#but i do think about that john Adams quote a lot
xkeepitupx · 11 months
"your art, not my strength was the ultimate source of our victory"
"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain." - John Adams
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gardenschedule · 1 month
i’d love to hear more of your thoughts on perceptions of paul as calculating and john’s paranoia. I mean by the various quotes, it seems john was pretty adamant on distrusting paul, so you would think he’d be done with him completely? yet he still thinks about him all the time and even called him when he found out yoko was pregnant with sean. and the fact that he kept asking everyone and their mothers whether or not he should play with paul again during the lost weekend. i mean, there was definitely mixed signals going on?
Unfortunately I do think the paranoia continued up until the end and was quite present in the househusband era, it just never got bad enough (or John could never convince himself) to fully cut Paul off. It might have gotten the best of him if not for a few mitigating factors:
Paul is a pretty persistent guy and continually tried to repair the friendship for most of the 70s. John needs to be pursued and reassured and Paul didn't mind doing that.
Most of the paranoia seemed to revolve around business issues, and they had the 'no talking about business' rule for their phone calls to prevent screaming matches. They also had the 'stop fighting in the media' rule which probably helped.
John was a mercurial personality, I imagine his feelings about Paul (and whether or not he saw him as a threat) changed a lot depending on his current mood, drug use, how things were going with his career/marriage/songwriting/finances, etc
I think John was self aware about his paranoia and insecurity, he seemed to have worked on it (like in his audio diaries where he talked about wanting to avoid feeling competitive with his peers, including Paul)
I don't think Paul ever actually did anything bad enough to warrant ending the relationship? The big betrayal was the lawsuit, and they got past that. If John & Yoko were on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop, to find out that Paul has done something really awful to screw them over, I'm not sure that day ever came.
But ultimately - they were close friends and partners for a very long time. There must have been a solid core of trust, love and respect for them to join their names and share their earnings and plan to work together until they were old. John never completely lost that bit of pride in what he and Paul did together, and pride in himself for choosing Paul.
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samglyph · 9 months
Final compiled thoughts for part 35!
I feel like you guys are gonna get tired of me saying this but… I really enjoyed this episode. Partially because all of my predictions/desires for the episode ended up being accurate! so I feel quite vindicated. I’m happy how things wrapped up with Daniel, and I have to say Harlan did a good job with the tension this episode. I was on the edge of my seat during the hospital standoff.
So first of all. Scratch. SCRATCH. First of all, totally called it, and also I love her and his weird crush on Arthur. Now we have an evil magic rock. Good for him.
John’s memory is definitely getting worse, and I’m wondering if the deal he made with Kayne some how had a timer that eats away his time with Arthur— maybe he’s being siphoned back to the dreamlands or the darkworld the longer he takes to get Arthur where Kayne wants him? Because he’s definitely worse than he was in 25-31.
Noel is DEFINITELY not who he says he is— when he quoted Adam from back in part 5 my immediate thought was that he was a kiy puppet or similar, but I’ve seen a lot of interesting theories going around already. But yeah. I don’t trust him.
Oscar was like. Surprisingly wholesome? And also mvp of this episode, took care of Daniel, took down the butcher, man really stepped up. Proud of him. I also liked Arthur getting a hug (at least I think that’s what the sound implied) the man needed it.
My one slight critique (not really a critique, im just not sure about it) of this episode is I don’t know how Arthur is going to internalize Daniel’s little pep talk. I want Arthur to aspire to being a good person, but I also think he has to be able to do that while also being honest with himself about fucking up. Arthur tends to have two modes which are “I’m the worst person alive I’m inherently evil I’m a monster” and “everything I’ve ever done is justified, actually” so Im kinda hoping (likely in vain) that he might eventually learn a bit of dbt theory and get out of those extremes. He seems to be doing a bit better in terms of being honest with himself, but idk if receiving that sort of praise is going to help. It might! We’ll just have to see.
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46ten · 1 month
Were some of AH's reactions over-the-top?
@icarusbetide wrote the following here:
and i'm paying attention to what you said about how "He viewed things differently than they because he had different motivations" - that's generally how i feel about the reynolds pamphlet, because i can very much see the reasoning behind why he did it, even if it was a terrible political decision. a lot of his actions can definitely be accounted for by thinking of his priorities, which a lot of scholars have nicely argued were public integrity, honor, fame.
do you think there is something illogical/irrational in a lot of his over-the-top reactions to slander, or do you similarly think they are ill-considered but still rational? i don't have an answer, because i think they make sense given his aforementioned priorities, but i've also seen people argue that that level of intensity and "rabidness" probably had some psychological basis. flexner in the young hamilton seems to lean heavily into that (i have grievances with that book in general so i'm not taking his word for it lol), arguing that hamilton would revert to this insecure, child-like mindset at crucial moments - this isn't really about bipolar disorder or ADHD, but i wanted to ask if you think there's merit in that general idea!
I hate Flexner, and others do, too. I think psychobiography is not at all helpful to history, as a discipline, as "facts" are made up to support the psychological speculation.
It's hard for me to come up with hard examples of AH behaving "irrationally" in his life - that was not his personality at all. He was overly rational, an over-thinker at times. And he was also decisive - he would take this risk if he thought that outcome was worth it, but he does not strike me as someone unaware of the pros and cons who was just marching on. (His rationality, his ability to see many sides, his clear-headed thinking and ability to move that to action, and then his judgement, are qualities his colleagues praised about him - which doesn't mean that he didn't have examples of what they considered to be poor judgment - hello Adams pamphlet.)
To discuss the Reynolds Pamphlet briefly, since this is often suggested as an example of how crazy and impulsive/reckless AH was, he spent at least a month composing it. It's long and detailed. He explains why he's writing it. Considering we have it - documented - that AH consulted with some of his friends about dueling Aaron Burr (another example where it's in fashion to claim AH was some crazy loner guy making bizarre choices), I'd speculate that he discussed writing the pamphlet with EH, John Church, Oliver Wolcott, and William Jackson almost certainly, maybe Fish, Troup, Clarkson....He may have discussed it with Philip Schuyler! [He didn't get as far as he did in military/professional/political life without understanding the idea of consultation and seeing all sides to the problem, even if he wasn't aiming for full consensus.]
Callendar's pamphlets (which we no longer have copies of - historians are working from the History...of 1796 and AH's quotes in the Reynolds Pamphlet) took aim at whether AH was a trustworthy public servant - the intent was to wound his public character. He is absolutely going to need to respond to that in some way. The way he wants to respond to it, however, is to have the editor (Fenno) disavow it, and then to have the men (Monroe, Venable, Muhlenberg) to whom he provided an explanation of the Reynolds Affair way back in December 1792 provide him with letters stating that Callendar's allegations are false. He is furious when Monroe refuses, esp when Monroe states that he didn't really believe AH at the time! He's pretty ticked off that he instead has to argue his own innocence himself, and he lets the reader know he's ticked off to have to do this. That's not reckless, impulsive, crazy behavior. The issue, really, is the amount of detail he provides: not only "I didn't do that," but "I instead was doing this...." He is "too honest," "MOST INDISCREET" as GM probably would have put it! But this was also him putting all his arguments out there - this is what you should judge me for, because I was innocent of that other thing - and besides politicians knowing since 1793, the general public already knew (it's in the press by 1795) that there were accusations of adultery around him. He really wasn't revealing anything except rather excruciating details of the affair, but that again, is his "too honest" style and his thinking like the lawyer he is - "I'm giving you guys all the facts!" There may have also been some thinking that by providing all these facts, it would shame folks in the future and he could avoid being the subject of similar attacks - he may have also wanted to correct people on the record about his adultery; it's difficult to say. (Maybe this link to all my posts on the Reynolds Pamphlet will work, for those interested.)
One of AH's best friends, Robert Troup, states "his ill-judged pamphlet has done him incomparable injury," and Webster's quotes are pretty well known - the common objection is sort of a "why respond at all?" Well, AH explains why he responded - it's not unreasonable.
Let me bring this back to Flexner and his speculation that this has to do with some awful childhood events (that we have no record happened) and his resulting insecurity from it. There's no basis for thinking this. No evidence, no assertions from AH that this is a concern for him - it's just a story to sell books (come on down, Chernow!) Now if we're going to argue that some of AH's defensiveness around attacks on his public character came from his being an outsider, so therefore often having to re-assert his position in the gentleman circle, that may carry more weight - and some scholars do argue that. But I don't think AH, through most of his life, thought of himself as an outsider on the American scene.
If you give me some examples of what you consider to be over-the-top reactions to slander, I may try to respond to a few. I am planning a response to your questions about AH's personality, if that's okay, which I will post in a few days.
