#but it was such a turning point for them so i obviously had to put them
tallgirl14 · 1 day
Chilchuck angst
I love this lil middle age man but i aslo live for angst so her are few my ideas because I need tell someone and if you have angst dm me we can talk about it
He carries a wallet size family portrait (when his girls were little) with him when he goes down in a dungeon, and he looks at it when he miss them. ( I feel like photos are probably pretty 💰💰 so they only had few consist wedding photo, baby photo mayjack she's fist born, then one of the whole family ) and this photo is chaotic and It makes him smile.
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This is the ONLY photo he has of his entire family and he hasent seen them in few years with his kids grown living there own lives and him and his wife are split this photos all he's got.
How far would this man go for this picture. I can see chilchuck getting badly hurt because he went back to grab it and as Marcille is lecturing him about his reckless action as she's healing him.
Marcille: "What could have been so important that you risk your life over??"
Chilchuck: "my family or what's left of it"
He shows her the photo and marcille feels her heart drop she finally got to learn something about him and its sad ( this miscommunication leads to his group to believe chil family is dead )
Chilchuck taught Mayjack how to pick locks, and in the manga, he says when he dies, if they need someone, she'd be their first choice. SO he obviously took her through dungeon showing her how to navigate because being locksmith in a shop vs. dungeon is night & day different, dungeon being high pace environment.
Could you imagine how traumatizing that would be if saw her dad die in front of her AND NOT KNOW THEY COULD BE REVIVED!! (Seeing anyone die would be scaring) Especially if she felt it was her fault.
At first, Mayjack was curious about going into a dungeon with her dad to see exactly what he does she rember as kid seeing him come home late tired excused but mostly worn down.
Whenever she asked him about his work as a kid he was always vague or if he did talk about it was pg version and normally he was just trying scare us about going into dungeon. BUT one thing he made very clear, he didn't want any of her or her sister near the dungeon, but now that she's an adult, he couldn't stop her.
" I still don't want you near the dungeon, but you are a skilled locksmith, so you would be valued and well paid. IF you're still interested, I'll have you shadow me on my next small job so you can see what it's like."
At first, it was like any job we met with the client went over to the terms dad took payment, and then we headed over to the dungeon. I was awestruck by the new environment, but it quickly became overstimulating it took me a moment to adjust. the first few levels, dad had pointed out things to avoid what were scams & how to detect traps and walked me through a few I felt confident. Most importantly, when talking jobs, always have a skilled healer. Now I realize why as we enter new room dad was working on trap I was observing the room when I noticed treasure chest peaking out corner not knowing it was a mimick.
Chilchuck was Halfway through picking his lock when his dad sense went off. He quickly looked around room and spotted may messing with mimick
Chilchuck: "MAYJACK TIMS! get away from that!!" He starts running towards her
May turned to look at her dad, confused " why I already unlocked it?"
Her body stiffened as she could feel presents inside the chest, but before mimick could attach, chilchuck pushed her out of the way taking damage as it jabbed one of its claws through his neck causing him to bleed everywhere all mayjack could do was watch in horror paralyzed with fear trying process what happened. One of group members took care of mimick while she scrambled to her feet to get to here dad trying to put pressure on his wound tears flooding out
"Nonononno im sorry I'm sorry 🥺 "
As chilchuck lay there dying, he was more concerned with the fact he could comfort his daughter. This wasn't how he wanted to see death for the first time. Afterwards, the healer from their group came over and assured her he was going to be fine as she worked on reviving him.
Chilchuck let out a gasp and cough out some blood that had remained stuck in his throat. He turns to mayjack " that's why I told you to stay near me..." He moves toward her noticing her hands are strained with his blood. " are you hurt?... may? "
She shakes her head, and tears start to fall down her face he pulls her in for a hug. " it's ok, I'm ok ... I'm right here. " she hugs him tight, and they stay in that embrace for a while. When they finally break the hug, chilchuck wipes tears from her face.
" im sorry you saw that... do you want to go home.? "
" but the job?"
Chilchuck shakes his head " don't worry about it I brought someone along for that exact reason"
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murmurmurena · 15 hours
I swear, yours is my FAVORITE Charlastor interpretation. You're the reason I even ship it to begin with! Like, I love how much Alastor is in over his head despite the fact that the show always pretends it's the other way around, that CHARLIE should be afraid of this guy who hasn't even been in hell a hundred years -- some people make it more obviously push and pull, but it's so interesting to see him in such a pathetic state! He is LITERALLY just a guy. Maybe more clever than the average fella, sure, but he's not this all powerful monster. He's a folk hero -- powerful because he lived to tell the tale, not because he had any say in the matter.
But then there's CHARLIE! CHARLIE, who in the show is just so bland. This is a Charlie that was never human, never socially groomed for a life outside of the lake of fire where cruelty is as commonplace as death even when it doesn't last forever, but all the same: wants to be good. And she tries! She tries!! But she just doesn't know for CERTAIN. And sometimes it's obvious that she doesn't know what she's doing. Or that niceness to her looks different than niceness to them. But she tries so hard. She tries, so they just HAVE to believe that her intent is good. Because she already tries so hard.
And then you PUT THEM TOGETHER! Insane!!
it’s great to know that people like this type of charlastor more, I’m very happy, thank you!!!
That’s the point, it’s strange to turn an ordinary person into a terrible chthonic demon, and not a princess of hell who probably lives for eternity!
This is very funny, an immortal entity that wants to help people for some reason, it’s a pity that such an opportunity was missed in the show
And also I made bonus sketch to my comic with Angel contract:
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zoshkawrites · 3 days
stuck in an elevator with bonten! sanzu
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tw: slightly claustrophobic, angst, fluff, depression, near death experience, thoughts of killing, suicide | english is not my native language
note: old fic, I've reread and changed it so many times that I now know when the characters talk lmao. seriously, it's so hard to edit something you've memorized.
You pressed the "17" button on the elevator and just as the door was about to close, suddenly a tall man with pink hair appeared in front of you. You fixed a gaze on him, analyzing the stranger over from head to toe: he was wearing a suit that looked expensive. The attractive men's perfume that was on his skin reached your nostrils, and danced there, giving you a short moment of pleasure. Obviously, this man was exceptional.
The mullet haired looked wealthy and to your surprise even handsome. You were so used to encountering unattractive men in expensive hotels that the sight of this pink-haired made your face to heat up. You moved a lock of hair behind your ear, and looked at the ground shyly. Even when with gaze on the floor, you felt a satisfied smile on the stranger's face. This feeling made you to look at him more closely and at that moment the eyes of both of you locked for a short second; he had two diamond-shaped scars at the corners of his lips.
You greeted him with a small and adorable smile, and made way for him to get into the elevator. You pressed the button of the elevtator, and a second later there was the sound of the door closing, and soon the tall man's back was pressed against the wall, right in front of the elevator's mirror.
An awkward silence appeared: there was still time for the elevator to reach from the first floor to the 17th floor, but now it seemed to be moving slower than usual. To distract yourself from the uncomfortable silence, you decided to check the time on your phone, just to put it back in your jacket later. This time your eyes fell on your shoes and examined them more carefully. Did they really had small geometrical patterns? You hadn't noticed until now. Then your eyes focused on the mirror that was placed on the wall and looked at your figure, admiring your own body.
“Ahh!” a soft male grunt reached your ear and grabbed your attention. The corners of your eye turned towards the stranger. Although the sound suggested he was bored, his face was beaming with a smile indicating that it wasn't born of happiness, but of boredom.
“Am I pretty?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the point he was focusing on.
“Pardon me?” you confusingly answered, not sure if the man was talking to you since you found his question strange.
"Are you talking to me?"
“Mirror, mirror on the wall…” now his eyes met yours and only then you did notice what color they were. "Of course, do you see another human being here?"
“Huh?” you were irritated by his answer “Don't you think it's weird to ask strangers if you're pretty?”
“Absolutely, yes!” the man added and immediately continued “But I'm bored and you look cute!”
"Oh," he had managed to grab your attention and at least kill the boredom a little "so you decided to ask a cutie like me for opinion?"
“Hmm!” he put his finger to his chin thoughtfully “I can ask you other questions too, but I think this is the more normal one. And this vertical car moves quite slowly!”
'Vertical car' you thought to yourself and it wasn't until a few seconds later that you realized he was talking about the elevator. You were about to nag at the odd word he had used, but the unexpected loud stop of the elevator caught your attention immediately. It was as if something large had fallen on top of this 'vertical car', stopping it from moving. And seeing that you were still on the 11th floor and that you were not moving at least a little, made the panic took over your body.
“W-what?” you stuttered in nervousness and looked around.
"What kind of other questio-"
“No, idiot!” you yelled at him and wondered if you should take something out of the bag and throw it at him. "The elevator is not working!”
The pink-haired rolled his eyes, "lame…" commented and added "at least I'm not alone, I have someone to keep me company." The blue-eyed scanned the walls as if they could solve the problem.
This made you look carefully at the elevator again and analyze the situation: your heart began to beat faster, panic caused sweat to form on your face; suddenly it was as if this 'vertical car' was much smaller than before and as if it could swallow you alive or spaghettify you like a black hole.
