#btvs buffy summers imagine
the-crooked-library · 4 months
does anyone else think about Spike and Giles looking at each other and seeing a personification of the most despised and vulnerable aspects of their own past or is it just me
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liam-summers · 3 months
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Bangel + Forehead Touch
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greensaplinggrace · 9 days
the fact of the matter is that buffy ends up isolated no matter what the scoobies do because she bears the burden of the slayer alone at the end of the day and nothing can change that. the problem with this isn't that she's separate from them, it's that they don't want to acknowledge that she is, and in doing so they drive a wedge between them that just grows and grows. the best thing about spike is that he's similar enough to this other side of buffy to understand it and her by extension. he is the only person around who can support that side of her.
most of buffy's issues in season six stem from the scoobies rejecting a part of buffy that spike accepts. and this shame she feels for her reliance on spike and the presence of this darkness and isolation she cannot avoid is largely because of them. i'm sick of this bizarre assumption that pointing out where the scoobies go wrong in their relationship with buffy somehow equals an uncritical uplifting of spike. just because he understands her and represents a certain aspect of her doesn't mean he doesn't fuck up. i mean that's kind of the whole point of their season six dynamic. one of his biggest issues is that he thinks he's helping her by enabling her completely because he doesn't have the ability to properly identify the line between self acceptance and self destruction - pursuit of the id is one of his biggest character traits. that's what makes the end of season six and his decision to get the soul so interesting (although of course there's just as much i can say about the narrative framing of that in regards to lore consistency and the story's obsession with angel, but that's a whole other thing).
point is, the scoobies cannot understand all of buffy, and when they refuse to acknowledge this they destroy their chances of building any bridges to even a simple relationship with that other side of buffy or helping her carry that burden in any way. meanwhile, spike is in the proper position to understand buffy as the slayer and hold his own with her in such a way, but his definition of love is wholly obsessive and destructive. while i disagree that he's incapable of love and even of loving selflessly without his soul, i think spike's version of love in particular is self destructive in a way that enables buffy's own desire to hurt herself through hurting him (see the aforementioned shame regarding her shadow self). spike cannot identify why allowing buffy to give in to her dark side in such a way is bad because he struggles to understand how she could use this to resent herself - although i do think he realizes it's happening on some level.
spike is also buffy's only form of catharsis and the only one that actually listens to what she is saying during a time when everybody else is dismissing her because of the aforementioned inability to understand her as the slayer. it's a clusterfuck - and a clusterfuck that needed to be shattered with a hammer for any kind of relief. and quite frankly to disregard the scoobies' own part in this situation does a disservice to buffy as a character. to be honest, she deserves fucking better than what everyone in her life gives her, especially the scoobies, who grow to take her for granted and feel entitled to controlling her life as a way of keeping her conformed - again, due to the aforementioned lack of desire to acknowledge this other part of her that they cannot connect with.
which leads to season seven, where spike is the only person on the show who has developed and changed enough to remain at buffy's side helping her carry the burden. while everyone else suffered during season six, none of them opened their eyes to what they were doing to buffy - and if they did, none of them acted on it. spike is the only one to acknowledge the damage he's done and work to become better for buffy in any way he can. he is the only one that ends up able to carry that burden with her because he is the only one capable of facing the truth and acting on his desire to do better.
the fucking problem isn't that he hurt buffy - because to be quite frank everybody did - it's that he's the only person on the whole damn show to acknowledge his place in buffy's life, and to acknowledge the burdens she bears, and actively change himself for her. did you know he has almost all of the genuine apologies in the entire show? seven seasons and all of the harm the scoobies cause buffy, and it's fucking spike that is acting like a mature person capable of being a proper partner.
