#buffy script
oveliagirlhaditright · 10 months
I hear this place serves coffee. Thought maybe you and I should get some...
(nothing from Buffy)
(nothing from Buffy)
If you want.
Buffy considers him for a long moment, then:
Angel brightens.
BUFFY (cont'd)
Sometime. I'll let you know.
And she gets up and goes. Xander, Willow, Angel stare at her departing back. Xander kind of respects what she just did. So does Angel.
Tracking backwards with her. Letting her grow into a tight close-up. So we can see how pleased she is. Then she walks out of frame and we-
There's something about Angel respecting what Buffy did there that I kind of love, tbh, in some ways it's so ridiculous--they're both so ridiculous here--and yet somehow great, too.
I guess that Buffy's being strong, in a way? Or at least putting on airs of being strong?
I mean, this whole episode started with Buffy wanting to date Angel, of course, but him essentially turning her down (even though he of course wanted her, too), because with him being a vampire, he feared that things could get out of control. And he would be right. But Buffy, being unhappy with that--and feeling like he treated her like a kid there--retaliated by going out with that college guy... who was part of a cult, who then tried to sacrifice her and Cordy to a demon. So by the end, of course, Angel rethinks his earlier thoughts and Buffy gets what she wants. You'd think she'd jump for it, but no: she's playing it cool and making him work for it, actually.
Edit: Like, there's just something about this attitude about Buffy's that's why Angel loves her, actually. And really her alone, because no one else would make him respect them like this, probably. If you're not making Angel(us) respect you with your strength, he doesn't have time for you.
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5bi5 · 3 months
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christopherburdett · 1 year
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20 years ago, I left myself a little surprise in the book I shared with you on Wed. That surprise? Script sides from the last episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Sharing some info and images on the blog today!
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i’m obsessed with this clarification with little eyebrow raise for emphasis. like oh you mean before buffy summers, my wife, asked me to move in with her? yeah i lived somewhere else before buffy told me to move into her house with her where she lives. i live with her now though. at her house. she asked me to.
and then buffy goes and calls his crypt COMFY<3 and his brain, absolutely on its last crackling little circuit, shorts out entirely.
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liam-summers · 1 month
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Angel the Series | 1.08 | I Will Remember You
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l0veisntbrains · 1 year
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER 5x14 | 7x14 | 7x20
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Buffy & Spike | Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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disco-tea · 1 year
You know what’s crazy? Just absolutely bonkers about After Life? It’s the way the demon that Buffy’s resurrection created…the price for bringing her back…the one that taunts her about being “barely there,” just as it is…is described in the script as looking like a drowned woman. It’s a drowned woman dressed in white…
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twelverriver · 2 years
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x08 / Once Upon a Time 5x08 
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spnscripthunt · 6 months
Very (and Not So Very) Special Christmas Episodes
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
1.11 "Christmas" (2013) - Pink Revised Pages
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3.10 "Amends" (1998) - Shooting Draft
Doctor Who
"Voyage of the Damned" (Tenth Doctor, 2007) - Yellow Revisions
"The End of Time, Part One" (Tenth Doctor, 2009) - Shooting Script Greens
"The End of Time, Part Two" (Tenth Doctor, 2010) - Shooting Script Goldenrod
"A Christmas Carol" (Eleventh Doctor, 2010) - Draft 1 (h/t Doctor Who Lockdown)
"Spyfall, Part 1" (Thirteenth Doctor, 2021) - Script
"Revolution of the Daleks" (Thirteenth Doctor, 2021) - Script
"Eve of the Daleks" (Thirteenth Doctor, 2022) - Script
House MD
1.05 "Damned If You Do" (2004) - Full Green Revisions
Twas the Episode Before Christmas (1985) - Revised Draft
My So-Called Life
2.15 "So-Called Angels" (1994) - Yellow Collated
3.08 "A Very Supernatural Christmas" (2007) - Production Draft, Blue Revisions only, Pink Revisions only http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/Scripts_and_Casting_Sides
The X-Files
6.06 "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas" (1998) - Green Collated
Holiday Specials:
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) - Script
Star Wars Holiday Special (1978) - Script
Christmas at Pee Wee's Playhouse (1988) - Pink
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oveliagirlhaditright · 10 months
At the table. Cordelia says something. Laughs. Angel shakes his head - finally laughs, too. Maybe at her. Maybe at not. Cordelia looks radiant - in full flirt mode.
Who looks at herself. At the mess that Buffy is. She hesitates. Then starts to turn away.
So, what's interesting about this part of the Halloween script here, is that segment about whether you weren't supposed to know if Angel was laughing with Cordelia or at her, basically.
Because in the actual scene--the way that David played it--it definitely seemed like he found Cordelia's joke funny. Many people actually feel like that's one of the most genuine laughs we ever got from Angel, and I do get why.
Also, in the script, that whole part was before Cordelia's line about her Barbie dream car, which she did say later on in the script (that's not actually what Angel laughed at in the script. We don't know what he was laughing about at all there. Clearly in shooting--or in editing--they changed the order of things a bit.).
