe that should be our cover instead," you tease. "Frat boy Mingyu who I met at a party in college years ago but only recently reconnected with."
He rolls his eyes at you, suddenly starting to chew so aggressively that you have to laugh at his expression.
The rest of the night goes by similarly, allowing you to forget all your worries about awkward first dates. Mingyu is a good conversationalist and surprisingly funny to, and when he drops his fork and later bumps his head on the chandelier is so endearing that you find yourself smiling every time you look at him.
As the two of you walk back to the shop afterwards, your time together leaves you thinking about how he's not the person you thought he would be. Maybe you should know that already based on the glimpse into his future because the warmth that you'd seen from those scenes alone could've been an indicator.
"There are two more things you saw, right?" Mingyu turns to you, sparkles in his eyes from the reflection of streetlights right outside the shop. "Are you free next weekend too?"
"Wait." You're almost sure you heard wrong. "You—you want to see the rest of them? The scenes I saw?"
"Yeah, of course," he says like it's obvious, seemingly unable to understand the surprise that must be on your face.
This is a possibility that you never considered at all. You don't get why he would want to see you or spend time with you again, or how showing him what you saw in the visions would possibly convince him that they're real. "Oh, um. I didn't think you would be interested."
"Why not? We still need to figure out more of our cover story for this party too." He gives a shrug and then raises a hand up in a wave. "See you next week?"
"Yeah, okay," you manage to say. "Next week."
The rest of the way home is filled with Mingyu's words echoing through your mind.
When you open the door to your apartment, Soonyoung drops his phone mid-scroll, giving you a onceover that makes his eyes as big as saucers. Then he's running over to you.
Right, you completely forgot about your state of being until this reminder.
"What the fuck happened to you? Did the Mingyu guy do all of this?" He stops you in the middle of the hallway, hands on your shoulders to spin you around as he glances over every inch of the mess of blood and dirt on your clothing. You understand what it would look like from the outside—the result of your fall must be fueling his thoughts about Mingyu being a bad guy. Maybe it looks like you bravely jumped out of a moving car and managed to crawl back home.
"See? I told you he was bad news," he huffs and then guides you into the kitchen where he sits you down on a chair. "What happened? Did he pull something weird? Should we be calling the police?"
You feel a laugh on the verge of escaping your throat, but you bite it back. Soonyoung's questions are so absurd that you almost want to keep quiet and make him frustrated by his overwhelming curiosity. That'd certainly be one way of annoying him the way he always annoys you.
"No, nothing like that," you say instead, shaking your head. "I tripped and fell while walking through the park." Then you hold up your palms to show him the small bandages where they're peeling at the corners. "He helped bandage me at the restaurant."
Soonyoung nods slowly, but judging by his narrowed eyes, he's entirely unconviced. "Okay, but you look like you got into a fight with him or something. And why would you go through the park?"
"You're the one who made me late, okay? I had to take the shortcut." You go to push him then instantly regret it when the contact makes your palms throb. "Anyway, Mingyu was really nice. Though the, um, reenactment didn't really go as planned."
Then you begin to update him on everything that happened during your date, starting from the restaurant and how it didn't match the visions, to your fall and the bandages. But as you go over all of the moments, you realize there are a few things you intentionally leave out, like the tiny crinkles that appeared at the corners of Mingyu's eyes whenever he smiled. His soft hands that bandaged you so tenderly. Maybe he was right that love is all about the small gestures—even though you initially thought the moment paled in comparison to the one in the reading, the more you replay the day over in your mind, the more you realize that it was indeed romantic in its own way.
"And? Is that it?" Soonyoung gestures wildly. "You won't have to see him until the party, right?"
You can feel the smile on your face fade. "Um, actually. He wants to meet again for the next scene that I saw."
"Don't tell me that's the kiss scene?"
"Yeah... the kiss."
"Well, good luck with that one." Soonyoung's smirk only grows at your reaction. He gives you a pat on the back, but it feels just as insincere as his words. "Try not to fall for him."
As your roommate leaves the room, you can only sigh. This is exactly why you left out those details about this date—Soonyoung would be making fun of you forever. Yes, that has to be the reason. It definitely wasn't because you considered those moments special.
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All week, you try to come up with a plan to avoid showing Mingyu the next scene from the visions. You think about making up a more PG-rated scenario since there is no way he would know if what you're showing is real or not, but how can you lie about it when he'll experience the real thing in his future? Besides, Soonyoung tells you the scenarios you come up with are lame.  
So your choices for this scene are really limited—either you would have to share a kiss with him in public or watch as his face contorts with disgust at the thought of having to kiss you. Or perhaps you would be dealing with the awkwardness of dead silence between you once he turns down the kiss. Either way, today is not looking good for you.
On top of that, the location for this scene gives you even more trouble than the first one did. You hadn't exactly gathered much information from it; without being able to use your sense of sight, you only know there was kissing, the smell of the outdoors, and light chatter in the background. A park might seem too public, too open of a space to be doing this, and a forest trail might be too isolated and not sunny enough compared to the sun you'd felt on your skin.
In the end, you decide on the market. A cute date at the market seemed like it could be the perfect balance, and today it bustles with the afternoon crowd of couples on their date and the elderly running their errands. When you look at Mingyu, your hypothesis is confirmed—beside you, he watches the rows of vendor carts and tents with amazement in his eyes.
"You've never been here before?"
Mingyu shakes his head. "Nah. I've been meaning to, but just haven't had the chance to yet." Then he turns to you with a teasing smile. "You chose the perfect spot. It's like you actually read my mind." 
"I can assure you I'm not psychic like that," you mutter, stunned for a second. "Let's take our time exploring and see everything today."
So the two of you slowly walk through each aisle and you watch him marvel at different items from each of the stalls you stop at. It's merely an excuse, though. You're stalling. You still haven't told him about what is supposed to happen in the second scene, and you've been carefully dancing around the topic each time he asked. How are you supposed to blatantly say that the two of you are supposed to kiss? All you can do is hope that the wonders of the market would distract him enough so that he forgets why you're here at all.
"So how long have we known each other?" Mingyu turns to ask as the two of you walk to the next stall. "And what kind of party is it? Don't tell me I unknowingly signed up to go to a wedding with you."
"It's not that much better actually—it's an engagement party."
He stops dead in his tracks. You laugh.
"A year minimum," you continue like he's not giving you a deadpan stare. "Maybe two? We should be pretty serious about... each other."
"Do you think I could watch over the shop for you while you take your boss to be your date?" He pauses, looking at you with hopeful eyes that immediately dim when you shake your head. "What have I gotten myself into?" Then he's walking to the next stall with dramatically loud steps, though you manage to catch the smile he tries to hide.
The rest of your cover story slowly comes together over the course of the date—he asked you out, some of the places you frequent are last week's restaurant and today's market, and you sometimes spend the weekend at his place which is why Soonyoung and Wonwoo haven't met him yet.
After exploring the majority of the stalls a while later, Mingyu finally turns to you.
"Hey, let's head over there." He nods at the field behind the market, shooting you a grin when he takes your hand in his.
You hope he doesn't hear the startled sound that escapes from the back of your throat.
Tucked away behind the row of vendors at the very edge of the market is a field with a few empty picnic tables. And while you aren't sure if this is how the kiss happens in the vision, you get the feeling that maybe he knows. The bit of privacy behind the stalls and the way the noises of the market gradually fade into the background as you approach the table tell you as much—if you were looking for an opportunity to reenact the scene today, it would be here and now.
You climb onto the table, letting your legs dangle off the bench while Mingyu follows suit beside you.
"You haven't said anything about why we're here today." He eyes you up and down with amusement playing on his lips. "Why? Is it something bad?" The teasing tilt in his voice paired with a slight eyebrow raise is enough to have your cheeks quickly burning up.
Then the embarrassment kicks in. You know that there is no avoiding it when the two of you are already at the location of the second scene in your vision, and now it's just a matter of telling him. But no matter how you try to phrase it in his head, what could possibly be a good way of telling your client that you're supposed to kiss him? That's what Mingyu is, right? A client that wanted to see and experience the things in your reading of his future.
"Um. It's... a hug," you say hesitantly, testing the way it sounds in your mouth. Picturing the way his face would fall at the word 'kiss' is enough to scare you into changing your mind at the last second. "A hug is supposed to happen here."
As if he knows you're not telling the truth, Mingyu cocks his head. "Oh yeah? Here of all places?" Maybe it really was a bad idea to lie; you should've believed Soonyoung when he said you can't tell a lie to save your life.
"Yeah." You try to swallow the lump in your throat. "I'm not sure why it's here either."
If he does detect your lie though, he doesn't say anything about it. Instead, his expression morphs into something softer. "Love can be found everywhere, Y/N. Even in a hug at the market if you want it to." Then he gets up and holds his arms open, eyes twinkling with the question of whether you want this.
And do you want this? It might be too soon to be doing this when you barely know each other, but it's also too soon for your heart to be speeding up the way it does, for you to feel a small burst of butterflies in your stomach every time he so much as stares at you for a moment too long, and for this cover story and the reenactments to feel more tangible than the abstract concepts they are meant to be.
But despite all that, you find yourself getting up from the table and carefully stepping into Mingyu's arms. You slowly relax in the warmth of his embrace and let the faint scent of his cologne envelop you, and though it's a tender, loose hug, you can feel the steady beating of his heart and the rises and falls of his every breath.
"Is this how it happens?" he whispers, the rumble of his voice vibrating through his chest.
You can't respond. You don't know how to, nor do you know why he's even the slightest bit willing to act out a scene from a stupid reading that he probably deems a scam anyway. So the obvious answer would be to say yes and call it a day.
The answer is at the tip of your tongue. But as you open your mouth to respond, something stops you from continuing the lie. "No, not quite."
It's the same feeling that tells you to cup his cheek and bring him closer to you, and it makes you lean forward, just until you can see his smooth sun-kissed skin and the small mole at the tip of his nose. And then you're slowly squeezing your eyes shut and bringing your lips to his—kissing him, like how it happens in the reading.
Mingyu's surprise is evident in the way he freezes momentarily, and the rational part of your mind would think that this is it. This is your big mistake and now he's going to back away and—
He kisses you back.
He pulls you even closer and you expect it to feel like the delicate kiss in the reading, but it's completely different in that he kisses you like he wants this. Like he wants you. Those supple lips glide across yours, consuming you, making you feel like you're sinking into the depths of his touch and his body. And all you can do is hang on, grasping weakly at his collar as every essence of your being is filled with want for a person you shouldn't want.
Mingyu breaks the kiss just as you start to think this might be too intense to be done in public.
He catches his breath and then gives you a shy smile, not quite meeting your eyes. "Oh, so that's how it happens?"
Your head is still spinning, but when you look at Mingyu, it's like he's glowing. The way the sun glistens on his skin and lights up his face makes him so beautiful that you almost forget to breathe. If the kiss hadn't felt so real, you might've been thinking that this moment, and Mingyu himself, are straight out of a dream.
You can answer him easily now. "Yeah, it is."
When he takes your hand a moment later, all the thoughts about cover stories and readings and Minghao's party disappear from your mind, leaving only the warmth of him beside you and the memory of his lips on yours.
However, reality hits you very soon. There, by one of the nearby stalls, is someone who looks like Mingyu's lover in the visions. They have the same hairstyle as you, the same smooth skin, and even the same face shape. Without directly glancing at their face, you can assume that you are looking at yourself.
But even though they don't turn your way as the two of you walk by, simply seeing them has your heart sinking. It sinks at the thought that the kiss might be nothing more than a figment of your imagination or of a world where you're both pretending that you really are the lover from the visions. That Mingyu's eagerness to kiss you, to want you, wasn't actually meant for you at all, but rather for someone he hasn't met yet.
And you don't get it. You don't understand why you're disappointed by this when it isn't even real. It shouldn't ever be real. Regardless of whether it was a good kiss, of whether it felt wonderful and realistic and enticing, you should know that it wouldn't mean anything.
Because you're not the lover from the reading.
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Perhaps it shouldn't come as a surprise to you at this point, but Mingyu agrees to reenact the third and final scene of the vision. You were sure that he would say no, that he definitely wouldn't appreciate having a stranger barge into his home for this one. So to have him actually agree to it has you thinking that maybe if you tell him you're going skydiving he'd agree to that too.
This time it's not as difficult to tell him what happens in the scene—it's just slow dancing, which should be easy to reenact at least compared to the kiss at the market. All you have to do is rest your hands on his shoulders and then step side to side to the beat of the music. How hard can it be?
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Soonyoung peers at you from the doorway of the bathroom. "You barely managed to escape from this guy during your first meeting, and now you're walking right into his home." He comes closer to where you're checking your outfit in front of the mirror, and says in a loud whisper, "where you'll be alone with him."
Right, that is the part you're trying not to think about.
"You sure you can handle it? After," he gestures in the air, "what happened at the market and all."
Internally, you grumble. Externally, you ignore him.
"I know you're picturing that steamy kiss." He rolls his eyes, which you can all too clearly through the mirror. "But anyway, if you're sure about going to his place tonight, just remember to be safe, yeah? Share your location just in case. Hold your head if you're about to jump out of another moving car."
"Don't you have a boyfriend you should be bothering instead?"
That earns you an enthusiastic nod. "He should be coming soon. So take your time on your date tonight."
You finally get some peace and quiet when you step out, once again leaving your roommate mid-sentence about how you picked another terrible outfit.
You're the first to arrive at the restaurant, though it isn't long before you spot Mingyu coming from a block away—he's late for your date and clearly running to make up for it by the way he dodges other people on the street, nearly knocking them over. He gives a big wave when he sees you.
"Sorry for being so late," he pants as he bends over to catch his breath. "Thank you for waiting."
"Guess that makes us even. Although I hope you didn't trip on your way here."
That puts an instant grin on his face. "Nah, I just had to clean up the apartment a little. Well, actually," he pauses, the grin fading, "a lot. Can't have it be a mess for when you come over tonight."
"Oh, right." You still don't know why he would agree to all this, especially if it takes that much work.
The dinner goes well. It's one of the few moments of peace, considering your first meal together was ruined by the remnants of your nasty fall, and the market date was interrupted by an abrupt awakening. Despite the mishaps, you don't exactly see these events as losses when your memories are brimming with Mingyu's gentle touch when he bandaged your hands, and the warmth of his lips fitting so perfectly with your own.
And tonight? You know that there will be another moment for you to commit to memory forever.
When you arrive at your destination, you finally understand why he was late for your dinner. The place is spotless; unlit candles fill the room, a bottle of wine with empty glasses are on the counter. There are flowers in a beautiful vase on the table. It's like he spent all day running around just to set up for this moment.
"It's presentable, right?" Mingyu cracks a smile, slipping off his shoes and sliding his jacket onto the rack, followed by taking your coat as well. "Not sure how it's supposed to happen, but I figured I should at least try to make it—well, as romantic as possible."
"Wow, you didn't have to do all this," you manage to get out. You're still standing right in your spot as he goes over to light the candles, in shock and confusion over why he would possibly do such a thing.
He turns back to give you a small shrug. "I wanted you to have a good time."
When he finishes lighting the candles, he puts on some music by selecting it on his phone, seemingly having put together a whole playlist for the occasion. And if you didn't know any better, it would be so easy to believe that he simply put together a romantic date night at his place for the two of you. That he did all this because you're someone special to him. That this means something.
Well, if he can pretend for a night then maybe you can too.
You shake the thoughts from your mind and replace them with a smile as a song you don't recognize starts softly in the background. Mingyu heads to the table, beckoning you to follow, and then pours two glasses of wine.
"You know, I'm really glad I went to you that day." He takes a sip of his wine and then swirls it when he puts it down. "For the reading. I'm glad I met you. And um, I should thank you for showing me all of this."
"Shut up," you scoff, rolling your eyes. "Don't lie. You still don't believe in any of this fortune telling stuff, right?"
Mingyu bursts into laughter. "Okay, you're right. I don't. I just wanted to see some acts of love after going through a breakup, to kind of feel like there could still be hope for me. Honestly though, when you offered to show me what happens, I thought you would make up random scenarios just to date me or something." He waves dismissively at the frown on your face. "But it doesn't matter to me. Real or not, I like spending time with you, and... well, maybe you've convinced me."
"I convinced you that the reading was real?"
You're met with a shrug as he takes another sip of his wine, and in that brief silence you ponder about what he's referring to. There is no way he believes in fortune telling, so what else is there to convince him of?
But then something else pops into your mind.
"Can I ask you something?" You take a deep breath, letting out a sharp exhale when Mingyu nods. "What happened with your ex?"
It's clear that he hesitates with the way he swirls his glass, pressing his lips together and avoiding your gaze.
"Never mind. We don't have to—"
"It's okay. It was a long time ago and I'm over it." His eyes meet yours before flickering away. "Actually, I think I knew it was over long before it was really over. But I kept hoping that things could be fixed. I was stupid and kept trying."
"Hey, no, that's not stupid." You reach over and take his hand. "You were willing to put in the effort to save your relationship, and that shows you care."
But he merely shrugs. "Seems like a waste when they were busy cheating on me."
"That's not your fault, and it's not a waste. The love that you show the world is never a waste." There's a flood of emotions running through you, you belatedly realize—you're clutching the glass so tightly in your free hand that you begin to fear it might crack. It's directed at Mingyu's ex, at the thought that someone would hurt him like that when he's done nothing but fight for their relationship.
"It's kind of ironic now that I think about it," he continues. "Right before I found out they were cheating, I went to a psychic and got a reading done on the relationship. Apparently the reading said everything would be fine, and I just stupidly believed it."
"Mingyu... is that why you don't believe in this stuff anymore?"
He nods.
"I wish I didn't either." You swallow the lump in your throat, letting go of the glass. It's not only the mention of his ex that's making you feel this way, but also the lover from the visions. You want to hate them, to curse at them and at your fate for ripping away what could be a beautiful relationship before it's even within your reach.
But it all makes you want to try harder to prove it to Mingyu. That he's worth more than what his ex had made it seem, and that he doesn't need to be closed off to the idea of love because someone in the future is going to walk into his life and show him exactly that.
"Why?" He squeezes your hand lightly. "What makes you say that?"
"It's also because of an ex."
It was Junhui. Or rather, what you saw in his future. Two years after the start of your relationship and four after the start of your friendship, you'd trusted him enough to tell him about this little fortune telling party trick, and he'd trusted you to take a look at his future. Maybe that's where things went wrong.
Looking back, you aren't surprised that you saw someone else in his future. They appeared so happy together, he made her laugh, and she seemed to fit in all the ways you didn't. But there was no point in waiting for fate to inevitably bring them together while pulling the two of you apart, so you ran—you didn't want to stick around to find out what would happen.
"Wow." Mingyu blinks at you, seemingly unable to speak after your story. "Do you know if they ever met or got together? Your ex and the person you saw in his future."
You shake your head. "Haven't heard anything about him since we broke up."
"And he's the one who's going to be at this party?"
"Yeah. He's one of Minghao's close friends."
"I'm sorry that happened to you," Mingyu drops his gaze as he gently traces circles into your palm with his thumb. "I see why you don't want to believe in that stuff now. Actually, it's kind of funny how it was this fortune telling thing that screwed both of us over."
"Right? I should get Jeonghan to close the shop and we could open a boba store instead or something." You roll your eyes, chuckling at the thought. "Probably makes better money than this ever will."
"That's not a bad idea." Then he sets his glass down and stands, coming to your side to pull you into a hug. "But Y/N, don't beat yourself up for what happened, okay? You didn't know what you would see, and you have no control over it."
"I guess."
"Besides, I'll be such a good date that you won't even notice him the entire night." Mingyu releases you and steps back, smile turning shy as he holds out a hand. "Shall we?"
"I have to warn you that I'm not great at dancing," you mutter, taking his hand anyway and letting him guide you towards the space in the living room. "Don't hold me accountable for any injuries you might sustain."
When you put your hands on his shoulders, you can feel yourself tense up—your body is awkward, and your arms are too stiff as if not wanting to rest your weight on him. But when you hear a bubble of laughter and see the way Mingyu looks at you so fondly, you feel the same pull as you'd felt at the market. The pull that makes you want to relax and sink into the warmth of his body.
His touch is gentle when he places his hands on your waist, all too carefully and delicately. It makes you wonder if it's even possible that those are the same hands that his ex had willingly let go of, and if those light steps that he takes when swaying to the music are the same footsteps that will walk into the life of the lover in the visions. You wonder if this Mingyu, glancing back at you so tenderly, is the same as the one that will forget about you as soon as this moment is over.
But most of all, you wonder if the you that had originally agreed to do this is the same as the you whose heart beats faster and faster when he meets your gaze now. If the you who only wanted a date, any date for the party, could possibly be the same as the you who now finds yourself wanting to lean into his touch, wanting him to want you.
"You okay?" he murmurs, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Yeah. Perfect."
Mingyu breaks into a soft smile. "You know, I've always wondered what you keep thinking about. When you get lost in that world in your head, what do you see? What do you dream about?" 
"It's different every time." You try to ignore the way your palms feel all too hot against his shoulders. "But these days... it's you."
You don't tell him that it's also getting to know him, falling for him, and imagining how you should be the one doing all those things with him like in the reading. It's picturing a love that flourishes ever so slowly, one that silently rests between the two of you, growing steadily until a day when it becomes the only thing you notice.
And though you leave all that out, your answer seems to be enough for him.
"Yeah," you say softly. "Whatever happened in the past—I really hope it doesn't keep you from experiencing the kind of relationship you deserve. You're not hard to love, Mingyu." Just a brief moment of hesitation before you admit, "Not at all."
Your words feed the twinkle of hope in his eyes as well as the one that seems to have been blossoming in your own heart for a while now. Maybe you can finally admit it; this would be the last time you see him, so maybe it wouldn't matter what happens tonight.
The thoughts swarming your mind are soon forgotten though. Mingyu pulls back slightly to gaze at you with a bright grin that sends your heart back into the frenzy it never recovered from. And a moment later, when his lips are on yours, the dancing, the music, and the entire scene are long forgotten in the background.
This time you let yourself believe that it's real.
You fall deeper into the world where you're the lover from the visions, a world that contains just the two of you. And this time you aren't afraid to kiss him back like you want him because you do. You pull him close until your bodies are inseparable, and you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the heat of his mouth and the burns of his touch. You let yourself want, as your back hits the wall and you're trapped between it and the weight of Mingyu's body pressing against you, and you let yourself take, let your hands trace over the defined lines of his muscles, the smoothness of his skin, and the softness of his hair.
You kiss until you're breathless, until your knees are weak and you're sinking once again. Until his little breaths come out in fuller moans, and hands are wandering into dangerous territory.
"Is this how it happens?" Mingyu whispers, gaze dropping as he leans in to press his forehead against yours. "Is this how we fall for each other?"
No, you immediately think, not at all. The apartment is dim with only the small lamps at the sides of the room and the candles lining the table as the only source of light. The music, despite being slow and romantic, feels much too loud for some reason. It feels forced. And the way you manage to step on his toes on all the wrong beats surely can't be the right path to falling in love.
But maybe you're not afraid to admit it anymore.
"Yeah," you say instead, "it is."
Mingyu eyes snap to yours, and what you find in them makes you want to repeat your answer again and again. You're not sure why he would be hoping for this answer or why he would be satisfied if his own creation were to match perfectly with the one that you'd seen. Even more uncertain is why he would choose that particular set of words to say. But none of it matters when his lips are back on yours, writing an answer of their own.
And for one night, you let yourself be Mingyu's lover from the visions.
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One thing becomes painfully clear after that—you cannot be seeing Mingyu ever again. Not even for one last party date.
On the surface, you know that your job is done. You showed him all of the moments that are supposed to happen in his future, and you upheld your end of the deal. But the truth is that every time you were with him, it became difficult to remember that you're not the lover from the reading, and every time you talked to him, you found yourself wanting more and more to be that person.
Your plan to avoid him doesn't go as expected though, for he keeps texting you. He sounds normal, continuing to send memes and share posts like he's been doing for the past while. And when he asks you for a movie date the following weekend, he acts as if the past three meetups were exactly that—dates. It's like it never occurred to him that you were there only to show him how everything happens, and not to actually date him. Though now, you're no longer sure if that's true.
So you say you're busy, you limit your texts to once per day, and you don't pick up when he calls. You follow the textbook formula for ghosting for days to the point where Soonyoung hides your buzzing phone under the couch cushion while spewing threats about throwing it out the window, and even Jeonghan's sighing at you tiredly, telling you to call Mingyu back.
You give in eventually. You call him back and schedule a meetup, and now you find yourself sitting at a cafe with him across from you.
"Hey, thanks for agreeing to meet with me. This won't take long." There is no smile on his face this time, and you realize that it might really be the first time seeing him like this—eyes devoid of emotion, face a neutral mask. It reminds you of the first time you met him at the shop, when he was spiraling into a hopeless void, but perhaps even worse.
You nod slightly in acknowledgement, trying to hide the way your heart sinks at his words. They are something you should be relieved to hear, but you know you're still clinging onto the inkling of hope that you can go back to pretending the two of you mean something to each other.
"Have you been doing okay?"
"Just busy," you repeat the same kind of boring answers from your texts. "You?"
"Yeah," Mingyu says slowly, dragging out the word. Then he takes a deep breath. "Are you avoiding me?"
Yes. "I didn't really see any reason we should stay in touch." A partial lie. It barely makes it out of your mouth.
"Are you for real? Y/N, where is this coming from?"
"I did what I said I'd do." The mask on your face was threatening to crack, especially after seeing the flash of pain in his eyes. "I showed you all of the scenes I saw in the reading. What more is there?"
"I—well, yeah." He frowns. "That might be what we initially agreed, but you can't deny that we had something special. There is no way you didn't feel anything when we were together."
You merely shrug and try your best to harden your eyes instead of giving in to the tears that threaten to spill. Because how can you tell him the truth? How can you give him hope just to crush it with the reality of your doomed fate?
"So—so what, all of it was just pretend? The things you said—you lied, didn't you? When you said I'm not hard to love..." He looks away, biting his lip. "I should've known."
"Hey, no. Everything I said was true, but this has nothing to do with that."
"Did you want to do this at all or were you doing it out of pity? Did you hate every moment of it?"
"Mingyu, stop. Okay, you're right. Let's say I did feel something and that I do like you. But does any of it matter? You're forgetting that I'm not the one in your future. You might not believe in this stuff, but my readings have never been wrong before." You can't do it anymore; it's too hard hiding it. Everything comes tumbling out all at once when he looks so broken. "You're going to meet them someday, and you're going to love them. Whoever they are. It just won't be me."
His jaw goes slack, mouth opening but nothing coming out. It's as if he finally realizes the truth that both of you had forgotten along the way.
"Oh and also," you say, clenching your fists at this final difficult lie you have to tell. "You don't have to hold your end of the agreement. I'm not going to the party anymore."
You know that what you said today would definitely change things since people tend to be averse to anything that goes against what they believe to be their fate. So when you get up from the table and leave, you know that Mingyu won't be chasing after you.  
You're right.
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Mingyu stops texting you.
It should be a good thing; now you would both return to your normal lives and pretend like this entire thing never happened. But even though you know all this, there is still something weighing you down. It weighs down each step you take, becoming a salient presence that you can't seem to wrap your mind around.
And despite knowing that your relationship with him was only temporary, that you would be no more than a filler until the person in his future arrives, you still look over at your phone in the hopes that maybe the notification would be from Mingyu. You can't help but want him to still want you.
"You're in your head again, you know," Soonyoung jabs you in the arm, dragging you away from the thoughts and back to where you're seated in your living room. "Can't you think more quietly?"
"Can't you shut up for once?"
"See? I told you he was an asshole!" He flicks a piece of popcorn over at you, hitting you perfectly on the head. "I told you that he was all kinds of bad news. Didn't I say you were too nice for your own good? I knew something like this would happen."
"You said," you roll your eyes at him, throwing the piece of popcorn back, "that he might try to kidnap me. And to stop being so nice to hot people—no, I'm not making an exception for you."
"He really said that last part?" Wonwoo asks incredulously.
You nod. Soonyoung shakes his head.
Wonwoo clicks his tongue at his boyfriend and sighs with disbelief. "So about this fate thing. I know you believe you're not the one in Mingyu's future, but do you think a relationship with him is something worth pursuing regardless?"
"Why would it be worth pursuing if I know it'll just end?"
"Well, how do you know that for sure?" Wonwoo puts a hand on your shoulder and pats you comfortingly. He shakes his head a little. "Y/N, maybe you weren't meant to see his partner's face. Look at the rest of us—we don't have your abilities and we all go through it blindly. I started dating Soonyoung because I liked him, and not because I knew that he was the one who would be appearing in my future."
"But—" you start, and then stop. It takes a few replays of his words to let their meaning sink into your head.
"Hey," he continues, "if you think this is something worth going for—and by the way you've been moping around, it sure seems that way—then you should talk to him. See what he thinks."
Maybe Wonwoo is right, and part of you really wants to believe him, but you can't help but think that you should be using the information you have to your advantage. Surely, your ability has to be a blessing at some point, right? Isn't it a good thing to have put an end to your relationship with Mingyu now so that it wouldn't hurt even more later?
"You never know what could happen in the future." It's as if Wonwoo can hear your thoughts. "Maybe the future can change, or maybe the person in the reading really is you. There may be other people who can fit what you saw but that doesn't discount the possibility that it might be you."
"Yeah, yeah. All this talk is nice but that doesn't mean that Mingyu isn't just an asshole who's playing with you," Soonyoung stuffs a handful of popcorn in his boyfriend's mouth and turns to you with a serious look. "You need to think this through, okay? Do you really like him or do you just like the attention he gives you?"
"Y/N can't possibly fall for someone that easily, right?" comes out muffled from where Wonwoo is still trying to chew through the popcorn. He raises a brow at you.
"You'd be surprised." Soonyoung rolls his eyes then turns back to you. "Do you really like him or do you just like kissing him?"
You feel the full force of their scrutiny when Wonwoo also peers closely at you, searching your face for answers. Maybe the heat on your cheeks is enough to provide one.
"Do you really like him, or do you just enjoy fixing broken people?"
"Do you really like him or is he just hot?"
Wonwoo snorts. "By that standard, I'm quite surprised that Y/N never had a crush on you."
"They did—" Soonyoung quickly stops himself, but it's too late. Wonwoo's judging eyes are already on you, making you slowly sink into the couch and hoping you can disappear.
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Not going to the party was a lie that you told Mingyu—an excuse so that you would have no reason to ever see him again. However, the problem is that scrapping the agreement hasn't only left you with a broken heart, but it also brought you back to square one: you still do not have a plus one for Minghao's party.
Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad though, or at least that's what you tell yourself.
From the outside, Minghao's house looks massive. He has fancy lights installed at every corner, lighting up the exterior walls every couple of feet, and giant windows through which you can already see people mingling about. Wonwoo pulls into the driveway slowly and turns back to give you a worried glance just before the three of you step out.
The interior of the house is just as impressive. A chandelier hangs in the front foyer, and symmetric spiral staircases spread off to either side. Minghao stands near the front, a drink in hand, and his shy smile is plastered all over his face as he greets everyone that walks in. He greets you with a hug.
"Congrats on your engagement," you say, taking in his new look while trying not to glance around the room. His hair is a bit longer than what he had back in college, and you don't recall ever seeing him wear anything remotely formal back then.
"Y/N, how long has it been?"
"Considering the last time I saw you was when you were single?" you laugh. "Yeah, it's been a while."
"It's good to see you again," Minghao grins and then goes to peer behind you. "Oh, is your boyfriend here too?"
"Um, he wasn't feeling very well so..." A lame excuse but it's the best you could come up with at the moment. "He couldn't make it."
"That's okay," Minghao's face falls for the briefest second before it lights up again. "Oh, you even brought the Soonyoung? What a rare sight." And then he goes off to wrap Soonyoung and Wonwoo in a big hug before dragging them off into the living room. At least he wouldn't be the one questioning you about your non-existent fake boyfriend tonight, though Minghao isn't who you should be worrying about.
You follow along, sticking to the walls in the hopes you'd be just as invisible as wallpaper. Even without seeing Junhui here, this is what you fear the most—being amongst your college crowd would bring back feelings you haven't touched in years. Feelings that you're not sure you want to ever unpack. But soon it gets a little easier when Minghao pulls you with him to greet everyone around the room, and so you catch up with Vernon and Seungkwan, and then later, you say hi to Chan and Jihoon.
It isn't until you reach the kitchen when you finally spot him. Junhui has his back turned to you, helping with preparations, and beside him, Seokmin greets you silently with a nod as your eyes meet. You smile at him, thankful that he's not alerting everyone of your presence especially when you know just how loud he can be.
Just before you turn to leave and make your escape, you see her. From far away, she's another face in the crowd, though you can feel a spark of familiarity as if you've seen her somewhere before. Perhaps in one of the readings that you've done over the years for clients? You've read somewhere that the brain never forgets faces, after all.
She greets you and then heads over to the kitchen.
"Hey, Junhui, right? It's so nice to finally meet you," she says, holding out a hand. Her voice seems just as familiar as her face, and now you're sure you've seen her before. "I'm Minghao's cousin."
When Junhui takes her hand, she smiles. It's a full smile that reveals her teeth, and her eyes disappear, and—
The drink you're holding falls to the floor.
It all rushes back to you. The reason why she's so familiar is because you've seen her in the scenes of the fateful reading you did years ago. You've seen her on an amusement park ride, with one hand in the air and the other in Junhui's. On a dancefloor at a wedding—that you now assume to be Minghao's—with arms wrapped around him and later, lips against his. And then there was this very moment where their handshake was interrupted by a glass of wine hitting the floor.
This is the moment they would meet. The one that you've been running from all those years ago, the one that would start everything between them.
This is how it happens.
"Are you okay?" She comes rushing to your side without missing a beat, paper towels in her hands. "Be careful of the glass."
You're frozen on the spot, unable to feel bad about dropping the glass and unable to help clean it up. Unable to feel anything except for the one thought that flashes through your mind: you have to get out of there as fast as you can.
Everything is a blur after that. Somehow your feet get moving, slowly at first and then quickly after that, and you hear your name being called a few times as you head to the door, but you don't stop until you're outside and halfway down the steps.
Outside it's quieter and the air is cooler, and it's enough to slow down the thoughts running through your head. You end up sitting on the steps and leaning against the cold metal of the railing in the hopes that it might numb your feelings.
"Y/N? You okay?" a voice mumbles above your ear. It's familiar for a different reason this time, and you look up to see the person you least expected but wanted the most. Mingyu steps out of the house and closes the door behind him, glancing at you with an unreadable expression. You hadn't seen him inside, but he must've arrived sometime after you—too late to be your date, and too early to miss your embarrassing moment.
"Mingyu? Why are you here? I told you I wasn't going to the party."
"I hate to break it to you, but it wasn't exactly a believable lie." He gives a weak smile then sits down beside you on the steps. "I wanted to make sure you'd be okay."
"I really should've stayed home. I knew this would be a bad idea but—" You quickly turn away to get rid of the tear that slips out.
"Hey, Y/N. Talk to me. What's wrong?" Mingyu takes off his jacket and wraps it around you, and then gently moves you until you're leaning against him, buried in the crook of his shoulder. "Was she who you saw in his future?"
"Yeah, but it's—it's not just that. This was the moment that I saw in his reading. This is how they meet."
He tenses slightly. "This was in your reading? That's tough. Y/N, I don't even know what to say. I'm sorry, I should've gotten here earlier to be here with you from the start like we planned."
"It's okay, it's not your fault. But Mingyu, what have I done? I broke up with him thinking that he would leave me for her one day, so I didn't want to find out if and when they would meet." You have to swallow the sob in your throat. "I've always held onto the hope that it would be wrong. But now, I got to witness it anyway, right in front of me."
"Do you regret your decision?"
"No." You shake your head. "Well, I don't know. I'm over him but I just—I hate it so much. I hate feeling like I'm helpless and unable to do anything about fate."
A silence stretches out between the two of you with only the music from the house and the distant rumble of cars filling the night. It hasn't been long since he sat down beside you, but the warmth of his arms around you and the rising and falling of his chest are enough to slowly wipe away the worries from earlier.
"Look, I thought about what you said," Mingyu breaks the silence, pulling away to meet your eyes instead, "and I don't think it changes anything."
You immediately know what he's referring to. "How does it not?"
He takes a deep breath. "You want to know why I don't believe in fortune telling? This is exactly why. I don't like the idea that we are locked into our fates, or that certain things will or won't happen no matter what choices we make."
"What about when you really meet them one day? And inevitably fall for them?"
"I get why you would be afraid of that, Y/N, I really do. But none of that matters. When I say I want to be with you, this is my choice. It doesn't matter who it is that you saw in your reading; I want to choose you and love you on purpose. Not by accident, and not by fate."
You know he's right and Wonwoo was too. This entire time, you've been trying to run away from a fate that you can't escape, and what you saw today only proves that.
But maybe now, it's time to stop running.
"Do you really think that we can change things?"
"We can do anything we want to do." Mingyu nods firmly. Then he takes your hand, squeezing you gently. "But first, let's get out of here?"
"Yeah." You smile for the first time that night and let him lead the way.
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A small diner at the corner of the street near your place is what the two of you decide on. When you enter, the first thing you notice is how much it reminds you of the "before" images of that nice restaurant. Half of the diner is dark with the overhead lights flickering once in a while in an attempt to turn on, while the other half is cast in an unpleasant fluorescent light. There are pieces of garbage on the floor that an employee sweeps up as she greets you. In short, the state of it almost makes you want to walk right out.
But instead, you order your food. You sit down at a table towards the darker half of the room as you wait.
Mingyu clears his throat. "You know," he starts, a shy smile on his face, "I can read your palm too."
"What?" That isn't remotely close to anything you might expect him to say. You give him a questioning look as you put your hand on the table, palm up. "Um, sure. Go for it."
He takes your hand and then gently runs his fingers over the lines on your palm, tracing them as he closes his eyes and pretends to envision something the way you do. Soon, your confusion fades into amusement at the effort that he's putting into this. Each of his feather-like touches causes your heart to speed up a little, and you have to try to will your palms not to start sweating because that would not be attractive at all.
"So? What do you see?"
"Shh," he whispers with his eyes firmly shut. "The spirit is still talking."
You use the chance to really glance at him. Not much has changed since the last time you'd seen him, but somehow he looks even better now—perhaps healthier or more radiant, like he's completely healed from the remnants of a broken heart plaguing him before. Maybe even happier. You wonder if what Soonyoung said about you healing broken people is true.
"I saw a lot of things," Mingyu finally says as he opens his eyes, and his lips automatically curl into a smirk when he catches you staring. "First, I saw myself in your future."
"Yeah? What were we doing?"
"We went on a picnic and ended up getting chased by bees," he chuckles. "Then we went to a bookstore but ended up making out between the shelves, but we got kicked out by a tired employee who looked like it wasn't his first time kicking people out for doing that."
You stifle a laugh. "Why does it seem like our dates are always being interrupted?"
"Hmm, there was one where we had some peace, actually. It was when we were skating, and I fell right on my butt. Then you asked if it hurt when I fell for you—well, you tried to say it as a pickup line, but you messed it up." Mingyu pauses for a second, biting his lip like he's almost hesitant. "Instead, you ended up asking me if I've fallen for you."
"And? What did you say?" Your heart speeds up tenfold.
"I said yes, Y/N. I've fallen for you. I think you already knew it by the time I said it, but you just smiled. Then you suddenly fell too, and we laughed about it."
The way he says it with all the confidence in the world tells you that maybe it's okay for you to admit it too, that there's no need to be afraid to confront your feelings like you'd always done before. Now the insecurities that had been plaguing you suddenly fade away, leaving only one thing clear in your head: there would be no more running.
You break into a smile. "Then I said I fell for you too, right?"
"Yeah, you did." It takes a moment for the initial shock on his face to disappear, and when it does, he's smiling so widely that small crinkles appear near his eyes. "And if you want, I can show you how each of these scenes are supposed to happen."
"Okay, sure. Show me."
Mingyu lets out a loud exhale. "That's a relief. For a second I thought you were going to complain about everything the way I did with your reading."
"Hey—see? I'm nicer than you are." You shoot him a glare. "Who even does that?"
"Yeah, I'll admit that wasn't the greatest impression. Maybe we can start over?"
"Well," you pretend to think about it but can't help the smile creeping onto your face. "This is kind of a shitty place for a first date."
"Maybe our first date will be that picnic I saw in my reading then. But without the bees, yeah?"
You nod.
"Oh yeah, have your wounds healed? They didn't leave any scars, did they?" He lifts your hand to examine it carefully before taking your other hand as well, turning both of them over to look for the evidence of your wounds from the fall. Then he simply holds them.
And suddenly, it clicks into place. The small scars you'd seen on the hands in the vision, the dimness of the diner, and the blurred face of the lover. Everything seems to line up so perfectly that it has your head spinning for a moment with deja vu. Had it really been you in the vision?Was the lover not someone with your hairstyle, nor Mingyu's ex, but actually you yourself? And wasn't this moment at the diner—with your hands and the tiny, healing scars on them enveloped by Mingyu's—the first scene in the vision? Maybe this is how it happens. You really hope that this is how it happens.
You don't know whether you should tell him or not, but when you look up and see the small smile dancing on his lips and the sparkle in his eyes, you get the feeling that Mingyu already knows. And whether he's purposely trying to recreate the scene or whether he merely lets it occur, the gesture ignites a sort of warmth in your heart. It fuels the seed of hope that maybe, just maybe, you won't have to say goodbye one day.
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It takes a couple of weeks for life to settle down after that. Between working your regular hours at the shop and then coming home to Soonyoung and Wonwoo's invasive questions, you also have to deal with the aftermath of Minghao's party. Which, surprisingly enough, is not as scary as you once might've thought.
Junhui is actually the one who reaches out to you first. He sends a text asking if you're okay after what happened, and you nearly jump at seeing the name flashing across your screen; admittedly, you never did end up deleting his contact info. And with a bit of encouragement from Mingyu, you end up not only texting back but also meeting him for a chat about everything that's happened since college.
He's grown up since you'd last seen him, but otherwise, he's still the same Junhui: quiet, smiley, and laughs easily at the things you say. Most of all, he doesn't resent you for what you did and rather understands. You're not sure if he says this because he's finally met who he's meant to be with, or whether he remembers the scenes at all, but you don't bring it up. You want to save him from going into this new relationship with any expectations, whether that be the failure or the success of it—something you only learned recently. Regardless of what happens, you hope he can be as happy with her as he was in all the scenes of his reading.
The weekend after that, the picnic date that Mingyu jokingly mentioned in his reading finally happens. Well, it's not exactly a picnic date since he switches it up at the last minute and the two of you end up going apple picking instead.
It's a beautiful day—the sun is shining brightly with no clouds to be seen—and it gives you a sense of relief when the past while has been so hectic. Mingyu picks you up at your apartment, and you rush out while ignoring your roommate's terrible advice and continuous questions about what you'd be doing and where you'd be going. Although even after you go downstairs, you're almost sure you can see Soonyoung peering from your seventh-floor balcony; knowing him, he's probably got binoculars out too to watch your every move.
"So what happened to the picnic date that you saw?"
Mingyu shrugs without missing a beat. "The reading changed, and I just went with what I saw."
"Oh, did it?" You give him a questioning look, but he only smiles back at you and doesn't give away any more information.
The drive to the orchard is slow with the busy traffic of the city around you, and you enjoy your time relaxing in your seat and listening to Mingyu talk about his week. He tells you about his new job and moving to new place and says that Seungcheol is a much better manager than his previous. And when he asks about meeting Soonyoung, you're ready to spill all the details about all of your roommate's silly antics—from avoiding baking because he didn't know to use oven mitts when taking things out of the oven, to setting an eight-hour timer every night in place of an alarm. There was also a time when Wonwoo had unknowingly poured salt into Soonyoung's coffee instead of sugar, and being the considerate boyfriend he is, Soonyoung drank it without so much as a grimace.
They are stories that have gotten old to you, yet Mingyu laughs like they're the funniest thing. The way he turns to you at each red light to simply look at you with a smile is enough to have your heart speeding up and your palms sweating. He takes you in like he's committing each moment to memory. Well, at least until the cars behind you start to honk impatiently when the light turns green.
It turns out that Mingyu does that a lot. During your time at the orchard, you could be saying something as you reach up to grab the apples, and he would just be staring at you as he listens intently.
A nonchalant shrug. "Just appreciating the view."
"So tell me," you say, glancing at him up and down, "what's supposed to happen here? What did you see?"
"Hmm, we picked two bushels of apples."
"That's it?"
"Yeah," he confirms enthusiastically. "And they got quite heavy to carry."
"Were you expecting something more? Hmm?" A small smirk rests on his lips when he leans in a little closer. He's so close that you have your lips parted and eyes nearly shut, anticipating the feel of his soft lips on yours. But instead, he pulls back with an apple in his hand. "Found a good one right behind your head over there."
You roll your eyes, turning to leave so he doesn't see the embarrassment on your cheeks.
"Hey, I'm kidding. But if you want me to kiss me, you should just say so." He stops you from leaving, and this time he traps you in place with hands on the branches on either side of you. "I'm all yours, Y/N."
Then he finally closes the distance. You expect it to be like the last time, for hands to wander and for lips to consume you, but this time his lips are barely there. It's almost achingly slow the way he kisses you so tenderly, lighter than you thought possible, like a gentle breath against yours with the taste of apples lingering between you. His hands reach up to caress your jaw as if any more pressure would break this fragile moment, and then your senses are overwhelmed by sweetness. The sweetness of apples, the sweetness of Mingyu's lips and the warmth of his mouth, and the sweetness of the sun against your skin and breeze in your hair and voices floating over from a world away.
When you pull apart and open your eyes again, something about this suddenly triggers a memory. You thought the second scene of Mingyu's reading would take place at the market because the faint taste of apples in it reminded you of the cider at the market. But maybe the answer isn't the market at all, and rather an orchard. And maybe it is this particular moment.
Your heart races a little faster at the thought that it really could be it. You really could be Mingyu's lover from the visions.
"Oh, watch out." He steps aside, pulling you with him to avoid a bee flying by.
"Hey—I thought you said no bees?"
That gets you a laugh as Mingyu takes your hand and tugs you along. "Maybe it's good that it interrupted us."
And you simply smile, brushing off your thoughts and letting yourself enjoy the moment.
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"I know you said he's hot, but I didn't expect him to actually," Soonyoung gestures, "be hot."
You turn away from the rink to shoot him a glare. "I am offended."
Initially, you thought Mingyu's idea for turning your skating date into a double date would go terribly. How were you supposed to let him meet the two friends who thought he was a creep? Especially Soonyoung—you were sure he'd make some crude comments that might entirely sabotage your budding relationship. But to your surprise, a charming smile and an offer to help lace up their skates is all it took for Mingyu to have them wrapped around his finger.
Pretty privilege, that's exactly what it is.
"Hey! I wasn't sure if you were serious or if you only found him hot because he gave you attention—" The rest of Soonyoung's words get cut off as he goes to dodge your punch. "Anyway, you're treating him well, right? Are you nicer to him than you are to me? Don't hurt him, okay? Don't break his heart."
"I can't believe you," you snort. "Whose side are you on?"
"I'm saying all of this for your sake, Y/N. We can't have you moping around like you did for the past few weeks."
You turn back to the ice and pretend you didn't hear him at all. Should you be laughing or crying in this situation? While you're glad your friends are getting along with Mingyu, it's all too ironic how a pretty face is all it takes for Soonyoung to go back on his words about not being so nice to hot people.
After Mingyu and Wonwoo finish up their laps around the rink, Mingyu comes back to drag you with him this time. You go, albeit reluctantly. The feeling of falling at the park was still too fresh in your mind, and so you skate with one hand in his while the other is grasping at anything to avoid a hard collision with the ice.
"You're not going to fall." Mingyu raises an eyebrow at you, eyes brimming with amusement. "I was only joking about that."
You glance at him warily. "You said that you would."
"Maybe, but only for you."
He smiles, and despite the anxiety that courses through your veins, you find yourself smiling too. Every step you take with Mingyu squeezing your hand reassuringly, you're able to relax like you're basking in the warmth that radiates off of his happiness, and slowly but steadily, the two of you make it safely around the rink without falling.
By the time you stop to take a break, Soonyoung and Wonwoo are nowhere to be seen. You scan the rink, trying to find the familiar faces amongst the larger afternoon crowd now, but your search is unsuccessful. What you find instead, strangely enough, is that people are suddenly gathering around on the opposite side. The rink seems to quiet down with a silence now lingering in the air as if everyone is waiting with bated breath, and in your curiosity, you pull Mingyu over with you to join the crowd.
And that's when you see it: Wonwoo on one knee, Soonyoung covering his mouth in shock, and a ring resting in the box in Wonwoo's hands. The same thin, silver ring that you've familiarized yourself with from seeing it in Soonyoung's future. This must be the exactmoment you saw.  
Soonyoung smiles brightly when he gives his answer that you're a little too far to hear, though you don't doubt it's a good one judging by the looks on their faces. The crowd erupts into applause and then Wonwoo is tackled to the ice by Soonyoung enveloping him, and two of them are lost in their own world, too busy to notice anything or anyone else.
"And this is how they fall for each other," Mingyu murmurs into your ear. "Guess my reading was wrong—it wasn't us. It's them."
Once the crowd dissipates, the two of you wait for the newly engaged couple by the bench. Soonyoung flashes the ring on his finger before heading to the snack bar, and while later, Wonwoo joins you with an endearing grin on his face.
"Wow, congrats!" You pull him into a hug as soon as he steps off the ice. "But why didn't you tell us? We could've helped you prepare for it, or we could've taken pictures or something."
"That was..." He lets out a loud exhale. "It wasn't supposed to happen like this. I was going to do it over dinner—I had one of those private rooms booked out at the restaurant and all. But the ring fell out of my pocket when I fell on the ice, and well. It landed right in front of him. So," he gives a wry smile, "I didn't really have a choice."
Mingyu pats him on the back reassuringly. "Hey, it's about the simple things. Love doesn't always have to be romantic."
You remember him saying these exact words from your first date at the restaurant but hearing them again now makes you wonder if you had it wrong this entire time. Maybe you've been focusing so much on making your reenactments romantic to match the scenes in the visions that you never realized the scenes are meant to happen anywhere. They're meant to happen in between the normalness of everyday life. They're simple acts of love, just as Mingyu always says.
Later when the four of you are sufficiently warmed up with hot drinks and laughter is in the air, you think you have it figured out. Each of these moments can easily be something that you witness in a reading, but maybe the point isn't to go out searching for them or to run away from them. Maybe it's to make choices that will create a future that you want—on purpose, and not by fate.
"What do you think, Y/N?" Mingyu pulls you out of your thoughts, gently wrapping an arm around your waist.
"You can come over tonight," he suggests. "Since Soonyoung will be out all night anyway."
"Wait, are you sure? I don't want to intrude or—"
"Yeah, it's fine. Besides, you haven't seen my new place yet."
Your heart gives a loud thud at the thought of being alone with him again, all too reminded of what happened the last time. But you swallow the nerves away, put on a smile, and agree.
The two of you leave the couple to go to their fancy dinner as fiancés, and afterwards, you find your hand in Mingyu's as you head back to his place.
Right when you step into his apartment, you get the strangest thought that you're relievedto see nothing is set up. There are no fancy candles lining the room this time, no vase of beautiful flowers on the table, and no strings of sparkling lights hanging from above. Mingyu's place looks entirely normal, albeit slightly messier than before since it's clear he hasn't fully unpacked yet.
"Don't judge," he says, quickly going to collect the few pieces of clothing left in the living room while avoiding your gaze. "I just moved in recently."
It's a smaller space than his previous apartment, but much nicer—newer looking and without any cracks at the seams like there were in his previous. As if this were a fresh start for a fully healed heart, one that was ready to love again.
Mingyu cooks a nice dinner and as you try to help out in the kitchen, you start to think that you could really get used to this. Watching him add all the different ingredients and seeing the gears turn in his head, and then when you're seated at the table, feeling the smile lingering on your mouth until the last bite of the first proper meal you've had in a while. You think that maybe this is it.
And a while later, you're settled on the couch to watch a movie though it quickly fades into the background when the warmth of his body is pressed against yours. His lips are soft, mouth sweet from the wine, and all around you is the faint smell of oranges from his bodywash and a hint of citrusy detergent from his clothes clinging to your skin.
It has to be past midnight when the movie comes to an end, with the credits slowly fading out. Mingyu gets up to refill your glass of water and you follow him into the kitchen grab a snack when suddenly a blast of music comes from the other side of the wall. It's noticeably loud at first but is soon turned down into a quiet melody in the background.
Mingyu frowns, pausing to listen to the song. "These walls sure are thin, huh. It's generally been pretty quiet around here until now."
"You could probably Shazam their entire playlist like this," you joke. Or, well, maybe it's not so much of a joke when you feel like looking it up yourself because there is something familiar about the song. You can't quite place it, but it's so familiar that it almost bothers you like an itch you can't scratch.
The corner of his lip twitches. "It's okay, maybe they also have something to celebrate."
You're still thinking about why the song sounds so familiar when Mingyu gently takes your hands and guides them to the back of his neck, and then wraps his arms around your waist to pull you in. And when you look up, everything clicks. The familiar walls and familiar music, the snacks on the counter, the light scent of oranges from the bodywash, and even the clothes that you're wearing—Mingyu's clothes. This is the final scene you saw in your vision. This is how dancing in the kitchen at midnight is supposed to turn out.
"You're not going to step on my toes again, are you?" Mingyu's eyes twinkle with amusement as he slowly starts to move with the music, dragging you with him.
The two of you step and you sway, and it's not quite to the beat of the song. You do end up stepping on him, your knees bump a few times and your foreheads nearly do too. It's every bit as awkward as the first time you did this, and even more so without the blanket of darkness or the pretense of romance.
And yet, you hear the endless bubbles of laughter coming out of your mouth. You see the sparkles in Mingyu's eyes, the bright smiles like he can't contain his happiness. You feel it in the way you dance together at a rhythm that belongs to no one else but the two of you.
You know it when he leans in, breath but a whisper at your ear as he says, "Thank you for making me believe in love again."
Now you don't have to look into his future to know that all the scenes you'd seen were about you. Now you can picture it—Mingyu looking up from your laced hands on the table and seeing your smile, face no longer out of focus. Pulling away from your kiss in the orchard has you seeing your own gaze, surprised but content. And then there is this very moment when you see yourself in Mingyu's eyes and you just know.
This is how you fall in love.
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brigoesrahhh · 11 months
"Do the honors?"
Jonathan Ohnn / The Spot x f!Reader. 
1.4k+ words.
Part one, Part two, Part three.
Summary: You sit at your office with nothing interesting to do but think about your recent encounter at the cafe with Jonathan. You hadn’t seen him since that encounter a few days ago, and you were beginning to become worried about how he was doing — Just when Jonathan interrupts your thoughts with a warm cup of coffee. Just some simple fluff, for now…
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You sat at your desk, completing some light work that you hadn't finished the day before, giving you the rest of the day to relax at your desk. You glanced through your phone for a bit before getting bored and fading into your own thoughts.
Your employment at Alchemax was pretty simple and didn’t cause you too much worry. You were familiar with the work and it didn't require you to venture outside of your comfort zone. You'd seen the stress placed on individuals with more demanding positions at the company, and that was definitely not your thing.
Your mind wandered back to your encounter with Jonathan just a few days ago. When you asked him about how he was doing, he seemed unconcerned and quickly changed the subject. At first, you assumed that he brushed off your question when you asked how he was doing because he wanted to cheer you up. But the longer you thought about it, it left you wondering if something was bothering him and if there was something he wasn't telling you.
Despite this, he had left quite an impression on you. The memory of his smile and the way he blushed made your heart flutter, leaving you eager to see him again. But it had already been a while since you talked to him, and you were starting to lose a bit of hope. It was a bit ironic, considering his encouraging words at the cafe.
Along with his adorable nerdiness, he was observant and kind. Ultimately, that was what won you over. His genuine worry for you that day imprinted a fond memory in your brain, and his willingness to sit down and chat with you — it all seemed a bit too good to be true.
Your thoughts were cut off by a knock on your door.
A little lost in your mind, you shook your head and stood up, walking over to open it. You exhaled slowly, secretly hoping it was him standing on the other side. As the door swung open, your heart skipped a beat. You were surprised, and a little relieved to find the man on your mind standing in the hall, nervously balancing two cups in one hand, and a sealed envelope in the other.
When Jonathan offered to get 'drinks' with you, you hadn’t guessed that he was much of an actual drinker. You figured you were right when he showed up at your office with two coffees in hand. Unsure of how to greet you with his hands full, he settled on a shy smile in place of his excitement.
“Sorry, I was so busy with work, but we just got to a point where my boss let me have a break,” he said at a fast pace, but eventually stopped when he realized he was rambling on.
He handed you one of the coffees, and you took it. “I wanted to come sooner, but he was pressuring me a bit…” he nervously laughed. “Anyways… How are you? Are you doing well?”
You smiled, and laughed softly at his concern, taking a sip of the coffee he had gotten for you. You recognized the design on the wrapping of the cup from the cafe you had met at, but you were pleasantly surprised when the coffee matched your exact order from the shop. He must’ve asked the barista you knew at the cafe for your order and flustered himself in the process.
Oh boy, you were gonna get an interrogation from her the next time you stopped by.
“I’m… pretty good, actually.” You smiled at him, waving a hand to invite him in. He gladly walked further into your office, and you shut the door behind him. He stood a little awkwardly in the middle of the room, admiring your effortless stride as you came back in front of him. He only realized you were grinning at his expression before it was too late, and a tinge of pink peeked through his cheeks. You quietly giggled, and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder in an attempt to bring him back to you. It worked, maybe a little too well, and his blush became a little darker in response.
“So… You wanna tell me about what’s in that envelope?” You guessed, looking at the tight grip he had now formed on it in his flustered state.
“Oh- Yeah, right,” he laughed sheepishly, handing it to you. You removed your hand from his shoulder to grab it, which he seemed a little bummed about.
“I was wondering if you would like to take a tour of my lab with me. I have to get back there soon, but I’d like it if you were there. And I get to talk about something I actually know, so I seem smart,” he explains. You laugh softly as he finishes his sentence.
You tore open the envelope and rested the empty paper on your desk. You were now holding a metallic card in your hand, with some small text engraved at the bottom: “Jonathan’s Lab”, and your name, with… a small heart next to it?
“Cute,” you smile to yourself.
“That’s the keycard to the lab… So you can visit me. If you want to, of course.” He says, the redness now covering his face. He exhaled deeply, having become distracted by his nervous speech and forgotten to breathe.
His quick advance caught you a little by surprise, and you blushed too. You hadn’t expected someone shy like him to be so forward, and you didn’t think he did, either. You fidgeted with the card for a bit before speaking up.
“Jonathan,” you called, smiling comfortingly while trying to calm your own heart rate. His eyes shot up at the sound of his name in your voice, and a tiny smile peaked at the corner of his lips.
“Yes. Let’s do that. I’m free now?” You say, partially asking if you would be allowed to go with him at this moment.
“Yes. Yes. Perfect, that’s great,” he repeated, stepping just a bit closer to you and tapping his fingers on his coffee.
You hadn’t completely realized his feelings for you until this moment, but now it was so obvious.
He liked you. There was no other explanation… right?
As hard as you tried to think of any other possible justification for the deep blush that remained on his face, nothing came to mind. The way he looked at you with a mix of excitement and nervousness, the way his voice trembled slightly when he spoke — it all pointed to the same thing. It was clear that his emotions were genuine and that he had been harboring this crush for some time.
You stepped over to your desk, quickly locking your computer and slipping your new keycard into your pocket. He seemed a little caught up in the moment, and you walk back up to him.
"Are you sure you're alright? You're zoning out a little," you ask, concern filling your tone. You gently rested your hand on the side of his arm, trying to comfort him.
He seemed to appreciate this, and let out a soft smile. "I'm okay, just a little tired is all. Don't worry about me."
You nodded slightly in response, still obviously a little worried about the stress he was dealing with but wanting to be there for him. Maybe you could give him a little distraction to get him through the day. You didn’t have anything else to do, and you could be free for at least a couple hours before your boss would notice. And besides, he was much more important right now.
Testing the waters, you moved your hand down to his, and he gladly intertwined his fingers with yours. You two exchanged awkward smiles at each other before you left your office and headed toward his.
As you walked, the tension seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of comfort and support. You could tell that your presence was providing him with some much-needed solace amidst the exhaustion of his day.
You looked down into your coffee and spun it around, watching the last few drips of the liquid swirl at the base of the cup. You looked around for a trash can to throw it in, and you both disposed of the empty cups.
In the comforting silence, you arrived at his lab after a few minutes of walking.
"We're here!" he whispers excitedly, smiling at you and squeezing your hand before letting go. You understood that he probably didn't want anyone to see you two together and make any assumptions.
"Do the honors?" he grinned, waving you over to the door. You laugh softly and swiped the keycard over the handle, earning you a satisfying click, and the door swung open.
