#but still just kinda sad realizing im never seeing them again. not even holidays and sporadic babysitting like before
geddy-leesbian · 6 months
tiny lil vent thing I guess
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this has been a rough season for holidays, i think. mostly because of my mom (also partially because of my dad and the fact that he’s got a whole ass fiancee now that im still lowkey trying to come to terms with but). i haven’t seen her in months. before labor day, and now it’s thanksgiving. i don’t feel like im particularly missing out on anything really but its just kinda a bummer to have that sort of pressure and loss floating around during the holiday season, yaknow? i already kinda feel weird about the holidays at the age that im at now that my parents aren’t together but them not being together and me not talking to my mom kinda just exacerbates the whole thing.
the last time we texted was for me to ask her for a picture of my insurance card so i could go to the eye doctor, and that was the beginning of october. she hasn’t asked me about my thanksgiving plans, hasn’t invited me over, hasn’t said anything. and part of me feels like she’s waiting for me to reach out, which, well, i could, but like should i have to? i feel complicated about it. because the last extended interaction we had was a text conversation wherein i told her off for drunk texting me and being pissy about me not visiting her while im in town. i ended up ignoring her for a couple weeks until she texted again about my grandma and then i responded and told her she hadn’t heard from me because i needed space. and something about that makes me feel weird because she never said anything to it. like literally nothing. and i wonder if the reason (or, well, part of the reason) she hasn’t asked about thanksgiving is because she’s still trying to give me space?
that’s what half my heart says - the half that is probably thinking unrealistically about it. but the other half is much darker and says she hasn’t reached out because she doesn’t want to - she’s done, she’s fed up, she doesn’t want to see me for thanksgiving. maybe she ashamed? or irritated? or depressed? or maybe she really does has some misplaced sense of needing to give me space, i don’t know. it just makes me feel weird and twisty inside - like i need to reach out and if i don’t then this whole gap between us is my fault because i didn’t communicate the fact that she can reach out clearly enough. which sounds ridiculous now that i write it out. 
like, it can’t be entirely my fault that we’re not talking because if she really wanted to see me, she would ask. i mean, she would, right? i think so? but she hasn’t so that raises the question... why doesn’t she want to see me? there’s some little girl inside of me that’s crying and seven years old and eleven years old and watching her mom leave her while she sobs and it’s making me sad. i shouldn’t be reflecting on this so late - i still need to shower and i have to get up early but fuck it’s hard not to think about when im alone like this.
i don’t miss the my mom of now. that’s the hard part to explain to people - my sister, my dad, my therapist. i don’t even really miss my mom of the past either, which is harder to explain. i miss my mom of the before. when things weren’t great but i was too young to realize that they weren’t great so it was fine. because now even positive memories i have with her have been tainted because i realize what was going on in the background (and, sometimes, even, the foreground). and now i don’t have any space to make new memories like that because it almost feels like our relationship has been irreparably damaged. like i don’t feel comfortable hugging her. i can’t speak freely. her home is not my home and she doesn’t know my friends or my classes or my people or me. and it’s like i don’t even get to teach her. 
my best friends of 3 years still haven’t even met her. the friends she has met in the past (for the most part), im not even friends with anymore. she’s never been inside my car. she’s never seen me move in. she hasn’t met my roommates or been to campus or met my dads fiancee or this and this and this and that and it just feels like i am a new person. and yet it still feels kinda like she’s trying to fit me into this small box of her tiny girl and im just fucken not. im grown now. not really truly, but getting there. 
i wish i had a better relationship with my parents. i know this post is about my mom but thinking about her makes me think about my dad because i miss the him of before too. i miss the him of the between - when things were good between him and i really felt like he was my rock but i also had almost all of his focus because he hadn’t met his fiancee yet. now it just feels like a competition that im losing.
god im spiraling. my chest feels tight and now im so much sadder than i was. i went to a friends house and hung out there for literal hours (a weird thing sense she lives with so many people and we almost always just hang at my house) and it was so quietly baffling to experience how welcoming and supportive her mom was. like she had her moms undivided attention whenever she wanted it. like yes they bantered and teased and bickered and it was fun and made me laugh a lot but her mom also listened to all her little pointless stories and even asked questions and she even turned to me and offered food and snacks and drinks and advice. like she literally sent me home with a container of rubbing alcohol because we spent 15 mins looking at my infected ears. she looked up piercing places online for me. she gave me food and care and obviously i didn’t say anything excessive then but now im literally crying about it and i would text my friend and tell her that her mom being nice really means a lot but me and her aren’t like that so i won’t. but i really hope she knows because it really does make a difference especially to me.
and now im crying.
there was a lady on campus giving out free mom hugs the other week before break and god when i say it stuck with me for days. i don’t even feel like i miss my mom because i don’t miss the her of now but i miss the her of before and i feel like i will truly never get that again and it breaks my heart every day. i miss my parents.
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grizztheexplorer · 4 years
Ep 10!!!!! Love Victor live reaction:
-finally!!!! Never thought i would be rooting for the dad but here i am. I hateeee he doesn’t trust Isabel nor that he wants to tell her to not do things. But i ain’t with Isabel equating what she did to him beating up Roger. Girl fuck Roger.
- I don’t need to watch further to KNOW someone heard Benji talk to Victor in the bathroom and I bet my ass it was Andrew bc drama
-“whatever happens between us” are they gonna separate??? I thought before i started the show i saw a spoiler of divorce (hadn’t read why or anything) but i feel like if the separate for a while they could actually find their way back to each other??? I hope they try living apart and all for a while bc i do wanna root for them. Also i reallyyyyyy fucking hope she doesn’t get with Roger again s2. Like i said, FUCK that guy.
-okay is still fuck Andrew hours but AT LEAST him not even thinking of outing Victor gets him out my blacklist.
-also uh don’t think I didn’t hear Derek say “i feel weird at a high school dance” sir Benji ain’t a senior he’s a sophomore. Is Derek out of high school?? A college kid dating a sophomore in HS is🤢🤢AND he treats him badly??? Jail
-im crying🥺🥺🥺listening to Benji and Victor talk has also lowkey made me realize like even if they haven’t interacted as much Victor has allowed himself to be jusy a teen with Benji even if they have talked about heavy stuff. With Mia unknowingly he did the same with his parents. Showed her the version of him she wanted to see bc of guilt, fear, and in order to make her feel better. Victor has only been him with Benji (and with Felix) and wow. Didn’t notice until their talk and me starting to think back on the show. Perfect writing.
- is heartbreaking how Mia found out. I’m wondering if maybe she’ll be hurt but understand??? She’s a 15-16 year old smart girl. At that age i def saw cases like this and it always ends with the straight partners supporting the gay ones. Hell, a case EXACTLY like this happened my freshman year of HS. These really popular girl started dating this new kid and she was obsessed with him lowkey?? They broke up bc he came out and she was the most supportive. I understand she’s hurt bc he cheated, but i hope she listens to him and tries to understand like how hard it is for queer kids and how confused he was? Is heartbreaking bc he truly cares for her and im sure right she thinks he doesn’t and just used her. But i hope she’s willing to listen. As a queer person, I honestly understand all the shit Victor has done. Is not the best way to do it. But I don’t feel angry at him. I get it.
- ugh the song for that kiss was perfect tho🥺🥺
-omg I totally thought him talking to Mia would be a cliffhanger are they gonna have a confrontation now??? She’s still so raw😭😭 i want them to be besties noooo
-LAKE OMG GO OFF. Poor Wendy tho she was hyping herself up to ask Felix🥺
-lowkey Andrew didn’t try to intervene and instead got with Mia to take the opportunity but also im 1000% not surprised of the straight person not wanting to hear his side and instead taking the girl where they can be alone together 💀💀may I say though with their history i do not think Andrew and Mia should be alone together. She has feelings for him yes, but she already regrets having sex with him bc she was feeling vulnerable. He didn’t know it the first time but this time he know how she felt and how she is feeling now. So this time it is kinda taking advantage if he ends up having sex with her.
-Pilar girl i get it but also the queer romance life of ur brother is literally.... none of ur business and does NOT affect u the way ur parents’ relationships affect u. So please kindly stfu.
-thank Pilar hugged him back
-hell yeah Andrew said no. U still out the blacklist buddy good for u
- :)))))))) that ending :))))))))
S2 thoughts:
- okay well a lot of truth bombs. I truly think separating was the right choice to get them back together in a healthy manner. That is if they don’t date other people. Roger will most likely make a comeback. She will most likely date him. Maybe she’ll realize what a shit bag he is when he does/says something dumb and realize Armando is it for her??? I hope at least i do wanna root for them
- im so proud of Victor🥺🥺 he told everything to Benji, and came to out Felix + his family. Ik things will be hard with Mia at first, and Andrew is still no saint so he might be a dick to him on the team once he is out (or might defend him) but at least they know too. I saw the writers saying s2 will be now about Benji and Victor learning to be in a relationship and Victor’s environment changing. Benji and him will def struggle in the department that Victor is still learning how to openly be himself and let himself be seen versus Benji already having dealt with that before. So it will prob be hard for Benji too. It’s exciting tho and i hope despite everything s2 is kind to them.
- backetball will be hard for Victor without a doubt. I really hope Bram and Simon come for holidays or something and we get to see them again. Maybe even meet Benji or Felix too that would be so🥺🥺🥺
- can’t tell how the parents will react. Ik he won’t be kicked out and certain things will he hard bc s2 is gonna be about them working it out for sure, but I can’t tell if at first they’ll go in complete denial or will just quietly ignore it or fully pretend to be supportive while they aren’t. I hope s2 shows us the end of that scene and how the reactions went and not just a time jump. We will most likely start with a time jump but i hope the first ep of s2 shows us the reaction through a flashback.
Overall: amazing actors. Really good writing. These were realistic characters who make dumb realistic choices and are heartfelt and down to earth. All the actors are amazing and bring so much to the table. The writing is great dropping small hints for things to come without it being screamed at your face so you aren’t surprised 100% by certain choices but also not completely expected. And it’s honest about teens’ journeys at that age with appropriate age actors (except for Andrew I haven’t looked at his age but motherfucker looks older then ME lmao). I can’t WAIT for s2 and again, leaving it to existence so it happens: LET SIMON AND BRAM HAVE A LIL EP WITH VICTOR AGAIN IN S2!!!!!!
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krissy-kat · 4 years
PJOverse Headcanons Pt 5
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
• Peter started his Junior year with both his Best Friends knowing his secret identity
• Peter was totally shocked when Flash came and apologised to him for being an Asshole before the school even started
• Peter accepted his apology, because he's Peter what else did you except from him.
• During Study Hall
• "Did you do something at Camp that I should know about? "
• "Don't look at me like that, this is all on him, I have nothing to do with it, this time at least"
• "What do you mean this time? "
• "I might have beaten him in front of whole Camp in a duel when we were 13"
• " Why? "
• "He started bullying you that year, Ok"
• "Aww, you do care"
• "Tell that to anyone, and they won't find your body "
• "Why do I don't doubt that, that's exactly what would happen, isn't it"
• "Good, you shouldn't "
• "Guys, I'm feeling left out, What Camp are you talking about, is it the one that Peter has gone in freshman year and refuses to tell me about and what do exactly mean when you say a duel"
• "We forgot Ned was here, didn't we"
• "We totally did"
• "Should we tell him about it or not"
• "It's your choice, Peter, but if he goes babbling about it to everyone than I'll have to kill him "
• "You guys are scaring me"
• Peter tell him everything, MJ adding a comment here and there
• "Wow you guys are just like Roman except they have like whole city for them instead of just Camp"
• "How the hell did you know about Romans we didn't even tell you about them yet"
• "Peter you remember my Grandmother who passed during middle school "
• "How could I not, you were absolutely wrecked when it happened you were really close "
• "Yeah, she was a Daughter of Minerva and she would tell me about New Rome and Camp Jupiter while putting me to bed " Ned said with a sad smile
• "But she never told me about Greek demigods though "
• "We kinda didn't knew about each other until few years ago"
• "So since you're a legacy of Minerva, can you see through the Mist" asks MJ
• "Not Clearly but if I focus I could "
• MJ takes out her pencil and turns it into Mace, Ned jumps out of his chair in fear, Flash suppressed his laughter across the room at the scene
• "Stop scaring him, MJ"
• "You are no fun"
• During Lunch, Flash comes and sits with them
• "So you could see through the Mist huh, demigod or mortal? "
• "Neither, I'm a Legacy, my grandmother was a daughter of Minerva "
• "Doesn't that make you like Peter's grand-nephew since Athena and Minerva are counterparts of each other"
• "Omg, Flash I didn't need to that Ned's my grand-nephew, never ever mention that ever again "
• "Why do you even care about Ned being demigod or Mortal?" asks MJ
• "I don't, Betty does, she has this huge crush on Ned but won't make a move because usually mortal and demigod's relationship go up into flames when they discover the truth"
• "How do you even know about her crush?"
• "Peter, I'm son of Aphrodite, I know these things and their pinning for each other almost, keyword almost, beats yours and Harley's "
• Ned was as red as tomato and to distract them from him he asked "Who's Harley?"
• "Peter didn't tell you about Harley" -Flash
• "Of course, he didn't " -MJ
• " Harley's the guy on whom Peter has the biggest crush on, Liz was nothing in comparison to Harley"- Flash
• "T..that's not true and how do you know about Liz" -Peter
• "Again, son of Aphrodite, I know these things and you kind of don't have any subtlety " -Flash
• "He's not wrong, the whole Camp knew about you pinning for Harley and him pinning for you " -MJ
• "No they didn't and he was not " -Peter
• "Yes, they did and he so was" -Flash
• "What proof do you have?" -Peter
• "Wait a second " Flash leaves the table and comes back with Betty
• "Hi guys, hey Ned" -Betty
• "Hi Betty" -Ned with heart eyes
• "Betty we need to prove Peter something and we need your help" -Flash
• "I'll try to help you as best I can" -Betty
• "Peter needs a proof that everyone in Camp knew about his crush and Harley was crushing on him too" -MJ
• "Both of your pinning was obvious to everyone but each other " -Betty
• "Told you " -Flash
• "Ok, whatever It's not like it's gonna work out I won't be going to Camp and he might not come to Camp since he would be starting College next year " -Peter
• "I don't want to be rude or something but does Ned knows " -Betty
• "Y..Yeah, I'm legacy of Minerva" -Ned
• "Oh! Since when do you knew about us " -Betty
• "We told him this morning " -Peter
• "So that's why he was scared shitless during Study Hall when Michelle made her Mace appear, to be honest it was real funny how he jumped out of the chair" -Flash
• "Told you it was funny" -MJ
• They started arguing and before they knew it lunch was over
• From the next day, Flash and Betty came over to sit with them during lunch and nobody said a thing about change in seating arrangements, they were usually way to busy arguing about something to even mention
• Ned finally asked Betty out after a month, they have been dating ever since
• Six months into school Flash discovered Peter's identity by accident
• Peter and Flash both have AP Chem after lunch so they go to class together
• One such day Peter's spider sense started going crazy while going to class
• "Flash you go to class, I need to go right now"
• "Wait Peter, where are you running to"
• Peter doesn't answer so Flash decided to follow him to the back alley of school and finds him changing into Spidersuit
• "Oh my God! You're Spiderman "
• "Shit! Flash I need to go, please don't tell anyone, we'll talk about it later"
• Flash was shook, his kinda-friend was his hero, so he just said "Ok"
• Flash goes back to his class but was still is in a daze
• Flash was still out of it when Betty asks whether he's Ok and he blurts out "Peter is Spiderman" to Betty and started hyperventilating
• Betty tries to calm Flash down and promises she won't tell anyone.
