#but sometimes the call to put your favorite grumpy man in a loud outfit is too great to ignore
It's probably gonna take me a bit to finish this next comic. So have this in-progress preview of one of the main reasons why.
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Delaying my nightmares:
Pairing(s): L x reader
y/n = your name
y/f/c = your favorite color
y/f/o = your favorite outfit
y/h/c = your hair color
A/N: this is a collab piece for @elektrosonix here you go love ❤️
Summery: L has a rough day at work but you cheer him up with some good old nostalgia
Warning(s): mentions of death, L being out of character, minor cussing
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Your eyes screwed tightly before opening as you saw L leave his bed. L’s messy black hair flew all over the place as he grunted and stretched his hands in the air to make himself looser then he already was. You almost immediately perked up and sat up on the bed. “Where are you going?” You asked finally, choosing your words carefully. L looked back and softly smiled at you before he gently patted your y/h/c hair.
“Work, somebody has to catch up on this Kira guy.” The male answered plainly, you rubbed your eyes. Tiredness hung thickly in the air and you desperately needed L’s warm and comforting scent. He smelled like fire just beginning to start and there was always a hint of liquor scent on him even though you knew very well that he hasn’t drank liquor in his life.
“But it’s like three in the morning...” You grumbled sleepily, getting out of bed and wrapping your arms around L’s slim shoulders.
“Yeah, I am running late,” L stared plainly before kissing you on the cheek. You sighed in defeat, turning around and seeing L go off into the distance of your house. You stayed where L had once been. Refusing to believe that he actually left you again.
It wouldn’t be anything out of the normal that he did, it is just that usually he would stop for breakfast. But ever since this Kira guy has been popping up all across Japan L has been spending more time at the office. Hell, Light knew him better then you did at this point. It was for a good purpose. It is going to all play out for us... you thought before getting a text by L.
Grumpy panda😡🐼: what are you doing still standing around the room?
You let out a sigh in defeat before waving at the camera that L had placed in your guy’s rooms
Y/n👸: I was just thinking baby
Grumpy panda😡🐼: ok then…
You decided to get out of the bedroom and get in the shower. As you undressed you began to think about all that has happened with Kira.
Kira was a now well known killer who killed his victims in a strange way. He didn’t need to be near the person to kill them. But the death was usually in a case of heart attack. His victims that he killed where always criminals, his first murder was a mere test to see if whatever power he holds works.
You stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water, waiting patiently for it to warm up before you stepped inside and began to continue your train of thoughts.
Everyone in person called Kira a monster, however, everyone online seemed to agree with the Kira. It was logic, if somebody does something illegal they deserve to get punished. It might seem wrong on the outside, but, we are all secretly glad that somebody did the work that tons of others feared to do. Your thoughts on Kira? Same but different as everyone else’s. If someone does something bad and gets punished by going to jail to something bad happened in their lifetime then it’s not that enough? They don’t deserve death! That’s the main reason that you sided with L, a lot of times you disagreed with your husband. A lot of times you argued with him (or didn’t even have time to argue with him). So Kira brought peace in the marriage of L and you, and you silently thanked Kira for that. Sighing to yourself you slipped out of the shower and grabbed a robe to wrap around your body. The robe was y/f/c colored and very fluffy. Sometimes, you used it as a blanket when all the other blankets that you owned where being dried/washed. Stepping outside the bathroom you gripped a pen tightly in your hand and pulled out Life Note. Life note was something that was passed down from generation upon generation in your family. Life note had a white book cover and spine, there was silver lettering that read “life note”, on the back of the book there where introductions on how the life note worked.
You needed to picture somebody in your head and write down their name, if you do it less then a minute then the person you wrote in the journal would come back to life.
You needed to reverse Kira’s work, he had destroyed what you where working on in a instant and you where pissed to say the least.
“Haruto will come back to life at 7:00 PM”
You wrote out hurriedly, your hand now use to writing fast that your handwriting was almost unreadable to everyone except yourself (and sometimes L). You where about to write another name when Tenshi showed up and stopped your hand.
