#but for a final send off i really enjoyed it
bratzforchris · 2 days
Red Looks Good on You (Pt. 1)
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Summary: In which cutting your foot at the beach leads to an unexpected summer fling <3
Pairing: Lifeguard!Chris x feminine reader
(Series) Warnings: Smut, making out, hickeys, nipple play, shower/hot tub sex, p in v, fingering, exhibitionism/semi public sex if you squint, thigh riding, belly bulge, squirting, praise kink, non established relationship, mentions of blood
Word Count: 3k
A/N: First summer fic is here and ready for you, my loves 𓆉⋆。˚⋆❀ 🐚🫧𓇼 ˖° I hope you enjoy!! Part 2 will be out within the next twoish weeks! PLEASE SEND ME LIFEGUARD CHRIS THOUGHTS 𓅮 ✺ 👣 🀦 ͡ i ͡ ☼
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You smiled to yourself, hitching your beach bag further up your shoulder as you hiked over the white dunes. “What’s the chances that we’ll meet a summer fling while we’re here?” You looked over your shoulder at your friend, Tori, who was tugging the wagon that held your beach chairs. 
“Girl, we better. All this money and not meeting a single hot guy? I’ll be wanting a refund.” she laughed. 
To celebrate both of you receiving your associates’ degrees, the two of you had decided to take a girl’s trip to Hawaii. After almost a year of saving, you’d finally made it happen, and today was your first official day on the sandy beaches of Waikiki. Despite it only being just past ten am, the beach was already crowded with both a mixture of tourists and renowned surfers. You quickly found a spot and staked your umbrella, sitting down in the chairs beneath the shade. 
Your eyes were wide as you took in the scene around you, until Tori nudged your shoulder. “That lifeguard is hot as fuck. He’s your type, too.”
“Who?” You pushed your sunglasses up onto your head, looking around at all the lifeguard stands. “There’s like three within this radius, Tor. Be specific.”
Your friend not-so-subtly pointed to the brunette lifeguard sitting in the stand closest to you, aviator sunglasses on and twirling his whistle around his finger. You had to admit, he really was just your type. His brown curls fell softly around his ears, already damp with sweat despite the tropical breeze. You studied the boy for a moment, taking in his tanned skin and toned body, your eyes raking downwards towards the happy trail that dipped into the waistband of his red lifeguard trunks. 
“He’s working,” You stated after a moment, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. “I’m not gonna go bother him.”
“And suddenly, you don’t know how to swim!” Tori joked. 
You swatted her arm playfully, standing and removing your coverup. “Wanna go tan?”
Tori quickly nodded, ditching her own sundress and grabbing both of your towels. The two of you made your way closer to where the sand met the sea, laying your towels out in a secluded part of the warm, white sand. In just a glance of your head, you caught the cute lifeguard looking your way, lips tugged upward in a smirking smile. You shook your hair out as a way to release the sudden tension you felt in your tummy, silently telling yourself that he wasn’t looking at you. He was just watching every person on this part of the beach, just like all lifeguards were supposed to do. 
It wasn’t long until the sound of the waves pounding against the shore, the happy giggles of small children, and Tori’s incessant chattering pulled you away from all thoughts of the lifeguards. The tropical breeze ruffled the small tassels on your neon pink bikini, putting you completely at ease. Your mind had become floaty with happiness as you and Tori laid out on your towels, trying to garner a tan from the bright, early afternoon sun. 
“Now’s your chance,” Tori elbowed you suddenly, pulling you out of your trance. “He’s off the stand and he’s coming this way.”
You were thankful that your sunglasses disguised any movement of your eyes, because you immediately averted your gaze to see the boy walking along the beach, holding the yellow rescue buoy under his arm, red whistle in his mouth. 
“Hey,” he smiled nonchalantly as he walked past the two of you. “Everything okay?”
You found yourself cursing under your breath at the way your focus seemed to be more on how the whistle hanging from his plump, pink lips complimented his red swimsuit rather than the fact that he was actually talking to you. 
“We’re perfectly fine.” Tori spoke for you, a knowing glance cast your way at the word. 
The lifeguard smirked, sensing the vibes between the two of you. “Cool. Stay safe, mamas.”
As soon as he was out of earshot, your friend rolled her eyes. “Is he serious? Mamas? He’s totally your type.”
“I thought it was kind of cute, actually,” You hummed, not hiding the smile on your face this time. “But like I said, he’s working. I’m not gonna hit on him.”
You moved on from the topic of cute lifeguard, chatting about the end of the academic year and what your plans were for the fall. You planned to continue attending college to obtain your degree in English, hoping to teach at the high school you had graduated from. The silly part of you that had always loved to daydream, though, started to imagine what your life would be like if you lived here in Hawaii and hung out with the cute lifeguard every day. 
“You’re down bad already, aren’t you?” Tori asked. 
You nodded shyly, earning a goofy chuckle from your friend. “He’s cute.”
Your friend shook her head with a laugh, standing up and shaking out her towel. “I’m gonna go get ice cream, okay? I’ve been eyeing that shop down the block. Do you want anything?”
You shook your head no, bidding Tori a goodbye as she started the trek for ice cream. Laying back against your beach towel once more, you allowed the sand beneath you and the sun above you to warm your skin. This was already shaping up to be the perfect vacation, and you had been here for less than a day. 
As much as you wanted to lay and continue to tan, you had to admit that the clear, blue water of the ocean looked inviting, especially considering the fact that you were starting to sweat. You stood up, shaking your towel out and wrapping it around your neck, before walking down to the water, allowing the small, cresting waves to lap over your jade green pedicure. Feeling the warmth of the water, you walked further into the ocean, letting the water lap around your ankles. 
It wasn’t until you moved your foot that you felt a sudden, sharp pain course up your leg. You cursed, lifting your foot out of the water, examining the stinging wound. Sure enough, the cut was already dripping blood, puddling red with the clear water below. You turned your head back towards the beach, only to see that Tori had not yet returned. It looked like you were going to have to limp back up towards your bag and scavenge for a bandaid on your own. 
You turned back towards the beach, starting to limp your way to the shore. You were so caught up in the stinging pain of your foot that you didn’t even notice the same lifeguard from before approaching you, already opening his hip pack. 
“What happened?” he asked you gently, placing his large hand on your shoulder to steady you. 
“I cut my foot.” You hissed through the pain, jaw clenched. 
“I can get you a bandaid and get you all cleaned up, don’t worry,” the lifeguard smiled the same, goofy smile from before, and despite your pain, you found your heart fluttering. “Do you need me to carry you? I’m sure the water stings.”
“I don’t need you to carry me,” You chuckled. “I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?” the boy asked, eyes raking over how you were limping, almost refusing to put your foot in the water.
“I’m not going to let someone whose name I don’t even know carry me.” You hummed, suddenly shocked at the flirtatious nature that had come over you. 
“I’m Chris,” he smiled wider, rezipping his hip pack. “May I?” he gestured to your wobbly frame. 
You nodded shyly, your cheeks flaming as Chris carefully picked you up. His hold was strong and tactile, and if it weren’t for the fact that he was literally holding you, you would’ve wondered how often he did this. The brunette carried you to shore, earning several looks from other beachgoers. Once you had reached the lifeguard stand, Chris sat you down on a small wooden bench. 
“Wait here.” he murmured, rummaging around under the stand for the first aid box. 
“I dunno where you think I’m gonna go,” You retorted playfully. “If I did go somewhere, you could just follow the trail of blood down the beach.”
“Are you always sassy?” Chris asked as he gently wiped your foot off, examining the cut. “Or do I make you feel that way?”
Your jaw practically dropped at the lifeguard’s nonchalant flirting. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
Chris chuckled, carefully smearing some antibiotic cream on the cut and then placing a bandaid over the wound. You watched him as he worked, admiring the way he kneeled in the sand, tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated. The combination of his tanned, muscular back beneath the sun, his soft, beachy curls, and his kind demeanor had you thinking less about the pain in your foot and more about the sensation that was causing you to unconsciously clench your thighs. 
“All done!” Chris smiled as he finished the bandage to your foot one last time. “Should I kiss your booboo all better?”
You blushed, hoping the boy took it for the heat and not the way he was making you feel. “Not my foot.”
The blue-eyed boy smiled at your open-ended sentence, staring up at you from his spot in the sand. “I didn’t get your name.”
“It’s Y/N. Nice to meet you, Chris.” You smiled shyly. 
Before Chris could respond, Tori appeared beside you, looking both worried and confused. “What happened?”
“I cut my…”
“She cut her foot,” Chris interrupted you. “I cleaned it and put a bandaid on it. She’s good to go.”
Tori looked between you and Chris, a knowing smile on her face. “Thank you,” she nodded towards the lifeguard. “C’mon girl, I got you ice cream anyway.”
Chris smiled, standing up and brushing off his shorts. “See you around. Careful on that foot, okay?” he nodded towards you with a smirk as he began the climb back up the lifeguard stand. 
“I will.” You murmured, suddenly shy as Tori pulled you back towards your umbrella. 
“I left you alone for thirty minutes and suddenly I come back to you with a hurt foot and flirting with him? What did I miss?” Your friend asked as the two of you sat down in your chairs again, passing you the bowl of mango sorbet she’d brought you. 
“I tried to go for a swim, but I cut my foot on a shell and he helped me. That’s all you missed. And we weren’t flirting,” You insisted, spooning a bite of sorbet into your mouth. “He was being nice because I got hurt.”
“You missed your chance.” Tori sing-songed. 
“We’re here for another week. I’m sure he’ll be working again before we leave.” 
As you spoke, your eyes once again drifted over to where Chris was sitting. He had become more focused on the beach, most likely because your injury had shocked him back to reality, but you didn’t miss the way those oh-so-blue eyes strayed over to where you and Tori were sitting every now and then. 
𓆉⋆。˚⋆❀ 🐚🫧𓇼 ˖°
“Hey! You’re back! How’s the foot?”
You whipped around from where you were setting up the umbrella, only to see Chris standing next to you, once again in his guard uniform with his whistle in his mouth. Now that you were no longer in pain and he was this close up, you could see the constellation of freckles scattered across Chris’ tanned nose. It was endearing at best, annoying at worst, simply because it only added to his cute factor. 
“I’m back,” You stated confidently. “And the foot is just fine, thank you. A wonderful lifeguard fixed me right up. You wouldn’t happen to know him, would you?” You were surprised Chris had remembered you based off of just your first name and looks, which was adding to your confidence around him. 
Chris shook his head with a chuckle, brown curls bouncing. “Nope. I don’t. Where’s your friend?”
“Sleeping off a hangover.” You replied with a laugh. 
In order to give your foot time to heal without the sand and waves beating on it, you and Tori had taken a break from the beach yesterday. Instead, you two had decided to explore the wonderful shopping opportunities and restaurants Waikiki Beach had to offer, only to be roped into a party by a group of local surfers later that night. You’d refrained from drinking, but Tori had gotten absolutely hammered, hence why she had (grumpily) declined your offer to join you at the beach. 
“I mean that sucks, but hey, more for me,” Chris chattered on, not noticing your raised eyebrow at his statement. “I mean…I need to check on your foot, obviously.” he snorted. 
“Aren’t you on a break?” You asked, noting the lack of rescue buoy in his hands. 
Chris blushed at you pointing out his faulty lie, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Yeah.”
“Well, I did bring two beach chairs. Wanna sit until you’re done?” You asked, gesturing to the cart that held two chairs. 
“Only if you’ll get a shaved ice with me first. My treat. I do feel bad that you got hurt on my watch…” Chris looked genuinely sorry, and it made your heart clench for him; it wasn’t his fault that you’d cut your foot on a shell. 
However, that didn’t stop you from blushing at the idea of a possible date. “Why not?”
“May I?” Chris reached his hand out for your own, intertwining your fingers. 
You blushed as you followed him down to the beach, still not quite believing this was real. Less than a block later, the two of you came up to a small shaved ice shack, the line extending down the beach. 
“This place is popular, huh?” You chewed the inside of your lip, ignoring the way Chris’ hand in your own was making the butterflies in your stomach soar. 
“Best on the beach.” he winked. 
“So, Chris,” You smiled. “You’re holding my hand, but I barely know anything about you. Care to share?” You teased. 
“Well besides being super hot and funny and hilarious, I’m a lifeguard. I’m 20, y’know. Normal stuff.”
“Got a bit of an ego too, huh?” You smirked. 
“Hey, I’ve got you here. You actually got me off the stand the other day. Gotta keep up with you.” he smiled. 
You blushed again as the two of you stepped up to the counter, quickly ordering the cold treats. You went to pull your wallet from your beach bag until Chris grabbed your hand with a gentle look, the same, dopey smile as before on his lips. 
“My treat, remember?”
You said nothing else, allowing Chris to pay. You couldn’t believe how nice he was being to you. Part of it made you think that maybe he felt something towards you the way you felt something towards him. “Thank you.”
By the time the two of you had sat down on a small, wooden bench with your shaved ice, you had decided to make your move. You had spent the entirety of your first two years in college playing it safe when it came to boys, and you felt that now, with an adorable lifeguard, on vacation in Hawaii, was the perfect time to change that. 
“What time do you get off tonight?” You asked nonchalantly, spooning a bite into your mouth. 
“Eight. Why?” Chris asked shyly, looking at you with blue eyes akin to that of a puppy. 
“Would you wanna come over?” You smiled. “The house my friend and I are renting has a hot tub. I thought maybe we could chill?”
Chris’ cheeks and ears tinged pink, despite his tanned skin. “Really?”
“Why not? Unless you’re busy, of course.” You teased. 
The brunette immediately shook his head no, making way for the two of you to quickly exchange phone numbers and socials. You continued to talk for a while, until Chris checked his watch and cursed. 
“Fuck. I need to be back on the stand in five minutes. See you tonight?” he offered. 
“Tonight.” You smiled. 
You watched as Chris trekked back to the lifeguard stand down the beach, the sun illuminating his broad back. Part of you couldn’t believe you had invited a boy you had just met two days ago over, but the bigger part of you couldn’t wait to see what the night had in store. 
𓆉⋆。˚⋆❀ 🐚🫧𓇼 ˖°
You jumped off the couch where you heard a knock at the back door. With the way the beach house was set up, Chris had to walk up the back steps to get inside, scaring you slightly. Tori was still in bed, hangover raging, and you had been simply scrolling on your phone since you’d gotten back from the beach earlier in the day. 
“Hey!” You said happily, flinging open the door and stepping out onto the wooden deck. 
Chris ran his hands through his hair, eyes not-so-sneakily roaming over your scanty outfit. “Hey.”
“Do you want something to drink?” You asked, suddenly shy at the closeness between the two of you. 
The sun was now setting, lighting the sky up in a mixture of pinks, purples, and oranges. Unlike earlier in the day, there was a significant lack of tourists around, leaving just you and Chris on the deck, the only sound the gentle crashing of the waves in the distance and the far-off noises of people grilling out. 
