#but the bleeding effect is probably one of my favs
raetttriestowrite · 7 months
Thank you TK for the ask!!!! Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut - author's pick!
So author's pick is a cruel cruel joke bc as soon as you sent that my head emptied of like. everything ever that i wanted to talk about 😂 and i could talk about a lot of things.
So! i'm going about this bit from Take the Photographs (and then like. The Bleeding Effect as a whole):
"[The animus] doesn't work like that," Desmond disagrees, shaking his head. "To pick up the skills you have to synchronise, and to synchronise is to invite them into your head to Bleed. Can't have one without the other."
So! Okay!! My kinda headcanon kinda How It Works in BTMTMIM for the Bleeding Effect, and the reason Desmond's all kinda fucked up about it.
There are 2 ways that the animus could work:
you watch your ancestors memories as like. a movie. 3rd party observer style
you experience the memories as though they're your own.
Rebecca is trying to move the animus towards the first way, to reduce the Bleeding Effect. But. okay. how much do you learn if you just watch someone else do a thing? i could watch martial arts videos all day and at the end i'd still be just as incapable as i was when i started. SO. Realistically the first way would achieve nothing to help train Desmond into a better assassin, which was the whole point.
Therefore, the second way, where you experience the memories as though they're your own, would be the way to gain the abilities of your ancestor. you'd build muscle memory off of their actions bc you're remembering them as your own actions. so it'd be functionally the same as practicing for the amount of memory-time that pasts. Kinda.
Which is where i come in with the sync thing. So obviously there's sync rates - higher is better, lower is worse. So the way i'm thinking of it is like. the more you can immerse yourself in the memory, the higher the sync and the more effective it is for learning shit, bc you move away from the 3rd party observer thing. but like. a memory is not only actions. it's thoughts and feelings. so the more Desmond sync's the more he feels like you is his ancestor, bc he's remembering the events as Altair or Ezio or Connor would remember them, and he remembers being Altair or Ezio or Connor. He remmebers being them. In that memory he stops being Desmond and becomes his ancestor.
And that? that lingers. right. so sure there's 25? years of memories rattling around in his skull in which he's Desmond Miles. But there's also like. a decade worth of being Altair, and fucking. 4 decades of Ezio and another 2? or Connor. and there's a part of him that is convinced that he was that ancestor for that time. they're his memories.
(Which is what fucked up Clay so bad. He could remember too many people and couldn't figure out who was who was when.)
Anyway. So. Desmond achieved high sync which meant lots of memories of not being Desmond. and so the Bleeding Effect is just. when his memories of Alltair or Ezio or Connor are more who he is than Desmond. for that brief instant. So now he's desperately trying to organise the memories into some kinda way? and hoping that if he can box it all up right, acknowledge each memory as whose it is as Desmond and make it Desmond's memory, rather than his ancestors, he'll manage to curtail the Bleeding Effect personality shifts he's dealing with.
And then there was this bit from You'll Find a Man:
"It's good to meet you," Booker says perhaps halfway down. He's moving better now, easier, the drugs having worn off a bit. "And no offense, Jack, but I'm glad to be out of your head." "You as well, fratello mio," Jack says, crooking a smile at the pale blue-gold figure. It's as good a name as any of his others.
which long story short, and was not have been 100% clear in the story, but Des got a new personality wholesale bc like. He's wildly fucked up and Desmond couldn't deal with being in That Room in Abstergo. Self preservation kicked in and he ended up just. remembering everything from everyone, (where usually the Altair/Ezio/Connor shift's only remember themselves) and accepted the new name bc he wasn't really any one of them, but all 4. bc all memories.
and That. spoilers. is going to eventually lead into my Fix for Desmond's fucked up brain problems, where he does get a handle on the Bleeding Effect. bc like. Clay did it... (Clay doesn't count he rend himself down to code and could rewrite his whole being if he wanted.)... actually. there is a hint of this eventual solution in When The Lonesome Whistle Cries. kudos if anyone can pick it out and draw the correct conclusion. I've been building towards this for fucking ever and cannot wait to get to it proper in the fic.
i'm actually fucking pumped to get that whole bit out, even though it's. uh. ???? idk when it's gonna happen but it's there. it's one of those threads i've been carrying along from the start. Apologies if any of my readers wanted to wallow in the uncertainty and angst of the if Des will ever fix his brain. spoilers, i guess?
Anyway. there you go. that's my mildly incomprehensible and incoherent rambling thoughts on the Bleeding Effect, as it exists in Bless This Mess This Mess Is Mine 'verse. Thanks for letting me talk about it!! <3<3<3<3
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halucynator · 7 months
Omg I really needed more swiftie mutuals <3
Please rant about all things you like, i love rants, gosh we seem to have so many close interests, I am not a writer tho, but I do read, effectively making me a reader which doesn't sound as cool, now that I think about it.
My fav Taylor song at the moment is "Slut!". I cannot get that out of my head. I mean "got lovesick all over my bed", I die a little everytime I hear that.
Fav Olivia song at the moment is logical (kinda like you username aah). I still CANNOT get over "can't take a joke, can't get you off". Like please kill me already.
Fav Sabrina song at the moment is probably "because i liked a boy". (damn who hurt me?)
And fav conan song at the moment, "Lookalike"
Tell me yours?
omg thank you thank you thank youuuu <33
okay so i love a lot of things some of them are pretty questionable but I'm questionable literally ask anyone on the discord server so its fine. anywhoo, i love taylor, maisie, gracie, phoebe, alix page, lucy (dacus not myself I'm not THAT narcissistic), olivia hardy (from wasia project) julien, conan, liv, sab (and @loserdiaz but that's a known fact) and so many other people to the point that even i cant keep track. oh and i love laufey, mitski and lyn lapid just bc.
my current fav by wasia project is petals on the moon but ur so pretty especially live from the studio is so gooddd
anywayss, reading is really cool thats how i got into writing (which is the best thing ever ik /hj) i also really really like reading bc it makes me smart and it's super fun
which is your favourite book series?? mine is lockwood and co as if you couldn't already tell by the amount of times I've mentioned it i also really love agggtm series bc why wouldn't it its so good. I'm sure i love so many more book series but my memory sucks (it does not but I'm lazy so I'll use that as an excuse)
anywhooo, i love scream which is weird bc i watched the first one when i was 10 (i know, who let me do that???) and i... liked it? (I'm very questionable i know) but i also tend to rant about it as if its real life (like WHY DID THEY KILL OF *insert name of dead character* IM SO MAD) and not a movie so I'm a bit annoying sometimes but pls don't tell me that otherwise I'll start crying /j
hmm my favourite taylor song atm would be "is it over now?" or "now that we don't talk" bc at the moment i resonate so well with those songs (ikr my life sounds like a nightmare: it is but it isn't really? idk) at yes i totally agree with the "got lovesick all over my bed statement but" also "love thorns all over this rose" and omg "you're not saying you're in love with me, BUT !! YOURE !! GONNA !! DO !!" like who gave taylor the right to be such a mastermind (funny, right? no? okay.) like the entire song, heck the entire album is so GOOD. HER ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY IS SO GOOD. (this is totally normal fan behaviour btw)
favourite liv song atm is probably lacy but i love all of the songs all the album (and yes logical is soooo good i mean i have to love it otherwise my url is meaningless) but my favourite lyric from the entire album is probably "we both drew blood but man THOSE CUTS were NEVER EQUAL!!" from the grudge (also one of my top 3) bc that hits DEEP. (bc the cuts were deep, i know I'm so funny /j)
favourite sab song atm is prolly cindy lou who / opposite (been there) / a nonsense christmas. i cheated but i simply cant choose one shes too good. also super funny bc cindy lou who and opposite are like sad vibes and then a nonsense christmas i want you to [redacted] and [redacted] me on the couch while we [redacted] presents (sorry i just think I'm so funny when I'm not but dont tell me that i wanna be a stand up comedian no I'm just kidding I'm not a failure. IM JOKING) (also regarding bc i liked a boy, I agree. who hurt you???)
anyways, my favourite conan song atm is prolly the best known option "heather" BUT i also like "the cut that always bleeds" the entire of kid krow tbh
okay i wrote a lot asdxcasdcvafd sorry
alsooo, you didnt ask this but my favourite gracie abrams song atm is "where do we go now?" and "cedar" (you arent mine) bc its such a heartbreaking song especially when you can relate to it. ooh and i also love camden, painkillers, rockland and long sleeves but they're all pretty depressing so if you don't like sad songs they're prolly not for you.
and THANK YOU for this ask this was so fun send me more sometimes <333
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milimeters-morales · 10 months
stop i listened to it again and fianlly truly felt like I Want You To Know That I’m Awake/i Hope That You’re Alseep is SUCH. a clawcode song, i’m literally thinking about them navigating their relationship post break up (romantic or from best friends) and it’s tearing me up and piecing me back together again this is crazy . ramble below
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okay first one! this is honestly such a good part of the song (my fav lol) and is perfect to imagine a confession to, from either side. On Miles’s side it could be about confessing about being the Prowler, and how he needs Ganke to respond in any way so he doesn’t feel like he majorly fucked up in telling him, and for Ganke it could be about confessing his feelings, because silence is like the worst and you’d at least rather someone laugh so you get a chance to ALSO play it off as a joke right??? And both start to doubt themselves the longer a silence goes on!!! and the “you only have so long to capture the feeling before it’s gone” actually refers to SO much. Miles has people leaving him, first it was his old school friends, then his dad died, and now he’s having a hard time making friends at Visions and the one friend he does have he’s obviously not going to want to lose! Think of this as the “leap of faith” moment in their relationship, bc for all Miles knows, Ganke could be dead tomorrow. And on Ganke’s side, you can see it in a time where he’s already in the know about Miles being the Prowler, and wants to confess before Miles gets himself killed out there !!! because that’s a very real fear to have!! and this circles back to feeling stupider and stupider, because he’s thinking “oh no does Miles think i doubt him now? or that he’s so weak he’ll be killed?” in some way. okay next!