• Peter was back for the last period, after the class was over Peter finds Flash to talk
• "Would it be Ok if talk about it in my apartment, my aunt won't back before 6"
• "Ok"
• "Ned and MJ will be joining us too"
• " I need to tell you something "
• "Tell me in the apartment "
• "Ikindatoldbetty"
• "What? "
• " I kinda told Betty, I'm sorry I was still in a daze and blurted out to her, don't worry she promised she won't tell anyone "
• "Ok... you find Betty and meet us outside, we'll talk about it in the apartment "
• The walk back was super awkward and no one said a word
• Even after reaching the destination nobody uttered a single word for 5 mins before Betty couldn't handle it
• "Sooo... Peter's Spiderman "
• "Yeah" -Peter
• "And Ned and MJ already knew" -Betty
• "He didn't realise I was waiting for him in his room when he came in and removed his mask" -Ned
• "I realized he was Spiderman when he saved us from the cyclops " -MJ
• "Wait a sec, I was there too, why didn't I realise that " -Flash
• "Because you turned into a overexcited puppy whenever someone even mentions Spiderman " -MJ
• "Ok, maybe I do that" -Flash
• "Why didn't I knew about it" - Ned
• "You never asked how I realized it that when you asked how I found out" -MJ
• "Yeah, Ok" -Ned
• "Flash found out about it on accident " -Betty
• "In my defence he didn't even give me a excuse and started running so I followed him" -Flash
• "That sounds like Peter" -MJ
• "I know but heeey " -Peter
• "And Flash blurted out to me on accident" -Betty
• " I'm still sorry about that, I didn't mean to" -Flash
• "She as well as find about it now than later, to be honest Peter you are shit at hiding your identity, she was bound to find out sooner than later " -MJ
• "Again, I know but heeey" -Peter
• "So what do you both do exactly " -Betty
• "Good question, I'm Peter's guy in chair" -Ned
• "And I make excuses for him because these losers are shit at lying " -MJ
• "Peter, you can always come to me when you get injuries then, I hope you don't but you're bound to, I can help with my dad's healing power" -Betty
• "Thanks Betty, I have super healing but if I get a serious injury and my AI doesn't snitch to Mr Stark, I sure will " -Peter
• "If there's a way I could help, I would love to" -Flash
• "You could help me with excuses, whenever someone questions them, you can charm speak them, what don't look at me like that, I know you don't use it that much but you still have it" -MJ
• "How the hell did you know that " -Flash
• "Dude, she's MJ she knows everything " -Ned
• "Also, it doesn't hurt that I have been going to Camp since I was 9, I know almost everything like for example I know Drew refuses to teach you how to Charmspeak that's why Piper comes for a week from New Rome every summer with her girlfriend Annabeth " -MJ
( I know every one ships percabeth but I'm pipabeth trash, so sue me)
• "Wait they are dating, I thought they were best friends " -Peter
• "They started dating the year you stopped coming, but they did have heart eyes for each other way before that you were just way to busy giving Harley heart eyes yourself " -Betty
• "Not you too, can we please not talk about my crush on Harley " -Peter
• "That won't be fun at all, so no" -MJ
• " I hope you guys know that I'm really confused whenever you start talking about Camp randomly " -Ned
• "That reminds me, I IMed Chiron, a few days ago and convinced him to let Ned visit the camp but he said since you are a legacy he can't allow you to stay for more than a week" -Betty
• "Aww Babe, really " -Ned
• "Peter, why don't you also come for a week, I'm pretty sure Stark would be delighted to hear that you want to take a break from moonlighting as a superhero on your own" -MJ
• "But..." -Peter
• "Come on Peter, do it for me, your best friend and your guy in chair" -Ned
• "Ok, Ok, I'll come but stop giving me the puppy eyes" -Peter
• After discussing for an hour they finally decided that Ned and Peter should come to Camp in the first week of summer holidays
( I wasn't going to write Part 5 for a week at least but then @flowersofparkner said it was her favourite AU making me feel inspired and I had to write it)
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Apologize P6
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Once we got to mine we had some simple dinner and went up to my room playing old video games for a while, "Hey Uhhh Y/n, I've been thinking about what you said the other day" he says as I was playing a rather puzzling Lara croft level while Thomas sat beside me his arm around my back "What did I say the other day?" I asked "You know the day you let me Uhhh... Touch your-" he blushed looking at my chest "you know" "Want to again? You don't have to ask Thomas you can just do it" I laughed "Well... Later sugar, actually I've been thinking about what you said about you not being comfortable with me touching your...area?" "Umm?" I asked pausing the game "Look it's just an idea tell me to shut up but it though maybe we could maybe if we wanted to do something physical other then making out and me getting to feel your boobs maybe we could just cuddle up and .. touch ourselves" he suggested "How would that work?" I asked "Well we would lay down together" he smirked pulling me gently to lay down on my back with him next to me "and maybe cuddle up or start kissing and... Just play with ourselves that way I'm not touching you but we can still do stuff" he explained "I don't know how too" I whispered "Y-you what?" He laughs "I don't know how" I blushed "You don't know how to...play with yourself?" And I shook my head "aww that's so sweet, and kinda sad, so you've never in your life had an orgasum?" "No' I blushed "Oh you poor thing" he says giving me a kiss "I could always teach you?" "How would you know about girl stuff?" I asked "I'll admit, I've watched alot of porn" he says
"Im not sure, I mean Im okay with just making you feel happy and good, I can go without an orgasum"
"No becuase then i feel like a dick Y/n, its not fair I get one and you don't?"
"but whats so good about one anyway? Im okay" I shrug
"what so- my god you can tell you've never had one" he laughs "They feel amazing like the best feeling in the known universe okay, and if Im going to have one I want you too aswell"
Not long after we where laid out bodies under my duvet, in our underwear gasping for air both of us overwhelmed and exaughted "Fuck..." He said between breaths "fucking hell that was... Just fuck" he muttered "Was it-" I began "oh fuck you don't even need to ask sugar" he says "fuck that was good Y/n." He smirked "what about you? Was it okay?" "Very good" I smiled nuzzling close to him "again?' I giggled after a little while once we got our breath back "Again? It's addictive isn't it?" He laughs and I nodded "you really wanna go again?" "Very much" I giggled "Humm okay come on sugar' he smirked pulling me back to kissing him... I humming my little tune as I listened to my headphones while I read my book, it was the last day for this year of college and I was thrilled all my grades perfect for my next year so I had little to do until suddenly my book was thrown from my hand across the room hands on my waist and lips on mine. I considered screaming, biting this person, kicking them like crazy before I realized who the familiar lips belonged too as he pulled away "Hi Thomas" I laughed "Hi Y/n, guess what!" He said excitedly "What?" I laughed "I passed! Top of my class" "Aww well done Thomas" I laughed "can I have my book back?" I asked "Ohh yeah sorry" he blushed going and fetching my book bringing it back for me "aren't you happy?' "Of course I am, but I knew you'd pass Thomas" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss making him blush a little more "You ready to head home?" He asks and I nodded so we gathered our stuff and went out to his car driving down the sunny roads "So I have this awesome plan for his next week" he smirked "Ohh do you?" I laughed "Don't judge till you hear my amazing plans" "Go on" "Right, this week to celebrate our end of our first year of college we are going on an adventure" "Right?' "We are going camping" he says "our own little tent, all by ourselves, all week" "Why do I think you didn't come up with this?' I laughed "Okay... You got me." He sighed as he drove "Dan did, him and Mark are going camping together and... I thought it sounded like a good idea" "And?" "And my dad will throw a fit if they go on there own..." "So Dan and mark are coming with us?' I laughed "Well yeah but they will have there own tent and be like away from us. So you gonna come?" "Sure" I laughed "Yes, that my girl" he smiled kissing my hand "so pack your bag but not to much okay sugar it's a week but we only have a little tent" he says as we parked up by my house and headed up to my room "I have my own single airbed if you want? I can bring it with me" I said as I sat on my bed "Well Uhhh u don't really think our tent with have room for two singles sugar..." He explained sitting with me "I was kinda thinking we could uhh maybe just rough it on a nice double airbed?" He smirked giving my neck tickly kissed "Ahh Thomas" I giggled pushing him away "why do I think your using this as an excuse to share a bed for a week?" "I'm not using it as an excuse Y/n it's just that... Dan and mark will get to snuggle up all week, if I'm going to be away on some seaside holiday with my brother and his boyfriend in some tiny little tent... Least I can get out of it is a snuggle with my girlfriend" I couldn't help but blush hearing that word "What?" He laughs "why are you going all red sugar?" He laughs "You've not called me that before" I laughed "Called you what?" "Your girlfriend" I blushed "Haven't I? Could have sworn I have" he says "Once... While beating up Daniel" "See I have" "I kinda assumed you just kinda said that... If nothing else but for simplicity, that's my girlfriend sounds alot more powerful in a argument then thats the girl I'm seeing" I explain "Your right' he laughs "but I do think of you as my girlfriend Y/n, unless... Your not okay with that?' "No, more then okay" I smiled giving him a kiss .
I packed my suitcase as tightly as I could having to sit on it to get the zip to close having another extra bag of stuff that wouldn't fit, it's hard to fit a week of stuff in one bag, as soon as it got it all together mostly having packed dresses and such I did my make up and headed down to the little house seeing Thomass car parked on the drive as him and Dan tried desperately to for everything in, I suddenly felt even worse for my suitcase of clothes when mark who was sat on the bonnet saw me and waved "Morning Y/n" he smiled "Ohh hey Y/n" Dan waved from inside the boot as he had climbed inside in an attempt to organise it "Ahh Y/n your here sugar" Thomas smiled as he abandoned his brother and gave me a hug "Who's this?" A stern voice asked I looked and saw Thomas and moms dad looking as angry as usual "Y/n dad, you've met her before" Thomas sighed holding my hand "Have I?" "Briefly met her before" he corrected "Y/n his is my dad, dad this is Y/n... My girlfriend" "Just hurry up" his dad sighed before going in the house I went over to help Dan but he looked so defeated as he saw my suitcase "Four people going camping for a week, can't fit in a fucking Corsa!" He complained "Sorry" "It's not your fault Y/n, it wouldn't be so bad if somebody wasn't taking three different outfit options for each day" "I like choice" mark complained "And if someone else wasn't taking six boxes of condoms!" "Dan shut up, there for everyone' Thomas complained "We don't use them, neither of us can get pregnant, six boxes, six boxes of twelve condoms... That is seventy two condoms! How much sex are you planning to be having?" Dan complained "You guys should use condoms" I said "there not just for pregnancy, they help stop the spread of STI's and STD's" "Really?" Mark asked "Yeah... Wasn't this covered in health class?" "Ohh honey we didn't even get straight sex advice let alone info for us" Dan answered "That's shit" Thomas said "Indeed it is" Dan laughed as by some miracle we got it all to fit in the car with a little overhang into the back footwells I honestly wouldn't have been suprised if when we got there we opened the boot and everything explodes out and we all got in opening our windows and starting playing some CDs "We ready?" Thomas asks "Yeah!" We all yelled "Right let's get going then" Thomas smiled as he started up "and we will stop for hash browns and egg muffins" "Yay!!!!" I sat in the car watching as Thomas and Dan put up the tents on this little Mablethorpe campsite Dan and marks tent was orange and me and Thomas's was blue, our windbreaks around our little tents, even if our tents are far enough apart we wouldn't hear each other our campfire set up in the middle, I sat in the passenger seat as Mark sat in the back seat having a cigarette
"Hey guys we're already" Dan yelled so I got out starting to sort out my stuff crawling into the little tent to sort out, as soon as I got in I noticed the space for all the stuff and the sleeping compartment so I put all the stuff in from the car and I unzipped the sleeping compartment to put my stuff in but there was only one kingsized airbed where Thomas laid over the duvet on his stomach his head on his hand
"Hi Honey" He smirked
"Hi Thomas" I smiled
"Soooo... You wanna come snuggle in bed with me Y/n?" He asks
"Well I don't have much of a choice" I laughed "Either that or bunk with Dan and mark, and I have a feeling they don't want me in there tent
"Don't worry I'll keep you nice and warm" he smiles grabbing my waist and pulling me on top of him I laughed and tried pushing him away both of us bouncing around on the airbed giggling like crazy.
We spent most of that first-day unpacking and setting everything up till it began to get dark so we sat around our little campfire roasting some marshmallows
"Hey, Y/n? You ready to get to bed?" Thomas asks
"Sure" I smiled
"Okay night guys," Thomas told them
"Goodnight boys" I smiled giving them a little wave as I unzipped the tent and climbed in instantly going off into the sleeping compartment Thomas climbing in behind me zipping the tent up behind us
"So... how about we have a little snuggle before bedtime?" Thomas smiled as he got changed outside the sleeping compartment while I got into my nightie
"I'm not sure Thomas, all this sea air has made me very sleepy" I admit
"Awwww... Okay, Y/n" He laughed tapping on the sleeping compartment door "Can I come in?"
"Give me a sec," I told him as I quickly got sorted and got into bed under the covers reading my book "Okay you can come in Thomas"
"Thanks, Y/n" He smiled coming in and zipping the bedroom door space as he climbed into bed with me getting under the covers with me in his loose-fitting grey shirt and his blue shorts "So... can I have a cuddle?" he asks
"Okay" I smiled putting my book down and laying my head on his chest it was nice and cosy, his heartbeat calm and sweet
"Y/n?" He said after a while as his hand started playing with my hair
"What is it Thomas?" I yawned
"I love you," He says
"what?" I asked sitting up a little, the twilight outside in the sky, the campsite light still on with the light coming in shining a blue-hued light across his face as he laid under the purple striped duvet on the slightly bouncy airbed
"I said I love you, Y/n," He says "it's okay... I understand Y/n, after everything I understand you're probably not ready to be like that with me" He says
"Thomas, I love you too," I told him giving his lips a gentle kiss
"Ummm... I love you so much Y/n, My beautiful girlfriend"
"Aww I love you too Thomas, you're a good boyfriend" I smiled snuggling back with him closely
"Thomas?" I asked
"Yeah Y/n?"