“I brought Pepsi,” Chris grinned cheekily, pulling two cans from each pocket of his red guard shorts that he always seemed to be clad in. “Never leave home without them.”
For some reason unknown to you, you burst out laughing. You weren’t sure why you found him pulling Pepsi out of his trunks so hilarious, but you double over, snorting giggles leaving your mouth. Chris smiled to himself, starting to laugh too. 
“I’m sorry,” You wiped your eyes after a moment, standing up. “I just…who carries Pepsi in their swim trunks?”
“Me,” Chris grinned proudly. “So, are you trying to get in the hot tub or what?”
To be continued...
tags ˖°🌊🎐𓇼⋆🦪₊: @sturnlovr @matthewsturniologirly @pkfferoo @jetaimevous @blahbel668 @sturniolowhore @pepsiluvr0209 @calumsrockstar @ashley9282828 @starlace111 @luvr4miya @vividmemory @patscorner @bellasturn @thelittlelightwhenthetvisoff @ryli3sworld @urmomabby @pepsienthusiasts @faygo-frog
note ˖°🌊🎐𓇼⋆🦪₊: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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politemenacephd · 2 days
Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader (+18)
You're alone with your new boss Miguel in his office, and you decide to finally ask a question you've been harboring for a while: Is he really a vampire?
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CW/Content: Description of blood, Miguel has a blood-drinking/cannibalism fetish, Mutual masturbation, messy kissing, consensual kink, dirty talk, hand job/clitoral stimulation. Notes: hiiii I'm back finally, back to writing anyway, life beat me half to death but I'm back and I'm horny. hope yall enjoy
‘Are you really a vampire, boss?’
Miguel flinched, his enormous body going rigid midway through typing. He’d been about to send a message to Lyla when that question was asked, but now suddenly all of his iron-tight focus was gone. With narrowed eyes he turned and glanced down at you, the person who’d asked such an odd question out of nowhere.
‘Am… Am I a really a vampire? Is that what you just asked me?’ he replied back in a cool, slightly cold voice.
You were both up on his floating desk, with you dangling your legs over the side into the gloomy abyss below while he basked in the warm, orange light of his desk monitors. While he turned to glance down at you, you didn’t return the favor, and continued to stare at the slightly misty darkness below.
‘That’s what I asked boss, that is correct’ you replied.
Miguel grunted, his lip curling ever so slightly. He was trying to be polite, he really was, but he was regretting more and more letting Lyla hire someone to help out with the mundane chores around his office. Maybe if she’d just hired someone… quieter… this wouldn’t be such a hassle, but instead, he was stuck with you.
When you beamed up at him again, he pinched the bridge of his nose.
‘No puedo más’, he hissed under his breath, ‘no! No, I’m not a vampire.’ He was trying to speak diplomatically but the intensity in his voice remained, that sharp authoritative bark that usually made people listen.
‘It’s not an issue if you are, I don’t mind’ you said cheerily.
I don’t believe you, Miguel thought to himself, though he didn’t say it.
‘Oh, good. Great. Well, I’ll keep that in mind if we ever do become a real vampire, won’t I?’ Miguel replied in that slightly sarcastic tone.
‘Boss, I’m serious’ you said again, lightly rolling your shoulders as you lay back down across the floor of his floating desk. You could see his body above you, so lean and powerful, and yet you showed no fear or concern.
‘I’m just… curious’ you continued. ‘I’ve heard the other newer members saying it, and, you know. It’s an odd rumor if true.’
‘Who did you hear saying such things?’
His sharp tone made you flinch, and you awkwardly hunched your shoulders. ‘Uh- just, a few people’ you said, not wishing to snitch anyone out. ‘They mentioned it a few times, enough times for me to think it wasn’t just a joke. So, I wanted to ask. That’s all.’
‘Eso es ridículo… No, I’m not a vampire’ Miguel finally grunted, his sharp features glowing in the light of his monitors. ‘I have fangs, and red eyes, but not- that’s not because I’m a vampire.’
‘So, what did cause that?’ you piped up. ‘The uh- fangs, and stuff. Because nobody else here has those traits, right?’
Miguel’s eye twitched as he strained to be polite. ‘I was mutated with a spider. That’s why. No vampirism, nothing supernatural, just… spider.’
‘Riiggghhtt, but… Spiders are cannibals, right? Quite famously’ you replied smoothly. He hissed, his head spinning until you caught just a glimpse of his eye. It was burning red, almost glowing.
‘What do you- can we please stop this?’ he snapped.
You flinched only a little at his sharp retort. He was usually polite, and restrained, even when irritated, but that sudden burst of anger betrayed something more serious. You slowly raised your hands. ‘Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Really, I’m- sorry.’
Miguel curtly nodded and returned to his desk, but now he couldn’t focus. He couldn’t get it off his mind.
Could you tell? Could you somehow see his deepest, grossest inner thoughts? The thoughts he hated?
The instincts that made him salivate at the thought of soft flesh in his mouth, of licking the sweat aside and smearing the skin with venom to numb it, so their breath wouldn’t catch, so they wouldn’t scream, so he could feel that soft skin puncture and give way to his fangs, letting him in, letting him deep inside, filling his mouth with—
Miguel blinked himself back to reality. He glanced down; he’d gotten so carried away he’d sunk his claws into his desk, piercing right through the metal. He slowly retracted them.
Another reminder that he wasn’t human, he thought sourly.
But you didn’t scream or look at him in disgust. That’s what he was used to. Instead, you looked genuinely concerned. ‘Boss, hey, look I didn’t- I didn’t wanna upset you’ you said, keeping a low voice. ‘I was genuinely asking before, not in like a morbidly curious way, I just… I don’t know. I wanted to be, considerate, if that was the case. I wasn’t trying to be cruel.’
Miguel scowled. ‘Calling it a… vampire thing, or, implying I am a vampire, that… How is that not going to come across as cruel?’
‘Well vampire isn’t necessarily a bad thing’ you argued back, ‘I didn’t mean it like—’
His cold, sharp stare drew you to silence, and you pursed your lips.
‘No, you’re right. You’re right! You are, I’m- I’m sorry. I am, really.’
Miguel stared down at you as you apologized. His lip was still curled a little, his brows knotted, but they started to loosen when he saw the sincerity in your expression.
‘… I’m, not used to anyone not being morbidly curious’ he muttered quietly. ‘Or, disgusted, or afraid, or—’
‘Jesus! No, I’m not disgusted or afraid. I mean look! I’m here, on your platform, no escape. Eh? That’d be a weird thing for me to do if I thought you were an evil bloodthirsty beast.’
Your cheery tone and smile faded a little as he shot you another disapproving look, but this time he didn’t snap or turn away. Instead, he coughed into his fist, and began a very curt explanation.
‘Hm. Look, I was mutated with a spider, physically, and it… gave me some, unusual traits. More, primal traits, I guess. I’m not some rabid animal though.’
‘I know, I know. I never said rabid’ you replied, suddenly very eager that Miguel was actually responding. ‘Just… Do you, need to engage in certain types of, ‘consumption’ so to speak?’ you asked softly.
‘I don’t… Need to, I don’t think’ he muttered back, awkwardly swiping a few holograms aside. ‘But, it- the rumors come from the fact that, it gives me some… Urges.’
You nodded along slowly, trying desperately to manage your growing excitement. Yes, yes, urges. Urges. That’s why you were here.
‘Hm… Do you, get the urge to eat people, then? Or is that an unfair rumor?’ you asked, trying to keep it light and polite as you buried your desires down.
Miguel grunted softly. ‘… Sort of’ he murmured. ‘My instinct goes against my better nature, sometimes. So, I try to… keep them in balance.’
‘How so?’
Miguel swallowed. He shouldn’t be talking about this.
‘I, uh… I desire, certain, non-lethal things’ he murmured, speaking as stiffly and awkwardly as possible to cover up how he felt.
But you just kept pushing. You wanted more.
‘Right… So, for example… Biting?’ you said, whispering that last word ever so softly.
Just the word made Miguel almost involuntarily hiss. His spine arched by an inch and his hand balled itself into a fist as he fought to maintain control, to not act on his awful desire and snap his teeth and imagine that soft, soft, sweet neck in his maw-
‘R-Right. Yeah. Biting. You could say, biting is, appealing. But- I believe most, adults find some level of biting attractive’ he argued back.
‘Sure… Sure, I’d agree with that’ you murmured, your voice involuntarily slipping. You’d seen his slip, his flash of a fang, and now you wanted more. ‘I’d agree with that… But, some people are into, more, than just biting.’
Miguel tried so hard to not be obvious as his dark, glowering eyes moved down towards your body. The way you were sitting, the way you coyly arched your head to stare at the distant floor so you didn’t make eye contact
Were you… flirting? Was HE flirting?
‘Do they?’ Miguel murmured, slowly unbaling his fists. You could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head, like a mouse finally sensing a cat in the shadows, and the fear was exactly what you’d hoped it would be.
This was delicious. This was ecstasy.
‘Y-Yeah’ you replied softly, letting your voice deliberately drop. You heard his curious little grunt in response.
‘And what do you mean by that, exactly?’ he replied, his voice slow and sharp. You heard his accent slip out a little, as if he was holding something back. You swallowed hard.
‘Some people… Might be, interested, in your traits’ you replied.
‘How so?’
His persistent, sharp questions made your gut do flips every single time. He could almost smell your primal response, but he wanted more.
‘Some people… Might enjoy the idea of being bitten, like you said, just as much as you enjoy doing it.’
‘I never said I enjoy it.’
Your fists tightened on the edge of the floating office, as you forced your next statement out.
‘No… No, but, I also never asked’ you murmured.
The two of you went silent then, with nothing to fill the void but the slow dripping of water somewhere in the enormous cavern of his office.
‘… Do you enjoy biting?’ you asked after a minute or so. Miguel narrowed his eyes, but you caught him slowly licking his upper lip.
‘… Yes.’
You hid the instinctive shudder that went up your spine at that curt response, and instead asked another question. Keep going. Keep going. You’re so close.
‘Do you, like the idea of drinking blood?’
Miguel shivered as he came to stand behind you, his arms folded over his chest. He stared down at your head, breathing in that sweet scent. It took all his inner strength to now bend down and huff your nape.
‘Yes’ he replied softly. ‘I do.’
‘Do you have, preferences, for blood? Does some taste better than others?’
He managed to chuckle at that.
‘Yes. I’d say so.’
‘… Do you think I’d taste good?’
That question hung in the air like a physical weight, hot and heavy and thick. Miguel felt his muscles tense. He was like a cat in the long grass, instinctively crouching as it smelled the potential of prey.
Slowly he turned and glanced down at you, your body still perfectly perched on the rim of his floating office. You met his gaze without fear. You looked coy, perhaps, but… not afraid. You weren’t joking either.
He’d felt his own prey drive before, but he’d never seen his prey sitting, staring, meeting him with equally hungry eyes.
You watched Miguel lick his lower lip, flashing just an inch of fang. His keen senses picked up the way your body shivered at the sight. ‘…Oh, yes’ he whispered. ‘I think you would. I’d- need to smell you first though.’
Stop. Stop, what are you doing?! His brain screamed at him to withdraw, to cough and dismiss what he’d said as a bad joke, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Not when you shivered like that.
‘… You wanna smell?’ you murmured back, idly tilting your neck. He saw the soft gleam of your bare skin and had to swallow down his increased saliva.
‘… This is, incredibly unprofessional’ he whispered back. God, his voice was so deep. He sounded tortured.
‘I’m aware’ you replied in the same soft, tender voice. You were speaking like someone talking down an angry animal. ‘We can always stop, if you want. But the offer is on the table.’
Miguel was still only for a moment. As his resolve crumbled, he dropped to his knees beside you, his hand outstretched and his head tilted as he silently requested your cooperation. You obliged.
You bent your neck and tilted it to the side, giving him access to the fine hairs on your nape. You couldn’t help your breath hitching as you sensed his size at your back. Those glowing red eyes, the way he had to look down at you even on his knees.
He kept his eyes fixed on your own for as long as he could while leaning in, letting you see his intent right up until the warmth of his breath hit your neck. You shuddered, and in response, he purred.
You felt the tip of his nose hit your nape, and with a soft growl, he breathed in.
And then he moaned.
You shivered openly at the sound. It was deep, guttural, fully instinctual, and it only got worse when he saw your body respond. You felt his nose sliding up your neck and into your hair as his lips found your skin; they were full and warm, slightly rough on your soft flesh.
He paused there, huffing your hair, his eyes open just a slither to see how you responded. When you remained still, your lips parted and your own moan just barely tittering on your lips, he moved again.
He licked you. His large, flat tongue just barely flicked at your nape, tasting your flavor profile through the sweat beading on your skin, and he growled with approval.
‘Mm… Qué rico’ he whispered against your ear. ‘Yeah. You’d taste good. Real good… So, rich. I bet your blood is, thick.’
In that moment he lost any resolve he’d been trying to maintain, and he indulged. He whispered those filthy forbidden words against your skin between breathy kisses, and you took it all.
‘Mm… So thick… I bet if I pierced here, I wouldn’t even need to suck. Hng… y-yeah. Yeah, it’d just, slide down my throat, so warm, so sweet’ he moaned. 
‘Y-You just, wanna bite my neck?’ you whimpered. ‘Nothing else?’
‘Oh I’d bite everything’ he groaned. ‘Every little bit… But the neck, that’s my favorite. I want to feel your pulse, I want to feel you squirming. Mm…’
‘Y-You want me to squirm?’
‘Maybe just a little’ he cooed, almost crooning a little as he kissed your jaw. ‘But I want you to savor it. I want you soft, and still, and moaning. God, I want to feel that moan in your throat when I bite it. I want to taste it…’
‘Would you, rip it all out? Get too, frisky with it?’ you moaned back, your voice shaking with excitement.
‘Oh, I’d love to’ he hissed, another low groan echoing in his thick throat. ‘I’d tear into you like butter. It’d be too easy… Too easy… Just one, good bite, and you’d be nothing but flesh in my mouth. I’d have to drink you fast You’d be all mine, all mine.’
You let out a soft whimper and tried to turn, trying to face him, to see him.
‘Yes, please—’
You jolted to a stop as he grasped your nape, refusing to let you turn. He couldn’t allow it, at least, not now. He couldn’t let you see that he was rock hard, his erect cock straining almost painfully against his suit where he was trying to suppress it.
The smell, the softness, the taste… he couldn’t help it. He told himself he just couldn’t help it. Not when you moaned like that.
He held you steady, gripping your skin like a cat holding a kitten, and slowly he began to scent you again. He peppered kisses up and down your neck.
‘Mm… Shh, that’s it. That’s what you wanted, right, you little brat?’ he purred. ‘You just wanted to rile me up to get some—’
‘Would you… Would you eat me all at once?’ you blurted.
