#but! it makes me feel better about not finishing all my stuff if the creators don't care
maxwellatoms · 4 days
In one of your last answers, you said “series reboots are usually pretty gross and sad”, and I was wondering if you could expand on that? Assuming “reboot” covers any kind of continuation of a currently cancelled or finished show (and maybe that’s the wrong assumption!), from the outside looking in it feels like a pretty mixed bag. On one hand, if I love XYZ Show, it’s cool that I get more stories with these characters and another chance to support XYZ Show and its creators. On the other, it definitely feels like a lot of ideas can only get funding if they’re tied to something already, meaning creatives are having to now tie whatever cool idea they have to some reboot/relaunch/retread, which can feel pretty disheartening if you don’t want to do a reboot/relaunch/retread. Is that a similar feeling from your side of the industry?
Thank you so much for all your answers and insight!
Usually reboots and spin-offs are just cash grabs. It happens a lot in animation. In fact, I would argue that the entire industry is just one big cash grab now. In the 80s, everyone complained that cartoons were just half-hour commercials for toys. And they were right. And we're right back there, but now that you can't legally push toys all day, it's just general "IP". Mugs, posters, more spinoffs, whatever.
I was offered three show running gigs over the pandemic. All reboots that I would consider unwise to pursue because they were "of a different time" and didn't (in my opinion) have anything more to say. Two of them were properties created by notorious sex pests, so there's also that. The animation industry loves to prop up its sex pests.
I turned all of them down, partially because I didn't respect the original creators but also because none of them had anything going for them except just being "more of the same".
I don't think any of those projects survived the intervening years, so in retrospect I maybe should've taken the job. I'd probably feel a bit gross, but at least I'd have floors in my house.
The entertainment industry is in a bad spot. The whole thing. I've had I don't know how many pitch meetings in the last few years, and they all start the same way:
"Hey! Before we start, we just want to let you know that we're not actively producing anything right now. We think maybe soon, but we won't be picking anything up today..."
And then later:
"The little we are doing is IP, so if you have a new take on our IP or a new IP you're connected to that you can bring in, that'd be great."
I always wanted to make original stuff. There came a time when I'd had my fill of Billy & Mandy and wanted to do something else new and original. That never manifested, and I was constantly being offered IP to produce. I turned too many of those down, maybe, before deciding that it was probably better that I run the IPs that mean something to me rather than having some hack do it.
But now those jobs have all gone to celebrities and fallen live-action writers, who are also slowly being eaten by the system. WB was hot for Scooby stuff a few years back, so I pitched some ideas. A few of them were turned down for being "off-brand" in a variety of ways. WB has now made (I think) all of those off-brand shows (or something close) with celebrity show runners.
I was going through a whole Midlife Impostor Syndrome thing recently where I was wondering if maybe I don't just suck. Like, it's weird that for a couple of decades I'd have people calling me trying to get me to run shows, and now nobody will call me back about the possibility of a design job.
Talking to some friends and realizing that they were in a similar situation helped me feel like I wasn't alone. That was nice. Talking to some of the most talented colleagues in my industry made me made me realize that those people weren't getting jobs either. That was unnerving. Talking to complete strangers in other parts of the entertainment industry now has me thinking that the whole house of cards is coming down. That's real concerning, yo.
It's hard not to think it's purposeful, when deranged billionaires own the entirety of our media and want to shape a society where they can't be criticized. We're letting wealthy tech bros firebomb the very heart of our culture, and it's weird that no one is talking about it. Because (for now) we still have that capability.
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luvfy0dor · 1 month
Heyy, I was thinking about a concept with Fyodor (or whoever from BSD) having a streamer bf, but like, one of -those- streamers where every word they say can be quite questionable (in a “good” way/ironically). For some reason it amuses me to imagine it with Fyodor and Reader occasionally teasing him, calling him their ‘discord kitten’ or streaming for 5 hours (or more lol) saying nonsenses or playing video games instead of paying attention to Fyodor. What do you think?
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“Get Off The Game ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Fyodor Dostoevsky, Dazai Osamu
Description; BSD men with a streamer!reader
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A/n; these are in headcannon form, I hope that's alright!!! I think Dazai or Nikolai would be a better person to have this occupation w so I also did headcannons for one of them
Fyodor Dostoevsky ★
• Fyodor thinks it's stupid at first, but when he realized you made money from it he learned to tolerate it. He wasn't too fond of the noise, though.
• I don't think he was too fond of the nickname 'discord kitten', always raising an eyebrow when he's called that, he also strongly dislikes brainrot cause what do you mean you're so sigma? No you're not, you're y/n. That's unrelated, but I thought I'd add that in there.
• "A discord what? Kitten? What even is that? I am nothing of the such."
• Catch him dead before he makes an appearance on camera, he much prefers to keep his business private. He doesn't mind you talking about him though, he loves that. He loves that people know you're already taken by him and that all those losers in your chat don't have a chance with you.
• Sometimes he'll watch your streams from a different room in attempt to understand your work and the art of gaming. He enjoys when you play horror games, especially the ones that get you thinking. He sometimes finds your facial expressions when you get jumpscared funnier than anything else in the stream.
• When it comes to the duration of your streams, Fyodor can entertain himself for as long as you need him to, but he can't help but feel like he'd rather be spending that time with you every now and again.
• He usually just takes the time to work on his DOA stuff, and occasionally he'll get so lost in it that he doesn't even realized you've finished with your stream and on whenever that happens, you make some tea and go to fetch him to spend some quality time together, whether it's you laying in his lap while you both read a book or having a conversation about whatever comes to mind
Dazai Osamu ★
• Dazai is your #1 supporter since day one. There's a conversation going on about content creators? He's immediately bringing you up. You need new items for your set up? He's manifesting that said items go on sale ASAP!
• Oh my god, and he LOVES it when you get recognized in public. He's very prideful of you and likes that it's only him and a select group of people that get to see the real you outside of the camera frame.
• He, unlike Fyodor, does have an issue with the long hours, so he busies himself with the ADA and otherwise to keep himself from walking in and talking your ear off while you play your games for umpteen thousand people.
• He doesn't despise being called a discord kitten, but it does confuse him a little bit. But whatever, as long as you have 'my' in front of any name he doesn't care.
• Dazai watches your old streams when he's bored and can't help but giggle at the out of pocket or questionable things you say. He likes to watch the compilations of you on YouTube, too.
• Sometimes he'll quote you out of the blue.
• He doesn't like people trying to flirt with you or talk to you on the Internet as any partner wouldn't, so he is in the comment section of every post reading through individual comments. Type guy to see '❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥' comments on your posts and reply '🧯🧯🧯'
• All in all, Dazai is well received by your fanbase, especially the ones who don't try to romance you and are normal. They think he's funny and a good match for you.
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A/n; I hope it wasn't to short!!! I thought it was a cutsey idea, I think Nikolai would be pretty similar to Dazai in this scemario.
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lizaluvsthis · 21 days
Sparks in the air
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This fanfic is dedicaded to @shygirl4991 and @alianarepasa for Mothers Day! Thank you for being our found family!
Summary- Smg4 receives an official invite from a group of famous content creators such as himself to work with them.
It's always been a dream for him yet he has to leave his home and friends forever. After careful consideration, he decided to pursue his dream and packed up his things.
His friends threw him a going away party, and he was sad to leave but what bothered him the most was that he hasn’t seen too much of his meme guardian partner lately since he announced he was leaving...
INSPIRED BY - The show “Friends”
Notebook (from Spiderverse Part 1) -Liz
Holding hands episode -Aj
Written by @itsajanea and @lizaluvsthis
Illustrations by @lizaluvsthis
Gmods by @itsajanea
3rd Pov
“GUYS, GUYS LOOK WHAT I HAVE!” Smg4 yelled excitedly, running into the room, and waving what seemed to be a half-open letter. The crew looked at him with confusion but expected it was good based on his reaction.
“ I got an official invite to work with the best content creators!!” The blue meme guardian starts jumping up and down, waving the letter in the air.
The others were happy for him and celebrated with him.
Something slipped from the inside of the envelope and fell onto the floor, Meggy picked it up and stared at it before turning back to look at the happy Smg4.
“Ummmm Smg4, did you read the ENTIRE letter?” Meggy calls out to him, catching everyone else's attention as she waves a small plane ticket.
Smg4 looked back at the invitation in his hand and took out the letter from the envelope only to realize it was also talking about him moving away from his current residence
“Oh, it says that I will be going away for a long time…” What once was happy cheers turned into a sad moment of silence, until Mario shuffled up to him and gave him a big ol hug.
“Mario understands how much this means to you, and Mario is very happy.” He softly said, hugging the other tighter while he held back some tears. Smg4 hugged the red plumber back and soon everyone joined in the group hug, it was nice and comforting for the man.
All except for one, Smg3. He looked back at the group making sure no one noticed him hiding his tears before running off.
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Smg4 Pov
It's been a couple of days since I got that invite… I should be finished packing by now, yet I don't want to move.
I’ve been lying here, staring at the ceiling for quite a while and I hear some noise outside.
They told me earlier that I should stay in here for a while so they’re probably throwing a party for me which is nice but… something feels wrong.
I sat up and looked at the boxes surrounding the room, I finally got up and walked around the place, reminiscing about the time I spent here.
I spotted a glimpse of a certain picture inside the box and I took it out. I smiled seeing the picture of me and the gang, we all looked so happy, I pulled out another picture from the box and it was of the two of us.
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“Three…” I frown just thinking of him, I haven’t seen him in a while since I said to everyone that I accepted the offer.
And even when I DID see him, he’d just avoid me.
I bet he’s just mad that I got a good deal instead of him. I rolled my eyes and shoved the picture back into the box, walked away, and found myself looking back at the box.
Even though I'm a little mad at him… I’ll still miss him, like everyone else but I think I’ll miss him the most. But we know that I have to leave soon, so I better finish packing.
I grabbed an empty box and started packing some stuff in it, later on, I finished packing all my stuff so I took off my hat, lay on my bed and I stared at the wall to my right.
I waited for a while for the others to finish outside but I can’t help thinking about him. I turned to the left, looking at that space beside me and for some reason, I felt something was missing in that very spot.
I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber.
Suddenly I felt a gentle breeze, I opened my eyes and found myself sitting on the grassy plains, staring at a purple sky, It was a sight to see and reminded me of someone-
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I looked around the beautiful plains and saw 3 in the distance, I got up and rushed over to him yet I had a weird feeling.
When I called out his name, he looked at me with an enraged look, clenching his fists and what shocked me more was when he spoke in a sarcastic tone.
“Congratulations Smg4, you got what you wanted, now you can go off with your new friends.”
He then started walking away, I tried catching up, pleading with him to understand what he meant. I thought he would understand.
I tried reaching my hand out to him
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and then the next thing I knew… I woke up, realizing I was reaching for something that wasn’t there
I tried relaxing my mind because it didn’t matter, for now, maybe I’d see him later and we could talk if he would be here.
“Oh ES-EM-GEE-FOUR!” I hear Mario’s call, which means I can finally come out now. I fixed my hair, put on my hat, and was ready to get out.
When I stepped out, I noticed all the decorations and everyone I knew. They all yelled out in excitement and came rushing towards me. I was overjoyed, even though it may be the last, I'm glad to see everyone again.
While chatting with one of my old friends, I see Smg3 just standing there.
I excused myself and walked up to him til Mario just popped out of nowhere. I was stuck talking to him for a while and saw 3 leaving the party too soon. He looked at me with a cold stare before disappearing from my gaze.
What did I do wrong?
3rd Pov
It was after the party that Smg4 couldn’t sleep, that look 3 gave him shook him to his core. It made him angry for some reason. Why couldn’t he be happy for him just once, just because he was the one who got an amazing offer?
4 could’ve tried sleeping, his flight is in the morning but it bothered him too much to the point where he decided to go march over to 3’s place and give him a piece of his mind.
He took his hat and entered the shop, while riding down the elevator he thought of what to say and then
He got off the elevator and yelled out
Smg3 sat on his bed, hugging himself while he cried in anguish. Surrounded by a mess and Eggdog, who was trying his best to comfort his beloved father he still weeps.
4 felt devastated, he felt sick to his stomach seeing the other in this state. He had never seen 3 in such a terrible state like this before.
“Three…” He softly says, slowly approaching the other before 3 stared at the man intensely, his eyes were red and puffy, and he kept gasping for air and felt his body tremble.
“Get out.” 3 quietly answered, pausing to wipe his face on his shirt. “Now…”
“But I-”
“I SAID GET OUT, GET OUT NOW” he raised his voice and threw the nearest object he could find at 4.
4 was able to dodge it but he still had goosebumps. Before he could speak, 3 threw another object at him and kept throwing more and more objects while yelling at him
A moment without thinking, he threw the only thing that felt important to him…
His secret diary… his notebook… the one that he hides most often when he’s around with four or any other of the crew members.
“Three! Please stop- we can talk about this-” Four trying his best to cover his face with his arm on defense.
He was brought by surprise just the second he saw a notebook coming closer that was about to his face.
It was too late for him to dodge it, right after the split second he noticed that it was SMG3’s diary. The sharp corner hit his forehead and fell to the floor.
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“OW!” SMG4 knocked himself back to the ground, with his eyes closed. His hat fell off to the floor, and the amount of pictures and notes flew out of the pages from three’s notebook.
Like how it exploded in the air.
The notes and pictures that scattered across the room, gave Three a quick moment of realization then his face turned pale. Feeling shocked after realizing what he had just done.
Seeing Four has a tiny scratch from the impact and the purple notebook he owns. Just right in front of him…
Three starts to panic after he gave himself a second to think, he f-cked up pretty badly…
“SHIT- SHIT- SHIT!” he hurriedly grabs the photos and the other notes lying on the ground, and Four rubs his forehead then finally opens his eyes to see papers falling.
As one of them falls and lands in Four’s hand, he slowly picks up the note to try and read what the handwriting says.
Three’s handwriting is oddly new to him since he’d never seen much of his writing before, looking a bit closer now. He reads a simple note of-
“Today, Four made me laugh. I honestly hated how soft I am to this baka but the joke was funny tho.”
Then to the bottom after the text, it shows a doodle of him and Three laughing together, just the two of them sitting on the bench.
“What…” he saw two marked pink colored hearts, one beside four and one beside three.
Three’s heart started pounding, this can’t be happening to him right now. But then again it was too late to stop him.
As Four carefully placed the note down with now seemingly widened eyes, his other hand moved to the other side reaching out for another picture.
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It was a picture of him and Three back when they were both in their recolored designs. Back when Three seemed to like Four a little bit…
The picture is back on Christmas when Four insists on taking a selfie with him and Three while Mario is the one to use the camera. SMG3 felt a bit uncomfortable with the idea but Four still insisted.