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now i’m really stretching here, but the whole bleeding thumb leaving a trail? this could mean he hasn’t healed from his father’s death, and who could blame him? it’s an open wound that’s having obvious effects with him becoming the prowler and more rough around the edges (though that’s more bc of the hell that is Earth-42 after Jeff’s death rather than JUST Jeff’s death), traumatized, probably distrusting of MANY people, and trailing = leaving evidence of change, you see what i’m saying? And there’s a denial about it all too, “for some reason” like bro you KNOW the reason. And the rest, “i felt sick and i didn’t know what to do” GOD THIS IS SO. right so he’s lost, he definitely isn’t going about coping in the healthiest way, but to him it seems like all he CAN do. And that last part, could apply to his relationship with his mother as well! very likely to be about his guilt over not telling them about being the prowler/stuff he does as the prowler bc he knows they wouldn’t approve of some of it and would be worried sick all the time.
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OH MY GOD????…… okay. we don’t know shit about Ganke much less Ganke M. but i’ll keep the whole “Ganke’s parents are divorced” thing and apply it here. So you have Miles, his parents loved each other dearly and were still separated because his dad was killed (which could happen to him, risks of being the prowler and all) and then you have Ganke, who has divorced parents (another thing that could happen but as a breakup since they aren’t married). And you KNOW how divorces can affect a child’s mental state growing up!!! “Cause we’re not like them” this is a casual sentence that couples in love say a lot, how they vow to never be like their parents, but then the “we are nothing like them” comes off as defensive and trying to convince yourself so you don’t have to face the truth, that you might be just like the people you didn’t want to end up as!!!! dead and/or broken up!!! Miles is a vigilante because he knows the system is fucked up and vows to not end up like his dad, dead for a system that didn’t care about him, but he could end up dead anyway because the system STILL doesn’t care about him!! Ganke doesn’t want to be in a bad marriage and divorce so he tries to love Miles fully and work through everything together, but he DOESN’T KNOW!!! HE ISNT READY!!!
slams my head on the table and screams
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charmspoint · 2 years
chuuya for ask game
Yuki I am divorced
Just kiddin but seriously I feel like I just don't remember most of these it's been two years since I last poked at bsd with any sort of serious intention and uhhhhh motherfucking six since i was intensely into it, but lemme see
First impression
I don't fuckin remember. I don't even remember was it anime chuuya or manga chuuya i first met. I thiiiiink it might have been manga chuuya? I think bsd was either an anime i watched a little n then immediately went to read the manga or whose presence i was made aware of by anime announcement and then read the manga before the anime actually aired it was one of those two but im not sure which (six years) But I mean like, you've seen Chuuya, you've seen his first apperance, he walks in dressed like that and acts like that it was probably love at first sight. Which is funny because Dazai's character is usually more of my type but here Chuuya swept me away.
Impression now
So underutilized it HURTS. Chuuya has SO MUCH potential but it feels like all that's done with his character is constant nerfing and putting-on-bus-ing. He's one of those overpowered characters that the authors put in for cool points but then can't work around so they just end up sent away more often than not so the writer can still write the story without having to explain how this one guy isnt just obliterating shit left and right. Still, Chuuya is pure potential and I feel that's why he's so beloved (or well used if you wanna be crude) in the fandom. Kafka only relatively recently gave him any backstory at all so for a long time Chuuya was basically a cool guy you could make anything out of. We don't get much from him but to me he's like all the bsd nostalgia and potential (and subsequent disappointment) wrapped up in one character. He's one of the rare favs I don't wish to break like a glow stick I think only nice things should happen to Chuuya.
Favorite moment
Honestly...back when we thought we were really going to get Chuuya vs Ranpo vs Poe. It didn't happen, that was an utter disappointment, but like many things with Chuuya the potential of that was incredible. Those were my bsd top three, that was bsds top brain vs bsds top brawn. The fact that it didn't happen and instead ended up as just an excuse to clean up two people who could fuck with the story the most was probably one of the first nails in bsd's coffin for me. You said favorite but I'm all like bittersweet about it, but Chuuya is a bittersweet character. You'll get odd answers.
Idea for a story
The suffocating quality of your dying breaths (And the effect they had on me) was actually supposed to be a part of a series of Chuuya character fics labeled 'Fittest to Survive' (If you remember that series you may be viable for a seniors discount). The other two fics were 'All the beautiful things we are (All the dangerous things we will become)', which was supposed to be a Kouyou & Chuuya fic focused on their relationship, concepts of beauty and strength and exploration of gender identity, and 'Feral beasts (and their hearts that bleed)' which was a Chuuya & Akutagawa fic which was basically supposed to focus on them after Dazai leaving the mafia, the differing relationships they had with Dazai and differing ways they dealt with the loss.
Unpopular opinion
I would say I'm completely out of the loop on what's popular or unpopular in the bsd fandom but from talking to you it seems like things are basically the same as they were six years ago so uhhh unpopular opinion 1. I don't think Chuuya is like a super feminine guy. I do get a genderqueer vibe from him but it doesn't really lean feminine for me, he likes to dress nice but also he grew up as a lab rat and then on the street he deserves to indulge himself and explore his identity. 2. I don't think he heart achingly misses Dazai. Like I mentioned this before but I don't think they had some big romance even tho i do like soukoku. Their relationship for me has always been more akin to being tied together for a three legged race and if the idiot tied to you goes down so do you so better help him out. I do think there was loss in Dazai leaving but I don't think Chuuya was like on the floor sobbing for weeks or anything and he's probably fully over it by now. The person Dazai had a very close and personal relationship to was Oda not Chuuya. Honestly idk how well i explored this in my past fics, it took me distancing myself from bsd completely to crystalize my opinions on their relationship which is a shame cuz i have all these takes and no motivation to write them.
Favorite relationship
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Who are we kidding here huh, the only relationship Chuuya has that is remotely explored is with Dazai (dont @ me with light novel content i dont know her). And his relationship with Dazai is interesting! There's a lot to explore there, as i said before, they really are something that's neither romantic nor platonic nor queerromantic. They are complicated and messy and probably not too good for each other. I just wish fandom would express them like that more instead of making Chuuya Dazai's collectible waifu. I would also REALLY like it if there was any canon content for his relationships with Kouyou, Akutagawa and Kyouka like CMON, ESPECIALLY AKUTAGAWA. DAZAI'S EX PARTNER AND PUPIL, THE SHIT WRITES ITSELF, WAKE UP KAFKA.
Favorite headcanon
Somewhere along the line I decided that the rich girl impression is an inside joke between Chuuya and Dazai and to this day this is my pet headcanon. Chuuya just had it down too good, it made Dazai genuinely laugh (in the manga at least, fuck the anime), this was a thing Chuuya did once as a joke and from the on out Dazai pestered him to do it again every five goddamn seconds I will not be dissuaded from my silly hcs.
Ask game
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tomionefinds · 3 years
hi! can you rec me any long oneshots? like ~8k+? As much as I love the short ones, I'm in the mood for something a little longer lol. Thanks!
Oh I like this ask Anon,
I want to open it up to followers, drop your favorite lengthy (8k+) one shots in the comments!
I have a few favs I've read but I definitely have not read as many one shots as I would like; still trying to make my way through multi-chapter fics, but I'll put some here to start! -JD
Psychological Warfare by yuwoo
E/Ma | One Shot | 18k
Hermione has never mastered Occlumency, so she blocks her mind with violent thoughts whenever she and Tom Riddle cross paths. One day in History of Magic, she accidentally thinks of his penis while she tries to come up with new torture methods.
'Trust Riddle,' Hermione thinks, 'to not bat an eye at maiming and murdering, but the thought of me touching his prick makes him freak out.'
The Mania Within by bionically
E/Ma | One Shot | 9k
There's an enigmatic young Headmaster at Hogwarts this year, and only Hermione knows who he really is...
Tomione Smutfest 2020 Prompt: Teacher/Student
Belladonna by LadyMiya
E | One Shot | 17k
Her parents had always warned Hermione against getting a tattoo. She probably should have listened to them.
Atom Trails by NoFootprintsInSand
M | One Shot | 9k
The wings of a thousand butterfly effects cut her until she bleeds
Tainted by Nekositting
E/Ma | One Shot | 10k
“I’ve been curious.”
“Oh?” Hermione inquired with a lift of a brow, a spark of adrenaline bolting through her at the heat in his eyes. He was aroused even if she couldn’t tell apart his pupils from the rest of his irises. His cheeks had taken on a flushed hue, and his mouth—
His teeth caught his bottom lip before letting it go.
Hermione’s insides warmed, anticipating what it was he was about to say.
“What is the most sexually deviant thing you’ve ever done?”
Room of Hidden Things by thedarklordherself
NR | One Shot | 10k
8th year. Hermione decided to return Hogwarts but apparently, she isn't ready to face the Castle. Haunted by the war and the deaths still, she finds refuge in the Room of Requirements.
That's when a young man visits her sanctuary to study. Early in his twenties, black hair and the most charming smiles, he quickly becomes a good study partner. Someone to make her forget everything.
Knowing the properties of the room, she knows he isn't real. Nobody could enter her room without her permission while she used it. And she accepts that perhaps she is imagining him.
The catch is, he is indeed alive. So so. Barely?
He is Tom Riddle, the remnant of his soul that should have been burnt in the Fiendfyre that had destroyed the Diadem.
Youth in Retrospect by provocative_envy
E/Ma | One Shot | 8k
She’s buying a box of condoms when she meets him.
“Those are shit, you know,” he says, jerking his chin at the pale purple box in her hand. “Can’t feel anything.”
She stares at him for a moment too long. The bell above the door jingles merrily as a rowdy group of schoolboys enters the store.