'Hey' you shouted first in your head, then your lips took control over your body: "HEYYY!!" screamed your lungs out.
You heared a small "tch" behind, which somehow angered you even more. The stranger was now sitting on the floor fixing his hair; his lack of panic infuriated you more and you wondered if you should slap him.
"Someone," you yelled and began punching the door noisily, "can you hear me?" You couldn't feel it from the adrenaline, but your knuckles were red. Soon your hands started to pain so much that you just gave up.
Confused and breathing fast, "aren't you scared" you asked the man who seemed too calm for such a situation.
“Huh? What should I fear?” instantly reacted to your question in confusion. For the first time he answered you not because of boredom, but because he was interested. "You've screamed so loudly that everyone heard us! And also, let me mention, that you are here. What should I fear when you are by my side?'
You looked back in annoyance at his confused face, wondering if God wanted to test you today: you either had to kill yourself or you had to kill this man. Although 3 minutes ago the first seemed more likely to you, now the scales were tilted towards the second.
“How come you're not afraid because I'm by your side?” you started breathing even faster, your heart about to skip a beat from the pink haired's composure.
"You will protect me!"
"Shouldn't you protect me, YOU'RE THE MAN FOR GOD!"
"STOP!" you cried out and angrily punched the wall of the elevator, hoping someone would hear you. Although you were one hundred percent sure that the staff of this luxury hotel had found out about the problem, you still wanted to get out as soon as possible. "I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!!!"
"Jesus." The stranger added, placing his hand over his face. He couldn't believe how much dramatic you were. And he thought he was the most dramatic person in the world. For example, once he wanted to buy a Ferris wheel, but he didn't know where to place it, and yet he had only complained to one of his friennds about it only 17 times.
You realized that there was no way to leave this place quickly. You checked the phone and saw that 13 minutes had already passed. You had calmed down, especially after hearing the alarms, and when staff members arrived to sole the problem. Also, Sanzu – that was the stranger's name – had added that the hotel belonged to a colleague of his, which meant that the problem would be solved even faster.
After a while - both of you hadn't noticed how much, you were sitting on the floor in thought. You from worry and Sanzu because of boredom. You knew the oxygen was limited, meaning you weren't supposed to speak, but suddenly a memory woke you from your sleep of thoughts.
He had a katana.
"How…" you began quietly, worried about using up too much oxygen "you have a katana?"
He looked at you "well…" Sanzu's blue eyes sparkled as if some memory had come up "it brings me good luck so I'm always with katana."
“Like…” you moved a lock of hair behind your ear “when someone attacks you, you kill them and stay alive. Is that the kind of luck you mean?'
"I like your way of thinking, we must be the same sign."
"I don't believe in zodiac signs."
Instead of getting mad at him, you started laughing and clutching your stomach. Wrinkles appeared at the corners of your eyes; you started to like the kind of person Sanzu was. He was probably funny. It's just that the way you met was strange.
A few more strange conversations and you've realized around 15 minutes already passed. You noticed it before you even looked at your phone; it was just that the oxygen was decreasing and that was the clearest sign that time was really passing.
Sanzu didn't want to admit it but he really wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. It seemed to him that he had been in this elevator forever, and inwardly he was glad that you were here to keep him company. Once he got out of this place, he was sure to have a 'good talk' with Ran.
Soon you both heard voices on the other side of the door suggesting that there were people who were really trying to do something after all. Apparently the blue-eyed man was right when he told that the hotel was owned by a friend of his, because the worried words “Sanzu, are you okay?” were repeated every few minutes. That question was lost in space when Sanzu finally screamed to be left alone.
"Y/N," you've h told him your name, "what are you looking for in this hotel?"
"Apparently, trouble." You answered slightly dizzy; the lack of oxygen was really starting to affect you. "What about you?"
“I have an important meeting, but I prefer yours!” he added without giving details and ran his fingers through his slightly sweaty hair. Yes, he needed oxygen too, but still continued to appear unfazed.
"You are too calm for an important meeting."
"The meeting should be worried, not me."
There was another dose of silence between you and the only thing that could be heard were the low voices on the other side of the elevator. You kept looking at the clock, counting every single minute and listening to your heartbeat. Sanzu, on the other hand, was staring at you, as if he was following your every move, unconcerned that you've already noticed it. This made you change your mind about him again – there was something about him that bothered you. He seemed to be smiling, but his aura radiated danger.
“Have you ever killed someone?” the pink-haired decided to kill the silence between you again, not worrying about the oxygen.
His question caught you off guard; your head was starting to hurt and you felt like you were drunk. You managed to hide your astonishment perfectly and found the courage to look him straight in the eyes as if trying to see what was behind them.
“No, but I've wanted to kill many times.” Admitted without feeling any regret. You had friends, classmates, exes, and employers you wondered if you should kill, but the logic always prevailed over your anger.
You wanted to kill and eat that anger, but it often got stuck in your throat, causing you to throw up harsh words and insults.
"Huh..." Sanzu placed his hand on his face and it was as if some memories flashed through his eyes like a film strip. He wondered what your reaction would be if he told you that he wanted to kill, that he had killed, and that he had seen murders and suicides. It was as if he had to meet the cruel face of fate even in his childhood, and your slightly angry eyes reminded him of his war. But he had chosen this life himself.
'Why do I feel like this…' he wondered and felt how dry his throat was, 'it's all because the oxygen, fuck.'
"What a-about you?" you asked with a coughing, although you were worried from the answer. What would you tell your friends when you got out of the elevator: that you've been stuck or that you've been stuck with a killer?
"Do you really care about the answer or are you asking this question just to keep the conversation going?"
“I don't owe you anything, including a conversation.” You admitted and wiped the sweat from your temple. "Just want to know."
Another silence followed, but this time more awkward than the others. Its roots were not in lack of topics of conversation or concern, but more in confession. There was a difference between conscious and unconscious sin. And didn't you feel afraid of his answer? He could suffocate you right here and now, and then say you died from lack of oxygen.
“Do you think we really live?” he continued with a philosophical question, but now it was your turn to remain thoughtfully silent.
You remembered of all the times you wanted to kill yourself, but didn't have the strength to do it. You didn't have the strength to fight, but you had the strength to survive.
What could you have said to him? If you had asked him the same question staring into his eyes, what would he have told you?
"..." you decided to be silnet. Maybe because you were already too dizzy or because you didn't know exactly what to say.
"I don't think that everyone lives." But Sanzu didn't see a problem, and he even liked seeing people lose the sparkle in their eyes; something that would soon happen to you too.
“Hmm…” you mumbled, your voice sounding like a lullaby. You looked at the ceiling of the elevator and it seemed too blurry. You felt running out of oxygen.
The pain in your chest grew, and your coughing increased. Your hand instantly touched your chest as if to kill the pain, but it was getting worse.
“Hey!” you felt Sanzu standing up and pulling you closer. His eyes met yours, but it was too hard for you to read the emotions in them because of your blurred vision. But his voice suggested that he was worried.
“Damn, f-finally” you muttered with a small smug smile and cough and felt his hands brushing against your cheeks, “finally, you are worried.”
"You were going to protect me, weren't you!" the concern in his voice grew even more.
"I didn't promise anything like that…"
"But I don't want to stay here alone…" he said it so quietly you couldn't hear him. It was as if he was experiencing deja vu; he had never been stuck in an elevator before, but the thought of being alone in that place and dying all alone scared him.
His breathing quickened, “Ran!” Sanzu screamed with all the oxygen left in his lungs. It seemed to him a better idea to die with you, together, than him facing death all alone. The pink-haired's heart was beating fast, but he couldn't tell if his body was begging for drugs, or if it sensed that death was near for him too.
“Hah!” he laughed, feeling a tear fall from his blue eyes, which soon reached the sweat on your temples. "Is this going to be my end..."
You, on the other hand, couldn't tell if you were already hallucinating or if this was actually happening. Your eyes had given up the fight and were now just closed, but your mind was still alive. Your mind was telling your mind that it should stay awake.
Was this the moment of your death? Is that how it was going to happen? Away from your apartment, in the company of a stranger.
You felt a drop on your temples, touching your warm sweat. It was like a cool shower after a hot summer day.
'Is it raining?' you thought, 'am I outside already?'
You looked up at the ceiling of the elevator with the only strength that was left in your muscles, just to see a dark blue sky preparing to pour out all of its feelings with thunder and stormy rain. The aggressive wind caressed your body. You liked the sight and decided to keep your eyes on the sky; it was as if you you'd never see such a view ever again in your life.
Suddenly, you felt a large tree in front of you, which seemed to be hugging you with its branches. It might be a good idea to sit under it and watch the rain.
A stone appeared in your chest; it weighed so much you didn't want to breathe anymore.
'You are dying'
You felt a searing pain in your lungs. They were ready to burst.
'You are dying'
You couldn't decide if you were fighting for your life or if trying to breathe would have made you worse. The dark blue sky and the big tree were still visible, and they weren't going to disappear anytime soon. The pain increased so much that your hand grabbed a branch of the tree, hoping it would help. 'What's wrong with me?' Yet you didn't feel any worry.
