#but this will be a fun way to get it back hehehe
cyberrose2001 · 2 days
RID 15 verse. A shy girl (around Sideswipes age in Earth years) has a MASSIVE crush on Sideswipe since he saved her from a kidnapping attempt. She's a delicate, princess-like (in a good way, she grew up rather sheltered) human whose fashion and aesthetic is pastel/cute core and wants to explore outside of her overprotective elder sister's (BB's future s/o) limits, and empathizes with Sideswipe due to that. Sideswipe really likes her too but doesn't think she'd want someone like him for obvious reasons but doesn't realize that they are both pining for each other(No official confessions yet!)
She's inspired to be more assertive and bolder thanks to him and he tries to slow down (a LITTLE.) for her. They go on joyrides together and she just absolutely has the time of her life every time!
Can the scenario just be them just going on one of said joyrides together in the quarry and they're bonding? (SFW pls!)
TF:RID 15 Sideswipe x human!fem!reader
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for some reason I had 'The Night Is Still Young' by Nicki Minaj in my head while I wrote this, and it kinda suits tbh
anyway, sorry for the long wait! my first time writing for Sideswipe too, and I hope I did your request some justice
Warnings: None, sfw, small mention of mild past trauma
Word count: 1,187
"Woohoo!" You giggle in delight, sticking your head out the window as Sideswipe zooms around the quarry, kicking up plumes of dust behind him. The echo of his engine and his chuckles reverbing off the cliffs above you.
It was just the two of you, and you prefer it that way. No overprotective sister, no one nagging in your ear constantly, and most importantly, no limits. The only limit is how hard Sideswipe can put his accelerator on the floor, which you've learned is never enough.
"You better hold onto something, Y/n-" Sideswipes Autobot symbol lights up on his steering wheel before it jolts to the side, and he slams on the brakes.
He drifts near a wall, nearly throwing you onto the other side of his cab if it weren't for the seatbelt that fits too snuggly around your waist. You laugh in delight; a real belly laugh as your hands grip his dashboard as he proceeds to do doughnuts.
"Heheh," Sideswipe's laugh trails off, his engine humming softly, "How's that for a joyride, huh?"
Sideswipe chuckles with you, spinning around and around as much as his momentum can spin him, listening to your giggles and eyeing the toothy grin on your face. He eventually comes to a stop, his spark growing warm at the pure happiness you exude. How happy he makes you.
You giggle breathlessly, a hand running through your wind-swept hair as the adrenaline dissipates from you.
"Yeah, whew! That was so much fun!" You brush your white plaid skirt out, ironing the kinks with your hands once you brush your hair back in place.
"Yeah?" Sideswipe teases, revving his engine a little, "We gotta do this more often, Princess."
A slight blush graces your face at his pet name for you, turning your face away so he doesn't see.
The thing is, you've had a relatively large crush on the red speedster for a long time. The nickname 'Princess' was a name he had jokingly given you when he had unexpectedly saved you from getting snatched up by some random gang in Crown City, and you were definitely not strong enough to fight them off.
Though you were scared for your life at that moment, the least scariest part of that night was when the giant robot swooped in to scare them off. A knight in metallic armour, unironically. Since then, even after he had offered you and your (against her better judgment) older sister a place for protection under secrecy from the rest of the world, the nickname stuck.
Though, you don't know if it's because he likes to tease, or if it's because he likes you. He couldn't possibly want a human that way, could he? A question you have stewed on for a long time and always think about in the most inappropriate moments to be in your thoughts. Like right now.
"Hey, you alright, Princess? Didn't scare you too much, did I?" Sideswipe drags you from your thoughts, and he watches as you blink a few times, returning to the present.
"Yeah, I'm alright." You bite your lip softly, your fingers playing with the cuffs of your oversized pastel pink hoodie, "Just...thinking."
Sideswipe eyes of your fidgeting, a telling sign from you that you're nervous or getting a bit too shy. A quality that he finds exceedingly adorable in you, but he keeps it to himself to avoid crossing your boundaries. He sneakily gazes at you with his rearview mirror, taking in the soft red hue on your cheeks, how your hair falls on your shoulders like a waterfall, and how you bite your lip.