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jonnolovesfob · 3 years
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*clears throat* allow me.
rank every FOB album with a description on why you like/dislike each one.
and also, if you had a chance to meet any of the members, which one would it be?
take your time, no rush!! No pressure either!!
hardy. hardy.
evening out with your girlfriend. fall out boy’s first album. i absolutely love the sound and the first ever demos of fob’s sound and it’s just so cool. and i have a physical copy of it!! (fav tracks : switchblades and infidelity, short fast and loud, GROWING UP)
take this to your grave is probably one of my favorite albums of all time. it’s got that punk sound and i just love it it’s so good. i love it lots and it’s just amazing (fav tracks : reinventing the wheel to run myself over, calm before the storm, homesick at space camp, grenade jumper)
from under the cork tree is the first ever fall out boy cd i ever bought. it was definitely my fob comfort album for the longest time and it still happens to be one of them. (fav tracks : i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song written about me, XO, a little less sixteen candles a little more “touch me”)
so i call infinity on high my comfort album because it just is amazing and i love it a lot. it’s also the first fall out boy record i ever bought! (fav tracks : the carpal tunnel of love, GINASFS, it’s hard to say i do when i don’t, fame < infamy)
folie à deux, the madness of two. gotta be the best fall out boy album out there. it deserves so much love after the 2009 era fandom trashed it and now fall out boy doesn’t play many of those songs live because they were hurt by it (>:( ) it’s literally amazing and so good ( fav tracks : 27, w.a.m.s., 20 dollar nose bleed, west coast smoker)
ok i gotta acknowledge the believers never die albums their still good too. they may be greatest hits but they contain bonus tracks. my favs are alpha dog and from now on we are enemies
save rock and roll. pete dismissed rumors of fob coming back on my birthday in 2013, then came back the next day. I LOVE THIS ALBUM AND THE YOUNGBLOOD CHRONICLES SO MUCH LIKE OMG (fav tracks : (death valley, where did the party go, rat a tat)
paX AM DAYS NEEDS MORE LOVE PLS. it’s literally straight out of the 80s punk scene. my bass teacher loves this ep and that made me so happy. (fav tracks : eternal summer, caffeine cold, demigods, american made)
american beauty/american psycho is one of the best albums to ever exist. it’s got great songs and really cool features it’s just so good i love it. (fav tracks : favorite record, immortals, twin skeletons, novocaine)
mania. omg mania. i love mania. it’s their newest album with all original material (and one of their songs references nikki sixx, that’s also a good song) stop me before i talk about mania for hours because i love it. (fav tracks : sunshine riptide, young and menace, bishops knife trick)
lake effect kid. lake effect kid. it’s a literal master piece i love all three tracks of lake effect kid, city in a garden, and super fade. i relate to super fade and i love it.
personally, i’d wanna meet andy because he deserves so. much. love. and the fandom just favors pete n patrick over andy and joe n i’m just like WHERE ARE THE BOYS AT HUH. but i’d also wanna meet pete (i’m a hypocrite shh) because he’s the original bassist who inspired me to pickup bass in the first place! and joe (and other various guitarists) inspire me to want to play guitar which is cool too :D
ladies and gentlemen, joe trohman
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nyarisu · 4 years
Rammstein: Paris liveblogging
This live is so fancy! My god, the intro is so dramatic, and the guys haven’t even appeared XD there are even alarm sounds!
Their entrance is *chef’s fingers kiss* and Ollie being the high fantasy dark elf we all asspire to be XD Say what you will about the spasmic editing, this was very nicely filmed!
I love the array of microphones on Till’s coat.
Asdghjl the flags being set into place and then Ollie with the flame! It’s all so badass! Also Schneider is hot XD
Oooh they’re starting with this one! Also one of the few times he’s counting.
The instrumental at the beginning is always giving me shivers, it’s so powerfull
And I love the static editing
I can say whatever I want about this song being over mentioned by everyone... but the true is it’s amazing!
Don’t punch yourself, dumb baby.
Lol @ Richard being a sea urchin XD
The ending was fantastic<3 very dramatic!
Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen
The doom guy sounds are killing me I love them and the fireworks collars are amazing. I love this song so much!
Schneider throwing the drummstick in the air ♡
„AAAAAAA AAAAA” silly editing of Till every time AAAA BUT FUNNY NONETHELESS
I love the gloves!
This song always gets me so pumeped up! And the editing makes it even more dramatic and full o energy!
The fire works at the end!
Keine Lust
Unfortunately, I sometimes vibe with this song T_T
It has such a powerful beginning it must be wonderful to hear it live.
Wanna see me fangirl again about Schneider spinning the stick midair and then catching it again?
Flake loks weird and I wouldn’t trust him.
Richard’s „nein, Ich habe keine Lust”
Dear lord Till has wonderfull eyes.
Wtf was with that tongue, Jonas??
Very nice Schnooter shots!
Oh, Ollie is hoodless now. A bit better, I think.
Paul being badass with his guitar.
Till bby who hurt you like this?
(fortunately for me ich habe some Lust hence me doing this liveblog)
I love that chanting so much!
Did he just made a cross sign??
Till is doing some hammering and Flake is just vibing XD
The chanting! The fire! The atmpshere!! I love everything about this song live
If he doesn’t hit his forhead.... oh, he actually didn’t...
Asche zu Asche
Nice trio in the front~
I swear to god Richard is always sexy on the mic during this song and he’s probably doing it on purpose! And the way he gestures!!
Lol I was wondering when Till will start acting like a slut XD
The keyboards are amazing before the last chorus.
Yesssh microhpones on fire!1
Feuer frei
Ugh that tongue edit again... leave Till’s tongue alone, Jonas!
Auch, that hurt.
Flake, chase that nonsense right away XD
Leave his eye alone too!
That Schneider smirk when Till came with the mask. I love the masks!
IMAGINE BEING THERE and seeing this asdfghjkl the ultimate Rammstein experience.
Some green lightng oh no that’s Mutter better be prepared to have my heart broken. The saddest song to ever sad you have no idea what it does to me.
Richard playing there, he’s really feeling the song.
The guitar solo is amazing!
Till was suffering there and I was shamelessly admiring Schneider behind him XD
God his eyes
The spark shower, if that doesn’t beak your heart even further... (but very nice arms >w>)
*sighs* that was fantastic~
Mein Teil
Wow I can’t belive he even added sound effects to the title melting away gross :))))
I’m getting goosebumps because of the insrtumental, it’s that awesome!
I love the moves schenider has in the background. And everytime he strikes the air with his fist.
Flake popping out of the couldron kils me everytime XD
Too much blood editing.
Schneider is being once again sexy in the back.
Till has funny dance moves but i love his serious face
And Flake being like no thank you I’m not buying anythingXD
„you over there, give me your fire throwing thingy” jaaaaaaaa
There is no concert without Fklake’s spastic dance moves XD
Du riechst so gut
The bow!!
„der Wahnsinn” dear lord Richard you’re killing me.
The first time I saw Paul and Till doing that I almost had a heart attack I really thought they were gonna smash their heads together XD I see them doing it for shits and giggles.
I love the synchronised head baniging (more like bodybanging)
Yes, guitars on fire! Congrats on throwing that now jump after it :)))))
I just want to kiss Till’s mouth.
Links 2 3 4
Schneider stop being sexy!
I love the guys’ entrance for this song.
Till being all business. Onwards, my mighty stallion XD
The last chorus was very nice and full of energy (thanks editing).
Du hast
Ugh to those lightnings but otherwise is fantastic.
Do you think they ever get sick of playing it? I never expected this to be Richard’s fav song to play live....
That RZK ass XD
The fire!
Oh the keyboard must be divine live~
It must be really impressing to have a full hall singing just for you.
And then my favourite part! All that thing wiht shooting fire that comes back and then the whole stage exploding! Definitely my favourite R+ effect. Really nice image
This gave me goosebumps again
„Sechs Herzen, die brennen” *choking* thanks for the feels-
Flake is really brave for doing that boat thingy. I could never.
Lol those dance moves, unexpected butf unny as usual.
Till clapping for Flake XDDD silly
I like the pose he aodopted while waiting for the song to move on.
Buck dich intro
This gets it’s own section because I love the instrumental so much!! Or remix, whatever you wanna cal it. It’s fantastic<3
And Richard enjoying every eye on him :D Nice ass anyway.
Weird over editing I don’t understand but whatever, we’re ignoring that.
Woo woo machine XD
Hello Frau Schneider and her puppies #till lehman is a sub
One of my favourite Till looks.
Of course he must be humping something or someone XD
Schneider x Rchard banter is the best. And then bodilly dragging Till onto the stage<3 I HAVE LOTS OF FEELINGS ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING OK??
Look at him being a good puppy RHI WHERE IS YOUR FIC??
Buck dich
Honestly now what is better that a shirtless Till with a colar?
The most syncopated instrumental ever. They are fucking crazy (I love them).
I was reminded of this fic XDD
Wow imagine being there and seeing Buck dich for the first time that is wild
„why are you wet?” „eh, I was too close to the stage” (part 1)
The whole ending with Till and Schneider was hilarious XDDD
Man gegen man
Let’s go with that gay song! XD
Dumb editing but I’m focusing on Flake dancing beside Till.
He has an amazing back<3
I love how he goes crazy during the solo.
Wow Jonas went full with the editing for a few seconds didn’t he?
Also Till did something very sexy with that watter bottle.
Ohne dich
Time to have no feels again
I want that collar too.
Paulchard vibing together’
The hall looks amazin with all those little light on!
Dear lord Schneider looks fantastic.
Paul being cute again XD
Asdfghjkl Till crossing that bridge gave me a nose bleed tbh
Mein Herz brennt
My favorurite instrumental ever! And the one who convinced me to listen to this band.
A little sad they put on shirts again but hey, at least RZK took his off XD
The glowing heart is a loved effect but I preffer the current one to this, the timing is better now.
Live is the only way I’m not skipping this song. The last time I listened to it is probably the last time I watched this very live XD
Are they actually whistling?
Why do they all look so good?
Flake, what are you doing? :)))
Ich will
Richard’s arms lookin fine and Till is being a slutt with the microphone again XD
Was that chick shirtles? XDD
Nice firework at the end.
So... is this whistling real or?
Those wings... in Till’s defence, I thing the floating wings are much more spectacular and much easier for his back too.
Why!! Why do you edit those things?? They are gonna give me nightmares!
But whatever the wings on fire are cool.
Really Jonas this is not an anime stop enlarging eyes.