“You should focus on L more sweetie,” Tenshi suggested. Yoy clenched your jaw tightly and narrowed your eyes before sighing and nodding your head reluctantly. Gently you put down your pen and closed life note. You stored the life note in a secret compartment that on you knew. Not even L knew about this spot. Only you. You and nobody else. That is how it has always been in the family, if someone finds it then it will be snatched from the grasp of the l/n family and into another’s. Somebody who might use it for evil or their own selfish needs and desires.
“Fine…” You mumbled, a slight pout forming on your lips as you got up from the desk and went to the living room. Your living room was to your left and the kitchen was to your right, their was a narrow front door (you owned a bar so you and L decided to live in the basement). Looking around and thinking back to your husband L, the first thought that came to
Your mind was that he didn’t have much of a childhood. He was always separated from everyone at a young age. So, the most logical and childish thing to do was to build a pillow and blanket fort. You smiled widely at the idea, L wouldn’t be able to hold back and he would have to cuddle you! You happily gathered the pillows and blankets and made a tunnel that went around the coffee table and led to the guest room. In there you spread out the pillows wide enough that is almost took up the whole room. You brought into the opening a blow up mattress, twinkle lights, and lots of blankets. You then backed out and quickly changed into y/f/o and began to bake some vanilla cake.
You had been making cakes for L since you could remember. You where the only friend that L was allowed to have because you where equally as smart as him. Unfortunately for your parents you dropped everything and became a bar owner with a side job of professional cosplayer. And from time to time you went with L on meetings if the crew had their eye on annoying L. You popped the cake into the oven and waited for a few moments.
The oven alarm alerted you that the cake was done, you silently thanked the gods and brought the cake out for it to cool down a little. As it cooled down you pulled up some recipes for orange icing and began to make the icing.
Once the icing was finally done the cake was more then ready to be decorated on with icing and other things that bakers may put on it. You coated the cake with light orange icing and lemon yellow sprinkled on it. Happy with the result you brought the cake to the big opening of the fort and then brought some plates, knives, forks, and napkins. Your phone ringed the tone of “Arcade” in violin and you quickly answered. Knowing that you picked the ringtone especially for L.
“Hey L!” You chirped on the phone, grunting as you got up and left the fort. Ready for L to say that he was ready to come home or that he missed you so much.
“Hey y/n.” L answered back, his voice quivered slightly and you could tell that something was up with him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Something happened…”
Your eyes widened as you forgot everything you where planning and grabbed your purse, your breath hitched in your throat and tears started to bubble at the corners of your eyes. But, just as you swung the door open you saw L standing there in front of the door. He looked perfectly fine and he still had the phone to his ear, hanging up the phone and glanced at you and giggled softly.
“Light got mad at me for not taking care of my beautiful significant other so of course I had to prove him wrong and show up…” L smoothed, looking at you and smirking knowingly.
“L!!!” You exclaimed, jumping into the black-haired man’s arms with excitement buzzing through your body. “Come on, I have something to show you!!” You explained, grabbing L’s wrist and dragging him to the entrance of the fort. L cocked his head to the left slightly and stared at you for a few minutes with a confused expression on his face.
“What is that?”
“That is a pillow fort! Since you didn’t have much of a childhood, I thought I would show you them…” You trailed off, now suddenly thinking that the idea you had in your mind was pretty stupid now saying it out loud.
“REALLY?!” L exclaimed, his eyes uncharacteristically beaming with joy. His voice all of a sudden got playful and childish. “How do you get in?” L inquired, bending down and trying to see if there was a gap but enough for him.
“Over here, you open this pillow and it opens into a tunnel! Follow the tunnel and you will get to the main part.” You showed L, opening the pillow door and smiling at him. L went directly in and crawled to get where he was suppose to go. You followed closely behind and heard a happy Yelp from the pale skinned male as he jumped in pure excitement. You followed closely behind and had to push him forward so you could go in as well.
“And you made cake?!” L asked, stars seemed to gleam in his eyes as he saw all the effort you out in. You chuckled slightly and scratched the nape of your neck before giving a coy smile to L.