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wolfstrong · 1 year
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Xander smoking weed in his parents basement like “maybe this time I won’t get scared”
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artsying-ifer · 2 years
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buffy and angel had to get attacked by an assassin on their ice rink date bc otherwise btvs would have had to show us angel flopping around helplessly on the ice clinging onto buffy for dear life I refuse to believe this man can ice skate
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babygirlgiles · 2 years
Re-watching Dead Man’s Party and Snyder telling Buffy that someone with her “talents and abilities” should work at Hot Dog on a Stick and saying she’d look cute in the little hat, and now knowing that in s6 she works at Doublemeat Palace, essentially the same thing, where she has to wear a stupid little hat, because of how limited her life is due to the responsibilities she has because of her “talents and abilities”. Wow. Wow wow wow. I am clinically unwell about this. I’m gonna gnaw through a brick.
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fictiongods · 1 month
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prose-for-hire · 1 year
Spike & The Scoobies: “You can’t invoke the Dark Arts to keep Passions from being cancelled!”
A/n: Platonic reader. It took me forever to think of a gender neutral term for someone that practices magic. I went with sorcerer xo
You were known in Sunnydale for possessing powerful magics. You were a sorcerer known to the good, the bad and the ugly of Sunnydale. You made a point of doing good for people with your magic but you never turned away anyone just for the way they looked or what their past was.
That was how you had met Spike. He was friendly with you and so you helped him from time to time so long as it didn’t harm anyone or get rid of his chip.
That was how you found yourself and Spike draped in black hooded cloaks sat inside a pentagram drawn on the floor. The store was closed and it was dark out, only light was the ceremonial candles.
Just as you were finishing your chant, the door was unlocked and the bell rang and interrupted you. You squinted at the door, frowning at the distraction before you sensed the anger from the group. Giles and the rest of the Scoobies had entered to have a meeting at the Magic Box.
You sensed they hadn’t quite been told what you were doing here. Spike decided to stay casual, ignoring the irritated shout of Giles asking just what the hell you thought you were doing in his shop.
“Oh, right. This is Y/n” Spike gestured with his head as you pulled the cloak down that had been obscuring your face.
“Hey guys” you waved and smiled at your friends
“We know who they are, we meant what’s with the evil chanting?” One of the group stated.
“You said you had a key” you scowled at Spike.
“No, love, I said I didn’t need an invitation, public property ain’t it?”
“Whatever, anyway, we should probably finish this spell. Do you mind, Giles, I just assumed he was your nephew or something?”
“Ah, so long as it isn’t nefarious in nature”
“Not really my style, you know that!” You insisted, you had thought Giles thought better of you. You met him every Thursday afternoon for tea.
“Not yours maybe”
“Just asking the Hellmouth for a little favour. They scratch our back, we scratch theirs…”
“You’re calling on the dark arts?”
“Grey… a dark watercolour at best” you insisted, you hadn’t realised that your two friends didn’t like each other. They were always talking about the other it seemed.
“Passions is worth it” Spike muttered
“You can’t invoke the Dark Arts to keep Passions from being cancelled!”
“Actually… Mom might forget to make me babysit Dawn if she’s distracted by Passions”
Buffy admitted, sitting next to you and crossing her legs inside the Pentagram much to the rest of the groups disbelief (and Dawn’s shout of annoyance).
And that was how Passions stayed on the air for the rest of Spike’s un-life.
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disco-tea · 2 years
Ok but imagine if Dawn Summers, the Key, whose blood is capable of breaking down literally every dimensional wall ever, had found out a way to harness her powers and close the Hellmouth? Wouldn’t that have been so cool? Imagine the beef the First Evil would’ve had with her specifically.
And you can even still have the ‘Dawn is a Potential Slayer’ fake-out. Because the Bringers are suddenly trying really hard to kill her, and they think it’s because she’s a Potential but actually it’s because she can close the Hellmouth once and for all and the First knows it.
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faith-thee-slayer · 2 years
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oh there’s no way he didn’t Know
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oveliagirlhaditright · 10 months
Something from the "Halloween" script of Buffy:
They BOLT, but Buffy is having trouble keeping up. Angel SWEEPS her into his arms, carries her.
Afraid - but giving into his protection.
