#bullet train one shot
padfootdaredmetoo · 8 months
Hii I can’t remember if I sent this in or not🤔🤔
Can I please (if it’s okay) request a Platonic!Tangerine + Lemon x fem!reader where Y/n is around 5/6 years old. After Tan & Lem save The Son, they happen to have to stop for gas before driving to the train station (lol I can see how much they would argue about that lol like, 🍊-“How exactly could you steal a car that doesn’t have gas??” 🍋-“How exactly was I supposed to know that??”🤣). Y/n sneaks into their car while their arguing about getting gas, steals both their wallets, and starts to run off but they notice her and are easily able to catch up to her and bring her back (although she kicks them in the shins and swats at them lol). They see their younger selves in this tiny, mischievous little girl and once again bicker on what to do (whether or not to bring her with them since she has nowhere to go), lol and Y/n is like, “Are you two almost done? I’ve got LOTS of places to be” and they look at each other, then her like “….🙄”. Anywayyyys, she goes with them on the Bullet Train (as they didn’t think it would be as eventful as it became), and she’s sitting in her seat, holding a momomon plushie (that Tangerine definitely nicked for her lol), sipping a juice box, and watching Thomas the Tank Engine on Lemon’s phone with headphones the whole time it goes down. Butttt she accidentally saves Tan when she goes looking for him and Lemon (she misses them) and finds Tan right as he’s confronting The Prince about being a Diesel. She yells his name and runs up, jumping into his arms happily, also happily jumping into Lemon’s arms when they realize that he was just asleep 🥺🥺 Tan, Lem, and their now new little sister escape the train and go home to London together where they raise her🥺🧡💛
Hey Love,
It's embarrassing how long ago this was sent in. Thanks for being a great friend <3 Hope you enjoy!
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“Did you actually steal a car with no fucking  gas in it?” Tangerine was pinching the bridge of his nose hating how his blood pressure was already through the roof and the stupid job wasn't even half over yet. 
“Well, it's hard to know which cars have gas or not,” Lemon answered easily as he pulled over at an empty gas station. He wanted to shout but settled for slamming the dashboard with his hand instead.  
He got out of the car to light a cigarette, he doubted the owner would get his car back, but still, he had manners. Lemon put gas in the car and Tan turned around to look at him, when in the corner of his eye he caught something move by his leg. 
“OI!” He shouted and instinctively reached into his pants pocket to feel an empty place where his wallet should be. “FUCK.” 
All the job details were scribbled on a napkin in his wallet, he took off into a run and caught the little kid. The first thing he noticed was how light they were. He felt triumphant as he caught the little bastard. 
The knotted mats in the boy's hair and the dirt on his face made his heart sink. 
He grew up with boys like this. He would thank God every day that his own mother held on as long as she did. He and Lemon still got put on a dark path, they had difficult childhoods, but nothing in comparison to what this boy must have gone through. 
In his moment of reflection, he realized the boy was kicking him. 
“Oi! Settle down.” He said unsure of what to do. He didnt know Japan well, not well enough to know a place to drop the kid where they would be safe. 
“Fuck you.” a little English accent hit his ears and his heart gave a twinge. “Bit far from home, eh?” He said watching the kid still struggling in his grasp. 
“Says you.” The kid bit back. 
“What the fuck is this?’ Lemon had come over and took the wallet from the kid's fist. The kid tried to lunge at him, jaw snapping like a dog. He looked around thankful to see that no one seemed to notice or care. 
“Piss off!” The boy yelled in a high voice. 
“Well, can't just let you go can we?” Lemon said in a serious voice. Tan assumed he was trying to scare the boy into better behavior. He flashed the gun on his hip and the boy stopped moving immediately. 
“Bit harsh” He mouthed silently. 
“I can stay with you then?” The kid's voice was soft and he suddenly realized that he was dealing with a little girl.
Tan and Lemon looked at each other. 
“Fuck.” Tan swore and hauled the little troublemaker back to the car. He would think of a plan on the way to the train. Maybe someone at the station would be able to help her find the authorities. Maybe she had parents desperately looking for her. 
Looking over her bruised skin and dirty clothes he strongly doubted it. She had been on the streets for a long time, which was strange considering she hadn't even been alive that long. 
He buckled her into the back seat and realized he was stuffing a small child next to a mob boss's incapacitated adult kid.  
He gave her a stern look. “No funny business.” She gave him a nod. She was going with them too easily. How many other men had picked her up in the past? 
He got into the passenger seat and Lemon pulled out of the gas station. 
“Is he dead?” The girl asks looking over at the crumpled man. 
“No, no, that’s our - um -” Lemon started. 
“Friend! He’s just really sleepy” Tan continued. 
“Jetlag, it’s a real killer.” 
“Oh.” She said easily. “Where are we going?” 
“On a train!” Lemon responded enthusiastically. Tan could have punched him in the face. Obviously, they weren't taking the girl on the mission with them. He reached into his pocket for a cigarette, to hell with the car owner, to hell with everything - except he wouldn't smoke in the car with a kid. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. 
“Lemon, we can't take her with us.” he hissed hoping she wouldn't pay attention. 
“Can’t leave her with the police.” He hissed back.
“No! I don’t want to go with them.” She looked scared for the first time. Tan’s stomach gave a painful lurch and he sighed in defeat. 
“See, she doesn't want to go with them,” Lemon said sternly. “She can stay with us until it’s over, then we can bring her back to England and try to find her family.” 
“I don’t want to go with them either!” Her voice got even higher a sense of panic evident in her features. 
“Well, then we can put you in boarding school or something?” 
“Like Hogwarts?” She said suspiciously. 
“Sure.” Lemon nodded. Tan gave him a light shove, he shouldn't be getting the girl's hopes up. 
“Wot?!” Lemon said in a sharp tone. “She’s not going to get into a decent university unless she goes to a good school.” 
“Ah yes, her university choices are what’s important right now,” Tan said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. 
“Never too soon to start thinking about your options. That was our mistake.” Lemon looked at the girl in the mirror. “What are you thinking? Doctor, neurosurgen, artist- “ 
“I was thinking about law actually.” She said in a mater of fact voice. 
“That’s even better, street criminal turned lawyer. Excellent origin story.” Lemon gave a nod of approval. 
Tan was thinking about how bad it would be if he opened the car door and jumped. The thought of being scattered across the highway was attractive, but he would never leave his brother. He sighed and prayed that the night would go by smoothly. 
After a quick stop for clothes and toiletries, they took over a disabled toilet and tried to clean the girl up. Thankfully she was at an age where she could manage almost everything alone leaving them to face the door. The son sitting on the toilet hunched against the tile wall. 
She could manage everything except her long brown hair. Lemon sat her on the edge of the sink, putting her feet in the basin. He combed out what Knotts he could and he watched the girl try to sit very still. He picked a purple jumper that would cover the bruises on her arms. She and Lemon picked out a pair of bejeweled jeans and some light-up sneakers. They got her the essentials and stuffed them all into a light purple backpack that had daisies embroidered into it. 
It’s stupid but it made him happy to do it. She got to pick whatever she wanted, no strings attached. Something he didnt have, that he could give to someone else. His heart felt a bit bigger, and he wondered if maybe he wanted kids someday. 
“I can’t get the bigger ones out without detangler so I’ll have to do a braid for now.” 
“Will you have to cut it?” Her eyes got wide.
“Nah, this is salvageable,” Lemon assured her and Tan wondered why he knew so much about hair. “We can get some proper stuff tomorrow.”
“Thanks for all this.” She said looking at her knees, face red. Lemon lifted her out of the sink and set her down on her feet. 
“Don’t mention it.” Tan patted her head. “Now, I know you're probably thinking about bolting or just trouble-causing in general.” 
She opened her mouth to protest and he held out a hand to silence her. “This is a work trip for us, any funny business and all three of us will be in big danger. Please do as I say on the train.” He started down at her trying to make sure she understood. 
“Okay.” She nodded. He and Lemon gave each other a nod before getting out of the toilets. 
Tan got the girl settled in the seat next to him handing her a stupid-looking plushy he snatched on the way in. Lemon took out his phone and handed it to her with a pair of headphones. Thomas the tank engine was on and she shrugged putting the earphones in. 
Then everything went to shit. Thankfully every time he came back to the compartment she was sitting with the headphones in tucked into her seat. 
You didnt really understand what the men were doing. Or why they were named after fruits. You couldn't even truly understand why you were trusting them. You originally just wanted to make it back to London, not to find the family that abandoned you in Japan, just to be back where you came from. 
Distant thoughts of a great aunt swam in your mind. Maybe she would take you in? You could live in the countryside with her. The thoughts slipped away as you looked back at the phone screen. Another episode of Thomas started and you sighed. This was a baby show and you wanted to watch something more grown up. You tried to use the phone but couldn't find any other movies or shows. 
You looked at the time and realized that they had been gone for a long time. Your stomach dropped. What if they got off the train? Your heart started to race as you realized how much you wanted to stay with them. 
You got out of the seat and moved through the train. It was completely empty so you ran faster. Your eyes started to fill up with tears and you thought it was stupid to get this upset. They wouldn't be the first people to let you down and they probably weren't the last either. 
Men can't be trusted 
The thought brought up a thousand painful memories and you tried to run away from them. Searching everywhere you made it into the last compartment. Tan was there, your eyes locked on to him and everything else became unimportant. 
“TANGERINE.” You shouted then ran at him. He knelt down to catch you. You put your arms around his neck tightly, determined not to let go of him again. 
“It’s alright. Everything is going to be alright.” He patted your back and you relaxed in his arms. As long as he didnt put you down you felt okay about everything. 
 Just as she burst into the carriage, the other girl turned to see who was barging in, a diesel sticker stuck to the back of her shoulder. The small girl jumped up into his arms and held on to him tightly. She hid her face in his neck and his protective senses went into overdrive. 
Diesel was here and he had a fucking 5 year old in his arms. He just had to play it cool. 
“It’s alright. Everything is going to be alright.” He murmured to the girl trying to soothe her and reassure himself. 
There was a loud explosion of gunfire and Tan immediately tried to shield the little girl in his arms. So much for soothing. The Prince crumpled to the ground as her brain matter scattered the train car. Lemon lowered his gun and he was overwhelmed with emotion. 
The kid was fine, Lemon was fine. He would make it through this. Lemon came over and put an arm around him and the girl. She reached a hand out to grab onto the collar of his shirt. 
“That’s a sick fucking family reunion.” Ladybug came into the compartment looking agitated. He proceeded to throw up and then round on Lemon about shooting innocent girls. Eventually they all got on the same page and let the rest of the events take place. 
All in all, by the end of the night, he had adopted a kid, survived a train crash, almost lost his brother, and another hundred traumatic things.  The girl had curled up in his lap and he held on to her while she slept. They had hijacked a tangerine truck and were trying to put as much distance between them and the crash as possible. 
“I was serious about boarding school,” Lemon said while trying to steer and peel a tangerine at the same time. 
“No,” Tan said firmly taking the fruit from him to peel it himself. There were a million reasons not to send her to boarding school. He hated snotty children and he knew they would make it their mission in life to make her miserable. She had no stability in her life, sending her to be raised like cattle in a school was just depressing. Not to mention what if the staff were awful to her? All sorts of terrible things could happen there. 
“Look we can’t just leave her here.” Lemon said finally sounding genuinely upset. 
“Doesnt mean we can’t get our self a spot somewhere nice and send her to school the normal way.” He shoved a slice of Tangerine in to Lemon’s hand. 
“Finally get to go house shopping,” Lemon said excitedly and Tan started to envision what the rest of his life was going to look like. It was void of murder, women, drugs, and chaos. He would probably have to quit smoking too. He frowned, he didnt really have any idea about girls or how to raise them. Most of the girls from his neighborhood either got into drugs, prostitution, or married mobsters. 
He looked down at the little kid in his lap. Her face was red and she was drooling on what was left of his suit. He would just do his best. 
Lemon picking a house and letting her help decorate it because it’s also her house too. 
Them realizing that kids at her level at school can already read and do some maths. Them panicking and teaching her to read in a month so she’s ready when school starts in September. Her getting there and being ahead of the other kids because they messed up thinking she was a level ahead of her age. She gets to feel super smart for once and then becomes very bookish. 
Tan and Lemon reading parenting books and quizzing eacohter on what to do in various situations and how to be strict. But when she asks for something with puppy dog eyes they cave anyway. 
They always watch TV with her in case they don't like what’s happening on the show. Always trying to make sure she doesn't watch anything violent in case she gets triggered by what happened on the train or her life before.
Both of them sitting there trying not to smoke or die while listening to her struggle to read Harry Potter. After a few pages, Lemon goes “That was great almost done chapter one.” “That was only one chapter?” Tan says and Lemon gives him a look. “How long is this book anyway?” “The first one is the shortest.” “There's more than one?!” 
“Duh, there’s 7” She says happy that there is so much material meaning there will be lots of reading time as a family.
Her actually becoming a Lawyer and putting criminals away rather than carrying on the family business of killing them.
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eternalslover · 1 year
The son: hey I heard you like bad boys
Y/n: not really
The son: oh thank god
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mayfieldss · 3 months
Accident - Tangerine
Warnings; language, sexual innuendos, mentions of blood. A serious overuse of nicknames "love" and "darling". Tangerine is saurr ick coded in this idk what's going on.
Summary; Tangerine walks in on you after a shower and the conversation that follows plays out different than expected.