The rain stopped. The pain in your chest disappeared and the scent of the tree reached your nostrils and danced pleasantly in your chest.
It wasn't the life you expected to have. If someone had ever told your little self that you would meet the father of your child in an elevator, you would have laughed with all the oxygen in your lungs.
"Then stop seeing her!" Sanzu ordered, his eyes looking at you so cold and serious that you could have frozen in place. But you felt no fear.
"But she's-"
"Did I stutter?" he approached you, his pink hair wet, Sanzu had promised to take you to a restaurant tonight to celebrate your pregnancy together. “You know you're not supposed to be around smokers.”
Ever since the elevator accident had happened, you had been having problems with your lungs.
"Yeah, yeah, that's enough!" you pulled him closer and embraced him with the warmest hug.
"No, I'm serious Y/N, you really smell like vape!" he scolded you, but still kissed your lips quickly and gently.
"Alright, I'm going to take a shower and change my clothes!"
"I am coming with you!" he returned your hug and this time kissed your neck.
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7nessasaryevils · 3 days
I'm back with things that made me clutch my chest, snap my neck, scream into the void etc etc... from ep 6 of Wandee Goodday.
Settle in my loves, we're in for one heck of a ride!
- starting us off strong with Yak waking up Dee, pouting about them not being able to see each other for a week because of the training camp, THE HEAD RUFFLE AND FOREHEAD KISS.... HELP ME IM GOING TO KILL THEM
- we're also back to the elephant pants and I cannot describe my happiness at seeing Yak wearing something that makes him comfortable while being with Dee
- that whole fucking montage... look at these domestic "we're just fuck buddies" assholes. Gentlemen, you wouldn't know "fuck buddies" if they were sucking your dick....
- I had to physically stop myself from smacking my head into a wall at Yak's "I see you (Dee) more than I see her (Taem)" .... insert Scar's imsurroundedbyidiots.gif
- I love the way Dee thinks that Yoryak has no weakness? He genuinely seems surprised that Yak needs to go get trained 🥹🥹 also how worried he is when Yak explains his first loss...
- here's me toasting you Khun Yak for that sex joke 🤣👍🏽
-Patpran would be so proud... BET ERA MY BELOVED (if they fist bump I'll scream... oh phooey they didn't)
- them texting each other about their day... gwenchana gwenchana 😭😭😭
- I guess Oishi GreenTea is not sponsoring them 😅🤣
- Yak and Yei... just that scene...
- dee on the couch... quite obviously missing Yak... you dumbass ♥️🥺
- that change in perspective... Golf... I see you and your masterful brain 👀👀👀
- Dee making a mess on the mirror on purpose (I'm not crying I'm NOT)
- sweetheart... you're in love with Yoryak... 🥹🥺♥️
- Cher? My darling? Give Yei a really good blowjob when he comes back because your hubby is fucking SMART (also yak and yei sleeping on a bed together... adorable sibling behaviour)
- me when Yak walks outside: ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh wandee is gonna show up he's gonna show up he lost the bet he's gon- OHHHHH YAK CLOSED HIS EYES AND WHEN HE OPENS THEM DEE WILL BE THERE!!!!
- me when i turned out to be right:
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- "the atmosphere here is nice." "It got even better with you here." SOMEBODY SEDATE ME!
- hey pot? I believe the kettle is calling you black.
- give me a kiss... look at these two idi-
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- you know when you have to put your phone down because you cannot believe the audacity? Yeah... that's me when Yak points right to his lips. Sir. You dumbass.
- my knees just gave out
- nobody hold me back im about my plant my foot into Ter's face
- oh no. Oh no no no no. This is one time I do NOT WANT a whole "oh there's only one bed"!!!!
- side note: is this what happened with Billy and Babe when they went to Japan? 🤔🤔 thank you Kao 🤣♥️
- forget my foot. I'm dropping a fucking ANVIL on this asshole's face- where does Ter get off making decisions for Dee???
- DONT KISS HIM BACK OFF STRANGER DANGER STRANGER DANGER YAK HELP!!! (edit: two mins later I was even more pissed off because Ter knows that Dee has a boyfriend, "fake" as it is, and he still tried to kiss Dee! This dickhead!!!)
- well done P'Golf!! HPV knowledge my beloved ♥️♥️
- Dee no!!! Don't think about that horse-faced dick doctor (if I had a quarter every time I said that, I'd have two quarters only... but weird for it to happen twice - fuck you Dr. Charlatan!!!)
- YAK! Come get your man!!
- I'm all for you two seeing each other again but NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET THATS HOW WE DIE!!! MOVE YOU DUMB GAYS! (Edit: Kay but now think of the fact that Dee is terrified of crossing the street and how easily he does it when it's Yak he's walking to...this is okay I'm okay I'm so okay)
- love and the city... p'golf you fucking genius
- kisses in the stairwell... gods they really want me to choke don't they?
- second time I had to put my phone down... Yoryak... I'm this close to drop-kicking you across the country
- my body is yours... and so is your heart you idiot get to that realization faster!!! Pat would be so disappointed!
- Kao coming in with those truths... my utmost respect for you sir 🫡🫡
- oh shit...
- hats off to Cher and Yei being adorable and happy in their sex lives which includes phone sex!!! We approve!!!
- the side by side!!!! Interesting to think of it as a couple making love vs. a couple fucking but it's actually two couples in love... awww
- Kao. Sir. I'm erecting temples in your honour. Making merit. Fasting. Praying for you to find someone who loves you the way you want to be loved. I'm doing it all for you because you fucking deserve it.
- the pink on Dee's face... sweetheart you're so in love with him 🥺🥺
- GROUP DATE!!!! And our resident idiot gays are in matching pants.... lord gimme strength
- feeding each oth- breathe Nessie breathe. The idiots know not how they hurt you.
- Yak recognizing that something's going on between Yei and Cher is such a lovely thing. Now if only he could realize stuff about himself and Dee!
- third time I put down my phone... but to cry because Yak remembers Dee's fear and holds his hand I'm fucking fine don't touch me
- oh no... Yei you got yourself mixed up with loan sharks! honey no!
- yak comparing the pics of him, Cher, Yei and Dee to the family picture... this epsiode really said we're going to stomp on your heart Nessie...
- they're still holding hands... fuck
- I'm begging whatever deity is listening to me: please don't let there be a scene where Dee tells the public about yak's secret place
- one more word and I'll kiss you... on the lips. (Okay but the fact that he says this and still thinks he might be in love with Taem makes me feel like this 👇🏽
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- Yei you utter romantic sap 🥹🥹🥹🥹🫡
- the story of how Yei and Cher met... fucking fuck 😭😭😭
- and then ending it off with Dee knowing that no matter what his feelings, the fact that Yak is the only person who makes him feel at ease... FUCKING FUCKITY FUCK
this epsiode came for my whole existence and the next one... the next one is gonna have me on the floor THANKS!
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paxaz535 · 11 hours
Cool For The Summer
A Pazzi Fic
just read idk
“Azzi! Are you getting dressed!?” Nika yelled from downstairs, the girls were going to the beach since it was 103 degrees outside, they possibly COULDN’T stay in the house. Azzi was still deciding on what bathing suit to wear, she didn’t wanna be casual but she didn’t want to go over board either.
“Uh, no?” she yelled back as a question, she could hear a few girls groan, “Azzi, you always do this come on!” Aubrey said as she, Nika, Paige, and Kk knocked on the door, letting themselves in.
Azzi rolled her eyes, “yall know I’m indecisive, I have too many I want to wear.” Kk giggled, “girly pop, it’s just the beach. who you tryna look good for anyways?” Paige ears perked up at this, it possibly couldn’t be for some random horn bag at the beach.. right?
Azzi smacked her lips, “none of your business, Kamorea.” Paige heart felt weird hearing this, why did it matter who she looked good for? should Paige even care? “Just wear this one, it’s cute and simple.” Nika said as she pointed to a black bikni, it was cute. Azzi decided to put on a white shirt over it as a cover up. “Okay, get out, here I come.” Azzi started putting her braids into a ponytail, the girls leaving and waiting for Azzi.
in the car
“I don’t know why y’all complaining like yall the ones who’s driving.” Azzi spoke, she finally came out the apartment, ready to go get wet. “Whatever, you still took too long.” Aubrey spoke as she, Nika, and Kk sat in the back. Paige was in the front as always.
“Let me get aux.” Paige spoke as she started to grab the cord but Azzi put her hand over Paige’s. “Unt unt. my car, my rules.” Paige rolled her eyes and huffed, falling back into her seat with her arms crossed. “okay, child.” Azzi spoke playfully as she turned on ‘Cool for the Summer’ by Demi Levato.
Paige scoffed, “really?” Azzi just stared at her blankly. She then put her keys in the car and started to pull out of the drive way.
she made sure she had her sunglasses, could never go anywhere without them.
got my mind on your body and your body on my mind
Paige couldn’t help but look at Azzi, she thought she looked beautiful. The girls in the back could obviously see the love eyes Paige was giving Azzi, they were so gonna tease her about it later. After a few songs, the girl finally arrived at the beach.
