#but anyway i hope you like my lore thoughts (*explodes *
judicent · 22 days
Yeah, I did fill 4 sketchbooks in 4 months so far this year. Huh? Am I gonna post even an ounce of it? Well, you see, I am allergic to my phone, so you will have to come CATCH ME
#da#nooo but I am so saddd it's so much easier to show stuff off irl 😭#if it could look even halfway decent I've considered doing flip throughs of sketchbooks on video#except I draw in pencil and cameras hate that and want me to explode#idk it is truly just better to somehow gain access to my terrible trove of sketchbooks#no but man that sounds like such an ideal hang out. get all my oc lore by sitting on my floor with me as we go through the archives#gosh I should count how many I've filled up at this point#I love that the number increases exponentially as the years go on#like I think 2018 began the precedent of 4 a year minimum which was kinda wild#another ridiculous difficult project I have given a lot of thought to: combing through every sketchbook and either redrawing#or printing off important story related bits and compiling them all into a convenient binder. maybe binding them into a book.#anyway it's pretty much all a drag no matter how you slice it#come to my HOUSE and look at my CREATURES#u don't know this bc I've learned to be silly sneaky but I have stayed up wayyyy too late AGAIN#but I've scheduled this to post at a normal time so you'll never know. unless you read the tags. but that's its own punishment isn't it#hey bonus enticement to look at my boo stuff that doesn't get on the blog. there's smut. and you KNOW I'm a coward who shan't ever post that#actually we'll be lucky if I'm not the same coward in real life too#it's only Dick and Vinny. they get rights. i don't care if anyone else has sex. I don't care if I have sex.#the one song I hope I don't have sex. I hope we both don't have sex. that's actually Vinny though.#I'm more sex favorable and sex positive than he could ever be#y'know this is a very 4am convo to have and actually how prepared am I for this to live in a pm afternoon time#welp. maybe I should stop being addicted to tags and letting loose all my secrets#I shan't grow I shan't do better and I shan't ever change. this is the da promise <3
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asbestieos · 2 years
looks at you. hi. spare mayoi lore thoughts
GEHEJSHDJFBJ HII.. OK LET ME JUST PREFACE i have yet to read ch 5 mainstory + most of the stories out in !! currently so there may be preexisting evidence that totally contradicts my scuffed theory, n most of this is my imagination i thinks. but umm
you know how Kanata was revered as a god? im of the belief that Mayoi was like that, but directly opposite, with he and his family considered descendants of evil by the Yaobikuni cult
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[ ID: Three screenshots of dialogue from Main Story Chapter 2: Troublemakers, Episode 28: Seniors. Mayoi: Even so, it must be uncomfortable for others to be around people like me, so I chose to live in as secluded a place as possible. Tatsumi: Haha. You talk like you are not a human being yourself. Mayoi: Oh...I'm sorry, but I've spent a lot of time not being treated like a human being. I can't help but think that I'm different from the rest of the world. End ID ]
Mayoi has nonexistent self-esteem, and he reveals that he wasn't treated as human for a good portion of his life. it's clear he was super fecking neglected and abused as a kid and made to feel subhuman, but he speaks as if he is / was meant to play that role. he thinks of himself as an evil and wretched thing who will never change and who should disappear from the world. it's almost like he was purposely raised to be a scapegoat... perhaps an embodiment of evil...
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[ ID: Two screenshots of dialogue from Motor Show, Snail’s Pace / Episode 5. Kanata: Hmm~ ... Somehow, I can sense a nostalgic "smell" on him. Mayoi: Ehh? Oh, sorry for disturbing! Please ignore me, gentleman of [the] Five Eccentrics! End ID ]
additionally, it’s established in Motor Show that Kanata has some unconscious familiarity with Mayoi — it could just be that Mayoi was a student of Yumenosaki and was Eccentric-adjacent enough to be noticed by the student body (i mean he's one of the mysteries of Yumenosaki) so maybe his name was thrown around or Kanata had a meeting with him once, but what if they had a deeper connection (o_o ) what if they were connected, not by any meaningful relationship, but rather by a cult making figureheads of them
after all it's not just coincidence that Mayoi has a masterkey to nearly every room in Ensemble Square, right? that the land Ensemble Square was built on was bought from the Yaobikuni cult? that Mayoi has been living on that land for a long time before Ensemble Square was even built?
it makes sense to me because with a majority of mythology, where there's a "god", a force of good, there's usually a "devil", an opposing force of evil. in contrast to the Shinkai family, wish-granting descendants of the god of the Yaobikuni, the Ayase family serves as the embodiment of sin, the perpetrators to blame for any and all misfortune. the sacrifice, if you will, but in a different sense.
this is just a crazy ass theory though, and there are other connections i wanna make that i shrimply cannot bc of Not Reading Stories syndrome </3 if he is connected to the Yaobikuni cult, i can't explain why Mama doesn't seem to have relevant knowledge of him outside of being the phantom of Yumenosaki. his fear of the Sakumas is interesting to me though, and i'd love to look into his 2nd Featured Scout's story if i can find a translation (esp knowing that it involves Madara (O_O ))
so um. yes. thats why Mayoi is the devil! hope you liked the read!
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sixosix · 8 months
wc 900, guys i’m still a 4.0 lore player so forgive me if lyney’s getting ooc now 🙁 but anw ENJOY THIS MESS OF A GUY!! requested by anon
or, lyney can't stop staring at your lips
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Lyney is beginning to think he might be obsessed with you. Or that you’re bad for him.
He’s stumbling over his lines when he sees you in the audience, his fingers catch on each other when he catches you smiling knowingly, and he gets nervous—the most absurd tell. It’s unlike him to feel his heart pounding in his ears when he’s already started the show. None of this feels natural.
It gets to the point where Lynette has to drag him off after a scene, worry evident on her usually-passive features.  “What’s happening to you?”
“I think I might be going insane,” Lyney admits, running his hand across his face. “I can feel it, Lynette. I’ve gone mad.”
All because you kissed him and he damn near exploded on the spot.
It wasn’t a special kiss. There wasn’t even tongue involved. He didn’t even see it coming. Hell, it was half a second and only on the side of his lips. Can it even be counted as a kiss?
If kisses could drive Lyney to a point where he can’t stop thinking about your lips, it might.
Lyney makes a pitiful noise, like a wounded animal. Lynette sighs heavily, as in relief that it’s not anything serious. But it is something serious. How is he supposed to move on in his life when you’re the only thing running through his head?
