#but i also would have been miserable only writing fluffy 1 or 2 shots with no plot just to get the flush of comments those fics get
sabraeal · 1 year
as a writer how do you stop thinking about like getting kudos/comments? I've just started writing fanfic, and when I start a writing something -- it goes well and then eventually I get to point where I'm like "ahh but what the readers don't like that? or what if I don't get as many kudos or comments" and it makes it difficult to continue because then it becomes stressful -- I guess how do you deal with "wanting to write stuff for yourself" and "wanting validation" thanks!
You're going to hate this answer, because I hated it too, but TIME. When you first start writing and you get kudos and comments and people love what you're doing, it's a huge validation of your effort and talent, and it's natural that you want MORE of it. When I first started putting up fics I already had been writing for 15+ years, knew I was good at it, and still for a good few years found myself really glued to the hit counter, and the kudos, and wondering how I'd be able to get people to comment the same way they did on things like Seven Suitors.
But the thing is that commenting comes and goes in waves, and unless a fandom has a big comment culture, or is large enough that you're guaranteed a good glut of them every time you post...you're going to hit a point where you write exactly what everyone wants and get crickets. And at that point you'll get ANNOYED, because LOOK, I MADE THIS, i made it for YOU GUYS, and now y'all don't have anything to say? It'll get to you. It'll make you doubt that you know what anyone wants at all. It'll happen and it'll suck the whole time.
Lots of advice will say "write for yourself," which is an excellent sentiment. You should always write what YOU want. Put into your fic what you want to see, write the nitpicky poetic metaphors and craft the most screwball twists your heart desires. Pour yourself into the most niche AUs and most tin-hat canon theories. At the end of the day, you want the IDEAS you put down to be for you, because comments and kudos are nice, but if they don't come...you have to be proud of what you put out, even when it feels like an echo chamber.
But also...we don't POST things for ourselves. We post things to share. Fic are a conversation with canon and it is perfectly natural to want to create something that creates conversation among other fans. So you're never going to fully get the need for validation out of your head, you're not. You can hide hit counts and ignore your inbox all you like, but the want to have someone interact with your work, to inspire someone to reach out to you will ALWAYS be there. You just have to create a healthier relationship with it.
Be confident in what you write. Think less about whether people will like it, and more about how you WANT them to react. The reader is the most important character in any novel, but it's the one most authors forget to manage. When you come to a point where you go "oh man, I hope this is good for them!" stop and go, "what do I *want* them to be feeling here?" Focus on where you're putting their attention and whether you WANT it there. There's so much you can do when you visualize your relationship with the reader as PART of the work, and it takes off a lot of the pressure of "is this good? is it disappointing? will this get me validation?" and brings it back into the realm of storytelling. You are taking your reader on a journey, and when you do it well people will think less about "did I like that?" and more about "what comes next?"
#asks#writing advice#writing#please understand nonnie that what you are feeling is completely natural and part of the process#and shades of that will stick with you no matter how good you get#but the thing you want to keep in the center of your mind when it comes to that#is that you can only get kudos once on a fic and you are lucky to get a 1:100 comment vs hits ratio#so the instant validation WILL dry up and you'll have to have something about your story#that makes you push through. because people will come back and comment!#people will blow through 50+ chapter and leave you the most emotionally hungover review promising you their first borns#but sometimes you will have written a good third of them with NO feedback whatsoever#and you just have to trust in yourself that it's good. it's FINE#i used to obsessively check hits and be really put out to see how many people were coming and not commenting#especially when i wrote really emotionally driven stuff and really tore myself up to get those feelings through#but i also would have been miserable only writing fluffy 1 or 2 shots with no plot just to get the flush of comments those fics get#you just gotta do what you gotta do and let your audience find you. recontextualizing the relationship helps a LOT#i already was big on focusing on the meta plot of my works because as i said. 15+ years. had a lot of time to experiment and get good#but i still had to like. give myself the same pep talk 2 years in about how to view that relationship#everyone goes through it and if they say they don't they're a liar and i mean that seriously 🤣
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“Touch” - Din Djarin x female!reader
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Tigaanur Series: Part 1 (you’re here!) | Part 2 | Part 3 | MASTERLIST
Summary: It seems so unfair that he is able to touch you and send shivers down your spine when you're not.
Warning: fluffy fluff, a bit of violence, touching? (I don’t know man if you don’t want Din touching you what’s wrong? … maybe I should say nothing in this is sexual, just fluffy hugs ... and lap sitting)
Category: fluff
Words: about 8.000
Notes: Set during season 1 but the events are drawn out over a longer period of time (but they aren’t really mentioned or important)
Note 2: I swear this was supposed to be short. I also have no explanation why this piece exists, I just felt like writing something (mostly) fluffy. I just love this show and this man too much to not write something for it/him. AND there will be definitely more Din on my blog so stay around if you are interested!
“Touch” – Din Djarin x fem!reader
Mando seemed to use every opportunity he had to touch you. At first you didn't really notice it but the subtle brushes against your arms when he walked past you or the light hand pressed against the small of your back when he slid around you soon grew more frequent. Or maybe you just didn't notice them at first or didn't think about them much. You guessed that was just how he acted. That was until you realized that he avoided touching everyone else. When he needed to slide around anyone other than you, he very carefully moved as not to touch them. But with you that wasn't the case.
After a while you noticed that the subtle touches really weren't that subtle after all. And it annoyed you. You liked the way he brushed your skin, not to get you wrong, but it annoyed you how you were denied that kind of sensation, always feeling either leather or fabric. You couldn't give him the same tingle you always felt wandering down your back when he brushed your skin. You knew his armor was part of his creed, he had told you that often enough when you first got to know him. "This is the way" as he always said. And you would never do anything that would harm him and his creed that meant so much to him but the feeling of longing still stayed deep-seated in your heart. And the moment you noticed that your heart sped up whenever he was brushing you, your daily life on the Razor Crest got a lot more complicated.
You were just standing in the lower level, rocking the little one to sleep in your arms after you had played with him for quite some time. You swore he had to be tired, he was awake for some time now, but the green bean refused to settle down alone. So, you had to rock from side to side on your feet, waiting patiently for his eyes to close. After what felt like ages, the balls of your feet were surly sore, he yawned slightly, making you yawn as well, and then his eyes finally shut and stayed closed. Holding your breath, you stopped swaying for a while, waiting to make sure that he had fallen asleep at last. He didn't open his eyes again as soft snores left his mouth. With a relieved smile you put him down in his little sleeping quarters as careful as possible. Finally letting out the breath you were holding you took a step back only to bump into something, or rather someone. Startled you flinched and were barely able to clasp your hands over your mouth to hold back the yelp that threatened to escape otherwise. You would have cursed yourself if you had woken the little one up again.
With your back against his chest, you felt your body freeze up, your mind blank. Unable to turn around you just stayed still, breathing in sharply to recover from the shock. Normally you would have heard him, you grew more accustomed to notice the small noises he would make over the time you had now spent on his ship but it seemed like your tired mind had filtered them out this time. "Sorry" the Mandalorian said and stepped back. However, he stayed so close behind you that you swore you could still feel the mixture of his body warmth and the coldness of his armor springing over to you. Slowly you let your hands fall down again but stayed facing the child instead of the man behind you. Your heart was still beating violently against your chest and your face felt like it was burning from embarrassment. You heard him shuffle, and you knew instinctively that he was peeking over your shoulder to look at the child.
"He's finally asleep" you whispered after you were sure your voice wouldn't waver, knowing without him saying anything or looking at him that this was what he wanted to know. You also knew that he probably was nodding when he didn't speak up again. You stood like that in silence for a few moments, your thoughts racing. "Do you-" you started and turned your head to take a peek at the Mandalorian. He really was still standing right behind you, his head slightly lowered to look over your shoulder. Was he watching the child or was he looking at you? You couldn't tell right now, his eyes always hidden behind the dark t-shaped visor. He stood so close that you could see your reflection in the shiny metal of his helmet. "Do you want to rest?" you finished your question, knowing that he had been awake for quite some time now, your voice soft and quiet. 'Only so the child wouldn't wake up' you told yourself but you knew you were lying. His head tilted to you, so you knew he was looking at you right now, though if he was already doing that before or not, would forever stay a mystery. He nodded. You returned the gesture, now turning around fully to face him. He straightened up but still didn't take a step back, his armored chest now only a few inches away from yours. He stood so close that you had to tilt your head back to look into his eyes, or rather the visor hiding his eyes. You had no idea how they looked like and probably would never get to know that but that didn't hinder your from imagining them. You never pictured a specific color but you always imagined them as warm and with a darkness to them that made them frightening to the ones who didn't know him but welcoming to the ones that did. You noticed that you were staring for too long. "I'll be in the cockpit" you stated hesitantly, not sure how to act and walked around him before you could make an even bigger fool of yourself. The faint brush of his gloved fingers against your arm as you walked past him didn't stay unnoticed anymore, as well as the shiver running down your back.
Normally you would sit in one of the co-pilot seats, glancing at Mando when he piloted his ship from time to time, but you had decided to settle down onto the pilot seat for now. The Mandalorian didn't need it right now and that seat was definitely the more comfortable out of the three. With your legs stretched out and your arms crossed before your chest you looked out of the window, staring at all the light-streaks passing by. The autopilot was activated so you didn't have to do anything and could just relax. With a sigh you let yourself sink deeper into the seat, your spine curved and your head resting on your shoulder. After one eventful day after the other you really needed this, quiet and relaxation. You didn't mean to fall asleep right there in the pilot seat but the smooth movement of the Razor Crest slowly lulled you to sleep.
Your dreams were often plagued by the things you had experienced the days before, merged with vivid images that left you confused after waking up. You couldn't remember the last time you had a through and through pleasant dream, probably before you had decided to join the Mandalorian but that seemed so long ago now. So, whenever you were asleep a part of your mind always stayed alert. That was why you jerked awake immediately when you felt something touch your shoulder. Your body was awake in the matter of seconds, your mind following with a slight delay so you were unable to register who it was. You wanted to jump up in fear but the hand on your shoulder gently pressed you back down. Your heart hammered painfully against your ribs in panic for a few more seconds before you finally realized that it was only Mando. Your fear vanished in an instant and instead you yawned and rubbed your still sleepy eyes, trying to ignore his resting hand that had wandered closer to your nape. You failed miserably.
"How long-" "About three hours" he answered before you were able to finish your questions. "But you can get some more rest." You nodded and tried to let yourself relax back into the chair, however his hand on you made every little hair on your body stand up with anticipation. You heard the faintest rumble from Mando's helmet, which shot a tingly sensation down your back. It almost sounded like a chuckle. "I need the seat" he said and you were fairly sure you could hear the smile on his lips. "There are two perfectly fine seats left" you stated with a grin on your lips and closed your eyes, slowly growing more comfortable with his touch on you. To be honest, it was quite nice. You couldn't feel his skin on you but you felt his body heat that loosened your tense muscles bit by bit. "I need that seat" he repeated more pressing this time but still in a lightweight manner. You stayed put for a few moments more, enjoying his feather-light touch and the warmth on your skin for a few moments more before you groaned and stood up, his hand sliding from your shoulder in the process. You walked past Mando, noting how he ever so slightly moved his hand so it would brush against your own, and let yourself fall down on the seat to his right, too tired to go to your makeshift bed in the lower level. He stood beside you and glanced at you for a while, his helmet stayed slightly turned to you, you knew even after you had closed your eyes. Then you heard him shift and sit down on the pilot's seat. You crossed your arms before your chest and stretched out your legs again, trying to make the seat as comfortable as possible even without his warmth to soothe you.
"Why are you awake after only three hours?" you asked after a few minutes filled with silence, your eyes still closed. When Mando went down to sleep he never stayed asleep for long but you felt like it had a reason other than needing to be alert and looking after the ship this time. He also rarely answered right away, but you felt like he hesitated a bit more than usual. You opened one eye to see him stiff and frozen in the seat, his helmet facing the endless blackness of space. You immediately knew what was wrong, having felt the same way far too often. "Nightmares?" He didn't need to answer for you to know. "I have them, too" you continued, hoping that it would let him feel at least a bit comforted. You observed him while he busied himself with flipping switches and turning buttons for no other reason than to appear occupied. You huffed and rolled your eyes at the stoic Mandalorian. When he finally leaned back and let his arms dangle beside him stiffly you let your eyes wander to his gloved hand. Hesitating you reached for it. If he noticed what you were up to, he didn't let it show. Taking all the courage you had in you, you interlaced your fingers with his, immediately you felt his warmth again that made you relaxed. His body, however, went rigid. You waited, your eyes still trained on him, but when nothing changed you worried that you had overstepped. You withdrew your hand immediately only for him to grab it. Startled you paused, squeezing his hand as if to ask if it was okay. He squeezed back, his muscles finally relaxing under your touch.
"It's okay to have nightmares" you said, worried that he was avoiding to answer you just because he didn't want to appear weak. "You don't have to talk with me about them if you don't want to, but know that you don't have to be alone in this." You closed your eyes again after that and drifted back to sleep, not noticing how he turned his head towards your interlaced hands and then to your face, never seeing the small smile that grazed his lips underneath the helmet.
When you woke up you were prepared to no longer feel your hand in his, only to realize that they were still interlocked. Confused you paused and just stared at your intertwined fingers before looking at the Mandalorian on the pilot seat. He still sat there like before, his other arm dangling down (not as stiff as before anymore), both feet firmly planted onto the ground and his head facing the window. You couldn't tell if he was awake or not. You didn't know what to do. Should you just stay put? But if he had fallen asleep and would wake up like this it definitely would be awkward. But ... if he wasn't asleep and already awake right now, he definitely knew you were awake too and it would be even more awkward. You tugged at his hand to test the waters. He didn't react so maybe he really was still sleeping? Not taking any chances you freed yourself from his grip and stood up quietly. You needed something to drink right now, or a cold shower at best because you already felt your cheeks burning up again. With your head low you didn't see his head had turned ever so slightly into your reaction, watching you as you left to climb down the ladder.
You had no idea how to act around him after that. The touches didn't stop, he still brushed you every now and then and you hold his hand wordlessly whenever you knew he had another nightmare. But you didn't know how far you could and were allowed to go. Somehow you were afraid of scaring him away, of overstepping. But after many months of only the three of you traveling through space you got a bit touch-starved. You felt yourself lean into his touches more often than not. So, you didn't want to do anything that would lead for him to stop that.