“you gonna go get in the water?” paige asked as she lied down next to her best friend. Azzi pulled her sun glasses down and looked over at the blonde. “Not now, you know I gotta get my summer tan in.” paige just stared at the girl, it was hard for her not to.
“you’re so beautiful.” paige thought out loud, azzi was caught off guard by the compliment. it made her blush, “thank you.” the two of them stared at each other. paige decided to start to lean in, to see what azzi would do. azzi leaned in as well, they didn’t care if they were at the beach, all they saw was each other at this point.
as the two got closer to each other, the moment sadly ended once Kk decided to spray the two with a water gun. the two best friends backed away from each other, not wanting to get wet or stop this moment so quickly.
‘damn you, Kk.’ azzi thought as she groaned at the younger girl, smiling at the two. “what do you want?” paige asked, also annoyed they were interrupted. “girl boo, rude much? don’t be mad I stopped what y’all were about to do, simply wait until we get home.” Azzi and Paige side eyed her, she definitely clocked that tea.
“anyways, yall finna come get in the water or what?” azzi just rolled her eyes, “might as well. you just shot us with that dislocated ass water gun so why not.” kk just giggled, hopping up and running towards the water. “they’re coming!!” she yelled to the rest of the girls. paige and azzi just gave each other a look that clearly says ‘we’re gonna continue this later.’
ok so boom
anywho here’s this :)
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cherrymoonvol6 · 10 months
the worst part about flapjack's death is that luz and hunter's friendship died right along with it lmao
#idk it's just funny. TTT goes so fucking far in order to say that luz and hunter have built a strong bond between them#to the point that luz calls him family#then luz is the only one who refuses to fight possessed hunter#she only gets close to him to hug him and do the 'this is not you!' middle school couple trope on him#not only that but flapjack entrusts his powers for luz when he sees what's become of hunter and THAT is what she CHOOSES to do#you know. flapjack who was caleb's palisman. who was there for the entirety of caleb and evelyn's romance to the point that belos-#-considers him a symbol of caleb's betrayal (his love for evelyn)#this is the same flapjack that looks at phillip trying to harm 'caleb' again and decides to literally put his powers in luz's hands#and ultimately his sacrifice means neither caleb or evelyn have to die again#which is kinda confirmed by the way hunter goes like 'there's a reason you and i are alive and here right now and it's because-#-it's our turn to defeat belos' like i didn't even have to reach for this. hunter says it himself#and this is all great and compelling and makes sense except for the fact that the show just forgets about this on the next two episodes#and so where the first episode establishes that luz and hunter are close friends FTF and WAD are like 'do they even know each other?idk idc#and i get to stare at the camera because OBVIOUSLY if hunter and luz were a couple this wouldn't be a problem to begin with#and flapjack's death loses meaning when it turns out that nothing about evelyn or caleb or the previous confrontations between belos and-#-the other grimwalkers has any bearing in the plot anymore#flapjack gave its life to preserve the love that changed the world back then but because it's just never acknowledged it's like. who cares#someone had to die and we can't kill one of the kids#shrugs#sorry i have so much resentment in my heart#but do not get it twisted. it's HILARIOUS to me that TOH is at its most compelling when the lunter/witteclaw parallels are at its strongest#and then shoots itself in the foot when they realize that they paired off both characters with other people#okay that's all i have to say by now#lunter#is this anything
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peapod20001 · 1 year
I like to think that if my tumblr pals came to my house, they’d have a good time
#random post#I don’t mean that as in ‘yea woo let’s party and get fucked up’ like no lol#I just mean. our house is a place where people get along#there’s no expectations here. wanna sit and talk? we can hang out and talk about whatever#wanna play a game? chances are a few other people do to#need to get away for a bit and maybe take a nap? we’ve got plenty of beds take your pick. we’ll make sure no one bothers you#hungry or thirsty? help yourself don’t be shy. we can always get more#like we had ppl over on Saturday and it was so FUN like ppl would talk all together and then different conversations would split off of that#we would go outside then back in. we had food and some ppl had alcohol#we were laughing SO hard about funny shit (like discovering that my sisters bf worked on the gas meter at grandpas but didn’t SAY ANYTHING#ABOUT IT LMFAO) my cousin brought his gf to meet everyone and she just fit in perfectly and so obviously had an obsession for animals#her and my sister were like sudden bffs it was hilarious. my brother and younger cousin ate at 2:40 and slept upstairs till 6:00#and all we did was turn of the light and put on a fan for em lol. crack up at how comfortable they were#me and my lil sister were walking up and down the driveway talking and looking at the stars. the nap duo were pointing out constellations#when most everyone left it was my household and my sister and her bf. she played uno flip and incoherent with me (usually no one does lol)#and we laughed very hard at all of the adult cards. one of the hints she gave for sidechicks was ‘sad used to have a lot of these’ and#I immediately got it. it was fun. we blasted music from the 2000’s and ate bread#I slept for 11 hours that night lmao and I was tired the next day but I wouldn’t have changed it. I like them lots#it’s days like that that make me think I’m more extroverted than introverted. just because I don’t always know what to say doesn’t mean#I don’t like to talk yn? anyways I’m writing a novel in the tags but I don’t care <3 I just love us and I wish#other people were able to have love and fun times often#I hope this doesn’t sound like me bragging about my home life. trust me I know it’s not some shining light in the darkness or whatever#but it’s something. and I don’t mind sharing my love with other people
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cakemoney · 2 years
thinking about the whole robpat!batman movie’s thesis being “shit. fuck. turns out this whole time the legacy of my rage and vengeance-fueled vigilante justice has been enabling domestic terrorism by entitled white men. all along what this city needed and what i needed was healing and extending our hands to our neighbors instead of continuing the cycle of trauma and violence” like the movie put their whole chest into that. it looked at their audience and said to their face “you guys never actually understood what batman is about. you saw the dark brooding aesthetic and the toxic masculinity and the individualistic lonewolfism and you see that as something to aspire to, when the point of batman was always Corruption And Evil Exists Within Those With Power And Money Not In Mental Illness, and by missing that and making it all about yourself you became the villain of this story.” in theaters right in front of batman stans. no wonder robpat was cast for this like i’ve never seen someone pull off self-loathing white man so naturally
#laughs awkwardly#sorry i watched black adam recently (long story) and like. i can't help but feel like the subversive parts of it#just weren't as strong as how it felt to watch a batman movie where batman had to beat the crap of his own fans#like [SPOILERS] black adam wanted to be self-aware about superhero films and wanted to point out the american propaganda#inherent to the concept of 'international justice' but because it was primarily pulled off through funny quips it felt like it didn't COMMIT#(felt very marvel in that respect actually)#like yes your main character told off the western superheroes for the hypocrisy of their 'peace' efforts but then... what?#in the end the westerners were still the genuine and helpful people they claimed they were. the main characters had to trust them to survive#in the end the self-actualization of an oppressed people felt hollow because we barely spent any time with them during the story#in the end the people's chosen hero turned out to be not who they thought he was and his character turning point to become a hero was...#he magically knew to break out of an underwater prison? honestly that part was a little confusing to me but extremely horrifying#like this guy basically explicitly said 'you should kill me. that's what i want' AND THEY JUST DID NOT DO THAT#like obviously i know he needed to come back since the movie was about him but like. damn. way to not at all respect his autonomy#he said 'i should die' and they went 'haha but instead we're gonna put you in storage forever so you never reunite with your family in death#HORROR. THE MOST DYSTOPIAN SHIT I'VE EVER SEEN. YOUR BODY IS NOT YOUR OWN IN CASE WE FIND IT USEFUL LATER#WE'RE SO PEACEFUL THAT WE CAN NEVER ACCEPT [GASP] MURDER BUT ANY OTHER VIOLATION OF YOUR CONSENT IS FINE#HOW WAS THIS BRUSHED OVER SO CASUALLY#WHAT WAS I TALKING ABOUT BEFORE#yeah you know what i don't really know where i was going with this either. i just had Thoughts#like did i think the rob!patman the movie took itself so seriously it was accidentally kind of comedic? yeah for sure#but because they took it seriously it felt like the element of metacommentary was sincere. like i can also take it seriously#i keep thinking about that scene where rpatz was interrogating the riddler and the horror that dawns on him#because he's looking at this man who idolizes batman but despises bruce wayne and realizes Oh God That's Me. This Is What I Created#like shit dude i don't think superhero films necessarily should or must be Deep in an Artistic way but i can give them props for trying?
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daisywords · 1 year
they should make a support group for people who love to sing but are cursed with mediocre voice
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purplelea · 9 months
Twewy native Pre week 2 neku and kh1 Riku would be the most toxic friend group ever
I had to specify neku as twewy native because in dream drop josh straight up said they all died and that's why they got sent to traverse town. But given his lines it's clear he's at least past peak asshole neku.
OH YEAH VERY TRUE. but actually I don't even think they'd be friends, if that makes sense. Riku needs someone kind who looks up to him (like Sora and Kairi), and Neku pre-twewy... isn't that. Neku on the other hands needs people he can relate to and who share his worldviews (ex: how he got along with Joshua in week 2 and was able to have many interesting discussions with him despite, yknow, thinking Joshua murdered him). So it wouldn't actually work if there was only the two of them: Riku doesn't share Neku's values of shutting himself from people because he's scared of getting hurt & hurting them. And Neku only looks up to CAT.