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Tangerine is not expecting anything when he opens the door except an empty room with a bed for him to rest. He knows you're somewhere around of course, you'd parted ways with him shortly after the job, claiming you needed to wash the blood off of you before it stained your conscience. He didn't know if you'd still be in the hotel room, or down at the bar drinking away the memories of the days events. Overall he wasn't expecting what he saw.
"Fuck, shit, oh my god." He finds you scrambling for something , anything to cover yourself when he enters.
"Oh, bloody hell, sorry love. Thought you'd be done by now." He turns his back to you, though he does it slowly, because quite frankly he can't help himself from stealing a glance.
"You presentable yet darling?" Tangerine can hear you stumbling about behind him, a smile creeping onto his lips at the quiet curses that you let slip under your breath.
"Couldn't you just leave?"
"Believe it or not, I paid for this disaster of a hotel room, so I think I've won myself the right to bloody well stand in it."
He listens again, and can just make out a string of names you call him under your breath, "Ya know, that's not a nice thing to say."
"Go fuck yourself Tan." You're pissed, he likes it.
"I think it would be much more enjoyable if you gave me some help with that." He hears you gasp, your footsteps stumbling about until he knows you're in the bathroom and out of sight. He turns around, walking through the room to lay upon the bed. With hands behind his head and his back against the pillows, he waits for you.
When you're finally back within his view, he sighs, loving just how much his smile is irritating you, and even more so the way you refuse to look at him. "I think I liked you better with your clothes off."
"Of course you did." You're packing things into your duffle bag, and as you lean down, Tangerine can't help but notice that the shirt you're wearing is too big for you. Not only is it oversized however, but Tangerine realises it's his.
"You know darling, locking doors is a thing I'm sure you're capable of, considering you got opposable thumbs and all." He doesn't bring up the shirt just yet, perhaps because he thinks you might take it off if he does. He likes the look of you in it for now.
"I hate to break it to you, but this shitty hotel you paid for? Has no fucking locks!" you stand straight as you yell at him and now he has a full picture of you. His shirt hangs loose around you, the buttons done up crooked in your obvious rush to put something over your body, one sleeve keeps slipping from your shoulder, the skin there revealing itself and hiding away again every time you pull the fabric back up. He's obsessed with it, and you.
"Fucking hell."
Tangerine doesn't intend for the words to escape him, but they do, and he's almost embarrassed by it. It takes a minute before you realize what's happening, looking down at yourself and back up at him.
"The shirt's really doing it for ya, isn't it?" You've got your eyebrows raised, and Tangerine grins broadly.
"It really is, love." He pauses, taking you in again, "it really, really is."
You roll your eyes at him, but to Tangerine's surprise, you keep the shirt on, moving to sit on the other bed in the room.
"You know, that's something i don't get." You're staring up at the ceiling, arms by your sides on the bed as you speak. "What is so attractive about sharing clothing?"
Tangerine huffs, struggling to concentrate on his words. "Fucked if i know, but I'd let you have my kids right about now."
A laugh slips free of you, and you turn your head, cheek pressed against the duvet as you look at him. "You'd let me? What the fuck does that mean?"
"Sorry darling, lemme rephrase." Tangerine clears his throat, and you resist the urge to smile. "It would be an honor to father your children."
In an instant, you're laughing so hard you can barely breathe, curling in on yourself, and holding your stomach from the pain of the action. Tangerine watches you all through it, a smirk plastered firm on his face. "You're treating me like the fucking joker right now, it's not that funny."
You ignore him, calming yourself down.
"If you think about it, we'd have some good-looking kids, don't ya think?" His eyes scan over the features of your face, and he knows you're doing the same to him. "They'd be real heartbreakers, I think."
"Are planning out a fucking future with me in your head right now?" You ask, and there's another chuckle of disbelief threatening to break past your lips.
"No," Tangerine is deep in thought, though there's nothing sweet about it. "But I am planning out the next ten minutes with you."
That stuns you into a silence and a thousand thoughts race around in your head. You sit up, the left sleeve of Tangerine's top slipping from your shoulder again. "In my head, the next ten minutes involve alcohol, food, and sleeping in this hard arse motel bed. I think our priorities are pretty different."
Tangerine chuckles, propping himself up on his elbow, staring you down. "Well, our plans have one thing in common." He grins, but you don't share the expression. "The bed's in my fantasy too, darling."
You scoff, standing to move across the room. You'll order room service, you think, and pay for it with money from Tangerine's wallet, just to teach him a lesson. "You disgust me."
You can hear Tangerine standing from his place on his own bed, coming to stand behind you. "Alright, I'll drop the subject. What're you ordering?"
You twist your head back to look at him as you wait for the call on the rooms landline to go through. "Whatever the fuck I want."
The man behind you sighs, though you know he finds humor in the situation. He likes to get you all riled up. "You don't gotta give me the attitude, I get your point. Get me some chips, though, would ya?" His hands move upward to undo the top few buttons of his shirt. Buttons very similar to the uneven ones holding a particular piece of fabric to your body.
You don't respond, but when ordering Tangerine can't help but smile as you inquire about the chips he'd asked for. You don't hate him yet. In fact, he thinks you feel quite the opposite. You find him amusing at the very least, even though he finds you to be the most intriguing person he's ever met. Baby steps, he thinks. One day, you might take as much interest in him as he does you.
"Thank you, love. I appreciate it." He says once you've hung up the phone.
"They're just chips. It's not a big deal." You push past him, bare shoulder brushing against his clothed arm.
"It is when you're as starving as I am." His gaze follows you as you leap back on to your designated bed, sinking into the stiff pillows.
"You were starving for something else a minute ago." You mutter, eyes falling closed as you lay atop the covers.
"I'm always hungry for that, love. Make no mistake." He's removed the vest he'd been wearing, his belt discarded too as he answers the knock on the hotel room door. It's a staff member with what you ordered, arriving abnormally fast.
"You seriously apall me." You groan once the door is closed again, sitting up ready to eat. Tangerine snatches his chips from the tray provided, taking them over to his own bed as he sits down. With his legs over the edge of it, he leans forward, smile present again.
"I'm only joking, darling. Unless, of course, you don't want me joking, in which case I'm totally not."
That does earn a snort from you as you dig into your meal, and Tangerine leaves it at that. It's been an eventful night, and he's blessed enough to be sitting in this room alive. He's gifted even further with the fact that he gets to sit here with you, looking like a bombshell capable of ending every war in the world. Even tired and stuffing your face full of mediocre room service, he can't help but admire you. And that's a dangerous thing. If he's catching feelings, he doesn't exactly know it yet. But he has a suspicion that he might be, and he'll think on that for the rest of the night.
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TANGERINE TAGLIST; @swordofawriter
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imyourbratzdoll · 3 months
Tangerine smut please?
hi! sorry for taking so long! I hope you enjoy this request!
summary - a handsome stranger makes you cum on the train.
warning - smut, fingering, public stuff.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips (deactivated)
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The day started off perfect, you decided to wear your new outfit that consisted of a black long sleeved shirt underneath a cropped green button up and a matching short skirt. You made yourself the perfect coffee and headed to the train station before finding the perfect seat inside. You drowned out the rest of the world, your head buried in a book. Until you are suddenly pulled out of it by three men sitting on the seats beside you, your eyes widen when you make eye contact with a very attractive man in a blue suit.
You try to ignore them by focusing on your book but their constant whispering pierce through your concentration and you nearly drop your book as you hear a voice. “Excuse me, love.” You look back up and notice the handsome man now standing over you. You can feel yourself pulse between your legs and it’s confusing because you’ve never reacted like this before. “Do you mind if I sit here? You see, I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are and my brother is being a pain.” You blink, slowly nodding and sucking in a breath as he slides into the seat next to you, his scent causing you to become dizzy with lust. “Thanks, love.” 
You try to go back to your book, but you can’t and you can feel him staring at you once in a while. You begin to squirm in your seat, his thigh brushes against you causing a whimper to escape before you can stop it. Your face flushes, eyes wide and you try to hide. 
Tangerine smirks. “Do I make you nervous, love?” You ignore him, scooting closer to the window, feeling embarrassed because you want to jump him. “You know, I know something that will take those nerves away, love. Do you wanna try?” You look at him, chewing on your bottom lip as you stare at him with wide eyes. “But you’ll have to very quiet, I wouldn’t want to punish you for being a naughty girl.” You feel yourself throb, nails digging into your palms as you hold back a whimper at his words. 
“O–okay…” Your breath hitches as his hand makes contact with your thigh, sliding up it until it disappears underneath your skirt. He leans closer to you, blocking anyone’s view of what he’s about to do to you. 
“No knickers, love? It’s like you knew you were going to be a slut today.” His fingers make contact with your clit, rubbing it nice and slow, watching you shake and whimper softly from his movements. “Good girl, you’re being nice and quiet for me.” He leans closer, sliding his fingers up and down before he begins to slowly push them inside your sopping cunt, curling them upwards, watching you struggle to keep your mouth closed. “Keep reading your book, love. Wouldn’t want anyone to catch us.” Tangerine feels you squeeze around his fingers at his words, he grins. “You wanna be caught, love? Want to be caught being a naughty slut, huh?” 
You lean your head on his shoulder, shakily opening the book, unable to focus on the words as his fingers continue to thrust and curl, your hand moves to his thigh and you grip onto it, digging your nails into him as he continues to fingerfuck you. “O–oh…”
“Shh.” His moustache tickles your ear as he whispers into it. His fingers begin to hit the spongey spot deep inside of you, causing your eyes to roll back and you to arch off the chair, biting down onto your bottom lip hard enough to cause blood. Tangerine watches as you cum, juices coating his hand before you sink back down into the seat, soft whimpers escaping you. “Good girl.” He gently removes his fingers from your drenched cunt, lifting them to his mouth, eyes connecting with yours as you watch him suck the fingers that were just inside of you. 
You blink, trying to catch your breath as the man winks at you, sliding a piece of paper with his name and number on it before he stands. “Call me when you need to get off again, love.” With that, he leaves, disappearing down the train. You stare at the piece of paper, feeling yourself begin to throb again at the thought of him touching you. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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legends-of-apex · 2 years
‘Atta Girl’ | Tangerine x f!Reader (18+)
rating: 18+ (semi-public smut, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, profanity)
word count: 819
summary: In which Tangerine fingers f!reader in the bathroom of a fancy restaurant. Featuring lots of Tangerine's use of pet names and encouragement.
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‘Mind and keep quiet if you don’t wanna get caught, love. Because you know I couldn’t really give a fuck if we do or not.’
‘You’re not making that easy!’ You replied with a shaky breath.
Tangerine chuckled, thoroughly enjoying the mess he was making of you. Few things got him off quite like having you stood on shaky legs with his fingers nestled between your thighs in a place like this.
Thankfully the bathroom had been empty since you slipped away with him and slammed the stall door closed, his lips on your neck and your fingers entwining with strands of his dark hair. Someone could still walk in at any moment. The bathroom wasn't even especially far from the restaurant’s bustling floor. Sound seemed to carry well in there too from the marble tiles to the soaring ceiling. Tangerine’s dress shoes had clicked loudly as he ushered you into that stall.
You had to at least try and keep quiet but he never made that easy.
‘Sorry, love.’ He responded like a man who absolutely was not sorry for any of this. You had outright asked for this but had wrongly presumed he’d make you wait until you got home to his place. It was easy to forget Tangerine was compulsive enough to finger you in a restaurant bathroom. ‘The worst that can happen is someone walks in and then you’ll really have to keep quiet. So for now just relax and enjoy it, yeah?’
You knew he had you. One thing about Tangerine is that he always makes sure to support your body and keep you close. So you decided to relax and trust that he had you, as he always did.
‘That’s it. Atta girl.’ He praised when you relaxed in his hold. 
He liked watching your face as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, as he curled them to make your thighs quiver and shake. When you flung your head back against the wall of the bathroom stall it was like dangling a carrot on a string, your neck was just begging to be kissed. So he pressed his lips to it. The soft prickle along your neck from the hair upon his upper lip made you gasp.
‘I wish we were home right now so I could fuck you good and proper. You’d like that wouldn’t you?’ He mumbled against your skin and you groaned at the thought. ‘We wouldn’t even make it to the bedroom, love. I’d have you sprawled out on the fucking dining room table with your dress still on and all.’
He loved the way sweat gathered and glistened on your sweet skin, the sheer desperation for release that laced your every movement, your every half-swallowed cry.
‘God, look at you.’ He admired, his voice barely above a whisper. ‘Do you have any idea how fucking gorgeous you look right now?’ 
Your clit pulsed beneath his thumb as he pressed down on it in smooth circles. His pace was steady and thorough enough that you cried out so loud he had to kiss you to muffle the sound.
‘Careful.’ He warned. ‘As much as I love the sound of your pretty voice we don’t want to cut this short now do we?’
You grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and waistcoat until your fingers cramped; Anything in a bid to relieve tension as he flexed his fingers inside of you so deliciously. It made him want to ravish you, to wrap your legs around his waist and have you right against the stall.
‘I’m close!’ Your voice wavered. The pace of his fingers sent heat down your back, pooling in your stomach like white-hot amber. Your entire body tensed. Your breath fell so heavy and quick.
‘You gonna come for me? Come on now, I know it’s gonna be beautiful.’
So you let the floodgates open.
He kept up the pace of his fingers even as you buried your head in his shoulder to muffle yourself, to keep your voice from bouncing off the walls. You barely even registered that he was praising you until you felt his lips on your forehead and the fullness dissipating along with his fingers from within you.
‘You alright, gorgeous?’ He asked with a gentle gaze and the softest touch to your cheek. ‘You did so well.’