He also can't help but admire you and your cute outfits; he thinks it makes you unique. However, he wishes that you weren't so bound by your older sister, who he thinks can be a pain in the glute servos sometimes. To see you be able to be yourself around him, even just a little bit, makes his spark sing.
He realises he's staring a bit too much, not to mention the silence that falls upon both of you, and he clears his vocaliser.
"About what? If that's okay with you, of course." Sideswipe speaks up, his curiosity getting the better, always wondering what goes on in that little head of yours.
"Just," You blush a little more, either out of shyness or because you can feel his staring, "Just about how we met... do you remember?"
"Are you kidding?" Sideswipe chuckles softly, the warm vibrations sweeping through you, "How could I forget!"
In what seems like two seconds, Sideswipe transforms. Hydraulics and mechanics whirring around you until you sit on his palm, "How I scared off those humans to save you? It was pretty awesome if I say so myself." He poses heroically.
After you had controlled your dizzyness from being thrown around a little, though you're pretty used to it now, you arch a brow at him. Not entirely impressed with his display but secretly amused.
Sideswipe peers an optic down at you before he sheepishly brings you closer to his face, "Sorry, I understand that night wasn't a good memory for you," He brings his other servo to rub the back of his helm.
You nod your head, "It's okay," A hand rubs at your arm, "You're not wrong... but..."
"But what?" Sideswipe tilts his helm at you, an action which you find pretty endearing.
"I... uh... got to meet you, at least." You smile softly at him, your heart beating a little when you feel his thumb press against your back.
The red speedster can't hide the soft hue of blue that forms on his faceplates, not when you're so close to his face.
"Yeah? Well," He smiles at you warmly, bringing a digit to ruffle your hair a little, "Every princess needs her prince, hm?"
"Hey-" You giggle softly, batting away his digit self-consciously, "You'll mess up my hair again."
"Good," Sideswipes spark warms as he watches you giggle, "I like it. It suits you better."
You blush softly at his comment, knowing how much you like maintaining your neat appearance. But if you're completely honest with yourself, you don't mind if Sideswipe messes it up a little.
"C'mon, the night's still young," He sets you down on the ground, letting you get your balance before pulling away, "How 'bouts we walk back to the junkyard?"
"Sideswipe? Not driving? Unheard of." You tease, putting your hands in your hoodie pockets.
"There's no hurry, not while I'm with you at least." Sideswipe chuckles, keeping a watchful eye on you as he walks by your side, "We can take our time, Princess."
Your eyes widen softly at his statement, wondering if there was a double meaning layered over his words. You nod, looking down to the ground as you walk alongside him, smiling as you feel your face heat up at the nickname again, "Yeah... we can take our time."
Sideswipe smiles before leaning down to place a hand on your shoulder, "Also, let's not tell your sister that I let you stick your head out my window, yeah?"
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capn-twitchery · 4 months
oh my god my first feast of the rose,,,,i have no idea what i'm doing
if i have energy after my job stuff today maybe i'll write out a few letters so i can send items to people >:3
(feel free to drop your FL name in the replies if i don't have you already/you don't have it on your profile btw!! i love sending folks stuff)
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whumpsical · 9 months
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(ty @figuwhump for the pose! 💕)
Jian is an insomnia baker <3 welcome to 3am floor cookies, sponsored by The Horrors
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48787 · 3 months
New Transmission The fucking Scientific Instrument Class Pseudocons apparently developed what they're calling "Hetero Sapience" and are corrupting the brainmodules of the non-Pseudo 'cons around them by using annoying xenophilosophy words. Soundwave tells me they're 'Greek' and 'Latin' words, apparently. Cool, I guess? Anyway, if you see any SI Class 'cons causing... issues, just try your hardest to turn your brainmodule off before you start getting infected with their weird lingo, alongside all the other issues pertaining to letting the SI Pseudocons transmit data into your brainmodule in their own weird ways. Thundercracker, on a bet with Starscream, tried to get into an argument with one of them and his head literally exploded when it started talking about Alpha Trion's "Mythological Origins" in its weird dialect. He's mostly fine, CR Pods are working at 'peak' efficiency, but the facial reconstruction is apparently impossible due to some kind of corruption. I thought it was just some weird prank but there weren't even any scorch marks or anything. Just exploded. So yeah, just avoid optical contact and auditory contact to the best of your ability and