#but it really made me think abt like..what you need to do in a script for television vs in a fic based on that television you knwo what i
trick to fun dialogue is just to make it a little hard to understand. maybe thats a cheap trick but i dont care
#or not even that hard necessarily just like it takes like 2 listens. it takes attention#and what 'harder' is is subjective depends on the type of dialogue you hear a lot and your vocabulary level#watching the nevers right#and im watching this scene and theres this character who exactly hits this spot for me#like 5........wait 5 years ago is not as far as i think it is.........7 years ago (ugh) i woudlnt have understood what she was saying#like i'd know all the words separately but iwouldnt have understood what she was saying at all#but rn im like oooh this is the exact balance between obscuring your meaning and substance#i think oftne in my writing i obscure more than there is substance#there usually /is/. /some/ substance#theres usually substance. just theres more complication than there is substance. here the balance is better#bc someone needs to say these words hfkghgj#the other day while reading scripts im making myself rewrite i was like 'i coudltn do this in a fic. iwouldnt get away with this'#lines that work in a script (bc they'll be acted) fall flat in fic bc we dont have the luxury (or limitation) of actors#but it really made me think abt like..what you need to do in a script for television vs in a fic based on that television you knwo what i#mean? different things you need to work for. WE need to work for that the characters sound like Them. that we can Hear them#tv gets that almost free. the words will be in the right voice in the right body that gets you like 60-70% of the way#less sometimes depending on the specificity of the character&circumstances i was mostly thinking abt the doctor who maybe has more leeway#and tv has the limitations of 1) needs to be sayable. but also 2) needs to be flatter i think#you cant put 5 meanings in every line bc theres plot that needs to keep going and sentences need to stay short#so you get a lot of character work for free i think but in return you need to rein yourself in in that way#anyway idk these observations were just based on like me rewriting the 14 specials and going 'this line fucking sucks in fic' fhgkjhgkjgh#not that it was a bad line! just. boring .meaningless. doesnt add. filler noise. i dont have TIME for that in fic. i lose people#idc if i lose readers i dont know abt that but i lose myself honestly very short attention span keep every word interesting#scripts are fluffy and repetitious. repetitive. but repetitious sounds funner#anyway its fun trying to match that tv need with my own lines that i add in#not too obscure. needs to be sayable. but with my own 'half the spices cabinet in my single cup of hot choccy' approach to writing#(and hot choccy)
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tgcg · 19 days
Ya got any tips for writing dialog for the sillies?
i wish i could come up w anything deeply helpful irt this but i just kinda "feel it" & it "happens", generally in a way i find hard 2 explain to people... i will give it a go though
i made a post abt the kind of mindset i have when i write karkat dialogue here https://www.tumblr.com/cgtg/739174575193112576/do-you-have-any-tips-on-writing-karkat-dialogue a while back though🙂
for dave i think id have an even harder time explaining it, but my dave is rly heavily influenced by post-irony & ytp. whenever i write dave i just kinda follow a stream of consciousness that is dubious about shit and loves to laugh i guess? i rlly don't know how to describe it. i tend to reread canon dialogue particlarly from act3-6 for inspo, sometimes i'm straight up using my own brain with some kind of dave-filter
when i write them together i like 2 live in the beautiful world where they both agreed to be earnest with each other, probably my best example of that is "candid detail". i don't do that all the time bc i also like to write em with their guards up e.g. "bad mouther hole master", theres a lot of points in their relationship that have rly fun dynamics 2 me.
i guess i also do them kinda silly. ive been told my dk is quite silly. i like 2 imagine they know how to make each other laugh. they also learn a lot from each others perspectives on things, like insecurities or bad experiences or even just what they like / what art is to them, stuff like that. in my interp they do rly end up having a lot of things in common ideologically bc they're both at their cores very soft people.
it's all abt big long sentences with an undertone of quiet empathy. it can also be about aggressively bumping shoulders w their own egos too because that's fun
fundamentally though, i write them 2 be genuinely interested in what the other has to say. like, curious about each other. it gives u rly fun back & forth that isn't too mean-spirited & is more playful/genuine... i think it's rlly easy to write them totally discrediting each other's viewpoints which i do sometimes too (again, FUN !) but if u do it in the wrong context it just comes off as needlessly sardonic & harshes the vibe. i mention that bc i have a hard time balancing their egos & genuity myself sometimes
also very important to know when to have them run their mouths & when to have them sit their asses down & LISTEN. i tend to have them run their mouths a lot in scripts i havent finished/posted, just bc i have so much fun doing it, but it makes the dialogue so long-winded that i can't turn it into a comic... yeah definitely part of it is remembering they both know how to be succinct when they need/wanna be and aren't ALWAYS flapping their mouths. sometimes i realise a script is going in a direction that could be a whole other convo & that's when i tend 2 nip it in the bud
i really dont kno if any of this is helpful but i hope it is a little 4 my kinda... process i guess 🙂
thank u 4 asking me abt it ! if i think of better ways 2 explain it i will share in da future i hope u r having a good day
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
i've been racking my brain for quite some time now to come up with a way to really express how i feel about this film - and i think the best way to do it is just to say that it truly made me want to get into filmmaking. and that it made me feel so fucking alive. it felt like a different type of oxygen. like crack or something. this is obviously going to be a ramblepost so i apologize if it's super fucking messy. also big spoilers will come with a warning so don't worry abt that. i am going insane.
+ btw here's the trailer if u don't know anything abt this hehehehe
anywayy i've never sat through a WHOLE film with a smile on my face bc i was just so fucking excited. elated is a really good word here i think. all of the following thoughts and words are in fact coming from my lower tummy bc no other film has turned me on so much as this did. it's not about sex btw.
luca guadagnino understands. he really fucking does. this guy is everything i want to be. it's all about the intimacy and the closeness. the sweat. the colors. the eyes. the dialogue. the camerawork. the build-up. staging and blocking. lighting. it is about sex but not in the way that you think. forget about porn and smut and whatever the fuck you think sex is. it's about watching and observing. taking everything in. it's about your heartbeat. the warm and fuzzy feeling in your stomach. a tightening knot. want and desire. anger. the rawness of it all. just the way things should be. forget about quickies and think about your best friend thinking about your lover. it's hot, right? it's about the rush. it's about sharing and not sharing. it's about greed and envy. think about sore muscles - how good they feel. think about flashing lights and thrumming bass in your ears. it's about music that makes you feel alive. it's about nudity, it's about power. humility and the absolute lack of it. it's about real humans, real people. eroticism. kissing. disgust. need. spit and saliva. tongues dancing together. muscles. skin on skin. laughter. love and something that's very akin to it but not quite the same. extreme close-ups and moments in slow motion, followed by fast-paced cuts and scenes. slapping. teasing and bickering. it's about everything i could possibly want in this fucking life and luca just handed it all to me on a silver platter.
i'm trying so hard to make this as coherent as possible lmao please bear with me i quite literally shed a couple of tears just from the overwhelming feeling this film gave me.