You nodded and still held onto him as you caught your breath and your limbs softened. Tangerine was in no mood to rush your recovery. Instead, he took to smoothing your dress back down for you before pressing his lips to the inside of your wrist. His clothes were just as much of a mess as yours were from your clawing at them but he couldn't bring himself to care.
‘Do you think our food’s gone cold?’ You questioned once your breath evened.
‘It most certainly has, I reckon.’ He replied with a laugh.
Tagging: @icy-spicy​​ @simpingforclaudette​​ (Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the Tangerine tag list <3)
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inklore · 2 years
of the essence
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premise: working alongside tangerine to retrieve something as minuscule as a briefcase should be easy–would–have been easy if there wasn’t history between the two of you and you weren’t at each others necks or annoyed senseless by his need to be right, or your need to have him inside of you.
pairing: tangerine x f!assassin!reader
word count: 2.9k
warnings: eighteen+ content, unprotected sex, creampie, enemies who are partners who aren’t really enemies but are definitely lovers, tangerine has a big dick this is canon, cocky behavior, banter, public sex (unrealistic dicking in those tight ass train seats), dirty talk, pet names, spanking, mentions of violence and death.
etc: ya girl has booked a one way ticket on the tangerine slut train! sorry i’m late to the ride but i’m here now and i hope you enjoy this!
i do not give anyone permission to translate or repost my work, please be respectful — if you enjoyed please comment or reblog!
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It was foolish of you to think that there would be any civility between the two of you, that you could actually do this job in peace without him getting on your nerves or you grating at his. “It’s just a quick grab and go, no big deal” your boss had said, and as it always goes that was too good to be true.
“Tangerine will also be there..” she had trailed off after you had accepted, after you had put your eggs into one basket and already started with a game plan; upon hearing the rest of her words you were smashing said eggs with the bottom of your boot in irritation. 
The want—need—to deny the job. To tell her to pick someone else because the thought of being near said fruit with a beautiful mustache was not only frustratingly distracting, but the two of you couldn't stand each other.
Not after too many nights spent in tangled sheets and the constant head butting and one-upping the two of you always did—putting your team at risk all because the two of you refused to agree on anything. 
But you needed the work, sitting idle for too long made you overthink, made your skin crawl and impulsiveness kick in to the point of destructive behavior. 
So as amazing as saying no to this job sounded, you couldn’t afford it. 
Thus how you’ve ended up here; in a silent train car across from the one person you’d kill not see again. Trying not to put your nails into his eye sockets from how he’s looking at you and the snarky comments that never seem to end, flowing like an overbearing stream from his mouth.
The more he talked the more your blood boiled. The more your eyes stared at his mouth. The more you thought of events from the past that needed to stay there. Not bombard your brainstem with ideas that had no business being there at a time like this; thoughts that make you think ‘what's the worst that can happen?’
This. This is the worst that can happen. 
“Where’s the new bloke?” Tangerine’s head turns to the side, a ghost of a smirk pulling at one corner of his mouth. The roll of your eyes making that annoying expression spread to an even more annoying grin. 
“Couldn’t cut it.” You say passively, grip the book in your hand that you pathetically thought you’d actually be able to read—to be distracted by. 
He hums, fingers tapping on the armrest of his seat. 
“Couldn’t keep up with ya?” 
“Can anyone?”
“Not without effort,” his eyes move in a sweeping motion from your feet to your face. Slow. agonizing to your insides. Annoying. “That’s for certain.” 
“Thanks.” You scowl, grumbling under your breath. Bring the book up to your face, try to read any of the words on the page without focus. 
“I meant no disrespect.” 
“That’s shocking, feeling under the weather today?”
An airy chuckle leaves his lungs and goes straight to the bottom of your stomach. You try to ignore how you can feel him shift in his seat. How you know he’s pulling at his navy suit, making himself more comfortable. Manspreading his legs to the point where there’s no more room between your knees and his. One of his lengthy legs pressed into your inner thigh. 
You should have sat in Lemon’s seat when he got up. 
“Still can’t take a compliment I see.” 
“Still don’t know what a compliment actually is, I see.” You mock, can feel the edge of the paperback digging into your palm to the point of one little bump of the train and you know a paper cut is bound to happen. The bouncing of one of your legs starts, the deep shallow breaths, all signs of your irritation getting ready to bring itself to the forefront. Cause a scene that needed to be avoided right now. 
“It was a compliment.” 
“A backhanded one.” 
You know he’s the one rolling his eyes now by the puff of frustrated air he lets out from behind the book. 
And maybe most of this irritation was coming from the fact that he was right. Your last partner was a fool. An incompetent one. Where, yes Tangerine was a fool, more often than not, but he was at least competent and good at his job. The partner you had been assigned didn’t know the difference between a glock and a rifle, an ass from its cheek—he was the definition of new blood, sour blood, a trainee without a clue which is how he ended up in a shallow grave. A welcome blessing to you when a bullet pierced through his chest cavity. 
But not everyone was Tangerine. 
The two of you may not play nicely while working together but he was damn good at his job and the two of you always got the job done and on time. Even if Lemon screamed at the two of you to stop bickering for half of it. 
The reasons why the two of you shouldn’t work together was better than you getting saddled with another idiot. 
Annoyance and attraction aside, Tangerine was damn good at his job—too good most times and you’d choose this back and forth over the latter always. Because even through his cocky-knowing-remarks and that annoying raise of his brows he always did that sparked some fuel in your lower belly when the two of you would bicker over right wrong, left right, up down; he had your back, you could trust him not to put a bullet in it or get himself killed. 
“Were you the one who shot a bullet in that poor bloke's heart?” The tip of his pointer presses itself into the top crease of your book, pulling it down to reveal his grin. “You can be candid with me,” his lips twitch cockily. “I won’t tell a soul if you got a little homesick for me and had to do it to reunite us, promise.”
You flick his hand away, “as if.” Your mouth falling open to make a show of your gag of disgust, “it would have been a justice for me to put him out of his misery. But now I’m wishing the bullet had changed directory and hit me instead. I’m the one who really needs to be put out of their misery.”
“Oh,” he clicks his tongue. Lips turning down into a frown, “you’ve missed me. You can’t deny it.”
“You wouldn’t have taken the job if you didn’t.”
“I needed the money. Eating is a wonderful thing.”
“So is our time spent together.” Just as the words slip out you can feel his knee press further into your thigh. See his back slink just a little lower into his seat as he does so. Eyes cast down to where the heat from his knee and your thigh is causing your nerves to clench up—to go haywire. 
“It’s a waste of time.”
“I’d have to disagree.”
“Would think there was something wrong if you didn’t.”
Before you can pretend to read the next sentence from your book, before you realize he’s reaching out for it, he snatches it from your grip and tosses it in the seat next to him with ease—leisure—as he scoots forward, his knee following suit and pressing itself at your covered center. The intake of breath that fills your lungs at the swift friction as he does so frustrates you for a different, more dangerous, reason. 
The back of his palm wrapping itself around the back of your neck to bring you forward with him, nose to nose. Your scowl deep and threatening. 
“From what I remember correctly, you didn’t think it was a waste of time to have my cock inside of you the last time we found ourselves partnered up.” 
“Things change. I got smarter.” 
“Oh you’re already smart, love. We know it’s not that.”
“Fuck off.” You try to pull yourself from his hold but the more you tug the tighter his grip becomes, and the more your insides melt and make your underwear slick. 
“As much as I love this little game of ours, time is of the essence. I’d love to have you riled up and holding a knife to my throat but we’re on a tight schedule.” With more added pressure he has your lips centimeters from his, the warm puffs from his breath and deep rumble of his accent making your mouth buzz and draw in like a moth to a flame.
Except this flame is annoyingly addicting—to his mouth and that annoying knockoff pornstache above it, that golden chain that makes your mouth water at the remembrance of it dangling over your face when his weight is on top of yours—and always leaves you in a bigger mess than you started with.
But it’s a flame you clearly aren’t strong enough to turn from. 
Because when he says, “We have about thirty minutes before Lemon comes back, before the train stops and people fill the car. So stop being a brat and take what we both know you want.” Your insides go from melting to liquid lava that seeps down to your core and singes your pussy until it’s throbbing—and denying the reality of it would be as idiotic as what you do next: 
Wasting no time in climbing into Tangerine’s lap, the huffs of frustration and growls mixing together as your mouths come together and teeth sink into lips, bites turn into tears, and nails dig into clothes until you can only feel skin underneath the beds of them. 
His mouth is all over your neck—fingers having already torn at the button up and tossed it to the dirty floor, your bra torn and beside it—tongue running along your collarbone to the column of sensitive flesh that he sinks his teeth into. The friction of his mustache leaves a burning trail along the way. Making your head fall back and breasts press to his chest. 
His fingers make quick work of the mechanics of your jeans, helping you maneuver out of them in a way that takes little effort and keeps you pressed to him; keeps your fingers in his hair tugging and pulling, keeps you rocking against his hardness that presses full and thick against his slacks. His mouth still on your skin, refusing to let go. 
When his pointer loops itself into the crotch of your panties to pull them to the side, his knuckle pushing into your wet folds and moving along your aching clit, a hum of approval is kissed against your chest. 
Tangerine’s chin digging into the top of your breast as he looks up at you with a smirk that only makes you whimper now, “knew you missed me.” 
“Shut up.” You want it to sound meaner, argumentative, but it slips out attached to a moan as his knuckle presses circles against your clit. Your legs shaking around him. Nails digging into his scalp. “If I admit it will you fuck me already?”
“You know I’ll give you anything you want, you need only ask, love.” The grin on his lips before he presses them to yours in a rough kiss of passion, and lust that burns so deep you don’t remember where or how it began; makes something ethereal swoop in your stomach. Makes your fingers move faster than lightning to unbutton his slacks, his large arm holding your back tightly as he lifts up to pull himself out. 
To have his cock on full display and in his palm. His large hand looking small compared to the thickness of length, of how heavy he looks and feels. A low groan slipping from his parted lips, “love when you watch me. But-”
“Time is of the essence.” You repeat his earlier words, don’t think twice in moving his hand away and grabbing his warm shaft in yours. Lining it up at your entrance and sinking down on—too fast, too quick—his thickness opening you with a burning stretch that has you swallowing down a hiss, eyes clenched, body bowing forward, head pressed against his. 
A simultaneous “fuck” leaving the both of you. 
“Missed you.” You breathe, give yourself a minute to acquaint yourself with his size again. To remember how it feels to be so full. 
“Would think there was something wrong if you didn’t.” He repeats you this time, your matching smirks molded together by lips and tongue as he takes your mouth. Kissing you like he fucking invited the act. 
And then you’re moving, your hips gyrating back and forth as Tangerine’s palms at your ass guide you. A too slow of a pace set by him wanting to savor the moment, but only makes you want him more. The slow gyrate soon turns into you bouncing on his cock, your cunt making an obnoxiously wet squelch each time you drag it up and down his length. 
The train car filling with sounds of skin, breaths, and moans as you ride him. As he slaps your ass, as he bites at the top of your breast. His hair falling out of place and over his eyes. Your body ablaze. Marks dug into the side of his neck, bruises littering your hips, chest and chin rubbed raw from his stache. The two of you getting completely lost in each other, forgetting everything but this; the mission, the arguments, the tension, the frustration coming out, seeping through, finding a home in the way you fuck, kiss, are annoyingly addicted to the fire that burns between you. 
That gets harder and harder to ignore the more time spent apart. The more time you force yourself to hate him when your insides are telling you to shut up and fuck him. 
Each moan you let out, the next louder than the last, Tangerine swallows down. Sucks down with how he plays with your tongue—bites down with the sweet nips he gives your lower lip. 
“Forgot how pretty you sound,” he grunts against your chin. “And how fucking beautiful these things are.” His palm engulfs your left breast to squeeze and pull the nipple in between his swollen lips. 
“Fuck,” you hiss. Look down to watch his half lidded eyes stare up at you, to watch the bruises he sucks onto your supple flesh. That perfect strand of hair falling over one of his eyes to make him look even more like a sexy-tortuous-asshole. “Forgot how much you talked during this.”
“Forgot how much you liked hearing it.”
You begin to shake your head, a retort ready at the tip of your tongue, a loud “ahh” replacing it as he delivers a hard bite to your nipple. 
“You can lie to anyone you need to. Just not me.” Your breast feels like it's on fire, the trail of saliva he leaves behind doing little to cool the burning flesh. “I see you.” He grunts against your chest, your neck, the apex of your jaw.
“Yeah?” You swallow down a moan, nails like talons dug into the concrete of his shoulder. “What do you see?”
“A strong,” his hips thrust up, shocking you forward. Smooshing your chest to the open skin of his blue dress shirt, his skin just as hot as yours. “Powerful,” another thrust. “Woman,” another. “Who wields a knife just as good as she takes a cock.” 
A chuckle breaks through your string of moans, rattling your shaking chest. “You really need to work on your compliments.”
“Am I wrong?”
You hum, whimper when you feel the pad of his thumb bring itself against your clit. “No,” you shake your head. “Never wrong. Annoyingly.” You add the last part like a gospel of truth. A truth you’d forever hate and love on the same string that has you about to come on his cock. 
“There’s my smart girl.” 
You hate how those stupid words make you clench around him, how they make you moan and move faster against him. How your legs start to shake, fingers digging deeper into the meat of his shoulders. 
How when you both finish it’s at the same time, perfectly insync, your bodies working together, wordlessly proving how well the two of you are together—in so many irritating ways. 
Once the two of you start to breathe normally and you feel the train come to a slow stop, you’re standing, righting your clothes in the reflection of the windows and going back to normal. As if it never happened. 