“Yeah, it’s vanilla cake with orange icing and lemon sprinkles!” You answered sweetly, L still kept on a smile as he climbed on the blow up mattress and grabbed a piece of cake. You silently called it a victory for yourself to see L so happy at your house.
“Can you cuddle me?” L requested in a baby voice that made your heart squeeze. You gave your husband a warm smile and flipped over L so he was laying on your chest. L happily obeyed and even let out another smile as he ate the cake.
“How was work?” You hummed, not really wanting to know the answer but still wanting to hear L’s soothing voice that brought the angels at peace.
“Boring, more and more paperwork. You would think that in my job I wouldn’t complain about being bored but…I guess that’s just how it plays out!” L responded, his tone deepened a little. Like his hopes slowly drained away from him. You rubbed circled on his back to reassure him that everything is fine. L looked up at you and giggled playfully before playing with your hair. You hummed in contentment as he twirled your hair in his fingers. Rain started to patter on the window, making the sound echo through the walls, the silent sound of the bar coming through to the fort.
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thinkhesaurus · 4 years
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Well well, if you're gonna twist my arm~ here’s some nsfw headcanons about Owen/Xanatos. gen kinks ahoy
nsf//w and gargoyles spoilers under the cut you know the drill. 
✿ : Has your muse ever had sex before?
...Sort of. As Oberon’s servant, occasionally the king didn’t want to bother with that ridiculous foreplay, so he used Puck as a fluffer. Or if Titania were to kick her husband out of bed, Puck was around to finish Oberon off.
It wasn’t non-consensual, mind. Puck was happy to be of service to his king, but it did blur the lines between his role as his king’s servant or his king’s friend, which he most decidedly turned out not to be. Overall, his feelings about it in retrospect are mixed. He likes things with Xanatos far better.
☜ : Does your muse like to top?
Depends. Owen is something of a service top, and combined with his inexperience, he often stumbles over himself when he isn’t being told what to do in bed. But if Xanatos really wants him to and it makes the man happy, Owen will do whatever he wishes.
As Puck, though? Topping from the bottom is fun. He'll hop up on that stallion and ride Xanatos until he's begging for mercy.
☞ : Does your muse like to bottom?
He wouldn’t ever admit it, but he loves it. He’d act like a complete slut if Xanatos told him to, really. He already likes serving Xanatos. Being treated like nothing more than a wet hole for his master to fuck? Owen has to be careful sometimes not to let his mind wander to that kind of thing while he’s at work. Very....distracting.
☺ : How often does your muse masturbate?
Rarely, if ever. It’s just not something Owen would consider doing on his own. Maybe it’s one of those things someone needs to order him to do...?
☂ : How long does it take your muse to hit climax, usually?
Again, depends on the situation. He’ll almost always try and wait until his partner has been satisfied, at least once before he’d even consider finishing. Of course, if Xanatos has been edging him, working him up and teasing him until he’s aching, He only needs to be given permission, and he cums on command.
✌ : Is your muse good with their hands?
Owen gives incredible massages. He’ll sometimes go up to Xanatos at his desk and simply start rubbing his neck and shoulders if he sees him stretching or looking tense. It was only weird the first time and Xanatos got over it about three seconds in after Owen started working his own little magic on his employer's muscles.
After intensive workouts or martial arts training, Owen will sometimes give Xanatos a full-body massage, working his thumbs into sore muscles with warmed oil on every inch of his body until he has Xanatos turn over, doing the same to his front, watching David’s face carefully for any signs of discomfort as he kneads out tense knots of muscles. If Xanatos wants, He simply grabs Owen’s hand and puts it down between his legs underneath his towel. He knows how to take a hint, and Owen is a very good masseuse.
♡ : Does your muse have any birthmarks or scars they get embarrassed about others seeing?
He does have the stone hand. He’s not ashamed of it, but it can sometimes make sex a little inconvenient, and borderline dangerous if he’s not careful about where he’s swinging his hand. Xanatos used to just do his best to ignore it and settle for being touched with only one warm hand. After having time to reflect on why Owen even did what he did to turn his arm to stone, he takes time to touch it, to kiss the knuckles of it like a servant to a king. he likes the way it makes Owen stare at him.