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I was tagged by @bougainvillea-and-saltwater to do this amazingly cool tag game and share the "theme songs" of my fic, all instrumental!! You had such a wonderful idea with this tag game, dear 🥰🥰 **Edit, since this has been in the drafts, @shitty-drawer also tagged me💖💖 Thank you so much, and I actually tagged you in this game 🤣 You were faster than me in posting it.
I thought it was going to be easy, as I listen to a ton of instrumental music, because I also like to always have music in the background! But going off of vibes, this is how I associate music to my fic "Wherever you go, there you are":
"Miasma" by Ghost. This is Ravonna’s theme song. This one, I feel like, it encapsulates Mage!Ravonna perfectly. And that saxophone solo? Groovy! Just like her and her bard side. It also feels like a beautifully threatening song, in a way, and I think it fits her perfectly. The second song for her, because I simply cannot only choose one is "Faronell's Division" by John Playford. This one represents her sassyness as well as her impulsiveness, with all the changes in rhythm
For Miraak, I'm going with "Gnossienne No.5" by Erik Satie, because of the ✨️gentleness✨️ and this song heals the soul, and he's a healer, sooo yeah. The second one I choose for him is "A watering hole in the harbor" by Adam Skorupa; this is such a joyful song, and I feel like it really encapsulates the "I have no idea what y'all are doing, but I'm joining in and I'm so happy to be here" vibe that Miraak has once he gets more comfortable and lets go of the Miraak persona and embraces his true self <3
Now for the WYGTYA as a whole and general vibes:
I find myself listening to "Thunderbrew" by David Arkenstone a lot while writing, and since it has such a tavern-y vibe to it, this could be the theme for the fellowship whenever they are at a tavern having fun, drinking, eating and being in their natural habitat 🤣
"People of the land" by Jan Valta is the absolute perfect song for showing beautiful landscapes of both Morrowind and Skyrim, while also being the perfect song for Ravonna’s inner struggles to figure out whether she feels more at home in Skyrim, the land of her people, or in Morrowind, the land where she grew up. This is also the Civil War storyline theme, in my heart :')
"City of Sails" by Inon Zur is a theme that I don't know how to explain, without giving away spoilers :)))) It has ties to Ravonna's family, but will also represent the land of High Rock (yes, the story will go there too🤣) Also this one is one of those songs that I am kind of emotionally attached to, for some reason. I just wish I lived within this song, in a way.
And for the extra ocs:
For Endryn, I have "Tavern" by Jason Hayes, this one is pretty obvious, he is my beloved innkeeper dunmer oc who adopted Ravonna. He was very friendly, kind, stressed and quite funny, dad joke expert.
For Hjaldir, my other beloved oc, the nord bard that worked at the Inn where Ravonna grew up, because he is an ex-pirate, I'm going for "Moonlight Serenade" by Klaus Badelt. I don't associate him with the character Jack Sparrow all that much, but this song draws the perfect image of a charming and charismatic pirate, and the tune is incredibly melodious, so it really fits his bard persona well! Also, the intense part is perfect for his adventurous and danger-filled life. He's got many, many stories from his pirate days 😉
If you made it until here, I literally love you so much! Thank you for reading my ramblings. I could talk about songs and music all day!
I'm tagging my usual favourite mutuals @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @thelavenderelf @nerevar-quote-and-star Y'all already know you don't have to do this if you don't want to 💖💖 just ignore me and if I'm being annoying with the tag games, do let me know. This is not my intention at all! I will stop tagging you if you don't want to participate.
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pers-books · 2 years
Kate Stewart - according to Big Finish
I’ve finally finished re-listening to all of the Kate Stewart audios to date so, without further ado, I present to you the background info on Kate Stewart provided in said audios. Please note, there are one or two which feature extensive references to the Brig, but unless the conversation pertains to Kate’s background, I’ve not quoted it.
They’re listed according to boxset order and I’ve included the writer of the audio as well as the title. What I’ve learned from this is that Matt Fitton wrote a lot of background material for Kate in the early boxsets and Guy Adams in the later boxsets. 
What I also found interesting is that Big Finish has pretty much ignored the semi-canonical direct to video Downtime (1995) which first introduced Kate Stewart as the Brigadier’s daughter (then played by Beverly Cressman) insofar as BF’s writers have given Kate a much closer relationship with her father.
Vanguard - Matt Fitton
Kate's described by the internal computer security system as UNIT's Chief Scientific Researcher She "Doesn't do labels" She usually skips past Orbit News TV on the way to the movie channel
Power Cell - Matt Fitton
"My eldest is cooking. If I'm lucky there won't be any leftovers." Kate's reason for working late. "There've always been factions who'd have preferred UNIT to remain under military control. Colonel Shindi knows I haven't had an easy ride."
Ice Station Alpha - Matt Fitton
"You're setting me up as a patsy. It's been hard enough working my way up the ranks the last few years. I bet they didn't take much persuasion."
House of Silents - Matt Fitton
[sounds of gunfire] Kate Stewart: How did I do? Josh Carter: Very good grouping, ma'am. You're a natural at this. Kate Stewart: I have put in the practice before, you know. I just thought I might be getting a little rusty. Josh Carter: Keep up these sessions and I don't think you'll have anything to worry about on that front. Kate Stewart: Good! If we're caught out in a combat situation in the field I don't want to feel like the spare wheel. We were lucky to make it through that scrape with Cerberus. Josh Carter: I thought you didn't believe in luck. Kate Stewart: An ability to shoot straight should help keep the odds in our favour. Josh Carter: Shall I set up the targets for another round? Kate Stewart: No, that's enough for today. Paperwork beckons. Now, let's see if I still remember how to disassemble this. Josh Carter: This interest in military hardware is new. I thought 'Science Leads'? Kate Stewart: Oh, it does, Mr Carter. Science just needs to remember to carry a gun sometimes.
Square One - John Dorney
Kate apologises for wearing her pyjamas - she'd just settled down for an early night. Later: "I have an urgent appointment with a hot water bottle I'm very anxious to keep."
In Memory Alone - Matt Fitton
Kate Stewart: Do you know JM Barrie, Colonel? Vikram Shindi: Peter Pan chap, wasn't he? Kate Stewart: Among other things. He also wrote that "God gave us memories that we might have roses in December." [Source: Rectorial Address at St Andrew's, 3 May 1922, in The Times 4 May 1922]
Call to Arms - Matt Fitton
Kate knows first aid Kate Stewart: I don't know if it was the same in your [Benton's] day, but it's not in my nature to leave a man behind.
Tidal Wave - Guy Adams
Kate speaks Spanish well enough to translate an insult directed at her Kate doesn't do hugs - Jo Jones hugs her! Kate Stewart: I'm a pragmatist not a warmonger, Osgood, you should know that
Retrieval - Guy Adams
Kate Stewart: Fine. A small team can go and take a look Osgood: Who do you suggest? Kate Stewart: If it's a research station, Osgood, I think we need our finest scientific minds on it, don't you? Osgood: Oh. Kate Stewart: Well, don't worry, you're only one of them. Osgood: And the other? Kate Stewart: I'll pretend you didn't ask that.
Kate not wanting to kill the dinosaurs in the Silurian research base
Kate Stewart: There's a reason they let me sit in the biggest office. [Reminding Sam Bishop that she's not there because of nepotism but because she’s actually a scientist.]
United - Matt Fitton
Kate Stewart: I like to think I bring diplomacy to the table, not just a gun.
The Dalek Transaction - Matt Fitton
Kate Stewart: You don't know how hard I am to impress.
Invocation - Roy Gill
Kate stayed at Ealdon House for a week when she was a child. She can translate English-Latin and Latin-English on the fly. She was involved with the university newspaper
Game Theory - Matt Fitton
It's implied that Kate's done an advanced driving course
Code Silver - Guy Adams
Kate's had basic medical training on some of the aliens UNIT had in cold storage
Hosts of the Wirrn - Chris Chapman
Kate refuses to destroy the level of the Well while Osgood and Shana are still inside. She later regrets this when the Wirrn swarms the town of Windermere. [Side note: Shindi forgets himself enough to call Kate by her first name when she reveals she's en route to meet the Wirrn Queen. Normally he says ‘Ma’am’ or ‘Ms Stewart’.]
Breach of Trust - David K Barnes
Osgood: Things do seem to go quiet when Kate's not here. Maybe she should go on dates more often. Josh Carter: She's on a date? Osgood: Oh yes. I wasn't meant to say that. Josh Carter: [scoffing laugh] I don't believe it. Osgood: Well, as far as he's concerned it's a date. But for her it's just professional. I think. Josh Carter: Well, who's he? Osgood: Just somebody she's having a not-quite date with Josh Carter: You don't think she'll - you know? Osgood: What? Josh Carter: Tell him what she does? Osgood: Oh, you mean, 'Hi! I'm in charge of a secret international military organisation that deals exclusively in extra terrestrial activity'? Josh Carter: Yeah Osgood: More of a third date kind of announcement, I'd say Josh Carter: If it is a date Osgood: Which it isn't
Richard can't even remember the name of the Private whom he'd been harassing/having a relationship with. Kate's clearly seething quietly. He talks in demeaning terms about the Private, then immediately makes a pass at Kate.