The way it should be.
The way it always goes.
That look of irritation trying to cover the sex-flush your skin still has, as you bend down to grab your book he had tossed earlier. Tangerine’s wrist coming to wrap around yours to pull you to his chest, you think it’s some after sex sweetness he’s showing—it wouldn't be the first time—but then you hear Lemon’s voice and feel him brush past you and something inside you deflates a little.
The tiniest bit. 
But Tangerine, being the suave asshole that he is, doesn’t let that deflation stay flat for long. “If time wasn’t of the essence I would have made you come three more times on my cock. Since you like to disappear on me, I need to take all I can get from you.” 
“What? Do trains no longer have bathrooms?”
His chuckle makes the slightest of smirks spread across your teasing face, “ooh, this time I’m going to make you work for it. Beg me.” 
“That’ll be the day.” You snort, pulling yourself from his grip with ease as you sit back down in your seat. Ignoring the feeling of exhilaration you get from his come leaking from you and staining your underwear. 
“Or the next,” he looks at his watch, shrugs and fixes his suit as he sits across from you, “hour. Give or take.”
Game on.
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bertinworms · 1 year
Late Night Talking
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Pairings: Tangerine x gn!Reader
Tags/Warnings: language & cussing, reader is sad/going through it, comfort, angst ig, lmk if anything was missed!!!
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: You had been having a hard time recently and it all hits a wall when Tangerine comes home early in a bad mood and accidentally scares you. You end up sobbing in his arms. 
Most people you knew assumed that in your relationship, you were the one who kept both of you down to earth, and most of the time that was true. 
You and Tangerine had been together for a while which meant that you had been present for multiple Tangerine tantrums, as you and Lemon liked to jokingly call them. Sometimes the boys would have a job go wrong and Tan would come home upset, steam practically coming out of his ears, rambling about what could have gone better and why. Sometimes Tangerine would come home from a particularly scary job, like the job in Kyoto that he refused to tell you anything about, and practically go mute - shut off the world, and take a break from everything. Whatever he needed to do to decompress — but he never, ever aimed any of it at you. His anger or frustration was shared, but he always made sure that you understood he was not upset with you, he’d just had a rough job that go around.
Tangerine’s many moods and how he processed his job never bothered you. The man had a pretty tough job and whatever way he chose to process that job was up to him. Plus you enjoyed taking care of him – when he let you. It seemed that he took care of you in every other aspect of life. The man paid for anything and everything you wanted or looked at, so being there for him made you feel important. It had taken him a while to get used to the constant reassurance, trust and love from you, but he now greatly accepted it. 
You on the other hand were still having a hard time letting Tangerine be there for you emotionally. Being vulnerable was not one of your strong suites.
Tangerine’s jobs usually took him away from you for long periods, and usually took a lot out of him. So whenever Tan was home, you didn’t want to bother him with what was going on in your mundane life. You felt like your worst days would probably be a wonderful one compared to some of his bad days. So when Tan was home, and even when he was on a job, you didn’t usually tell him the full truth of how you were doing or how your day went. You would conveniently leave out the part where you accidentally dropped your keys into the garbage somehow, or how you dropped your phone in a muddy puddle, or how the day had been an extremely overstimulating one for whatever reason. You usually could step away for a second, take a breather, and you were back to being fine. It wasn’t that big of a deal, you just needed to push it down and enjoy the time you had now with Tan before he went away again for gods know how long. 
Sometimes when Tangerine was on a trip, you would come home and have a good cry for a solid ten minutes and then get on with making dinner or any other chore needing to be done. And today was no different. 
This March had felt like the longest month you had ever lived through. So many little things kept going wrong. Every day seemed to be a little bit worse. And you hadn’t seen Tangerine in exactly fifteen days. You had woken up late that morning because your phone apparently hadn’t charged the night before, then you couldn’t find your keys, you had spilled coffee on yourself right before walking into work, you had a coworker who had made a rude comment to you, your boss had reprimanded you for something that wasn’t your fault, and to top it off on your way home someone had rear ended your car, sending you to the hospital to be checked out where you had sat in a room for three hours, alone, waiting to be discharged. 
You just wanted to go home, crawl into bed and disappear. The regular day had been a horrible one anyways and sitting in a cold, scary hospital room alone where you had been examined and poked about fifteen thousand times did not help. You also hadn’t heard from your partner in almost a full 48 hours.  Your anxiety was now through the roof. You were tired. You were sore. You were sad. You wanted to go to bed. 
You unlock the front door and step into the dark and quiet place that belonged to you and Tangerine. You quickly slip off your shoes by the front door and head towards the kitchen where you set your keys and phone down on the island counter. 
You tap your phone screen – 8:43PM and no notifications. You take a deep breath in, and let out a sigh as you rub your eyes, willing the headache of the day to go away. It didn’t work. 
‘Maybe some water and a snack would help,’ you think to yourself as you head towards the refrigerator. You quickly grab some water and a snack and grab your phone before making your way to the living room where you slumped onto the couch. While eating your snack, the thought of Tangerine can’t help but come to your mind. 
You pick your phone off of the couch cushion, unlocking it and going to your last text thread from Tangerine. 
Tangerine had texted you the morning before, a simple, ‘Good morning, love. Thinking of you, hoping to be home in the next few days. X’ 
When you had woken up to the text, it had made you smile. But now that it had been two days of no responses from him or Lemon, it felt more like a taunt. You were used to Tangerine being very hit or miss when it came to communication while he was on the job – it was for safety. But with this being one of the longest jobs he and Lemon had ever been on, it made you nervous. So you read back over your texts. 
7:03AM: morning tan – hope you and lem are keeping each other safe! im ready for you to be  home safe again ♡
1:43PM: a package was delivered for you. im not sure if its a new suit, work stuff or something else so im leaving it in the garage for when your home lol
9:42PM:  im headed to bed, but wanted to let you know im just thinking about you. i love you and hope youre safe wherever you boys are at. get home soon ♡
11:32AM: missing you extra today, as cheesy as that sounds. hope you arent getting yourself into too much trouble
You roll your eyes at the last text you had sent. That was a little too cheesy even for your taste, let alone Tangerine’s. 
You start typing out a message to Tangerine. Thinking about telling him a little about your day, or even just telling him you missed him and loved him and couldn’t wait to just see him face-to-face again. But you erase the half written message, worrying that he might get annoyed by your abundance of needy texts that didn’t really have a need to be sent. 
You let out another sigh as you turn your phone off, setting it on the coffee table in front of you along with the trash of your snack. You grab the throw blanket laying across the back of the couch and slump further down the couch until you’re laying down with your head supported by the arm rest. You absentmindedly look out the window next to you. 
You were glad you had left the lights off in the flat. The lights of the city outside the window allowed for a soft glow to seep into the room. Without the lights on you were able to see the quiet street and watch the people of the night go about their business. You wanted some sort of distraction, but the thought of scrolling on your phone or turning the television on seemed like it would make the headache you had even worse.  It also allowed for your brain to wander gently between thoughts. 
You wonder where the people on the street below are going.
You wonder where they’re coming from. 
You wonder where Tangerine and Lemon are.
You wonder if they were safe, if something bad had happened.
And before you realized it, your eyes had grown heavy and you had dozed off. 
You jolted as you were rudely awoken by the refrigerator door shutting harshly. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you realized you weren’t in the place alone. You didn’t move at first as you opened your eyes to see who was there. You could make out the silhouette of a man standing in the kitchen, illuminated by a small amount of light coming in through the window from the street lights. Tangerine hadn’t called or texted you before you had fallen asleep so you weren’t sure if it was him. You were hoping it was him, if it wasn’t you didn’t know what you would do. 
“Tan?” you half whispered. 
“Yeah.” He says dryly. You watched as he turns towards your voice and flips on the light above the kitchen island. You blink a few times to adjust to the bright light and give him a look over. 
He looks tired, or maybe annoyed? You couldn’t really place the emotion, but it wasn’t a positive one. You notice his suit jacket is laid over the back of one of the barstools with his suitcase propped up against it. You look from the jacket, back to him and notice a few bruises and small cuts that range from his face to the exposed upper chest sticking out from a slightly unbuttoned undershirt. 
You watch as Tangerine quietly moves around the kitchen gathering a variety of things to make some sort of meal. His movements are sharp and more than once he lets a cabinet shut a little roughly. 
You clear your throat as you readjust how you’re sitting so you can see Tangerine better. “I didn’t realize you’d be back home tonight. How did the job go?” 
He looks up at you with half a sandwich on the way to his mouth. “D’rather not talk ‘bout it, love.” He quickly says before taking the last bite of his dinner.
You watch as he puts his dishes in the sink and washes his hands. You watch as he dries them off and then places his hands on either side of the sink, almost bracing himself. You could tell something was stuck on his mind as he takes a breath in and closed his eyes. 
You begin to play with the blanket laid over you out of nerves, avoiding looking at him. You couldn’t read Tangerine’s mood and you worried something serious had happened. 
“Why didn’t you wake me up when you got in? You scared me when y–” 
You were cut off by Tangerine.
“Wouldn’t have to be concerned about who had gotten in if ya’d keep the front door locked, would ya now?” He snaps, raising an eyebrow and cocking his head at you. He hadn’t raised his voice, but the look on his face shares the irritation he has. 
The tone in his voice had taken you by surprise and had caused you to stop fidgeting with the blanket and look up at him. Tangerine wasn’t prone to snapping at you out of nowhere like he just had. Even after a particularly bad job, he usually was able to keep his aggravation not geared towards you. 
“Excuse me?” You question him, your voice faltering as you look at him. His face was tense. You couldn’t pin if he was truly irritated with you or if he was taking out his last fifteen days on you. 
“Ya left the fuckin’ front door unlocked. Again, love.” He readjusts his stance and stands up straight, with his arms crossed. You let out a small sorry, but either he doesn’t hear it or doesn’t care as he continues on.
“I’ve told ya so many times, ya got ta keep it locked.” He drags a hand down his face, and rubs his chin. “Do you know how dangerous it could be? What happens if some prick comes lookin’ for me? When me and Lemon aren’t here, you’ve got–”
This time you cut him off. “Tan, I apologized. It was a fucking accident. Okay?” 
You couldn’t even remember if you had or hadn’t locked the fucking door when you got home. All you remember is wanting to just be inside and hidden from the day. And you start to tear up just thinking about the last few weeks you had had. 
“Accident or– if someone – it is dangerous, darling. Do you know–” he cuts himself off as he looks directly at you. At this point tears are streaming down your face and you’re wiping them off of your cheeks.
“Tangerine. Please. For the love of god. It was an accident. I didn’t mean to leave the god damned fuckin’ door unlocked. I don’t even remember– I–” 
It becomes harder to speak the more you talk. You hadn’t meant to just break down. But the combination of the last few weeks, being startled awake and the tone of Tangerine, you just couldn’t not let it all out. 
You rub your face with both your hands as you take a shaky breath in and look up towards Tangerine. You realize he had made his way across the distance from the kitchen island to the coffee table as he stood a few feet away from you. The features of his face had softened, he had a look of sadness on his face. 
“I know you’re afraid when you leave me someone will show up, it was an accident. I’m fine now. Okay? Just let up, Tan.” You can’t even try to stop the tears now. 
“Love, m’sorry.” he sits down at the edge of the couch, “I just worry. So, so much when I’m not ‘ere. Especially when I’m gone so fuckin’ long. ‘Didn’t mean to snap, it was just a shit job. M’sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, my love.” 
“It wasn’t just you, Tan. Its… It’s just been such a day. It’s been such a month.” You sniffle and wipe another tear off of your face. You take a deep, shaky breath. “I’ve really missed you.” 
“Oh, darlin’. I’ve missed you as well, more than I’d probably like to admit. How about a hug? Is ‘t okay if I get closer?” He asks, setting a hand close to your crossed legs on the couch. 
You sniffle and nod your head. 
At this point Tangerine readjusts himself to where he is fully sitting on the couch. He pulls you into him and holds you tightly, wrapping one of his arms around your head and pulling it to the crook of his neck. He kisses your head as you further break down. 
“I’m so sorry. You just got home and I don’t mean to be like this. I just, I had such a bad day and then you scared me waking me up like that and you’re upset with me, I know it’s scary when you leave and you can’t be here making sure I’m safe. I know you just got back and you were gone for so long and–” you wrap your arms around his waist and begin to cry harder.
You hadn’t meant to upset him in the first place. You knew he always worried about you, and you felt even worse that you were sobbing into his chest, making him worry even more. 
“Tangerine, I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to–” 
You're cut off by Tangerine hugging you a little closer. 
“Love, it’s okay. M’not upset with you, I was just being a right fuckin’ asshole, yeah? I didn’t really mean what I said. You’ll always be safe as long as M’here. Wha’s happened? Wha’s wrong?” Tangerine says while he starts to gently run a hand over your hair. 
“One thing just hasn’t happened, it’s just been so many little things. And you’ve been so busy with work. Tan I’ve missed you. And I didn’t mean to make you mad as soon as you got home. I hadn’t even realized I didn’t lock the door.” You say, squeezing your arms around him even tighter. If you could be any closer to the man, you would be, but you don’t think it’s physically possible. 
You take a deep breath again with a sniffle, gaining more composure before starting again. 
“I just got home tonight and I just wanted to go to bed, Tan. I barely even remember what all I did when I got home. I’m sorry. I don’t want you to have to worry or to be mad at me.” You sniffle once more and bring a hand up to wipe your eyes.
“Darlin’, I promise I’m not upset with you.” Tangerine says petting your head again and kissing your temple.
