#bruhhhhhhhhh PLEASE
marmorenshud · 6 months
two people have offered to buy the bike and jumped off at the last second and i just ;; i need to get rid of it and I really need the money before the 10th aaaaaa
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4giorno · 2 years
wait does it actually say avatar_sword if you datamine dains model?
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candyradium · 3 years
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Story time:
So yk how I do morning announcements right, and Im currently doing online school (until the 19 for after break). I usually wake up at 7:45 on MWF because I CANT look crusty in front of 250+ people right.
Howevet, on fridays, we record videos in advance and use those for the announcements. GOOD NOW THAT THATS OUT OF THE WAY
We sent our teacher the vid and shes super busy so I figured she was gonna do it in the morning. BUT I WOKE UP, ENTERED THE TEAMS CALL RIGHT-
And usually our vice principal shares his screen and on friday he has two tabs open, one for the national anthem and another one for the video.
So in my mjnd, I was like oh shit because I AM NOT OPENING MY CAMERA LOOKING CRUSTY SMFH
So your girl was uploading the video to email and sent it to him all in 1min and 30s DURING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM PLEASE IVE NEVER BEEN SI STRESSED IN THE MORNING
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ccwastaken · 4 years
Franny I love u sm stop you dont have to draw for meeeee,,,,, bruhhhhhhhhH wtf why are people so nicE 😡😡😡 literally tho please dont feel obligated to draw me something I am okay, thank you sm
We just want the best for you man!!!
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pizzarollpatrol · 5 years
Fic Rec List #4 2/3/2019
First rec list of 2019! As always, thank to all these beautiful writers for sharing. 40 fics on this list this time. If a link doesn't work, please let me know! I’ll be happy to fix it.  
You Don't Have to be Alone by @thottybarnes
Summary: In which Bucky Barnes, a soldier who lost his arm on a peacekeeping mission overseas in Syria is having issues adjusting to being a disabled man in modern times. You, Barnes’ best friend since childhood, take it upon yourself to help him the best you can. Bucky x Reader. —— Oh my god I loved this so much. I just really love your writing.
Safe House by @thottybarnes 
Summary: When a mission goes south, you make it a personal mission to make your boyfriend, Bucky Barnes, see the light at the end of the tunnel by taking him to your safe house. Bucky x Reader.
Peppermint Shake by @thottybarnes
Summary: In which Reader happens to buy a peppermint milkshake with a cherry and two straws while on a date with her best guy. 40s!Bucky x Reader—— I love this one so much, its so sweet and endearing. 
Hero for Hire by @delicatelyherdreams
Summary: Tired of constantly being sat on the sidelines for missions, Bucky Barnes deciders that he’s going to do his own hero work and office his services to the public as a freelance “hero for hire.” he expects to be asked to rescue cats from threes or help little old ladies cross the street, but he doesn’t expect to get tangled up in your life. He definitely doesn’t expect to fall for you either. But, when you’re a hero for hire, you’ve gotta see the mission through. Bucky x reader. Completed series.—— holy fuck. Y’all, if you only read one fic from this list, read this one!!! Oh my god it is such a ride. I loved this fic with my whole ass heart and I got so freaking invested. 
Touch me Tenderly by @delicatelyherdreams
Summary: You’ve never seen his skin, never seen his scars. He’s scared to show them, but maybe all he needs is to feel your tender touch. Bucky x reader.
Day Off by @softlybarnes​
Summary: Bucky really wants to take a nap with the reader, but she just wants to read.Bucky x reader. —— Holy crap. This is literally the softest thing I’ve ever read. This is my actual dream, I absolutely loved this and I desperately want this in life. I love how clingy he is and I love how despite how he’s touching her, its still just innocent, grounding touch. I love this fic with my whole ass heart, definitely one of my favorites. 
Sad by @softlybarnes
Summary: The reader, who has struggled with depression all her life, slips back into that deep sadness. Bucky is worried and tries his best to help. Bucky x reader. —— I was crying almost the entire time i read this, it’s so beautiful and heartbreaking
Sugar by @softlybarnes
Summary: Bucky survives the war and comes home just a little bit changed. His girl loves him anyway, and she knows exactly how to show it. Bucky x Reader. Smut. —— YOOOOOOOOO. Dude I just love your writing so much, you don’t understand the happiness I feel every time i read one of your fics. I loved this one so much. I love the way to talk to each other and how they carry their relationship.
