#but the friendship angle is more 2018
writesailingdreams · 1 year
What are your ideas on Amphibia’s idea of self-love and how it’s tackled?
I’m afraid I don’t have very in-depth thoughts (or more precisely I hadn’t thought about this idea until asked*). But from my few days brewing on it my answer is: I think it’s idea of self-love is something I would have been grateful for when I was Anne’s age and I think it’s tackled pretty well.
As an addendum, I felt only Anne really had an arc defined by discovering self-love. To me, Marcy’s arc was about coming to term with facing unpleasant things, and Sasha’s was recognizing how she wanted to be a better person/grow. I also don’t see any of the Plantars needing to learn self-love. Sprig might come closest but to me, his arc is more about finding a friend, someone who will actually like him/spend time with him, and it’s less him learning to love himself but finding the friend who will love the himself he already is pretty open about expressing/seems to like.
As to what I mean in more specifics (because of course), I’m having a hard time arranging it my head coherently. But essentially: I felt Anne’s arc to self-love was handled very gradually.
She’s starts out (Best Fronds) as very concerned with what her friends will think if she isn’t agreeable to what they say; she has to be likable, she has to be what others want her to be. But then she meets Sprig (and family) and live in Wartwood, where she has to make decisions on her own/withiut her usual friends. Wartwood is disturbed & distrustful but she earns their trust & respect (Toad Tax). Then later there’s Wally’s bit of “you can be whoever you want to be here” advice and her becoming less worried about whether she’s the “town weirdo” (Wally and Anne). Then there’s the whole Reunion bit with Sprig defending her and saying she’s a good person & brave & not going to be pushed around; she’s someone—as she has presented herself in Wartwood—of value and love (at least in the eyes of this pink frog boy. See this is why I get so emotional about these two?)
I’d say there’s less direct instances in S2a (at least nothing immediately jumps to mind), but by the time she’s there she has had some growth. I think this is most evident in her relationship with Marcy. By the end of her stay in Newtopia, she’s opened up to Sprig (and vice versus) (Hopping Mall). She’s learning to express how she feels and be okay with that. So by the time the show gets to Bessie and Microangelo (I love that ep), she’s happy with herself. (Oh, Tritonio helped, less in his ultimate goal reveal but in instilling in Anne an actually desire to work at something and see herself as worthy as be capable of working at something. Oh, and Stumpy’s statement that her parents would proud of what she did feels like it boosted some kind of ‘You’re ideas may be over the top but they come from a good place.”)
Like omg! To 13 yr old me those kinds subtle and but very clear & audial expressions of my value and worth would have been amazing. Maybe it’s okay to just be the weirdo you are. Maybe others *will* like you. Maybe someone will be your friend even if you share your weird and sentimental feelings. Aaaah! (Heck, I’m in my 30s and I’d still love this).
In that sense, to me, Anne’s self-love grew very much from the space where others (frogs) allowed her to be who she was and as she grew more expressive, she became more sure of herself and the more sure she became the more self-love was genuine. Anyway, I think it’s beautiful.
*this ask reminded me that I’ve been wanting to rewatch Amphibia; I have been reminded that I usually dig my teeth into fandom media when it’s complete, One Piece being the nearest thing to an exception and even then (1) it’s a lot easier to analyze Ace than other characters and (2) I usually narrowly focus or broadly react
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raya-hunter01 · 8 months
Fade Into You Part 1.
Prequel Lights, Camera, Action!
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Shantell)
Roman x Black Female OC! Tangela
Solo x Black Female OC! Sofia
Jimmy x Trin
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; oral, sex, fluff, masturbation, death, grief
Summary: This is the Prequel for Lights, Camera, Action! How does an outburst on your first day lead to a lifelong friendship with the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns and gaining a family you never knew you needed. When did the lines get blurred between you and one of your best friends Jey Uso? Follow the friendships, and relationships of how they all came to be the one big happy family we all know and love in Lights, Camera, Action.
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June,  2018
“Alright! Let’s have some decorum, I don’t want to have a long meeting,” the COO of WWE said as the room got quiet. “First things first, I would like to introduce our production intern for the next few months. She did a month over on Raw, but I feel we need her here. Shantell, can you stand up please?” Paul asked as I stood and waved.
“Damn she fine,” I heard someone whisper as I shook my head wanting the earth to open up and swallow me whole.
“Hey! None of that funny business, she is here to do a job and if I hear ya’ll been giving her a hard time you will deal with me,” Paul said firmly.
“Paul, you just had to let another diva in here throwin' her ass around trying to catch a big fish to marry, and take all a dude’s money,” Brock said as I frowned at him.
“Excuse me, I work hard, and I make my own way, I don’t need a man to do it for me. Also, I’m not a diva, I am a production student,” I said as Brock rolled his eyes at me.
“You sure you can handle a big job like that?” he asked, almost taunting me.  “I’m damn good at what I do, so how bout you do your job and let me do mine,” I said as the room got quiet as it seemed all eyes were on Brock and I.
“Oh, Paul you hired one with a little spunk. I like it, she won’t let these boys run her over,” he said smirking at me almost proud like.
 “He sure did, and let’s be clear Mr. Lesnar, I can assure you I ain’t looking to catch you or anybody else around here.  Plus, you ain’t my type, I like men who work more than 6 days a year and actually have a set of balls,” I said smiling innocently at him as I heard the snickers.
 “Well, shit she told his ass,” I heard someone whisper as Brock smiled at me and didn’t say another word. Great I just went off on one of the headlining guys in the company. I’m so fuckin’ screwed.
Paul stood seemingly still in shock as he covered his mouth, I saw him hiding his smile, and I exhaled maybe I was safe.
 “Damn, um, Shantell thank you, you may be excused.  I need to go over some more things before the show. Don’t go too far Tevin will be out in a few minutes to show you around,” he said as I made my way into the hall.
I didn’t notice the huge figure following me into the hall. “I can tell me and you gon’ get along good,” he said as I looked at him in shock. Before me stood WWE Superstar Roman Reigns.
 “I’m sorry that was so unprofessional,” I said as he laughed extending his hand. “No, it wasn’t that shit was awesome, I’m Joe by the way, and I’m very pleased to meet you,” he said smiling at me. That was it, the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Three Weeks Later
Smackdown Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia Arena
“So, are you coming out with us tonight? I want you to finally meet my cousins.  Well technically nephews but since we were so close in age, we grew up as cousins.  It made things less awkward for us when we were growing up,” Joe said as I shook my head at him.
 “Well, I would love to meet them and hang out, but I know after this I’m going to be tired. Tevin is out with the flu and I’m solo tonight, Paul thinks I can run the show alone,” I said nervously.
“You will do great; I’ve seen you tell Tevin how to get better shots and quality angles. You’re ready, stop second-guessing yourself,” Joe said confidently as I tried to relax. “Thanks for encouraging and pushing me,” I said giving him a small smile.
 “Always, and because I always do you still gon’ ride wit me tonight and I’ll introduce Jimmy and Jey to you before I drop you off at the hotel,” he said as I waved him off.
“You ain’t got to give me a ride back, go enjoy your family. I can catch Nattie and T.J. back,” I said, trying to give him an out.
“Not on your life, your mama called me the other day informing me of the places she would hide my body if something happened to you,” he snickered as I rolled my eyes. 
“See you welcomed that beast when you said you would protect me with your life when she met you. She was so gutted when I told her we were just friends and nothing was going on,” I said as he kissed my cheek.
“Hey, I meant that, and I don’t even know why but I feel just really close to you, and I would protect you with my all,” Joe said honestly as I gave him a hug. “Thanks bear, I would do the same,” I whispered as he held me tight.
 “Show them you can run this show, and I promise that job offer will be waiting when you graduate,” he whispered before letting me go. “I got ya,” I reassured him as he went to get ready for the show, I saw him stop to talk to his cousins as I turned around to check my equipment.
Jey’s POV
“Alright, ya’ll looking good! It’s good to have ya’ll back!” Joe said walking up, hugging Jimmy and me. It felt great to be back, but it was also scary. “It’s good to be back Uce,” I said smiling at his enthusiasm in us being back.
 We had been sent home some months ago due to my brother Jimmy getting into trouble for a couple of DUIs he had gotten, and my upcoming divorce. We both had so much going on Paul gave us some time off to try to get ourselves together.
I looked over stealing a glance at the woman Big Uce was hugging a few minutes ago. I couldn’t really see her, but her voice sounded beautiful.  “Damn,” I whispered as she got up to hug Paul and I finally saw her face, she was truly beautiful.
“Aye, leave her be. She ain’t one of them one night stand types. That’s a lady,” Joe said pointing at her as she laughed at something Paul had said.
“Aye, you know I don’t believe in cheatin’. Plus I ain’t trying to hook up with nobody, I’m done with relationships. I was just admiring her, I mean I ain’t blind Uce.” I said as Jimmy rolled his eyes.
“I know you ain’t letting Candy ruin your thoughts on love and relationships,” Trin said, coming up to us as Jimmy hugged her.
“Hey, I’m just sayin’ I wanna chill for a minute. I just ain’t trusting nobody right now. I want all this shit with Candy to be over so I can get on wit my life,” I said as Trin hugged me.
 “It’s ok Bro, love will come when you’re ready,” Trin said as I nodded.
“I think when you least expect it someone is gon’ knock yo ass for a loop and it’s over,” Jimmy said laughing.
“I have been home trying to get things in order, everything is moving so slowly due to Candy dragging her feet,” I said wanting nothing more than to change the damn subject. I would never fall in love again and that was all to it.
Jimmy’s POV
“Shantell, I want you to meet my cousins Jimmy, Jey, and this is Jimmy’s wife Trin.  Ya’ll this is Shantell,” Joe said as she smiled at us standing up. “Hey, I’ve heard a lot about you guys,” she said extending her hand as Trin shook her head at Shantell.
 “Girl, as much as Joe been talking about you, your family,” Trin said hugging her as she laughed returning the gesture. “A’ight let me get in here, and give my new sister some love,” I said joining in on their hug as Shantell and Trin laughed. I looked over at my brother and his somber mood made me a little sad as he came over to join in as well.