you should be fine. Otherwise, try to force-shutdown your brainmodule if you can. Shockwave is working on a cure right now, mostly because I know he had something to do with this in the first place so he's going to be the one to fix it. He probably wanted a greater justification to do that weird data-transfer idea he mentioned previously. But it also explains the weird Thunderwing hypotheticals he's been asking me lately... Can I go one fucking cycle without someone trying to "Perfect Thunderwing's Work" or whatever other idiotic drivel that I keep finding our limited energon reserves siphoned into?? It's not even a Shockwave thing, it's like every damn Cybertronian these days thinks they have the "Missing piece of the puzzle" or whatever. In fact, Shockwave might be doing this as a weird threat against the other R&D 'cons to cement himself as the one and only Decepticon "Allowed" to have resources wasted on projects like that. Ugh, now that I think about it, that's probably a correct assumption and he's probably gonna expect me to thank him for it later. Ugh, and he's probably literally right. Ugh. At least his repairs both to himself and to his lab seem to be mostly complete so further research into the SI project should hopefully come along a little faster. Both Shockwave and Soundwave think the SIs could potentially be used as some kind of specialty weapon, but we'll have to see how they work on sparkless lifeforms, like biological lifeforms or xenomechanical lifeforms. The SIs don't seem to corrupt each other, but Shockwave keeps reaffirming that they're not "Sparkless Lifeforms" because they "were never lifeforms to begin with"... but I think he's trying to hide something. Usually Soundwave is the one to pick up on that kind of technological obfuscation, but he actually agreed with Shockwave and offered to send Ratbat to try to work out exactly what each "sapient" SI is now capable of on a personal level. We could have just had regular Cybertronians aboard to fill the role SIs fill. I would've preferred K Class to fill any role an SI could fill in all honesty!! But no, constructing cold wasn't enough, we just had to try to learn how to "Construct Frozen" and the "Absolute Zeroes" just had to be put on my ship. Whatever. I've probably said too much already. This was supposed to be a warning for my ship crew, but it's looking like it'll end up being transcribed on the golden disk as well so when this new Scientific Instruments of Destruction project backfires in some absurdly bombastic way there will at least be something remaining that says I was right. End of Transmission
New Transmission Okay so I was right, but so was Shockwave and Soundwave. Or, well, they were right just enough to make sure the backfire is postponed for at least another handful of cycles. Ratbat is still in CR from the investigation, but the cure Shockwave developed seems to be effective and Thundercracker is out and aiding the repair effort. Shockwave is now in contact with one of the SIs digitally and the other few are... integrating due to the personal efforts of Soundwave. I suppose now would be pertinent to mention not all the SIs developed the "Hetero Sapience" condition, many of them are safe for interaction. Soundwave is also currently monitoring their presence, Ravage is tasked with the regular SIs and Laserbeak is tasked with the "Sapient" SIs. Shockwave probably knows exactly what caused this event but he is preoccupied with the one he no doubt is either indoctrinating or ruthlessly interrogating. Report to Soundwave if you see any suspicious behavior, he has been working very hard to ensure the SIs have their purpose clearly defined (And closely monitored). And, Starscream, stop trying to convince the SIs that you are the leader of this ship. Not only have the majority of your efforts been wasted on subsentient automata, the only one you have actually found who possesses the ability to truly listen to you immediately came to the bridge to complain about you. They were the first sapient SI I communicated with directly and it was because they felt the need to complain about you. I almost feel embarrassed for you. Come back to the bridge so you can apologize to it or so I can teach it how to laugh at you. It's practicing right now actually! This moment of chaos should hopefully be largely under control now, the actual "population" of Scientific Instrument Class Pseudocons was actually quite fewer than initially expected due to an indexing error incorrectly labeling certain shells as SI class. At the very least, we have some more specialty warriors because of it all. End of Transmission EOF