“But you’re tone. Tan, you’ve never spoken to me like that. You were mean, you sounded mad.” You sniffle again. God. You needed a tissue, but you weren’t going to risk moving out of Tangerine’s arms. You didn’t think you could bear to look him in the eyes, even if you had stopped sobbing.
“M’sorry, ya know I’ve been with Lemon for the last few weeks and I’ve been dealing with right arseholes. It just slipped, yeah? It isn’t right of me, but it just happened. I promise I’m not upset with you or even mad at you – I could never be mad at you, love.” 
He lets out a sigh before pulling back from you for a second, adjusting you both in a way where he can look into your eyes. He wipes away some of the left over tears on your face
“I promise I am not mad at you. And I promise I won’t bring my work tone back home to you.” He says, making sure to emphasize each word a little slower than he usually would. 
Your eyes trail over his face, looking at the bruises that scatter his body closer than you previously could. “Okay,” you say quietly, realizing just how tired you were and you could imagine Tangerine felt the same. 
“What can I do to make it up to you? What can I do to make up for the last sixteen days?” He holds your face in his hands softly, rubbing a thumb over your cheek. You let out a yawn, followed by a soft smile. 
“You don’t have to do anything, Tan. It’s okay, really.” You bring your hands up and place them over his. “Let’s just go to bed, yeah? We can make up for the last few weeks after some sleep. I know you’ve got to be tired – not to be rude, but you look like hell.” 
Tangerine lefts out a soft chuckle, and you smile once more. He leans forward and places a soft kiss on the tip of your nose, and then your lips. 
“Let’s put you to bed then. But I’ve got to shower before bed, love.” He helps untangle you from the throw blanket you were previously wrapped in and then stands himself. You walk to the barstool in the kitchen grabbing the handle of his suitcase as he grabs his suit jacket, and you both head towards the bedroom. 
“Well I’m glad you made that decision by yourself. I wasn’t going to say anything, but you do smell like work.” You say jokingly, scrunching your nose at him and letting out a small laugh.
Tangerine’s face breaks out in a grin before he throws his suit jacket towards the hamper and turns to you. You go to set his suitcase by his side of the bed when you’re suddenly blinded by Tangerine coming up from behind you and engulfing you in the shirt he was just wearing.
While your back was turned, Tangerine had unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and had now cocooned you in it. “Shoulda kept your mouth shut, love.” He laughs as you try to push him away from you.
You laugh as you turn around, now facing his chest. “Jesus, Tangerine– you smell so bad.” You duck down and out of his arms, falling back onto the bed before Tangerine tackles you flat onto the bed. 
“It's the wonderful smell of a man who’s not showered in three days, dear.” He begins to shower you in kisses as you try to push him away between laughs. 
“Tan, EW! Go make it zero again!” You laugh as he gives you a final, overdramatic kiss on your cheek as he gets off of you, throwing his shirt into his hamper before heading to the bathroom with a “Whatever you say, lovely.”
You smile to yourself as you wipe your face, attempting to wipe off the grime you felt from Tangerine’s attack. 
While Tangerine quickly showers, you plug both of your phones into their chargers and set them on their respective bedside tables. You also change into your own night clothes before turning off the overhead light and crawling into the bed. A few seconds later Tangerine follows suit and you move closer to him. 
“Better now, yeah?” He says, pulling the collar of his shirt out and offering it to you to smell. 
You swat his shirt away before snaking an arm around his waist, and giving him a kiss on his jawline. 
“Much better, thank you.” 
You smile to yourself as you lay your head onto his chest, and Tangerine scoots closer to you letting his arm snake around your waist and pulling you tight to him as he gives your forehead a kiss. You had missed this, you had missed him. 
You knew you and Tangerine would have a chat in the morning about how he was doing, and what had happened with you, and how much you had missed the other. Lemon would probably come around and would tell you about how much Tangerine whined about missing you the entire trip, which would cause a spat between the two. But for now, all you could think about was how at home you felt. How comfortable you were. How happy you were that your Tangerine was finally home, safe in your arms.
A/N: i dont just absolutely love this piece, but i've been going through it and very much benefited off of writing this lmfao
if you liked this, check out my master list! --> HERE if you have a request, feel free to send it in! :]
3/21/2023: edited to update warnings
3/22/2023: edited to fix grammatical mistakes and text formatting
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helpinghanikan · 2 years
Don't take the warmth with you
Sum: A one shot where Tangerine has to leave for a job and you aren't too happy about that.
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Tipsy on wine and drunk on lust you had fallen asleep late last night. Tangerine had done the same. The cool night had your man pressed to your chest, still smelling of sex and smiling from love.
It would take a truly cruel man to ruin this moment. So it shouldn’t be surprising that Lemon would be that man. His ring tone really was the only thing that would get Tangerine off the bed and sitting up at this hour anyway.
“What? Yeah, I know it’s you, what do you want, Mate?” Tangerine asks, sitting off the side of the bed. His back towards you.
In the low light of the bedroom Tangerine’s back was never ending. Without thinking you reach out and gently touch just above the small of his back. He barely acknowledged it; other than the tiny jolt his body gives at your hand’s initial touch.
“Of course we’re going today. Fuck, you really call me at-.” There’s a slight movement as Tangerine squints at his phone screen. “Four in the morning to ask me this?”
It’s hard, almost impossible, to roll your body over in bed. Pressing your face against his back and giving him a kiss. Your arms wrapping around his center in an embrace that he leans slightly back into. His free hand resting on your arms clasp tightly around his waist.
“We have hours before we need to be there, Lemon. The hell are you even awake for?”
More kisses are given to his back. Along with little nips that demand his attention.
“Are you shitting me?” Tangerine whisper yells, ripping himself out of your arms to start walking around the bedroom. “Fucking AM, fucking PM, give me a minuet.”
The aggressive slamming hanging up of Tangerine’s call is amplified in the quiet bedroom. Along with the rapid slamming of drawers and the gun safe Tangerine is currently digging through.
Half-awake and even less alive you manage to mumble out a “What?” before your face falls into the mattress.
“I’m so sorry, Darling,” He says, jumping up to pull his pants into position. “I got my departure time wrong and, yep, fucking late.”
He’s leaving. That wakes you up.
“Late? You’re already leaving?” You ask, already knowing the answer.
Even in the dark you could see the pause this gave Tangerine. He doesn’t stop moving but he does slow down. Finishing with his tie but taking a moment to come closer and kneel in front of you.
“I’m sorry, I am so sorry, Love.” He whispers. “It will be less then a week. Then I will take a break for just as long. For two weeks, a fucking month.”
Just like with his back you reach out and gently touch his dangling tie. Running the fabric through your fingers while he talks. Something to focus on other than your own disappointment or Tangerine’s sad eyes.
“Do you even need to go this time? Can’t Lemon do it himself? I mean, we really don’t even need the money.” You say, now holding his tie in almost a grip.
“First of all; Lemon isn’t going or doing shit without mean. And I personally like living in a penthouse with my bird dressed in pearls and rubies.” Tangerine retorts. Covering your tie holding hand with his own. “It’s gonna be two months, baby. And it’s gonna be the best two months of your fucking life.”
It doesn’t matter what you say or do now. Tangerine is leaving.
“And I get more pearls?” You ask, as if that were the only reason you were with Tangerine.
“I’ll find you a pearl the size of your head?” he promises, giving your hand a kiss on the knuckles.
“Okay, watch out for Lemon.” You say, immediately followed by a kiss from Tangerine.
It’s a hard and deep kiss the presses you back into the bed. The hold on his tie and an arm around his neck kept him close. When he releases your lips you simply hold him in a hug. Letting go of his tie and simply holding him tightly.
“I’m sorry…” Tangerine says, moving your arms from where they hold him.
“I know,” You give one smaller kiss before he leaves your embrace completely. “Be safe, watch out for Lemon.”
Tangerine smiles, grabbing his coat from the counter. “Always do. I love you, but I got a train to catch.”
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tangerinesilk · 1 year
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they think you’re the diesel, but you know who took the case. too bad for you that tangerine, a guy from your past, likes to shoot first and ask questions later. as fun as that is, you quickly team up to figure out who took the case and what terrible fate they’ll meet... and of course, rehash your complicated past.
rating ✷ r (18+ only, minors dni!)
tropes ✷ enemies to lovers (but still enemies), pwp, cheeky banter, loud gf/quiet bf, butchered british slang, kind of mr. and mrs. smith energy, two idiots with one task
warnings ✷ cursing, violence being the answer, guns & knives, switch!tan x switch!reader, bathroom sex, fingering, quick p in v, lots of begging, exhibitionism, mention of hands/rings (my kink lmao)
word count ✷ 3.7k
a/n ✷ my first tangerine fic :D just feeding into my fixation and going down the aaron johnson rabbit hole again. wasn't expecting to do some bullet train writing, but..... here it is. there will be no part 2! hope y'all like it and feedback is always welcomed!
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Shit was going down and surprisingly, it was not by your doing.
With your back pressed against the wall of the luggage holding, you could only hope the short but thick curtain covered your figure enough that anyone who passed wouldn’t see you. As you attempt to keep your breathing low and quiet, it hitches when you hear the sudden sound of automatic door opening.
“We need to find the cheeky fucker who took our case. Swear to God, I’ll bash his head in when I find him.”
That’s a thick accent you don’t forget. You don’t want to peak, but you can see the West Ham sticker on the back of his phone. 
It can’t be him. No, no…
“Lemon, I’ve gone up and down this train for the umpteenth time. I’m ‘bout ready to shoot any sleazy bellend who looks at me funny.”
He was the only person you’ve been able to outrun yet here he was, only a few inches away and knowing damn well he would know how to tear into you for what happened in Copenhagen. Long story short, it ended with you tossing his favorite gun into the river and it’s made an even bigger target on your back.
While you do wear a mask that seals your identity during your heists, you prayed he didn’t remember eyes since you lost your only form of disguise when fighting the Prince. Just like you, she uses her looks to her gains, able to manipulate anyone by batting her eyelashes. She was the one with the case, and knowing her past, she’d blame it on someone else and you were most likely high up on the list.
“Alright, then. Let’s keep lookin’ for the bastard.” He said before hanging up.
You cover your mouth, your glare remaining steady on him before he takes a pause. His blue eyes search around the cart, huffing until you hear the other automatic door open. You fully step out of the small luggage spot and catching your breath, “I have to get off here.”
As the next stop was coming to a halt, a force pulled you back into the bathroom from an arm snaking around your waist. You couldn’t even gather your thoughts before feeling a cool metal pressing against your temple.
“Now I can only think of two reasons a girl like yourself is hiding behind a bunch of suitcases. One, she’s got a bit of a dickhead of a boyfriend or two, she’s got my fuckin’ case.”
You smirked, “If I had it, I would have hid better, don’t you think?” You hoped to fool him.
“Oh, darling. You think I’m that stupid, why don’t you just–” He turned you around to look into your eyes, and unfortunately, he had seen them somewhere, “Oi, where have I seen you before?”
“I’ve never met you before in my life, now if you’ll excuse me…” You trailed before he shifted to stand in front of the doorway, placing his gun on the sink counter.
“As much as I’d like to believe that, darling... you’re not going’ anywhere until I get my answer.” He said with an assertive tone, his jaw obviously clenched and his eyes piercing blue.
With his one hand on the trim of the sink and the other against the wall, he towered over you with his tall stance. He acted intimidating but you knew deep down there was hidden softness to his personality. ‘Warmer the closer you got’ type of shit.
Your eyes shifted from his eyes to his chest, hard to not stare with his first button undone and gold chain disappearing into his shirt. Able to display a poker face, Tangerine was still racking his brain around where he had seen those eyes before. He couldn’t place the last time he saw such a color.
I guess what you failed to mention is that something else happened in Copenhagen. To summarize, it involved a skin tight dress, a hotel key card and a getaway plan by dawn. What threw him off now was that you weren’t sporting the same short, auburn wig you sported that night you tried to get his attention.
“How am I supposed to give you an answer that I don’t have? You’re in my way.” You protest.
“And you’re not a very good liar, are ya?” He huffed, “Now, if you don’t have my case then who does?”
Not giving a second more, you pulled out your own gun tucked in the waist of your skirt, pushing it against his bare chest, “I think you better stay out of the way before you really get hurt.”
He didn’t bat an eye, but his eyes took a second glance at the tattoos drawn on the side of your middle finger and the top of your knuckles. Suddenly, he placed those hands from memory and the image of them running down his chest struck his mind. He looked back into your eyes and remembered how they kept steady contact as your tongue glided down his body.
“It’s been a while since Copenhagen, yeah?” He said, clenching his jaw once more.
Shit. Maybe you shouldn’t have doubted him so much.
“Well you’re not fooling me this time.” He grunted, quickly taking your gun while your guard was down for a split second, “I’ll give you one last chance, love. Tell me where the case is and maybe, I’ll be and gentleman and just escort you off at the next stop.”
“So cute how you’re trying to threaten me yet use a pet name. Guess I just know how to get to your soft spot, Tan.” You grinned, placing your hand on his cheek.
Mesmerized, a gloss smooths over his eyes before his phone vibrates in his pants pocket.
“Do you wanna get that or have me reach in there?” You taunted.
He replied with an eye roll, but quickly answered. “Yeah, what?” Tangerine answered, his eyebrow cocked.
A low voice told him that they needed to see proof of the case at the next stop or things could go south. Tangerine quickly hangs up during mid-threat, and you twist your lips.
“Since you can’t find your case, I assume you’re the one getting off at the next station.” You smirked, “Glad we got to catch up.”