Grabbing him around the shoulder, Three is seen blushing red in the camera while Four just smiles casually.
“You kept this….” 3 took the picture away from him, his face was red and he was extremely frustrated with 4.
“I…” Three wanted to respond but never dared to. SMG3 felt like his whole world tore apart right after a single thing he’d done. Now everything about his friendship with Four is destroyed.
Four tilted his head from side to side seeing all of the notes that were all mostly drawings of him and the pictures Three and him have been together or even without three and just him only marked with pink hearts all over.
“Three… you… you’ve been hiding all of this from me this whole time…?” Deep silence caused Four to get more upset. “Three… please…” “Stop.” The notes three were holding are now crushed right after clenching his fist.
“YOU WOULDN’T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING AT ALL!” He slapped Four’s hand away after trying to reach him.
“Then just tell me-”
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Three snapped out to Four as soon as he kept pushing Three to finally admit these feelings that he’d never given to him years from now.
Four, still lying down on the ground, looked up at Three to see the tired look on his face. His red cheeks were visible enough and had been caught in tears streaming down from his eyes.
He took a harsh breath and began to avoid his stare, he looked down to his side. “There…” he took every second to catch up on his words, taking deep breaths to regain his stamina.
“Now… you know…” his eyes kept watering, it made him want to wipe it off. He was still mad at him during this time, he just wished that Four would go away.
Yet the man refuses to leave him alone.
Smg4 Pov
“Why didn’t he tell me…?”
My thoughts wandered from his act, I had never seen him like this before.
But when he finally said that he had feelings for me… I didn’t know why it just stabbed my heart after hearing him this broken.
I spoke right to his front, trying to understand why he kept avoiding me.
"But why 3... if you felt this way, then why didn't you at least see me one last time?"
“Was it selfishness…? Was he jealous…? Did he hate it when I said I was leaving…?”
Three as soon as he wiped his tears, he turned to me and stared right into my eyes with hatred and pain.
"BECAUSE IT HURTS FOUR! It hurts so bad seeing you leave and I CAN’T DO SHIT ABOUT IT…"
(shit… I fucked up pretty badly… didn’t I…)
As much as I want to follow the path I’ve always dreamed of achieving, I promised myself to never hold back. Never LOOK back. But just seeing Three like this I don’t think I could ever say no just by baring to look at his eyes.
“Three… you know we both have been friends right…?” I saw him backing away from me and avoiding my glances, He kept picking up other of the notes that were left on the floor as soon as I saw the notebook right in front of me, one of the pages seemingly read as “SMG4” which was my name, is written on the lines.
“Dear Diary, I wish that SMG4 would have stayed here. But there's nothing that I can do now, I guess no one ever stays the same once there is one important thing way ahead in people's lives.
He’s leaving too. I don’t want him to, there's so many things that he’s done here. And now that he just started to leave? What kind of idiot does that man think he is? It’s not fair.”
There was a space gap in the paragraph, the last sentence is crossed out of the line. I leaned in closer to read the final letters. “I wish I could tell him- about how I feel-” The notebook is shut closed in my face as Three snatched it away.
“You’re moving away from us today… Leave me be… I don’t want to discuss any of this anymore” Three puts the remaining notes back on the pages and puts them back in the drawer, shutting it loudly.
Third Pov
“You should leave… Before you might miss the airport” Four got up from the ground and picked up his hat, putting it back on his head. “Can we just talk this out?”
“You don’t want to know how heavy it is to me when you’re gone.
I’ve waited every OTHER MOMENT of our time to get together but NO!
You wanted what you wished to get and you already had your time here, you enjoyed the celebration, the party, your friends, Mario, and everyone who was all up to support your dream. But me?
I’ve already run out of time, thinking about what could happen between the two of us, when you’re not by my side…”
Four wanted to speak to him, he wanted to hug him tightly. If he had to choose between the options of either leaving or staying, he could never decide.
What will he ever listen to? His heart or his head? But he could never decide about this, not with the one he loved, his friend that he broke his attachment to just because of moving far long away.
Which one should he decide…? Even though it was his dream… his partner…
He had already decided that following his dream was the only choice for him to do so, yet he also had no choice since he accepted that letter.
“I’m sorry…” Four backed away and ran to the elevator, Three was left alone from the scene.
Four had finally had his luggage packed and was hugged by Mario and then by every other of his crew members.
“Mario’s gonna miss you very much!”
“I agree with Red, things are never the same without you around and…” Meggy and Mario gave each other looks and went completely silent right after they gave a sad one.
“Guys, what’s the matter?” They both looked at him with sad eyes as Meggy spoke the second time.
“Three was barely seen around the party. It seems like me and Mario wondered that it’s worrying him that you’ll be gone…”
Mario pulled out a meme quote out of the random. “Mario smells GAY DRAMA from you” His mustache grew as he sniffed him.
Four couldn’t help but think about what happened back to his lair. Was it all true? Did he- as in SMG3 have this kind of romantic feeling for him?
He tried not to think much about it since he was running out of time.
He knew he had to go but there's just something wanting to let him stay there, someone… who in particular was Three.
“Oh, yeah right. Him…” He immediately felt bad about the words he said to him, he couldn’t ever forget about it, it felt like the words were stuck to his head.
“SMG4- did something happen with your boyfriend? Did you both fight or something?” SMG4 flinched after hearing Mario say the word.
He began to back away from his words defending himself “What? We’re not boyfriends! He and I just had a misunderstanding- "On what exactly?” Meggy grinned in curiosity.
A honk of the bus caught everyone off guard, They all knew this moment would come sooner or later and they all had to be strong for their friend.
The crew gathered for one last hug before Smg4 stepped onto the vehicle.
He sat down and looked outside the window, seeing everyone waving him goodbye while the bus began to move.
He had one last glimpse of them, the showgrounds and Three’s Coffee shop.
He only saw for a moment, but swore that he did see Three watching him leave before going back inside.
The man in blue felt blue once again, he put on his headphones and watched some memes to make him feel better but nothing helped…
Smg4 then closed his eyes for a little while, waiting for him to reach the airport.
After he was cleared for inspection, Four got on the plane earlier than expected. He should feel excited, overjoyed, and thrilled even for this wonderful opportunity yet he still feels upset.
He felt tired, he took his hat off for a breather and ran his hand through his hair. Looking at the lights and looking back down at his hat, noticing a small folded-up note inside.
Smg4 opened it up, expecting it was a fun quirky letter left behind by his friends but instead he was greeted with an old photo he took with Smg3 not so long ago, before the whole YouTube thing.
He had convinced Three at the time to take a selfie with him, Four giving his usual goofy grin while Three who was looking at the other just smiled, with his face colored with a bright tint of red.
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There was also an added note written in purple ink, “I just love him and his goofy ahh smile so much” dotted with hearts.
The whole world felt like it stopped for Four, he held the picture close to face and he now knew for sure that deep down in his heart.
“I love him”
Smg4 Pov
“I love him, I do love him!” After so long I finally understood, I always felt that we were just more than friends. GOD I’ve been such an idiot, It's been so obvious this whole time!
I just love him so… but if I do love him, What the heck am I doing?
I look around me to see the plane filled up, If I do love him what am I still doing here?
This whole YouTube thing can wait, I need to see him, I need to get off the plane.
I put back the picture and wore my hat, grabbed my bag, and was determined to go after him.
Jumped out of my seat and rushed down the aisle, I could feel the stares of people I passed by but It didn't matter.
“Sir, you need to go back to your seat.” The flight attendant lady stood in my way, denying me the exit that was right there.
“But Miss-” I replied “I need to get off, I need to do something”
“I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to leave-” We felt the plane shake as it began to take off.
Oh no.
3rd POV
After a long day of serving customers, 3 placed a sign on the front door saying “We’re Closed”, grabbed a broom, and cleaned up. He sighs, wondering what could have been. If he had told 4 sooner than later, Would they have been happy? Would they still have to come across this problem? But, It's too late anyway, 4 made up his mind and he has to deal with it.
Smg3 kept on sweeping and sweeping, then he heard somebody enter.
“Oi! Shops closed!” He didn’t bother facing the person, he wasn’t in the mood at all.
He recognized that voice, it was impossible. He turned around to see if it was real.
“I got off the plane” It was Four, standing in front of him with a sincere smile.
Smg3 scanned the area where Four dropped his suitcase.
The suitcase tumbled to the ground with a dull thud, and it landed face down, the wheels clattering against the floor.
Three’s face contorted into a surprised expression, His partner darted forward, sprinting to embrace him and open his arms wide.
Four’s arms held tightly to SMG3’s waist, and he lifted him into the air, spinning him around quickly, with their faces beaming with joy.
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SMG4 carefully lowered SMG3 back down to the floor, their reunion now complete.
“You have no idea how much I’ve been missing you for so long, you idiot…” Three said softly. They turned to look at Four, who was now facing them with a rage-filled expression.
He, however, was not so quick to forgive and forget, and he let go of SMG4’s arms. Turning around as he punched him in the face, with all of the anger and resentment he had pent up over the years. “Ow, that hurt-” “Well that’s what you get for leaving me!” Three said.
Four rubbed his cheek after the punch, his face hurting yet understanding why SMG3 reacted the way he did.
After all, he had left him without even saying goodbye, acting like a true jerk-face. “I guess I deserve that. I’m sorry I hurt you.” Four said trying to reach for his hand to mend their relationship.
Three backed his hand away from him, he couldn’t bring himself to meet Four’s gaze, avoiding eye contact with him. He started to speak, but stopped his sentence, realizing something. “You didn’t make it to the flight…?” He asked as if it had just clicked in his mind.
“I came back to tell you something…” Four replied. “To tell you how much I loved you…” He offered his hand once more, and this time, Three accepted his hand, their bodies finally close as they embraced each other.
Three’s voice rose in an upset tone as he asked, “But what about the invitation? The content creations?” Aren’t you supposed to be following your dream?”
Four gave him a soft and warm smile and replied “I decided to follow my heart, the path I want to choose. I chose you, and our other friends.” He hugged SMG3 tightly and said. “I’m sorry for leaving you…” his response surprised Three.
“So- you’re not leaving?” Three questioned with wide eyes, feeling so much relief that a smile spread across his face. Four shook his head in reply and said, “No, I’ll never leave you or anyone else. I promise.”
Three’s eyes welled up as all the emotions flooded his mind, he felt relieved and overcome with happiness.
SMG4 noticed this and quickly wiped the tears away from the man’s cheek, saying “Hey, you’re crying.”
Three gave him a laugh and replied, “I’m just glad that you came back…” He then gave the man in blue a kiss.
Four was taken aback by the sudden display of attention, he was not prepared for the display of affection that Three had recently given him just now.
Four’s eyes immediately closed as Three pulled him in for a kiss. The long, drawn-out kiss was now the end, and all that could be seen was two lovers locked in a passionate embrace.
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redroses07 · 2 months
Heartfirst // Johnnie Guilbert
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is best friends with Johnnie and is avoiding telling him her feelings, but it's Tara's 1mil celebration party and she seems to be having some newfound confidence.
WC: 2.3k
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, slightly suggestive, drinking, use of y/n (i tried to avoid i’m sorry)
A/N: Hey guys, this is my first time writing for Johnnie and tbh I'm really proud of it! It took me a few days to finish and I really hope you guys like it. As always requests are open if you wanna see more of this type of stuff. Love y'all sm!! ♡⋆˙
You were at your house getting ready for your roommate Tara's party. She was throwing a party to celebrate reaching 1 million on her Youtube channel, and almost everyone you knew was attending.
Reaching 1 million was an amazing milestone for her and you were so incredibly proud. You were also a content creator with a solid following, but nothing close to what she had accomplished.
You were finished with your hair and makeup and now just had to decide what to wear. You were torn between a silky black slip, or a sparkly gold mini dress.
"Tara come in here I can't decide what to wear!" You shouted down the hall.
Tara comes rushing out of her room, always prepared to give the best fashion advice. She was already dressed but her makeup was noticeably incomplete, only sporting her signature winged eyeliner on one eye.
"Okay, show me the options." Tara exclaimed, clearly filled with excitement.
You went into your closet and emerged holding the two dresses.
"I feel like the black fits better, but it's kinda basic."
Tara looks between the two and smirks.
"Well which one do you think Johnnie would like better?"
Your jaw fell open, clearly embarrassed by her words.
Johnnie was one of your best friends, and Tara's too. You two spent an awful lot of time together, especially recently since you had begun filming together much more frequently. You will admit, you two had chemistry, and your friends and fans alike picked up on it.
You couldn't deny the not so little crush you had on him, but no way you were ever gonna admit that. It took you forever to admit it to even Tara, you would be mortified if Johnnie ever found out. Although that didn't stop Tara from pressuring you almost every day to confess. It was according to her "obvious he felt the same", but you refused to take the risk and find out.
"What! I'm just being real." Tara said, eyeing your nervous expression.
You shook your head, giving her an annoyed glance.
"I say gold. We can be like opposites cause I'm wearing silver." Tara pointed to her dress.
You smiled, throwing the black dress to the side.
"See I can always count on you to make my decisions for me."
Tara laughed and sped out of the room to finish her makeup.
You proceeded to finish getting dressed, and while you did you thought about what Tara had said.
Maybe it was time for you to finally stop avoiding things and fess up, at least you would know the truth. The only drawback was losing your best friend. If Johnnie didn't feel the same then that would surely make your friendship awkward.
Curiosity was beginning to get the better of you, and maybe tonight would be the night you would find out the truth.
You could've said speak of the devil, because right at that moment Tara popped her head into your room to tell you that Jake and Johnnie had arrived.
"I hope you're ready, Jake said they brought a ton of stuff and need help carrying it all inside." Tara said with a sigh.
Her makeup was now complete, eyeliner perfectly symmetrical on both sides and glitter eye shadow completing the look.
"Yeah hold up I'm coming." You replied, jumping up from your seat and sliding your feet into your black platforms.
As you headed out the door and towards the car, you couldn't help but contain your excitement to see Johnnie. This recent rush of confidence has made you more eager and energetic than normal.
When you reached the car the first thing you saw was Jake piling boxes into his arms, and Johnnie very loudly complaining about how much shit he brought.
"What the hell...how much did you guys bring?" Tara asked, raising her eyebrows.
"Uhhhh, lots of food, and lots of alcohol," Jake began.
"Let's just say I'm gonna get fucked up tonight."
Tara rolled her eyes, and reached into the trunk to grab more boxes.
You rounded the corner and crept up behind Johnnie.
"Boo!" You said, causing him to jump and drop the box he was currently holding.
"Y/N!" Johnnie exclaimed the moment he saw you, completely forgetting about the box he had dropped.
"Johnnie, that could've been breakable." Jake huffed half jokingly.