#yippie peace through tyranny!!#nemesis posting#Decepticon High Command Slice of Life rambles#Matrix Visions#I like this “chat” font I think it's cool#spacebridge still needs more time in the oven unfortunately#I'm also procrastinating on that because I can't seem to wrap my head around guestmount but do not want to send backup files one at a time#wegh. It'll get done. Eventually.#I'll have so much more bullshit once I actually finish the damn comic my wife radically altered my life with hehehe#I cannot wait to start posting about Alpharius Trionicon. He's the fucking worst if you couldn't tell by name alone and I love him so much#Anyway I just had a very specific joke/pun in my head in the shower then it turned into a whole *thing* like it usually does.#I usually don't explain shit but the shower idea centered around getting the SI acronym to work for hyper specific jokes.#Still can't decide if I want to lock in on “Scientific Instrument” because it fits *so well* for *so many reasons*#But “Synthetic Intelligence” is more generic in a more understandable way... Eeh.. It's a little *too* generic. “Instrument” is cooler.#Once my wife helps me understand her lil fucker more I'll come up with an even shitter joke using “Y/N” so I can do Y/N x SI x SI bullshit!#Oh! The matrix triune project is coming along slowly as well!! I think I mentioned that microphone project once or twice now hehe#I'm gonna make so many shitty covers of songs once I get the soundproofing to start focusing on vocal training stuff#It's been quite a fun time aboard the nemesis!! There's so much to “Blog” about that it's hard to really know when to start *or* stop hehe!#And the fact that all these projects are all interwoven is so fucking wonderful!! I FINALLY feel able to fully grasp my own focus!!#My brain is like a particle collider for certain interests now. I can reliably just.. Spit things out and tie it into the other interests!#It's sometimes exhausting but in such a new way. Like a relieving exhaustion?#Still figuring that part out!!#Anyway that's enough personal project vagueposting I should really be getting back to work hehe this was fun
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silleye · 2 months
waow... miku expo...........
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sysig · 2 months
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Someone’s looking out for you ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Crackship#Wally West this time! :D#Their flirting is the cutest <3 <3#But first! ZEX's uniform!!!!! JKFLdhsafjdf <3 <3 <3 <3 <3#I've always liked his uniform - he looks beautiful in it it's quite fun to draw it's pretty it's flowy - very good piece of clothing do like#How something as simple as missing it for a week makes such a huge impact <3 Hhghh gods the way he describes getting it back ♥♪♫#I've never appreciated the Feeling of his uniform on his body before now and hhh what a difference it makes!#Genuinely like a tactile understanding to complement the emotional <3 Feeling and feelings! It's so lovely! Ahh <3#It goes back to being a question mark over everything once he starts to really think through the implications but for A Moment#And he gets to snuggle a human the same night :D Everything going so well!#Wally's so funny lol he's got ZEX making The most obvious come ons he possibly can flirting his little alien heart out#And he's just like ''But do you actually want to? Do you /really/ want to??'' Haha ♪#It's very sweet honestly! Very attentive and careful <3 I'm always appreciative of anyone who treats ZEX well ♥#But no he definitely Does Not mean pretty much anything platonically lol#What was it how did I describe him in my notes and haven't been able to stop laughing about lol -#Ah yes - Wally doesn't need to worry because ZEX is a ''hedonistic pleasurebeast'' lol#I also like how Wally is the first(? if I remember correctly) of ZEX's Type starting to develop haha ♪#Sure he likes all humans but if he happens to lean one way more than another hehehe ♫#I'm doubly fascinated by his self-awareness (and lack thereof) around submissiveness - he's very sensitive as a human!#He's still quite aggressive but also easily overwhelmed ♪ It's a very interesting combo to me :3c#And any further insight into his proclivities delights me hehe <3#Heart eyes ZEX >>>>>> ♥♪♫#And a few silly little doodles as well :D The first one's just a random chibi lol he's cute! ♪#The second is of him trying a Starburst hehe he's so cute <3 I was so curious as to how he'd react to candy/sugar so lovely to see!#And thus far he hasn't had any alcohol - good Max has had enough - but I got my favourite Catawba so tipsy doodle it is lol#All the cutests <3 <3
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
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no one asked, but here's more Jun since I've been thinkin about him more often lately 😌
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hellblaux · 9 months
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Re-draw continuation =D First drew this her around 2016/17 for the first time and have been trying to draw her every year since <3
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inkykeiji · 1 year
anyway hi hello good morning i love u and i hope u have a wonderful thursday *。ヾ(。>v<。)ノ゙*。♡
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autism-corner · 9 months
It's hard loving my current self.
but its easy to love my past me. or my future me. I look back and forward to them with comfort and warmth. pure and utter love. and I know they look the same way to me.