the casual intimacy is insane in this. one really specific thing made me absolutely lose it - there are TWO scenes where art spits out his gum into people's hands. the first is with tashi and the second time it's with patrick - both times they stand so close together that they're almost brushing against each other and they keep eye contact. there's zero disgust, there's no ew you just spit your gum into my hand. they ask for it. both times, patrick and tashi, hold out their palms for art to do it, and they do it without a word. no please or spit it out. i loved it so fucking much i wish i was better with words bc this genuinely had such a big effect on me. this type of intimacy is so important to me. it feels so real.
the dialogue was fucking great. i feel like the script is often where i might get The Ick bc i just hate when it's just so clear that it was written down without a second thought abt whether or not people actually talk like that (ok this actually might just be a problem with every single film my country makes but still). this felt good!!!!! they talk over people, they talk about small irrelevant things. they repeat what they said, they giggle, they laugh - again, it just felt so real and i loved it.
also. men in shorts. sweaty men in shorts. with shirts and without shirts. biceps. more sweat. muscles. we need more of that in life actually. i think men should wear shorter shorts and they should bend over more. ALSO MIDRIFF. SHIRTS RISING UP JUST A LITTLE, GIVING US A GLORIOUS PEEK OF WHAT'S UNDERNEATH. WHEN I TELL YOU THAT LUCA UNDERSTANDS I FUCKING MEAN THAT SHIT.
THE SOUNDTRAAAACKKKKKK RRRRRAAAAHHHHHHH EVERYBODY SAY THANK YOU TRENT REZNOR AND ATTICUS ROSS WE LOVE YOU TRENT REZNOR AND ATTICUS ROSS!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean it's obviously not a surprise that the score slaps so hard bc well... these guys have yet to make a bad score lmao. but this one is genuinely one of my favourite scores i think. super fast paced, exhilarating - it suits the film so fucking good holy shit. fuck it i'll give you a few songs:
challengers: match point + yeah 10x + pull over +
the cast was incredible. and also very hot. i think they were all so fucking perfect and i have literally zerooo complaints abt them i loved them so much. but if i had to pick a favourite performance... it's josh o'connor as patrick zweig. fuuuuckkkk, man. ok maybe i'm a bit biased here i do wanna kinda eat him buTTTTTTT HE'S AN AMAZING ACTOR OKAY. i loved his character soooooo fucking much and i think he did such a good job at portraying this little silly fucked up guy. the way he looks at art, the way he acts around art...
here are two crazy fucking examples for you the churro + the chair uhhhhhhh i am very unwell abt them actually what the fuuuuckkkkk
oke but yeah i just might be really down bad bc i really do love overly cocky assholes with beautiful big smiles okay don't judge me
THE VISUALSSSSS OH MY FUCKING GODD THE COLORSSS!!!!!!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO BRIGHT AND PRETTY AND FUN AND ALIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EVERYBODY CHEEERRSSS!!!!!!!!! it's such a big problem nowdays that all of the films are so fucking dark like bro where's the sun...... dark and just very dull you know??? and i hate it i hate it so much. this was great though. again - super birhgt and colorful, luca plays with the light like a god and he's really making me believe that the cinema is truly backk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they also mentioned spider-verse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i <3 luca fr
okay i think this covers most of it. i think. i have already decided that i'm gonna go and see it again next week so i'm sure that i'll be returning to this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope you can all feel my love for this wonderful piece of art and i hope that you all will go and watch it aswell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ily thank you for reading<333333
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nopeferatu · 10 months
okayyyy i guess ill just write abt some things that i wanna get out before i forget to??
- LOVE, love love how they made ennis the one who initiated all of the romantic affection between the two. literally insane over it. it feels so in-character, considering ennis has probably been affection starved since his mother died when he was a kid. of course he has alma, but do we really get the sense that ennis was ever very affectionate with her? could he have been, in rural, christian, wyoming, where conervative notions of courtship prevail? did he even want to be, knowing that the only person he shows real attraction towards is a man? who knows. we just know that he was craving love, and lucas did an amazing job at capturing that need.
- the "'lets ranch up together', 'no bc earl and rich'" conversation happens after ennis tells jack that he'd divorced alma...a year and a half earlier. what an interesting change! it seems like both adaptations, movie and play, mess around with that specific sequence of events. i really enjoyed what it brought to this specific show, though, because in the script it's described as a "gut-punch" to jack when ennis tells him he already left alma in response to jack telling ennis that he'd decided to leave lureen. it really hammers home the idea that jack thought it was just their wives getting in the way of their life together all that time. it was framed wayyy different than jack driving up 14 hrs after getting his hopes up thanks to a phonecall or a postcard from ennis abt the divorce, but it still hits the beat it's supposed to, where we as the audience can see that its the first time their relationship shifts—and not for the better.
- "little darlin'."I got to hear "LITTLE DARLIN'" not just once, but TWICE. still not over it.
- the show also brought more...i guess, explicit attention to the fact that ennis really only wants to do ranch work, and how much that affects his family. i know its present in all the texts, but the new conversations he and alma have regarding the various 'city jobs' she tries to rope him into and the dead-end ranch jobs that keep going belly up from underneath him are just really sad. he's someone who craves wide open spaces, and the beauty of film allowed heath to capture this hunched, clenched, uncomfortable look and feel of a man who seems too big for any room he's in. ennis is not happy in domesticity. he's a saddle bum through and through, and out with nature is where he belongs. but since theatre (esp theatre in-the-round) doesn't have the luxury of different set dressing, those conversations and arguments bw ennis and alma capture that same bit of characterization.
- i...dunno how i feel about mike's jack, if i'm honest? lucas was incredible. i think he brought just the right amount of taciturn and tender, rage and remorse to a role that needs all of that in an actor. i think mike's jack was a little...idk. too big, if you get me? like there were certain line deliveries that i felt could've been said differently, or had different emotions behind them than the ones i was picking up on. i know stage is different, so in both cases, the actors went VERY big (heath's quiet, simmering rage is a completely different beast against lucas' loud, screaming outburtsts, for example), but...idk. there was just something about mike's jack that threw me off? I told my friend that I was iffy about his performance, and without prompt she said, "I didn't like how much he laughed at everything" and I think I feel the same. For example, the "I didn't want none of either kind but fuck all has worked the way i wanted, nothing has ever come to my hand the right way" line was said really jolly, without much of a edge to it, and i think thats what's thrown me off-kilter so much. in mike's performance, i didn't feel the bitter edge to a lot of his lines that occur later on in the script that are apparent to me not only in jake gyllenhaal's performance, but in the SS text, itself.
He was technically very good and I love the silly things he'd do to get ennis to open up, but he was a little too jovial, not enough bitchy, not enough moody and sassy like jake's jack. i see a lot of jake's jack in mike's performance bc aside from a few lines about how much jack likes the rodeo, all we can really glean from either characters in the SS text is that ennis is quiet, and that jack talks a lot. im not trying to compare the two performances too much bc they are fundamentally different actors working in different mediums, but heath and jake brought a lot of dimsension into charas who could have turned out waaaay different had different actors played them and gotten in touch w different emotions within the script, so i can see how other actors could look to the film for a lot of inspo on how to go about portraying ennis and jack while trying to do their own things as well. my issue is that jack becomes very heartsick and bitter and just plain fed up with everything about his life by the time their last trip rolls around, but play!jack never let that bitterness start to show, so by the time that jack does his whole "i wish i knew how to quit you" monologue, it felt very abrupt to see him screaming and yelling and hollering at ennis like that.
i dunno, after seeing tons of ppl in the brokeback tag over the past few months saying that mike faist was their favorite jack, i was actually really expecting a lot more? but as it stands, jake gyllenhaal still reigns supreme. he captured every facet of jack twist that makes him so compelling to read and write and think about and analyze, and mike, while he was still very good, didn't do that nearly as well imho.