Miguel paused only briefly to glance at you, realizing that you wanted to keep going. You wanted to go further, not just with the physical play, but with the talk of eating. He felt almost a flicker of pride. He thought you’d drop his strange fetish the moment you got a little taste of his strength, his body, as everyone else did, but you… no. You really were different.
‘Oh, no, mi tesoro’ he whispered right into your ear. ‘No, no. I could. But that’d be a waste. You’re far too precious.’
You whined as he began sliding his tongue around the ridge beneath your ear, sliding up and then down to your neck, peppering kisses as he went. ‘I’d… I’d keep you going for as long as I could. My own little personal blood bank. I’d keep you in my private quarters, I think, and I’d chain you up above my bed, to keep the blood flowing, and… Oh, I’d indulge. I’d indulge in you. I’d drink from you until you were right on the verge of passing out, and then I’d let you recover, and then I’d do it again. Like you’re my cow, my little broodmare, my delicious little pet.’
At his response, you could hold back no longer. With no regard for professionalism you slid your hand down to your painfully swollen clit, still covered by your pants, and you circled it with one finger.
Miguel’s eyes widened so hard that the red glow began to reflect on your bare shoulder, drawing your gaze back to him. You locked eyes.
Miguel didn’t dare blink. He stared at your face, then your hand, then your barely covered crotch, then your eyes again. Your eyes moved from his face to his crotch, to the thick mass twitching beneath his suit. A low, barely discernible breath escaped his parted lips.
He raised his hand, and in front of your eyes, he grasped his own shaft, giving it a small, teasing stroke.
‘Slowly’ he whispered in that dark, husky voice. ‘Slowly… Eat you, slowly.’
‘Skin, and bone, and blood’ you whined back.
He groaned, hard, and you saw his cock fully twitch in his hand. With no resolve left he pressed to phase away his suit at the groin, allowing his hefty cock to fall free.
‘Skin and bone and blood and all.’
He hissed those words back as he fisted his own shaft in front of you. It was thick and curved, notably veiny, and you could see he was already profusely leaking. Either he was an extremely virile man or a pent-up one, and both thoughts excited you.
With a heavy breath you continued gently playing with yourself, letting him watch as his hard, calloused hand worked his girth back and forth.
‘Y-You could eat little pieces of me too’ you whimpered. ‘A finger, o-or my foot—’
‘Mm, foot. That’d be so greedy’ he moaned. His cock throbbed in your delicate grip. ‘Mm… I’d eat little pieces until you couldn’t escape me…’
‘W-Why would I ever want to escape?’
‘Oh, right. Right.’ Miguel purred as he spoke, suddenly fixing you with a slightly cocky, eerie smirk, flashing his fangs your way. He leaned in and watched as you melted.
‘You want this, right? You want that perfect, pretty body in my maw.’
You shuddered and moaned right against his face. As he continued to pant, as his lips parted to flash those thick, pearly canines, you leaned in and coyly let your tongue slip out. He released a low, curious growl in response, as if unsure of what you wanted.
He leaned closer, always moving slowly, and gently nipped your tongue with his fangs. A single, pearly drop of blood formed, causing him to groan. You moaned in response, but you weren’t satisfied with just that.
Instead, you leaned in closer too, and gently licked his fang. You ran your tongue along the smooth surface before coiling around to the curved underside of the tooth, licking at his slightly swollen venom glands until a little bit leaked out.
His eyes were wide as he felt you massaging him, milking him like a snake, taking those little drops and swallowing them down your gullet
It wasn’t enough to paralyze you, just enough to make you feel a little woozy and lightheaded. It tingled a little in your toes. It felt warm. You drank more.
Miguel watched for as long as he could before he was forced to break. Just the sight of you swallowing his venom, so soft and submissive, was almost enough to make him bust right then and there. He had to release his shaft to avoid stimulating himself too far.
‘Mm… mm…’
With a soft shudder his eyes closed, and he widened his jaw to let you in deeper. You obliged.
You continued like this, panting into each other’s mouths, your eyes both reflecting the same shared fantasy: one where you weren’t co-workers, one where you weren’t bound by appearances, where he could grab you by the nape and claw you body back up to his apartment where he’d fuck and lick and bite until you were barely coherent.
When you withdrew it was only because you were too close to orgasming, and you refused to stop the fun this quickly. Who knew when you’d get the chance again? So instead, you kept indulging.
‘W-What would be your favorite part to eat?’
Miguel almost purred at the thought, his tongue now eagerly tasting the saliva you’d left on his fang.
‘Mm… Your thighs’ he murmured dreamily. ‘Oh, I bet they’re delicious. So, soft, so… full. So rich. I couldn’t even save them for last. I’d eat them first…’
Without giving you a chance to reply he kissed you. You squeaked at first but quickly conceded, letting his rough, heavy lips crash into your own.
‘Taste so- fucking good, ah, mierda, muy rico’ he hissed between kisses, ‘me encanta, mm… tan suave.’
He gave you a few more hard, passionate kisses before grabbing your jaw and yanking it open, holding your lips open so his tongue could slip in. He was fisting his cock furiously now, with his tongue tasting every inch of your mouth and his claws digging into your skin. You just lay back and took it, feeling your climax growing closer and closer with every touch.
‘Mmm! Mm, so f-fucking good.’
When Miguel finally pulled back he was panting, and his lip was red. He’d bitten your lip so hard it’d started to bleed, and now he was almost angrily licking it up.
‘Mmm, yeah…’
His full tongue fell out and lapped at your neck, leaving a long, wet trail of saliva and venom across the skin.
‘Estás riquísimo, mm… te quiero.’
You didn’t even need to speak. It was like you both knew what the other wanted. Without words you swapped hands, with your fingers grasping his bare cock while his slid down your work pants and found your clit.
You both fell down onto the floor of his office and began to stroke the other, frantically pumping and circling as you both swelled and throbbed in near unison.
‘That’s it, that’s it. J-Just, think about my teeth under your skin’ Miguel groaned, his needy lips still sucking on your neck. You struggled not to scream. His fingers were huge, calloused and warm, and they felt like heaven as they slid between your lips and carefully massaged your swollen clit.
‘I’d pierce fast, so it didn’t hurt—’
‘NO, no, make it hurt’ you pleaded, your hips bucking up against his finger. His smirk widened.
‘Oh, you want it to hurt, huh? Putita/o? Me gusta el dolor…’
‘Y-Yes, fuck yeah, I bet you do—M-Make it hurt, god, make it hurt. Make it slow. Make me plead for it!’
‘Y-Yeah, yeah, beg for me’ he moaned, his cock twitching in your hand. You could feel his fangs rolling your skin as he licked at it, almost as if edging the possibility of sinking right in. ‘Mm, beg for it. I want you to beg me to eat you.’
‘Beg… Y-Yeah… P-Please, please, I want you to bite me’ you pleaded. ‘I-I want it, please—’
‘Oh, I’ll bite you’ he hissed, giving a teasing little nip to your neck. ‘I’ll bite you, and I’ll swallow, and I’ll do whatever I want with you. Every bit of flesh on your body is mine, your bones are mine, and I’ll do whatever the fuck I want with you.’
Your sweet, breathy moan gave him such a rush. Yes, yes, you wanted it. You wanted HIM.
‘You like that, eh? Puta/o? You want that?’ he hissed.
‘Y-Yeah… Yeah, yeah, all yours’ you panted back. ‘All yours…’
‘All mine. All mine. I’ll bite you, and I’ll taste you, but only ever when I’m inside you. I want you to feel me pumping you, feeling you, with my teeth in your neck. I want you to feel them both. I want you to know I’m in your body in every conceivable way. I’ll swallow you down and fill you with my love, mi tesoro, I’ll love you from your flesh to your blood to the marrow in your bones, I’ll worship every inch of your body, and I’ll make it all mine.’
He started to speed up as the heat of his own fantasy took over. Soon he was groaning into your ear, almost crying every sweet word as he massaged your clit. He was pumping his hips now, practically rutting into your hand.
‘I’ll fuck you while I drink from you’ he moaned, his voice now echoing through his office. ‘Y-Yeah. Little whore. Puta/o. I’ll love you, and I’ll use you. I’ll fuck you so hard, until you can barely walk, I’ll unload in this pretty little cunt until you can’t move, you’ll take every last drop, and I’ll sink into your neck when I cum and let your blood fill my mouth— This is mine¸ you’re all MINE—’
With a final shaky groan Miguel shuddered and nearly spasmed, and you realized he was about to finish. You leaned up and caught his tongue with your own, making eye contact as you open-mouth kissed right at the moment of climax
You both orgasmed nearly simultaneously, both filled with the same mental image of Miguel devouring your neck drop by drop.
Miguel’s cock strained and erupted, squirted thick rope after thick rope all over your lap and hand, a cascade of warm, rich cum so sticky it barely dripped. You, in turn, spasmed and throbbed against his two fingers, letting him hear your pleasure on his own tongue as those sweet, mewling whimpers filled his mouth. He ate them up.
You both throbbed and shuddered together before slowly collapsing into a messy, weak pile, with your clothes soiled and your skin damp with sweat. You withdrew from the kiss and held on to the taste of him in your mouth, and Miguel savored that taste like it was his last meal.
He even licked your spit from where it dangled between your lips, taking it right into his mouth. You whined at the sight.
‘Mm… M-Mmm’ he moaned softly, his eyes fluttering shut. ‘Dios mio… eso se sintió increíble.’
He slowly removed his hand from your pants and dreamily raised it to his lips, where he forced you to watch as he licked his fingers clean. You shivered at the sight of the hunger in his eyes, the way he treated your slick, viscous fluid like a sampling platter.
He treated you like you were delicious, like you were a privilege.
And then you opened his eyes and he looked down at you.
His eyes were all red now. No white, barely any black at all, just red. Red, hungry, predatory eyes, sensing only your pulse beating in your neck and your hot, heavy breath. He let out a guttural purr in the back of his throat.
You were exhausted, sweaty, broken. You couldn’t flee.
He lowered himself to your neck, and you lay back to oblige him.
Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat.
He needed it. He NEEDED it. He was starving, ravenous. He pinned your chest with one clawed hand and moved his lips to your neck.
Eat. Eat. Take. Eat. Take. Eat.
He licked your jugular, feeling your pulse rapidly increasing. He could smell your sweat, he could smell your excitement. Your hand weakly stroked his chest, bidding him to continue.
He opened his maw.
Eat. Take. Fuck. Eat. Take. Fuck. Eat!!
He snapped his jaw open, his fangs extending. He sank them into just the first layer of skin on your neck, and then—
‘Hey, Miguel!’
Both you and Miguel froze on the precipice of pleasure, with his fangs just barely piercing the skin. You knew that voice well enough, and Miguel knew it even better. That was Peter B.
Miguel scowled, his face contorting into a series of angry lines as his eyes burned. He was alight with crimson fire, almost trembling with rage. For a moment he closed his eyes and leaned in closer, as if willing to test Peter’s resolve and see whether he’d just assume Miguel was busy and leave, but unfortunately, his hope was short-lived.
Miguel withdrew and snapped in less than a second, causing you to flinch. You could have sworn you heard Peter flinch too, even all the way down there at the base of the office.
‘We got an emergency call, one of the new guys needs help with an anomy.’
‘No chingues… No me estes jodiendo’ Miguel spat under his breath, before finally pulling away from your neck with extreme reluctance. He had to wipe the growing spittle from his lip where he’d been salivating, smearing green venom across his jaw. You just lay where you were, too overwhelmed to move and too worried you might set him off again.
‘I have to go’ he grunted as he rose to his feet. You watched him phase his full suit back on, covering his bare cock again, which reminded you to glance down at your own utterly soiled clothes.
‘R-Right…’ you murmured back. ‘I, um… Look, I—’
Your attempt to speak was cut short as Miguel bent down and roughly grasped your collar, drawing you up to his face. You felt his lips brush your ear, and into it, he hissed.
‘You will be here, waiting, when I get back. Do you understand me?’ he breathed, almost spitting with intensity. A low, hedonistic groan escaped your lips, one you barely managed to stifle.
‘Mm…. M-Mmhm, mmhm, I understand’ you whispered back.
He gave a single, approving grunt before dropping down from his desk into the open air, his terrifying body vanishing into the dark and the mist.
You stayed where you were, panting and trying to figure out how you could clean the cum from his clothes before he returned.
Though… Then again, from the way he was talking, he probably didn’t want you clean. You felt your face growing warm at the thought.
No. He probably wanted to add more.
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pinkyqil · 8 hours
Baby it raining outside // lia wälti x r
A/n: hope y'all enjoy the fic feel free to send in requests or your opinions about the fics have written so far, obviously the way leah is described in the fic doesn't mean she acts like this in rl hope you enjoyed reading.
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One thing you and lia could agree on was that you both hated the rainy days. the sound and smell of it especially how the humidity changes whenever it rains.
so today both of you decide to spend it indoors seeing you both didn't have anything scheduled even.
though you don't enjoy rainy days. it was the best days to wacht movies and snuggle up and drink some hot coco. seeing that was today's plans.
As you where finishing up setting things down lia came into the room looking like she's seen a ghost.
"What's up with you wälti". you asked her with a teasing tone.
"Nothing babe".she said not making eye contact while fidgeting with her hands.
"Do you really expect me to belive that so last time what's going on".
"Please don't be mad I might have agreed for leah to join us tonight".
"And why might that be". you asked with your hands going through your hair. it wasn't that you hated leah. it's just that it was quite obvious that she liked lia and would always try to intervene with you and lia's relationship which you hated.
You could stand her little crush cause lia was yours not hers. but her butting in on your dates together was starting to get you.
"She called me asking if I had any plans saying she was lonely and I just offered for her to join us".
"Can't she make her own plans and why would you invite her". You we're all irritated at the thought of leah interrupting yet another moment between you and your girlfriend.
"I'm sorry baby i promise to make it up too you" she said looking sorry.
"Whatever when is she coming?". You asked
"She should be he-".interrupted by the sound of the door bell ringing.
"Looks like she's here already".
"I'll get the door". lia told you
"Make sure she takes of her shoes and dries herself off I don't need spect of rain around our home". You told her
"Don't worry I will". She said before going to open the door.
Hearing there footsteps as the headed down to the living room you could hear leah giggling about something. Sometimes you felt wiping whatever smile was on her face whenever she was around lia.
The movie went well expect when Leah tried getting closer to lia and kept complaining about the movie best part of your day was when she left you could finally have your girlfriend to yourself instead of williamson being all over her.
"I'm sorry for how she was acting tonight".lia said trying to apologize.
"Obviously I'm not okay with her being here today but next time give me a heads up whenever she calls especially if on our date night". you told her
"So do you forgive me?".
"Of course I do could never be at you for that long". you told her as you pulled her in for a deep kiss.