Another badass entrance, considering the song XD
„Er könnte etwas größer sein” will always kill me :)))
Oh, your eyes are so pretty~
Poor mic stand.
The dick canon! To be in the first few rows... XDD „why are you wet?” „eh, I was too close to the stage” (part 2)
I love how wide Till’s back is<3
„let’s do it QUICK” peak slutiness from Herr Lindemann :)))))
I love how they all gathered around Schneider.
It impresses me so much everytime they kneel for their audience<3
Looking very nice there, Ollie!
I thought Schneider was gonna do a backflip with how he streched XDDD oh, hello Richard~
Fruhling in Paris
Till has very nice legs.
Not saying anything about him floating off like a damn fairy :)))))
I love evey time one of the others is singling along (this time: Schneider)
And Flake just ran off XD
Tbh when I’m lacking motivation I really should watch this live it gives so much energy!
The Amerika / Engel whistling question still stands.
2 hours of nothing but Rammstein. I approve
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elliot-orion · 5 years
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The Empath
“When you are angry, I get hives. When you are scared, I throw up. There is nothing you can feel that I won’t feel ten times over. So no, it’s never felt like a blessing. It just feels like hell.” 
I have no idea how to make a summary for a short story/novella/whatever this is going to wind up being, especially when i don’t actually know whether it’s going to extend past what i have planned (which will probably be about 15,000 words) or not. which makes this... difficult, but also i really need to talk about my babes so we are making this. So... uh... i guess under the cut i’ll just talk about the characters and weave in the plot i have planned, and if it winds up going past this small side project into novel territory, I’ll reintroduce it. Good plan. Someone take my blog away from me because i’m bad at this...
Charlie Diangelo: Charlie is 100% the reason i am making this post instead of just posting the story like i was intending to do, because holy SHIT i need to talk about him. Charlie is the Empath, who is probably the most powerful empath in the country, maybe the most powerful in the world even idk. But its really shitty, because the way his empathetic abilities work, is he gets different bodily reactions to emotions. So not only does he mentally get the “yep, they are feeling worried” thing, his fingers and feet start tingling and going numb, or if they are feeling disgusted, his jaw locks up. That sorta thing. He has to live in the middle of nowhere with only his partners really seeing him, because otherwise, he could very literally die from the effects of the emotions on his body. fun! Personality wise, he’s a big ol’ sweetheart and a complete bean, who just wants his partners to stop fuCKING GETTING HURT DAMN IT! He’s cottagecore to a fucking fault and genuinely enjoys the quiet, and is pretty happy living out there. (so of course the SA has to go fuck it up...) 
Hollis: One of Charlies 3 partners. They are the Hero, Stopwatch, and can stop time. duh. They are pretty good at it, have good range, stamina, whatever. They are probably 75% of the quads impulse control, and the only one keeping them all from killing themselves.  The other 25% goes to Charlie who is trying to keep Hollis from killing themself. Because don’t let their mature and responsible air fool you Hollis will 100% come home stabbed and bleeding to death, and say it’s nothing, they are ready to fight again. They just don’t know how to sit still when people are getting hurt and they could do something about it (even though “you were just STABBED you CAN’T do something so sit back doWN FOR FUCKS SAKE”) But for real, Hollis deserves more credit than they get for wrangling a chaotic neutral dumbass who needs to be on a leash i stfg, someone who doesn’t even wear earrings anymore because she is so DTF at all points in time, and a bisexual who everyone thinks is distinguished, but is very much a disaster. 
Nora Stone: She’s supposedly a Villain, the Succubus, which is really, really misleading, because 1, she’s gray-asexual and doesn’t even flirt when using her powers so like wtf, and only got the name because she really likes fancy clothes and 2 she’s not even a Villain, more of a thief, but because she called a bunch of politicians and told them to vote no on a really corrupt bill of the SA’s that didn’t wind up passing because of her, so the SA made her a Villain so they could punish her extra hard if she got captured. So there’s THAT. Her powers are just that she has a ‘special voice’ as Charlie calls it, and if she uses it, someone has to do what she says. She pretty much just uses it to get Gucci without paying though, and like, getting jobs for her parents because no one hires Super immigrants (”tHeY mUsT bE vIlLaInS sEnT tO dEsTrOy Us” bullshit). She’s protective of her partners and loves her family and community to death, and has used her voice to help people and for activism many times, because she can help save people with a phone call to a politician, so why WOULDN’T she? Nora was actually the first of the quad i made and the only one who hasn’t been changed a dozen times, which is a cool fun fact too. 
Oscar: Oscar has probably been changed the most, but i am very happy with where he is now. He’s the Villain, High Flier, and has pretty strong air powers. Like, pretty damn strong here, though not quite Elemental strong. And unlike Nora, he is... very much an actual Villain, and is also an International Villain, so that’s like a Big Deal. He likes just causing big ass wind storms with hurricane/tornado level wind speeds. Fun! Though tbh, he doesn’t cause destruction and whatnot to be MEAN or hurt people, he just likes chaos and having fun, and standing in the middle of a gigantic tornado with buildings flying around him is his idea of fun, so... *shrug.* He’s definitely almost given Hollis an aneurysm like 8 times, and makes all of them super stressed because he goes on trips and won’t come home for like 2 months, and postcards aren’t really enough when you know whole countries want to shoot your boyfriend, you feel? He’s super sweet with his partners though, and always comes home for holidays and birthdays and brings really thoughtful gifts from everywhere he goes for them. He’s just antsy and needs to keep moving, and probably only has two feet on the ground when he’s cuddling with his partners, every other time he is floating on wind.  But also, he’s not really Sparky, hyperactive, ADHD, like, he’s more just restless, wanderlust, must see everything this world has to offer, sorta thing, and gets really depressed if he stays in one place for too long. Though, yea, he’s totally got ADHD too, lol.  I love Oscar to death, ngl, out of the whole quad, he and charlie are my favs. (sorry nora and Hollis, i love you too)
That’s pretty much the characters, and in a short sentence, the plot is the SA fuckin ruins their breakfast and makes Charlie do something he really should not be doing but he’s going to do it anyways because it means he keeps his partners safe. So fun stuff!! This probably will be posted, most likely a dual posting here and on Wattpad. Hopefully doing that will kick my butt in gear and make me put up Hell in High Heels again. (sorry but ATDADT is not going back up, it sucks ass, not happening. Plus i might make it into a full novel. It’s up in the air) (actually would hell in high heels make a good novel to? .... i need to fucking STOP with the DHU already holy shit someone take my imagination from me...)
tag list! lmk if you want on or off! @albatris @ageekyreader @dreamcontagion@merigreenleaf @knightedwriter @norawritess @simplesamples I’m not doing the sparks fly tag list because idk if they actually want other stories in the DHU, but let me know if you two do want to be on the whole DHU tag list, same with everyone else!
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the-nysh · 6 years
Deku vs Kacchan 2, full episode live reaction/commentary
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AHHHH it’s time and finally here, the important and long-awaited cathartic showdown I’ve been wanting to see animated for ages, as one of my most favorite parts of the manga, both character and relationship wise. ;A; Managed to stay offline and avoid reaction spoilers so I could see it fresh for myself without any distractions. So here we go with my whole in depth breakdown of the episode! 8’D Where I repeatedly get stabbed in the heart and end up completely losing my shit! Length: 4000+ words.
Edit: several of the sub’s lines have since been shown to be mistranslated, which I still transcribe here for comparison’s sake, since I already have the manga’s script memorized anyway. :’D
Last ep left us hanging with Deku’s reaction to Kacchan’s proposal for a fight, so bam, I’m glad this ep starts off immediately with his fumbling answer to him (midpoint of ch117). Ahh, if there’s one thing I miss from the manga, it’s the panel of Kacchan’s deadpan reaction to Deku’s rambling. The anime instead keeps his face half hidden until–
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GAH!!!! ;A; THERE IT IS!!! His sudden face of open and honest sincerity! (One of my fav manga panels actually.) Subs have his line as, “What part of you made All Might do what he did? Let me see for myself. If the way you admired him was correct, then does that mean my admiration was wrong?” Oh noo... :’O The anime doesn’t show his whole face warping into a pained, unnerving expression like the manga does (and in a way I was hoping to see that transition animated), but instead shows an extreme close up of his eye, desperate and dead serious. Gbhgh, very tense and chilling (omg plus that dramatic choir ost swelling in the bg is getting to me too).  
Flashback to both their childhood lines about All Might! UGH!!! I was not expecting baby Deku’s line to be that broken and watery! D’8 And said over the image of them standing opposed like that??!!! URGHHH fucking hell!!!
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Crying and trembling baby Deku’s aspirations, said when he found out he was quirkless, with his dreams probably permanently crushed, and emotionally at his lowest, helpless, and most vulnerable point, REALLY GETS TO ME?! Fuck!! Just a prelude to seeing Kacchan’s turn at his most emotionally vulnerable too. (gwah, break for the opening, hah I forgot that hadn’t even played yet :P)    
….!!!!!! 👀👀 Shit, shit!! There’s almost no room to breathe here! Ayy they show Kacchan stretch his arms and note how Deku uses kicks now (yoo he’s observant and watches Deku too), but gah! You can really feel Deku’s ‘hold on, wait!!’ pleas, because holy fuck this is jumping into it so fast! I’m not ready either!! D8 
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Ok, I can actually breathe a bit when Deku slows down to analyze which hand Kacchan will use, but ohh!!! They animated one of my fav effects, the popping sparks on Kacchan’s palm before he lets it all loose. :’D Hoo, “You like to read a lot into things, huh?” They don’t show the manga’s direct view of his smirk for this line, but do show the panels for their dual “Come on!” vs “Are you serious, Kacchan?” lines. (Hooboi, I’m recognizing manga panels left and right here. And why yes, Deku, Kacchan has been dead serious about what he wants from you this whole time.) 
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Yooo, that one sliding shot of them closing in face to face from the preview, but damn, that extra shot of all the over the top destruction to their vicinity. Whew, now that’s impressive for showing the scale/magnitude and seriousness of his explosions. :O (The collateral damage wasn’t shown nearly to that extent in the manga however, so wow. Also uwaah at the chilling ost for when Aizawa is notified.)  
