#but it's isolating in two ways now because it's assumed I was going to be straight and I guess people assumed I wanted kids?
sysig · 1 year
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Yandere x Yandere is an underused trope imho (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Yanderapy#Surprise surprise! They're both yanderes lol#That was actually the main element of the accidentally-combined-ideas - one of them was supposed to be not-yandere in one of them#Buuut I do stand by that yandere/yandere couples are underutilized for comedic and dramatic purposes and I'm only too happy to do it myself#In this case it's more on the comedic side because they're rather yandere-Lite™ - neither of them are interested in Hurting the other#Being weird and all up in each other's business and a little toxic and thinking about each other a lot? Yes lol#But also part of the comedy is that Because they're so into each other there's not really any need to escalate to violence#They just like each other too much!#And also Mitsuru was in therapy enough to pick up on some red flags of his own to curb so when he sees them in the wild he has workarounds#Ishida is pressing a boundary (and he knows it) to see if he can get Mitsu to agree to isolate himself#The thing with Mitsu is he's also a little dumb and innocent ♪ He's slow to pick up social cues and process new information#So he sees the behaviour (using negative-talk as a way to isolate) and instead falls back on his established skill (setting boundaries)#Without recognizing that Ishida meant anything malicious by it or that the response he was trying to illicit failed lol#He's a bit lovestruck as well so of course he's going to assume the best! Ishida also thinks it's cute so he knocks it off after a while lol#If I ever do go into drama with these two it's going to be interesting >:3c I do have some ideas just In General but them specifically hmmm#For now I'm happy to have them just be a silly comedic duo tho haha
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dragon-in-the-tardis · 10 months
had the emotional equivalent of getting smacked over the head with a cartoon frying pan o7
#therapy is cool bc you can apply things you learn across the board to help you randomly come to Good realizations o7#i have been on an upswing the last day or two which is nice but now i'm feeling way better. i sorted out a lot of the anxiety i was having#with communication/talking to people and i feel way better and a lot more regular now#that was by no means my biggest or only issue BUT it was a very small and persistent and draining one and to be feeling better about it??#hell yeah lol. the tldr is that i was forcing myself into lonliness and isolation because i was trying to set boundaries for other people#but i can't decide on behalf of someone else if they think i'm annoying or weird or frustrating or bad they have to decide that themselves#they have to set the boundary and i can't respond to perceived subtext or assumptions. they have to tell me and make it clear#and trying to decide on their behalf that i should stop talking or reaching out is only going to hurt us both#because it's not fair to assume others are harbouring cruel thoughts about me! that makes them out to be a villain!#and there's no evil in reaching out to start/continue conversations. at the end of the day the people who want to talk to me will and#spending time on people who are present and happy to talk to me is always better for mental health than just never reaching out to anyone#something something genuine human connection/interaction comes from a willingness to be brave and vulnerable and shameless. the worst that#will happen is someone tells me what they really think of me LOL#so anyways!! i have [checks notes] A Lot of people i will send messages to this weekend hehe and i hope it goes good!!#SILENCE BOY - let's get this bread - the time will pass anyways - le soleil levant se couche mais je prierai pour un matin clair#and now a word from your dragon
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xo-cod · 7 months
141 + reader
hc's when you five share the barracks together/just in general <3 (ooc, rushed my bad lmao, can be read platonically/romantically, reader is v close to them!!) kinda long oops 😩 might do a part 2 idk
nsfw version 🩷
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there's a whole lot of testosterone and musk in the air when you're sharing living spaces with 4 men ‼️
all four men compete with each other to get your attention, even if it's unknowingly
whole lotta pouting when you're spending time with more man than the other, you're a great companion ;) and the army is lonely. they all need equal love and attention
speaking of, if you're smelling like one of them the other will immediately bundle you in his arms to put his scent on you instead and to cancel out the other (alpha behaviour 😵‍💫)
whole lotta flirting from each of them. they're all very intelligent soldiers, they know exactly what to say to get you going 😙
all of them adore the height difference with you. you get teased about it relentlessly (out of love obvi)
i don't think they're particularly messy men but ghost and gaz are the most cleanest, they like having their things in order and knowing where everything is
price is next because he's slumped with being captain so you'll see a lot of his paperwork around with coffee mugs from pulling all nighters
soap is more organised mess. it might look messy to you but he knows exactly where everything is
you, soap and gaz definitely have rap battles late at night. it starts of quiet but you'll usually hear price shouting at you three from his bedroom to stfu. ghost threatens to pull a grenade if you don't be quiet
assuming you're naturally a good cook, they'd all be so appreciative :") especially on bad days, your cooking reminds each of them of home (or lack of)
face masks! gaz would 100% be down to do them with you, soap would follow next because if gaz is doing it then he too???
ghost would roll his eyes, continuing polishing his guns with a rag "you ain't putting that muck on my face"
price would just look at you, shaking his head "got too much to do, sweetness"
but you're quite the convincer and all four men are on the floor of your bedroom, gossiping about the last mission with their preferred colour of face mask across their faces
assuming you're the only woman, they get very protective when you're hurt. soldiers get hurt from time to time but its different when it's you
"you alright, bonnie?" soap's gentle voice comes through your room as he hands you a warm mug of your fave drink
gaz had you wrapped in a big fluffy blanket, gently stroking your back
"who was it?" ghost's voice is firm, wanting to know who dared injured the youngest member of their team
"already got a handle on 'em" price follows, looking at the computer. whatever enemy dared to raise their hands on wished they'd be six feet under after all four men are done with them
you're the one each man needs when they're having a particularly bad day which are usually far in few between but sometimes it happens
gaz and soap are the types to seek you out, their faces settled in a troubled frown before they place their arms around you. no questions just yet, they just want to feel skin to skin for now. keeping them grounded before they can explain what happened. they're not looking for a fixer, just someone who'll listen
ghost and price are the type to isolate themselves for a while until it's night and then you'll find them gently knocking on your bedroom door and slipping inside, between your covers. their grip is strong, burying their faces deep into your neck whilst trying to wrap his arms as much as he can. these two won't talk much either, just looking to be held and stroked to calm down
ghost and soap are the type to show affection through lingering touches while gaz and price show affections through their words.
but speaking of hugs, each of them have their own special way they like to embrace
ghost thinks he's being slick but you realise just how touchstarved he really is, he gives hugs with his arms around your shoulders bringing you in to his chest. mostly because he's tall and broad but he likes how he can manhandle you from this position and smelling your scent <3
soap's the type to tackle you in a playful hug, maybe a spin to get a laugh out of you before he gently strokes your skin for a few seconds, a gentle kiss to your temple <3
price likes to hug from behind, resting his chin on your head while he looks at what you're doing. depending on you, his big arms are either wrapped on your waist or your shoulders <3
gaz gives side hugs because he likes linking his arm around your hips and he likes how you fit snugly into his body. and this way he can lean his head against yours and can bring you in closer with his other arm <3
all four can immediately smell you before you come in because they adore whatever perfume/spray you have
each of them would absolutely melt into pieces if you joined them/kept them company in what they were doing
and if they catch you in a towel after having a shower, best believe they're quickly walking back around to where they came from to help alleviate the growing... tent in their pants
lowkey kinda pervy 🫣 (never in a harmful way)
each of them have their strong points and would 100% train you in becoming stronger
even if you're a well established soldier, they all worry for your safety
price would teach you sniper techniques, ghost teaches you combat, gaz teaches you how to sharpen your aim and soap teaches you about explosives and how to construct/dismantle each of them
they take the training very seriously with you
a ton of cursing when their fave team loses lmaoo
if you're avid tea drinker, join the gaz/ghost/price club. if you're not, join the hater club with soap <3
ghost/gaz/soap will playfully fight with you, careful not to use their full strength and not to harm you. but it's so cute to them when you're struggling a little under them.
but when price scolds them in doing so, "i'm just helping in case there's an attack!"
if you're arguing against one of them, another will come to your defence. unless you're arguing all four then it's the silent treatment from you 🤭
all four of them melt when you call them by their real name instead of their callsign :")
ghost usually comes to you when his balaclava is broken and he'll keep you company as your fingers work their magic to the fabric, gently leaning against you as you speak to him
price will let you shape up his beard after you begging to do so and he grows to enjoy those tender moments
soap definitely calls for your help to shape up his mohawk, he trusts your hand to eye coordination above anyone elses
ghost will playfully ruffle your hair whenever you both pass each other
price gives you a gentle squeeze on the shoulder
gaz gives you a soft stroke on your arm or back whenever he's passing by
soap will gently tap his head against yours, not too hard to cause pain but just enough to know that he's there
but above all, the barracks you five share is definitely a safe space for each of them the second they come through the door <333
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biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
I’m not sure my friend believed me about being a lesbian. Comp het got me bad though not as bad as it got some people because I loudly insisted I was bi or ace instead of straight for years- so I knew something was up but was unwilling to open that box fully. 
It’s just that I’m very close to my family (and currently dependent on them because of my disability but working to attempt for independence) and I know they were hoping I’d somehow turn out straight. Though it’s not like I was ever going to have any biological kids so I don’t see why it would have mattered. 
#but it's isolating in two ways now because it's assumed I was going to be straight and I guess people assumed I wanted kids?#I was glad to see my friend but wow she's way more of a normal person than me and it was kind of isolating to realize that#I wanted to ask her so many questions but I think perhaps it's better I didn't#but maybe I'm wrong and she did believe me#she used to date men before too before she realized she was a lesbian#she's very happily married to a woman and she and her wife are both a very nice couple#like wow I was in the student pride group in both my undergrads...I could have had a girlfriend if I had a brain back then :/#I'm just an idiot who does not connect the dots fast enough#also I'm very much in my own weird world and out of touch with reality so that kind of hurt to realize#though I guess I needed that#she said I was a great friend and I really want to be but Idk it feels like I fail her constantly#she's my best friend irl and half the time she has no idea wtf I'm trying to talk about#it kind of hurts I'm not gonna lie but it's not her fault!#I'm very invested in history/literature and she's a normal person#also I feel like my social skills have definitely deteriorated as of late :/#I'm going to be 30 next year and I won't even have my MA ;-;#excuse me as I mourn my 20s and my own inability to call a duck a duck for whatever reason#I'm not sure how much of this I can blame on bipolar disorder#it seems very catholic of me to deny myself any love and avoid things that I might actually enjoy#my chatter
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qwimchii · 7 months
𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘴 (pt 5) — 𝘚𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘙𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘺
playlist pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 6
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𝘨𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘹 𝘤𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯!𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 — 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴. 𝘸𝘤 — 3.3k
𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 — 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴/𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘴 — 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘸𝘸 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘳𝘳𝘳𝘯𝘯𝘯, 𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘬𝘦𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘢, 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦?, 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘧𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘳, 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨
note: i had no idea that i posted this almost an entire WEEK AGO?? istg it was only 2 days ago 😭 sorry for the wait lovlies, here's some unhinged content for you ❤️
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the next few weeks passed in a dizzying flurry. work became busy and you got caught up between group work and your personal life—an old friend from college visited town, your mom and dad’s memorial service passed in a flash, and you worked at the halloween costumes, carving a few little pumpkins every now and then as decor for the church stands. the halloween festival was just hours away, and there was another group meeting scheduled just before it.
you dreaded it.
Simon and you had not spoken once outside of the meetings. just polite remarks and a yawning chasm that cleaved the space between you. to say it was awkward was an understatement.
you thought back two weeks prior when you were isolated in the church basement.
you didn’t mean it?
yeah. none of it.
the memory was a splintering reminder that Simon didn’t want you. at least, not in the way you wanted him. retracing the footsteps of your mind over and over, you tried to figure out where you had gone wrong.
maybe from the beginning, you thought bitterly, failing to forget your rude, blunt behavior towards him. you guessed you deserved his treatment, though you didn’t expect him to make fun of you the way that he did.
have you never dated before? do you even know how to kiss someone?
just the thought of it made you wince as you entered the meeting room, later than usual. a dozen faces stared back at you, and Kate stopped mid-talk, eyes narrowed with something only you could decipher as worry. you just mumbled a quick apology, settling in your seat in the circle across from Simon, avoiding his eyes.
Sarah nudged you with her foot in greeting as Kate continued whatever talk she was going on about. out of habit, you half-tuned her out as Maya pat your knee softly.
from what you absorbed out of the random bursts of Kate’s words, the group met early to set up the stalls in front of the church. there’d be a costume rack, photo booth, pumpkin carving booth, face painting, and a couple tables for the bake sale—which wasn’t really a bake sale, but free baked goods because it was sinful to sell on church property, or something like that.
the church did the same events every year so none of it surprised you till Kate was saying, “now get dressed into your own costumes.”
that was definitely new, you realized with a stiffness, looking around the group moving toward the exit of the meeting room with bags of, what you assumed, to be costumes.
when you didn’t budge, Sarah and Maya standing and grabbing their own things, they both paused, giving you curious looks.
Maya called your name in question and you just stayed stock still in your chair, feeling like life was being drained from your blood.
“oh my gosh,” Sarah said, a slow, impish smile spreading over your lips. Kate’s head immediately snapped up from her desk, looking pale and panicked.