#léa replies#it's interesting to think about tho. if somehow they were hanging out... it would honestly not be very good. for anyone.#now you got me thinking about how Riku's low self-esteem can be a parallel to Beat and Shiki but each have a different way to deal with it#Riku's low self-esteem becomes jealousy when he sees someone else hang out with Sora (he puts the blame on others)#a reaction that appears to be similar to Beat who's angry at for example kariya when Rhyme dies#but it's actually just a facade. and he's mostly angry at himself for his incompetence#and Shiki on the other hand gets jealous of Eri but turns that against herself to the point that she tries to erase her own self#so she can reach Eri's supposed perfection#so we have a broad range of reactions to low sefl-esteem#and while Riku's is obviously the most harmful for others (increased by the fact that Maleficient and Ansem SOD took advantage of it)#i don't want to call him toxic for that. he's just a lost kid who doesn't know how to handle change. just like Kairi is.#and that's why they drift apart with Sora trying to chase both of them because he's the only one who is able to handle change.#his issues lie elsewhere.#anyway i could swear i was going somewhere with this but i had dinner in between so i forgor...#maybe something about how yeah Neku was toxic pre-twewy but i don't think Riku was before it all went downhill in kh1#it's really Maleficient and Ansem's manipulation who made him go the extra mile and hurt others when he only wanted to save Kairi#and yeah i guess making the words fall and trying to kill Sora is pretty toxic at this point lmao#thanks for the ask!#twewy spoilers#twewy#kingdom hearts
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ronanlynchbf · 10 months
"all this foreshadowing abt declan dying and then he didn't even die" well personally i think declan got murdered dead by mstief in greywaren so. actually 2 me he did die. Badly.
#like sorry 2 to say it but also not sorry the declan i know would never do to matthew what he did in gw..#like obviously he has done some shit stuff to matthew (and ronan as well. this to mean ronan did shit stuff irt matthew as well not declan#did shit stuff to ronan. though he very much did and vice versa but like not the point here.) BUT i know he would NEVER strip matthew of his#autonomy like that and NEVER for so long. like i didn't write declan lynch as a character but also i know he wouldn't do that. that's his#baby brother........and i know he feels like matthew robbed him of his youth and his life and whoever he would've grown up to be but HE JUST#WOULD NEVER....i know this....like sorry but that is the most awful fucked up shit to do ever in the entire world. someone depends on you#and looks up to you and trusts you and you take away the thing that keeps them awake??? i'd even say the thing that essentially keeps them#ALIVE bc without a sweetmetal dreams aren't really alive they're just sleeping for eternity which is a kind of death. LIKE......#that just baffles me so much u just have to be soooooo uncaring to do that....like if he just did it in the moment of anger - snatched that#pendant off matthew's neck so he fell asleep and declan wouldn't have to deal with him anymore and then immediately afterwards was like.#what have i done this is so fucked up to do to someone. and put the pendant back on matthew. and apologized prefusely for it. that would#have still not been fine but in bouts of anger ppl do stupid desperate things that negatively affect others and it would've been#considerably less fucked up than it is now. like declan kept that pendant away for UP TO TWO DAYS. he drove the whole way back put ronan#somewhere safe carried matthew out of the car and into the house carried him upstairs into the bedroom and put him in bed went back#downstairs went outside locked the car went back into the house ate showered slept woke up ate breakfast again go through the whole day and#NOT ONCE did he think to himself oh this thing i'm doing is genuinely horrible i can't just take away someone's like. awareness. like that#& went to go 'wake' matthew????? NOT ONCE????? ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS???? NOT ONCE IN THOSE ONE AND A HALF OR TWO OR POSSIBLY MORE DAYS???#also just the whole. turning into his father thing. HARD NO. u mean the same declan who hated his father for very right reasons and hated#what he did to the entire lynch family both while he was alive and after he died the same declan that hated all the trading and buying and#selling dream things business and just that underground market in general (that btw. put the family he had left in life-threatening danger.)#the same declan who hated his father for dreaming a more perfect and loving unconditionally copy of his actual mother (rightfully so.) went#on 2 go into the exact business he always hated w/ a fiery passion?? ur also telling me he invited his father's killer to his wedding? fake.#trc#greywaren#<- needs its own tag bc i'm not putting it in the same category as call down the hawk my beloved call down the hawk.#anyway. that entire essay in the tags can be summarized w/: who declan ended up as & his entire arc is SO shit i hate it sm peace n love 🙏#as i've said before. me: mom can we have declan lynch? mom: no we have declan lynch @ home. declan lynch @ home: declan lynch in greywaren.#<<<<< full experience of reading gw. 2 me. ARGHHHH AOUGH THE POTENTIAL IT HAD THE POTENTIAL IT WASTED... IT'S ACTUALLY SO SAD....
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jimmythejiver · 4 months
So Ang aka Recapkid aka Handsome Hugs aka whatever the fuck they calling themselves now* poisoning the discourse while doing exactly in rl what his art portrayed (allegedly) is why we don't get to have nice shit in ZADR fandom anymore, huh.
*My knowledge of Rek/Recapkid saga ended initially when they first made their first dramatic exit in fandom. Everything after is what I had to track down to verify tonight.
#there'll always be wolves among the sheep and obviously fuck your fandom if it hurts people yada yada#idk what to believe but it is apparent something is not right with ang beyond drawing sick cartoons#i've seen them get harassed and bullied years ago and they were toted as a fandom martyr#but i don't have a reason anymore to think the alleged abuse accusations about them is false anymore#and perhaps their victims did retaliate in such a way to ruin their life and have them lose their job health insurence#but by not taking the end of life care and persist to taunt them and play victim ang has made their case look worse and indefensible#that no matter how you slice it no matter what ang has went through and what they did or didn't do to these people they created bad optics#i predict we're going to get another monster ballooned into a bigger monster here and no apology or accountability#this person is like if chris chan had gotten nearly as far as john k. in terms of legitimacy and cult of personality#i'm not being glib if the full story is true#they were exposed time after time but kept muddying the waters like an abuser does by calling their victims the abusers#and people eat it up as lies spread around the world before the truth can put its shoes on#and then leave truth freezing in the rain when it's already not welcomed as lies makes itself at home with your hot cocoa and blanket#i was never invested in rek as i knew od rhen as a person like i saw so many in fandom were#but i see what looks like a bullying campaign and condemned that#but now i have to question if they staged the bullying and exit for sympathy points to fit a narrative#because no former child turned adult would doggedly follow around their abuser from account to account#because they stumbled upon or hacked their adult account and were traumatized to vengeance and decided they need to ruin lives#no it is because ang or rek or whatever couldn't fucking disappear for real and stop bothering these people and prey upon some new ones#again allegedly and just my opinion#idk the real facts than the they said she said of it all
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writing annotations for sources is one of the most annoying things ever and i just spent the last hour writing 15 annotations and now my hands hurt like hell and i wanna end it all bc i literally turned the assignment in with 1 minute remaining (and several annotations had to be compromised to get it in so i'm also sad i turned in subpar work, even if it's better than no work at all) and i still had work to do for a few of them, and a few typos slipped past and i even got 2 citations wrong.
#james talks#literally there's so much fucking research i've done today my brain is officially fried#there's nothing going on in there rn#literally not only read 1.5 novels today but also found and annotated 15 sources on Mansfield Park and Maria or The Wrongs of Woman and--#the construction of the patriarchy and systems of power in england in the 18th century and how women were subjugated by them and--#how they were also complicit in their construction and perpetuated those systems and how the laws of england also oppressed the women#i literally had to skim through half the papers to get the annotations done so i'm sure some of them aren't even entirely accurate#but my professor is already weeks behind on grading so she's not gonna check and actually read all the sources#but it's just annoying and disappointing that i couldn't get it done to my usual standards.#some of my annotations were only like 3 sentences and some only got a little bit of research and others got a bunch--#and it's really noticeable but here's to hoping my professor doesn't give enough of a shit to dock points for it.#anyway i would be so happy if i never had to do another annotated bibliograpy or literature review in my life.#literally gonna go put on some music and lie in bed and try to relax and hopefully get some sleep#though i had to take 4 cups of coffee to power through today's mountain of work so sleep is not very likely atm#anyway i have a whole day's of youtube to catch up with as well#and i have to do more research and a powerpoint for a class presentation on monday that i can't actually do until late sunday bc--#i won't be at home this weekend since i have to go to my aunt's and my laptop is broken and it's annoying to do on my phone#and i obviously can't take my whole computer to her place#AND i have to prepare for finals in a week and turn in a bunch of creative writing to my writing groups and start 4 multi-page papers#literally i'm gonna kill myself at this rate#jesus christ i'm spiraling. let me go try to relax for a while.