“Alright, she got a show to get ready for,” Joe said breaking up the moment as I saw the relief in my brother’s face. He seemed curious about Shantell but was standoffish.
“I got to go get ready ya’ll,” Jey said quickly stalking off as his phone rang. “How much you wanna bet it’s her,” Trin said rolling her eyes. “I hope not, she needs to stop playing games like she wants my brother. I heard she done moved that guy in,” I said as Joe seemed to be in deep thought looking in the direction Jey had gone in.
“I hope he’s ok,” Shantell said looking worried as I smiled at her. “Yea, he’s going to be fine. Just got to take it one day at a time,” Joe said as we talked for a few more minutes before leaving Shantell alone to allow her to get ready for her first solo show.
Jey’s POV
“Camera nine pan out on Joe, I need a closeup of his face as Brock is leaving,” Shantell said. She seemed to be in her zone and was having fun and it made me smile.
“Stu, Uso’s are coming your way in about twenty seconds,” she said as she looked up and smiled at me. God, she is so beautiful, get yourself together Jey.
“Good luck ya’ll! Kill it out there,” Shantell said, as I nodded my head at her.  Jimmy gave her a thumbs up as we could hear the crowd chanting for us. It was go time after six months away, and now it was time to get back to work.
“Stu they are coming in hot, get ready to run with them,” she said with a smile as our music hit and the crowd exploded.
The feeling I get being in front of a crowd doing what I love is unmatched. The crowd was hot, as we stood tall to end the show. I was happy to be back but was I really ready to be back on the road, I guess only time will tell.
“That’s what I’m talking about! Welcome back!” Joe shouted when we walked back through the curtain back to Gorilla to a crowd of our co-workers welcoming us back.
“The shots looked great Shantell,” Paul said as he pulled Shantell aside. “Thank you I was so nervous,” she said taking a sip of her water. “You are on your way if you keep this up,” he said encouraging her as she gave him a hug. 
“Thanks, boss, let me help the crew pack up,” she said walking off.  Yea, I had to remain neutral and keep my guard up, she was dangerous for me.
Two Weeks Later, Las Vegas, NV
Joe’s Rental
Shantell’s POV
“Oh, wow this place is huge,” I said looking around kinda feeling outta place.
“It’s fire, but we didn’t need all this Uce,” Jey said putting his bag down, looking at the hot tub and pool.
Hey, we needed a break and yes, I mean everyone. A lot has been going on so just relax and enjoy,” Joe said as Trin smiled at him in gratitude.
“It’s really beautiful, I mean the next three days should be amazing. I for one am ready to pick my room and take a nap,” Trin said as Jimmy grabbed their bags and they headed upstairs.
“I can go grocery shopping, I mean you did all this so the least I can do is get food,” I said trying to carry my weight.
“Nope, you’re a guest. Just take my card and get what we need, Shantell,” Joe said giving me his card as I saw Jey looking at me with curious eyes.
“I can go wit you,” he said as I looked at him in shock. “Well, thanks I would love the company,” I said nervously as he got the truck keys from Joe.
“We’ll be back ya’ll, after you beautiful,” Jey said opening the door for me as I blushed heading to the truck. Hold it together Shantell he is married I had to repeat to myself as I hoped in the passenger seat.
“Alright, I put in the GPS so we should be good,” I said as he backed out of the driveway.
“Good, cause I ain’t got a clue where the fuck we are,” he said casually as I snickered. The drive was peaceful with small talk here and there until he asked a question that through me for a loop.
“So, are you and Big Uce a thing?” he asked, never skipping a beat. “What you mean a thing?  Like are we dating?” I asked as he nodded at me. “No, we aren’t a thing, Jey. He’s a good friend who has looked out for me and before you ask no I don’t have a boyfriend,” I said as he seemed to like my answer.
“I’m sorry I was all in your business, I just wondered because ya’ll really seem close,” Jey whispered as his phone went off and I saw the change in his demeanor.
“Hello,” he said putting his phone on speaker sitting it down on the console as he continued to drive.
“Oh, so you finally picked up huh,” a female’s voice said as I pulled out my phone trying to tune them out, but it wasn’t happening.
“I told you I was going out of town with my family for a few days,” Jey said taking a deep breath.
“Oh, well who is the bitch that’s with ya’ll. A fan posted pictures on Twitter of some woman walking with ya’ll at the airport. I know she’s either Joe’s or your flavor of the month so who is she?” She demanded, as my eyes raised at Jey as silently pleaded with me to not say anything.
“That’s Shantell and she’s nobody’s flavor of the month. She’s a friend. Look did you sign the papers?” Jey asked as we pulled into the market.
“No, I haven’t, I told you I’m not letting you go without a fight,” she said as I rolled my eyes. So, this was the infamous Candy that had cheated on Jey, stupid bitch.
“Aye, you cheated not me. You don’t think I get lonely on the road; I do but I made a choice to be faithful to you, my wife. What did you do? You fucked someone else and, in our home, no less,” Jey said his voice rising slightly as I reached over to touch his knee trying to calm him down.
 As his eyes met mine, it seemed to calm him down as I saw him take a few breaths rubbing his hand over his face. Lord, she had this poor man stressed the fuck out.
“Look I’m on vacation, leave me in peace and sign the fucking papers,” Jey said hanging up.
Silence filled the car as he threw his phone in anger as a text alert went off. “Look just ignore it, if you keep entertaining her bullshit, she’s just going to keep stressing you out. If she wants to drag it out let your lawyers handle it,” I said reaching down and grabbing his phone.
Jey’s POV “That’s easier said than done Shantell,” I said as my phone rang again and Shantell hit ignore. “Talk to her when you’re ready, if you work it out cool, if not that’s your right. She betrayed you and you deserve time to process it. Stop giving her power,” Shantell said as I stared at her truly unsure of what to say or do.
It was almost like Shantell could sense my uneasiness. “Jey, you ain’t gotta say anything, as far as I’m concerned, the call never happened, and I didn’t hear a thing. What about you?” she asked as I smiled at her, taking my phone back and began texting my mom as she looked at me worried.
“Don’t worry I ain’t texting her. I texted my mom to let her know to call Jimmy if she needed me. I’m turning this off for the next few days,” I said waving my phone as she smiled at me in relief.  “Good you deserve a break from the craziness,” Shantell said leaning over and giving me a hug.
“You are just a really chill person ain’t you?” I asked pulling away with a smirk. “Yea, I guess I am. I try to see the good in things,” Shantell said as we got out of the truck and made our way in the store to grab some groceries.
Three Days Later, Las Vegas, NV
Joe’s Rental
Jey’s POV
The weekend with Shantell and the fam was awesome. I really got a chance to unwind and just enjoy being in the moment. I hated we had to leave tomorrow, but I finally turned my phone back on, and in came the calls.
I sat on the bed checking my messages, seeing I had a message from my lawyer I took a deep breath almost dreading the voice message.
“Mr. Fatu I’ve been trying to reach you, but your mom told me to leave a voice message. Your wife Candy is now trying to sue for spousal support to the tune of 20,000 a month and has said you have also committed adultery.”
“The allegations are bogus I know, but now investigations into the matter are going to be done. Just be patient with me. We are still looking good, I just wanted to give you an update on the newest happenings. Have a good weekend,” he said as I ended the voicemail call.
I felt like I was going insane, this woman actually is trying to break me. I felt my eyes burning and I didn’t want to shed any more tears but here they were coming like a river.
Shantell’s POV
“I’m gon’ check on Jey, then head to bed,” I said as Joe smiled at me. “So, you like him huh? I know ya’ll been hitting it off these last few weeks, but something’ done changed this weekend,” Joe said pointing at me with a sly smile as I blushed. “Joe we are friends, I don’t do married men. You know that,” I said as he nodded in understanding.
 “I think ya’ll would be great for each other,” Joe said as I rolled my eyes.  “I ain’t listening to this. Goodnight matchmaker,” I said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before I went upstairs to check on Jey.
His door was open and I saw him still, almost in a trance. “You ok Jey,” I asked as my voice seemed to startle him.  He shook his head no as I saw the desperation in his eyes.
“Hey, what happened?” I asked softly, going to sit beside him on the bed, giving him a comforting hug.
“I can’t take much more of this shit, I’m just tired,” he whispered as I held him tighter “It’s ok Josh, lean on me,” I said as he held me tighter.
I didn’t know him that well, but in the short time I’ve known him I wanted to protect him.
Pensacola, FL
Jey’s Condo
Solo’s POV
“Look, I need you to stay in the car Sofia, I don’t need you and Candy fighting again,” I said giving her a stern look. “Don’t look at me like that, it wasn’t even a fight. She ran up, so she got smacked up, “she said not caring about keeping the peace at the moment.
“Well, you stay here Mayweather,” I said jokingly as she rolled her eyes at me. “You got ten minutes and I’m coming in swinging,” Sofia said as I leaned over and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips.
“I only need about five, Jey put the stuff I needed to get right by the door,” I said as I got out and made my way to the door.
“Damn! I don’t wanna go in here,” I muttered ringing the doorbell. As the door opened, I was shocked by a man answering the door.
“Who the hell are you?” he asked sizing me up. “Uh, this is my brother’s house, I need to be askin’ yo ass that question,” I said as Candy ran to the door.
“Uh, Sefa, I didn’t expect you until tomorrow,” Candy said nervously as I smirked at her. “Yeah, I can tell you didn’t, but I don’t need but a few minutes of your time,” I said pushing my way in heading towards Jey’s office.
“Just go in the other room babe,” I heard Candy say as the dude growled but walked away. I quickly opened his office with my key, grabbed the two boxes, and locked the door back.
Making my way back down the hall, the closer I got to the front door I heard a commotion. “Shit, Sofia,” I muttered speeding up.
“What the fuck you takin’ pictures for?” Candy screamed as Sofia smirked at her. “Oh, so I can send them to Jey so he can give them to his lawyer!" Sofia said loud and proud standing in front of our car.