Casual by @writing-parker
Summary: The reader has been seeing Steve for more than a year now, stuck somewhere between friends with benefits and an actual relationship. He wants to commit to you, but he cant let himself. You overhear a conversation you wish you hadn’t-learning much more about the way Steve feels about you than you ever wanted. Steve Rogers x reader. —— My heart BROKE. Even tho know you see how Steve feels about the reader from his thoughts, I still couldn’t help but hate him. God, this was so good. 
Give Him Back by @soopranatural
Summary: The Hulk is not an idiot, he knows when he is needed and he knows when he is not. Bruce Banner x Enhanced!Reader. —— Oh my god. ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod. This is the first Bruce fic I’ve ever read and I feel in love. I love how you characterized Hulk and it was so sweet. This fic definitely left me wanting more Bruce and Hulk fics.
Firefighter!Bucky Drabble by @hootyhoobuckaroo
Summary: If firefighter!Bucky rescued you from a fire, realistically you wouldn’t even know it was him. Bucky x Reader.—— AHHHHHH I never even considered Firefighter!Bucky until now and I can’t stop thinking about it. I loved this sooooo much. 
Eggnog by @buckyforbreakfast
Summary: Bucky as a little too much and gets creative with the gingerbread men. Bucky x Reader. —— I know, I know, Christmas passed already but holy crap. I was not about to leave this fic out of the list. Its so cute, I could not contain myself.
Baby by @paradisaicsam
Summary: Different situations in which reader makes Peter flustered by calling him baby. Peter Parker x Reader. —— Oh i loved this one so so much. Its so sweet and endearing.
A Restless Night by @221bshrlocked
Summary: “My room is haunted, so I have to sleep in yours.” Steve x reader. Smut.
Things Change by @fvckingavengers
Summary: After completing a rough mission, Bucky and the reader retreat to her family’s vacation home as a safe house. Bucky x reader. 
Effortless by @supernovasandcoronas
Summary: “I’ll be right back” kisses: A puts their hands on B’s shoulders from behind them, where they are sat on the couch. He leads down around, while B turns his head a little, accepting the quick peck. Sam Wilson x reader.
Fresh Eyes by @supernovasandcoronas
Summary: You’re a pharmacist in one of the busiest pharmacies in Brooklyn. When some of the Avengers start picking up their medications from your pharmacy, you know life is about to get infinitely more interesting. Sam Wilson x Poc!Reader
Oxytocin by @supernovasandcoronas
Summary: Touches that may or not lead to something more. Bucky x reader.
Gentle by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Summary: Y/N has never seen Bucky be anything but gentle and loving. It’s hard for her to believe her boyfriend was ever the world’s deadliest and most lethal assassin. Bucky x reader. —— Oh god, I loved this with my whole ass heart. 
Swipe Right by @avengerscompound
Summary: Sam Wilson signs Steve up for Tinder. When the woman he Super Likes during Sam’s tutorial messages him, Steve goes from unwilling dating app user to developing feelings. Steve  Rogers x Reader. Completed series.
Breakfast in Bed by @avengerscompound
Summary: Children really do change things They also have terrible timing. Steve x reader.
Dead Serious by @puppy-barnes
Summary: When you accidentally kill a man after a night with friends, you call your boyfriend Bucky to come save the day. Bucky x Reader. —— God, I loved this so much. Its so original and hysterical and I’ve read this so many times. 
Polaroids by @spidey-holland67
Summary: May gets Peter a camera for his birthday, ever since then he cant stop taking pictures of you. He always kept them in a box in his room, but one day some one finally finds them. Peter Paker x Stark!Reader. Smut
Sharing by @elivanah
Summary: Steve’s girlfriend finds out that Steve and his best friend used to share their women. Steve x reader x Bucky. Smut.  —— If this aint the hottest shit I’ve read in a while. 
What Feels Right by @waywardmoeyy
Summary: Castiel makes a move on the reader. Castiel x reader. 
Adrenaline Fix by @jaamesbbarnes
Summary: When you need to spice up your life and Bucky in intendedly provides the spice but also the comfort. Bucky x Reader. —— AHHHH IM SO SOFT YOU DONT EVEN KNOW. 
Lil Bit Floozy by @piscesbarnes
Summary: Bucky’s more prone to be responsive when you’re a soft drunken mess. Bucky x reader
Snowed In by @beckzorz
Summary: You’re all set for a vacation in the woods. A cozy cabin, a fireplace, solitude… Then a tall stranger falls through your front door. What’s a girl to do? Bucky x reader. —— Hannukah fic!!
Starshine by @a-splash-of-stucky
Summary: The starts feature in some important moments throughout your life. 40s!Steve Rogers x reader —— Absolutely loved this and shed a few tears by the end. 