(....and one time Xanatos made a fisting joke and Owen cut off sex for a month)
Á : Is your muse loud in bed?
No, and he tries his hardest to be quiet, too. So much so that Xanatos deliberately tries to do things that’ll get Owen to gasp, to moan, to make those delightful sounds that Owen would never make otherwise, those sounds that only he could get Owen to make.
⚔ : Does your muse have any specific kinks?
I don’t know if u could possibly tell from the rest of these entries, but Owen is a SUB. I headcanon that Fox and David are some of his first sexual partners, but the both of them are very experienced and figure out Owen’s desire to be useful and needed goes even deeper than they ever thought. Being ordered around, dirty talk, and edging are a few things he’s shown a particular liking for. 
☌ : Would/does your muse have any special piercings anywhere? Would they get some?
He’s a little squeamish about the idea of having a piercing in his own body, But he’s quite a fan of Fox’s nipple and clit piercings, and gives them plenty of attention~
♥ : Does your muse like to cuddle after sex? Anything else for aftercare?
Aftercare was something Owen had to get used to. He likes to devote himself to Xanatos, to anyone he cares about, and sometimes pushes himself into subspace too fast, or exhausts himself and doesn’t feel like he should ask David to put himself out just for him. With some well meaning pressure from Xanatos, Owen has gotten better about everything from using safe words to asking for a glass of water or a cuddle every now and again. Xanatos had just been hoping Owen would ask.
👅-Would they rather give or receive oral sex?
Give. Not that he doesn’t mind being on the receiving end, but pleasuring his master or mistress with his mouth and feeling them shudder and cum at the flick of his tongue is almost more satisfying than an orgasm to him.
👠-Do they watch pornography? If so, what kind?
Not exactly porn, but Xanatos has a thing for his creepy little spy cameras all over the castle and his office. He and Owen will fuck somewhere in the Eyrie building and later, the minute Owen’s forgotten about it, Xanatos will call Owen over to his desk to look at something on his computer. Most of the time it’s work, but now and then, one of the security tapes will be playing. “No,” Xanatos says when Owen tries to look away, embarrassed. “Watch,” he orders, and of course, Owen obeys, forced to watch and listen to his own moans and embarrassing whimpers played back for him. 
💋-Do they use tongue when they kiss?
Owen doesn’t care for it much, but he forgets that when he’s being fucked.
😈-Favorite sex position?
Call him vanilla, but he likes it missionary, with his legs wrapped around David’s dark hips pounding into him. He likes watching Xanatos’s face, the way his pupils dilate and strands of his hair fall from that normally perfect ponytail while he’s being thrusted into. But anything that makes him feel a little helpless is a huge turn-on for him.
Puck likes it like a cowgirl yeehaw 🤠💦
👎🏻-What is an absolute deal breaker in the bedroom?
Despite the fact he’s devoted to pleasing his partner in bed, Owen gets very angry and upset if he’s forced into something or handled too roughly without being informed or asked first. And believe me, you do NOT piss off the fae.
🐶-Favorite pet name they like to be called?
Honestly? He just really likes hearing Xanatos call him Owen. 
👄-Do they swallow?
When Xanatos cums, Owen looks up at him, obediently waiting for instruction. Xanatos always has him swallow, of course, but sometimes he likes to make Owen open his mouth, stick his tongue out and show his boss his handiwork before having him swallow it. Best part for him is David stroking his hair and moaning “good boy” at him.
👙-Favorite outfit in the bedroom?
Xanatos enjoys trying out all manner of leather, harnesses, gags and cockrings on Owen, who’s happy to model, of course. Xanatos never stops praising Owen’s body, his looks, his hazy blue eyes. Owen can’t deny the rush he gets from being gagged and collared, but he thinks Xanatos always looks best in his usual sleek black attire. Owen is partial to wearing cuffs and restraints as well.
💦-Best place for their partner to cum on/in?