- the play firmly cemented to me that jack twist is just bottom coded, i guess
- some of the music hit at different scenes than i had initially thought they would?? i thought the play would end on "hale strew river" playing in the bg as *SPOILER* old!ennis holds the ghost/dream/memory version of young!jack in a mirror of the way he'd held jack by the campfire on brokeback in '63. but that was not the case. this is an instance of where my heightened expectations made the reality seem kind of disappointing in comparison. i'm also kind of sad that my other favorite song, "beneath the moon," was only featured as a diegetic recording heard on a clock radio (NOT live), and it was played during a scene between alma and ennis. Like, looking back at the lyrics it makes sense:
Why don't you take me for a stroll into the sunset
Another lonely summer's day is ending soon
Oh, let us walk another mile into the twilight
And let me be alone with you beneath the moon
But i thought that it was going to be played during a scene where another one of jack's frequent proposals of a life together gets rejected. when the soundtrack for the play was released it gave me the same vibes as "i dont want to say goodbye", one of the few original songs on the movie soundtrack, and i was POSITIVE that this was a jack-longing-for-ennis song. like, it's all about sunsets and twilight and the moon and all this outdoor imagery, and as we all know, jack and ennis are literally only together underneath the sunsets and twillight and moon! so im actually really sad it wasn't an ennis/jack moment :c
- the actor who played jack's dad played the role a lot more emotionally than i expected. movie!john is very, again, muted and quietly bitter, just like all these characters are. play!john seemed really...what i can only describe as choked up? like, he was shouting and got really riled up in his "jack used to say" monologue at ennis, and there was some disgust in there and a lot of anger, but what i actually read was more like him telling ennis "you're part of the reason why my son is gone." and then he gets up and walks away from the table, and exits the stage. it was really really heartbreaking. maybe i have a different read on the performance than what was intended, but it opens up a whole new side to john twist that i think would be interesting to explore.
- theres a few little added lines of dialogue on jack's part that are great. when they leave brokeback and are heading away in opposite directions, jack turns back around and goes "ennus-" as though he's going to make his proposal to start a life together then and there, but ennis knowingly cuts him off and says smth like "see you around, jack twist", and shakes his hand goodbye. there was another moment (the divorce admission, the rich and earl confession scene) where jack is talking about their sweet life together, and hes talking about them being in rocking chairs on their porch in front of a nice fire and ughhghf....it called to mind this line in one of my all-time fave fics, Recompense:
Couldn't set out on the porch, just set, quiet and together; there wasn't any porch, wasn't even any house, where they could be seen setting. Start hauling their canes, their bifocals, damn electric blankets, up in back of the pickup? They couldn't have that life. They couldn't have any life at all. The weight of Jack's misery, pressing all around, seemed enough to cave him in.
one i didnt like, though, was when jack and ennis are wrestling, jack gets pinned under ennis and says "sheep be damned!" before ennis kisses him in the first romantic display of affection we see bw the two. also when the sheep get mixed up, ennis has a meltdown and tells jack that aguirre will realize the counts off and put 2 & 2 together that they're fooling around, and he yells smth along the lines of their trist being "sick", and Jack says smth like, "you sure didn't seem to think it was sick this past month."
this is just a me thing honestly bc i'm kind of a SS purist in some instances, and one thing that always stuck with me is that jack and ennis never talk about the sex they're having when they're on brokeback. aside from the "im not no queer" convo, the sex wasn't even alluded to; they just "let it happen," and i think thats veryyy in-line for a character like ennis. i think jack would love to talk about it, but he doesn't wanna spook ennis away, so he keeps his mouth shut. i dont think either of them would speak, even in a roundabout way, abt their sex life when they're 19 on brokeback, and thats why the whole "redlined it all the way couldnt get here fast enough" line is so revelatory imo, bc its the first time either of them acknowledge the conscious choice theyre making to fuck. so idk. i didnt really care for the fact that they were (somewhat) openly referring to their tryst while still on brokeback
- less a note of the show and more a note of the audience, but i saw the show twice and the first night i saw it, the audience laughed at REALLY sad and serious moments that i in no way thought were laugb worthy, and i felt like maybe i was taking the work too srsly until i saw the final performance and THAT audience didnt laugh at any of those really sad moments. so i got rly irritated abt that the first night cause it wasnt even like the lines were delivered in a jokey way or anythibg....
anyways. i need to sleep. look out for some other posts cause im sure ill have more to say the longer i stew on it
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gayleviticus · 25 days
assorted thoughts on the two new doctor who episodes (spoilers below)
space babies
Weird concept but I think it worked. i dont think the token political allegory had a ton of depth but the stuff about stories is interesting enough i feel like i need to think abt it a little bit
my biggest issue is it feels like the doctor and ruby do a very jarring 180 on sparing the bogeyman at the end. like, i think in some ways it was predictable, but it happens so abruptly after they show zero concern for the bogeyman even knowing the truth of its origins I was super confused. like, i was just content to dismiss it as literally a pile of snot and not a living being.
ironically given the pro-choice vibes in the episode, this actually reminded me a little of kill the moon, where the episode doesn't spend any time actually fleshing out what the Bogeyman is, whether it has consciousness, its degree of sentience etc, the characters just decide killing is bad.
since this episode doesnt try to make a moral dilemma of it it feels less bad than kill the moon (altho I think unfair moral dilemma is a very deliberate choice on KtM's part to make you empathise w Clara aginst the Doctor) but I think it makes the 180 more baffling given the episode seems so uninterested in the Bogeyman as an actual being? if that makes sense?
the devil's chord
to be honest, while it was a fun watch at the time, this felt like an episode that ran out of ideas midway and the more I think about it the more I sour on it. at least scripting wise - i do think this was a very strong episode presentation wise!
Based on this and the Giggle I genuinely don't think RTD knows how to write godlike adversary; both these stories generally collapse into just 'godlike enemy hams it up and does goofy things while the doctor tries random stufff to save the day.' Like, as soon as Maestro turned up it felt as if the thread of narrative logic snapped and it just became a random events plot. And I felt the same with the Toymaker.
I think the issue is that these episodes overplay the power differential so much the Doctor doesn't have any kind of plan - but because these godlike entities like to toy w their victims it means neither the protagonist or antagonist are really driving the plot? i think the fact Maestro read as hammy rather than threatening also didn't help.
I also think these episodes don't set up clear enough rules. If you're going to have godlike aliens with gimmicks confronting the Doctor, the obvious appeal is that it's a story about manipulating the rules of the game to come out on top. It's like dealing with the Fey - or even Weeping Angels; the tension is in figuring out how to rules lawyer the godlike alien out of existence. But instead too much is made of the Doctor not knowing the rules and not attempting to discover the rules and it becomes boring. And if you take that aspect away what actually is the appeal of Doctor vs godlike alien?