"Tell me again" I giggled
"umm I love you honey" He smiled giving my head a kiss
"Again?" I giggled
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peach-mangos · 4 years
New Year’s Eve
☾ yoo kihyun/im changkyun ☾ holiday fluff/fluff/humor/meet cute/neighbors au...aka the changki new year’s eve au no one asked for lmao ☾ 2.6k ☾ can also read here
“What do you want?”
“Well good morning sunshine—at least you’re up, kind of surprised I must say” Jooheon chuckles on the other side of the line.
“Yeah well—pretty hard to get any sleep when the whole population on this damn apartment hall is up and about causing a ruckus” Changkyun grumbles, and just as he throws open his apartment door, a group of teenage kids zoom past him blowing party horns and leaving in their wake a trail of party tinsel.
“Kyunnie, it’s New Year’s Eve, lighten up. Of course people are excited and happy, they’re celebrating the end of a long ass exhausting year, new beginnings are always welcomed” Jooheon tells him, and Changkyun can’t help but roll his eyes.
He heads back into his apartment to retrieve a trash bag from his kitchen drawer and makes his way out once again.
“You know, in my opinion—every day is an opportunity for a new beginning—don’t understand why everyone and their damn mother lose their shit over this New Year bullshit”
“You know, you used to love celebrating New Year’s Eve until—”
“Whatever, I’m taking down all these damn decorations” Changkyun says cutting off his friend, “the regulations of our apartment complex doesn’t allow them for safety purposes”
“Dude” Jooheon laughs, “isn’t that a little too much?”
“I’m sorry, was there a reason for this call?” Changkyun asks shoving his cellphone between his ear and shoulder while trying to hold open a trash bag in one hand and ripping off “Happy New Year” decorations off the hallway walls with the other.
“Right, get showered, get dressed—we are going out tonight”
“Like hell we are” Changkyun chuckles bitterly and continues making his way down the hall ripping off decorations with a fiery purpose.
“Listen man, I know it’s been hard for you to celebrate New Year’s ever since Soobin—but damn it, we are doing something this year. We all let it slide last year because it was still pretty fresh, but not this year. You are not gonna sit in that apartment in your old man flannel pajamas and greet the year alone and bitter”
“Are you done?” Changkyun asks making his way towards the elevator.
“Yes” Jooheon concedes harrumphing at his friend.
With that, Chankgyun hangs up on his best friend and tries to close off the gate to the elevator.
“HOLD THE ELEVATOR PLEASE!” someone yells, and usually—well, usually Changkyun isn’t one to be an asshole— but he really isn’t in the mood to share an awkward elevator ride with some random stranger at the moment. So instead of holding the gate open as the unsuspecting stranger had asked, Changkyun rushes to close it.
As his crummy luck would have it though, the trash bag full of holiday decorations he was on his way to get rid of gets stuck between the gate, giving the stranger just enough time to reach the elevator.
“I know you heard me” the guy accuses, narrowing his eyes at Changkyun.
“Oh, sorry , I’m a little hard of hearing” Changkyun lies adjusting his hoodie and begrudgingly making space for the man to get in. He hates the fact that he has to do a double take because —upon closer inspection—his new elevator companion is quite the looker. Dressed to the nines beneath his cream colored winter coat in a silky red button up dress shirt buttoned down all the way to the center of his chest, nice black crispy ironed dress pants accompanied by shiny polished black dress shoes and hair slicked back.
“Are you a little blind as well, you literally saw me rushing towards you”
I wish, Changkyun thinks, a light chuckle escaping his lips. “You know, you’re kind of loud for such a small person” he muses, making the tiny handsome man blush.
“And you’re a little bit of a dick, but that’s none of my business, is it? Could you press the floor button now, please?”
Laughing at how easy it had been to ruffle the guys’ feathers, Changkyun obediently moves over and carries on with pressing the button to the apartment complex’s lobby.
Not even a minute into the elevator ride and the damn metal contraption begins to make a startling noise followed by staggering movements that cause both men to topple forwards in loss of balance.
“The hell was that?” the stranger asks, eyes wide and panicked.
“Think the elevator broke, genius” Changkyun sighs leaning against the metal wall.
“Broke? BROKE?!” Mr. Slicked Back hair wails, “it can’t be broke, I’m going to be late for work? Isn’t there an emergency button or something ?” he asks looking around franticly for the emergency button. He finds it behind a small door next to the button selection also containing a red emergency phone. “Hello, this is Yoo Kihyun from apartment 3B, can someone help us?”
Changkyun chuckles because of course, he’s the new guy that moved into 3B.
“Hey, 3B—phone doesn’t work, genius. Can’t you see it’s not even connected?” Changkyun tells him rolling his eyes.
“Well, do something, don’t just stand there!” 3B wails slamming back the phone into place.
“This happens every other week dude, they’ll get us out eventually” Changkyun shrugs, and the guy, Kihyun visibly deflates.
“How long do you think it’ll take?” he asks defeatedly.
“Could be a couple of hours, to be honest”
Kihyun staggers back into the opposite metal wall and groans, “couple of hours?” he whispers in disbelief. He runs a hand through his hair and gasps, as he looks up he notices an opening and walks over to slap Changkyun on the chest.
“Look, up there, there’s an escape door—you seem stronger I’m not even going to lie, and my shoulders are much narrower than yours—think you could maybe lift me up?” Kihyun asks.
“First of all, ow—your rings, asshole” Changkyun whines rubbing at his chest, “Second, I mean I guess I could, but that thing looks like it’s bolted shut man”
“Doesn’t hurt to try” Kihyun tells him already shrugging off his coat, and Changkyun can’t help but roll his eyes.
“This job so damn important you’re willing to squeeze out of an escape door in an old and faulty elevator?” Changkyun asks groaning as he awkwardly tries to lift Kihyun up. He isn’t that much taller than the guy, he doubts he’ll be able to reach the trap door even with Changkyun lifting him.
As Kihyun struggles to make his hands reach the ceiling, something slips out from around his neck and out of his shirt slapping Changkyun in the face.
“You’re a groupie ?” Changkyun asks, narrowing his eyes at the shiny VIP pass, voice full of judgement.  
Kihyun freezes in his arms.
“Put. Me. Down” he bites out.
Changkyun is quick to do as he’s told and let’s Kihyun slide down and out of his arms.
Once his feet are back on the floor, Kihyun immediately walks away as far away as possible from Changkyun, hiding his VIP pass and crossing his arms across his chest.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that, I just wondered” Changkyun tells him truthfully.
“Why the hell do you have a trash bag full of  party decorations?” Kihyun asks instead.
“Took them down from our hallway, we aren’t allowed to hang decorations like that. It’s against the regulations of the complex” Changkyun tells him as a matter of fact.
“Why is that any of your concern? Why is it up to you to police the way people enjoy their holiday? God, of course I get stuck in an elevator with the goddamn grinch of the apartment complex. Who hurt you dude?”
“Ex fiancé” Changkyun tells him, a sad smile on his lips, “two years ago, to the day, actually. Cheated on me the night of our engagement party with who I thought was one of my best friends”
“Well fuck” Kihyun groans blowing out an awkward breath and sits down on the little wooden bench lining one of the walls of the elevator. “Fuck, I’m sorry man—“
“It’s alright, it’s whatever now, you know? But yeah, you’re right. Did turn me into a bit of a grinch, which kinda sucks because I used to love celebrating New Year’s with my best friends” Changkyun confesses.
“I never understood the concept of cheating” Kihyun sighs, “if you feel like you no longer have strong feelings for the person you’re with, just tell them and set them free. Don’t hurt them and waste their time. It’s selfish and plain old mean” he tells him.
“Sounds like you have strong opinions on the subject as well then” Changkyun muses.
Kihyun smiles and stands up.
“You said it’d be a couple of hours right? Well then, I guess we’ll just have to have a party of our own. Rediscover your love for the New Year’s celebration. Come on, we’ve got decorations “ Kihyun says coming over to pull out the holiday decorations trash bag from his fingers.
“But the—” and the withering look Kihyun levels him with has Changkyun shutting up immediately and pliantly handing over the bag and it’s contents.
“Come on grumpy, start putting these banners up” Kihyun demands shoving an array of banners onto his arms. He then rummages through the bag and manages to find a pair of party hats. Making a small noise of triumph, he walks over to strap the red one on Changkyun, smiling when it earns him an eye roll.
“You are something else, 3B”
In comfortable companionship, both men decorate the elevator to their best ability with the few decorations they have, Kihyun occasionally humming random tunes.
“So what do you do for a living?” Kihyun asks as he strings tinsel around.
“I’m a comic book illustrator”
“Oh, is that so? Draw something for me then” Kihyun demands, pulling out a pen and paper pad from his bag, and Changkyun has begun to realize Yoo Kihyun from apartment 3B is quite the demanding fella.
“You’re so bossy” Changkyun says with a chuckle, he takes the man’s pen and pad nonetheless and begins to draw. “What about you? What do you do?”
“Well for starters, I’m not a groupie” Kihyun says pointedly. “I’m a singer, well back up singer right now. It’s why I have this pass, I’m supposed to be performing at the ball drop on New Year’s Eve in Times Square” he sighs sadly.
“Sing something for me then, so I can concentrate on your drawing” Changkyun laughs and Kihyun shakes his head furiously.
“No way man, maybe if we get out of this damn elevator you can come watch me perform instead”
Changkyun shoots Kihyun a look and both burst out in laughter.
They carry on talking for hours about the randomest things. From their earliest childhood memories to likes and dislikes to the reasons why they’re both in New York.
“Are we ever gonna get out of here?” Kihyun sighs defeatedly, “not that you aren’t wonderful company, but I’ve already missed the rehearsal. I’m sure it’s nearing ten p. m, god, I’m really going to miss my chance to perform at Times Square” he laments.
“I’m sorry dude—but hey, look we still have time before you have to go on, you said your performance is at 11:30, right? Perhaps by then” Kihyun gives Changkyun a, ‘thanks for trying’ look and smiles.
“You done with that drawing then?” Kihyun asks and Changkyun laughs nodding his head.
“Here, happy New Year’s” Changkyun laughs handing Kihyun his illustration of him frantically yelling for help earlier in the elevator clutching onto the emergency phone for dear life.
“You are insufferable, I hope you know” Kihyun laughs taking the drawing from his hands. “But you’re actually pretty good, this is so intricate, how do you do that?” he says voice full of awe.
Changkyun just shrugs rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.
“We’re supposed to be having a party” Kihyun comments, then stands up and begins to narrate his movements.
“The handsome young singer scanned the room, when suddenly, his eyes made contact with another handsome young man”
Changkyun tolled his eyes but stood up.
“They stared at each other for a moment, tentatively smiling at one another” at this point Kihyun shoots Changkyun a shu smile and he can’t help but birst out into a fit of laughter.
“Tentatively!” Kihyun exclaims laughing as well.
“Okay, okay—how about now?” Changkyun asks trying his best at a tentative smile.
“Eh, guess it’ll do” Kihyun teases. “We finally cross the room, just as everyone starts to count down…” Kihyun comes closer to Changkyun, smiling and begins to count. “Ten, nine, eight, seven” Kihyun’s words are barely above a whisper now, and Changkyun feels likes his face is on fire. He doesn’t know what to do with himself or where to look, so he settles for Kihyun’s eyes, which—kind of a mistake. A feeling of being able to lose himself in that pair of warm brown eyes settles over him and he really thinks, fuck it, it’s the New Year. If he were to kiss this man right here, it would be a perfect end to the year. “Six, five, four, three, two—”
Just as Kihyun is about to close the distance between them, the elevator shakes once again throwing both men backwards as it descends properly once again.
Both men clear their throats once the doors to the elevator open, and a group of tenants cheer.
“See, told you I’d get it fixed—and it only took what, leight hours” their landlord cheers, and several tenants erupt in a chorus of annoyed ‘shut ups’ and ‘took you long enoughs’.
“Oh my god, I can still make it, if I hurry”
“Then you should probably head out” Changkyun tells Kihyun clearing his throat.
“I uh—yeah, I’ll see you around. Happy New Year” Kihyun tells him as he rushes out the hallway.
“Yeah. See you around” Changkyun sighs making his way back to the elevator. “Hold that for me will you Mrs. Jensen”
And as Changkyun makes his way back into that damned elevator he notices a rubber pink balance bracelet on the ground.
He picks it up and rushes out of the elevator once more irritating a few dozen of his neighbors in the process and runs out hoping he can make it to Kihyun in time.
Turns out, he does make it to Times Square in time, he barely catches Kihyun on his way up the stage.
“HEY! 3B!” he exclaims.
Startled, Kihyun turns around, eyes wide and mouth hanging open in a silent gasp.
“You’re—what? What are you doing here?” Kihyun asks.
“I uh—well I found this, figured it might be yours. I don’t know” Changkyun laughs.
“How did you even get back here?”
“Security is actually so bad? They think I’m the band’s drummer” Changkyun laughs.
“You came all the way out here—in your pajamas, I might add—to hand me my bracelet?”
“It says it’s for balance, didn’t want you out there performing without it. And who knows, maybe it’s good luck. What do I know?” Changkyun mumbles, now blushing slightly.
“Thank you, that’s really sweet of you” Kihyun laughs taking the bracelet from Changkyun’s hands.
And he’s not sure what gives him the courage to do what he does next, but “ you also forgot this in the elevator,” he says. In one swift movement, he leans up to press a kiss to Kihyun’s lips, pulling him in by his dress pants belt loops. It takes Kihyun about 0.01 seconds to respond, clutching fiercely only the fabric of Changkyun’s hoodie.
“I’m—yeah okay, thanks for that” Kihyun says in a bit of a daze once he’s pulled away, “I’m glad you remembered that” he says clearing his throat.
Changkyun shoots him a million wat smile and presses a light peck to his lips once more.
“Go knock them dead, tonight, I’m your groupie” Changkyun jokes.
“Go!” Kihyun says laughing heartily and Changkyun supposes that maybe new beginnings really are welcomed.
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eyewussjack · 5 years
the fluffiest hcs you got in stock. suffocate us. or else no more toby.
So it's either commit murder or lose my rights to a fictional character
Yall ready to get die?
Starting off with the king of cuddles
don't mind the tics. if you do, get the fuck out
You can squeeze this bad boy as much as you want, he can take it
He loves to sing, but won't admit it. so expect soft hums of "careless whisper" and attempted hushed singing of "death of a batchelor"
He will always be the big spoon
he doesn't care if someone's 12 times bigger than him or 12 times smaller than him, he will be the big spoon and there's nothing you can do about it
He's like a puppy, in a lot of ways
whines for attention
constantly at your side
always begging for a bite of food
loyal to the end
barks at literally nothing
overly protective
will attempt to crush you with his entire bodyweight
slobbers all over your face when covering you in kisses
can and will kill someone
Just before you wake up he will ask Eyeless to make breakfast then bring it up to you and say he made it
Seriously, play with his hair
He loves chillin in bed with a nice few piles of comics, some chill beats, and a bunch of fluffy things
My personal lil Tobster is asexual, but extremely romantic and emotional so that's why he's such a puppy
he is incapable of admitting he cares, because he doesn't wanna get attached and then get hurt again
Beautiful beast think he ugly
once, he spent an entire night in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror and insulting himself while crying a goddamn ocean
it's okay, BEN found him and bought him an ice cream after a few more hours of intense crying and much support
If you're having a hard time falling asleep, he will gladly do anything from knocking you unconscious to making dumb faces just to help you out
He enjoys a soft, teasing brush of the lips before he starts ravaging your mouth like it's the end of the damn world
He. loves. bathbombs.
the glittery ones especially
He owns a bunch of pastel sweatshirts and hoodies because Toby and Jane keep getting them for him every gift-giving holiday. Christmas, Easter, his birthday, anniversaries...