He likes being on the receiving end, but he doesn't much care for the cleanup, Before or after. He prefers to swallow it, and he gets grumpy if Xanatos gets any on his glasses, even if Xanatos insists on how much he loves the sight of it.
🌶-Most sensitive place on their body?
For more casual romantic touches, Owen is content with as little as a hand on his shoulder-He’s not much for pda. More intimately though, Owen’s relatively new to having nipples, and might have overshot their sensitivity just a little... And Puck loves getting his long ears gently stroked or his hair played with.
👑-Daddy kink, yes or no?
Definitely not, so that’s why Puck has been waiting to break out the “daddy” card for years just to see the look on Xanatos’ face. It’ll happen. One day. He’s just biding his time. 
🍒-When and how did they lose their virginity, if they have?
Hundreds of years ago, to someone he was close to on Avalon.             
💍-Ever had an affair?
Xanatos and Fox have a well established open marriage so....only on paper?
🏢-Most public place they’ve had sex, or would like to have sex?
Owen pushed up against the glass of Xanatos’ office while his boss fucked him senseless, cock dripping precum onto the glass. The entire Manhattan skyline was shining below them, and everything Xanatos was looking at was all his.
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hyukmark · 6 years
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Masterlist | prev. | next
↳ A Reader X Mark swimmer!au series in which Johnny’s little sister Y/N finally moves back to Korea after graduating high school in Chicago. A written/social media fusion au!!  ↲
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You laid relaxed on your bed, you had finally had three days rest since moving in, it was definitely well deserved after the first meeting with your team. Kyungmi had sent you all the screenshots from the girl’s twitter showing you that they were still unhappy about you being a new member on the team, a pool of regret filled you, wondering if even joining the team in the first place was a good idea.
You kept it to yourself though.
On the brighter side, you and Kyungmi had agreed to meet up tomorrow for a little ‘get to know each other’ date. She was going to take you out to her favorite cafe along with the shops that she had spoken highly of, she called it the ‘KyuY/N Seoul Tour!’. You could see why Jisung always hung out with her, she was so cute and considerate, something you wished the other girl’s had picked up on.
You huffed into your pillow, swinging your legs out of bed and stretched your arms. You had stayed in bed for the entire three days, caring only to message Johnny, Kyungmi and the dream team whilst Taeyong occasionally checked up on you throughout the day.
“Mum?” You called out as you left your room, heading straight to the kitchen. “You know I’m going out tomorrow right?” You took a seat at the dining table, your parents had bought a lot of furniture for the house that it didn’t look like you had been there for simply six days.
“Yes dear, you’ve said plenty of times.” She replied, her attention on the food she was preparing on the counter.
“Where’s dad, I thought it was his turn to cook dinner tonight?” You observed, getting up to set the table noticing it was nearly done.
Your mum smiled, glad you paid attention. “He’s out, hopefully for a job interview.”
Your eyes widened, “Already?” You asked, shocked by how normal your parents were being when you had just moved.
“Yes! We are hoping his old company from when we lived here years ago will take him back...It has been a while though.” Your mum seemed unsure, you leaned your head against her shoulder and she followed by resting her head on yours.
You hugged her side gently, “We’ll be fine.” You whispered, she nodded and turned her head to kiss the top of yours.
You both didn’t need to say anything else, you just relished in each other’s company whilst setting dinner out on the table. You were thankful for both of your parents, they had always worked so hard for both you and Johnny, they would still send money over to Johnny when you lived in Chicago and had payed for his whole college fee. Although your dad was sometimes grumpy or constantly compared your brother to you, he still showed his caring and supportive side which was all you needed.
“I’m going to go shower mum.” You smiled, raising out of your seat.
“Okay honey.” Your mum continued to eat her meal, “Try and stay awake for your dad.” You nodded, washing your pots then moving to the bathroom to get ready.
It had gotten quite late, you checked your phone one last time and 23:37 flashed at you. You wanted to be there for your dad for when he came home but it was becoming more and more unlikely. You sighed, placing your phone on your bed side table and putting it on charge. 