“what? what is it?”
Maya pointed at you. “you didn’t bring a costume.”
your voice was high strung and tight. “i didn’t know we needed one.”
Sarah laughed out, long and airy, before gliding out the meeting room, absolutely beside herself.
Kate sounded peeved. “did you not look at the email chain?”
email, you thought, a stale taste in your mouth, who the fuck uses email these days?
Maya offered you a look of sympathy. “maybe run home really quick?”
Kate stood at her desk, just shaking her head. “don’t worry. i planned for this.”
she shooed Maya away and tugged over a plastic box from her desk, popping open the lid. inside it were an array of outfits.
she gestured to it. “pick one.”
sighing, you crouched down and pulled out the first costume that caught your eye—a greenish, white airy dress. turning it around, you realized floppy wings were already sown into the back of it. 
snatching up your purse, you tucked the dress under your arm, about to make a beeline for the bathroom when Kate clutched your elbow, pulling back to her.
with a muffled noise of surprise, your brow furrowed at the pinched look of concern over her face. 
“halloween is your favorite holiday,” she chewed out, “why aren’t you acting like it is?”
“what?” you spluttered. technically, halloween was in two days. the festival happened just prior. 
you could’ve been a smart ass about it, but instead you bit back the retort, because you knew what she meant. usually, you’d be ecstatic the whole month before halloween. but these days, only a circling, endless pit of dread followed you to sleep, and was still there when you woke every morning.
“what’s wrong, hon’?” she pressed and you just shook your head with a laugh, lying through clenched teeth.
you knew she didn’t believe you for a second because her grip only tightened on your elbow. “is there something going on between you and Simon?”
your gaze widened for a split-second, before you blinked it away, eyes darting away from hers. “of course not.”
she just scoffed. “like hell there’s not.”
you rolled your eyes. “not in the lord’s house, Kate—”
“listen to me,” she said, jerking you closer to her, and you muffled a yelp. “if there’s not something wrong with you, then there’s definitely something wrong with Simon. he was doing better. now he’s… acting strange.”
you cocked a brow at her. “he’s always a bit strange.”
she eyed you in return. “not as strange as how you’ve been acting.”
“ouch. that hurts,” you deadpanned, shaking free from her grip. she relented with a low grumble.
rubbing at her temple, she sighed as you turned from before, stopping you when she said, “just smooth out whatever’s going on between you. he’s going back for work soon.”
your blood ran cold. “what?”
“he won’t be on leave for another couple of months, so i suggest you talk to him today,” she said, moving to her desk. 
you stared after her, wanting to ask more, but bit down on your tongue when a couple girls, chattering between each other, returned from the bathroom.
in their stead, you trudged down the hallway and into the old bathroom with a flickering, artificial lighting burning down overhead. in a stall, you stripped yourself and shimmied into the dress, the cheap fabric grating against your skin, but you wouldn’t complain since this situation had arisen due to your own fault.
moving past a couple other girls by the sinks, exchanging a couple words with them, a genuine smile twisting your lips, but then you looked at yourself in the mirror and almost cringed. the dress was a lot more revealing than you would have ever chosen for yourself in public—hugging at your body in the way your baggy outfits did not.
Iris stepped out of one of the stalls, whistling lowly. “lookin’ good, girlie.”
with a blush, you mumbled a thanks, digging around your purse for your makeup bag that you, thankfully, had shoved into your purse on a whim before work that morning. opening it, you began to apply a thing base, then soft shimmers around your eyes, attempting to look as fairy-like as you could.
“who are you trying to look good for?” Iris asked beside you, squinting into the mirror to brush mascara over her lashes. 
with a bitter feeling, you noticed its brand. dior.
you choked a strained laugh, waving her off. “just the endless line of ladies.”
“right,” she sang, and you flinched when she put down the tube of makeup with a loud clunk against the porcelain sink. “‘cause you and i both know that you’re lesbian.”
you paused at that, brushing away the last bits of powder on your face. through the mirror, the girls behind you, Iris’s friends in the group, had fallen silent. 
you glanced at her through your peripheral. “what do you mean by that?”
she turned to you, lips screwed in a thin line, hand on her hip.
“how long have you been fucking Simon for?”
jaw dropping, and you turned to look at her, taking in the intensity of her hot glare and the angry twitch of her features. 
you should’ve denied it, but remembering the way she clung to Simon after the night of the party, all bashful and talkative with him, your own anger simmered to the surface.
“none of your business,” you said in a cool voice, turning back to the mirror to finish with a light blush over your nose and cheeks.
she scoffed. “you’re a bitch.”
your brows twitched together, and you reached up to rub at the spot, willing it away. “okay.”
she stepped towards you, jerking her hand up so it almost knocked against your face, the tip of her acrylic pressed to your cheek.
“you always complain about how much you hate men, but as soon as you go near one, you’re start fucking them.”
you completely ignored her. “i don’t know what you’re talking about. why do you care about my personal business?”
she laughed, long and mirthless. “because you’re airing it out at every meeting, whore.”
you screwed your eyes shut, an icy feeling churning inside you. this was exactly what you were afraid of when new members joined the group. your simmering anger rose to a boil, and you swallowed the heat down, trying to lock it down in your stomach.
“don’t you have a husband? maybe you should pay more attention to that cheating bastard than a random guy you met at a support group.”
“excuse me?” she seethed, and you couldn’t help but give her your most shit-eating smirk.
“what? too boring being a housewife, doing nothing all day long? fucking men for money—”
the noise she let out was carnal, raking a hand through your hair and jerking on it hard, so your head pulled back with a painful snap. the girls behind you screamed, and a blur of a person rushed forward to clutch tightly at Iris’s neck and push her off you.
“you bitch-ass, motherfucking whore—” 
your jaw dropped at the sight of Maya slamming her against the tile wall, clawing at each other like two rapid cats before Sarah stumbled through the scene from a bathroom stall, screaming bloody murder.
one of Iris’s friends came up and fixed the state of your dress and hair, apologizing profusely for her friend, and you didn’t know whether to be angry at the girl, or thank her, as Iris’s friends scurried out of the bathroom quickly. you felt like you were in a daze, watching Iris drag Sarah by her hair before Sarah reached up and ripped through Iris’s hair so they were locked between each other, hands tangled in each other’s hair.
Maya was clutching at the wall, gulping down mouthfuls of air before she limped over and stomped on Iris’s open-toed sandals with a ferocity. she screamed, crumpling to the floor, releasing Sarah from the bind as she fell to her knees.
the three women stilled for a moment, panting with effort. 
“what in the actual fuck…” you trailed off, unsure what to say after the scathing events of the fight.
Sarah’s hands were on her hips, knees looking wobbled as she rasped between gasps, “we couldn’t let this whore bad-mouth you like that.”
she jerked a thumb over at Iris who had braced herself against the floor, leaning over her palms with heavy, gasping breaths.
Maya stumbled over to you, wobbly on her heels, and you enveloped her in a hug, trying to smooth out her hair to the best of your ability.
“you guys…” you started, choking up when tears brimmed at the edge of your eyes. Maya only hugged you tighter and Sarah limped over, cooing softly as she joined the hug, squeezing you tight.
“don’t ruin your makeup,” Maya sniffled against your shoulder, your dress absorbing her tears.
you quickly wiped at your face with a nod, clutching at Maya and your other hand holding Sarah’s cheek.
when Iris stood, leaning against the bathroom sink, the hug broke apart.
she glared at you, clawing the hair from her face. “are you done?”
sending Sarah and Maya a quick glance, you gave them a curt nod, and they obliged, stomping out of the bathroom. Sarah turned to flip Iris off on her way out, the latter girl just rolling her eyes at the sight.
when there was silence once more, you turned to the girl, taking in how disheveled and… normal she looked for once.
“your hair—” you said, pointing to your own head, and she whipped around to look in the mirror. hastily, she scrambled around for her brush but you just sighed and picked up your own on the sink, stilling her with a light grip on her shoulder. you brushed through her brunette curls with a soft hand as she glared at you through the mirror.
“let’s talk,” you offered, putting down the brush when you were done. “and let’s be civilized about it.”
she hmphed, not looking at you. “what is there to even talk about?”
you shrugged. “clearly, something is bothering you.”
“yeah,” she said, rolling her eyes. “your relationship with Simon.”
you bit back your own retort to remind her that she was married. “we’re just friends.”
her brow quirked at that, looking unconvinced. “really?”
“for now,” you said with a nod, and her shoulders deflated.
“i knew there was something going on,” she said, sounding morose, eyes flickering with a distant haziness.
“you could’ve just asked me,” you sighed out, and her eyes snapped to yours again, flashing with irritation now.
“i did.”
how long have you been fucking Simon for?
at the memory of it, you flinched. “maybe more politely next time.”
she just huffed, brushing out the wrinkles of her witchy dress. “you won’t tell Kate about this?”
you scowled at her before, slowly, your lips twitched into a devilish smirk. her eyes darted nervously through the mirror, inching away from you.
“i won’t, because we played fair and square today.”
“what do you mean?” she chewed out, voice icy.
“you got to talk shit, and my girls fucked you up,” you said with a nasty grin, wholly enjoying when she shivered.
stepping away from you, she cleared her throat. “right.”
it was like she remembered where she was and who she was again, gathering her things and shoving them into her stupidly expensive bag with a poised expression. you watched in amazement at the calm, collected veneer that overtook her in a second, turning on her heel to strut out of the bathroom with an elegance before jumping with a shriek at the entrance.
you quickly trailed after her, rounding up your things in one, sweeping armful and shoving them into your own purse, your eyes moving up the way her spin shook to the sight over her shoulder.
a foot away, a man stood in front of the women’s restroom, a white, plastic skull outer layer over a black balaclava. at the sight of him, you muffled a squeak, bristling with shock.
but then your eyes trailed down to the rest of his attire—a sweatshirt, jeans, boots, and… gloves. skull ones, in fact.
“Simon,” you deadpanned, glaring at him from over Iris’s shoulder, “what the hell are you doing?”
“this is Simon?” Iris shrieked, shuffling backwards, knocking into you.
“i heard screaming,” he said, voice gruff and slightly muffled under the mask. “is everything alright?”
you rolled your eyes. he was a bit late for that.
“everything’s fine,” you confirmed, gently pushing Iris out the doorway. she squeezed past Simon, not giving him or you a second glance as she rushed down the hallway and into the meeting room.
the hulking man stared after her, before turning his head to blink down at you. even under that stupid mask, his big brown eyes were still the same.
“what happened?” he asked and you just shook your head.
“you really don’t want to know.”
he let out a low noise of disapproval and you waved him away, edging forward so he stepped further back into the hallway.
“there is one problem though,” you said, cocking your brow at him.
he stepped forward again, reaching a hand out to you, but you just shook your head again with a huff. “that mask.”
suddenly, his eyes pinched, and he reached up to trace the divets of the outer skull layer.
“what’s wrong with my mask?”
the genuine hurt in his voice had you smothering a smile. “nothing. just not for children. you can’t wear that at a church halloween event.”
he was silent for a long moment, eyes narrowed like he was weighing the pros and cons of what you had just said, before sighing out.
“fine,” he grumbled, unclasping the front of it and pulling off the baclava, leaving his hair slicked up in a strange, messy clump.
biting back a laugh at the sight, you made your way back down the hallway. Simon’s careful footsteps were just behind you as you stepped back into the meeting room.
the girls were loitering around for a bit, gathering up needed materials to set up the booths. Sarah and Maya chattered with the better half of them who were blissfully unaware of what had just gone down in the bathroom. Iris eyed you from her posse carefully, watching you move near Kate with a tenseness, but you just passed her, instead moving to the box of adult costumes. you rummaged around in it, struggling and failing to find any size that may potentially fit the massive man.
groping around at the very bottom, your hand closed around something small and prickly, and you pulled it from the box with a snort, eying it in your hand.
turning around, you shoved it against Simon’s chest, and he didn’t even flinch, just taking the thing from your hand slowly.
“no,” he said immediately.
“it’s the only thing we have,” you said, sighing out, gesturing to the box behind you. Kate looked up from her desk curiously now, eyes flitting between you and Simon, then seeing the thing in his hands and choking down a laugh.
he glared at her from his peripheral, his scowl deep when he tugged it over his head.
a smile tugged at your lips, and you pressed them together, failing to hold back a little giggle at the sight of the tinsel cat ear headband on his head.
“adorable,” you cackled, slapping two hands over your mouth, trying to muffle your laughter beneath your palms but you couldn’t cease the shake of your shoulders.
his scowl only deepened, shoving his hands into his pockets with a grumpy look.