You didn't really have much time to think about all that anyway as the child often required all your attention when you weren't fighting or hurrying back to the Razor Crest. Like you were right now. You had volunteered to go to the marketplace to get a few more provisions, Mando obviously not very happy about that but you managed to convince him to let you go. It wasn't a particular dangerous planet and you didn't intend to be gone for more than two hours anyway. Also, you definitely did not stand out that much unlike him with his distinctive armor. However, maybe you should have known that life always had other plans. After all, you had never planned to end up traveling the galaxy with a Mandalorian and his adoptive son. You were just sliding the last of your shopping money to the salesman, your two hours almost over, when you saw someone sneak towards you out of the corner of your eye. How you knew they were here because of you? Let's just say your instincts got a lot better after many months of fleeing and fighting and being constantly alert. You didn't wait for your change, grabbed your supplies, putting them into the bag that was strapped on over your shoulder and hurried into the large crowd. You tried to remember the things Mando had taught you, how to act if someone should ever be after you when he wasn't there. At first you had to try and lose the person. If that wouldn't work you had to find a more active way to get rid of them. However, what you hadn't considered was that maybe that person wasn't alone. So, when you ran into someone and they grabbed you by the shoulders you knew you were in a lot more trouble than you had thought. Before you knew it, you were trapped between three larger men. Your breath hitched in your throat when they slowly shoved you to the side of the street, away from the curious eyes.
With your back facing a wall you let your eyes dart between the three men. One of them stood to either of your sides and the last one was standing directly in front of you. There was no way for you to escape. "We know you have him" one of them said, shoving you hard so that your back collided with the wall. You gulped, swallowing down your fear and tried to clear your thoughts. You had to stay focused. "Who? If you didn't notice I'm alone" you put on an annoyed expression and gestured around you. Maybe you could convince them that you weren't the one they were looking for. "You hid him! Where?" the one to your left snarled. "Maybe you didn't hear me the first time so I'll repeat myself: Who are you talking about?" you spat back. You couldn't let them see your fear. "The child!" the one who had shoved you spoke up again. "I don't have a child."
"We know you travel with the Mandalorian" the one to your right said, a wide grin on his lips. For some reason that made your blood run cold. "And we know who you are. But you don't seem to know the price that is written above your head." This time you couldn’t mask the shock that was showing in your wide eyes. "Price?" your voice very noticeable cracked. The man nodded. You froze, blinking quickly, not processing what they just told you. You ... you had a bounty on your head? This wasn't good, not at all. You, Mando and the Child had to leave this planet immediately. You had to get away from them. "I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong person" you said and tried to walk past them but they shoved you back against the wall, pinning you against it. The man that was pressing your shoulder against the cold wall fished a puck out of his pocket, activating it for you to see your face. You bit your tongue and gulped, before your face hardened. You had to get back to the Razor Crest.
"Don't touch me" you snarled with your fists clenched. With your mind on autopilot, you lunged at the man, punching him straight in the face. He reeled back, holding is bleeding nose. Immediately you leaped forward, trying to escape through the small gap you had created between the three men. However, the one to your right grabbed your bag, pulling you back. Spinning around you used the momentum and jumped against the man's legs that gave out beneath him with a deafening crunch. He howled in pain, letting go of you to curl around himself and protect his injury. When you turned around to try and escape again your breath was knocked out of you. You leaned forward by instinct, wrapping your arms around your side, where you've got hit by a blade. You had no time to recover or even think about the blood seeping through your fingers as the next blow hit your jaw. You let out a gargling scream, unable to hold it back, as the pain exploded in your face. By the way your vision turned dark for a split second you knew that your jaw was dislocated. The pain immediately pulsed through your whole body, leaving you strangely dizzy and nauseous and gasping for air, which only lead for the pain to get even worse. Disoriented you just stood there, hunched over with tears in your eyes. You were too unfocused on your surroundings, too consumed by the pain, to see the next hits coming. With a hard kick to your stomach, you hit the floor.
Maybe you blacked out, or maybe your brain just decided to turn itself off so you wouldn't feel the pain of the hits that followed. You knew you were repeatedly kicked into your stomach and side, against the knife wound. But you didn't really register that, you only managed to curl into yourself so at least your stomach would be protected, the hits to your side, however, didn't stop. Your mind was blank. You couldn't tell how long exactly you laid there on the floor. It could have lasted only a few seconds or an hour and you wouldn't have known the difference anymore. It felt like an eternity and only a heartbeat when it all suddenly stopped. You felt the heat hovering over your cowering form and only when you opened your blurry eyes and saw the fire above you. The two men screamed in terror as they ducked away, the jacket of one of them had caught fire. The two grabbed their friend who was also still on the floor and disappeared, leaving only the burning jacket behind. You let your body stretch out the moment the fire stopped, finally feeling safe again, though your mind was still dizzy and the pain still racing through your body, only vaguely remembering your bleeding wound. You saw a shadow leaning over you, hearing something but you couldn't match the voice to any face. Closing your eyes again you furrowed your brows as the pain got unbearable. Then you felt hands on your dislocated jaw. Your eyes snapped open one heartbeat before he forced your jaw back into its regular position. You screamed, pushing against him to get him off of you but he didn't move an inch.
"(Y/N)" a modulated voice said, as he caught your hands in his. Your screams died down and only heavy breathing was left, you had no energy left to do anything else. Your jaw still hurt but not as bad as before. "Calm down." You blinked a few times until finally realizing who was kneeling next to you, finally matching the distorted voice to the shiny helmet that was staring down at you. You opened your mouth, wanting to speak up but immediately another wave of pain shot through you. Cringing in pain you only let out a pathetic wheeze and clutched your side. "Can you stand?" You shook your head without even trying what he asked you to, knowing that your body ached too much to even move on your own. With your consciousness constantly fazing in and out you only vaguely realized that he had picked you up and began to carry you back to the Razor Crest. The mix of warmth and coldness radiating from him and the pain numbing your side eventually lulled you into a restless slumber.
When you awoke neither in the cockpit nor your improvised bed but what seemed to be a metal box, you immediately panicked. With your heart racing your first reaction was to sit up, only for your side to explode in pain. A sharp yelp escaped your lips as you let yourself fall back. Whimpering in pain you stayed still, clutching your side. "(Y/N)?" You raised your head as far as possible to see Mando standing before the only opening to the box. That was the moment you realized that you were lying in his bed and your heart slowed in relief. Before it sped up again when you realized where you were lying. "What-" you began to distract yourself from that thought, only for Mando to already guess your question and answer it. "A dislocated jaw, a knife wound and severely bruised ribs." You tried to sit up again, but this time very carefully and slowly. With a wince you managed to straighten up enough to crawl to the end of the box and face the Mandalorian standing before you. "I can feel that" you whispered with gritted teeth. You peeked up at Mando but he stayed silent. Even without seeing his face you could feel the death stare through the darkness of his visor. Lowering your head, you wrapped your arms around your middle. "I'm sorry." The Mandalorian stayed put for a few moments before a sigh left his lips. "No, I'm sorry." Confused you looked up again, raising one eyebrow. "For what?" "For not being there." You sighed and stood up, clutching your side with one hand while holding yourself upright with the other one by grabbing the corner of the box. "It's not your fault" you pressed out between clenched teeth before you froze up. Patting down your side as lightly as possible you furrowed your brows before lifting your head to meet Mando's gaze behind the helmet. "Did you bandage me up?"
You could feel him stiffen up even more as a noise similar to an embarrassed sounding cough left his mouth. "Yes." You let out a chuckle which fell short when you whimpered once more in pain. At about the same time you felt your legs tremble and give out under you. Mando reacted immediately, catching you with his hands under your armpits before you could fall anywhere near the floor. You hissed, tears sprang in your eyes right away. Slowly he sat you down on his bed again, letting his hands rest on your shoulders for a while longer as if to reassure himself that you were alright. Then he pulled them back only for you to grab one and squeeze it tightly. "Thank you" you whispered. He didn't say anything and just squeezed back for a few moments. Then he placed his other hand on top before letting go and taking a step back. "You should get some more rest" he said sounding strangely flustered. You nodded and wanted to stand up to lie down in your own small bed only for him to gently press you down with one hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him with a puzzled look in your eyes. "You can sleep in there it's ... a bit more comfortable." You felt your face heat up and eyes grow wide. "O-okay" you said and shifted awkwardly. You two stared at each other for a while before he turned to climb up the ladder, leaving you alone and flustered in his bed.
Something you had forgotten to buy on that planet was more medicine. And not wanting to use up everything Mando had, your injury needed a few more weeks to heal than maybe necessary. A few weeks in which you mostly lied in Mando's bed. It still made you flustered. Now, after over a month you were at least able to walk again, though the bruises on your side were still a dark blue and the stiches on your side formed into a scar. Which was the reason why you were climbing up the ladder to the cockpit right now. You needed Mando's help with the medicine and bandages. You gritted your teeth and forced yourself to reach for the next rung. Climbing up the ladder was a nightmare. Of course, you could have called for him but the little one had just fallen asleep and you definitely didn't want to wake him up any time soon.
"Mando?" you announced yourself when you walked to the cockpit even though he must have heard your cursing while climbing the ladder. He turned towards you. Catching your breath, you leaned against the doorway and held up the fresh bandages and ointment. "I need your help with these." He nodded and stood up, guiding you to one of the co-pilot seats in which you sat down with a hiss. "Why didn't you just call me?" he asked as you tried to get out of your shirt. "I didn't want to wake the kid" you answered before letting out a frustrated sigh because you were unable to get the shirt over your head. Your side hurt a lot again today, making you incapable of raising your arms while simultaneously grabbing your top. Without saying a word the Mandalorian grabbed the ends of your shirt tugging lightly at them to signal you to raise your arms. Hesitantly you did as he requested and without much effort, he rid you of your shirt. He had helped you a lot over the past few weeks but never had he been the one to get your shirt off. Flustered you stared at the ground, refusing to meet his visor while he continued to work wordlessly on your bandages. You tried to ignore his feather-light touches against the skin of your stomach, back and sides but you once again failed miserably. His gloved fingers left goosebumps wherever they brushed your skin. Subconsciously you felt yourself lean into him, your muscles relaxing under his warmth and care. You, however, weren't oblivious to the fact that his touches lingered a few seconds longer on your skin than necessary. When he brushed the skin inches underneath your bra your head shot almost instinctively around to face him. Your eyes wide and round, staring at him in shock and curiosity. He paused, his hands on your back and side. You swore you could hear his pulse quicken but maybe it was just yours thrumming in your ears. His helmet only slightly tilted down as he continued, keeping his eyes trained on your face. You knew this time without seeing them. When he was done with it, he helped you back into your shirt. His hands hovering over your hips for a second too long to seem only accidental. You let out a barely audible huff at that.
"Thank you, Mando." He stiffly nodded and returned to his seat in the middle of the cockpit. You stayed put on the co-pilot seat, took one of the painkillers you had brought with you before continuing to stare outside the window, your thoughts running circles in your head. "Mando?" you asked quietly after a while, your eyes heavy and constantly fluttering closed due to the pill you took. Damn, those things made you sleepy. He hummed but didn't turn around. You yawned, trying to clear the thoughts in your tired mind. Maybe you would have hesitated if you weren't so tired, normally you would have definitely never asked him the following question but your exhausted mind didn't care. "Do you like me?" Even with your eyes half closed you saw Mando freeze mid-motion.
While you sat there in the co-pilot seat, your thoughts trudging through the fog of being half asleep, the thoughts of the Mandalorian were racing, eyes wide underneath the helmet. He didn't dare to turn around, only lowered his head in perplexed shock. He cleared his throat, failing to cover it up with a cough before speaking up. "Yes ... I like you." He turned his head enough to see you out of the corner of his eyes, to catch your reaction. You hummed in response and closed your eyes as a small smile grazed your lips. "I like you, too" you mumbled, barely audible before falling asleep in the co-pilot seat.
You couldn't belief you had asked him that. You never felt so embarrassed. You had no idea how to act around him now. If you should speak with him about it or if you should just ignore that it ever happened. Luckily, the Mandalorian had decided to not ask you about it when you had woken up so you just went along, pretending it never happened.
That was now about two months ago. By now your injury was finally completely healed and you could move without hindrance again. That also meant no more lingering touches from Mando though. You tried to not be too sad about that and instead enjoyed the rare occasion of holding his hand even more than before. You felt like he enjoyed it too whenever he had a nightmare, his muscles always relaxed within seconds. Not today though. The second he walked back into the cockpit after only two hours of sleep you suspected that something wasn't right. When you intertwined your hand with his after he had sat down and he didn't relax how he normally would you knew something was definitely not right. "Mando?" you asked, scooting closer to the edge of the seat and leaning forward to look at his visor as he stoically continued to stare in front of him. "Are you alright?" He didn't respond. You jumped up abruptly, startling the Mandalorian as he span around in his chair to face you. With a soft but stern face you tugged at his hand that was still in yours until he followed your lead and stood up. You knew he was confused you could almost see him raise an eyebrow at you from behind the helmet. But all those worries of overstepping you had for so long vanished in an instant. Without saying anything you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around him, pressing the side of your face against the cold beskar on his chest. He went as rigid as when you first held is hand all those months ago. He inhaled sharply, his arms stiff and uselessly raised as if he suddenly didn't know what to do with them. You could have hugged a rock and it would have felt the same, still you didn't let go. "It's okay" you only said, not wanting to pressure him into answering anything he didn't want to. It felt like ages, the beskar slowly warmed up under your touch, when you felt movement coming from him. You didn't lift your head however, afraid he would just scold you for hugging him, thinking he was just going to tear you away from him. You hadn't expected for him to relax and slowly wrap his arms around you, too. Embarrassed you had to note that you were the one to stiffen up now. But your body soon melted against his again when you felt his hand run through your hair. You couldn't suppress the sigh that escaped over your lips. The warmth that suddenly radiated from him gave you a feeling of belonging you quickly found yourself addicted to when you tightened the hug, as if to make sure this was real, he was real. That he was hugging you was real. You couldn't believe that the Mandalorian was hugging you back.
If felt like an eternity and only a few seconds at the same time when you felt him move again. However, this time to end the hug. Already missing the warmth and feeling of belonging you reluctantly let go, your head lowered. Or at least you had wanted to stare at the ground in awkwardness again but Mando tilted your chin up with one finger. He didn't say anything when your wide eyes met his dark visor. He didn't even say anything when he brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear with such a softness that left you breathless. Your mouth fell open in shock and confusion but also surprise and longing. You wanted to reach out again, reach out to him but the intimate moment of softness ended within seconds. He took a step back and sat back down into the pilot seat, leaving you with your mouth and eyes wide open. He didn't need to say anything for you to understand that he had just thanked you. However, it left you even more confused.