Johnnie replied by flipping him off as he ran in to give you a hug. He wrapped his arms around you tightly as if he hadn't seen you in forever, when in reality it had only been about two days.
You breathed in the musky scent of his cologne as the hug lasted a bit longer than it should.
You broke apart and took a long look at your best friend. He was wearing a low cut black dress shirt that showed off several tattoos on his chest. He matched it with black jeans, a silver belt, and several chains hanging from his waist.
“You look pretty” Johnnie gave you a sheepish smile.
"Aww thank you!" Him complimenting you like this wasn't unusual for your friendship, but that didn't stop your heart from skipping every time.
Jake walked behind Johnnie slapping him on the back of the head as he did. "What the fuck Jake." Johnnie snapped, rubbing the back of his head.
"You know what." Jake responded without hesitation, giving Johnnie a telling look.
You wondered what Jake could possibly mean by that, maybe there was something Johnnie wasn't telling you. Although it wasn't unlike the two of them to share an inside joke that was impossible for you to understand.
"Let's get back to work." You laughed pointing at the trunk.
Johnnie nodded, pushed his bangs out his eyes, and brushed your shoulder lightly while reaching into the trunk.
You, Johnnie, Jake, and Tara spent the next hour or two setting up for the party, the sun slowly disappearing as you came closer to being complete.
Just as the night arrived, so did many of your guests. People began pouring in in small, or large, groups. Tara waited at the door, greeting everyone upon arrival like the amazing host she was.
Unfortunately, without Tara, you could be pretty awkward at parties. You and Johnnie had that in common, which is why you found yourself hanging out in the corner with him.
Obviously you didn't mind, you loved hanging out with him after all. The two of you spent the early hours of the night attached at the hip, ignoring the busy sections of the party, and sipping on your drinks while making small talk with your friends.
You were on the way to refill your cup with water, fearing that you had had one too many when a clearly tipsy Tara grabbed your arm.
"Y/N! I've been looking for you all over! I need to get a clip of you to add in my video before I forget."
You happily obliged, excited that you were finally got to spend some time with your best friend.
She led you into the living room, a camera following the two of you.
"Come on, dance with me!" Tara said excitedly, throwing her hands up in the air.
You giggled, and joined her moving to the beat of the music. Tara only needed a few shots of the two of you for her video but she spent much longer dancing with you.
You hadn't realized how much time had passed until, a few more drinks and many songs later, your feet began to ache.
"Hey Tara, keep on having fun, I'm gonna go find Johnnie and then relax for a bit." Tara gave you a hug, just in case she didn't see you again that night, and then ran off to join a few of her friends.
It took you a few minutes of aimlessly searching to find Johnnie. When you did find him, you saw he was talking to Sam and Colby while sitting on your couch that had been pushed to the back of the living room.
You plopped down next to Johnnie, carelessly resting your pounding head on his shoulder.
"Hey look at who's back." Johnnie announced, looking over at you.
You smiled, nuzzling your nose into his neck. It must be all the alcohol mixed with the excitement giving you this newfound confidence.
You sat there for a moment, letting Johnnie finish his conversation.
While you waited you thought over the same situation from earlier, and suddenly the drawbacks to confessing your feelings didn't seem so bad.
Whether Johnnie felt the same or not he would always love you regardless, whether that love be platonic or romantic.
Sam and Colby walked off, marking the end of the conversation. Johnnie turned to you, and you picked your head up from its position on his shoulder.
"I think it would be best if we both got out of here." Johnnie got up, reaching his hands out to help you up.
You took his hands and allowed him to lead the both of you away from the chaos.
You followed Johnnie down the hall until he entered your room and shut the door behind the two of you.
You took a deep breath, it was nice to be in a calm space and away from the loud party. Although you could still hear the base pumping it was easier to ignore.
"This is much better." Johnnie collapsed onto your bed.
"Hmm, my room is a real creative way to get some alone time with me." You smirked sarcastically.
Johnnie's mouth fell open, his face turning red.
"Okay dirty minded." He retorted, fidgeting with his hands.
"As if you aren't" You snapped back playfully, plopping onto your bed.
Johnnie shoved you playfully, causing you to fall back into your pillows.
The pair of you exploded into a fit of laughter. The concerning amount of mixed drinks you had both had made the ordeal much more hilarious than it really was.
After several moments a silence fell over the two of you. You were laid back on your bed, Johnnie's body only inches from yours.
You may have been slightly drunk, but you were sober enough to remember your feelings.
You turned to face Johnnie, finding yourself face to face with his icy blue eyes.
Johnnie smiled at you, that signature, warm smile of his that you loved. The sincere, loving smile that he seemed to only ever use with you.
Johnnie reached out and brushed your messy hair out of your face.
"There, now I can see all of your pretty face."
Your heart stopped, suddenly all your nerves had returned. You were scared, scared of losing this, and of losing him.
You weren't going to let this stop you though. You had spent too long avoiding this, and today you would finally confess.
"Hey Johnnie,"
"I have something important to you about." Your voice was shaky, and you were convinced he noticed.
You could see his eyes fill with concern, maybe you should have used less ominous wording.
"I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time, and PROMISE ME you won't make fun of me."
"Are you serious? After how long we've known each other what could I possibly make fun of you for?"
You turned away shyly, he did have a point.
"Okay, well this is different."
"Well then I have to know, spill it." Johnnie said as he nudged your shoulder.
You blushed, avoiding eye contact in order to hide how flustered you were.
"I love you Johnnie, not like a best friend, like in love." You spat out, still refusing to make eye contact. God you sounded like a stupid high school kid.
"Hey..." Johnnie whispered.
He cupped your cheek and forced you to look him in the eye. Goosebumps formed on your skin where his skin met yours.
"I'm in love with you too, and I have been for a long time.
Your heart felt like it was going to stop, especially since he was now so close his nose was brushing against yours.
You closed your eyes before taking the leap and closing the gap between the two of you. His lips were softer than you expected, and you hoped he didn't notice how dry yours were.
Johnnie pulled you closer to him, and you re-situated yourself on top of him.
You leaned down to kiss him again, but he stopped you abruptly.
You looked at him concerned, wondering if you had done something wrong.
"I owe Jake money now!"
You began to laugh as your face landed in your hands.
"You two had a bet...about me?"
Johnnie giggled nervously, still underneath you.
"I'll explain later." He said, his eyes staring intently at your lips.
He pulled you down into another kiss, this one much more passionate than the last. You felt his hands run down your sides, grabbing longingly at your hips. You pushed your tongue into the roof of his mouth, causing him to grip your hair.
You let out a soft moan, which was followed by Johnnie flipping you over so that he could be on top.
Your lips not breaking apart once during the swift motion.
You continued to kiss him, your hands tugging at his shirt in an attempt to bring him even closer.
He began kissing your neck softly, as he reached behind you to fiddle with the zipper on your dress.
Just as things were heating up you heard the door swing open followed by an extremely loud voice.
"You better pay the fuck up bitch!!" Jake shouted cause the both of you to nearly jump out of your skin.
The two of you scrambled to sit up, adjusting your clothes as you did.
"What the fuck Jake!" You shouted, re-zipping your dress.
"Oh don't you start with me missy,"
"Tara come here I was right, look at them!"
You groaned, letting your head fall into Johnnie's chest.
"There, there." Johnnie patted your head sarcastically.
"Well, I hope you're okay with the whole world knowing." You say grumpily.
"Are you kidding, the whole world better know that I'm in love with you!"
You smiled, and kissed Johnnie on the cheek. If only you had done this sooner.
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justalia · 10 months
address the feeling
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recently i’ve been thinking about my understandings of the law and i decided to read again some of the stuff i read at the beginning of my journey. i’m glad i did because i now have a deeper understanding of what i thought i understood before, but actually never truly grasped its full meaning.
i have to be honest with you sometimes i still have my moments of anxiety, i still have my mind wondering if i’m doing things right and once in a while i still ask myself if i’m doing enough. shocking right? from my posts you may be thinking that there’s no one that understands the law better than me and you may be thinking “she must have the most perfect self concept i can’t wait to get there”
truth is: we are all humans at the end of the day and we are gonna have our moments, no one is better than anybody and the fact that my posts have helped people fill my heart with joy because i do not think of myself as a teacher, i merely try to share the notes of what i studied for myself and try to write it in a way that can reach anyone easily.
i haven’t felt inspired to post something in a while now, i was just numb cause i thought “there’s nothing else i could possibly share my thoughts on” and i have drafts of posts i have started writing but never finished because i didn’t feel called to do it and i don’t like to force myself to write something.
all my posts come from a burst of inspiration and i write them all at once (or at least i try) seizing the moment in which i feel the most inspired.
this being said what i’m about to address in this post is probably the most important teaching i have come across while reading the source and reading some material again has struck me with inspiration.
“feeling is the secret.”
what does that mean?
to say that feeling is the secret is to say that feeling is the womb in which all things are born, when felt an idea has to be expressed whether you like it or not, unless you change the feeling and fuse your imagination with its opposite.
you see your physical world has no way of existing if it wasn’t for your imagination, it reflects that and the ideas you believe to be true.
“yeah alia you’ve said that”
i know i know, i have addressed this, these are the basics, but bear with me.
pay attention to what i’ve just said “it reflects the ideas you believe to be true”.
how tiring does that sound? does that mean we have to change our beliefs? does that mean we have to do shadow work and see what ingrained belief we have to dismount?
it doesn’t.
self is what we believe to be true and what gets reflected? self.
inevitably when we start to think about this we think we have to find a magical way to change our beliefs and to trick our mind into believing something new about ourselves or we pretend in hopes to fake it till we make it. we begin this journey prepared to train ourselves, prepared to do dozens of techniques and we fill ourselves with hope.
self is what we believe to be true in this world of imagination, our beliefs get reflected and this is why not every single thing we imagine gets reflected. yes, imagination gets always reflected and it happens instantly, but for that to happen you must believe in the reality of said idea.
what is a belief?
a belief is something, an idea, a concept YOU feel to be true. you is the key word because the sole operant power is you, in your life your world operates according to your assumptions, in your life there is no other creator but imagination, YOUR imagination.
a belief is something you feel to be true because a belief it’s just an idea and it’s powerless until we feel it to be true.
why do we feel it to be true? we decide it is.
you decided that your friend was rude to you because they don’t want to be your friend anymore; you decided that your partner was losing feelings because they were distant one day; you decided you were going to fail the test even if days away because you didn’t feel good enough.
you decided the reason your friend was rude to you was because they didn’t want to be your friend anymore, even if just yesterday they asked you to hang out.
you decided the reason your partner was acting a bit distant today was because they are losing feelings, even if just yesterday they said how much they loved you and bought you flowers.
you decided you were going to fail the test before you even started studying for it because you decided you weren’t smart enough, even if the last test you did went beautifully.
you have been making decisions dismissing the senses your whole life and probably occupying states that do not serve you at all without even realizing it. you have misused your power for so many years it feels too good to be true to finally realize it’s all in your hands.
to decide that your friend was rude because they don’t want to be your friend is just as easy as deciding they just had a bad day and accept that as true.
to decide that your partner is losing feelings because they are acting a bit distant today is just as easy as deciding they just were busy today and accept that as true.
to decide that you’re going to pass the test and that you are smart enough is just as easy to accept as true.
how? how can i accept that as true if reality is showing me the opposite? how can i accept it as true if i failed in the past?
we always disregard appearances, we always disregard and dismiss the senses and accept things as true based on our imagination. there is no outside reality because the true reality is within and as within so without. you accepted it as true and now it is expressing in your life, your mirror is just reflecting what you decided to be true, you had no other proof when you started assuming those negative things about yourself and about others.
think about it! when you first started worrying your partner was losing feelings, did you have proof of it? did you have concrete proof that made you think they wanted to dump you? i think you made an assumption, decided it was true hoped with all your heart it wasn’t, but felt it to be true and soon you were provided with proof and there you go: “just like i thought”.
you decide everything all the damn time!! trust me this is nothing new, the thing is that when it comes to positive things we want to believe to be true we think we need proof, and what is proof? the permission to believe something as true. the 3D never played a part in this, when it came to you assuming negative things about yourself or about others you didn’t think about how it wasn’t true on the outside, did you? when you started feeling insecure in your relationship and worried they would dump you, did you think about how it wasn’t “real” on the outside? did you worry about how the outside was opposite so it couldn’t possibly be true?
no, you didn’t.
you decided it was true, trusted it, dismissed the senses even when completely opposite and soon enough the universe, god, whatever you believe in, provided proof for you.
the power we have is the power of dismissing the senses, the power of deciding what is true or not. and you do that using imagination as your instrument. yes, imagination gets expressed but imagination is not just the silly little scenarios you make up, imagination is your mental activity and what gets expressed is what you believe to be true in imagination.
again when it came to negative stuff you were well aware that the outside was opposite from what you believed to be true but you didn’t care one bit and it still manifested into your life. your lover was distant one day, you assumed they lost feelings, the next day they tell you how much they love you and you assume they are lying, you assume the outside isn’t as true as what you believe to be true inside.
you sustain that feeling, you trust it, and it gets expressed.
you never actually waited to look at your partner and see them telling you they were losing feelings before you assumed they were. you never worried about what the 3D was showing you, you never CARED for it.
when you assume something new about yourself and you imagine yourself to already be the one you wish to be you do so because by imagining you are experiencing it in the true reality. imagining it to be already realized helps because your imagination is a tool, it’s an instrument that makes it easier to trust the new idea you decided to assume about yourself because you actually experienced it.
when you imagine yourself in a new state and you do so by, for example, conjuring up a scene, you do so because you want to experience what you desire. you want to live it, you want to experience it and feel it to be true, that’s what the scenes are for, you visualize a scene that implies your objective realized and you indulge in that peacefully enjoying it.
you don’t have to necessarily visualize scenes, affirm, or do this or that technique. these are just tools, methods you can use to use your imagination in a way that is most comfortable to you. for example i am naturally a visualizer so to get myself in a new state sometimes i find it helpful to conjure up a scene that implies my objective realized and experience it, i enjoy it fully and when i open my eyes i trust the implications of that scene to be true, i just experienced it, who’s gonna tell me i didn’t?
what you need more than anything is to give yourself permission to trust in the reality of imagination, that’s the only thing you need.
yes, you are allowed to believe you are good enough for that job; you are allowed to believe you are safe and secure in relationships; you are allowed to believe anything you want no matter how far fetched it might seem.
you can be so bold with your scenes, or your affirmations. you imagine the most perfect scene or say the most wonderful affirmations but i dare you to be as brave with feeling as you are with your scenes and your words.
i dare you to accept it is true, i dare you to believe it is true because you said it is, and then again i’m not talking about the outside!!! i’m talking about imagination because imagination is the only reality. if it is true in imagination and it is because you can just DECIDE it is, then it’s truth. there’s nothing more to do on your part, you just sustain that state and everything else will take care of itself.
free yourself entirely in your mind and accept as truth whatever you desire to be true about yourself, you can imagine yourself to be confident, smart, beautiful, loved, cared for and you can give yourself permission to accept it to be true inside of imagination and see yourself exactly how you want to see yourself.
stop caring about how it’ll happen or if it will happen or what will happen and just FEEL.
address the feeling
what do i mean by that?
pay attention to your mental activity for one day and see where your mind wonders naturally, that will tell you your current state.
let’s say you get ugly thoughts, you think you’re not enough and that you are going to fail the test you have in two weeks. pay attention to your mental activity and see how the thoughts FOLLOW the feeling, and not viceversa. first you get the feeling of unworthiness and then you start thinking “i’m not enough i will fail i can’t do this”, there is no inherent truth in those thoughts.
it may be difficult to notice at first but everything starts from a feeling and then the thoughts follow. there is no thought you have to flip because they hold no truth and no power by themselves, they are simply a manifestation of your FEELING.
fearful feeling gives birth to fearful thoughts. anxious feeling gives birth to anxious thoughts. lonely feeling gives birth to thoughts of loneliness. insecure feeling gives birth to insecure thoughts.
the only reason why you believe something to be true is because you FEEL it. there’s no actual truth in those fearful, anxious, insecure thoughts.