Richard: Have we finished the bottle? Kate Stewart: We have, yes Richard: Should we order another? Kate Stewart: Well, that could be risky. Richard: How? Kate Stewart: I might smash you over the head with it Richard: Sorry? [beeping of Kate's pager] What's that noise? Kate Stewart: Oh, thank goodness. The Earth's in danger. Richard: Eh? Kate Stewart: Richard, Richard, I'd say I'm sorry I have to go, but I'm not, so I won't Richard: Hey, you can't just leave Kate Stewart: Yes, yes I can. The door's over there Richard: [whiny] Hang on, I thought that you and I might - Kate Stewart: Yes, I know you did. Goodbye Richard. Oh, dinner's on me Richard: [whining more] No, wait a second. [She's already walking away] Kate?
She gets accosted by a drunk soon after leaving the restaurant and is irritated at being told to smile because it's not the end of the world.
Kate refuses to make First Contact in a dress as she likes having pockets. She keeps a spare set of clothes in the cabinet in her office
Osgood: But there's always another way! We just have to find it! Kate Stewart: You know we haven't the time for that! Bleating on about it isn't helping anyone. It's - it's 2 in the morning and I'm about to send a mother and child off to their deaths. Now, you can try to make me feel worse about that than I already do, but I really don't know what on Earth you think you'll achieve by it! Osgood: It's not - Kate Stewart: Fair? Of course it's not fair! Osgood: [runs out] Kate Stewart: Osgood!
[Kate's crying quietly on the roof of the Tower when Osgood turns up, having been told by the Colonel where to find her] Osgood: I'm sorry for disobeying you. And for getting Josh involved. I just - I couldn't face the idea of giving in? Kate Stewart: And you thought I could? Osgood: You were doing what you thought was right Kate Stewart: [bitter laugh] Thank you Osgood: As in fact you always do Kate Stewart: Don't patronise me, Osgood. When I give an order I expect it to be followed because sometimes the needs of the many do actually outweigh those of the few even if that means someone ends up dying. And you know you'll remember their faces. Believe me, you will remember them. Osgood: I'm sorry Kate Stewart: We'll talk about it later
Open the Box - Roy Gill
Kate Stewart: I'm open to new ideas, always, but I refuse to go into anything blind
Kate went to holiday camps as a kid: "They did annoyingly upbeat announcements too."
Kate had a "Classical education" and "an abiding hatred of outdoor sports".
She enjoys custard creams.
She lives with the daily fear of losing her team.
Kate Stewart: Regret doesn't bring people back. Trust me, I know.
This Sleep of Death - Jonathan Morris
Warren Calder: The Geneva Convention outlaws torture and I know how much you care about that
Tempest - Lisa McMullin
Kate Stewart: I hate it when it's Us or Them.
The Power of River Song - Guy Adams
Josh Carter: You know Kate, she won't let emotion get in the way
Kate [to Captain Josh Carter]: I’ve kicked down my fair share of doors in this job. It’s my form of Pilates. Chant: Eugh. Miss Stewart. Kate: Don’t call me Miss Stewart. I’m not a governess in a Victorian novel. Chant: Ms? Kate: I’m here to see the Director. Chant: I’m afraid that’s quite- Kate: Let me explain something to you. One would have thought it obvious but I spend a good deal of my time spelling out the obvious to people who get paid more than me, so - Chant: MS STEWART! Kate: Shush, now. Shush. I’ve been awake for three days. I’m fighting a war of attrition with the coffee machine and I’m currently investigating my own death. It is an effort for me not to staple your tie to your desk. Chant: I understand that you’re under considerable pressure but I simply won’t be talked to like that. Kate: Right. [Sounds of a brief struggle] Chant: Ms Stewart! [Followed by sounds of stapling and somewhat heavy breathing as Kate staples Chant’s tie to his desk.] Kate [not at all breathlessly]: I did warn you. Sorry. Was - was that a very expensive tie? Chant: My mother bought it for me for Christmas. Kate: Merry Christmas. [She literally kicks open the door to the Director’s office.]
The Enemy Beyond - Andrew Smith My father was stationed in Edinburgh when I was a little girl
Fire and Ice - John Dorney
Always do what you're best at, I say.
Kate loves a pun: For now, we're going to have to put your plans on ice (after stopping an Ice Warrior from destroying a large chunk of Australia!)
Eleven's Eleven - Lisa McMullin
Kate Stewart [to the voice activated vault]: Hello. My name is Kate Stewart and I've come to rob your vault. Would you mind opening up, please?
The Curator's Gambit - Andrew Smith
Kate Stewart: Wait, is that new? The Curator: Oh no, not new. I rearrange the exhibits from time to time. Kate Stewart: It's a Turner, isn't it? The style is unmistakable. I thought I knew all of his work. Osgood: That's Hampton Court Palace. Josh Carter: What's that doing here? Is it dangerous? Curator: Ooh hardly. It was a Royal commission. Not for public display. It commemorates the Undergallery's original location beneath Hampton Court. Osgood: I didn't know that. Kate Stewart: Elizabeth founded the Undergallery in 1562. The National Gallery wasn't built until the 1830s.
Kate's aware of the optical illusion in Holbein's ‘The Ambassadors' which looks like a smudge from one angle but is clearly a skull from another.
The Curator calls Kate very astute for knowing he wouldn't leave the Arch unprotected.
Kate mentions she knows the Privy Gardens at Hampton Court Palace because she's visited.
The Man From Gallifrey - Andrew Smith
Kate goes with Josh and his rescue party to get Osgood and Jimmy Tan back. She's always prepared to risk herself for the sake of her people.
The War Factory - Lizzie Hopley
Bamberra: Can you ride a horse and shoot? Kate Stewart: Have you met my father? [In fact Bamberra was talking to him very recently.]
Ten Minutes in Hell - John Dorney
Kate refuses to let Varliss of the Vulpreen break her, despite regular whippings. She refuses to tell him anything about Earth's defences. She urges Worrall to try to escape Varliss, encouraging the Vulpreen whom Varliss has enslaved to rebel. She feels survivor's guilt after Varliss shoots Worrall because Kate refuses to tell him what he wants to know. Kate persists in her defiance because she refuses to give up hope, no matter how hopeless things look.
The Sacrifice of Jo Grant - Guy Adams
Kate gives the impression that she occasionally struggles with Jo's tendency to go off on tangents.
Kate Stewart: A few seconds to get clear. If the Official Secrets Act would ever allow my memoirs, that would be the title.
Osgood: If I can figure out the refractive index, I can probably compensate for it. Then we'd be able to see through to the other side. Kate Stewart: Already done. Someone's working from my calculations right now. You're not the only one with a PhD or two.
Kate Stewart: Why did you jump after me [after Kate's pulled through a pocket of temporal instability]? Jo Jones: I was trying to save you! Kate Stewart: One day, Miss Jones, you'll learn you can't save everybody. Jo Jones: Have you? [ouch!] Kate Stewart: I'm sorry, I - I shouldn't be snapping at you. It's just - well -
Kate carries a Mark 17 [pistol? revolver? Unclear]
Kate muses that she's not sure she can bear to speak to the Brig again (while she's in the past). Later she seriously considers it, but is interrupted before it happens. She finally does call him, after prodding from both Jo and the Third Doctor.
Kate's the one to grab Jo from the Time Vortex thanks to the Doctor's meddling. He brings Osgood 'a gadget' to track Jo through the Time Vortex, but Kate's the one to actually grab her and bring her back into their Time.
[ETA: Can’t believe I forgot there was a UNIT story in the first Eighth of March boxset!]
Narcissus - Sarah Grochala
Kate says she's weak and sees monsters in her bedroom, that she's lost in the woods and her dad can't find her. Which is how she overcomes the alien's psychic hold on her. She allows herself to feel weakness and is able to pull out her gun and shoot the mirrors, destroying the alien's power.
Osgood: I just wanted to say how sorry I am about what happened on the ship. It's not like me. Kate Stewart: It's okay. We all have crises of confidence. Osgood: Do you? Kate Stewart: Sometimes. Osgood: But you always seem so calm and collected. Kate Stewart: [weak laugh] Huh, not always. Not inside. But outside appearances must be maintained for the team. Osgood: That takes a lot of strength. Kate Stewart: You know, when I was inside those mirrors I realised something. Jordan's ship wasn't feeding off anything to do with external beauty, it was feeding off confidence, self-belief. It was never about appearance. How could it be? Physical beauty is subjective, but bravery, strength, intelligence - that's not.    