You were on the lower level, playing with the Child when the Razor Crest suddenly shook violently, almost throwing you and the little one in your arms to the ground. Grabbing the rungs of the ladder leading up you managed to hold you upright. One second later a strident alarm started howling in your ears, making the little one squeak in discomfort. You hushed him, rocking him in your arm until another shockwave hit the ship. With your brows furrowed you looked up the ladder. As careful as possible since you only had one free hand you climbed up.
"What is happening?" you yelled over the shrill siren as you stumbled through the entrance to the cockpit. You only barely caught yourself by the doorway, the Child protectively pressed against your chest as the Crest rocked again. "Bounty hunter" Mando growled and flipped a few switches. The alarm finally stopped. You let out a sigh in relief and walked to the right of the Mandalorian, where the child's crib was seated on the co-pilot seat. You had just put the kid into its orb where it would be more stable and safer and wanted to walk to the other co-pilot seat when another shot hit the ship. You yelped and stumbled backwards, crashing against Mando and landing in his lap. You had no time to stand up and sit down in the other co-pilot seat, you didn't even have time to think about being flustered as he immediately wrapped one arm around your middle, pinning you in place. "Hold on" he said before immediately bringing the ship straight down. You yelped and wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders instinctively, pressing yourself against his chest as your stomach flipped in fear. He spiraled around, trying to lose the bounty hunter who was after you but they followed his every move and turn. "I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold, Mando!" the bounty hunter snarled over the com, making your blood run cold as another round of hits shook the Razor Crest. You could hear the growl rising in Mando's throat, vibrating against your chest. Your face was definitely as hot as the lava rivers of Nevarro by now. The Mandalorian let go of your waist and frantically pushed some buttons before he grabbed another switch, speeding up even more. Everything you had wanted to say, every word of protest was stuck in your throat as you just clung onto him, burying your head in the crook of his neck. Then he braked so suddenly that you almost fell off of him, since he also was pulled forward by the force of the sudden stop. You were sure you let out another yelp as you tightened your arms around him, clenching your eyes shut. Something hit the ship again and when you opened one eye to take a peek you saw the ship of the bounty hunter in front of you now. "That's my line" Mando grumbled, and looked down at the aiming device that peeped before locking onto the other ship. Mando shot once, making the other ship exploded immediately.
After all that chaos and noise, the sudden silence seemed almost deafening. You stayed put on top of Mando, your arms still squeezing tightly around his shoulders. You were only able to let out a shaky breath as the stiffness of your body suddenly left you and you deflated like a sad balloon. Then you began to shake as the adrenaline left your body as well. You let out another shaky breath that almost sounded like a short, hysterical chuckle. Your heart beat so hard against your ribs you feared it would break them. You turned to face the t-shaped visor, your eyes wide and panic-stricken. "Let's not do that ever again. That was frightening!" you stuttered, burying your fingers into Mando's cape in a desperate attempt to ground you. The Mandalorian chuckled lowly, the rumble of it echoing in your chest. "I think it's quite nice" he retorted rather smug. You paused. He wasn't talking about the chase, was he? Was he ... referring to you still sitting in his lap? Bewildered, because you would have never suspected him to imply anything like that, you silently blinked at him, suddenly very aware of his arm he had sneaked around your middle again. Your heart sped up even more, if that was even possible. You could almost feel the heat of his gaze on you, or maybe your face was just warming up because of your flustered state. "Mando, I-" you started but got interrupted by the Child's squeals. Your and Mando's gaze immediately shot to him. He let go of your waist as you jumped up, cradling the little one in your arms to check if everything was okay. Luckily, he wasn't hurt, instead he much rather still seemed excited by the wild ride. You let out a relieved sigh. "Is he alright?" the Mandalorian asked and when you turned around to face him, he was staring straight forward, refusing to meet your gaze. Pretending as if he hadn't just told you he liked you on his lap.
Normally you were the one to initiate hand holding or a hug but this time you were the one to wake up in a cold sweat. You sat up straight in your makeshift bed, your hands shaking violently while your heart hammered against your ribs. With trembling legs, you stood up, glancing at the kid sleeping soundly before climbing up the ladder. You stood in the entrance to the cockpit before you knew what you were doing. But when you laid eyes onto Mando's helmet you froze, your words stuck in your throat. The Mandalorian, however, had already heard you approach and turned around to meet your teary eyes. Still shaking like a leaf in a storm you wrapped your arms around yourself and looked down. Why were you even up there? With your thoughts racing you didn't register him standing up, or coming to a halt in front of you. Only when he wrapped his arms around you did you realize what he was doing. He was pressing you against him, hugging you. Your breath hitched and for a moment you felt stiff and perplex before you melted into his touch. Also wrapping your arms around him you pressed your forehead against the cold beskar armor. You couldn't hold back the one, single sob that had caught in your throat as you buried your fingers in the fabric of his cape, craving his touch, wanting to be even closer, wanting more. He didn't say anything, just slowly stroked over your head, tracing his fingers through your hair to soothe you. You couldn’t tell how long you stood there like this but it didn't really matter anyway, eternity couldn't be long enough.
When your mind and body finally calmed down, you had one question burning in your head you needed to ask. After all those weeks of pretending there was nothing said or done you couldn't keep quiet any longer. "Mando, what is this?" The Mandalorian stayed quiet for a while, delaying his answer as per usual. "A hug." You let out a dry laugh and shook your head. "No, I mean-" you started but bit your lip. Pressing the side of your face against his chest instead of your forehead you let out a sigh. "What is this ... to you?" The Mandalorian stiffened immediately and you feared you had screwed up. The ship stayed alarmingly quiet you could only hear your heart pumping the blood through your ears. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer" you whispered and let go of him, ready to climb back down and hide in the covers of your bed forever. But the Mandalorian's arms stayed wrapped around you even when you pressed your hands against his chest in a weak attempt to get free. "It's ... nice" he said, sounding almost frightened. Confused you tilted your head up to stare into the black visor of his helmet. "Do you like me?" he asked quietly but with a smug undertone to it. You could only imagine his proud grin underneath that helmet. "Don't mock me!" you laughed and gave him a nudge against his shoulder which only made him chuckle. The laughter stopped after a while, left the Razor Crest completely silent again while you shyly smiled up at him. "But yes, I do like you" you answered, feeling your face heat up. Mando remained almost frozen for a few seconds before he placed his head on top of yours, pressing your head gently in the crook of his neck with one hand while his other stayed on the small of your back. "I like you, too" he responded, quoting you from all those weeks ago. He chuckled lightly but you felt it rumble in your chest anyway. You closed your eyes, smiling into the crook of his neck. It felt peaceful, like home. And even though you were standing you felt yourself drift back to sleep when he unraveled one of your arms you had wrapped around his middle. Even though you were confused you stayed tugged under his head and let him continue, eyes closed in relaxation. But when he intertwined his fingers with yours, your eyes shot open. You froze, your mouth opened and closed several times without producing a sound. You pushed him away by pressing your free hand against his chest, staring at the one that was in Mando's. You didn't feel the leather of his gloves on your skin like all those times before, no, this time you felt his skin. "Mando!" you exclaimed, your eyes wide in shock before they darted to his helmet. "Is this even allowed? Oh, kriff!" You closed your eyes even though it wouldn't make a difference anymore, the image of his tan skin had already burned itself in your memories. "Your creed, I don't know-" you panicked, stumbling over your own words. However, the sound of his laughter made you pause. Opening one eye you peeked up at him. He shook his head, still chuckling, then he held up your hand with his ungloved one so you would look at them again. "It's alright" he only said. You relaxed and let yourself fall against his chest again in relief, taking in a deep breath. Lightly you traced your fingers over the back of his hand, feeling many little scars, each of them wanting to tell you their story. But surprisingly, even with all his scars and even knowing what his profession was, knowing how he was raised, they felt almost soft, strong but in a way shy. He returned your gesture, tracing the back of your hand as well. After all, this was also his first time feeling your skin. Your breath hitched, as his other hand slowly wandered from the small of your back to your waist, tracing your curves. Out of instinct you leaned into him and his touches, a soft sigh leaving your lips.
That was the exact moment you could hear the cry of the Child echo through the ship. Deflated you let out a groan, lightly slamming your forehead against his armor in frustration. "Every time" you mumbled, earning another chuckle from the Mandalorian. He squeezed your hand one last time before letting go of you. You smiled up at him silently before going down to see after the kid.
After two hours the Child had fallen asleep again after some food and much convincing. You had climbed the ladder back up and were now standing in the doorway to the cockpit again, a coy smile on your lips as you watched Mando occupied with the controls of the ship. When he was finished, he leaned back and stretched his still ungloved hand out to you, not turning to face you, but you knew he was asking you to hold it again. You chuckled and grabbed his hand immediately, ready to sit down beside him only for Mando to pull you towards him. Before you knew what happened you found yourself in his lap with your feet dangling over him and down his right side once more. Blinking confused you turned to face him. He tilted his head in question as if to ask you if it was okay. You only squeezed his hand and smiled, letting yourself fall against his chest, head resting on his shoulder. Every last bit of tensions left your muscles as you yawned, nestling your face against his neck, enjoying the comfort that his skin gave to you. The warmth and safety that radiated from the Mandalorian slowly lulled you to sleep.
Tigaanur Series: Part 1 (you’re here!) | Part 2 | Part 3 | MASTERLIST
(Plothole: Why doesn’t the kid just heal you? Because we need that sweet, sweet content!)
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toeil · 4 years
summer is over, and so are we. [2] ↠ jung jaehyun
[pt.1] [pt.3]
➹ jaehyun x reader x doyoung ➹ genre: angst, fluff ➹ word count: 3,343
➹ summary: He introduced you to a warm summer you thought you would never have to leave. Yet, here you are, in the middle of a ruthless winter which’s ending seems to be nowhere in sight.
a/n; totally forgot to ever post the part 2 for this...i was going through my google docs and i found this and the part 3 so im just gonna post it now LOL it’s old so my writing is kind of funky but i tried to fix as much as i could without rewriting the whole thing smh 
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“Are you going to go on another date with Doyoung?” You could feel Johnny shift his gaze from his phone screen over to you. 
“You already know the answer to that.” You sounded disinterested as you continued to scroll down the current page you had opened on your laptop. 
“Let me rephrase. Go on another date with Doyoung.” You sighed and turned your body towards him on the couch, “Johnny, sometimes just understand things, alright?” 
“You make me really sad, y/n. It’s been a year, when will you allow yourself to move the fuck on?... Jaehyun has.” He mumbled the last part to himself, hoping it would fall on deaf ears. But of course it didn’t. 
Your shoulders stiffened up, “Jaehyun’s dating someone?” 
Johnny offered you a sympathetic look, “yeah. She’s the daughter of one of his mom’s friends. You don’t know her.” You looked away from him and nodded, returning back to your laptop screen. 
Johnny tried again after a few minutes, “Doyoung said he had a lot of fun at the bubble tea place you guys went to. He really likes you, you know? I really think you should consider going out with him again. Maybe you guys could go to the carnival.”
The mention of the carnival piqued your interest, “the carnival?”
“Yeah! You know the one that comes every year and sets up at the river?” You knew it well. That carnival was one of Jaehyun’s favorite things and he went every year. You knew because he used to tell you stories about it all the time, you never knew such crazy things could go down at a carnival. You were supposed to go with him last year, but because of work you had to cancel and promised to go with him the next year. Oh, how foolish you were then.
“Never heard of it.”
“Really? It’s a lot of fun. You’d enjoy it, especially if you went with Doyoung!”
If you went would you see Jaehyun? “Alright...I’ll go.” 
“With Doyoung?”
“With Doyoung.” 
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Next week rolled around and although you admit you weren’t extremely excited for today, as soon as you stepped out of Doyoung’s car you felt yourself start to feel a little bubbly at the sight of the carnival in the distance. It was dark enough for the owls to nestle into their homes up in the trees, but the stalls and booths and the rides that were still set up all vibrated with brightly colored neon lights that the moonless night was soon forgotten by everyone. Since it was so late, not a single child was running rampant with parents chasing them around, and that definitely was a plus. You looked around and watched people's excitement seemingly increase with each step they took towards the entrance, laughing and shouting next to their friends about what the night ahead them was going to hold.
 As soon as you got in, you noticed the carnival was a lot bigger than you had pictured. There were two roller coasters, big ones with loops, a drop tower, a ferris wheel, and even bumper cars. They had also set up, what looked like to you, a thousand booths. Ones where you could play games and win prizes of various sizes and values and ones where you could get palm readings and such. You wondered how difficult it must be to move this stuff around from place to place. 
Your eyes found their way back to the rollercoasters and you felt that tiny ounce of excitement start to fizzle out with nervousness and regret. But as soon as you looked up towards Doyoung you felt your fizzled out excitement being replaced with something else you couldn’t decipher. It wasted no time in spreading through your chest. His eyes were shining brighter than the lights ahead of you, and you swore you had never seen someone smile so big; he was practically glowing from the inside out. 
“Where do you want to go first?” He asked, practically bouncing.
You couldn’t help but smile back at him, “wherever you want to!” 
“Should we ride the rollercoaster first?” He watched your face drop and he miserably failed at trying to stifle his laugh.
“Oh haha, yes very funny,” you rolled your eyes, “you know what? Let’s go ride both of the rollercoasters right now! I’m not scared! And I refuse to ride them after we eat funnel cake.”
“I was just joking, we really don’t have to ride them! Like at all, if you don’t want to.” You straightened yourself out, “I want to. C’mon! Let’s go.” You two paid for the red wristbands which would allow you to ride any of the rides, and made your way over to the first roller coaster. The line wasn’t long so in no time you two found yourselves getting buckled into the ride. Your arms were heavy, your knees were weak, and your palms were sweaty. You could practically feel your soul leave your body and the ride hadn’t even started moving yet. Doyoung, on the other hand, already had his adrenaline pumping. He looked over and noticed your stiff body language and asked if you were okay. 
“I’m fin- oh god, it’s moving.” Your body jerked up as soon as you felt the roller coaster car start to slowly inch forward. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Doyoung move his arm over to you, “you can hold onto me if you’re scared, y/n. It’s okay.” At this point, the roller coaster car was at the peak of the ride, and as soon as the chains released the cars you wasted no time in grabbing his arm and stuffing your face into his side, screaming.