“Lynette,” Lyney cries, “this isn’t normal. I’ve caught something. Check my temperature.”
“You’re lovesick,” she replies simply, batting the hand that’s trying to get her to place her palm on his forehead. “and you have a show to finish. Get it together, brother.”
Get it together. Yeah, he can do that—if the object of his desires isn’t seated in the front row. But for now, Lynette is glaring daggers, stern like a mother, and Lyney sucks it up and makes a point of avoiding your eyes later on.
Avoiding your eyes usually means staring at other parts of your face.
Lyney feels the last bit of his sanity chip away when you decided it would be a splendid idea to wear something glossy over your lips, as if he wasn’t already distracted enough as is. You have got to be doing this on purpose.
Your tongue swipes over your bottom lip. He feels lightheaded.
“You look desperate,” Lynette tells him, which is frankly enough to make him want the ground to swallow him whole.
This also gets to a point where Freminet pulls him aside and asks him if he’s feeling sick. He feels like it. Lovesick and desperate, as Lynette so elegantly put it.
How embarrassing. Is this what you’ve reduced him to? Freminet looked at him with all wide, worried eyes, and Lyney can’t outright say the reason for his predicament. He excuses that he feels tired, and he doesn’t mention that his lips are feeling incredibly lonely.
Freminet, precious and understanding and thankfully unaware, nods and says, “I hope you feel better soon.” Lyney finds that unlikely, but he thanks him anyway. “Oh, and you should look behind you.”
Lyney turns and finds you waving at him, gesturing for him.Your fingers curl and it almost looks like you’re calling for a pet. And Lyney, weak and obsessed Lyney, follows without a second thought. Try as he might, he can never stay too long away from you, because as much as you’re driving him crazy, seeing you, hearing you, is enough to brighten his entire day and momentarily forget you’re the reason why he almost messed up with his lines.
He stands before you with a bit of distance. You want him gone so you pull him by the collar until his head is dipped down.
“You look feverish,” you say. Feverish, desperate, the list could go on and on.
I feel like it, Lyney wants to say; instead, his words are caught on the tip of his tongue as your eyes trace over his entire face. He feels as if he’s laying himself bare for you, but he finds that he doesn’t mind it at all, not when he’s soaking up your attention like he doesn’t know how to do anything else.
“Hey,” you whisper, a testament to your proximity, a smirk on your face, “my eyes are up here, Lyney.”
Lyney frowns, feeling petulant now that he’s aware of your schemes. “I’m not being indecent; please don’t phrase it like that.” Or is it worse that he’s ogling your mouth?
You laugh brightly, and he melts just a little. “You’re too obvious, Lyney.” He loves it when you say his name. He’s addicted to how your mouth carves his name. A poke on his cheek startles him enough to look up to your eyes, shame crawling in his cheeks. “See? You’re doing it again.”
“I don’t know what you’re on about.”
“Lyney.” You have got to stop doing that. Then again, he’s starting to think you’re doing it on purpose seeing how it affects him terribly. “If you want something, take it. Don’t stand around and do nothing about it.”
Lyney’s breath hitches, his blush climbing higher from his neck to his entire face. “Don’t just say that.” He can’t handle your crooked grin. He pulls you to his chest and buries his face on your neck—if it’s to keep your face away or to hide his expression, no one would be able to tell. “You can’t just say that.”
“I know what I’m saying. Don’t take me for a fool.”
Your lips brush his. His mind blanks. You’re bad for him—you have to be, but everything that comes after feels natural, at least.
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dokidokitsuna · 3 months
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Tragic Sky
(very long salty rant ahead (+new Alterna backstory, though! ^^;))
So I've always thought Alterna’s backstory, despite being presented as a grand mystery that’s definitely worth fighting through 90% of the missions to uncover in its entirety…was kinda stupid. :/ I’m all for humanity destroying itself for ridiculous reasons, but trying to launch a rocket in an enclosed space?? Are you serious…? o_O How could the Alternans devote such immense amounts of time and energy to something like that without once thinking, “hey, uh…burning metric tons of high-energy fuel inside of our flammable safety dome might be a little unsafe, idk”.
And it shouldn’t even have been necessary! DX I mean, if they were able to build a dome like that in the first place, wouldn’t they have some sort of scaffolding or elevator system they could use to reach the top and just literally climb out if they wanted to leave that badly?? Had Alterna existed for so long that the technology used to create it was lost to time (seeing as it’s implied that Alterna was destroyed by its SECOND generation, I doubt it)...?? Or, did the writers suddenly realize that coming up with pseudo-scientific lore that explains why inkfishes resemble humanity is wholly unnecessary and adds nothing to the themes of Splatoon…but it was too late to rework the concept, so they just finished off the story with whatever-the-heck and called it a day. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I guess we’ll never know...
Anyway, my version of Alterna’s backstory starts with a similar premise: humans invented crystal thingies that can manifest people’s desires and whatnot…but this alone caused conflict that eventually doomed Alterna. People began to make their own interpretations of other people’s desires, judging and condemning them for how they manifested. They began treating the crystals’ reflections as compulsory measures of morality and worth, rather than simple expressions of the human heart that exist outside of a good/bad binary. Alterna’s leaders envisioned themselves creating a society of ‘pure truth’, free from the destructive power of deceit and subterfuge…all the while ignoring the destructive power of paranoia and exclusion that they immersed themselves in.
Exclusion escalated to oppression, which eventually spawned rebellion: plans were made to create a rocket that would allow a select group of ‘undesirables’ to escape Alterna for the surface world, destroying the integrity of their safe haven in the process. Despite not knowing what was waiting for them out there, they were willing to take the risk in the name of freedom. Eventually, this secret plan was revealed to the public, resulting in Alterna’s first and last civil war. As the Alternans began to fight and kill each other, the crystals were overwhelmed with the unprecedented ferocity of their clashing desires-- “a violent and terrible chain reaction ensued”, and the energy within them exploded outward. The sky dome, still filled with the beautiful blue of the peoples’ wishes for peace and happiness, came crumbling down, raining fire and shrapnel upon Alterna. The still-poisoned air of the outside world flowed freely into the cavern, ensuring the eventual death of anyone who might have survived.