You snuggled into your pillows, your duvet wrapped snug around you with your lucky teddy tucked comfortably with you. Just as you closed your eyes there was a gentle knock on the door, you mumbled in response, giving them the permission to come in.
“Hey little cherry.” Your dad whispered, tip toeing towards you and sitting on the edge of your bed. You sat up with a stirred smile, glad your dad had come back in time, and turned on the lamp next to you.
“What took you so long?” You pouted in the faint light.
He winked and tapped his nose, something he did when he was keeping  secret, “You’ll find out sooner or later.”
You rolled your eyes at his childish self but whatever the news was it must be happy, your dad only acted this way when he was in a good mood.
“Your mother tells me your going out tomorrow, with a girl this time.” You rolled your eyes but smiled anyway.
“That’s right.” You somehow got reminiscent as you remembered how nice Kyungmi has been to you.
“What’s with the sad face?” He questioned, snapping you out of your spell.
You shook your head, “It’s nothing, just excited is all.”
Your dad didn’t seem to believe you, he motioned for you to come closer to him and wrapped his arms around you in a content hug.
“Are you glad we moved here cherry?” 
“Of course.” The memories of the past six days in Korea whizzed through your head, they seemed to cloud over everything from back in Chicago. “Johnny is here..His friends are pretty cool too, I’m enjoying it.”
Your dad ruffled your hair, something that both him and Johnny do, “I’m glad to hear that. I know it might seem a bit stressful but I’m glad your brother has helped you make friends, he even got you on a swimming team.”
“No.” You frowned, his words not meaning to be insulting had somehow hurt you slightly, “I got myself on the team dad, but he did get me friends you’re right about that.”
“My little frogs.” He smiled to himself, then gave you one last tight squeeze, “I’ll leave you to sleep now, night my cherry.”
“Night dad.” You gave him one last smile then, almost as soon as your head hit the pillow, you fell to sleep.
“Eonnie where are you?” Kyungmi had rang you as she had been waiting at the cafe you were both meant to meet at for around 20 minutes.
“Kyungmi I am so sorry to say this.” You sighed, internally face palming. “I’m pretty sure I’m lost right now.” You were trying to follow the map on your phone but the directions were so confusing.
“Wait really? Oh my that’s so cute!” She cooed but then paused to think, “Describe where you are but keep walking, you could be going the right way.” You did as she said, telling her the name of every shop you passed and everything you could see.
“There’s a line of three trees right no- oh my god is that Lucas?” You peered more closely, “Mark’s there too!”
“That’s great! Go to them and they can message me where to go, stay right where you are!” Before you had the chance to reply she had hung up, leaving on your own to talk to both boys, one you hadn’t even spoke to before.
You shyly walked up to the two boys, Mark had his back to you but Lucas was clearly in view.
“Woah man! Is that Y/N I see?” Mark turned around, a little taken aback that you were here. “It’s nice to see you again, how is everything?” Lucas greeted you with his wide smile and loud laugh.
“Hey Lucas, everything’s okay...kinda.” You glanced at Mark warily, wondering if it’d be weird to say his name when he’s never told you. 
“...Hey, I’m Mark but you probably already know me because-”
“Why’d you say kinda?” Lucas interrupted, you pouted slightly and gave him an apologetic look but he shrugged it off with a calm smile.
“Oh right I’m kind of lost right now, I’m meant to be meeting Kyungmi she said she’d message-” Mark’s phone dinged. “That would be her.” You laughed at the timing of the message, Mark quickly replied back then shoved his phone back into his pocket.
“Just stick with us for now Kyungmi will come any second.” He said, giving you a timid smile.
“I never got to congratulate you.” Lucas suddenly said out of the blue, “Welcome to the team mann~” 
“Thank you Lucas, maybe I’ll beat you in a race next time.” You smirked, Mark quietly cackled earning a punch in the arm from Lucas.
He returned the smirk, his face emitting cockiness, “You’re on missy.” He paused, “I’ll only race you if you give me your number though.”
You choked then burst out laughing at his attempt to flirt with you, “You literally could’ve just asked.”