A/N: i hope you guys are enjoying this so far! this is build-up for the next part in this series, i promise the next fic will have some really cute stuff in it :D but this was necessary for the next part to make sense — which should come out towards the end of this week! you can read more about this series and get added to the taglist here.
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mimisempai · 25 days
I'll find you at the end of the road - Chap 8/8 - Complete
Chapter summary - As long as hope remains
Sometimes you just have to wait for the dots to connect...
On Ao3
Rating G -  3929 words
Chap 1 - Chap 2 - Chap 3 - Chap 4 - Chap 5 - Chap 6 - Chap 7 - Last chapter
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Months and seasons passed.
Aziraphale moved out of the lake house and into his old apartment above the store. After the death of HH's CEO, Muriel was no longer interested in staying there, and Aziraphale offered them a sales position in his shop. He preferred restoring and tinkering with his old pieces, and Muriel was good at selling. Aziraphale wasn't a tyrannical boss, and thanks to Muriel, the shop now had regular opening hours without restricting the antiquarian's freedom.
Arthur had remained friends with Aziraphale and was now also Muriel's friend, and more than once they'd come to end the day with coffee at Nina's after picking up Maggie from her shop.
However, all of Aziraphale's friends could see that the antiquarian's gaze sometimes seemed lost. His face wore a melancholy expression. But he never said anything, just smiled, and they pretended they hadn't seen anything, just pampering him a little more than usual.
On New Year's Eve, they partied together, and when the fireworks went off to celebrate 2024, Aziraphale couldn't help but think with nostalgia of other fireworks, wondering what Crowley was doing, where, and with whom. 
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A.Z. Fell, M & Co - January 2024
It was already late and Aziraphale was hunched over his drawing table, looking concentrated, when Muriel poked their head through the door.
They said softly, "Aziraphale, I'm leaving now. I've locked everything, so all you have to do is close the front door and draw the blinds."
Aziraphale, concentrating on what he was doing, replied with a hum.
Muriel, seeing that he wasn't listening, approached and looked over Aziraphale's shoulder to see what he was working on.
"A new project?"
Aziraphale looked up and replied, a little embarrassed, "Oh. No. It's just... a personal thing. "
Muriel shifted to get a better look at Aziraphale's work, but the antiquarian tried to hide it. 
His friend insisted and asked coaxingly, "Aziraphale, let me see."
"No, it's nothing."
"Come on. Please."
Aziraphale relented and removed his hands from his work surface. Muriel leaned over and gasped as their eyes widened.
It was the lake house, but reimagined. 
There was a patio at the back and a staircase leading down to the water - the stairs Aziraphale had described to Crowley. There were trees planted along the path and lights shining in the trees. The house was just as extraordinary as before, but much less austere, much warmer, almost romantic, transcended by the changes.
Muriel said quietly, "I like it. "
Aziraphale asked, somewhat anxiously, "You really like it?"
Muriel nodded enthusiastically and replied, "Before, it looked like a place you'd go to be alone. Now I can imagine taking someone there, a family, friends. I can almost envision happiness there."
Aziraphale nodded, his eyes glistening slightly. 
Muriel looked at him with piercing eyes and asked softly, "Who is it?"
Aziraphale replied without hesitation, "Crowley. His name was Crowley."
"When you lived there?"
Aziraphale nodded and Muriel continued, "I knew there was something or rather someone there. What happened? "
The antique dealer replied simply, "I lost him."
Aziraphale replied in a hesitant voice, "It's hard to explain. It's mostly... it was... bad timing."
"Do you miss him?"
Aziraphale couldn't deny it and answered with emotion, "Every day."
"Make him come back. "
Aziraphale ran a hand over his face before answering, "It's too late. Or too soon...Impossible."
Aziraphale shook his head and replied, "Nothing. It's all so complicated. I don't even know where he is. And even if I did, I couldn't go up to him and say, 'Hey, I'm here, let's pick up where we left off.'"
Muriel asked him challengingly, "What do you have to lose?"
Aziraphale didn't answer, then resumed his drawing. Muriel, knowing when not to insist, looked at him with concern, sighed, and left.
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January 2026
Crowley was still living in the same place, and the tree had continued to grow in front of the building. He spent a lot of time with Eric, who had apparently decided to take him under his wing. 
He was still single, but he had a friend, friends even, he could count on, and if sometimes one or the other tried to encourage him to date, they never insisted too much when he refused.
He devoted his life to his classes, the students liked him a lot, and Pepper who kept coming to see him after class had brought other members of the gang with her, and discussions around astronomy had turned into a science club. At least the Them were under supervision for their little experiments. 
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Crowley's apartment - Early February 2026 
Crowley had decided to clean up, because in two years he had started to accumulate things, and it was time to sort them out.
He was organizing his clothes when he came across the outfit he hadn't worn since the missed date. His throat tightened as he was about to toss it into the discard pile, but he couldn't bring himself to do it and tucked it away in the back of the closet.
Later, while vacuuming, he noticed a squeaky floorboard. He bent down to examine it and found that it was easy to lift.
Crowley pulled back the plank and to his surprise, there was an empty space underneath. He bent down further to examine it. Seeing that there was something there, he reached in and pulled out a package wrapped in a dusty plastic bag. 
He opened it and his heart leapt; it was his copy of Persuasion.
One page was marked with a rose, now dried and withered by time. He opened it to the marked page and saw that a sentence had been underlined.
“You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever.”
He stared at the words, stunned.
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Rainbow Academy - February 13, 2026
Eric and Crowley, their classes finished, were about to leave the school and walked down the hallways together.
When they reached the entrance hall, Crowley gasped and looked around in amazement and exclaimed, "Ohhh this is beautiful! All these old tools. So well kept."
On display in the hall were ancient telescopes, astrolabes, and sundials, all in perfect condition despite their obvious age. 
Eric replied proudly, "Yes, this is my partner, Muriel, they run the antique shop, A. Z. Fell & Co. They had a lot of stuff like this and came up with the idea. It gives the shop some publicity and it looks cool, right?"
"A. Z. Fell & Co?"
"Yes! In fact, since they started working there, the name has become A. Z. Fell, M. & Co. M for Muriel. Great, right?"
Crowley squeezed Eric's arm and asked, "Can you take me there? I'd like to see the place."
Eric nodded and replied, "I have plans tonight, but how about tomorrow morning, before school, since we both start after 10?"
Crowley replied, "That works for me."
Maybe he still had a chance.
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A.Z. Fell, M. and Co - February 14, 2024
Muriel and Aziraphale stepped out in their winter coats, but found the weather surprisingly warm. 
Aziraphale growled, "Honestly, what the hell?"
Muriel shrugged as they replied, "Global warming.
Aziraphale asked, "Would you like to come to my place for dinner tonight? We can invite the others."
Muriel replied with a happy expression, "I can't. I have a date tonight, it's Valentine's Day and some of us have..."
She paused, realizing the cruelty of what she was about to say, when Aziraphale stopped abruptly.
He exclaimed, "What?"
"What, is it so weird that I have a date on Valentine's Day?"
Aziraphale looked around. 
The day was really warm. People everywhere were enjoying the sun. 
He turned to Muriel with a strange look on his face.
He asked, "What day is it?"
Muriel looked at him in confusion, "Valentine's Day, I told you, so it's February 14."
Aziraphale repeated, "February 14, 2024."
"Yeah. What's wrong with you? You're weird, you know?"
Aziraphale, his eyes pensive, replied, "He told me about today. I remember the date."
"Who? You mean that guy? That guy? Your..."
Aziraphale excitedly replied, "Yes! There's a letter saying where he'll be!"
Muriel, understanding less and less, asked, "Did he write to you?"
Aziraphale nodded quickly, "Yes. I can see him today. You told me the other day...what have I got to lose?"
Muriel pushed him forward and said, "Well, what are you waiting for? Go on, you idiot!"
"I just need to find the letter!"
Aziraphale ran back to his apartment above the shop and rummaged through his old boxes until he remembered that Crowley's letters were still in the lake house, in the attic. He grabbed the spare keys to the lake house and ran to the Beetle at top speed.
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A.Z. Fell, M & Co. - February 14, 2026 
"Hi Muriel!"
"Eric, you didn't tell me you were coming to see me at the boutique."
Eric said sheepishly, "I forgot to tell you that I had a friend and colleague Crowley who asked if he could see the shop."
He pushed himself forward and Muriel watched as Eric's friend entered the store.
"Hello Crowley, nice to meet you..."
But Muriel saw that the man looked frozen, staring at a point behind them.
They turned and their eyes fell on the sketch Aziraphale had made of the lake house with the changes. Framed and hanging on the wall.
Eric's friend murmured, "Who drew this?"
Muriel, looking surprised, replied, clearing their throat, tight as always when they thought of Aziraphale, "It's a friend, Az..... Aziraphale."
Crowley repeated, heart pounding, "Aziraphale... it's him."
Muriel replied in surprise, "Yes. Do you... do you know him? "
Crowley nodded, "Yes. He... where is he? Is he here? Is he working here today?"
Muriel suddenly looked very sad and said quietly, "I'm sorry. Don't you know?"
Muriel replied emotionally, "He died. Two years ago." 
She swallowed before continuing, "Two years ago today, to be exact. Around noon, there was a bus accident in the city..."
Crowley, shocked, asked urgently, "Where in the city?"
Seconds later, Crowley was getting into his car as the rain began to fall, Eric behind him, confused, calling out, "Crowley! Wait up! What's going on?"
When he started, Crowley told him, "It's an emergency! I don't have time!"
Eric simply asked, "Is it?"
Crowley, buckling his seat belt, replied, "Yes!" 
Then, just as he was about to slam the car door, he heard his friend yell, "Go Crowley! Get him!"
Crowley drove out of town toward home, rain beating on his windshield. He weaved between lanes, passing cars, driving
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Lake House - February 14, 2024 
Aziraphale stopped in front of the lake house. It was locked and apparently empty. He ran across the path and unlocked the front door.
Lake House - February 14, 2026 at the same time
Crowley arrived home and slid to a stop in the rain in front of the mailbox. He pulled out a notepad and began writing frantically.
Lake House - February 14, 2024 at the same time
Aziraphale hurried to the attic. 
Inside was the only box he'd left there when he moved out. He opened the box and searched feverishly. He found Crowley's bundle of letters. After a few moments, he found the one he was looking for and read it. 
Last February, I remember it was Valentine's Day, but it was really hot for a February day.
I was sitting on a bench at noon in Saint James Park, near the intersection of Spur Road and Birdcage Walk.
He read aloud, “Saint James Park, just off the intersection of Spur Road and Birdcage Walk.”
Lake House - February 14, 2026 at the same time
Crowley finished writing the note and stepped out of the car, unaffected by the rain, and with shaking hands placed the note in the box before raising the flag. 
He stayed there and fell to his knees in front of the box, drenched from the rain, staring anxiously at the flag. 
Lake House - February 14, 2024 at the same time
Aziraphale jumped into his car and sped away from the house.  
Saint James Park - February 14, 2024 - Noon
Aziraphale found a parking spot and parked the Beetle. He got out and ran up Birdcage Walk along Saint James Park.
In his hand he held a piece of paper, the words of which echoed in his head. 
My dear Aziraphale. 
I know now... it was you near the park that day. 
It was you at the crossroads. 
Please don't go there.
Something terrible will happen if you go there.
Aziraphale continued running toward the location indicated in the letter before stopping at the edge of the sidewalk, separated from the park by a busy street. He looked away, searching for Crowley beyond the noisy traffic, among the crowds in the park.
Please don't look for me.
Finally he saw him, a distant silhouette, eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the sun. His unmistakable red hair caught the sunlight. Aziraphale smiled.
Don't try to meet me. Not right now.
They are now separated only by distance. No longer by time.
Don't run to me.
The traffic eased for a moment and Aziraphale could clearly see Crowley, straight ahead.
Do you understand? I beg you, please. You must wait.
Aziraphale stepped off the sidewalk to get closer to Crowley.
Forget everything I said before.
We both have to wait. 
Not just you.
Both of us. 
If you love me and if I love you.
Not if I love you, because I'm sure I do, I love you, it took me so long to say it, but I really do. 
So if you love me too, wait for me.
Aziraphale saw Crowley straighten up and turn his head toward him, as if drawn in his direction. Even from a distance, Aziraphale could see his worried expression. 
Wait for me. 
Wait until time catches up with us and we can be together. Please wait. Just... wait.
Lake House - February 14, 2026
Crowley soaked, is in tears at the foot of the mailbox and whispers over and over, “Wait, wait. Don't go there. Please, please.”
The rain continued to fall. 
Crowley, finally, having lost all hope of seeing the flag move, tried to pull himself together and began, very slowly, to stand.
He looked at the box and was startled, the flag had come down.
Hands trembling, he didn't dare open the flap.
He took several breaths, and when he finally had the courage, he opened the box and saw that his letter had disappeared.
Saint James Park - February 14, 2024 - Noon
Aziraphale stood in the street, trying to see a little more of Crowley, and at the last second he backed up to the sidewalk. He kept looking at Crowley, desperately wanting to run to him, but he didn't; he folded the letter, put it in his pocket, and reluctantly turned and walked away. 
Safe and sound. 
Lake House - February 14, 2026
Crowley stared at the empty mailbox, his face soaked with tears and rain.
Suddenly, a hand came gently up from behind him and slowly closed the mailbox. 
Crowley gasped and turned slowly.
Aziraphale was standing silently in front of him, staring at him, holding in his hand the letter that Crowley had just put in the mailbox. Crumpled and worn, as if it had been read over and over again.
Crowley stared at him for a moment, trying to convince himself that this was all real. Then Aziraphale took a step toward him and smiled shyly before asking softly, "Have we waited long enough?"
Crowley, still in shock, his eyes filling with tears, murmured, "Yes...yes."
Aziraphale came even closer, smiling more openly this time, bringing his hand to Crowley's face and wiping away a tear with his thumb. Crowley leaned his cheek into his palm, closed his eyes, and murmured again, "Yes, we've waited long enough.
Then, finally, they wrapped their arms around each other, holding each other again and again, letting the embrace linger, pulling away to look at each other, making sure it was real, and embracing again.
Making sure they were both real, there and alive.
After a few moments, Crowley pulled away and, taking Aziraphale's face, now as drenched as his own, between his hands, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to the other man's.
For long minutes, they parted only to catch their breath before kissing again, over and over, indifferent to the rain that continued to pour down on them.
Much later, when they parted again to catch their breath, Aziraphale took Crowley's hand in his to lead him home.
Crowley gasped as he looked at the lake house. 
The lake house had changed.
In the two years of Aziraphale's life, the life Crowley had saved, Aziraphale had transformed it.
He'd brought to life the project he'd shown Muriel two years ago, with the patio and the stairs to the water they'd talked about, and the trees planted along the path, lit and shimmering in the rain.
Crowley laughed in amazement and turned to Aziraphale, pulling him close and kissing him again.
Then they walked along the path together, stopping often to touch and kiss.
As they passed the door, Crowley grabbed Aziraphale's sleeve and said, "Wait."
Aziraphale turned and replied in a falsely pouty tone, "Haven't I waited long enough?"
Crowley grabbed his hand, intertwined his fingers with Aziraphale's, and said softly, "I don't want to wait to tell you for real this time. With my voice. My eyes in yours." 
He paused and, with a trembling smile and shining eyes, said to him, "I love you."
Aziraphale, his voice hoarse, immediately replied, "I love you."
They held each other again, enjoying the bliss of hearing those words from the beloved voice for the first time.
Then they entered their home, ready to begin a new life where all was yet to be discovered. 
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The lake house - Summer 2027
"Arry! Arry!"
"Joel! Take it easy, sweetie, and wait for your little sister!" 
Bill and Frank followed their children a little farther behind, hand in hand, then watched fondly as they gave gentle caresses to a Harry who seemed to enjoy it.
"Joel, Ellie, stop spoiling Harry, he's going to keep coming to us for petting."
The two children stood up and grabbed the legs of the man who had just spoken.
"Uncle Zira!"
He lifted them both up, carrying each of them in one arm.
"Harry gets petted and I don't get a hello kiss?"
Each of the two children placed a sound kiss on Aziraphale's cheeks at the same time.
"Should I be jealous?" came a voice from behind Aziraphale.
"Uncle Crowley!"
Ellie was already reaching for Crowley, who didn't hesitate to take her in his arms. The little girl gave him a big kiss on the cheek and squirmed for him to put her back down.
Crowley and Aziraphale, side by side, greeted Frank and Bill.
"Bill, Frank, welcome!" 
They all hugged and then walked together to the patio overlooking the lake.
As Frank sat down in one of the garden chairs, he said with amazement, "I may have been here many times before, but I'll never get tired of this view."
Aziraphale motioned for Bill to sit next to Frank before sitting down himself.
Crowley was about to sit on the arm of Aziraphale's chair when he heard the unmistakable sound of a car pulling up to the house; Aziraphale started to get up, but Crowley motioned for him to remain seated. "Stay seated, angel, I'll go."
He walked down the path toward the oncoming cars. 
Eric was the first to move toward him, "Crowley!" before embracing him. Crowley was now used to his friend's outpouring of affection and allowed himself to be patted on the back. 
They were soon joined by Newt, Anathema, and Mrs. Tracy, and all followed Crowley into the house. When they reached the patio, everyone greeted each other and sat around the table chatting happily. Joel was in awe of Mrs. Tracy's red curls, and Ellie laughed out loud as Eric bounced her in his arms.
"Is this the way to the little party?" 
Heads turned to the source of the voice as Aziraphale exclaimed, "Muriel! I thought they lost you on the way."
Muriel laughed slightly and replied, "Arthur, Maggie and Nina got lost, so I had to direct them by phone. Where do I put this?" 
They pointed to the cake in their hands.
"I'll take it," Aziraphale replied. 
He went with the cake to the kitchen, where he was suddenly overcome with emotion. He waited a moment to compose himself before returning to the patio.
"Hey, angel, what are you doing out here all alone?"
Aziraphale looked up and smiled, murmuring, "Crowley."
Crowley, who after more than a year had learned to decipher his husband's expressions, noticed his emotional state and gently asked, "Hey, what's wrong with you?"
Aziraphale wanted to speak, but the emotion was too strong, so Crowley wrapped his arms around him and held him close until his husband was ready to speak.
After a few moments, Aziraphale stepped aside, a trembling smile under the tears, "I'm sorry, I don't know, I'm not sad, not at all, on the contrary, but I suddenly had this irrepressible urge to cry."
Crowley nodded in understanding and brushed Aziraphale's hair back before saying softly, "Just too much emotion, perhaps? What were you thinking?"
"I... I was putting the cake on the table and I thought, if I hadn't read your letter, none of this would be real. I wouldn't be here. There wouldn't be all these people on our patio. And it freaked me out for a moment to realize that we could have almost lost everything."
Crowley, visibly moved as well, pressed a tender kiss to d'Aziraphale's mouth, and when he pulled away, Aziraphale continued, "But on the contrary, you, or rather we, gained everything. You saved me, you gave me a new life, and in doing so, you gave us all a different and better life."
Crowley nodded, planted a light kiss on his husband's lips, then stepped aside to take Aziraphale's hand and lead him out onto the patio, a tender smile on his lips.
"Come on, let's party!"
As Aziraphale was pulled along and they crossed the living room, his eyes fell on his mother's book. His first family. His mother and father. Then his eyes slid to Crowley beside him, and by extension, everyone else on the patio. His new family. Their new family. Not by blood, but by heart. 
All because Crowley had sent a little letter one day.
Dear new tenant.
Hello and welcome to your new home and congratulations, blah blah blah. You've made an excellent choice, Ditchling is a wonderful place and this house is a gem, as you may have noticed.
I'm sure you're going to love living here as much as I have.
Crowley did not know that day that these words would be so prescient, even though they came from the future and were addressed to someone in the past.
Oh yes, Aziraphale loved living here, but not because of the house.
He loved living here because of the love that filled it. 
Because of Crowley.
“There could have never been two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison, no countenances so beloved." 
Persuasion - Jane Austen.
_________ I hope you enjoyed the ride. I will probably come back to them in this universe, as always in form of oneshots. Thank you for having followed, liked and commented on this story! <3
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Please Don't Hate Christmas (Visual Novel)
Created by: rice love coffee
Genre: Otome/Horror
This one is actually something that was translated from Chinese so the translations might be a bit wonky at times. Still, the concept itself is pretty interesting and the characters are all very pretty, especially the MC herself and Albert. It is very Christmas themed, so it would be the best game to play around that time. There is a full version that will be released with voice acting and extra content coming soon, so keep an eye on that as well.
The story begins with Molly, a girl who seems to be a workaholic. She gets a text from her childhood friend, Albert Claus, inviting her to come visit him on Snowflake Island. She goes to her boss, who begs her to stay, citing that she hasn't taken off in three years. Frustrated, she ends up quitting and going to meet Albert on Snowflake Island. She happily texts him and while on the train there, reads about the traditions there, namely about a Christmas butcher that appeared years ago and terrorized everyone on the night of Christmas. She also mentions that she was adopted after her parents got into an accident, and unfortunately after her adoptive parents got into another accident, she left the island in search of a job.
Upon reaching the island, she's greeted by a very happy Albert, who tells her how much he missed her. We find out that Albert became the leader/mayor of Snowflake Island and is in charge of everything. He leads Molly to an old cafe where her adopted parents used to work, and asks if Molly would want to work there instead. We get a flashback about how the two met, how Albert hated Christmas and tried to take it out on Molly. She ended up pushing him over and giving him chocolate milk as an apology. Albert seems sad that Molly reserved a space at the hotel without telling him and coincidentally on the same day, it turns out the hotel is out of space. Albert ends up inviting Molly to stay at his place. At night, Molly sees a Christmas hat outside, and starts to think of the rumor of the butcher that appeared on Christmas night. Albert comes in and hangs out with Molly, drinking chocolate milk like they did when they were kids. Albert talks about how he wanted to keep Snowflake Island nice for Molly so she wouldn't be afraid of coming back.
The next day, Molly goes to a bunch of different places to visit: first a graveyard to pay respects to her adoptive parents. She gets a flashback to how she lost her adoptive parents, while trying to pick up a doll, they ended up in a car accident. At the funeral, Albert defends Molly as the gossip continues. As she cries, Albert comes to comfort her at the graveyard. She ends up going to the shopping street next and asks the people there about her aunt and uncle. They answer a bit awkwardly and Molly suspects something is going on. Finally, she visits the school where she meets Sharon, a classmate who ended up being a teacher on Snowflake Island and talks about hanging out and her ex, Paul.
When Molly returns to tell Albert about hanging out with Shanon, he gets possessive, though he allows her to go and hang out with Shanon. There, she gets drugged and dragged into the basement and encountered with a very angry Shanon. As it turns out Paul was banished from Snowflake Island after bullying Molly, and reveals that anyone who tries to hurt Molly gets attacked and that it's all caused by Albert. Molly steps up and tells her that she deserved it and that whatever Albert did seems to be justified. As they attempt to harass Molly, Albert comes in to bash them in the head with a bat. Albert revealed that he cleaned up everyone's bullying attempt, thus why Molly doesn't remember a thing. Albert gets stabbed and in response, Molly seemingly destroys them and killing Shannon . Albert drugs Molly to calm her down and brings her back into the house. Albert and Molly confess to each other, and the two end up dating. She ends up bumping into Albert's older brother Liam in the house, whom has recently been married to one of the maids, Aethra. Aethra mentions a peculiar scent that Molly has. While Albert is out and about, Molly decides to go and find a gift for Albert, She goes to the library to find out more about the island. She is handed a book by a high school student about a legend of Snowflake Island. Originally, the island was called Mami island and it was filled with mermaids. A business man who was on the island was rescued by the mermaid and fell in love with her, leading to them having a child. The businessman rebuilt the island, but eventually someone came to attack the mermaids on it, leading to the business man losing his life. The mermaid vowed to take revenge soon after. She goes to visit the school and then to find a gift for Albert.
Upon going back, Molly is able to find a secret room in Albert's room, leading to a weird facility location. She is able to view the video of her killing Shanon, learning that she is actually the Christmas Butcher. Albert drugs her to prevent her from going on another killing spree, but after waking up, Molly is still able to remember and freaks out. Albert promises to protect her and essentially locks her in the house to prevent her from leaving/hurting others. While crying in Albert's room, she comes across a diary that she reads.
The diary accounts from when Molly and Albert were high schoolers. While going home, she overhears her foster parents talking about how annoying she is and their plan to get insurance money. She finds out they killed her parents and burned down their cafe, which leads to Molly killing them. Albert comes in to calm her down (realizing that she's from the mermaid family) and having his blood licked calms her down. We learn that decedents of Mermaids will go berserk if they see their beloved ones hurt or killed, unless they consume the blood of the Claus's family which helps them calm down. We also learn that The Claus family cannot leave the island until they become adults or they will be killed. Albert ends up sending her out to learn design so she won't hurt others on the island, but constantly tracks her so she doesn't go berserk.
Molly cries after finding out just how much Albert loves her and fights her inner mermaid berserker rage. She attempts to kill herself, but Albert stops her. The two of them confess to each other and apparently to break the curse the two have to have sex with each other while madly in love, they have sex. The two continue to be lovey dovey, and in the epilogue, we find out the high school student seems to be a god who has been trying to lift the curses.
In the good ending, Molly doesn't read the diary and doesn't learn about her bloodline. The two continue to date, with Molly slowly losing her memory and becoming foggy while Albert becomes anemic because of all of the blood that he's been giving her.
There are two bad endings, one where Molly continues to work and never goes to Snowflake Island and another where she follows the footsteps and gets killed.
I actually played the demo of this game before the full game came out, so I was pretty surprised at where the story ended up going. The entire game seems to be Christmas themed, so I was really surprised when they started adding things like mermaid bloodline to everything. It's not really bad, I just didn't expect it, I suppose. The story itself is pretty interesting though, with Molly going berserk and Albert tracking her throughout her life so that she won't cause too many problems all because he loves her. I didn't expect to find out that her parents were killed by some doochey foster parents that tried to take their parent's insurance money and thought it was actually Albert who killed them (because yandere shenanigan's). Overall their relationship is very sweet, with Molly being unknowingly taken care of by Albert, with him not only taking care of all those that bully her, but also preventing her from killing (well, mostly at least) by drugging her with his own blood, even at the expense of his own health and even sending her out discover the world. All because Molly gave her hot chocolate when he was sad that one time when he was a kid. Very much a yandere story. It sort of loses (?) it's Christmas theming after the beginning section, since then it focuses a lot more on the lore with Mami island and the mermaids, but I don't think it's too distracting.
Molly as a character is pretty interesting, because in the demo, when she first suddenly starting killing Shanon, I was totally confused what was going on, since that was not the turn that I was expecting. It does make sense in retrospect that she is the Christmas Butcher considering she does seem to actually kill people, but no one is able to prove it as Albert is the one who runs the entire island and that she herself doesn't remember killing them thanks to Albert's drugging. Her design is also pretty cute, all things considering, and I like her relationship with Albert as it's mostly a childhood friend story yandere, all with Albert attempting to protect her from the world and herself. I still think it's funny that the solution to the curse is to literally have sex with someone you love from the Claus family (like this is an ACTUAL important part in the plot, and this isn't even an r18 game), though I'm glad it worked out for both of them.
Albert as a yandere is surprisingly not as villainous as I initially thought. In the demo, it comes across as him being really suspicious considering he basically runs the entire island, bought her a new cafe after her old one burned down and was oddly possessive of her. He doesn't lose this possessiveness, but it did feel like he was constantly keeping secrets from Molly, preventing her from going places, or making sure that she didn't talk to people. We find out that he does have good intentions for doing so, since she does end up getting kidnapped by Shannon and going berserk, but it's hard to feel not villainous when you're restricting someone's freedom like that. As a yandere, I'd say he's mostly very overprotective, getting rid of people who might hurt her, drugging her to keep her from going berserk and just constantly monitoring her. He's also very possessive over her, which we see multiple times, both before and after she finds out that she's a mermaid descendent. Of course, it's not as if he hasn't caused his fair share of problems, making Shannon and whoever get angry enough to try to kidnap and kill Molly for all the things he did for her.
Still, that being said, there are still a lot of mysteries to this island, like the butcher ending when Molly is killed by what seems to be another person or creature, and possibly what's going on with Liam and Aethra. The creator indicates there will be other stories on this island, and new content on the steam version, which is pretty exciting. The artwork and UI are extremely pretty and it's very well made. I'm happy to play a full length type yandere game as well, and it's pretty exciting to see more content from yandere creators.
Overall, it's a fun game. I get to say SNOWFLAKE ISLAND like a bajillion times, and the story itself is pretty nice with a very interesting concept. If you enjoy it, please play it.
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andydrysdalerogers · 6 months
Presley ~ A Curtis Everett Au ~ Part Two
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Curtis Everett x OFC Presley Adams
Curtis Everett is a hard working man. As the head of the mob of Concord, he does everything he can to provide for his wife and children. His life is perfect. Until it's not.
After a devastating accident, Curtis is alone with his children and needs some serious help.
Presley Adams needs to find work and fast. Running from her past she just wants to lay low and earn enough to get her out of town. Until she starts working for Curtis as his live in nanny.
As she falls in love with this family, can she stop her past from finding her? Or will her past be the end of the Everett reign in Concord?
Book two of the Five Kings of Boston series
A/N: taglist is open!
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Part One
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Part Two: The Nanny 
My mother always told me that I should have the strength of a man and not be afraid to use it, to survive the world as a woman.  A woman in a very dangerous world. Her words have stayed with me since... well since we were torn apart. I have been on my own since I was 18 and had survived with a toughness that would have made my father proud.  
If I actually spoke to him, that is. 
But in the five years after I left home, I am finding myself desperate to make it out of the East Coast and head west. To get farther away from my past, from him, the better. 
I sat with my coffee cup on my desk at the law office of Weiss & Associates and started my day.  I checked for any interesting news before setting the appointments for my boss, Michale Weiss, into his calendar with the notes.  He was a good boss, for the most part.  But I didn’t trust the man.  He was flighty and scattered, albeit a fantastic lawyer.  When he walked in, loud suit as ever, I smiled at him.  “Good morning, Mr. Weiss.”  
He gave me a tight smile. “Miss Adams. I need to see you in about 10.”  
My smile faltered just a bit. “Yes sir.” I got up to get his usual coffee and Danish, grabbed my notepad and head in.  “You wanted to see me, sir.”  
“Yes,” he waved me in. He cleared his throat, like he was uncomfortable, which is something I haven’t seen a lot from him. “HR has just notified me that there was an error in your personnel file.”  