I walked around Candy making my way back to Sofia.“Let’s go, babe, I got the boxes,” I said as she continued to stare down Candy.
“You are just so petty. Ima get a protective order against you bitch,” Candy said as Sofia scoffed in her direction.
“I ain’t scared bitch do what you want to do. But I’m warning you if you don’t get that bum outta my brother’s house Ima reach out and touch dat ass again,” Sofia said as stalking towards Candy.
Acting fast I scooped her carrying her to the passenger side of the car, putting her inside. “Look, gone in the house before I let her go, you know you ain’t bout that life,” I said as Candy scurried fast as hell inside.
“Babe, you gotta calm down, you can’t be doing that. You got too much to lose,” I whispered to her as screamed in frustration. “Babe, look what she’s done to that house. She has tainted every memory we all have shared in that house, we got engaged here,” she said wiping her tears, pointing at Jey’s condo and I couldn’t help but agree.
The house looked like it didn’t even belong in this subdivision, it truly looked a mess.
“Let’s get outta here, I know you got to study for your nursing exam and that should be our main focus right now,” I said wiping her tears as she nodded in agreement. Candy had us all on edge and I truly would be glad when this was all over.
Las Vegas, NV
Joe’s Rental
Shantell’s POV
I wanna hold the hand inside you
I wanna take the breath that's true
I don’t know how long we talked but Jey had finally calmed down enough to relax and lay down on top of his bed. “I think I’ve run my mouth enough, so I’m going to let you sleep,” I said as he looked up at me and patted the spot beside him.
I look to you and I see nothing
I look to you to see the truth
“Nah, you ain’t gotta leave. Come lay wit me,” he said softly, his eyes held a longing I wished I could cure. This was dangerous but I couldn’t leave him. Sighing, I climbed under the covers laying comfortably beside him.
 “I knew you was cold earlier,” he said frowning at me as I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m fine stop fussing,” I said smiling, looking up at the ceiling, getting comfy on his pillow as our heads slightly touched.
Fade into you
Strange, you never knew
I think it's strange you never knew
“Did you enjoy this weekend?” he asked as I smiled at him. “Yeah, I had fun. How about you?” I asked, seeing his smile not quite reaching his eyes. Shrugging his shoulders he looked over at me as my breath caught in my throat. He was so handsome.
“Yeah, I suppose, I mean a certain girl had me spilling my guts this weekend, and made me have fun,” he said as I sat up slightly. “What you tryin’ to say, I’m bossy?” I asked as he smirked at me.
A stranger's light comes on slowly
A stranger's heart without a home
 “Nothin’ I'm just sayin' I had fun wit you this weekend even though I didn’t want to,” he said as I looked at him strangely.  “So, you wanted to have a terrible time this weekend?” I asked unsure of what he was trying to say.
” Ok, that came out wrong as fuck. What I meant is that I like talkin’ to you, and I don’t like really talkin' to nobody but my brothers. So, I guess I could say you broke down a fuckin’ huge wall,” he said pointing at me as I smiled at him.
You put your hands into your head
And then its smiles cover your heart
“Oh, shit, I feel special now,” I said touchin’ my chest in dramatic fashion with a small smile as he laughed softly mocking my antics.
“You are very special Shantell,” he whispered as I looked at him seeing nothing but the truth in his eyes. “Hey, so are you, and don’t ever forget that,” I said now seeing him deep in thought, almost unsure if what I had said was true.
 “Do you feel comfortable enough to stay wit me tonight,” he asked as I stared into his eyes. “Yeah, I’m good. I trust you;” I said as he smiled at me with that boyish sly smile that was growing on me.
Fade into you
Strange you never knew
 After a few minutes of comfortable silence, I turned to him to make sure he was ok. “Josh, are you good?” I asked softly glancing over at him and couldn’t help but smile, he was asleep.
I think it's strange you never knew
 “Good night, Joshua,” I whispered softly as I gently kissed his forehead before I turned the opposite way and fell asleep myself.
Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think it's strange you never knew
Taglist: @reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway
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mccanns · 3 months
Info: #50, STL 2011
Last season: 3.31 GAA + .894 SV%
History: Played his first ever NHL game in an emergency role in the 15-16 season, then developed in the minors until the fateful 18-19 season where he was the backup to Jake Allen. Through the season, he proved that he could by the #1 goalie for the team and started each of the Blues' 26 playoff games. He became the regular Blues starting goalie, though he would split starts with Ville Husso in the 21-22 season, and then start 61 of 82 games in the 22-23 season (sorry to Griess, he was not very good). The 23-24 season has been a bit of a redemption season for him after posting his worst ever numbers last year and also being notably rowdier than usual.
Profile: Look. He's a good goalie. He's a GREAT goalie when he has a reliable backup, which he definitely does this season. He's never been able to replicate the level he was on in the 18-19 season, but he's still proven time and again that he is a good goalie. On a more technical level, he has a tendency to over-commit to one shot or angle and leave the back door wide open, which isn't great on a team with an unreliable defense. My dad says he sometimes "flops around like a fish" so take that as you will.
Other: Grew up playing with current Thunderbirds goalie Malcolm Subban! Also he got married summer of 2023 and a lot of the younger guys from the 18-19 season, several of which haven't played on the Blues in a few years, were there :) it was sweet :)
JOEL HOFER (Hof) (?)
Info: #30, STL 2018
Last season: 2.50 GAA + .921 SV% (AHL)
History: ROOKIE GOALIE !!!! He played 6 games last year after Binnington's suspension, and proved himself so well that the Blues had three goalies on their roster for an extra week or so. In the AHL he's averaged about a .910 SV% and he actually scored a goal in the 2022 Calder Cup playoffs !! He has one more year on his two-year one-way contract, but if he keeps playing the way he is, he'll probably be sticking around for a while longer! He's definitely still adjusting to the NHL but he's only been improving
Other: Lives with Jake Neighbours! Their friendship is very cute, definitely watch for them in the headbutt line after wins :) My mom says he looks very polite
disclaimer: i don't watch the AHL games. im not made of money. also for the record they play in springfield, massachusetts
Info: #59, C, STL 2019
Smaller player weight-wise but still throws himself around. Up and down between STL and Springfield a bunch as he develops. Young and inexperienced but played well in the 22-23 season when he played 28 NHL games !
Info: #28, LW, STL 2012
Nearly 30 and has played 123 NHL games. Played for the Hurricanes organization last year but returned to the Thunderbirds for the 23-24 season. Reliable callup if someone is injured.
Info: #56, LW, STL 2018
Literally the funniest name in the world, and he's on a team with Mackenzie Maceachern. Made his NHL debut last season and played a handful of games this season and has yet to score a point, but seems solid on the Thunderbirds!
Info: #15, LW, WSH 2014
Won the cup with the Capitals in 2018, came to the Blues at the 2023 trade deadline and had a fantastic 10 goals and 14 points in just 20 games. He came back for the 23-24 season, made the team, and then did not play up to potential. Was a regular healthy scratch for about half of the games in the first half of the season, and then got sent to Springfield. Has spent non-insignificant amounts of time in the AHL in the last several seasons
Info: #51, RD, STL 2020
Currently in the Blues lineup as players deal with injuries! Has played 8 NHL games between this season and last season and has yet to score a point, but has been very good on the Thunderbirds!! Solid young right-shot defenseman with offensive ability :)
Info: #88, C, VAN 2015
Technically a prospect despite having played 218 NHL games between the Canucks, Blackhawks, and Senators. Came to the Blues at the 2023 trade deadline in the O'Reilly and Acciari trade after spending the season playing for the Toronto Marlies. He already has 23 goals + 35 points in just 35 games with the Thunderbirds, was AHL player of the month in Oct 2023, and was just recently named to the AHL All Star Game! Currently leads the entire AHL in goals
kind of a stud. hope to see him play on the blues at some point <3
NAMES YOU MIGHT HEAR: Zachary Bolduc, Leo Loof, Jimmy Snuggerud, Otto Stenberg, Dalibor Dvorsky, Juraj Pekarcik. All recent high draft picks (2022-2023) and players to keep an eye on if you’re interested !
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blorbocedes · 1 year
maxiel (i am prepared for you to hurt me)
Why don’t you ship it?
I mean I have written maxiel 😅 but it's a very specific, rancid dynamic that only eye enjoy. I always avoid royal pairings whenever I get into a fandom, which means the biggest/most popular ship cause it's more interesting to me to have to figure a dynamic out than already have it be pre-established and fandom having made their mind on how they want it to be. Nothing wrong with that ofc, if it hits it hits, and maxiel is popular for a reason. I can't be too mean, at least half my mutuals are maxiellers of the world. It's just how fandom sees max in maxiel is very different from how I see him and it's not my cup of ☕️🫖
What would have made you like it?
Uhh if it was less popular 😅 if I got into f1 during 2018 I'm sure I would be a diehard maxieller. Unfort as I got in, my first impression had been Daniel as just Max's flop ex-teammate while Max had moved on to better and bigger things of the world.
Honestly, I would've been super into a reconciliation maxiel angle --they lose touch, max has to get over being betrayed by daniel leaving leaving him, daniel has to deal with Coming Home (rb 3rd driver) and swallow the resentment of everything max has is something that was promised to him etc, and they both have grown up and changed but at the same time are so fond of each other.
in some ways I feel like their characterization is stuck in 2018 and that just doesn't really appeal to me. let them grow up, move on, and come back together!!! i think that's far more compelling.
there's really only so many times I can read established relationship fluff mpreg. or max sobbing cause his dad is mean and being stuffed of the Ric Dick Turbo 3000 will fix him.
i do appreciate your bottom daniel agenda tho!
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
yeah! I think understanding maxiel is fundamental to understanding/writing max. daniel's impact, friendship, support was foundational for max. i think a sense of humour is v important when writing max, and he def took that from Daniel/wanting to impress him. I adore baby maxiel gifs from when they're teammates. also they have a 😳 age gap and it's never properly utilised!!!! Ahhhhh.