Kate hummed approvingly by your side, failing to keep her voice even. “looks great, lieutenant.”
he shot both of you a glare before slinking away and taking a seat nearby, but not before he was flanked by some of the girls fussing over his costume. they insisted on painting a nose and whiskers on him in loud, sharp demands and he didn’t even try to hide their irritation with them. but nonetheless, he relented, and Sarah pulled out her liquid eyeliner.
you watched the whole scene with shaking trembles of silent laughter, crumpling into a seat near you, and he kept glaring at you from his peripheral. once your laughter subsided, you leaned back into your chair, the sight of the girls pester him, full of laughter, and the smallest smile stretching Simon’s face had your chest feeling full of gooey content. he lazily looked over to you, a small black nose and whiskers across his cheeks, dark eyes sparkling as his warm gaze ran over you.
cute, you mouthed, pointing at your own cheeks and he just scoffed, turning his gaze from you, but his smile only widened.
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yeah this part's kinda crazy (and maybe borderline cringe?) but iris had it coming for her so idkkkk—
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taglist: @kenma-izhu @actuallyhiswife @froggielottiee @neenieweenie @delaynew @ilovehyperfixating @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @tomorrowseverything @moonlqths @ivybeeloved @babygirl-riley @keiva1000 @arminarlertssword @crowbird @jasonloveclub @karurururu @embers-of-alluring @newsies-pape-girl @suhmie @amberpanda99 @mystseee @cosmoscoffee
@hunterofhonor @wawuwe @kunikku @corvusmorte @hearts4sky @aloudplace @justletmelivethanks @shadowdaddysposts @leclercdream @ayanokomu @thedevillovesflowers @thisuserloveshalloween @soundsfunbutno @enfppixie @tired-bi-ass @http-paprika @xaestheticalien @vonev @garfieldssocks @sapphire-read @moonstonedeluluera @killergoddess97 @cassiecasluciluce @xxkay15xx @mrflyingbanana03
@magneto-was-fucking-right @riverbutghost @palomaxaxaxa @hobiespick @madsnic1119 @dark-rosy-amaranthine @vheenuz @inlovewithsimonrileyy @cliosunshine @youcantseem3 @tayaisback @cinnamondonutcat @crissteetee67 @alexisv15 @lucaaahhh @moyazami
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suempu · 5 days
How about a blind reader and thistle
Like thistle met them by accident and now they just keep them around because reader makes them happy
gn + human, mage reader + can be platonic or not
first off all, he’s fucking confused cause how the hell did you even end up in the dungeon? thistle first finds out about your existence when you accidentally stumble upon him after his confrontation with laios’ party.
he immediately puts up his guard when he hears your footsteps before you gasp in surprise.
“hello! wow, i didn’t think there would be another person down this deep...” you smile, staff clicking on the stone tiles.
he’s taken aback before asking you questions warily, to which he finds out you had some sort of echolocation ability. you have no clue that he had a sour expression on his face, assuming he only had a gruff voice from the aggressive way he talks.
you normally go dungeon crawling with your party but decided to walk around while they recuperate on the floor above. honestly, how did you even survive? what kind of idiot decides to take a casual walk in a dungeon? on the floor the red dragon was, no less. thistle thinks. you were lucky you missed it.
the two of you sit after you’ve offered him some food and snacks from your pack. he tried to refuse but you just kept on insisting.
thistle is interested in the foggy look in your eyes, unabashedly staring at your face after finding out you couldn’t see him.
you both sit on the floor as you munch on your bread, occasionally asking him questions and making conversation.
after that night, he’s curious about your whereabouts and everything about you, oftentimes sending out a creature to spy observe you. its been a long time since he has found good company, and to be completely honest, he’s lonely.
thistle came to know that your party has disbanded after eavesdropping with his creatures, the members finding different jobs and passions.
to your surprise, he appears again while you’re out camping on the second floor. you smile once you realize its your mysterious friend, eagerly offering him soup he couldn’t taste and a space for sleeping which he didn’t need. but he thanks you nonetheless.
thistle finds peace around you, the only person he could call a companion after so many years of isolation. if he’s in a decent mood, he’ll bring out his lute to play tunes while you hum.
conversations with you are enjoyable, you both find a good harmony of back and forth, discussing various topics such as nature, magic, and his hobbies.
“you write poems? that’s amazing. read it to me sometime?”
“i’m not sure you’d like it. it’d probably make you cry.”
you smile assuredly. “i’m sure it’s great! don’t sell yourself short!”
“you’re facing the wrong way. i’m on your left.”
you two grow closer once he lets you touch his face. the curiosity of what he looked like came out in a question as you whisper it to him unsurely.
thistle is hesitant at first, but your amazed gasps and the gentle touches of your palm against his cheek made his heart ache. how long has it been since someone had held him? talked to him? how long has he went without the softness and comfort of another being?
you caress his eyelids, nose, and ears while smiling, committing the feeling of his face to your mind.
“you’re beautiful. thank you for trusting me enough to do that.”
“how do you know? that i’m beautiful.” he murmurs, looking at the floor in contempt.
“i can feel it.” with a hand on your chest, you tell him wholeheartedly.
thistle allows himself to laugh, reaching out to tilt your chin at his direction. “you’re looking the wrong way again.”
you pout, “well, i can’t look or see at all, mind you!”
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alicenthighstower · 7 months
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a couple of people have asked me for a tutorial on how I did the penultimate gif in this set, so here goes! this is my first tutorial, so please feel free to reach out with further questions if anything's unclear.
note: this tutorial assumes you know the basics of gifmaking, can create the base gifs, and are familiar with timeline mode.
STEP ONE: create the base gifs! I'd recommend staying between 25-40 frames for each gif, since the transitions we'll use later tend to increase gif sizes. these are the ones I'll be using for this tutorial:
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STEP TWO: create the guide layouts for both base gifs. for this panel, I chose a 4x4 grid — I would recommend keeping the number of "tiles" low because it can get tedious, but have a minimum of 9 (3x3 grid).
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now your canvas should look like this:
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STEP THREE: create the tiles. this is where the going gets rough; there might be easier ways to do this that I couldn't think of 😭 if there are any please send me an ask!
essentially, in this step we'll cut up the base gifs into smaller squares so that each tile can be manipulated separately when we put both gifs together. to do this, first create a square using the rectangle tool and the guides. then duplicate the base gif, move it above the square, apply a clipping mask, and then convert the clipped gif and square (selected in the image below) into one smart object.
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ALTERNATELY: you could duplicate the original base gif and use layer masks to isolate tiles. create a layer mask for the duplicated gif layer and, with the layer mask selected, drag your mouse over a square (using the guide layout) and press delete. then press ctrl/cmd + i to invert the layer mask so that the gif only shows in the square of your choosing.
now repeat until you've got the entire gif in tiles, and do the same for the other gif!
since the transition effect is achieved by staggering the crossfades for each tile of the final gif, you can cheat by having multiple tiles "flip" at a time, ideally no more than four. this means you need to cut the base gif up into fewer pieces. to do this, simply draw multiple squares instead of one and then merge the shapes, before duplicating and clipping the gif onto them.
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if you do this, it's essential to remember that you have to divide both gifs up in the exact same way. each piece of the b/w gif has to correspond to a piece of the purple gif!
this is what the layers look like for each gif once I'm done:
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I have them lettered so that it'll be easier to match them up in the next step.
STEP FOUR: this is the complicated bit that took me two days to figure out. I'll do my best to explain but don't hesitate to reach out if something isn't clear!
to begin, open up a new psd and import both base gifs into it. (remember to click "create video timeline" and ensure that your gifs are all in order before proceeding.)
now, the trickiest part about this transition is ensuring that all the little tiles sync up so that the larger gif is coherent. so first we'll create some markers (just empty layers) to ensure that everything lines up as it should. — marker 1: at about halfway through the first gif (b/w in this case) — marker 2: at about a quarter of the gif length — marker 3: close to the end of the gifs
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at this point we're ready to start bringing in the tiles. I'm going to delete the base gifs from this new psd just to keep things cleaner!
first thing to do is import my b/w tile. move the timeline slider over to marker 1 and split the first gif. (if it helps, rename the split gifs and add (start) and (end) to the two halves.) then, move the (end) half to the beginning of the timeline, and the (start) half to line up with marker 3.
the purple tile is easier to manage. simply import it into the psd and line it up with marker 2.
your timeline should now look like this:
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notice the overlap between the gifs at their beginnings and ends — this is where you'll be able to cascade the tiles flipping, so it helps to have a significant amount of overlap.
crop the three gifs for this tile as you see fit! since this is the first tile I want to flip from b/w to purple, I'll crop gif 1a (end) all the way to the current position of the timeline slider (red line with blue tip) and leave the beginning of gif 2a uncropped. for the flip from purple to b/w, I'll crop both gifs a bit.
once that's done, drag all three gifs onto the same level in timeline so they form a video group. your timeline should look something like this:
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now you just repeat the process for all the other tiles! as long as you made sure that all the tiles in one gif correspond with tiles in the other gif in step three, this should be a fairly painless process. make sure to crop the starts/ends of the gifs separately so that they don't all flip together.
this is what my layers look once I've done all the tiles:
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and the gif!
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STEP FIVE: transitions! click on the half-white square (top right of the left column in the timeline, beside the scissors) and select the crossfade transition, then drag it between two gifs in a video group. it should create a two-triangle symbol and shorten the overall length of the video group.
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apply the transition to all the tile flips, ensuring that the duration of all transitions is constant. this can sometimes be tricky because ps likes to change the duration of each transition, so right click on the transition symbol and manually change all your transition durations to be the same.
your layers should now look something like this:
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STEP SIX: draw the grid. bring back the guide layout from step two and using the line tool (I like 2px thickness), trace the grid. adjust opacity as you see fit (50-80% is usually a good idea), so that the canvas looks like this:
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STEP SEVEN: export and celebrate! you're done!
I hope this tutorial made sense and was easy to follow, and happy giffing! my inbox is always open for any questions <3
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reve-writes · 1 year
—fixer upper. | alice in borderland chishiya shuntarō x reader.
you were shot. he helped you not bleed out to death. | set in s2 beginning of king of spades.
CHISHIYA WAS CUNNING AND SELF-PRESERVING. While it would've slightly hurt your feelings if he had left you, it would be very much in-character of him.
He cussed when the first spray of bullets was fired, finding cover. You cussed seconds later, leaning against a pillar, your hand hovering over a fresh bullet wound just above your hip bone.
"Fuck," you repeatedly said, trying to stay calm despite the adrenaline pumping through you. You needed to think of the different ways you could get to safety, away from the gun-crazed maniac.
"Can you move?" Chishiya asked, noticing the blooming blood on your jacket.
You closed your eyes, the pain was starting to sink in. "You go. I'll wait for the shooter to walk past and make a run for it."
He said nothing and for a terrible second, you thought you were actually alone. Having been in the Beach for quite a while, you weren't used to isolation. Your eyes shot open when you felt someone grab your hand.
"Can you walk?" He asked again, slinging your arm over his shoulders.
You stare at him blankly for a second. He asked again, with an annoyed click of his tongue. "Can you walk or not?"
"I can try," you answered, hobbling along the sidewalk with the silver-haired man. You hissed and cursed every time he pulled or pushed you swiftly to take cover.
"You're regretting it, huh? Should've left me," you teased, watching him as he frowned with effort.
"Stop talking and move faster."
Finally, he ducked under an apothecary, pulling you inside with him, waddling as far away from the doors and windows as possible. You hid behind the cash register counter while gunshots rang over and over again outside. Until, eventually the sound got quieter and disappeared.
Chishiya peeked over the counter. Still quiet. He gingerly stood up and walked quietly over around the counter.
"I have the shittiest luck," you complained. "Can't even die from the shot. Now I have to sit here and bleed to death in pain."
"On the contrary, I think your luck is keeping you alive," he replied, shuffling about between the shelves.
You shrugged, not that Chishiya could see it. "Maybe I'm lucky to be stuck with you then."
It was silent for a second and two and five.
"Are you—"
You interrupted him, "Because you're a med student! I didn't mean to make it weird."
"You remembered," he said, putting a handful of supplies next to you. Gauze, anesthetic, antiseptics. Sat facing you, Chishiya put on a pair of latex gloves.
"Take off your jacket."
Still as expressionless as ever, he tugged on the bottom hem of your jacket. "Off."
You slid down the zipper awkwardly. Chishiya was completely professional while dressing your wound. You were staring at him, shamelessly, as his blood-slicked hand pressed against your torso.
Were his lashes always this long?
Chishiya knew he should have left you. Your plan most likely would have worked, assuming the shooter was trying to rack up as many victims as they could, you would've been safe hiding until they walked past.
However, seeing the blood slicking your clothes, he could feel himself tensing. He couldn't leave this to a probability. A dozen different scenarios went through his head—all of them with you, dead. At that moment, his caution was thrown in the wind. You couldn't die. Not there, not then.
He was so used to having you around him that the thought of you dying never really crossed his mind. Would he simply go on? Would he grieve? He didn't want to dwell on the thought. This was the one thing he didn't mind not knowing—what he would do after you.
"You'll be fine," Chishiya said finally, security the bandage around your torso. "Rest up."
"I'm fine now," you said stubbornly. You tried to push yourself off of the ground, but the room spun around you. You fell, lying down on the floor with your hand on your eyes, groaning.
"You lost a lot of blood. Get some rest."
When you woke up much later, there were a fresh, clean jacket, a bottle of water, and a couple cans of food by your side.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
[ ]
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bethanydelleman · 16 days
Something about this whole Lydia thing confuses me a little .