…Then the crystals fell in the ocean, the sea creatures were imbued with human hopes and dreams, yadda yadda, all that’s basically the same as the canon too. And although I still think it’s unneeded (the mere concept of a bygone humanity in Splatoon carries plenty of weight without all this “lore”, imo), at least now the story isn’t stupid!
It speaks to the way humans actually treat each other, and blames their downfall on their long-established bad habits of cruelty and callousness, rather than morally-neutral traits like ambition and pursuit of the unknown (I would never have expected “curiosity killed the cat” as the lesson of the day from Splatoon, of all franchises. o_O This IS the same game that celebrates individual expression and forging your own path, right…?)
Anyway…I’m gonna be using elements of this rewritten backstory and the theme of “manifesting desires” to flesh out the final boss encounter and Agent 3’s subtle character arc. So please look forward to that~
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smolsix · 10 months
-blows dust off this blog-
Little Nightmares III, huh???
I was trying to avoid being excited about it because no solid release date and 2024 could be a few months from now or a year from now and Idk how long I can handle being so fuckin hyped for this game YEEHAW
so here are my thoughts, if you wanted to know
FIRST OF ALL, i am so glad that after we saw LTNM II we thought it'd be co-op but it was just an AI, that we finally get co-op! AND ONLINE TOO, i spent the first day worried it'd be shared screen same room situation since i wasn't trying to get my hopes up but then I realised I can just.. google it.. AND IT IS!!! ONLINE!! IDK WHO I AM GONNA PLAY IT W FIRST AAAAAAAA
anyways, you can definitely tell it's a new studio working on this game, the world feels mostly the same but the character designs themselves are definitely stylistically similar, but not the same. With Six especially, the MC designs were very simplistic and realistic but used colour (or for Mono, a single design quirk being the bag) to stand out against their backgrounds and against the enemies which are largely neutral colours. But these new ones feel... "over designed"? On their own they definitely aren't, but in comparison to Mono, Six, Seven, and even NPCs like the flashlight girl, they have a lot more going on (especially the little wrench kid, Idk which one is Alone and which one is Low yet btw OOP)
Despite it being a new studio and you can tell, new puzzles and environments, they're still doing their best to have the OGs vibes and whatnot to feel familiar, namely in the trailer they bring back the fuses, and the additional gameplay video there's a short scene with an environment with all the shelves you can find in LTNM 1s gnome section (the one with the cart that is affected by the Maws swaying).
But regardless, it still feels different enough my brain is still nervous about it. I also feel In A Way about Tarsier having LTNM II explode and their franchise getting the attention it deserves, only to have it stuck with Bandai and now it's going to likely explode again and they aren't involved. Idk how anyone on that team feels about it, but if it were me omg.
Also the only boss we've seen so far (i hope they add more and i def want some to be a surprise so im not gonna assume this is the only one for now) feels... out of place? it has the design qualities of a LTNM boss, but the size of it makes it more of a spectacle than a warped/corruption of an adult. All the previous bosses fit in their environment, we are the small ones and they are scaled to the world around them. This is the first time, outside monster Six who imo is a bit of an outlier anyways due to her circumstances, we're getting a boss who is this huge and doesn't even fit their own environment. I hope we get a lore reason for this in some way, because currently the boss doesn't have the same vibe as the others and it's throwing me off a bit. Don't get me wrong, it'll be terrifying, but looking at the picture as a whole they are sort of out of place for me rn. I don't hate the bitch either, I'm not gonna be like omg get rid of it or change it, but it does strike me as odd seeing it for now.
And yes the tall man is too tall for a lot of things, but he's not THAT big. He's more like yer tall guy who hits his head off doorways, which happens irl anyways LMAO
Little Nightmares primarily tries to capture the feeling of being a small child and how everything is big and scary, but a doll that huge is out of the realm of reality set up for us already. It's gone from scary corrupted animal to godzilla, if that makes sense.
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thinking abt gillion but i think for my 3am thoughts post i actually wanna talk about the ferins
like there’s so much we still don’t know about ava and the ferins have such rich lore and it makes me want to explode i would fucking kill a man for an episode just where jay and drey just like talk or some shit and we get to hear more about the ferins. cause like ?? jays the girl with “special blood” and also her family (at least dads side) has that whole thing with the sun and then their eye(s) turning golden ?? and then fucking may with the tree !?!?? god i circle back to this one ferin art post on the patreon because just god I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM !! they’re such an interesting family and i feel like their stories might go back to the small beginnings of mana but who knows! not i! oh my god and jays grandma too i need to know more about that woman because look at her sons !!! and circling back i would love to hear more about ava. just grrr i cant think cause im tired but i would love to know everything there is to know about the ferins and their role in mana. i seriously gotta listen to the fucking uhh hole in the sea oneshot especially with the recent shit going on good god.
erm anyways cause i love siblings do you think there was a period of time where jay maybe blamed herself for ava’s death. like maybe she felt that if she has stayed with the navy that what happened to ava wouldn’t have occurred or that she could have been there to do something, maybe taken her place? HOLY ??? DO YOU THINK AVA AND JAY COULDVE BEEN PARALLELS TO JAYSON AND DREY??? i gotta relisten to fucking uhhh 101 or find a supercut of times ava was mentioned.. i know jayson is incredibly fucked up but do you think maybe he was part of the navy with the hope to make a difference and then his mother fucking twisted that ideal away from him and maybe that’s why he is now? do you think maybe he encouraged ava to join with the purpose of changing the navy for the better? also while i’m here i feel like grandma ferin may have had a role in ava’s death because like there’s no way in my mind, as fucked up as jayson is, that his first born child and one of his captains he could just watch die like that. but anyways yeah thinks about ava and jay i want to know more about their relationship :( cause jay loved her dearly, enough to go looking for answers in relation to her death, i just ough i would kill just to hear about a childhood memory of hers with ava. i wonder if may has flowers at the tavern in ava’s memory :( like maybe tiger lilies perhaps? or like maybe small bundles of baby’s breath and forget-me-nots,, sighs also thinks abt jayson and drey cause like OUGGGHHH fucked up brothers holds them in my hands i want to know their in depth story too i just really love the ferins and their lore
okay it’s fucking uhh 3:40am and i got class at 9:30am so hopefully i don’t miss that lmaoo anyways i leave you with
albatrio to mars by sleeping at last
okay nighttt
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mawofthemagnetar · 1 year
So that plane crash then
I'm sorry if there was additional cutscene I was missing, but I have this problem where I can't watch streams for very long unless I really, REALLY want to, so I wasn't able to watch more than just the crash and a few minutes of aypierre's stream.