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discet · 1 year
AU Idea: Instead of Amphibia, the Calamity Box sends Sasha, Anne, and Marcy to Etheria (from She-Ra 2018 if it wasn't clear)
So I've gotten this sometime before. Ultimately I think they wouldn't have a whole lot to do? (Granted I only saw the first 2 seasons) not in that there isn't a lot going on but in that the main story of Spop really deeply revolves around Adora. With some Calamity Powers I think the trio would be able to hold their own, but I don't have any super strong angles that wouldn't relegate them to being kind of side characters. If I had seen the whole series maybe I'd find more to work with.
It also is complicated by each of the girls having an extreme 1-to-1 matches with the Spop cast in terms of archtype (there are differences, but in terms of the role they serve in the story, are pretty similar)
Good natured character who grows a strong moral compass and a hero complex: Anne/Adora
Childhood friend who ends up in conflict with the hero to the point of violent conflict while also being super repressed about her romantic feelings for them: Sasha/Catra
Genius with a loose moral compass who is fascinated by the workings of the world and puts her friendships before her moral compass: Marcy/Entrapta.
So having them running parallel arcs with those characters would make an already busy cast even busier.
I think the most interesting thing I have is the three of them just having their own whole adventure together in this insane setting while the plot of SPOP is happening around them while looking for a way home. Working with or against with the main cast of SPOP to find a way to recharge the box and get home.
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warningsine · 5 months
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, I've been suffering from a reading funk. My concentration is bad; my commitment, worse. I blame the world, not the books, but I do feel especially grateful to the writers whose novels broke through my mental clouds. First on that list is the Japanese novelist Mieko Kawakami, whose English-language debut, Breasts and Eggs, was one of my favorite books of 2020. I wasn't alone; Breasts and Eggs, in Sam Bett and David Boyd's seamless rendering, was a breakaway hit. No wonder Kawakami's U.S. publisher, the reliably excellent Europa Editions, chased it so quickly with another Bett-Boyd co-translation, this time of Kawakami's 2009 novel Heaven, which, once again, cut straight through my funk.
Heaven is a raw, painful, and tender portrait of adolescent misery, reminiscent of both Elena Ferrante's fiction and Bo Burnham's 2018 film Eighth Grade. I cannot, in good conscience, endorse it without a warning: This book is very likely to make you cry.
Heaven is less sophisticated than the tripartite Breasts and Eggs, which shifts perspectives and timelines to address the feminist question of reproductive autonomy from a variety of angles. Here, Kawakami tells a simpler story in a simpler form. Her 14-year-old protagonist suffers horrific daily bullying from his male classmates. In the novel's wrenching first chapter, they hit him, mock him for his lazy eye, force-feed him chalk, and shove him in a locker. Heartbreakingly, he seems inured to these torments. From the locker, he tells the reader calmly, "I was no stranger to the dust-clogged air and muted darkness. Whenever this sort of thing happened, I just started counting in my head, not thinking of anything else." But through his brave front, he's plainly miserable. His home life is silent and stifling, his school life torturous; he yearns for human connection, but is too afraid to seek it. No wonder that, when his fellow outcast Kojima begins leaving notes in his desk, their correspondence becomes his "only source of pleasure."
If Kawakami were a more conventional or sentimental writer, Kojima would be the narrator's first love. Instead, she occupies a blurrier space in his life: Their friendship is intermittent and baffling, rooted less in their personal connection than in Kojima's brittle teenage idealism. In her conversations with the narrator, she preaches a gospel of social martyrdom that might appeal to J.D. Salinger's Franny Glass, to whom Kojima bears more than a passing resemblance. Kojima fervently believes that getting bullied is, as she puts it, a "sign." She sees herself and the narrator as designated empaths; their suffering enables them to "know exactly what it means to hurt somebody else," and elevates them to a higher understanding of pain. She welcomes that understanding, and accepts her daily torments as rites of purification.
Kawakami makes plain that Kojima's beliefs are not only incorrect but risky. Much like Franny in Franny and Zooey, she transforms idealism into self-harm. She also objectifies the narrator, who she sees less as a real person than as living proof of her theories. Kawakami handles Kojima sympathetically enough that it's impossible to blame her. She's 14, after all, and managing an awful situation with no adult help. Ultimately, though, she cannot offer the narrator true friendship or solidarity; she's not ballast, but a weight.
Kawakami leads readers slowly and painfully to this realization, but we get there before her narrator, who takes nearly the whole novel to figure it out. He does so only via a brutal bout of depression during which he struggles with suicidal ideation, then "los[es] touch with what sadness is supposed to be." Kawakami uses her narrator's numbness to redirect the book. Because he no longer fears pain, the narrator is able to confront one of his bullies. Their confrontation — which is, really, a sneering monologue on the bully's part; his cruelty at times left me breathless — forces the narrator to admit that he can't live by Kojima's code. Within days, the "fragments of righteousness that had held me up [stop] fitting together." His time as a would-be martyr is done.
This trajectory is unusual: How many novels about bullying, or about adolescents, end with liberation via nihilism? In Heaven, though, the narrator's embrace of meaninglessness seems, much like his friendship with Kojima, to be a necessary but impermanent developmental stage. Heaven's ending is not quite a happy one, but, for the first time, Kawakami lets some light into the book. Its final chapters are reassuring without losing track of the narrator's still-dire reality. They promise that the narrator will, someday, have the future that, not so long before, both he and the reader feared he wouldn't live to see.
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bunncentric · 2 years
Bread and Butter
Pairing: Steven Grant x female reader (no Marc yet)
Summary/Context: The one in which opening a bakery garners you a rather interesting friendship with a certain gift shoppist.
Rating: Semi-explicit
Warning/Content: Dub-con (both parties are drinking), non-graphic smut, fem!reader, no beta we die like Harrow
Word Count: 845
Author’s Note: The first fix I’ve published since 2018. I feel like someone’s ma trying to be down with the young crowd.
Steven is far too shy to ask the lady from the baker's for dinner, so instead he finds a way to meander into your shop as often as he can. It becomes almost a routine, a reason to interact with you.
He is all nerves and awkward angles, though you never seem to mind. Your face lights up when he walks in, and if the shop is not too busy, you will talk for a bit. "Oh, Steven, I have something for you to try," you told him once before scuttling over to a small paper-wrapped basket. "It's a new recipe. I got inspired by one of the stories you told me."
"Me?" he inquired, shifting in his seat. "How... wait, no... I didn't think I could do that."
Your laughter rings in his ears - gentle, amused by his words but not at the cost of him. "I feel like that sometimes, too." And yet, you grin impishly as you set the basket on the counter before him. "Try them, please?"
Steven takes one triangular bit between his fingers, feeling the semi-sticky coating. The bake is fragrant - fruits, nuts, cinnamon - "Is this a honey cake?"
Your excitement is palpable, so sweet against his senses. Eyes bright and that soft lower lip caught between your teeth as you watch him take a bite. "Yes! It's a tiger nut honey cake! I might have done some Googling and changed it slightly."
He can't stop the small noise that escapes him, somewhere between a moan and a grunt, derived solely in pleasure. "Bloody hell, that's a fine bake." You’re smiling so brightly at him - he wonders if you taste as sweet, if you'll melt against his tongue -
Steven coughs, almost choking on the next bite, ears warm with shame.
"Oh, no. Do you need some water?"
He needs many things, none of which he can have.
As days turn into weeks, the tension between the two of you only grows. Often, late in the night when Steven finds himself fighting sleep and staring up at his ceiling, he is plagued with thoughts of you. Scenes of a possible life together seemingly just out of reach - dancing in his flat, introducing you to his mum.
But what is worse is the impropriety, the thoughts that have his heart racing and his cock throbbing in the confines of his trousers. He knows it is depraved, and yet he cannot stop himself from indulging so often.
The tonal shift happens somewhere in between friendship and the unspoken question of ‘What are we?’ The now-familiar tension between you two snaps when the you invite him to your little apartment above the bakery for dinner. A bit of wine turns into a bit more wine, amidst shared stories and laughter that leaves you gasping for breath.
Steven is listening to you talk about your ‘old, pre-Blip life’ in New York when he realizes the pair of you have almost entirely finished the bottle. He is warm, flushed, but he cannot bring himself to care as his gaze lingers over your lips, soft and pinkish and wet as your tongue peeks out. He swallows, downing the rest of his glass in hopes of keeping his hands to himself. "Woah there, Stevie," you giggle, leaning close, hand on his shoulder. "Don't wanna get sick!"
He can smell the wine on your breath, fermented grapes alongside the flowery scent on your skin. The air grows thick between them, breath coming heavy as each gazes at the other. And yet, in all his nervousness, it is Steven that moves first - lunging forward to press his mouth to yours, hands clamoring for purchase at your waist.
The kiss is rough, rife with inexperience and want. Your fingers thread through his hair, and he groans into your pliant mouth. A gasp works its way from between your teeth when he pulls you closer by your skirts, those flighty hands grasping the fabric without mercy. Your legs tremble when you stand, and he gasps as your bodies part, seemingly surprised.
"Oh, bollocks," he groans, voice thinning in shame. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have - "
Your response is a soft noise, almost a whine as you untie the front of her dress with deft fingers. Words die on his tongue at the sight of her bared chest, gently-heaving breasts donned in soft lace. " - oh - oh my."
"Touch me, Stevie. Please."
And later?
When your intertwined forms tumblr in your poor bed, and he's between your thighs, every moment a sacrament as you lose yourselves in each other's bodies. He touches you as if he is afraid it will end, desperate and filthy, a worshipping all its own. It aches, how badly he wants to tell you that he loves you, but he can settle for pouring that emotion into you flesh. He could die there a happy man, surrounded by you - breathy moans and slick flesh and grasping hands and the squeeze of your cunt around him with each movement. He thinks he just might, suffocating in the intensity of it all.
Did you enjoy the story? Would you like something that I wasn't written d a late-night binge of Mitski? Drop me an ask!
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cosmoglaut · 3 years
Since I’m watching a lot of ZZH dramas, I thought I would put up links in one place for myself, and for others in case they want to get obsessed with (or, y’know, just normally like to check) this fucking gorgeous man.