He has a sweet spot for anyone who puts on his clothing
and anyone who knows how to make terrible jokes
He will protect the heck out of everyone he loves
"Yeah, sex is great, but have you ever met Toby?"
He loves snuggling, but refuses to do it. unless he's in a really good mood or really needs it.
he loves it when others play video games with him. makes him feel wanted.
He tries to be a big spoon but he knows his place
He's a chill, "woah what" kinda stoner
but he's trying to cut back on the weed
He really loves brownies. not modified brownies. just straight up brownies.
Strong Taylor Swift stan
Every time he brings home someone new, he always thinks that they're "the one". then, the next morning, he throws them out as soon as possible, realizing that there was never a connection.
He slowly melts over long, sensual kisses. the ones where you just feel the others lips gliding against your own.
Two ferrets. Brown one named Princess Mini Mints (aka Minty, Princess, or Mini Bini), and a grey one named Navi (aka Don't fucking eat that).
On rainy days, he and Eyeless like to sit by the large, floor to ceiling window in the library, sipping hot cocoa/coffee n just... doin whatever. from smoking to making up some sick lyrics for Toby to try out
he really likes going for casual midnight strolls. no particular intentions in mind, he just wants some fresh air and to not have blood stain his hands with its ickiness for one night.
His ideal date is going to see the musical Legally Blonde.
he would have you watch the movie, but that's only because of Reese Witherspoon.
He's a fuck up and he knows it, but everyone still loves him.
it'd be pretty hypocritical if they didn't.
He absolutely loves chewing gum and blowing bubbles. he loves it even more when someone comes up and pops it.
He never kisses back. if he does, it was only because he let his guard down, and he will feel extremely embarrassed about it.
His absolute favorite person is Slenderman. Slender is his new dad.
Smile and him can detect each other's feelings and thoughts from miles away. Jeff is sad and needs a cuddle buddy? Smile's there. Smile somehow escaped the house under everyone's radar and got stuck outside in the rain? Jeff's got the door.
and the ability to whine until Slender gives in and installs a doggy door.
He's always, always fighting back the need to apologize every single time he sees Liu or Jane. he's afraid they won't forgive him. but, in all honesty, he doesn't blame em.
she loves snuggling up with her girls and a nice cup of hot tea, laying in a pile of soft, fluffy pillows, and binge watching Riverdale or Supernatural
She adores oversized t-shirts
and Toby.
Toby is her son and she will do anything to protect him. all because the first day she arrived, she told him what happened between her and Jeff, and he kicked Jeff in the crotch.
She loves doing makeup challenges with Nina. Jeff is their resource.
Long, passionate kisses followed by a bunch of duckling kisses please
EJ and her did a matching costume thing one halloween. She was an angel, he was a demon. he bought her a pair of angel wings and everything.
Toby was their adopted werewolf son.
"why can't friends adopt a 19yo psycho kid together?"
she has a goldfish named Basically.
They let her plant a lemon tree in the backyard and yeah she's a tree mother of three now. lemon, orange, and cherry (apple died :[ )
She really wants to get into photography
Her favourite thing to bake is banana bread
no-one but her, Toby, Laughing Jack and Brian will eat it. it's usually gone before anyone can get a piece since they're such suckers.
Cigarette daydreams and im closing my eyes are her favourite songs to blow smoke with BEN to
Quick pecks on the face and neck have her giggled
Loving someone is easy. falling in love with someone is not.
She sleeps in a hanging canopy bed in the corner of the room.
She doesn't have a real light. instead, she has a black light.
Around several posters. five anime ones, one OFF, and a Fairly Odd Parents one she picked up for free at a garage sale.
All I have for tonight. Maybe comeback in the morning when it's not 4am
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17mounteens · 6 years
Long-lasting (Chan)
hi! can i request a fluffy (even angsty if u want bc im a sucker for happy endings) chan scenario where ur childhood besties w/ chan, n u develop a crush on him that lasts all the way through primary n high school, even tho they actually kinda started drifting apart in high school. he doesnt even know abt the crush!! but they get to college n she thinks hes forgotten all about her, until they see each other again n u can think of the rest~ im just rly soft for best friend + college au's (cont)
» alcohol warning!!!! drink responsibly if you’re old enough 🙏 I hope this is at least something like you expected, and there is a fair share of angstier bits ;; 💕
» If you’re using the tumblr app and can’t see the scenario, which is under a “keep reading”, please try opening the post in your phone’s internet browser (or a computer)! 💕
» 6,006 words
Your first day of kindergarten had left such a deep impression on you that you could still remember it fairly clearly. You had been almost three, and watching your mother leave had made you cry, which wasn’t exactly rare to happen there. You had stayed by the window for a long time, crying and hoping your mother would come pick you up soon, no matter how much the adults tried to kindly tell you that she would come in the afternoon.
The tears only stopped when your shoulder was tapped and you had turned around to see a boy of your age, smiling brightly.
“Come play with me. My mom left, too, but she’ll come back. Come on.”
And that was how you had met Lee Chan, your future best friend.
None of the first mornings at the kindergarten were easy for you, but Chan made them a lot better by playing with you and making it apparent that he wanted to be your friend. Playing with him made you forget about how much you missed your mother, and because you were new and you got along with him, you wanted to be his friend, too.
Both of your parents picked up on your friendship soon, whether it was because you two were always playing together whenever they picked you up or because you talked so much about each other and how you were friends at home. It didn’t take long for you two to have regular play dates, and you also invited each other to your birthday parties, where you were tightly together, too.
Simply put, you became best friends rather soon and stuck side by side throughout kindergarten and preschool, and would do so for many years to come.
Somewhere during preschool, however, you were surprised to have your mother ask you something that would have you think about everything in a new light.
“So, darling… do you like Chan?”
She had been folding the laundry and sounded casual while asking that, and you turned to look at her in surprise, putting aside the simple children’s book you were reading here and there. “He’s my best friend, of course I like him.”
Your mother had turned to look at you meaningfully, a warm smile on her lips. “I meant as more than a friend. We’ve noticed the way you look at him, and we were just wondering…”
“Who’s we?” you asked, focusing on the less important part rather than the fact that apparently you had a specific way in which you looked at Chan. Had he noticed?
“Your father and I, Chan’s mother, the preschool teacher…” your mother hummed and laughed good-humoredly when you hid your face in the nearest pillow and groaned dramatically. Putting the laundry away, she sat next to you on the couch you were lying on and stroked your back. “Honey, it’s fine, crushes come and go. It’s completely fine.”
Yeah, crushes came and went, but yours stuck with you for the next thirteen years.
After that discussion, you began thinking about it more, and realized that you may or may not have had a small crush on Chan. It was all kinds of pure and innocent - you were only six, after all - but you decided already then that you would never let him know about it.
Your friendship was more important than a flimsy crush that would eventually go away.
Time passed, and you and Chan were happy to be in the same class when you entered primary school. The teacher soon figured that you two should not sit next to each other unless they wanted to have you chatting throughout every lesson, but neither of you minded too much: you spent the breaks together, anyway.
As you grew older, you and Chan only got closer, although you also had your fights. Sometimes one of you would feel left out; sometimes he’d get upset after you beat him at a game; sometimes one of you just had a bad day, and sometimes there were simply misunderstandings that you solved fast and continued as though nothing had ever happened. None of the small quarrels tore you apart from each other, and instead brought the two of you closer to one another.
Even your crush on him got stronger as time passed, which wasn’t necessarily what you wanted to happen. You thought he was really cute and cool, and loved seeing him dance as he picked up interest in it. Whenever he was sick, you worried about him, and would help him with schoolwork if he wasn’t fully on track. Naturally he was also incredibly kind to you, being a good-hearted boy who thought of you as one of the most important people in his life, and it made you happy. He never left a favor unreturned, and took similar care of you as you did of him.
Still too pure to think too deep into it, you simply enjoyed the hugs you got from him and gave him, as much as they made you feel butterflies yet were simply an act of friendship to him.
It wasn’t until you entered middle school that you realized that especially with your feelings growing stronger, the one-sided nature of them would eventually hurt you: Chan was starting to get interested in people in a romantic way, and when he first whispered to you that he had a crush on someone, your heart jumped to your throat, only to sink back down when Chan told you who it was on. Naturally, you though, it was not on you.
“That’s nice,” you told him, forcing a smile to your face, and held back a deep sigh when the object of his crush walked past the two of you and you had to witness the smitten look on his face.
“It feels so nice,” Chan sighed dreamily, a serene smile on his face, and turned to you with a wide smile. “I hope you find someone you like soon, too.”
“Sure,” you managed to say despite your heart hurting and wanting to tell him that you had already liked him for seven years.
He tilted his head a little at your ingenuine tone and expression, but was soon distracted by the teacher entering the class. “I’ll talk to you again after the lesson.”
You only nodded, sighing when Chan left to his own seat, and looked at your notebook absentmindedly. Now that you knew who he liked, you couldn’t help but pay attention to how much he looked at them, and you could only wish he would look at you with such a warm, adoring gaze.
In all honesty you had known it was bound to happen sooner or later - with how many confessions he had gotten, you thought it impossible for him to not like someone eventually. For the sake of your own heart, you just hoped that he wouldn’t start dating before you got over your silly little crush.
You got your share of confessions, too, and after turning down one, you had Chan running to you. You were in ninth grade, practically counting days until the summer holidays, after which you’d enter high school.
“Why did you turn him down? He really likes you, and he’s not too bad, either, is he?” he asked, genuinely curious, and got his arm around your shoulders, which made your heart flutter.
“It’s too early to start dating,” you mumbled, avoiding Chan’s gaze, and sighed. “And besides, I like someone else.”
“He must be a lucky guy,” Chan smiled widely and squeezed your shoulder lightly. “You need to tell me who he is sometime.”
“We’ll see,” you said with a small smile, although your heart felt heavy. Even after all those years, you still weren’t ready to tell him - not when you had regular sleepovers and knew practically all of each other’s secrets. It was all too precious to be ruined: by the age of fifteen, you had some knowledge on the possible outcomes of confessing to your friend, and you didn’t want to take chances.
By the time you finally entered high school, you were officially smitten for Chan. Your cheeks would heat up in his presence a lot, and you were getting more and more conscious over the fact that he was attractive and that you really wanted to kiss him.
He had yet to notice anything, and by then you were in too deep to say anything about your crush, either, and instead swallowed any and all bitter feelings inside of you when he found a girl he liked, then loved, and eventually started dating.
Up until then you had been inseparably close, and even when he started dating the girl, you remained fairly close, although you could also feel him growing more distant as he began spending more time with her and less with you, which you also partially blamed on yourself. With the bitter emotions storming inside of you, there had been a few occasions where you had let jealousy have the best of you and had given him a bit of a cold shoulder, which you regretted.
It all lasted for a few months, during which you had gotten closer with your friends in one of the after school clubs you took part in, until one afternoon you saw Chan waiting at the door of the classroom your club was in. Frowning, you grabbed your bag and walked to the door.
“What’s up?” you asked in concern as the two of you began walking home, and Chan remained oddly quiet.
“She broke up with me,” he then said, his eyes aimed at the ground. Your heart dropped at the sight and knowledge, and you pouted a little as Chan sighed, a small, sad smile on his face.
“You’ll be fine,” you said and got your arm around his shoulders, holding him close to you. “You’re so sweet and kind and so cool when you dance; I’m sure there’ll be someone else.”
Sighing, Chan nodded. “I hope you’re right.”
For a few months you got closer again as you helped him mend his broken heart, but eventually, especially during the second year of high school, the two of you began truly drifting apart.
Chan got more active in the dance club, which took a lot of his time, as well as got much closer to the people in it. Adding a new girlfriend to that, there wasn’t too much time for you, although both of you tried to stay close for as long as you could. However, once you started spending more and more time with your other friends, too, it started to feel natural to talk less and less.
For some time you two would still text regularly and talk at school every now and then, but gradually throughout the school year, the two of you went from best friends to near strangers. You were in different classes for your last year of high school, and hardly talked at all during it.
By the summer you hardly even greeted each other, and it tore your heart apart just as much as it did to see him kiss his girlfriend at your graduation with the brightest smile on his face.
Your parents had also taken note of him not coming over, as opposed to him coming over at least once a week for whatever reason, and you had told them with a pained expression that you two weren’t talking anymore.
That summer, both your parents and friends made sure you had a great time, and you found yourself hardly even thinking about Chan with all the trips you went on and great things you did with your friends.
You could only hope college would be good to you, too.
Unfortunately you were painfully aware about the fact that Chan would be going to the same college as you, but you found solace in thinking that he’d probably have forgotten about you, as well as the fact that the college had so many students that bumping into him out of all people seemed unlikely.
Once you had first gotten to campus, you got settled in your room, which you were fortunate enough to share with someone you clicked with fairly well, and sighed as you looked out of your window. Your roommate tilted their head.
“Something on your mind?” they asked and got their counterpane out of one of their boxes so that they could put it on their bed.
You pouted a little and turned to look at your roommate. “Just… it’s not too likely to meet someone from your past when there’s so many of us here, right?”
They raised their eyebrows before shrugging with a small smile. “I want to say it isn’t, but the universe has twisted ways.”
“That’s true,” you sighed, slumping your shoulders as you sat down on your bed. “I just want to have a peaceful freshman year.”
Your roommate snorted, at which you pouted.
“Good luck with that.”
Not much later, you were called out for the beginning of orientation, and you decided to stick together at first, although you both had some of your friends from high school join you rather soon. There were a few quicker informative lectures about the college, how it worked and so on, and a few hours later you were more than ready to retreat back to your room with some pamphlets and flyers in your arms.
“Is there still something?” you asked with a sigh, and one of your high school friends hummed as they looked at the timetable.
“A lecture on student services, I think,” they said, and you held back a groan.
Before you were able to say anything else, you heard your name be called.
Chills ran down your spine as your feet stopped moving, and your friends turned to look at you in surprise. Slowly, you turned to look at the direction where the familiar voice came from, although it was lower than you remembered.
And there he was: Lee Chan, looking confused and wearing a pair of round glasses that made him all the more adorable.
“Chan..?” you asked with a tilt of your head, frowning, and felt your heart jump to your throat when he melted into a wide smile that left no room for misunderstanding: it was Chan. Turning to your friends, you smiled a little. “I’ll come soon. Save me a seat, okay?”