Why did Darcy act alone ? Why didn't he inform Mr Gardiner of his involvement since the start not after the situation is settled ?
When he asked Lydia to leave Wickham, why did he expect her family to receive her when the whole town knew ?
I kept reading posts about how noble Darcy is for asking her to leave him. But honestly just because he does not care about reputation does not nobody else does. Heck, the whole family would suffer from social isolation, he is basically ruining what's left of the girls's chances of marrying well. He is not destroying just his own chances of marrying Lizzie, but with almost any gentleman she would ever come across. What was he thinking ?
At least, while married to Wickham, she has her reputation restored and she can go to balls and parties, if she leaves him she would be banished somewhere far away and for the extroverted loud Lydia, this is HELL.
And if he wanted simply to recover her, shouldn't he bring a relative alone so they would help convince her, surely that would help.
Honestly, the only sensible thing Lydia had done is refusing to leave him.
Darcy acted alone because he didn't trust Mr. Bennet to be a responsible adult so he waited until Mr. Bennet had returned home before approaching Mr. Gardiner:
But Mr. Gardiner could not be seen; and Mr. Darcy found, on further inquiry, that your father was still with him, but would quit town the next morning. He did not judge your father to be a person whom he could so properly consult as your uncle, and therefore readily postponed seeing him till after the departure of the former.
which, good judgment there, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bennet sucks.
As for the other thing, Darcy doesn't know what is going on in Meryton, he doesn't know that Mrs. Bennet is stupid enough to scream their bad news all over town. This whole affair could have been hushed up if Mrs. Bennet had half a brain cell. Lydia has family in London, they could have easily pretended that Lydia went to visit them.
Either way, I think in Darcy's mind, being married to Wickham is the absolute worst outcome for any woman. He hates Wickham and he knows all of Wickham's faults. To him, a sixteen year old being stuck with that sad excuse for a human being, forever, is worse than death or a cottage. Lydia didn't agree, but I don't think she's smart for that decision, she's short-sighted. And I'm pretty sure at this point that Darcy would marry Elizabeth either way, he'd probably prefer to not have Wickham as a permanent brother in law.
As for Lydia and the family's reputation, there must have been options or else Darcy wouldn't have given leaving as a choice to Lydia. He is very rich and very well regarded and everyone in Meryton now knows that Wickham is awful. So Darcy says she was kidnapped and is completely innocent and he saved her. Fortunately for the Bennet family, they never go to London, so this gossip will not spread far either way. No one knows who they are. Darcy marrying Elizabeth will give the Bennets the same reputation boost that it did in the original timeline. Lydia may need to lay low for a while, but having two very rich brother in laws can only help her marriage prospects down the line.
As for bringing a relative, I assume Darcy would have done that too if he thought it would help. As we know, it wouldn't have.
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viennakarma · 10 months
Soft launch
Lewis Hamilton x Reader
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Summary: After dating on the low for three years, you and Lewis decide to soft launch your relationship public for the first time
Word count: 4.1k
Tags: Smut, female reader, +18, sex (p in v), unprotected sex, established relationship, soft dom!Lewis, little breath play (choking), spanking, face slap (softly), a bit of dirty talking, quickie in the car, public (semi public), not beta read
Note: hi there, this one was sitting in my drafts for a while. but it’s been a few years since I last posted anything here (so please bear any mistake)
Find me on Twitter!
You take a quick spin in the mirror, checking out your outfit from every possible angle. The outfit isn't too extravagant, just a denim skirt for the hot weather, comfortable heeled boots, and the most important piece, one of Lewis' favorite shirts, the Ayrton Senna T-shirt. For accessories, just a combination of thin rings and a leather choker.
“Are you sure you want to announce it today?” Lewis asks, coming out of the bathroom with his Mercedes cap in hand. You rub your hands on the thigh of your denim skirt to wipe away the sweat forming in your palms.
You were dating for 3 years, but in secret and in the most discreet way possible. You two don't hang out publicly, you don't post pictures. At least not visible photos. Lewis often posts mysterious pictures with you, like a closeup of a hug, your holding hands, birthday or anniversary presents, etc. The world knows Lewis has a girlfriend, they just don't know who the lucky lady is. Yet. Aside from your families and a few close friends, nobody knows.
Although it's not your first time watching his races, it's the first time you'll be seen together, probably photographed, filmed and commented on. You had a long talk with Lewis' PR team, they had helped you hide the relationship, and now they are helping you to bring it out into the open. “Soft Launch” was what they called it, you would arrive with Lewis, you would be seen in the VIP area of the paddock accompanying his father and you would be seen wearing Lewis' favorite outfit, and after that, people and media would put 1+1 together to assume who you are in his life. So, it's a lot of pressure, especially for the anonymous girlfriend of one of Formula 1's biggest stars.
“It's about time,” You say with a smile.
Lewis walks over, stopping right behind you at the mirror, his palm on your waist to check your complete outfit. He smiles, kissing your shoulder and cheek.
“I like it when you wear my clothes,” he murmurs, stepping out from behind you and positioning himself in front of you. “Perfect” he adds as he takes your hand, making you spin around.
“Ready?” you finally grab your purse and your work bag, checking to confirm you have everything you need.
“Let's go” Lewis takes your hand as you leave the hotel room.
“I've asked them to isolate a private little room in the VIP just for you but my driver’s room is also available at all times, in case you feel suffocated with all the people in the common areas,” Lewis says as you head to the elevator.
Once inside, you stare at yourself in the mirror again. Lewis presses the ground floor button and turns to you. He must see something in your face because his smile fades a little and he says,
“It doesn't have to be today if you're not comfortable yet.”
You know this is just him being overly concerned about you, ever since the time you two were spotted at a party and you had an anxiety attack. Fortunately, at the time, the amateur photos they took of the two of you were over zoomed and lacking in resolution, so they couldn't figure out your identity.
You give a smile that you hope is confident, and wrap your index finger around Lewis' waistband, the way you know he likes it, and pull him down to press his body into yours. He smiles surprised at the movement, and you peck his lips, not moving too far away from him.
“It's time they know you are mine,” you whisper, and Lewis chuckles in surprise, he absolutely loves whenever you get a little possessive, it turns him on. His hand comes up to your jaw and he kisses you harder, and you part your lips to take him deeper, letting out a soft moan when you feel his tongue on yours, and the way his body presses you to the wall of the elevator.
When you hear the elevator ding, you give Lewis a light push to put distance between the two of you, just in time for the door of the elevator to open.
“Well, well, what do we have here…” you look up and find George, Lewis' teammate. George opens his arms and hugs you, and then you hug Carmen, his girlfriend, just as he adds, “Ready to reveal the big secret?”
“As ready as I can be,” you reply with a smile. George is one of the few people on Lewis’ team who knows about you, and he - as well as the others, - had kept the secret from the rest of the world. His girlfriend and you met at Lewis' private birthday party the year before.
“We can keep each other company in the paddock so you won't be too nervous,” Carmen suggested, beside you.
“Thanks, Carmen. You’re an angel” you thank her.
When you get in the van and the driver starts to drive towards the track, Lewis pulls your hand into his lap, holding it tight between both of his, and you realize that he's probably more nervous than you are about this whole situation. And you know it's more out of concern for you than anything else.
“Hey, relax,” You approach him tenderly, “We're ready for this, aren't we?” you say with a gentle kiss on his shoulder.
“Yes, we are. Sorry, I just worry about you” He says with a shy little smile and you put your hand on his chest, over his heart.
“I know. But I promise I'll be fine” you assure you one more time, and a weight seems to visibly lift off his shoulders as he sighs in relief.
You lean further over him and slide your hand down his chest to his waist, adding “Do you want a little kiss to help you relax?”
You cup his chin and kiss his lips softly. Lewis' hands slide down your sides until he pulls you hard onto his lap. You gasp against his lips at the sudden movement, and he takes advantage of your parted mouth to deepen the kiss with his tongue. You grip the back of the seat behind his head to feel some modicum of control over the situation. He puts both hands on your ass and pushes you against his lap, and you start to feel his body react to yours.
“Baby…” He whispers in the middle of the kiss and reason returns to you. Breaking the kiss, you pull away from his face just enough for him to look you in the eyes with hazy, lust-filled eyes.
“Lewis-” you call with a serious voice and he finally stops, panting but with his eyes focused entirely on you now. “We can’t. You can’t arrive at the GP with a hard-on.”
“By the time we get there, I won't have this hard-on anymore” He presses the button that makes the partition between the back seats and the driver seat go up. Your eyes widen because you didn't know a van had this kind of thing, you thought it was limited to limousines.
“Toto will kill us, Lewis!” you say, but your resolve dissolves when he traces your panties from your ass all the way down, feeling the wet fabric on your pussy, “You know he smells trouble from two miles away!”
“If you're still talking about another man, then I'm probably doing my job poorly” he murmurs, kissing your chin, he traces your panties with the knuckle of his finger, pressing gently on your clit, and you feel yourself melt in his arms, with the feeling of the fabric rubbing your most sensitive part, “Relax, no one will know.”
“How much time do we have before we arrive?” you ask, and you feel Lewis' fingers fiddling with the front button of your skirt as his lips greedily seek your neck, “Lewis-” you grab his wrists holding back a laugh “How much time?”
“I don't know, forty minutes or so.” He says, and you mumble an agreement. Finally, you sigh in relief knowing you still have enough time to give in to lust.
He puts both hands on your thigh, fingers climbing under the denim of the skirt and squeezing your ass hard, the direct contact forcing a moan out of you. Lewis chuckles at your reaction and you feel like slapping him to remove the smug smirk from his face, but instead you just grab the back of his neck and pull his face until our lips clash again. Lewis threads his fingers through your hair at the back of your neck, but you break the kiss, gripping his wrists moving his hands away from you again, stopping him from messing your hair.
“No way you're going to make me arrive at the GP all disheveled!” you struggle and he laughs again, as you try to keep a straight face but it's impossible with him looking at you like you’re a goddess on earth. “It's my first appearance!”
“You've been to a number of grands prix before, and we've done this several times before.”
“In the hotel room! Never in the car on the way there. And nobody knew that I was your girlfriend.”
“Why do you think I suggested you wear a skirt? I won't ruin your outfit, I promise” He guarantees, this time with a serious look to reassure you.
“Then fine. Alright” you say, with a roll of your hips into his pelvis to show how much you want him and he bites back a groan, “But how are we making sure the guy over there won’t say a word?” you whisper, pointing in the driver's direction.
“He'll get a pretty generous tip, okay?” Lewis reassures you once more and his hand travels up your torso to your neck. He faintly squeezes, which makes you shiver. “If you prefer, I can cover your mouth.”
“You know what?” you hold his wrist up to lift his hand and nip at his index finger, pulling away to say, “You make a pretty convincing boyfriend.”
“Do I?” He mumbles going back to unzipping the rest of your skirt, just enough to loosen the fabric so he could ride it up around your waist.
You bend down to nibble on his neck as he just holds your hip. You undo the buttons on his shirt, gaining access to his chest and kissing your way down. You only open the top four buttons of his shirt so you don't mess up his clothes. Finally, your hands reach into the waistband of his pants, hurriedly undoing his fly and he lifts his hips only to pull his pants down to his knees.
“Slow down, love” he says, grabbing your hand before you can pull his cock out of his boxers. You sigh as he pulls you fully onto his lap, pressing your torso flush against his. His finger traces your cheek affectionately, until he reaches down and squeezes your breast through your shirt.
You move closer to him and bite his bottom lip, wiggling around in his lap now that there's less clothes separating the two of you, just his underwear and your panties. You yelp in place when he smacks your ass, and the sting of the slap makes you hiss, but you barely have time to recover when he smacks your buttock again, now the other side.
You spread your legs wide and just move your panties to the side, because if you were to take them off, you'd have to get off his lap, and with the way he's squeezing your ass, it's going to be impossible. Trembling, you stroke your own pussy for some relief, but Lewis grabs your wrist before you can really get going. You stare at him, not really understanding the interruption.
“Not when I’m right here,” is all he says before lifting your hand and sucking on your middle finger, the one you used to touch yourself. Then he guides your hand to press his throbbing cock under his underwear.
You sigh in pleasure as he strokes your pussy himself, gently, spreading your indecent wetness up and down, pressing your entrance until your hips shake at the intrusion, but never going fully in, just teasing your entrance.
“Enough, Lewis!” you complain, trying to move your hips into his fingers “We don't have time for your teasing.”
“Just tell me what you want, pretty baby,” he says, smirking and very well aware of his power over you.
You push his hand away and pull down his boxers, freeing his cock from the confines of the fabric, you meet his eyes as you move your hand, pumping up and down. He moans softly, gripping your waist.