I may be wrong about this... but is the first time that Buffy rests her head against Angel's shoulder. And is this, perhaps, maybe what starts Buffy's love of doing that?
Also maybe part of what begins her feeling safe in his arms?
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday - Friday, April 4 - 5 - PART TWO
(Buffy gives final instructions.) SPIKE: Well, not exactly the St. Crispin's Day speech, was it? GILES: We few... (Giles goes past Spike as Spike gathers up the bag of weapons.) GILES: ...we happy few. SPIKE: We band of buggered.
~~The Gift~~
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: “Out. For. A. Walk….Bitch” by nerdromthenet (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: [The World tarot card] by isevery0nehereverystoned (Buffy, worksafe)
Moodboard: moodboard: autistic agender tara maclay by purgeshubble (worksafe)
Moodboard: Kendra Young- Buffy the vampire slayer by awinterroseesstuff (Kendra, worksafe)
Gifset: tara & willow as the tarot by daisyssousa (Tara/Willow, worksafe)
Gifset: make me choose - osiriaroses asked fred/gunn or wes/lilah by sulietsexual (Gunn/Fred, worksafe)
Gifset: [Buffy Summers, Class Protector] by andremichaux (Buffy, worksafe)
Gifset: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6.09 | 7.07 by slayerbuffy (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Valentines: Apparently ten years ago I made Buffy valentines. by aprilthebiqueen (Buffy, Angel, worksafe)
Manip: Spuffy manips I made! Please credit if you use them. by allchoseny (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Manip: I call this manip I did “Broken William.” by allchoseny (Spike, worksafe)
Fanvid: CALLING ALL JAMES MARSTERS FANS TO THE RING by captain-ghost (Spike, fanvid)
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Artwork: Willow vs Ulquiorra Page 2 by MattanzaMFedora on DeviantArt (Willow, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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S01E08 I Robot, You Jane by she-saved-the-world-a-lot
S01E07 Angel by she-saved-the-world-a-lot
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Re-watch of show. Season 3 (spoilers below) by bookishowlet
BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 5/2, Part One [Buffy vs Dracula to Family] by QualifiedApathetic
about season 4? by ngbp
I just finished watching Season 4 and wanted to say what I thought about it by UNimAginAtiveuseRn
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PODCAST: Don't Trust the Goat - Gravity Falls S01E01 - Tourist Trapped by Pop Culture Role Call
PODCAST: Episode 22 - Don't Warn the Tadpoles! (What's my Line Part 1) by The Sunnydale Diaries - A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast
PODCAST: Season 1 Wrap Up! by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Video: Making Riley Finn Interesting (by Pensive Whiskers) recced by riley-summers
[Community Announcements]
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REMINDER: It really bugs me when people post stuff about how they don't like a ship or character [but don't tag it anti] by riley-summers
Y'all, come join the Fanged Four ‘Runs In The Blood’ Discord Server. by somekindofadeviant
POLL: Preliminary [round tie] by btvsepisodetournament
[Fandom Discussions]
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Why did Willow Rosenberg’s boyfriend just growl at me. by sunnydale-high-school-rumors
Look I totally thought that Scott Hope was just being a bitter ex... by sunnydale-high-school-rumors
dude I swear I keep seeing buffy summers hanging out with some guy in the graveyard by sunnydale-high-school-rumors
[Faith texts Buffy] by scooby-group-texts
Screw it, let's do this... Riley ship opinions, pt. 1, M/F edition by riley-summers
it's so crucial to take the show's tone into account... [giles x anya] by once-more-with-tabula-rasa
i love that buffy and riley's breakup feels like an argument... by joodeegemstone
Ask answered: what was your first fandom? [praise for BTVS fandom] by hils79
Me, when all you asked was what time it was, for the fifth time that day: no you don’t get it— they’re the chosen two. [Buffy x Faith] by fictiongods
As an alcoholic in recovery this scene speaks to me. [Spike] by desicat-writer
Do we see anybody that we knew as a human turned into a vampire after The Harsh Light of Day? [Harmony] by coraniaid