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osaemu · 6 months
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✩ ‧ ˚. synopsis: you and satoru, your fake boyfriend, have awards to accept and places to be. so how'd you two end up fucking in a bathroom? NSFW
contents: fem!reader. semi-public sex, p –> v, blowjob, unprotected sex, creampie, praise, you two get walked in on at the end (kinda). references hungry for more. not proofread, ignore any minor mistakes. 3.5K words.
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“you two are so cute together,” the interviewer sighs, looking at you and satoru in turn. “please, tell us more about your relationship!”
satoru laughs, resting his hand on your back and pulling you into his side. you put on a smile and instinctually put a hand on his chest, pretending not to notice the way he stiffens up at the contact. “where do i even begin?” satoru asks dryly, turning and looking down at you affectionately, and he’s almost a good enough actor for you to believe there’s any real emotion behind those cold blue eyes.
two weeks ago, satoru’s media team came to you with a request for you two to start dating as a way of gaining more attention from your fans. naturally, you declined—it’s not like you’d gain anything from the deal but the burden of being paraded around on the arm of the man you hated—satoru gojo, the cocky son of some famous actor in the 90’s. but after multiple increases in the amount of money satoru’s team was willing to throw at you, you finally agreed under the condition that this arrangement would end the second you wanted it to.
“i’m sure you’ve seen our latest movie on netflix,” satoru starts, looking back up at the interviewer, whose eyes have practically turned into hearts. “the one with the serial killer, yeah? well, it started from there and just grew into more.”
“i guess you could say the attraction on the screen wasn’t all acting,” you add with a knowing smile. good thing you were a decent enough actor to pretend as if you weren’t just lying through your teeth, otherwise the millions of dollars in your bank account would all be gone. 
the interviewer laughs and turns to the camera, saying something about how the chemistry between you and satoru was what really made the movie a hit—in fact, it might even be the reason you’re both getting nominated for best actor and actress.
“well, if you’d excuse us, i think we should get back to the party,” satoru jumps in, nodding his head at the interviewer in thanks. he removes his hand from your back as you follow him to the main area, weaving through crowds of fans and interviewers on his way there. you walk at his side, heels clacking against the freshly polished floor. satoru dips his head and whispers, “hold my hand.”
you scrunch up your nose and shake your head. “no thanks, it’s not like anyone’s watching right now. it’s way too crowded.”
“just do it,” satoru mutters, grabbing your hand anyways. when you start to pull away, he fixes you with a stern look and adds, “they’ll think something’s wrong if you don’t.”
“ugh, fine.”
two hours pass, filled with other actors’ remarks on how good you and satoru make as a couple. suguru geto, one of satoru’s close friends who had played a cult leader in a recent documentary even said that you might be the girl who could fix satoru. yeah, right.
“so, when do awards start?” you ask satoru, swirling your drink and relishing the sound of the ice clacking against the side of the glass. he shrugs and takes a swig from his own cup, which looks suspiciously like apple cider disguised as champagne. “really? you’re nominated for like, four awards, and you don’t even know when you’re getting them?”
satoru laughs carelessly and looks you up and down, eyes lingering on the short cut of your dress. “at this point, i’ve got so many awards that it doesn’t even matter anymore. and by the way, you look really good in that dress. oh, wait, didn’t i buy it for you?”
“you’re not smooth.”
“then why am i nominated for best actor, huh?”
“because the system’s absolute shit, obviously. otherwise toji would win every time.”
satoru groans and drinks the last couple sips of his drink, rolling his eyes. “don’t even mention that piece of shit.” you shrug in response, hiding your smile behind your glass. a couple years back, satoru had lost a role to toji and to his despair, the movie did really well, despite what he’d promised to the producers who had turned him down. and it looks like he’s still bitter over that, and all of a sudden, the perfect plan to piss satoru off appears in your head.
“look, it’s toji right there!” you gasp, setting down your drink and hopping off your seat, walking over to toji while ignoring satoru’s warnings. “oh, hi, i’m a big fan,” you say to the tall, well-built man, smiling bashfully. toji turns and looks down at you, raising an eyebrow and smiling.
“hey, pretty, you’re the girl in that movie with the serial killer, yeah?” he asks, crossing his arms. you nod and internally marvel at how tall he is—especially compared to satoru, who, by any standards, is pretty damn tall. toji looks you up and down, taking his sweet time drinking in the way your dress hugs your figure. “that scene in the alley was really fuckin’ good,” toji adds conversationally. “you’re definitely winnin’ best actress for that.”
anyone who’s watched the movie knows that the scene he’s referring to is the one where you get fucked by satoru against a dark alley wall—and you’ve seen enough edits of the scene to know exactly why it’s getting all the hype.
“aw, thanks,” you say coyly, resting a hand on your hip and tilting your head. “y’know, i’ve always wanted to star in a movie with you,” you continue, hearing satoru come up behind you in the background. you ignore the sickeningly obvious way he clears his throat and flutter your eyelashes at toji, who’s eying you with interest.
“i’d like that. i can probably pull some strings,” toji replies with a smirk. his dark eyes flicker from you to satoru and his smile turns almost patronizing. “and who’s this?”
“her boyfriend. and i really hate to interrupt this friendly chat, but she’s not up for grabs,” satoru snaps, wrapping an arm around your waist and dragging you back to your spot at the bar. you shoot satoru an indignant glare, but receive no reply besides his tightening jaw. toji laughs and waves you off, mouthing “call me” at you when you turn back apologetically. 
satoru drags you by the hand to one of the bathrooms, shoving open the door with the side of his arm and pulling you inside. there’s a long, shiny counter, which you become very familiar with once your fake boyfriend hoists you up and sits you on it. “the fuck was that?” satoru hisses, narrowing his eyes accusingly.
“what, we were just talki—”
“i don’t like the way he was looking at you,” satoru interrupts, crossing his arms tensely. he fixes you with a cold stare and you fidget uncomfortably with the hem of your dress, which you now realize is rather short. 
“okay, and?” you reply irritably, starting to get annoyed by the way satoru keeps patronizing you. “it’s not like we’re even dating, gojo,” you snap, emphasizing the use of his last name.
“yeah? well, i don’t need my ‘girlfriend’ slutting herself out to the guy everyone knows i hate,” satoru fires back, taking a step forward. his palms rest on the counter on either side of your exposed legs, and you suddenly notice how red satoru’s face is. the flush in his cheeks wasn’t as noticeable underneath the bar’s dim lights, but here, it’s rather obvious.
“are you jealous?” you ask incredulously, unable to suppress the cheeky smile that finds itself on your face. satoru’s jaw slackens and his eyes widen, and that’s enough of a sign for you to confirm it—satoru gojo, your fake boyfriend, is jealous. he doesn’t reply immediately, so you laugh, throwing back your head and giggling at the way satoru’s petty rivalry seems to be only one of the reasons he was so eager to get you away from toji. “aw, that’s so cute, but we aren’t even dating, sweetheart,” you coo, reaching out and caressing the side of satoru’s face.
he instantly swats your hand away, rolling his eyes at your laughter. “well, we still have to act like it, you idiot,” he mutters, leaning over you and eying the low neckline of your dress. you instinctively cross your arms and glare at him, and satoru only cocks an eyebrow in return. “so, if we were actually dating, do y’know what i’d be doing right now?”
“what?” you decide to humor him.
satoru’s demeanor completely changes at your question, going from pissed and flushed red to almost playful.
and just like that, satoru slips his slender fingers underneath the bottom of your dress and pulls it up, exposing your black, lacy panties. 
“gojo, what the—”
“shh, it’s all for the show,” he whispers teasingly, brushing one finger against the warm skin of your thigh. you involuntarily shiver from his touch, and against all rational impulse, find yourself wanting more.
in the acting community, satoru was well-known for being a stuck-up brat, and when you two had first announced your relationship, plenty of actors doubted it. after all, how could you, the classy it-girl of the movie industry, date an asshole like satoru? but even you were surprised at how easily people started to believe it when you two interacted in front of them. you’ve been told that you two had a rather unexpected burst of chemistry together, and that your relationship might actually make it.
what a shame.
satoru hooks his fingers underneath the waistband of your panties and tugs them down, raising an eyebrow when you don’t protest. he maintains eye contact with you as he slides your panties down your thighs, exposing your embarrassingly-wet cunt. satoru looks almost as surprised as you do at how soaked you are, even as he runs two fingers over your slit before sliding them in. you hate how good it feels—it’s been a while since you got a chance to sleep with another man, especially since you’ve been stuck with satoru for the past two weeks. 
“shit, you’re so fuckin’ wet,” satoru murmurs, scoffing in mild disbelief as he meets your eyes and smiles. he curls his fingers upwards, causing your thighs to reflexively close before satoru reopens them. “so, wanna explain, sweetheart?” he tsks, tapping your thigh with his other hand.
you make a face and look away, cheeks heating up the longer satoru waits for a response. “it’s probably from toji,” you snap back after a moment. satoru laughs sarcastically, shaking his head almost condescendingly and pulling out his fingers.