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theseventyfive · 3 days
I had a really bad morning yesterday and I just want Matty cuddles
His voice in acoustics is so calming🥺🥺🥺
hey! i’m so sorry this took me forever to write, i’m not great at fluff but i hope you enjoy it anyway and that you’re doing better now!
warnings: none, just fluff (some cursing, this is matty after all)
The rain patters softly against the window, rousing you gently from sleep. The room’s still dark and your sheets are warm as you pull them up over your bare shoulder, nuzzling further into your pillow.
For a while all you can hear is the rain, and you try to let it lull you back to sleep, trying not to focus on the empty space beside you.
It’s been a long three months, but you know that in just a few more days he’ll be back. Your heart clenches immediately at the thought, as if trying to expel the longing ache of missing him that rises in your chest whenever you think of him.
You’re not sure how much time has passed, but you’ve almost slipped completely back to sleep when you hear it.
Tires crunching over the gravel driveway beneath your window.
Your eyes shoot open, and you grip the sheets tighter. Headlights seep in through the slats in the blinds, soft streaks of orange light illuminating the room.
You sit up and pause, listening as the engine shuts off and a car door open and closes.
Footsteps on the gravel get closer, then you hear the jangle of keys and the click of the lock.
“Matty?” You whisper outloud to yourself, pulling back the bedcovers and climbing out. By the time you make it to the top of the stairs, he’s standing at the bottom.
Your eyes well up immediately at the sight of him. He’s clearly jet-lagged and tired from the flight, messy hair and stubbled jaw and weary eyes that spark back to life when he sees you.
Your bottom lip wobbles as you speak, and he smiles softly up at you.
“Wha— I… What are you doing here right now?” You gasp, tears rolling down your cheeks as he drops his bags as his feet, taking the stairs two at a time to reach you.
Your arms are outstretched to pull him into you the minute he’s in front of you, face buried in the crook of his neck as you cry. His arms are wound tightly around you, hitching you up until your toes are barely skimming the hardwood floor as you cling to him. He’s pressing kisses into your hair and against your temple, arms unwrapping themselves from around you to take hold of your face, thumbs swiping at your tears.
“Heard my girlfriend was really fuckin’ miserable without me.” He tries to quip, but you can see that his eyes are glassy too. “Thought I’d better get back before she kicked off.”
He presses a kiss to your forehead, and your tired, wet eyes fall closed with an exasperated laugh. Both your hands are gripping his forearms as he keeps hold of your face, kissing over your wet cheeks before he brushes his nose against yours and nudges you, foreheads pressed together as your eyes open to meet his.
“I really fuckin’ missed you, baby.”
You nod, because it’s really all you can manage to do at this point as your hands find their way to the back of his neck, fingers tangling in his curls as you pull his mouth down to meet yours.
It’s harsh, your lips firm and desperate against his at first, and you feel his hold on you tighten as he drops a hand to your waist and pulls you flush against his front. It feels like a lifetime but it only lasts a few seconds before Matty is slowing the pace, and you can tell he’s trying to savour the moment.
When you finally, reluctantly accept your need for air, you pull your mouth from Matty’s, but he chases your lips with his own. He pouts briefly as you pant and turn your face away from him, before he realises you’re using your palm against his cheek to redirect his kisses to your newly exposed neck until you can catch your breath.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He breathes against your throat, right below your ear and it sends a scattering of goosebumps across your body.
“Me too. So much, you have no idea.”
Matty mumbles a protest against your neck between kisses, when suddenly you remember what he had said earlier.
“Matty?” You ask, and he hums but doesn’t stop kissing you, making his way up to your jaw.
“You didn’t come early because of the other night, right?”
The other night, when you’d had a really shitty day at work followed by an argument with your parents over the fact that you’d moved hundreds of miles away from home to be with a boyfriend who wasn’t even home for half the year. Matty had called about an hour after you’d gotten off the phone with them, and he could tell right away that you weren’t okay. You assured him that you were fine, that your parents were just being overprotective and still adjusting to not having you so close by. He suggested that you have a bath, a glass of wine from his special stash and throw on one of his hoodies until he was back to wrap you up in his arms for real.
And that was exactly what you did… before you cried yourself to sleep, but he didn’t need to know that part. You had woken up the next day to a knock on the door, and when you opened it, it was a delivery man holding the most beautiful bouquet of flowers you’d ever seen. There was no note (Matty didn’t believe that the words counted as romantic if he couldn’t hand write them himself), but you knew they were from him regardless.
Now, his hands are cradling your face again, tilting your chin up to look at him. He considers lying to save upsetting you, but he knows you’d be able to tell anyway. He’s an awful liar, and he hates doing it, too.
“It wasn’t just that—“
“Matty! You had work to do, I don’t want to be getting in the way of that—“
“You’re not getting in the way of anything, babe. Don’t be daft. I knew you were struggling with the distance but I was too. I hate the thought of you here on your own and I’m sick of fuckin’ hotel rooms and not seeing you everyday. So yeah, I decided to fuck off home a few days early. S’not a big deal, promise.”
Your fingers fiddle with the curls at the back of his neck as you bite down on your bottom lip to suppress another wave of tears, and he nudges your cheek with his nose.
“You know, this was suppose to make you happy. Instead I’ve got you crying on the staircase at fuckin’ 2 in the morning.” He chuckles, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips and he feels you smile. “I don’t want you to be upset anymore, baby. Please.”
Your wrap your arms around his neck tighter so you can reach his lips properly, pressing a lingering kiss there before you reply.
“I am happy. So happy, I promise. I just hide it really well, apparently.” You laugh against his lips, kissing him again as he wipes away the last of your tears.
“Thank fuck for that.” He sighs sarcastically, returning the kiss. “Can we go to bed now? I don’t know about you, but I’m knackered.”
You’ve already climbed back into bed, seeking out the remaining warmth that lingered in the sheets while Matty had a quick shower and brushed his teeth.
You’re still awake when he shuts off the light and climbs into bed behind you, wrapping his arm around your front and pulling your back flush against his chest until he’s cuddled into you as close as he can. He kisses over your bare shoulder, up your neck and across your jaw, whispering sweet nothings against your skin until you turn your head over your shoulder so he can kiss your lips.
“I love you.” He whispers, the room dark and quiet, save the rain still pattering against the window. “So much.”
“I love you, too.” You whisper back, and for the first time in three months, you fall asleep to the sound of Matty’s soft breaths and steady heartbeat, rather than the rain outside.
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ratherembarrassing · 2 days
alright pals, it's time for some rhaenicent fic recs, as asked for by literally 10s of you. here are nearly 500k words of things that have made me kick my heels with joy.
(for the full list of things i've liked enough to think someday i might like to find it again, see here.)
you don't know what love is (if you don't put up a fight) by tansymeadows. 144k, E. technically not finished, but the first 14 chapters feel like a complete story. rhaenyra returns just in time for viserys' death, alicent doesn't back aegon and instead rhaenyra is crowned queen. visenya lives, daemon takes his leave, and rhaenyra courts the dowager queen through the process of succession. the slowest slow burn to ever burn. there is so much plot, a whole-ass war, and they're so ridiculously in love. this fic is why it took me so long to finish compiling this list, because i sat and reread every single delicious word, because it circles back and forth all over their history in a way that just askjdhas. i've read this twice now and even just flipping through it to write this up is trying to suck me back in.
i dwell in possibility by ladybundle / @ladybundle. 29k (2 part series). viserys doesn't die and rhaenyra returns to king's landing. visenya lives, aegon dies, and alicent in this is the most tortured lesbian while they mend their relationship. i really dig the whole vibe of the writing in this, which feels very in character, if that makes sense for the vibe of a fic rather than just a character. the second fic is the origin of the 'alicent hightower's belated sexual awakening' tag i started using, which is a category of fics that i enjoy very, very much.
you'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream by rosiep8801/ @rosehathaways-sidepiece. 12k, M. another one where viserys doesn't die and rhaenyra returns to king's landing, this time one in which they wholeheartedly and rabidly throw themselves into sorting their shit out, as they share a bed over and over each night as they battle through their issues. this one has my favourite iteration of the traditional alicent hightower learns of the female orgasm scene.
cleopatra by dontaskmedude. 52k, E. this one appears on every rec list i've ever seen, and rightfully so. kicks off with the weirwood scene in 104, and runs from there, a lovely alternate reality where alicent/rhaenyra/laenor/joffrey live the next 20-odd years in relative peace. this one smashes me in the feelings.
where fire and ice meet by wariangle. 41k, 4 part series, E. pre-series through to rhaenyra's ascension, everything's the same except she refuses to marry or have children. it's okay though, because she has a plan. i am deeply obsessed with "and they were two queens through machinations" fic. alicent in this is my actual fave, she's so spiky; the final fic in the series, although actually deeply sad, has a premise that makes me howl with laughter because obviously alicent hightower, lesbian with a wife for 20 years, would also be a massive homophobe.
not on the last day by revans_mask. 48k, E. alicent goes with otto to meet with rhaenyra and offer terms, and while she's there she slips rhaenyra a message. there are a couple of beats in this that are so romantic i clutched at my chest.
keep the promise in your mouth by iwantthemtostay / @iwantthemtostay. 87k, E. technically not finished, but only missing an epilogue. the closest thing to AU on this list; rhaenyra is barren, alicent has four daughters, and when viserys dies while rhaenyra is away from westeros, daemon takes the crown. when she returns, he forces alicent and rhaenyra to marry each other for reasons. as the summary says, they make the best of it. this fic makes me insane, it's so dreamy.
ride the dragon (do it quickly) by molter / @molter-writes. 36k, unrated. in the free real estate between 106 and 107, viserys sends rhaenyra and alicent to do some politicking in the north. alicent cannot stand the cold, so what is rhaenyra to do but share her bed to keep her warm. alicent is so angry about it.
thine is the queendom by liadrell / @lesbianalicent. 11k, M. the only non-ship fic on this list. an alicent character piece set in the free real estate between 105 and 106, and deal with the absolutely batshit fact that alicent was pregnant with daeron at the same time rhaenyra was pregnant with jace in a way that made me sad as fuck tbqh.
daughters of the dragon by DMCMercy. 14k, M. the kiddos patch things up with alicent's first pregnancy, kicking off what is not at all secretly one of my favourite categories of early canon divergence: alicent's other husband rhaenyra.
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cyberrfangs · 3 days
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“I THINK” — . . . Tyler, The Creator ♬
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:
How he acts while he has feelings for you. Includes how he acts before and during the time in which the two of you have finally gotten together.
WARNINGS: male!reader, use of Y/n
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
I feel like I can see him just not shutting up about you. Like, EVER.
IT’S to the point where his brothers just tune him out the very second he starts one of his rants about you.
The triplets had just gotten back from the store, just needing to pick up a few things for an upcoming video.
A few bags of items fell onto the counter, some of the objects toppling out from the bags and onto their counters. One of them happened to be a candy that you enjoyed.
“Oh, Y/n loves these! I actually found that out when…” Nick started to ramble on about you. Receiving a groan and a sigh from the other two boys, this being something that happened one too many times in a day, according to both Matt and Chris.
DON’T even get me started on how clingy and touchy he would be with you.
I can see him always having an arm slung around you or having your hands locked together, him just never getting sick of that tingly feeling whenever he comes in contact with you.
HE just wants to show you off in any way he can now that you're his.
TAKING pictures and posting them with you, holding your hands in public, always talking about you, etc, etc…
CUDDLES with him are a NEED.
STILL just as clingy as before, if not more now.
THOUGHT his hand-holding was excessive before? Just take a look at how it is now.
BUT, he would not hesitate to stop if you asked for some space or just to not be touched.
HE would still find a way to work you into the conversation. No matter what it might be.
OF course, only if it would be appropriate at that time.
OVERALL just the best best boyfriend ever.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:
SORRY for no updates recently, I really don’t have an explanation other than I just never found the time or energy to write.
I really REALLY want to write a series for Nick but I have no idea what to write it abt😓 (GIVE ME IDEAS/SEND IN REQUESTS PLEASE)
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samoankpoper21 · 3 days
MTL to date a plus size person - Shiratorizawa Academy
A/N: This is a REPOST!! I didn't like how the first one came out so I decided to revamp, rewrite, and edit, edit, edit this post. Took me forever but we finally made it y'all 🥲 Again these are based off of my opinion/what my gut fupa tells me 🤣 I am also writing from a chubby!/plus size! POC reader POV. All of them are aged up/of legal consenting age. Also in celebration of the fact that the Haikyuu! movie hit theaters in the USA yesterday!! Enjoy~!!
Content Warnings: some cursing, suggestive smut, fat shaming if you squint really hard, small mention of someone attempting to unalive themselves
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Ushijima Wakatoshi: I don't know why but I FEEL IN MY GUT that this mans loves him some THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQQQQQQQQQQ women. He's a big boi so he loves him a thiccccc partner. He loves squeezing your love handles and playing with your thighs, it's his stress reliever. The softness of your skin when he kneads it with his rough, course hands instantly relaxes him. You got cellulite? He doesn't care. Got stretch marks? Baby he'll kiss and trace 'em. Fupa? UGH HE LOVES THE PUDGE. One thing he cannot stand is how sometimes you let society's beauty standards dictate whether he should be with you, he finds it frustrating how you get lost in your head and start comparing yourself to the women you see via ig. He's always encouraged you letting you know IF your weight really bothered you then he would continue to support you by being your gym partner. Regardless please let this man continue to support you physically and emotionally because he will. The sound of the TV only served as background noise, Wakatoshi's head nestled on your tummy as your left fingers ran through his hair, your right hand holding your phone. You were scrolling through instagram a flurry of women similar in age popping up on your feed toting their tiny waist, wide hips, huge tits, and even bigger ass. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! It was Wakatoshi's dm's going off. Staring in amusement at his sleeping form you chuckled. How could he sleep through all of that? Switching into his account you figured maybe it was Tendou sending him pictures from Paris. He had tons of unopened messages from women, his requests way past 50+. The most recent sender caught your eye, your eyebrow arching up, a slight frown forming. It was from a former classmate named Hana, your memories of her unpleasant. Regardless of the fact that she knew you and Wakatoshi were together in high school she still tried to get him alone, persuading him how much of a better partner she would be instead of you. Back then Wakatoshi just ignored her blatantly telling her, "I'm with Y/N." You clicked on her profile silently gasping; you hated to admit it but she looked amazing, her pictures garnering thousands of likes and comments. Most of her profile were pics of her showing of her "natural body" from working out, the men in her comments thirsty. You tried to switch back to your account but the phone slipped causing you to quickly catch it before it hit your face. Letting out a sigh of relief you glanced at your screen semi panicked, you had just opened Hana's message. >>Wakatoshiiiiiiiii (7:35:06PM) >>Wakatoshi heeeeeeeyyyyy (7:35:10PM) >>I'm talking to you (7:35:20PM) >>I know you see my messages Toshi-kun (7:35:40PM) >>Wow you're really going to ignore me? (7:36PM) >>You're really going to ignore me for that fat bitch 🤣 (7:36:15PM) >>She doesn't' deserve you (7:36:25PM) >>You deserve to be with a REAL woman (7:36:40PM) >>Sends tit pic (7:37PM) >>Like what you see baby? (7:37:20PM) >>Let me take care of you like a real woman should (7:37:35PM)
Love? you hadn't realized Wakatoshi stir in his sleep. "O-oh Ushijima." He frowned at the use of his family name, noticing you averting his gaze. "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to it's just your notifications kept going off like crazy and I thought it was Tendou sending you something-" Wakatoshi gently peeled the phone away from your hand peering at the screen, his frown deepening. He sighed typing out his reply: 'Hana, I do not appreciate you sending me such pictures and calling the love of my life, my wife, 'fat'. I suggest you take anti-harassment classes or cyber bullying classes. Don't ever reach out to me again. P.S. A real woman knows that she doesn't always have to resort to using her body to get a man." After he sent that to her, he blocked her, closed his eyes, and deeply sighed. "Ushijima, are you...are you mad at me?"