I know the most important person in the world looks at me with love and care. They will both anticipate being me and reminisce my glory. They love me. I'll go back to loving me again.
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was recently struck with the realization that all the canon ninjago ships are the exact type of weird/batshit fucked up that making soulmate AUs for them could be like... really fun actually
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con-fr · 2 years
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long time no post lol anyway here are my latest impulse buys :DDD i haven't played this game in so long so going back and being hit in the face with all the sparkly new genes and apparel available is honestly delightful
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gu6chan · 15 days
My hot Drakengard take of the day is that after playing it for like 110 hours and counting im very much convinced that ppl who still complain about the gameplay being a "slog" just aren't playing the game correctly. you can hate me for this but you will not change my mind
#gu6chan's musings#drakengard#this isn't to say that it's not FLAWED (looking at you arbalesters...)#but i will say: three allies; seven types of weapons; SIXTY-FIVE WEAPONS IN TOTAL; ALL WITH DIFFERENT WEIGHTS; MAGIC; AFFECTS; ETC#now going back to flaws i will say its perfectly normal and not ridiculously hard to just beat the game without allies/using Caim's Sword#HOWEVER#i see way too many people complaining about this and that enemy being 'frustrating' when it rlly boils down to:#1. use a quicker weapon; or one with a longer range#2. THERE ARE BLOCK AND DODGE BUTTONS?????#the last part in particular x100000000 when you learn to actually block or dodge instead of letting yourself fall on your ass like a silly#little fool and then complain about bad game design the game itself becomes infinitely more playable#ill even argue that drakengards biggest flaw isn't even it's REPETITION (as a matter of fact; that's a strength) so much as the fact it#doesn't encourage/push players to explore and experiment with different weapons and features so much#anyways my advice: long-ranged (preferably fast for the latter!!) weapons for enemies like mages and arbalesters#lightweight weapons for quicker enemies like goblins so you can actually land a hit on them#and for god's sake; the dodge/block button exists for your benefit. use it#ALSO hitting enemies while jumping causes them to fall over and allows you a chance to crack a bit more at them if you have a weaker weapon#works REALLY good with quicker ones too!!!!!#oh AND there's a variation of the dash attack where when you speed up you can do a jump attack for extra points of damage PLUS get them to#fall over like mentioned prior. you can do it with your allies too and its a lot of fun#SPEAKING of allies don't forget them!! ever!!!! (heheh) ESPECIALLY not during later chapters they are there to help!!! let them!!!#uhhhh that should be it... maybe ill make a separate post with these tips but Drakengard is a fun game!! you just have to resist hypnosis!!#(and bad press)
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toastsnaffler · 1 month
#using the last 25 quid in my budget for this month to buy it...... its ok i get paid tomorrow <3#I LOVE U AGGROCRAB <3#so glad they decided to make another soulslike. going under had its bugs but god what a fun and original game#if its anything like GU at all ill be happy hehehe#i probably wont actually START it until i finish elden ring tho.. i dont wanna play more than one soulslike at once skjdh#but YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!#going under rly shouldve hit hades popularity instead of hades it has everything it was missing#namely good mechanics/aesthetics/plot that all beautifully inextricably mesh together..#like the 'corporate' artstyle (but more fun). everything being usable as a weapon but shitty quality + breaks easily bc its mass-#manufactured for amazo- cough* a delivery company. just the designs + tightness of each of the dungeons + all the little jokes.. MUAH#the drone system!! each of the characters unique 'mentorships'! also rly great assist options that DONT lock out achievements etc#parody on the corporate working world + capitalism in a light hearted way that actually comes across earnest and not smarmy for once...#u can feel how much love the devs had for every inch of the game it rly shines thru. whereas hades felt like it was made to be sold....#actually i dont think i finished writing my full review of it for steam i should do that sometime#aaaanyway.. back to my gorgeous sticky miso aubergine. its a crime that im single when i cook this well smfh#.diaries#AND going under is on sale for only 4 quid at the moment!!!! i might buy a few gift copies for ppl.. perhaps :3
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ph4ngz · 1 year
i need isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, chigiri, kunigami, shidou, sae, rin & barou x fem! reader (all separate) doing it raw for the first time?? pls pls pls pls pls
MMMMMM *feral noises.*