They should have played devil went down to georgia during the music battle smh
The Beatles saving the day felt cheap, but it would have been incredibly cheap if they weren't real life people. Like can you imagine any other Doctor Who episode where one-off characters dismissed in the first 10 minutes save the day?
ngl while the ending song was fun and not lyrically terrible... it did feel like the lyrics were ironically the same kind of thing as the bad songs they were lampooning at the start of like, just perfunctorily rhyming random things together? idk. i guess it wasn't as pedestrian but i found it a bit funny
i feel like these episodes had a bit more of a return to a kind of procedural investigation format of Doctor Who - characters turn up to a new location and slowly have to piece together what's going on, the rules. which we also had previously in Wild Blue Yonder tbf, but i think it's interesting.
I like how there were moments where Ruby takes charge and says something a bit Doctorly - like when they enter the recording studio in devil's chord she says something like "Right, let's go!" and leads the way. It's a small touch but it just subtly chips away at the dynamic where the Doctor is always In Charge yknow?
Space Babies riffing on End of the World and Devil's Chord riffing on Pyramids of Mars for exposition scenes is perfectly justifiable (esp in the latter case given Pyramids of Mars is like 50 years old now), but I did definitely feel w those scenes that I'd seen it all before? Like, it's one thing to reuse a tropey scene because it's an efficient way of moving the story along, but I felt w both those scenes as soon as I knew what was going on I'd seen it all before. Nothing new. I could go to the toilet for a couple minutes
The magical realism is interesting (the handling of godlike beings aside) but i especially like the ideas of memories, songs hidden in Ruby's soul, and the snow appearing - that's very cool!
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transphilza · 2 years
I have no where else to talk about this bcs i'm too terrified to post abt the dsmp after the whole dream thing. I don't support him and want nothing to do with him but my love for the story surrounding wilbur and tommys characters is so immense it makes me really sad that i cant talk about them online anymore bcs everyone seems to be dropping the dsmp, even if i have to argue that it can be separated from the dude its named after. Lmanburg means the world to me, and c!wilbur means a lot to me for a lot of reasons. I guess im just very upset about the events that have ensued lately, i miss the dsmp
hi nonnie <3
i thought a bit about whether i wanted to respond to this or not but i have seen so many concerns just like yours that i feel the need to state outright: just because the dream smp bears his name does NOT mean it is all his, nor does it mean anything to do with the smp has to be “tainted” by his association with it.
a lot more under the cut
c!wilbur is one of my favorite characters of all time, he means a lot to me and just like you i find a lot of joy in the stories he told on the dream smp. the best part about all that? it was WILBUR who did that. WILBUR is the reason why c!wilbur was amazing, and TOMMY was the reason c!tommy was amazing, and so on for everyone else on the server. it feels like a disservice to all the hard work so many people put into their characters and their storylines to allow one guy to ruin all of that. WILBUR wrote those scripts, WILBUR wrote that character, WILBUR poured his heart and soul and energy into creating an amazing story for us, and NOTHING and NOBODY can change that. it was he who made his own story amazing (and this applies just the same to c!tommy and all the other people on the smp who worked so hard)
furthermore, and firesnap spoke beautifully about this already, i’m BEGGING you to listen to your OWN instincts about this entire thing. what do YOU think is right? what feels right to you? what makes sense to you? the people who are choosing to no longer engage with the dsmp whatsoever are entirely valid to feel however they feel which led them to make that decision, but you would be just as valid to come to a different conclusion. as long as you are thinking critically, you’re on the right track. there is no Right reaction to all this. you can refuse to watch anything to do with it from now on, you can just engage with past lore, you can watch the vods, you can watch live but leave when dream appears, or you can watch the entire thing live (and though i would not personally recommend doing so, my word is not god and my morals are not Your morals!!) you can do whatever feels appropriate to You.
life is not as simple as “someone i loved turned out to be someone i no longer want to associate with, therefore i will cut ties with them and everyone they knew or anyone they work with and i will no longer have any positive feelings about any impacts theyve had on my life or any of the things they or anyone they associate with have created.” this is an unfair expectation to put on yourself or anybody!
don’t punish yourself for feeling however you feel. you don’t need to feel guilty for still being attached to the dsmp — hell, i’m going to be candid and say that c!dream is one of my favorite villains ever, and while i really enjoyed watching and talking about his character, because of this situation i no longer feel comfortable publicly enthusing about that character. this doesn’t change that i really enjoyed the character, that i STILL think it was a great character, despite having difficult feelings toward its actor/creator. you are allowed to FEEL, FEELING is not endorsement, and as long as you think critically about how you engage in fandom, however you are doing so is probably just fine
understand that nothing about this is black and white, that you are allowed to have opinions and feelings that are different from your peers, and that if the idea of one man changing your perception of other people’s creative work simply by association feels wrong, then you don’t have to let it
much love ❤️
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
(I have successfully overanalyzed the Infinite Hole Ending :D ALSO THIS IS THE EDITED VERSION BTW– the one that's like this below this is the unedited :D just delete that one shshs, not this one :]) sooooo upon the first 2 and a half minutes, I noticed a lil thingy that may have been a plothole.
You know how The Narrator constantly says/mentions that he himself made the game? That he was the only one who created everything — Stanley included (this is also directly said in the TSPUD trailer/release video)? Not sure if this is just me overthinking again (probably is) but there's this line in the Infinite Hole ending that immediately caught my attention;
"Oh. Did the hole seem even shorter to you, this time? I couldn't help but feel like you spent a little less time in there than you did before."
Now, me, being your local overthinker, decides that this implies one of the three things listed below;
1) The Narrator is very forgetful.
2) He's just a really good actor.
3) That was Timekeeper's doing.
(I'm not leaning to the 3rd option more wdym hahaha–)
Think about it, Ceres — think about the New Content Door, the Confusion Ending, the– the myriad of random occurrences that even The Narrator isn't fully aware about. If you were to take everything to a more serious approach, wouldn't you agree that a person who has spent a long long time in perfecting their game should at least remember every little detail and thought that went into it? Think about it! There's beta testing, alpha testing– heck, because he seems to claim to have created everything, wouldn't that mean that technically he would have had to look through every little thing (plus the texturing!! THE TEXTURES!!) and end up accidentally remembering every little detail? Isn't that why he has a script? (headcanon >) It's because he's already memorized the entire map, he just can't memorize a bunch of endings that revolve around the map. But do you know who does(according to the fandom)?
All the little changes to the map, Ceres! The New Content Door, the infinite hole slowly getting less and less infinite, the progress board at the quote-on-quote "end" of the Confusion Ending! If you were to take every little detail and glitch and something-something (you get what I mean) in a more serious approach, wouldn't you say that they were rather odd and inexplicable unless if you add Timekeeper into the mix?
Translation: I just really wanna give them some content </3
not me adding the "every ending can be perceived as a way of divorce" concept in here but aha– this piece of dialogue got me fired up ok
"I'm out! Goodbye, Stanley! You couldn't bear to be away from the hole and now you get more time with it than you could have ever have asked for. It's a win for everyone! You get to be with the hole, I get to do literally anything else. Take care, Stanley. I hope you and the hole have a wonderful rest of eternity together."