YOU FELT FEAR and the fearful thoughts came along and then you started worrying about them manifesting into your life. YOU FELT INSECURE and the thoughts of insecurity and unworthiness came alone and you started feeling bad about yourself and unworthy of your desire.
just as easily as you felt insecure you can feel secure, just as easily as you felt fear you can feel safe.
you create the feeling you desire to feel and you indulge in that, you FEEL it because why would you deny yourself of such experience if you can have it?
why would you deny yourself from experiencing what you want in your own mind? why would you create blockages? why don’t you feel what you want to feel? because you are scared? scared of what? of it not working? working for what?
this is not a method for fuck’s sake. this is not a technique!!! this is how you are living, this is how you have lived and how you’ll always live.
change your feeling, allow yourself to feel what you want to feel and thoughts will naturally come from that, and from thoughts will come actions and from actions will come events. NATURALLY.
there’s no work on your part, meaning that you don’t have to worry about what you need to think or do, you will naturally do that. and this goes for opposite action too: if you’re manifesting to pass all your tests with straight A’s and you go and decide to sit on your ass all day without studying you are still messing with the how! you are pretending you have something IN THE MIRROR when you DON’T! you have it in imagination ONLY. your job is to change self and you don’t change self by pretending or acting as if you have something in the mirror.
your job is to simply FINALLY give yourself permission to actually FEEL.
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dotmander · 1 year
How To Get Your Character Models Out Of A Game: Tips And Tricks For Bitches That Have Never Used Blender
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(it's me, i'm bitches)
(also ignore how messy that lighting is it's 1am and i should have been asleep hours ago. he's there for proof of concept 💕)
a couple people (specifically @forsaken-constellation and @ratasum) asked for a tutorial on how to rip models out of the game. this is not that, but it is a compilation of resources i used to learn about ripping, blender, and 3d modeling in general. i desperately wanted a post like this to exist when i was trying to figure this out, so here we go! all the resources below are completely free, with the exception of a link to the patreon of the person that created ninjaripper.
there are probably more efficient ways to do the things i am doing. i watched a tutorial to learn shortcuts and then skipped to character models. if you have tips to add, corrections to make, or other thoughts, please feel free to share! i'll link to your post here. ^^
i do not know if any of this will get your account banned. i've ripped several models, so i'm going to assume it's fine as long as you don't try to make money off of it. use your best judgment, be an adult, etc etc etc
last updated: april 2, 2023
ninjaripper 1.7.1 - there's a newer version on the creator's patreon, presumably with support for newer versions of blender and fewer bugs, but i haven't tried that
blender 2.79 - the import addon that comes with ninjaripper 1.7.1 is outdated for the current version of blender (3.5 as of this post), so 2.79 is needed to combine the .RIP files into a .BLEND (blender) file
noesis - ninjaripper saves your textures as .DDS files, noesis lets you view them and export them as .PNGs
blender 3.5 (optional?) - i just like it better than 2.79. if you're completely new it might not matter to you. all of the tutorials linked later are for later versions, though.
mixamo (optional) - rigs your character for you and lets you put them in Situations (like my guy above.) there's a whole library of free animations and poses you can try!
how to use ninjaripper - most of what you need to know about actually ripping the files and using ninjaripper is covered here. do not skip this one.
how to use blender 3.5 - full disclosure i haven't finished this series because it's uhhhh many hours long. but if you are a complete newbie to blender, i do recommend at least the first few videos; you'll learn about shortcuts that will make your life easier, how to unfuck your model when it fucks itself for no reason, and different terms that will help you google things you don't know later on. possibly he even covers some of the things i'm about to link! anyway.
what's a uv map?
how to apply textures
how to apply bump maps (note: for our purposes, you wouldn't add a color ramp node, you would add an image node with your bump map, and attach it to the bump node as the person does in the video)
there should be stuff here about weight painting, cloth physics, emission maps (makes your sylvari glow), and other stuff, but um. i haven't figured those out <3  
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TURN UP YOUR GRAPHICS BEFORE YOU RIP - if you don't, you might end up missing certain textures/glows/etc. HOWEVER, you should turn animations down, because apparently high animation can make your meshes misplace themselves
rip from the character select screen, rather than an instance, because you will have 100 meshes to sort through instead of 1400. i am not exaggerating either of those numbers. if you are new to blender, please love yourself and start with character select.
your textures will be fucked up the first time you try to apply them. this is because the UV maps (the things that tell your textures where to go) of your models are flipped upside down in relation to the texture image. you can flip them back over manually, ooooor you can just flip the entire texture file in something like CSP or photoshop.
for some reason all eyes are red in the texture files. i have not figured out why. i recommend editing the .PNG to have the correct eye color before applying the texture.
mixamo only works for humanoid characters with tight clothing (or without clothing at all). if you try to use it to rig a charr or asura, or someone with a skirt or big sleeves, you will most likely be disappointed.
that's all i can think of for now - if you have other questions, feel free to shoot them my way, although i can't promise i'll have a straight answer ^^;;
information from bookahlogy about character proportions, fixing normals, and other fun tips
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
(send me recs pleassseeee ;-;)
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Hey this'll be the last time I use colored words for characters!
I think it's a bit too distracting, and the only reason I was using them was to let ppl know if their fav was in there, but now I'll probably just use CW/TW to mention character heavy asks/fics :)
Thanks for being patient with me for so long if ur still reading my stuff :0 <3
Listen as you read?
EDIT 1/1/24: Hey I expanded more about this on my Eldritch Fanfic Part 2 post, but unfortunately I did a form of exoticism by including the term "Huangdi" inappropiately here. I have since replaced it with "Emperor" as was the original untranslated term I would've used. I'm genuinely sorry that I did this, and will absolutely be on the look out/do better in the future. I hope you can understand.
also im so sorry?? Idky i was in such a scenario mood today??? Ig im in my exectutive dysfunction paralysis state so maybe that’s why, like it unconcoiusly wants me to waste more time not catching up on uni work??? anyway, hope u like this chaotic addon 😭
or i just love this ask sm, that’s entirely possible too <3
ok but they’d totally heard ur music tastes thru the screen right?
like just imagine-
the video game music is normalized, and to them its just another one of those “all kinds of magic in teyvat” causing the music, like the seelies wandering around all the time or elemental energy
Jean is flipping through a folder filled with the reports for the week, she’s got to get the routes ready for the week, then there’s the liyue shipments the knights need to help escort over, then checking in on any of the emergency stations/rations throughout Mondstadt for weary or hurt travelers/merchants-
She sighs, and yet another irritated thought is thrown Varka’s way in her mind, she can’t even muster the energy to make it outright dislike she’s so tired…
Jean was so concentrated she just now is starting to hear the Favonious Headquarter’s music once more, it’s peppy upbeat tune… grates like nails on a chalkboard.
and if she has to hear that damn flute for the next hour she works, she’s going to start banging her head onto her desk.
Out in Jueyun Karst, Xiao is dealing the finishing blow to a flying ruin hunter
He’s huffing and stabs his spear into the ground to lean on and catch his breath, the gentle music of the peaks begins to float around him once more
The Yaksha feels the earth beneath his feet shake. Not like from his Lord, not the other adepti angered, but an enemy so large it’s stomps shake the ground he stands on
Xiao quickly straightens less he fall over, pulling his spear out of the dirt with a little more effort than it probably should’ve taken…
The high sounds of the guzheng trickle through the air, a perfect representation of the base of the slopes, trees, streams, and nature all around him
Xiao turns to face the enemy behind him, his arm popping with tired joints,
…A ruin grader, two ruin hunters, and finally regular three ruin guards, follows it. they come around the corner of the bottom of another slope, and they're still simmering with black smoke, curling off their metallic shoulders.
Xiao sees several red targets layer over his chest,
the music fades a little, but sticks around, plucking strings gently. Xiao sighs, exhausted already.
Kazuha and Beidou had to redirect the Alcor from a nasty storm at sea that intercepted their usual route between Inazuma and Liyue,
the storm had practically chased them further and further down form the Inazuman islands
it wasn’t until Kazuha, from the crow’s nest, spotted fog on the waters that they realized they’d be forced to go into said creepy fog, what with the crackling looming clouds at their backs pinning them in
“Not good Captain, the fog is miles long, I’m not sure I can see a way around it…” Kazuha calls down to the deck, Beidou letting out a sharp sigh through her nose
“Damn… fucker’s not even sentient and it practically backed us into a corner, feels like we literally gotta escape the damn thing… BRACE YOURSELVES CREW, WE’RE HEADING INTO THAT FOG!”
The Alcor makes it’s way into the fog, a piano swells with a strange tune…
Beidou, Kazuha, and the crew know to listen to the music of teyvat, especially if you have a life at sea, where storms can appear in the middle of the day or other pirates could attack any moment.
The music means nothing good, but at least Kazuha can see the storm staying at the border of the fog, moving no further in, unlike themselves
“Shit… see anything up there Kazu?” the Captain steering the ship doesn’t even reach a shout, for the music has creeped out all conversation on board
“No ma’am, wait,” a chill breeze brushes through the wanderer’s white hair, he feels goosebumps jump on his neck and spine,
“…Yes! Portside Captain, land, no enemy movement yet!”
“Alright, here goes a bad idea…” Beidou’s arms flex as she easily turns the heavy wooden wheel, steering left,
the Alcor gently comes ashore, and they make anchor.
…there are no enemies, like Kazuha said, but the tune worsens, it had gotten louder now that they’re actually on the theme’s land
It plays slowly, encasing the crew of the Alcor in a paranoid quiet, and it almost has a melancholy note
Crows caw and fly off of a stone gate up ahead, they can see flickers of a strange blue light further inland, like figures carrying lanterns everywhere they go…
“Damn music, I wouldn’t feel half this anxious if it didn’t sound like we were walking into a monster infested cave…” the first mate says, the first person to break the quiet the music held over them.
“Yes, while we might need to stay here for awhile, I think we’re all very aware how dangerous this is…” Kazuha agrees, crossing his arms and squinting at the moving blue lights… the piano plays on.
You open on Spotify on your computer, clicking on your favorite kpop playlist, it’s been rainy all day, so you need the peppiness of this dance playlist to actually not be half-asleep playing Genshin-
You hum along to the Korean lyrics as you boot Genshin up, ugh, ur in-game music is so loud, u forgot u turned it up last time to hear the new Sumeru music…
Turning it down, you let the Kpop songs fill ur headphones as you nod to the beat, your team materializing on screen. Right, off to do commissions first!
Jean is like.. seconds away letting out a scream of frustration, anger, tiredness, loneliness, etc. her hands clenching her hair and ruining her ponytail when, thank Creator, the theme quiets down finally.
The loss of her immediate ire gone, she lets go of her hair, her hands just kind of hovering midair, not knowing what to do with herself, all the negative emotions giving her face wrinkles just melt off, leaving her stunned, blank face behind
🎶 Dalkomhan chocolate ice-cream-cheoreom Nogabeorineun jigeum nae gibun so lovely! Kkamkkamhan uju sok gajang banjjagineun Jeo byeol jeo byeol geu yeope keun ne byeol 🎶
Acting Grand Master Jean actually screams when abruptly a song in an unrecognizable foreign language, blasts into her office, around it, filling the entire Favonius Headquarters with its… cheeriness??
Jean lets her hands fall onto the desk, still in shock
..well, she quickly decides she’s grateful for the new music either Barbatos or the All-Parent had heard her pleas for…
…actually, it’s kind of,, catchy?
Jean takes out her ponytail, massaging her aching scalp, huh, she really did have it tight she’s just now noticing, she feels a small smiles appear on her face,
she actually kind of wants to do something now (she kind of hopes this new foreign bard song sticks around..)
If you asked Xiao what happened in that battle he’d be hard pressed to tell you,
without going completely red in the face. LMAO
He probably wouldn’t tell the other adepti this, especially Cloud Retainer, but Xiao had definitely had to get used to fighting brutal battles to the sound of gentle summer day-esque music
Right as the aruguably, army of ruin machines spotted the Yaksha, he’d launched himself into the air to try and evade the rusted beasts, aiming his jade spear, adding winds to swirl around the staff to better boost his attack, the machines warm up, their targets moved and locked onto him midair, right as both sides launch their attack-
🎶 Geogi neo I fancy you! Amuna wonhaji anha Hey, I love you (Love ya!) 🎶
Xiao nearly falls out of the air.
Quickly recovering, he uses his anemo power to propel himself off to the side dodging, he swears to his Lord and his Emperor himself, delayed attacks, as if the machines were caught off guard too,
missiles whiz by him, exploding behind, the peppy song of foreign women’s voices sings out into Jueyun Karst bright and happy-
🎶 Geurae neo I fancy you! Kkumcheoreom haengbokhaedo dwae 'Cause I need you! (What?) 🎶
Xiao’s face goes from being confused to concentrated throughout the rest of the battle, and the worst part… it actually helps his energy levels.
and he finds himself nodding along
Kazuha takes the lead, his sword unsheathed and at the ready to cut down the slightest movement before it can get to any of the crew behind him,
He’s flanked by the Captain of the Alcor herself, Beidou’s electro shield emitting a deep hum as it blocks in front of both himself, and the crew behind him
all of the pirates have unsheather their own weapons, daggers, swords, claymores, bows, their all on high alert, waiting for.. well, any enemies at all.
In fact, Kazuha hopes he sees hilichurls soon, just for the familiarity it could give him and the his crew-
the music begins to fade away.