"You're... y-you're on the pill, right baby?" he asks as soon as his tip meets the soft, slick outline of your entrance. His eyes are clenched shut, nose scrunched up as he does everything in his power to focus on the unfamiliar sensation of real pleasure, no bullshit condom, just pure skin on skin with his favourite girl. "Oh, shit..." he moans out loud, his features twitching and contorting in ecstasy. He's loving every second, finally able to experience every detail with his jolting, excited cock. "G-God, I-... oh~ t-tight!" he cries out quietly, attempting to control his volume as his head rolls back. Every so often, he repeatedly slides his sensitive cockhead back and forth over your puffy clit, relishing in the way it feels to mix each other's arousal together before recklessly jostling it inside once more. "Why... how... are you so fucking good?~ ah-"
"Wait, I thought it felt good already... now it's gonna be even more delicious?~ oh, wow. You're tooooooo good to me, my girl~" he'd cooed against your soft lips when you'd suddenly told him to fuck you without protection. Bachira couldn't care less if he's got a condom on or not. As long as you're having fun, he'll cum his brains out anyway. Even untouched. "Soooo, ya like it? What gets you off, huh? Is it that you can feel it pulse inside you?~" he asks playfully and oh so shamelessly, poking his tongue out as he rests your legs on his shoulders. "Bachira Meguru~ d-don't be so... so lewd..." you whimper towards the end of your sentence, the way his pelvis grinds against your gooey pussy to drive his cock in deeper making your eyes roll back. "Huh~ what, you embarrassed? Hehehe, oh— mmmh, don't be silly, you're the one who's getting my dick wetter by the second."
Oh, he's all for it. All you had to do was mention the mere concept of it and he was hauling you into his lap with that pretty, blank stare of his. "Wanna do that now." he's murmuring into your ear with all the focus he can conjure up going toward the strength of his big hands, already trying to remove your pants without ripping them. "Ohooooo," Nagi whines deeply into your shoulder once his fingers get wet whilst slipping your panties aside, "you're so wet, I wanna stick it in. Can I please...?" he asks lazily, dragging his lips across your skin so sensually, slowly. "Knock yourself out." you grant him permission with a shared dreamy stare, not entirely knowing what you're getting into until he's slipping himself in immediately, balls deep within seconds. "Hhhhh... hhh- I love youuuu~" he's moaning and sighing so slowly and it's almost making your ears twitch to hear more. "Condoms are such a hassle, o-oh... never wanna go back~"
"We can do it raw, right? Can we do it raw?" a few strands of purple fall in front of his eager eyes as he holds an unopened condom between his fingers, already so worked up by the mere thought of pushing his needy cock in without some stupid condom preventing him from feeling the thrill he needs. Reo is ready to toss it behind his shoulder at the drop of a hat, and you don't think he even saw you nodding until a split second after he threw it away... "Fuck yeah, I'm so ready for this right now... you ready sweetheart?" he doesn't even wait for you to answer before he's spreading your cute cunt with his thumbs, intently watching his pink tip squeeze past your slicked up folds. "Oh my fucking godddd-... been waitin' for so long~" you hear him groan as he squeezes your thighs tightly. Every inch of his hard dick feels like it's on fire due to the way your hot arousal is coating his sensitive skin more and more, no pesky condom in the way.
The little smirk on his gorgeous face when you tell him... hehe. "You're being for real, yeah? Okay, just... just c'mere, I'm not waiting around." he drags your body into his, grinding his clothed cock into your ass from behind, huffing impatiently like a spoiled brat. "You're letting me bang you raw..." a pearly white smile graces his face, he looks proud that you're finally letting him do this. Eyebrows bowed in pleasure, he watches his perfect tip squish between your folds and gather some of his sparkling precum on the way inside. His eyes are rolling back every five seconds, so sensitive and vulnerable under the influence of your wet cunt, especially now that there's no protection. "W-Woah, I'm— hhhhholy shit. Don't move, I might cum on the spot~" he warns you with a pornographic whine, pushing his hair back so he can get a clear view of your pussy trying to keep him all inside. "...I can go as fast as I want to as well, mm?~"
Ugh, he's doing his best to act like he doesn't give a shit. "Yeah... fuckin' sure, we can do that. Won't make much difference." he said. "Again... I need more- more~" he growls and sighs now. So stubborn, but you love it. How his hair somehow becomes more messy due to how fucking turned on he is, how he keeps trying to stop his frown from faltering every time you clench on his ruthless huge cock. He's already fucked his cum further into you twice, clearly not able to get enough of the amplified pleasure that comes with being allowed to release all up inside your velvety pussy for the first time. "Did you get even t-tighter or something...? Fuck, fuck— ugh~" he pounds into you hard enough to bruise, his huge breeder balls smacking against your ass whilst a growing streak of white dribbles from your abused hole each time he bottoms out. "Jesus, fuck! H-Hah~" he's almost got tears in his eyes, the sheer euphoria seeming to be strong enough to puncture his pride.