“What’s the fun in just asking though?” He grinned, passing you his phone.
“Do you want my number Mark?” You asked sweetly as you handed Lucas his phone, he reached inside his pocket but was ambushed by Kyungmi who jumped onto his back for a piggy back ride. 
“Thank you for looking after Y/N for me oppa. I can’t imagine Johnny’s face if I said I lost his little sister.” She jumped off of his back and ran to your side, clinging to your arm.
“Don’t mention it.” He sighed, waving his hand.
“See you guys! Have fun.” Lucas shouted, waving goodbye with his whole body.
You had spent practically the whole day with Kyungmi, she dragged you into shop after shop and would make you buy something from each place. You had to say, you were happy with the purchases. You had gotten some cute outfits planned out and also got a suitable swim suit for meets and swim practice.
“Oh shoot.” Kyungmi gasped, her fingers quickly typing away on her phone. “Y/N I’m so sorry but I’ve gotta go! I forgot we had dance practice today.” She pouted with sad eyes.
“Don’t worry about it, you dance with Jisung right?”
“Yup~ He said I need to meet him at the club, he just had swim training, you wanna come with?”
“Why not, I missed little Jisung.” She smiled, typing fast again.
“Y/N I missed you, Johnny wouldn’t let us come over.” Haechan ran over to you, pulling you into a hug.
“I forgot what your voice sounded like.” Chenle moaned, coming over to you as well.
“You’re all so dramatic.” You sighed, shaking your head.
Kyungmi looked around, Jisung no where to be seen. “He’s not even ready and he rushes me, wow.” She rolled her eyes, the first time you’ve ever seen her act annoyed, “I’ll be going now eonnie! I hope one of you will be walking her home, Johnny oppa won’t be happy if you don’t.” You waved goodbye, remembering to thank her for spending the day with you.
“Hey it’s Mark, perfect timing hyung Y/N needs someone to walk her home!” Jaemin called as both Lucas and Mark walked inside the club.
“E-erm I have training right now but Y/N I would like to have your numb-”
“I’ll walk you home Y/N, I have nothing better to do anyway.” Lucas interrupted Mark for the second time, you were already being shoved out of the door to even ask Mark what he was going to say.
“B-bye guys I guess. I’ll message you all later~”
“So Y/N.”
“So Lucas.”
“Oh gosh Johnny is going to kill me when he sees I walked you home.” He laughed with a shake of his head, “But it’s okay man.”
You shrugged your shoulders, you had a feeling every member was going to feel the wrath of Johnny because of you, it’s just the type of older brother that Johnny is.
“You’re a 99 liner right?” His eyes seemed to shine even though it was pretty dark, he just had that twinkle in his face that could make you become absorbed just by simply glancing.
“That’s right.” You nodded, keeping your eyes on the pavement not wanting to accidentally stare for too long.
“Just like me and Mark then.”
“You’re my age? You’re kidding me.” This time you couldn’t help but be shocked and look at him, you thought he was at least a year or two older.
He laughed and clapped at your reaction, finding the whole thing amusing, “I get that a lot, I really do.”
“You grew up really well.” You noted, your eyes on your apartment block as you approached the entrance, you hadn’t realised you were this close, it didn’t feel like you’d walked for so long.
“I guess I’ll be going now Y/N. I’ll message you later?” One corner of his mouth raised and he cocked an eyebrow.
“Are you flirting with me again?”
“Depends, do you want me to?”
The door opened wide behind you, by Lucas’ shocked expression you knew exactly who it was. “No she does not Lucas, what part of leave my sister alone do you not get?”
“Johnny you ruin everything.” You sighed, slapping his stomach lightly.
He ignored you. “Bye Lucas, see you at training tomorrow.”
You could see him gulp, he shared a short glance with you and made a phone motion next to his air, “R-right hyung, see ya Y/N!”
“Not anytime soon you won’t.” Johnny grumbled as he watched Lucas’ retreating figure.
“You’re really the worst type of older brother.”
“And you’re the worst type of younger sister.”
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