WARNING: LONG POST. I don’t want to use Read More cut.
0. Nirvana in Fire (2015) (54 episodes)
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This is an obsession that gripped me so badly that I didn’t even liveblog and inflict it upon others. I have already finished this once and am on my rewatch. I was going to put it last because I thought I would list them in the order I have watched, but this deserves to be on top.
I DO NOT GET INTO FICS THAT EASILY and yet, I have already consumed a few!
To be fair, ZZH has a very minor role in this. He plays the younger version of main character Lin Shu. And if you watch it on youtube, his scenes are edited out now  🖕 so I won’t link youtube here.
Main actors in this series are:
Hu Ge  (who I didn’t expect to be get swept by and honestly this much handsomeness in a single person should not be allowed), who plays main character Lin Shu/Mei Chgansu/Su Zhe. Intrigued? GOOD!
Liu Tao who plays Princess Mu Nihuang who is a badass, smart princess.
Wang Kai (just hearteyes all over ok?) who plays Prince Jing, Xiao Jingyan, and has just the kind of chemistry with Lin Shu that my id craves for. (Let me just say, loyalty kink in the series is just off the charts.)
The story is that of revenge, political machinations, love, friendship (or in my case, just ship), with liberal amount of humor sprinkled. If main cast is brilliant, the supporting cast is just as phenomenal. It’s 6 years since the series, and people are still discovering it, getting crayzy over it. So much so that Hu Ge posted a happy 6th anniversary msg on weibo! It already has a sequel NiF 2 (haven’t watched yet), and its triquel was announced recently (I read about that on 15th Oct 2021) slated for 2024.
Even though I wanted to watch it to get my ZZH fills, it didn’t matter that he was in it for a small bit. I have already drowned in it. I have cried, sobbed, laughed, had my heart racing, felt such a dejection on Lin Shu’s behalf, felt utter vindication of him, and finally had my heart ripped out. I know an obsession as they have been long time friends. And this is An Obsession™. 
Available with original scenes on viki Downloads: working torrent 1, working torrent 2, viki subs
For viki subs download, you will be required to join the NiF community. But it’s absolutely worth because the subs that came with the torrent were butchered version of viki subs. I was EDITING AS I WAS REWATCHING, no thanks. Also, viki episodes are a bit low rez, but still good to watch.
1. Legend of Yunxi (2018) (48 episodes)
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Han Yunxi (Ju Jingyi), a daughter of an Imperial doctor is married off to oh-so-stoic-but-oh-so-gorgeous Prince Qin, Long Feiye (ZZH). It’s a marriage both don’t want but are saddled with now. Yunxi, who’s a potions genius, gets embroiled in all kinds of political intrigue due to her association with Prince Qin. Both start respecting each other and fall in love. Although path of love isn’t easy as there’s another suitor who’s trying to win over Yunxi. In terms of tags:
#love triangle #historical drama #superb female characters #gorgeous ZZH #excellent political machinations #BAD ENDING #Alternate ending available
Highly recced 😍 in spite of the fact that I thought the romance angle of the series was bleh (cause I don’t care about love triangle). But the last vertex is Mi Re (Merxat) who’s just too good looking. And uh... gives off vibes of both WWX and WKX in the beginning episodes?
Available on youtube and viki. If you want to download, do that here (hardcoded eng subs)
As a rule of thumb, viki has better subtitles, but youtube has better resolution. YT also has alternate endings. I d/l-ed and watched. Those episodes have viki subs so that’s actually a good thing.
2. Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion (2020) (40 episodes + 3 spin-off episodes)
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Unofficial sequel of LoYX due to its BE. It ACTUALLY mentions the story of Yunxi in this series, like, Yunxi is canon in this verse 😂 People couldn’t get enough of ZZH+Ju Jingyi, so have another cake!
Fu Rong (again Ju Jingyi) accidentally crosses paths with Prince Su, Xu Jin (ZZH), and keeps crossing them again and again. Well, there’s love and then marriage and simultaneously a whole lot of other things happen. Yet again, there’s a love triangle 🙄 which is fairly stupid. In fact, the entire plotline felt all over the place. Also, the cast from LoYX is recycled, so you see same actors (which ok since they’re good.) Some got better deal in this. Absolute must mention are Wang Youshuo who plays the character of Wu Baiqi, an eventual lieutenant under  Prince Su.  He is the love interest of Fu Rong’s older sister Fu Xuan played by frankly unbelievably beautiful Xu Jiaqi (who also has a vital role in LoYX). More than the primary romance of Fu Rong and Prince Su, I loved this secondary one! Wang Youshuo was fantastic! Also, Rong household gave me a strong vibe of Bennet household.
Tbh, if you watch LoYX twice instead of this one, no big loss, but consider this: ZZH smiles and laughs a lot more in this 🥺🥺 And well, his acting is amazing as usual. Isn’t that enough 🥺🥺 Although, given how popular it got, you may like it more than I did. And it actually is very likeable if you don’t expect the plot to hold too tightly! I never felt like I should give up on it.
40 main episodes available on youtube and viki
Spin-offs (or special episodes)
I kid you not, this is a modern reincarnation AU that they ACTUALLY FILMED. Because people STILL couldn’t get enough of ZZH+Ju Jingyi. I am completely onboard with that kind of sentiment. Links:
Special episode 1
Special episode 2
Special episode 3
And because IT’S STILL NOT ENOUGH, HAVE A LAST BITE OF THEIR ROMANCE (what you thought just because I put 3 sp ep in the title, there’ll be only 3? *hmphs at your innocence*)
Special episode 4
#overload of ZZH 💗💗🥴
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murder-senpai · 4 years
Oh, hello there!! My name is Murder-senpai! I’m new here to tumblr sooooo don’t mind me being awkward n’ stuff. So this is gonna be like, what fandoms and characters I write for sOoooOoOo
AU’s and other stuff I’ll do: ABO, genderbend, hanahaki, soulmate, supernatural/power, soft yandere/ stockholm syndrome, coffee shop, modern, fantasy, baby/kid versions of characters, babysitter, neko, inu, kitsune, post apocalyptic, zombie, flower shop, book store, dragon, fairy tale, high school/college, mafia, pregnant, steampunk, merpeople, pirate, pirate/merperson, prison, reincarnation, famous, vampire, werewolf
There is more shit I’ll do but I can’t really think anymore so just request
(reader insert crap)
I will NOT do nsfw. This is a christian minecraft sever 
You CAN request multiple character/poly and platonic stuff
If your not specific, I will choose between headcanons or a fic/drabble
If you request angst, I will give it a fluffy ending unless requested otherwise
Please be specific in your request   ex: reader gender (fem, male, gender neutral)
Edit: I will now take character x character, character + character platonic stuff, aus (like, medevil bnha, or a story about friendship or enemies to friends or adoption, anything really), and stuff like that
Current hyperfixation (aka, what I will probably write better for/ do more): dream smp
Will probably put the scenario in a non specific arc
Fairy Tail:
ty lee
sir nighteye
Harry potter:
Black Butler:
real ciel (I refer to him as astre tho)
charles grey
charles phipps
adrien/chat noir
AU’s- underfell, mafiatale, mafiafell, underswap, swapfell
Gravity falls:
AU-reverse falls, monster falls
angle dust
literally any pokemon but those are my fave(and human versions ofc either is fine)
tom nook
dr. strange
The hobbit:
literally JUST smaug
apple jack
Maid sama:
the three idiots
aoi (totaly gives off a ciel/lizzy vibe don’t even lie)
both twins
Cells at work:
white blood cell
red blood cell
killer t cell
Little witch academia:
Glitter force:
Glitter force doki doki:
aster bunnymund
Soul eater:
death the kid
black star
bowers gang
losers club
kamisama kiss:
The outsiders:
Diabolik lovers:
king george
george washington
Tokyo mew mew:
Fran bow
mr. midnight
Steven universe
Haven't you heard i'm sakamoto
Gargantia on the verdurous planet
Over the garden wall
Snow white with the red hair
The sacrificial princess and the king of beasts(manga)
Jeff the killer
ticci toby
BEN drowned 
eyeless jack
laughing jack
homicidal liu
Jason the toymaker
Seto Kaiba
golden freddy
toy freddy
toy bonnie
toy chica
mangle (male and female ver pls specify)
marionette ^
william afton/ purple guy
funtime freddy
nightmare freddy
nightmare bonnie
nightmare chica
nightmare foxy
nightmare mangle
nightmare fredbear
king dice
Bendy and the ink machine
Duck tales
Scrooge (aged down tho)
Dream smp
everyone (all platonic. Will do reader stuff, but would prefer more character +character interactions, specifically, SBI. PLSSS give me sbi stuff, ill marry you)
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autisticlassiedog · 2 years
ADHD asks taken from here
I decided to just answer all of them since no one is sending me any lmao
1. what is one thing you wish more neurotypicals understood about adhd?
That it’s not just a childhood disorder! ADHD kids become ADHD adults! And it has serious consequences if left untreated!
2. a hot take/untalked about issue about adhd that deserves more attention?
According to the book Taking Charge of Adult ADHD by Dr Russell Barkely, the criteria in the DSM (pre-DSM V at least?) was written with children in mind. Adult ADHDers may present a bit differently, and they symptom threshold is slightly lower. He even said that a lot of studies supported that an adult could have a minimum of 4 out the 9 symptoms in either category and still count for a diagnosis.
3. do you have any comorbidities?
Anxiety, seasonal depression, OCD
4. what is ur adhd subtype?
Ok, official diagnosis is ADHD-C, but I think they’re focusing too hard on my childhood presentation of symptoms. I was def combined as a kid, but I only have like 2 hyperactive symptoms, at most, as an adult. So I’d say that I’m inattentive type.
5. do you have any adhd study tips?
Nope, lmao.
6. what’s ur current/most recent hyperfixation?
Honestly it’s been a while since I last hyperfixated, truly hyperfixated. So I dunno..... might have been Sonic.
7. your most embarrassing/weirdest hyperfixation?