"I can never be mad at you love. Frustrated, yes. You aren't calling me by my first name or the other names you call me."
"O-oh." you nervously chuckled. He sat up pulling you against him so that you were straddling him, his hard cock pressing into your clothed pussy causing you to gasp. His hands were softly running up and down your thighs, he leaning forward so that your foreheads touched. "Y/N," his gruff baritone voice called out. "I only have eyes for you. I just wish you saw yourself the way I see you."
"I do baby! It's just that sometimes," he shifted his hips causing a delicious friction taking your breath away making it hard to concentrate. "I-I get discouraged when I see -ngh- pics like that." He was kissing the sensitive spot on your neck that he knew would make you weak, submit to his desires. His right hand was squeezing and kneading your thigh, the left gripping your ass. "You are all I need. Rolls and all. I wouldn't have it any other way." Chuckling you kissed the tip of his nose, Wakatoshi's hips never faltering in the way it rolled against your aroused cunt. "I love you Toshi." "I love you too."
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Tendo Satori: There's something aesthetically pleasing when you see a big girl/guy with a skinny/lean/muscular partner 😊 It just works okay? Again I feel it in my gut that this man LOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEESSS THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQQQQQQQ WOMEN 😊 He's had to learn/adapt on his own to ignore the scrutinizing, judgmental stares due to him being a monster he has a monster cock there's no persuading me of otherwise so when he meets you being confident in your skin and owning the fact that yes you are "fat" he can't help but fall for you. ⚠️UNINTENTIONAL MANGA SPOILER⚠️ Satori becomes a chocolatier in Paris. When it comes to sex he's mid key heavy on the food play: he loves drizzling chocolate, white chocolate, whipped cream, or caramel on his partner's thighs, tits, and tummy; loves watching you squirm as you watch him slowly lick all the sticky, sweet ingredients off his favorite meal. "Ma chérie," he purred. "I made a new recipe and would love for you to try it."
"Of course love. You know I can never resist your chocolates. What's the occasion?"
"Valentine's Day is around the corner and the baker wanted me to create a small chocolate snack with a...punch." Punch? Knowing Satori he wouldn't outright tell you what that 'punch' was. "I hope you're not trying to kill me this time love."
"Never that ma douce," He kissed the top of your head as he set a saucer of small, dainty, assorted chocolate squares in front of you. "Enjoy." He smirked. Taking the milk chocolate you popped it into your mouth savoring the sweetness as it melted; you popped a dark chocolate square moaning as the sweet, strawberry jelly like custard gushed into your mouth. "Mmmmmmm mon bébé these are sooooooo goooood."
"Careful now love," He cooed with his back turned to you. "Those are aphrodisiacs." You nearly spit out the third piece you were on. Fuck it. "Is it working?" He asked shyly. You couldn't deny the embarrassing amount of wetness that was gathering in between your legs, your body heat rapidly rising. "Love?" Your quietness caused him to worry, turning around to find that you were no longer sitting at the table, your shared bedroom door slightly open. "Love?" Poking his head inside slightly he smirked to find you panting, lying on the bed naked with your legs spread, your sweet essence already dripping on the sheets. "Oh lo lo lo, so it works hmm?"
"If you don't shut up and fuck me right now Tori."
"Of course mon petit monstre."
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Semi Eita: I'm not gon lie I kept overlooking this man but my gut kept going back to him. I am convinced that this man likes his women chubby 😊 Random but I saw this youtube short where they were simping over Semi's hands and I have not been the same since 🤣 His aloof nature allows him to tell people off when they disrespect you or if he feels that you are uncomfortable; however his aloofness is also his downfall sometimes 😅
Admittedly you didn't have the typical build of a body guard, standing at 5', 2" weighing at 250 pounds the academy doubted you: how can this fat chick be able to protect someone? Will she be able to withstand and withhold big crowds? You proved that despite your short height and heavy build you were strong, resilient; the academy calling you Little Ox. The academy had assigned you and 2 other male guards, Yuuji and Rito, to assist a famous band, the lead singer scoffing at you. "This puny thing is supposed to keep the crazy fans away?"
"Don't doubt her Kaku-san" your teammate Yuuji defended. "She has skill and talent, made it fair and square like the rest of us."
"Tch. Just make sure she doesn't get lost in the sea of fans." Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you took note of the shaved headed drummer named Namio, the long haired bassist Kouki and the stoic, handsome, guitarist Semi with headphones around his neck.
As the band made their way through the airport from South Korea, fans immediately swarmed towards them pushing and shoving trying to get through. One intimidating look from you and an extension of your arm caused the fans to slow down, Kaku's eyebrow raised. Yuuji flanking from the back smirked at Kaku's reaction. That reaction was short lived as you noticed an individual moving at an intense speed towards the group from your direction. "Little ox!" Yuuji yelled. Everything happened in a blur: you hit the assailant's forearm knocking the knife out of their grasp, pulled them towards you, threw them over you shoulder slamming their body down, your knee to their back twisting their arm pinning it. Everything went quiet except for the assailant's labored breathing. "Let me go! Let me go!" he screamed.
"Y-N chan! Are you ok?" Rito asked.
"I'm fine. Oi!" you gently slapped the side of the assailant's head. "I'm giving you one minute to explain yourself. After the minute is up I will break your arm."
"I'm not talking to you! You just got lucky to catch me!" Your hold on his arm tightened and twisted further as you continued to count down. "59...58...57...56...55..." the assailant screamed, cursing at how you're hurting him.
"L-let him go." Kaku pleaded. Kaku shivered at the cold, distant expression you gave him. "45...44...43...42...41...40..." She truly is a monster Kaku thought to himself.
"Aaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh! This is all Kaku's fault!"
"Ever since that stupid guy announced he was dating that celebrity my sister has been so depressed! Are you really okay with one of your fans dying?!"
"Oi, did Kaku-san hold a gun to your sister's head and tell her to die? You think hurting this man will help your sister? She needs professional help. You're just trying to find someone else to blame because you don't want to help. Stop living like this." The man broke down sobbing, you sighing. "Rito -."
"Security's beside you Little Ox." Turning slightly you nodded your head easing off of the sobbing man, grateful that Rito, a man of few words, was always a step ahead.
"Y-Y/N-san-" Kaku began."
"Please refrain from intervening. That'll make my and your job easier. You asked whether I was able to protect you guys, withstand a crowd? This is enough proof right?"
"Rito! Yuuji!"
"Let's continue shall we?" the walk to the van was quiet, Semi taking note of your full figure: your blazer a bit tight around your middle section, the way your love handles poked out, your ass sticking out of your black slacks. He sensed the dominant aura emanating from you the moment he laid eyes on you but found it thrilling to experience how much of a hold you had over your teammates. Semi isn't one to be submissive but he knew you could be submissive and that made the blood rush to his cock. He couldn't help as his imagination ran wild: you laying on his bed panting in all your naked glory, your tummy scrunching up, begging him to fuck you; Semi's long, thick, calloused fingers from years of playing guitar thrusting into your glistening cunt; Semi grabbing your hips slowly thrusting into you from behind as you pleaded with him to fuck you faster, harder. He needed release.
As the weeks went by Semi would observe you silently: admiring the way you carried yourself, how analytical and precise you were when it came to ensuring the venue they were performing at was safe and that no one could get through. He found himself drawn to you, falling for you. One day before a music show performance Semi found that his feelings for you were overflowing, bubbling over; that if he didn't express how he felt then and now he would go insane. Pulling you to the nearest staircase he trapped you between his arms, your eyebrow arching. "Mr. Semi, why are you trapping me in between your arms like so?"
"If I don't do this now I know I'll regret it for the rest of my life."
"What are you-"
"I like you." You could feel your face heating up as a million thoughts swept through your mind: was I that obvious? Did he catch on? I thought I was being careful with my facial expressions? Did I stare at him too long? His thumb swiped at your cheek bringing you out of your reverie. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Biting your lip, tears threatening to spill over, fists clenched, you answered. "Semi-san, if you're only teasing me then I suggest you stop. This is going too far."
"I'm not." He firmly set. Looking up you saw the unwavering emotion in his eyes. You still couldn't believe that Semi had feelings for you, he never showed the slightest bit of interest; always politely saying good morning and making sure to let you pass first, you getting a whiff of his cologne. "But I'm..." you carefully whispered.
"I'm bigger than you."
"You don't mind?"
"I could care less if you're bigger than me. I fell for you not your body." Letting a moment of silence pass he asked, "Wait...do you not like me back?"
"No, no I'm sorry. I do. I like you. A lot."
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Reon Ohira: Much like Semi Semi I struggled (I wasn't trying to be biased what with the community/culture I grew up around). He's literally the fine, thin line holding one from crossing into the least likely to date a plus sized individual - it may be because the anime doesn't really focus on him 🥲 or the fact that I don't know much about him 🥲😅 If I'm wrong please tell me 😅 In regards to Reon it's a loud, low hum when it comes to him; like I feel that he would appreciate the fluffiness of a plus sized individual. He's known to be the person to calm the team down/center them so I can imagine that his partner would be a little feisty in comparison to him.
Standing in line for a funnel cake you and your husband Reon Ohira were merely enjoying each other's company, conversation ebbing and flowing smoothly. Standing on your tiptoes you pouted. "Babeeee," you whined. "What's taking so long?"
"Well hunn we're at a carnival. There's bound to be a long line for sweets." He pecked your forehead and continued to stare ahead. Taking this time your eyes slowly swept over his features: prominent brows, sharp nose, pointed ears, tanned skin, the veins snaking down his forearm, the intricate design of it on his hands always turned you on. You were about to stand on your tiptoes again to whisper something raunchy until a hard bump against your shoulder caused you to stumble. Turning quickly to catch the offender you yell out, "Hey!" Ohira, arms snaking around your plump waist already trying to steer you in, calm you down. The man turned around to stare at you blankly, phone in hand. "Maybe you should get off your phone while walking."
"Sorry. Must'n have seen ya."
"How the hell you miss my big ass?"
"Babe," Ohira hissed. The man smirked and agreed. "You're right, how could've I missed someone taking up so much space?" Ohira lengthened to full height booming, "I don't appreciate you talking to my wife like that. I understand that you have your own preferences but disrespecting my wife is unacceptable." The murmurings of the crowd caused the man to feel uncomfortable, his face turning beet red. "Tch." He swiveled around and stomped off. "Are you okay love?"
"You know I coulda handled it."
"Absolutely not. Someone disrespects you they're disrespecting me."
"Okay daddy." You smirked knowing the effect that word alone had on him. Feigning innocence you snaked your arms around Ohira's waist, making sure to press your boobs against the lower part of his chest tightly so that it would push up against him, looking up at him with doe eyes. He groaned when he saw how big your eyes were. "Behave bunny." he warned.
"What are you talking about? I am behaving." You pressed yourself tighter to him pouting, making sure to "adjust" your chest, Ohira's grip on your waist tightening. "Do I need to fuck that attitude out of you bunny? Smirking you answered with, "After we get that damn funnel cake."
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pluralismajestatis · 2 days
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( send me a Pride Month prompt or I'm replacing you, the reader, with ChatGPT. )
@bonesandbolts / AO3 link
“Come on, I can’t believe this…” The woman brushed back her dark hair, reaching just underneath her bony shoulders revealed partially from underneath her loose, wide-necked shirt. Its sleeves were crumpled up above her elbows, exposing lengths of pale arm, ending in bony wrists and slender hands, one ring on her left index finger and one on the thumb, then another on the right index finger, with a loose brass bracelet to accompany it.
She was giving her phone's screen a despairing stare.
Tim was glancing at her from underneath his cascade of curly hair covering that side of his face. The other, exposed by the undercut, felt cold under the pub’s aircon.
“Who the hell would pass up on a snack like me…? I thought I had it this time. Goddamnit…”
She clearly didn’t know that she was being heard, or seen, by anyone. Tim might as well have been air to her. No matter; he was good at coming out of the shadows. Even now, the way he slid his body around until his knee was facing her and his lap was revealed from underneath the shadows of the counter, the way he relaxed onto the elbow of his right side - he looked natural, and he knew it. He’d been here a thousand times.
“Oh, yeah. Guess I must have hit up a whole haunted house, this is the third time in - doesn’t matter,” she sighed, finally giving him a look. It seemed to change her mind about something, and Tim enjoyed that. He straightened his spine and cocked a brow.
“No way,” he said with an exaggerated look of surprise on his features. “Damn, they don’t know what they’re missing out on.”
“Yeah, right. A cocktail of sweet summer fun and a gallon of bad memes,” the woman half-laughed, half-grunted. She had a faint blush on her cheeks.
“Does that cocktail have a name? I’m Tim, by the way. Short for Timothy. And you can call me whatever you’d like.”
She examined him, and Tim knew she was trying hard to make up her mind about him. He was putting up a good pose, a relaxed, cocky head tilt, letting the soft bump of his lower belly press up against the loose shirt over his otherwise long frame. His fingers, littered with freckles this time of the year like the clothes of a spray painter were marked with collateral, headed for the sharp bumps of his collarbones. His shirt, between hot pink and a shade of fleshy purple, didn’t quite match the way hers hung over her shoulders, but left little to imagination as it was.
“Alice,” she said hesitantly, grinning, “Tell me, what’s a snack like you doing here all alone?”
“Same as you, looks like,” Tim chuckled and gave it a defeated half-shrug. “I was gonna meet someone but they didn’t turn up, and now I’m washing away the pain with piña colada and regret.”
“So it’s just us, then,” Alice noted.
“Snacks and cocktails with no buyers in sight. Seems like,” Tim confirmed.
“Waste of my money, really,” Alice pointed out. “Since I didn’t come here to pay for my own drinks.”
“Funny, because neither did I.”
“Oh, damnit. I was hoping for a Prince Charming.”
“Sorry, turns out I’m a princess, too. But you should have got that by now, since we’re both stuck in this tower.”