i think people fem spike up cuz of his body type- but based on character... [Angelus] by captain-peroxid3
Imagine, if you will, that you hate someone so much that you want to violently kill them [Spike] by breezybeej
I think Harmony knows that she is a vampire but I don't think she knows what a vampire is. by breezybeej
there are obviously a lot of intended parallels in season 2 between buffy and drusilla by bloomfish
charles gunn, my most beautiful sunshine man, described like this... by bloomfish
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... the most relatable character on Buffy? updated by various
What If: Xander Went To College? updated by various
Buffy, Giles and Spike updated by various
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Would Faith have threatened to kill Dawn? by Itchy_Initiative6180
Why couldn't Anya "officially, magically" hurt Xander after getting her powers back? by smileliketheradio
Spike/Buffy in season seven: a huge cop out from the writers by SafiraAshai
What to watch after Buffy & Angel? by alwaysleepingg
the Scoobs have always been against Buffy having a proper romance... by zarif_chow
What was the controversy regarding Buffy’s comments to the first slayer? by Scopeburger
Favorite villian/s on the show by kittycat6434
Cordelia the Bad Decision Slayer [and what Cordelia would do if she never left Sunnydale] by Comfortable-Sun6571
I've just started a Buffy rematch... there were signs of Evil Willow as early on as Episode 2's The Harvest by Hotch91
Who do you think should have been endgame loves? by artmalique
What are your favorite Buffyverse moments where a character got exactly what they deserved? by PristineSituation498
Why is Wesley treated so badly by Buffy and the others? by JellyfishDry9464
Amy Acker from Fred to Illyria is thee best acting ever! by symynuk
Other Buffy media to explore? [recs of comics, books, podcasts, etc] by GamallSoro
About Buffy and Anya [in S7] by Dappich
Surprise and Innocence by penny1985
Guilty pleasures? [characters, ships, episodes, or scenes that are considered bad] by Dull_Bumblebee4623
What if Tara had been a demon? by Moonycoves
Watching Angel solo or co-watching with Buffy? by kai1793
I love Harmony in all her unicorn-loving bimbo glory. by Dull_Bumblebee4623
Cordy/Jasmine by Typical-Owl9521
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James Marsters Upcoming Events List by dontkillspike
James Marsters to Attend Mad Monster Expo in Concord, NC 23-25 Aug by dontkillspike
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
I want to hear you ramble about how awesome it would be if Dawn being a potential hadn't been a fake-out and she would have become a real slayer alongside her big sis
Oh, shit can you IMAGINE??? It makes so much sense, too, if you really think about it!!!
Okay, Watsonian POV - Dawn is MADE out of Buffy's blood. Essentially, as a human person, she IS Buffy. I mean, she's the Key, but that's WHAT she is not WHO she is. She is made from the slayer's essence. So, it's completely logical, in-universe, that she would ALSO be a slayer. It really requires no explanation or stretch of the imagination, because in the context that Dawn is literally a magical Key to a Hell dimension made from her sister (the slayer!)'s blood, why on earth WOULDN'T she be a slayer?
Now - we're talking Whedonverse - so from a Doylist POV - we know that the narrative is more important than anything. The metaphor & hashtag meaning behind the story is ALWAYS going to be just a little bit more important than the textual logical stuff in Whedonverse.
But like!!! The THING is!!! Dawn being the slayer makes sense on BOTH fronts!!! Actually!!!
Let's talk about how BTVS season 6 ended. Like, just for a second, let's talk about it. Because Buffy & Dawn had been struggling to communicate all season.
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Buffy is unable to be the caretaker that Dawn needs because she is scrambling to even feel alive after being dragged out of heaven. Hashtag metaphor for suicide attempt hashtag depression ETC. Buffy is going THROUGH it in season 6 & it sucks for Dawn, who's also just lost her mom, too.
But the thing is!!! The WAY that the Summers sisters are able to overcome their difficulties & regain their strength as people & their bond as a family in the end!!! Is by COMING TOGETHER!!!