With that, you walked to Chan, all kinds of emotions storming inside of you: disappointment over how things had gone between the two of you, surprise to see him on the very first day of orientation, happiness over seeing him after a long time, and… something warm in your chest over how lovely his smile still was.
“I saw you were going to enroll here, but I didn’t expect to see you, at least so soon,” Chan said brightly, and you nodded with a small, awkward smile on your face.
“Me neither,” you noted and took a deep breath. “So… how are you and Minkyung?”
His face fell momentarily, but the smile reappeared on his face soon. “Ah, we broke up over the summer. It wasn’t working.”
“I see,” you nodded, trying to ignore the way your heart seemed to flutter with some dumb hope.
“What about you? Anything new?” Chan inquired, and you wished you had something interesting to tell him, such as having a hot boyfriend or having done something cool over the summer or just anything.
And yet. “Nothing, really. Same old, same old.”
Chan smiled at you. “Well, now that we’re in college I’m sure there’ll be something. And also… do you want to catch up sometime? Like, properly, over coffee or something?”
“Uh, sure,” you said, slightly dumbfounded as to where it was all coming from, and got a bright smile from him.
“I think we need to go now, but I’ll message you about it later,” he stated and you could only nod as you then began walking to the auditorium your next lecture would be in. Chan stole glances at you, worrying his lower lip between his teeth; he was next to his childhood friend who was once his best friend, yet you now felt like a stranger, and he blamed it on himself. “So… did you have a nice summer?”
“I did, actually,” you said, your smile becoming more genuine and happy as you recalled all the great memories you had made during the few months you had had free. “I travelled quite a bit, and just… did a lot of things, you know.”
“I think I saw some of the photos, yeah,” Chan hummed and gave you a warm smile. “I’m glad you had a good time.”
“I hope you did, too,” you said right when you reached the auditorium door, which was where you parted your ways as Chan left to look for people he knew and you located your friends, too.
Your roommate nudged you as soon as you had sat down next to them. “Was that the someone from the past?”
“Yeah,” you whispered, trying to calm down your rapidly beating heart.
“Is he your ex or something?” they asked, and you nearly choked on your spit.
“God, no. We… used to be best friends and I used to like him for a long time, it’s a long story,” you mumbled and let out a deep sigh. Your roommate nodded in understanding, and before the person at the very front of the auditorium began talking, told you that they’d be willing to listen if you ever wanted to talk about it.
A few hours later you were finally back to your room, and upon checking your phone, noticed a message from Chan where he asked you if you wanted to grab coffee the next day. Although skeptical, you found yourself agreeing, and so the next day you made your way to one of the cafés on campus, spotting Chan by the door of it.
“Good to see you,” he smiled when he spotted you, and you smiled once you finally reached him.
“Yeah,” you said with a nod, and without further ado suggested that you enter the café.
The two of you looked at the menu carefully, and Chan asked you what you were getting. When you answered, he chuckled and looked at you brightly. “Some things don’t change. I remember you getting that pretty much all the time.”
“Why change the order when you’ve found something you like,” you said with a soft chuckle, and Chan agreed. Much to your amusement he ordered his old favorite, too, and soon you were both seated by one of the window tables.
Meeting up with him was just as awkward as you had feared it would be, yet also oddly comfortable. While you hadn’t talked in almost a year, it felt like hardly any time had passed since you last spoke. It was weird and it made you both happy and sad, knowing that you had missed almost a year of time with him.
Almost a year without your best friend.
You caught up pretty extensively and talked about your shared memories, all of which made you feel nostalgic, and for a moment it felt like you were with the 3-year-old you had once become friends with - only, you were both 16 years older.
A few hours later, the two of you walked back to your dorms, talking cheerfully as you did so. When you reached your dorm, Chan turned to you.
“I know I kinda… blew it in high school, but would you like to start seeing more again?” he asked, seemingly hopeful yet nervous about your reply. The next words he practically blurted out. “I really miss you.”
“I miss you, too,” you mumbled, hardly able to keep a pout off your face, and without thinking about it too much - thinking about your feelings too much - you nodded. “I think it’d be nice to reconnect.”
Even if it meant awakening the warm feelings that were already starting to arise in your chest whenever you saw him smile.
“Great,” Chan grinned at you, and gave you a friendly hug. “Well, I’ll see you around, then.”
“Yeah, see you,” you smiled and watched him leave as he continued walking down the road until he reached his dorm. Sighing, you entered yours and made your way to your room, thinking about the decision you had just made.
All you could do was hope you wouldn’t regret it.
After that you and Chan saw each other regularly, regaining the close friendship you once shared, little by little. You were a bit worried to realize that with that, all the adoration and love you felt for him were brought back, too, but you didn’t know how to stop it, and finding someone else didn’t feel right, either, as much as your roommate promised to work as some sort of a matchmaker for you.
No, you’d figure it out yourself eventually.
Time passed, and towards the end of the first semester you and Chan were more or less best friends again, although you were still trying to mend what had been lost and broken between the two of you. You spent a lot of time together and supported each other during whatever slumps occurred, and also went to most of the events and parties together, sometimes with one or two other friends, too.
It made you smile how you got to see him in such new situations: falling asleep on his book in the library, witnessing him dancing wildly at a party after one too many drinks, sneaking him to your dorm room after he had gotten locked out of his own for a reason you weren’t sure you even wanted to know… you treasured every bit of it, and Chan felt the same way about you.
Shortly put, you were both more than happy to be back in each other’s lives.
As the spring semester came near, Chan invited you to yet another party, which felt particularly tempting due to how annoyingly strong your crush on him was getting once again. Sleeping had gotten difficult because you thought about him so much, and you found yourself thinking about him more and more, too, and not completely platonically, either. With how much you wanted to do all kinds of romantic things with him and have him treasure you, you concluded that you were in need of a drink and letting loose; you were in need of forgetting, if only for one night.
As per usual, the two of you went to the party together, and Chan raised his eyebrows when you went directly to the drinks.
“Planning to get wasted today?” he asked jokingly when you poured a drink for yourself, and you nodded determinedly once you raised the cup to your lips.
“Damn straight,” you said with a smile, not in the least correcting Chan when he assumed that the reason lied in the nearing new semester, which only knew stress, deadlines and lacking sleep.
“Good thing you have me taking care of you,” he chuckled and got himself a drink, too and you agreed with him.
Much to your joy the party was incredibly pleasant. You had a good time and were actually able to forget about your feelings for Chan for a moment, and you found out that the party wasn’t too bad even when you were separated from him for a while. You talked with people you hadn’t spoken with before, danced a little and all that, all the while Chan talked with some people, too, while making sure you were okay and not getting into any kind of trouble.
Some hours into the party, Chan blinked in surprise when you suddenly got your arm around his shoulders and leaned against him, your breath smelling faintly of the alcohol you still had in your cup as well as in your body. A smile spread to his lips, and he got his arm around you, too, providing you support. “What’s up?”
“I have to tell you something,” you began with a giggle that he could tell was more hollow than it was meant to be. He raised his eyebrows, and you grinned at him, although it didn’t reach your eyes. “It’s a funny story, really.”
“What is it?” he asked, one of his eyebrows quirked, completely unaware of what you were about to say.
You let out a deep sigh, your face falling a little at that. “I used to have a huge crush on you for a loooong time, you know?”
Chan’s eyes widened and his lips parted in surprise, and he was unable to say anything as his heart jumped to his throat.
“You never noticed it… Maybe I hid it so well? It was funny, honestly… Being your best friend when I just really… loved you,” you said, your words sounding a bit messy, and Chan listened intently, his expression darkening a little when you went on. “All the girls you dated… your broken heart that I had to help you heal…”
“Y/N, stop,” Chan managed to say at last and pulled you a bit closer to him so that he could hug you with one arm. You sighed again, closing your eyes and leaning into him, hardly remembering the cup in your hand.
“You’ve still got such a warm hug,” you sighed, breathing in his scent, and there was something in the situation added to the alcohol in your blood that made you emotional. Sniffling, you took a hold of the back of Chan’s sweater. “...I want to go home.”
As much as he was enjoying the party, his heart was hurting seeing you like that, especially after hearing what you had said, so he nodded without hesitation. “Let’s go.”
Chan walked you to your dorm room and made sure you got to bed well, but when he was about to leave, you took his hand into yours.
“Don’t leave me again,” you mumbled, your eyes already closed, and Chan pouted a little, rubbing the back of your hand gently.
“Do you want me to stay over?” he asked, and you let out a noise he could only take as a positive answer, especially when it was joined with a nod from you.
You let go of his hand and got into a comfortable position under your blanket, and soon you had him lying down next to you, keeping a safe space between the two of you. Chan sighed as he looked at you, a put on his face, and stroked your arm slowly through the blanket you had over yourself.
“I’ve made you go through a lot, haven’t I?” he asked rhetorically, his voice small, and smiled a little with a sad hint to it. “I’ll try to make up for it. I’m sorry.”
The next morning you, much to your own surprise, woke up with Chan by your side. You frowned, trying to remember what had happened the previous night, but it was all so blurry and the headache was killing you, so all you could do was hope you hadn’t said or done anything dumb, although being in your own bed fully clothed gave you a lot of hope.
Somewhat able to scramble over Chan, you got out of bed and into the bathroom, taking note of the empty bed of your roommate’s on the way. Figuring that they’d gotten some other place to sleep at the night before, you instead focused on how the night had been for you while brushing your teeth and washing your face.
Clearly you had been with Chan the whole evening, which wasn’t much of a surprise since you were close again, but besides that it all was a blur. Only your gut feeling told you that there was a good reason for him to have slept next to you.
Even after you had freshened up a little, you remained seated on your toilet, trying to will your body to feel less nauseous while also avoiding having to talk with Chan, who you hoped was still sleeping.
Your hopes turned into dust when you could hear a knock on the bathroom door, followed by a low, groggy voice. “Y/N, are you okay?”
“Y-yeah, just give me a second,” you rushed to answer, and you hated the way your heart was hammering in your chest. As if you weren’t feeling bad enough already.
“Okay,” Chan replied, after which you figured he left the door.
Sighing, you massaged your temples. Whether it was the hangover or just a general arising of old emotions, you suddenly felt as much like a mess as you had in high school when you were trying to deal with the unrequited feelings you held for the boy that was now sitting on your bed.
“I’m stronger now,” you mumbled to yourself and finally stood up and got out of the bathroom, building up your courage so that you could look at Chan and actually talk with him.
He smiled up at you, his hair a bit of a mess. “Good morning.”
“Morning,” you mumbled with a small smile, too, and leaned against the wall next to the bathroom door. Clearing your throat, you began fiddling with the hem of the shirt you were wearing. “So… what happened last night?”
You could see Chan’s expression change for a moment before he sighed and gave you a soft yet sad smile. “You kind of… opened up, I guess.”
Feeling your eyes widen, you then winced and covered your face with your hand. “About..?”
Chan pouted and stood up so that he could walk to you. “About you, me, us… I had no idea you liked me.”
Your heart felt like it could’ve burst out of anxiety, and breathing felt challenging, too. Chan looked at you in concern and slowly placed his hands on your shoulders, only pulling you into a hug when you didn’t show a sign of not wanting it.
“It’s really nothing,” you mumbled, clinging onto Chan as you hid your face in his shoulder. Tears were stinging in your eyes, and a part of you hated just how comforting his hug was, even as you braced yourself for yet another rejection, this time a direct one.
“It’s not nothing,” Chan said, audibly pouting, and stroked your back soothingly. “I could tell you’ve been hurting, you know. And I’m sorry. For that, and for letting us drift apart, and…”
“It takes two to drift apart,” you reminded him with a sniffle, and got a quiet hum from him.
“I guess. I just… I never wanted to hurt you,” he whispered, holding you close as he sighed. “I’m sorry for being blind.”
Holding the back of his sweater in your fists, you shook your head. “It’s fine, I was doing my best to hide it anyway… I played myself.”
“I didn’t mean that,” Chan said quietly, and you slowly lifted your face, looking at him with a small frown, your eyes glistening with tears. He gave you a small, sad smile and dried some of the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs. “I’ve been blind to my own feelings.”
Unable to say anything, all you could do was stare into his eyes as you tried to figure out if he was saying what you thought he was saying, and you could hear your heartbeat.
Melting into a wide smile, Chan caressed your cheeks. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot recently, Y/N, and I think I…”
“Don’t say it if you don’t mean it,” you whispered, your eyes watering with fresh tears, and Chan shook his head, his eyes glistening a little, too.
“...like you. I like you.”
His voice was so steady and his gaze was so warm that your knees nearly gave in, and you weren’t sure if you still believed your ears.
Lee Chan, who you had liked since preschool, liked you?
A smile spread to your lips as you sniffled and placed your hands on top of his on your cheeks. “Really? Even though I’m… me? Despite all the unflattering situations you’ve seen me in?”
“Because you’re you,” Chan laughed, the grin on his face widening at your latter remark. “Besides, most of those unflattering situations were in kindergarten.”
“My point exactly,” you choked out and let out a quiet laugh. “We’ve known each other for so long, it’s crazy.”
“Maybe that’s why I’m crazy about you,” Chan blurted out and blushed a little. “I mean--”
“Smooth,” you smiled at him, and Chan held back a groan before looking into your eyes shyly, lowering his hands from your cheeks and taking your hands into his.
“How do you feel about me now, though?” he asked quietly, biting on his lower lip as he waited for your reply.
“Right now you’re not helping my hangover, but,” you began, taking a break as you grinned widely, “I still like you, you dummy.”
Chan let out a sigh of relief and hugged you tightly, only to pull back soon afterwards. “You’re hungover?”
“Yep,” you nodded with a meek smile, and got a chuckle from Chan.
“Get in bed, I’ll go grab us something to eat and be right back.”
You did just that and watched him curiously as he put his jacket on and turned to look at you with a bright smile on his face before leaving your room.
There was comfort in the knowledge that he would be back, and once he did return, the two of you ate eagerly, after which you talked a little about how you felt about each other and how you would continue.
Little by little your relationship grew more romantic in nature - neither of you rushed anything, and instead let it all happen naturally as days passed. You’d start holding hands, hug more, cuddle…
And, a few weeks later, you shared your first kiss, which was everything yet nothing like you had imagined, but only in a good way.
You had been on your bed, you with one of your coursebooks on your lap and Chan was playing a video game on his portable console, and after finishing another stage, he had turned to you, about to ask something. You had turned to him at the same time, and your lips brushed against each other’s, which made your eyes widen.
Melting into a smile, you had then placed your hand on his leg and given him a proper kiss, to which he replied with a similar wide, happy smile, cupping your cheek with his hand.
Slowly, you pulled back, the brightest smile on your face. “So, what were you about to say?”
“I forgot,” Chan snorted, and you gave him a gentle nudge, at which he laughed.