This guy wants it. He fucking loves it. He pressured you into this, after all, knowing well that you were rather paranoid about unprotected sex no matter how bad you wanted to experience him raw. "Oh, baby... please? C'mon, you gotsta' loosen up a little to have more fun with me~" he roughly placed a hand over your forehead to thoroughly stroke your hair back, making sure you felt like you had nowhere else to look besides his own, unnerving eyes. "Or you could let this big, raw fucking cock do that for you..." he'd offered lowly, a certain seriousness in his tone that you just couldn't shake as his nose almost touched yours. And so here you are, his unforgiving length buried deep within your guts. You swear you can feel his heartbeat inside of you, his erratic breathing and whining almost confirming your suspicions. "Gonna let me do this, yeah?~ ah, this feeling is fucking perfect I swearrr..." Shidou groans with a twisted, dirty grin when he makes you nod eagerly for him, "oh my god... can feel all of you, hah, ah- shit."
"I won't refuse." is what he responds with when you snatch the condom wrapper from his hand and toss it to the bedroom floor. "Mm." Sae grunts softly when his bare and pulsating cockhead squeezes its way past your glistening, pretty entrance as both of his hands massage the flesh of your ass. If it were any other girl he was slowly dipping his cock into right now, they wouldn't think he could notice any difference at all. But you're not any other girl, you can sense him preventing his blunt nails from damaging your asscheeks, hear the sound of his throat closing up to prevent an outright whine, feel his fat dick trying to jump within the sultry contracting of your walls. "G-Go, all of it~" you demand sweetly, reaching your hands back to hold his own and tug him in. His breath shakes once his tensing balls touch your clit, the sensation of his solid length pressing the very limits of your insides without a layer of latex separating you causing a hardly controlled "yeahhh..." to escape from behind his gritted teeth.
God, he's trying way too hard. Acting as if he's not falling to bits right before your misty eyes, as if he's not on the verge of fucking drooling like a rabid animal at the way your hot slick connects the very end of his perfect cock to your throbbing entrance with a clear string. "...'re you ready?" he asks in that breathy, addictive voice of his whilst impatiently sliding his tip up and down between your soft, slippery lower lips. Please, please, please is what he's chanting inside. "Green light." you respond with a strained and sexy moan muffled by your forearm, feeling him trace a circle around your clit, a cooling drop of pre-cum latching onto it once he pulls back to position himself. It's when the first few inches of him are surrounded by your heat that he struggles to let go of his breath without holding it again. "Whew- Alright, fuck..." Rin pants slowly, his tough guy act starting to crack uncontrollably under the power of your perfect cunt.
He said nothing when you agreed. Just pulled you in for the roughest kiss you've ever had. And suddenly, you're being bounced like a rag doll on his horse cock, every vein as prominent as ever along your fleshy, sticky walls. "Never show me a condom again." he grunts into your neck, his big hands gripping your perfect body with a steel grip like he could lose you if he let go. "I wanna fill you up... wanna fill you up with my cum- agh~ hhhnnggh..." his voice is deep and grumbly, vibrating against your skin as he bites a little to show some restraint. The manner in which your walls are spasming around his raw, long cock is making it increasingly difficult to keep himself in check. "Damn it, please... don't make me lose control of myself..." he pleads lowly, his huge arms holding you in position and bouncing you harder on his fat dick. "H-oh my-... good, good girl."