Alvin and the Chipmunks? lol..... though that changed from a hyperfixation to an actual mental-health-damaging addiction, so.....
8. what’s your mbti/enneagram type (sorry it’s my hyperfixation lol)?
9. favorite stim/stim toy?
Ooh, I love my stim toys! Idk.... I recently got like..... a “click and snap” I think? I love it. I also love my fidget cube.
10. any experience with ableism you want to share?
Welllll, plenty of people have Opinions about ADHD I’ll tell you hwat..... but one of the most notable? My mom believes, or used to believe, that it’s a made up disorder to sell pills. I would probably have been diagnosed as a kid if she didn’t have that mindset.
11. did you get a diagnosis? if so when.
Yes, was diagnosed at age 24 in 2018.
12. do any of your relatives have adhd?
My bio father was diagnosed with ADHD at age 6! This was like.... in the 1970′s. Honestly, I suspect my mom has it, too. She’s always losing things! And is always late for everything! And she says that my grandma was just like that, too!
13. any good adhd/neurodiverse representation recommendations in media?
I dunno. I heard Percy Jackson uses ADHD almost like a superpower. But I don’t read that series, so.
14. that one character you just KNOW has adhd?
I actually kinda think Neptune from Hyperdimension Neptunia probably has ADHD.
15. do you have sensory issues?
To a degree, yes. I think I experience sensory overload at work. When it’s busy and crowded, I feel physically unwell. Like my body is buzzing. It’s terrible. I also can’t wear socks, they are uncomfortable!! The texture feels bad on my skin!!
16. i can’t believe i almost forgot this question do you take meds, and what is your relationship with meds (whether you’re on them or not)?
Looking into medication! I want to see if they’ll help me.
17. kinda weird question but do you think being neurodivergent had any affect on how you figured out/are figuring out your gender/sexuality (if you are lgbtq+)?
Probably not. (I’m bi-angled grey-aroace.)
18. what’s the hardest thing about having adhd?
Honestly..... knowing that I have such a hard time dealing with anything without external structure. And feeling like it’s very likely I’ll end up homeless one day, because of that. It’s classified as a developmental disability for good reason.
19. what’s the best thing about have adhd (if there is one)?
Well, it’s not all bad, for sure. I think it makes me who I am! I would be a completely different person without it! My mind is funny, too.
20. what is the biggest difference you notice in friendships with other neurodiverse people vs neurotypical people?
Hard to say.
21. if you could tell everyone on tumblr with adhd one thing what would it be?
Remember you are valuable and loved! 
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
World building is the best tbh. I’m forever world building and now I have several worlds to play in and my neurodivergent brain cannot stay still enough to focus on one lmao. SLOWBURN ROMANCES ARE MY LITERAL JAM LIKE PLS!!! I LOVE THEM!! Also!!!! Concepts!!!! Pls share!!!! I love learning about the worlds of my fave fics and I can hands down say right now that this fic will literally shoot to the top of my list of favourites which means you’ll occupy the top three spots. Sorry to hear that ur feeling rough, so am sending u the biggest hug. I’m not okay but I’m taking care of myself today so that I will be 🧡-🐈‍⬛
alsjfsldkjf i have too many worlds TBH, literally one of the best parts of my 2020 was writing for the classic rock fandom and writing one of my good friend’s ocs alongside mine, like there’s so many different worlds that our two characters have now, i’m like 26k deep into a high school au that i need to get back to at some point, and then i wrote a oneshot abt the high school au but they’re adults, and then there’s also the original timeline, and then there’s the present day in the original timeline where they have kids and i probably care too much about people who aren’t real...... hahaha
yes i have a playlist for each, if you wanna hear how i interpret the vibes of the songs. if you interpret them differently, thats awesome!! i’d love to hear y’all’s opinions on them!!
testing one two - the first ep they release, the song titles are mostly themed (fast forward, press play, pause, rewind), but are mostly things y/n has been working on for a while but never got around to finishing, things they are rather proud of. i see you shiver with... is the first song they wrote specifically for the album, and it’s the last song on the EP because it’s a Rocky Horror reference; i see you shiver with...
a n t i c i p a t i o n - first full album!! the vibe is Hopeful But Hesitant it has all the songs from the ep, plus some new ones!! collabs with youtube musicians troye and dodie, and y/n’s label sets up a collab that turns into a genuine friendship. the breakout dance hit is what else is there to say ft. Troye Sivan, which is about not knowing what to make content about when it feels like you’ve already told the world everything. it featured the prechorus and hook
You, know, ev-ery-thing about me / gave it all for free / my life in HD / So, let’s dance, let me see your hips sway / we’re gonna be okay / what else is there to say?
So say that you love me, say that you love me, say that you love me / let’s die hand in hand. / I’ll tell you I love you, tell you I love you, tell you I love you / supply and demand. 
personally, i also conceptually enjoy srs bsns which is a really upbeat song about how they don’t care if people don’t take them seriously because they know in their heart that what they’re doing is good
hyperfocus - 2nd EP, a pretty substantial departure from their usual style, but also happens to quietly be Corpse’s favourite, and is actually y/n’s most polarising, because it has both the Grammy award winning HEARTBURN and the o brother where art thou which was written partially as a joke to capture a fond moment of them and 5SOS dicking around together in a hotel. written while on tour wit 5SOS, im writing the reader as having ADHD (because I have ADHD and i can do what i want), and the backstory is that they’d changed the medication/dosage they were taking, and as it’s their first full tour, they were under a lot of stress and were in a weird place mentally and emotionally, and hyperfocus is the result of that. i’m going through some stuff has HUGE agoraphobic vibes. 
HEARTBURN has the same vibes as Florence + The Machines’ Howl. It’s about being a demon without saying that or directly implying that unless you know demons real well. This is when the pressure for them to confirm their identity got real bad, and it was their way of working through those emotions.
tear in existence in the shape of a person / when i’m seeing clearly i can’t see myself / world can’t swallow what it can’t get it’s teeth into / got everything i wanted but i ain’t got my health
Got heart-burn--- / I’ll tear me apart / I’ll tear you apart / I’ll tear me apart. 
SCREAM gets rereleased as a remixed single featuring Fall Out Boy the following year. It won the MTV music award for best collaboration in 2018. 
In the time between hyperfocus and working on it, Y/N releases several singles, including a cover of Tell Him by The Exciters to be featured in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. They also take time to sort out their health, do a little bit more YT stuff, and travel internationally to do festivals. 
working on it - is kind of a middle ground between their original stuff, and hyperfocus, like pop-punk meets horror-pop meets whatever you’d classify halsey as. the first three songs were mostly written before the fic starts, so before they’re getting back to YT, but the last three, nightmare scenario, designed to hurt (touch me), and not scared were all written after they’d started hanging out with sykkuno and corpse. 
in-universe, imposter syndrome was originally something else, along the same lines of tired that they’re hiding that they’re a demon, but after meeting corpse nd sykkuno and having people who know, and lowkey being influenced by corpse’s music, the song changes directions, and YO OKAY YO::
I literally am so fucking flattered, my darling friend @bingusmode​ wrote lyrics for imposter syndrome and I’ve been yELLING about them ever since i’ve read them!! (also bunnie is fantastic and lovely in general 10/10)
if you thought you saw me 
i’d think about it twice
cuz while i know i’m naughty
everybody thinks i’m nice
cutest giggles get me
places that i long to be
but it’s not long before
everybody hates me
when you figure out i’m fucked up
you’ll probably think that can’t be right
but babe my image runs to save me
cuz i’m ugly day and night
nothing good about me
not the angel that i seem
cuz i’m a piece of shit
and i’ll ruin your fuckin dreams
i’m an impostor babe
you better run for your life
cuz there’s a bloodlust runnin through me
and you’re dripping off my knife
there’s no one here to save you
cuz you ate up all my lies
so beg me while you can
and draft up all your goodbyes 
if any of y’all are inspired by anything i put out, feel free to take it and run!! you have my blessing!! i am so overwhelmingly flattered by people who like my stuff enough to create because of it, directly or indirectly! lyrics, art, songs, anything!! legit! I love you!!
okay so designed to hurt (touch me) has big House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco vibes, and YES it’s about Corpse. YES it sends mixed messages. YES it has greek myth imagery and YES that imagery is confusing. not sure if any of these sets of lyrics actually go after each other but also idk??
will my fall from grace be graceful / as each move i see you make? / propped up on pedestals side by side / beneath our feet they shake / i’m the only one to hear you ask  / “What have they done to me?” / My boy, your wax throne is sun-drenched / you’ll fall in the name of your legacy.
eyes like yours watched rome burn / while hands like mine lit the pyre / we both heard me say we’d go down in flames / now you’re turning me into a liar / since you smile like that, like you can’t feel the sting / and we both know i can’t feel the fire
been telling myself i’m designed to hurt / but, baby, aren’t we a sight? /
check your reflection, your angles, apollo / you’re icarus in the right light /
we’re on the edge, i’m not scared to fall / we’ll take refuge in the night /
been telling yourself you’re designed to hurt / but, baby, doesn’t this feel right?
also, albumtouralbumtour is a reference to Bohemian Rhapsody.
n o s t a l g i a - the album the reader’s working on during the fic.
literally as i was writing this, bunnie sent through some FIRE lyrics for how the light gets in, (@bingusmode) i am going to be thinking about these on REPEAT for the next MONTH BRUV
little bit of darkness, treat me like a toy 
i got my hopes up and got them destroyed
bitter taste of regret sitting heavy on my tongue
can’t believe i let you convince me that you were the one
sitting here in silence, fabric running thin
petals burning in my lungs and stealing oxygen
embers from a cigarette falling to the floor
god i can’t take anymore
so i stumble to the window and pull the shades
and the moon pours in like you threw a grenade
i can’t understand why
i keep trying
cuz i never seem to win
but having any hope is how the light gets in 
from there, moment before impact ft. Billie Eilish is a club anthem along the lines of bad guy or COPYCAT, bass heavy with a drop that’s out of this world.