Do I need to explain this? Does this piece of dialogue need to be explained? Really, does it require such a lengthy explanation for it to be fully understood by you lot? I don't think so! The Narrator is just very jealous over a hole. How sad. ..and gay.
SO! By the time The Narrator is gone, Stanley is like "weLp time to hallucinate."
But then lemme just mention what I said beforehand
"The Narrator claims to have made everything, which also includes Stanley"
this implies that The Narrator made the whole scene
This includes the dramatic music, the backgrounds, the random buttons that do lots of funny but mildly useless stuff, and guess what? Also the alternative drawings/appearances of ✨Stanley✨
I dunno abt u guys, but I like to genuinely think that The Narrator created everything (not in an irl sense, i meant it as in "He made The Stanley Parable canonically, not in reality" kind of way :D) simply because it gives a lot of Stannarrator opportunities.. huehuehue
but uhhh that's all for my rant!! :D (I deeply enjoyed this lmao)
ANYWHOO I HOPE THIS WAS,,, idk,, mildly coherent at least ☠
— 🅰️non || 05/12/2023
Oooo gotta love some good ol made up Timekeeper lore. I love the idea of TK messing with various things in the Parable without Narry knowing. But yeah, the whole contradictions thing where you can't really tell if the Narrator made the game or not is partly why I think he didn't and was just imbued with memories to make him think the did, even though he really doesn't have all that much control over what happens in the Parable. But that's just me, lol.
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urtrickster · 6 months
markate thoughts i am poorly compiling into this post
gone gone gone markate is real and it's so sweet and sad and bittersweet and just mark and kate being so soso in love with each other and mark continuing to love kate long after she dies at the murder castle. i could write a fic for this if i were brave enough
tunnels au. remember that? i had a thought of mark and erin swapping places w jamie and kate nd being the ones to survive that night and just. kate dying in mark's arms as he begs her to stay awake. they had only just made up with each other, finally back together. it can't end here, it can't. but it does, with kate sacrificing herself to make sure mark made it out alive.
not really a thought just. sometimes i listen to the boy who could fly and it'll. just. 'i guess i never should have loved you, but i do forever 'cause you love me' + 'if you were gonna leave this world, how could it be without me?' + 'now it's all over my tongue and it still has no taste, 'cause without you, there is no me' markate.
imagine kate surviving and mark dying. imagine, in her grief, kate continuously dreams of mark. imagine dream mark trying to help kate move on. imagine it.
dark mermaid aus r where it's at just mark nearly fuckin drowning in the ocean after trying to take some nice photos only to be saved by mermaid kate and kate is like 'well i was going to eat you but you looked all scared and worried over that weird box of yours being in the water and it made me curious so im letting you live for now' and mark is like 'what the fuck' and then they fall in love
werewolf kate vampire mark that's it that's the thought
just a cute domestic scene of markate staying in for the day and existing together. mark occasionally taking a photo of kate here and there because he just can't help himself. kate asking mark for advice on scripts.
u know what fuck it kate can draw really really well and i think she likes drawing mark. mark takes photos of her and kate sketches him out.
sometimes i like to imagine that mark can play the acoustic guitar, y'know? so i'll sometimes just picture him absently playing the guitar while kate sits with him and just listens. doesn't matter what he's playing, she just sits there and admires him while he plays.
mark and kate still broken up but still very aware of each other's habits and preferences so well that whenever someone else needs to get something for one of them, they go to the other for advice.
markate the 30th by billie eilish.
but also markate i don't care if you're contagious by pierce the veil. yeah.
more on werewolf kate vampire mark. everyone literally everyone expects their roles to be swapped and are Very surprised when they see mark sipping on a blood bag with a massive fucking werewolf just chilling next to him.
kate having a nightmare. her and mark aren't together anymore but she still finds herself calling mark for comfort because hearing his voice always calms her down. mark always answers, and the moment he hears her voice he's dropping everything and showing up at her apartment in the middle of the night w some food and some shitty romcoms
markate at jerin's wedding and kate catches the bouquet.
okay now picture an au where tdim doesn't happen and markate didn't know each other. picture kate having a cute adorable little chihuahua that she takes to the dog park every week. imagine mark being at the dog park as well w connie. the chihuahua and connie become best friends which in turn means mark and kate see each other often and get to know each other. the dogs are matchmakers is what im saying.
i think mark and kate have 100% pretended to be a married couple for one reason or another. we don't know what happened in topeka. anything we want could've happened in topeka.
mark 100% teaches himself about crystals and shit and he 100% buys kate crystals bc the way her eyes light up and the smile on her face when he does is all worth it
me and kearney once talked abt mark having a youtube channel where he mostly talked about cameras and photography but occasionally played a game here and there w jamie and i just imagine kate being his number one fan that's all.
i actually think markate would thrive in a zombie apocalypse. don't ask where this came from im listening to speed by atari teenage riot and it made me think of zombies bc of lollipop chainsaw it's a whole thing anyways yeah markate zombie apocalypse au
uhhhh that's all i can think about rn.
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jack-kellys · 1 year
I wish there was more love for Ryan Kopel’s interpretation of Davey. I love 92sies Davey, I love Ben’s Davey and I love Ryan’s Davey. I love how they all to the core have something so different but they are all so inherently (took me so fucking long to spell that omg) Davey! Tbh I even feel the UK production isn’t giving as much love to Davey but I 100% get that it could just be me being the biggest Davey stan wanting as much content as possible, and what I love so much about the UK production is it feels so much more like a strong ensemble and not Jack and the boys and us having to pick out random Newsies for a sliver of content and us rolling with it and making the content for ourselves. I’m very hungover I hope this made sense 😭
LMFAO i honestly do know what u mean anon!! but i feel like this is because it's a more well-rounded production- the stakes of the plot feel really solid in this version, jack and katherine as romantic leads are stronger, pulitzer is more of a villain than he's felt before. like they are going by the beats of the script and the show very well in terms of foundational stuff. romance, villain, situational stakes. it makes sense.
and davey is the sidekick. and he's literally an amazing sidekick, and ryan makes davey's arc very apparent which is apparent to us bc we know this show so well. like his defensive nature at the beginning, his heated denial still being riddled with hesitancy and nerves but still getting the words out that he wants to say. is so. david. and then that need to say his words gains confidence in the right situations: 1. when hes giving jack his words in WWK, 2. when he sings in seize the day, and 3. when he confronts jack in WWK reprise. (the rally is not the right situation for him- huge crowd of new faces he "doesn't even know" and no jack to speak through).
davey textually, if you will, has three looks and that's it.
i think what's more important for us as ppl who know dis shit down pat tbh is that ryan has given davey so much love, and tbh i think the cast has too– davey has SO many good onstage interactions with race (which has an ARC TOO LIKE!!), crutchie, he and les are fantastic together (better than bway imo), spot!!, and he has lots of cute ensemble moments. maybe the production doesn't "love" davey, but this show loves davey, this performance loves davey, and thats what rly counts for me.
also hi i have a davey post and i talk abt he and race in this post and i talk abt davey a whole lot in this post too :)
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donnyclaws · 7 months
i just wanna say i LOVE your writing style, it flows so nicely but has this fragmentation that really just emphasizes all the right things. it really feels like the perfect way to capture tiger crawls home
Blows myself up 💥💥 that's the perfect word for it I think. Literally normal scene writing stressed me out bc I was like oh everything needs to be written down but also shown, and also in a voice that isn't confusing, good grammer, idw be a fake analysis fan who has nonsensical writing. But I find it really hard to start and do and think in that way, didn't realize the whole 'stop doing parts of art you don't like' thing applies to writing too. And getting jnto b horror has made me even more fond of lowbrow writing that just isn't good at all, I love it because it is good it's jsut bad by one standard. Lmao. Love the idea of your ideas and themes being strong enough to outweigh its presentation yknow.