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kenntolog · 1 month
Ain't cool bf! Sukuna a basketball player? What if he invites loser gf! Reader to play with him while he waits for his team mates to arrive. He purposely arrived earlier than the rest to play (or at least try to lmao) bonus points if sukuna's team mates catches them being all lovey dovey- teasing sukuna in the process
𝝑𝝔 an: fun fact about meee: i played basketball for a couple of months when i was 15 i think :)) toji cameo here hehehe. anyways, hope you enjoy!! read more here!!
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as soon as you enter the arena, there is a ball hitting the door next to your face roughly as you shriek and jump away. you pant slightly, holding your hand over your heart as you look over at sukuna who is thoroughly entertained by your reaction.
“somethin’ wrong?” you don’t answer him, only glaring a little at his amused smirk as you were just kindly reminded of your first very unlucky meeting.
you close the entrance door behind you and step closer to the court, looking around curiously.
“is there anyone else in here, ‘kuna?”
“no, loser, ‘s just me ‘n you.”
you hum, feeling his arms wrap around you from behind, “so why did you call me here then?”
“i was just bored.”
you don’t say anything in response, worming your way out of his hold and pecking his cheek lightly before you continue roaming around, kicking the balls he previously tossed with your feet lightly, hands itching to try and get it through the rim of the basket. as if reading your thoughts, sukuna calls your name.
“wanna play with me?” he wiggles his eyebrows, spinning the ball expertly on his index finger while your mouth opens in surprise and closes shut in an instant as you look away sheepishly.
“i don’t know how to play tho.”
sukuna steps closer to you, eyeing you down, “nothin’ hard about it, baby, you just do anythin’ to get the ball and throw it ri-ight there.”
he doesn’t even turn his head to look at the basket as he tosses the ball there, which makes your eyes widen in awe as you clap for him excitedly. sukuna ruffles your hair with a soft look on his face, heart warming at your childish reaction, and gets another ball.
his movements get quicker as he manoeuvres around you, ball sharply moving from one hand to another, so quick that you can’t even chase his figure properly, spinning around as you watch him with a mesmerised look. sukuna stops abruptly and locks gazes with you for a second.
“watch and learn,” he says and then expertly tosses the ball into the basket. you don’t really follow his body’s motion, more focused on the ball that flies smoothly over the field, so it’s no surprise that when sukuna gives you the ball to repeat what he just did(or do something similar to get a shot in) you can barely even through it high enough, it’s weight straining your untrained arms.
while sukuna scolds you and basically bullies you into doing what he says, you think about how he could have been a good enough teacher, with his no nonsense attitude and immunity to your whines. but it doesn’t matter when he’s literally bending your body forwards or sideways to warm it up a little before you go for another failed shot, and you can barely think about anything else than wanting to go back to bed.
yet, soon enough his hard work pays off; you give it a one last go and finally get the ball in the basket, an excited scream leaving you as you jump up and down in joy.
“‘kunaa, i did it!” you shout, your voice echoing through the arena as you run towards sukuna and jump on him, wrapping your limbs around him while his arms instantly hold you.
he can’t help his own winning smile as he strokes the top of your head gently, walking around with you hanging off of him.
“knew you could, baby.”
the tender kiss he places on your lips makes your head spin as you reciprocate just as tenderly, slowly letting go of him to stand on your own. sukuna pecks your lips one last time before moving to your cheek and then your neck while you try to contain your lovesick giggles to yourself because he is making you feel things.
“will you kiss me like that too when i also get a point?” comes a voice from behind sukuna, making you jerk away to stand slightly behind him.
you watch him roll his eyes before turning to face the source of the voice — his teammate, toji fushiguro, who’s a total pain in the ass. you are quiet familiar with him not only from sukuna’s stories(more like raging complaints), but also because toji was insistent on befriending you.
“fuck off, fushiguro.”
toji’s smirk widens as his eyes move to you, winking flirtatiously and waving his fingers at you just like he usually does. you give him a small wave from behind sukuna, a tight smile on your lips, before you tug on his shirt to get his attention back to you.
standing on your tiptoes, you kiss his jaw and give him a meaningful look: meaning that he shouldn’t get riled up by toji’s comments or anything towards you. sukuna only nods with a slight roll of his eyess and gently pushes you towards the empty benches.
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