Ayyy!!! My fav bits of popping sparks are animated again. :D What isn’t shown is the manga’s detailed close up panels of them crouched on opposite sides of the road, but rather now they’re standing there, until Kacchan forcefully leaps onto Deku’s side. Visually this is an interesting and heyyy symbolic change. 
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Mmmm!!! Deku’s pleas for him to wait remind Kacchan of when baby Deku used to say the same to him in the past. :’))) To wait for him so Deku could catch up from following behind. Hrgh, symbolic flashback montage time. ;.; “No matter how much I beat you up,” ehhh more like he knocked Deku back down whenever he intruded too close for comfort, to try and make him stay back and stop pursuing him (to no avail however), “you were always stuck to my back like glue…!” Yup, because Deku’s spirit never gave up. :’) Ah, and now present Kacchan telling him, “Don’t run! Fight!” feels like a very challenge TO Deku’s tendency to always stick close to him. The Deku he’s always known can’t just break that behavior now and run away, especially not when Kacchan’s actually invited/allowed him into his space this time (figuratively, by acknowledging and offering the fight)! :O
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“Even though we both admired the same person…!” ;.; To which Kacchan also recalls All Might’s words to him from their final exam, and how their levels of growth are different. (ok and by the way, the ost during this part is !!!!!) Fuck, fuck!!! D8 All Kacchan’s repeated and desperate questions “why?!” during their rapid back and forth of mixed blows, blocks and kicks…! (omgggg this animated sequence!) To Deku’s surprise counter-kick back, and…
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The trip and FALL. (btw ost completely silences now) It’s coming it’s coming it’s coming…! Notice the position of the street’s center divide line. How both of them are stopped so close to the center now, yet still edging on opposite sides. Deku, shocked and realizes Kacchan might be hurt…powers down and instantly runs to him with the familiar outstretched hand & offer to help! ;A; Throwback to the river incident when Kacchan also fell and Deku offered THE same question, “A-Are you okay?” Ooof, the instant nerve button and animated slap away!
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Ffffruuggh!! Shit, it’s happening; Kacchan’s voice is breaking. ;A; How he teeters and stands up swaying. “Why did I end up having to chase after the back of someone who was always behind me?” URGHH oh goddd, I’m in pain with the raspy broken delivery already. Also, now that Kacchan’s standing up, his feet are parted on both sides of the line, where now both him and Deku are standing in the center of the road. “Why did a damn small fry like you get strong…and become acknowledged by All Might…? Why is it that you become strong…but I…” SHIT SHIT SHIT;;; “Why was I…” Ohhhh my god, the slow raise of his head…!
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“Why was I the one who ended All Might?!” HHHRRUUGHHH!!! THERE IT IS!! The most pained face of desperation and anguish. At probably his most conflicted and emotionally vulnerable point that he’s ever been in the story ;A; Just fucking end me where Nobu makes his voice crack and go all shrill while letting it all out. Some animated sakuga on the delivery and shake of his head here too, kkrghh. ;.; “If I’d been stronger and if I hadn’t been kidnapped by villains, then that wouldn’t have happened…” (ost starts again, and hrgg yes, the animated wipe at his eyes) “All Might tried to keep it a secret…I couldn’t tell anyone! Even if I try not to think about it…it just comes to mind unexpectedly!” (fuck me upppp, the way they animated him shaking his head here ;A;) “I don’t know what to do!” THE TEARS!!! It…it finally happened, and welp, I’m a mess now too. ;A; Kacchan’s line where he wails he doesn’t know what to do, would have had extra context/weight with Twice’s chapter shown before it (as in the manga). Because Twice notes how important it is to know ‘who you are and what you want to do’...and right now we see Kacchan currently struggling at that same personal and internal impasse. (Fortunately it looks like Twice’s part will still be adapted later.)
The shock here, that Deku feels, that I felt when I first read this part in the manga…and the realization that solidified with it, made me finally understand who my fav character was all along. There was no longer any doubt or denial holding me back anymore. Kacchan is that bleeding heart. At his most openly raw and vulnerable, bearing his true self for the entire audience and most importantly, for only Deku to see. Oh no…MY BOYYYYYYYY!!! ;A; <3333 “He’s been carrying this with him this whole time…! More than me…this whole time… He’s been worrying about it…Thinking about it…”
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Hrgh, and Deku understands now too, just how much self-blame and guilt Kacchan put himself through after All Might’s retirement. Kacchan had been in more pain over it than Deku. With Deku shouldering the responsibility of All Might passing the torch onto him with the ‘your next’ line, Kacchan had shouldered the responsibility of believing he was the very reason that caused the end to his idol’s legacy of heroism. Taking a stab wound through his own heart, enduring that burden all by himself, and without able to tell anyone about it either. All while keeping up appearances that he’s ‘strong’ on the outside, yet all along hating how weak he actually is. Because of his inability and powerlessness to prevent this huge loss from happening in the first place. 
“There might not be any meaning in this fight. There might not be any meaning in winning or losing. Even so, I thought that I had to go through with it. Because right now, I’m the only one who can accept Kacchan’s feelings.”
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BOIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! There it is! ;A; Because it’s so true. Deku is the only one who can possibly understand both the familiarity and magnitude of what Kacchan is going through now. Good lord, Deku monologues this while Kacchan slowly steps towards him, teetering on the edge of the literal white line!!! Ah wait no, he steps over it and runs to the other (Deku’s) side of the road!! URGHHHHH!!!! Destroy me with this visual ‘walking the line’ symbolism!! ;A; Even Deku braces himself over both sides of the center line, to receive and deliver an answering kick right back at him, in the physical language Kacchan wants right now. Here we goooo~
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More Deku internal monologue: “He might’ve just wanted to release these feelings he couldn’t do anything about by fighting. Even if that was the case, I couldn’t just completely reject him. It was kind of twisted if you thought about it.” Hrm, choosing to word it as a ‘twisted’ way of thinking, huh. “From kindergarten to elementary school, middle school, and high school…We’ve known each other for a long time, but until now, we’ve never talked about how we really felt.” Krgh, fuck me uppp with that shot of them back to back together. ;A;
Ahhhh!!! This part of the action resembles Nakamura’s a bit, with the dynamic zoom ins, impact frames, and flashy flame effects. ;A; Can only just sit in awe and watch it happen. No thinking indeed.
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GUH! All the way up to the physical strike Kacchan gives to Deku’s core…ouch ouch;;; That bit animating how Deku dents the railing from the force of impact tho. D8 Omg these manga panels are implemented so quick, with them reacting and continuing without pause! Deku backflipping off the rail, but Kacchan catches his arm and throws him. The recoil landing him back in same place where Deku first landed on the rail too. Gosh these details!! DD8    
“It’s only natural, but I’ve gotten stronger…” hrmm, the manga had it seem like Deku was comparing his slow reaction time to Kacchan’s rapid moves, while also praising him out loud too. Now, the subs have Deku talking and referring to only himself…to which Kacchan responds with “What’re you smiling about!?”…so which pronoun is the truth. But oh shit!!! Yoooo, that ost begins! 8’DD
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“I’m sure you’re up to something! That’s what makes me sick! I can’t tell what you’re thinking! No matter how much I beat you up, you stick close! Even though you were nothing, it’s like you’re looking down on me!” *gasp* Only now, does Deku finally register and hear those words. It’s the same thing Kacchan told him during their first vs match, how he felt Deku was always looking down on him. They didn’t stop to listen to each other, and couldn’t even accurately read each other’s signals, this whole time! “That attitude you have like you’re better than me, like you’re seriously gonna surpass me– It’s an eyesore!” Because yep, Kacchan just can’t understand Deku’s intentions either. Can’t read or fathom why on earth Deku would bother to keep coming back to him regardless of all his attempts to keep him away.
“Is…Is that what you thought?” (ah yes, and I notice how Kacchan is standing on both sides of the white line again) “I mean, normally, if someone keeps looking down on you, you won’t want anything to do with them anymore.” Ya Deku, because that’s the same thing Kacchan thought about you too, that he felt like he was also being looked down on, by someone who was perpetually and already deemed the weakest, so he tried to distance himself from the walking conundrum (the contradictory person he couldn’t understand: Deku) that incited those confusing and wary feelings. Avoiding Deku didn’t work, physically and verbally pushing him away didn’t work, because Deku always returned back to him. If Kacchan ultimately couldn’t do anything about it, then the only thing left for him to wonder, is WHY?!
“But like I said before, because I had nothing at first, along with the parts I hated about you, I saw vividly all the amazing things you could do!” UWAHH!!
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There it is, the sub’s version of the ‘to the same extent as all of your unpleasant traits, your sheer amazingness at everything you do was so brilliant to me, it was blinding!’ :’))))) “You, who had so much that I didn’t have, were an amazing person much closer to me than All Might!” BAWWWWW!!! There it is! ;A; His ‘Kacchan sugoi!’ Comparing everything he admired in him to something much closer, reachable, and worth aiming for in his life than their far-off, distant idol, All Might. ;.; As the answer to Kacchan’s why: Deku had always chased and sought after him, because he was that personal source of inspiration. How Deku viewed the positives he saw in him was so important, it likely kept the hope of his aspirations afloat ever since he was a toddler, when Deku had otherwise nothing else to keep him going. Without Kacchan nearby in Deku’s life, it’s doubtful Deku’s spirit would have even grown as strong as it is today. Kacchan is that important to him!!
(Holy fuck this is only just the HALFWAY POINT of the ep!! ;A; They managed to cover THIS much content in 10 min, whewboi that’s impressive.)    