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daz4i · 1 year
okay so, paradise lost is a 17th century epic (as in genre) poem by John Milton. It centers around the Fall of Man (and partially about the fall of Lucifer and other epicswag fallen angels). It is also very much a christian morality tale and was written to, quote, "justify the ways of God to men".
I am not that religious, but that is an interesting theme to me + Paradise Lost was also influencial to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Percy Bysshe Shelley's Prometheus Unbound (both of which I used to have literary crushes on in 8th grade), especially if u read from a standpoint of narrator inserting his worldviews in the story separately from objective events / being slightly unreliable in favor of giving a moral lesson and painting characters (looking at Lucifer) from a certain angle. This is 100% not an intended way, but it is a fun one + Satan had a couple of based moments.
Among other things, a pretty prominent character so far (I'm starting book nine out if twelve) has been archangel Raphael. What's important to me rn is that he had a pretty long talk with Adam about the nature of God's world etc etc. During this conversation, the matter of marriage, intimacy and so on is brought up (because Milton thinks marriage and sex in marriage is cool and very godloving etc. it's not explicitly marriage on the text but more of a partnership ig because who the fuck would officiate Adam and Eve, a lion?). Adam asks Raphael if angels can Love and if they express it in some sort of physical form (which 8th grade me took as "so do angels fuck or?", which in some way was true). Raphael gets all blushy <- canon and goes yeah we technically don't have material bodies and straight up embrace and mix our Spiritsthen gets embarrassed and leaves (not exactly like that, but I chose this interpretation of him leaving immediately after describing the "Union of Pure and Pure" to Adam).
I tried grabbing a direct quote from the poem for you, but it's such a hell (pun not intended) to read it in English because it is written like a 17th century christian epic poem.
Conclusion - me and my tumblr mutuals:
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alskjdflkghgklg you weren't lying that is a whole essay. love that for you bestie
not to infodump in return but i find it interesting, the separation of the view of angels in christianity vs judaism, bc we have these stories about angels experiencing attraction too (biggest one that comes to mind is the watchers in the book of enoch. this isn't mainline judaism stuff but does exist in some branches even if not canon to all) but they all get punished for acting on those. so seeing raphael, who is meant to be one of the purest and holiest angels on account of being an archangel, talking about attraction as a positive thing is really interesting! esp since, if i mentioned the watchers, he personally delivers punishment on azazel who belongs to that group
and i know this is only the view of one author and not all of christianity. but it's still interesting esp since from what i know, culturally a lot of people mix this story with the biblical canon, don't they? (kinda similar to how people treat dante's view of hell as canon) so. i don't know what it means but i think it's really interesting
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paradisecas · 2 years
just to find a love that feels this right
midamoul week day 1: family (? kinda)
Kate used to tell Adam that all she ever wanted was for him to find his person and never ever pick someone like John. She never said it outright, but her life was meant to be a warning. An omen. Adam should avoid people who could fuck him up like John did her, even if he didn’t mean to at first.
A decade and a thousand years later, Adam has ignored that warning and decided that his people are the two beings that have hurt him the most.
It’s fucked up. He knows it’s fucked up, in some tiny crevice in the back of his mind—Ghoul is a monster and Michael is technically the oldest being in all of creation after Chuck and Amara and Death all died or were transferred. Nothing about them cries relationship material.
It’s so fucked up that he hasn’t gone to see Kate yet; he knows what she’d say, and it’s the same thing she told him a hundred times growing up.
Make sure they’re right for you. Don’t stay because you feel like there’s no other choice. Don’t ask for something normal from someone who can’t provide it.
He doesn’t think he’ll be able to look her in the eye when he’s ignoring everything she taught him.
They’re probably not right for him. He doesn’t have any other choice. And they’re so painfully abnormal that it hurts sometimes.
But—they try. They really try.
“We’re out of eggs,” Michael tells him, standing in front of the open fridge. “I wanted to make breakfast for you tomorrow.”
“There’s no bacon either,” Ghoul adds, peering over Michael’s shoulder a safe distance away.
“That’s because you ate it all,” Michael gripes. “Adam, would you like me to do the shopping for us?”
Technically, Michael could probably snap his fingers and their fridge and pantry would be stocked with everything they need for a week. Technically, Michael could do a lot of things with his powers, but Adam quickly realized that letting him felt like using him and the ease of it all meant he’d never leave the house, which wasn’t good for anyone’s cage-or-graveyard themed trauma.
Adam also quickly learned that sending Michael to the grocery store, even with a list, would end up with him buying the most ridiculous ingredients, like four dozen eggs that he can’t eat before they expire because he doesn’t even eat eggs that much and Michael can preserve them but that feels wrong because some things are just meant to go bad, or a whole box of bruised beets because they’re healthy and Adam should eat better even though beets are actually disgusting, or a live lobster that he felt bad for, or carb free bread that’s unsettling and crunchy because of all the seeds? wheat? in it. The bill ends up being hundreds of dollars that he doesn’t pay and he usually has to wipe a memory or two in the process which fills Adam with an indescribable guilt and the horrible thought that Michael can be so similar to Chuck, which he has to tuck into the darkest recesses of his mind lest Michael see and have a crisis of biblical proportions.
Ghoul can’t do the shopping either. He’ll come back with nothing but raw meat that technically Adam can eat too and a live lobster as well because that’s the one thing those two can agree on and, one notable time, looking like someone else because he quote, saw this total smokeshow and thought it might be a nice surprise for Adam so he snuck a bite in the middle of Aldi and definitely didn’t get kicked out before he could even buy the groceries.
They also can’t go together because they’ll end up with yet another live lobster—Adam is not immune to feeling bad for them when Michael and Ghoul are in his ears talking about the poor things being trapped for entertainment and bought for the slaughter—and he’s tired of telling Michael to take it back to the ocean and he just knows that they’re gearing up to ask for a tank to keep them all in that he won’t be able to say no to because they’ll be on the same team for once, and Michael will brandish his beets and multi colored carrots with bright eyes and Ghoul will point at people he thinks are attractive and say that Michael’s here so there’s no risk and Adam will come back home with nothing he went there for. 
Kate would call it weaponized incompetence. They do such a bad job so he has to step in and do it for them, but she wouldn’t understand. 
They’re not John. They’re not being ridiculous on purpose. This is them trying, really earnestly trying because they want to make Adam’s life easier, and they do! Michael makes him breakfast and Ghoul never forgets to thaw the chicken and going to release another lobster is like a mini vacation sometimes and people watching has turned into a game of Who Should Ghoul Eat Next, which would horrify Kate and should horrify Adam but the reality is, people are just so young and so small after all his time locked away with the biggest being in the universe. 
Everything that happened to him at the hands of Michael and Ghoul set him on the outside of the world; he can’t live the normal life she wanted for him anymore. Maybe this is why so many people stay hunters; it’s easier to keep to the outskirts rather than integrate with people who don’t know anything.
At least they’re on the outside with him.
That’s what Kate wouldn’t understand, so he doesn’t go see her. He doesn’t ask Michael to take him and he doesn’t ask Ghoul to stay behind because this is his life, for better or for worse. 
“I’ll go,” he says, “but you can help me make a list.”
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lesbiancolumbo · 2 years
I have a question for you but I am a bit terrified bc you are an icon of good taste on films but I have to dare...
What do you think about Ferris Bueller's day off?
Premise: I liked it, it's a silly and enjoyable movie and I know that in the current situation we can't have a movie like that, even if I can't really the reason (maybe the edginess and the irony that are everywhere now)
hi! well the first thing i want to say is please don’t feel terrified to approach or talk to me or ask me anything. i won’t bite you… i promise i’m a relatively chill person (i know historically the most unchill people are the ones that say this, but trust me).
onto your question, though… i love ferris bueller, though i haven’t seen it in many years. i’m cooler on john hughes than most people in my age group but i do love this one and probably always will. i watched it as a kid and have been to a lot of the places they go to in chicago. silly and enjoyable is a good way to put it tbh….. when i was young my grandmother used to tell me that not every movie needed to be deep. sometimes it just had to be “a nice time” and that’s what FB does for me. like it’s a very good “i’m home sick from school/work and it’s on TV” watch. my wife and i love alan ruck and i quote a lot of his lines a lot - when i was a kid i used to go around yelling PARDON MY FRENCH, BUT YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE in his grown up voice which my parents hated but anyways.
to your second point…. i don’t think it’s that we can’t have a movie like that anymore, but that it just wouldn’t have the impact the movie had back in 1986. like yes the edginess and irony is pretty done to this point but ironically before you sent this i was already thinking about FB while listening to the only film podcast i listen to talking about Soderbergh and his use of fourth wall breaking in one of his recent films and how it was either better or worse than adam mckay’s use of it in the big short (i honestly wasn’t paying attention). but anyways what i was thinking about was the cultural impact FB had and how many movies since have played with the fourth wall, etc. if you made FB in this day and age it just wouldn’t be unique and exciting or fresh as it had been when it originally came out.
and like, i think that’s something we need to consider when looking back at movies with huge cultural impact…. like it’s not always WHAT they do but WHEN they do it. movies have been breaking the fourth wall since the invention of cinema but FB was just in the right place at the right time and it clicked in pop culture. which, i mean i’m not mad about that, i think it’s a pretty cool film and while not everything about it has aged great (no film ages 100% well so i don’t knock it for that) i think it’s a nice, fun time and alan ruck is (and i cannot stress this enough) an ICON.