Doyoung has his free arm lifted up in the air and he’s happily screaming. His heart’s thumping loudly against his chest and he can very clearly hear it in his ear, and maybe it’s because of the ride or maybe it’s because you’re wrapped around his arm. Probably both. Either way, he was enjoying it. 
Once the ride was over you finally let go of him and let out a sigh of relief. You slowly ask him, “should we go on the other one now?”
“Maybe we can save that for next time?” Next time?
“Yeah, next time, that works for me.” 
“Look at that flamingo!” Your eyes followed Doyoung’s finger towards a ring toss game. There was a giant fluffy pink flamingo hanging at the top attracting everyone's attention. “Let’s go try to win it!” 
Doyoung paid the staff member and got a bucket of rings for five dollars and within seconds he had used up all the rings. He huffed, “what the heck?...Excuse me,” he pulled another five dollar bill out of his wallet, “can I try again?” The staff member collected the rings he had just thrown and handed them back to him, “good luck!” Doyoung tried again and got only one ring which earned him one of the smaller prizes on the bottom shelf. He clicked his tongue out of annoyance, “keep it. I want to try again for the flamingo.” You silently chuckled to yourself watching him get frustrated over a ring toss game. He tried again and failed...again. He turned to you in disbelief, “oh my god??? y/n this game is rigged! Let me tr-”
“No! Doyoung, let’s go walk somewhere else and then we can come back okay?” You could tell he wanted to protest but he bit down on his tongue and decided to follow you away from the ring toss game. “Oh, look. The balloon dart game looks a lot easier.”
“But the prizes suck.” 
You hummed, “yeah, they aren’t as cute at the flamingo. Let’s go get funnel cake and then let’s go on the drop tower and then we can go back to the ring toss and I’ll give it a shot this.” 
“The drop tower?? Are you sure?” He eyed you suspiciously.
“Yes! I actually really like the tower drop! And it’s not even that high here.” 
He looked back at the tower drop peeking up over all the booths, “I don’t know...that looks pretty high to me.”
“Are you scared of it?”
“No! I’m just curious as to how you’d want to ride that but be scared of roller coasters that don’t even go up as high as that.” He retorted.
“The world works in many mysterious ways, Kim Doyoung. Now come on, let’s get in line for the funnel cake.” 
While you two shared a plate of funnel cake at the seating area under a tent, without noticing, Doyoung had gotten quite a bit of powdered sugar all over his jeans. When he stood up you couldn’t help but double over in laughter, “how’d you get all that on your pants!?” You tried to say between breaths. His face turned a light crimson color as he turned his back towards you and tried to wipe it off around the crotch area of his jeans. “It’s not my fault they put so much of that stupid sugar!”
After you had calmed down from your laughing fit and Doyoung had calmed down his racing heart, you two made your way to get on the drop tower. When you got off,  you complained about how it wasn’t as climactic as the one at the amusement park. 
Soon enough, you guys had come back around to the ring toss game, just like you had promised. This time, you gave up five dollars for the bucket of rings but just as you were about to toss the first one, Doyoung stopped you. “Wait, let me try one more time.” You gladly handed it over to him and felt your heart warm up at the sight of him closing his eyes to try and prepare himself. 
A few seconds later your ears caught on to a boyish laughter coming from behind. You knew exactly who it belonged to. That was a sound you could never forget. Every nerve and cell in your body told you not to, but you turned around anyway. And there he was, laughing with some unfamiliar girl next to him. She gave him a little flirtatious shove, which only egged on his honey-like laughter even more. He looked down at his feet as he stumbled a few steps away from her. As he brought his gaze back up, his eyes fell on you standing a short distance away from him. His smile began to falter as he froze in his spot, watching you with a sort of surprised and confused look. This was the first time you had seen each other since the break up and it felt weird. You felt like your lungs were being compressed and there was no room for you to breathe. 
He looked different. The clothes he was wearing were different from what he’d usually feel comfortable in. His natural silky black hair was dyed a soft brunette color. The earring you had gotten him a while ago was replaced with another silver one that dangled from his ear. This wasn’t the Jaehyun you were used to seeing everyday. You had him memorized, but staring back at him now, it was like you knew nothing. He just felt different. 
The longer you stared at him the more you felt your brain wanting to reminisce about what you two had shared. And as soon as you felt your eyes start to sting, you swung back around. Doyoung felt your arm brush against his and he looked away from the ring toss game down at you with a grin, “y/n! Did you see how clos-...y/n?” He quickly set the bucket of rings down and his hands instinctively flew up to either side of your cheeks. His eyes had gotten wide with worry, “are you crying? y/n? Why are you crying? Wh- what happened?” His voice didn’t do well to hide his panic. 
You shook your head and sniffled, allowing your lips to form a weak smile, “I’m not crying! I had a sneeze coming, and it was so close so my eyes started to water. But now it’s gone.” Doyoung’s face instantly flushed a bright red and he removed his palms from your cheeks so fast, as if he had just touched a burning pot or something, “O-oh! Sorry! I didn’t- I just- I thought you were crying s-so I got worried.” 
You grabbed the bucket he had set down and pulled out a ring. You cleared your throat and allowed yourself to let out a soft chuckle, “It’s fine....Can I try?” He enthusiastically nodded and moved to the side to give you some room before grabbing a ring for himself, “I think if we both throw some at the same time then we might get a few in and finally win.” 
He was right. You two had won the game and watching Doyoung become so ecstatic for a stuffed toy had you quickly forgetting about that small encounter with Jaehyun. Doyoung had wanted to give you the flamingo, claiming he wanted to win it for you, but you insisted he kept it because he was the one who got in the last ring that won you guys the game. And after a short amount of back and forth bickering, he had accepted it. Now you two were seated on the ferris wheel, looking up at the sky and taking in the beauty of the stars that were scattered perfectly across the night. 
“Hey, can I give you something?” 
“Sure.” “Hold out your hand.” You obliged and held your hand out, palm facing up. Doyoung reached in his pocket and brought it back out, closed in a fist. He hovered his fisted hand over your open one, and when he opened it, nothing fell out. Before you could allow yourself to feel confused, he had grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. Your breath got caught in your throat at the feeling of his warmth spreading to your hand, slowly traveling up to the rest of your body. He let your now enclosed hands fall down to his side and leaned over the ferris wheel car to look below to try and act unbothered, but you didn’t miss the embarrassment creeping up his neck. Your eyes traveled back down to your hands and you felt a shy smile begin to form on your mouth. 
That night you laid in bed having trouble falling asleep because of this new feeling that was forming in the pit of your stomach. Because of this weird burning feeling that you felt on the same hand Doyoung had held. Because of the uncontrollable beating of your heart. Because of your thoughts running wild with Doyoung’s name. Because you couldn’t think of Jaehyun even if you wanted to. 
Maybe you were finally ready to move on. 
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5 years later
Today was the day you had always dreamed of for yourself ever since the first time you had led the wedding ceremony for your barbie doll and her other half, Ken. Today you were marrying your other half too, Kim Doyoung. 
You dated him four years, and was engaged to him for one. When Doyoung first asked you to be his girlfriend, you had yes because you realized you deserved to be able to find a loving person just like everyone else. And Doyoung was exactly that. At first you were afraid you’d be wasting his time, but when you realized that you never once compared Doyoung to Jaehyun, or even thought about Jaehyun when you were with him, you knew you weren’t using him or anything like that. And after that was when you realized you were in love with him and his bratty attitude. 
You were currently waiting in your bridal suite, completely ready since half an hour ago. The crowd of your friends and family that were helping you had finally left to give you some space, so now you were seated in front of your mirror in an empty room, trying to calm your racing heart and shaky hands. This was a huge step in your life and you couldn’t help but feel extremely nervous. 
You heard two soft knocks at your door and exhaled, “come in.” The door hesitantly creaked open.
“J-Jaehyun? What’re you-”
“...Hey?” It’s not like this was your first time seeing him after that day at the carnival. You had seen Jaehyun at gatherings and parties you went to plenty of times. But you two didn’t talk often, and weren’t really friends or anything, so you’re surprised to see him here. He was invited to the wedding but why is he here alone with you right now?
“You’re getting married today.”
“I am.”
“How do you feel?” His face was extremely hard to read.
“Jaehyun...do you need something?”
“I just wanted to talk...about what happened.”
“What happened?” You scoffed, what the hell is he thinking? You had imagined this scenario in your head many times before, when you would finally be able to talk to him about your past. But you didn’t ever picture it being on your wedding day. Quite frankly, you didn’t want to talk about it now, or ever for that matter, anymore.
He sighed and sat down on the chair a few feet away from you, “Just hear me out, okay?” He took your silence as an okay for him to continue.
“I broke up with you because I thought it was for the best. We were getting really serious, and I knew if we stayed together for any longer it would be harder for me to break it off. From the very beginning of our relationship we had an expiration date. I knew we couldn’t be together for a long time, but I was selfish and didn’t consider your feelings.”
“What do you mean?”
Jaehyun’s eyes were starting to water under the room lights, “I’ve mentioned to you before how much my mom has done for me, right?” You nodded, your face softening at the mention of his mother who had sacrificed so much for him. “Well, I promised myself I’d do anything and everything in my control to make her happy and have her never worry about me. She liked Jisoo a lot and always mentioned her to me. She never said it to me directly, but I knew she wanted us to be together. So I was going to do just that, I’ll admit I did harbor feelings for her, but I knew once we started dating, she would be the one I would have to settle down with. Because of that, I dated a lot of girls for short periods of time that I liked. And you were supposed to be the same. But as our relationship progressed I would find excuses to just date you for a little while longer.”
“Jaehyun, stop, please? I don’t- I don’t need this right now, okay? I’m about to get married in less than an hour.”
“I know...I’ll stop...I just- I need you to answer one thing for me. And you have to be honest.”
“What is it?”
“Do you love me?”
“...What kind of game are you trying to play with me?”
“I’m not trying to play any game with you, y/n. I just need to know.”
You didn’t reply for a while, and just stared at him. Trying to figure him out. When you finally decided to reply, you released a heavy sigh “I think I’ll always love you, Jaehyun.” 
He gave you a sad smile. “...The day we broke up, I told you it was because I didn’t think I could always love you, right?...I wasn’t lying. Because y/n, I don’t think I’ll always love you,” the tears he was holding back began to trickle down his face, “I know I will.”
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starwalker42 · 4 years
And The World Keeps Spinning [1/2]
This is for the X-Files Fluff Exchange by @xfilesfanficexchange, which was a huge leap out of my comfort zone but I’m so glad I signed up to! My prompt was “something fluffy around Mulder and Scully spending Valentines together either as a new couple or maybe not a couple yet” from @kristinsauter, and I really hope I did it justice! Part 2 to follow x (Link to A03)
This is all my fault. Frohike would probably disagree, but he wouldn’t have been able to talk me into this if I hasn’t had those beers, so I only have myself to blame, really.
It was barely a week after New Year’s, and it shouldn’t have surprised me that with only one drink down I was already talking about that night; every morning since, I’d woken with the memory of Scully’s lips on mine, and despite my best intentions I’d found myself dreaming about it during the day, too.
Originally the guys had been ecstatic, but when it became apparent that was as far as we’d gone- and that we hadn’t discussed it since- praise quickly turned to exasperation. Frohike gave the most world-weary sigh I’ve ever heard, Langly started off on one of his lectures- dude, are you serious, what the hell- and even Byers looked unimpressed.
“You can’t kiss a lady when the world’s about to end and not take her out for dinner,” Frohike commented around his beer.
I can’t remember what exactly my excuse was- probably something about it not being the right time, about how she was my partner, not just some random hookup, and that it wasn’t as easy as ‘taking her out for dinner’- but I don’t think they listened anyway.
“You can’t leave her hanging, dude.”
“I know you’re nervous, Mulder, but you should ask her.”
“Just take her to Casey’s-”
I shot down Frohike’s idea almost before it was out of his mouth. “My first date with Scully is not going to be Casey’s.”
“Unless you get your head out of your ass I don’t think it’ll happen at all.” Langly drawled, and that did it.
“I’ll do it! I’m going to ask her out for Valentine’s.”
“Why the wait?”
In my mind, it was to leave enough time for this conversation to be forgotten and for the guys to never bring up the subject again. But of course, that didn’t happen, and last week they were the ones reminding me about what I’d said. I’d promised I’d ask her when we were out of town on this new case with the VCU.
I haven’t.
I’d meant to, several times, but the moment was never right: the words just hadn’t come out, or we’d been discussing the case, or been standing over a skinned corpse… you get the idea. So now we’re in the office, on the 13th February, having worked non-stop for seven days, and I’m trying to delay my inevitable exit my packing my bag as slowly as humanly possible while Scully finishes filling in her report. She always takes longer; she has to be precise and make sure everything’s filled in right, can’t just scribble stuff down like I can.
Normally I love that about her- today I just want her to hurry up so she can leave the office and I can stay down here in my self-created loneliness for the rest of my miserable life. The guys are going to have a field day when they find out about how badly this has gone.
“Penny for them.”
I glance up and meet Scully’s smiling eyes. She raises her eyebrow expectantly and I find myself unable to come up with a suitable lie. The words come out on top of each other.
“I was just wondering if you want to come over tomorrow night. For dinner.”
I have to look away, can’t stand to see the unavoidable pity and rejection in her face.
“Sure, sounds great.”
I almost feel the floor fall from under me. My cheeks are on fire as I feel my face break out into a smile I can’t stop.
“Uh, okay, cool.” My bag almost falls from my hand as I fumble with it. “See you at seven?”
“I’ll be there.”
Is that my heart pounding?
Mulder grabs his coat, stops briefly in the doorway to run his hand across the back of his neck, and says to the floor, “See you tomorrow.”
I stop trying to decode his behaviour. It’s been a long week. “See you tomorrow.”
And then he’s gone.
Tomorrow is Monday, which would normally mean we’d be in each other’s company for a good ten hours or so in the office, but after this past week Skinner’s practically begged us to take a few days off so I’ve threatened Mulder that on pain of death he must not step foot in this building until Wednesday at the earliest. I know it might be just as hard to keep me away.