So with Hatchfiend I'd been sitting on a script almost all year and liked how it felt to read, tried to lean into the kinda chopped up nonsense word style my brain tends to speak in and really liked the result. It feels way easier to handle dialogue and actions, let's me indulge, and if there's a bit of writing that feels wrong in my gut, I'm not beholden to any rules about how to communicate it I jsut need to write something else that hits the just right isms. I'm sure it'll end up being hard to read for people, and unclear, but it's 4 me and I prefer that.
Anyway thankyou I'm very happy to hear that. I feel like I just want to get tiger crawl home (what I have so far) out of my system bc it's clogging up my brain, bc I kinda use thinking abt scenes repetitively as a weird emotional processor that's not very healthy anymore. And with other shit idk, I used to hate the idea of doing tiger crawl home or anyrbing else as writing bc it felt ljke necessity. Now I'm very excited abt this, between this and zines, I really like writing and I'm happy that this can be a medium to work in since full comics aren't of interest or ability to me. But also still let's me add visuals and do literally anything and I can make a dense ass old web page to host it on. Heaven.
ANYWAY THANK YOU THANK YOU sorry for the Ramble 🌈♥️♥️
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rh3maji · 5 months
Anime Dubs My Beloved
Dubs are at the intersection of both technical and artistic skill and that's left me in awe for the past year and a half sooo lemme just kinda gush about this medium[?], for a sec I grew up watching anime [sub & dub] and for the longest time I didn't have a clue about how dubs got made beyond "words must fit lip movements" and "actors record separately", never in a million years would've thought sight-reading was a part of it! So imagine being in a booth ye? You got your script monitor and another monitor displaying the animated stuffs you'll be dubbing over. You've never seen the script until this moment and you've likely never even seen the footage before either. The director sets the scene for you so you have the needed context and of course a script writer writes with the flaps in mind, but at the end of the day it's on you to get the timing right, the performance right, the believability right [with or without other ppl's dialogue recorded depending on when your session was relative to your fellow castmates], and you're juggling all of this all while not getting to rehearse the scene beforehand. Maybe I'm just nerding out here, but to me being able to do that's really heckin cool! Finding out that most of the directors and script adapters are also VAs themselves has also been fun. I'd just be sitting there watchin' AoT, absolutely demolishing some hot wings, glance at the credits ,and go : "Script Writer Aaron Dismuke? ...wait he wha" [This discovery would singlehandedly send me spiraling down a dub-shaped rabbit hole I have yet to crawl my way out of] But while I think I know a lot more than I did as a kid, there's still so much about the process that I definitely don't know about yet. That ignorance is a lil frustrating tbh because i'd love to know more about the translation, audio engineering, directorial, and audio mixing parts of the operation ~FOR SCIENCE!~ And by "FOR SCIENCE!" I mean for my own peace of mind, and by "for my own peace of mind" I mean so that I could write about the process more confidently and accurately. This interest in the whole shebang is also why you might see me geek out abt or draw ppl who've adapted/voiced in my favorite shows at some point, the art stuff's sort of a side-effect of when I get way too invested in a subject~ Even in dubs where the script is kinda meh or I dislike a character's voice or a VA's delivery, I can still enjoy most of them on a technical level. Thankfully, dubs these days are pretty good on both fronts so I've been eatin' good ^^ Also PS; I am begging on my hands and knees to get a good look at an anime dub script, not even one for an actual existing property, I legit just wanna know the formatting of one. PS PS; I can tell from blurry snippets of Funimation/Crunchyroll bts stuffs that it looks like a spreadsheet with timecodes and a few different colored cells but no clue of what the values are. PS PS PS; I eventually found one well after writing this draft [courtesy of @thereubeh on twitter]
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mikesbasementbeets · 9 months
(srry abt mistakes) Can I ask you a question about tags on your old post?
Do you really think they made it look like Will holds painting like a d or something on purpose? And did you actually mean that when Will holds his painting it looks like that? I think he holds it normally. And I don’t think the Duffers and the other writers would do that joke. Idk why. It’s just.. They’re too straight (I’m sorry) and it’s very hard to notice. Or did you think that’s not just a joke? Also what about the backpack in the back of the van? Explain plsss
I’m asking genuinely. Not being mad.
Hosegate looks more likely to be real. Because even in the script Will was supposed to hold the hose, but then they changed him to Mike and made him look at him. What do you think? (I mean about the script change)
gonna do my best to answer this despite not being an expert on hosegate and not really thinking too deeply about that kind of imagery very much personally
first, my comment was /joking but don't think the writers put that imagery in as a "joke" necessarily. (and i don't believe in assuming people's sexualities tbh but even if all the writers were straight, straight people still understand dick jokes djhfjsd) i do think at least most of the imagery and framing we pick up patterns in is intentional though, even if it's not vital to the story or blatantly obvious. there are a couple good posts out there about will and rod imagery and the rolled up painting very much falls under that imo. will's painting is tied directly to his feelings for mike and therefore his sexuality as well, and if we take that into consideration, that kind of framing would be an awfully big coincidence during the scene where will decides to share the painting with mike and express his (veiled) feelings for him.
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and you're right, it is a very normal way to hold the painting. just like will's feelings for mike (and vice versa) having a component of sexual attraction to them is very normal. i don't think anything about it needs to be weird. if you think hosegate might have merit, with will looking at mike holding the hose, then i don't see why this shot, with mike looking at will holding the painting, is much different.
"the backpack in the back of the van" was also a joke on my part, referring to this:
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jonathan is looking for answers to his romantic problems and argyle tells him to open his mind with the weed stored in the backpack in the back of the van. followed by "got me stressed out and it's not even my girlfriend." will's painting, which he pulls out to help mike with his relationship problems, is stored in his backpack. in the back of the van. just my funny little joke with myself. got will stressed out and it's not even his girlfriend.