She had a nice laugh - the kind of a bitter, sarcastic laugh that Tim knew he’d enjoy listening over a drunken conversation late at night. It wasn’t late, though; barely seven in the evening. He’d have to put in at least some effort to make it stretch further, for science of course, to see if he’d really enjoy it when he was too far off his mind to worry about tomorrow.
“You know what?” Alice said then, breaking Tim out of his early plans.
“No, you’ll have to tell me first.”
“I think you and I,” she carried on, evidently ignoring his quip, “should get the hell out of here and go somewhere much cheaper.”
“Like where?”
“My place? I’ve got some really good movies I’ve been planning to watch.”
Tim snorted. “Wait, are you calling me in for a Netflix and chill?”
Alice let out a raspberrying sigh. “Nah, mate, I’m calling you in for Netflix and beer. It’s the best I’ve got but it’s already paid for and besides, I’m going to look awfully sad if I get to all of that on my own later when I’m already drunk.”
Tim chuckled. “Sold,” he said, then emptied the rest of his drink without really tasting it. “Two heartbroken princesses and a movie night. Who needs a man anyway?”
“Not me,” Alice confirmed, wiped her hands on a napkin and stood up. “I’m done with dating apps for at least another month.”
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ijbolz · 2 days
giver piwon... and what exactly they love to give
piwon hyung line x fem!reader 🌨️ some smut headcanons (mentions of piv, oral sex, fingering, etc) a bit self indulgent🫣
a/n: pls forgive me guys if my writing may seem a bit rough right now because im trying to ease back into it after being busy with finals a few weeks ago.! also this is my second time trying to make this post bc tumblr decided to be shitty and delete my draft🥲 oh well...
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KEEHO ┊ what use would it be if he's spending hours sweating it off at the gym and he's not gonna use his arms to keep you in place. trembling underneath his hold with your bottom lip tucked in between your teeth. especially if you love a man that makes it clear that he's in charge, asserts control over you if his words aren't enough to do so, until he has no choice but to resort to manhandling you instead. unless that's what you're really aiming for, he's not that difficult to talk to.
have you seen kyo's hands? he'll play dumb and pretend he doesn't notice the way your eyes are almost always locked onto his veiny hands whenever you hang out or... accompany him while he works out. sometimes it becomes a surprise whenever a lil work out session doesn't end up with the both of you fucking.
oh… but when the two of you can't help the heated situation, then kyo's one to greatly enjoy catching you off guard. fucking you with his fingers too good until you fall apart—the weight of your frame leaning against his own as you get lost within the bliss from the repeated pump of his digits. and when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore than what he’s giving you, he’s quick to restlessly plow his fingers slick with your wetness while he watches you writhe from his unforgiving thrusts.
his other hand unabashedly snakes from the messy sheets and against the swell of your breasts before stuffing two digits inside your mouth, earning a high sob from your throat. fuck… if only you knew just how much effect you had on him, especially with the spit dribbling by the corner of your lips until kyo can’t help but urge himself impossibly closer to your figure.
“suck,” the warmth of his breath sends a shiver down your spine, doing so while his tongue traces the shell of your ear, the wet muscle a contrast to the trail of saliva hitting the cold air. kyo would teasingly try to mimic the way you’re swirling your tongue around his fingers, pressing his lips flush against your neck before sucking just the way you like it.
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THEO ┊ if you want to have giver!theo then… work for it.
would all start from the moment he accidentally stumbles upon your little toy stash the time he’d be looking for something else in your shared apartment. i just know the gears in his head would be turning once he’d laid his eyes on your filthy little secret, silently pacing back into the living room where you’re situated on the couch, unknowing of what’s to come before you.
“so did you find what you were… looking for…” your words trail off the second your eyes met the object taeyang’s clutching between his fingers, an object far too familiar for you and yet you wanted to keep it a secret from him for now, heart hammering in your chest.
…because you know just how much your boyfriend can be a menace, especially when he gets you reduced to an adorable mess from his control. your muddied thoughts aren’t helping the situation.
and that’s how he’s gotten everything into a quick blur, your head thrown back on the surface of the couch, pillows forgotten on the floor and everything, while the weight of his hand keeps your trembling legs spread. your vision’s turning hazy from the shuddering pleasure of your vibrator taeyang repeatedly buries into your wet cunt.
“should’ve hid them better then,”
he mumbles, staring back into your beady little eyes like he knows the exact words swimming inside your mind. and what if you wanted him to discover them anyway?
“keeping a stash of toys and using them by yourself seems like no fun, you know you could always ask for my help, right?” he’s mean, asking in a tantalizing tone while your mouth’s stuffed with your panties the whole time.
and when he does really focus on your pleasure, it’ll take a while before he decides to give it his all, settling on using your toys with the promise of only sinking his cock into your hole once he’s satisfied with the amount of orgasms he’s able to get out of you first.
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JIUNG ┊ if he's got something to want to endlessly give you, then it would be pleasure. which comes in different forms of course, but in this case, you won’t even have to beg him for it, he’d probably be the one to plead you to use his cock all you want to get yourself off.
he knows how much it drives you insane, so naturally he knows how to work it.
always talks about how he needs to have you in positions where he can plow you into the mattress better, so i don’t think it would be that much of a shocker if one of his favorite positions during sex would be to fold you into a mating press.
especially once he’s gotten his plan to put a ring on your finger out of the way, jiung’s quick to spoil you rotten. not like he's not already treating you delicately to the point he doesn't even want your foot to touch the bare ground… if that’s even possible.
anyway, he’s always one to dream about a future with you, wanting to settle down and move into your own home where he could spend more happy memories with you and of course, fuck you good undisturbed. enough of quickies at the dorm or whatever, where there’s a high risk of getting caught by other people.
he’s one to value his privacy especially when he’s the type to take his time especially during the act.
only and if only he could put into words just how much he loves staring down at you when you're blissed out of your mind. he jogs back to his memories of your disheveled frame tearfully moaning out underneath him while he struggles to keep steady thrusts with the plush walls of your cunt engulfing his length, pulsing around him harshly whenever he hits that one spot.
"just like that..." he'd hear you whimper out with trembling lips, sneaking in a few gropes on your ass with a gentle kiss on your forehead. fuck, he’d wanna keep at it forever. especially when he gets to witness your gasp for air every time he sinks his cock back into your needy hole. and with the sight of his warm cum seeping down the sheets once he pulls out from the sticky mess you’d made, he’s long gone from being sane.
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INTAK ┊ in usual settings, intak loves to make you feel like such a princess to the point all of your friends can’t help but gush about how lucky you are. intak's never ashamed to admit you got him wrapped around your finger, pressing soft kisses on the crook of your neck while he tells you how he’s literally brought to this world just to serve you.
"and i want to make it known to you just how much i want to pleasure you all i can," he says to you with that familiar croak in his voice, and it may sound cheesy in other scenarios. yet it sends a different surge through your core when your boyfriend's got you meekly spread out for him, sopping cunt drooling perfectly while his warm breath hovers on your trembling skin.
his doe eyes are a sight for comfort, not like it ever leaves you, never ashamed to run his gaze from your flushed face over your bare figure. clothes long gone to reveal your chest heaving up and down, until his gaze locks back onto your pulsing cunt, clit swollen and needy just for him.
if only you could read his mind, know just how starved he feels for your essence drooling from your hole, glistening just to heighten the building desire from his throbbing cock even though he's eaten you out far too much that he can count.
intak's a very passionate lover. he'd let you know so obviously from the way he laps up like you as if it's the first time he's going down on his girl, like you'd purposely let him hung dry for days. when in fact he'd beg to eat you out almost everyday if you could, finding it difficult to deny especially when he'd stare at you with his dopey little grin you came to adore.
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confirmeddead · 22 hours
I very much enjoyed reading your theories about Devil’s Minion so if you don’t mind I’ll add some thoughts? Would love to hear what you think! I’ve found some hints online - so there might be spoilers so feel free to skip obviously if you’d prefer!
1. I agree that if Daniel is turned it’s going to be Armand who does it. Nothing else really makes sense to me, especially since the show has emphasized the maker-fledgling bound to such an extent. Armand’s possessive tendencies have also revealed themselves already. If Armand wants Daniel to be turned, I don’t think he would feel comfortable having anyone else do it.
2. I don’t believe Daniel will be turned this season. Listening to EB on a podcast recently he made a comment, following explaining how wanting to play a vampire basically lead him to the show, about how on these shows almost everyone who is around vampires gets turned in the end. Which is true, but more importantly this kind of speculation and the way EB spoke about it made it sound like this hasn’t happened to Daniel yet. That he doesn’t actually know if and when Daniel is getting turned.
3. I do think however that Daniel might be bitten. Can’t really justify it, but I feel like something will happen to Daniel in the finale. Might be bitten by a vampire, maybe by Armand - maybe this triggers some more memories. Thus far Daniel’s memories have been triggered by similar noises/actions. In episode two when Louis started recounting the facts of a “shameful” memory this triggers Armand doing the same in San Francisco. In episode four Armand leaning forward and the noises of Louis slamming the binders of photos on the floor seem to heighten his memory of Armand walking around in that room/leaning towards him etc. I’ve seen some speculation about a medical event happening, but I’m unsure. I just feel something will happen…
4. When asked in an interview with the Nerdist EB replied when asked if viewers will see anything of Daniel and Armand’s complex relationship this season: ”We’re going to have to leave that to your imagination because there is a lot coming. But I guarantee there will be some cool stuff happening by the end of the second season”. And: “But, it’s also going to be heavy. There’s going to be a lot of heaviness.” This could just be the trauma and torture of episode five but I would say it seems to hint that something will happen in the season finale between them - or something will be revealed. The romantic in me think it’s revealed that they were in love, that some of Daniel’s memories of Armand has been mixed up with Alice and that the feeling freer in Paris thing might be about Daniel’s internalized homophobia. He felt freer in Paris because either it was long away from home (so no one would know him) or because Paris was less homophobic (not sure if accurate though). And Armand might have had someone who saw him at his worst but still loved him, i.e someone who loved and accepted him fully. The heaviness could then be the separation, be it due to Daniel’s addiction, want to be immortal, Armand believing him to be better off living a full life - or something completely different. All of this does however sound a little to wholesome in a way for iwtv tbh. So to adjust expectations, the comments could very well just be about Daniel’s trauma in episode five.
What do you think? Also, if you would speculate where do you think the show is going next with the DM relationship? What would you like to see? Thank you!
Hi! Thanks so much for sending your thoughts. Let’s discuss!
1. Yes! I think the majority know this will stay the same. They haven’t changed anyone’s maker as of yet so why start now?
2. No, he won’t be turned. I’ll reference Rolin’s words from last week when answering a question at the Texas panel. It seems a lot of stuff is up in the air regarding DM and he exasperated the point that it’s three books ahead. So, in saying this, we know he wants to do TVL for season 3 meaning QotD would be season 4 (possibly). Of course they could change things but I think he wanted to really drive home the point that they have a lot to do to get to the point of Daniel being turned.
3. Going back to one of my theories, I do think Daniel’s SF memories will be a big trigger for Louis. Learning the extent of what happened might really upset him (whether it was his attack on Daniel or what Armand proceeded to do). As for the sounds triggering memories, this is a great point! And it seemed every glance at Armand triggered Daniel’s memories.
So about the medical event… I’ve seen people theorize Louis will attack Daniel. I genuinely don’t think this will happen but if Daniel were to be hurt (book falling scene in trailers), I could see either Vampire rushing to his aid. I’d say only Armand would but I think Louis cares for him enough to help him.
4. Okay, so when I hear heaviness I hear trauma, I hear broken hearts, I hear a LOT. I think a lot of Daniel’s trauma will be addressed next episode or even episode 6, so what is left for the final two episodes? Revelations. The interview is ending, Armand and Louis’ relationship is probably ending, but the rest is kind of… unknown. The trial is happening episode 7 and the secrecy of the title of episode 8 and what even happens has my brain scrambled. The “surprise character” Rolin (?) mentioned appears at the end of the season is likely Lestat or someone else entirely.
So what’s left regarding Armand and Daniel? I think a lot of people want to see Armand as controlling and straight up evil, but in the books HE left Louis. He left Louis because his (Louis) passion for anything was gone and Armand knew there was nothing he could do to fix that and it was dead in the water. Who is there to turn to? The flame whose memories you erased? I could see Daniel comforting him and so begins the chase (again).
Of course that last part is just a theory but I think this is the “end of the season” event that might happen. Daniel is a different person now. The internalized homophobia of his youth is gone. He’s an old man with all the triggers that come with it. He’s twice divorced and an empty nester. What’s there to lose? I always go back to the first scene of Daniel and how bored and over it he was with his life.
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Other fanfic idea : a girl goes to the church where king Baldwin is buried and she somehow finds something that takes her immediately to medieval Jerusalem , you make the rest ❤️
♡ A Ripple In Time - King Baldwin x Time Travler Reader ♡
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♡ Fluff ♡
A/N: Hello Anon, thank you for the request. I hope you like this and its what you had in mind! Sorry for the abrupt ending, I just didn't want to make this really long and boring haha. As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figgures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy
“Hey, young lady!  keep up with the group! We don't want you getting left behind” the tour guide called out. Y/n looked up at her group who had already started moving away from where she stood. ‘“Sorry sir” she called out, catching up to them as they began moving into the church.
“Alright everyone listen up!” the tour guide spoke as they came to a stop. “This church is not only an ancient monument, but it's also the final resting place of King Baldwin the fourth of Jerusalem. This man is a well renowned historical figure, not just for being a ruler, but also for his strength in continuing to win many battles, despite being diagnosed with leprosy at the young age of nine”. The tour guide explained. “Just over there, is his tomb. Now, tours aren't allowed in there, workers only. So we will keep moving on to one more spot, then grab some lunch if you guys are hungry” he continued.
Y/n was displeased by this. She needed to enter that room. That was the only reason she took this stupid college ancient history class in the first place. A full two years of begrudgingly passing exams and engaging in conversations with the idiots who also took the class, just for this?
She needed to enter into that room.
Y/n was a physics student. She was gifted with intelligence from a young age and had found her passion in the language of the universe. Mathematics. She was determined to find out all there was to know about its secrets. Including time travel.
She knew about the layers of the atmosphere and how there were ten that humans know of. The third layer was the three dimensional reality that humans exist in. She knew that anyone with access to the fourth dimension, had access to the fifth dimension. And if you had access to the fifth dimension, you could travel through time. Even bend it to your will if you wished.
After a major scientific breakthrough earlier in the year upon the discovery of the fourth dimension and the creation of a device that pressed atoms together so hard that it created a tear in time itself, she was ready.
She had not told anybody about this and attended the college class trip to Jerusalem, thinking it was a perfect opportunity for a proper test run. She had tested the machine before already, sending herself back only a few minutes then documenting the results. So she knew this would work, but she needed privacy and the tomb was the perfect place. The machine could only take her back in time to the place the machine was located. So if she wanted to see some action, she would need to be in a place that saw a lot of action. And 11th century Jerusalem seemed like a perfect place and time.