I’m looking forward to a few days off, of course I am- I haven’t had a bath in lord knows how long- but the longer I’m away from the office, the less I can relax. Okay, that’s not true- the longer I’m away from Mulder would probably be a better way of putting it. As pathetic as it sounds, if I’m away from him for much longer than a day it just feels wrong. I feel wrong. I’m sure some would call it dependency, and while I’m not sure about that I know that when I’m away from him, even if I know exactly where he is and what he’s doing, even if he’s only a phone call away, I’m lonely. I don’t know when but somewhere along the line it became clear that I’m happiest when I’m by his side; that I’m safer, more comfortable, and somehow more whole when I’m with him. I feel like myself.
Our classic method of hiding what I’m beginning to suspect is a mutual need for contact is anything can hide behind the safe veneer of a night in between friends, more often than not in the form of a takeaway and a terrible movie on Mulder’s couch. It’s happened enough times that at this point I’m expecting it at times like this, so I’m a little shocked that Mulder thinks it necessary to have to make pre-arranged plans. Surely he knows he could call me at 6 tomorrow night and I’d be over in half an hour?
I again remind myself to stop trying to work out my partner, and try to be content with the knowledge that I understand him a hell of a lot better than anyone else. The thought makes me smile as I grab my keys and leave the office.
It isn’t until I’m driving back home and see, of all things, the Victoria’s Secret window display, that I realise what day it is tomorrow. It’s not just Monday. It’s Valentine’s Day.
It’s fucking Valentine’s Day.
My first thought is to dismiss it as a coincidence: Mulder forgets even my birthday, and it’s been a long hard week, and if I forgot then it’s likely he did too… but then I remember the way he couldn’t meet my eyes, the way his cheeks flushed, the relieved smile he gave when I said yes.
He knows what day tomorrow is.
And I’m pretty sure he’s asked me on a date.
And I’ve said yes.
Holy shit.
It’s not until the doors to the elevator close behind me that I allow myself to breathe.
Holy shit.
I just asked Scully out. On a date. A Valentine’s date. And she didn’t roll her eyes, or oh brother me, or deck me one in the face. She said yes.
Holy shit!
I don’t know how to do this. How long has it been since I was on a date? Should I book a restaurant somewhere? Is it acceptable to get takeout? What the hell am I supposed to wear? My the time I’m at the garage I’ve managed to talk myself into a spiral of panic, and I’m very close to calling Scully and cancelling before I remember that ultimately, that’s who I’m doing this for. Scully.
I don’t have to dress up or create some fake-perfect evening for her, because that’s not our thing. And tomorrow is about us.
On my way back, I stop at the store and buy a bottle of wine- one of the expensive ones that Scully never admits she has at her place- and decide to risk forgoing takeout and buying ingredients in the hopes that I can still remember how to cook carbonara. I don’t know what I’d even begin to write in a card, so I don’t even glance at them, but at the flower display I have to stop. I’ve only ever bought Scully flowers when she was in hospital, but if there’s any time to break a tradition it’s now. Red roses are too forward, and too traditional, and everything else seems to be the same shade of pink that I know Scully will hate. I’m about to give up when I see the smaller bouquets at the front- well, one in particular. It’s a beautiful mix of what look like white roses and a whole mix of others that I can’t identify apart from their colour- blue. They’re almost exactly the same shade as Scully’s eyes, so close that it almost takes my breath away.
They’re the ones.
The cashier doesn’t seem surprised by my purchases- I assume she’s used to harried customers buying last minute Valentine’s gifts- and a few minutes later I’m back in my car and driving home. I feel my face breaking out into a ridiculous grin, and don’t try to contain it.
I’ve been on edge all day. I’ve tried going for a run, having a bath, reading some of my book, but I can’t relax. It’s now 4pm and I’m judging that to be a suitable time to start getting ready, especially because if I leave it any longer I think I might scream. Also I’m likely to need another three hours just to work out what the hell I’m going to wear, and how to come across as completely relaxed about this entire situation. How long has it been since I went on a proper date? How long since I’ve been on one and actually enjoyed it?
Ed Jerse comes to mind, but deep down I think I know that I didn’t really enjoy it, that what I enjoyed was the concept. Letting go and getting away from myself in the way that no one would expect from straight-laced Agent Scully. But even at the time, I wasn’t enjoying it. I remember closing my eyes and trying to imagine it was Mulder inside me, having to bite my tongue so I didn’t cry out his name. It occurs to me that if things go to plan tonight, I might actually end up in the place I’d wished for those years ago. Mulder and I might have sex tonight. Okay, now I really need to go and have a shower. A cold one.
I can’t get the picture out of my mind, though. If I’m being honest, I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind for a while now. And our kiss on New Year’s didn’t exactly help things in that regard. I’m pretty sure it’s no longer a question of if but when we cross that final line, and if it hadn’t been for Mulder’s injuries, I think we would’ve crossed it that very same night.
But maybe it’s better this way; at least now I can prepare somewhat. I straighten my hair for what must be the third time today, and try to work out how best to do my makeup without looking like I’ve been thinking about it too hard, which ultimately means that I redo it several times before I’m happy. I second guess myself on what to wear about a dozen times as well, going between completely casual (jeans and a t-shirt) to the frankly overdressed (an evening gown I’ve had for years and never worn), and everything in-between.
In the end I opt for a V-neck sweater that Melissa bought for me all those years ago, one that I’ve only worn a handful of times and only never out of the house. It’s gorgeous material, cosy and soft, but it was clearly either designed for someone with bigger breasts or with a bigger load of self confidence because on my chest it’s somewhat loose, and definitely not the kind of thing I’d normally wear. If it wasn’t that Melissa had bought it for me I think I would’ve got rid of it by now, but I’m glad I didn’t. I can’t wait to see Mulder’s face.
There’s a knock on the door ten minutes before seven. I’m not even surprised: it’s Scully, of course she’s early. In a way I’m glad, because dinner is almost ready and part of me had been dreading the point where minutes after minutes went by without her showing up until it became clear that she was never going to.
Now as I hear her knock on the door I allow myself to breathe a sigh of relief that all of this- making dinner, buying wine, cleaning the apartment, putting on one of my best shirts- wasn’t for nothing. An instant later panic hits again. Oh god. Scully’s here, which means this is actually happening. Oh god.
I realise I’ve been frozen in the kitchen when I hear another knock, slightly louder this time, and remember that even though Scully has a key and is more than willing to use it under normal circumstances, she’s likely to not be so keen right now. Okay. Okay, I can do this.
My hand trembles as I slide the bolt across and pull the door open. I’m apologising almost immediately, too anxious to let the words take their time.
“Hey, sorry, I heard you I just had to make sure the food wasn’t-” and then I actually look at her, and- “Wow.”
It’s not exactly a new thought, not particularly different to what usually goes through my mind when I look at her, but her appearance tonight is… wow. I can’t pinpoint what it is, exactly, and can only conclude it’s some magical combination of a slightly darker lipstick than usual, the smile she’s giving me, and the fact that I can see so many more inches of her beautiful skin than usual thanks to the cut of the sweater she’s wearing. How the hell does the sight of her clavicle do these things to me?
Noticing the way Scully’s eyes glance up and down my body while I’m still stood in the doorway, I step back to allow her in and close the door behind her. My hands? Still shaking with the best of them.
“Can I take your coat?”
“Uh… yeah. Thanks.”
My hands don’t feel like they belong to me as I slide the jacket off of her, not missing the way she gasps when my fingers accidently brush the exposed skin of her collarbone. I hang it up and briefly turn my attention back to the stove, where the spaghetti is at risk of overflowing, and try to breathe. Scully is too quiet.
“I’ve got wine if you want?” I ask over my shoulder, but she’s gone. “Scully?”
“In here.” Her voice comes from somewhere else in the apartment, out of sight.
I turn down the stove and head through to the living room. She’s stood at my desk, and I immediately know what she’s found. I’d hoped I could at least get her to have a drink before she saw I’d bought her flowers.
“These are for me.” It’s not a question.
“Oh, actually they were for my other date, but she didn’t show,” I joke, trying to ignore the pounding of my heart. Were they a mistake? And did I just call Scully my date-?
There’s an indecipherable expression on her face when she turns to face me. “No man’s ever bought me flowers before.”
Somehow I find that hard to believe doesn’t seem like the correct response, especially because I know my partner, and I know this isn’t how she messes with me. She’s being honest, and somehow without thinking I find myself doing the same.
“They reminded me of you.” She raises an eyebrow. “They’re the same blue as your eyes.”
I catch the way her cheeks flush before she glances away, and hear the quiet thank you she gives to the floor before she speaks up.
“You don’t drink wine, Mulder.”
I hear the pan bubbling from the kitchen again. “Yeah, well, you’d better not go teetotal on me now, Scully, because otherwise I’m going to have to start.”
She raises her eyes and gives a smirk. “I’ll get a glass.”
I don’t think I’ve ever been as surprised by Mulder as I have been tonight. He’s bought my favourite wine, he’s got me flowers- beautiful ones at that- he’s made dinner for us even though I was 90% sure he’d never cooked in his life, and now it appears he’s had time to stop off at Blockbuster to empty the romcom aisle.
“What’re we feeling?” He spreads the VHS cases across the coffee table and looks over to me expectantly. We’re almost touching on the couch.
My head is a little fuzzy with wine and the giddiness that comes with being too close to Mulder for too long, and rather than answering immediately I find myself just looking into his eyes for a long minute. I can feel it, the familiar magnetism between us, and for once I realise that nothing should be holding us back from giving in to it. I’m tipsy, and Mulder’s been drinking beer during dinner, so I know he’s not exactly sober either. We’re here, in private, together. It would be so easy to give in. So why don’t I? With liquid courage, I lean forwards and send a thanks to whoever created Valentine’s Day and gave me an excuse to press my lips against his.
Neither of us move, I don’t think we dare to, and the outcome isn’t much different to that first kiss on New Year’s Eve- a somewhat gentle, trepidatious kiss that feels like it lasts forever and still ends far too soon.
“You choose.” I manage as we disengage, noticing how much huskier my voice has become.
Mulder doesn’t even look, just grabs a tape at random and manages to get it into the player before returning to sit next to me. I press myself against his side and smile when I feel his arm come to wrap around my shoulders, like it belongs there. The first few beats of ‘Be My Baby’ play from the TV, and I hum in approval of Mulder’s choice.
“You know, I’ve never watched this film.” His voice is low and soft in my ear.
“What? It’s a classic American movie,” I whisper back.
“That’s what every woman says. It’s a chick flick.”
“Patrick Swayze’s not your type?”
He presses a quick kiss to my cheek as we settle back against the couch. “You know exactly what my type is.”
You know what Mulder? I think I might be beginning to work it out.
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canadiankazz · 5 years
The Sixth Time - An L.A. by Night Fanfic
Seeing as how his sanctum is currently off-limits, Annabelle invites Jasper over to her place. He gets a little bold during feeding again and they talk about the Blood Bond.
L.A. By Night Alternative Universe where Jasper has been feeding from Annabelle for several weeks/months and they have developed a Blood Bond. SPOILERS for the end of Campaign 1 including the one-shots. This was written before Season 2, Episode 4.
It’s worth reading the rest of the series before this part.
The Entire ‘Feeds From’ Master List Can be Found Here
I lay no claim to owning any of the characters involved. 
As always, special thanks to @cravatfiend for the support, feedback and encouragement during the writing of the drafts. Special love to @gokaiyellow for their additional input and for being as patient as they can, and to @fluffy-wookiees  because it was our conversation about Blood Bonds that inspired the main chunk of this fic. Thank you to everyone else who has enjoyed this series so far. 
Also posted to the author’s Ao3.
First published Feb. 11, 2019.
The Sixth Time Jasper Fed From Annabelle
Jasper was trying to read in bed, but he was having difficulty concentrating. He could hear his newest prisoner from the Ivory Tower ranting and raving from all the way across his sanctum. In the month previous, Baron Abrams had secretly managed to acquire Nelli's sire, Chaz Price. Chaz had then been placed in Jasper's possession for safekeeping until the Barons and the Prince and whoever else in charge of Kindred politics in California worked out their political arguments.
Chaz was currently calling Jasper every insult under the sun and moon, but Jasper was doing his best to ignore it. This had been going on more or less since he had woken Chaz up from his staked Torpor in his cage. He had heard it all before, from Tara, and from others. It was better to let Chaz get it all out of his system now. Jasper didn't know how long he was to keep him here. It had already been weeks. It could be months, it could be years. Jasper hoped it wouldn’t be decades.
Jasper put down his book, which was about famous ghosts from around Hollywood, and sighed. It wasn't Chaz's insults that were distracting him, not really. It was an odd feeling of loneliness. Before Chaz, his sanctum had been relatively quiet, save for the times when Annabelle had come over. Jasper reached down off the side of the bed furthest from the door and found the small plastic tea light candle he had hidden down there, out of sight behind one of the bed legs. He brought it up and flicked the little switch on the bottom to turn on the fake flame. It flickered dimly. The button battery that powered it was slowly dying.
He missed her, he realised. On a night like this, he might have called her to come over and hang out. They might have watched a movie. She might let him feed off her. He licked his fangs at the memories he had of biting into her flesh, of tasting her powerful Brujah Vitae, and of the sounds she made as the endorphins brought on by the Kiss clouded her brain and made her body react in rather interesting ways.
His phone buzzed with a text message. He looked at the screen. It was Annabelle, texting him privately, away from the group coterie chat. He smiled. She had been thinking of him too. Was it her emotions he was feeling, mixed with his own? Their Blood Bond had faded somewhat since their last encounter many weeks ago, but if Jasper concentrated, he could feel where Annabelle was in the city, and was sure that if she were in any great danger or emotional state, he would know about it.
“I had a dream about you yesterday,” Annabelle's message read.
Jasper dreamed about her all the time, but he hadn't ever told her about it. He wasn't surprised she had been dreaming about him too.
“What happened in it?” He inquired.
“You were feeding from me.”
Jasper smirked. He could envision Annabelle blushing while she was typing that.
“Where?” he asked, both meaning where on her body, and also a location for them both to be in. He had only ever fed from her in his sanctum, but with Chaz here under his secret lock and key, Annabelle wasn't allowed back in.
“Everywhere,” was Annabelle's reply. Jasper chuckled.
“Did you have a favourite place?” he asked. He wasn't usually this much of a texter, but he didn't want Chaz to hear him making any calls.
“Neck.” Again, Jasper could picture Annabelle blushing.
“Mine too,” he replied truthfully. He sighed a little to himself. His hunger was under control at the moment, thanks to the elder Toreador still cursing him out in his cage, but feeding from his prisoner and feeding from Annabelle were two totally different things. Annabelle wanted him to bite her. She enjoyed it almost as much as he did. Sometimes, he thought she enjoyed it more than him, especially when she used Blush of Life while he bit her. He hesitated a very long moment, before texting her again. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too.”