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zacksnydered · 2 years
Gif Requests
bar fighJust to keep track of what i have in my drafts or in the queue as well as requests i need to work on
dream sequence - done 
black outfit talking with carrouges - done
discussing the allegation with pierre - done
talking about the new castle - queued 
part 2 with jacques
dinner and reading with latin - queued
chainmail before the duel - queued
helen of troy haha - queued
3 different versions of the kiss - queued
talking/flirting scene/margie watching - queued
walking out of the tent looking pretty -queued
flirting with margueritte at the tent - -part 1 posted, part 2 queued
getting captaincy and outdoor dinner - drafted
margueritte’s pov of the kiss and the longing after - queued
outside the castle and pushing in the door - queued
riding before the duel with hair out - queued
watching margueritte and carroughes dance - queued
part 3 with jacques
scene after the trial where he’s outside - queued
kicking ass as a knight - - queued
joust scene of them ramming against each other - - queued
hahaha pierre and jacques bitching about carroughes- posted
jacques taking his cape off and joining sex with pierre lmao  - queued
full shot of the following lines:  “I was born with neither a name nor wealth. I prepared for a life in the church.” And “The requirements did not suit me.”  And the shot of “Let them say that to me.”   - queued
orgy scene of chasing the girl and picking her up- - queued
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IB9LYBASx-I - queued
The scene where Jacques and Pierre are talking/laughing and carroughes barges in to make a scene - queued
more gifs of him at court - - queued
part 4 with jacques
working at night with pierre behind the desk
This customer is good and strong. 
Come take some evil inside you.
You ar esaddled with a terrible burden, a cold callous man who does not love you as I do. 
No less sinful than her coveting me.
I am your friend. 
I’m innocent.
A smile and a kind word go much further than a threat. Even if you don't mena it. 
If you run, I'll only chase you. (bedroom scene)
If you run, I'll only chase you. (AFTER PARTY scene)
Nothing prevents a woman from being loved by two men. Or a man from being loved by two women. 
Hear me say I’m in love with you. 
What could we possibly have in common? / Appreciation of one another's extraordinary good looks. 
It’s not my doing. 
The wolves have not slept either. 
Tighter. Tighter. 
Come in. Take your pants off.
They paid because I had to insist.
I've heard all about you from the ladies at court. / They're...they're just boasting. 
I present myself, Jacque Le gris. 
It is I, helen of troy.
Good minds belong together.
They say she is beautiful.
Cheering with drink with a lot of snarky captions.
snl requests
I’m actually very chill monologue. 
That’s hot.
Bring that ass here. 
I think we should be together. 
Thank you girls for your honesty. 
Let’s intern.
Crush your enemies! Grind their bones into dirt! Make them regret they were never born!
Aww man! I’m all out of cash!
And now you’ll die like him too!
You stupid stupid kids!
Happy halloween!
That was an awful conversation wejust had!
[popping the baloon and losing it]
Promo Request : Entry and Christmas Tree https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FTsTEc4FGgc
Promo 1 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iBlL3DIapTQ
Promo 2  Adam with Halsey
burberry show entry https://driverdaily.tumblr.com/post/678582476600442880/adam-driver-arriving-at-the-burberry-autumnwinter
https://driverdaily.tumblr.com/post/634924216698929152/adam-driver-makes-an-appearance-on-last-week john oliver appearance
john oliver appearance quotes
explore the fucking space 
i hated this. goodbye.
colbert https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1miD-AWtXqk
brand new requests
adam driver in superbowl bts - updated - drafted
adam driver in superbowl - updated - drafted
adam driver after the superbowl - updated - drafted
flip shooting the pistol, walking around pretty 
flip shooting the rifle and taking the coat off
SNL Kylo with a beard - drafted
clyde walking into the kitchen looking big and pretty
Visiting Joe bang in jail. Please also include the gif of “people say that?”
annette requests
jumping rope and shadowboxing
stomping around in his robe, being aggressive, looking hot and angry and crazy
tipping his motorcycle over and staggering around being an idiot
club scene 1
club scene walking up to the rials and straightens up all slithery
dancing in the vest in the pink light 
ass flashing scene lol
annette nsfw
first sex scene
two singing into vagina scenes
bedroom scene where he’s awake and walking around touching her belly
house of gucci
Gucci funny quotes, 2 sets - with text please
Gaga- you seem too nice to be a lawyer
Gucci Library Lawyer -there are a few good ones
Jeremy irons glaring at gucci/patrizia during lunch
Al Pacino- Your son is a smart lawyer. My son is an idiot. But he’s my idiot.
Al Pacino- you should reconsider your wardrobe choices
Jared Leto- it’s chic (his velvet suit)
Jared Leto - I am bursting with creativity
Jared Leto- you deliberately hurt my feelings
Gucci- it’s like cake. Once have a taste, you want more, then you want the whole thing
Jeremy irons- you have ideas?
Jared Leto- he’s blind in one eye and deaf in the other
Jeremy irons- you have achieved a triumph of mediocrity
Lady Gaga- bravo!
Jared Leto - I want to soar, like a pigeon
Jared Leto- Why?!?
Gucci running away from cops at his house on his motorcycle in the shearling jacket
Gaga - I don’t consider myself a particularly ethical person, but I am fair.
Gucci- Don’t call me a cretin
Gaga- Our name sweetie
Gaga - don’t miss (to assassins)
a few specific quotes :)) 
confessing to marguerite - queued
barging into marguerite’s room - queued
courtroom scene with the swishy cape :D  - queued
church scene
SNL - slow song - queued
Ketchup skit.
snl end https://twitter.com/nbcsnl/status/1221323251210768384?s=21&t=l58BUf7Tgr1TS_B3q5A2_A
B&W snl scene
https://driverdaily.tumblr.com/post/190124045885/a-message-from-aitaf-founder-adam-driver-via aitaf scene
https://twitter.com/bafta/status/1224036536305537024?s=21&t=xMM8hoTfSBh85HGsaHOdcA BAFTAS
THE WINK https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zTC9WPmzgYM
-Running through the graveyard & mommy scene
-Kissing the redhead when she shows up & dancing with the blonde girl at the party like a slut lol
-Lifting up Tina fey and carrying her off
-Tina fey pinching his boob and then him wrestling their brother.
the meyerowitz movie scene
getting bitched at and sitting sassily haha 
Mixing drinks
part 2 with jacques
scenes with him with the hat and kissing the horse and others - drafted
scene hunting with pierre - drafted
him on the white hourse - drafted
more from the different povs at the castle with marguerite - drafted
the sex hair - drafted
romantic shots of the helmet kiss to carrying her in the bedroom and laying her down before the sex startsh 
shower scene 
lol taking care of the baby shirtless
being a weirdo coming out of the shower with the hood on
blowing a kiss at baby anette
acting like a puppet and then kneels at her feet and hugs anne
stripping his shirt off and getting ready for bed
Sex scene starting when they start making out, then he picks her up etc.