Omgg there it is, Kacchan’s unhinged grin at seeing Deku momentarily gain on him with a solid hit he could not avoid. Hoho, perhaps he likes it. ;) Finally getting a worthy answer and challenge to play toe to toe. His game on literally flares at that! Bonus: his eyes finally have a visible shine returned to them!!!! ;A;
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Ok omg wait no, THIS animated part looks more like Nakamura’s style! Improvising off the manga’s panels for a flashy new set of choreography with plenty of impact frames!! 8D Fav part, to no one’s surprise: the shot of Kacchan’s glowing/sparking palm. Oh fuk that’s cool. <3
Hoho, and it’s not just Kacchan’s game that’s sparked, Deku’s has been too, to the point he even starts channeling Kacchan’s more ill-mannered traits. “This is gross, so I can’t tell you to your face, but…” (omg wut, gross? Heh goodness, Deku’s that embarrassed by it. :P) “When my feeling of ‘I have to beat you’ is stronger than ‘I have to save you,’ I inadvertently start spouting more insults. That’s the part of you that I hate, but the image of ‘victory’ I have inside me is of you.” …!!!!!! Urggkgh ;.;
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Deku’s inner confession time. When he wants to win just as badly just as Kacchan does, aka his ‘what would Kacchan do?’ moments, without consciously controlling it, he starts behaving just like him too, foul-mouthed and all. :’D Even taking on the parts of him he dislikes. Kacchan’s influence runs that deep, and he’s set that much of an amazing, winning example to strive for, that Deku pretty much unconsciously becomes the embodiment of him whenever he gets desperate too. Whew, let that sink in. For how much Deku values Kacchan. :’D  
Hooo, love the shot of Kacchan leaping up, for the way it’s framed AND because his eyes appear to be glowing red. :’D Yuuus, adapting a manga panel so nicely!
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“I’m not a nice enough guy to just go along with your stress-relieving fight.” Hoho! And yuus, Deku has his own backbone to fully stand up to him with his own strength. Omgg and the shot zooming in from afar with the camera doing a full rotation around them leaping at each other! Ahhh! So cool!
Deku’s not handicapped to stick to just his legs (that would be using only half his repertoire, which wouldn’t fly in an honest, all-out challenge vs Kacchan) “I want to beat you, the incarnation of victory!” ;A; “In order to meet the expectations of All Might, who chose me!” By delivering his classic, straight ‘smash’ punch!
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Krhggh!!! The punch actually brings shine to Kacchan’s eyes too, at the moment he resolves not to lose. His trademark tenacity and resourcefulness are not to be underestimated! Omgg, the animation of his arm grabbing Deku’s sleeve! :O Flipping them into an explosive pile-drive right down to the asphalt.
Smoke clears, and AKLFHLGHGJHGJ?! It’s the pin where they’re both breathing and wheezing hard!!! (Truth be told, when I first saw this page in the manga, it left me going uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for…what it almost looks like. :P) Fucking hell, animation team went even further with the tightening movements in the close up shots for each hold. ERMM 👀;;; Ahahaha wow, I can’t ignore how suggestive this looks, uh, and hears. Omg BONES pls. ;D
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Yooo, and even though Kacchan won this, he’s not happy or gloating about it either. Rather he reproachfully questions Deku, while still taking heaving breaths over him, ahh and there’s less blood on his face than expected, that if he has All Might’s power, then what is he doing losing? “Even with that power…even if you made that your own…You still lost to me…Hey…Why did you lose?” Like Kacchan can’t believe it himself. Heck, even from the pained look on his face, it’s almost like he wanted Deku to win.  
Speak of the devil! Because the man himself arrives, having heard the whole thing. Ayy, and we have both boys completing each other’s sentence upon seeing him too. :’)  
Kacchan’s “It’s too late…” while looking away, in response to All Might apologizing for not noticing, has me pained. ;.; Now, fully asking All Might the same ‘why’ about Deku too, for a clear answer this time. ‘I thought you were strong as someone who could already compete; he was powerless but more heroic than anyone else, so I decided he should also be able to stand in the ring.’  
“I’m weak, too, you know…!” ;A; Ah!!! Oh no, my heart. “I always wanted to be strong, like you! It’s because I’m weak…that I made you turn into that…!” Uhuhuu, oh no, my boy. <333 Ooof, and while the manga showed Kacchan’s pained, guilt-ridden face to All Might here, now the anime shows Deku’s astonished reaction to his line too. :’) Mmm, that moment of rare yet honest humility from Kacchan. Savor it, for the truth of how he feels.  
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Double oof and BAWWWW!! Animated Dad Might’s reassuring and comforting hug!! ;A; That none of what happened to him was Kacchan’s fault to begin with. Along with All Might’s regret that he overlooked how this would affect him, only seeing his strength from the outside, and ending up making him bear that kind of burden alone. (He’s still only just a 15/16yr old kid to be dealing with this! D:), Krgghhh aww man, Kacchan really needed this; he’s practically starved for it. Even if the softness received from his idol’s compassion and a sincere apology still hurts. The reality still stings. Uwah, that dejected slap away from his touch. ;.;
“After being a hero for a long time, I’ve seen that being fixated on victory like you, Young Bakugo, and wanting to save those in trouble like, you, Young Midoriya…If either of those feelings is missing, then a hero won’t be able to carry out the justice he wants to carry out. Like how you, Young Midoriya, admired Young Bakugo’s strength, and how you, Young Bakugo, feared Young Midoriya’s heart…Now that your feelings are out in the open, I think you both understand. If you both recognize each other and can focus on making each other stronger, then you can save people to win and win to save people, becoming the greatest heroes.”
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DESTROY ME RIGHT NOW!!!! ;A; It’s…the iconic LINE! Bonus YES!!!! Animating their slow, softening expressions to become more open as the realization sinks in, just like in the manga’s split panels! ;A; AHHHHH all of my feels! <333 Because it’s just as All Might says: that by supporting and helping each other improve, especially in the specialized areas where the other’s lacking, their combined strengths can become much stronger together than they could only operating alone. Greatest hero duo foreshadowing! 8D 
“You…had the strongest guy lay the groundwork for you. Don’t lose.” :’DDD That kind of humble encouragement from Kacchan to Deku, ahhh good.  
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Omg, All Might’s extra line, “I should be bowing and begging you to keep this secret. Just how much will I need you to be considerate for my sake…? Sorry, thanks.” !!!! ;.; I don’t remember this line put exactly like this, but it’s just…compared to what All Might’s already had to do, prostrating himself in front of others to keep his word, Kacchan is…well, when things are truly important, he’s probably one of the most honest and faithful guys there is. He keeps true to his word; he can be trusted. :’) “I’m not being considerate. It’s just too big a risk with too many drawbacks to spread this around.” Heh well, taking the smart and logical excuse then. :P And just like Kacchan can be trusted where things matter, All Might deems it worthy at this point to allow him the truth behind everything involving OfA and its history too.
Hoooo, I love how afterwards, when both boys are following All Might, on both sides of the road now, they’re also at the same equal distance back, side by side, without either falling behind. :’))) Ahh small symbolism for what’s changed in their dynamic. “Jeez, damn Deku, why’d you have to go and tell me for?” BECAUSE HE CARES ABOUT YOU, DUMBASS! And didn’t want you to feel like you were being tricked or lied to! ;A; (Yet...Kacchan still felt that way anyway) Agghh well, these hopeless fools. :’) Bonus soft Kacchan. <3
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“But unlike what I’ve been doing until now, Deku– Like how you’ve been watching me and everything around you and absorbing it to get stronger, I’ll also make everything my own to go higher. Higher than even you, the chosen one.” :DD Yuus! Kacchan’s conviction not to cease his own aspirations, but rather to focus even higher than Deku, and now with a greater awareness on how to approach that mutual climb.
“The…then, I’ll go even higher than that! I have to get higher than you!”   “I said, I’m gonna surpass you!” “And I’m saying that I need to go higher than that!” “What?!”
Ahaha, it shifts to their comedic bickering back and forth, as All Might muses how they’ve become more like proper rivals now. :’D Yuus, and now the secret behind All Might and OfA became a secret among the three of them. :’)))
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Even more comedy seeing them both captured in Dadzawa’s tape! XD But what’s also so nice/fun about this is how they react like a pair of equally troublesome kids, both on the same page now. :’3 
All Might gives his astute explanation, “Young Bakugo felt responsible for my retirement. He had to face the exam with those pent-up feelings, and in the end, his inferiority complex exploded.” Hmm, exploded quite literally. “It was because I didn’t realize and was negligent in his mental care…It was a fight brought about by the failure of adults…” :’)))) I’m glad All Might is humble and aware enough to realize and admit all of this. Tending for the students’ mental health, especially after a potentially traumatic event, and especially as children with no frame of reference on how to deal with any of this alone, is so important. Even the adult teachers learn how to do things better. It’s also heartwarming to see how All Might takes up the responsibility for causing Kacchan to fail his exam, reasoning Kacchan was too preoccupied with the pent-up feelings over his retirement that he couldn’t properly focus. Trading Kacchan’s responsibility of shouldering the burden, onto his own. Dad Might is so good. <3  
Hooo, and yup, Kacchan owns up to what he did and admits he threw the first punch. :’DDD Oho, but Deku won’t run away from what happened either, “I also went in pretty hard.” Ayyy, slowly maturing boys. <3
*end credits break*
AFTER CREDITS SCENE!! Of their house arrest cleaning!!! :’D Oh sweet, Uraraka asks if they’ve made up. :’3 Yes, she supports them getting along too! YESSS then the quiet scene of them vacuuming alone! 8D
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“About my Shoot Style… How was it…?” *long nervous pause, from both their povs* “The motions when you’re preparing to do a move are too big.” *cue soft mellow ost!* “Even when you got faster, I was able to just barely react in time. It’s not good for a slugfest.” “I see...” “When you used it with your punch, it made me mad.” *cue Deku’s honest surprise, and WOBBLY SMILE* ;A;   “I see…!”
HRGGHH yes, their newly soft, tentative, awkward, yet ‘normal’ interactions. :’D As tender as a band-aid freshly removed and the skin left to heal on its own. The awkward dorks are taking wholesome baby steps now. With Kacchan willingly offering Deku encouragement and fighting advice in his own way. ;A; (Heh, Deku’s mixed, overly telegraphed style made him mad when Kacchan actually got caught off-guard.) Boi I cry, especially when the ost finally started up, nurturing that collective awwww moment. They are good and learning boys, and this is just the beginning! :’D
…!! :O Yes, it’s Twice!! What was skipped from ch 115 looks to be moved here. (This ep61 adapted content from mid117-mid121.)  *gasp* OH SHIT, Overhaul tease!!! And…!!! *screeching gasp* IT’S HIMMMMMMM!!! ;A; MIRIO!!!