My heart stopped. “My file? Sir I don’t...” 
He popped his hand to stop me. “Your social security number had been flagged. Now I don’t know what is going on and I won’t pretend to care but I need this firm to keep its nose clean.”  
“I understand.”  I looked down at my hands and bit my lip to stop myself from crying  
“I’m sorry Miss Adams, but you’re fired.” I snapped her head up. “Effective immediately.” 
“I need this job, please, I’ll do anything,” I pleaded 
“I’m sorry Presley,” he said softly. “But we have a big case coming and I don’t need the other side to catch a whiff of an investigation, or we will lose.”  
I nodded and stood up.  “Thank you, Mr. Weiss.”  I scooted out the door, grabbed my stuff and walked out.   
Three days later and I wasn’t having any luck finding another job.  I sat with her friend, Cat, at the coffee shop.  
“I don’t know what to do Cat, I mean, nobody is hiring. I need to have a job if I want to go to California.” Cat knew about my past and my plan.  
“Pres, have you tried with the childcare agency? They are always hiring.”  
“If my social isn’t working, how can I apply?” 
Just then, a couple of men walked in, speaking loudly.  “The boss is desperate to find a chef and a nanny like as soon as possible. I guess Mrs. Everett is heading back to Paris and won’t be able to help anymore.”  
“He’s got an interview tomorrow for a chef.  Now its just down to a nanny.” 
“Sad those kids lost their mom. Hopefully he finds someone who will love them as much as he does.”  
The men left with their coffees, and I looked to Cat.  “Everett?” 
Cat shook her head. “No way Presley. Mr. Everett is the King of Concord. A mob boss. How do you not know that?” 
“I’ve only been here a year.” I shrug. “Besides, I know how to handle a king, Cat.  This could be my best chance.”  I looked around to make sure no one was listening to us.  “Do you know where he lives?” 
“The big manor at the end of Concord St. Presley, are you sure? I mean if you are trying...” 
“I know Cat. I’ll be careful.”  
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The next morning, I took forever to decide on my outfit.  I finally got dressed in a demur skirt and boots, button down shirt, hair in a ponytail to contain my dark curls.  I decided to walk over to the manor, pumping myself up along the way.  “You can do this Presley, you need to be sweet, smart, confident.”  I got to the gate and heard a door open.  Two men walked out, one with floppy hair, pulling on a coat, the other with a shaved head in a three-piece suit. I swallowed as I looked over the man in the suit. It was custom tailored, that much I knew, it fit him like a glove. It was dark blue with a pin stripe, crisp white shirt, no tie, a couple of buttons undone. I could see a few tattoos on his wrist and by his neck.  
“Can I help you?” 
I stepped through the gate. “Hello, my name is Presley. I am here for the nanny position.” I fidgeted slightly as he studied me. I sucked in a breath when I saw his eyes.  The beautiful ocean blue eyes that bore into my soul.  This man was not just handsome, he was beautiful. Deadly but captivating.   
He observed me.  My long wavy hair was tied back, showing off my face, I could feel my eyes widen under his inspection. I was a little scared of him.  
Not that he would hurt me.   
That he could wreck me.   
I swallowed, wondering what was taking him so long to say anything more. “I’m Curtis Everett.” 
Shit, this was the boss.  The king of Concord, according to Cat. He’d only said a few words, but the way he looked at me made me want to climb him like a tree.  I’ve never met a man who just exude sex and power with one look.  Curtis gave me a small smile, like it was painful to look at me. Like I was bringing him painful memories. Shit, did he know me? Know who I was in my past life?  “Why don’t you come in? You said your name is Presley?” 
“Yes, sir, Presley Adams. It’s nice to meet you.” I took a breath, stiffened my back and offered my hand and he took it. His hands were warm but rough, yet gentle. It made me shiver a bit, thinking of how they would feel on the rest of my body. I shook the thought and followed him into the house.  
“How did you hear about the job, Miss Adams?” Curtis directed me to a chair in his office.  His office was painted a cream color with dark wood furniture. I noted several pictures, a cute blonde girl and a boy that looked like Curtis.  Next to it was a picture of a woman, blonde, who look just like the little girl. It must be his wife, I thought to myself. She was the perfect complement to the dark of Curtis’s aura. 
“Actually, I overheard a couple of men speaking about it at the coffee shop.” I flushed at the admission. “I was there with a friend, and I had recently lost my job.”  
“I see.” Curtis sat in his chair and leaned back. “I hadn’t even called the agency, yet you took it upon yourself to reach out to me. That’s ambitious if not stupid.”  
“I don’t work for the agency,” I admitted. Might as well be honest because lying at the last job screwed me.  
“Then how will I know you are qualified to watch my children? I don’t want someone who could be a criminal or mentally unstable to be in close proximity to my children. Maybe...” 
“No, wait, please.” Fuck, I could feel the opportunity slipping away but I was determined and made another plead. “Mr. Everett, I may not have a degree in childcare or references, but I am a hard worker. I’m organized, I can drive, I can play, do make believe. Children don’t need to be so structured when they are out of school. They need to have fun; they need to be loved and they need someone who they can rely on to be their friend.  Yes, I know, there should still be some order but why not make it fun. I don’t know how old your children are or any special circumstances that may be happening, but I do know that I would do anything to protect any child and give them the love that they deserve.”  
Presley took a breath as I steepled my hands under my chin. I looked at this young woman who said all the things I was looking for. I don’t know how she understood how precious my children are to me. It was like she had lived this life before. But I wanted to make sure this is a good fit for my family. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Clint. “I want to see something Miss Adams.” The door open a few moments later and my children came running in. “Joshua, Everly, this is Presley.”  Both children greeted her and she smiled.  
“Its nice to meet you.  How old are you, Joshua?” 
“Eight and my sister is five.”  
“Wow, good ages. Let me guess, you like to play sports, right, Josh?” He nodded. “And you Miss Everly, do like your dolls and playing dress up?”  Everly nodded her head but still remained hidden a little behind Joshua.   
Joshua took her hand behind him and observed the woman, his green eyes showed curiosity but protectiveness. “My sister is always nervous when she meets new people,” Joshua explained. “I always tell her that I’ll protect her.” My chest swelled with pride at Joshua’s words. I was raising my son as a gentleman, something I knew Anna would be proud of.  
“That is such a great thing a big brother can do for their sister.” Presley studied the children. “Well, I hope that I can come back and play with you guys.  I used to play softball and soccer.” Josh’s eyes lit up.  “And I have a doll that I still sleep with at home.  Maybe I can bring her over and we can have a tea party?”  Everly scooted away from Josh and looked straight on at Presley.  
“Do you know how to braid hair?” Everly asked softly, her blue eyes big and round.  
“I do. I can help you with that as well.”  
“Daddy can only do ponytails.” I chuckled at my daughter’s bluntness.  
“But I bet he makes the best ones.”  Everly smiled and nodded.  
“Ok kids, go back outside for a little bit. Nana is making some soup and sandwiches for lunch,” I said.  A man Presley hadn’t noticed before opened the door to allow the kids to exit.  “Thanks Clint.”  
“No problem, boss.”  He closed the door and I turned back to Presley.  
“My children like you.”  
“They are beautiful and so well behaved.”  
I chuckled. “For the moment.  Joshua was trying to put a worm in Evie’s hair earlier.” Presley let out a giggle.  The sound was beautiful and for some reason, made my cock twitch. Get a grip Everett!  I cleared his throat in order to ignore the sudden bodily response. “I think we can do a trial run, Miss Adams. The kids go to school during the week until three and I usually work until about six or seven.  I try to eat dinner with them every night but sometimes I'm late.”  
“Now, I know you may have an apartment or other housing, but it will make me feel better if you stay in the manor with us, just in case.  There are times when I am called away in the middle of the night.” I was wondering if this was still a good idea, considering how I keep taking in her full lips, beautiful skin, long hair that would look good wrapped around my fist. What the fuck am I thinking? I refocus on her eyes, even though they are distracting as well.  
“That’s find Mr. Everett.  I am staying with a friend now so moving here would not be a problem.”  
“Good. Good.  As far as salary goes, I pay $1500 a week plus access to a car, food here and so forth. You would have Sundays off to do what you please. My only rules are not to be too loud and absolutely no visitors whatsoever. I don’t need strangers in my home when my line of work is... delicate.  If it is ok, I would rather pay in cash each week and of course if I need you in an emergency, I will compensate you.  Does this seem fair?” 
I was stunned. $1500 a week could go a long way to helping achieve my goal. Plus, the added bonus of being in a secure location helped ease my nerves.  “Yes, Mr. Everett, that is fine.”  
“Good.” He stood up and I followed his lead. “I think that this could be an excellent arrangement.  Can you start this Friday?” 
“I can, my friend can drop me off.” I reined in my giddiness.  
“No, I’ll have a driver and one of my men come get you. Just leave your address.  They will be there at nine am sharp.”  His voice was resolute, no negotiation would be allowed.  Since I had no other way to get my stuff here, I let it go.  
“Ok.  Thank you, Mr. Everett, for this opportunity.”   
Presley walked out of the house and back down the road.  I watched her leave and felt a presence next to me.  
“She is beautiful, son.” Sylvia watched the young woman as well.  
“Ma don’t start.” How do mothers know what their children are thinking? Yes, I could admit that Presley is gorgeous and that my body had a natural reaction to a beautiful woman.  But how could I be disloyal to Anna? The conflict between my head and my heart raged and it seemed that my mother picked up on it.  
“Curtis, it has been four years. You can let yourself be happy as well.” My mother rubbed my arm.  “Anna wouldn’t want you to be sad and alone.”  
I shook my head. “That may well be, but it will not be with her.  She’s going to be working for me as the nanny and I can’t complicate that.” 
I was doing this for my children.  Their happiness and comfort came before mine. 
No matter how tempting Miss Presley Adams is.  
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“Presley, are you serious?” Cat paced as I finished packing before Mr. Everett’s car arrived. “You can’t live with him. He’s the head of a mob. He’s dangerous.”  
“He’s nice, Cat. He treated me with respect and is paying me cash. If I do this for a year, I’ll be set to move to California, where no one will find me, and I’ll be free. It works.”  
“I just don’t think this is a good idea.” I loved her so much for her protectiveness. 
“I’ve got it handled, Cat.  I’ll see you on Sunday, ok?” I hugged my friend when I heard a knock on the door.  “That must be the guy that Mr. Everett sent.” I grabbed my bags, which Cat helped with another and went downstairs.  I opened the door. “Hi!” 
“Hello Miss Adams. Mr. Everett sent me. My name is Clint Barton.”  His smile was warm, sandy colored hair smoothed back; black suit sharp. He was handsome, for sure, but the ring on his left hand left nothing to chance.  
“I remember you, Mr. Barton. Please call me Presley.”  
“Mr. Everett requested that I call you Miss Adams.” My felt my face of excitement falls a bit, but I catch it. I think Clint saw the flash of uneasiness at his words and smiled. “But, if its just you and me, you can call me Clint, Presley.”  
I smiled. “Ok.”  I turned back to Cat. “Maybe I can walk into town, and we can meet for coffee on Sunday?” 
“I’ll drive you Presley,” Clint offered.  “The weather will cool down and it will be difficult to walk so I can drive you if you need it.”  
“Thanks Clint. See,” I said to Cat as Clint and the driver took my bags to the car, “everything is going to be fine.”  My lower lip began to tremble. “Thank you for taking care of me.”  
Cat pulled me in, “anytime Pres. Love you.”  
“Love you. I’ll call you later.” I walked to where Clint was holding a door for me. “Thanks Clint.” He nodded as I slid into the car.  
The ride was quiet but not uncomfortable. I took in more of the city since I wasn’t on a crowded bus to get to Everett Manor.  Yeah, Clint clarified that the house had a name. My thoughts turned to the blue–eyed king. His gaze could smother someone or light them up to heaven.  I did a little research and understood he was eight years older than me; he took over about seven years ago and four years ago, he lost his wife in an accident.  
My heart broke for his kids. My own mother passed away when I was eighteen. Dad said she had gone to the store and had an accident.  I never saw her again.  We had a funeral, but the casket was closed.  Dad said it was because she was broken. But I know why.  And I shudder at the thoughts.  Thinking of her, I unconsciously played with the locket around my neck.  The last piece of hers I had. I shook the sad thoughts away as we pulled into the Manor. Clint opened my door.  “Go ahead and head on in. Mr. Everett is waiting with Mrs. Everett in the study.  Do you remember how to get there?” I nodded. “Relax. Smile. This is a good thing. I’ll put your bags in your room.”  
“Thanks Clint.”  I walked to the door and opened it.  I hadn’t really gotten a look at the manor the last time I was here. The formal living room at the front of the house was beautiful. Dark paint splashed on the wall would have made any home super dark, but the windows went up to the vaulted ceiling.  A light brown leather couch and two cream chairs centered the room, while gold accents finished it perfectly.  
I had always wanted to be an interior designer.  And I thought that whom ever selected this pallet had excellent taste.  I kept walking and saw the dining room that matched the living room and then the family room.  Two very different spaces. The cream-colored walls with a dark blue couches and brown and gold accents decorated the room. This room was meant to be light and airy, where hot chocolate and popcorn are eaten near the fireplace for movie night. Presley stopped for a moment to admire.  
“My wife decorated everything.”  A voice behind me startled me and I jumped. I also stepped back into a side table, but a strong hand caught me around the waist. The warmth of his hands burned my skin in the most delicious way. I looked up to see ocean blues studying me.  “Are you alright?” 
“Yes,” I breathed as I continued to stare. Curtis Everett is holding me in his arms. I shivered and moved to stand on my own.  “I’m sorry Mr. Everett, I didn’t mean to snoop.”  
“Nonsense.  This is your home now.” He offered a smile, and it took everything in me not to swoon. “Miss Adams, welcome.”  
“Thank you, sir. Mr. Barton directed me to your office, but I couldn’t help but admire the decorating and colors.” I took another look. “Your wife has excellent taste.”  
“Thank you.” He looked uncomfortable now and I lowered my gaze.  Dammit, I probably shouldn’t have said the wife thing.  It's ok for him to bring it up but a stranger doing it has to hurt. “Follow me please.”  He walked out and I followed behind. Further down is the kitchen, he told me. “Our new chef, Mr. Jones starts next week. I’ll introduce you when he arrives.”  He pulled the door to his study.  “My kids are at school now.  Everly is out at 2, Joshua at 3. Clint will drive you to collect them.”  
“Ok. Any type of schedule after?” 
“An older woman appeared, “Yes.  Josh is required to finish his homework before he can turn on his video games. Evie usually has a couple of worksheets to finish before she can go to the playroom.” I nodded before the woman smiled.  “I’m Sylvia Everett, Curtis’s mother.”  She offered it and I took it.  She had a soft but firm grip to her handshake.  She’s just the type of woman my mom would have liked.  
“Presley Adams, ma’am. Its very nice to meet you.”  
“I’ll be around for the next couple of weeks,” Sylvia said. “I’ll get you oriented with the children’s schedules and needs.”  
“I’m grateful to you, ma’am.”  
Curtis looked at his watch.  “Let me show you to your room and let you get settled in.” Curtis offered his arm to her, and she took it with trepidation.  This man was reserved and yet, Presley was drawn to it.  She wasn’t very experienced with men, but she knew enough to know when a man was quiet and reserved, he was most likely strong and powerful.  
“I put you near the children’s rooms.  We have the nursey, well Evie’s room now and Joshua is on the other side. He just got his own room, and he tries to hide in here as much as possible.” He opened the door to a room in white and black.  Black wood furniture decorated with a four-poster bed sat center.  A TV was on one wall and two doors. “This is the closet and this is your own en-suite bathroom.  The kids share a jack and jill in between.”  
“Its beautiful.”  
“I’m glad you like it.  Here,” he handed me a card and a phone. “This is a secure phone.  I’ve programmed Clint, my mother, my other man Anthony and myself in the phone. The card is for any expenses you may have while caring for the kids. I pay on Fridays, so I’ll leave an envelope for you in the kitchen.”  
I nodded, not sure what to say. “Thank you, Mr. Everett. I really appreciate the opportunity.”  
“I’ll leave you to it.” He walked out and before he closed the door, he turned back. The look in his eyes showed appreciation.  At what I had no idea. “I hope this arrangement works out.”  He closed the door, and I blew out a breath.  
What does he mean that he hopes the arrangement works out? Was he just hoping that I don’t run out screaming because his kids are monsters or what it something else?  I won’t deny that the man is handsome.  But he is also a mob boss, a king, as everyone likes to say. And I know how they are when they are no longer happy.  I shoved the thought away as I unpacked.  I put the picture of my mother and me by the night side table. I still miss her every day.  Had she been alive, would I have been able to escape the horror that my father planned?  Would she have taken me away?  I’ll never know.  
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It was a few days later, and I was picking up the playroom while the kids were at school.  It had been a good transition.  Josh liked that I could pitch to him and Everly loved the different dress up games I made up.  I had also convinced each child to help their sibling out for a couple of games. Everly enjoyed the attention she got when Joshua would let her play with him, running after the balls he hit and helping her hit off the t-ball stand.  Josh rolled his eyes at tea parties but didn’t say anything, watching how happy his sister was.  
Today was the day that the new chef was supposed to start, and Mr. Everett asked me to meet him at noon for lunch. It was five minutes to noon, and I made my way to the kitchen.  Mr. Everett was there talking to someone.  “Good afternoon, Mr. Everett.”  
Curtis turned to look at me, giving me a glimpse of the man he was talking to.  And I blanched. It couldn’t be.  My heart began to race as I stared at Adam Jones in front of me.  I hadn’t noticed him before, probably because I was so nervous, but here he was, standing in front of me.  A phone rang and Curtis brought it up to his ear. “Hello? Yes, one second.”  He turned to me. “I need to take this. I will be right back.”  He left the room and I stared again at Adam.  
“Its been a long time...” he started before I cut him off.  
“Please, don’t say anything.”  
Adam softly smiled.  “I remembered. And I won’t.  I think you will be safe here. Its nice to know you are doing well.”  
“Thank you.”  I went still when I felt Curtis come back into the room.   
“Sorry about that. Miss Adams, this is our new chef, Adam Jones.  Mr. Jones, Miss Presley Adams.”  
“A pleasure to meet you, miss.” Adam offered his hand to me with a wink. “Please let me know of any allergies or preferences you have.”  
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Curtis’s jaw tick. Was he angry that Adam was being polite to me? Or was it the wink he threw? I sensed danger and was quick with the handshake. “Thank you, Mr. Jones.”  I took a step away from him.  
“Mr. Jones, I would like to have lunch in the sunroom, please.” His tone was devoid of emotion, but it was enough to issue a warning to Adam. What the warning was, I had no idea, but I could feel it radiating from Curtis. He turned to me. “Miss Adams,” he offered his arm.  
As I slid my arm through his, a million thoughts went through my head.  Why was Curtis so formal with me all the time? How the fuck did Adam Jones end up in Boston? Am I really safe here? Why is Curtis mad? Lunch was all business. I’m glad Curtis gave me a little notebook by the side of my plate so I could take notes. It really was a schedule of things, and I would add them to my phone later so I would remember. But he was formal the entire time. Not because I was his employee; it felt like he was holding himself back from...me.  I went to bed that night, wishing that my mom was with me on this journey. She would know how to read this confusing, beautiful man.  
The next couple of weeks were awkward.  Adam was friendly but cautious.  He never talked to me as if he knew me, which I was grateful for.  But Curtis seemed angry whenever he saw me.  I started to avoid him as much as possible.  I ate after the family did, claiming that I was cleaning up and letting Curtis spend time with his children. In reality, I did it to stop myself from staring at him. If I kept staring, he would see the lust, the longing, the desire in my eyes. That would be a very bad idea.  
On Saturday, I had put the kids to bed and was getting a snack for my room in the kitchen.  When I turned to leave. I jumped.  Curtis was standing in the doorway in a tux. I knew he had an event tonight, but I had assumed he had left already.  “Good evening Mr. Everett.”  
“Miss Adams.”  He was looking at me, not with friendship but something I couldn’t identify. “Having a snack? I didn’t see you at dinner.”  
“Oh. Well, I had dinner earlier since I wanted to be ready for bedtime.  I’m just having a snack with a bath and a book.”  I smiled nervously. “You look nice.”  
He looked down at his own body before looking back at the mess that was me.  My hair was up in a top knot, yoga pants and a hoodie.  I was ready to turn in for the night but I couldn’t help but feel naked under his gaze.  “Thank you,” he finally said. “Do you have plans for tomorrow?”  
I swallowed.  “Yes, I'm meeting my friend Cat in town.  Clint... Mr. Barton said he would drive me.” I flushed. Shit, I wasn’t supposed to call anyone by their names except the kids.  
“I’ll drive you,” he said.  
“Oh no, Mr. Everett...” he walked up to me, and I went still, the sentence dying in my throat.  
“It would make me feel better to know you are ok, Presley.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I could feel it, the sexual tension between us. I thought it was just me, but I could feel it radiate from him. It was making my skin buzz. Suddenly I wanted him to touch me. I fought the urge to press up against him.  
He looked me over with something I’ve never seen in a man: longing.  
“Because I couldn’t protect her. I can still protect you.”  
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mini-sae · 1 year
The twin :
Homelander was listening these people blabbering about about the next movie. Their ideas were really stupid, but then again, humans loved stupid things.
One of them. Julia, he believes, was maybe the more excited about this. She was shallow and superficial. That pretty face didn't do nothing to hide her uslessness.
- I know the best place to shoot that scene. My sister works there and her boss is thrilled about receiving us.
The others looked excited as well.
- It sounds great. We should go take a look. - Someone says.
As much as he hated this. The Homelander always checked that kind of thing with his own eyes. No way he was taking any chance to agree to something that wouldn't make him look good.
So here he was. In some cozy coffee shop. It was just for one tiny scene but he was in it.
That place was not horrible. He wouldn't come here for pleasure, that's for sure. But the audience will love it.
- Hey Y/N !
That silly voice again.
- Hey Julie. So ? You think they'll like it ?
It was a whisper, but your voice was way more pleaseant that your sister's.
He turned to look at you and almost gasps.
A twin.
He's never prepared for that kind of thing.
- I think they will, don't worry.
When you met his eyes, you nod politely and go back behind the counter even though there were no clients for now.
He lost all interest in that place. His focus was solely on you.
You look just like your sister. Same hair color, but yours were a little shorter. Same eyes. But yours had a depth that was setting him off. Same face.
And yet, you were so much more beautiful.
He couldn't explain it. As much as you looked like your sister, you were so different.
And as the hours passed, he was more and more convinced.
He heard you talk to people. He saw how you were acted. You were not shallow. You were not superficial.
You were sweet and warm. Just like this place. In a way, you were where you belonged. And you sister were where she belonged. She seemed estranged here. But you seemed like you were at home.
When it was time to leave, your sister hugged you tight and he felt a pang of jealousy.
He could smell your perfume. Hear your heartbeat. But he wanted to be closer. He wonders how you would feel in his arms. How your delicate fingers would feel as they would run through his hair.
A part of him wanted to make you work for him, at Vought. Where you would be close to him. Every day.
But he could tell you enjoyed being here. You really seemed at peace in that tiny place.
That was fine with him. He could come here anytime he wanted. He could here your soothing voice and watch your beautiful face as much as he'd please.
After all, supes liked coffee too.
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How are you feeling about the episode? I’m sad, and it felt a bit like and incomplete goodbye but at least I kinda understand why it had to be that way
Hi, sweet anon. Answers below the cut 💜
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I’m feeling a mixture of things. Sadness, for sure, but also gratitude. Ten years is a long time to get to spend with a beloved character on our screens, and the fact that Jay has ended up meaning so much to so many of us just shows how good much of the writing has been over the years, and how incredible Jesse has been at bringing Jay to life for us. Also, fanfic has enhanced my love for Jay as well. I’ve loved writing for him, and reading other people’s writing for him. I’ve loved making him queer as all hell in my writing, and I’m gonna continue to do so. We can keep him around in our fics. There’s a part of that thought that also makes me feel kind of sad, but hopeful at the same time. His final arc, about which I’ll share my feelings below, has already sparked an idea for a fic I’m gonna start planning at the coffee shop tomorrow morning.
In terms of the episode, and Jay’s final arc, it all felt very rushed. I genuinely think they could have made this storyline interesting and impactful, our wired-through-the-heart boy getting lost in the grey area that is ten years of working under Voight and the example he sets. The thought of Jay finding himself wanting to resort to Voight’s tactics to make cases go how he needs them to is interesting to me, because Jay is self aware enough to then realise he needs to get out at that point, that this is changing him and he doesn’t like it, doesn’t like himself this way. Excuse me, though, he does not want to be Voight. I don’t buy it. He wants to make use of the tactics Voight does, in order to make things right in any way he can. That I would buy. Deciding not to be Voight because Voight has always told him not to be??? Nah. But leaving because he was overwhelmed by all the morally grey stuff going on around him, perpetuated by his boss? I understand that too. If they’d had more time, they could have landed it right.
I like that they honoured Jay’s character by making his ending about his morals, a big part of who he has been from the start. I’m not glad he went back to the army after what we know it did to him before, and I seriously wish they’d taken at least half a season to show us how Jay was starting to feel, to show him on this descent into hopelessness that led him to KILLING A MAN, rather than have him already be at the end of a journey we never actually saw him taking.
I love Jay Halstead, I’m gonna miss him so much, and I can’t wait to write more silly little stories about him to help keep him around ❤️❤️
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nemobeatrice · 1 year
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Heritage Februabba Day 9: Animals - Alejandro
When the chief of police replaced Abbacchio’s partner with a dog, a German Shepherd, he nor his former partner knew what to say.
“Gee, I thought they’d replace me with a human,” his former partner said, looking at Alejandro, the dog. “Well, look on the bright side, Leone. Women love dogs. They’ll be all over you! Don’t give me that look. I know you’re single.”
“I’m not interested in anybody,” Abbacchio said.
“You say that now, but you never know. Anyways, I should go on patrol. I’ll miss being with you. Stay safe!”
Abbacchio and Alejandro left the police station, and Abbacchio drove off somewhere to patrol. The dog sat in the front seat.
“So, you’re a dog.”
Alejandro barked.
“Just stick with me. Don’t get lost. Don’t wander around. You got that?”
The dog looked at him and tilted his head.
“Well, you were trained by the best. Maybe I should let you handle everything. Wait, why am I talking to a dog?”
Alejandro made a noise that almost sounded like he said I don’t know.
On their patrol, they spotted a guy with a sex worker. Abbacchio parked nearby, and the two got out of the car to confront them. Alejandro growled at the man, making him nervous.
“Hey, officer, the girl here needs money. We’re not hurting anyone. Couldn’t you let this slide?” The man brought out a few lire.
Abbacchio thought about taking the bribe, but Alejandro bit the man’s hands before he could do anything.
“Hey, no! Bad dog!” Abbacchio yelled.
“Ah, shit! Are you kidding me!” the briber yelled. He reached for the gun in his pocket.
Before the man could shoot the dog, Abbacchio was quicker than him and aimed for his hand, making him drop the gun. His hand was bloody. Alejandro let go so Abbacchio could arrest him. As for the sex worker, she ran away.
The next day, Abbacchio’s boss thought he and Alejandro had too much excitement last night and gave them a few days off. Since the dog had no owner, he lived with Abbacchio in an apartment, causing the cop to go shopping early in the morning to buy supplies.
“Well, poochie, are you happy?” he asked.
They were in the kitchen, and Alejandro looked tired; both of them were. It was hard for Abbacchio to sleep after what happened.
“You look like shit. Maybe we could go out for a walk.”
And like that, Alejandro found his energy.
“Wow, someone wants to go outside. How does the beach sound? It’s nice and sunny. You probably want to go for a swim, huh?”
“We’ll go after I finish this a cup of coffee.”
Abbacchio and Alejandro walked to the beach despite it being a little bit far. By the time they got there, they were hot and sweaty, but a nice breeze kicked in and cooled them off. After walking for a few minutes, Abbaccho decided to rest for a while and sat on a bench.
While the two rested, a few people passed by and complimented Alejandro. His partner did say he’ll get lots of women, and some said they loved his dog, but so did a few men. None of the men or women attracted him, but a guy with chin-length black hair approached him. Two teenage boys were with him, but the man seemed too young to be their father.
“Bucciarati, I don’t think Narancia should be taking a break from studying,” said the golden blond one. That kid looked familiar.
“Come on, Fugo! I’ve been studying for weeks. Give me a break!” said the purple-eyed boy. Hmm, that name sounds familiar too. Abbacchio couldn’t remember where, though.
“Fugo, let Narancia enjoy his break,” said Bucciarati, causing the blond to sigh. He turned to face Abbacchio. “You don’t mind if I sit next to you, do you?”
“I don’t mind,” Abbacchio replied.
He sat next to him. “Thanks, I’ve been walking around all day. Fugo, Narancia, you guys can do whatever.”
The teenage boys ran off, leaving the two men alone.
“Are they family?” Abbacchio asked.
“No, they’re friends of mine. By the way, cute dog. Are you a police officer?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
“I see lots of cops with German Shepards, so I just assumed. Sorry. I didn’t introduce myself, but I think you heard Fugo say my name. In case you didn’t, I’m Bruno Bucciarati.”
“I’m Leone Abbacchio. How much do you know about German Shepards? I just got this dog recently; Alejandro is his name.”
“Probably as much as you do, but it can’t be that hard to take care of a dog.” Bruno petted Alejandro on the head, causing the dog to roll over to have his belly rubbed. He smiled. “Aw, look. He’s opening up to me.”
“You can rub his belly if you like. He seems to like you a lot.”
Alejandro barked, communicating that he did.
“Hmm, I’m not sure why he likes you,” Abbacchio continued. “Alejandro never acted like this to the other pedestrians who walked passed us. You must be a good person.”
Bruno had a doubtful look, which confused Abbacchio. “You sure about that? Can a dog truly tell who is a good person?” He brought a hand to the dog’s mouth.
“You seem like a decent guy to me. Alejandro would’ve bit your hand off if you were a bad guy. Last night, some pimp almost shot my dog, but I shot him before that could happen.”
“Wow, that must’ve been intense. Are you alright?”
“I focused on protecting Alejandro. I didn’t start shaking until after I turned that bastard in. At least we get a few days to bond before we return to work. I wish I could tell how he’s doing, though. I never did ask him if he’s okay, and it’s not like he can say yes.”
“Alejandro, are you okay?” Bruno asked.
The dog barked.
“Is that a yes or a no?” asked Abbacchio.
Bruno giggled. “I’m going to assume that’s a yes. Your dog looks happy. Just wondering, does stuff like that always happen?”