The crew stops just shy of the entryway that was perched with crows before they scattered, the white fog hasn’t moved beyond its lazy drifting, but the creeping sounds have stopped entirely. Not good.
Captain Beidou sighs after a few silent moments, other than the quiet breathing and shuffling of weapons from the Alcor crew.
She lets her claymore sword thunk against her shoulder, and just as she opens her mouth, turning to address the all, deciding camping here will have to do for the night-
🎶Fancy! youu, ooh Nuga meonjeo johahamyeon eottae Fancy! youu, ooh Jigeum neoegero gallae Fancy! ooh!🎶
Kazuha’s shoulder shoot up to his ears in a flinch, red eyes wide, he barely stops his reflexes from taking a hard swing with his sword, several crewmembers shriek, collide with metal clinks into one another, Beidou drops low, her sword swinging off her shoulder into almost a full swing at the ground-
🎶 Dalkomhan chocolate ice-cream-cheoreom Nogabeorineun jigeum nae gibun so lovely! Kkamkkamhan uju sok gajang banjjagineun Jeo byeol jeo byeol geu yeope keun ne byeol 🎶
the music plays on, the only one making any noise as the entire Alcor crew just, stop. after their initial shock.
Kazuha’s the first to break.
He desperately tries to contain a quiet chuckle, which turns into a giggle, which turns into a full-on wheeze, as he buries his sword into the ground to brace himself on it and one of his knees
the Captain cracks by the time Kazuha wheezes, her laughter going straight to guffaws and knee slapping, her claymore shaking the ground where she stabs it to lean against
the crew erupts into laughter, both as the peppy foreign song echoes into the mysterious fog, and Beidou’s ridiculous laugh, as always
they don’t recover until two songs later when there’s finally a slow kpop song, Kazuha’s had to sit down, tears streaming down his face, Beidou’s half-dead, wheezing out complaints about her stomach, as the crew keep sending each other into more and more laughter right as they think they’re done.
They decide their Akitsu Mikami must have the best sense of humor and must just be sitting on their celestial throne pranking some of their subjects from time to time, and the Alcor crew find themselves all the more appreciative for it, their nerves entirely gone about the island
Kazuha and Beidou are constantly asking other bards they meet to try and see if anyone can recreate the song for the crew sometime they liked the beat and the memory so much, Fancy by Twice will still get a laugh out of Beidou and Kazuha, and they’d quickly let you in on the inside joke so you’d be a part of it too (afterall you did it lol)
Who’s DANCING!! w/o u needing to do anything but play the music:
NILOU (she got those choreos done in like, an hour flat everytime u teach her, shes always begging for “just one more dance lesson Greatest Lord? 🥺”),
YUNJIN (difference betweeen the two dancers is that nilou asks :) → yunjin lowkey demands, she like always gets u into a situation where you have plenty of time to teach her and feel obligated, u just got gaslight gatekeep girlbossed into teaching her another kpop dance LMAO), they also see it as they’re (literally) god-given job to dance better than any idol you’ve seen do it before, esp when they recruit groups of other dancers to join for group choreos
Yoimiya! cutie #1, CHILDE, amber, eula, ITTO, bennett,
Collei (but shes shy u gotta encourage her),
Diona (cutie #2),
FISCHL (would form an actual group to dance all the choreos like a real kpop group),
Gorou (shy #2, needs encouragement),
Kazuha (tbh I think he’d have fun and be weirdly good at it, fem or masc dances),
Ayaka (shy #3, needs encouragement and would rather die than dance in front of ppl other than you),
Qiqi (but u gotta teach her slow bc she needs to memorize it, and also it takes her a bit to write down the dance steps in her journal so she doesn’t forget as much),
Razor (another person i think would just have fun with it! also he’d do it but it would be very, aggressive? like making finger hearts but violently shoving his arm out at ur face lmao),
HEIZOU (shutup he’d actually be good at it and brag- and flirt at you-),
Aether (shy #4), VENTI, xingqiu, xinyan, KAVEH
BARBARA (she literally stalks u around Mondstadt all like “oh hello your highness! just happened to walk by you and was wondering if you heard any new of those “kpop” dances, you know I’d LOVE to show it off at my next show-!” like she hasnt been a block behind you the entire day 💀)
babygirl Wanderer (he literally surveyed the area before he finally let u teach him any moves, and refused to any sort of dramatic moves, like fem or masc),
Alhaitham (but only like a small part of a guy group choreo like a bit from God’s Menu or smth, he was too lazy to do anymore even for u lol),
Cyno (dammit some of these bitches look way too good doing even girl group dances-),
Diluc (u got him to do like, a pose. LMAO and he saw Kaeya in the distance and quit immediately LMFAO),
Kaeya (but it didnt take much convincing, if anything it just took forever to teach him, he’s talented in footwork for swordfighting but apparantly not dancing, at least not modern dances he tripped so much ur convinced he did it on purpose at one point so he’d fall into your arms again lol),
Ganyu (super shy, wont do it around anyone but you, and maybe Shenhe),
speaking of Shenhe (she just took awhile to teach bc she wanted to stay upright a lot, kinda stiff),
Keqing (once again, another who’d only dance when it’s just u two lol),
Yae Miko (she just wanted to learn the whole choreo that’s what took so long… and now she’s making comments like “My goodness, my god wants me to dance for them? They’ll even show me how? Oh, now I must do it perfectly so I can satisfy you, my Kami.” STOP TAKING THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT UR TEACHING EVERYONE-),
Ayato (he’s acts so theater gay he refuses to do anything but the girl group dances/fem dances lol),
SARA (easy, give her ur strongest, saddest pout and she cracked like glass, u got her to do a whole dance with u/she actually got into it too, its her secret guilty pleasure now lol),
Kuki (did one sort of move then got BARRELED OVER by Itto’s crazied boy group acrobatics he likes so much, u know the backflips over each other type of ones? yeah. ),
Ei (the god herself/not the puppet, catch her never doing that lol, she tried but didnt, get it? she’s also pretty stiff, but she looks like she’s having fun so u just keep teaching her moves, and she likes that its you teaching her something new),
Thoma (shy #5 ? idek what number we’re on anymore lol),
TIGHNARI (u nag that bitch so hard he nearly throws a drink at you to get u to stop bothering him- NO he does NOT think those dances would suit his ears- dammit he wont do that dance, no matter how much he likes you- DAMMIT MY LORD-),
Xiao (if u thought nagging Tighnari was hard, this is like nightmare mode, not only does he not wanna do the dances, but he also wants to understand WHY u want him to dance each and every move- !! bc he would “look cute or cool”?!?!!?!!! …yeah he’s gone, he went so red u cant even get him back with tofu),
Zhongli (would like, be so confused on how to make his body do that, that he ended up just sort of posing, at least he looks cool)
(anyone not on these 2, u did, in fact, not manage to convince, yes, even if their god asked them to, nor are they doing it of their own volition lol)
also, im like, three weeks away form graduating uni? NICE, soon i will be free to assault u all with responses mwhahahaha (rubs my little gremlin hands together)
Safe travels,
💀 ♒
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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swisccfinds · 5 months
Kiss-n-Grind Mod by UTOPYA_cc
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This is a good ineractable romance mod! I like that is gives more physical interactions with your sim's partner.
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Creator's Notes-
Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. Quiet excited about this one,
The main idea was to make a mod that will focus on adding more romantic interactions to the game. to add more realistic moments between couples. I wanted to add what I feel is missing from the game.
So After some searching and looking at what should I make first, I have decided to start with a passionate grinding/dancing interactions, There is too much stuff to cover in the club life. that the game didn't manage to add, other than some silly dances. Your Sims couple can't even dance together.
Therefore I ended up turning These new animations into their own mod, It will be a great foundation for all the ideas that I want to add!!
The mod For now will introduces two new interactions with their animations and emotions/buffs
The new pie menu will appear in the Romance category under the name Kiss and Grind, all the new interactions will appear on it:
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The interaction won't appear if your sim hasn't had their first kiss yet, or the level of romance is too low
Features Of the Mods:
New highly detailed animation with their own sounds
New pie menu for the new interaction
New icons for each Interaction/animation that will suit their own animation
A new dynamic buff system which increases with the romance bar
These interactions will give you a buff for both the actor and target sim.
There is a chance to get some notifications/comments from your partner
The animations were made to have a more romantic feel to them. to give the player the freedom to use them in any game style they want. All the icons used are custom-made by me, I did put extra time into them to be more visually pleasing and match their original content
Possible outcomes:
I have implemented in this mod a new buff system that will depend on the relationship between the Sims and some other factors:
First of all The outcomes will be highly randomized for both the actor and the target to keep the game more exciting.
The higher the romance level between your sims the higher chance of getting more intimates outcomes with stronger emotions:
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Obviously, this is a club-based mod, you take your sim there to meet up with new Sims, So Even with a low romance, The outcomes may be higher and unique If your sim has high charisma.
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When the romance bar is higher the 90% there is a small chance to get a notification/comment from your partner.
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The mod will be enhanced further in the future, with New animations, New mechanics, and features.
I still love the original idea. So once I have decided all the interactions for it, I will start making them into their own mod, and leave this one just for the club-related animations.
The interactions shouldn't be played autonomously,
Better to wait until the animation is finished and the queue is clear before playing another one.
Requirement : This mod needs the XML injector by Scumbumbo. You can download it here : https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector
How to install :
Just put both my mod and the XML injector script into your Sims 4 Mods folder.
Please visit UTOPYA_cc and show some love and support for this amazing mod!
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kirathehyrulian · 3 months
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♥Help Milana Auction Winner for Art Offer #1♥ (placeholder): 🐟Ocean Fishing🐟
*Do not Repost, Alter, or Use without permission of @wetsammywinchester.*
This work was inspired from @wetsammywinchester 's J2 fic Enthrall (For better viewing on desktop, click the image, then right click the enlarged image, and then click "open image in new tab".)
For more stuff from me please check out my “myart” tag here on Tumblr or my AO3.
👇( wip screenshots and notes below the cut) 👇
For more detailed notes: [AO3 link]
Art Notes:
In early Oct 2019, a section of the creator community held/organized a fandom charity auction to help out a fellow creator who had fallen on hard times (for more info on the past auction click here). I offered three commissions towards the auction. Paula was gracious enough to bid for and win my 1st offer for $30.
The details of that offer was: One title card and one illustration for a fic.
Because life events and burnout got in the way we didn't finish talking out all the particulars, but I just decided to go ahead and make two illustrations for now, and if the particulars ever get fleshed out in the future, I'll do the official title card and illustration that more closely fits the story of the scene and overall feel that Paula would like to be depicted from the fic.
So these works are more a placeholder. I made these because it's always been in the back of my mind for 5 years now to complete the offer because that was 30 dollars donated with nothing given from my side to show for it. So at least now it has something to show for it even if it's not the official work that was supposed to be done.
WIP Screenshots:
This was the first sketch idea that I abandoned because I felt like I didn't know how to actually make it and Jared's face would be mostly hidden, which was not a good thing in my book. I succeed more with Jared's face than I do with Jensen. So I had no confidence going in for this idea:
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I ended up settling for a sketch of mer!Jared in the water and then I later thought that just doing Jared wasn't fair so I made another canvas for a Jensen fisherman companion piece to the mer!Jared one. Also, I tried to make Jared look 14-ish because I was told Jensen was around 18 in the fic, but up to the view if the attempt translated well. And this is the wip of both of those:
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The mer!Jared illustration obviously was more intricate so that process took longer and had more wip screenshots than the Jensen one. I admittedly was getting burnout when working on Jensen's so I took some shortcuts with the t-shirt decal and the bags and containers surrounding Jensen. I just found some images on google and traced them instead of eyeballing it which saved me time and effort that would have made the burnout worse to the point that I might have finishing this work a lot later than now. So I'm not upset or ashamed about doing it for that reason.
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I started this project around Feb 8th this year and finished it all March 14th (today). And that's it for now. Thank you for getting this far and-
Enjoy, if you can!♥♥♥
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warmaidensrevenge · 8 months
Love and pinball
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Pairings: Eddie x Chrissy x plus!size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: Hey there. I know it's been a while. I'm so sorry for not posting as often. I've been going through some stuff and working on a lot of other things. But anywho, I finally finished up this next part. As always thanks for reading. Feedback is greatly appreciated and feel free to comment/ reblog. I'm always open to suggestions. Okay love ya byyyyyeeee.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures used for this fic came from a Google search. A credit to the original posters.
Word count: 5,000+
Warnings: 18+ No minors please. Language, jealousy, sexual situations, alcohol use and not proof read.
Summary: The truth comes out. Leaving Eddie in a world of happiness and confusion.
Part 6: How it's supposed to feel.
Christmas was perfect. Though Eddie felt bad for crashing the party, what it all came down to was being with you. Whether it be hiding in a broom closet, making out in Paul's insanely rich in-laws house. Or in a cowboy bar on New Year's Eve. Which was what you and him were currently walking into.
You somehow convinced him to go and have a few drinks. He was now sitting on a bar stool being led with countless others to a cheers. Lead by who you ask? Well, the damn beautiful girl he came with.
" Alright you crazy fuckers!" You called out and held up a shot of tequila. "Here's to the ladies who save a horse and ride a cowboy."
The crowd who gathered around you whooped and hollered. Shooting back their drinks. You smirked at him and took your shot. When you were finished you moved past a few people to get to him. You grabbed his hand and pulled him up.
" Common cowboy. I wanna dance."
He raised a brow. " I'm anything but a cowboy sweetheart."
You lifted to your toes and gave him a little kiss. " So what you're saying is that I have to find a cowboy to ride tonight?"
He pulled at your hip to make your body flush with his. He then gave your ass a little tap." Don't tease me baby. But…if you want someone to ride. I better be that only someone."
You move so that your noses touched. " Mmm curls. You know that you're the only guy I want. " You nudged his nose with yours before pulling him to the dance floor.
He smirked and adjusted himself. You had definitely made it hard to not think about the warmth between your legs. Especially when your ass was being hugged by the blue jeans you were wearing. He could watch you walk away anytime if it meant he got to see that.
Once on the dance floor to Eddie's surprise the song that started was one he knew. Layla by Derek & The dominos.
He pulled you so that you were swaying your bottom against him. While following the beat, he held you close to him. Towards the end of the song he turned you around and rocked you back and forth. You smiled up at him and he smiled back.
" Do you want another drink?" He asked.
" Yes please."
He leaned in and whispered in your ear. " Don't dance with anyone when I'm gone."
You smirked. " I wouldn't dare…I'll wait by that beam." You pointed in the direction he would find you.
He gave you a kiss and hurried to get back. He was gone for one song and when he turned to head your way, he saw some tall medium build guy with a full on beard tipping his hat to you. While Eddie was pushing through the people, he thought that the guy was passing by. But he actually stopped and was talking to you. Eddie saw you take a step away from the guy. However your efforts to reject the dude didn't seem to faze him.