She waited around until everybody had moved off, hoping that the tour guide would not notice her absence again. Thankfully, he didn't. Her lack of friends in that class greatly helped her slip away unnoticed also.
She looked around to ensure she was alone before trying the door to the tomb. It was unlocked. She opened it just enough to slip through and entered.
The room was cold and dark, aside from some light entering through a stained glass window. Y/n paid no attention to her surroundings, simply removing the device from her bag. If this worked, she would go down in history. She would be the greatest physicist of all time.
She grinned in exitement as she threw her backpack over her shoulder and prepared the device, entering in the date she wished to return to.
She pressed the final button and immediately, the world spun around her. Y/n closed her eyes, feeling reality shift. When she opened her eyes again, she was surrounded by dessert. The church was gone and it was dark. About half a mile infront of her was a large city. A kingdom. It worked. It actually worked. A grin formed on the young woman's face. She had done it.
Quickly reaching into her bag, she removed some clothing. Clothing that she had crafted herself to blend into the environment and time period. She removed her clothing, aside from her underwear and bra and slipped on the handmade robes. She put everything, including her backpack, into a large bag that she had also handcrafted to blend in and slipped it over her shoulder. Now she was ready to enter the city.
Y/n could see the kingdom, illuminated by the dull firelight of torches. She knew where she would go first. The castle. She wanted to have a look around, observe the way of life of the locals. That King Baldwin man seemed interesting. Maybe she would get a look at him. But her main priority was collecting as much evidence of this experience as she could without being caught.
It would not be difficult, she knew enough about the mindset and way of life of people from this era, from that class and her own research. So she could blend in well enough.
Her main concern was contracting a disease, but she brought antibiotics as well as hand sanitizer, her own water and food, as well as soap. So as long as she didnt touch much, she figured it would be fine. 
As y/n approached the kingdom, she noticed that it was surrounded by a large wall. The gates were shut. Luckily, she had prepared for something exactly like this.
Smiling at her innovative genius, she reached into the large bag and removed a long rope with a thick hook attached. Putting the bag back over her shoulder, she took a few steps back and threw the rope with all her strength. It landed perfectly, gripping the top of the wall. She tugged the rope a few times, ensuring the hook was secure before she began to climb.
Y/n was not a delicate woman. She was in fact quite muscular. Her body had been trained for many years through a rock climbing hobby, which was now proving useful.
She reached the top of the wall and stood up to admire her work. She sat down on top of the high wall and pulled the rope up from the side she just climbed up and moved it to the side of the wall she needed to descend. Once that was in place, she abseiled down the wall with ease.
Upon reaching the bottom, she shook the rope to remove the hook and threw it back into her bag. Now the fun could begin. 
She slowly made her way up to the castle, stopping to avoid royal guards who walked through the city. Eventually, she made it.
The castle was also surrounded by a large wall, so she repeated the process of scaling the wall with the rope and hook. Y/n decided to take a break on top of the wall to compose herself and devise a plan for entering the castle.
She opened her bag and took out a box of cigarettes and a lighter. She lit up a cigarette, inhaling the smoke deeply and exhaling it through her nose, allowing it to warm her up from the inside. The night air was cool and still. Peaceful.
By the time she finished the cigarette, she knew what she wanted to do. She would enter the castle through a window or balcony and explore. The only issue was the royal guards who she knew would be throughout the entire building. If worse came to worse, she had a handgun in her backpack. But she figured she wouldn't need it. She stubbed out the cigarette and made her descent down the wall. 
Y/n walked cautiously around the outside of the palace, using the darkness as an advantage to avoid the guards. Eventually she spotted a balcony. Perfect. Throwing the rope up, it hooked the balcony with ease. There was no wall to assist her climb, so she was forced to climb the rope with no support.
This was no issue for y/n. The years of rock climbing had continued to prove useful. When she reached the balcony, it was even darker without the flaming torches on the outside of the castle lighting her way. The only light was from the dull glow of candle light coming from inside the room the balcony led to and the full moon.
The door was open. Putting the rope back into her bag, she entered to explore. Upon closer inspection, the room appeared to be a bedroom chamber of sorts. It was large and lavish with a desk and a bookshelf. That was when she noticed a large bed, off to the side of where she entered.
Y/n could see a figure, laying underneath the covers. Out of plain curiosity, she approached the bedside of the figure. It appeared to be a man. He lay on his back, with one bandaged hand on his chest and the other laying beside him. He wore white sleep robes and his cheeks and nose were covered with bandages, exposing his forehead and lower face. He had softly curled blonde hair and appeared to be quite young. Maybe twenty. Around her age.
Y/n was taken aback by his beauty. He was gorgeous. His eyes were shut peacefully and his lips were parted a little as he snored softly, chest rising and falling evenly. Clearly in a deep sleep, lucky for her.
It was then she realized. The bandages. The lavish room. The balcony. This had to have been the King Baldwin that the tour guide had spoken of. He was much more handsome than she expected. She noticed on his bedside sat an iron mask, that must have been what he wore during the day. 
Y/n smiled to herself at the sight of the sleeping young man. As much as she didnt want to take her eyes away from him, she needed to continue on. She reached the door and slipped out, leaving the king to his peaceful rest.
She walked down the hallway slowly, stopping the check behind her every now and again. It was a beautiful architecture, with intricate carvings all around. Y/n stopped to remove her camera from the bag to take some photos. She took a few pictures of the hallway and continued moving.
Eventually after one to many close calls, she figured she must be leaving before she was caught.
She made her way back to the king's chambers to exit via the balcony. She slipped through the door and was greeted by a comforting warmth and the young man’s gentle snoring. She gave him one last look before heading for the balcony.
She was just about to remove the rope from her bag when she heard somebody call out a soft “hello?”. Y/n froze in place. Her eyes went wide. “Fuck” she thought, turning around slowly to see the king sitting up in bed, propped up on his elbows, eyes wide. He looked terrified.
Their eyes met each one another. "Why are you here? I will not hesitate to call the guards” Baldwin said, attempting to keep his voice steady, but it still trembled. “I'm not going to hurt you, your highness” y/n replied, putting her hands up in a surrendering motion. “I was just leaving. I have not stolen anything, I am unarmed and I have not harmed anybody. I promise” she said confidently, awaiting his reply, ready to grab the rope and climb down in case he didn't buy it.
“Why are you here then?” he sounded less afraid now, more curious. “You would not believe me if I told you” y/n replied softly. He tilted his head to the side, studying her carefully. It reminded her of a curious dog seeing something new for the first time. “What is your name madame?” he asked after a few seconds.
“My name is y/n. I come from a very far away land” she could have sworn she saw him smile a little. “I am sure I would believe you if you told me why you were here,” he replied. Y/n sighed, picking up her bag and approaching him slowly.
“I come from the future" she said bluntly. "For my research I have returned to this time in Jerusalem to observe the past '' she saw no harm in telling him this, it's not like anybody would believe him. Even by morning, he may think that she was just a dream.
“Is that so? How did you travel to the past then?” y/n smirked at this, ready to show off her device with pride.
She reached into her bag and pulled out the device. Baldwin moved over on the bed, giving her space to sit.
She explained how it worked as simply as she could. He asked plenty of questions, each one with complete interest and curiosity. The two spoke for a long time about the device.
“Y/n you are incredible” he said eventually. The young woman chuckled at his words. She looked up to meet his eyes. “Truely, you are amazing. I would love to see you again. Perhaps another night?” he offered.
“That would be lovely, your majesty,” y/n said with a smile. He returned the smile before moving a bandaged hand to cover a soft yawn. He looked very tired.
“I will leave you to get some rest now” y/n said, standing. “Alright” he replied, sounding somewhat disappointed. “I'll be back tomorrow, swear it” she said with a smirk. “I look forward to it” Baldwin replied, yawing again and laying back down.
“Goodnight your majesty” 
“Goodnight, y/n”
As y/n climbed down the rope, she thought about the interaction carefully. Needless to say, she was surprised.
She had thought he would have panicked and called her a witch when she explained the device to him. But no, he was just interested in her work. She decided she would return to the future for the night then return to the past to meet with Baldwin the following night.
Y/n made her return to the future and regrouped with her class. She was amazed at the fact that she could spend hours in another century then return as if no time had passed at all. 
That night, when her class retired to their rooms, she returned to the past. Following the same process as last time. Change her clothes. Over the first wall. Dodge the guards. Over the second wall. Dodge the guards. Until she reached the balcony.
She climbed the rope and entered the room to see the young king, just as she found him the night prior. Fast asleep. She walked over to him slowly so as not to startle him.
Y/n kneeled down and rubbed his shoulder softly to wake him. His ocean blue eyes fluttered open to meet hers, a small smile spread across his face.
“Y/n, you returned. I thought you were a pleasant dream” he said sleepily. She smiled at his adorable words. She liked him, that's for sure. He was the only man she had ever met who actually listened to her speak about her work without becoming intimidated by her intelligence and attempting to upstage her. 
They spoke about many things, y/n sitting on the edge of the bed and him leaning against the headboard. Their conversation was pleasant for both of them.
They spoke for hours, until Baldwin grew tired. He layed back down and y/n tucked him in. He felt himself falling for her every minute they spent together. She was the most intelligent woman he had ever met, and her stories about the future were incredible. He enjoyed learning about what was to come for humankind greatly.
They agreed to meet up the following night. And again, and again. This continued this for a month before Baldwin offered the question.
It was late and y/n was about to leave. The young king was very tired and speaking whatever was on his mind seemed like a good idea at the time.
“Y/n. Please. Stay here with me. I want to make you my wife. Your wisdom is encapsulating and you're beautiful. So, beautiful…” his words trailed away as he dozed off, leaving y/n to stand by his bedside, completely lost for words and overcome by happiness.
A large smile crossed her face. She bent down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Yes. I will stay in your time and be your wife Baldwin” she whispered softly to the sleeping man.
So, they were wed. And the origins of the new queen remained a secret shared between husband and wife.
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Hi!! Do you maybe know of any fics that feature touch-starved Sherlock? Thank you so much in advance, and I hope you have an amazing day!
Hey Nonny!!
AHHH I DO, BUT it's in a combined list if that's okay???
And you're in luck, I'm short on a list this week, so I'm gonna also post you the second short list I have as well!! I hope you enjoy, even if it's not EXACTLY what you're looking for!!
As always friends, if you have something, please add them below!
See also: Touching / Touch Starvation
Bond, Sherlock Bond! by macgyvershe (T, 631 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Kissing, Couch Cuddles, Sexy Talk with No Explicit Sex, Bond Night, Established Relationship) – John is doing a Bond-a-thon. Sherlock is ready for a night of movies and munchies. Washed down with Devil Mountain coffee. Eventually everything comes together in the best of ways.
The Skin Over My Heart by standbygo (E, 8,849 w., 1 Ch. || Post-Hiatus, Fake Relationship, Case Fic, Dog Tags, Military, Homophobia, Gay Bashing, POV First Person Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss / Time, Declarations of Love, Undercover, Haircuts, Flashbacks, Touching, Pining Sherlock, Hospitalization, Metaphors, Introspection, Hand Jobs, On the Couch, John’s Past, Angst with Happy Ending) – Sherlock and John are still trying to adjust to Sherlock's return from his hiatus when John's friend Bill Murray brings them a case. Someone is targeting the LGBTQA+ members of Bill's unit. John and Sherlock go undercover at the unit, but when they end up having to flirt to flush out the suspect, Sherlock realizes he's in over his head.
A Comprehensive Taxonomy of Tobacco-Ash by Silvergirl (E, 11,475 w., 2 Ch. || No TRF AU || Cranky Sherlock, Alternating POV’s, Self-Esteem Issues, Jealous John, Pining John, Confessions, First Kiss, Frottage, Bed Sharing, Sensuality, Cuddling, Touching) – A handsome academic approaches Sherlock about publishing his magnum opus on tobacco-ash in a prestigious scientific journal. Sherlock is quite flattered and flustered, and John’s nose is out of joint.In this little AU there is no Fall and no Mary. Instead, there is humor and smut. Truly a disproportionate amount of smut.
Spare Parts by Raina_at (E, 63,497 w., 10 Ch. || 24th Century / Futurism AU || Post TRF, Pre-TRF Relationship, Case Fic, Mutual Pining, Estrangement, Reconciliation, Science Fiction, Reunion, Nightmares, Angry John, Cybernetic John, Emotional Discussions / Heart to Heart, POV John, Scars, Past Drug Use, Forehead Touching, Emotional Lovemaking, Kissing, Apologies, Kidnapping, Rescue Mission, BAMF John, Bed Sharing, Top Sherlock) – Two years ago, Sherlock Holmes jumped off the roof of New London Hospital. Two months ago, he walked into John's clinic as if no time had passed at all. John hasn't seen him since. But then Sherlock knocks on John's door with a case he can't say no to, and while figuring out why the biggest manufacturer or synthetic limbs in the System is going after veterans, they also need to find out whether there's a way to fix what's broken between them. Part 1 of Realigning Gravity
Bakers with Benefits by Raina_at (E, 88,130 w., 14 Ch. || Great British Bake Off AU || Strangers to Lovers, Switchlock, Friends with Benefits, Mentions of Alcoholism / Past Drug Use, Banter, Flirting, Fluff, Light Angst, Semi-Public Sex, Past Sherlock/Victor, Mutual Pining, POV Sherlock, Obsessive Sherlock, John’s Bum) – Sherlock Holmes has a successful YouTube baking channel, but what he really wants is his own bakery. When an old friend sends him a call for the very first Great British Bake Off, he seizes the opportunity to finally win a sponsor for his bakery. Here's the plan: Win Bake Off, get the bakery, don't fall in love with the handsome Army doctor at the neighbouring station. Easy.
Fade To Black by twistedthicket1 (M, 93,389 w., 29 Ch. || Split Personality Disorder / DID, Action, Romance, Violence, Implied Rape/Non-Con, BAMF John, Fluff and Angst, Baskerville, Human Experimentation, PTSD, Implied Self Harm, Trauma Amnesia, Past Child Sexual Abuse, Protective Sherlock, Smoking, Meddling Mycroft, Past Victor/Sherlock, Gay Sherlock, Sherlock’s Past, First Kiss/Time) – John Watson believes one day he'll just fade. That he'll drown in the black spaces of his mind, and that one day he will no longer exist. It's always been like this, the dark spots marking out moments in his life he can't remember. Where for just a moment he's someone else. Having a Dissociative identity disorder, he can't even be entirely sure he's really who he says he is. Then he meets Sherlock Holmes. A brilliant detective who when he looks at you can read your entire life story. John is immediately fascinated and afraid, half-wondering if maybe Sherlock can see the other personalities in him and half terrified of the thought of him finding out. Becoming his flatmate seems at once to be a wonderful and horrible idea. Yet as John's Blackouts become more and more severe and his other personalities begin to truly awaken and show themselves with Sherlock's help, the two soon discover that sometimes even the kindest person can harbour a demon best left untouched inside of them. Because not all of John's other personalities play nicely and some may be hiding secrets best left undisturbed...