Before we proceed: I know nothing about the QSMP, I was just told "oh hey there was a plane crash" and I was like "oh? tell me more" and dove in to investigate. I am DEFINITELY going to be missing a ton of lore for this- I'm sorry, but, again, streams really don't agree with my brain. I will avoid speculating on anything and just give my honest thoughts on the lovely cutscene that played.
On the topic of the cutscene: it was beautifully done! no hate to the animators, I really, really loved it. They did a great job.
now with that...
SPOILERS for the QSMP under the cut! As well as. Cluelessness.
Right. First thing:
I had to get that out of the way early. What we're shown is a chicken in the sky, which lays an egg that gets sucked into one of the jet engines, damaging it and causing it to flame out.
So the thing is- again- modern jet engines are actually- designed for that? They're designed to withstand specifically what was shown- Bird strikes are common, and during testing, they have to be able to ingest a frozen chicken (this information may be slightly out of date) and, if not FUNCTION, then at least not. Explode?
So, alright, right off the bat, the engine on the QSMP flight is. Definitely not FAA approved!
It...should not have done that!
But alright, it's minecraft, let's let that slide.
What happens next is- baffling to me. The plane- which appears to still have lift, and critically, the use of one entire engine- then- rolls over and goes into a sharp dive?
That doesn't make. Any sense?
Unless the engine exploding severed the flight controls or something, that flight pattern makes. no sense. it. Like that almost looked like a deliberate input from the pilots, there.
Okay and then, the plane's trajectory towards the ground is a classic nosedive, with no attempt by the pilots to pull up at all. Then, the next we see, our new friends are crashed on the island with the Nausea status effect, and I had to stop watching due to the aforementioned Streams Not Agreeing With My Brain Thing
Okay. So from this we can conclude that either the pilots were able to pull up into a fairly shallow dive at the last second, OR the French streamers are all demigods.
Either works. It's minecraft.
Anyway. I hope you enjoyed these. Disjointed rambling thoughts. It's late and i'm tired, but if I was a lorehound, this would be making me have many questions. This seems...weird, and fishy, and I hope to god it's deliberate, because that'd be super, SUPER cool.
Right, sorry for wading in when I have no idea what's happening! I'll go back to my little corner now.
I hope you...enjoyed?
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walnutcookie · 3 months
i know that canonically theres a variety of different food/drinks on planet xylitol (ex xylitol jellies, artificial sugar jellies, xylitol shakes, xylitol juice) but i like to headcanon that its all just the same shit
the xylitol jelly vs artificial sugar jelly thing in specific bothers me a little becsuse what do you MEAAAN isnt xylitol a type of artifical sugar. are the artifivcial sugar jellies made of a different type of sugar. what makes them less healthy. but thats just me nitpicking i dont care GXJFMF in my head theyre the same thing
as for the xylitol shakes(or smoothies? cant remember what theyre called in canon too lazy to check) and juice theyre. Guess what. also xylitol jellies! They just have one food and they put it in differenr shapes and arrangements and give it different textures and consistencies HGDFKH its all the same taste. there are no other flavors. it tastes like shit too to earthbread cookies but its all the xylitols ever eat or drink
besides water but as ive said before i hc that water makes them drunk so thats reserved as a Fun Drink that they dont need nor does it actually provide any health benefits
poor astronaut was going insane when she was staying on the planet/ship Like at least they had water but DEAR GOD the one thing she never thought to ready herself for was space food. or at least she didnt think shed have to prepare herself for a lack of flavor and eating the same shitty meal for weeks GDJFJFL i dont know if it makes sense but like it clicks in my head because shes neopolitan like. she is a variety of flavors (+ some fanmade lore that i have for her that ties into it a little bit but ill save that for another post). all of the xylitols watch in amazement and slight horror as she smushes together a bunch of stuff she found on other planets that she hopes is edible with their bland ass xylitol jellies because she just wants some FLAVOR goddammit
anyways i think xylitol nova should eat a burger and have his mind exploded. and start choking because his taste buds are overwhelmed
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aroace-poly-show · 6 months
hi more me guessing hw songs.
i learned the lyrics to Snowman by halyosy (lyrics) and now can't stop thinking of it as a potential hw song- not as a song they would cover, but as a song their virtual singer would sing to them (kaito to tsukasa specifically). i don't think you've ever shared virtual singer lore so im making it up drawing influence from the feelings of both the nightcord and wxs virtual singers
""I told a lie to my mom", a boy began to cry. I am made to be all white so that I can take away the darkness in his heart". -> n25s miku's whole thing is to be there for mafuyu and help ease the pain in her heart. i'd guess the virtual singers of hw would have a similar motivation. (also, the lie in question was that the boy had friends and was talented at school and sports, so that his dying mother didn't worry about him. if this isn't tsukasa at its core.)
"I tried to warm your cold smile, but I can't make a smile with my artificial eyes" -> but the vs aren't actually real (i dont want to think about the implications of sekai so i will leave it there), so what can they do other than provide support? provide a word here or there, a wish of healing? but also- the wishes of the virtual singers have to come from somewhere, right? is this not also the wish of hw- "i want you to be happy, even if i am not yet myself"?
"Neon tubes and monochrome snow" -> i actually don't really know what this line means in the actual song but here- the neon lights of the theater, the colorful world of the stage, and the cold, grey feelings freezing them in place?
"I'll tell you how to do it, I believe you can do it, Soft snow covers our tracks" -> this again as the wish of the virtual singers- i can't change for you, but i can offer advice and push you forward because i know you can (oh also spitball other point- kaito's line in his 1.5 anni card- "when faced with a wall, i don't want to push them up over from the bottom. I want to climb it myself and pull them up with me, so that we can see the other side together"). i had a connection to the soft snow covering our tracks part but i don't know how to say it in words. but in colors it's a soft orange. which i know doesn't make any sense.
"You ran with your friends" -> emu nene rui do i need to say more here. (yes because it never gets old. because of the pain, of the things that tore them down, of the steps they took back up, they found their dreams friends family).
"He will be alright now, 'cause there's no winter that isn't followed by spring" -> yes
also raising the point of snow imagery- it alrealy exists in normal n25- mafuyu did chose the name "yuki". and i think there was an event about it. i think that theme also works in hw. but instead of the damp, blue sort of snowfall that feels cold and hollow, it's the warmer, sparkly snow of dawn. it's the snow that was lonely in the night, but beings to feel less so when the light first begins to break.