As Eddie pushed forward he saw the cowboy caress your arm. A burning rage filled him. He suddenly handed off the drinks to some random person so he could get to you quicker. Just a few feet away now he saw you put a hand on the guy's chest and slightly pushed him away. That's when Eddie nearly lost it. But then he saw you laugh and he was confused.
Finally within earshot he heard the guy.
" C'mon kitten. One dance."
" Sorry. But my boyfriend wouldn't like that very much."
The guy chuckled. "Let me show you what a real man can do."
Eddie watched as the guy tucked your hair back.
" Sugar. I can make you cum with just two fingers."
That's it mother fucker!
Eddie was a few steps behind you, ready to charge when he saw you get closer to the guy. Making him stop in his tracks.
" Mmm what an offer. But…my man can do it with just one." You took a half step back. " Isn't that right baby?"
You turned and looked over your shoulder. With a smirk on your face. Eddie then moved next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. Glaring at the douche bag.
The guy stepped back and Eddie looked like if that guy said another word, he was gonna pounce. So you turned to face him, pulling at his chin so you could get his attention.
When he met your eyes he started to calm down.
You smiled up at him. " Common curls. Want to put that thick long finger to use?"
He smirked and chuckled. Grabbing you by the hip. Pulling so that your bodies were pressing against one anothers.
He quickly glanced at the guy letting him know you were his. " I'll give you more than a finger sweetheart."
"Ohhh fuuuuu…y-yeah. y-yes."
Eddie moaned uncontrollably. The way you sucked him off had his eyes rolling back. You had done this thing where you hollow out your cheeks with your hand wrapped around him. Following your mouth, creating this extra type of suction. It was incredible. He had already came once. And to his surprise you did something that Chrissy refused to do. You swallowed.
Still not done with him, you continued. Though he was so damn sensitive, he really couldn't do anything about it besides tell you. That's because his hands were tied to the headboard. Still, his pleas went ignored. Instead you pouted, giving him puppy dog eyes. Next thing he knew he was hard again. And you were doing such a good fucking job. Giving his cock little kisses and stroking him gently. Until he begged you to put it in your mouth. That's when your puppy dog eyes went dark.
You took him in a few times before retreating with a little pop as your lips left his tip.
" Mmmm you want to come again, pretty boy?"
"Sh-sh-shit baby. Please please. I want you. I-I need to feel you."
You gave him a few more strokes before untying him. After you straddled him, you kissed his wrist. Then kissed him. That's when you started rubbing against him. He could feel how soaked your panties were. Making him even harder.
A few minutes went by when he had just about enough as he could take. He rolled you over and moved you so that you were on your stomach. He made quick work of your panties. Tossing the small bundle of fabric into the darkness of the room. While pushing your hair back and kissing your shoulder, he tucked a pillow under your lower belly. Perching your ass exactly right. He then spread your legs and got into position.
Eddie smacked then rubbed his cock on your bottom. Causing you goosebumps. You felt him spread you apart and run his length up and down your cunt. Gathering your slick. And without warning he pushed in. Making you grasp the pillow and cry out.
" That's it. Such a good girl." He cooed.
Once he felt you relax he slowly rolled his hips into your ass.
" Jesus!" He groaned, feeling your slick drip down his heavy balls.
After a few pumps he laid on top of you. Kissing you wherever he could.
" T-to the left Eddie."
He did as he was told. He lifted your left cheek and rammed in. Causing sweet cries from you.
" B-b-baby. Ugh God! So good. Y-you feel so good."
He buried himself in you to the point where he felt your body tremble.
" Eddie! OHHHHH."
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut and rested his forehead on your shoulder. Cumming along with you. This time he wished for something. He wished that you would get pregnant so that he could be linked with you forever.
As he laid there holding you after you two showered, he couldn't hold back what was shouting at him.
" I love you."
You looked up at him. Eyes moving back and forth between his. The smile that grew on your lips was beyond beautiful.
" Sucker." You whispered just before kissing him.
Anxiety and disbelief filled Eddie as he sat there not listening to a word Chrissy was saying. He had officially stopped listening when she said she was pregnant. The first thought he had was how this could happen? Then he thought about you. He was so happy 15 minutes ago when he left your house. Now his future with you was snatched from him.
How was he gonna have a baby with a girl he didn't love? How was he going to tell you? This was forsure the end of the relationship.
He was so close to having everything he ever wanted.
"Ed? … Ed?"
He blinked a few times before swallowing the rock in his throat. " H-how far along?"
" Four months."
He tried to go back to when that was. But he couldn't remember. That's when he looked at her. Actually looked at her. She was glowing. And even with her oversized shirt he could make out the smallest bump.
Tears filled his eyes. As much as he wanted to be happy. He just couldn't. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. So without saying another word, he left.
Once he pulled up to your place, he balled his eyes out. He cried for himself and for Chrissy. But he cried most of all for the future he thought he was going to have. A future with you.
He sat there for a while. Trying to put himself together enough to talk to you. But he was failing. That's when you opened the passenger door and climbed in.
" Bud? It's cold in here. You're gonna get sick."
Eddie hadn't even noticed he was shivering. You covered him in a small throw and started pouring him hot chocolate out of a thermos you brought. He then went to turn on the van and put the heat on full blast. You had settled in and sat quietly as he tried to drink what you gave him.
What felt like an eternity later you cleared your throat.
" Eddie, do…do you not want to do this anymore?"
He turned to you and grabbed your hand. " Yes y/n I do. I want us so bad…I just…" he sighed. " I just don't know how we can."
You furrowed your brow. " What does that mean?"
He hung his head and tried so hard to not cry again. After a moment you cupped his chin, lifting it so he could look at you.
"Eddie, whatever it is…you can tell me."
He looked back and forth between your eyes, then nodded.
He recounted what happened before he stopped listening.
He had walked in and called out to Chrissy. But there was no answer. That's when he went to the room and started packing. Planning on staying with Gareth until he could find his own place. After he packed most of his necessities he waited in the living room until Chrissy came home.
She smiled at him. " Hey! You're back. I hope you had a good Christmas and New years."
He got right to the point. " Chris, this relationship is over. It's been over for some time now. And I think you knew it too." He sighed a little before continuing. " I…I'm really sorry for all of this. I honestly didn't mean to fall for her…" he smiled to himself thinking about you. " But I did. I'm in love with her. And I think she loves me too. I just think she's not ready to tell me if you're still in the picture…she uhhh she asked me to be with her. And I want that. I want to be with her…just her."
He looked up and saw tears in Chrissy's eyes. He felt terrible. Still this needed to be done.
" I love her Chris… the way I loved you except…it's more you know." He reached up and wiped her tears aways. " I really am sorry Chris."
Chrissy sniffled and moved his hand away. " Eds, I know. I knew you were falling for her since the carnival…it was apart of the plan."
He was confused. " What plan? What are you talking about?"
Chrissy paused for a second freaking him out even more. " Eds I was gonna end things with you. But I needed to make sure you were gonna be okay. That's why I pushed for you to see someone else. But now I…I don't know."
Anger filled him. " This whole time Chrissy?! You wanted to break up all this time? Is that why you wanted to open up the relationship?" He stood up and faced her. " You should have just ended it! You should have-"
" Eds I'm pregnant."
A ringing filled his ears after hearing that. His stomach fell to his ass and he felt sick. That couldn't be true.
" Sweetheart?"
You weren't looking at him anymore. You were staring at your hand in his. Your silence scared the living shit out of him.
" Sweetheart?" He said again.
" C-congradulations. I uhhh. If you need anything. Just umm let me know yeah?"
Before he could say anything you were out of the van, hurrying up the sidewalk.
He quickly jumped out and chased you.
" Y/n wait."
You stopped as soon as you got on the porch. Making his stop on the bottom step.
" Y/n I'm so sorry. It was an accident."
" Go home Eddie."
He took a step up. " No please. I need to talk to you. We need to figure this out."
You turned around with tears streaming down your face. " There's nothing to figure out. There's no we anymore. There's only you and Chrissy and the baby…so go home. I-I'm sure Chrissy must be going through it right now."
" But y/n-"
" No Eddie. No buts." You took a couple steps forward. Only a few inches away from him.
He sniffled. " I'm s-sorry."
You then reached for his tears while he reached to wipe away yours.
" I... I love you Eddie…but I'm gonna love you from here…Go take care of Chrissy. And try to be happy..." you smiled a little. "You're gonna be a daddy bud."
He hung his head and cried after you left him standing there. And for the first time in his life, he heart was truly broken.
2 months later
Eddie was nothing but a shell of a guy. He was numb. Almost zombie-like. He did what you told him to do. He did the right thing. He stood with Chrissy. But he didn't expect her to need him as much as she did. She was having a rough go of it. Her morning sickness wasn't just in the morning and she was constantly crying. That or she would freak out on him. But no matter what she said or did, he tried to be a good partner. Even though he had been sleeping on the couch since the day you told him to go.
He dreamt of you almost every night. Always waking up crying. Most of the dreams he had were of how happy you two were. But sometimes he would dream of your face from that day. That pain and let down written on your face haunted him. He had never meant to hurt you. Not ever. And definitely not like that.
All he wanted to do was hold you. And tell you how much he still loved you.
There were times when he saw you heading to your shift at Family video. He wanted to say hi and ask how you were. But then he would stop himself from crossing the street. He didn't want to hurt you anymore than he already had.
Which you could say the same thing for yourself. The months were agonizing. Seeing him from afar made your heart ache so much you could barely hold yourself together. But the absolute worst thing about this break up was when Natalie asked for him.
Needless to say. Being without one another was one of the worst pains either of you ever felt.
That's why one night you decided to pick up a short shift at The Hideout on a Tuesday night.
You needed to see him. Needed to hear his voice. You had to talk to him.
Once the stage was all set up. Eddie had a quick meeting with the band.
It has been a while since he played for more than five drunks. So tonight was going to be different. Eddie made the decision to do covers tonight. Normally when the crowd was heavy like tonight, they would play a little bit of Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and Metallica. Just a couple of popular songs from each band to draw more people each time Corroded Coffin performed.
The first song up was The Troop. Then immediately after they played For Whom the Bell Tolls.
The audience went nuts for that one. Reminding Eddie why he loved doing this. People from all walks of life, join together by music.
Mid song the lights went down for a split second and he l saw you behind the bar. Banging your head and smiling. God you were as beautiful as the day he first saw you. For a moment he was stunned. But Gareth got his attention back to the song and the spotlight blinded him again.
Eddie couldn't help the grin he had on. Two terrible months, almost three passed by without him seeing that gorgeous smile.
In the split of a second he knew he had to do a certain song. Just for you.
He was perfect. Eddie was as beautiful as ever. And man could he sing and play. It was so crazy that all this time, not once have you seen him like this. He really was amazing.
Another head banger started and you were totally enjoying every second of it. That was until someone asked for water.
You looked up and were surprised to see her.
" Chris- Chrissy? Umm h-hi. Erm yeah. L-let me uhhh." You stuttered.
You quickly grabbed her a glass of ice water and turned back around. Her big pretty eyes felt like daggers.
" Are you okay?" She asked.
You nervously chuckled and gave her the drink. " umm yeah. I ummm I was just surprised to see you here."
You shouldn't be here…It's not safe.
" Yeah. Eds told me not to come. But I wanted to see him…it's been so long since I've seen the guys."
" Well uhh if you need anything. Just holler."
You couldn't get away from her fast enough. Now worried that you wouldn't get your chance to talk to Eddie alone.
As soon as the song was over Eddie immediately gave the guys a heads up on a song change. Gareth shook his head and told him not to.
"Please man. I'm begging you. I need to do this. She loves that song."
Gareth shook his head and flexed his jaw. " Alright! But if she gets hurt. I'm gonna kick your ass."
" Deal!"
Eddie then went back to the mic and smiled.
" I hope everyone is having a good time tonight!"
The crowd whooped.
" Hell yeah! So for this next one we're gonna slow things down a bit."
He counted off and Jeff played the opening to November Rain.
A few moments later Eddie began singing.
"When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same?
Nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain"
The lights lowered a little and Eddie scanned the bar for you. Not taking notice that Chrissy was there.
When his eyes locked with yours nothing was better than that moment. You were smiling and swaying. Singing along with him.
"If we could take the time to lay it on the line
I could rest my head just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold November rain"
The memory of one summer day flashed before both of your eyes.
You, Eddie and Natalie were grocery shopping. Eddie was following you, pushing the cart. Sneaking handfuls of Honeycomb cereal. Secretly giving some to Natalie.
You had walked away for a second to grab some fruit snacks when he gave Natalie a mouthful.
They were both giggling away until he heard you clear your throat.
He and Natalie both covered their mouths.
You came up to them and crossed your arms. "You both are in big BIG trouble."
There was a second there where Eddie honestly thought he upset you. Then you smiled and held out your hand
" I want some too."
He grinned and instead of handing you some he fed you and Natalie all throughout the store.
Once the groceries were in the trunk ,you tossed Eddie the keys. He had just started driving you home when you gasped a little.
" Dude! This song is never on the radio."
He looked over and saw you turn the volume up. And to his surprise you and Natalie started humming to the song. You had looked over the seat to Natalie and pointed at her.
That's when he heard her soft little voice sing.
" In the cold November Rain."
Eddie looked at you and you had this big beautiful smile mouthing the words with her.
His heart melted seeing and hearing that. Natalie didn't know all the words but it was the most precious thing he had ever heard.
" God I love this song." You said.
" It's a really good one." He agreed.
He then reached over and put a hand on your thigh. Giving it a little squeeze before returning his hand to the wheel.
The song continued and you were happy. For a moment you truly were. However, that moment was taken by Chrissy. Who ran out the bar. Without really thinking you chased after her.
" Chrissy? Hey Chrissy. Are you alright?"
She turned around and was balling. " No! I'm not okay! Okay?"
" What is it? Did someone hurt you? Is it the baby?"
She hung her head and hugged herself. " N-no. I… I just want to go home."
" Okay. Do you think you can drive?" You asked.
She shook her head. " I came by bus. My-my car's in the shop."
You should have called her a cab. But the thought of her alone with a stranger scared you. So you drove her.
When you parked in front of the apartment building you sat quietly. Chrissy was sniffling and wiping her eyes.
" I'm-I'm sorry y/n."
" There's nothing to be sorry about. I get it. The hormones are going haywire."
She laughed a little then shook her head. " It's not just that…I'm really sorry about Eddie."
You sucked in a sharp breath. Why on earth would she be sorry?
" Chrissy I-...Eddie was always yours. You just let me borrow him. For a bit. " You hung your head after that. For a little while there, you thought he was yours.
" That's not true. Well maybe it was two years ago. But it hasn't been since he met you. Maybe even before."