“No, no, you little pain in my ass. You’re gonna put on a nice smile for these massive dickheads and stall with me…” He tilted his head a bit, “As far as I know, you know where the case is so I’ll be attached by the hip to you for the rest of the lovely ride to Kyoto.” Tangerine yammered on.
You rolled your eyes but he held your chin, making you look him in the eyes, “I’m sorry, does that bother you now?”
“Hmm, no. Just kind of sweet to know you haven’t forgotten about me.” You purposefully teased, your palm running down his chest before opening another button of his shirt with your one hand. It was a tactic to get under his skin, hoping to get some sort of reaction.
“You’re some tease who left me in Copenhagen, I’ve dealt with shots to the fuckin’ chest. You really think highly of yourself, don't ya.” He deflects but glances at your soft lips. 
You grinned, placing your hand on his cheek, “I don’t think I have to remind you of how low I’ll stoop to get a job done… or kneel.”
Tangerine felt your hand moving through the back of his hair, carding his loose curls before pressing your foreheads together. The tip of your nose brushed against his, your lips barely touching until the train came to a slow stop.
“Well, I guess it’s time to put on a good fucking act.” You huffed, pulling away and Tangerine didn’t realize he forgot to take a breath.
♡ ♡ ♡
He turned around, opening the bathroom door in one swift motion and the two of you stood by the exit. After quickly texting Lemon that he was going to stall, he gives you a look again– this time, his eyes shifting up and down your body, noticing the tear in your stockings. He knew you were up to something, but resisting the urge to press you up against a wall was making him ache a bit.
As the train door opened, Tangerine took a step toward you, “If anything goes down, you get behind me and get back on. Other than that, follow my lead.”
You nodded, “I have limited options… how generous of you.”
The two of you step off the train, and looking around for the men you’re asked to meet. As passengers got on and off, there was a small group that came your way and you stood next to Tangerine as they got closer.
“Where’s the case?” The tall one asked, standing center of the three other men.
“Lemon is keeping it safe right now.”
“Then who’s this?” 
Tangerine glanced at you, shrugging, “I’m a professional, I’ve got my back up… Peach.”
You wanted to narrow your eyes at him with a burning stare, but you maintained your composure to convince them. It was one step closer to getting the case, and it wasn’t the worse operative name.
The four men chuckle at it, and you cross your arms from the reaction, “So, are we done here?” You asked, “We’ve obviously got places to be now since your boss is up our asses about his case.” 
At first, they replied with scowls until Tangerine took a step in front of you, your chest basically touching his back.
“‘Cuse her attitude, it’s been a long night.” Tangerine acted as if he were in charge of you, “But, we’re all good now. The plan is still Kyoto, ta-ra now.” He faked a grin, pushing you toward the door as the alert sounded for boarding.
Before you knew it, the train was moving and the both of you plopped into two empty seats in the quiet car. As you watched Tangerine type out a text to Lemon, you scoffed, crossing your arms as you faced the window out to the city life of Japan.
♡ ♡ ♡
“Well, Lemon still hasn’t found the person with the case… fucker could have gotten off without us knowing.” 
You turned your head, “So, that’s means I’m off the list of the accused?”
“...I just don’t trust you.” He trailed, slipping his phone back into his pants pocket.
“Aw, still a little hurt from our last encounter?” You pouted, “Didn’t take you for such a softie, Tan.”
Tangerine clenched his jaw. He had little patience for your sass, but it was fun to fuck with him. You gently placed your hand on the top of his thigh, hidden under the table, and refused to lose eye contact with him. There were four stops left so, it was time to put a spontaneous plan B into motion: make him let his guard down for you.
You batted your eyelashes, “Tell me, do you still think about our night together? I didn’t mean to leave so quickly, but we had something… yeah?” You taunted him, your hand moving up his thigh. Just as your fingers were going to unbutton his pants, Tangerine quickly grabbed your wrist and put it back on his knee.
“You wanna play games, darling?” He grunted, “Then, I’ll play your game.”
You couldn’t help but admit that your heart beat against your chest, like the air in the cart had been sucked away and before you knew it, his right hand was running up your thigh until he ripped the rest of your stocking. You almost gasped, not wanting to attract attention, but he pulled it enough where your panties were exposed.
“Don’t get shy on me now, love.” Tangerine said under his breath as his hand entering between your legs. Once he pushed the black lace to the side, his two thick fingers entered your slit. The hand you had on his thigh suddenly met the wrist of his hand working your pussy.
His blue eyes softened, feeling how wet you already were and how you tried to restrain from arching your back against the seat. Being in plain light, you bit your bottom lip and concentrated on the scene passing by– obviously, not easy to focus on when Tangerine is gliding his fingers in and out of your wet slit. You could scream, knowing how deep they were from feeling his cool rings against your skin.
“I’d rub your clit, but I’d hate to make you cum right here… in front of everyone.” He looked around, as if he weren’t edging you, “You don’t really deserve to anyways.”
You took one big gulp, your hand gripping the arm rest now and you let him keep going. For as long as he wanted to and however fast he wanted to. As big of a talk you made, you were suddenly puddy in his hands– quite literally– and God, you didn’t want him to stop.
He pressed his lips against your ear, “Are you close?”
“Hmm.” You could barely let out a word, “N-no.”
“Don’t lie to me now so you can cum.” He chuckled.
Just like that, he quickly pulled his hand away and he saw how his fingers were coated in your glistening cum. As he went to place them in his mouth, you pulled his wrist and tasted your own cum on your tongue. 
All he could think was, “Fuck, her tongue is soft…” and reminisce the memory of his dick pushing down your throat.
You kissed his fingers before setting his hand back on his lap, and he watched you pant. Such a beautiful mess, he thought again.
Pushing your skirt back down, you crossed your legs as you ran your fingers through your hair. “You fucking ripped my nice tights…” You huffed, pulling the band from the waist and pulling them down your legs. You balled them up as you put your shoes back on, and stuffed them between the wall of the train and the seat.
You blew a breath past your lips, “Alright, that was fun but I gotta go.” You gulped, attempting to get up but he pushed your leg back down so you basically say back down.
“You’re stayin’ right here.” He said, not looking at you but around the cart, “Because the next stop, you’re gettin’ off… not like how you did right now but-”
You cut him off, “What?” You scoffed, your cheeks feeling heated, “No, I’m not getting off this train until I have the case!”
You didn’t mean to spill your own secret, but your guard had been put down. Shit.
He smirked, “See, I knew you had somethin’ to do with the case. Now you’re definitely gettin’ off at the next stop or I’ll-”
Cut off again, he sees Lemon walking down, also without the case in hand, and Tangerine quickly gets up. He met him halfway in the aisle, so you got up to see what was going on and if it was about the case.
“Who’s this? Looks familiar…” Lemon trailed as he pointed at you, then back at Tangerine.
“She’s no one-”
“Actually we passed each other in Copenhagen. You called me an Emily.” You grinned, tilting your head.
“Ah, yes. Emily, very kind but a tad bossy…” Lemon nodded but then narrowed his eyes, “Lookin’ for the case too, yeah?... unless you have it and we’re runnin’ around like headless chickens.” You could see his hand reaching into his jacket.
“I wish. Trust me…” You crossed your arms.
“Yeah, and she was just leaving on the next stop. No business being around here, muckin’ about.” Tangerine said without looking at you again, just making eye contact with Lemon.
“You treat me like I’m incompetent yet I beat both your asses back in Copenhagen and managed to steal the getaway car. Why don’t you two leave and let me handle whoever has the case.” You shoved past Tangerine, “Fucking amateurs.” You muttered under your breath.
Lemon turned around, Tangerine behind him, “She’s definitely is an Emily.”
Tangerine rolled his eyes, “I’ll go get take care of her. You check back down that way.” He clenched his jaw, pushing back his rolled sleeves.
♡ ♡ ♡
The door opened to the first class cart, already imagining your hands wrapped around the Prince’s neck once you had an eye on her. Dim orange lights lit your way, a few people asleep with blankets on top of them. 
Just as you came close to the lounge toward the end, a hand gripped your wrist. Before asking any questions, your other hand quickly swung down on the other’s wrist, thinking it was the Prince, but you were met with another set of bright eyes.
“Let go of me.” You muttered under your breath, not trying to get anyone’s attention.
Like deja vu, Tangerine pulled you into the bathroom and locked the door. It wasn’t as tight as the other passenger bathroom, but still had little room to move around with two people.
“Do I gotta tell you again?” Tan practically growled.
“You can’t tell me what to do. What do you want from me that you keep cornering me like this?” Your tone matched his.
He took a deep breath through his nostrils, and suddenly felt the tension. He couldn’t take his eyes from you, never admitting that he had been thinning about you since Copenhagen, so instead his lips met yours.
You weren’t surprised, but you missed his lips. You bit his bottom lip, your body relaxing as you fell into his arms. Your noses brushed together, foreheads close before you unbuttoned his shirt, your hands meeting his soft skin. It slipped past his toned arms, and he pressed your hips against the sink counter.
As you lifted your leg by his side, he put his hand underneath your knee to keep it high. Tangerine kissed and nipped at your neck after taking your shirt off, tossing it on top of the closed toilet seat. You ran your fingers through his messy curls, gripping them as you shared hungry kisses. His hard pressed against his slacks, rubbing against your inner thigh.
“You’ve got about four minutes, Tan.” You said between kisses, “I don’t know if you’re that fast.”
“You underestimate me, love.” He grunted, “It’s gettin’ a bit old.”
Suddenly, he hiked your skirt and you played along, spreading your legs enough for his body to move between them. He quickly unzipped his pants while his right hand rubbed your wet clit and the left hand against your neck. 
You giggled, biting your bottom lip before slipping the tip of his cock into your pussy. You held back your gasp, giggling instead to get a rise out of him, but it just made him squeeze your neck a bit.
“Almost forgot how big you were.” You pouted, but he thrusted inside of you. You audibly gasped, and kissed his thumb pressed against your bottom lip.
At first he was slow-paced, purposefully making you beg for it. He knew your weak spots yet his head fell against your shoulder, a light whimper escaping his throat remembering how tight your cunt was. He held your leg up again, giving him an angle to work with and his cock bottomed out inside your pussy.
“Fuck!” You croaked, “God, you’re so… big. Stretching me out so good, baby.” You whined.
“Fuckin’ Christ.” Tan cursed, his hips bucking as your skins slapped together. He was eager to make you cum, shattering in his arms and falling apart like he adored. His hand slapped against your ass cheek, kneading it the closer he got. 
You leaned your head back, rolling your eyes back and could see stars, Tangerine practically lifting you off your feet as your walls began to tighten around his hard cock.
“Please… please let me cum.” You begged, your eyes barely open, “I wanna cum. Please.”
“Gotta beg a little more, darling.” He gulped as his pace got faster, not realizing how strong he was, “Keep those pretty eyes lookin’ at me.”
You arched your back, “Ah, please!… I want your fucking cum filling me up. Make me cum all over your cock, baby.” Your pitch elevated, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna fucking cum!”
He grunted against your shoulder, giving it a small bite before saying, “Cum, cum for me, love.” He lighty gasped but tried to mask it by kissing your shoulder.
Your fingers pulled his messy curls, not able to explain the complete bliss running throughout every vein and nerve in your body. His hand covered your mouth just as yours covered his, muffing your defeated moans when the two of your released inside your pussy.
As you came down from your highs, the two of you let out tired chuckles. His cock was still inside you, feeling your warm walls as he shared one last sloppy kiss. 
Your thumb ran across his cheek, “Better than Copenhagen?”
He half-smiled, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
♡ ♡ ♡
Ultimately, you agreed to let them take it from there. It was two more stops, and the train was coming to it’s next destination. You and Tangerine stood by the door, watching it slowly open and your stubbornness was eating you up. Although it was a risk to get off the train, seemed there was more than the two of you looking for the case. If anything, you loss some pay.
“You better get off now.” Tangerine told you, the two of you watching people pass.
You hummed, “I know… hope you can tell me how it goes if we ever meet again.” You sighed, placing your hands on his chest. Your eyes met with his, and he furrowed his brows. You twisted your hips, taking a deep breath before quickly meeting your lips with his again. Tender and slow.
 As you pulled your face from his, you nodded, “Bye, Tangerine.”
He expected for you to pass, and he actually thought he was going to miss you.
Instead, you forcefully pushed him out the door and it closed him out from coming back in. You rolled your eyes, walking up to the window as you watched the train pull from the station.
“I really am good.” You smirked.
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—a stakeout
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SUMMARY | a late night steakout with tangerine has you questioning how you really feel for him
PAIRING | tangerine x reader
WARNING | mentions of guns, hit men, murder, some angst, etc
AUTHORS NOTES | no spoilers for bullet train! and as much as i love the rivals/enemies to lovers troupe with tange, here's some softer stuff. happy holidays!
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Lemon had done this on purpose.
He had always had the ability to read people well when he wasn't busy talking about that train show of his. You swore he could tell what you were feeling before you did most times—instantly there with a handful of tissues or some reaffirming words before you even knew it. Most times it was real a help.
Most times.
That was all you could think as you stared out a tinted window into the cold night. The leather of the car seat underneath you was warm from hours of constant body heat, your legs surely numb from blood loss by this point.
From next to you sat a tall figure, dressed to the nines per usual. Soft ringlets of messy brown hair fell in his eyes, only ever moving as he let out a big sigh on occasion.
Tangerine rested his head in one hand, the other drumming his fingertips across the steering wheel as he clutched it. Flashes of moonlight would steadily dance over your vision as the luminescence caught sight of the metal rings decorating his fingers.