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spearheadrampancy · 6 months
So... if you don't mind me asking how've you been?
hoo boy. yeah. tldr: alive!
quite a fair chunk of shit happened i think. when i redownloaded the app i weighed up if i was gonna make a post abt what's happened, but ultimately decided against it bc i wasnt sure how active i was gonna be. looks like the answer is very, so i might as well for anyone who's curious (:
on with the details in no particular order!
just before we stopped posting, we mentioned how the company we worked for announced big profits, an expenses-paid trip for the top employees, and also the tiny small news that the team we were on was getting downsized from 20 ppl total to about 3 (6 to 1 for my role specifically). well, we did end up losing our job completely because the company was unwilling to make reasonable adjustments so we could move to the same role in a different team (we don't have any legal grounds to take action unfortunately). but this was fine for us bc we grew jaded with how management was doing shit anyway. they also laid off about 700 people from across the company a few months later.
we spent months trying to find a job, and eventually applied to university on a whim. we got in! we're studying game design and are currently in foundation year (level 0) of the course. we were pretty worried about "fitting in" and suff but honestly we made friends instantly and it turns out a lot of lgbt autistic folks are studying game design foundation year. strange! (/s). its a little weird being part of the popular clique now.
we built a site. a real one! with colours and scripts and all that! a couple sites, actually, but only one is what we're comfortable sharing publicly (other site is sys member info for friends to reference). the site is on neocities, available here. we got really into coding for realsies around the time that we stopped posting. we also got into something called choicescript, but the site took priority as we use it as a digital portfolio. we also started practicing API work by making little tools for the discord bot pluralkit, but they are. uh. far from finished
we got an rgb bulb that actually works with shortcuts, so it inspired us to actually code shortcuts again. they're pretty advanced now; we have a series of them dedicated to forcing us to sleep (it obviously isnt working given i'm still awake at 4am !!), but they're really smooth and helpful
we started drawing properly again (i know we've posted a lot of art on here but most of it is low effort memes. and also none of it was trad art, which we got back into), in order to prep for being asked for a portfolio for uni. which we eventually didnt even get asked for. we opened an instagram account to post it to while we work on getting our art on our actual site, and recently a deviantart account for crossposting.
i stopped writing. i also largely stopped building on my ideas for games and comics and such. this was more because i had More Pressing Things to be writing about, like our CV, and our applications, but i havent really picked it back up. in a bit of a plateau of inspiration rn. wanna fix that though.
we started playing hotline miami, which we'd been meaning to do for years. completed the first, got halfway into the second before a TERRIBLE AWFUL THUMB INJURY (dramatic. didnt even need glue) rendered us entirely unable to use a controller. it healed but we havent finished the second yet. today's actually the first time since august that we've even touched a controller, let alone played any games.
we got back into making music. we decided the system was going to start releasing music as a collective, so we set up a whole youtube channel and stuff for it. videos'll start january 1st, we hope.
i convinced two people to watch red vs blue. my token cishet guy friend who was my colleague at Shitty Workplace (i sent him slutty locus from earlier and his only response was "amazing") and one of my new uni friends (very autistic i think they will go feral for it). token cishet just finished season 8 and uni friend is in season 3 i believe.
health wise has been. a ride... our normal gp stopped practicing entirely, and we dont trust the other gp's at our clinic, so we've been entirely unmedicated and unchecked since november of last year, barring OTC stuff. except for the part where at the end of october we finally saw a rheumatologist (after being referred in 2019!) who said we probably had fibromyalgia. earlier this month we also caught some Mystery Illness that lasted two weeks and nobody knew what it was. our voice still hasnt recovered fully and the whole experience was weird, but the hospital nurse wasnt concerned and it didnt come back as positive for That One Illness That Got Really Popular In The Last Three Years so its honestly likely that it was just the regular old flu, which we werent used to after only really suffering from Disabled Person Sicknesses for the best part of the last 15 years.
we met steve downes and jen taylor, the voice actors of halo's master chief and cortana! got photos & signatures (: steve complimented my jacket and jen Really Wanted A Nap.
WE GOT THE GRIFBALL PLUSH (: i would make this bigger if i could. it's just one of those Material Gains that has a lot of sentimental value to us. and i found my glow in the dark ring which i cried about. again: material gains of high personal significance.
so yeah! a lot. im probably missing something because i have the brain of a sieve. but we're alive and thats the important part.
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iliadette · 1 year
What are some reasons to actually like Spirk + Star Trek?
I'm an ORV fan but I used to watch Voyager as a kid and I've seen a one or two of the newer movies a few years back (dark something something?) I stayed away from the Star Trek fandom as an adult because I mainly associated it with racism and misogynistic nerd guys.
Hi, anon. Sorry if this ask will take a long time to appear, English is not my first language an I am bad with words on a good day.
You're probably thinking of Into Darkness. It's the second reboot movie. There's a lot of different opinions about those lmao. Personally, I love them even though they do have bad bad points, but then again, I love everything about Star Trek, even at its worst.
There's no denying that there was a bit of period-typical misogyny in the original Star Trek, and it got worse in the long run after Rick Berman was selected for production. Latent misogyny, hetero and amatonormativity, as any 60-to-90s show does. To deny that would be stupid. But.
Star Trek was one of, if not the first, tv programs to depict people of different races working together, as equal as they could get in a military-like setting, in a time when segregation and Cold War were still a thing. A Black woman, an Asian man, a Russian one, a Scottish one, all holding a major position in a government vessel, all iconic characters to this day. Censorship never let him, but Gene Roddenberry, the original creator, always intended to include queer people in ST, as I will explain better later. ‌The original series had episodes which very clearly condemned nazism, racism, the Vietnam war, genocide. The Ferengi race of the Next Generation were created to be a satire of western capitalists but were wrongly pegged as an antisemitic stereotype. If a major character is disabled, they have accomodations made for them, they don't have their disability erased, though I hear that Strange New World kind of fucked that up. An episode of TNG was in protest of conversion therapy though people didn't like how it ended. A major theme of Deep Space Nine revolves around colonialism. It had the first black protagonist (commander and later captain); the first female first officer in the franchise to have a major role, who formerly fought in a resistance movement against a the occupation of her planet by a fascist imperialist race; the first trans woman in all but designation, who btw very much kissed another woman in an absolutely iconic scene; a canonically very neurodivergent doctor. Voyager had the first female captain to star in a series. Seven of Nine's character is particularly dear to me because while it's obvious that she was added mainly to boost and entice the male audience with her sex appeal (and well, I am sapphic and far from immune), it's also obvious how much the writers and Jeri Ryan cared for her storyline and growth. She's such a complex character, I really love her. Seven-centric episodes are always a treat for me. I can't remember anything else off the top of my head, sorry abt that (I also haven't watched Enterprise and the newest series yet so I can't talk about that).
Does ST have bad moments? Misogynistic, racist, homophobic, ableist, amatonormative moments? Hell yes. Some episodes are really cringy and have very bad writing. But there are more good ones than not, and those are the ones I live for, the ones that can give you a message that stays with you, where there was somebody in the crew/cast who read the script, saw something terrible, and went "this will not pass on my watch" and worked together to fix whatever they could. I'm sorry if your experience with Star Trek was with dudebros who think "the woke of the latest series ruined the franchise".
Now, about K/S. I believe with all my heart that nobody needs a reason to ship any two or more characters together. That said, I think Spirk is one of those ships where you have to wear anti-ship goggles not to see the potential (but no big deal if you don't). They touch each other all the time, they risk their life and career multiple times to save the other. This is not inherently a sign of non platonic feelings, and they sure aren't canon as we usually mean it, but.