“Hold me, love.” you ask as you stand up still on your knees straddling him and his hands move down steadily to your hips, offering balance as you position his cock at your entrance and slowly lower until he is fully inside you. “Lewis, oh my God-”
You stand still, gripping Lewis' shoulders as you both pant and you wait for your body to accommodate him. You test the movement, rolling in a circle with your hips and you both shudder in place, your body so receptive to his that it feels like the perfect fit. You reach back with both hands and brace them on Lewis' knees, which gives you enough leverage for you to move your hips without falling. The movement sends an electric current of pleasure through your entire body, and you begin to move your hips up and down with his help. Lewis squeezes your breasts one more time through your clothes and you know he's putting a colossal effort in not taking all your clothes off. Then he takes hold of your choker, pulling it just enough to choke you lightly. Your head falls back with pleasure and you can't keep your voice down.
“Shhh…” Lewis says, now also thrusting his hips up to help you move. You can't turn down the sounds coming out of your mouth and your pussy is throbbing when you feel a light slap from Lewis across your face. He groans when he feels the tightness around his cock and he thrusts once more, feeling the same clenching of your pussy, “behave, my little slut.”
"Lewis, Lewis... I need..." you try to say between moans but you can't so you just grab the hand that was slapping you and put it over your mouth to muffle your sounds. Lewis seizes the opportunity and shoves his middle and ring fingers into your mouth, and you suck on his fingers to keep from making any noise.
You feel the building up at the base of your stomach and you grip the seat behind Lewis again and speed up the movements, both your hips moving in sync and Lewis's cock buried so deep inside you, you know you're close. The slapping sound of his cock meeting your wetness is even more obscene than the moans you’re trying to muffle.
You keep riding and you know that anytime soon, your legs will start to feel tired. But before you can make up your mind on moving to a different position, Lewis takes his hand away from your mouth and uses his spit-wet fingers to press down on your clit.
You reach the climax less than a few seconds after he starts rubbing on your clit. Your hips shake as you come, kissing Lewis like your life depends on it, lest you cause even more lewd sounds inside the van.
Lewis wraps his arms around your waist, and as your body is limp from the orgasm, he himself moves your hips a little more until he reaches his own peak. When he comes, his head falls back onto the headrest and you press your forehead into his shoulder, trying to catch your breath again.
“Lewis, that was… Wow!” you manage to sigh, slowly regaining movement in your legs.
“I know, my love” He kisses you on the forehead and you pull away, getting off of him.
Lewis pulls a tissue from one of the car holders, and helps you clean between your legs, soon pulling your panties back into place, with a smirk knowing that you will need to spend the next few hours with his cum inside of you. It's something he's been quite vocal about, all the times you get laid anywhere you shouldn't.
While you adjust your skirt, and redo the front buttons, Lewis fixes his underwear, then his pants and you help him redo the buttons of the shirt he is wearing. The satisfied smirk never leaves Lewis's face, and you realize you're smiling too, any trace of nervousness hidden in the past.
“Thanks for helping me relax” you say, cupping his chin to place a peck on his lips.
“I love you” he says, putting his arm around you and making you relax against his chest “And we still have fifteen minutes left.” Lewis checks his rolex. You laugh, and open your purse, pulling out your tiny mirror to touch up your lipstick.
You two continue to embrace the rest of the way to the GP, and when you get out of the van at the entrance, Lewis goes to the driver's window and, in a discreet handshake, slides a few hundreds’ bills to the driver who just nods positively. you adjust your skirt, and turn to Lewis.
“How do I look?” you give an excited little smile and Lewis smiles.
“Like you were fucked good by your boyfriend,” he winks, and then giggles as you playfully slap his shoulder.
“Lew, I’m serious!”
He takes a cap from his carry-on bag, and then puts it on your head, one of his white ones, that has the Mercedes logo and his number, 44, on the flap. Then he puts your “all access” badge around your neck.
You decided not to go inside hand in hand to live up to the soft in “Soft Launch” as your team had planned. But as soon as you approach the entrance, paparazzi flashes start popping in Lewis' direction. You walk beside him, without even touching him, and you immediately start to hear the questions directed at him about who you are, and if you are friends, or dating, but you just ignore it and head to the Mercedes motorhome.
It's completely unlike any other time you've been to a GP where you've been completely ignored, arriving alone and slipping in discreetly through the paying entrance, staying in the stands and silently cheering your boyfriend on.
Lewis only puts his hand on you when you get into the motorhome and go up to the second floor. He takes your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.
“See? It wasn't even that bad,” Lewis gives you a welcoming smile.
“I don't know how you manage to deal with paparazzi all the time” you almost grunt the words as you enter the admin floor.
As soon as you walk in, Toto is coming out of what looks like his office, and he smiles in our direction. Toto had known you officially for almost a year, and he was aware that today you would make your first official public appearance. He hugs Lewis and offers you a handshake.
“You're officially welcome” Toto greets you and you thank him, “I'm going to need to borrow Lewis in five minutes.”
“He's all yours” you chuckle.
Lewis guides you to one of the armchairs with a table in the administrative sector, where you open your laptop, he shows you around quickly, the direction of the bathrooms, the way to his driver’s room, the cafeteria, the buffet, and assuring you that he will still see you before going down to the pit lane.
You spend the next couple of hours working on your laptop, focused on finishing a project that would free you up for the next three or four days if you could get it done before the deadline.
When Lewis returns, he is already dressed in his second skin, and the fireproof overalls already take up the lower half of his body. you stand up and hug him tight, and then get a good look at his body in the white jumpsuit, and Lewis catches your eye.
“Do you like it?” He bites his bottom lip discreetly, but you just push his shoulder trying hard not to blush.
“You know I do. Are you going down yet to the pit lane?” you ask and Lewis smiles in agreement. You cup his face affectionately, and he immediately becomes serious. “Get in there and be the best. Good luck, my love!”
“Thank you, honey,” he murmurs. You kiss his lips again, and he deepens the kiss for a few seconds before someone from the team calls out to him.
Lewis leaves you with a confident smile and you know he's ready for the race. He always does his best races when he's in a good mood. Before he goes downstairs you call again.
“Lewis!” He looks at you from the stairs "See you when you are up there on the podium.”
The fact that you said it out loud makes some people around you laugh in agreement, but your eyes focus on Lewis and the big smile he gives just for you. Being confident is never a bad thing for Lewis Hamilton, because he knows he’s a badass.
As you're putting away your work stuff, you get a link from Lewis's PR team. When you open it, it's a tweet, with pictures of our arrival, speculating about your identity, talking about you being with Lewis and wearing his favorite shirt. It looks like “Soft Launch” has been successfully achieved.
You go up to the VIP way calmer now that the whole thing of your relationship is out in the world, and there you find Anthony, Lewis' father, who welcomes you with a hug and you immediately feel calmer for having someone familiar around.
You both watch the race with apprehension and nervousness, well, you watch with apprehension and Anthony watches with confidence. Lewis starts in P4, and spends most of the laps oscillating between P3 and P2 with some stability. For a while, Lewis seems determined to stick to P2 to cross the finish line. Everything changes after a minor crash that requires a safety car, then Lewis goes to a pit stop to change tires and the last 12 laps is when Lewis reaches a speed that until then he had not achieved in the entire race. It is with sheer shock that you realize he was sparing his car all throughout the opening laps, just keeping pace and creating distance between his position and the previous ones.
The last few laps are the tightest in the race for P1, and in a particularly difficult corner, Lewis forces a gap and moves forward, taking the lead. With trembling fingers, you grip the base of the rail stiffly as Lewis passes you for the first time being P1. The difference between it and the P2 is minuscule, just milliseconds.
During the last lap, at least three times, P2 almost manages to take the lead from Lewis, but he stays firm and holds the position unyielding until he crosses the finish line. You only breathe again when you see the checkered flag in the air.
Anthony and you celebrate with jumps and hugs, and a few minutes later you are guided to watch the podium. You can't take your eyes off Lewis, how he's smiling, beaming really, and how he celebrates with champagne and all that goes with it.
When he leaves the podium, his dad walks over to hug him and you hang back, watching the two of them. Lewis finally faces you, smiling as he walks towards you. Your eyes widen, gesturing to the dozens of cameras focused on him, but Lewis doesn't seem to mind when he hugs you tight. Standing on tiptoes, you return the tight hug, not caring that he's sweaty and wet from the champagne.
“I said I'd see you on the podium, didn't I?” you whisper to him, he kisses your cheek and hugs you again. “Congratulations for the victory. You were so good it was unreal!”
“I wanted to show off to my girlfriend” he says and pulls away to wink at you.
“Go there and celebrate your moment!” you pull away from him, taking a step back, but he still holds firmly onto your hand “I love you, my champion.”
“I love you too” He says and kisses your hand.
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biceratops7 · 2 years
Hmm, any one notice this?
So a while ago I wrote a meta about how Stede isn’t actually oblivious to his feelings towards Ed, but I was really thinking about it at work today and honestly… Ed kind of is.
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I know the running joke of Stede effortlessly being the most objectively romantic human on planet earth by sheer accident is hilarious. But did you ever notice that when Stede is actually trying to be loving on purpose, Ed Doesn’t Get it?
We can assume Stede started the ritual of them eating breakfast together cause it’s his quarters, and the intimacy of that clearly went right over Ed’s head cause he let Jack invade it without a second thought. Like Ed, honey, did the implications of a man wanting to eat breakfast with you and only you every single day seriously never register to you??
Stede plans a whole day together “treasure hunting” when he wants Ed to stay. The whole “you wear fine things well” business was pure oblivion on Stede’s part, this is him flirting. And he’s trying so hilariously hard to make this ridiculous idea work, but Ed still doesn’t get the gist. Luckily Lucius I-need-a-fucking-raise- Spriggs is here to save the day and clue Ed in to what at least this particular situation means.
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…Which makes the gears clearly turning in Ed’s head during this moment absolutely precious and hilarious. Now he knows what’s going on. He sees that Stede’s excited to spend time with him in particular just like Saint Augustine, I mean a bunch more people will be also there this time, but still! And I’m sorry but the brief look of pure “Ed Exe has stopped working” when apparently the first thing Stede could think of was swimming is criminally underrated.
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And look at that fond little smile it turns into, Ed knows full well that man has some cute little swim costume squirreled away somewhere ready to go after pulling an entire safari outfit out of his ass last episode 😂
Ok ok enough teasing Ed, back to the point.
We know Ed’s love language is physical touch. Stede’s is less talked about but I firmly believe his is quality time. Just like Ed is touch starved, Stede is shown to desperately want someone to spend time with. But that’s not just the way he receives love, it’s how he gives love too.
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His way of saying I love you is to say “That’s me.” He’s the one who breaks the lock on his own bathroom door. He’ll be the one to show up at Ed’s restaurant and look at all the little Knick knacks in his gift shop on a slow day. Stede wants to be the one who’s there, who makes sure Ed doesn’t have to cry by himself, or feel silly about something he loves and put a lot of work into. He doesn’t ever want someone so deeply precious to him feeling as unwanted and isolated as he did back in Barabados.
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And Ed ends up missing so many of these intentional gestures. Which isn’t a BAD thing, I just love all the little intricacies of two people with completely different love languages somehow making it work anyway. I think that’s part of why the bathtub scene felt so profoundly intimate, because their love languages work seamlessly together and they end up emotionally on the same page.
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ren1327 · 2 years
Stolas and Repression 2/2
In the bedroom is where we see Stolas's life through body language.
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He sits with Blitz to catch up, but then is cocky and flirty. But once the imp reciprocates...
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Stolas backs off, obviously anxious. From here, we can assume Stolas has been faithful and Blitz is his first affair. He lifts his legs to put as a barrier between them.
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But Blitz continues, surprising him.
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He gets up to put some distance, flustered but fighting the urge to engage despite looking interested. This is too much too fast. After years of no one wanting him, suddenly his childhood crush, now aged like the finest damn wine, is flirting and expressing desire for him.
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"What are you doing to me?"
Not what are you going to do me. Stolas is breaking out from his dry spell, aroused and excited at how he's reacting under Blitz.
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Blitz is lucky Stolas is a masochist. Now mind, Stella probably hits him and he gains no pleasure by being hit or insulted by her. But Blitz is special because dispite all these years, he still trusts and likes him. So when he feel pain, he reacts with pleasure and dropping an F-bomb.
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Stolas wants Blitz and has finally had his sexual awakening. Finally found pleasure. And it's all tied to his childhood friend. To Blitz.
Unfortunately this makes him associate sex and dirty talk as a way to draw Blitz in when in reality its more emotion.
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And when Blitz ties him up, he's still aroused and trusting. If Blitz left, Stolas may have broken, this could have been the last straw.
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But in this moment...despite him not acknowledging it, Blitz and Stolas are bound together. Two hurt and lonely men who share a night long "real fast" encounter. Here Blitz seems shocked that Stolas genuinely wants him and possibly is just as lonely as he is.
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There are so many parallels to these two. How they're better fathers from thier own. Thier toxic partners before meeting again. Thier pain and isolation despite being among others.
Blitz has sexual urges but no emotions, so he sees sex as a transaction. Stolas has emotions and tries to use sex to keep Blitz interested. They don't know what the other wants, believing the other just wants a physical relationship.
I truly think this is a love story that can have that happy ending. Kudos to the crew for such a layered and sad story Stolas and Blitz have.