Bathtub scene
Soccer game scene starting with Gucci hiding behind Patrizia and then taking jacket off
muddy during the first battle - queued
dinner scene with carroughes - queued
the lunging scene - queued
shorter hair and in armor meeting pierre
talking to ron - queued in several parts
first meeting - queued
coming back from undercover - queued
undercover with a wire - queued
tan coat and having a beer - queued
tan coat and smoking u.u - queued
and one where he was raising his hand - posted
super bowl ad - queued
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1miD-AWtXqk colbert - no text necessary
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A4UmrRFAJiw - awards interview
brand new requests
flip blue flannel
flip in the truck at dark
flip yelling, manhandling, being aggressive
Leaning against the truck and then walking around with BDE
Clyde storming out of the bar and setting the truck on fire
Clyde leaning against the fence after setting shit on fire lol. Then pushing through the group of idiots to yell at Jimmy
dancing on the ship 
being aggressive and killing the conductor ( especially where he knocks the conductor out of the chair and yanks up from the ground and manhandles )
Clyde walking around after being released from jail and if there’s not a lot there, any of the gifs of him in court would be great toop
don quixote
Hotel room scene  - safarigirlsp
Slapping, dancing, kissing scene - safarigirlsp
Where he’s freaking out and looking over the balcony being hot lol queeniebee 
Hugging and Spinning with the girl (I forgot her name lol) @queeniebee 
Kissing the girl and then the sheep 🤣
Dancing and spinning and flirting with the intern @queeniebee  
Reaction gifs lol @queeniebee 
By the pond helping the girl out on her jack and flirting and whatever else you think looks good! @queeniebee (sent 10)
Leather jacket scenes from the special features @lumberjack00fantasies (I actually haven’t seen this, so if you can’t do it, no worries!)
the witch
“I am that very witch” -safarigirlsp
“Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?”  -safarigirlsp
Boat ride - queeniebee
Emo parting ways and hugging
Starving with good hair
Whatever is going on in these pretty firelight scenes
When it rains it pours 🤣
new requests
kylo ren beginning of tros
house of wax quotes
john wick 3 horse scene
australia gifsets
shirtless and being a smartass
bar fight scene
making out in the rain and sexy scene
the teaching foxtrot dance scene
riding shots
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pazodetrasalba · 10 months
Against Factions
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Dear Caroline:
Whether this is a serious, semi-serious or mock-pretend opinion (bearing in mind its connection with fictional novels, I would guess we're the second case), in many ways it is quite intuitive, and you would be in good company suggesting it. I think the US Constitution, the Federalist Papers and the intention of the Founding Fathers could probably be construed as quite at odds with what we would call 'multi-party democracy' and its excessively factional developments. And yet for all their evils, I don't think there are good alternatives to parties in a working democracy. They feel like inevitable emergent properties of the way systems of governance operate. Society having various ideological, social, and economic interests, it makes sense for like-minded individuals to group together so as better to promote their ideas and policies. As stable structures, parties allow for these ideas and policies to be preserved and implemented in the long run, for voters to have a clear grasp of what their possible representatives believe in and will promote if elected; they also mobilize said voters, raise awareness about issues and help in organizing campaigns and channeling dissent. Rather cynically, they also allow for alternative groups of elites to compete effectively for access to power and administration in a way that, at least theoretically, harnesses those ambitions to a specific, easily publicized and known program that facilitates voter decisions and choice. I could go on and on, but it would be a tad boring, and you don't need any instruction in these self-evident truths you are already aware of.
All that does not refute the fact that, in a lot of aspects, they are arbitrary. Our modern societies are very diverse and fragmented, which means that parties have to become as broad churches as possible to encompass the greatest number of followers amidst their fold. This obviously leads to situations in which a voter might like some, maybe even a lot of the policies of a party, but not a significant amount of them, and yet find him or herself 'forced' to vote for it 'as the lesser evil'. But prioritization is a common human curse: just like we have to make less than optimal choices for purchases and everyday decisions, so in politics.
I intensely dislike tribal signaling and sectarian partisanship, but I feel I am in the minority here (and mind you, I feel my country is many orders of magnitude more polarized and sectarian than yours). That is probably one of the reasons why competitive teams sports leave me totally cold, as I can't be bothered to 'identify with' and emotionally latch to a bunch of players who are supposed to represent my town/city/area/region/country.
To finish me, allow me a little gripe with the use of the term 'orthogonal', which is quite prevalent in specific tribes you belong to (EA and Rationalists). As far as I know, it is a technical term for Geometry and Linear Algebra (as per wikipedia, "the generalization of the geometric notion of perpendicularity to the linear algebra of bilinear forms"). I can't quite see the advantage of employing it in most contexts where 'unrelated' 'at odds', 'in opposition to' would do the same thing, and definitely sound less pedantic/nerdy-sciency/esoteric.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
John Adams
0 notes
Blog #20, Turn Right at Machu Picchu- Mark Adams (180-230)
Summary: The last 10 pages that I've read were John getting to Machu Picchu. He got there and it wasn't like anything he expected. It was beautiful. The amount of mountains and forests with tall perfectly grown trees was making him feel sort of Melancholy. He thought to himself "I should've done this a long time ago instead of sitting on my ass doing nothing for half of my life". After spending close to thousands of dollars on transportation and paying people to show him around, he said that he's made many mistakes and regretted many things, but this, wasn't one of them. There was literally a lost city in front of them. He wanted the world to know about Machu Picchu but the islanders refused. Claiming, it would make all of their progress on building their homes and raising their kids, go bad because of the money the government would have to spend to make it all happen. There are around 750 people that live there and there have been over 200 skeletons found at Machu Picchu. John's goal is to get as much information about Machu Picchu as he can so that he could write a book about it. He did.
Critical Analysis: On page 212, there was a quote that stuck to me. "The objects found do not belong to us, but to the Peruvian government which allowed us to take them from the country under the condition that they be returned". This stuck with me because hes basically trying to tell us that anything found in Machu Picchu was taken by the Peruvian government to do studies but its wrong because they're ruining the worth of it and they aren't seeing the background story of it and how it belongs in Machu Picchu and not the museum.
Personal Response: I think these last few chapters I read were kind of predictable mainly because in the beginning of the story he was talking about how he wanted to get tons of information about Machu Picchu then he wanted to write a book about it which is exactly what he just did. He's about to get lots of information about everything hes looking for any everything hes founded so far in his adventure trying to get to Machu Picchu, then he;s going to write a book about all of those things which is going to lead to lots of person getting curious bout it and them wanting to go there themselves.
0 notes
bowtiesnmusicals · 1 year
Here is my recap of the A Glee-nomenon (Mattress) episode of the podcast.
Kevin said this episode was a wild, crazy, and memorable experience.
Jenna really enjoyed watching and shooting this episode.
This episode aired December 2, 2009.
This was the highest most viewed episode after the piglet.
Empire State of Mind was still #1 on the charts.
The Blind Side moved up to #1.
Some of the cast did an appearance at Bryant Park for TJ Maxx and Marshalls. It was a Carol’oke contest. Kevin and Jenna were not a part of this appearance.
They went to their first Kiss FM Jingle Ball.
They went to The Trevor Projects Cracked Christmas.
Cory and Jenna had just gotten over the flu.
This was the beginning of their long relationship with The Trevor Project.
They were really small at this point. Adam Shankman directed a lot of these events.
Glee the Music volume 2 came out.
The boys did a Vanity Fair photoshoot.
At this time Kevin kept getting strep throat. All Kevin can remember from the photoshoot was just trying to keep it together because he was so sick.
Mattress was directed by Elodie Keene. It was written by Ian, Ryan, and Brad.
John Ross Bowie and Chuck Spitler were the guest stars for this episode.
The episode was originally called Once Upon A Mattress. They couldn’t get the rights for the title.
Baby gate is peaking. Will finds out Terri is lying.
By the time the episode aired they knew they had gotten more episode. They probably did not know the fate of the show when the episode was being written so a lot of storylines were getting wrapped up in these next two episodes.
Emma has some really good one liners in this episode.
The wedding was going to be in Hawaii but then they told me I couldn’t bring my own fruit.
Ken has a lot of flaws. He has 74 flaws as of yesterday.
Oh my gosh Sue, did someone finally punch you?
Chris nailed this scene. Kevin didn’t know how Chris would get this scene without messing it up. It was a really difficult monologue. They didn’t want to mess him up but they had things to interject during the monologue.
A thousand dollars is insane for a page in the yearbook.
Diggings suggests Will use Santana and Finn for the photo. He says to use a good looking cheerleader but not the pregnant one and the quarterback.
This is a very good episode for Rachel and Lea. Lea is very good at physical comedy.
The cast would sometimes do impressions of their characters between breaks during filming.
Some of the scene with Rachel being a part of every club did not age well.
Quinn says I want my kids to look back at these books and see who I was and make them proud. Not the bastard one I am carrying now. The ones I will have when I am ready. This quote made Jenna gasp and laugh when she rewatched the episode.
We see how the yearbook affects everyone on the show. Kevin says he likes when they leaned into these high school things like this.
Terri says no five times when Will tells her he is going to buy an ad in the yearbook.
Everyone votes for Rachel to be in the yearbook.
Will asks Emma for advice. She tells Will she thinks Ken scheduled the wedding on purpose.
Will decided Rachel needs a co-captain.
Kevin remembers filming with Lea because this was the first time Artie and Rachel have a one on one.
Kevin’s bid for didn’t age well. Mercedes she can’t be co-caption because she has no time because of Kwanzaa.
Artie says I can’t because it will mess up the composition because if you lean over it will look like you have stomach rolls. Brittany says no way because she doesn’t want to be in a picture with her because it will be defaced. Rachel says no it won’t and Brittany says yes it will, I will be the one doing it.
Everyone was excited about doing Smile by Lily Allen.