AADHWJJDNWKDNWKDUSQJOSHISKWUQNDOBWNSNSJ acey are you in my fucking brain. aroace wxs fanatics really do share a brain cell because HELLO??????/silly
i haven’t said shit about the virtual singers yet but ohmygod your guess is so fucking on point. awawawa. this is so fucking hw core and like it fits so so fucking well into the current thoughts i have for both tsukasa and the main story guhhhh explodes explodes explodes
firstly, might as well do a tiny bit of explanation for hw virtual singers. they both have the same overall personalities as canon wxs, kaito being the responsible older brother figure (representing what tsukasa wants to be like yknow) and miku being very childish and all (i. forget her symbolism w tsukasa. whoops). also given that the sekai and they were created from tsukasa’s feelings, they are well aware that tsukasa isn’t quite okay. even if he isn’t entirely aware of it himself. yknow how he is. anyway. you’re very right about hw virtual singers. their goal is both to ease their pain but also to like. revive the bit of hope they all had, and help them not lose it again. given it’s an online theater group, they of course want to help them do shows and find joy in doing again, because despite it hurting them so badly they still hold so much love for shows and the vs want to help them with it, but more than anything they want them all to find joy in living again. like they’ve all been hurt and vs is there to ease that pain and help them find joy and hope despite being given so much shit and having been hurt. yknow. and i don’t have much to add aside from that cause like. you got them so well. my god
"You ran with your friends" throwing UP. i hate these clowns and their stupid loving friendship and love and care they have for each other because who else understood them like they did each other who else did they have aside from each other because who else will drag them back up and cling to hope with them like they do for each other. they’re so. sobs.
"He will be alright now, 'cause there's no winter that isn't followed by spring" YES. YES INDEED. they’re all gonna be okay. they’re gonna be okay. cries.
tsukasa side note:
""I told a lie to my mom", a boy began to cry. I am made to be all white so that I can take away the darkness in his heart" -> also like you said TBIS IS TSUKASA AT HIS CORE and he’s exactly the same in hw. he wants to be that big brother his siblings can look up to he wants to make them proud and he especially doesn’t want to worry anyone Ever and saki and toya know something might be wrong but he won’t tell her (but to be fair. he hasn’t exactly admitted it to himself either) bc he’s tsukasa tenma!! he’s okay!!! he has to be okay!! he’s going to be a star!! and what kind of star would let a lot a few setbacks get him down!! so there’s no need for anyone to worry!! cause he’s a-okay!! (<- lying. to himself as well.) honestly at this rate i’m not even gonna need to do the tsukasa ramble since i’m just rambling about him in asks when i can /lh
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moe-broey · 4 months
My "Not a full thought" post about Emblems now being able to exist in Askr and the potential of timeline fuckery is coming back to haunt me.
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@iamdarkness BUT I really did wanna reply to this more in-depth esp to have context on the Engage side of things as well! And tbh it could be a really interesting thing to dig into, I just feel a bit out of my depth about it (the FEH autism does not extend far past Askr. If I'm entirely honest 🧍)
Hoping to clear the air on some things! Such as, Elyios (Engage) is separate from Askr/Zenith (FEH)! All the Emblems have their own "domains", in the form of a paralogue/map that's modeled after the respective Emblem's world. For story Emblems, you unlock these as you collect the rings, and for the DLC Emblems, that's how you recruit them. Unsure what this says about Elyios itself, if these maps are like. Pocket dimensions that are replicas of that Emblem's world or what. Given what I vaguely know about Emblem lore I'm gonna say replicas.
This is Askr's!
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Which, is interesting that it Is Askr, because it's Emblem Veronica's domain.
But honestly I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself, because even before the DLC came out, I was under the impression that Engage took place after all FEs were said and done, timeline wise. Given the nature of the Emblems, and the set up of the story starting off "1000 years ago" (and that was just to set up the story of Engage! So it has been A While).
One thing (that feels very loose canon-wise) that made me feel Engage is after FEH is because, not only are there Bond Rings of the Askr trio, but their weapons are here too! This was a promotional thing, but. It's There
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Something worth noting, is that Bond Rings are different than Emblems. They don't have a spirit in them, that's as animated as the Emblems anyway... they give small stat bonuses, and are of characters that are related to any given Emblem (so, Corrin has a collection of Fates characters for Bond Rings, ect). This Does have an interesting result where there's an overlap between some DLC Emblems and Bond Rings. Cases being, there's Emblem Camilla and a Camilla Bond Ring that's connected to Emblem Corrin -- and, this happened to Edelgard/Dimitri/Claude too! Each of them having Bond Rings connected to Byleth, and also becoming their own Emblems in the Get Along Bracelet LMFAO (all three of them are in there. It goes about as well as you'd expect.)
But I am. Getting a little distracted.
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One line that stands out to me is Alear (named Milo here) saying he hasn't heard of Askr before. But like if I think about that too much my head might explode and also Alear was previously comatose for 1000 slutty slutty years. So. Take it or leave it, whatever this is implying
Also, interestingly, she takes the form of her post Book 6 look -- but there's some odd inconsistencies, like her personality being more young Veronica, and also, mentions of Bruno as if he was still missing in action and not. Well. You know. (I'd have to dig further into Bond convos for examples, which tbh may be a worthwhile endeavor! But for now Take My Word For It Please this is already so all over the place 🥲)
But the main reason I wanted to emphasize that dialogue (aside from it being interesting, to say the least), is how Alear doesn't know about Askr as a whole. And, in Alear/Alfonse Forging Bonds:
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WHICH.... AGAIN.......... MADE ME FEEL LIKE. With everything going on in Engage, the Bond Rings of Alfonse/Sharena/Anna, their Respective Signature Weapons (feels particularly damning) and Emblem Veronica. It felt like, what happens in Elyios is something that has Yet to Happen. And that, Askr as we know it, has been long gone.
But then...... everything with the Katarina/Kris FBs............ how Kris was only able to be summonable because Katarina and Marth told their story............. and how it's just the Emblems that are specifically mentioned as Not Having Info on, not Alear herself or her friends. My head hurds so bad.