“No, it rarely happens. That was the first time, and I would like it to be the last time, but it’s probably going to happen again.”
“Well,” Bruno said, “I wish I could protect you and your dog, but you’ll probably get in trouble for bringing a civilian to a gunfight. Narancia and Fugo are coming this way. Abbacchio, right? It was nice knowing you. I would love to get to know you more. Maybe we could go out for coffee tomorrow?”
“Sure!” Abbacchio said without thinking. Maybe it was his charming smile that he couldn’t say no.
“Keep care of that dog of yours. And as for Alejandro,” he said, bending down to pet him, “keep an eye on your handsome owner. Don’t want anything happening to him.”
Bruno got up and left with the two teenage boys.
Abbacchio blushed. Oh my gosh! He was right! I thought it was some stupid shit he made up.
It was getting late, and Abbacchio and Alejandro left.
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ifthewordisred · 7 months
red's musings #1,
Dear diary, (If The Word Is Red.)
Today marks more than a year since I started living on my own, away from my parents. Reflecting on the time from 2022 until now, I've come to realize the challenges of managing finances, my beliefs, my friendships, my family, and dealing with adversaries.
When I think about it - most of my struggles seem tied to materialistic concerns, causing me so much frustration!
It's currently 2 am, and I ponder the sustainability of my current lifestyle. I earn enough, to keep myself alive, you see. Enough that I am able to eat three times a day. And yet, I failed to maintain my savings the way i have promised myself earlier this year.
Saving money has been so challenging when my desires are easily accessible with a tap on a screen. Because of this I find myself contemplating if I can afford even basic things, like a new closet or a proper phone case, while prioritizing food and beverages for myself, family and friends.
However, I'm grateful! Grateful for daily access to food, acknowledging the privilege it entails. Despite the challenges I'm going through, I feel that it is due to the love, prayers, and trust that my family has for me, and honestly... I appreciate the autonomy my family have allowed me. Without it, would I have been able to live the way I have today?
Homesickness tugs at my heart, missing my family and the friends I've lost along the way. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever see them again, because the way I have been living my life feels like a timeless loop - of the same actions, same concerns.
What time should I head out to work? (If I wake up early, good! Gotta leave early or I'll miss the bus and be late - then I'd have to make a choice of being late or order a cab. ......$$ will fly with the wind if that happens. If I woke up late? Pray a lot. I may have to part with some of my money for a cab just to make sure my boss doesn't berate me. They don't do it but the fear of it happening? Always there.)
Should I eat first, or do I spend money for breakfast? (If I eat first will I have time to be at work on time? eating takes time. what if I miss the bus? If I leave without eating, how much money will I be spending for breakfast this time?)
Can I have coffee made by actual baristas today, or do I go for instant coffee later? (now this is luxury either way. I should opt for water, right? I should have water. Water is important. I'm almost always dehydrated...)
What should I have for lunch? (Will I be eating alone again? Will my colleagues bring me out to lunch with them? How much money will I spend for lunch this time?)
Always the same questions, and you know what???
It actually gets boring! Like, really! It really does. They are very lonely questions to have. Each time, money is involved. Money is almost always involved in my choices. Troublesome, isn't it?
It's almost never - should I do something interesting today?
Should I make art? (I need money for supplies)
Should I play the guitar? (I have trouble remembering lyrics and chords)
Should I allow myself any enjoyment? (I feel like there's too many things I need to do that enjoying anything at all feels like it will bear a terrible consequence)
Should I spend money on roller-skating, rock climbing or simply - shopping mindlessly without looking at my wallet? (costly. this is so expensive to even consider. oh I am so upset about this one.)
Should I go meet my friends? (I have to have enough money so we can actually enjoy good food, good drinks, good rides, and a lot of fun together.)
Another issue that I've discovered regarding my lifestyle: This is my first post, but I want you guys to know that it took a lot of emotions, a lot of turmoil, and a lot of thinking to get to here. I don't think I'm ready at all, but.... please. I really need a virtual space to be in. Books can't seem to help, no matter how many fancy journals I've purchased. Even if I have the smoothest pen known to the world, writing makes me go mad because nothing ever works as perfectly as I want it to.
You see, I've been attempting to share my thoughts on Tumblr, a platform I've used since 2011, but it's hindered by my fear of being seen. This fear, which I've only recently recognized, complicates my desire to express my thoughts and opinions.
The reason I have just started, is because... I've noticed a fear of consequences, witnessing others suffer for their past mistakes, even if they express remorse. The online world can be utterly unforgiving, making it difficult for me to overcome my fear of being seen. Despite this, my aspiration is to be a positive influence to the world, and I hope that one day, I can be someone that younger generations can somehow look up to.
I would like to say more, and more, and more things... but I won't be able to handle a large or a mega post. I still struggle with finding the words, or finding relevance in my stories that I write for you. By that, I do mean that I can be very... all over the place. Perhaps even you have experienced that type of thought process too.
I end my musings for now. I hope to write more in the next post. Perhaps with less confusion, and with more focus for my own happiness.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
And when that conversation with Corinne went nuts with Ron and Mike say is out of control and hurtful to these two imbeciles who are leading us down the wrong path and they took over and didn't want the job and it was horrible so a lot of work thanks a lot concentration and his clan should be commended they did a job and what he says is they were doing too good of a job it didn't encourage the guy or the gal as it were and we understand that too that was different he says it's this guy and he's in such a lack of control I'm astonished and kills his own to try and maintain order and it doesn't work and we get that too so we're going after them cuz we have to since our statement we've had there's five or seven of them drive by and making noises. That was Ron and Mike and things are starting to happen here yesterday was decent they had a town meeting last night it's really a area meeting for the south Florida people and they decided to do a lot of stuff and move equipment around if you were going to sitting here farting doing nothing and it looks terrible? Everybody looks weak and stupid and they're going to send out units to inspect areas and for trash and find out what has to be brought out first cuz they have limited resources and it's starting to wonder something how much resources do we have interest is a stage of emergency she talked to the governor and see what you can grab or commandeer or have the construction company do the work so the governor said I told you what to do you call him and you tell him what to do you said you need them and stuff like that as the state of emergency and so he's kind of yelling at him and he said we can't just call them up and tell them to do it with the government officials to do that so he's sending government officials to tell them what to do and is congratulate but it's going to do it and it's so what would happen if he didn't. If he doesn't send people down there's a lot of people who asked he's going to be hauled in by the police and they're going to send people down from their side and have construction companies do the damn work they need authorization from the government
That's where the holdup is by the way Governor DeSantis if he doesn't get it done everyone's waiting and our son says 7:00 a.m. not 9:00 a.m. is construction everyone is up at 7:00 and if they're not the trucks will be so it is and I can run agree we're up it's 5:30 every morning or earlier and the boss is like I can't take it is used to get up at 6:00 though it's pretty early for people but boy you hit a certain time it's like wow I'm useless and he's sitting there so groggy I thought he was going to die he said I'm cold and I'm groggy we're inside it says remembering it now so I can nightmare his feet were cold like Frozen in his boots it was cold out he liked it like getting up into an early but he was hardly awake and hardly with it suck his hungover and he wasn't his liquor is good I don't think I can get up this early. We're old in season and you looked at us and said wow you guys are old timers and then he goes how can you tell and we said that actually since you're up your eyes are open you're talking about stuff I can hardly follow what you're saying I said go back to sleep then he closes okay now is it not now and we did it for like a week and he said I can't keep doing it I'm exhausted he was like it's like a jet lag think you can't regain the sleep you always lost that half day these are laughing says jet lag because he can't stay up you can't get up early every morning everyone start laughing in the coffee shop and said we saw it too he's looking at you staring at you saying I can't do it I can't. He couldn't do it. Come to think of it he didn't have money either so he's being brave and you want to try it and he could have adapted but he didn't have money to do it if he had like $2,000 more a week he'd do it every day and it wouldn't matter and he'd be up there waking up at 4:30 and he just adjusted it he said it later just don't have the money for it he's eating at home they're helping him we looked at and said wow you people suck as you two idiots are doing it at first he was happy he's bushy town and eating a lot love the food the food was great the service was great you felt good after and we did too we like them for doing it and said we don't have money either and we laugh alone then we thought this is terrible it's a country's rich and we're rich and we can't do it I got really mad and look for who was doing it and couldn't tell and a bunch of assholes started coming in the diner started being mean and stuff to us so if you can't hack it don't come here in the morning the last morning looks up at him and says all right and left and then started getting pissy and we left and we heard that they start fighting each other and it was these two groups young clothes and a bunch of idiots.
Ron and Mike say that and our son wants to publish cuz they see this happening everywhere everybody does
Thor Freya
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emergenciesstory · 2 years
Bank Robbery: 1.2 Trouble Brews
Masterlist - Series Masterlist
Chapter Summary:  After You find her, Natasha struggles with wanting to win you back. During the time jump from Part 1 to Part 2, see from Natasha and Steve's eyes how you come back into the picture, and what that could mean with a mafia war on the horizon.
"Not Everything. I lost the one Person I really cared about.”
Natasha rolled your words around in her mind while watching Steve lead you out. She watched your sad smile on the monitors as you said something to Steve before slipping out the front door, bracing the cool air for the flew blocks back to your side of town. She slumped in her chair, pen moving between her fingers in a distracted fashion.
“Boss?” Steve said softly, leaning over the desk. Nat didn’t even hear him come in.
“I should have known better.” Nat sighed, looking up at her trusted friend. “She always was smart. Setting up in her backyard, the no harm threat, It’s no wonder she found out.”
“Not like you were keeping it a secret.” Steve gave a lopsided grin as he moved towards the bar cart, pouring two drinks. “I mean really Nat, one person looks up your name and there you are, posing for the Newspaper.”
“Yeah, well,” Nat stood, moving to the window beside Steve and accepting a glass. “I didn’t think it would hurt so much to see her again.” It was quiet for a while, both looking out at the city. From here, Nat could see the front of your shop if she leaned a bit to the left. Hidden, but always there, as it should be, as you should be. Hidden, protected, but there with her.
“Would you like my advice?” Steve asked softly. Nat looked up at him, quirking an eyebrow. “Make it up to her.”
“What do you mean?” Nat sighed. “She was very clear, I broke her heart. And I won’t keep hurting her by being a presence in her life.”
“Nat, you’ve been beating yourself up about this as long as I’ve known you.” Steve sighed. It was quiet again, but Nats mind was rolling with thoughts. “Do you want her back?”
“Simple question. Do you want her back?” Steve watched as the words processed in Nats ears.
“I always have.” She whispered, almost too quiet for anyone to hear.
“Then win her. Make her fall in love with you again.”
“Life’s not as simple as it used to be.” Nat sighed.
“Make it simple. Love is simple.”
Love is simple. That was it.
*Steve POV*
“Black coffee for Natalia and Cinnamon Roll for Steve?” Jesse, the barista, called out. Steve stood from the little corner booth he and Nat had been occupying, every day that week in fact, to go get the order.
“Steve.” Your voice rang from where you stood in the back doorway. Your arms were crossed on the defense, a soft glare to the corner he just came from.
“Y/n. A pleasure, as always.” He smiled.
“What are you doing here?” You asked softly.
Steve picked up the coffee and Pastry, holding it up with a shrug. “Best Cinnamon Roll in all of town.”
Your eyes rolled, strolling up to the counter and lowering your voice.
“You know exactly what I mean. I haven't seen Natalia for a decade, and then every day in my shop for a week?” Your words were harsh, making Steve sigh.
“She doesn’t know how to say sorry. This is her way of trying to make it up to you.” He whispered, looking over his shoulder at Nat. She was trying hard not to seem interested, nose tucked into a well worn book written in Russian. Your face softened as you looked at her, focusing on the book she held in her hands, before hardening again.
“She hates that book.” You said matter-of-factly.
“You read Russian?” Steve asked, returning his focus back to you with a soft smile.
“Not very well, but I bought it for her. It’s Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. She thinks it's too self-reflective. We fought about it for weeks, she figured I gave it to her because I saw her in it.” You leaned on the counter, watching as Nat flipped the page. She wasn’t even reading. “She’s trying to get me to notice, to say something. When she reads, her eyebrows scrunch together just enough to notice a dimple on her forehead.”
Steve thought about what you said, looking at Natasha’s blank face, almost calling for attention.
“Why’d you buy it?” Steve asked softly. You shrugged, looking at his face.
“I thought she’d like the ending. It’s almost happy in its own twisted way.”
Steve thought about that before touching your arm in a consoling way, hearing the echoes of past hurt in your voice. He picked up the order and began walking back to their table.
“Hey Steve?” Your voice rang.
“Yeah?” He spun around quickly.
“It’s hazelnut butter.” You smiled softly retreating back into what could only be assumed to be your office. Steve smiled, returning to the table with Natasha.
“Thanks,” Nat said, taking the coffee from Steve as he sat down. She was looking where you disappeared, almost sad you hadn’t come over.
“She knows you weren’t really reading.” Steve said, taking a bite. The hazelnut was suddenly apparent in the flaky dough. That was it, you were a genius.
“I was too!” Nat scoffed.
“No, you weren’t. And the important thing is that she noticed it.”
“Hmm, She did, didn't she?” Nat thought. You still cared about her. That much was certain.
“I need you to take Y/n out.” Nat said as Steve walked into her office.
“Excuse me?” Steve stopped cold in his tracks. “Nat, I’ll do anything you ask but since when did we go from no harm to killing her?”  Nat had stopped stalking your cafe, business taking her attention for the time being. But Steve still went every morning, sometimes to sketch, or watch you make pastries. Your quick wit and humor made him smile, it was no wonder why Nat liked you. Had he done something wrong hanging out with you so much? Placed a target on your back?
“No,” Nat laughed, closing the ledger she was writing in. “Take her to lunch or something. Something more than just drawing in her shop today. I need her gone while I place a call.”
“Oh, lunch.” Steve sighed, blood flowing back to his head. “I don’t know if she’ll agree.”
“Just try.” Nat shrugged. Steve nodded, jumping on his bike and heading down to your shop. He parked in the ally by your fire escape, tucking the bike under it like he has many times before and strolling into the building.
“Steve, right? A cinnamon roll?” Jesse asked as he walked in. “It’s a bit later than you normally come in, some fresh ones should be coming up soon though.”
“Thanks Jesse, but not today. I actually needed to see y/n?” He smoothed his shirt before tucking his hands in the pocket of his jeans. Jesse nodded, slipping into the back office. Steve took the chance to look around at the photos you had framed around the cafe. Many older patrons are smiling with you, or just enjoying your space. It was in various states of decor, some with plastic sheeting as you fixed it up, old furniture that had since been replaced.
“Steve, here to learn more secrets of my pastries?” you sassed, going to stand beside him.
“You really have quite a following, huh?” Steve looked at you before returning his attention to the photos.
“Yeah, it all started there,” You said, gesturing to a photo in the middle. “The nonas who taught me almost everything I know.” The photo was full of older Italian women, laughter caught in the moment as they huddled around you. You had icing on your face and sparkles in your eyes. “I had just bought this place and they came in with all their tools and ingredients. They shooed be back into the kitchen of my empty little building and we dove into baking all the little treats you could imagine. Unknown to me, the Nonno’s were bringing in old furniture and hanging menu boards and really setting up the space.”
You sighed, a happy sigh. Steve watched you as your eyes focused on the photo, fingers trailing on the frame.
“And so your cafe was born.” Steve smiled as you looked at him.
“And so it was. The Nonnas called it ‘Our Best’ for the longest time, it sort of became a gimmick.” You laughed, looking around the cafe. It was busy for an early afternoon, people settled in with computers and books, some hard at work and others hardly working. “Anyways, you wanted to see me?”
“I wanted to take you to lunch. If you’re available that is.” Steve smiled. He heard the phone ring, and silently cursed himself for taking so long. He didn’t know what Natasha had up her sleeve, but he was sure that was her.
“Let me just get that, and we can be on our way.” You moved back into the Office while Steve leaned on the corner of the counter. He overheard you talking about a cake order, giving the price and making notes in your planner. Steve sighed in relief, it sounded like a small party, and waited patiently for you.
*Nat POV*
“I do apologize for canceling my pickup so late. Please, enjoy it on our behalf.” Nat nodded as the man canceled her cake order.
“No, no, I insist on paying for all your hard work. I’ve already sent it through.” She smiled, hitting send on the payment to the cafe, much more than the cake would have cost. More than your rent even.
“Thank you again. I will definitely be calling back soon. Goodbye now.”
“Thank you, Jack.” Nat said as he stood, giving her a nod. She opened her ledger, making a note of the donation to small business and finalizing her business deals in the books. Her phone rang, Steve’s name popping up.
“Hello?” She said, placing it on speaker.
“You did it this time.” He laughed, the sounds of his bike starting in the background.
“Whatever do you mean?” Nat asked innocently.
“Oh come on, It took me two seconds to figure out you were behind the cake order with the extremely large tip. Do you really think she won’t figure it out?” Steve laughed.
“With an untraceable number, a fake address, and Jack’s name? No, I don’t think so.” Nat smiled, leaning back in her chair.
“She’s smart, you know.”
“I’m well aware. Just hurry up and get back.” Nat rolled her eyes before ending the call. “There’s something we need to discuss.”
A couple hours later, Steve and Nat were leaning over the conference room table, files about the other maffias spread across it. There were some people making backhanded deals, and Nat wanted to stop it before the entire city crumbled. They had been top in the City for years, with James Barnes running Brooklynn and the Starks running upstate. All equally powerful, all coming to an unspoken agreement, no one sells out each other. But it seemed there was a bit of a strife in the borders of Stark and Barnes’ territories, and a note was transcoded and sent to Nat anonymously.
Information slips from the innermost circle. Careful where you keep the good stuff..
“What are we going to do?
The doors slammed open, Making both Steve and Nat look up.
“You think you can buy me Natasha?” You screamed, waving an invoice in your hands. Jack was behind you, out of breath and embarrassed.
“I tried to stop her, I really did.” He said quickly. Nat calmly stood from the table, sweeping some of the files under each other without being too obvious.
“It’s fine, Jack. She’s always welcome.” She said coolly. “Pray tell, what did I buy?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know.” You rolled your eyes. “A cake with delivery is not this much money.”
“I didn’t order a cake?” Nat walked up to you, taking the invoice you slammed down. “Wow, how generous.”
“An untraceable number, an address to an abandoned building, and it just so happens to be my favorite cake which was canceled?” You accused, softer this time.
“I assure you, I did not place this order. Though I’m happy for you.” Nat soothed, passing back the piece of paper. “If I were trying to win you back, I’d ask you on a date.”
“I’m sorry, what?” You stopped, blinking at her. Natasha casually sat down on her sofa, shrugging.
“A date. To prove I do still know you and want you in my life. That’s what I would do. Bold, in your face, not skirting around.” Nat kept her gaze on you, watching as the gears processed, anger forgotten.
“You want to go on a date?” Your voice was soft.
“Only when you’re ready.” Nat smiled. “I have a lot of apologizing to do first, and it needs to be a bit more personal than a cake you had to make.”
“Yeah, you do.” You said, almost confused how you got there.
“And I plan to do so.” Nat’s voice was low, soft, almost remorseful. She could see you thinking, something she missed seeing from a distance. Almost like coming out of a fog, your eyes flicked up to the table where Steve still sat, reading over a file.
“I interrupted something.” You said, beginning to back out of the room.
“Always welcome to interrupt.” Nat soothed, standing again.
“I should go.” You said softly. “Bye Steve.”
“Dinner tomorrow?” He asked with a smile.
“Like every Tuesday night.” A half smile lit up your face. “And Natasha?”
Nat’s ears perked up, it wasn’t Natalia anymore, you weren’t as mad.
“Friday. You owe me all the apologies over Italian food.”
“It’s a date.” Nat smiled, watching as you retreated. Once the doors were closed, Nat moved back to the conference table with Steve.
“What are we going to do about the warning?” Steve asked.
“Well, I think we need to call Stark and see what’s going on. Get his side of the story.” Nat sighed.
“Are you sure we have to go so soon? What about your date with y/n?” Steve asked, grabbing his go bag. The two had been up all night working on figuring out who was causing problems in town.
“I don’t like it any more than you do.” Nat sighed. “If I wait until morning I risk putting her in danger too.”
“What if I follow you in the morning? I can let her know something came up, give our apologies.” Steve asked, leaning on Nat’s desk as she paced the room.
“I need you to do more.” Nat stopped in her tracks, moving over behind the desk and typing quickly on her computer. She pulled a micro card out of the system a few moments later, slipping it into a gemstone necklace. “I need you to slip this to her in a way no one sees. I don’t know who we can trust anymore, not after Stark's warning.”
“Are you sure?” Steve asked, leaning in closely. “You’d be putting her in danger if someone did find out.”
“I don’t know what else to do. She's the only one I trust, and the only one not on any of our records.” Nat sighed, slipping the necklace and a note in an envelope. “Flowers. Some of my flowers would be good too. I was going to send her some anyway.”
“I don’t like this plan.” Steve said softly.
“I don’t either. But it’s important.”
0 notes
jeongjaebae · 3 years
This is how we fall
Pairing: Sunwoo x reader Genre: fluff, bit of humour, fake dating au Word count: 16.9k Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, alcohol
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You should know better than to make a deal with a stranger, but the need for a date to Eric's party has you desperate. It can't be too bad though; all you have to do is show Sunwoo what you saw in your reading, and he would be your date for one night. Simple enough, right?
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The fates were playing with you.
That much you could be sure of—there's absolutely no way you should be seeing yourself in one of your clients' readings, in the same way that you aren't able to see what lies in your own future. And yet, here you were, getting a glimpse at the same hairstyle, the same smooth skin and face shape that you see in the mirror every day. It isn't entirely clear when your client doesn't look at his lover's face directly, but surely those features are enough to conclude that it's you, right?
"I see myself in your future."
"Is that a terrible pickup line or are you serious?"
You vaguely notice that Sunwoo is laughing. It makes you realize that neither option was a good one really; a pickup line would imply you're interested in him, while seeing yourself in his future certainly implied a lot more than that. Perhaps you silently pray to the fates that those words didn't make their way to your boss in the other room.
But as the scene progresses, there are some other details that you notice. The kitchen in the background doesn't look familiar at all, nor do you recognize the light fragrance of oranges surrounding you. Not a bad scent, though it isn't one you have lying around at home. What the lover is wearing is different from anything you own too, which could only indicate that you were wrong: they have to be someone else.
"Nah," you shrug, quickly trying to brush off your mistake, "I was just kidding."
That earns you a bemused smirk as Sunwoo raises an eyebrow, entirely unconvinced. "You sure about that?"
With a nod, you quickly pull your hands back to break out of the visions. Internally cursing yourself for being stupid enough to think that the lover in the visions had been you—just how delusional were you now? Sure, you've always been a head in the clouds type of person, falling in love with the possibility that everywhere you go, the next person you meet might just be the love of your life. Eye contact with the cute dog walker at the park turns into getting lost in their eyes while walking under the stars. A brush of hands with the hot barista at the local coffee shop turns into holding hands while reciting wedding vows.
And though Sunwoo was indeed good-looking, even with his face half hidden under the shadow of his hood, this wasn't the same. He was a client, and you were working. It was silly to have thought of the possibility of being in his future in the first place, but even more ridiculous to say it out loud.
You immediately shake off the thoughts when you catch him staring.
"So?" He leans forward, looking at you like he has some big secret to share. "What did you see?"
"Um, your love life will be just fine."
"Yeah." The small piece of lint on your sleeve becomes so interesting when trying to avoid his intense stare. "Things will run smoothly with your partner. I could sense your love for them and how committed to them you are. And similarly, how in love with you they are."
This was always the part that you hated the most about the job. Sangyeon may have thought that hiring a "real psychic" was a good idea, but you think otherwise—surely anyone who knows anything about palm reading would immediately be able to tell that you're a fake. A fraud. You're not here to look over the love lines and life lines on your clients' palms when the visions come to you as naturally as breathing; they let you see a few scenes from the client's future, usually scenes involving a lover from what you've gathered over the years. And while it's no surprise that Sangyeon put you on love readings because of this ability, it's not like you could tell clients about the exact scenes you saw.
Hence resorting to vague summaries of the reading that made you feel like an imposter.
"Really?" Sunwoo narrows his eyes at you, still watching you carefully, "Anything else?"
There were three scenes that you witnessed: holding hands across the table at what looked like a dimly lit restaurant, with tiny scars on the lover's hands. "There might be some dark times in your life or your partner's, but the two of you will be able to support each other." A kiss in what seemed like an open-air market, with the sweet taste of apples on your lips and the warmth of sunshine against your skin. "They'll bring you warmth." Then there was the final scene where you thought you'd seen yourself—slow dancing in the kitchen at midnight, faint music playing in the background. Sunwoo's soft whispers reaching his lover's ears. "And your partner will make you believe in love again."
A fairly normal set of scenes compared to some of the other things you've seen from other people, although you find it strange that they happen to be scenes where he's not looking directly at his lover.
"Hmm, that's interesting," he purses his lips seemingly deep in thought, "since I'm single as hell."
It takes you maybe five minutes to wipe the shock from your face. "It's probably your future partner then."
"Nah, I'm never going to date again."
You open your mouth to give a retort, to defend yourself somehow, but nothing comes out. Plenty of skeptical people have sat in that very seat before, but you've never dealt with someone who openly refuted your words like this. For a second, it almost seems like a big prank or a test that Sangyeon's giving you to gauge how well you can react in these types of situations.
"Things didn't really end well with my ex, so why go through all of that again?" Sunwoo shrugs, relaxing in his chair with his arms crossed. "But I do want to know how you came up with that."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, what made you think that I would be in such a loving relationship?" It could simply indicate that he doesn't know anything about readings, but it comes out sounding like a taunt instead. As if he knows that this wasn't what regular palm readings were like, as if he knows that you were a complete fraud. "What exactly did you see?"
"Um, well. I—"
"How about I make you a deal?" He leans forward again, lowering his voice slightly. "If you can show me and convince me of what you saw, then I'll be your date to that party."
"Wait, you... heard that?" You're never speaking again.
"Couldn't help but overhear."
Right, the party. You'd been complaining to Sangyeon all day about your lack of a date for Eric's party, ever since receiving the invite and finding out just who else was going to be there. Usually you wouldn't care about whether you had a date or not, but this would be the first time that you're reconnecting with your old college crowd since graduating. And since leaving certain people behind.
"Nah, it's fine." You shake your head. "I'll just ask Sangyeon to be my date—"
"Y/N, you know I can't go to that thing," Sangyeon's voice comes floating in from the other room. "I have a business to run."
Sunwoo gives you a pointed look, and you have to resist the urge to sink into the ground. "Right, so how about it? I'll help you make your ex jealous if you show me exactly what you saw."
You nearly ask him why he would care to know what you saw in the reading, and whether he would even believe you if you do show him the scenes. But at the prospect of being handed a solution to your dateless party problem, you decide to bite your tongue. Showing him a few locations that you saw in your reading would surely be better than being alone with certain people from your past.
"Who said it was about an ex?" you mutter under your breath.
He stands. "If not, that's cool. I guess you don't really need a date—"
"Okay, fine." You plaster on a smile. "Let's do it."
A few minutes later, you're watching him leave the shop with a little wave and a new contact saved into your phone. Wondering exactly what you've gotten yourself into.
"You good?" Sangyeon raises an eyebrow, stepping out of the back room as he gives you a look that says he heard everything. His glasses are halfway down his face and hair ruffled like he'd tugged on the strands in frustration way too many times, which isn't surprising when your shop was on the verge of needing to be shut down. "Were you serious about asking me to be your date?"
"No, forget I ever said anything." You quickly shake your head. "And I'm great. Wonderful. Amazing." You're definitely not. "Everything is fine." It definitely isn't.
The only reaction you get is a teasing grin. "Well," Sangyeon pats you on the shoulder, "let me know how it goes. Maybe you really did see yourself in his future."
It was at this moment you knew you fucked up.
"You look like you want to kill someone," is the first thing you hear before you even get the chance to close your apartment door behind you. There Hyunjae sits on the couch, eyeing you with concern, his phone screen in hand flashing with probably some show he's been bingeing. Which is something you would never understand when the TV was literally a few feet away. "Should I leave?"
You kick your shoes off, too worn out to think of a smart retort tonight. Then you slump onto the couch beside your roommate. "Is it that obvious?"
"Uh huh. You want to talk about it?"
With a sigh, you start from the beginning. Sunwoo had been friendly when he walked in that evening, all charming smiles and lingering stares. There wasn't anything particularly interesting about him; you may have thought he was good-looking and may have been a tiny bit glad that he made a last-minute decision to switch from the career reading to the love reading. Perhaps Sangyeon's suspicious look at the time wasn't about you taking a customer away from him, but rather about Sunwoo specifically asking for whatever reading you did.
You tell him about the readings, dragging on the details until he's waving you on impatiently. And then comes the end—you'd made a deal with him to show Sunwoo what you saw in the reading in exchange for having him be your date to Eric's party.
"Why the hell would you do that?" Hyunjae narrows his eyes, stare seeming to bore into your skull. "He was hot, wasn't he?"
"Um, well..."
"I knew it." Then hands are gripping your shoulders. Shaking you a little. "Y/N," he looks you dead in the eye. "You need to stop being so nice to people you find hot. Well, except for me; I'm an exception."
You scoff. "It's not that. I need a date for this party, okay? You know he's going to be there so there's no way I'm showing up alone."
"Forget the party," he gives a dismissing wave, "how are you going to show him everything? The guy seems like someone who doesn't believe in this kind of stuff."
"Yeah," you mutter, "he refuted everything I said and probably thinks I'm a fraud anyway."
If that's what Sunwoo had been thinking, he wouldn't be wrong. After all, you only learned about the different palm lines as a cover for the real abilities you used for these readings. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to switch over to regular readings now though. If only you'd been blessed with Sangyeon's bullshitting skills instead of this ability that's starting to feel more like a curse.
"Really? Who does he think he is?" Hyunjae abruptly gets up from the couch, hands balled into fists. "No one forced him to go to you. And we all know that fortune telling is a big sham; surely he should know to take everything with a grain of salt."
But then you think back to the reading. "Well, I did think that I could be wrong. The reading—it was weird. I couldn't see his lover's face, like, it either went by really fast or he wasn't looking at them at all."
"Those scenes don't necessarily have to be with the ex he mentioned, right? You have no control over what point of someone's life you see."
As reluctant as you are to admit it, he's right. You couldn't control what timeframe of one's life you would witness, so it's plausible that the love interest is someone else entirely. Perhaps from a future relationship, or maybe Sunwoo and his ex would get back together one day.