“nice try, hon,” he says sweetly, lifting his fingers to his mouth and licking off your slick in one smooth motion. satoru exhales heavily and swallows, taking his time in doing so. “want me to go grab toji to join us?” satoru asks, forcing a smile on his lips. “i’m sure he’d love to watch you beg—”
“shut it, gojo,” you interrupt, swatting away his hand, which somehow found its way back in between your thighs. “we have an award show to get to, there’s not enough time for this bullshi—”
that was a mistake. satoru instantly lifts you off the counter and, ignoring the rather wide range of curse words you throw at him, sets you on the ground and starts unzipping his pants. “shh, we got all the time in the world. they can’t give an award to someone who isn’t there, right?” satoru cooes, threading one of his hands through your hair and pulling you closer to him. his other hand finishes unzipping his pants, freeing his already-hard dick.
you look up at satoru, forcing yourself to act unimpressed—even though you know damn well he can see through your half-hearted attempt at hiding your real feelings. “s’ that all?” you ask, hating yourself for the crack in your voice when satoru laughs at you. 
“ah, i think it’ll be more than enough for your pretty face to handle. now c’mon, open nice n’ wide for me,” satoru instructs you, reaching down and tilting up your chin as he guides his dick into your mouth. against all rational impulse, you let him, all while glaring daggers at him from below. 
you run your tongue over his flushed red tip, and satoru sucks in a harsh breath, chest tensing as you continue kitten-licking him. his hand moves from your chin to the top of your head, and he pushes your mouth farther onto his dick, jaw tightening the more your tongue laps at him. 
sure, maybe you shouldn’t be sucking off your fake boyfriend in a bathroom where anyone could walk in at any time, but it’s the first time you’ve felt this way in too long, and you weren’t ready to let this feeling go just yet. so you humor satoru and moan, smiling when you feel the way his whole body loosen up at the soft vibration. “f-fuck, didn’t think you’d actually know how to give a man a good time,” satoru mutters through gritted teeth. 
“really?” you ask, pulling away from his dick for a moment to catch a breath. “we fucked for that movie, though, and you seemed pretty damn satisfied then, didn’t you?” you say in-between heaving breaths. satoru scoffs and shakes his head, pushing your mouth back onto his dick.
“yeah, but that was for a movie. this isn’t,” he clarifies, eyes fixed on the mix of spit and pre-cum dribbling down your chin as you continue sucking him off. “fuck, why are you good at this?” he hisses, almost incredulously—it’s as if he was hoping you wouldn’t be this good for him for some reason, but now’s not the time to reason through it or wonder what’s going on in his mind.
satoru shudders around you, and you feel the hair threaded through your hair tighten. it’s not enough to be painful, but his grip still makes you whine from the increased pressure. his breathing becomes more shallow as you run your tongue over his length, and his foot starts to bounce on the floor as he gets closer to cumming down your throat. “shit, baby, m’ close,” satoru confirms a moment later, tilting his chin back and glaring at the ceiling. 
“fuckin’ hell, i—” he cuts himself off with a loud, lengthy groan, pushing your head even farther on his dick and tensing as the full force of satoru’s orgasm hits him. he lets loose a flurry of curse words as he cums in your mouth, filling you up to the point where it starts dripping down the side of your face. it’s hot and salty, two sensations that you normally wouldn’t put together, but in this moment it’s all you can think about as you slide one hand downwards towards your throbbing pussy.
still reeling from his surprisingly quick orgasm, satoru leans back onto the counter and pants for air. as for you, you’re starting to want some of his pleasure for yourself—so you slip two fingers inside your cunt and pulse them back and forth, needy moans slipping out of your lips at every thrust. “gojo,” you call, looking up at him and licking his cum off your lips. the sight of you kneeling in front of him, cum dripping down your lips and fingers knuckle-deep in your cunt is enough for satoru to cum again, but he forces himself to maintain some level of control.
“jus’ call me satoru,” he murmurs, reaching down and tugging you up to your feet. it’s hard to stand while your legs are trembling, but thankfully, satoru does most of the work for you by positioning you against the wall, back facing him as he aligns his still-hard dick in front of your dripping pussy. “say it,” satoru mutters in your ear, resting one hand on your waist and the other on the wall just above your shoulder. “say my name f’me, sweetheart.”
“s-satoru,” you breathe, and a moment later, your fake boyfriend—who doesn’t feel so fake anymore—shoves himself inside of your welcoming cunt. you’re already wet enough to the point where he doesn’t really need to prep you at all, but you’re still just tight enough so that every thrust feels like he’s breaking you down in the best way possible. 
“y’feel so good,” satoru groans, resting his chin on your shoulder and snapping his hips back and forth, setting a steady yet harsh pace. you stutter out satoru’s name again and again as your vision goes blurry, with your only thoughts revolving around the dick shoved up inside you and the man praising you in your ear. 
satoru curses when he feels your walls clench around him, breaths growing shallower with every thrust. “arch your back for me, princess,” he mutters, eyes fluttering rapidly as he squeezes your waist. “yeah, jus’ like that,” satoru praises, breath brushing against the side of your face as he continues thrusting into you. “how’re you feeling, pretty? s’ this all right with you?”
you nod shakily in response, swollen lips hanging wide open as you gasp for air. satoru clicks his tongue and slows his pace, dipping his chin and studying your face. “gonna need you to use your words, angel.”
“m' good, i wanna cum,” you mumble, a loud moan slipping through your lips when satoru laughs and resumes fucking you a millisecond after you answer. 
“i’m gonna fill you up, baby, i promise,” satoru whispers, and his words are barely audible over the lewd, sticky sounds coming from everywhere. all your senses are directed at satoru—the man you really shouldn’t be fucking right now, but all your inhibitions fade away as you feel your stomach start to tighten as you approach your orgasm.
“fuck, satoru, m’ close,” you whimper, arching your back even more and clenching your teeth shut. satoru sucks in a sharp breath as he confirms that he’s also about to cum, and his thrusts grow sloppier the closer he gets. “don’t stop, please, i—”
from there on, your words mix themselves together, with the only understandable word being satoru’s name. your fake boyfriend spills into you first, cum leaking from his tip and mixing with yours as you both chase your releases. and it hits you hard—if it wasn’t for satoru, you would’ve crumbled to the ground from the sheer force of your orgasm. all you can see is white as satoru finishes emptying his load inside of you, and the sticky, viscous liquid trails down the warm skin of your thighs as it overflows from your abused hole.
“shit,” satoru mutters, stumbling backwards and eyeing his now-soiled clothes. “this was a couple thousand dollars, damn it.”
you exhale a breathy laugh and turn around, leaning against the wall and meeting his half-lidded eyes. “you kidding? my dress was way more than that, and there’s no way i can wear that out now.”
satoru grins, running a hand through his ruffled hair and walking back towards you, touching your waist and sliding a finger over your dripping cunt. “you were so good f’me, baby. what were we arguing about again?”
“i have no idea,” you mumble, watching satoru lick his finger clean. he’s shameless—even as clarity returns to both of your minds, he still insists on dragging the moment on. not that you mind—that was the best sex you’d had in a while, even if it was too fast and in a bathroom.
“we should get back to the ceremony,” you say distractedly, pulling down your dress and frowning at the new wrinkles. “can i wear your suitjacket? i don’t want people to see this.”
satoru sticks out his bottom lip and pouts, looking you up and down. “but i like it. you look like you just got fucked by a really hot guy. oh, wait, that’s me!”
“you’re an asshole.”
before satoru can reply, the bathroom door opens, and you both jump out of your skins. thankfully, satoru had time to pull his pants on, otherwise it would’ve been significantly more embarrassing. suguru pokes his head in the bathroom and rolls his eyes when he sees you and satoru, and an exasperated sigh slips out of his lips when he sees your fucked-out states. 
“are you two seriously fucking during the awards?” suguru snaps, amber eyes glittering with dry amusement. you look away bashfully, tugging down your dress even farther out of embarrassment. satoru shrugs nonchalantly and walks over to suguru, offering his hand in search of a fistbump. 
suguru eyes him dubiously and crosses his arms. “did you wash your hands?”
“heh, no, not yet.”
ignoring satoru’s smug grin, suguru swats his arm away with the back of his hand, disgust evident all over his face. “gross, fuck off.” he turns to you and arches an eyebrow, looking you up and down disapprovingly. “you two should clean up before coming outside, otherwise they’ll probably take away your awards,” suguru adds, wrinkling his nose. “i’ll tell them you’re on your way.” 
“okay, thanks,” you mutter, face warmer than ever. suguru nods in response and leaves, and when you and satoru finally return to the awards ceremony, there’s plenty of whispers about you two, and most of them aren’t very family-friendly.
well, at the very least, nobody’s gonna doubt that you two were a couple now!
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yamujiburo · 1 year
I probably should have started doing this forever ago but I wasn’t sure how long I was gonna stick with drawing these comics. But I guess we’re in it now! This will be continually updated~ EVERYTHING UNDER THE CUT
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This post is required reading about Team Rocket’s ages since that’s usually a question that comes up a lot LOL. As for Delia’s age, she is said to be 29 in Takeshi Shudo’s (original writer on Pokémon) novel that built out the world and characters of the anime.
Next, I feel like this chart helps give the vibe of what these characters relationship is (all just headcanons except for their names and ages)!