He blinked at her reply, not sure how to respond.
Annabelle didn't send him another message for a long time. He briefly thought that she might be done for the night, but he was wrong.
“Elle is going out of town this weekend to visit her parents,” Annabelle told him. “And Mark is still away.”
He waited without replying. Annabelle was typing another message, erasing it, and re-wording it. He knew what she was going to ask him, and was about to pre-emptively inquire about it when her message finally got through.
“Would you like to come over on Saturday?”
He did. He very much wanted to spend the weekend with her, at her place. They hadn't seen a lot of each other in a long time. He had also never been inside her house, and had to admit he was curious.
Still, there was something inside him that made him hesitate in his reply. It wasn't Chaz. Chaz could sit a few days on his own, and Jasper would make sure he fed him before he left.
No, it was something else, something more intimate. Jasper knew that if he did go, the weekend was likely to turn into another feeding date, and likely an extended one at that. He doubted either of them would be able to help themselves, strong though their willpower was. If Annabelle did let him bite her again, their Blood Bond would redevelop and strengthen. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it still made him a little nervous. There was ever growing tension between the Anarchs and the Camarilla these nights, and if, somehow, the Camarilla worked out that Jasper was holding Chaz captive, they could use Annabelle to get to him. He had already promised himself that any Kindred who hurt Annabelle would not last the night if Jasper were able to get to them. He also knew that Annabelle could definitely handle herself in a fight. But she was also still a Neonite, having been Kindred for less than a year, and the Camarilla was home to many very powerful vampires who could take her apart quite easily if they wanted to.
Jasper's phone buzzed again. Annabelle had sent him a single question mark, waiting for his reply.
It was dangerous, and he knew he shouldn’t, but damn it... he wanted to. He had already admitted that he missed her. It was already too late to deny his growing feelings, beyond just the bond with her blood.
“Yes, I would,” he texted her. “What time?”
He could picture her smiling, her pretty face lit up both with the light from her phone, and the joy and anticipation she got from his reply.
“11:00 Sat.” she replied.
“See you then,” Jasper promised.
Annabelle sent him a smiley face. He didn't return it, but he smiled physically.
Saturday night came and Jasper arrived completely unseen to Annabelle's door. He had taken every precaution he could think of to secure his haven and the prisoner inside it. He wanted to enjoy this weekend without having to worry, though it would always be on the back of his mind. He found that he wasn't as nervous about visiting Annabelle at her home as he thought he might be. His Beast was getting excited though. He could feel it in his chest and throat. He growled at it, closing his eyes and counting to ten. He hadn't lost control with Annabelle on one of their dates yet, and he wasn't about to.
He knocked, letting himself become visible as he interacted with the door. He pulled his hood down lower over his face, just in case someone from another house was watching. He didn't have long to wait. Annabelle flung the door open and greeted him happily.
“Jasper, hey!”
He smiled at her. “Hi.”
“Come in.” She beckoned him into the warm interior of the home and he stepped over the threshold. She closed the door behind them. He instantly found himself glancing around, taking in the space.
Annabelle led him through to a tiny living room. There was one bookshelf full of books, one full of DVDs and Blu-Rays and another full of CD's. Jasper found himself drawn to them. He tilted his head to read the covers and cases.
Annabelle watched him with a little amused smile. “How have you been?”
“Oh you know... “ he shrugged. “Same as ever.”
She gave him a flat look. “Don't be mysterious with me, Jasper.”
He gave her a little half smile. “I've been pretty good.”
“Yeah? Me too.”
There was something unsaid between them. It was easier, sometimes, to say things like “I've missed you” over text rather than out loud.
Jasper sat on a sofa. It was second hand, inexpensive student furniture, but he felt at home with that. In fact, a lot of Annabelle's place reminded him of his own, except she had a lot more stuff. Photos of Annabelle, Mark and Elleanore together, knick-knacks, Anime figures, even the odd stuffed animal were everywhere. The room was neat and cluttered at the same time. There was a framed Les Miserables poster on the wall that made him smile. There was also a lot of vampire media, mostly shoved into one corner. Books and DVDs and Blu-Rays about Dracula, Underworld, Anne Rice, and more. He shook his head a little when he saw that.
“How's your new... guest?” Annabelle asked.
“A pain in the ass,” Jasper said. “I was glad you invited me over.”
“You know... I still don't approve of all that,” she said with a frown.
“Yeah... I know, but when you change the world, I won't keep anyone in a cage ever again.”
Annabelle's jaw tightened a little and she searched his face for any sign he was making fun of her. She couldn’t see any. “Right. Well...” she sighed. “Would you like to finish watching Hellsing?”
They had left off part way through the second to last episode. Jasper grinned. “Yes, please.”
They sat next to each other on the sofa as they watched the OVA on Annabelle's small flat screen TV. Gradually, so gradually neither of them were aware of it, they got closer and closer to each other. Soon, they were touching hands, then a hand was on a knee. By the end of it, they were leaning against each other and neither of them minded. The epic religious choir music that played over the final end credits made Jasper smile. Annabelle noticed.
“What's that look for?” she asked him
“This music is awesome.”
“It is pretty cool,” she agreed. “This is your thing?”
“Oh yeah. It reminds me of O, Fortuna.”
Annabelle giggled. “You're such a dramatic goth.”
Jasper snorted and shrugged. “Well...”
“Don't you deny it!”
“I wasn't going to!” he said defensibly, but with a smile.
A quiet settled between them. Annabelle bit her lip and touched his hand. “Would you like a tour?”
“Sure,” Jasper said.
Annabelle got up and showed Jasper around. It didn't take long in the small house. Living room, kitchen, bath, laundry, bedrooms. The room Annabelle slept in felt so very much like her that Jasper couldn’t help but smile. Anime, band posters and little love notes from her partners decorated the walls. There were some clothes stacked on a chair by a desk covered in textbooks and old protest fliers. Her window had a large, thick blanket covering it, duck-taped securely to the wall with multiple layers. Jasper eyed this critically. Annabelle followed his gaze.
“Oh, that's very secure, don't worry,” she assured him.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I mean, it hasn't fallen down yet. Just don't pull on it too hard.”
Jasper scowled, not reassured. He didn't feel like he should have to tell Annabelle how dangerous something like that could be.
“Jasper, it's okay,” Annabelle said again. “The blind is down on the other side. The blanket's just for extra security. Besides... I'm still here, aren't I?”
He licked his fangs, thinking this over. Annabelle swallowed.
“Okay,” he relented reluctantly.
“Um... besides, look at this!” Annabelle stepped towards her bed, which was quite a lot wider than Jasper's. “Look at how big my bed is,” she teased, waving her hands like a girl on The Price is Right. “It can fit two, sometimes three people in it!”
Jasper snickered. “Very impressive,” he admitted.
Annabelle sat on the bed, playfully bouncing a few times. Her smile was infectious. “I almost can't believe you're here,” she told him. “I almost can't picture you in a home like this.”
He shrugged and sat on the bed next to her. “Well... I was, sort of. A long time ago.” He sighed and looked around again, remembering.
Annabelle's smile faded. She hadn't meant to dig up sad, old memories of the life he had to leave behind, but she didn't. “Jasper, I'm sorry.”
His brow furrowed a little and he looked at her, his thoughts snapped out of whatever he had been remembering. “Why?”
“I feel sometimes like... maybe I'm a little insensitive to that fact that... I still kind of have my old life, a bit, and you don't. And I'm sorry. I don't mean to be insensitive.”
“It's okay,” he said quietly. “I know you don't mean to, but sometimes it is a little like... you know... check your privilege.” He smirked a little.
She smirked a little too.
He wanted to change the subject and, feeling bold, took her hand in his. “So... what else did you have planned for this weekend?” Jasper turned her hand over palm-up and ran a faint line over her wrist with his cold, pale thumb. He had bitten her there before and he was deliberately trying to remind her of that. It worked. He felt her shiver, just a tiny bit, and she swallowed again.
“Um... well...” her voice cracked. She cleared her throat. “I did think that we could... feed, if you wanted to.”
“I've missed someone giving me permission,” he admitted to her. “It makes me feel a little less horrible, sometimes.”
“Oh, Jasper...” Annabelle bit her lower lip, her heat breaking a little. “I don't think you're horrible.”
“I am a little though.” He knew there was no denying that, but he wasn't particularly sad about it. It was a fact.
“Well... not here, you're not,” Annabelle insisted. “Here, you have permission.”
He showed his fangs when he smiled. “Thank you.” He stroked her wrist again. He couldn’t feel her pulse, not yet, but he imagined it might be getting a little faster if it could.
“It's been a while,” Jasper said after a moment of silence. “Where would you... like me to begin?”
Again, Annabelle smiled like she would have turned scarlet. “Wherever you want,” she said quietly. He voice was a little breathy. Already, her body was reminding her of the experience to come. The bite – the Kiss – was a taboo pleasure that she couldn’t achieve with her boyfriend and girlfriend, although she had tried. Of course, sex with them was good. It always had been. But this... whatever she and Jasper had was something different, something more... well, the only thing Annabelle could think to describe it was vampiric. It felt wrong but oh, so very good at the same time.
For Jasper, it was the most intimate he had allowed himself to be with someone in five years. He did not count his other feedings from Kindred as being anything like this. With them, it had been a necessary thing, or so he told himself. Though he enjoyed the taste of terror and he enjoyed toying with Camarilla assholes, being with Annabelle and being willingly offered her blood was something he found himself enjoying far more.
“Neck?” Jasper asked.
Annabelle's free hand went to the collar of her T-shirt, which was much higher than that of the tank tops she had worn previously when he had bitten her throat. “I'll get blood on my shirt,” she mumbled.
“If you don't want blood on your shirt, take it off,” Jasper told her, surprising himself with the bold words. He was mildly surprised again when she did what he requested. He thought she might have said no, but she didn't. The shirt hit the bedroom floor. She wasn't wearing the lacy bra he had seen before, but he liked the way this one went with her skin tone. He found himself staring and looked away. He heard Annabelle chuckle.
“It's okay,” she said. She sounded nervous, but excited. “Are you okay?”
He looked at her again and swallowed. Was this not everything he wanted? He had repressed that side of him long ago due to the Nosferatu curse, but Annabelle was bringing it out in him again. She didn't care that he was a Nosferatu. She was happy to be with him. Jasper nodded. “It's just been a while,” he mumbled.
She scooted away, back onto the bed and gave him an inviting look. “It'll come back to you.”
He followed her up the bed and lay next to her. The extra space was nice, but he didn’t want to admit it out loud.
“You know...” he said, with a pause to touch his tongue to his fangs, “If someone had told me four or five years ago that this is where I would end up one day, I would have thought someone was playing a cruel joke on me.”
Annabelle smiled at him. “Lucky you then, I guess.”
Jasper chuckled. “Yeah.” He hesitantly reached out to touch her shoulder, trailing his fingers up to her neck and Annabelle leaned into his touch. This made him feel bolder. It reminded him that he was wanted. His hand lingered over her pulse point and he blinked in amazement when he felt her activate Blush of Life. Like magic, her skin warmed and he could feel the quick but steady pulse in her neck. Annabelle sighed and fidgeted a little. His hand was deathly cold.
Jasper thought he should say something, but nothing was imminently coming to mind. He shifted, leaning over her a little. His fangs itched and his Beast growled. Her warm, inviting skin and the delicious Vitae under it were temptingly close. When he did open his mouth to speak, his voice was a snarl.
“May I?”
Annabelle shivered at the growl. Her skin erupted into goosebumps. Already, she was turned on. Her body remembered the pleasure he had brought her in the past. “Yes,” Annabelle breathed.
Slowly, as if to drag out every moment, Jasper slid his long, sharp fangs into her flesh. Again, he had gone for the spot where her neck met her shoulder. Annabelle let out a gasp and a whimper at the pain of it. Her body tensed and she found herself gripping a pillow. She could feel Jasper's tongue on her skin. He shifted again a little and she felt him place a hand on her opposite shoulder to the one he was biting and slowly trail it downwards over her body right as the ecstasy hit her.
Annabelle let out a long, soft moan of arousal as the pleasure slowly crawled across her body. Jasper's hand trailed down over her bra, over her breast, and settled on her ribs. He could taste the lust in her blood. He only wanted to take a little bit at the moment, just a sample. They had all weekend, after all. Annabelle trembled and squirmed beneath him. Her grip on the pillow tightened. She was biting back another moan or cry of pleasure. His Beast was almost purring inside him, listening to her heavy breathing and tasting her desire. It wanted more, it always wanted more, but Jasper had to hold back.
Annabelle sighed as he lifted his fangs away from her. She hadn't quite reached the climax her body had been heading towards, but she was shaking with the anticipation of it. She was about to say something, but she felt Jasper's cold tongue dip south of her collarbone and lick up a warm drop of Vitae that had begun to run slowly downwards. His hand found hers that had been clutching the pillow and, without saying anything, he brought it down to her crotch. She was wearing jeans, and she was aware of how restrictive they were currently feeling. Jasper pressed Annabelle's hand to the oh-so-sensitive area that was begging to be touched between her legs and give her neck wound another little suck.
Annabelle's body bucked with that blessed, cursed release she had been seeking. He kept her hand pressed to her jeans and his mouth on her neck to catch any more drips and to keep her climax going as long as it could. He could feel her fingers moving involuntarily against herself, trapped under his own. The scream Annabelle had been fighting back escaped through her clenched teeth.
Jasper tenderly licked her wound closed and drew back from her a little bit, including pulling his hand away from hers. Annabelle's body curled into a slight foetal position as she trembled in the aftershocks. He could her her cursing to herself under her breath. Jasper stroked her arm, smiling to himself. That had been a spur of the moment idea, but he liked the results.
Annabelle's face was bright red when she looked at him. He tried and failed to look innocent.
“What?” he asked.
Annabelle clenched her jaw, but smiled at him. “You... that...”
She playfully punched his chest. He fell back onto the bed in mock pain. “Ow.”
“Sorry,” she mumbled. She snuggled up to him and he put an arm around her near naked torso.
“I still don't know what that was for,” he chided.
“Yeah, you do.” Her pulse was still slightly fast. Her hips squirmed a little.
“How are you feeling?” He knew the answer, but wanted her to say it.
“Good,” Annabelle sighed in contentment. “You have a way of making me feel so good...”
He stroked her shoulder in little circles. His white fingers contrasted dramatically with her skin tone. “Not too hungry?”