Writers sure had a field day sprinkling suggestive bits (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) all throughout the franchise, especially queer writers (Theodore Sturgeon, writer of Amok Time and Shore Leave, may his soul be blessed for all eternity).
Bonus for how they look at each other. (1) (2) (3) (4)
Roddenberry himself described their relationship as one of love. It's not mentioned in the series, but in the books it's revealed that they share a telepathic bond that connects their souls, which in Vulcan culture is called t'hy'la which can mean "friend, brother, lover". This definition was created specifically for the two of them, so this is a very obvious wink/nudge, if not an outright acknowledgement that "yes they're in love, but homophobia exists so this is all we can do."
In The Motion Picture when Kirk looks at Spock like a lovesick puppy after a long separation, and the simple feeling not much later.
And can anyone dare to say that those death scenes from The Wrath of Khan and Into Darkness are supposed to be platonic, or what Kirk says about Spock at the beginning of The Search for Spock, that his death feels like he lost "the noblest part of his soul"? And what about "Not in front of the Klingons"??
The books, too, have some very interesting nuance.
Sooooo yeah I absolutely think that Spirk is and will always be the one ship that best comes to mind when it comes to ST. In my eyes and in those of a lot of people they're canon in every way that matters, and if either of them had been female there would have 100% been a marriage in one of the movies, à la Riker/Troi. They'll forever be my ST otp, though I'll occasionally indulge a little bit of Spones and McSpirk. I could even like and reblog other ships like McKirk or Spuhura but only in fanart and only in moderation. I personally wouldn't be interested in reading fanfiction about those. But every ship is valid and equal in fandom, and none is superior just because it's canon and/or had a major role in the birth of shipping culture. Which is the very point all this behemoth of a post originated from, I guess.
This.... Has turned into way more than I thought. Sorry about thay. I hope my answer was satisfactory, anon. Also that I didn't bore you. Hope you have a great day, and thank you for reaching out. ❤️🖖
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eirian · 6 months
so i had a long talk w ruby abt ocs and the future of my stories and i have come to a realization that i wish i wouldve had a long time ago lol
i dont...HAVE to make everything into a comic in order to share the story and characters. like. not everything has to be mirrors. i can just Share Shit if i want to.
sometimes i get bummed ppl dont ask me abt my ocs but like..its my fault they dont??? it really is. because i never TALK about them to the point of getting people interested enough to ask about them! why would someone wanna ask about an oc they havent been given any stuff to be interested about???
for a long time i kept all my ocs' stories a secret because i wanted to be spoiler-free in the event i made their stories into comics, which i did plan on doing for a while. but now im realizing i dont have to do that to share their stories. AT THE VERY LEAST i might write a fic about their stories and maybe people will read them. but yknow what??? i dont even have to do THAT much if i dont want to. i can just make text posts and little doodles explaining them.
i know a lot of u are genuinely fans of my comic works, and i love you so so much and appreciate the hell out of you!! so i do want to continue the comics i already have going on. mirrors kind of Has to be a comic bc 1) im balls deep in it already LOL, and 2) it feels like a comic that needs to be made in order for my vision to get across. i want people to Feel what im feeling about mirrors. villain + school will likely finish as a comic bc its pretty easy and not as much effort as mirrors and its a fun story for me too. doppelganger ii...will most likely only be one chapter as a comic. ngl. but i will finish that one chapter i swear to god
so yeah. i think im coming to terms with not having to make my stories into comics for people to enjoy/engage with them. i hope you all can support this! ;v; hopefully in the future i'll entice you with more info about my characters to the point of where u wanna ask abt them ^^
basically my stories like alien love, step, when death smiled, new light, pretty accident, and even the new ones like one way dream, legend, and blessed...will probably not be comics after all. BUT THATS OK, i can still draw for them!!! i can make fake comic covers. i can make scene illustrations and animation memes. i can still make fun stuff !!! and yall can finally engage with them!!!!
im honestly excited LOL. thank u for bearing with me <3 i hope i can get u excited too. if u want, lmk what stories/characters youd like to know more about and i'll honestly just tell you. i might be hesitant to answer villain + school spoilers, but mirrors (and even facets) has been posted for all to see already (in fic/script form), so i dont mind answering "spoilers" about them :3 thank u
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rahleeyah · 1 year
ok ok ok ok
first, I was so worked up last night after the eps I couldn’t sleep and I’m so excited for next week. eeek!
second, I want to second what you’ve said abt rollins bc I’ve felt the same way for yearsssss. but I thought I was maybe not getting/missing something about their relationship? let me explain…
so we know liv and amanda are friends and, at some point, are close (considering she is jesse’s godmother). however, i feel like for a long time they’ve only been giving work friend status. and once you no longer work together, that relationship falls apart. you no longer have things in common at work and never really had much in common in your personal lives to begin with.
this would explain why she didn’t tell her abt the baby, imo. they’re not close and haven’t been for a while. and that’s ok! seasons of life and all that…
but idk..am I missing something? admittedly, I’m not the biggest 2.0 fan so when those eps are on I usually don’t watch and haven’t seen most in YEARS.
I do think there's a work friends thing happening to some extent - if it were not for the job it's hard to imagine them liking each other enough to be friends (they are both, also, not the kind of people who have friends). But the work they do has made their bond profound; there isn't a lot outside work that would make them friends but bc of what they've been thru together they matter to each other, very much. Anything Amanda needs, Liv will be there, no question. It's harder to imagine Amanda showing up for Liv - outside of a work context - but I don't think that's bc Amanda doesn't care about her, I think it's bc Amanda is not the kind of person who shows up. Like you don't call her if you need help moving. She's not coming. Liv will rent the truck and bring water bottles for everybody. I'd like to say they trust each other but that's not quite true; Amanda trusts Liv, and Liv wants to trust Amanda, but she's been burned there too many times and there is always something just a little. I don't wanna say judgemental but Liv is keenly aware of Amanda's faults, and they both know it. So Amanda keeps things from Liv, bc she doesn't want a sermon, bc she doesn't want to disappoint Liv. Liv keeps things from Amanda, bc Amanda is not the kind of girl you share your deepest secrets with, unless you're drunk. There has always been an imbalance in their relationship; Liv is older, and was something of a mentor figure, and has always sort of mothered Amanda, and I think now that she's older and maybe a little wiser Amanda resents that. But in their relationship, Liv has to be the Responsible One (when she's not!! Really!! It's a role she has to play bc) Amanda's whole deal makes Liv look stable. And Amanda is the one with the husband and the babies and the safe, warm home life Liv dreams about, and Amanda can't talk to Liv about it; I'm fully going off script here but I like to think it's bc even tho Amanda loves carisi and her babies and is happy there's a part of her that chafes inside of her safe life, and she can't be honest with Liv about that, bc she has what Liv wants and she maybe thinks Liv will think she's ungrateful. Their relationship is complicated bc they're complicated; they're both a little fucked up, in some similar ways, in some different but complimentary ways, in some diametrically opposed ways, and it makes things that should be simple - telling your friend you're pregnant - incredibly complicated - now you have to explain why you haven't called her for months while she's been mourning you as if you died. There is so much to dig into with those two honestly
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