LIKE...... I GUESS???? My initial thoughts on "Oh yeah that makes sense the Emblems don't exist in Askr" was that they Didn't Exist Yet. Aughh but then ...... in-universe, wouldn't the same be true for. Anyone from "the future". Or does it just apply to ghostly jewelry apparitions. Because we KNOW that option isn't true, it's shown/stated that Kiran comes from a modern world like ours, and there's also the Tokyo Mirage Sessions idols. Maybe the Emblem thing WAS just a Kris case, but that feels SO ODD. Like the Emblems are intrinsic to Elyios it seems. Why wouldn't the Askr library, chock full of information about the various worlds and lives of Heroes, Not Have That Info??? Especially with royalty like Lumera (Alear's mom) having close ties with specific Emblems (Sigurd). And also off the top my head that's a REOCCURRING thing, that the royal families in Engage Are entrusted with specific Emblems that are passed down/protected across generations. Celica with Céline/Firene, Lyn with Alcryst/Brodia, to name a few. It just seems SO strange, because it Feels Like it would be basic information about the world of Elyios.
My head hurds so bad. Net zero information. I'm so sorry. I hope this helped!!!!!!!!! 😇🫡
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plutonium-sky · 2 months
Sky lore/headcannons dump part two boogaloo. This one is about spirits, and maybe a little about skids and winged light
part one in link below
So I like to put spirits into a hierarchy: Elder spirits, Season guides, and Regular/Seasonal spirits. So. What are they?
Spirits are beings of pure light, just like winged lights are. I'm not talking about those btw because idk what they are in my head... yet. But! that's not exactly it. Here, spirits are more like the... vessels, of light. In order to function, and be aware, they gotta be supplied with light. Otherwise! They will enter a dormant state.
And, of course, not everyone gets the same amount of light- Elders get it directly from skids (cutsceeeeenes~), Season guides get it from you finishing their quests (yay), and Regular spirits.... get it from season guides or Eden itself (last one is only when they come as ts or something). This would explain why we see some spirits out and about, while others aren't (e.g. performance spirits compared to... I don't know, Abyss)
Also this would mean that Hopeful Steward takes care of it for the regular spirits in aviary lmao
Anyways! Regular spirits CAN be woken up by skids. just give them a little light like skids do to elders (unfortunately this isn't part of the game), and then they're out and about until the light you gave them fades out- takes about an hour or so, depending on how active they will be. and here's where we go into the headcannons zone, returning to winged light even though I can't explain those.
If regular spirits want to be out and about for MORE than an hour, they would have to take a winged light- filling up their "vessel" in a self-filling loop. OFC, after having taken one, they can fly but beware- never let them use the last star on their cape. they'll just dissipate and you'll have to wake them up again :T
also, if you want to make things more interesting, make it so that it would be inadvisable to wake them up for the first time by yourself- wait for them to have come as a ts at least once. that way, you don't have to deal with them violently reliving their death by Eden shattering for the first time.
also, I like to think that season guides have at least some control over their seasonal area (if they have one), while elders are stuck in their statues (rip), can oversee the entirety of their realms, and have limited control over them. Also! they can meet each other in an in-between if needed (aka vault elder scene)
anyways onto skids. They're literally just fallen stars given form. We all knew that. And if they give up their light, they become ancestors/elders depending on how much they gave up (check part one). they're here to make sure that the balance of the realms won't tip over to darkness.... and here to also clean the mess that SOMEONE made (looking at you, Resh. naughty little skid you are, exploding eden)
aaaaand that's it for now. if I think of something I'll add more parts. otherwise! only headcannons from me from this point on.
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fatuismooches · 11 months
SMOOOCHES!!! Hiii darling! ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ꒱ა
This isn’t a story but really just me coming on here to talk so I hope you don’t mind! I’m sorry if it’s ever a bother or disturbs you! But I finally finished with all my exploration~! Well, I actually finished on the 10th of July (aka this month) BUT I felt a little shame to just come on here and say that I had finished I was too embarrassed;; but how has everything been? I hope you’re staying fresh in this blazing summer (it’s literally like 115° every single day here it’s unbearable for me and my dog) and also making the most out of it! I’m dreading going back to school in less than a month I’m not ready!!! (Leaks mentioned: ALSO HAVE YOU HEARD OF A SUPPOSED NEW DOTTORE SOUNDTRACK? It sounds so good AND IT MAY BE A CUTSCENE kinda like Kazuha’s friend or Makoto’s in the Archon Quests! I’m really hoping we get more lore on our boo boo Dottore he’s just so interesting!!) I also just recently read a VERY lengthy character analysis on him and oh mygskkd. It really helped me get to understand Dottore as a character and how it disapproves of many misconceptions of himself. (Like being a sadist for ex.) if you ever want the link I can send it since it was on tt. And the day I’m writing this it’s Childe’s birthday, which ironically enough my mom also shared a birthday with him LMAO. (She’s only aware of this bc of how much I dawn over the chars 😭) and to answer your question from one of the recent brainrots I had made “who are you saving up for” I’m actually saving up for Zhongli cons! He’s at C0 rn but in hoping to at least get C2 or C3, but I also won’t be spending my almost 400 wishes on him since I really want a lot of the Fontaine characters, and I’m still hoping for Dottore to become playable soon 😭 (this is me trying to cope) but I hope you have a wonderful day and week!! But before I end this off, can we agree the Dottore pictured in Nahida’s cute story with Wanderer IS ADORABLE?? Like i sometimes just wanna write about the little creature because it’s so cute. Is he ugly? A little but he’s ugly in the cute way!!! I swear I would just want to hug him to sleep. (Many ideas with fragile reader come to mind now LMAO) but anyways !!! I give you so many chu chus n cuddles n a lot of love!! Make sure you’re staying healthy and drinking water in this scorching heat. I give u so many kisses your heart explodes!!! ><
- from your boo boo bear 🎐 anon!! ૮ ྀི◞͈ ˔ ◟͈ ྀིა
It's more than okay i love talking to you!!! And OMF I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!! I know it was such a grind and probably a bit exhausting at times but I'm so proud of you 😌💖 Giving you lots of kithes and hugs!! Mwahhhh!!