You looked at her a bit surprised by that.
" I know I haven't been the best girlfriend to him…actually the worst."
You cleared your throat. " It's none of my business Chris-"
She started crying again. "Yes it is! I knew you were important to him…but tonight I saw how much…you know, he's never looked at me the way he looked at you tonight."
"I'm- sorry."
She softly chuckled. " I know you are. But the thing is…I don't care that he did. I- all I care about is how Jason looks at me…"
Then why did you bring it up if you didn't care?
Chrissy let out a long sigh. " I…I've been in love with Jason for a really long time. And to be honest I only went out with Ed's to make him jealous. But then Eddie really had a way about him…He was easy to talk to. And God he was funny…but no matter how I felt about Ed's, I felt even more for Jason."
Okay this really is none of my business.
You stood quiet and listened to how she had stopped seeing other people. She wanted to be in a committed relationship with Jason but she wanted Eddie to have someone to lean on.
"I…I screwed up…I-I-I broke so many rules with Jason. But the worst one…"
Oh fuck! Don't say it.
" I don't know who the baby's father is…"
All of a sudden you felt like crying too. You felt so bad for her. It was already a lot being pregnant. But to have the weight of not knowing who the father was must have been terrible.
You didn't know what to say so you hugged her while she sobbed.
After a few minutes she let you go.
" I really don't know what to say other than I'm sorry."
She nodded. " Now I know why Ed's loves you."
You guys were quiet again. She really had a way about making you feel awkward.
" Chrissy…Honey you have to tell Eddie."
She sniffled and nodded. " I kn-know. I'm just scared."
You reached for her hand and gently squeezed it. " Eddie's a good guy. You don't have to be scared of him. He will appreciate the truth…and if the baby is his, he will be a great dad."
She smiled. " I know he will be…I'm just afraid to admit what I really want."
You thought for a second. " Whatever it is, I'm sure Eddie will understand."
Before she walked away from the car you called after her.
" Chrissy, if you ever need anything. Just call me."
She gave you a small smile and wave before heading in.
Eddie was sitting on the porch when you came home. He stood up and watched you come up the walkway.
" And here I am half expecting you to be here with a radio above your head."
He looked to the side and grinned. " If you want, I can do that."
" Nah. I had enough cliches for one night."
He looked back at you and you looked a little sad. "What's wrong sweetheart?"
You took a deep breath and went to sit down, with him following.
" The band did really great tonight. I especially loved the cover of November Rain." You said shoulder bumping him.
He brushed your hair over your shoulder. " It reminded me of a really great day."
You turned your head towards him. " It was a great day wasn't it? You know I always had trouble telling the difference between Steven Tyler and Axel Rose's voice into you pointing out that Axel's voice was more-"
" Whinny." You both said together. Laughing lightly after.
He smiled and nodded. But then you looked away and his smile faded.
" Chrissy was there tonight…she was uhhh…upset."
His brows pinched together. " Is she okay? Are you okay?"
" Y-yeah. She's fine. Just stressed out…I…I think you should go home. She needs you."
He wanted to say he didn't care. He wanted to say that one of her boyfriends could be there for her. But he knew that was shitty.
" I will. But first I wanted to ask. Why did you come tonight?"
You smiled a little then stared off. " I-I missed you Eddie. I know I shouldn't, but I do. There's so much I want to say but I can't. There are things going on that you need to know."
He reached for your chin and made you look at him. " What happened? What did Chrissy say to you?"
You sighed and closed your eyes. While pulling his hand away you hung your head.
" It's…I…it's me…I'm late."
" Late for what?"
You looked up to see if he was serious…He was. He had no clue what you were talking about.
You kept silent, hoping you wouldn't have to say it again. But when he took too long you scoffed a little.
" C'mon curls. Get there faster."
You stared at each other a little while longer when you saw it click.
There it is.
At first he thought how? Then all he could think of was how excited he was.
" W-what?! R-really?! Oh man. I- fuck!" He said while pulling you into a big hug. Tears of happiness filled his eyes. "Baby I-I-I can't believe it. Do you know how happy I am?"
He leaned back a little and kissed you.
" Mmmmm. So. Mmmmm. Happy."
A part of you was glad that he was, but the other part was confused by it.
" E-eddie. Wait. Stop for a second."
He leaned back again. " I'm sorry. It's just…you're gonna have my baby."
He went for another kiss but you moved and put a hand on his chest.
" Eddie no. Please just take a second to think about this."
He pulled away and felt like he got punched in the gut. Chrissy.
You gave him a thin lip. " Yeah. Chrissy."
He shook his head and his tears of happiness were now ones of sadness and regret.
" We promised each other that we would always be honest with one another. And this is me keeping to that promise...I don't really know what happened. The first month I didn't think too much about not having a period. It happens sometimes. But then when I didn't get it again. I..well I took a test...it was positive. I confirmed it with my doctor three days ago. Turns out I got pregnant around Christmas...Eddie as much as I miss you and how much I want a family with you. I can't ask-"
"Baby you don't have to ask me for anything. I would give you anything and everything. I love you and-"
You stood up and walked to the door. " You need to go home."
He jumped up. " No! Don't walk away from me again."
" Eddie just listen…There's something Chrissy needs to tell you. And you need to hear it. Tonight."
" I want to be with you y/n."
You went to him and gave him a hug. " I know. But right now, I need you to go home."
With that said you gave him a kiss on the cheek and went inside.
Eddie drove and drove. After the conversation with Chrissy, he felt completely lost. Hours later and two states away he pulled up to a place he thought he would never be at again. But something about seeing it gave him a little bit of comfort.
Once inside, he took a deep breath and headed for a stool. He sat down and picked up the receiver that was hanging off the wall.
" Eddie?"
He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. " Hey Dad."
@marsmunson86 @browneyes528 @erinsingalong @salenorona23 @emsgoodthinkin @eddie-is-a-god @manda-panda-monium
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syrikif · 8 months
Gamer Etiquette
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Kodzuken x Streamer!Y/N
Pairing: Kenma Kozume x Fem!Reader
Genre: SMAU, Written Elements, Strangers to Lovers, Romance, Fluff, Humor, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Streamer/Youtuber AU
Upcoming content creator/streamer, Y/N, has gone viral for lots of things. Her infamous dumb moments, her blended cookie recipe (which tastes better than it sounds), the way she rages at her friends during games, and about a hundred more.
But her most recent viral moment? Accidentally knocking famous streamer, Kodzuken, off the Bedwars map and making him lose his two year winning streak.
Now with more attention (and hate) than she ever asked for, her only option left is to go to the source: the man himself, Kenma Kozume.
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Chapter 2 (a): Bedwars
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Word Count: 2171
“Hey guys,” you smile at your webcam, “How’s everyone’s night been so far?” You adjust to get just a bit more comfortable, wrapping your favorite blanket around your legs as you observe their responses in chat. 
“Oh my god you had sushi for dinner? That sounds so good.” You lean forward to get a closer look, “Awe thank you. I tried so hard to do my makeup today,” you inform everyone when you see a compliment fly past. “It took me like four business days to finish my eyeliner,” you roll your eyes at the memory. 
You start humming softly as you read through chat, prompting everyone to start spamming for music and making you smile. “Okay okay, I get it guys I’ll put some music on.” 
You pull open Spotify, selecting one of your favorite non-copyrighted playlists, “Is that loud enough? Oh- too loud?” You turn it down by about twenty percent, “Is that better?”
You grin, letting yourself relax against the back of your chair. “I don’t really have a plan for the stream; I just wanted to kind of chat for a little bit, explain why I was in the hospital and stuff.” 
You laugh when you see the message, realizing too late that you’d probably just dropped a bomb on everyone who doesn’t follow you on any of your other social media. “Oh yeah, sorry guys.” You suddenly snort, “Did someone just say I was in hospice for being dumb?” 
You shake your head subconsciously, “Even funnier though is that they’re kind of right.” 
You reach forward to grab the bottle of water resting on your desk, “Don’t worry it’s not anything serious. Like at all.” You pause to take a brief sip of the iced liquid, cringing at how cold it is when it enters your mouth. “Holy shit,” you shudder, “That was so fucking cold.” 
You take a deep breath to regain your composure.
“Anyways, so basically I fell and hit my head yesterday and my friends just wanted to take me to the hospital to make sure I didn’t get a concussion or anything. And then it turned out that I was actually - like - super dehydrated so they wanted to give me an IV drip to get some fluids in me.” You lift your water bottle pointedly, “Hence the new addition to the stream.” 
Normally you’d rarely ever have water during a stream, and if you did it was kept in a much smaller bottle. It’s different now though (your roommate made sure of that) since your current water bottle is big enough to cover your entire face if you were to hold it up. 
“But now I am a-okay and in perfect condition. Well, mostly anyways.” 
You spend some time just singing along to the music and responding to some of the messages you see in chat. You feel yourself relaxing as you talk with everyone, your tense shoulders loosening and your voice growing just a bit louder as you get more comfortable. 
You’re always nervous to stream at first, despite having done it hundreds of times by now. You don’t think you’ll ever not be nervous to be completely honest. It was such a surreal experience, to be able to be so closely connected with so many different people from so many different places, that you were terrified of ever losing it. 
“Oh my god you guys. So I made some pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips in them the other day and they are literally like the best thing I’ve probably ever baked in my life.” 
Better than your blended cookies?
You roll your eyes, “Oh ha ha; you guys act like you’ve tried it. I promise you all that it’s literally ten times better than it sounds. I’ll have to post the recipe at some point because I genuinely think a lot of you would love them.” 
I can attest to that ✋
“Sho,” you excitedly exclaim as you see your friend’s username. “You guys know Shoyo right?” You feel your head tilt, watching the varying responses flood your chat box. “Well if you don’t know who he is, he’s literally - like - famous for playing volleyball.” 
I love Hinata! I met him once and he was so nice.
You nod rapidly in agreement, “Yes! He’s seriously gotta be the nicest person I’ve ever met.” 
“Do you want to get on call with me?” You direct the question towards your close friend, subconsciously biting your lip as you await his answer. 
Still at practice unfortunately 🙁
You pout, “Oh no.” With a small sigh, “I just don’t know what to do now. You got any suggestions, chat?”
You read as many messages as you can, eyebrows furrowing further the longer you sit there. 
“I’m seeing a lot of minecraft; do we wanna play a bit of minecraft?” You hum in thought, swaying in your chair as you consider the idea. “How about Bedwars?”
Chat practically erupts at your words, capitalized letters and emotes flying by so fast that you don’t get any chance to read a single one. “Okay okay,” you laugh, “I get it.” 
You set your water bottle back down, adjusting your keyboard to sit properly before grabbing your mouse. “Let’s play some Bedwars I guess.” 
“Fuck you!” 
You groan as you release your mouse, throwing your head back in annoyance as you die yet once again. 
“How the fuck do I keep on dying? Literally what the fuck!” You chance a glance at your chat, hiding a smile at their reaction to your raging. You’ll admit it, while you are actually frustrated with the game, you’re definitely playing it up just a little bit for your audience. 
You don’t wait for the round to end after you die, leaving the game and immediately running to join another one. You’ve been playing in teams of three, hoping that having the extra assistance would help you stay alive longer. 
So far it’s proved to be completely futile. 
“We’re definitely gonna win this one you guys,” you say just as the round begins. “Me-,” you pause to look at your teammate’s usernames, “PinkyFluff_22 and Kodzuken are going to absolutely demolish everyone else.” 
What did she just sayyyyyyy 😳
I’m sorry you and WHO????
No way she’s playing with who I think she’s playing with
One in a million chance lol
“What is everyone freaking out about?” You question as you patiently wait to collect some iron and gold, watching one of your teammates begin to cover the bed with a measly defense of red wool. “Kodzuken?”
You buy some wood and Endstone from the villager before purchasing a slightly better sword than the wooden one you were given. “Oh they stream?”
Girl 💀
How do you not know who he is?????
“Bro I don’t know,” you shrug, “I just work here okay.” 
You sprint over to the bed, breaking the wool to replace it with the Endstone, layering the wood on top, and then finally placing the wool around it again. “I guess I’ll be bed defense then,” you say as you notice that you’re the only person left on the island. 
“Oh shit someone’s coming!” You duck behind the giant cube of wool, watching the name tag get progressively closer to your island. You jump out as soon as you feel like they’re close enough, attacking the unaware oncomer and knocking them off the island within a few easy hits. 
“Fuck yeah!” You jump around excitedly, proud of the way your plan was actually successful this time. “See that? I told you I’m not bad!” 
You abruptly flinch as your character turns and comes face to face with another player. “Holy shit!” You release a sigh of relief as you realize it’s only your teammate, Kodzuken. “That scared me so bad. Oh my god,” you release your mouse briefly to place your hand on your chest. 
While you’re distracted trying to calm your heartbeat, Kodzuken suddenly stops before you. “What is he doing?” But before you even have time to be suspicious he suddenly drops a pile of diamonds and emeralds on the ground. 
You blink.
“Huh?” He looks pointedly at the gems then back up at you and back down, lightly tapping the block they’re floating on. “Is he giving them to me?” 
You glance over at your chat, your character finally going into motion when you realize they’re all screaming at you to go pick them up. “Jesus, sorry. I got them, see? Look, I’m picking them up right now.” 
You collect everything on the ground, crouching and un-crouching multiple times as a way to thank him. “Oh- shit,” you pause as a popup suddenly appears, “Stupid sticky keys!” 
By the time you manage to exit out of the window, Kodzuken is nowhere to be found. “Well,” you look at your webcam, “That was unexpected.” 
You quickly open game chat to send him a private message as fast as you possibly can. 
“Thanks :)”
It’s the best you can do with the little time you have but you hope he appreciates it nonetheless. 
“Okay, I’m gonna up our bed defense.” You repeat the earlier process all over again, only this time you add obsidian and make the outer layer made of wood. “Now that’s like literally impenetrable.” 
You upgrade your sword to a bow and arrows before purchasing some TNT and fireballs and buying the Miner’s Fatigue trap. “Now the real question is whether I try to attack the bases next to us or not.” 
You’re gonna die
Kill them
We believe in you
“I guess it’s decided then,” you quickly shake out your hands. “Okay,” your voice fades as you run across the bridge you could only assume one of your teammate’s made. 
You’re extremely quiet as you make your way across, keeping your eyes on the island next to you and turning back every now and then to check on your own. You’re biting your lip as you slowly make your way across the rival team’s bridge, crouching the entire time to hide your name. 
You’re roughly twenty blocks away when you take the next step. Still crouching, you aim a fireball at their seemingly wool covered bed. “Yes!” You cheer as it makes its mark, blowing up the wool and revealing wood below it. 
You know that you’ve alerted the players at this point (there’s no way you haven’t) so all you can do is run into the fire. 