powdered pain, i’m in your veins / i’m the sting, the drip, the thing / you’re craving, but you hate to see me misbehaving / i heard my breakdown got you high / it’s true, but baby i can’t lie / i never got that rush, that burn / that makes you feel alive, i had to learn / to pick the slippery slope down which i fell / plan my pitstops on the way to hell / to pick my padding before i spiral / so if i break it’ll be in style
watch my misdirect, now freeze, / notice you can’t see the forest for the trees / you’re so desperate for my demise / but baby, i’ll make you watch me rise.
this is the moment before impact
controlled chaos, crash land / take a breath, trust the plan / i know you hope i’m not okay / you get off on my audio misery
controlled chaos, crash land / take a breath, trust the plan / i need you to know i want it this way / my breakdown won me a grammy
and this is the moment before impact
ur my favourite - interlude ft. sykkuno is probably one of my favourites, it’s just really soft, just a snippet of a conversation between the reader and sykkuno, maybe one of them told a joke and they both just sound real happy and sweet. its nice. it’s a nice moment.
means something is also for sykkuno!! it’s about how good-strange it is to be open and honest with friends, and how they usually aren’t but they’re glad they can be open and honest with him!!
meanwhile, i don’t think about u - interlude ft. CORPSE is a phonecall between corpse & the reader right after they announce they’re going to feature on acting like that, where corpse asks if they do this sort of thing to spite him, to which the reader responds ‘do i consider you when i’m making decisions about my career? no, corpse, actually i don’t think about you at all’ which then directly contrasts the song that ends the album, which is (how it feels to be) beautiful fireworks, which is essentially ‘i know how hard it is to exist like this, to be the centre of attention, to give off light and bring people joy, even when you’re in pain. i’m here for you. i love you.’
okay, i swear im done now, i’ll get back to writing the fic! (also i cannot BELIVE i managed to figure out how to embed those playlists but im so happy) edit: it didn’t actually work when i posted the ask, so anyways im sorry but y’all are abt to be spammed with playlists because i care too much abt this fic
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alexguerinss · 4 years
snapshots (crossposted to ao3)
summary: @alexmanesairstream made a post about malex taking cute photos together so this happened.
“Alex, are you sure about this?” Michael asked, taking in the open desert in front of them a half hour outside of Roswell.
Alex bit his lip before looking at his boyfriend, taking in his curls that blew in the wind.
You’re beautiful.
Michael blinked in shock, before a pink tint came across his cheeks. “Thanks.”
“Did I say that out loud?”
Michael smirked, “I’m afraid so.”
Alex cleared his throat, “Well it’s true.”
“So, are we going to play or what?” Michael asked, taking their guitars out of the bed of his truck.
“Hold on, let me get the camera. I need something to remember the first time we tried to perform together...for posterity’s sake.”
“Make sure you get my best angle,” the other teen joked, watching as Alex set the camera down in front of them on the truck bed, making sure the timer was on.
Alex grabbed his guitar and started to play, trying his best to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as Michael began to play as well.
Both boys were too busy staring at each other to hear the click as the camera went off.
“Michael, what are you doing?” Alex opened his eyes, taking in the man beside him. He still couldn’t believe that after ten years Michael Guerin was in Roswell.
And now they were in bed together. Trying his best to ignore the nagging voice of his disappointed father in his head, he smiled and let out a laugh as Michael took another grainy picture of him from his flip phone.
“You know you can get an iPhone now right?”
Michael huffed out a laugh, before kissing Alex on the forehead and snapping a selfie of them at the same time.
Alex looked over at the photo and let out an unexpected belly laugh as he noticed that Michael’s aim at taking a photo was a bit off, taking note that Michael seemed to only get half of his face in the photo.
Michael looked at him with a warm smile at the laugh, before he rolled his eyes.
“Fine, I’ll get an iPhone.”
Alex kissed him gently on the lips in response, before he started moving down and kissing Michael’s chest.
“So...are you two?” The unspoken words from Liz said it all, as she took in Alex and Michael in a booth together at the Crashdown. She had been back in Roswell for a little over a month, coming back from her job in California. She knew she wouldn't be able stay away for long, but it helped that her one coworker wanted to start up her own lab nearby and asked Liz to help start it up with her.
She was visiting Rosa and her dad at the diner when she took notice of the two men in the booth.
They were sitting on the same side, arms touching, sharing an ice cream sundae. She had slid into the booth across from them as the question left her mouth.
They froze, just as Michael was about to feed Alex a spoonful of ice cream. Sadly, when he stopped, his aim was off and it hit Alex in the cheek. Liz tried her best not to laugh, but Michael couldn’t help but lick the ice cream off his boyfriend’s cheek.
Alex let out a yelp in response, surprised that Michael would do that in front of Liz. He turned to the other man and let a smile spread across his face at Michael feigning innocence as if he didn’t just lick his face in public.
The sound of the phone camera taking a snapshot made both of them turn to the culprit.
She shrugged, smiling at the pure happiness on their faces. “You guys are cute.”
Alex swiped her phone from her hands before she could even blink, looking down at the photo.
“We do look cute,” Michael whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek.
Alex could only shake his head fondly, before handing the phone back to her.
“Text that to me,” he requested softly, before turning to give Michael a peck on the lips.
If he made the photo his background on his phone later that night, no one was the wiser.
“Who knew that having a photo booth at our wedding would be such a hit?” Michael asked, surprised at the line outside the curtain of the booth that Isobel and Greg rented together for the big day.
Alex had been leaning on his shoulder, tired from all the dancing, before he put his head up and kissed Michael on the lips.
His husband. Michael was his husband. The man he had loved since they were 17 was now with him forever. For richer or poorer. For sickness and in health. He still couldn’t believe it. He felt the need to pinch himself to make sure it was real.
He took in the line, and noticed that no one was moving. Raising an eyebrow, he knocked on the booth, hearing familiar voices inside.
“Isobel! Greg! Get out of there,” Alex hissed, taking note of his older brother’s tie undone with lipstick on his face. He came out embarrassed, but Isobel looked proud.
“It’s all yours boys.” She kissed Greg on the cheek before turning towards the line, “Sorry guys, the grooms now get dibs.”
She all but shoved them into the booth and Alex tried to balance himself on the seat, as Michael gently grabbed his arm so he wouldn’t fall to the floor.
“Our siblings are embarrassing,” Alex muttered, but Michael just kissed his cheek in response.
“Embarrassing yes, but they did get us this photo booth. That was nice of them.”
Alex glared at him, “For us or for them to canoodle in?”
“Canoodle?” Michael smiled, “Hey, no frowning. You gotta turn that frown upside down,” he suggested, before grabbing Alex’s face and kissing him gently.
They broke away seconds later, but Alex was smiling now so that was a start.
“Sorry, I’m exhausted and dancing with my prosthetic did not agree with me.” It was his wedding. He was supposed to be happy, but now all he wanted to do now was take off the prosthetic, take a nice bath with his husband, make out with his husband and sleep with his husband. If he could introduce Michael as his husband in every conversation, he would.
“Well, let’s take these photos and then we can blow this popsicle stand.” Alex let out a laugh at the suggestion, before realizing Michael was serious.
“Michael, it’s our wedding. I’m pretty sure we shouldn’t be leaving the wedding before the rest of the guests.”
Michael shrugged, “And I’m pretty sure Flint shouldn’t be breakdancing on the dance floor with Rosa, but things happen.”
Alex giggled, “I have no idea how that friendship happened, but I’m glad Flint is here.” Flint, Clay and his mom Mindy showed up for the wedding. It was a nice surprise, and a somewhat emotional one for Alex when his mom showed up at the rehearsal dinner the night before.
“Eh, they’re more like frenemies at the moment, but we can work on it. Now, let’s take these photos.”
Alex turned to the camera at the suggestion, watching as Michael pressed the button to countdown until the photos would be taken.
After the four photos were taken, Alex felt Michael kiss his cheek and he turned to catch his lips in a kiss. Alex pulled away from the kiss, smiling.
“Let’s go husband,” Alex grabbed Michael’s hand and pulled him out of the booth and they bumped into Isobel and Greg standing outside of it. The line was gone surprisingly, as were a lot of the guests.
“Just how long we were in the booth?”
“It’s nearing midnight boys, and we want to make out some more in there, so if you wouldn’t mind. We rented it for 24 hours so," Isobel said, pulling Greg back into the booth. Alex laughed at the surprised expression on Greg’s face, as he mouthed for help before he disappeared behind the curtain.
Both grooms jumped in alarm at the sounds that were being made, before they quickly grabbed their photos from where they printed out and backed away.
They made their way to their table that was now empty, noticing the waiters cleaning up and sat down. Michael knelt down in front of Alex, before looking up at him, silently questioning Alex if he wanted his leg off or not. Alex could only nod, letting a warm smile appear on his face as he went about taking it off as gently as he could. Alex closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief at the weight now being off of him.
Opening his eyes, he looked at the photos they took in the photo booth and couldn’t help but start tearing up.
“Hey, hey. What’s wrong?” Michael's worried tone broke through his thoughts.
Alex let out a watery laugh, before shaking his head.
“Nothing. I just can’t believe we’re husbands. After everything, we made it work. Meeting in the middle...coming home to each other.”
“You’re my home Alex, always and forever.”
Taking note of the final photo of the set, where Michael was looking at Alex with pure adoration as Alex was in the middle of laughing, he could only nod.
“Picture perfect.”
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echoeternally · 4 years
There are actually more fics that are Mario/Bowser (at least on AO3) but Luigi/Bowser has more fanart.
True by number count, but when you double check it, there’s not a lot more for fanfics at all, really.
A handful of those are where Bowser gets turned into Bowsette (which would be fine if they were taking a trans angle, but they’re mostly doing it for explicit stuff without logic, so...eh), and some are also piled under the Bowser/Mario tag without actually being romance and making them into a couple. 
Yes, that total, even counting those, still exceeds Bowser/Luigi, but it’s a negligible difference by that point. Last I checked, I think it was a 31 to 26 total, but I believe both numbers went up. The full total for Bowser/Mario now is 40, but that’s including everything I mentioned above.