His rings. Seperate pages in one giant book it often seemed. Each one of them told an individual story throughout his life. The pitch black ring on his pinky? The first time he'd ever gotten into a fist fight on the job, that one had left a mark deep enough in the other guys face to shed buckets of blood. A lucky hit. Tangerine often told that story with pride, boasting that you would still be able to see the scar he left behind to this day.
The chunky gold one situated snugly on his pointer? Lemon had snatched that off a random bloke that had been in the wrong place at the wrong time a few years ago. It had been right when they had first gotten into the business, presenting it to his twin afterward with a clap on the back as a job well done. A sick gift of sorts, but it still managed to make each of them smile when they looked at it.
And that smooth, rose gold band hanging around his chest—dangling loosely on a silver chain? Well that was the reason you were currently sitting in a car in the dead of night.
Lemon was no fool. The moment he had seen you pull out that small gift box for his brother last week, he had recognized that love sick smile on your face. The way your eyes shone with excitement as you practically bounced on the balls of your feet when he went to open it. Lemon should be able to recognize it after all. It was the same look Tangerine got anytime you entered the room.
It was antagonizing for him really. Watching the both of you harbor crushes for each other in your own ways. (Tangerine; constantly checking for texts from you when he was away, using more than enough loving nicknames for you just to see your ears grow red. You; buying anything and everything that reminded you of him, doodling little drawings of the man on the corner of your loose leaf nktebooks at briefings before quickly erasing them.)
Finally he had had enough, pulling you off to the side last night. He had been a bit too rough about it for his liking, but it didn't matter now.
"Here's the plan." He didn't even stop to acknowledge your confused expression, questions surely bubbling on the tip of your tongue. "I'm sick. Very sick. You're not. Tha' stake out tomorrow night? You're goin' on it mate."
"The fuck Lemon?"
"Mate, just trust me. I know you fancy m' brother. Just take th' opportunity."
He had taken your stunned silence as a yes, giving you his best smile before moving on like nothing had happened.
So far, that was the only thing you had been able to focus on the entire time you'd been sitting idle on this hill. Not your target or his friends' late night activity you were supposed to be monitoring. Just re-running things over and over in your mind until you were dizzy with the effort.
All the times you had tried to be subtle with the longing looks and sporadic gifts. All the nights you had lay wide awake staring at the ceiling. Wondering if it would even be possible for someone like him to love you back. How did Lemon know? Were you really that obvious? Did anyone else know?
More importantly, did Tangerine know?
"Alright. S' going on in that lil head of yours (Y/n). Been quiet all night. Not like you."
Tangerine was now facing you. Arm draped around the back of your seat as if preparing to back out of a parking space. Heat from his hand radiated mere inches from your neck, but you pushed your shiver down with a forceful swallow.
"The mission." You shrugged, not moving your gaze from its spot on the window. Hoping that your response would be the end of this conversation.
"Yeah right." Tangerine just snorted. "You've never cared for these kinds of jobs love."
You forced the butterfly in your stomach to be killed off one by one. Refusing to be affected by the nickname.
"Guess I do now." Your shoulders moved with the effort of another shrug.
Tangerines mouths dipped down into a slight frown. He had been looking forward to a night alone with you. Maybe even going to get some food afterwards, even if just under the guise of two friends having a meal together. He would take it. He would take anything involving you at that point if he was being truthful.
Calloused fingers gently cradled your chin, softly gripping it as Tangerine turned your head to face him. You finally got a proper look at him, seeing the way his baby blue eyes rippled with concern as they traced unseeable patterns on your face. You were so focused on his intense stare that you forgot to remind yourself not to lean into his hand.
"You alright love?"
It would be so easy to kiss him. Just a little stretch of your neck and—
"I'm fine." His hand fell away from your face as you jerked yourself away. You almost immediately regretted it, wanting nothing more to feel him against you for a moment more.
"I'm just peachy Tan." You snapped, suddenly feeling angry. "Can we get back to our jobs now? You know. The thing we came here to do?"
Tangerine felt his own face flare up with anger. A rare feeling when it came directed at you.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He frowned with a bit more bite to his tone than he intented. The sound of it made a flicker of regret cross your face before it was replaced with a scowl. "Seriously, who fucken pissed in your oatmeal this mornin?"
"Oh like you don't fucking know." Your own teeth grit against each other as you glared at him. The both of you now locked in a heated staring match. It wouldn't be a suprise if the windows started to fog up. The car certainly seemed like it was a lot hotter than it had been a few minutes ago.
"What, so I can fucken read your mind now?" He ran a hand through his hair in a jerky movement. The way your heart fluttered at his disheviled state drove another molten spike of rage into your heart, frustrated with yourself for finding him attractive even in the middle of an argument.
"Sometimes I really hate you Tan." You hissed. How it had gotten to this point you had no idea. But each word was like a nail to the heart for you.
"Yeah? Well, you're not exactly a joy ta be around all the time either, sunshine."
"And that's another thing!" You were full on yelling now, probably looking like a crazy person to any passing cars as you threw your hands in the air. "Stop fucking calling me those names! I bet you think you can just charm your way into anyone's pants with that huh?"
"When the fuck did I ever say anything like that!? And I thought you liked the nicknames for fucks sake!"
"I do!" You hissed with clenched fists. "The problem is I like them too fucking much! I like you too fucking much Tan! And it's killing me knowing I can't do a single goddamn thing about it!"
It was only after it was already out there did you realize what you had really said.
"Fuck. Listen—"
You didn't get any farther than that before Tangerine slammed his lips into your own. A sound of muffled suprise made it past your lips before it was quickly swallowed by him, along with the rest of your breath. The faint feeling of something prickly ticking your upper lip sang in your head as you realized it was his mustache, resulting in a silent sort of laughter. Teeth clicked against each other harshly before you reached up to rest a hand on his jaw and the other in his hair, steadying his pace to a softer, more tender one.
He only broke away in time for you to notice how fuzzy your head was becoming at the lack of oxygen. Gasping for breath, you brushed a hand over your lips. As if checking to make sure that had really just happened. Or maybe to keep the moment bottled up forever, solidifying it with the graze of your fingers.
Both of you took a moment, panting for breath as a way to fill the silence.
"Did you just—?"
"Did we just—?"
"Sure did."
"And that means you're—?"
"If you ask anymore questions I might have to kiss you again (Y/n)."
The smile in his voice shone through. You allowed yourself one as well, eyes watering.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for." The englishman sighed, resting his elbows on his thighs as he watched you stare star struck at him. "Please tell me I didn't seriously misread the situation there." He added on as an afterthought with a chuckle, already knowing the answer as he looked deep into your eyes.
"I'm sorry Tangerine." The sudden apology left you with a breathy quality. Tears were threatening to fall at a rapid pace now, one or two escaping. You couldn't tell if they were from remorse or joy. "I didn't mean that. Any of it."
"What about th' part where you confessed your undying love for me?"
He laughed as you went to hit him in the chest playfully, noting how the tears in the corner of your eyes began to disappear.
"You know what I meant. And I did no such thing." Your efforts to conceal a smile were fruitless for once. "You just got lucky this time."
"This time?" He reached a hand out to brush the pad of his thumb across your cheek with a sudden fondness. "Nah. Been plenty lucky for a while now, love."
"Sap." You mummbled, closing your eyes with a sigh as he continued to leave soft strokes against your skin.
"Just for you darling."
You really would have to thank Lemon when you got back home.
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padfootdaredmetoo · 7 months
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Romance, fluff, hurt/comfort, and the occasional heartbreak.
Peaky Blinders, Sherlock, Tangerine, Wade Wilson, Peter Parker, Marauders
Peaky Blinders
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Kidnapped - Tommy Shelby X Reader - Pt. 2
Reader gets taken and Tommy does everything he can to get her back - kidnapping, torture / hurt /comfort confession of feelings
Arthur Shelby X OC Joey Request - Catching feelings / hurt / comfort
Falling Hard - Tommy Shelby X Pregnant Reader
She falls off the horse - Rated G, Cute fluffiness, Worried Tommy
Meet Cute - Tommy Shelby X Reader
 Proper courting, Rated G, Tommy falls for reader at a party
Domestic - Tommy Shelby X Wife Reader
 Cooking, Baking, Slight hurt comfort, Tommy being a good dad, kids being little, just lots of fluffy goodness
Self-Defense - Tommy Shelby X Reader
He defends her but she can defend herself - Teen for violence Hurt / Comfort
Girls Outing - Tommy X Wife Reader
Attempted Murder, mild description of attempted sexual assault, Murder, Tommy Comforts reader, Hurt / Comfort
Time Travel - Tommy Shelby x X-Men Reader
 Rated Teen for extreme heart break, time travel, romance, X-Men themes
The One That Got Away - Tommy Shelby X Reader
Hurt and pain. Charlie gets kidnapped and Reader has to make a difficult choice
Campbell - Tommy X Reader Wife - Pt 2.
She’s beaten by Campbell and eventually talks - Mature content - Reader is beaten badly and miscarries. Tommy comforts her.
Stay Home - Tommy X Wife Reader
He doesn’t want her to work while pregnant.
Heart Broken - Tommy Shelby X Reader
You just got broken up with - Fluff, Comfort Tommy
First Wizarding War - Tommy Shelby X Reader (HP crossover)
Reader gets attacked, falling in love, pre war, then post war follow up
Protecting What's His - Tommy Shelby X Pregnant Wife Reader
When someone breaks into the house Tommy has to protect what’s his - violence, shock / panic is described. Fluff at the end & kissing
Scarlet Witch - Tommy X Magic Reader
She has kept her powers hidden but Tommy and the family find out! Reader saves the day with her magical abilities.
Sold Down the River - Tommy Shelby X Reader
Reader gets sold to Tommy Shelby by her fiancé. Her and her baby have to adjust to arrow house
Animal Shelter - Tommy Shelby X Reader -- Pt.2
When Tommy gets Charlie a dog from the pound he doesn’t expect to take the bubbly worker home as well.
The One That Almost Got Away - Tommy Shelby X Reader
Tommy and the reader play hard to get until Polly puts and end to things. Drama, trust issues, happy ending, Polly to the rescue.
The Doctor - Shelby Sister X Alfie Solomons
he reader is underappreciated so she leaves and begins her own life. After becoming a doctor she falls back to her family and finds out that not all things are lost. Mending her heart she also finds her way back to a long lost love…..
Kisses - Finn Shelby X Reader
The one where the reader ends up with a marked up neck, the family is determined to find the culprit only to find out it was one of their own.
The Witch - Tommy Shelby X Reader
 The reader is a witch who can tell the future but she definitely did not see him coming.
Childhood Bestie - Tommy Shelby X Reader
Even though he married Grace true love never dies - even when you almost do 
Mean Boyfriend - Finn Shelby X Orphaned Reader
The Reader happens to have a mean boyfriend. Good thing the Shelby’s have a strict *no mean boyfriends allowed* rule at the garrison.
The Smallest Blinder - Tommy Shelby X Reader
The boys hate having to watch over her, but more often than not she’s the one that saves the day 
Quiet Working Girl - Tommy Shelby X Reader
Reader is hired on to work at the Garrison, and Tommy takes an interest in her. When things start to fall apart, she’s the first person he suspects. He makes a right mess of things again, but this time he’s not so sure if he can fix it.
Cold - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Head cannons about a woman who never smiles and how the Shelby family would interact with her.
Ambition - Tommy Shelby X Reader
The reader always wanted a big life and so did Tommy. Promises were made and the reader comes to cash in
Sickness - Tommy Shelby X Lizzie Shelby
Lizzie makes a difficult decision to hide her diagnosis from Tommy. She goes off on her own much like he does, when word reaches him of Lizzie’s illness he has to find a way to make peace with her before it’s too late.
Spellbound - Marauders Reader X Tommy Shelby - Series
The reader leaves the magical world - not knowing what else to do she sees an advert for a bartender. Having worked at Three Broom Sticks she figured it couldn’t be that different. Falling for her boss and getting sucked into the complicated crime underworld of Birmingham was not a part of her plan
I Can Fight - John Shelby X Reader
Having been in a toxic relationship she learns what it means to be with John Shelby.
Languages Expert - Tommy Shelby X Reader
The boys assume Tommy only keeps the reader around because she’s pretty to look at. when a deal starts to go sideways they quickly learn the importance of having a language expert
Lunch Dates - Tommy Shelby X Reader
with limited time and lots of stress you decide to take a breath and get some lunch with your husband.
Rejected - Tommy Shelby X Reader
The reader isn’t interested in what Tommy has going on
The Kindest Blinder - Tommy Shelby X Reader Wife
Tommy’s wife isn’t what people expect. Her soft kindness is visible to anyone that see’s her. She’d do anything for her family, but when she’s pushed to the limit a different side of her shows.
Grace - Tommy Shelby x Reader
When she showed up to reclaim the love of her life, she wasn’t expecting you to be there.
Pregnant? - Tommy X Reader
The reader doesn’t realize she’s pregnant and a big surprise awaits the family 
Mr. Brightside - Tommy X Reader
Tommy realizes his feelings for you, too bad he’s too late and you’ve already found a guy.
Bad Habits - Tommy Shelby X Lizzie Shelby
Tommy struggles with his drinking thankfully Lizzie is always around to help.
The Mark of a Kiss - Sherlock's Sister X Tommy Shelby
Sherlock's other sister solves a mystery involving the notorious Tommy Shelby
Come on Barbie - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Thomas sits back and wonders how his girl manages her crazy lifestyle.