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mechaknight-98 · 4 months
Author note: I am sorry, but Tifa Sejeong. I had this in my drafts and was going to delete it until today. Also this takes place in the same plotline as Rash revelries and a few other stories I have coming out.
Part II here
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Well, this was certainly a new one. A cosplay Party was not on my bingo calendar for 2024 but here I am. Going to a cosplay party on short notice because a friend invited me. Surprisingly the first face I see is a familiar one. My friend Gallahad or Gally for short dressed in a Gilgamesh from Eternals Cosplay. I wave and he confidently smiles at me and walks over. He and Vlad are Probably the next closest to my height due to his basketball-playing father. He puts me in a friendly headlock. Gone is the timid boy I knew a few months ago instead of a confident man who stands tall.
“Danger so glad you could make it. Killer Django cosplay,” he says proudly. I nod and respond,
“Well I didn't have much time to come up with something, but it came out pretty good,” you compliment Gally’s costume, but before Galahad and I can catch up. Two exceptionally attentive and attractive ladies walk our way. “Gally who’s this? The shorter darker skin of the two girls asked
“Oh Jihyo this is Dangerfield Malcolm Baldwin Jr but we just call him Danger,” Galahad explained the girls nodded and the taller paler one addressed me
“덴가?” Sana asked Galls. Gally nodded not noticing. “He’s tall I wonder if she’ll like that. Anyways I’m Sana nice to meet you 덴가. Also love the cowboy cosplay by the way. You rock it.” The taller girl oozed charm and guile. Had I not known that she was in a throuple with Jihyo and Galahad I’d have thought she was flirting with me.
Jihyo approached me next she sized me up for a few minutes then tilted her head and stepped back pleased with what she saw. I turn back to Sana say thank you to her and ask Galahad about the party, but before I can get a word in his two girlfriends pull him away. Something about “needing to find her”
“Oh, sorry Danger gotta go. You know the drill,” Gally says. I don't but I wave him off regardless as his two girlfriends take him upstairs for God knows what. Before isolation could set in I was approached by another partygoer in a cowboy cosplay. Being an insane movie buff I recognized it as Park Do-won or (the good) from the movie “The Good The Bad and The Weird” he seemed friendly introducing himself as Max McDaniels. I smile at him as he says
“Killer Cowboy outfit what show or movie are you from?” he asks in English. I am not surprised by this being one of the few “black” people present at that party. It made sense everyone assumed I was American. I was, but it was still interesting to see the assumptions made.
“Django from Django unchained,” you say. Max’s eyes light up with elated recognition
“I love that movie!” he exclaims to me. I crack a smile.. as I do I notice his eyes narrow and his gaze focused more intensely, “So who invited you? I'm pretty good friends with the hosts so I'm curious how you got in because I haven't seen you before.” Max added. His tone was pleasant but his energy was defensive. I deduced that he was asking because he was wary of me. Which fair? A big burly black man at a party full of very wealthy and famous people could be a red flag. So I take out my phone and show him the video of a very drunk Vladimir and an equally drunk Galahad inviting me to the party over social media. Following that I showed Mr. McDaniels the string of text messages of them becoming progressively sober and still asking me to come through. The implication was a lady was dying to meet me. Being a sucker for that sort of thing I made a mad dash.
“Oh, you're the videographer and stuntman Vlad mentioned. He called you Dangerfield, but he called you Danger in these videos.” Max questions.
I nod and explain to Max that Danger is my nickname. Max nods in understanding. “I'm sorry that makes so much sense now that I hear it sorry for commenting on it.”
Max and I share a chuckle over some of the messages of their apologizing for their drunk antics. After that Max became noticeably more relaxed around me. At this point, I feel comfortable enough to joke with him.
“So I know you are “Mr. Tough as Nails paleontologist who protects his people” but I would like to point out that you do know me.”I teased. Max looked at me confused before asking “Oh really from where?”
“You’re last two paleontologist digs,” I reply
Max looks at me confused. So I wait 5 minutes then another 2 before he finally recognizes me.
“Oh my God you're our videographer… the rugby dad hat guy. You always wear your college rugby “dad” hat,” he says excitedly. I nod
“I mean I do other things besides that. Like I filmed 2 out of your last 3 seminars. I also did a minor recording and B-roll for the last two digs” I teased further. Max's eyes widen even further as his face goes red.
“You are so right my bad. You're always so professional and don't speak much. Thank you so much for all the impressive work you do. I didn't realize never knew or asked your name. I'm also not used to you not wearing a dad hat,” Max says to me. I chuckle and before the friendship can take root Max is taken by his girlfriend. A pretty little thing named walks by us, “Hey honey who is this?”
“Oh, this is Dangerfield our videographer,” Max answers
“I thought Vlad did that?” the lady asks
“No, he does photography and records collection. Danger specifically does video.” Max replies
“Oh okay. He's handsome. I think she’ll like him.” the lady responds she turns to me and says hi
“Hello Mrs Jimin” I respond. Her eyes go wide.
“You know me.” Mrs. Jimin asks.
“Well yeah, you're a famous pop star,” I reply trying to be witty but not standoffish. Mrs. Jimin smiles and then says
“Well then call me Karina. We're friends now aren't we?” she said pleasantly. I give her a thumbs up and she laughs before turning back to Max focused “Babe we still have the drinks in the car we need to get.” she says. Max nods and goes with her
As he walks away he promises to talk to me later. Karina needed help as it was a lot of drinks according to her.
I was alone again. As I stand there alone I consider leaving until a slightly sober Vladimir crashes into me this time he is already with his girlfriend Natty whom he has met once before under bizarre circumstances. I smile at the couple wearing matching vampire costumes. Having done this dance already I decided to tease them
“Hey, Vlad are you also going to talk to me for a short bit then leave with your girlfriend?” I ask teasingly. Vlad looks at me confused before saying
“No that would defeat the entire purpose of why we invited you here. There was someone we wanted you to meet.” He says matter of fact before leading me to where she was
“Oh okay,” I say as I follow them
“So Danger Vlad tells me you’re also (insert cool term for half-blood here) .” I stop in my tracks and resist the urge to grab one of my revolvers and shoot both of them right there and now. Throwing that term out in the open always left me to trouble me. So I kept my identity and powers hidden as best as possible from those I didn’t know. Vlad notices my dead stop and clenched fist, and readily begins to ameliorate the situation.
“Yo Danger it’s cool she’s one of us. She’s a daughter of Vasundharā” Vlad explains, I scowl but relax. I begin to follow the couple as Natty says how much you’ll (me) love “her” ( the girl they are setting me up with). She also mentions how she is also an ascendant. It was then that I realized that Natty doesn’t know how different ascendant culture is in America. I groan and turn to Vlad
“Yo, she’s very liberal with her identity.” Vlad nods then remembers how I feel about secrecy
“Oh don’t be a scaredy cat nothing bad is going to happen.” As soon as Vladimir said that a loud boom echoed throughout the building I rolled my eyes at him and ran to the area where I heard the noise. The space is the front door and an Oni has appeared, and he is angry. He eyes me out of the bunch and points his kanabo at me.
“You. Thief” The one says slanted. I shrug.
“You dare mock me, thief. You stole the Yomi flames.” The one growls
“Mocking would require me to care. I don’t. Also, I didn't steal anything they were given to me voluntarily.” I replied the one slammed his weapon on the ground.
“You expect me to believe that you a puny human were given the flames of our land by my queen?”
“Well not given per se but I was allowed to learn them so I could copy them later, but that explanation makes less sense so can we skip the banter and just get down to fighting? I’m already bored.” The one charged. My response was that I took out one of my revolvers quicker than a blink and shot the creature in the head. The green eldritch energy flowed through me as it created the blast for the weapon. Which in turn creates the sickened bolt that tears through the Oni’s skull. The party was dead silent. Realization hits me as I remember this wasn’t a dig site I could just talk my way out of so I decide it’s probably best to not be here anymore. I spin the revolver out of habit before holstering it. I tip my hat
“Have a good night y’all,” I say as I leave. As I was racing to the front door I bumped into another person dressed as one of my favorite video game characters. She also seemed to be on her way out. I would later find out that her friends had convinced her to meet this guy but they had left her alone to find him leaving her at the mercy of a bunch of “weirdos” (her words not mine) who made her uncomfortable so she was desperate to get out. She sees me and smiles politely before saying “Nice cosplay.” hoping I wouldn't also be a “weirdo”
I nod back then respond “You as well…wait is that Tifa?” I asked the lady as I recognized the outfit. The young lady smiles with eyes brighter than the sun
“Yeah good eye, you’re the first one to recognize it. Good job.” the girl responds with two thumbs up. She looks up at me with a smile.
“How could I not?” she's like one of my favorite characters in all of gaming”
The Tifa cosplayer smiles, “well then you have great taste then.” she says
“Me? look at you (I walk around her to get the full view) This quality is insane.” I reply hyping her up. The Tifa cosplayer smiles brightly and turns to me with a cocky smirk.
“Oh, flattery will get you everywhere. So what’s your cosplay?” The lady asks
“Oh, I’m Django. The D is silent” I say. Before taking out a revolver and spinning it around. The young lady laughs
“Like from the movie,” she asks I nod surprised. She smiles and adds “I love that movie.” I smile back dumbly admiring her taste in quality Westerns. The two of us stand awkwardly trying to figure each other out before deciding to get back to what the two of us were doing which was leaving the party. We do our awkward goodbyes and prepare to go our separate ways. as we are about to part my brain tells me if I don't ask her out now I'll never get another chance to. I take a chance. I ask if she’s hungry and knows any good food spots around here. The girl gives a hearty chuckle as she gets her car and gestures for me to get in.
We arrive at this small little fried chicken spot.
“Oh just because I’m black you assume I like fried chicken?” I say feigning offense. The lady looks at me in my face and says
“Fried Chicken is delicious I thought everyone liked it.” Her tone is flat as she stares at me confused. She then smiles and laughs making me realize she got I was joking. I joined her on laughing as well. I mean she got me fair and square after all
As I laugh I say “I can’t argue with that.” The lady smirks before saying “Good,” and we walk in.
“Oh hey Sejeong good to see you again. Your usual order I assume?” The person behind the counter says. Sejeong nods. She puts up two fingers. I'm guessing to order two of whatever her normal is (I'm assuming she never told me what the two fingers meant). I turn to the gorgeous (I forgot to mention that she is drop dead 2 gorgeous) lady and say
“Huh Sejeong like the…” and then it all clicks. I pause and get my bearings before repeating “Cool, cool, cool.” As I try not to fanboy over the megastar. Sejeong smirks and says
“Not so witty now huh?”
I pause before reflexively saying, “Hey it’s not every day you meet a K-pop megastar and go on a date with her.”
Sejeong laughs which I learned then is contagious, “Oh so this is a date?” She questions
I nod and fire back, “100% we are at a restaurant hoping to get to know each other. That’s the textbook definition of date.”
Sejeong playfully rolls her eyes laughs and says, “That's true. I’m glad I met you. My friends wanted me to meet this guy who they swore I’d love. They left me at the party to find him leaving me to deal with weirdos like you.” Sejeong says wistfully. “I should have figured their last recommendations have been okay at best” Sejeong adds
I nod and explain how I was at the party to be introduced to someone.
“Oh really what’s your name? If you say Danger or Dangerfield. I’m going to laugh.”Sejeong teases
In kind, I responded, “How did you know my name lady?” Sejeong’s eyes flickered with excitement as they widened. as she compartmented my existence in her mind. Our food arrived. After she’s done processing she asks me a simple question.
“So now that you’ve met me what do you think?” She said with a serious tone.
“Do I include Samantha and Rachel in my evaluation?” Sejeong stares at me wide-eyed. I laugh because see her trying to hide a bemused smile. Feeling a little miffed She goes to smack me but I just smile and take the hit.
“You’re lucky you’re funny.” She says. Sejeongg gestures for me to continue.
“Well, my heart tells me you’re amazing and I already have a crush on you despite knowing you personally all of (I look at my watch for added comedic value) 86 minutes. You’re witty, fun to be around, gorgeous, and overall a great time.” Seeing smiles blushes but then says
“What does your head say?” as she speaks her eyes narrow gauging my response. I decide to have fun with it.
“That’s less glowing. It's telling me that it would never work.“Dude, she’s a superstar what would she ever want from a guy like you? She just likes the attention.” is what my head says.” I respond
Sejeong nods and then asks, “So which will you listen to more?” I pause and respond
“If history is any guide then my heart, but I don’t know guess I’ll have to wait and see. I mean I’m open to anything from a one-night stand to a 100-year relationship. The only thing is it’s a two-person job.” Sejeong nods then says
“well I'm not looking for a one-night stand but I'm also not looking for a relationship right now, but you're pretty cool and I like your humorous honesty.” I smile and thank her. The food arrives. I pray before I eat which Sejeong comments on, “Oh a church boy.” Her tone is seductive and flirtatious but my brain automatically jumps to oh it’s a dealbreaker for her
“Is there something wrong with me being religious?” Momo shakes her head but then clarifies, “That depends on you. You’re not one of those weird religious people right?”