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Here’s a post I made detailing how Jessie, James and Meowth initially start living with Delia. It also goes into what each character does in this AU. Before going into the post, you might enjoy this fanfic my girlfriend commissioned! It’s based off of said post and is a more enjoyable read.
Here’s also a list of headcanons!
Here’s all the comics I’ve done! The order of most of them are pretty ambiguous and up in the air but I put them in the order I kinda see in my head! There are some that do take place before Jessie and Delia start dating though! Also a few comics that have several parts but the “next” and “prev” links will be in each comic. So I’ll only link the first part of those ones in this masterpost.
Fast Food
Making Eyes
First Kiss
During Relationship
Big Bed
Pet Clown
I’d Like To
Lipstick (not a comic but some fun extra dialogue for this)
Stare Down
Shovel Talk
Invisible Walls
Date Night
Face Blind
One Motto Away
Delia’s Got a Cold
Mr. Jessie Ketchum
Hands Off Pikachu!
Wine Nights with James
Beauty and the Beach
Turning Point Arc
Where Do Babies Come From
Head Scritches
Love Life
Ace Trainers
Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Gift for Delia
Gift for Jessie
Jessilina Fan
Journey Arc
Cooking Twerp
Cooking Advice
Serperior Facts
Cassidy’s Cabin Arc
Father/Son Bonding
Study Help
Happy Valentine’s Day
Daddy Daughter Double Battle
Married Life
Arbok/Weezing Reunion
Snake Eyes
I’ll update this with links to my other miscellaneous drawings later! 
What does "Hanamusa" mean?
Hanamusa is a combination of Delia and Jessie's Japanese names, Hanako and Musashi respectively.
When does this AU take place?
It takes place sometime after the Mezase Pokémon Master/To Be a Pokémon Master series. So all the events that happened in the series, unless retconned within the series, happened. Ash is 10 at the start of the comics.
What's the status between Jessie, James, Meowth and Giovanni/Team Rocket?
Not great terms since they were fired, but also not the worst terms. Giovanni just let the three of them go without any further issues. I will say that I've always loved the theory that Giovanni keeps Jessie specifically around because of her parentage and he as a soft spot for her that he keeps a secret. I feel like Matori was the one that got the three of them fired and Giovanni wasn't able to make an excuse for them this time (without showing nepotism/special treatment) so he was forced to let them go.
If you headcanon Delia as a lesbian, how did Ash come to be?
Delia was young when she had Ash and I hc that she just didn’t really explore her sexuality much! I myself didn’t realized I liked women until I was 18 and didn’t know I liked ONLY women until like 2 years ago. She got married, had a baby and realized after her husband left that she liked women (trans people exist obviously but I’m also interpreting Ash’s father as a cis man).
Who do you think Ash’s dad is?
I don’t know and I don’t really care to explore it. I’m going off of the novel interpretation that he’s just a deadbeat that left to be a trainer, failed and never came back because of the shame. He’s not important.
Isn’t Giovanni Ash’s dad?
That’s a common misconception that people remember wrong from the Pokémon Live show. Delia mentions she dated Giovanni but then left him and his gang after meeting Ash’s father. I also don’t consider the live show canon personally! I follow The Birth of Mewtwo timeline where Madame Boss founded Team Rocket.
Do you think Delia and Giovanni dated at least?
Nah, I think he’s too old for her? I always got the vibe from The Birth of Mewtwo that he was quite a bit older than Jessie and it’d be sus if he was dating Delia when she was married to, and had a child with her husband at 18/19. He’s a bad guy but not a BAD guy.
You mentioned you still ship Jessie and James. Why not make a Jessie, James, Delia polycule?
I have a few reasons I’ve mentioned before! 1. I’m in super deep with this AU already and I feel it’d be very confusing for casual viewers of my stuff if James was added into the relationship haha. 2. I’ve drawn Jessie and James together since 2011 and took this AU as an opportunity to try my hand at writing them as queer, platonic besties bc I love that interpretation of them a lot as well. 3. I’m not poly myself and the way I write this ship is largely based off of my experiences with my girlfriend. I just know I’d favor the Jessie/Delia of it all which isn’t fair and not a good interpretation of a poly relationship. All that said, I DO super enjoy seeing peoples’ poly headcanons and art!
Who does James end up with in this AU?
No one. He's aroace and is happy to be single
Do Jessie and James have all their Pokémon in this AU
I think they have all the Pokémon that they did by the end of Mezase Pokémon Master (all their Pokémon that were left at HQ). Most of their released Pokémon have stayed released and the Alola Pokémon are still in Alola. I bring back Arbok and Weezing post-Jessie and Delia getting married. I may bring back Chimecho, Growlie and Cacnea if I think of an idea I like!
What are Meowth and James up to in this AU?
Hop back to the top of this post under the "Where to Start" section. All your questions will be answered.
Does Ash travel with anyone at this point of his life?
I don't have anyone in particular in mind! I could see him making new friends (Nemona???) or traveling with different combinations of old friends. Like him, Misty and Goh, him, Dawn and Cilan, him, Serena and Lillie etc.
Will Delia ever get over her phobia of snake Pokémon
Not fully! I think overcoming fears is fine and good but I think real PHOBIAS are much harder to get past and I don't want to cheapen it. She slowly gets used to Jessie's Seviper specifically and gets to the point where she can pet it comfortably with Jessie in the room. But otherwise, still scared and would need that same amount of time per Pokémon
Is Jessie gaining weight or is it just me?
Not just you! Jessie puts on a bit of relationship weight overtime as you'll see in the later comics in the timeline. Jessie grew in poverty, never knowing when her next meal would be and that continued into her life as a Team Rocket member. Once she was able to settle down (with a woman who runs her own restaurant no less) she's able to live a healthier lifestyle with regular meals and puts on some weight because of that.
Does Jessie ever feel self conscious about gaining weight?
Nope! She feels happier and healthier and hotter. She's also unreasonably excited to clear out her old clothes and get a new wardrobe.
Would Jessie and Delia ever have kids together or adopt?
Nah, Ash is enough for them! I have come up with hypothetical kids for them but they're not canon to this AU. Just a fun little thing for me.
Will you ever put this on webtoon?
Nah. People mostly ask me this because they want to read everything in the order of the timeline but to my knowledge, you can’t reorder chapters or installments which would defeat the purpose. I also don’t think nintendo fan stuff would fly there. Also, also it’s just extra work and another place to upload and I want to keep this all fun for myself~
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books-and-omens · 10 months
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Heyyyyyy I’d really like to talk more about the ball, who’s with me.
Because for all its glitter, the ball is dark. No, seriously, it’s dark. It’s eerie, it’s disturbing, and the narrative doesn’t shy away from showing us just how much. 
As in a classic fairytale, mortals are being spirited away into another realm to dance through the night. Here, however, we see exactly who is orchestrating the dance, and why.
And we empathize with him, but watching Aziraphale has never been so painful or so unsettling.
Nina arrives distraught and is immediately hit with the realization that she doesn’t feel distraught, even though she knows she should be feeling it. She confronts Aziraphale and he just tells her: oh yes! :) no long faces tonight! And she is disturbed throughout the ball, thinks she is losing her mind, questions and fights the enchantment… but from time to time, the enchantment still takes hold.
And just—
Aziraphale. Aziraphale, you do know that manipulating people is wrong, don’t you? You… do know that? And yes, of course, neither Crowley’s nor Aziraphale’s approach to morality is human. They are eldritch, they are otherworldly. It was Crowley who changed the paintball guns into real guns in S1, though of course, the humans still had choice in using them.
But the ball is still different.
We’ve never seen Aziraphale do anything quite so disturbing before, or go so obviously deep into his own delusion. There are moments during these scenes when even Crowley, permanently frustrated, is very nearly disturbed. (“Angel! What are you doing?” or “Making it rain is one thing, but a BALL?”)
I fully think that by that point in the story, Aziraphale is not all right. He is in an anxiety spiral, denying reality fiercely, obstinately, disastrously, not listening to any of Crowley’s hissed warnings. Yes, yes, he is giddy, he is in love. It’s so very important for him that everything go RIGHT this night, the night he gets to dance with Crowley. Is he even aware of everything he is conjuring up, of the enchantment he has woven? The humans who step through the doors of the bookshop change: their clothing, their mood, their speech patterns… By this point, is Aziraphale doing this consciously at all? Or is reality conforming to his expectations, forcing everyone into a replica of the nineteenth century while Aziraphale himself, distracted and smitten, works himself up to inviting Crowley to dance?
In the first few episodes, as fear and danger grow, as Aziraphale is faced with the danger specifically to Crowley (I don’t see why he would risk his existence for you, Shax tells him in the car), Aziraphale only denies reality all the more fiercely, only holds on to his plans tighter, only puts more force into them and exerts more control (really, rather like the archangels with their Great Plan).
And the ball, beautiful and otherworldly and eerie as it is, is also a dire warning. 
In the morning, it will be Crowley, not Aziraphale, who will get told off for manipulating Nina and Maggie. Aziraphale won’t reflect on this. He won’t be forced to reflect, and Metatron will manipulate him in turn.
There is a plan to follow. The show must go on.
GOD the ball is so dark.
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