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chasingfictions · 1 year
doublemeat palace as about bodies and autonomy and systems!!!!! buffy moving as a body within the minimum wage service economy with the things that allow her full personhood being stripped away systemically by her employer ("in it for life. like me. you wanna get something out of this, Buffy? you'll do the same." / " yeah. they all start to look the same to me too." / "do you think they'll mind if I take another break? "we're not allowed. downtime robs us all."). and then anya within the system of marriage and heterosexuality and there's something about that being questioned by halfrek that's like. okay what would it mean for you NOT to put your body through this system. the simple question of : "so, um … you're marrying that man with the large upper arms?" "yes" "why?" . and then Willow in the process of renegotiating what it is to live in her body in this world then having her bodily autonomy violated by Amy ("You don't get it. What you did to me was wrong. Do you have any idea how much harder that makes, just, everything?") but in a way that nonetheless doesn't recognize that that's just what she did to Tara.
meanwhile dawn is processing the reality of what it means to have to live in a world run by money ("but that means she's gonna have like crap jobs her entire life, right? Minimum wage stuff. I mean, I could still grow up to be anything. But for her … this is it.") . in a way that is also about buffy and dawn's different roles in life and buffy's bodily autonomy being violated at 15 and in another way being violated in time immemorial when sineya's autonomy was violated, and how "i could still grow up to be anything. but for her, this is it" is about buffy's slayerhood. but also it's dawn in a moment of contending with her own powerlessness -- as a minor who sustained an injury a few weeks prior because of one of her caregivers wasn't in control of their body either, and trying to figure out a way out of this system. is there a way for her to have power. and there isn't yet, not like this -- like, the next two episodes again in the dawn pov are about her having no power over what her caregivers decide to do or how that affects her life. and then the macrocosm of that extending to the spuffy conversation in the dmp which a) is so funny bc it's just like wow ok two upper middle class guys say what. please youre embarrassing yourselves. and b) is like.
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this could just be any conversation about buffy's general attitude towards life as a whole in this season. in the last season. like, don't make this harder and the throughline of hardness throughout this season --
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and like, this season being so much about the way buffy's life is not in her control and you can see it with all the time-fucky and identity-bending plots of the season, and this episode is engaging with that in such an interesting way bc the dmp does feel like this liminal time-stuck space where you lose your personhood but that's also not through magical means like in life serial or tabula rasa or dead things it's just baked in societally, economically, structurally. and maybe im getting away from myself but like, the way buffy's entire life has been this timefuck and this identity bending, personhood-denying experiment. what does it do to your perception of time to know you're going to die before you reach 25. that you just have less time than everyone else. buffy's managers pointing to their 5-year, 10-year badges, and buffy knowing that she's currently 7 years into slayerhood and her number's been up twice already. the identity-bending and autonomy-denying of all of that being forced upon her at age 15, simply being told that this is her life now, forever.
and like, all of that is so highlighted in this specific episode because i do think like, buffy is vampirecoded all series yeah but all season in particular, she is undead, she crawls from her grave, she came back wrong, "sun sets and she appears" "every single night the same arrangement," all of that. but in this episode in particular there's something about the almost cryptlike sunlessness of the employee area of the doublemeat palace. the insistence that they need to eat the food the dmp produces mirroring the like, closed cycle of vampires feeding on blood, it's just blood in and blood out. doublemeat in and doublemeat out. the way they're also slowly being fed on by wig lady, and by the system, and the way all vampires are also victims of vampires, and vampires also are about autonomy and denial of personhood. we're told it seven episodes into the series. "a vampire isn't a person at all" and the way especially the first vampires we meet in the series are so invested in hierarchy, in system, that that's seemingly a tremendous part of vampiric culture and just like!! also buffy affirming some piece of her identity by taking a break she's not supposed to take to go have sex with a vampire in the alley and engage in this very bodily and human act with someone whose body is not human and instead is meant to be abject, and it's this tiny and sad little moment of trying to assert her personhood in the middle of endless systems that deny it .
anyway something something capitalism and the alienation of the worker from the body something something how patriarchy and capitalism are threaded together through the explicit villains of the doublemeat palace but the implicit villains of the watchers council and straight marriage and the american family structure. something something willow saving buffy and herself at the end of this episode and her doing that in the process of telling buffy about what happened with amy and processing her feelings about it and something about these two friends who love each other and have known each other since they were sixteen and didnt know fully how badly the world was going to try to mangle them standing there still alive and still themselves after an entire episode of feeling like they are the last people in control of themselves. willow being the one to save buffy for once, and then affirming a boundary to amy and she doesnt get it yet but maybe she will some day and buffy returning to the doublemeat palace but on her own terms and i dont know that i have a conclusion because i think there isnt one, it's just the whole thing, the whole season about what does it mean to really try to live in the world . can we find a way to survive. i dont know. can we? let's keep trying anyway. ill throw this monster that's about to eat you into the meat grinder to prove it.
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isagrimorie · 2 years
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From Buffy Shooting Script - Season 3 Episode 14 - Bad Girls for @explosionshark
Buffy passes by pulling Faith out back to her.
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buffy really said the culmination of my day is having a silly little encounter with spike, just feel out of sorts until i get to slap him around a bit. once a day i have gotta do my favorite hobby, get so frustrated by the vampire i keep as a pet i kiss him!
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liam-summers · 2 months
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BtVs | 03.20 | The Prom
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juniperhillpatient · 3 months
also I have to tell you guys how annoying & loud I am about my interests & how well my siblings know me because it made me laugh. me & my sister were listing our top 10 fictional characters & I was in my top 5 & paused for a long time & she sighs and rolls her eyes & goes “rose I know for a fact jet is in your top 5 don’t pretend he’s not it’s literally ok you already listed azula you can have more than one avatar character in the top 5” (I was trying to diversify it since I love a lot of media ok lmao). then later my parents were talking about rain wilson & his roles & my brother laughs & goes “well only rose will get this but he’s great as a fish boy” like yeah ok I get it I’m predictable & known lmao
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