Whatever he was about to ask you never came back to him, but instead you shared a few more light kisses before attempting to focus on what you were doing again, which proved out to be impossible to the point where you ushered Chan out of your room, laughing.
“I’ll leave with one condition,” he said with a laugh when he was standing in the hallway and you were by your door.
Quirking your eyebrow knowingly, you grinned. “One more kiss?”
“Exactly,” Chan smiled and pulled you in for a kiss that nearly had you melting and reconsidering your decision to study rather than spend time with him - only the importance of the course helped you remain strong.
Meanwhile, Chan left with a grin on his face, and once you returned to your bed, you were met with two messages showing on your phone screen.
14:02 I could tell you wanted me to stay. Study well, I won’t kiss you again unless your exam goes well! 14:03 ...We both know that’s a lie, but I still want you to do well! I love you 💕
Admin Scooter
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A Very Merry Voltron Valentine’s ft. Pidge
Alternate title: Lance is a little instigating shit and pidge is a huge sappy nerd
A/N this was done with literally no editing or beta so mistakes be damned! Take my trash and do what you will with it lol
~1900 words
“There is no capitalism in space Lance,” Pidge said with a roll of her eyes as she tried to find the perfect ratio of alien ingredients to make the brown sludge in her cup taste like coffee. “And even if we were on Earth I would still try to fight the good fight against corporate schemes that disguise themselves as holidays. Its evil to try and trademark love,” she said pushing herself onto the counter and taking a long sip. Still terrible but if it was giving her at least some sort of buzz so worth it for the time being.
Nothing, however, was worth seeing that horrible ‘I know something you don’t know’ look that Lance wore so proudly. Pidge frowned, tapping her fingers against the ceramic mug trying her hardest to not ask. Asking would mean giving in and admitting she was curious in whatever gossip he had. Even if she was dying to know why he even brought up the subject of Valentine’s Day she didn’t want to feed into his teenage soap opera ways. Lucky for her though he wasn’t very good at keeping things to himself.
“That is very noble. I’m sure you must have been very popular amongst all your tech nerd buddies who also never had dates. But things are different now pidge! You do have a date and maybe they don’t share the same fight the system inclinations you do,” Lance said with what he must have thought was a very casual wave of his hand as he leaned on the counter opposite Pidge “But if you don’t care that s/o got you something well then that’s none of my business,” he continued looking down to pick at his nails.
Pidge’s first thought was that with the right forward momentum she could easily knock Lance to the floor and force him to tell everything he knew about the gift. Of course that’s probably what he wanted judging by his eyebrows lost somewhere in his hairline and toothy smile. So instead she cleared her throat and said “I have to go. Right now. Immediately. And you still can’t pressure me into this …. No matter what may happen in the future know that you had nothing to do with it!” as she ran out of the kitchen.
Pidge’s time off was supposed to be spent working on some personal projects, mostly working on some of her language courses before the castle started beeping at her and projecting holographic reminders in her room. Now she was desperately trying to figure out exactly what romance was even supposed to be. She had visions of hearts and fat babies with bows dancing around her head as she tried to remember what Valentines was like back home. She groaned, pulling at her hair and slumping onto her bed. “Sure Pidge you’re suuuuuuch a genius. Alien tech, no problem. Giant lion weapon system, no problem. Get your date mate a nice present and suddenly I’m as intelligent as a snail. Ugh no … that’s an insult to snails!” she mumbled grabbing a pillow to scream into.
She did nothing but simmer like that for a long time, the wheels turning and turning in her head to the point she was sure there was smoke coming out of her ears. Then suddenly she sat up right, the fire moving from her brain to her eyes. “I’ve been looking at this all wrong. I can’t figure this out the way Lance would. I have to solve it my way. Besides my way is going to end up being much more efficient and not only help myself but all other romantically troubled people to come!” she announced to her audience of scattered tools and crushed energy drink cans before setting to her new task: finding the scientific solution to the perfect Valentine’s Day.
It was at best a show of her dedication to s/o but at its worst, and somewhere a little closer to the truth, it looked like a conspiracy theorist wall. Pictures and words taped to the wall with multicolored string creating a makeshift obstacle course. Several people had tried to come check on her only to look at the mess, decide it wasn't their problem and walk right back out. Even s/o had been warned about Pidge’s strange project and hadn’t been around except to leave snacks and the occasional ‘remember to drink lots of water!’ note. At long, long last though she was certain that she had the key. A fool proof plan she had gotten all of the details perfected at three o’clock in the morning.
Well almost perfect, she had neglected one detail in her pursuit of scientifically backed romance; she had absolutely no idea where to get any of it. They were currently trying to lay low which meant there was no guarantee of the next time they would be going off ship. The only option she had was to work with what was around the castle … it was going to be a long day.
Pidge had looked rough before, forgetting to sleep for a couple days could do that but it was nothing compared to how she looked and felt now. It seemed like it was just disaster after another, she tried to not think of it as a metaphor for her life. First it was the flowers, a classic and what she assumed would be the easiest considering Allura had a greenhouse tucked away in the upper stories of the castle. Pidge had found the most appealing colors and shapes, trying to match those she knew from Earth, to create the ultimate bouquet. It was going great until she broke into a rainbow of rashes in some equally as colorful places on her body. That dream was quickly squashed.
Pidge thought that at least she could have a nice dinner and some chocolates to give to s/o, Hunk was a sap for that mushy kind of stuff. Heck he had been making everything heart shaped for month in preparation for the big day! Yet Pidge had all but been laughed out when she brought her requested menu. “Dude I would love to help you and I can do what I can buuuuut this is not Earth. I don’t have anything that’s even close to, what was it you wanted steak? Really, steak? And truffles? Oh man I wish I had access to some chocolate! It’s a nice thought but the best I can do is like a trio of space goo,” Hunk said before Pidge kicked that damned goo machine and left.
The rest of her tasks when just about the same. The closest thing to a stuffed animal she found was the training robots. The shiniest thing she could find to try and make jewelry was scraps of galra tech which just seemed ominous. She had managed to blow up something resembling a balloon but discovered whatever gas she used was very unstable finally leaving her empty handed and half an eyebrow short.
She trudged back to her room late into the night, worse for the ware and completely down in spirits. “This is what I get for turning my back on my morals, karma apparently works over time in space,” she snorted as she belly flopped onto the bed wondering if she suffocated in the sheets if she would be allowed out of the Valentine’s celebrations that she was sure Lance had planned for later the next day. She was perfectly willing to wallow in her own sadness until she was dragged out to see what amazing thing s/o had gotten her when suddenly there was a knock on the door.
Her heart fluttered, knowing who it had to be but almost hoping that it wasn’t. The soft footsteps could only belong to one person and despite the fact nothing was going right Pidge was happy to hear them. After all the trouble and disappointment they were the only person she could think of that she would want to be around. Even if she had nothing to give in return. “Hey there stranger, I didn’t realize we had someone new living in the castle. I have heard a ghost has been roaming as of late though,” they teased as they sat on the edge of the bed with legs crisscrossed. “I did try ghost hunting but haven’t had much luck …. Ya know I missed you Pidge,” they added with quiet sincerity.
It wasn’t posed as a question or even with the air of sad guilt for which Pidge was eternally grateful. It was something she appreciated with their relationship; there was never any need to explain her weird habits until she was ready to talk. “Im a weirdo who doesn’t deserve your patience but I will selfishly accept it,” Pidge said slumping and twisting around until her head was resting in their lap, her arms hugging their waist. “But good news is ghostbusters have stopped by and eliminated all ghosts. I’m back to being my usual annoying goblin of a person,” she said grinning up at them.
“Mmm you are definitely more of a troll but whatever you decide to be, as long as you’re mine again, I’m happy~” they cooed down at her, rubbing her arm and bending down to kiss the top of her head. Pidge gave a content sigh and wanted to bury herself in this moment, get lost in the warmth and serenity of being reunited with them. “Aaaaaaan because you’re mine I kinda got you something. Lance has been on my case about Valentine’s Day, which I personally think is a sort of emotional cop out but I couldn’t resist a chance at arts and crafts,” they grinned, gently scooching Pidge over to reach for something in their pocket.
Pidge expected to be a nervous wreck, feeling so low that she would want to puke but she instead found herself actually anxious to see what it was. The earlier disdain of not being able to make a perfect gift a shadow in the back of her mind, almost laughable in that moment. She held out her hand to accept what she now saw was a card, pushing herself up to get a better view of what it said. On the front there was a cartoonish picture of a galaxy, stars and planets dotting the shimmery blue paper, and bubble letters that read ‘Are you stuck in space Valentine?’ then opened up to a very crude sketch of what was undeniably a butt surrounded by all capital letters in harsh red print ‘BECAUSE THAT ASS IS OUT OF THIS WORLD.’
There was silence for a minute, while s/o sat biting their lip, opening their mouth stuttering about how they weren’t a great artist and that she didn’t have to like it she just thought the joke was funny but they could totally forget the whole thing. Only shutting up when Pidge crashed her lips against their own, laughing into the kiss so hard they seemed to be vibrating against each other, tears wetting their cheeks before they pulled away gasping for air while the last fit of giggles left their systems.
“This is perfect. You’re perfect,” Pidge said, arms wrapped around s/o’s neck with her forehead resting against theirs. They giggled again and kissed the tip of her nose “Only cause I have someone to be perfect for,” they replied with another smile which Pidge happily returned. Again she didn’t deserve someone this amazing but she wouldn’t want anything else.
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themicahjea · 4 years
My 2 0 1 9
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I started my year as a freshman student in college, figuring things out and is really confused as to what i was doing and what direction am i heading. I wasn’t doing well in my studies since i had a “transfer shock” and literally only had 2 weeks of “summer break”. By the second semester, i was physically and mentally tired—this also means that my emotional status is not as strong as it was the previous years. The first day of the first month of year, i remember writing a note somewhere and wrote my feelings out. I was really sad. My mental health was affected by the things happening around me — obviously, i wasn’t doing well at the beginning of this year.
February came. I just had my midterms exam when my sister broke the news that my dog died. My sweetest little boy, Gift, just turned 1 and he died. I felt worse. I felt like i failed as a fur momma. I felt like i failed him. I cried so many nights, and it didn’t help that my roommates keep on reminding me about his death as if it was nothing to me. March. The last hurrah of the semester. My friends and I were planning about our Siquijor trip, took the finals — which i THOUGHT i did good. I finished my NSTP and said goodbye to my tut-tees. They are so precious, i could hug them — then went on to the trip. I went cliff jumping, lots of swimming, attended a sponge cola concert which surprised me because the lead vocalist of the band recognized me. That night, my friends went drinking. I drank a little but i poured more softdrinks than the actual gin. THAT was when my “friends” babbled and said “the gin doesn’t taste good anymore because we’re out of softdrinks”. It was a heckin small problem but they made it seem really big. — that’s when i knew that that “friendship” is not gonna last. I was right. I didn’t hang on to them anyways so it didn’t really hurt. Lol. April and May, it was summer break! Finally! I spent most of my time at home, soaking everything up before school starts again. Last April, i attended our church’s annual youth camp. It was a three-day-camp where you just learn about certain people in the Bible and their way of living and how God sustained them. It was also a team building camp and let me tell you, THIS CAMP HELPED ME. A LOT.  — aside from the camp, we went on different short trips, here and there. Also, the whole summer break was filled with me getting some rest and watching the whole Avengers movies, from ‘The First Avenger’ down to ‘Infinity War’. I basically became a fan. It was the 12th of May when my friend, Shayne asked me if i could watch Avengers Endgame with her since she wants to watch it again. I said yes. I knew how it would end since I’ve seen some scenes on twitter and my sister’s friend spoiled the heck out of me — BUT THAT DID NOT STOP ME FROM CRYING! It was so embarrassing to get out of the theater with VERY swollen eyes. It was probably the most heartbreaking film i watched this year.  June, school started, again. SOPHOMORE YEAAAAAR! I kinda know what my classmates are , where they’re from and what they’re attitudes are. I was MORE cautious this time. I only spend time with Ross, Angela and Charlene. In fact, i went to Bohol with Ross and Angela!  July. Right before my birthday, my family and churchmates went on a trip in Palawan. Enjoyed every bit of it. My birthday came and it was all fun, until it took a turn on the 17th. I got robbed. Lol, i knew that man was up to no good. My body told me that. My intuition told me not to trust him but oop, i dont know why i still gave him my money... idk. Two days later, i went to the police station to file a report and it turns out, there’s another man who’s looking for the SAME man. He was robbed by the same man as well. This was when i realized what God meant when He said that the love for money is not good and is a sin. I realized what a man can do to be able to get your money. August, i went to Bohol for a weekend! It was one of the most spontaneous trips I’ve ever taken. I went to Bohol to watch a movie. Yes. I went there to watch ‘The Art of Racing in the Rain’. I pranked a few of my close friends that i was pregnant which was surprisingly a success. They really thought i was. Lol. It was also “Hibalag”! Took the midterm exams and then celebrated the festival. All i did was stay in the booth for certain period of times. Bought some stickers. I went home for a little bit to meet the newest member of the fam, little Miss Potts. We bonded and watched a little bit of Avengers endgame. September went by so fast, i cant even remember what happened. Basically, i went back to Dumaguete. Then i received another news from my family that Miss Potts escaped the gate and is missing. I did my very best to look for her so does my family but nobody turned her in. I couldn’t  believe i lost 2 dogs this year and it’s heart breaking. — but right after Potts was gone, we have been blessed with another pup. My mom’s friend made us adopt him since she has tons of dogs already and she doesn’t have enough space. We, well i, was supposed to name him ‘Stark’ to keep the “one-syllable-name-for-the-pets” rule. But when i saw him, i knew Stark wasn’t his name. When my aunt called him ‘Happy’ since he made the whole house happy again, since Pott’s gone, it clicked. It wasn’t a one syllable name but Happy suits him. Happy’s also the name of Tony Stark’s head of security, anyways so...  Also, I guess i was so drowned with all the school works i had to do that time. I. Was. LOADED! I even attended a climate strike!. But thank you Lord, i was STILL able to nap in between lunch breaks and classes. My sister and my cousin also visited me in the campus and stayed for 3 days! We went on a lot of food trips, we can’t even take it anymore! October means semestral break— but there’s always rain before the rainbow comes, right? Thankfully for my minor subjects, all we had to do were requirements like making a video, recording songs as well as plays. I was the lucky one who was picked as the Basilio of the group. Being the Basilio means i have TONS OF LINES, but the Lord sustained me. I was able to master my lines and delivered them without any mistakes on stage.i also made new friends. Looools. After the finals, i went home to my family. I went home to a news which would be my fall for the next few months. I received a news that involves my parents. Im not gonna elaborate but because of these information, i had several mental breakdowns and at one point, the one thing i don’t want to happen, happened. I melted down in front of my sister. Personally, i don’t want her to see me cry. I don’t want her to see me at my weakest point. This month started t all. Started all my emotional breakdowns and my anxiety is back from its grave. I really thought I’d  already heal because i also went to my father’s home town to just have an emotional closure with the place. I visited some of the places i used to play in and visited my elementary school and the friends i used to play with. I really thought I’d be fine, but no. I was so so so stressed that the whole 2 weeks of my break, i was just lying down, wasn’t able to do a thing. I cant even eat. I got the flu. I was SO weak and couldn’t move. November. I went home for a little bit because of intramural break and went home again for The Jesus Reigns celebration because my sister performed on stage for the second year!!! Im so proud!  December. I was home early. I went home on the 13th so i could attend my sister’s birthday party. Outside the house, it’s full of fun. Went out a bunch of times with my churchmates, bonded with them, we attended our church’s annual thanksgiving which i enjoyed, my sister and i was able to hang out in achi joanne’s house a lot more late. I went swimming with my friends, everything is actually fine outside. But then when im inside the house, it feels like im suffocating. I cant move well. I cant feel well. I honestly dont know how and what to feel right now. On Christmas day, i ate processed/packed chocolate chip cookies for Noche Buena instead of tita mom’s lumpia and then i cried. I didn’t even get a family photo for this year’s holiday season. I really really dont know. I feel numb and unable. I long for the connection with God which i know i have to work on. I’m so down and depression is eating me ones more. Little by little. Right now, i feel like I’m  fat Thor Odinson. Depressed and feels like he failed with his mission in killing Thanos... I’m in a battle of my inner Thanos right now. I’m not losing but he isn’t either. But i know, I’m going to win this Battle because it is not I that’s handling it. It is God. I know He’s got my back and I’ll win because a child of Gos is NEVER a loser. I’m gonna win this fight, and just like what Cap said,  Whatever it takes. I’ll do whatever it takes to win this fight. To win this Battle. This situation that I’m in right now should not really affect me in any way because i know that God’s with me and He’s going to fight for me. My life is “Father-filtered” which means whatever I’m going through right now, God has allowed it to happen. WHY? Because He is preparing me for my future battles. He wants me to gain more strength to carry on.  I know that all these BREAKDOWNS of mine will become BREAKTHROUGHS. I know it and i believe in it. I trust in the Lord. 2020, Get ready for a stronger Micah. She’s not gonna give up on whatever you throw on her because her God is bigger than those problems. 