“I'm alright.”
“That... thing you were talking about a while ago...” Annabelle said, “where you feel my emotions... that's still a thing, right?”
“Yeah, that's still a thing,” he said softly, still stroking her shoulder. He could feel them now, the bond newly refreshed after having faded somewhat the past several weeks.
“What am I feeling now?”
“Happy,” Jasper smirked. “And you're still a little surprised at yourself because you never thought that this would happen.” He gestured to the two of them, snuggling on Annabelle's bed. “I feel the same way.”
He heard Annabelle exhale as she smiled. Her body was so warm against his. Part of him loved it. Another part of him was reminded how repulsive his body must be in comparison to hers. He tried to ignore that.
“Is there a name for that... feeling emotions thing?” Annabelle asked.
“I think it's a Blood Bond.” Jasper replied.
“Oh... that sounds kind of nice.”
“Mmm... but it isn't always.”
She tilted her face to give him a curious look.
Jasper considered for a few seconds how to explain it. “You know about ghouls?”
She frowned but nodded. “Yeah...”
“What are they?” He knew, but was testing her.
“They're people who have drunk vampire blood and become slaves. It sounds awful,” Annabelle said.
“It can be, but it can be useful for the vampire, especially if they have few morals about ordering people around and removing their free will. So... if that's what happens when a human drinks vampire blood, what do you think happens if another Kindred does it, beyond the feeling emotions thing?”
“Do... they become a slave as well?” Annabelle asked, mild horror creeping into her voice and in her expression.
“That can happen,” Jasper said gently, honestly. He sighed. “You giving your blood to me... gives you power over me, potentially, especially because we've done it so often, and because we've almost always done it right from the source, as it were.”
“So... I could give you an order right now... and you'd have to obey it?” Annabelle looked slightly terrified.
Jasper nodded.
“Oh, my God...” Annabelle said slowly. She hugged him a little tighter. “I would never, ever do that to you.”
“I know,” he said softly.
“Ever,” Annabelle insisted. The idea of taking away his free will chilled her.
“I know,” he repeated. “I trust you, Annabelle. You're one of the very few Kindred whom I trust, because I know that you'd never make me do anything against my will...” He sighed again. “Unlike some others I could mention,” he growled to himself.
“What? When? Who?”
“Do you recall me doing anything that seemed a little wild and out of character several months ago? Maybe something a little wacky in front of a big crowd?” Jasper sounded annoyed at the memory.
Annabelle gasped as it hit her. “The Succubus Club?”
Jasper growled and nodded.
“The dancing?”
“That was Victoria Ashe,” he said, his voice several degrees rougher in anger. “She made me do that.”
“But... you looked...”
“Like I was enjoying it? Yeah, because at the time, I was. I was lucky that she didn't order me to do something really horrific. If she had told me to try to kill you, I probably would have.”
Annabelle tensed in anger. “That... woman!” She had her own growl now. “And Nelli was all buddy-buddy with her!”
“Toreadors are like that. They have a certain way of making people love them, and want to do what they ask. It's like when Victor orders people to forget things, and they do. It's how they operate. Don't be mad at Nelli... or do, I don't care.”
“I'm sorry I laughed at you, and applauded,” Annabelle said, remembering her reactions to seeing him moonwalk on that dance floor.
“It's okay.”
“Is that a Blood Bond? Did she...” Annabelle didn't want to finish the question.
“No,” Jasper assured her, and he sounded grateful. “No, she didn't give me her blood.” He stroked her arm and her side, trying to soothe her a little. He could tell she was getting riled up, that her inner rebel wanting to put the boot into the rich elite was emerging. There was a time and a place for that, which was not here and now.
“I'd stake her so hard if I could,” Annabelle mumbled into Jasper's lean chest. He smiled.
“You do that, Annabelle. If you ever see her again, you do that.”
“Damn right, I will.”
They were quiet for a few moments, with Jasper gently stroking her smooth skin. She was still warm. It could last a long while, if she wanted it to. “You know... going back to the Blood Bond thing...” Jasper said quietly. “The way you and I have been doing it, letting me bite you... it would be very frowned upon by most Kindred society.” He grinned. “We've been very naughty, you and I.”
Annabelle snorted. She didn't have a very high opinion of what most Kindred society thought. “You mean they don't do it like this?”
“No. Going right from the vein is a little taboo.” He drifted a hand up to her neck and she wriggled a little.
“How do they do it then?”
“Cutting, apparently. Dripping blood into mouths, that kind of thing.” Annabelle could feel him shrug a little.
“Like at the end of Hellsing?”
Annabelle's brow furrowed. She found herself playing with a buckle on his chest. She didn't know where he had found hoodies with buckles. “How do you know that?”
“I asked Eva.”
Annabelle's frown deepened. “Did you tell her about us?”
“No. I just asked her about the details of how Blood Bonding works. If she suspects anything, it's because... well, the Tremere have many mysterious ways of finding things out.” He caught himself smiling at that. He had a certain admiration for the Tremere.
Annabelle relaxed a little. She didn't mind Eva, despite any magic she had done on her in the past. She was mysterious, but seemed to be in Jasper's favour. “Oh. Okay.”
They were quiet again, comfortably cuddling. Everything Jasper had just told Annabelle about Blood Bonds was turning around and around in her mind. It gave her a degree of anxiety, but she believed the fact that Jasper trusted her so sincerely was an honour.
“Jasper?” She asked softly.
“Do you... mind being Blood Bonded to me?”
He gave her a comforting little squeeze. “No.”
“Are you sure? That's not just my magic Vitae talking, is it?”
Jasper chuckled. “Yes, I'm sure. If I did mind... we wouldn't have had another date after that time when I was hit by a truck.”
“Oh.” She remembered the evening he was referencing well. She had been so very worried about him when she found out, and that worry had turned into terror when he didn't answer her calls or texts. Despite his efforts of healing, he had still been extremely badly hurt when she finally found him, and Annabelle was happy she found him when she did. The potential consequences of what could have happened if she hadn't were too scary to consider. She also wished she had been there to have prevented the incidence from happening in the first place. That night was the first time she had let Jasper feed from her neck. Every other time before that had been from her wrist. It was a big move, she knew, but she wanted it. It felt better to her, somehow. They had shared his bed for the first time afterwards. “Was that when the... Bond happened?”
“I think so, yeah,” Jasper said.
“Yeah,” Jasper sighed.
“But it doesn't have to be a bad thing?” Annabelle confirmed. “The Blood Bond?”
Jasper shook his head. “No, it doesn't. Don't worry about me if I mind it or not. If I ever do want to... I can just keep away from you for a little while and that'll weaken it.”
“Oh, that's why I haven't seen you in a long time!”
“Yeah. That and... ya know... my guest.” Jasper smiled sharply.
“But there is a silver lining, of sorts,” Jasper explained. “If you are in trouble, and need me, I will feel it. You can summon me, wish I was there, and I'll feel it and come to you.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. Now... you can see how another Kindred might abuse that power...” he paused to let Annabelle picture it, “but I trust you to not abuse it.” He gave the top of her head a little nuzzle.
“Right. I get it.” She smiled. “Thank you for trusting me with this, Jasper.”
“Thank you for letting me feed from you,” he replied.
“You're welcome.”
They spent the rest of the night chatting and watching bad reality TV on Annabelle's computer. When the sun rose and they felt the need to retire, they fell asleep spooning on Annabelle's large bed. The city of Los Angeles moved on around them, but they were content and dead to the world.
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tipsyraconteur · 6 years
Good Boy, Part 4
Annnd here is the last part of this fluffy dogstrosity. I managed to break 200 followers during the blogging of this story, so thanks to everyone that followed! I really enjoyed writing some pure fluff for tumblr, and I’m sure I’ll do it again in the future when I need a break from my longer stories. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!
Good Boy, Part 4
KakaSaku Coffee Shop AU
Rating: T
Word Count: ~2.5k
[ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ] [ Part 3 ]
The next day, Sakura started her shift with a smile on her face and a song in her heart. Well, not really, but she definitely began the shift in a good mood. It was hard not to feel positive: she’d totally aced her make-up test with her professor and she was about to have two days off that she could spend catching up on schoolwork and sleep. Most importantly, however, was the company she was expecting during her shift that day.
Maybe it was stupid to feel so excited, but she was excited.
Four days ago, Kakashi had been a strange man with a pug who’d flirted with her before not paying for his drink. Now… well, she was starting to hope that he’d be more. Maybe a lot more. When Sakura had made the dubious decision to call Ino and ask her for advice, Ino had squealed “ASK HIM OUT” loud enough that Sakura had had to pull the phone away from her ear.
Sakura wasn’t sure she had the courage to do that. But maybe she could handle reminding him that she had the next two days off, in the hopes that he would ask her out himself. Sure, it was pretty cowardly, and that didn’t exactly sit well with Sakura, but neither did asking out a customer while she was at work. Somehow, she thought her boss would frown on that.
Sakura didn’t want to piss off Hana. Hana was the older sister of Sakura’s friend Kiba, and the last thing Sakura wanted to do was upset her boss, especially since it would also reflect badly on Kiba’s recommendation that she work there. And after the conversation she’d had to have with Hana earlier that week about a certain unpaid-for drink, Sakura was probably on thin ice already.
As if her very thoughts had summoned her, Sakura felt her stomach drop as she heard the sound of the back door opening and her boss’s voice ringing through the air.
“Hey Sakura,” Hana said easily as she locked the back door behind her. “I’ve had to rearrange my schedule this week, so I thought I’d come in and do inventory tonight,” she said, smiling brightly.
Sakura forced what she hoped was a believable smile in return. It was a few hours before the time when Kakashi came in, but who knew how long inventory would last? If Hana was still here when Kakashi arrived with four dogs, Sakura wasn’t sure how she would react.
And it had to be four dogs. He had to have run out by now, right?
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Sakura asked hopefully. Maybe she could hurry this along.
“No, I just need you to run the shop. I’ll try not to get in your way too much.” As Hana set down her bag and plucked her inventory clipboard from the wall, Sakura held back a sigh. All she could do now was hope that inventory was finished before Kakashi made his grand appearance.
For the next two hours, Sakura handled customers while Hana puttered around the shop counting things. She counted milk jugs, syrup bottles, and boxes of napkins and stir sticks. Sakura mostly tried to ignore her steadily growing anxiety and failed miserably every time she checked the time. However, a certain fatalistic mood began to settle over her as the clock hands crept closer to what she thought of as “Kakashi Time”. After all, he was just a customer who had some dogs, and they were a coffee shop that was dog-friendly. So, it wasn’t like either of them were doing anything wrong.
“Sakura.” Hana’s voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts, and Sakura turned to take in the sight of Hana counting the various sizes of cups. “Do you know why we’re missing shot cups?”
Without thinking, Sakura answered, “No, I don’t know why we would be—” and then stopped, trailing off. Puppuccinos. Goddamn puppuccinos.
Hana’s eyes narrowed. “Sakura?”
Sakura gave a wincing smile. “Well, you see, we’ve had a customer lately who likes to bring in his dogs, and Starbucks does this thing where they give out little cups of whipped cream and call them puppuccinos…”
Hana folded her arms, looking unimpressed. “And you thought we needed to keep up with Starbucks, apparently. Did you not realize that would throw off inventory? It looks like theft, Sakura.”
Sakura swallowed. Why did she have to have so many conversations with her boss regarding Kakashi and thievery? “Well, I figured that we don’t charge for extra whipped cream, so it would be okay.” When Hana’s expression didn’t change, Sakura sighed. “I didn’t think about the cups. I’m sorry.”
Hana watched her narrow-eyed for a moment longer, and then a curious little smirk crept over her face. “So… who’s this new customer?”
Fuck. Sakura felt her face start to get hot, and her voice was a trifle squeaky when she answered, “What? Which customer?” Smooth, real smooth.
Hana casually inspected the nails of her right hand, although she was obviously still watching Sakura from the corner of her eye. “You never break the rules, and now you’ve broken them twice in one week.”
“I— Well, I mean, I just made a few mistakes. It’s a coincidence.”
“So, you’re telling me puppuccino customer isn’t also didn’t-pay-for-a-drink customer?” Hana’s smile had begun to take on a positively wolfish quality. “He must be cute.”
Sakura opened her mouth to make some sort of excuse—just what kind of excuse, she wasn’t sure—when she was saved by the tinkle of the bell over the door. At least, she thought she was saved, until she looked over and saw a certain lanky figure in the doorway.
Kakashi leaned casually in the door, holding it open, smiling lazily. Lifting one silver brow, he whistled—and then the dogs started walking in.
"Oh, no," Sakura whispered to herself in mounting horror. But there was no stopping it.
First was Pakkun. Out of the backpack for once, he was wearing the same blue halter that all of Kakashi's other dogs had worn, but it was so small and cute that Sakura had to repress the urge to make a very awkward high-pitched noise. Next came Shiba, and the Bisuke. All of them were holding their own leashes in their mouths. When Uhei came in the door, he paused briefly and wagged his tail before continuing forward.
That wasn't the end of Kakashi's dog parade, though.
Another smaller brown floppy-eared dog stepped through the door, followed by two other dogs of lanky, medium build. All three looked like mutts of indistinguishable breeds. But the last dog that came in caused both of Sakura's hands to fly up over her mouth. He was a dark dog whose breed wasn't immediately obvious—definitely some bulldog, maybe some bull mastiff—but he was easily the largest dog that Sakura had ever seen, the top of his head reaching higher than Kakashi's waist.
All eight dogs filed into a line before the counter, and each of them sat politely, still holding their leashes in their mouths. Completely ignoring her shocked expression, Kakashi let the door swing shut and approached the counter himself.
"Medium flat white and eight puppuccinos, please," he said pleasantly, like he hadn’t just released a canine horde upon her workplace.
“Kaka—” Sakura began, trying not to cringe, but she was cut off.
“Kakashi Hatake, why the hell are you standing in my coffee shop with every dog you have?” Hana’s voice boomed from behind her. Sakura turned to blink at her. “Let me guess… you’re the new customer I keep hearing about?”
“Oh, hi Hana. I didn’t know you worked here,” Kakashi replied in that same pleasant, unflappable voice. “It’s nice to see you outside the shelter.”
Confused, Sakura asked, “You know each other?”
Hana snorted, smirking at Kakashi. “You know I volunteer at the animal shelter. This guy,” she said, pointing at Kakashi, who looked admirably unphased by her ire, “is the guy they call when there’s a dog no one else will adopt.”