Jenna was uncomfortable watching this number. They both fast forwarded though this song. It felt like it was inserted for the sake of needing a song. Usually the songs moved the plot or were fun big numbers. This one was like why is this here. Kevin said it was like Ryan throwing them a bone because they wanted to do this song. Brad on the piano is really getting into it. Rachel awkwardly slaps Finn on the butt.
Kevin love Karofsky and Azimio together. They were a really amazingly horrible bully duo and funny together. Drawing the nazi symbol was not okay at all.
Karofsky is now on the football tam.
John Ross Bowie was on Speechless and the Big Bang Theory. The scene with Lea is weird but also so good.
The mattress part of the episode is Kevin and Jenna’s favorite part.
Jenna said this episode moved very quickly.
The mattress scene was rehearsed in an an actual mattress factory. It was hot. They were sweating.
The delivery of the lines in this scene were excellent.
They rehearsed really late at night. They were left alone on the sound stages alone a lot.
Heather is going full acrobatics the entire time. She was doing her best cheerleader.
Zach basically asked them what they could do.
How did Mattressland afford Van Halen?
Cory was very excited about this number and doing the scream at the beginning of the song.
They’re brought trampolines covered in mattress pads on tour.
Jenna vaguely remembers doing mattress. She had like seven layers of clothes on because they would just tear of a layer and do another number on tour.
Amber sings the highest notes known to man over and over again.
That number is great and performed really well.
They had to turn the air off because of sound issues.
Jenna asked for water at one point and it was hot because it had been outside.
They costumes were really comfortable. They had tank tops under the button up shirts.
They didn’t know if Kevin should be bounced.
Chris got injured during this number. He tried to do a flip and landed the wrong way. He hurt his neck.
This was one of the most fun and memorable numbers because of the sheer size of it.
This was probably all Ryan’s idea.
Kevin started out doing local commercials.
The first commercial he ever did was for the local WB. He did a Radio Shack industrial for internal use. He also did a Blockbuster industrial.
Jessalyn was excellent in this episode.
Will was looking for his pocket square and finds the fake pregnancy belly.
Terri’s lie was pretty legit.
Kevin said if he pulled out the pregnancy bump he wouldn’t know what it is but in Will’s case all his suspicions were being confirmed.
This is a really beautifully acted, directed, and shot scene. It was a loose handled camera scene. It feels like you are right in the middle of the action.
Kevin was freaked out and thought Will was going to hit Terri.
Will was like a tea kettle and was about to explode.
Terri’s line of this marriage only works because you don’t feel good about yourself. This is a very dark line.
Will goes to the school and sleeps on one of the mattress.
They left Matt’s mark tape on the floor and you can see it when he throws down the mattress. They forgot to remove it for this scene.
They scene with Emma and Will was a really grounded and honest scene.
All of the storylines come to a boiling point.
The Sue’s corner is really inappropriate. The performance was great but the subject matter is not so great.
There is a stack of mattress in the choir room piled as high as the empty hair gel bottles in the dumpster outside of your apartment is a hilarious Sue line.
Sue says I didn’t’ see that one coming at all.
Kevin loves when Sue is talking about Will but looking at Figgins.
Jenna has a new appreciation for the scenes in Figgins office with Sue and Will.
Quinn steps it up in this episode. She is going to blackmail Sue.
She demands a full page photo for Glee club for free and that she’s back in the Cheerios.
Sue says you remind me of a young Sue Sylvester.
Quinn says she would rather be a part of a club that is proud to have her as a member.
The only person that has a really big significant story arc is Quinn.
It’s a nice redemption arc for her.
One of Elodie’s signatures is the shots where you shoot back to see the whole glee club.
The cast has the picture from this episode framed. It was a really special moment. It was the first picture they had of everyone together.
You start to see characters bloom in this episode.
They were allowed to improvise and figure out their characters.
Smile was Michael Jacksons favorite song. They recorded a week after he died.
They sang Smile at a Trevor Project event and the White House.
This is the penultimate episode of the first 13.
They yearbook picture gets defaced.
Tartie Takes:
Ouchies - Sue’s Corner, Kwanza bit, hitler mustache, rice paddy hat
Worst Dance Move - Smile
Best Song - Jump
Best Performance by a Prop - mattresses
Didn’t Age Well - Anything that comes out of Sue’s mouth
Best Line - Terri saying this marriage only works because you don’t feel good about yourself, sue’s tear ducts, and Sue saying what if I murdered you will.
Shit We Found on Tiktok:
Someone made a fan cam of Figgins. It’s all the clips of Figgins talking to the camera and waving. It’s incredible and insane.
Kevin said they need to get Iqbal on the show and send it to him.
If you need to smile just watch this video.
Next episode is Sectionals.
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Black Adam Superman Cameo Teased on DC Comics Twitter Account
It’s time to yell “motion” on Black Adam, who will likely be assembly quite a lot of new pals. Picture: Warner Bros. If the corporations behind a product now not care about ruining one thing for an viewers, why do you have to? At present, mere hours earlier than the discharge of Black Adam, the official DC Comics Twitter account posted a cute little animation. One which, effectively—we aren’t going to be assholes and spoil it with out warning, so if you wish to be spoiler free, cease studying right here. Simply know that DC is not being cautious or delicate. The animation is of a textual content chain with Black Adam and Superman. However it’s not targeted on any sort of comedian e-book iteration. It’s a promotion for the film. Now, one would think about if the official DC account is suggesting Superman is in Black Adam, that’s about as official as you may get exterior of seeing it along with your very personal eyes. Verify it. Having seen the film, I’ll say that the textual content trade is… how I do put this?… greater than slightly acquainted. There could even be a direct quote in there. And if there’s a direct quote in there it appears probably that, you guessed it, Superman is in Black Adam, performed by Henry Cavill And DC has no drawback letting you understand. G/O Media could get a fee We’ll have a lot, rather more on the scene Friday when the movie is in theaters— together with the way it occurred, what it means for the longer term, and even an unique quote in regards to the truth John Williams’ Superman theme is used within the scene, not Hans Zimmer’s music from Man of Metal. Black Adam is in theaters tonight. Need extra io9 information? Try when to anticipate the most recent Marvel and Star Wars releases, what’s subsequent for the DC Universe on movie and TV, and every little thing you could learn about Home of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Energy. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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ear-worthy · 2 years
What If…Conservative Podcasters Interviewed The Founding Fathers
Conservative podcasters always talk about the good old days when men were white, women had no power at all, and minorities were second-class citizens. They recall with great affection the wisdom and insight of The Founding Fathers. That’s George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Monroe, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay.
It is indeed an esteemed group who were ahead of their time and introduced the world to the social experiment called democracy.
Let’s do a thought experiment. What would happen if some of the most popular conservative podcasters could interview The Founding Fathers?
By suspending belief and using our imagination — unless that has now been banned in schools along with many books — we can capture what those interviews would be like.
Let’s start with Tucker Carlson. Now, Tucker has recently been flirting with some of the most odious dictators in the world. He has a sweet spot in his Grinch-like heart for Vladimir Putin of Russia and Viktor Orban of Hungary, extolling the virtues of their political structure whee there is no free press, elections are rigged, the courts are hopelessly corrupt, and Putin’s and Orban’s cronies sodomize the economy.
Consequently, Tucker would not want to speak to a founding father, but instead he’d travel to London and talk with King George III of England.
Tucker Carlson interviews King George III of England
Tucker: Your majesty, What do you think about this American experiment in democracy? Did you hear that President George Washington refused to be called a King? Can you believe how woke he is?
King George III: Yes, Mr. Carlson, you took the royal words out of my royal mouth. Strong leaders are necessary if a nation or empire is to succeed. Unalienable rights are for sissies. The sad masses are too sensitive these days.
Tucker: It’s a tragedy how American leaders are soft on immigration. Did you know that some are even proposing we don’t take over all the land the Indians control?
King George III: First, Mr. Carlson, I am a man of traditional values. Queen Charlotte and I have had 15 children. Keep ’em pregnant, you know (The King winks at Carlson) and keep ’em quiet. And, yes, native people like the Indians should be conquered like British Empire has done successfully in so many areas around the world. We’ve conquered India, a lot of Africa — they’re such children — and Canada — they’re nice and easy to control.
And traditional values are important. I don’t go to church. Never have. But the masses should. It’ll keep them in line. By the by, beheading Sir Thomas More two hundred years ago was really fake news.
Ben Shapiro interviews James Madison
Ben Shapiro is an influential conservative commentator (just ask him, he’ll tell you) and strong believer in religious purity. He is a believer in Judeo-Christian values and Greek philosophy (although not Ancient Greece’s acceptance of gay people). In the past, Shapiro has said that transgender people suffer a mental disorder, same-sex couples cannot possibly raise children, and addressed the obesity epidemic with this pithy quote: “Kids are fat due to lack of parenting.”