 Happy New Year Everyone!
God Bless You All! 
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liveninstereo · 7 years
Hurt// Zach Dempsey
Requested by: @xwannabequeenx
I’m so sorry its so late I was sick but I hope you like it.
Y/N please stop ignoring me
I saw Zach send what seemed to be the 50th text. I watched as he started calling I stared down at my phone before shutting it off.
"Wow what did he do?" Bryce smirked.
"Nothing just drive." I stared ahead at the dashboard in anger. It all started this morning.
"Hey y/'n." Bryce leaned against my locker door as I put my things in.
"Hey?" I gave him a questioning look even through he was in my friend group we  never really talked.
"I need you to do a quick favor for me." He gave me a small smile.
"She won't be doing anything for you." The familiar voice spoke behind me. I turned around to see Zach glaring at Bryce. Zach always did everything possible to make sure I  was never near his friends, it made me feel like he was hiding something. I got annoyed as Zach told Bryce to walk away. I watched him give Zach a weird look before heading off, I turned back to Zach glared at him and slammed my locker before walking after Bryce.
"Bryce wait up!" He turned around and smirked at me. "I can help you as long as Zach doesn't find out?" I offered.
"Okay meet me at my car today after school...make sure you let your puppy off the leash before you come." He looked behind me. I turned around just in time to see Zach heading towards me.
"What did you tell him?" Zach glared at Bryce as he walked off, I turned to Zach and stared at him. "Look y/n I don't know what I did to make you angry I'm sorry." Zach frowned.
"Are you serious?" I scoffed.
"You don't let me near your friends, you won't even let me talk to them for five seconds before you take me away. Do I embarrass you or something?...and even worst you try and brush it off like it never happens." I glare at him. He stared at me shocked.
"So you don't have anything to say....fine let me make it easy for you, don't call me, don't text me, don't even show up to my house unless you have a good explanation." I glared at him before walking away. After school I saw Zach make his way towards me.
"I can't talk Zach I have a family thing." I looked at him angrily as I kept walking. I got Into Bryce's car and slammed the door shut in anger, he turned to me. My phone buzzed causing us both to turn to it.
Y/N please stop ignoring me
I saw Zach send what seemed to be the 50th text today. I watched as he started calling I stared down at my phone before shutting it off.
"Wow what did he do?" Bryce smirked.
"Nothing just drive." I stared ahead at the dashboard in anger.
"Why are you ignoring your boyfriends request of avoiding me anyways?" He gave me a questioning look.
"...he never lets me near his friends the only one I am allowed near is Justin....sometimes."
"Why do you think that is?" He asked as he started pulling out of the parking lot.
"...Does he have someone else? That only you guys know of?" I blushed when I realized what I had asked.
"Even if I knew...bros before hoes right?" I was already starting to not like Bryce.
"What do you need help with?" I changed the subject.
"Oh..well you're close with Jessica, and she's been ignoring me and maybe you can help me plan out a party and convince her to come?." He shrugged.
"You make the best parties in the whole school why can't you do it yourself?"
"Maybe I have a secret motive." He winked causing me to shift uncomfortably in my seat. When we got to his house he pointed into a room.
"I have parties often so that's where I keep everything, start taking out what you think we need, I'll start the hot tub."
"Okay." I walked into the room to see an empty room with boxes on one side and crates of beer on the other, there where a few tables leaning against the wall. I started bringing things out of the box looking through everything.
"Need any help?" Bryce spoke up behind me causing me to jump.
"Jeez I didn't hear you come in." He laughed at my reaction. "Um....well definitely set up beer pong, its Jessica's favorite." He nodded before starting to push tables out the door. When he came back he was just standing by the doorway.
"You're gonna decorate with streamers isn't that more of a holiday party?"
"I'm the boss aren't I?" I laughed. After a while we had snacks out and everything necessary for a party, all Bryce needed was to call people.
I had convinced Jessica to show up but she made me promise that I'd have a few drinks with her. We where just sitting when Justin came over with Bryce.
"Want to dance?" He smiled at Jessica. She looked pretty drunk, she giggled and got up leaning against him.
"What about you?" Bryce smiled down at me.
"What about me?" I giggled making me realize I had more to drink than I should have.
"Want to dance?" He smirked. I'm not sure what made me agree, maybe it had been all the drinking but I held on to Bryce's hand as I got up. We danced for a while as I kept having to make sure to remove or stop his hands from trailing too far.
"Come with me." He whispered in my ear. We went somewhere quiet when he handed me something.
"What's it for?" I frowned.
"Wow...Dempsey is protecting you more than he should...it's to get high." He laughed.
I was officially now drunk and high and the party had slowly died down. It was now only Jessica, Justin, Bryce, and Alex. Everyone was around me laughing.
"If ghosts can go through walls and glide down stairs why don't they fall through the floor?" I giggled as I held on to my cup. Everyone started laughing although I didn't understand what was funny. "Awww I ran out." I stared at my empty cup. I grabbed a new one.
"Okay that's enough y/n lets go get you some water." Bryce laughed. He grabbed my hand as we walked outside and into the house. He filled up a cup while I sat on the counter swinging my legs.
"Zach is going to be pissed." I giggled before hiccuping. He walked up to me setting the glass down before putting both hands on the counter so I was trapped.
"Why is that?" He laughed.
"Because...he warned me about you, I don't even know why you're really nice." I giggled before grabbing the glass of water and drinking from it. Suddenly I felt something on my leg. I looked down to see a hand...I stared at it confused then realized it was Bryce's. I tried getting down from the counter but he wouldn't budge.
"Y/n." He smirked. He started leaning in causing me to panic.
"I'm with zach." I tried pushing him.
"Zach who?"
"Zach Dempsey...really tall...really hot guy...kinda hard to miss." I realized I was still very drunk. Suddenly I frowned, I should've listened to Zach.
"Doesn't ring a bell." I could now feel his hot breath on my neck, it reeked of beer. He started kissing me while I struggled to push him off.
"Bryce please." I pleaded. He started trailing his hand up my leg under my skirt. I pushed him and had managed to get him by surprise as he fell back a little I hopped off the counter but I was still drunk causing me to sway and feel a little light headed. Bryce pushed me back causing my legs to fail as I fell back. The last thing I felt was a sharp pain on my hand and something wet before I heard A familiar voice and I passed out.
When I woke up I was blinded my sharp lights. I looked around and saw a tall figure pacing in the room, my eyes adjusted before I realized it was zach and I was in a hospital bed.
"What happened." I groaned. I tried to get up but I felt a sharp pain up my leg and on my hand causing me to wince. I pulled off the blanket to see a bruised long cut up my leg and a long one on my hand.
"You had to get stitches." Zach looked at me with teary eyes.
"What happened?" I frowned.
"You don't remember?" Zach clenched his jaw.
"Im not really sure...you had been ignoring my calls and I just really wanted to see you and apologize so I went over to your house to see if you where okay, when I got there turns out you never got home from school and your parents said there was no family thing, then I remembered Bryce asking for a favor and I knew he had a party so I got to his house but by then the party was over and I knew you don't talk with my friends so I didn't think you'd stay after, but then I saw a snapchat Jessica posted and you where in it so I went in, I went out back and the guys told me you where with Bryce in the house getting water. By the time I got to the kitchen I only saw you fall, your hand landed pretty hard on the glass of water causing it to break and some glass to fall in the ground, when you landed on the ground you got cut and you where passed out." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "It's my fault, if I would've just ignored the fact that you where angry with me." Tears started forming in his eyes. I stared remembering a few things...like kissing Bryce, I started to cry. Did I cheat on Zach? No I didn't..I remember now.
"What's wrong?" He rested his hand on my knee causing me to flinch. Just remembering Bryce's hand on my sent shivers up my spine. Zach seemed to notice.
"I didn't mean to get mad at you y/n I'm so sorry." He apologized over and over again as he hugged me causing me to cry harder.
"I wasn't that drunk...I mean I was but.." suddenly the doctor walked in.
"Hey I'm Dr. Stevens, how are you feeling?" She smiled.
"Tired." I sighed. She smiled before taking a look at my hand and leg.
"I think you're good to go, you can take pain medicine for a while until you heal completely...and next time be careful." She winked at me before writing something and walking out the door.
"Your dad is signing you out." Zach smiled at me as I pushed my legs off the bed to get ready to stand up.
"Oh god he knows." I groaned.
"I had to call they said they couldn't help until a parent was informed you where in the hospital."
"Does he know why?" I blushed.
"No....you where saying something..."
"I...it's nothing I need to change."
"It's nothing I haven't seen." He winked at me causing me to laugh. I attempted to get up before flinching from the pain running up my leg. Zach quickly ran over to my side.
" I'm so sorry....this is the reason I don't want you near my friends, they're trouble I didn't want you getting hurt." He mumbled. He leaned in kissing my forehead.
"I'm so sorry I pushed you, I should've just listened to you and understood that you had a good reason." I mumbled as I leaned into him for a hug.
"Need help changing?" He spoke softly. I blushed and nodded as I held both my hands up so he could take the hospital gown off. When I had my clothes on he grabbed my hand before we walked out the room where my dad was waiting.
By the time I was fully healed I had told Zach what had really happened which ended up with both Bryce and Zach to end up with a school suspension for a few weeks but let's just say Bryce ended up worst than Zach. And now whenever we fought Zach didn't over react like he usually would.
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What even is this blog anymore really lol. It started out as my side blog from my personal one where I could thirst over boys. Over time I gained like two handfuls of followers that have mostly all left now probably. Im just this sad little gay blog where I post and rant about my relationships with people and be depressed. It does help to get it all out though, thanks for those who have stuck around I guess.
Its been about a week, Im not house sitting for my friend anymore but thankfully mom was able to get the wifi turned back on at home after months of being in the dark so that’s nice that I can still do this on my laptop. Idk if I would be able to get as much out if I was doing this on my phone. Halloween was kind of shit this year. Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday, I was going to go as like a sexy kind of Harley Quinn with a crop top half red and half black shirt, black and red net stockings, and a pair of short black shorts but it was too cold out so I had a back up of the Suicide Squad Harley which I still pulled off well, I just wish I had more time to put into the makeup but it looked nice. BUT of course SH couldn’t go with me down to Athens because her boyfriend had previously said they would go to I guess his little cousins birthday party which alright I was kinda bummed but I still had C and JO to go down to Athens with, we had planned about a month or half a month in advance to go down together. Well the day of I text them asking if we were all riding down together. Well C was just planning on following another one of his friends around like he usually did when he went down to Athens, JO was going to follow C around so I figured Id just tag along in general because I knew the friend C was going to hangout with as well. Well then C says that he didn't know if I should go to the party with them because he didn’t know how many people were going to be at his friends and didn’t want me to show up and there be too many people, which on one hand I mean alright, I understand that but on the other hand we planned this like a month or half a month in advance he didn’t tell her that I was coming with them??? So I ended up walking around alone at Athens for about 2 hours until I just left because I couldn't find anyone I knew or any parties going on. 
Then actual Halloween came and I had J come down, I mean he didn’t have to be he chose to which was nice but he seemed less than enthused to do anything. I hadn't carved pumpkins yet and damn it I was going to carve a pumpkin and watch Nightmare Before Christmas like I have every year. Well I guess he had only agreed to come down at all or even get the pumpkins was so he could have the seeds. He wanted interested in seeing family or anyone he just wanted his pumpkin seeds. So I carved my pumpkin gave him all the insides and he picked out the seeds. We watched Nightmare Before Christmas and Sweeney Todd and cuddled on the couch while he cooked his seeds. But idk it just wasnt that great of a night. Friday night I was told by my friend I’ll call P from work was that C was having the guy that he’s been talking to come down to JO’s for dinner. I wasn’t told until maybe a few hours before hand so that kinda hurt, like had I made them mad somehow? What did I do? So I stop by JO’s that night for a bit to meet him and he’s pretty cute to be honest, VERY thin as well its kind of concerning but still. But so then last night I had gone to JO’s because me, P a friend from high school and C were going to watch some scary movies on my projector around the fire. Well C brought his guy as well so that was kinda interesting. Ive been feeling kinda eh this past week with guys it just a mess. Plus last night I had told J that we should see other people and move on so that kinda sucked. Then to see C and his boy all over each other tenderly was kind of upsetting, frustrating, I was a little jealous as well but still it was a good night I guess. We watched the Scream movies, I had never seen them before but the first one was pretty good. 