Or maybe the visions could be wrong. Just because they haven't been wrong before doesn't mean it couldn't happen.
"Or," Hyunjae flops back onto the couch excitedly, "do you think it's because he has bad eyesight?" He leans in until his face is mere centimeters away from yours, pretending to examine you through squinted eyes. "Maybe he never sees his lover's face that clearly anyway."
"You have bad eyesight too, you know."
"Then do you want to use me as practice?" He holds out his hand, placing it on your knee with his palm up. "You can check if futures can change or if eyesight really does affect the readings."
You give him one last skeptical glance before going along with it. Two thumbs at the edges of his palm, eyes closed, and then you wait for the visions to arrive.
Even though it's been years since you've glanced into his future, you immediately recognize the images. There's Hyunjae laughing while on a picnic with Jacob in the same sunny field, Jacob playing the guitar in your current apartment, and a final close up of the ring on Hyunjae's slender finger. You wonder if he still remembers this last one; you were at the age where all of your friends were getting engaged left and right, and you were expecting a wedding invitation any day now.
But just before you could pull your hands back and ask him if the first two events had already happened, the vision changes. A new scene takes shape this time and it confuses you at first because the view starts off with an unfamiliar ceiling. Then as Hyunjae glances down, Jacob's face comes into view and—
"What the hell?" You immediately jerk back, scrambling to break out of the vision. "Please don't get me to do your reading ever again."
Hyunjae shoots you a confused glance. "Why, what did you see? Did it change?"
"Let me just say that I really don't need to see the things that you and Jacob do."
"You—you saw what?"
"I heard it too." You bury your face in your hands, trying to wipe the memory away. "The visions really just had to give me first person seats to a show I never wanted to see."
Hyunjae chokes on his spit.
It wouldn't surprise you if Sunwoo had forgotten about this agreement entirely once he left the shop. Besides, people are always telling their friends to make plans and hang out but never end up doing it, so this could simply be the same case. But what does surprise you is when he texts you a few days later.
So you tell him all about the first scene you saw—the restaurant with the hand holding across the table. A dinner date, essentially. At least this was the easiest scene to re-enact; maybe after this, he'd decide that he's had enough of this fake fortune telling stunt while still upholding his end of the agreement.
But the thought of doing this makes you all kinds of nervous. This wouldn't be like interacting with him at work, and your stomach twists uncomfortably at the thought of spending a whole night on the receiving end of his intimidating stare. What do people talk about during these kinds of events anyway? And what if whatever you're eating gets really messy? What if—
"Wait, where are you going today? Hyunjae didn't tell me about this." Jacob glances over at his boyfriend in confusion before turning back to you. "And what did you agree to do?"
"Um," you say slowly, glancing between the two perched on the couch. "I made a deal to show a client what I saw in his reading."
"But why?" Jacob puts his hand on your knee, leaning over with concern written on his face. "You haven't done anything like this before for your other customers, have you?"
"No way. I wouldn't be doing this if he hadn't agreed to be my date for Eric's party."
Maybe it was weird to have agreed to this—the look on Jacob's face said as much. You didn't know anything about Sunwoo other than the flashes of his life you witnessed through the reading. But shouldn't it simply feel like an awkward first date? All you have to do is take him to a restaurant that resembles the one you saw and hold hands across the table. It shouldn't be too challenging when there's no need to do much talking nor get to know each other.
"Oh. Because of..." Jacob trails off, giving you a feeble smile. "Right."
"Well, don't mention him," Hyunjae elbows him in the ribs.
Jacob waves his boyfriend off. "I'm not sure how you're going to make this client believe you, but your time with him today doesn't have to be a bad thing."
"But babe, you didn't see how upset Y/N was that night after agreeing to this." The dramatic pout on Hyunjae's face has you rolling your eyes. Then he turns to you. "He might be hot, but he could still be an asshole. This guy seems like bad news. What if you get kidnapped? What if you go missing? Who's going to help pay the rent then? And—"
"Don't act like you're not waiting for me to move out so that Jacob can move in," you reach over to flick him on the forehead. "Thanks for your concern but I think I'll be just fine."
"At least share your location with us, okay? If you need an emergency phone call to get you out of there, I have my scream perfected."
"Unfortunately, I am very aware of that." You definitely don't want to think about the last time Hyunjae called to pull you out of a group meeting back in college and nearly made your entire group go deaf. "Okay, I'm really going to go now."
"Oh and," a hand wraps around your wrist just as you stand, "don't fall for him."
"Shut up, it's literally one meeting."
One meeting wouldn't be a big deal. A nice dinner date, some innocent hand holding, and then you wouldn't have to see Sunwoo again until the party. Nothing could go wrong when you'd be in public the whole time anyway.
Hyunjae shouts something that sounds like, "At least wear something nicer!" but you're already out the door.
"You're late," Sunwoo comments, raising a brow at you the moment you step into the restaurant. "I almost thought you didn't need a date to that party anymore."
You give him a tired glance. "Let's just get this over with, okay?"
As easy as it was to blame your annoying roommate for holding you up, it was actually your fall at the park earlier. Even if you're not normally clumsy, you should've known that rushing through uneven ground was a recipe for disaster. It was times like this when you wished your ability would let you see more useful things than random points in other people's futures.
Something else you wish you'd seen is how your choice of restaurant is nothing like what you'd expected. You'd picked the place after scavenging through the depths of Google Maps, digging up pictures left and right from various reviews, and the single review of this place was the only one that seemed to match the one in your visions. In the photo, the restaurant had been just as dim, and looked like a casual place. But now, in front of you, is a restaurant that looks nothing like the one in the photo.
It's much fancier with small chandeliers hanging above every table, and elegant decorations lining the walls. In other words, the restaurant must've gone through a major upgrade since the local reviewer posted those pictures from five years ago. Now not only was your attempt at finding the restaurant in your visions futile, but this place made you wish you'd chosen a different occupation entirely. Preferably one that paid more than the meager amount your reading was worth.
"Well, this is an interesting choice," Sunwoo comments, eyes travelling along the walls of the restaurant. "Seems like a nice place."
You debate pulling him right out of there. "Um, actually, it's not—"
"Hi, do you have a reservation?" the hostess asks, looking between the two of you. And before you can even answer, there are two menus in her hand and she's leading you to your table. Great. Perhaps you'd just have to take off one of your rings and fake a proposal for the sake of a free meal if it turns out to be too expensive. You'd heard that it worked for a friend of a friend once upon a time.
Once seated, you nearly do a double take. There's no hood hiding Sunwoo's handsome face this time, and under the glow of the chandelier, you can finally see his smooth skin, plush lips, and large eyes that seem to twinkle when he glances at you for whatever reason. He almost looks out of place without the hoodie and sweats that you'd continued to picture him with after the last time, but you have to admit that the button up and jeans make him look even better. Or at least, less like a fuckboy.
You turn to the menu instead, studying it intensely despite having immediately picked out the cheapest option. Five minutes go by. The waitress comes by to take your orders. Another five minutes. Were first dates always this awkward? It's been years since you've gone out with anyone, but if this were the reality of the dating scene, maybe third-wheeling your friends for the rest of your life wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Sunwoo clears his throat. "Should we start with the basics?"
"A story to tell people at the party if they ask." He swirls his drink around, eyes flickering to yours occasionally. "We need to be on the same page with our answers to make it convincing."
That was something you hadn't even thought about, but he's not wrong. "Oh. Um, okay. So how did we meet? It probably won't be through mutual friends because most of them would be there. Maybe a dating app?"
"Hmm," he hums, eyes tracing over everything on the table as he thinks. "We met at your shop when I got a reading done. Then I asked you to show me how everything happens."
"We're just going with the truth?" you ask, slightly unconvinced of whether people would believe this story yet relieved you wouldn't have to be lying. Hyunjae's always said you were a terrible liar. "I guess that works. So then how did we fall for each other?"
Sunwoo presses his lips together, pretending to think. "Through re-enactments of the things you saw in the reading." And as if for emphasis, he moves his drink out of the way before putting his hand on the table between the two of you. Then cocks his head a little as he beckons for you to do the same.
"Oh. This is what you meant by re-enact it." It's a dumb statement, and you hope he doesn't notice the way you're stalling.
While you knew this might've been what he wanted and you were fully prepared to re-enact this with him, the fresh scrapes on your palms tell you to stop in your tracks. There is no way you would want to show him the ugliness of your battered hands.
You attempt to plaster on a smile. "Um, yeah it was just hand holding. You know, we don't have to actually—"
"Come on, Y/N." His lips form into a pout, and his stare starts to have the effect of puppy eyes. "Just humour me?"
Reluctantly, you reach out your hand and rest it on his. Palm up. Showing him exactly why you don't want to be re-enacting this.
"Oh shit. What happened?" Sunwoo's eyes widen at you before he's holding your hand up to examine it closely. "Did you fall on your way here? Is that why you were late?"
You nod a little.
"Hey, you should've said something. I'll go ask for some bandages, okay?"
"No, it's fine—"
But he only shoots you a smile before he's off. Looking down, you can see that your palms already appear to be much better than earlier—the red splotches are mainly dry now, and the dirt has been wiped off. Thankfully, Sunwoo didn't see the worst of it. A few minutes later, when he comes back waving a handful of bandages, you start to wonder if this injury was enough to get the meal for free.
The other thing you don't expect is for him to insist on putting these bandages on your wounds. His fingers are light where they graze your skin as he carefully places them on your scrapes, and it's such a nice gesture that you're suddenly taken aback—this was supposed to be a quick dinner, and he was supposed to hate you for the bad reading. But now you question if any of that is true when he continues to act so kind and friendly.
"This is not how it was supposed to go." You frown, trying not to stare at his face as he works on the bandages in total concentration. "Not at all."
Because your hands may be in his across the table as you wait for your food to come, but he was only holding them to bandage your wounds. And while this restaurant did seem romantic, it was nowhere close to the look of the one in your visions.
There's amusement in Sunwoo's eyes when he looks up. "Holding hands across the table as we wait for our food, right? Isn't this close enough?"
"You're bandaging me. This isn't remotely romantic."
"Love isn't always supposed to be romantic, Y/N," he says dramatically, rolling his eyes. "Haven't your readings shown you the small things that people do for each other?"
You wonder just what kind of readings he thinks you do. "Um. I guess."
But he does have a point. Maybe this moment, no matter how embarrassing or ridiculous it seemed, was better than having to sit through faking or pretending everything. It might've forced you to be vulnerable, but each gentle brush of Sunwoo's fingers and each press of a bandage against your palms hinted at a vulnerable side of him too.
You try to study him, to really figure out just what kind of person he was. Why was he being so kind when you were practically strangers? When this meetup should've been a quick meal at a casual food place, and involved no more physical contact than two seconds of hand holding? Well, perhaps five seconds. But now, it seems like the two of you have gone beyond your plans of fake pleasantries.
"All done." He lightly presses the last bandage onto your palm, and you're grateful for the arrival of your food as an excuse to pull your hand back.
"So, um," you rack your brain for literally anything to say, "why did you come in for a reading that day?"
"There was a career decision that I was stuck on," Sunwoo picks at his food then looks up with a twinkle in his eyes. "I don't believe in this whole fortune telling thing, but I just needed some advice on what to do. Figured that maybe while you were telling me to look deep inside myself and to follow my heart or whatever, I'd suddenly get an epiphany about what to do."
"And did you?"
His lips curve into a bright smile. "Yeah."
"Even without the reading? The boss would've done a good job on it." That part was true; you may be the real psychic of the two of you, but you couldn't deny how good Sangyeon's readings were. Heck, you'd rather believe his words over what you see in your own visions.
A nod. "Just going there gave me what I needed. I decided it would be good to start fresh, to try something new." He pauses to take a sip of water, but then his eyes snap to yours. "Wait, hold on. Did you say he's your boss? You were going to ask your boss to be your date? For the party?"
"Oh, Sangyeon?" You want to laugh at the incredulous expression on his face. "Nah, he's not exactly my boss. We met in college as classmates."
Your previous thoughts about not needing to talk completely disappear as you tell him about how this little psychic shop started. It had been Sangyeon's idea, a backup plan for a backup plan essentially. He'd always joked about starting a business if nothing else works out after graduation, and the opportunity came around sooner than expected.
"Damn, I wish my boss was chill like that. Mine really makes everyone stay back to finish the projects that he deems urgent when they aren't."
"You mean you're not in school?" You try to wipe the shock from your face. "I would've thought that you were some frat boy in college."
Sunwoo stares at you blankly, blinking a couple of times. "You know, I'm not sure if that was a compliment or insult." He frowns. "Well, I guess it's good that my job hasn't aged me too much yet. But frat boy?"
"Hey, maybe that should be our cover instead," you tease. "Frat boy Sunwoo who I met at a frat party in college years ago but only recently reconnected with."
He rolls his eyes at you, suddenly starting to chew so aggressively that you have to laugh at his expression.
The rest of the night goes by similarly, allowing you to forget all your worries about awkward first dates. And as the two of you walk back to the shop afterwards, your time together leaves you thinking about how he's not the person you thought he would be. Maybe you should've known that already based on the glimpse into his future because the warmth that you'd seen from those scenes alone could've been an indicator.
"There are two more things you saw, right?" Sunwoo turns to you, eyes twinkling with the reflection of streetlights right outside the shop. "Are you free next weekend too?"
"Wait," you have to process the words. "You—you want to see the rest of them? Of what I saw?"
He blinks at you, seemingly unable to understand the surprise that must be on your face. "Yeah, of course."
"Oh." This was a possibility that you hadn't considered at all. You don't get why he would want to see you or spend time with you again, and how would showing him what you saw in the visions possibly convince him that they're real? "I didn't think you would be interested."
"Of course I would be. Besides, we'll need to figure out more of our cover for this party." He shrugs a little, raising a hand up in a wave. "See you next week?"
"Yeah, okay," you manage to reply. "Next week."
Right when you open the door to your apartment, Hyunjae drops his phone mid-scroll, giving you a onceover that makes his eyes as big as saucers. Then he's running over. Right, you'd completely forgotten about your state of being until this reminder.
"What the fuck happened to you? Did the Sunwoo guy do all of this?" He stops you in the middle of the hallway, hands on your shoulders to spin you around. Eyes glancing over every inch of the mess of blood and dirt on your clothing. You understand what it would look like from the outside though—the result of your fall must be fueling his thoughts about Sunwoo being a bad guy. Maybe it looks like you bravely jumped out of a moving car and managed to crawl back home.
"See? I told you he was bad news," your roommate huffs, guiding you into the kitchen where he sits you down on a chair. "What happened? Did he pull something weird? Should we be calling the police?"
A laugh threatens to escape your throat, but you bite it back. These questions are so absurd that you almost want to keep quiet and make him frustrated by his overwhelming curiosity; that'd be one way of annoying him the way he always annoyed you.
"No, nothing like that," you say instead, shaking your head. "I tripped and fell while walking through the park." The bandages are peeling at the corners when you hold up your palms to show him. "Then he helped bandaged me at the restaurant."
Hyunjae nods slowly, unconvinced. He narrows his eyes. "Okay, but you look like he beat you up. And why would you go through the park?"
"You're the one who made me late, okay. I had to take the shortcut," you push him away then instantly regret it when the contact makes your palms throb. "Anyway, he was really nice. Though the, um, re-enactment didn't really go as planned."
Then you begin to update him on everything that happened during your date from the restaurant and how it didn't even match the visions, to the fall and the bandages. But as you go over all of the moments, you realize there are a few things you intentionally leave out, like the tiny crinkles that appear at the corners of Sunwoo's eyes whenever he smiles. His soft hands that bandaged you so tenderly. Maybe he was right that love is all about the small gestures—even though you'd initially thought the moment paled in comparison to the one in the reading, the more you replay the day over in your mind, the more you realize that it was indeed romantic in its own way.
"And? Is that it?" Hyunjae gestures wildly. "You don't have to see him until the party, right?"
You feel the smile on your face fade. "Um, actually. He wants to meet again for the next scene that I saw."
"Don't tell me that's the kiss scene?"
"Yeah... the kiss."
"Well, good luck with that one." A mischievous smirk spreads on Hyunjae's face as he pats you on the back. "Try not to fall for him."
As your roommate leaves the room, you can only sigh. This was exactly why you'd left out those details about this date—Hyunjae would be making fun of you forever. Yes, that must be the reason. It definitely wasn't because you considered those moments special.
All week, you'd been trying to come up with a plan to avoid showing Sunwoo this next scene from the visions. You'd thought about making up a more PG-rated scenario since there's no way he would know if what you're showing is real or not, but how could you lie about these things when he'll see them eventually in his future? Besides, Hyunjae thought the scenarios you came up with were lame anyway.
So your choices for today's scene were really limited—either you would have to share a kiss with him in public or watch as his face contorts with disgust at the thought of having to kiss you. Or perhaps you would be dealing with the awkwardness of dead silence between you once he turns down the kiss. Either way, today was not looking good for you.
The market bustles with the afternoon crowd of couples on their date and the elderly running their errands. You hadn't exactly gathered much information from the second scene; without being able to use your sight, you only knew there was kissing, the smell of the outdoors, and light chatter in the background. A park would seem to public, too open of a space to be doing this, and a forest trail might be too isolated and not sunny enough compared to what you'd felt.
A cute date at the market seemed like the perfect balance. And when you look at Sunwoo, your hypothesis is confirmed—beside you, he watches the rows of vendor carts and tents with amazement in his eyes.
"You've never been here before?"
"Nah," Sunwoo shakes his head. "I've been meaning to, but just haven't had the chance to yet." Then he turns to you with a teasing smirk. "You chose the perfect spot. It's like you actually read my mind."
"I can assure you I'm not psychic like that," you mutter, stunned for a second. "Let's take our time exploring and see everything today."
Though watching him marvel at different items from each of the stalls you stop by is merely an excuse. You still hadn't told him about what's supposed to happen in the second scene, and you'd tried to dance carefully around the topic when he asked. How are you supposed to blatantly say that the two of you are supposed to kiss? You hope that the wonders of the market would distract him enough so that he forgets why you're here at all.
"So how long have we known each other?" Sunwoo turns to ask as the two of you walk to the next stall. "And what kind of party is it? Don't tell me I unintentionally agreed to going to a wedding with you."
"It's not that much better actually—it's an engagement party."
He stops dead in his tracks. You laugh.
"A year minimum," you continue like he's not giving you a deadpan stare. "Maybe two. We should be pretty serious about... each other."
"Do you think I could watch over the shop for you while you take your boss to be your date?" He pauses, looking at you with hopeful eyes that immediately dim when you shake your head. "What have I gotten myself into?" Then he's walking to the next stall with dramatically loud steps, though you definitely don't miss the smile he tries to hide.
The rest of your cover story slowly comes together over the course of the date—he asked you out, some of the places you frequent are last week's restaurant and today's market, and you sometimes spend the weekend at his place which is why Hyunjae and Jacob haven't met him yet.
It's a while later when you've explored the majority of the stalls when Sunwoo finally turns to you.
"Hey, let's head over there," he tilts his head at the field behind the market, shooting you a grin when he takes your hand in his.
You pray he doesn't hear the startled sound that escapes from the back of your throat.
There's an empty picnic table tucked away at the corner of the market behind the row of vendors. And while you aren't sure if this is how the kiss happens in the vision, something tells you that maybe he knows. The bit of privacy behind the stalls and the way the noises of the market gradually fade into the background as you approach the table—if you were going to get any moment to re-enact the scene today, it would be here.
You climb onto the table, letting your legs dangle off the bench while Sunwoo follows suit beside you.
"You haven't said anything about why we're here today," he eyes you up and down with amusement playing on his lips. "Why? Is it something bad?" The teasing tilt in his voice paired with a slight eyebrow raise is enough to have your cheeks quickly burning up.
Then the embarrassment kicks in. You know that there's no avoiding it when the two of you are already at the location of the next scene in your vision, and now it's just a matter of telling him. But no matter how you try to phrase it in his head, what could possibly be a good way of telling your client that you're supposed to kiss them? That's what Sunwoo was, right? Still just a client that had wanted to see and experience the things in your vision of his future.
"Um—it's... a hug," you say hesitantly, testing the way it sounds in your mouth. Picturing the way his face would fall at the word 'kiss' is enough to scare you into changing your mind at the last second. "It's a hug that's supposed to happen here."
And as if he could see through your lie, Sunwoo narrows his eyes. "Oh yeah? Here of all places?" Maybe it really was a bad idea to lie; you should've believed Hyunjae when he said you can't tell a lie to save your life.
"Yeah." You swallow the lump in your throat. "I'm not sure why it's here either."
If he does detect your lie, he doesn't say anything about it. Instead, his expression morphs into something softer. "Love can be found everywhere, Y/N," he murmurs. "Even in a hug at the market if you want it to." Then he gets up and holds his arms open, waiting for you to walk into them. Eyes twinkling with the question of whether you want this.
And do you want this? It might be too soon to be hugging when you barely knew each other, but it's also too soon for your heart to be speeding up the way it does. For you to feel a small burst of butterflies in your stomach every time he so much as stares at you for a moment too long, and for this cover story and the re-enactments to feel more tangible than the abstract concepts they're meant to be.
Yet you find yourself getting up from the table and carefully stepping into Sunwoo's arms. Letting yourself slowly relax in the warmth of his embrace and letting the faint scent of his cologne envelop you. It's a tender, loose hug but one that allows you to feel the steady beating of his heart against your own.
"Is this how it happens?" he whispers, and you can feel the rumble of his voice vibrating through his chest, and feel the rises and falls of his every breath.
But you're unable to respond. You don't know how to answer, nor do you know why he's even the slightest bit willing to act out a scene from a stupid reading that he probably deems a scam anyway.
So the obvious answer would be saying yes and then calling it a day. It's at the tip of your tongue before something stops you from continuing the lie. "No, not quite."
And it tells you to cup his cheek and bring him closer to you. It makes you lean forward until you can see his smooth sun-kissed skin and the long eyelashes framing his beautiful eyes, and it makes you slowly squeeze your eyes shut and bring your lips to his. Kissing him, like how it happens in the reading.
Except it doesn't quite turn out like the delicate kiss you felt in the reading, for he kisses you back like he wants this. Like he wants you. Those supple lips glide across yours, consuming you, making you feel like you're sinking into the depths of his touch and his body. The little breaths that escape from him. And all you can do is hang on, grasping weakly at his collar as every essence of your being is filled with want for a person you shouldn't want.
Before you could have a passing thought that this is too intense to be done in public, Sunwoo breaks the kiss. His breath comes out in light pants as he gives a teasing grin.
"Oh, so that's how it happens?"
For a second you feel like you must be lightheaded from the kiss. Otherwise, why would he suddenly look so bright? And why had it felt so real?
"Yeah," you can say it easily now. "It is."
When he takes your hand a moment later, all the thoughts about cover stories and readings and Eric's party disappear from your mind. Leaving only the warmth of him beside you and the memory of his lips in your mind.
However, reality hits you very soon. There, by one of the nearby stalls, is someone who looks like the lover in the visions. They have the same hairstyle as you, the same smooth skin, and even the same face shape. Without directly glancing at their face, you could've assumed that you were looking at yourself.
But even though they don't make a glance at Sunwoo as the two of you walk by, simply seeing them has your heart sinking. It sinks at the thought that the kiss might've been nothing more than a figment of your imagination—a world where you're both pretending that you really are the lover from the visions. That Sunwoo's eagerness to kiss you, to want you, wasn't actually meant for you at all, but rather for someone he hasn't met yet.
And you don't get it. You don't understand why you're disappointed by this when it isn't even real. It shouldn't ever be real. Regardless of whether it was a good kiss, of whether it had felt wonderful and realistic and enticing, you should know that it wouldn't mean anything.
Because you're not the lover from the reading.
Surprisingly, Sunwoo agrees to re-enacting the third and final scene of the vision. You were sure that he would say no, that he definitely wouldn't appreciate having a stranger barge into his home for this one. At this rate, maybe if you told him you were going skydiving he'd have agreed to that too.
It isn't difficult for you to tell him what happens this time when it's just slow dancing, which should be easy to re-enact at least compared to the kiss at the market. All you have to do is rest your hands on his shoulders and then step side to side to the beat of the music. How hard can it be?
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hyunjae peers at you from the doorway of the bathroom. "You barely managed to escape from this guy during your first meeting, and now you're walking right into his home." He comes closer to where you're checking your outfit in front of the mirror, and says in a loud whisper, "Where you'll be alone with him."
Right, that was the part that you were trying not to think about.
"You sure you can handle it? After," he gestures in the air, "what happened at the market and all."
Internally, you grumble. Externally, you ignore him.
"I know you're picturing that steamy kiss," he rolls his eyes, which you can all too clearly through the mirror. "But anyway, if you're sure about going to his place tonight, just remember to be safe, yeah? Share your location just in case. Hold your head if you're about to jump out of another moving car."
"Don't you have a boyfriend you should be bothering instead?"
That earns you an enthusiastic nod. "He should be coming soon. So take your time on your date tonight."
There's peace when you finally step out, leaving your roommate mid-sentence about how you picked another terrible outfit.
You're the first to arrive at the restaurant, though it isn't long before you spot Sunwoo a block away—he's late for your date and clearly running to make up for it by the way he zooms by other people on the street, nearly knocking them over when he gives a big wave.
"Sorry for being so late," he pants as he bends over to catch his breath. "Thank you for waiting."
You shrug nonchalantly. "Guess that makes us even. But I hope you didn't trip on your way here."
"Nah," that puts an instant grin on his face. "I just had to clean up the apartment a little. Well," he pauses, the grin fading, "a lot. Couldn't have it be a mess for when you come over tonight."
"Oh." You still don't know why he would agree to all this, especially if it takes that much work.
The dinner goes well. It's one of the few moments of peace, considering your first meal together was ruined by the remnants of your nasty fall, and the market date was interrupted by an abrupt awakening. Though you don't exactly see these events as losses when your memories were still brimming with Sunwoo's gentle touch when he bandaged your hands, and the warmth of his lips fitting so perfectly with your own. And tonight? You know that there will be another moment for you to commit to memory forever.
When you arrive at your destination, you finally understand why he was late for your dinner. The place is spotless; unlit candles filling the room, a bottle of wine with empty glasses on the counter. Flowers in a beautiful vase on the table. It's like he'd spent all day running around just to set up for this moment.
"It's presentable, right?" Sunwoo cracks a smile, slipping off his shoes and sliding his jacket onto the rack, followed by taking your coat as well. "Not sure how it's supposed to happen, but I figured I should at least try to make it—well, as romantic as possible."
"Wow, you didn't have to do all this," you manage to get out. You're still standing right in your spot as he goes over to light the candles, in shock and confusion over why he would possibly do such a thing.
He turns back to give you a small shrug. "I wanted you to have a good time."
When he finishes lighting the candles, Sunwoo puts on some music. He selects it on his phone, seemingly having put together a whole playlist for the occasion. And if you hadn't known any better, it would be so easy to believe that he'd simply put together a romantic date night at his place for the two of you. That he'd done all this because you were someone special to him. That this meant something.
Well, if he could pretend for a night, then maybe you could too.
You shake the thoughts from your mind and replace them with a smile instead as a song you don't recognize starts softly in the background. Sunwoo heads to the table, beckoning you to follow, and then pours two glasses of wine.
"You know, I'm really glad I went to you that day." He takes a sip of his wine and then swirls it when he sits it back down. "For the reading. I'm glad I met you. And um, I should thank you for showing me all of this."
"Shut up," you roll your eyes. "Don't lie. You still don't believe in any of this fortune telling stuff, right?"
Sunwoo bursts into laughter. "You're right, I don't. I guess I just wanted to see some acts of love. Honestly though, I thought you would make up random scenarios just to date me," he waves dismissively at your frown. "But it doesn't matter to me. Real or not, I like spending time with you, and... well, maybe you've convinced me."
"I convinced you that the reading was real?"
You're met with a shrug as he takes another sip of his wine, and in that brief silence you ponder about what he's referring to. There's no way he believes in fortune telling, so what else is there to convince him of?
But then something else pops into your mind.
"Can I ask you something?" You take a deep breath, letting out a sharp exhale when Sunwoo nods. "What happened with your ex?"
It's clear that he hesitates with the way he swirls his glass, pressing his lips together.
"Never mind. We don't have to—"
"It's okay. It was a long time ago; I'm over it." His eyes meet yours before flickering away. "Actually, I think I knew it was over long before it was really over. But I kept hoping that things could be fixed. I was stupid and kept trying."
"Hey, no, that's not stupid." You reach over and take his hand. "You were willing to put in the effort to save your relationship, and that shows you care."
But he merely shrugs. "Seems like a waste when they were busy cheating on me."
"That's not your fault. And it's not a waste. The love that you show the world is never a waste." There's a flood of emotions running through you, you belatedly realize; you're clutching the glass so tightly in your free hand that you begin to fear it might crack. It's directed at Sunwoo's ex, at the thought that someone would hurt him like that when he's done nothing but fight for their relationship.
"It's kind of ironic now that I think about it," he continues swirling his wine. "Right before I found out they were cheating, I went to a psychic and got a reading done on the relationship. Apparently the reading said everything would be fine, and I just stupidly believed it."
"Sunwoo... is that why you don't believe in this stuff anymore?"
He nods.
"I wish I didn't either." You swallow the lump in your throat, setting down the glass. It's not only the mention of his ex that's making you feel this way, but also the lover from the visions. You want to hate them, to curse at them and at your fate for ripping this beautiful thing away from your grasp before it's even within reach.
But it all makes you want to try harder to prove it to Sunwoo. That he's worth more than what his ex had made it seem, and that he doesn't need to be closed off to the idea of love because someone in the future is going to walk into his life and show him exactly that.
"Why?" He squeezes your hand lightly. "What makes you say that?"
"It's also because of an ex."
It was Juyeon. Or rather, what you saw in his future. Two years after the start of your relationship and four after the start of your friendship, you'd trusted him enough to tell him about this little fortune telling party trick, and he'd trusted you to take a look at his future. Maybe that's where things went wrong.
Looking back, you aren't surprised that you saw someone else in his future. They appeared so happy together, he made her laugh, and she seemed to fit in all the ways you didn't. But there was no point in waiting for fate to inevitably bring them together while pulling the two of you apart, so you ran. You didn't want to stick around to find out what would happen.
"Wow." Sunwoo blinks at you, seemingly unable to speak after your story. "Do you know if they ever met or got together? Your ex and the person you saw in his future."
You shake your head. "Haven't heard anything about him since we broke up."
"And he's the one who's going to be at this party?"
"Yeah. He's one of Eric's close friends."