I've Got My Eye on You - Tommy Shelby X Reader
A traumatic event has left the reader with one eye and an emotionless appearance. Captivated by her beauty and voice Tommy tries to get to know her better
Sherlock - Enola Holmes
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The Mystery of the Shelby Sister - Sherlock X Peaky Sister Reader
Sherlock tries his best to ignore his neighbor but when Enola gets attached it becomes increasingly difficult.  Extras - Big Kiss
Tangerine - Bullet Train
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Angst - Tan X Reader
Things go from bad to worse leaving you two very far apart…
Geralt of Rivia
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Surprises - Geralt X Reader
Geralt of Riva finds out you are pregnant with his baby 
Wade Wilson & Peter Parker
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Tired - Hurt & Comfort
Trusted - Hurt & Comfort / Seeing his face for the first time
No Powers - SpideyPool
The Amazing Panic Attack - SpideyPool
Peter has a panic attack after saving someone that looks like Gwen. After being MIA Wade comes to find him, and after a whole lot of comfort, their relationship takes a new direction.
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Head Cannons
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eternalslover · 1 year
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arabladee · 2 months
Coming Up...
Code for the type of post:
Smut- 🍒, Fluff- 🩷
(Each emoji is a /5 rating for how much of each there will be)
One Shots-
Steve Harrington (Joe Keery):
🩷🩷🩷Time and time again- Steve finally works up the courage to ask out a cute girl who is a regular at Family Video. Coming Feb 26th.
Matt Sturniolo:
🍒🍒Purple Rain- Nick befriends another internet celebrity and introduces her to his brothers, Matt takes a liking to her quickly. Coming March 4th.
Felix Catton (Jacob Elordi)-
🍒🍒🍒Winged Hearts- Your first party at Saltburn is far from boring when you find out you've accidentally matched with a member of the family throwing it, and he just can't let it go. Coming March 11th.
Tangerine (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)-
🩷🩷🩷🩷Collateral- You walk in on a heated argument with two passengers and step in to help the beautiful man in a blue suit (and make the other guy get lost). Coming March 18th.
I hope you guys enjoy! :)
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Hii Ria! Hope you’re doing well. I saw your requests were open and I saw Tangerine was on ur list so if you have the time I’d love a (possibly nsfw but all is fine) blurb with Tan. Thanks so much💗
hi, lovely! wow, i’m so glad you requested tangerine. i love him and had too much fun writing this. i hope you don't mind it's not set on a job. i know you said “blurb,” but i got carried away, yike sorry, hope you like it!! and hope some of my marauders readers give it a go!
pairing: Tangerine x reader
tags / warnings: NSFW (minors do not interact!), fingering, fem!reader
notes: the “blowing bubbles” song is West Ham’s theme song and it repeatedly plays in the movie in Tangerine and Lemon scenes 🍊🍋
word count: 2.2k
“I’m forever blowing bubbles!” you sing at the top of your lungs with the rest of the elated stadium even though you’d left your seat to go to the loo. “Pretty bubbles in the air! They fly so hii…HEY! What the fuck?!” 
You quickly go to grab the wrist of the hand you felt trying to knick your wallet from your pocket. As you turn to curse out whoever thought they could just steal from you that easily, you’re met with the prettiest pair of blue eyes you’ve ever seen. It throws you off balance for a second — but only for a second — before you work to quickly recover you’re pissed off facade. You give the man a “what the fuck?” look, eyes wide, eyebrows expressive.
“So sorry, love,” he responds. “Just bumped into ya.” 
“Oh? You’re fingers bumped into my pocket?” you shoot back, your look scathing. 
He’s surprised you caught him; pretty much no one ever does. He’s even more surprised you’re calling him on it with as much feist as you  are… and he fucking loves it. 
“Alright, alright. ‘M sorry.” He lifts his hands up then puts one on his chest as he swears, “Truly.” 
He has nice hands, you can’t help but think. You scold yourself for thinking that when this bloke is so clearly a prick, but you justify it to yourself by thinking it’s just that his many rings caught your attention… and damn do they make his hands look even better. You shake your head at yourself, but thankfully, he seems to think it’s your response to his apology. 
“Let me make it up t’ya,” he offers, and you’re curious. 
You cross your arms across your chest, and shoot him a harsh “how?”
“However ya like.” He smiles and takes a step closer to you. He’s charming as hell, and you hate it. “How bout… you let me buy ya a drink somewhere round here? This thing’s basically over anyway. No fuckin way they come back from three nil.” 
You debate for a moment, biting your lip in consternation, and you notice his looking at your mouth when you do. You hope you’re not imagining it, and think “fuck it”; you had nothing better to do after the match anyway, your friends wouldn’t mind, and you could just ditch him if it’s not fun. 
“Okay… fine.” 
“Alright then,” he says with finality, his gorgeous smile sneaking back onto his face. “Let me just tell my brother I’m leavin, and I’ll be right back, alright?” He turns to go then turns back and adds, “Don’t disappear on me, love.” 
You shrug but then lean against the wall. He smirks a bit as he walks away. 
The walk to the nearby pub is mostly quiet, but strangely not awkward... except for the moment you have to ask if you heard him correctly when he said his name was Tangerine. “It's a kind of nickname that's just sort of stuck,” he explained, shrugging. “Besides, tangerines are very sophisticated, right?” You weren’t sure if he was joking.
The pub’s emptier now the match is still going on than it will be soon, and you manage to sneak up to the bar on the end furthest from the telly everyone’s eyes are still glued to. 
“What’d ya like?” he asks from beside you, and your heart rate increases a bit — okay, a lot — at the proximity. You both order, and you take a nervous sip of your pint when you can’t think of much to say. 
“So you a big West Ham fan then?” he asks.
“Yeah. Don’t miss a match. Since I was a kid really.” “Oh yeah? Same here. My brother and me, we watch ‘em all together unless we’re in the middle of a job.” “Sounds nice,” you smile. “What do you do?”
He hesitates, taking his own nervous sip of his drink this time. 
“Odd jobs, you know? Freelance stuff.” You can tell he’s being vague but don’t want to push it so soon. 
“And you work with your brother?”
“Mmhhmm, best part ‘a the gig sometimes. He’s a riot.” 
You find this affection extremely endearing and hope in the back of your mind that you get to meet his brother next time, that this will lead to a next time… So, you take a chance.
“Sounds like he’s the fun one, and you… you’re the handsome one then? Or is he as handsome as you?” You make an effort to stop yourself before you start ranting and ruin it. 
“No. He’s not,” he chuckles seriously. “But I don’t appreciate ya insinuating I’m not fun, love. What? You’re not having a good time?” he challenges. 
“Early stages,” you reply mock-serious. “We’ll see.” “Oh, alright,” he nods. “You should know now though, darlin…” He leans in. “I’m a man who loves a challenge.” He winks at you, his face closer to yours than it has been thus far. You’re sure you’re not imagining it this time when his gaze lowers to your lips and lingers there. 
You don’t know how to respond and clear your throat lamely, turning back to your drink, clearly flustered. You hear his amused chuckle beside you, and you roll your eyes at him teasingly. 
Your chat continues, the two of you quickly falling into a rhythm, and before you know it you’ve finished your first drink. Seeing he’s doing the same, taking a long last swig, you hope this isn’t the end of it. Relief and excitement wash over you when, as he puts his glass down, he looks over at you, a mischievous twinkle in his eye you’re starting to love, and asks, “The same?” pointing at your empty glass. You nod gladly. 
As he leans into the bar to hail the bartender, your heart feels like it somehow both stops and races in the span of one second when you feel his hand on the small of your back. He asks for your drinks, but when he leans back, he leaves his hand there. You love the contact and lean closer to him to let him know. He smiles down at you, and you feel his hand caress your back. 
You keep chatting and drinking; he’s brilliant at making you laugh, and you have him cracking up not infrequently as well. 
The pub starts filling up now with the post-match celebratory crowd, and though you’re glad for the excuse to be even closer to him, tingles shooting down your spine every time he leans in to speak into your ear, you also lament the loss of the somewhat intimate bubble you’d created with him. You’re mid-sip when a seemingly drunken man pushes against you aggressively in his attempt to get to the bar, making you spill your drink on yourself and lose your balance. Tangerine’s arms come around you immediately, catching and stabilizing you. You love the warm, firm feeling of them, but it’s gone as quickly as it came as he shifts next to you, turning toward the man and squaring up with him. “Oi! Better fuckin watch it, mate!”
The drunken guy doesn’t even fully turn to him, responding, “Fuck off, pretty boy,” slurring his too-loud words. 
You see something slightly terrifying shift in Tangerine’s expression, a kind of craze come into his eyes, and you can tell already that he’s not someone you want to mess with. You see his fists tighten and his lips snarl, but before he can make a move, you stand in front of him and put your arms on his broad shoulders. 
“Hey, hey, it’s fine. It’s not worth it, really. Please, I’m fine, and you getting in trouble for beating his arse would really ruin what we’ve got going, don’t you think?” You try to sound playful and comfortingly rub his shoulders. 
He exhales slowly, puts his hands on your hips, and leans in. “He’s lucky you’re here, love. Woulda ended up crying for his mum otherwise.” You laugh but feel the stickiness of the the spilled drink on your shirt as you do. You look down at it and tell Tangerine you’ve got to go clean up then make your way to the toilets. 
You’re glad of your luck that they’re individuals since it lets you take your shirt off to rinse it at the sink. You’re wiping yourself down when you hear a knock at the door. “Occupied!” 
“’S me, love. Sorry to rush you, but I gotta go.” “What?” Your heart sinks.
“‘M so sorry, really, but I just got a call about a job I was waitin on, and it can’t really wait.” 
You come up against the door he’s just on the other side of, a knot in your throat. You crack it the tiniest bit to be able to look at him, to say goodbye you suppose. When you do his eyes, full of emotion that makes it clear he’s sad to be going, immediately go from your eyes to your shirtless torso, landing on your bra-clad tits. He takes a beat, looks around, whispers what you think is “fuck it” under his breath, and pushes into the bathroom with you, locking it behind him. 
You’re shocked, standing completely still in front of him. 
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” he says, looking you up and down before grabbing your face, the cold of his rings on your cheeks, and kissing you. 
You kiss him back immediately, wrapping your arms around him, entangling your hand in his thick brown hair. He groans at this, and you feel the vibrations in his chest that’s flush with yours. You moan in response, sucking on his tongue in your mouth, and pulling him impossibly closer. He pushes you back against the sink counter; it’s too small to sit on, but it helps give you some leverage.
He kisses along your jaw, sucking on your neck, moving his hands down to squeeze your tits. He kneads them, pinching your nipples through your thin bra. One hand caresses down your stomach to the waistband of your trousers. He unbuttons them adeptly and sticks his hand in your knickers. “I thought you had to go,” you laugh into his ear, lifting your hips to give him better access, already reveling in the feeling of his hands on you. 
He groans into your neck and takes a teasing bite then responds, his voice much lower than before.
“I do,” he grumbles. “But they can fucking wait.” He kisses you again then adds, “And I can be quick when I need ta.” His smirk is devilish as he runs his fingers across your already wet slit. “Feels like you are having a good time after all, love,” he jokes. 
You moan and lean your head back at the feeling. He returns to kissing, sucking, licking on your mouth, your neck, your chest, as he massages your folds, rubbing your clit before slipping a long, thick finger inside you. You whimper at the delicious sensation and rut into his hand. He chuckles appreciatively and expertly tilts his wrist on every thrust, hitting your spot over and over. He adds another digit inside and adjusts his thumb on your clit to rub as he strokes. It feels incredible. 
You’re holding on to the sink behind you for balance but bring one hand to his neck, gripping his shoulder and caressing his cheek, bringing him closer as you kiss him. He kisses back passionately, not missing a beat in his other actions, holding your face with surprising tenderness with his other hand. 
He reads your body, your sounds perfectly, speeding up and slowing down, adding and removing pressure, better than if you’d tried to explain to him out loud. You know you only met him today, but he doesn’t even feel like a stranger to you anymore. The connection excites and scares you at the same time, and you moan his name into his ear as you cum.
He kisses and touches you through it, and when you’re finished he leans his forehead on yours then kisses it as he steps away. 
“I do really have ta go now,” he bemoans. You nod wordlessly, your lips parted, your legs jelly. You spot the giant bulge in his trousers and another wave of pleasure washes over you at the sight. You wish you could do something about it, but he’s washing his hands and straightening his clothes before you can gather yourself. 
He’s adjusting his rings on his hands as he comes back in front of you. There’s conflict in his baby blues as you stare back up at him. 
“I’m not exactly relationship material,” he says softly. “But I really would love to see you again.” 
You kiss him gently and slip your hand in his pocket, taking his phone without his noticing. You lift it up in front of his face, and his surprise quickly melts to adoration as you whisper, “That’s how you do it.” 
He laughs and answers, “Not really fair, love. I didn’t have the benefit of a brilliant kiss as a distraction.”
You shrug and smirk; he unlocks his phone, and you put your number in it. He gives the phone a little shake, slips it back in his pocket, and kisses you quickly but roughly before turning and leaving without another word.
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Ok, so I realized there is not much Aaron Taylor-Johnson fic available (if there is I'm not finding them, please send it my way) so I decided to write a self-indulgent one. Since he has carte blanche do cheat per my opinion, I wrote a little smutty smut that probably no one will read but I'm anouncing here anyways:
Self-Indulgent Affairs
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imyourbratzdoll · 3 months
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Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
 ♡ 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 ➳ 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕 ❥ 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 ❦ 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
𝐚 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐤 ❥
summary - a handsome stranger makes you cum on the train.
೫˚🖤❀ *ૢ🥀೫˚🌑
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