But now Im at this situation. Ive still been casually talking to G ever since we had our first date and just I made a mistake choosing J. The more I talk to G the more I like him, he reminds me of SH and if there’s anything Ive learned its that I should never let go of anyone who reminds me of SH. On the first date with G I said I didn’t feel a spark or anything. We did however talk the whole time, about so many things, so many similar interests, ideas, books, games, memes it was a fun time. And I’m beginning to think if I keep talking to him for another month or so I can start to move in the more romantic stuff with him. If he doesn’t drop ME in that that. These past few days he’s seemed less talkative which makes me think that maybe he’s found another boy that would be better than me since I turned him away the first time. I feel bad but I want to ask him if I could get a second chance. If not though I understand as well, I had my opportunity and i said no. I’ll just have to see what happens. If I get a chance when talking to him again I’ll ask, plus I want to say to him like “hey if you want, here’s my number as well if you ever just wanted to text” and see what happens. He may say sure for the night then never text me again. Im afraid that this will seem like just rebound. I just “broke up” with J and now Im taking second best which is not what it is! I realize I made a mistake, I felt it was a mistake when I started talking to J in the first place I just dealt with it to see what would happen before I started to talk with G. And isn't that the point of dating? To DATE people to see whether they are a good match or not, when you realize that it won’t work out you politely tell the other person with no hard feelings and move on to the next person when you feel ready. Now when I say move on that could mean many things, I still talk to everyone I have had a romantic interest with because I got so close to them idk how I could just turn my back on them once I realized they were not the right one for me. I know so much about them and have gotten close to them that I still care about them enough to have a happy life outside of what we had. Sometimes I just want to check up on them to see if they are happy, how they are doing. If they are ok just because I still care in that sense like a friend would. Im a very patient person when I still thought I was straight I always told myself that I would wait for SH if the day ever came where her and JO broke up, and it did! But if I have to wait for G or something happens along the way where I discover that we just weren’t supposed to be then so be it. 
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crazykendal · 7 years
Im Not Allowed To Use My Computer But Here I am
Get ready for a ton of grammar errors im sorry
1.) What’s better, having high expectations or having low expectations?
low expectations, if you don't ever want to be hurt
2.) Would you rather go without junk food for a year or go without TV for a year?
i’d go without tv for a year since I never watch tv besides netflix
3.) Describe your perfect man/woman.
not in the mood
4.) Thoughts on school dress codes?
eh doesnt bother me
5.)Any strange phobias?
deep water (still), seeing people during summer because im a mess, abandonment 6.) At what job do you see Donald Trump best fit?
president?? oh but people are gonna hate me if I say that haha fucking hate me more 7.) Who was your first crush?
this one boy I dont think I ever even talked to before, honestly what the actual fuck 8.) Who was your first best friend?
she knows who she is. I dont consider her a best friend but she is my closest friend ever. No its not my cat. Ive known her for 10 years 9.)What is one weird thing about you?
I hate myself but that isnt weird, idk 10.) Top 5 TV shows you like to watch? The walking dead and The 100.. thats just it haha
11.) What are your favorite boys names? oh like friends or actual names. Im going to do just names because im going to stop exposing myself and stop being so honest. actually I have no favorite boy names haha
12.) What are your favorite girls names? Brooklyn haha I haven't finished that stupid wattpad story yet
13.) Do you have any tattoos? If so, what are they? no
14.) Do you plan on getting (more) tattoos? If so, what do you want to get as of the moment? i would want to get tattoos if they didnt hurt when applied.
15.) Do you have any piercings? Do you plan on getting more? no
16.) Do you like hugging people? depends on who. but now, no
17.) Think of ANY person on earth right now.  Who did you think of? a friend who im going to see on wednesday
18.) Do you have an iPhone? yeah I dont use it anymore
19.) What is the worst thing that could happen in your life right now? hmm maybe if some guy didnt go to my school next year but that isn't happening
20.) Do you watch anime? no ive watched like 2 animes years ago.
21.) What brings true happiness? getting a grip and letting everything go. Im free of a lot of pain ive been going through for a few months and its the first time ive been truly happy with myself even though I want to fucking- nevermind hahahaha
22.) What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever paid for? I feel like I should know this, but i have no idea
23.) If you could have any job in the world and get paid millions of dollars a year for it, what would you be and why? idk
24.) Do you want children? If so, how many? no
25.) Name and describe someone who you feel most comfortable around. honestly no one, including myself, my trust isnt something everyone has anymore
26.)If you could invent a holiday, what would it be? lexadeservedbetter
27.)Would you rather have summer weather or winter weather all year round? winter weather, gotta be cold like my heart
28.) If you could make an alien race, describe what they would look like. they’d look like all the people I hate so I can murder them
29.)  What was the first thing you learned to cook? i cant cook, I kinda can but it ends up with my mom yelling at me
30.) Describe your sense of humor. Im a joke. people laugh at me because of how fucking stupid I am. I get used to it.
31.) What is the key to happiness? don't worry about anyone else until you've worked yourself out.
32.) How many phone numbers do you have committed to memory? Whose numbers are they? my mom’s and emergency services :)
33.) Name three songs that make you want to dance. Come Over- Clean Bandit, Wasted Youth- Fletcher, and Caught Up- Sarah Close
34.) What job did you want to have as a child? i wanted to be a mom, dont ask me how I thought that was a fucking job besides what the fuck was I even thinking a mom? what. the. fuckkkkk
35.) Do you have any talents or skills? I can get really angry :)
36.) What was the worst punishment you’ve ever had? I was grounded for like 2 months you can ask me how if you want btw
37.) Did you ever do anything weird as a child? yes there were many things
38.) What is your dream car? ooohh I never thought about that probably a pegassi zentorno (doesn't exist in real life look it up)
39.)  Describe something that made you laugh this week. Ive over come stuff that I can finnally look back and realize how stupid I was.
40.) Did you have a dream last night? If so, describe it. i dreamt a lot last week and its so irrelevant to me nowwww
41.)  Do you ever have repetitive dreams? Describe it/them. repetitive like always that one person in them, yeah
42.) Describe the worst/ scariest dream you’ve ever had. I had a really nice dream and I woke up and I was sad hahaha story of my life
43.) Describe the best dream you’ve ever had. ^^
44.) If God himself gave you a choice of either having unlimited money for the rest of your life or finding your one true love starting tomorrow, which one would you choose (keep in mind, you are still able to make a ton of money if you choose love, and you are still able to meet your soul mate if you choose money)? trick question god doesn't exist :) but probably unlimited money because love is fucking useless and retarded
45.) If you could do anything (and I mean ANYTHING) right now without consequences, what would you do and why? run away and see a friend I haven't seen all summer
46.) Do you have any recipes that you know off the top of your head? What is it/ what are they? no
47.) Do you have your license? If so, do you have a car? no
48.) Have you ever had a near death experience? yes im not going to describe it
49.) Do you personally know anyone that has been to prison? yep
50.) Have you ever been in a physical fight?
51.) When you get out of the shower, do you towel dry, blow dry, or air dry your hair? air dry unless I have to go somewhere i will usually blow dry.
52.) When you go to the movies, what snacks and drinks do you take with you? just a ton of candy hahahaha
53.) Do you like going to the beach? If so, do you like to stay dry or go in the water? If not, why? no
54.) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
55.) If you could have a superpower ASIDE from being invisible or being able to fly, what would you have? oh my fucking god that's what I was going to write. how bout shape shifting or something
56.) If you were able to live for however long you wanted to (i’m talking thousands of years without aging), when would you choose to die? when I got bored, I cant say lonely because I already am
57.) What do you think happens after you die? youre body stops working and people put you in a hole in the ground
58.) Do you believe in aliens? sure
59.) Do you believe in ghosts? 50/50
60.) Do you believe in spiritual things like ouija boards, tarot cards, and crystals? Do you believe they are portals for evil entities to enter the mortal world? haha no but ouija boards are fun to trick people with haha *Meghan*
61.) If you could make one mythical being real, who/what would you make?
my will to live
62.) Do you get tan, or do you burn? burn
63.) Describe your shower routine. too long
64.) Do you enjoy school? Why or why not? no because the people there suck and its much to stressful
65.) In your opinion, what is the worst way to die? probably falling.
666.) Do you get carsick, sea sick, or airplane sickness? none, ive never been on an airplane so idk
67.) What’s one memory that you wish you could live again and again? ..
68.) What were some of your stuffed animal’s names from when you were a kid? hattie my stuffed chicken haha
69.)Do you have any pets? 69 cats :)
70.) Describe your daily wardrobe. dark
71.)  Describe what your daily wardrobe would be if you were rich. probably the same
72.)  Create a character right now.  Give them a name, age, and character description. are you fucking with me im writing out a new character for some private stuff as I work on this survey.
73.)What was the last thing you bought? a couple books
74.) Have you ever bought a CD? What band was it for? the last cd I bought was hfk :)
75.) Describe your perfect ice cream sundae. cookie dough and im gooood
76.) If you could make ANYTHING happen right now with no cost, trouble, or obstacles, what would you do? cant say but anything could happen by ellie goulding is annoying and I love it
77.) What are some of your favorite physical activities to do? running but I havent run in a long time and im out of shape
78.) What were some of your favorite shows as a child? dont remember
79.) Describe how you would survive the zombie apocalypse. id make a group and Id lead it, id also make sure chandler riggs and alycia debnam-carey would be there because I love them and theyve both been in zombie shows. yesssss
80.)What are some things you shouldn’t say at work? when does the boss retire
81.) If you were told that if you killed someone, you would save 100 people, would you do it? if one the 100 people were clarke griffin, yes.
82.) How’s the weather right now? its dark
83.) What is the background on your cell phone right now? its lexa with a ton of thug life stuff added onto her haha
84.)Is it better to work at a job that you love or a job that pays well? job that pays well
85.) What do you have within arms reach of your bed? my alarm clock
86.) Have you ever been fired from a job? If so, why? no
87.) Have you ever won a trophy, prize, or medal? If so, for what? two stupid school medals and thats it
88.) Do you have any posters, pictures, or art hanging on your walls in your room? If so, what are they? video game map posters, shitty drawing i havent taken down and comic and movie posters
89.) Are you afraid of the dark? If so, why? I used to be haha I think I still am.
90.)What is something that you’ve never done but would like to try? been a good friend to anyone
91.) If you could choose three famous people or characters to be friends with, who would you choose and why? just friends? thats hard. probably Stevie Boebi, Alexis G. Zall and Ally Hills. I would say Shannon Beveridge but I have like this huge crush on her alright
92.) Do you smile at strangers when you pass by them on the street? no because I hate people
93.) Do you have a favorite TV commercial? If so, what is it? life alert
94.) Do you like your handwriting? no it looks like a little kids handwriting
95.) Cable TV or Netflix? netflix
96.) What are your favorite smells? everything at bath and bodyworks please
97.) Do you consider yourself physically strong? I wish dood
98.) Describe a time where you said something really rude or mean, whether intentional or not.
I told some people thing that weren't true about them just because I was really mad. #dickhead
99.) Do you ask strangers to pet their dogs? no
100.)What is your most embarrassing moment?
my lifespan
101.) Has anyone really close to you ever died? If so, who was it and how did you handle it?
 my cat maverick, my grandma and lexa
102.)  Describe your plan of action if you were home alone and you heard someone break into your house.
I gotta knife drawer and i’d love to use it
103.) If you were to be born again, would you want to be born male or female?
male, im not saying i want to be a guy but id like to experience things differently
104.)  What shampoo do you use?
105.) Guess the meaning of this word: ulotrichous.
something horrible, or myself
106.) Do you let messages (phone, email, text, social media, etc…) build up, or do you have to look at them right away?
no one ever texts me im always the one to start a convo and that sucks
107.)  Where is the nearest McDonalds to your house?
probably like 5 miles away
108.)  If you had $1 billion and you had to spend it in exactly one week, what would you spend it on?
id buy a house and a ton of cars even tho I cant drive yet
109.) What is the best thing you’ve ever eaten?
110.) If you could go on a trip around the world with up to three people, who would you bring (they can be people you know personally or famous people).
ellie goulding, chandler riggs and alycia debnam-carey
111.) What expletive/ explicit phrase do you say most often?
frick frack fuck
112.) What is your personal definition of success?
finishing something the correct way
113.) How was your day today?
ive been doing yardwork and I volenteered at fieldhaven
114.) What is the closest Big City you live by?
115.) Have you ever been in a car accident?
yes but they were never serious
116.) Do you hide anything from your parents?
all the time like hmm idk my sexuality
117.) If you could possess one talent, what would you be able to do?
make myself invisible :)
118.) Ugly and smart or beautiful and stupid?
depends on the person
119.) What is the worst thing you’ve ever seen in real life?
120.) Use only 3 words to describe how you want your future to go.
i hate myself
121.) QUICK! give me a few things a brick could be useful for
you can throw them at people
122.) If you could make a dream society, describe it in great detail where it would be, who would be in it, and what rules there would be?
 the lost youth is a band of teens who pull children off the streets and always get into fights with the other gang, the redemption. there will be blood.
123.) If you could make any animal miniature, what would you make and why?
124.) What are your favorite candle scents?
I dont really have and candles so idk
125.) If you HAD to have one plastic surgery, what would you get and why?
my nose
126.) Do you prefer to hang out with the same sex or the opposite sex?
depends on who but right now no one
127.) If you could make a charity, what would the profits go towards? How would you raise money for it?
myself because I am poor
128.) Describe the body you wish you had.
I wish I was taller
129.) If you were a famous director, what would your next movie be about? Describe the plot, characters, and possible title.
the lost youth
130.) If only women were to rule the world, how different would the world be by 2050?
im not being sexist but it wouldn't be all that great but maybe politics could get better I have no idea
131.) What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
chocolate milk :) yes
132.) Do you have a problematic friend?
im the problematic friend
133.) Are you more spontaneous or more of a planner?
depends on the situation
134.) If you could change your full name, what would your name be?
not saying
135.) What is one song that describes your life?
hard times- paramore
136.) What is one show you’ve been meaning to watch but can never find the time for?
the rest of the 100 why the fuck are so many people dying I needed a break after lexa died and now all the nightbloods and lincoln are dead. duh fuck
137.) Do you find it easy to drop toxic people from your life that you’ve known for a long time?
Id have to ask people because people talk behind my back telling them im toxic. if you were me its understandable and im totally alright with it now
138.) Do you like children? Why or why not?
no children fucking suck
139.) What is your zodiac sign?
Pisces rising, Sagittarius sun, and and Capricorn moon
140.) Do you like to dance? Do you dance often? In front of other people?
yes but i cant haha
141.) Name some of your favorite colors.
blue and black and sometimes orange and purple
142.) Have you ever shoplifted? If so, what was it?
143.) If you could speak three additional languages, what would they be?
danish, french, and japanese
144.) Have you ever been in legal trouble?
145.) Have you ever had surgery?
146.) If you could change 2 things about yourself, what would you change and why?
my sexuality and my face haha
147.) What do you want done with your body after you die?
i dont care
148.) What three physical features do people compliment you most on? What do they say about them?
usually my hair because im ugly
149.) If you could have your own business, what would you do?
own a large company, I dont know
150.) What current friend do you have that you’ve known the longest?
im going on vacation with her for a week in Oregon that’ll be funnn
ok so I could totally tag you olivia but I just made you do that other really long one so if you're reading this you can if you want haha
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