"I'm sorry that happened to you," Sunwoo drops his gaze as he gently traces circles into your palm with his thumb. "I see why you don't want to believe in that stuff now. Actually, it's kind of funny how it was this fortune telling thing that screwed both of us over."
"Right? I should get Sangyeon to close the shop and we could open a boba store instead or something." You roll your eyes, chuckling at the thought. "Probably makes better money than this ever will."
"That's not a bad idea." Then he sets his glass down and stands, coming to your side to pull you into a hug. "But Y/N, don't beat yourself up for what happened, okay? You didn't know what you would see, and you have no control over it."
"I guess."
"Besides, I'll be such a good date that you won't even notice him the entire night." Sunwoo releases you and steps back, smile turning shy as he holds out a hand. "Shall we?"
"I have to warn you that I'm not great at dancing," you mutter, taking his hand anyway and letting him guide you towards the space in the living room. "Don't hold me accountable for any injuries you might sustain."
When your hands move to his shoulders, you can feel yourself tense up—your body is awkward, and your arms are too stiff as if not wanting to rest your weight on him. But when you hear a bubble of laughter and see the way Sunwoo looks at you so fondly, you feel the same pull as you'd felt at the market. The pull that makes you want to relax and sink into the warmth of his body.
His touch is gentle when he places his hands on your waist, all too carefully and all too delicately. It makes you wonder if it was even possible that those were the same hands that his ex had willingly let go of, and if those light steps that he takes when swaying to the music are the same footsteps that will walk into the life of the lover in the visions. You wonder if this Sunwoo, glancing back at you so tenderly, is the same as the one that will forget about you as soon as this moment is over.
But most of all, you wonder if the you that had originally agreed to do this is the same as the you whose heart beats faster and faster when he holds your gaze now. If the you who had only wanted a date, any date for the party, could possibly be the same as the you who now finds yourself wanting to lean into his touch, wanting him to want you.
"You okay?" He pulls you out of your thoughts.
"Yeah. Perfect."
Sunwoo breaks into a soft smile. "You know, I've always wondered what you keep thinking about. When you get lost in that world in your head, what do you see? What do you dream about?"
"It's different every time," you murmur, trying to ignore the way your palms feel all too hot against his shoulders. "But these days... it's you."
You don't tell him that it's also getting to know him, falling for him, and imagining how you should be the one doing all those things with him like in the reading. It's picturing a love that flourishes ever so slowly, one that silently rests between the two of you, growing steadily until a day when it becomes the only thing you can hear.
And though you leave all that out, your answer seems to be enough for him.
"Yeah," you say softly. "Whatever happened in the past—I really hope it doesn't keep you from experiencing the kind of relationship you deserve. You're not hard to love, Sunwoo." You hesitate just the slightest before admitting, "Not at all."
Your words feed the twinkle of hope in his eyes as well as the one that seemed to have been blossoming in your own heart for a while now. Maybe you can finally admit it; this would be the last time you see him, so maybe it wouldn't matter what happens tonight.
The thoughts swarming your mind are soon forgotten though. For Sunwoo pulls back slightly if only to gaze at you with a bright grin, one that sends your heart back into the frenzy it never recovered from. And a moment later, when his lips are on yours, the dancing, the music, and the entire scene are long forgotten in the background.
This time you let yourself believe that it's real. You fall deeper into a world where you're the lover from the visions; a world that contains just the two of you. And this time you aren't afraid to kiss him back like you want him, because you do. You pull him close until your bodies are inseparable, and you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the heat of his mouth and the burns of his touch. You let yourself want, even as your back hits the wall and you're trapped between it and the weight of his body pressing against you. And you let yourself take, let your hands trace over the defined lines of his muscles, the smoothness of his skin, and the softness of his hair.
You kiss until you're breathless, until your knees are weak and you're sinking once again. Until his little breaths come out in fuller moans, and hands are wandering into dangerous territory.
"Is this how it happens?" Sunwoo whispers, gaze dropping as he leans in to press his forehead against yours. "Is this how we fall for each other?"
No, you immediately think, not at all. The apartment is dim with only the small lamps at the sides of the room and the candles lining the table as the only light. The music, despite being slow and romantic, feels much too loud for some reason. It feels forced. And the way that you'd managed to step on his toes on all the wrong beats surely couldn't be the right path to falling in love.
But maybe you're not afraid to admit it anymore. "Yeah," you say instead, "it is."
Sunwoo's eyes snap to yours, and what you find in them makes you want to repeat your answer again and again. It's uncertain to you why he would be hoping for this answer or why he would be satisfied if his own creation were to match perfectly with the one that you'd seen. Even more uncertain, is why he chose that particular set of words to say. But none of it matters when his lips are back on yours, writing an answer of their own.
And for one night, you let yourself be Sunwoo's lover from the visions.
One thing becomes painfully clear after that—you could not be seeing Sunwoo ever again. Not even for one last party date.
On the surface, you knew that your job was done. You'd shown him all of the moments that are supposed to happen in his future, and you'd upheld your end of the deal. But the truth was that every time you saw him, it became a little more difficult to remember that you're not the lover from the reading. And every time you talked to him, you found yourself wanting more and more to be that person.
Your plan to avoid him doesn't go as expected though, for he keeps texting you. He sounds normal, continuing to send memes and share posts like he'd been doing for the past while. And when he asks you for a movie date the following weekend, he acts as if the past three meetups were exactly that—dates. It's like it never occurred to him that you were there only to show him how everything happens, and not to actually date him. Though now, you're no longer sure if that's true.
So you say you're busy, you limit your texts to once per day, and you don't pick up when he calls. You follow the textbook formula for ghosting for days to the point where Hyunjae hides your buzzing phone under the couch cushion while spewing threats about throwing it out the window, and even Sangyeon's telling you to just call Sunwoo back.
And yet, a while later, you find yourself sitting at a cafe with Sunwoo across from you.
"Hey, thanks for agreeing to meet with me. This won't take long." There is no smile on his face this time, and you realize that it might really be the first time seeing him like this—eyes devoid of emotion, his face a neutral mask.
You nod slightly in acknowledgement, trying to hide the way your heart sinks at his words. They're something you should be relieved to hear, but you know you're still clinging onto the inkling of hope that you can go back to pretending the two of you mean something to each other.
"Have you been doing okay?"
"Just busy," you repeat the same kind of boring answers from your texts. "You?"
"Yeah," Sunwoo says slowly, dragging out the word. Then he takes a deep breath. "Are you avoiding me?"
Yes. "I didn't really see any reason we should stay in touch." A partial lie. It barely makes it out of your mouth.
"Are you for real? Y/N, where is this coming from?"
"I did what I said I'd do." The mask on your face was threatening to crack, especially after seeing the flash of pain in his eyes. "I showed you all of the scenes I saw in the reading. What more is there?"
"I—well, yeah," he frowns. "That might be what we initially agreed, but you can't deny that we had something special. There's no way you didn't feel anything when we were together."
You merely shrug, trying your best to harden your eyes instead of giving in to the tears that threaten to spill. Because how can you tell him the truth? How can you give Sunwoo hope just to crush it with the reality of your doomed fate?
"So—so what, all of it was just pretend? The things you said—you lied, didn't you? When you said I'm not hard to love..." he looks away, biting his lip. "I should've known."
"Hey, no. Everything I said was true, but this has nothing to do with that."
"Did you even want to do this at all? Or did you hate every moment of it?"
"Sunwoo, stop. Okay, you're right. Let's say I did feel something and that I do like you. But does any of it matter? You're forgetting that I'm not the one in your future. You might not believe in this stuff, but my readings have never been wrong before." It's hard enough hiding it, and you can't do it anymore. Now everything comes tumbling out all at once when he looks so broken. "You're going to meet them someday, and you're going to love them. Whoever they are. It just won't be me."
His jaw goes slack, mouth opening but nothing coming out. As if finally realizing the truth that both of you had forgotten along the way.
"Oh and also," this last part is yet another difficult lie that you have to clench your fists to tell, "you don't have to hold your end of the agreement. I'm not going to the party anymore."
You know that what you said would definitely change things—people tend to be averse to anything that goes against what they believe to be their fate. You also know that Sunwoo won't chase after you when you leave.
You're right.
Sunwoo stops texting you.
It should be a good thing; now you would both return to your normal lives and pretend like this entire thing never happened. But even though you know all this, there's still something weighing you down. It weighs down each step you take, becoming a salient presence that you can't seem to wrap your mind around.
And even despite knowing that your relationship with him was just temporary, that you would be no more than a filler until the person in his future arrives, you still look over at your phone with the hopes that maybe the notification would be from Sunwoo. You can't help but want him to still want you.
"You're in your head again, you know," Hyunjae jabs you in the arm, bringing you away from the thoughts and back to where you're seated in your living room. "Can't you think more quietly?"
"Can't you shut up for once?"
"See? I told you he was an asshole!" He flicks a piece of popcorn over at you, hitting you perfectly on the head. "I told you that he was all kinds of bad news. Didn't I say you're too nice for your own good? I knew something like this would happen."
"You said," you roll your eyes at him, throwing the piece of popcorn back, "that he might try to kidnap me. And to stop being so nice to hot people—no, I'm not making an exception for you."
"He really said that last part?" Jacob asks incredulously.
You nod. Hyunjae shakes his head.
Jacob clicks his tongue at his boyfriend and sighs with disbelief. "So about this fate thing. I know you believe you're not the one in Sunwoo's future, but do you think a relationship with him is something worth pursuing regardless?"
"Why would it be worth pursuing if I know it'll just end?"
"Well, how do you know that for sure?" Jacob puts a hand on your shoulder and pats you comfortingly. Shakes his head a little. "Y/N, maybe you weren't meant to see his partner's face. Look at the rest of us—we don't have your abilities and we all go through it blindly. I started dating Hyunjae because I liked him, and not because I knew that he was the one who would be appearing in my future."
"But—" you start, and then stop. It takes a few replays of Jacob's words to let their meaning sink into your head.
"Hey," Jacob continues, "if you think this is something worth going for—and by the way you've been moping around, it sure seems that way—then you should talk to him. See what he thinks."
Maybe Jacob is right, and part of you really wants to believe him, but you can't help but think that you should be using the information you have to your advantage. Surely, your ability has to be a blessing at some point, right? Wasn't it a good thing to put an end to your relationship with Sunwoo now so that it wouldn't hurt even more later?
"You never know what could happen in the future." It's as if Jacob could hear your thoughts. "Maybe the future can change. Or it really could be you; there may be other people who could fit into what you saw but that doesn't discount the possibility that it's you."
"Yeah, yeah. All this talk is nice but that doesn't mean that Sunwoo isn't just an asshole who's playing with you," Hyunjae stuffs a handful of popcorn in his boyfriend's mouth and turns to you with a serious look. "You need to think this through, okay? Do you really like him or do you just like the attention he gives you?"
"Y/N can't possibly fall for someone that easily, right?" comes out muffled from where Jacob is still trying to chew through the popcorn. He raises a brow at you.
Hyunjae rolls his eyes. "You'd be surprised." Then he turns back to you. "Do you really like him or do you just like kissing him?"
It's as if you're being scrutinized when Jacob also peers at you, searching your face for answers. Maybe the heat on your cheeks is enough to provide one.
"Do you really like him, or do you just enjoy fixing broken people?"
"Do you really like him or is he just hot?"
Jacob snorts. "By that standard, I'm quite surprised that Y/N never had a crush on you."
"They did—" Hyunjae quickly stops himself, but it's too late. Jacob's judging eyes are already on you, making you slowly sink into the couch, hoping you could disappear.
Not going to the party was a lie that you told Sunwoo—an excuse so that you would have no reason to ever see him again. The problem was that this agreement hadn't only left you with a broken heart, but it also brought you back to square one: you still do not have a plus one for Eric's party.
From the outside, Eric's house looks massive. He has fancy lights installed at every corner, lighting up the exterior walls every couple of feet. Jacob pulls into the driveway slowly and turns back to give you a worried glance just before the three of you step out.
The interior of his house is just as impressive. A chandelier hangs in the front foyer, and symmetric spiral staircases spread off to either side. Eric stands near the front, a drink in hand, and his permanently loud smile written all over his face. He greets you with an equally loud hug.
"Congrats on your engagement," you manage to squeeze out from beneath his arms tightly wrapped around you.
"Y/N, how long has it been?"
"Considering the last time I saw you was when you were single?" you laugh. "Yeah, it's been a while."
Eric lets go of you to peer behind you. "Oh, where's your boyfriend?"
"Um, he wasn't feeling very well so..." A lame excuse but it's the best you could come up with at the moment. "Yeah, he's not coming."
"That's okay," Eric's face falls for the briefest second before it lights up again. "Oh, you even brought the Hyunjae? What a rare sight!" And then he goes off to wrap Hyunjae and Jacob in a big hug before dragging them off into the living room. At least he wouldn't be the one questioning you about your non-existent fake boyfriend tonight.
You follow along, sticking to the walls in the hopes you'd be just as invisible as wallpaper. Even though you haven't spotted Juyeon yet, this was what you feared the most—being amongst your college crowd brought back feelings you hadn't touched in years. But soon, it gets a little easier when Eric pulls you with him to greet everyone around the room, and so you catch up with Haknyeon and Kevin, and then later, you say hi to Chanhee and Changmin.
It isn't until you reach the kitchen when you finally spot him. Juyeon has his back turned to you, helping with preparations, and beside him, Younghoon greets you silently with a nod as your eyes meet. But before you could plan your escape, you see her. From far away, she looks like just another face in the crowd, but there's a spark of familiarity as if you've seen her somewhere before. Perhaps in one of your clients' readings that you've done over the years. You read somewhere that the brain never forgets faces, after all.
She greets you and then heads over to the kitchen.
"Hey, Juyeon, right? It's so nice to finally meet you," she says, holding out a hand. Her voice seems just as familiar as her face, and now you're sure you've seen her before. "I'm Eric's sister."
Then she smiles as Juyeon takes her hand. It's a full smile where she flashes her teeth, and her eyes disappear, and—
The drink you're holding falls to the floor.
You're all too familiar with that smile when you'd seen it in the scenes of the fateful reading you did years ago. On an amusement park ride, with one hand in the air and the other in Juyeon's. On a dancefloor at a wedding—that you now assume to be Eric's—with arms wrapped around him and later, lips against his. And then there was this very moment where their handshake was interrupted by your own glass of wine hitting the floor.
This was the moment when they would meet. The one that you'd been running from all those years ago. The one that would start everything between them.
This is how it happens.
"Are you okay?" She comes rushing to your side without missing a beat, paper towels in hand. "Be careful of the glass."
But you're frozen on the spot, unable to feel bad about dropping the glass, and unable to help clean it up. All you know is you have to get out of there as fast as you can. You hear your name being called a few times as you make your way to the door, but you don't stop until you're outside and halfway down the steps.
It's quieter outside and the air is cooler, enough to slow down the thoughts running through your head. You end up sitting on the steps and leaning against the cold metal of the railing in the hopes that it might numb your feelings.
"Y/N? You okay?" a voice mumbles above your ear. It's familiar for a different reason this time, and you look up to see the person you least expected but wanted the most.
"Sunwoo? Why are you here? I told you I wasn't going to the party."
"Well, I hate to break it to you, but it wasn't exactly a believable lie," he gives you a weak smile then sits down beside you on the steps. "I wanted to make sure you'd be okay."
"I really should've stayed home. I knew this would be a bad idea but—" You quickly turn away, trying to get rid of the tear slipping out.
"Hey, Y/N. Talk to me. What's wrong?" Sunwoo takes off his jacket and wraps it around you, and then gently moves you until you're leaning against him. Buried in the crook of his shoulder. "Was she who you saw in his future?"
"Yeah, but it's—it's not just that. This was the moment that I saw in his reading. This is how they meet."
"This was in your reading?" He tenses slightly. "Damn, that's tough. Y/N, I don't even know what to say. I should've gotten here earlier to be here with you from the start like we planned."
"It's okay, it's not your fault. But Sunwoo, what have I done? I broke up with him thinking that he would leave me for her one day, so I didn't want to find out if and when they would meet." You have to swallow the sob in your throat. "I've always held onto the hope that it would be wrong. But now, I got to witness it anyway. Right in front of me."
"Do you regret your decision?"
"No," you shake your head. "Well, I don't know. I'm over him but I just—I hate it so much. Feeling so helpless and unable to do anything about fate."
A silence stretches out between the two of you, with only the music from the house and the distant rumble of cars filling the night. Even though it hasn't been a long time since he sat beside you, the warmth of his arms around you and even the rising and falling of his chest are enough to slowly wipe away the worries from earlier.
"Look, I thought about what you said," Sunwoo breaks the silence, pulling away to meet your eyes instead, "and I don't think it changes anything."
You immediately know what he's referring to. "How does it not?"
He takes a deep breath. "You want to know why I don't believe in fortune telling? This is exactly why. I don't like the idea that we are locked into our fates, or that certain things will or won't happen no matter what choices we make."
"What about when you really meet them one day? And inevitably fall for them?"
"I get why you would be afraid of that, Y/N, I really do. But none of that matters. When I say I want to be with you, this is my choice. It doesn't matter who it is that you saw in your reading; I want to choose you and love you on purpose. Not by accident, and not by fate."
You know he's right and Jacob was too. This entire time, you'd been trying to run away from a fate that you couldn't escape, and what you saw today only proved that.
But maybe now, it's time to stop running.
"Do you really think that we could change things?"
"We can do anything we want to do." Sunwoo nods firmly. Then he takes your hand, squeezing you gently. "But first, let's get out of here?"
"Yeah." You smile for the first time that night and let him lead the way.
A small diner at the corner of the street near your place is what the two of you decide on. When you enter, the first thing you notice is how much it reminds you of the "before" images of that nice restaurant. Half of the diner is dark with the overhead lights flickering once in a while in an attempt to turn on, while the other half is cast in an unpleasant fluorescent light. There are pieces of garbage on the floor that an employee tries to sweep up as she greets you. In short, the state of it almost makes you want to walk right out.
But instead, you order your food. You sit down at a table towards the darker half of the room as you wait.
Sunwoo clears his throat. "You know," he starts, a shy smile on his face, "I can read your palm too."
"What?" That wasn't remotely close to anything you imagined he would say. You give him a questioning look, frozen with confusion as you put your hand on the table, palm up. "Um, sure. Go for it."
He gently runs his fingers over the lines on your palm, tracing them as he closes his eyes and pretends to envision something the way you do. Soon, your confusion fades into amusement at the effort that he's putting into this. Each of his feather-like touches causes your heart to speed up a little, and you have to try to will your palms not to start sweating because that would not be attractive at all.
"So? What do you see?"
"Shh," he whispers with his eyes firmly shut. "The spirit is still talking."
You use the chance to really glance at him. Not much has changed since the last time you'd seen him, but somehow he looks even better now—perhaps healthier or more radiant, like he's completely healed from the remnants of a broken heart plaguing him before. Maybe even happier. You wonder if what Hyunjae said about you healing broken people is true.
"I saw a lot of things," Sunwoo opens his eyes, and his lips automatically curl into a smirk when he catches you staring. "First, I saw myself in your future."
"And what were we doing?"
"We went on a picnic and ended up getting chased by bees," he chuckles. "Then we went to a bookstore but ended up making out between the shelves. And well, we got kicked out by a tired employee who looked like it wasn't his first time kicking people out for doing that."
You stifle a laugh. "Why does it seem like our dates are always being interrupted?"
"Hmm," he hums, "there was one where we had some peace, actually. It was when we were skating, and I fell right on my butt. Then you asked if it hurt when I fell for you. Or well, you tried to say it as a pickup line, but you messed it up." Sunwoo pauses for a second, biting his lip. Almost hesitant. "Instead, you ended up asking me if I've fallen for you."
"And? What did you say?" Your heart speeds up tenfold.
"I said yes, Y/N. I've fallen for you." The corners of his mouth start to curve upward. "I think you already knew it by the time I said it, but you just smiled. Then you suddenly fell too, and we laughed about it."
If you'd been afraid to confront your feelings before, now you're no longer afraid. The insecurities that had been plaguing you suddenly fade away, leaving only one thing clear in your head: there would be no more running.
"Then I said I fell for you too, right?"
"Yeah, you did." The initial shock on his face turns into a beam, the crinkles near his eyes appearing. "And if you want, I can show you how each of these scenes are supposed to happen."
"Okay, sure. Show me."
Sunwoo lets out a loud exhale. "That's a relief. For a second I thought you were going to argue with everything the way I did with your reading."
"Hey—I'm nicer than you are," you shoot him a glare. "Who even does that?"
"Yeah, I'll admit that wasn't the greatest impression. Maybe we can start over?"
"Well," you pretend to think about it but can't help the smile creeping onto your face. "This is kind of a shitty place for a first date."
"Maybe our first date will be that picnic I saw in my reading then. But without the bees, yeah?"
"Okay, sure."
"Oh yeah, have your wounds healed? They didn't leave any scars, did they?" He lifts your hand to examine it carefully before taking your other hand as well. Turning them over to look at the rest, and then simply holding them.
And suddenly, it clicks into place. The small scars you'd seen on the hands in the vision, the dimness of the diner, and the blurred face of the lover. Everything seems to line up so perfectly that it has your head spinning for a second with deja vu. Had it really been you in the vision? Was the lover not someone with your hairstyle, nor Sunwoo's ex, but actually you yourself? And wasn't this moment at the diner—with your hands and the tiny, healing scars on them enveloped by Sunwoo's—the first scene in the vision? Maybe this is how it happens. You really hope that this is how it happens.
You don't know whether you should tell him or not, but when you look up and see the small smile dancing on his lips and the sparkle in his eyes, you get the feeling that Sunwoo already knows. And whether he's purposely trying to recreate the scene or whether he merely lets it occur, the gesture ignites a sort of warmth in your heart. It fuels the seed of hope that maybe, just maybe, you won't have to say goodbye one day.
A few days later comes your picnic date as promised, though it isn't so much a picnic when it turns into apple picking. Sunwoo picks you up at your apartment, something that had Hyunjae warning you about needing to actually jump from a moving car. Even after you go downstairs, you're almost sure you see Hyunjae peering from your seventh-floor balcony. And knowing him, he's probably got the binoculars out too, watching your every move.
The drive takes a while with the busy traffic of the city around you, but time flies when you find yourself relaxing into your seat. And when Sunwoo asks about your roommate, you're ready—you tell him about all Hyunjae's stupid antics. From avoiding baking because he didn't know to use oven mitts when taking things out of the oven, to setting an eight-hour timer every night in place of an alarm. There was also a time when Jacob had unknowingly poured salt into Hyunjae's coffee instead of sugar, and being the considerate boyfriend he is, Hyunjae drank it without so much as a grimace.
And Sunwoo laughs at your stories like they're the funniest thing. The way he turns to you at each red light, if only to briefly smile and stare while ignoring the cars honking impatiently behind you when the light turns green. He takes you in like he's committing each moment to memory.
It continues when you get to the orchard—you get through half of your first bushel when you catch him staring at you. Staring as you reach up to grab another apple, staring as you add it to your collection.
A nonchalant shrug. "Just appreciating the view."
"So tell me," you glance at him up and down, "what's supposed to happen here? What did you see?"
"Hmm, we picked two bushels of apples."
"That's it?"
"Yeah," he confirms enthusiastically. "And they got quite heavy to carry."
"Were you expecting something more? Hmm?" There's a smirk on Sunwoo's face when he leans in a little closer. So close that you have your lips parted and eyes nearly shut, anticipating the feel of his soft lips on yours. But then he pulls back, an apple in his hand. "Found a good one right behind your head over there."
You roll your eyes, turning to leave so he doesn't see the embarrassment on your cheeks.
"Hey, I'm kidding. But if you wanted me to kiss you that badly, you should've just said so." He stops you from leaving, and this time he traps you with hands on the branches on either side of you. "I'm all yours."
Then he finally closes the distance. You'd expected it to be like the last time, for hands to wander and for lips to consume you. But his lips are barely there like a gentle breath against yours, as sweet as the taste of apples lingering between you. It's almost achingly slow the way he kisses you so tenderly, lighter than you thought possible. Hands reach up to caress your jaw as if any more pressure would break this fragile moment, and then your senses are overwhelmed by sweetness. The sweetness of apples, the sweetness of Sunwoo's lips and the warmth of his mouth, and the sweetness of the sun against your skin and breeze in your hair and voices floating over from a world away.
When you pull apart, you suddenly remember something. The reason why you'd thought the second scene was a market date—the faint taste of apples in that scene had reminded you of the cider at the market. But maybe the answer wasn't the market at all but rather an orchard. And maybe it was this particular moment.
Your heart races a little faster at the thought that it really could've been it. You really could be Sunwoo's lover from the visions.
"Oh, watch out," he steps aside, pulling you with him to avoid a bee flying by.
"Hey—I thought you said no bees?"
That gets you a laugh as Sunwoo takes your hand and tugs you along. "Maybe it's good that it interrupted us."
And you simply smile, brushing off your thoughts and letting yourself enjoy the moment.
"I know you said he's hot, but I didn't expect him to actually," Hyunjae gestures, "be hot."
"I am offended," you briefly turn away from the rink to shoot him a glare.
Initially, you'd thought Sunwoo's idea for turning your skating date into a double date would go terribly. How were you supposed to let him meet the two friends who thought he was a creep? Especially Hyunjae—you were sure that he would make some crude comments that would entirely sabotage your budding relationship. But surprisingly enough, a charming smile and an offer to help lace up their skates was all it took for Sunwoo to have them wrapped around his finger.
Pretty privilege, that's exactly what it was.
"Hey! I wasn't sure if you were serious or if you only found him hot because he gave you attention—" The rest of Hyunjae's words get cut off as he goes to dodge your punch. "Anyway, you're treating him well, right? Are you nicer to him than you are to me? Don't hurt him, okay? Don't break his heart."
"I can't believe you," you snort. "Whose side are you on?"
"Well, he clearly holds the looks in your relationship so..."
"Yeah? Then what do I hold?"
Hyunjae glances at you up and down. Purses his lips slightly. "You hold his cold drinks for him, so his hands don't freeze."
You give him the middle finger before turning back to the ice to watch Sunwoo and Jacob lap each other around the rink. You don't know whether to laugh or to cry at the situation. It's all too ironic how a pretty face is all it took for Hyunjae to go back on his words about not being so nice to hot people.
A while later, you're on the ice with Sunwoo, one hand in his and the other trying to clutch at whatever you could to avoid a hard collision with the ice. It doesn't help that the pain of falling at the park was still too fresh in your mind.
"You're not going to fall," he raises an eyebrow at you, eyes brimming with amusement. "I was only joking about that."
You eye him warily. "You said that you would."
"Maybe, but only for you."
When he smiles, you find yourself smiling too. Slowly relaxing like you're basking in the warmth that radiates off of his happiness. And sure enough, the two of you make it safely around the rink without falling.
Just when you're starting to wonder where Hyunjae and Jacob are, you vaguely realize there's a bit of a crowd gathering around the opposite side of the rink. A silence lingers in the air as voices die down, seemingly waiting with bated breath. And when you pull Sunwoo over with you to join the crowd, that's when you see it: Jacob on one knee, Hyunjae covering his mouth in shock, and a ring resting in the box in Jacob's hands. The same thin, silver ring that you've familiarized yourself with from seeing it in Hyunjae's future. This must be the exact moment you've seen.
There's a bright smile on Hyunjae's face when he gives his answer that you're a little too far to hear, though you don't doubt it's a good one judging by the looks on their faces. The crowd erupts into applause and then Jacob's tackled to the ice by Hyunjae enveloping him. While you think it's less than ideal being on the ice like that, it's like the two of them are lost in their own world, too busy to notice anything or anyone else.
"And this is how they fall for each other," Sunwoo murmurs into your ear. "Guess my reading was wrong; it wasn't us. It's them."
Once the crowd dissipates, the two of you wait for the newly engaged couple by the bench. Hyunjae flashes the ring on his finger before heading to the snack bar, and while later, Jacob joins you with an endearing grin on his face.
"Wow, congrats!" You pull him into a hug as soon as he steps off the ice. "But why didn't you tell us? We could've helped you prepare for it, or we could've taken pictures."
"That was..." He lets out a loud exhale. "It wasn't supposed to happen like this. I was going to do it over dinner—I had one of those private rooms booked out at a nice restaurant and all. But the ring fell out of my pocket when I fell, and well. It landed right in front of him. So," he gives a wry smile, "I didn't really have a choice."
Sunwoo pats him on the back reassuringly. "Hey, it's about the simple things. Love doesn't always have to be romantic."
You remember him saying these exact words from your first date at the restaurant but hearing them again now makes you wonder if you had it wrong this entire time. Maybe you've been focusing so much on making your re-enactments romantic to match the scenes in the visions that you never realized the scenes are meant to happen anywhere. They're meant to happen in between the normalness of everyday life. They're simple acts of love, just as Sunwoo had always said.
Later when the four of you are sufficiently warmed up with hot drinks and laughter in the air, you think you have it figured out. Each of these moments could easily be something that you witness in a reading, but maybe the point isn't to go out searching for these moments or to run away from them. Maybe it's to make choices that will create a future that you want—on purpose, and not by fate.
"What do you think, Y/N?" Sunwoo pulls you out of your thoughts, wrapping an arm around your waist.
"You can stay at my place tonight," he suggests. "Since Hyunjae will be out all night anyway."
"Wait, are you sure? I don't want to intrude or—"
"Yeah, it's fine. Besides, you haven't seen my new place yet."
Your heart gives a loud thud at the thought of being alone with him again, all too reminded of what happened the last time. But you swallow the nerves away, put on a smile, and agree.
The two of you leave the couple to go to their fancy dinner as fiancés, and afterwards, you find your hand in Sunwoo's as you walk back to his place.
The strangest thought is that you're relieved to see there's nothing set up when you arrive at his apartment. There are no fancy candles lining the room, no vase of beautiful flowers on the table. No strings of warm lights hanging above. His place looks entirely normal, albeit a little messier than before.
"Don't judge," he quickly goes to collect the few pieces of clothing left in the living room, avoiding your gaze. "I've just moved in recently."
It's a smaller space than his previous apartment, but much nicer. Newer looking, without any cracks at the seams like there were in his old apartment. As if it were a fresh start for a fully healed heart, one that was ready to love again.
And later on, you're drowning in the scent of his clothes enveloping you, the faint smell of oranges from his body wash mixed with a hint of citrusy detergent. The warmth of his body pressed against yours as you settle on the couch, the taste of his lips as you ignore the movie in the background.
It has to be past midnight when the movie comes to an end, with the credits slowly fading out. Sunwoo gets up to refill your glass of water and you follow him into the kitchen when there's suddenly a blast of music coming through the walls. It's noticeably loud at first but soon quiets into a faint melody in the background.