Drawn to Stars by Silvergirl (E, 109,272 w., 60 Ch. || S4 Compliant to TLD / TFP Doesn’t Exist, Sherlock’s Italian Adventure, Sherlock/OC and Johnlock, Jealous John, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, First Kiss/Time, Idiots in Love, 3 Part Story, Slow Burn, Inexperienced Sherlock, Bottom Sherlock, Introspection, Multiple Alternating First and Third Person POV, Separation and Reconciliation, Emotional Love Making, Love Confessions via Letters, Angst with Happy Ending) – After the Culverton Smith case Sherlock is clean, working, and looking for a romantic partner—since John has told him that’s what he needs. Shame John didn’t mention he was interested in that role himself, before Sherlock went off to Rome with a gorgeous Italian copper to try to fall in love and become a complete human being.  Part 1 of the Drawn to Stars series
Sherlock Holmes Live by emilycare (E, 488,496 w., 73 Ch. || Theatre AU || Immersive Theatre, Romance, Slow Burn, Fake / Pretend Relationship, Fluff, Bisexual John, Demisexual Gay Sherlock, Alternating POV, Falling in Love, Eventual Case Fic, Soft Sherlock, Panic Attacks, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with Happy Ending, Pining John) –  Down on his luck John Watson answers an advert for a paid role in an experimental play. Enter William Scott with a most unusual proposition: help him test run a two person immersive experience, oh and by the way there is sex and romance involved.
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oops-ibrokereality · 23 days
Probably a controversial opinion but I really enjoyed season 19
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waveridden · 6 months
had a bad exhausting day so we're indulging in the waveridden dot gov tradition
besties. what's good with you
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raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
Sweet Like Chocolate (Venom Drabble)
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Eddie/Venom x GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: Venom's enjoys it when you're his host.
CW: fluff, making fun of Eddie
Venom Tag List: (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
You tut and continue about making Venom’s tater tots. It hadn’t really been a genuine thought. It’s just that when you and Eddie trade Venom between you like parents trading a toddler for alone time, it kind of felt that way at times. Not that you were complaining, of course. Any time with Venom piggybacking in your head was time well spent in your own personal opinion. 
It was just a shame that you weren’t a better match. Then he could come around with you more often. But no, that was Eddie’s responsibility, it would seem. 
“I know, V- you know how human brains work. Thoughts just pop in unannounced.” 
You chuckle and pour yourself a glass of wine. A tendril of Venom’s form spreads from your back to put the wine bottle away for you, and you thank him kindly. Checking the timer on the tots, you frown. They were going to be at least another fifteen minutes. 
“What do you want to do tonight, V?” You ask, plopping down on the lounge chair and taking a sip. 
You smile softly, and Venom chuckles in your brain in response. That took some getting used to, actually, hearing someone laugh in your mind. But like all things, you acclimated. 
“We’re doing that, buddy,” you reply. 
You take another swig of your wine and flick the TV on quietly, flipping through to get to Venom’s favourite channel. 
“How do you mean? Eddie’s a sweetie deep down,” you respond, finally finding the channel and putting the subtitles on for yourself. Eddie was always a sweetie. It was just that he was a bit gruff. Venom grunts. 
You hear the bathroom door creak open and turn around, seeing Venom’s tendril rooting around in there for something. You don’t question it further than that, knowing that whatever he’s looking for will be found. 
You’re proven correct when the tendril returns with your hairbrush. You dutifully fluff your hair out from the neck of your cardigan for Venom, who hums appreciatively and begins to brush at your hair. 
It’s something he likes to do for you. You’re not sure whether it’s because he enjoys the sensation himself, or whether it’s something he does for you. It could be both, all things considered. Your eyes flutter shut, and you lose yourself in the motions for a few minutes. 
“He can be an ass,” you finally acquiesce. “But he means well.” 
Venom’s head materialises from over your shoulder and faces you. His tendril pauses its ministrations in your hair for a moment, and he appears thoughtful. 
“I suppose,” Venom replies. “We prefer you. Prettier host.” 
You flush pink and brush a hand over Venom’s cheek. Or what would be his cheek, you supposed? 
“You’re a sweet thing, V.” 
Venom nods, ripples of his skin flowing over his form. 
“Like chocolate, yes?” 
You laugh and make to get up when the timer for the tater tots goes off. 
“Like chocolate.”
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
I have been binging your work!
I don't know if this breaks your trauma rule or not, but (with the guys of your choosing as long as Ratio is there) how would the guys react to losing reader (they haven't confessed feelings yet) during a mission and thinking they died. Then, the reader reappears a week later bandaged up, but alive. Maybe spouts their confession first? ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
I adore your writing. Thank you!
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This is way too fucking long, so be warned. It’s like I rammed 4 mini stories in one but got lost at some point cuz I left this ask to collect dust. Also thanks for enjoying my writing it’s much appreciated. :) 🦦🐿️
The moment he got news that you’ve been assumed dead in the aftermath of a dangerous mission, he looses composure really quickly.
Loosing Robin was one thing but loosing you on top of that was the straw that broke the camels back.
He originally doesn’t believe that you were gone, he refuses to as he practically tears his office to shreds in a fit of anger and grief before forcing himself to regain composure and clean up after his outburst. He needed to in order to keep up the illusion that he was the levelheaded leader The Family needed in these moments of chaos and mistrust.
Even if he himself was breaking down internally alongside everyone else, hellbent on finding the culprit for your death and punishing them so severely that they’d beg for death. He’d avenge you in anyway he could, even if it meant sending out the bloodhound family on a wild goose chase that only ends in dead ends, he would get you justice no matter how it may come.
His heart had died alongside you that day.
So when a week passes and he finally has you back in his arms, all the while being carful with your wounds as his eyes searched you over in a way you weren’t use to.
‘You’re alive.’ He breathes out in relief as he then begins to laugh and rest his head against yours, breathing you in deeply as he relishes in this long awaited moment. ‘Of course you’re alive.’ He mutters.
‘Sunday,’ you began but Sunday was quite to cut you off.
‘Do you know how I felt thinking you were dead? Driving myself insane to prove that you were still alive anyway I could as not to bear the idea of walking through this life without the one person I love so dearly.’ Sunday takes a brief pauses in his monologue, feeling out of breath after having put everything out into the open before continuing. ‘I thought my heart had stopped beating that day and now I have you bad in my arms.’ Sunday then chuckles darkly as he gripped you tighter. ‘I’ll ensure that I’d never have to revisit that part of my life ever again.’
‘Shhh.’ Sunday cuts you off once more, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he holds you close to his chest, rubbing your back soothingly. ‘Just know that what I do after this, I do out of my love for you.’ He says against your forehead before pressing another kiss there for good measure.
Jing yuan:
Loss wasn’t new to Jing Yuan.
He has experienced it in multiple forms throughout his life, but that didn’t made the news of your death any less painful for the General.
While his mind might’ve made peace with the fact that you were gone, his heart however did not as he would find himself in the places that you often vacated to in moments of stress, or to just be left alone for a while with your thoughts. So to no longer see you in any of those hidden spots -waiting for him to find you like you usually did- only worsened the grief he felt in his heart as he sat himself down and allowed the memories to pass over him in waves.
You were both so happy together and felt a sense of fulfilment that could only be achieved when you were within the other’s presence; A feeling that was uniquely yours and yours alone that could never be replicated, ever. For no one could ever come close to replacing you, nor the companionship you and he had for each other that many assumed would blossom into something more; Jing Yuan also shared the same sentiments as they did, but just as he built the courage to push that boundary between the two of you, you were taken from him before he could utter a single word.
So when a week passes and Jing Yuan found your battered and beaten form in one of your secret spots, back resting against a tree with your eyes closed.
‘Y/n?’ He called out and your eyes opened upon hearing his voice and looking at him with a weak smile. ‘Hey General, miss me?’ You said as you struggled to get up to your feet, only to stumble forward and into Jing Yuan’s chest as his strong yet gentle hands hold you in place.
‘More than you could ever hope to know.’ Jing yuan said as he focused on how you felt beneath his hands, warm and alive.
‘I’m sorry I kept you waiting.’ You muttered against his chest as his warmth made you realised just how tired you were from everything you’ve experienced this last week alone. ‘I never meant to keep you waiting in fear that you’d forget about me if I don’t stay in your life long enough.’ You admit and Jing Yuan instinctively presses a soft kiss to the top of your head, holding you protectively.
‘I could never forget about you my beloved.’ Jing Yuan reassured you as he looked you deep into your eyes. ‘You’ve managed to carve your place within my heart and soul, so much that there isn’t a day where you aren’t all I think about, regardless of whether or not your by my side or far away.’ He finished by pressing a gentle kiss to the gauze on your cheek, chuckling upon seeing your cute attempts of burrowing your face into his chest.
‘How long have you’ve been waiting to say this.’ You asked, thankful that he was the one to admit his feelings first, as you would’ve had a hard time articulating your words as fluidly as he could.
‘For a very long time.’ Jing Yuan replied with a small smile as he then proceeded to lift you into his arms, cuasing you to squeal in surprise, as he made sure to be carful of your wounds and began walking to the nearest medics to make sure your wounds weren’t going to be trouble later on.
He didn’t know what to think when you were pronounced dead, all Aventurine could feel in that moment was an overwhelming numbness that encased him entirely.
The only light left in his life had been snuffed out, plummeting him into utter and total darkness he had once been well acquainted with until you came along, giving him a reason to keep looking forward despite everything.
You were no longer here to hold onto his left hand before he could even think of hiding it behind his back out of habit, you were no longer here to be his reason, his comfort, his safe place. You were taken away from him unfairly and once again Aventurine found himself asking the same question he has been asking himself for a long time; why everyone was born into this life just to die.
So when a week passes and Aventurine finds himself sat on a bench somewhere, still not dealing well then than he was the week of your assumed passing, lost in his own thoughts when someone took a seat next to him. Aventurine was just about ready to tell them to go away, when he saw just who was sitting next to him; you.
‘I know, I look like shit but you don’t have to look at me like that.’ You spoke upon feeling his eyes gaze upon the gauze on your cheek, then towards the array of bandages that littered the rest of your body.
‘I thought you died.’ He hissed, emotion was heavy in his voice as his eyes became bleary with unshed tears as he felt his breathing become heavy with the reality that you were alive. He didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t in that moment as his mind raced. And it wasn’t until you reached out to grasp his left hand and intertwine your fingers together, squeezing, did everything finally became clear to him.
‘I thought I was too at one point but there was something that kept me from journeying over to the afterlife.’ You admit, looking over at him and smiling sweetly, wanting nothing then to calm his thoughts and reassure him that this wasn’t a dream.
‘And what was that?’ He laughs humourlessly as he stares back at you, wanting to hear what excuses you could come up with for faking being dead for a week. ‘Willpower? Determination?’
‘You Kakavasha.’ You replied straightforwardly and his breath hitched in his throat. You rarely used his actual name unless it was absolutely serious. ‘You were all I thought about as I pushed through my injuries.’ You told him as you continued. ‘Kakavasha is waiting for me was just about all I could think about for a week straight.’ You finished as though you didn’t just confess that he was your soul motivator in staying alive.
‘Really?’ Aventurine said softly, finding it impossible that he could possibly be your reason for anything. ‘Why?’
‘Yes really.’ You chuckled, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you rested your head against his shoulder. ‘As for why, it’s because I like you more then did let myself admit, but i just wanted you to know incase anything truly bad were to ever happen to me-‘
‘No.’ Aventurine cut you off suddenly, squeezing your hand as though he were afraid. ‘Nothing is going to happen to you, not now. not ever. I just got you back.’ He adds resting his head against your own in a desperate attempt of feeling more of your against him. ‘Just stay with me…please.’ He begs you in a whisper as he nuzzled further into you. ‘and don’t go anywhere I can’t follow. I don’t think I can bear the thought of loosing you again.’
You smiled softly as you just whispered back against the skin of his neck. ‘As long as you don’t go anywhere I can’t follow. I like my crush to be alive and close by even if he can be a pain in my ass sometimes.’
Aventurine chuckles, his heart becoming whole again as he made you cuddle into his side, kissing your head once more as you took this moment to familiarise yourselves with each other. ‘At least I’m a pleasurable pain in the ass.’ He teased and you pinch his side, causing him to flinch, but his smile remained and this time his smile was genuine.
His light has came home.
Fully believed that he’d see you when the mission ended, knowing just how talented and dedicated to the craft you were, and having faith that this would be a measly walk in a park for you.
Only to receive word that you were one of the many who were assumed dead when you weren’t found amongst the living nor the dead.
Veritas tries to remain as levelheaded and logical as possible during this time and continue life as normal. However found himself retracting from everyone else and going none contact, more so specifically with the people you were once associated with, and instead focused heavily on his studies and academics to an unhealthy extent.
A week passes and Veritas feels as though he’s seen a ghost the moment he saw you in his peripheral vision, bandaged and dressed in ripped clothing but still somehow finding it in you to smile.
‘You idiotic Buffon!’ He exclaims as he walks towards you.
‘Well that’s a nice way to greet someone you care about.’ You replied as you readied yourself for a massive rant about how stupid you were and so on, but instead you were held against his chest as he burrows his head into your neck.
‘I thought you died.’ He says in a whisper as he breathed you in. This went against all logic but in that rare moment Veritas didn’t care, you were alive but he still couldn’t let go of the fact that you didn’t tell anyone you were still alive. ‘Why didn’t you tell anyone that you were alive, send a signal, anything.’
You shrugged as you made yourself comfortable in his strong arms. ‘All communications were badly damaged or completely cut off.’ You told him. ‘I was on my own for a long while before finding my way back to you.’
‘Me?’ Veritas asked, pulling away from you. ‘Why not a medial facility for a proper treatment of your wounds? Have you hit your head so hard that common sense had been left on the back burner when making that decision?’
‘I wanted to see you first you dickhead!’ You exclaimed, shutting Veritas up rather quickly with your confession but you didn’t care. ‘is it so wrong of me to let the man I love know that I’m okay? So go ahead and call me an idiot all you like but that won’t change the fact that I felt more fear about not telling you how I truly feel then dying on some stupid mission.’ You finished your rant.
‘You’re insufferable.’ Veritas said after a moment of silence and you couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed at this that you didn’t notice that Veritas has began to close in the distance between the two of you.
You scoffed. ‘Oh sure call me insufferable as if you-‘ Veritas cuts you off by cupping your cheeks and planting a sweet short lived kiss against your lips before pulling away with a smirk.
‘Glad to know that the feelings are reciprocated.’ He says, taking enjoyment of rendering you speechless as he gently guided you to medical, and remaining by your side for the remainder of the day.
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