115 DEGREES??? HOLY- I thought it was hot where I live 😭 I'm barely surviving like every other summer but omg I'm so sorry 😭 And you have a dog?? How cute! What type of dog do you have, if i may ask?🥰 Though i have been unproductive all summer unfortunately, the heat makes me not want to do anything haha
AND YESSSS IVE SEEN THE LEAKED OST MY EYES POPPED OPEN AT THE POSSIBLE DOTTORE APPEARANCE 👁 IM SO EXCITED I WANT HIM IN FONTAINE BADLY!! Also i think I've read the same character analysis on tiktok like you, was it called "Sadist or Scientist" and had many many slides? With the character and design analysis? If yes i too read it and it was so good! I love seeing analysis on him especially since there are not much crumbs on him. Oh and happy belated birthday to your mom! I hope you had fun with her!💖
Omg almost 400 wishes??? I havent had that much since the time I've saved for Wanderer 👏 I really hope you get lots of cons for him! I also love Zhongli sm but that man has avoided me on all three banners. First banner i didn't have enough primos and missed him, second banner i lost to Qiqi, third banner i lost to Jean lol. I forgot he is coming so i will try to get him again for the fourth time 🤣 Manifesting hard for you 💖🙏 (Dw I'm also coping on playable Dot😭😭)
AND YESSS OMG I LOVE THE LIL STRANGE DOT CREATURE SO MUCH. I need someone to make a good quality plushie of that creature so i can cuddle it 🥺 HYV was probably intending to make the creature look unsettling, but nah, i wholly think it's adorable. I would hold its little hand. (Always ready to listen to your fragile reader ideas tho 😌🤞)
Hehe I'm giving you lots of more cuddles and kisses!! 🫂 I hope you're staying hydrated as well!! We shall get through this heat together 💪 Smooch smooch !! <33
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I tried running a game of starfinder but I found that I didn't particularly like it for a couple reasons, including the item system just locking stuff behind levels, the enchanting system being nearly pointless, the classes being too specific, I couldn't figure out how to make space combat and vehicle combat fun when the players are all in one ship... Can you tell me what you find fun about starfinder and how to get into the game? Because I have most of the books and desperately want to like it, it's so cool lore wise after all, and pathfinder 1e is my main edition.
Hi! I'd be happy to share my thoughts on the matter.
The level-locking thing (limiting players to purchasing equipment up to 1 level higher than their current one) I've never found to be an issue since it serves more as a guideline for balance reasons and also generally most players aren't going to have the credits to circumvent it anyway.
I'm assuming when you say the enchanting system is somewhat pointless, you are referring to weapon fusions and the like, and yeah, I will admit most of the time players are not even going to bother seeking them out except for something specific like adding returning to a melee weapon so they can go play Thor/Kratos. But if we turn our thinking around and think of the weapon fusions as a way to add uniqueness to a looted weapon or to add flexibility to a weapon, rather than increasing it's power, it becomes more viable, especially if you have one of those players who wants to have one or two weapons and use them for every situation.
The classes in Starfinder are a tad specific, I'll admit, but also remember that this system is young and doesn't have as much resources allocated to it compared to PF1 back in the day and PF2 now. With that in mind, Starfinder is very much about matching your equipment with your abilities and figuring out an action economy that you enjoy, like picking weapons with the boost ability as a mechanic so you can get the most bang out of a single attack. That being said, as the game progresses in development, the classes flesh out a lot, such as soldiers that can be barbarian-analogues, ranged solarians, and so on. Also remember that archetypes can mix and match with almost any class for surprisingly flexible and unique builds.
The starship combat also requires you to change your perspective and remember it is a cooperative experience, more so than normal combat. If you're not in the pilot or gunner seat, your turn is either spent passing buffs along to those positions, or trying to keep everything from exploding if the enemies get a lucky shot in. Starship Operations Manual has a lot of ways to give other positions more to do, though, such as boarding, or letting the science officer hack the enemy with special ship weapons, and so on. Even then, however, that may not appeal to you, so you're free to modify that combat system or even ignore it, choosing to play a campaign where starship combat is not focused on, or glossed over. Alternately, SOM also has guidelines for doing ship squadron combat as well, with individual pilots each flying their own vessel with a support ship to dock on, Star Fox-style. As for ordinary vehicle combat, it really is all about presenting a "track" of obstacles for the driver to deal with while the rest of the party shoots guns or tries to keep the vehicle from exploding.
Anyway, I hope this helped. With a new genre comes different expectations and opportunities/limitations.
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wulvert · 1 year
IM VERY LATE BUT TRIPTRACK!! did terry only get. created? after the divorce or does toad just. forget he has a 2nd child. very in character 4 him if so. i want 2 explode him with my mind
ALSO UR CREATURES,,,TELL US MORE ABOUT THM,,,i lov red n tex nd i project my arospecness onto them bc their "friends but also not JUST friends but also-" is so real 2 me,,,howevr,,,do u have any untold info in ur brain u can give us abt the rest of ur lesser seen beasts like shae nd tara nd mouse n mits nd...toad...i GUESS. . i absorbed all the terry lore into my brain from the other person's ask and im so hungry 4 more info,,,
u can also give any silly paperteeth lore here too if its in ur brain!! i want 2 devour all ur characters (even toad,,,he is so well-written 2 make me hate his guts) they r so goofy (/pos!!) i need 2 rotate every single one of them in my thoughts,,,
im back with clingfilm on my head i hope i can finally just. have my normal hair again im too lazy to keep dying it anyway! yeah so toad didnt have anything to do with terry, he sucks but he would def remember terry for. reasons.
yea i think a qpr is probs the best definition for what they have!
i hate how i handled shae- triptrack is something i cannot look at for more than five seconds without going i need to rip this apart and put it back together again- shae is like. H. shes kind of just obsessed with being peak performance like best form out of the entire sentient population- but like tex is a fairly indestructable robot and yeah. shaes also autohemophobic is that a word i think its a word. ( NO T HOMOPHOBIC SHE'S AN ALLY and her pronouns r she/they yeah like shae im yeah. and shes named after shea butter but i forgot how to spell shea. which. im pretty dumb im not going to lie to you. i think theyre the only character in triptrack that im set on that for bc. it sounds like shae. and i think thats art. nothing happened to her they just like decided to become a cyborg to like beat everyone else
also webtoon nerfed her boobs i cant beleive this world is so cruel
mouse and mits ive decided r gay since my last post and in love and now sell homemade furry ish masks together
tara needs more screentime bc just like. girlboss this isnt what ur husband meant when he said he wanted kids. but like. girlboss....
i think most of the stuff abt toad and tara is spoilers rn but knowing me i'll fail to explain it on every level so like . ill probs post about it eventually.
papertee th i keep forgetting 2 add and i think i forgot to mention the seeing in the dark on the otherposts i made - avery needs reading glasses but since vampires can see better in the dark, she doesnt need them if she's reading in the dark- but to her the ambience of reading in the dark is awful so she refuses. she also refuses to wear her reading glasses if anyones watching but she obviously needs them because shes holding the book 10 miles away from her face (longsighted) nobody cares mundane but i want to draw her wearing glasses and i need to provide context before i do. the science of her not needing them in the dark is not there. it. vampires arent scientce though
AND THANK U UUU im glad im not the only one rotating them in the microwave
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
Hellooo! It's not so much a goofy ask, but: what made you intrigued by Chongyun? What's a fact about him you like, what's a headcanon about him you haven't gotten the chance to write about?