You’re panicking as you place some TNT around the bed, running away and into a player from the enemy team as it explodes. You use your mediocre sword to hit them away from you, mentally sighing as they get hit back enough for you to run away. “Oh my god oh my god oh my god,” you sprint towards the now revealed blue bed. 
“Blue Bed was destroyed by Soft_Paws!”
You squeal out of both fear and excitement, adrenaline racing through you as you’re attacked by two of the blue players at once. You throw a fireball at them, shouting for joy when one of them is successfully knocked off the island. 
“Holy shit!”
The next player is harder to kill, your health rapidly deteriorating as you battle with nothing but a stone sword and your adrenaline. 
You have one heart left when it finally happens.
“Ecstasy.png was killed by Soft_Paws”
“Yes!” You kick your feet out, jumping up from your chair with your excitement before remembering that you’re still in a game. “Holy fuck I did it. I actually did it, you guys!” 
Roughly five minutes later, you’re still in the round. Everyone’s bed has been broken at this point but there are still three teams that are yet to be eliminated, yours included. 
You’re sort of just hiding at the base, watching the chaos from afar as your one and only teammate left (Kodzuken) goes on a murder spree. 
He’s running back to the team’s island when the incident occurs.
All you see is yellow leather armor and a yellow name tag, sprinting on the bridge connecting your base to the emerald island. You don’t even consider the fact that they’re currently being chased down by your teammate, you just aim. 
Your aim is exceptionally good, so good in fact that the explosion knocks off both the yellow player and Kodzuken. 
You freeze at the realization, your mouth falling open in complete horror as you piece together what you’d just done.
“I did not just do that,” you whisper, mostly to yourself as the events replay in your mind. “Oh my god,” you facepalm - forgetting (once again) that you’re still actually alive and participating in the game - and completely missing the person running towards you on the other bridge. 
You hear the sound of something being attacked, echoing through your headphones and making your eyebrows furrow with confusion. 
You abruptly gasp, but by then it’s too late. 
You’re dead. And your team has lost.
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Taglist: @crazy-people-are-here, @existential-traveller, @peachesncats, @royalz658
Any names in bold are unable to be tagged.
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i-am-beckyu · 2 months
I've made a decision
Okay first up, thank you dingbatnix for making your own post on this because it makes me feel a whole lot better about this.
I am going to continue writing dsmp g/t. To be honest I don't think I ever really cared too much about the actual dsmp story itself but was more in love with the characters and the way they interacted.
As I have said before the stories I write are based on the content creators characters and not the creators themselves. I want to be clear when I say I do not support abusers and all my support goes out to Shelby and others affected by William Gold.
The thing that has probably been bothering me most though is how a lot of creators have been going forward since hearing the news. Most writers have been changing the names of characters or changing their designs in different ways and I think that's fine and I'm glad other people have found ways to move forward in their own ways. What I've been stuck on is not wanting to change how I write. I like referring to the characters in my stories as they are and I don't want to do any rewrites or name changing.
To me, they are their own characters and again, the characters I write are NOT the real people. They are fictional and should be treated as such. But the more I try and force myself to change the characters, the more I hate the idea and lose motivation to finish stuff. So I'm not going to.
What will most likely end up happening is that when I've finished the fics I'm working on, then I will probably stop writing them and create my own oc's, but for now I want to keep creating what I still enjoy.
If you don't like that, that's fine, but I don't want to hear it or see it in my inbox or comments. I'm doing me, so deal with it.
Time framewise no clue, but I just wanted to share this and get it off my mind. Thanks if you read the entire thing.
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Important announcement, everyone... I'll be opening up a Patreon~!
I honestly thought I'd never make a post like this, but I guess you never know what life throws at you! And lately I've fallen on some hardship ^^;; you see, back in December I lost my job due to reduction of personnel. I didn't want to say anything about it for some time because I don't really talk about my personal life in public, and it was a bit of a dour topic to bring up during Christmas/New Year's. Don't worry about me btw, I'll be fine! But it'd be nice to have some extra income to help me get back on my feet while I look for a new job. As such, I've opened a Patreon page, for people who'd like to support me 💖
Now, I don't wanna make this post a house built on walls of text, but there's some stuff I really really wanna make clear!
1. Don't worry, the comic is not in jeopardy. Of course it'd be nice to have the extra money to buy a better drawing tablet before the one I'm using breaks down, but I'll finish Feel Less even if I have to draw the panels with a ballpoint pen on a napkin. So don't feel like if you don't support me the comic will end without a conclusion, okay?
2. I won't put my content behind a paywall. I've seen a lot of other webcomic artists offer bigger input opportunities and early chapter releases for paying patrons, but I don't think that'll work for Feel Less, since the story depends on everyone playing together and I don't like giving spoilers to select people. But I do want to make becoming a Patron worth your while though! So what you'll get is behind-the-scenes content, the chance to vote for what we play next on stream, a shoutout on the blog including a portrait of your choosing, and monthly commissions!
3. I don't want to make any of you feel like you owe me. This is something I really wanna stress. I know not everyone is in a financial position to support online creators they like, and I want you to know that that's okay!! You don't owe me anything. Just you being here reading and enjoying what I make is more than I could ask for 💖 If you can support me, that's super appreciated, but if you can't, don't feel like you're obligated~
Finally, if you want to support me in ways other than financially, I also have a twitch and youtube channel, so consider checking them out~ ^^ They're largely unrelated to the comic, but if you like my sense of humour and vibes, chances are you'll enjoy those too~
Thank you for your time! Remember that Feel Less is still scheduled to return on January 7th, and together, let's make 2024 the best year we've had yet~!! 🥰
-Yui 💖
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weebatron9000 · 9 months
Okay I just finished it. Give me a second to gather my thoughts.
Serious review time.
First of all, The Cast. Never before, in all my love of One Piece for the better part of my life. Could I ever have imagined seeing someone embody those characters better than this cast has. There’s no other way to describe it other than saying that they brought One Piece to life, Real World style. I hope they enjoyed being a part of this as much as I enjoyed watching them.
The same goes to the crew and creators of this Live action adaptation. They went above and beyond with everything from World design, to making this something you can enjoy even if you’ve never watched the Anime or read the Manga.
This IS One Piece, but it’s not the same one we grew up with. And that’s a good thing, because this was created with a live cast in mind, with real world emotions and experiences that aren’t like those you get in Anime/Manga. But even with the differences, they still gave us exactly what we hoped for. They gave us Freedom and Laughter and Angst. They gave us a crew of dreams. They gave us all of that and so much more.
It’s honestly amazing to have witnessed.
Sure there’s things that jarred me a little, made me furrow my brow and go “oh…okay”-but I attribute that to years upon years of being used to one thing, and then seeing something new be born from that. It didn’t take any of my enjoyment from it, even if it wasn’t what I was used to.
I don’t tend to do serious stuff, and this will be followed with like a dozen silly posts about clowns and simping. But with all the pressure on everyone about how this would be taken, and how well it’s being received. I kinda had to get my own words out there? Even if they’ve been said already.
I hope this continues. I hope this becomes another way for me to enjoy the world I love so much-the world that we all love so much.
Because wouldn’t that be fun?.
Anywho! This made me feel weirdly embarrassed so I’m just gonna post all the memes I made and then cringe in a corner. Cool bye!
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Points of interest from today's Pix stream
See behind the cut for some points of interest transcribed from Pix's Empires stream today (fWhip joins in, in chat, too). Included:
endings for the season and fan expectations
fanworks and headcanons, how Pix wanted to structure his S2 to enable fans to run with their own ideas, and how his S1 ending the way it did also enabled that
what Pix would like to do if there's an Empires S3 [speculative only; not concrete plans]
Behind the cut with you!
This led out of a conversation wherein Pix discussed having seen many fans' opinions of S2 ending 'suddenly'/'too soon' and 'unsatisfactorily' and not to their liking, and how the endings could have been better/loose ends tied up more, etc etc (we've probably all seen those opinions and posts repeatedly by now, so I'm not going to belabour them anymore).
First off, Pix very briefly mentions his season end plans:
fWhip (in chat): A lot of people seem to have taken my video as the end.. not realizing everyone will upload their own finale. I didn't do any real lore this season so having a full lore based ending felt wrong
Pix: I've got an ending planned, but it's going to be very much like my ending. And, again, I'm somebody who doesn't have any story to my stuff, really. Like… I became a ghost. Nothing's really happening with that. It's just a fact of my existence now.
fWhip (in chat): I finished building gobland to where I was happy with it, so that was a natural end for me as a creator
Pix: Yeah, like, "Guess what? I'm done building. Series over!" [pause, then mutters] I wish I was done building [laughs]
[discussion continues for a while around fan expectations]
fWhip (in chat): also I think some fans don't realize not all of our audiences love the heavy lore, and if our videos don't get views we can't really keep making videos lol
Pix: Yeah, that's the thing. There's always going to be the most activity around stuff that people really feel like they can get behind as a community. But the communities tend to isolate themselves with other people who enjoy the same stuff they do, right? So, like, folks on Tumblr or Reddit, for example, might get really behind certain creators' approach to lore.
[short discussion about browsing the Empires subreddit and seeing so many posts about Jimmy being a toy, including polls worded in such a way that they're biased from the outset. also how - when fans latch on to certain ideas like that - it can be stifling to a creator, as in 'once you've exhausted that thing but people still want it from you, where do you go from there?']
This next part was what I really loved about this stream discussion: Pix's views on fanworks:
Viewer: Tumblr will come up with lore even if there isn't any tbh
Pix: And that's what I wanted to do with this season. I really wanted to just create whatever I wanted to create, and have it be something that people could speculate about all they wanted to, and any answer would be the right answer. That's one of the things I liked about… [pause] Even though I felt bad having left Empires Season One when I did, and everyone else was very kind in pointing out, like, "You said you were going to leave then anyway, so it's not you kind of left us in the lurch, or whatever"… [pause]
One of the things about the ending of Season One not really being there was that people come up with their own theories about what happens to the Copper King after all of that. And I'm, like, "All of those are correct!" [laughs]. Whatever you think happened, happened. Because that's the fun of using your imagination for stuff like this, right? That's sort of the approach I want to encourage people taking when we do projects like this, is your interpretation is just as valid as ours. And if you want to imagine that stuff, don't always expect us to act on it.
Finally, someone in chat asks what Pix would like to do if Empires S3 takes place. [NOTE: This should not be taken as gospel and what Pix plans to do. He appeared to just be spitballing and chatting casually here, so this isn't a concrete plan, nor is it confirmation that there will be a season 3. I'm just adding this as another point of interest from the stream.]
Viewer: I know you said that you're not sure about Empires season 3 but what would you do if it did happen?
Pix: That's the thing: I really don't know, and that's part of the reason we're not doing a season 3 immediately, if at all. I don't know what ideas would work, I don't know what ideas would be compatible with other people's ideas. Like, I would love to do something that feels a bit more modern, because I don't challenge myself often enough to build in a modern style. I would love to do something that felt a little bit more cyberpunk, in… like a System Shock kind of way. But I don't know for certain if that would be at all compatible with anything else, because Empires in general skews a bit more, like, D&D fantasy, which tends to be more medieval fantasy; European medieval, specifically. And, y'know, there's a few exceptions to that, but I think a lot of the time - because Minecraft itself feels like more of a fantasy world… y'know, there's cobblestone and wood everywhere, and bookshelves, and enchantment setups, and brewing and that kind of thing. It all feels a lot more medieval fantasy than anything else. I just think it's kind of difficult to sell the idea of there being, like, a cyberpunk kind of modern setup in the middle of all these other people who are still playing, like, straight-up D&D. It feels anachronistic, and not in a good way.
[brief discussion about how 'modern empires' could also mean business empires, but that would then mean creators having to build whole cities, which are a pretty hefty undertaking]
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askthefruitycorpses · 5 months
★彡 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 / 𝙋𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤!! 彡★
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★.•♫•♬• ▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ •♬•♫•. ★
Hi!! Welcome to another Davesport ask blog. We had wanted to make one for some time but never fully thought people would care but we are happy to make one now! The one writing this post is me, @yui-lover-33! This is a blog that is run by me and my boyfriend @xe-the-void !! We co-own the account and general blog and will answer questions separately or together. Most of the time it may be together but don't get your hopes up as we balance our personal lives with this.
This blog won't be too different from many other davesport blogs other than the Dave and Jack are just me and boyfriends vers which just how our own personal projections and changes of backstory. The two aren't fully accurate as they have their differences from the cannon. You can ask them about it or not if you already know and have seen my posts on my main and twitter.
Whats the point of this pinned post?
It's just to better inform you on rules, characters, ownership of said characters, and creator stuff.
Side note: If you wanna know who is who posting or talking look for these indicators!! <:D!
Yui -🦎 Xe - 💜 Both - 💚💜
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★彡 ▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ 彡★
As stated before this will clear up who owns what characters. (Yes, we own and draw specific DSAF characters.) It's not really owning them actually more so which ones we design and claim in the blog.
Keep in mind some are not designed and finished so some may come as a later surprise if you choose to ask them.
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Any characters not displayed such as the other Phoneys just don't have designs and may not be included for a while. This may change later down the line, but your stuck with Harry and Rebecca for now.
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╰☆☆ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ☆☆╮
Is asking other DSAF okay?
Generally yes, you can ask whatever characters from DSAF you want here. Our main focus is just Jack and Dave but we will happily do the others if you ask them.
Just wanted to clear that general question up but I'll state the ground rules now
I of all people want to make this extremely clear as it pisses me the fuck off and I will not tolerate any shit like that. If ones like this are sent I can and will just instantly delete them. Me and my boyfriend are minors as of this post and will not do shit like that. Even if we turn 18 we will not do it due to a younger following!
Please keep stuff SFW and on topic with the blog
From our past experiences with ask blogs, It does nothing but irritate us when people try to insert their characters into the sk blog and do weird things. We both ask that you please stay on topic with the ask blog and account with the fandom and game we are doing please.
Please don't do weird magic Annon shit
We will allow magic annons but in no way any weird shit such as IDK fetish stuff, Possibly genderbending ( since Dave and Jack are trans ), turning characters into kids, and just general gender changing or any stuff like that. asks that discomfort us will always be deleted unless the habit is repeated then we will state it.
Please don't force your ver / ideas onto our versions
The vers we have are very personal to us and we please ask that you don't fetishize, change, be rude, or just generally try to switch them up. We ask that you respect the way we portray them as it is our preferred and most comfortable way.
» For more information on boundaries I recommend you refer to the carrd I made for em :P
Overall, this will get updates over time, but almost half the time we will take the responsibility and charge to delete asks we don't like or don't feel comfortable with asking. It's no harsh feeling but we state what the grounds are here for all of you to know. We just do what we think is best and we just ask that you respect that.
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