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AHHHHH <33333 Although my hype was off the charts to finally view this ep in its entirety, ahh omg I have plenty of more hype in store to finally see HIM animated as well! X’3 Oooh, this shall be good, with the Big Three tease too!
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hawkesvarric · 6 years
Nobody tagged me in this, but you know what? It’s 20GayTeen. I’m tagging my DAMN self and no one can stop me. >:)c
I’ll be tagging @aurora-corporealis @traveleroflostlands @mrs-elijah-wood and anybody else who wants to do this!
Favorite game from the last five years
- I’m assuming this means a game that came out in the last 5 years (2013-2018) and not a game I just happened to play in the last 5 years. Honestly, I think I’d have to say either Oxenfree or Doki Doki Literature Club. Both left a huge impact on me that I never expected going in, both played with the fact that they were stories being told through video games using features exclusive to video games, and both just stand out as being original. Though, shout-out to Undertale for giving us Papyrus and Undyne. Truly amazing.
Most nostalgic game
- Pokemon. It honestly doesn’t matter which one. Could be a brand spanking new game and it would feel nostalgic to me. I spent so much of my childhood catching Pokemon that it’s just instinctively homey to see a Bulbasaur, you know?
Game that deserves a sequel
- Mass Effect: Andromeda. Y’all can boo-hoo-hoo ‘til the cows come home about how “””awful””” the graphics looked but I still, as a Mass Effect fan, deserve to see how all the mysteries of ME:A were going to play out. And now we’ll probably never see the quarians again so (:
Game that deserves a remaster
- DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS. Though I’m scared that BioWare would fuck with it too much and whitewash way too many of our favs, ugh. I just want to see it in better graphics and with more fluid combat. My husband Nathaniel Howe in high-def graphics??? Sten?? SHALE???
Favorite game series
- Dragon Age and Mass Effect. There’s a lot of issues with the both of them, but there’s also a lot of things they offer that you’d be hard pressed to find elsewhere. I just love my dating simulators with these long-ass cutscenes lol.
Favorite genre
- RPG. Which I guess most games count as? I just like making my own character and forming my own bonds with companions. That’s my jam.
Least favorite genre
- Driving, sports, w/e the fuck train simulator counts as.
Favorite song from a game
- Can anything REALLY beat Bonetrousle? Can it? Honestly? But like shout-out to Leaving Earth for making me cry every fucking time. (and I’m Not Calling You a Liar??? ugh.)
Favorite character from a game
- Y’all really. Really expect me to--okay, it’s Varric. I love him so fucking much that I killed Alistair for him like klthfgjlkhg we ride or DIE in this bitch!!!
Favorite ship from a game
- F!Hawke and Isabela. God, I just remember my first playthrough of them and seeing Isabela genuinely falling for my Hawke even though she really thought she didn’t deserve that and seeing Hawke be like “what about love?” and Isabela freaking the fuck out about it and the whole “thank you for waiting.” “it was worth it.” and “it’ll be you and me chasing that horizon.” and I just couldn’t BELIEVE the tenderness and the purity and the raw Love tm I felt between these two battered and bruised ladies who somehow were lucky enough to find each other and ;lky;lkjg;hl LOVE IS REAL BITCH AND IT’S HAWKEBELA!!!!!!
Favorite cutscene
- Obviously, there’s a lot that I love. But, and maybe it’s because I’m now listening to Leaving Earth and crying like a fucking baby ‘cause of that earlier question, what comes to mind is the scene in Mass Effect 3 where Anderson and Shepard are sitting in the Citadel together at the end of it all. And Anderson is telling Shepard how proud of them he is and “you did good child” and Anderson says he think they’d be a good parent and laments the fact that they never get to just SIT do they and then he dies. He dies and Shepard is sitting there bleeding out and then they get a call and they’re CRAWLING to go answer it. I just??? That was so RAW and emotional and everything that encapsulated everything Commander Shepard is about, everything Mass Effect is about. I know the ending that comes after isn’t the best but boy fucking howdy does that cutscene get me.
Favorite boss
- Arishok. For...reasons.
First console
- Super Nintendo, babey!!! Yoshi’s Island and Ranma 1/2 were my childhood.
Current console or consoles
- PS4, Nintendo 3DS, and my laptop.
Console you want
- A better gaming computer and w/e the newer 3DS is called? I guess a PS3 would be cool so I can play older Playstation games.
Place from a game you’d like to visit
- I don’t remember any names because I’m dumb but like one of those small island communities in Pokemon Ranger where I’d get to relax on the beach and just kick it with a Growlithe you know?
Place from a game you’d like to live in
- The Winnie the Pooh level in Kingdom Hearts honestly tbh.
Ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun
- Metal Gear Shepard. Solid Snake has to take on the Reapers. I haven’t thought of anything beyond Shepard taking a renegade interrupt during one of the 10 hour cutscenes and Kojima appearing onscreen to annihilate Commander Shepard while the cutscene continues to play in the background. Also, Garrus and Otacon have banter.
Book that would make a good game
- Hm. Honestly, and trust me I HATE to say this because I really do wish people my age would read another damn book, I have to say Harry Potter. But not like the games they have where you’re just playing through the events of the story. Like a straight up RPG where you make a first year, take a quiz to get sorted, go to classes, make friendships and enemies, and then progress on to your seventh year. Make a random villain or overreaching plot, not anybody from the actual book itself. I just wanna be a wizard going to magic school kissing my wizard gf at Hogsmeade. ;n;
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justsomelarryfics · 6 years
Vampire AU’s
(Someone requested this quite awhile ago, so sorry it’s late!)
Sorted by type and length
Vampire Louis
no tomorrow without a yesterday - Louis likes Harry and Harry likes Louis and they both think the other likes Nick.  (one shot, 4k, featuring witch Harry)
come on, jump out at me - Harry is a witch from a long line of power, an ancient line that’s one of the strongest left alive in their hemisphere. He can cast spells without a word if need be, fly on a broomstick, and has a black cat (a kitten, really) named Felix that is his animal familiar. He can shape galaxies in his cupped hands and can destroy them just as easily. He can choose exactly how to use his power, for encouragement and support, or for more nefarious causes if he wishes to. And as fate would have it, he’s scared of haunted houses. (Harry is a witch who carries around a stuffed pumpkin, Louis is a vampire with too much time on his hands, and their best mates Zayn & Niall aren't exactly what they seem...)  (one shot, 7k, another fic with witch Harry, part of a series called domestic monsters which you should read all of!!)
The Lion Man -  Louis is a vampire who loves tattoos and piercings as much as he loves a good feed. Harry is a biology student who gets dragged to a vampire bar (really, of all places) by his friends and happens to have blood that tastes like maraschino cherries. They're both a bit addicted and they're neither a bit ashamed.  (one shot, 12k, the author of this is one of my favs so you should check out the rest of their work)
All you can eat. -  “You didn’t deny thinking about me while watching porn either, though.” Harry smiled and brushed his curls to the side before leaning over the desk so he was closer to Louis. “Do you stroke your big cock to those corny student teacher porn videos? Do you get mad when you watch? Because god, it’s so fucking cheesy. But you can’t help the way you start to come when the student starts moaning, ‘Ugh fuck professor fuck me.’ Because somehow it’s hot, and maybe it’s hot because you want to hear a certain student moaning professor while you fuck them over your desk. Now isn’t that right, Professor Tomlinson?” ~ or the one where human harry seduces his hot teacher professor tomlinson, who happens to be a vampire ~  (one shot, 17k, this is mostly smut)
Turn the Locks, Lose the Keys - "Oh, you are dead." Liam chuckles, arms crossed as Louis was having an internal breakdown. He had to hide. He had to fucking hide. Louis couldn't face Harry. In his hurry to escape, Louis didn't even sass Liam and say that he can't exactly die if he had a say in it because well duh. He was immortal. He couldn't believe this. Louis William Tomlinson, future ruler of the Tomlinson clan, a clan that held the most powerful line of vampires in England, was trying to hide from a werewolf. A werewolf. What has his life come to?  (chaptered, incomplete, 20k, Harry is a werewolf)
till the heavens burst - "What about you then? How old are you?" "Nineteen." Harry gives him his flatest look he can manage, holding out until Louis' lips twitch with a smile and he starts snickering. "Oh, alright, I see you're not into that cliché." Harry finally smiles, happy he's going to get what he wants. Harry meets a pretty boy while hiding out in a tree. He's pretty sure the boy is a vampire. (chaptered, complete, 46k, has a sequel)
Vampire Harry
Bleeding love -  Harry hasn't drank in over week and it's starting to effect him, Louis offers his blood.  (one shot, 2k, private, part of a series of other vampire Harry fics)
Bite - “I’m going to hunt you for real now, Harry,” Louis whispers. “If this,” Harry says, rolling his hips so that they rub against where Louis is most definitely still hard, “is what you mean by hunting, then count me in, babe.” Louis is a vampire hunter, and Harry is too happy being his prey. (one shot, 10k, mostly smut tbh)
Can I just be the same? - “Are you skint?” Louis studied his face. “I can give you the bloody bus fare home, Harry. You don't have to walk.” His voice was soft. Caring. Harry stopped, his body tingling. Fuck. He shouldn’t have crossed the road. Keep walking. Always keep walking.“I’m not skint, but thanks for the offer. There’s not many kind people like you around. You’re lovely, you know that?” Harry reached his hand out tentatively, cupping Louis’ elbow and squeezing. “Thank you.” His voice hitched a little. He’d roamed the country for centuries, coming in and out of people’s lives, never able to forge bonds. Or, if he did, breaking them and suffering the pain of lost love. That was his life forever. Stuck in this limbo with not one other person in the whole world who cared about him. So the kindness of a stranger really hit home, and this stranger with the bluest eyes and brightest smile was making Harry feel alive again. Reminding him of what he was missing OR Harry is a two hundred year old Vampire with no one in the whole world and Louis is the kind hearted stranger who comes into Harry's life bringing something that Harry had missed. Love. But Harry is forever running, can Louis be the one to change all that?  (one shot, 17k)
finding you was so hard (but loving you is easy)** - An incredibly shameless vampire!AU filled with stupid jokes, endless dates, flappy bird, a bro man dude pal sleepover thing and there also might be some sex in strange places. Also known as the one where everyone is a vampire, Louis is oblivious and somewhere along the way it becomes a bit too much like Twilight.Then a string of thoughts make themselves clear in Louis’ head. First, Harry is a vampire. Second, Louis is a dumbass. Third, Louis is also unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. Fourth, he’s pretty sure he just quoted the back of the Twilight book. (chaptered, complete, 66k, Harry is the vampire in this but he bottoms, this is probably my favorite vampire fic)
Both are vampires 
Run and I’ll Give Chase -  “You go out every night and maybe you’re able to drink without hurting anyone, but you’re still thirsty, aren’t you? Still have an itch you can’t scratch. A need you can’t put a name to. You desire a companion.” “You mean a keeper?” Harry corrects with venom in his voice. “Someone to put a leash on me.” “Wouldn’t need a leash, love.” Louis whispers sensually, and he is suddenly behind Harry, too fast for his eyes to keep track of. “You’re practically pliant just by being in my presence. Of course, if you’re into that sort of thing, I could always get you a lovely collar with a matching leash once you decide to take me up on my offer.” Or, Harry is a fledgling vampire without a maker. Louis is graciously offering to fill that role.  (one shot, 24k, part of a series)
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quintisiscanon · 7 years
This is a rant post on why Monkey See Monkey Poo is currently my fav ep for this season (tying with ep 17), and which parts i loved so much. 