“I believe we have established I’m weird and a Christian so you are going to be a bit more specific as to what you mean by that.” Sejeonf laughs and does the sexiest eye roll I have ever seen.
“Ugh, I hate you.” She groans, “But you are correct. What I mean is the type that uses their religion as a weapon against others.” I shake my head before explaining to her the following
“The only thing I battle with are revolvers wits and the grit of a honey badger, and the occasional staff but that’s when I have to get serious. Also, I only really fight when I have to do am training which is a lot” Sejeong laughs at my statement and then says,
“Well then you should be fine, but it was kind of annoying how you asked that question about “weird Christians.” She teased with an adorable pout.
I chuckle and say, “Sorry that’s my A.U.H.D. talking. I should have figured out what you meant.”
“No you’re fine I should have figured you would be weird and very precise with your language since you are good friends with Vladimir” she relents. I smile and we begin eating. At one point I feel a hand slip in mine. I look up to see her giving me the brightest smile. I smile back “How is it?” She asks. Based on the way she’s holding my hand I can tell she’s nervous so I tell her I like it and that’s my final word. Sejeong rolls her eyes and then smiles again as we continue eating. After we finished she asked me how long I was in Korea and I explained to her a while due to working with Vlad, Max, and Gally.
“Oh okay, so another week?” Sejeong asked. I nodded but counteracted with
“However if something comes up that’s worth the time I’ll stay,” I responded Sejeong chuckled
“Oh, and I’m supposed to convince you?” She said in a challenging tone
“I mean you can if you want to this was mostly an economic choice.” I teased back. Sejeong smiled. As we were finishing up a guy approached us. He had blonde hair and storm-grey eyes.
“Aye Collector.” He said menacingly in English. I turn slowly to the young man. I gesture for Sejeong to get behind me but she stands by my side. I see her ready a knife that I hadn't seen earlier
“ People don't usually call me that with the intention of peace. So I am going to ask are you here to kill me?”
“I don't have to kill you just return what you stole?” the young man said
“And what did I steal?” I asked curious
“Don't play dumb you know I'm after Death’s draw.” the man said confidently
“Yeah, I don't have that. All my stuff are cheap copies.” I replied
“You expect me to believe that especially given your reputation?” the man asked taking out an arching javelin.
“I guess a demonstration is in order then sadly,” I reply. I turn to Sejeong, “I'll handle this .” I say to her. She shakes her head and stands in front of me.
“Look I'd appreciate it if you do not attack my friend. I know he looks scary but he's a sweetheart,” she says sweetly
“A sweetheart who turned an outer being into a divine Treasure.” the young man says skeptically. Sejeong looks at me with surprise as I nod to confirm the story.
“Look dude my Ascendant Ability is called the “A Reveler’s tool kit, is often expansive.” A major part of it allows me to emulate other divine treasures and arts.” I explain, but the man only grew more aggressive. He pointed his javelin at me and in a flash, I shoulder-charged him back to Long Island. Sejeong eyed me intrigued
“How did you do that?” she asked
“I used Lugh’s Long Lunge and made it nonlethal.” Sejeong eyed me and then said, “Tell me everything”
In her car, the first thing Sejeong asked about was my Ascendant status,
“So what type of Ascendant are you; Direct, Legacy, Trance, adopted, or avatar?” she asked excitedly I squinted as before I never really considered it.
“Hybrid I guess,” I answered.
“Interesting, wait how?”
“Um, would it be a bad time to explain that I was never exposed to “proper Ascendant” procedures due to my Christian upbringing, and am only now coming to a fully developed understanding of it?” I asked. Sejeong stopped in her tracks and looked at me then began laughing. I sat in awkward silence for a moment then. She turned and smiled at me.
“That's okay,” Sejeong said with a gracious smile. “It's just I have heard stories of Ascendants reaching adulthood and then becoming claimed and I always wondered what that looked like. Now I know and honestly it's pretty funny.” Sejeong smiled as she spoke. I turned back to her
“So you're also an Ascendant?” I ask. Sejeong nods then replies
“I am a direct one and my parent is Seokga.”
“Oh that's super cool tell me more.” I say
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pathetichimbos · 8 months
Well, guys, a single person told me I should make this into a post, and so now you're all getting another fabulous take on Thomas Hewitt I've been looking for an excuse to talk about.
Question: 'Do you think realistically would it be hard to get into a relationship with Tommy?'
Short Answer: Yes! And no.
Ha, you really thought there'd be a short answer to this? No, let's dive in.
Thomas, on the surface, is a very awkward, to himself kind of guy. He doesn't like stepping out of his comfort zones, and he hates change. He thrives on strict routine, and isn't one to do something without being told. (ex: he doesn't take initiative at the slaughterhouse, he does exactly as he's told and doesn't stray from those rules)
He has an extremely strong sense of familial bond and ties to his family, he wouldn't betray them for anything, (and yes, that includes you too). It's a huge cultural things in small towns. It doesn't matter who your family is or what they've done. It's true ride or die mentality.
Considering these things, if you want to hope to have a relationship with him, you're gonna have to take up their lifestyle. Every part of it.
If you've ever been to an old southern woman's house, you know how insulting it is to refuse food. It's practically the same thing as spitting on their shoes and slapping them in the face. If you refuse a home cooked meal, especially when you're still considered a 'guest' in the house, you will end up on their bad side.
And Thomas is a Mama's boy, through and through, if his mother doesn't like you, he doesn't like you.
And that mentality is only doubled for the Hewitts. Their family has starved, and if you've ever struggled for food, you understand why they won't let it happen again. I could go into a whole in depth analysis on the Hewitt family and their cannibalism, but let's get back to Tommy.
Thomas doesn't trust people easily. It's in their family, in his blood. The Hewitts (especially after they start murdering people) are suspicious and unforgiving people. People will often assume that they became isolated after the town died out and everyone left, but in reality, they were isolated long before that, as Luda Mae, Hoyt, and even Monty (though much less than the other two) wouldn't tolerate Tommy's mistreatment and abuse.
And as for Thomas' personal distrust, I can almost guarantee there were several times people would pretend to be his friend or even go as far as 'asking him out' only to immediately burst into laughter and mock him the moment he got excited.
Now, he's much more closed off and distrusting of strangers kindness and friendliness.
...But, he's a huge romantic.
He absolutely loves the idea of having someone to love.
His favorite books Luda Mae would read to him as a child were the princess stories. He would dream of being the prince charming, saving the princess from the retched beast so they could get married and live happily ever after.
But, as he got older, he started believing he was better fit for the role of the filthy monster that never falls in love.
Packaging all this up into one neat present, you get a pretty clear idea of what kind of man Thomas is.
So, how does one actually end up in a relationship with him?
It's simple! In the most complicated way possible.
First, is actually meeting him in a none murderer-victim setting, because once you hit that area, there's really no going back. If he's told you're next, you're next.
He's going to be really suspicious of you, no matter what you do really. Even if you do become 'friends', he's a rather anxious man, and he's going to have doubts for a long time.
You're going to have to get on everyone's good side. Like I said before, he cares deeply about his family and their opinions, and being around them and accepted by them is a non-negotiable. And I don't just mean Luda Mae, I mean everyone, including Monty and Hoyt.
Speaking of Hoyt, that will have it's own ground rules as well.
Thomas, despite being a big hunk of a man who could easily toss around someone twice Hoyt's weight, is not the man of the house. Hoyt is like a father figure to him, and he looks up to him. Well, not in every way, but you get the picture.
He isn't going to take well to you bad-mouthing Hoyt. Of course, he doesn't care if you want to rant about the man's annoying presence sometimes, but it depends on how close the two of you are and what you're saying.
If you try to accuse the man of being abusive, or not caring about his family, Thomas isn't going to like it. Hoyt is a mean hothead, sure, and by today's standards, most people probably would consider him abusive to a certain extent, but this is a small southern town in the 1970s.
Hell, most of the 'abusive' traits Hoyt show are still practiced in small towns to this day, and are considered normal behavior. Again, I could go into a whole spiel about Hoyt's character and actions, but I'll get to the point.
If there is one thing true about Hoyt, it's that he cares about his family. Every action he takes is in their interest, and he'd put his life on the line to keep them safe, including Thomas. Hell, he protected Tommy as a kid just as much as Luda Mae did.
So, yea, really any bad talk about his family is going to get you on his bad side.
But, let's say that you follow these rules, and you mesh well with his family and him, how long will it take for Tommy to actually catch feelings for you?
...Pretty much almost immediately.
Thomas is reserved and untrusting, yes, but he catches crushes faster than a Tommy-hater can catch these hands. (for reference, that's really fast)
He's a sweetheart, and eager to be loved and accepted, so the irrational, romantic side of his brain eager hops on the Y/N train the moment you show him any real affection.
But as for actually loving you? That's going to take a really long time.
Luda Mae always raised him on the idea that love can't exist without trust, and he takes that to the extreme. He literally won't consider a relationship with you until he can completely trust you with his whole heart.
And once that trust is earned and the two of you become 'official', that's it. He's in it for life. In his eyes, you're the only one for him, and he takes that belief to heart. So it is extremely important that you only enter the relationship when you're 100% ready. He won't understand the concept of needing a 'break', or time apart. Once you're in it, you're in it, and if you ever leave, there's no coming back, and Thomas will leave your life entirely, with the rest of the Hewitts shunning you as a result.
Because of this, it's also important to remember that there really is no such thing as 'harmless' flirting with Thomas. He doesn't understand the concept of friendly flirting. He's either going to assume that you're mocking him or that you actually do have feelings for him.
Communication is a huge key with this man!!! He doesn't pick up well on hints or social cues. Be up front of and honest about you're feelings or he will have no idea how you really feel, and it'll only cause heartbreak and confusion in the long run.
...Well. Now that I've practically made a How-to Guide on romancing Thomas, I think I'll call it here. Good luck on attracting your local Hewitt boys. See y'all in the next one.
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mysticmellowlove · 4 months
note; welcome to the first post from my new series, I'm hella stoked about this, give the people monster yans!
warnings; sub yan, sub male, a/b/o, monsterfucking, dom reader, yan male, male reader, possessive/territorial, monster caulk!, omega reader, anal,
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Entity; Werewolf - Leon. Unnatural strength, enhanced senses, transforms under the light of the full moon, infectious, widespread, weak to silver
"I know you've had a long week O3." My lips pursed as I looked up towards the handler who looked after my section. ENTITY was a new and rising enterprise dealing with relocating hybridized 'monsters'. I, however, was an in-house monster which simply meant I'd be staying here for the rest of my life. It was not the best job but at the end of the day all my needs were fulfilled and I was only a couple of tasks below platinum, the tier when the real privileges set in.
"But we're having some trouble with Leon again, he's mid-rut and refuses to fuck any of our other omegas. You're the last one we can come to." The handler looked down at me from his balcony as I nestled into the furs that comprised my nest. I had just gotten done with helping two other alphas with their ruts and now... now they want me to do it all over again. I grit my teeth and tried my best to pretend as if I wasn't completely drained dry. Day after day of helping men who barely gave me another glance had really grinded my gears and now I have to help Leon?
Notorious for rejecting omegas, sometimes even going so far as to maim them and leave their dead bodies for his handlers to find, and prone to extreme violence and isolation... Leon was by far one of the worst werewolves held in ENTITY's facilities.
"So you want me to go in there and help him out?" I scoffed as I looked upwards. They nodded because, of course, it had to be my responsibility to deal with all the hardasses here. With a simple shrug and a sigh, I was on my way to the isolation ward.
The isolation ward is the home of the most dangerous monsters in the warehouse. It was darkened to their liking and the atmosphere was horrific. My instincts were going haywire. This place was awful, the complete opposite of a nice place to rest and create a nest. A bitter feeling grew in my stomach as I was escorted down the hallway by the isolation wardens.
We eventually stopped at one of the doors, Leon's name and species engraved into it. I shook my head in annoyance before the warden himself guided me inside. There were no formalities, no warnings, nothing but a small shuffle and the sound of a lock behind me. This wasn't a simple task, everyone was assuming I wasn't going to make it out of here. I grit my teeth at the gall they had to just sack their most useful omega like this.
However, with the task at hand I focused on the murky haziness of the room. I had to say the forest smell that seemed to permeate the sheets spread in the corner was calling to me, Leon smelt good as much as I hate to admit it.
Movement emerged from the blankets and there he was, the hulking beast that was Leon. He was shirtless, only a pair of beaten-up boxers covering what I knew to be a massive cock. Scars littered his chest as his yellow eyes seemed to pierce my soul from across the room. I hadn't really seen him around before but from the rumours I heard apparently he had been found up in the Alps. His beast was majestic white, mottled with old rusty stains from his time as an apex predator. Now? Now he was a lumbering hunk of meat. It was... sad in a way.
"You're mid-rut, rejecting all other omegas," I stated. I was stalling and I think he knew it as well as he sniffed at the air. I knew he wouldn't be able to scent slick on me, I was tired and not at all aroused to be in this position. Years of acting like someone I wasn't all because I got dragged here to this facility... it had worn me down.