Sakura turned to look at him, briefly distracted from the tense situation. "Really? You take all the dogs that no one else wants?"
"No," Kakashi answered, looking offended, as if there was no way he would be that much of a sucker. After a long, pregnant pause, he added, "I only take the ones that Pakkun likes." Another pause. "Mostly. Pakkun didn't really like Shiba at first. I had to talk him into it." From the front of the line of dogs came a small, disgruntled 'boof'.
Sakura really wanted to ask how one went about talking a pug into something, but she decided it wasn’t the time. Especially when Hana glared from her to Kakashi and then said, “Neither of you have answered my question. Why are you here with all of your dogs?”
There was a moment when Sakura and Kakashi both looked at each other and then back at Hana, and then they both started speaking at the same time.
“Well, he saw the ‘Dogs Welcome’ sign in the window—"
“Oh, it’s really a simple explanation. I really like Sakura—”
“And when he asked what the limit was I didn’t know what to tell him because no one’s ever asked that—”
“And I thought I’d bring in a whole bunch of dogs to try and impress her.”
Sakura had trailed off, belatedly registering what he’d said about liking her, and was now struggling not to turn red again. Hana had her arms folded and was staring at him.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time,” Kakashi finished blithely, though the smile he gave was a little sheepish.
Hana was now pinching the bridge of her nose, her eyes squeezed shut. “Sakura,” she said slowly. “Make the man his drink.” Opening her eyes, she pointed at Kakashi again. “You. Take your dogs outside. There’s not enough room for them in here. And pay for your drink first!” she added as Kakashi started to move toward the door.
Kakashi chuckled awkwardly as he moved back toward the counter. “Right. Of course.”
In the awkward silence that followed, Sakura rang up Kakashi and made his change, both of them endeavoring to ignore the indistinct muttering coming from Hana, who had returned to her clipboard. Sakura quickly moved to make his flat white, very carefully not looking in Hana’s direction as she did so, and also avoiding looking at Kakashi.
“Medium flat white,” she said in a meek voice devoid of her usual cheer as she approached the counter and held out the drink.
Kakashi gave her an apologetic smile as he took it. “I’ll, uh, just take this to one of the tables outside,” he said, and within a few moments he’d herded his dogs back through the door, and Sakura was once more left alone with her boss.
Quickly busying herself by wiping down the hot bar, Sakura was startled when the silence was broken by Hana slamming down a whipped cream canister and a stack of shot cups beside her.
“When you give out whipped cream for dogs, you need to adjust the cup tally on the inventory sheet,” Hana scolded. “Don’t call them ‘puppuccinos’ again until I can verify that Starbucks doesn’t have that copyrighted.”
“Yes ma’am,” Sakura said, hope rising in her chest.
“Go take a break,” Hana finished gruffly.
Sakura blinked. She was always by herself in the shop on Wednesdays, so she never took a break. “But I don’t take breaks on—”
“Fuck’s sake, Haruno, know a good thing when you hear it!” Hana said in exasperation. “Take. A. Break.” And she shoved the whipped cream and cups toward her.
A silly grin threatened to break across Sakura’s features, and she quickly repressed it. “Of course, Hana. Thank you!” she said sincerely, albeit quickly, as she slid out from behind the register and beelined toward the door.
“Fifteen minutes!” Hana called after her, and she might have muttered something else, but Sakura was already out the door.
Letting the door shut behind her, still holding the cups and whipped cream canister in her hand, Sakura looked toward the table that Kakashi stood beside. And maybe it was the charmingly shamefaced grin he had, or all of the built-up tension of the last ten minutes—or maybe it was the pile of dogs who were crammed around his feet. But Sakura couldn’t hold it in anymore, and she burst into slightly hysterical laughter.
“I can’t—believe—you brought—eight dogs in here,” she gasped between giggles, and Kakashi’s grin grew as he watched her, his eyes warm. “I thought Hana was going to kill me. Or you.”
“Are you impressed yet? Because I’ve kind of run out of dogs and I promised Pakkun I wouldn’t adopt another one for at least a year.” Kakashi carefully stepped out of the pile of dogs and toward her, plucking the stack of cups and whipped cream from her hands and placing them on the table behind him. “Hey, do you think Hana can see us from inside the shop right now?”
Perplexed by the apparent change in topic, Sakura answered, “Well… no? She’s probably too far back to be able to see this table from—”
Sakura cut herself off as Kakashi dipped his head down close to hers, her breath catching in her throat. “Good,” he murmured, and with one hand raising to cup her face, he pressed his lips to hers.
She didn’t react at first, completely stunned by this turn of events. But when he went to pull away, her courage finally decided to show up, and she leaned toward him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him back with an enthusiasm that Ino would’ve been proud of.
Kakashi hummed low in his throat in response, his free hand finding the small of her back. When she pulled back slightly to take a breath, he smiled at her, and she smiled back.
“You know, I probably shouldn’t show up here again… at least not for a while,” he said as she slowly moved back a little, her face warming as her actions caught up to her.
“At least not with so many dogs,” she quipped, biting her lip.
“You’re off tomorrow, right?” he asked, and when she nodded, he continued, “Let me take you to dinner. No dogs.”
“I don’t know…” Sakura hedged, trying not to grin. “I’m kind of only in it for the dogs.” The fact that Uhei chose that moment to come and sit on her foot made the grin break through.
Kakashi laughed, somewhat ruefully. “How about dinner and a dog park afterward?”
“Yeah… that sounds fun,” Sakura said, beaming.
Sakura didn’t miss Kakashi’s quiet, relieved sigh as she bent slightly to stroke Uhei’s head, much to the dog’s obvious tail-wagging pleasure.
“Now then,” she continued, reaching past Kakashi for the cups and whipped cream, directing her attention toward the dogs. “Who wants a generic equivalent, definitely-not-copyright-infringement cup of whipped cream?”
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Mimi’s RomCom Fluff Challenge
I just reached 16,000 followers! Yay! 
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I have decided to host another writing challenge to celebrate.
I love me a good romantic comedy (aka the romcom). Love them. I also love some good fluff fics, the fluffier the better. I decided to combine the two and the end result is Mimi’s RomCom Fluff Challenge!
Below, you will find a list of some of my favorite romantic comedies, along with quotes from those movies. Your challenge, should you accept it, is to write a fluffy fic including the quote from the movie.
The Rules and Regulations:
Female reader inserts with Sam, Dean, or John Winchester only. No ships (no hate meant, it’s just easier this way).
Your fic can be as many words as you want; I do ask that you please try to make it at least 500 words. Please add a “keep reading” for fics over 500 words. If it doesn’t have a “keep reading” I will not reblog it.
Please make it a one shot or the first part of a series. AU’s are also okay.
Please tag me, @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog and use the hashtag #mimi’s romcom fluff challenge. Make sure the hashtag is in the first 5 tags. If I don’t like it within in 48 hours, I didn’t see it. If that happens, please send me a message.
Please mention somewhere in your author’s notes that it is for @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog RomCom Fluff Challenge and which prompt you had.
The most important rule, it MUST contain fluff. No angst (side-eyes a couple of my writer friends - you know who you are). I want the fluff. It can have smut, but it doesn’t have to. But, there must be fluff.
How to sign up:
Send me an ASK. Not a reply, reblog or IM, it needs to be an ask. Also, don’t send it on anon, I need to know who is participating. If it’s from your side blog, please mention the name of your side blog.
In the ask please tell me:
The number you want and whether you will be writing Sam, Dean or John Winchester. Please send at least one alternative in case your first choice is taken.
If you are writing from your sideblog, please give me the name of the blog.
One prompt per writer (for now).
Fics are due by Saturday, September 2nd. That is about two and a half months. If you can’t make the due date, send me a message to ask for an extension. I won’t be mad or upset. Life happens, I get it. I do ask that if you sign up and can’t finish the fic for whatever reason, please let me know. I may be able to find someone who would like to take your place.
Movies and quotes are below the cut:
10 Things I Hate About You 1.  What is it with this chick? She got beer-flavored nipples? 2.  Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.
13 Going on 30: 3.  I don't wanna be beautiful in my own way. I wanna look like these people! 4.  We need to remember what used to be good. If we don't, we won't recognize it even if it hits us between the eyes.
America’s Sweethearts 5.  Love is a bridge built between two people. We want what exists between them to be real. 6.  Except for the part about my penis. That's true. It's bigger than coins. 7.  How can you be in love with someone and not even like them at the same time? 8.  Your pillow's better than mine.   9.  He's a dead man. No, I'm serious. I know a guy, I'll make a call, and... he's dead. 
A Walk to Remember 10.  You have to promise not to fall in love with me. 11.   What's there to talk about? She's the best person I've ever known. 12.  I'm trying here, OK? Maybe... maybe I miss spending time with you. Maybe you inspire me. 13.  I'm scared of not being with you. 
Breakfast at Tiffany’s 14.  A girl can't read that sort of thing without her lipstick. 15.  Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot. 16.  You could always tell what kind of a person a man thinks you are by the earrings he gives you. I must say, the mind reels. 17.  I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead.
Clueless 18.  Anything happens to my daughter, I got a .45 and a shovel, I doubt anybody would miss you. 19.  Anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good. 20.  If I'm too good for him, then how come I'm not with him? 21.  So, this flannel thing. Is that a nod to the crispy Seattle weather, or are you just trying to stay warm in front of the refrigerator?
Crazy, Stupid Love 22.  Will you take off your shirt... fuck! Seriously? It's like you're Photoshopped!  23.  I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one... you never give up. 24.  I'm wildly unhappy, and I'm trying to buy it, and it's not working.
Ever After 25.  She came to tell you the truth, and you fed her to the wolves! 26.  You have found my weakness but I have yet to learn yours. 27.  Besides, you claimed it was a matter of life and death. 28.  Are you putting me under house arrest? 
Failure to Launch 29.  And believe me, I did not want that because I had a good life before you. Well, not good... but... it was okay. Well, it... it was empty, actually, but at least I was blissfully unaware of how miserable I was. Whereas now... because of you... I am acutely aware of how completely and totally unhappy I am. Thank you for that. 30.  Guys who drink Kahlua and cream are not power guys, honey. 31.  Actually, it's... it's quite simple. You just have to decide. Do you want to spend the rest of your life having fun or do you want to spend it with me? 32.  Nothing like the threat of decapitation to make it a little more interesting. 
Friends with Benefits 33.  Why do women think the only way to get a man to do what they want, is to manipulate them? 34.  If you tell anyone about this, I will rip your ears off and staple them to your neck. 35.  It’s not you. Nothing is wrong with you. He’s a guy. You gave him a five date challenge, he got you and cut out. Forget the douche! He’s a dick. He’s a dick douche. 
Hope Floats 36.  Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome. 37.  Oh, I like all of God's creatures; I just like some of them better stuffed. And he's one of them. 38. Why does everybody keep asking me if I've been drinking? What? Is there like a coaster stuck to my... butt or something? 39.  People fall in love. They fall right back out. It happens all the time. 40.  I would have stayed with you forever. I would have turned myself inside out for you. 
How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days 41. You can't lose something you never had. 42.  Guys, a woman's purse, alright, it's her secret source of power. Alright? There are many dark and dangerous things in there, that we, the male species, should know nothing about. 43.  You see, the key to this game is being able to read people. 44.  Look, just give me back the necklace, then you guys can go on and kill each other. 45. Drunk and tone-deaf. Never a good combination. 
Leap Year 46.  Why don't you stop trying to control everything in the known universe. It's dinner. Have a little faith that it will all work out. 47.  Well, when my 60 seconds came around, I realized I had everything I ever wanted, but nothing I really needed. And I think that what I need is here. And I came all this way to see if maybe you might think so too. 
Moulin Rouge 48.  The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. 49.  He's got a huge... talent. 50.  You're going to be bad for business. I can tell. 51.  It's not that I'm not a jealous man. I just don't like other people touching my things.
Never Been Kissed 52.  That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time. 53.  The right guy, he's out there. I'm just not gonna go kiss a whole bunch of losers to get to him. 
Notting Hill 54.  I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. 55.  It's as if I've taken love heroin, and now I can't ever have it again. 56.  I don't know. It just got to the point where I couldn't remember any of the reasons why we were together. 57.  Oh God, this is one of those key moments in life, when it's possible you can be really, genuinely cool - and I'm failing 100%. 58.  Right, no one. I mean, I'll tell myself sometimes but - don't worry - I won't believe it.
Say Anything 59.  She gave me a pen.  I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen. 60.  The world is full of guys. Be a man. Don’t be a guy.  61.  One question: are you here because you need someone, or you need me? Forget it, I don’t care. 62.  So I’m single now, and everything’s changed. I hate it. 
Sixteen Candles 63.  I can't believe this. They fucking forgot my birthday. 64.  Would you guys please hurry up, I'm breaking like 30 major laws here. 65.  When you don't have anything, you don't have anything to lose. Right? 
Someone Like You 66.  There are few things sadder in this life than watching someone walk away after they've left you, watching the distance between your bodies expand until there's nothing... but empty space and silence. 67.  Wow, there's the cynical bitch we know and love. 68.  This is key to understanding the myth of male shyness. For while you think he is flattering you, he is actually flattering himself. Showing how open and honest and sensitive he is. 
Sweet Home Alabama 69.  I can't control her any more than I can control the weather. 70.  So I can kiss you anytime I want. 71.  The girl I knew used to be fearless. 
The Notebook 72.  I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me...everyday. 73.  Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we're already fightin'. 
The Princess Bride 74.  Have fun stormin’ the castle. 75.  There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours. 76.  No more rhymes now, I mean it! 77.  You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means. 78.  That does put a damper on our relationship. 
This Means War 79.  Don't worry. If you're going to hell, I'll just come pick you up. 80.  Don't choose the better man, choose the man who makes you a better woman.
When Harry Met Sally 81.  I'll have what she's having. 82.  No one has ever quoted me back to me before. 
When in Rome 83.  This real enough for you? 84.  The whole point of love is to put someone else's needs above your own. 85.  Now, you could get your heart broken or you could have the greatest love affair the world has ever known, but you're not going to know unless you try. 
While You Were Sleeping 86.  $45 for a Christmas tree and they don't deliver? You order $10 worth of chow mein from Mr. Wong´s, they bring it to your door. 87.  Ugh! I don't want any flowers, I'm not wearing my black underwear and I definitely don't want to move in with you! 
You’ve Got Mail 88.  But the truth is, I'm heart broken. 89.  You were spying on me, weren't you?
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