First up, some parts that i really loved
Toby in that denim shirt at the end of the ep!! THANK YOU WARDROBE PEOPLE. 
Ralph’s dialogue. He is turning into this sassy young man that i love. 
Walter’s usage of eq at a terrific place and appropriately. 
Okay. Now why is this my fav ep? Even beating ep 4? (which was like my previous fav)
I have issues with how they have not addressed the arcs. Like it was totally not mentioned after ep 8; as though as it didn’t even happen in the first place. 
So that kind of bleed through the entire season. I couldn’t really enjoy the eps (with the exception of ep 12) after that. I had issue(s) with each ep. It could be the entire ep, or just one line. But i could no longer truly enjoy each ep. Because i felt like something is off, or i was upset with something. 
But i finally kind of got an answer for the arcs. Toby has been thinking the best of Happy - even after the secret marriage. Happy probably didn’t want to talk about what happen, and Toby didn’t push. He didn’t think that Happy could have any faults and that was the issue. 
He didn’t think anything wrong about her even when she kept such a big secret from him. When things got settled, he just wanted to marry her as soon as he can in a big wedding. It also explains why he keeps listening to Happy, or that he thinks that she is always right. Because she can do no wrong in his eyes. (Which is really dangerous imo.) 
What that clicker did was not just for Toby to keep track of the bickering, but also to give Toby a way to “see” what Happy did, or what went down in their daily lives. It showed Happy how she is in this relationship, and how things could have escalated. Like how did the little things matter to Toby but he just let it slide. (or they did bicker about it, but nothing serious.) 
Happy approaching Dr Rizzuto was a really nice touch too. Like i thought that it would be someone else pushing them to go for this session. But to see her taking the initiative and really taking it seriously was really nice. Because it really showed that she wants this to happen so badly. 
Before the ep, i wanted the visit to Dr Rizzuto to kind of mention or (hopefully) address the issues that this season had. I got my wish. Kind of. I am hoping that what happened in this ep will have a real effect on the remaining eps. 
(Disclaimer: Although this ep cleared up like 90% of my issues, there is still that 10% that is left. I am probably not that bitter anymore, and hella more positive, but that doesn’t mean that i am totally okay. I mean, i don’t expect that remaining 10% to be addressed so... *shrug*) 
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akissatmidnight · 7 years
Scotland has had some problems with witchcraft for years! All those pesky sorceresses have been poisoning the wells, killing off the livestock, and spreading the plague since the beginning of time! But when did witches and the devil’s brides really come to light in Scotland? When did the downfall of women like Geillis Duncan begin? Gather ’round, fellow Sassenachs and I’ll tell you the story of witchcraft in Scotland…and it doesn’t begin with ancient druids…
Picture it, Scotland, 1563. The crops are failing, the animals are sick, and the children are all being born weak. Things aren’t looking too good and they can’t figure out why. They’ve been to church, pay their taxes, and try to be good people. So, obviously, it must be the work of the devil. And the historic tools of the devil’s work? Wayward women, who are often swayed by promises of beauty, wealth, and the power sorcery can provide.   That gave birth to the Witchcraft Act of 1563, which was based on several others put into action in England. It made witchcraft and associating with witches a capital offense. Sound familiar?
There were a few witchcraft trials here and there in Scotland, but the North Berwick trials from 1590 to 1592 put them all to shame. They involved nobles, various countries, and 70 victims who were put to death…one such person was named…Geillis Duncan.
I know this might not be a shocker if you like to dabble in history, ever gave Geillis a google search, or read one of our previous Outlander posts about the real history mentioned in the books. But Geillis was a real, flesh and blood, woman whom the book character was based on. First, let’s talk about how these trials first started and then get into how Geillis got roped in.
The real trials began with King James of Scotland, who had been very nonchalant about earlier talks of witchcraft in Scotland. But rough sailing in 1589 changed all that. There were so many violent storms during his way to pickup his new wife Anne of Denmark, and on his way home, that he thought it would only be the work of witches. In his mind, no one else would dare mess up his blessed nuptials.
I mean, as anyone who has ever planned a wedding knows, it’s stressful enough without witches ruining your big day. And since James had the pleasure of seeing a few witch trials in Denmark and learning how their tried their witches, he knew he needed to clean up his country. So he dipped back to the Witchcraft Act of 1563 and pushed it to those in power, giving way to the North Berwick trials, which James couldn’t help but attend.
With the green light from the king, there were arrests left and right. The charges, beside overall sorcery, were things like poison, trying to sink the king’s ship, killing a neighbor, and overthrowing the monarchy with help from the devil. Getting someone arrested for witchcraft was as easy as a pointed finger and a bad word. Hmm…reminds me of someone…
Anyways, once someone in North Berwick was accused of dancing with the devil, the torture would begin. I’m not going to be graphic, but in evolved poking, pricking, beating, drawing, and many other violent ways where the victim would be basically forced to not only confess to witchcraft, but also name the other members in their “coven”. This created a domino effect that ended up with even more people being tried.
Geillis Duncan was nothing but a lowly maid in Tranent when she was arrested. Her employer accused her of having magical healing powers and generally sneaking around to do the devil’s bidding. What followed were weeks of torture, the finding of a so-called “Witches Mark”, and her naming more than 7 fellow witches, who were also tried and put to death by hanging.
Geillis Duncan’s confession
Then there were the Great Scottish Witch Hunts of 1597, 1628, 1649, and 1661. Each time, hundreds of accused witches would be arrested, tried for their supposed crimes, and then put to death. Torture was throughout, and the loose tongues brought on by hot pokers and pliers resulted in more “confessions” and accusations. In 1597 almost 400 people were put in trial throughout Scotland with around 200 being executed. In the last hunt, in 1661, nearly 700 people were tried in a 16 month period.
By the time of the last witch trial in 1727, between 4,000 and 6,000 people were tried with around 2,000 actually being executed. It declined mainly for two reasons, the first being that a larger portion of the population was getting educated. The second was when Scotland became a commonwealth to England in 1652, which largely took the power of the smaller Scottish courts…not that it really made much of a huge difference at first. The hysteria over witchcraft really came to an official end in 1763 when the British government repealed the original Witchcraft act of 1573, making the whole “death to witches” thing legally impossible. Good news, right, Claire?
Finally, what made someone a prime target to be tried as the devil’s mistress in those days? Certainly not just a rocking’ bod and a soul you’re willing to bargain for. A witches’ mark  was one of the first things the captors searched for. Now these weren’t all forms of birthmarks, but if there was a raised feature on your body like a mole, wart, or even ac actual third nipple, they would claim it was the teat from which you fed your familiar, the personal helper of the accused. Usually, these perfectly normal marks would be pricked to check for bleeding, since everyone knows that black cats and crows only drink blood.
And not just birthmarks were in the spotlight, your ability to say certain prayers would be tested as well as your ability to handle holy items like crucifixes and the sacraments. They would also take a look at your livestock. If you had a shifty looking rooster or an owl roosted in the barn that couldn’t say The Lord’s Prayer, they were probably in league with the devil, thus helping you in your evil schemes. And if you had the misfortune to have a spouse die? Obviously that would be a sign that you’ve killed them off. And finally, after all the torture and seeing if you died when thrown in a river or hung from a tree, they would ask again the most important question…
That’s all for this week! I hope you liked reading a bit more about the witch trials in Scotland and you come back soon to see what else we have cooking for season three. If you want to read our other posts, or even take our Outlander witch quiz, click HERE!
  And did you see our product review this morning? This great shop Fangirl Pixie Jar is selling Outlander, and other fandom, necklaces for only $12.35 and that’s without the 15% discount that comes only from us! To see more, click HERE!
My blog partner Sarah’s latest book just came out and it’s my fav of her college romance series. So if you like steamy stories, bad boys with hearts of gold, street racing, true love, and some action, click HERE to preorder Third Wheel now!
Finally, I personally have two romance novels out that are set in Scotland! The third book will be out soon, but the first two are all set for your reading pleasure. Queen of Emeralds is available HERE and The Amethyst Bride can be picked up HERE!
  Scottish Sorcery Scotland has had some problems with witchcraft for years! All those pesky sorceresses have been poisoning the wells, killing off the livestock, and spreading the plague since the beginning of time!
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