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I was going to argue that Buffy & Dawn standing together & fighting is one of the strongest moments in season 6, but I'm actually going to say that it's one of the strongest moments in the series.
Buffy & Dawn fighting together is the culmination of their conflict as sisters, of Buffy not understanding that Dawn IS strong, of Dawn not understanding that Buffy DOES need support, of their loss & grief as a family - of everything.
So, yeah, Dawn becoming a slayer herself? That would've been AMAZING for the series. I would have loved to see Dawn fight alongside Buffy & I don't understand how the opportunity was slept on!!!
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hero-adjacent · 1 year
@hellmouth Buffyverse writers do give exact dates for a lot of important events. But they're bad at referencing them with the right number. At least one writer commented they're bad at math.
In Angel, 16 yr old Buffy in 1997 says, "you're like 224 years older than me." She was just counting Angel's vampire age. Except he was sired in 1753 so is 228 vamp years older than her.
In Earshot, Angel tells Buffy in 1999, "in 243 years I've loved exactly one person." He meant she's the only person he's ever loved as a vampire. Except since he was sired in 1753 it's been 246 years.
Spike was sired in 1880. By 1997 he's 117 years old in vamp years. Yet in School Hard Giles says Spike is "barely 200." Would an Oxford educated Watcher round up 83 years? Then in The Initiative, in 1999, Spike says "I'm only 126." He was 119.
In All the Way, Buffy says, "I was only gone for 3 months, what else did I miss?" Except she was dead exactly 148 days (Spike informed her the night she was resurrected), that's 5 months. She wasn't gone just for the summer but May to October.
Conversations with Dead People makes a point of displaying the date. Nov 12. Yet days later in Bring on the Night it's almost Christmas. Buffy is so real to say "I didn't even realize it was December."
Drusilla was allegedly sired in 1860. That's 38 years before the Kalderash girl was murdered. But I can't imagine Dru as a throuple with Angelus & Darla for 20 years before adding Spike to the Whirlwind.
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The Kalderash girl is shown in Becoming #2 (BtVS s2) and Five by Five (AtS s1) with Ginger Williams in flashbacks. But unreliable narrators, etc. It can be fixed. Buffy's relationship with The Immortal was retconned on page 2 of the comics.
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The only other things I've seen of Ginger Williams are playing Harvey's girlfriend on s4 of Sabrina the Teenage Witch and one scene as Sebastian's mark Clarissa in the SMG movie Cruel Intentions.
Drusilla was sired late teens--mid 20s but s2 they cast a 32 year old actress. Maybe Juliet Landau is how Dru sees herself, not how she actually looks to other characters. Or maybe like in Becoming she glamoured another face. The flashbacks could be us seeing behind the delusion to the real her.
Dracula's hypnotic psi abilities are similar to hers. He said he was taught by the Romani.
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moistvonlipwig · 3 months
Buffy Summers: 2, 8, 12 for the character ask game?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Her relationship with Dawn!!! To be frank -- and I'm aware you disagree -- Buffy did not grab me as a character in the first four seasons. I liked her fine, but nothing about her particularly stood out to me. But in Seasons 5 & 6, when she became a big sister and her relationship with Dawn took center stage, I came to really love her character. Big Sister Buffy is awesome.
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I truthfully feel like I am no longer super up to date on the goings-on of Buffy fandom, since it keeps changing so much. I do recall that a not-insignificant number of Spuffy fics on Elysian Fields used to involve Buffy realizing she had been oh so cruel to Spike to doubt his pure love for her and apologizing for this grievous sin, which always deeply annoyed me. I imagine fic like that still makes the rounds. (There have also always been people who outright blame Buffy for Spike's attempted rape of her, which is the kind of thing I think you ought to be legally allowed to bite people for saying.)