"You smell like three other men." His voice was gravelly, a tone so deep that in any other circumstance it would send shivers down my spine. I swallowed my pride and walked forward, inspecting his makeshift 'nest' with slight disgust. I was wary about him sure but I also had a job to do. This was no place for someone like me to be, it was grungy and dark and hard.
I began to shed my shirt, letting it fall into the muddled mess of blankets below me before I was unceremoniously stopped by a guttural growl. My inner self froze at the sound as it reverberated around the room, frozen in fear as his clawed feet audibly approached me.
"Who the fuck did this?" He whispered low, his head leaning into my neck as he scented me, trying to find the last male I was with. I coughed to clear the uncomfortable feeling. Before I could say anything he slid his hand around my face and clasped my mouth shut.
"I know what you'll say, 'it was nothing' but it isn't is it. You don't know me but I've been waiting for you. Years..." The weight in his voice was palpable as I smelt the sweat and rolling scent from his hand. My muscles were taut as his claws trailed down to the bruises and scars on my back.
"They tried everything to get me to calm. I call them sacrifices, which they tried to appease me with when I arrived. But you, you were in the middle of it. A simple throwaway scent that I'd be tracking down for months after my arrival. Leather and lemon tang, so fucking indulgent." My eyes fluttered as I could do nothing but listen to him. I didn't remember that day at all, all I knew was that I was helping the newer omegas settle in, could my scent have entangled with theirs? Was that why he was able to sense me?
In a room full of ripened omegas he found my scent.
"I stalked the halls, cries and calls from all the other hybrids here couldn't get me off that fucking scent and just when I thought I found it... they locked me up here." He growled, his teeth beginning to nip at my neck, my gland. My eyes widened in alarm. There was one big rule between all the werewolves here, no marking. Absolutely no marking, we were here to be hired out after all. I felt my heartbeat rise as his teeth grew closer to my sweet spot. My legs grew weak but as I suspected he was holding me up, the hard muscles in his chest pressing against my now unclothed back.
The small trickle of slick that left me made me ashamed for a moment, to think that such an animalistic man could get me going like this after everything I had tried to do to solidify myself here. I didn't want to be an omega...
"Fuck, there you go. Getting wet for me now, aren't you? There's that smell I love so much. The bite of leather, the hint of lemon, the smell of sweat." He grunted as his hips rocked into my ass, his hard cock basically fighting to be free of his boxers.
"There's something about you, something I could sense from the very first time I detected you." He whispered, his free hand going to trail to my underwear, tugging on them until the elastic snapped back to my hips.
"You're exactly what I need, something no one else can give me." My breathing stuttered as his hand left my mouth and he pulled away. I turned to look at him, wondering if he meant what I thought he did. Did he know, how did he know? My mind seemed to fizzle out like a sparkler, I hadn't even met with him beforehand and he seemingly already knew everything about me.
He grabbed my hips and pulled me in, his towering figure loomed over me almost in a protective huddle.
"I know you want to." He whispered, his tone salacious as he looked me in the eye. His claws left my hips and wrapped around my wrists as he brought my hands upwards to wrap around his neck, bearing it to me. My breathing stuttered.
"Fucking ruin me omega, teach me who's the bitch in this relationship." And just like that I couldn't help the wetness gather in my boxers, nor could I stop myself from turning in his grasp and wrapping my arms around him. Harshly I pressed my mouth to his, taking advantage of his crouched height. It was all teeth and tongue, my teeth basically tore into his lips as I willed him to open it. His eyes fluttered shut as he let me in, not even competing with me as I explored his mouth.
He was hot-blooded against me, his arms crowding around me as he gently nudged me towards his gathering of blankets. I nearly recoiled at the dingy feeling and the harshness of the ground.
"First mode of action we're going to have to overhaul this horrific nest," I grunted as I flipped him over, with his help of course, and sat on his waist. He looked sheepishly up at me, a pretty pout on his lips.
"Sorry, I tried..." I silenced him by shoving my fingers into his mouth, pressing down on his tongue.
"You said you wanted to be treated like a bitch? Then sit pretty and shut the fuck up." I growled as his pupils seemed to blow out, his eyes nearly completely enveloped in black. I pressed my hips into him, letting the sheer size of his cock nestle against my ass before I decided that enough was enough. I wanted him inside me, I wanted him to break at the feeling of me.
I pulled my hands back so I could undress myself. His eyes seemed to rove over my figure, the occasional grunt and growl leaving him as he took notice of the many marks my other 'partners' had left on me. I could basically feel the intensity roll of him, the heady scent of an angered alpha, one so similar to a mate protecting their own.
"Fuck, look at you. Bet I'll be able to slide right in." He groaned as his head fell back to the tangle of blankets behind him. A content sound left my throat as I looked at his bare neck. I could feel my hands tense as I fought the urge to nip at him.
"Please, let me feel you. Let me take you, let me become wholly yours." For a moment he sounded vulnerable as he looked up at me, a shine in his eyes. I reached behind me and grabbed his cock, pulsating and hot I eased him into my hole. If I weren't currently in the haze of sex I would've been embarrassed at the ease it went in, the amount of slick I had produced prompted no issue for his large dick to nestle inside me.
The sounds that reverberated around the room were primal and audacious. The sound of his cock rocking into me was punctuated with the squelch of my arousal. I breathed out a sigh as I felt that particular emptiness be filled.
His hips seemed to shudder at the feeling of being inside me, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he let out an exhaustive groan. Immediately his hands found purchase on my hips but he didn't move me. He really was giving up all control to me, fighting against what I assumed to be his roaring instincts to let me fuck him into oblivion.
I did exactly that, raising and slamming my body down on him as if I was trying to impale myself on his cock. I felt it pulse in my ass, hitting all the spots that made me want to keen into him. My hands wrapped around his neck as I used him to drive myself down deeper... harder.
A hoarse growl left him as his eyes opened and watched me, my expression and my sweat-shined body above him.
"So fucking beautiful. Fuck!" He cried out at the brutal rhythm I had set for myself, lost in the feeling of ecstasy and domination.
"Take all of me, my cock, my breath, my life. It's all yours, whatever you want." He continued to babble on, his words breathy as I stole his air. I began to feel his cock swell inside me, anticipation pulled at my walls as I felt my own dick twitch. Like a sudden wave, I felt my orgasm come over me, sticky cum painted his chest as he growled out in satisfaction.
"That's right, mark me pretty boy. I belong to you, fuck I belong to you." His hands stroked my cock, pulling the last strings of cum from me. He was greedy as his finger traced over my lip, gathering the musk onto his hand before he licked it off. A rumble left him as he tasted me. I huffed as I slammed my hips down, half weary from the feeling of pleasure enveloping me, and felt his cock swell in my ass. His knot formed as I slumped down onto his chest, the feeling of sticky cum being shared between us. I could feel him in the most intimate parts of me, filling me up with his seed.
His hands went to the back of my head as he pressed me into his neck, the smell of his musk seemed to wrap around me like a blanket. I felt myself grow sleepy as I unwillingly nestled into him, unable to fight the sense of protection I felt around him as he enveloped my body completely.
"Sleep precious one, I'll be here when you wake." He hummed as I finally found myself letting my exhaustion take over me. My day had been long and even though I wanted to sleep in my own nest I found that being here wasn't so bad after all.
Leon coddled the male to his chest as he breathed out in tune with him. Finally, he had his precious omega in his arms. Since day one he had been looking for him, the one they called O3. How demeaning he thought, to be given a number instead of a name. But now he was here and he wasn't O3 anymore, not to him at least. His precious omega, his life, his love, his muse.
He didn't care about the blood he spilt in his endeavour to find him. All those other omegas couldn't even hold a candle to him. Their desperation and submission disgusted him, the wanton moans that were so obviously fake. Not like his omega, the guttural sounds from his chest were real and his alone. He made him feel that way, not anyone else. Not one of the other alphas he had been forced to service, never again.
The door to his 'cell' opened and his main warden walked in, in his hands a bag to clean up what they assumed would be a mess. They stopped in their tracks as they saw the two bundled up together. A feral growl left his throat as he watched them intently.
"Have his stuff moved here." He said as he looked at them, their eyes surveying the room as if it were hiding something. When they didn't answer he gently pulled himself out of his warmth and laid him against the blankets.
He stood to his full height, uncaring about his slicked cock as he prowled over to the warden. Before they could do anything his hands were around their neck, heaving them up into the air.
"They're mine." He growled, his eyes flashing a disturbing yellow as he bared his teeth to them. He looked towards the camera in the hallway outside, knowing that others would be watching him. With a snide grin, he brought his other hand to the warden's head and dug his claws into them.
Their skull broke with a satisfying pop.
His eyes locked onto the camera, his mind making up what would be happening in the warden's offices at this very moment. He threw the limp body outside of his cell and turned around swiftly, letting the metal door click shut behind him.
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genshinwomenontop · 3 months
"Princess Kamisato"
☆Prompt: Nothing too intense. Just a random drabble about Ayaka and her wife, you.
☆Warnings: None
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The radiant sun shone through the thin curtains of the room. Ayaka slept peacefully on your chest, her hand interiwined with yours as a gentle smile made its way onto your face. Its not everyday you get to see such a beautiful sight; actually, it's not everyday you get to see Ayaka when you wake up because she's always up early and started her duties. Since Ayato is away, it made her automatically in charge of everything until he returned and the work that the head of the clan does is not to be taken lightly which is why in times like these you try to offer the best support you can as you know how difficult her job would be.
When you checked the time, it was nearly 6, the time Ayaka would have to wake up and though it hurt to wake her up, you knew she needed to get ready since she's meeting with some other clan heads today. You brought her hand up to your face and kissed it gently. Her hair was sprawled out and little snores left her mouth. She couldn't have been more beautiful than in that moment. "Hey, beautiful, its time to wake up." With a gentle shake, she stirred awake, her eyes immediately searching for yours.
"Hmmm good morning y/n." Her words came out like a mumble due to her now waking up. Her beautiful sky blue eyes met yours and with a simple smile, she managed to make your heart fluttered.
"Good morning to you lovely. You have a busy day ahead." Ayaka sighed and laid her head back down on your chest.
"Can I cancel the meeting? Or even postpone it to a later date?"
You let out a hearty laugh and brought her face up to yours. "No my love you cannot. The meeting was already postponed two weeks ago when Ayato had left the same day the meeting was scheduled for." Ayaka closed the gap between you and her. Her lips fitting perfectly with yours like a puzzle. She pulled away with air became a problem and smiled at you.
"Well then, I guess it's time we get up. Will you accompany me today?" Ayaka had a bright smile and you knew the news you'd deliver will definitely break her smile.
"I'm afraid I cannot. There's some things I need to buy and I have alot of errands to run. I'm taking half of the list of duties Ayato left for you so it can be done in time for his arrival." A frown etched onto Ayaka's face before she nodded and sighed.
"Hmm okay. I guess I'll go alone today then." You nodded and she got up and got dressed. Of course you helped her dress, the two of you having playful bicker back and forth. You left home as soon as you prepared breakfast for the both of you. Alot had to be done today, and since the vision hunt decree had been abolished, and many travelers from different nations visited Inazuma, it became one heck of a busy nation but the atmosphere was livelier, much more livelier and you couldn't help but be glad. It was definitely better than living in isolation that's for sure.
Your tasks took longer than you had intended and eventually you ran into some trouble along the way. You made it back safely, but of course, you had bruises. You had assumed that Ayaka was already back at the estate since it was late and you hurriedly went in. Breathing heavily, you were greeted with a concerned Ayaka who was just about to have her tea which was poured by Thoma. "Dear... are you okay?!" She quickly went to your side.
"I'm fine love. It's just minor injuries that's all there is." Ayaka didn't want to believe you but she knew you wouldn't lie. Thoma offered to prepare a bath for you and Ayaka instructed you to sit down with her and drink tea. "How did the meeting go?"
"It was fairly well. Though the heads didn't looked too pleased to know that I was the one seeing them." You can clearly see how how face fell.
"It's alright dear. There just upset that they have to deal with someone who's much more beautiful and talented than them." Even though that had nothing to do with what Ayaka just said, the best way to comfort her was the give her compliments or reassurances.
Ayaka blushed and whined. "Stopp ittt..."
Thoma came back and informed you that the bath is ready and in a quick motion you pulled Ayaka up to her feet and dragged her to the bathroom. "Let's take a bath together." She was slightly flustered yet she started taking off her clothes quickly, a bit more excited than you for the bath.
When you sat down in the water, it felt like all your stress melted away and adding to that, when Ayaka's head rested on your chest, you felt like you were in heaven. Just having her so close to you felt like having a cure to your pain. You didn't realised you were spacing out until you felt two hands gently cupped your cheeks. "A penny for your thoughts, my dear?" Her sweet voice resounded by your ears.
You leaned into her touch and smiled. "The thoughts I have in my mind is worth more than a penny and you should know that." She titled her head with a smile.
"May I ask what is this expensive thought of yours?"
"My wife. You should know she's priceless."
"Oh you know I love to make you blush~"
"I-I know..."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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