(I think I over-complicated that. Basically, the Mario/Bowser tag has 40 fics, but if you take away anything with Bowsette in it, that drops to like 34. Take away friendship fanfics, and that drops it to the 31 total. Those are fairly exaggerated, but that’s just to make my point.
Also, I’m ignoring stuff that also inflates the tag, like Bowser/Midbus, but it falls under that column because Mario’s tagged in the same story. Just to be sure, I did a fast check on Luigi/Bowser, and they are all actual pairing fanfics. So the total at 27 is actually 27 flat fanfics of them.)
The fan art is exceedingly weighted in Bowser/Luigi favor, and it’s laughable to look at. If you search “Bowsario” on Tumblr alone, you’re likely to find a bunch of text posts made by myself under the “recent” tab, while the popular stuff is old art from around 2017-2018, if not earlier. Search “Bowuigi” and you can scroll down for ages while stumbling across new content.
Hell, fan artists made a full magazine of some kind (?) that was dedicated to Luigi and Bowser. I’d be in awe the day someone suggests Bowser get one with Mario, let alone it actually happen.
You want to know the really twisted part of it? Those text posts that I made begin from 2014-2015 and go upward to more recent times. And people are still liking those posts, meaning that they’re still true today.
I’m being silly when I write those posts, but Bowser being paired off with Luigi is heavily inflated compared to Bowser paired with Mario, even though both were kicked up around the same timeframe.
(And I try not to factor in Peach, because she gets more content with each of them than they do with each other. Granted, those combos have been around since probably the dawn of the modern Internet.)
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gtmediadatabase · 4 years
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Site update and OPEN CALL Voice Actress update! 6/2/2020-6/15/2020
Looking for a voice actress in the G/t community to play the main sprite-woman charater in a G/t review series. “Little Reviews” episode one, is a review of the movie Small foot and is essentially 3minutes of gushing over g/t tropes, while in character as a sprite/fairy person who loves g/t moments&movies. The gig pays $50 per episode through paypal/email.
If you don’t get a role this time don’t worry ^-^ There will be more opportunities in the future and even a “LARGE role(lol)” for a male voice actor to play the giant/human behind the camera.
If you’re interested Email me at [email protected] or message me on here. preferably with exmples of your voice acting,  use the script sneek peak as an audition piece if You’ve never done voice acting before. The tone is mostly fun/casual reviewer(think video game reviewers)- geeking out- and sassy (the bolded line about Fleem is my favorite, really Fleem is just awful)(+she’s side eyeing the human cameraman when talking about why yetis hate humans )
script sneek peek under the cut
**/Script not final/**
Welcome back to Little reviews today we’ll be looking at the recent 2018 movie Smallfoot. Which explores the budding friendship of a man and his yeti. 
The main characters are 
Percy Patterson, a wildlife documentary filmmaker trying to reclaim fame by creating a hoax in which he encounters a yeti. Percy is the classic frantic and confused tiny, being dragged along on an adventure. Most of the interactions are powered by his horrible decision making. 
Migo is a sweet giant making friends in that lovably heavy handed way only a giant can. He eventually learns to tone it down and the two have a respectful mutual relationship. In my professional opinion the way Migo holds Percy is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. 
Then we have the rest of the supporting cast to give us a fully rounded perspective on different giant and tiny relationships. 
You have the Overly controlling “stone keeper” who has an agenda against all humans.Cough Cough for good reason. They explain later in the movie. 
Meeche is the Pro-human giant willing to learn and interact with tiny humans in a more thoughtful careful way than Migos’s “kidnap sack” method. That willingness to learn is especially helpful because through the whole movie yetis and humans speak different languages. The movie does a great job of communication through body language and emotions that different language or not, both giants and tinies understand the situation going on. Except in the moments it’s more funny to see Percy freak out of course. 
Gary and Kolka are good giant friends anyone would want. Just be careful of where Kukla swings her arms. 
Fleem... Nobody likes Fleem even in-movie. But that “I am your god now fear me!” line he said, to try-and fail to- intimidate Percy was admittedly kind of funny. 
Interaction ratings: 
1 Dynamic size interaction/feels: YYYYEEEEESSSS. Everything with migo and percy is adorable. Full points to gryffindor. 
1 Category/tropes: Accidental fearplay... yeah migo that's how you warm up a human. And finding Bromance G/t this good is rare. Theres a scene where percy has to choose between running away or helping migo, and the result ended up warming my heart more than Percy roasting over that open flame. Full star. 
1/2Sense of scale: the size difference isn’t extreme enough to get to crazy with the angles, but it’s adequate for getting that cat-sized human feel. The POV moments can get really good but most of the movie is shot from typical angles: half star. 
1 World building: Surprisingly good. There is an implied traumatic history between the Yetis and the humans. Both sides have a reason to fear the other, which makes Migo’s and Percy’s friendship that much more rewarding. I just love it when G/t friendship overcomes prejudice and confused military personnel.
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despabibo · 4 years
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Final Thoughts
***Spoilers under the cut
Y’all… just... wow... That was literally the most beautiful final season of any show I’ve ever watched. I laughed and cried and cheered for joy and gasped in horror.
It was everything I could’ve wanted. A bit jealously, I wish it would have come out when I was younger and needed it more. But I’m so glad younger audiences get this show. It’s such a major stepping stone. Gah, I can’t talk much about it without spoiling. 
So, warning, again, there are spoilers under the cut. If you haven’t done so yet, go watch the show. It’s truly a gift. 
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
So I just finished the last episode of She-Ra and I’m having to physically stop myself from bawling. It was so beautiful. It makes my heart happy that there is so much positive LBGT+ rep in this children’s show. Yes, some countries are rating it for adults because of it’s LGBT+ themes, but let’s just celebrate this enormous victory here.
I’ve wanted Catra and Adora to get together but for the longest time, it was just a simple little ship for me. It wasn’t one of my OTP’s and I never really got into shipping for this show, but I acknowledged what I wanted from the show early on and boy oh boy, did they deliver. This season was full of Catradora material and it made me happy. But the kicker is that the showrunners followed through. It wasn’t queerbait. I am so happy that it wasn’t queerbait. Forehead touches, kisses, and straight-up “I love you’s”. There’s no mistaken, our girls be gey for each other.
I hope there’s a kid out there, somewhere, who is emboldened and empowered after watching this show. I know I could’ve used a show like SPOP when I was a teenager and questioning my sexuality. Nothing is shamed. Everyone is so open and caring with each other. Multiple queer and straight relationships are shown throughout the show. A major player in the later seasons is non-binary. The main character ends up in a same-sex relationship. I still can’t believe that. The title character is LGBT+ and nothing is left to “interpretation”.
I hate to bring up V*ltr*n, but it’s an honest comparison. It was the last thing I was straight up obsessed over fandom-wise. And I think that’s why it’s hard for me to get attached to shows now. V*ltr*n felt rushed towards the end and I always felt dissatisfied with the episodes because they felt so... empty of content. 
But with SPOP, I never felt that way. Everything felt so planned and articulated. All issues were resolved in a satisfying way. No loose ends. Heck, even the title cards in this last season included such attention to detail I was shocked. They really and truly delivered a great show.
V*ltr*n had its good moments and I’m still fond of it, but it dropped the ball in later seasons (or rather just couldn’t keep it rolling up the hill.) And V*ltr*n can’t hold a candle to SPOP in regards to representation.
Every character was so 3 Dimensional and dynamic and I didn’t expect that going into season 1. If you would have told me back in 2018 that I would cry when Shadow Weaver sacrificed herself, I might have laughed in your face. Checked your temperature. Made you some tea. Make no mistake, Shadow Weaver’s previous actions and abuses towards the children in her care are unforgivable, but she earned a teensy bit of redemption at the end. (Also I know Hordak is like ‘reborn’ or whatever but he is not redeemed villain bc, yknow, genocide and abuse of power and horrible things like that. (I do hope Wrong Hordak does good in life, though. He is a bean and I will protect him.))
Regardless, I hope all surviving characters live out long and happy lives. Filled with redemption and friendship and love.
I just want to say an overwhelming Thank You to Noelle Stevenson and everyone else who worked on this beautiful and magnificent show. Thank you, from teenager me. Thank you, from LGBT+ kids and adults alike. Thank you, from everyone, because this show is such an amazing demonstration of love. Y’all have made the world a brighter place and have made way for many future shows to show representation from every angle. 
We’re on the edge of greatness. This has been a great ride.
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(jk im obvs gonna watch that last season again bc I can see clearly now the tears have gone)
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artchronicles · 4 years
House of Hummingbird - 2018
House of Hummingbird, a movie directed and written by Kim Bora and winner of the Berlin International Film Festival, is one of the latest gems of south Korean cinema. The film stands out for the enormous sensibility of the trama, a solid script, and, over else, the incredible performance of the protagonist.
Bora's movie focuses on Eunhee (Park Ji-hoo), a 14 years old child, that faces family and personal dilemmas while making a transition between childhood and adolescence. From this seemingly basic premise, House of Hummingbird evolves, little by little, in an incredible drama of multiple angles. The family pressure for better academic results, romance, friendship, domestic violence, illness, and death are topics that the protagonist encounters and face with more or less success.
And, even when this movie seems to be a drama, House of Hummingbird does not use unnecessary resources to make its audience cry. On the contrary, House of Hummingbird shocks its audience for the constant and persistent feeling of melancholy. The sober palette of colors and a piano-based soundtrack increased the distress.
These mention elements create the perfect context for a deep and meaningful connection between the viewer and Eunhee and its misfortunes. Everyone has lived one or more of the dilemmas that the protagonist faces. Questions like where our life is heading? what is our purpose? Do our actions achieve some kind of meaning? haunts Eunhee and the spectator. At the end of the film, naturally, none of these questions find an answer because no movie can do that. However, House of Hummingbird ends on a hopeful note. Although our protagonist faces many challenges she chooses to keep learning, growing, and living. Even in defeat and distress, our best choice is to keep fighting.
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