Sunwoo frowns, pausing to listen to the song. "These walls sure are thin, huh. It's generally been pretty quiet around here until now."
"You could probably Shazam their entire playlist like this," you joke. Maybe you should Shazam it because there's something familiar about the song, but you can't quite place it. It feels like an itch you can't scratch.
The corner of his lip twitches. "It's okay, maybe they also have something to celebrate."
You're still thinking about why the music sounds so familiar when Sunwoo gently takes your hands and guides them to the back of his neck, and then wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in. And when you look up, everything clicks. The familiar walls, the familiar music. Snacks on the counter, the light scent of oranges from the body wash, and even the clothes that you're wearing—Sunwoo's clothes. This was the final scene you saw in your vision. This was how dancing in the kitchen at midnight was supposed to turn out.
"You're not going to step on my toes again, are you?" Sunwoo's eyes twinkle with amusement as he slowly starts to move with the music, dragging you with him.
The two of you step and you sway, and it's not quite to the beat of the song. You do end up stepping on him, your knees bump a few times and nearly your foreheads too. It's every bit as awkward as the first time you'd done this, and even more so without the blanket of darkness or the pretense of romance.
And yet, you hear the endless bubbles of laughter coming out of your mouth. You see the sparkles in Sunwoo's eyes, the bright smiles like he can't contain his happiness. You feel it in the way you dance together at a rhythm that belongs to no one else but the two of you.
You know it when he leans in, breath but a whisper at your ear as he says, "Thank you for making me believe in love again."
Now you don't have to look into his future to know that all the scenes you'd seen were about you. Now you can picture it—Sunwoo looking up from your laced hands on the table and seeing your smile, face no longer out of focus. Pulling away from your kiss in the orchard has you seeing your own gaze, surprised but content. And then there's this very moment when you see yourself in Sunwoo's eyes and you just know.
This is how you fall in love.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Now and for eternity| Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Fandom: Lucifer ( netflix)
Request:” Can you write an imagine where Lucifer’s wife is like this well known social light that owns her own luxury fashion brand and she starts receiving gifts from an obsessed secret admirer and Lucifer is unknowingly being targeted by the secret admirer who is trying to kill Lucifer in order to get the reader and Lucifer thinks it’s his father trying to ‘strike’ him down for some unknown reason until Chloe point out someone that correlates with the readers secret admirer and Lucifer’s attacker. Feeling some type away about it Lucifer decides to taunt the secret admirer by upping the PDA and romantic gestures getting a kick out in it much to Chloe’s dismay. And once the secret admirer is caught Lucifer rubs it in their face that the reader is his for now and all of eternity before showing the secret admirer his true face. ”
Genre: fluff? I guess
Warnings:death threats, stalking, attempted murder
It wasn’t unusual to receive gifts and flowers at your office. After all, with the job you worked and the wealthy people you collaborated with, the presents simply represented one of the many perks of being a designer. Except, one friday morning, while examining a particularly beautiful bouquet of pink lilies, you noticed the little card that came with it
“I know they are some of your favorite - <3 “
Usually, work associates would leave a name. Some way for you to know that they value your work and are thinking of you (and maybe to flatter you into giving them a discount), but there was no name on this card, just a tiny heart in a glittery, pink gel pen. Pink lilies were, indeed, your favorite.
You brought the flowers home and told your husband, Lucifer, all about the mysterious gift. You had talked to your secretary and even she didn’t know where the flowers came from, since no one came to drop off lilies that morning. You presumed the sender must have simply forgotten to sign the card, and perhaps your secretary had forgotten about them, with the busy morning she’d had. You and Lucifer had a laugh, imagining the shy and anxious intern that was probably assigned the job, and the scolding they’ll get when their boss finds out about their mistake.
The next morning, a box of your favorite chocolates were waiting for you on your desk. There wasn’t any note, just the same heart, written in the same glitter pen. You dismissed it as a weird coincidence and moved on to working on your designs.
Without you knowing, this also happened to be the first time Lucifer would be faced with a very interesting note. As he was getting ready to leave the police station, he noticed a piece of yellow paper, stuck to his windshield
“Back off of Y/N. Consider this your first and last warning” no signature. Anyone in Lucifer’s place would have lost their shit, but he paid it no mind. He was the devil after all! If anyone wants to take his precious Y/N away from him, well, they can try. It would make things all the more fun. He folded the paper and stuffed it in his pocket before heading home.
The couple shared Y/N’s chocolates that night, talking about who this person might be. Lucifer wasn’t as amused as he had been the night before, if anything he was rather concerned but he didn’t want to say anything about the note to Y/N, because she would freak out. 
Nothing really happened for the next week. Anonymous gifts stopped showing up at Y/N’s office, Lucifer didn’t get any more notes and things were falling back in their place, until the day right after Y/N’s latest photoshoot went public and viral. It was all to promote her upcoming clothing line. As soon as she walked into the office the next day, she spotted a red, velvet box, the size of a notebook, in the middle of her desk. On top of it, a note written in the same glittery pink as the other gifts
“Congratulations on your new line. Those photos are gorgeous - J.P. <3”
Inside the box was a gorgeous diamond necklace, looking like it was worth millions. If you hadn’t been concerned about the sudden apparition of all these gifts so far, you sure were now. You immediately called your husband to tell him about the mysterious jewelry, but he didn’t pick up. Unbeknown to you, he was busy ranting to detective Decker.
“I mean, not to be dramatic, detective, but the situation does feel like it’s spiralling out of control. Death threats, sure, those come every other weekend, kind of like fanmail, y’know? But actual gun shots fired at my head, well, that’s where I draw the line.” he ended with a giggle. Lucifer was leaning on Decker’s desk as she was examining the bullet casings Lucifer had brought her from his apparent ‘attempted assasination’
“Where did this happen again?” she said, not taking her eyes off of her work
“Right by that coffee shop ms. Lopez always talks about. I may have lost a bet to her the other day and have to get her coffee for the rest of the week, so I was just exiting the shop when a masked man in a dark blue BMW zoomed by, pointing his gun at me and shooting blindly. I mean, that is the most basic attemp at murder I have ever witnessed. At least make it interesting!”
“Lucifer, if someone is out for your life, it’s serious business”
“Why would it be? It’s not like I can actually die, detective! Plus, it’s probably not that deep anyways. Just, dear old dad coming after me again for no particular reason. Very characteristic of him.”
“ You’re getting ahead of yourself. Whoever sent this wants you and Y/N apart, why would your dad want that?”
“Because he’s a prick who disagrees with everything and anything that makes me happy?” Lucifer concludes with an innocent smile “And, of course, Y/N being moral, our marriage goes against the heavenly rules of the almighty, so he’s trying to break us apart, but worry not detective! Me and Y/N are stronger and more in love than ever. My father will simply have to accept that. Nothing will break us apart” he said, puffing his chest out with confidence
“That’s good to hear Lucifer, but I still think we should stay open to different possibilities”
“Oh, come on detective, that would be a waste of our time. I know my father better than anyone, believe me when I tell you this is his hand and no one else's. Case closed! Now, let’s move to the next one! Chop chop detective, murders won’t solve themselves!” Lucifer said, marching out of the precinct. Chloe rolled her eyes at her partner, before hiding the bullets and the note in her desk and going after him.
Although it didn’t bother you, you couldn’t help but notice how much more touchy Lucifer had been with you, ever since the necklace incident. He needed to touch you at all times: when you were out for coffee, at lunch, at the station, in your office, in Lux. His hand was always either around your waist or tangled in yours. You felt sort of bad, thinking he must be a little insecure with this secret admirer being after you at all times, but you wanted him to know that you loved him more than anything and that no matter what, you would never leave him for a faceless man, no matter how many pearls and chocolates he bribes you with. And so, you decided to play along with him, giving him as much attention as you could. Your visits at the station almost doubled, you always cleared your schedule to make time for him and even decided to start work later in  the day than usual, so you could spend more time with him in the morning. 
One afternoon, as you were enjoying your time with Decker and Lucifer during their lunch time, one of the notes from your secret admirer slipped out of your pocket. You didn’t realise it until Chloe picked it up
“Oh, I was going to throw that out”
“Where’s this from?” she asked, studying the note
“Just one of this week's gifts” you confessed awkwardly. Without a second thought, the detective reached for her drawer, pulling out another note from inside and inspecting them side by side. Eventually, she placed them both in front of Lucifer
“Notice something interesting about the writing?”
“They are remarkably similar…”
“More like identical”
“What is that?” you asked, looking at the unknown note. Your heart sank as you read it
“I’ll explain everything at home dear, I swear” Lucifer said
“You’ve received death threats because of me?”
“I’ll tell you everything at home, I promise”
“You have initials…” Decker noticed
“Yeah, ever since my photoshoot, they’re present on every package”
“What floor is your office on again?”
“5th, why?”
“How can someone enter your office every morning without anyone, not even your secretary noticing, and exit just as mysteriously?” “Unless he found a different way in” Lucifer replied
“My window” you realise “You can step out directly onto the emergency staircase from there”
“He knew when to sneak in without being seen, so he must have known your schedule like the back of his hand. Who could know?”
“The only people who know it are my secretary and Lucifer”
“A stalker?” your husband suggested
“Maybe” Decker turned quickly to her computer “I’m going to check any business owners around that neighbourhood who could have had a close shot of when you enter and exit your studio, see if any initially match the ones on the notes. We’ll go from there” 
You thanked Chloe for the help and went home with Lucifer, who spent the entire car ride explaining the note to you and the events of the previous days. You were angry at him for keeping all of it away from you, but ultimately happy that he was safe. You spent the night drinking wine and rewatching all of your comfort movies, to calm your nerves.
You decided to try working from home for the next couple of days, too scared by the idea of a stranger following your every move. It was a challenging process but Lucifer did his best in helping you get accustomed to this new routine. His homemade meals could not compare to anything you would eat while in a meeting with your business associates. Plus, the company was much more delightful.
Chloe texted you, almost a week later, to come down to the station as quickly as possible. They had found the guy. You hopped into your car and when you finally arrived, Lucifer was waiting for you outside
“They found him?” 
“Yes dear, they did”
“Well, as it turns out he lived in the apartment building next door. His living room window had a great view of everything happening in your office. We’ve found a week’s worth of gifts he was planning to deliver. It’s him for sure” 
“Thank you” you whispered before collapsing into Lucifer’s arms and hugging him tight
“It’s alright lovely. It’s over now. Let’s go see how the detective is handling it. I think they’re in the interrogation room now.”
From behind the glass, you watched the man that threatened your marriage and your husband's life, confess to everything. Admit to stalking you, in order to learn your schedule. Break into your office and open fire on Lucifer. More than enough to get him behind bars for a long time. Decker and Lucifer got up and were ready to leave, but your husband requested a couple of minutes alone with the man. The detective agreed, cautioning him to not do something stupid, before leaving them alone. Lucifer turned on his heels to face the man in handcuffs and you could instantly tell he was furious
“Truly an honorable try. Y/N is one of a kind, you were right about that, the only detail you missed is that, you see, she’s taken. By me” the mischievous smile on his face let you know that he was up to no good “Our bond is indestructible and it’s really laughable to think that you’ve risked so much to tear us apart when you didn’t stand a chance to begin with” Lucifer leaned over the table, now his back was facing you “Me and Y/N are, and forever will be, together. There is nothing you or anyone else can do to change that. She is mine and I am hers, now and for eternity” as his little speech came to an end, you noticed the man in handcuffs go pale with terror. He began shaking in his chair, screaming incoherently about the devil. Even tho you hadn’t see what your husband did, you could tell by the man’s reaction. You laughed to yourself, not even mad that Lucifer had used his devil face against this man. You would have done the same if you had the option.
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Sub!Goshiki x DomFem! Chubby!Reader Part 1 Summary: You met your good friend Goshiki at work one day, having similar interests in books. When you start developing feelings for him, things get difficult. Especially when he asks a special favor. Content: Body image issues
A/N: Thank you for following along! We’re now on our fourth week of stories! Both virginity loss stories are three parts. The second part will release on Wednesday and the third part on Friday. Be sure to check out @millenialfanfictionaddiction​s story Oikawa’s Oasis! You can reach it through the Please Me Series Masterlist. Feedback is appreciated!
This wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen. It wasn’t supposed to be like this at all. It wasn’t like you had your whole life planned out, in fact, it was quite the opposite. You didn’t know what you were doing half the time and you had reached a point in your life where you were kind of okay with that. While there were good things you tried to bring into your life, there was an even longer list of bad things you tried to keep out.
After hitting your late twenties, you decided it was important to take care of yourself. Getting rid of toxic friendships and focusing on your mental and physical health became your priority. You were doing a great job, as much as the rolls on your stomach and all over chubby look you had attested against it.
One of the other things you decided to finally pursue was your dream of being a romance novelist. You quit your nine-to-five day job that you hated and started working at your favorite bookstore in town while your nights were spent writing. The support you had from your friends at the bookstore was way more than you could ever have imagined. Even your boss loved hearing about your story ideas.
“You look tired.” Your boss, Dylan, joked as you walked into the breakroom, ready to start your shift.
“I was up late last night writing.” You hung up your jacket in your locker. “I could really use some… cof…fee.”
Your eyes lit up as you saw the full cup of coffee in your boss’s hand, extended to you. It was from your favorite shop down the street.
“How did you know I wanted coffee? Are you even real?” You took the cup and gulped down half of it.
“You forget, I’m your beta reader.” He laughed. “When you’re up writing, I’m up reading. You’re welcome, by the way.”
“Thank you!” You held the cup up to him, then took another big gulp.
“You get another tattoo?” He asked, eyeing your arm as you closed your locker. You looked down at your arm and smiled.
“Yep. Trying to finish up this sleeve.”
“I have a question.” He leaned back in his chair, his hands resting in his lap. “Why don’t you ever write with characters that look like you?”
“People like me don’t get to have romances like those in the books.” You shrugged and headed out to the floor.
The morning mid-shift was always your favorite. As much as you hated getting up early, the bookstore was at its quietest then and you could relax with your coworkers. You spotted your favorite co-worker manning the help desk and focusing on something on the other side of the bookstore.
“What are you looking at?”
“Shh…” They put their fingers to their lips. “I don’t want him to know I see him.”
“See who? What are you talking about?” You whispered, trying not to expose yourselves even though you still didn’t know what you were looking at.
“That guy.” They pointed and your eyes followed the direction of their finger to see a tall figure in the magazine section, his hood up, mask on and wearing sunglasses. You could see black bangs peeking out under the hood.
“So why don’t you want him to know you see him?”
“In case he’s stealing.” They whisper-yelled and you laughed.
“I’ll just go talk to him.” You stood up straight and made your way over. He looked a little less shady up close because you could see that he was lost in his reading and didn’t even really notice you being there.
When you first walked up, you saw him reading one of the car magazines from the shelf, but now that you were closer, you could see he had a book inside the magazine and was reading the book.
“You know, normally people put the magazine in the book, not the other way around.” You leaned closer to him and he jumped back, shrieking as he dropped the magazine and the book. He backed away from you and if he didn’t have his entire face covered with a mask and sunglasses, you could only imagine his eyes wide and his mouth open.
The magazine was all bent on the ground and you leaned over to pick it up along with the book. You could only imagine what he was reading that he had it hidden in a car magazine. Putting the magazine back on the shelf, you looked at the cover of the book. Romance?
“Were you reading this?” You held the book up to him with a smile.
“No.” He shook his head back and forth anxiously.
“Then why is it here?”
“It fell.”
“From where?” You questioned.
“Alright fine, I was reading it.”
He dropped his head low and you gasped sarcastically, your hand to your chest. “No! Really? I would never have guessed.”
“Very funny.” You laughed, looking back down at the book.
“So why are you hiding then? Or did you not notice there’s only like two other people shopping.” You gestured to the rest of the store. “Or maybe you couldn’t see well with those incredibly dark sunglasses.”
“That’s not it.” He pulled off the sunglasses and mask, dropping the hood to his sweatshirt as he looked around the store nervously. “I just don’t want anyone to know I’m reading it.”
“What’s wrong with it?” You looked at the book. It was one of your favorites. “This is a great book.”
His eyes widened as he quickly looked back to you. “You like romance novels?”
“I love them. I’m trying to write one actually. This one has given me a lot of inspiration for my current story.”
“That’s so cool.” He smiled, looking really amazed, you weren’t sure by what though.
“So, let me get this straight.” You narrowed your eyes skeptically. “You come in here to secretly read these romance novels because you don’t want people to know you’re reading them?”
“Why don’t you just buy it and read it at home?”
“I have a roommate and I don’t want him to know.”
“You could go to the library.”
“They don’t have the ones I like and they don’t release as quickly as you guys do.”
“How long have you been doing this?” His mouth opened and he turned away, looking nervous by the question so you changed the subject. “Never mind. Honestly, as long as you’re not stealing or planning to steal, you can read however you’d like.”
You stepped back, adjusting the unorganized magazines, and turned to walk back to your station.
“Well, wait.” He went to grab your arm, but thought better and pulled back as you turned around. “You said you write.”
“Yes.” You nodded at him.
“Can I read your stuff?”
“Why would I let you read my work?” You laughed slightly uncomfortably. It was a weird question. He doesn’t know anything about you or your writing. You could actually suck at it. “I don’t even know you.”
“Goshiki.” He put his hand out with a smile and you shook it, telling him your name. “So we’re friends now?”
You started laughing. You couldn’t believe this guy. Friends? You met less than two minutes ago because he was being a creep in your store.
“You don’t have to laugh.” He grumbled.
“Why do you want to read my work so badly? You don’t know me. It could very well suck.”
“I just don’t have anyone to talk to about this stuff. I’ve been reading these books for years. I tried to avoid them in high school because I knew I would get made fun of, but I’ve never met anyone in person that likes them too. Not since you.”
The look on his face made you feel so guilty. Why did you have to have such a big heart? The guy just wants to talk about romance novels. He also had a point. You barely knew anyone that liked romance novels and you worked at a book store. Honestly, you could use a second opinion. Dylan had no idea what he was talking about half the time.
“Fine.” You sighed and he started smiling.
“Yes, but I’m not letting you read it without me watching. The last thing I need is you to steal my ideas.”
“That’s perfect.” He pulled out his phone. “There’s a coffee shop just down the street I like. We can meet there. Can I have your number?”
“Are you talking about Milstead?” You took his phone and typed your information, handing him your phone.
“Yeah, you know it?”
“Know it? I love it. I practically keep them in business.”
That’s where your friendship with the weird guy in the bookstore started. You weren’t so stuck in middle school that you would call him your best friend, but he was definitely your best friend. You had even caught him calling you his best friend to your coworkers and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t have you smiling.
You had never gotten along with someone so immediately the way you did with Goshiki. You had an endless list of similar interests, from favorite books to your favorite coffee shop. You even had the same oddball order from the café. Though, you were both pretty sure that he accidentally got your order once and liked it so much he continued ordering it.
It didn’t take long for you both to start hanging out nearly every day and he started coming into the bookstore to talk to you rather than actually reading the novels he loved. After a couple weeks you trusted him enough to email him your work and it was only a month into your friendship before he was going over to your apartment to hang out regularly.
“Don’t you think it’s weird how close you’ve gotten?” Dylan asked as he helped stock the shelves. He had been wondering how your writing was going and if you were going to finish the latest chapter you had been working on. When you told him Goshiki was coming over to your place later so it wouldn’t get done, he worried.
“I don’t think it’s weird. Is it?” You didn’t feel uncomfortable. Honestly, Goshiki didn’t give off any of the red flags you were so used to seeing in people. He was genuinely a nice person who loved the same things as you.
“I don’t know. You just so happen to love all the same things?” He paused his stocking and looked at you. “Are you sure he doesn’t just have feelings for you and maybe he’s pretending to like the same things as you?”
“Stop trying to put me in my romance novel.” You laughed. “Guys don’t do that for me.”
Later that night you were in your kitchen waiting for Goshiki to get there. You had done something so stupid, something so completely thoughtless that you knew would ruin your mood yet you couldn’t resist the torture apparently. You weighed yourself. The level of fluctuating your weight did was honestly unbelievable. You always had good days when it was down, but days like today when it was up, you couldn’t help but let it sour your mood.
There was a knock at the door before it opened up and Goshiki walked in. You hadn’t given him a key or anything, but it was only a matter of time before you both hit that step.
“I brought Oreos.” He smiled, setting the container on the counter, pulling it open and eating one. He grabbed a second one and split it open, handing you the side without the cream. “Here.”
“You can have my side.” You tried to smile.
“But you always eat my half that doesn’t have cream.”
“It’s fine.” You shook your head. “I shouldn’t be eating it.”
“Shouldn’t be eating it? Are you sick?” He pulled another Oreo from the container and ate it in one bite. He was honestly so lucky he could eat whatever he wanted.
“No just watching my weight. I sort of fell back into some old habits.”
“What’s wrong with your weight? You look great.”
“Let’s get started on the story.” You tried to change the subject.
“Did you finish the chapter?” Goshiki’s eyes were wide and he spit the dryness of the cookies from his mouth out of excitement. You laughed as he quickly covered his mouth. “Sorry.”
“Maybe.” You smiled coyly, grabbing his hand and he grabbed the Oreo container. “Come on.”
Moving to the couch, you sat on the end, Goshiki plopping next to you, and you put your laptop in his lap. There was a tiny bit of anxiety building in your stomach as you sat there watching him read and you were pretty sure part of it was what Dylan had said earlier. Was it possible that Goshiki had feelings for you? You watched as he put another Oreo in his mouth, his eyes glued to screen of your computer, scanning back and forth as he read. You weren’t even sure if he was blinking, the glow of the monitor shining onto his eyes. There was no way someone could be that into you to fake that look of concentration.
You smiled to yourself and kept watching him read. This chapter had a pretty steamy scene in it but you’d known Goshiki long enough and seen him read enough of your work to know that it didn’t matter what he was reading, his expression never changed. His eyes were always wide with interest, mouth closed in a pout.
He put another Oreo in and you watched him as he chewed, his jaw working. You could see the sharp, jagged edges of the cookie through his cheek until it eventually became a smooth, round bump and he swallowed it, reaching for another.
Propping your head up on your hand on the back of the couch, you continued watching him. He was definitely good-looking. You had noticed how good-looking he was the first day you saw him in the magazine section, hiding his romance novel. Not wanting to interrupt him, you tried not to laugh, but definitely couldn’t hold back the smile as you thought about the memory. Would it be so bad if he did have feelings for you? You had dated some really terrible guys in the past. Goshiki wouldn’t even be close to the list those guys were on.
He licked his lips, wiping Oreo crumbs from his mouth and you licked your own lips, swallowing hard as you watched him. You liked the same food, the same coffee, the same books, you had so many hobbies that overlapped and you could honestly spend hours with him without getting bored. You started to think that maybe you were feeling anxious not because of what Dylan thought of Goshiki, but maybe what you were feeling about him. Was it maybe you that had feelings for Goshiki?
“Wow, that was such a good—” He turned to look at you but noticed something in your face, an expression he wasn’t sure of. “Everything okay?”
You had made a lot of questionable decisions in your life, some of them you regretted, some led you to the most amazing times. This last year especially was a time of making really great decisions, cleaning out the bad and bringing in the good. You weren’t sure which direction this decision was going to take you, but you leaned into Goshiki anyway. His eyes went a little wide as your lips barely touched. You wanted to give him time to pull away if he wanted, but he didn’t and that made you push yourself the last inch until your lips met his.
Soft, plush, velvety lips pressed against yours and for an instant you were taken out of the moment, your head swirling with a mix of feelings, amazing feelings that you weren’t even sure you could separate but it didn’t matter because the cocktail they created in your head made you feel drunk, stupidly drunk as you kissed him. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you pulled back.
“Oh my—I’m sorry—I don’t—"
“No, it… it feels good.” He brought his hands up to your cheeks and pushed his lips against yours again, this time without any hesitation. You never knew the feeling of his nose touching yours or the little puffs of his breath against your face, or just how warm, calloused, and big his hands would feel against your cheek. Suddenly you were feeling them all at once and you pulled him closer, your tongue licking over his lips until he opened his mouth.
He dropped his hand to your waist, rubbing at the fleshiness of your body and you couldn’t stop the heavy beating of your heart. The awkwardness you had briefly worried about didn’t exist, it was only bliss. It was the best kind of overwhelming and you wanted more of him.
Pushing the laptop to the other side of him, you lifted yourself up until you could climb over him, straddling his lap. His hands immediately went to your plump hips, cradling them, but again you wanted more and you scooted yourself closer.
“Uh—I…” He gasped, sitting back from you.
“Is this too fast?”
“I’ve just never—I mean, I don’t know how—I’ve never—reading it is totally different.”
“Are you okay?” He kind of looked like he was shutting down. He was saying a lot, but none of it was complete and made no sense to you.
His eyes widened as he whispered quietly to himself. “Holy shit, my dick’s hard.”
“I have to go.” He started standing up with you in his lap and you quickly moved out of the way so he could get up. “I’m sorry. I just… I have to go.”
He didn’t even turn around to look at you as he moved hurriedly to the front door of your apartment. You heard the door quickly open and close and you couldn’t even let yourself feel bad. You were just confused.
It was possible you misread the situation, but he seemed really into it. Maybe he changed his mind partway through. You didn’t want to think about you being the problem, but it was hard to ignore. He felt your weight. You sat on his lap and he held you and maybe he finally realized that you didn’t ‘look great’ like he always told you.
You sighed, sitting back on the couch and running your fingers through your hair. You had done so much this last year to better yourself. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen. It wasn’t supposed to be like this at all. Great decisions would lead to great opportunities and you were trying to bring good things into your life. Falling for your best friend was not on that list, yet here you were.
@chaotic-nick​ @yep-seeyalaterbranflakes​ @serostapesweat​ @lovelyzabrak-meadow​
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jarofstyles · 3 years
yes yes! please continue the CEOrry! SO GOOD
Of course 😎
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Harry never imagined himself in a situation like this.
Pining after women wasn’t something he did often. They usually threw themselves at him and he either had his fun for the night, or rejected them. He didn’t think too much of their feelings, or their interests. He didnt hang on to their words as they spoke and write notes into his personal journal about things she likes and dislikes.
The list so far?
-orange cats
-caramel coffee
-the summer rain smell
-the colors pink and yellow
-crochet tote bags
-silk eye masks
-thrift stores (especially with shop cats)
-chocolate orange flavor combination
-overcast days
-bowler hats
-the mailman (unknown reason)
-popcorn kernels
-in n’ out (bad experience, apparently.
She was overtaking his own personal life. Being his assistant, of course she would be more prompt to being deeper than more employees. But he couldn’t help but pick out red ties more often because she complimented him in the color. She had gotten him a refrigerator magnet in Ocean City when she went for a girls weekend, and it was the sole magnet in the small water fridge in his office. She left traces of herself in his life that he couldn’t possibly ignore.
The most invasive and troublesome being his sex life.
He was getting to the point where he couldn’t get off without thinking about her. About her voice, her touch, the smell. His tiny, filthy and shameful snippets of when she leaned on his desk and he had caught a nice glimpse of breast, or the couple times she had bent over and given him an eyeful of her tiny panties and ass… how her dress would cling to her or the time she had accidentally soaked her white shirt with her water bottle and given him a view of her braless chest by accident…
Yeah. Every time he wrapped his hand around the thick shaft of his cock, it was a fantasy of her. The best orgasms so far in his life, only to be rudely awoken by the fact it was all fantasy. So what the fuck was it going to be like if he got his hands on her?
Y/N, unbeknownst to him was in the same boat. Smitten with his snarky comments, his thoughtfulness not many saw, and god, his beautiful face. It wasn’t lost on her that his gentleness was only to her. She had seen him yell too many times at other people and as soon as she would walk in, his tone would soften when directed at her. She got away with a lot more than others did and it did make people… talk.
They talked all about how she must have slept her way into the job. Placed bets on how long it would take her to get fired for not dropping to her knees fast enough. And while it wasn’t everyone, she did overhear it enough to make her upset. Hell, she wished she was getting dicked down by her boss, bur she wasn’t! And they still had all of the nerve to say it just because she had managed to stick around longer than the others. Understandable, Burt hurtful.
Harry was stuck, really. He knew that he either had to ignore it or make a move. But still, he was unclear about if she was actually into him- or if it was just wishful thinking. She was so kind to everyone, and he really wasn’t warm and fuzzy. His feelings were probably a bit more obvious, he thinks, and she hasn’t made a move. Was it because there was no reciprocation, or because they were at work?
He would need to figure it out.
“Y/N?” He called out to her desk which was outside of his. Another thing that had changed was his door staying open during the day more often. He liked to hear if anyone came up and was flirting with her, if he was being totally honest with himself. He had caught it a few times and that unholy possessiveness reared it’s ugly head. Plus, it made it easier to call to her.
Y/N perked up, standing up and striding towards his door. Upon his instruction of closing the door and coming closer, she did. Her mind went to mush though, because he looked…. So fucking good. With his hair slightly messed up for once, his white button up a bit tighter than normal around his biceps… she felt weak and dazed simply looking at him. His powerful aura was so, so sexy.
“I need help with a project after hours.” He was winging it. Completely and utterly winging it. “I’m redoing my den area in my home… and I’d like you to help me do it. You’ve got design experience, yes?” He crossed his arms, trying to not stare too hard at anything other than her face. It was hard.
“Oh- I’m, yes? But I’m not too good, I just make those Pinterest boards like I showed you? I was just planning and-“
“Good. I liked when you showed me them. My home is very boring. Sterile. And I would like some more… character.” In reality, it was just going to make him go insane even more at home. Seeing her in his living space. Things she picks out in his living room. It was so stupidly dangerous for their professional relationship considering how close Harry was to jumping her bones, but he wanted time away from the office to see if he was imagining her flirtations.
She was overwhelmed by the offer, but couldn’t say no. Not when it gave her an excuse to see him… in potentially casual clothes, and feeding her nosy imagination for his house. Plus, she loved to decorate. What could go wrong?
“O-okay, sure. When would you like me to be doing this?” Her voice raised in pitch, showing her nerves slightly. Adorable. He loved getting reactions out of her.
“Some hours during the weekends. You will be compensated and fed, of course. And I will be with you. We will do the shopping wherever you see fit. But you know me. I am very particular, so I wish to be involved in this process. The most I can be.”
Weekends. Alone with his assistant that he wanted to make his own so badly that he had to clench his fists to avoid grabbing at times. The assistant that had been the main star of his fantasies, the assistant that made his palms sweat and heart race.
He was interested in seeing how it turned out.
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