And last but not least: talk about Xiao / Chongyun (whichever context you like!) 💕 please!
ahh, Chongyun, my beloved.
I started playing Genshin because I was fully interested in Diluc. I thought his character looked the most interesting, and I wanted so badly to have him. I loved the idea of playing with a claymore character. Unfortunately, I never got Diluc. I did get Chongyun though! And at first I was...very underwhelmed. This was not the uber strong pyro character everyone was raving about, here was a 4 star cryo character.
But since I wanted a claymore user, I decided to play around with Chongyun and see how I liked him. I thought some of his voicelines were cute, and slowly I became invested in his lore. I was becoming more and more attached not only to him as a character, but as my main party member. And then while playing with friends, we started doing crack rp with each other and my love for him grew even more.
It wasn't until last year when I finally made an rp blog for him. I didn't have very many ideas starting out, I just wanted to do some bullshit and have fun. But every interaction I had with him gave me more and more ideas for headcanons and au ideas, and I just. Cannot let this guy go. He is my scrunkly, my baby, my cryo exorcist who needs far more love and respect in the fandom because he's so disrespected it's sad. But I love him and I will spread my agenda. Everyone will come to love and appreciate this 4 star who's secretly a five star, cause CHONGYUN IS A NUKE, PLAY HIM.
And as for Xiaoyun!!!
I initially made the blog with an entirely different ship in mind. I didn't actually start enjoying Xiao x Chongyun until after I met @viigilant, and I started thinking and putting various lore bits together, and it completely exploded from there. Xiao x Chongyun is so incredibly important not just to me, but it's doing both characters a complete disservice to not acknowledge it in some regard. The two are intrinsically tied together if you read between the lines in lore. They have a great amount of stuff in common, they have the same ideals and morals, and of course you have Chongyun who already respects and looks up to Xiao canonically.
I choose to disregard canon (lantern rite especially) in the aspect that they haven't met. With how many centuries the exorcists have been working alongside Xiao, and with Xiao dismissing their abillities, there's no way they haven't met before the lantern rite. I am annoyed that Hoyo is that dismissive of a very important relationship that SHOULD have been canon from the word go.
I am very inclined to think that the two are close. Chongyun actively worships Xiao, referring to him as 'my Lord', and following orders. Chongyun's very devout in his worship, and would always put Xiao first, because Chongyun strives to be like him. You don't desire to become the best exorcist in all of Liyue without knowing and appreciating the first five exorcists to exist!
Whether people ship it or not, or just see a very close platonic relationship, it doesn't matter, because at the end of the day, the two should have been Liyue's powerhouse, the nation's protective due working in tandem from the beginning. But then again, Hoyo forgets Chongyun exists anyway, so I gotta create my own lore for him and hope people come to see what I see.
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galaxythreads · 2 years
Hello, I hope you’re feeling better now. Wishing you good health and sending some good vibes on the way. May I ask about number 19, 22 and 23? Thanks
<3<3<3 I am feeling better, thank you! :D
19. which of your fics almost didn't get published and why?
M&M Paradise, actually.
Vertigo (part 1) was a story I wrote to deal with my frustrations over some stuff that was happening in real life, like my stupid stupid spanish class--still annoyed with mi profesors years later--It was my escape. I wrote a majority of it on some Sunday in November of that year and in December I was like, yknow what, fine. We'll just post it and see what happens. It exploded in popularity so much so I wrote a 47k sequel in a month.
22. do you have a fic that has some deep lore you never explained?
Ghosts and Failure: Wish I Could Change I wrote in a couple of days and posted it and was very proud of it.
A couple of months later in 2019, I get this review on ff.net: saying someone had made a podcast reviewing it and I was like "???? uh." and I didn't really know what to expect so after a kinda bad day (which probably didn't help anything, honestly) I listened to it and.
It was extremely, deeply insensitive. The fic in question deals with Thor wanting to hurt himself and the steps taken to help him get better while he's being haunted by Loki. At one point, Thor decides to take his own life with a gun and the people reviewing the fic COULD NOT LET IT GO. They kept insisting that it was a stupid method and I was like WHY ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF THIS?????????? WHY DOES IT MATTER? --- DO NOT. Under ANY circumstances, make fun of the method someone chooses to hurt themselves. Please. --- and they kept insisting that me trying to add a government to Asgard was ridiculous because they're just a bunch of drunken frat boys among other things. Yeah, they did have positive things to say (sort of, it's been three years and I can't remember a lot beyond what hurt now) but the fact that they were so insensitive about the mental health aspect really bothered me and they just. Had Things To Say about my writing in general.
(They did say they thought I was 25 and wrote this when I was upset? or drunk? can't remember exactly, this was three years ago but I thought that was really, really funny because like. Bro.)
Anyway, I was really really embarrassed so I deleted the fic from ff.net and changed the title on a03 and then decided I would never, ever, ever talk about this fic again. I honestly considered deleting it completely. A few weeks ago I did end up finding the podcast again and realized that they stopped making podcasts after like four other fics they reviewed after mine which did make me feel a little better. If they'd ended up making money off of making fun of mental health, I would have been pissed.
There was no way I could find to contact them and ask them to take it down, which is unfortunate.
23. are any of your fics awaiting a sequel you haven't announced?
Porcelain. I started the sequel today, actually. Typically, I don't announce anything until I have the first chapter done/or the one-shot is completed. (to be clear, this is a one-shot, not a full fic.)
And i'm working on a one-shot that bridges The Weeping Siren and the Blodig Skog, but I'm not sure if that's going to be finished.
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