I also dislike when fics/headcanons involve Buffy rejecting her terrible friends to instead hang out exclusively with Spike/Faith/Angel/whoever. I don't think Xander and Willow are particularly good friends, but Buffy clearly likes them for whatever reason (just like she clearly likes Spike, Faith, and Angel for whatever reason), so I see no reason to cleave her away from them, especially not to prop up someone who has also been terrible to her. Tragically Season 7 of BtVS does not seem to agree with me on this point.
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
Hmm...I guess one headcanon of mine is that, like many fans, I think she is bisexual, but she personally strikes me as super repressed about it. Like, I think she'll finally admit it to herself when she's 70 at the youngest.
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Another person who never cared for Jenny Calendar, the whole "she's the COOL teacher" thing never appeals to me in part because I didn't like those kind of teachers in real life, and tbh she seemed to look down on Giles and think she was too awesome for him despite supposedly "loving" him? It's not like I hate her, but she and calendiles just isn't my thing. Also agree w/ you and the UO anon on not liking S5 of BtVS! It's actually my very least favorite season, tied at the bottom with S7. Also loved Weslah in all their dark glory but agree that they could have worked longer term. She'd never be GOOD exactly but could have been a lighter shade of grey! And they connected intellectually and even despite themselves emotionally, not just physically. Obviously we agree on a lot but just one SMALL disagreement, I actually think Giles and Anya could be compatible? As much as any Buffyverse ship is allowed to be that is, lol. Giles and Anya both understand feeling lonely, searching for place and purpose and a sense of belonging. They both understand trying to repress and maybe even atone for bad pasts though not bad to the same degree. They can both be ruthlessly rational and pragmatic but also have strong feelings underneath. I don't know, I could see them really getting each other and connecting. Their S6 scenes are among the highlights of that season for me! If you haven't stopped reading by now, one more question: which Buffyverse friendships were your favorites? You already mentioned loving Angel/Wesley, and same!
I think Jenny loved Giles but the writers tried to make her the cool girl who could coax the uptight nerd out of his shell - like her way of living was necessarily better than his - and that rubbed me the wrong way. There was a lot that Jenny could teach Giles about living, and that's the great thing about relationships, but it felt like Giles was wrong and Jenny was right and had to "fix" him. I relate more to Giles than Jenny too, and impossibly cool women annoy me. That sounds bad, but, as a woman, to me, characters like Jenny are so hard to relate to and unrealistic. Writers only care about women if they're like Jenny (or Buffy and Cordelia), and society only respects accomplished women if they're attractive and feminine too (and not even then...). Ugly men are respected for their intellect and personality, but, unless they're young and hot (or even old and beautiful like Jane Fonda), a woman can't be empowering or badass. Characters like Jenny (there are many others, such as Cordelia) - very feminine, aloof, witty, brave, confident - feel oppressive to me. I know popular male characters are perfect too (probably less perfect though), so I don't know if this is internalized misogyny or what (I know I likely judge female characters harsher than men), but, yeah...
As for Giles and Anya, I honestly can't imagine him putting up with her? They bickered, but he never seemed to care that much for her. Giles honestly never seemed to care very much about anyone other than the Summers family and Jenny. Anya was really immature in many ways and I don't think Giles would've enjoyed that in a romantic partner. He wouldn't have wanted to date someone who constantly had to be told what was appropriate or not. Imo, most of the time, I think he thought she was weird and ridiculous. Anya had layers but we didn't seem them often tbh. I don't think he saw her as an equal. She was much older, but also dated Xander, so it's like she was one of the "kids" to him?
Lastly, my favorite Buffyverse friendships are, in this order, Angel and Wesley; Angel and Faith; Cordelia, Wesley and Angel in season 1; Cordelia and Wesley in seasons 1 and 2; Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn in season 2; Buffy, Willow and Xander (in general I guess?)
There are a lot of dynamics I love but I don't think they're considered friendships. There are also some minor friendships I liked: Gunn and Anne, Lorne and Fred, Lorne and Angel, Fred and Angel, Oz and Buffy, Kendra and Buffy (!), etc..
Thanks for the ask!
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