Shapiro: Now, Mr. Madison, the Constitution that you wrote with others does not expressly forbid the blending of church and government. The United States can be a Christian Nationalist nation?
Madison: No, that’s not accurate. The establishment clause does not separate politics from religion, but it prohibits all levels of government either advancing or inhibiting religion. Many of the people here now fled Europe because of religious persecution. To establish a state religion would replicate that religious persecution in this great nation.
Shapiro: Facts don’t care about your feelings, sir.
Madison: I don’t know what that means, but it sounds snotty, sir.
Shapiro: Anyway, Mr. Madison, wouldn’t you agree that those who would impose government on the people are grievously wrong. That small government with very little regulation is the government you envisioned?
Madison: If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.
Shapiro: Don’t you believe that people with different lifestyles and beliefs should not be granted the same rights as everyone else?
Madison: Equal laws protecting equal rights, are found as they ought to be presumed, the best guarantee of loyalty, and love of country; as well as best calculated to cherish that mutual respect and good will among citizens of every religious denomination which are necessary to social harmony and most favorable to the advancement of truth.
Dan Bognino interviews John Adams
Dan Bognino hosts a popular podcast and radio show and is a loud voice supporting the election fraud lie being pushed by Donald Trump and his followers.
Bognino: Mr. Adams, when you lost to Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1800, the winner was not announced until February 17, 1801. There had been a lot of political jockeying for an advantage. I’d say there was outright fraud?
Adams: Mr. Bognino, yes, there were some issues. But I would never interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It is a sacred trust that the people place in a democracy. In fact, the 12th amendment fixed those issues several years later. Trust the Democratic process.
Bognino: But if you thought the election wasn’t far, even without any evidence that would stand up in court, isn’t it your right to contest?
Adams: Mr. Bognino, it’s very simple. If conscience disapproves, the loudest applauses of the world are of little value.
Bognino: Isn’t it true that the Founding Fathers supported slavery and understood that, at the time, it was acceptable?
Adams: Sir, I never owned a slave in my life and consider myself an abolitionist.
Bognino: Cut. I’m done with this guy. I told you. I just want guests on the show who agree with me!
Charlie Kirk interviews Thomas Jefferson
Charlie Kirk is a conservative podcaster and founder of Turning Point USA. Kirk’s “Exposing Critical Racism Theory” tour has made stops in Alabama, Idaho, Michigan, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas and Vermont. For 90 minutes, Kirk speaks directly to the virtually all-white crowd and told them radical leftists want them to feel ashamed.
“Just because you’re a white person does not mean you have to begin apologizing simply for how God made you,” he says on the tour.
Kirk: Now, Mr. Jefferson. I know you’re a man of God. All those radical leftist, woke wild stories about you and Sally Hemings are all fake news. Right, sir?
Jefferson: No, Mr. Kirk. It is all accurately reported. I did father children by her.
Kirk: But you did support slavery during the war for independence because you were only gong along with the prevailing theories of the day. Isn’t that right, Mr. Jefferson?
Jefferson: I quote from a letter I wrote: “There must doubtless be an unhappy influence on the manners of our people produced by the existence of slavery among us. The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other.”
Kirk: But you don’t think that white people should not in any way feel bad about the U.S.’s history of slavery?
Jefferson: I can answer that, Mr. Kirk, by quoting from a letter I wrote Mr. Edward Rutledge of South Carolina in July 1787. The letter said, and I quote: “I congratulate you, my dear friend, on the law of your state for suspending the importation of slaves, and for the glory you have justly acquired by endeavoring to prevent it for ever (sic). This abomination must have an end, and there is a superior bench reserved in heaven for those who hasten it.”
Ted Cruz interviews Benjamin Franklin
Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz is also known as the co-host of the podcast, Verdict With Ted Cruz, along with co-host Michael Knowles. Cruz, known as a crusader on the right, has also gained notoriety for flying to Cancun on a family vacation while Texas suffered a statewide power outage in February 2021, and for being a Trump supplicant after the former president insulted his wife, Heidi, during the 2016 presidential primaries.
Cruz: As a man of your time, you at least understand that slavery was accepted when the country was founded. Isn’t that true?
Franklin: In the 1750s, I owned slaves, but soon thereafter I began arguing against slavery. I became an abolitionist, and promoted education and the integration of blacks into U.S. society.
Cruz: How did you deal with enemies of the state who criticized our newly formed nation? Surely, they were radical socialists and part of the woke mob.
Franklin: We need disagreement. But it must be focused on ideas, not lifestyles. As I said in Poor Richard’s Almanac, “Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults.”
“Don’t throw stones at your neighbors, if your own windows are glass,” as I also said in Poor Richard’s Almanac.
Cruz: How did you and the other Founding Fathers stop the spread of elitist Marxists in universities like Columbia, Princeton, and Yale? We know our enemies are godless people with different ways of life and with different values. How did you defeat these enemies?
Franklin: Mr. Cruz. Remember the good book, Poor Richard’s Almanac. There, I said, “When you’re good to others, you’re best to yourself.” Then I followed up with, “Search others for their virtues, thy self for thy vices.” In essence, Mr. Cruz, haters gonna hate.
Samuel Alito barges in and asks one question of John Jay
Finally, Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito intruded and insisted upon asking a question of Founding Father and the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, John Jay.
Alito: Mr. Chief Justice, if you were alive today wouldn’t you support my agrument for rescinding a woman’s right to abortion?
Jay: Mr. Alito, I can only respond with one of my most memorable quotes: “To all general purposes, we have uniformly been one people; each individual citizen everywhere enjoying the same national rights, privileges, and protection.”
Sorry, Mr. Alito. I must object.
Stay tuned next week when these same conservative podcasters interview Confederate generals and politicians and try to convince their audience once again that the Civil War was only about state’s rights, nothing more.
Spoiler Alert: Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln offer dissenting views that the conservative podcasters characterize as “cancel culture.”
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norahastuff · 3 years
I know I’ve talked about this a lot before, but was just thinking again today about how Dean was named after their grandmother and Sam was named after their grandfather. How Dean tried so hard to emulate his father’s brand of masculinity but ultimately realised that it was Sam who was most like their father, and Dean later discovers that he’s just like Mary. How John trained Dean to be the hunter who had to be tough and kill the monster, but also took advantage of his so-called “delicate features” and innate vulnerability and used him as bait to lure in unsuspecting monsters. And how after the hunt, Dean had to go home and be a mother, father and brother to Sam. He had to be the caretaker because John sure as fuck wasn’t going to do it. 
And then of course there’s Dean having very significant reactions anytime he’s clocked as gay, whereas Sam (once he gets past the initial “Eww - he’s my brother” part) isn’t fazed in slightest. How Dean repeatedly teases Sam by implying he wears women’s underwear, but remind me - who is it that canonically admits to actually doing that? 
Dean turning his nose up at Sam’s fancy coffee, because “Real men don’t drink out of cups this small” but when Sam tries to take it back from him, he’s refuses, because it’s not like he didn’t want the coffee, he just felt like he needed to put up the token protest first. (I could list a bunch of examples of this but that one is a personal favourite - makes me laugh every time.)
And then I think about how much he changes when he has his big cathartic confession to Mary, when he admits that he had to be a mother/father/brother to Sam, how he had to be everything to everyone, fulfil all of the expectations everyone had for him, and how he felt like a failure when he couldn’t live up to them. And how it just wasn’t fair. Because, yeah, Amara was on the money with that one, Mary was what he needed most so that he could finally admit all that to himself - could actually say the words out loud to the person whose death was the catalyst for everything. The false image of Mary as an innocent, perfect martyr is what John used to justify moulding Dean into the blunt instrument he used to fight his war after all. He needed to see that the Mary he’d grown up idealising wasn’t real.
Dean is so different post Mary. He makes Cas a mixtape. He quotes ‘Frozen’ and isn’t bothered at all by Sam’s surprised reaction to that. He giddily wears a nightgown and bakes cakes. I mean, Chuck sent Lilith to seduce Dean and it was a ridiculous ploy, because Dean acted more as a protector/older brother figure and would never have even considered sleeping with her. When John came back in s14 and tried to tell Dean he wishes he had a family, Dean firmly rejects the idea of the white picket fence, nuclear family John tries to raise. He’s adamant that he’s happy with the one he’s built for himself - that just because it’s unconventional, doesn’t make it any less of a “real” family.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not saying Dean had fully dealt with all his issues with masculinity (and I think we’ve discussed the reasons he wasn’t fully able to a lot since 15x18/finale) but he’d come a long, long way since the Dean of the earlier seasons.
Anyway, apologies for the wall of text, it’s just been rattling around my brain today - needed to throw it out into the void.
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