Unusual Request by @a-splash-of-stucky
Summary: In which you dress up as a schoolgirl and have a threesome with Nat and Steve. Steve x Natasha x Reader. Smut.
How Long Will I Love You by @a-splash-of-stucky
Summary: Nothing Lasts forever, except, perhaps, your love for him. Artist!Steve Rogers x Artist!Reader. —— Just break my heart into billions of pieces i guess.
The Quest for Love by @sgtjbuccky
Summary: (Modern-Day!AU) Work has always been a priority for Bucky, leaving things like love long forgotten, and for him it’s no problem, but for Sam and Steve it is the biggest problem to grace this earth. Fed up with Bucky and his constant protests and avoidance of love, they set him up on a series of dates to find the girl of his dreams with the help of the magical spirit of December. Only for Bucky to realize love isn’t always found where one goes looking for it, but may be close by. Bucky x reader. Completed series. —— Ohhhhhhhh my goddddddddd.  The love i have for this series is unreal. I love their banter and playfulness and how easy going their whole relationship us. Its so fun and sweet and endearing. 
Say It by @sgtjbuccky
Summary: In where you loved Bucky unconditionally, enough to sacrifice your life for his happiness, now Bucky tries to save you. Bucky x reader. Completed series. —— Bruhhhhhhhhh, this is such a good ass series. Unrequited love, sacrifice and soooo much pain. Love this fic with my whole ass heart.
Already Yours by @sgtjbuccky
Summary: Bucky hasn’t had the best of luck trying to charm you, but when confidence finally washes over him, he makes his move only to realize is ain’t as smooth as he used to be, but that may not be a bad thing at all. Based on prompt: “You keep licking your lips and giving me that look, you don’t even know me, yet I’m already yours”. 40s!Bucky x reader.
The Three Times Steve Caught You by @bucky-plums-barnes
Summary: Bucky is back from the war, you have time to make up for. Sometimes it’s interrupted. 40s!Bucky x reader. 
Woman Like a Drug by @writingcroissant
Summary: Bucky thinks naughty thoughts and you’re not ready to reveal a secret. Bucky x reader
Out of Touch by @buckitybarnes
Summary: “I think i requested this one before but i really want this fic! Bucky always to goes to hang with the reader when he wakes up with nightmares because he thinks she’s always still up. In reality, reader make FRIDAY wake her up when Bucky gets up at night so she can comfort him and Steve finds out.” Bucky x reader. —— This tore my heart to bits.
I Just Want Attention by @buckysforeverprincess
Summary: You begin to have doubts about your relationship with Steve as he starts to pull away from you. Steve x reader. —— Oh fuck, whatever I had left of a heart was destroyed. 
Kinkmas - Day Eight by @beardandbooty
Summary: Subby rope bunny Bucky. Bucky x reader. Smut. —— Technically this is more of an headcanon/drabble (???) than a fic but It was too good to not put it on the list. Also, i love the term rope bunny, and Bucky’s last line in this fic.
Headcanon by @prettyyoungtragedy
Summary: Ask: “Being one of the best assassins ever known, Bucky lord to use his skills and stealth to get handsy with you whenever he can. He can almost have you on the verge of coming on the couch while everyone is in the same room watching movies and they never notice.” Bucky x reader. Smut. —— Also a headcanon, but I loved this a little too much. 
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birbsoffeathers · 2 years
Give the right to GSC to make nendoroids please
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yuu-be-good · 6 years
OH OH CAN I ASK SOMETHING!? Could I ask for Vanilla, English Breakfast, and Spearmint, please? Thank Yuu! *CLINGS TO YOUR HEAD*
Of course tiny one, ask whatever you want! *pets your head* It’s been a while, how you been?
Vanilla: How long does it usually take you to fall asleep?
Bruhhhhhhhhh *groans* I’m always tired but it takes forever for me to sleep but it’s usually just me stalling by scrolling through tumblr or the internet til I get overly exhausted and just pass out in about 20 mins or so.
English Breakfast: Have you eaten today?
I finally just had a proper meal after some days. I made teriyaki chicken and rice.
Spearmint: What’s an interesting fact about you?
Interesting huh? I actually had to think on this a lot so much. Then I realized, I have a weird thought process. It’s very dissective and just straight up different. I take way too many steps to figure out simple things :D
Tea Ask
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marlene-maybe-blog · 6 years
What was my muses 5 last sent texts yours?
{Marlene}: stop texting me youre annoying and i hate u{Marlene}: be my wingman tonight i need to fuck someone before i go crazy{Marlene}: friendly daily reminder that james loves me more than u hahahahahah{Marlene}: BRUHHHHHHHHH{Marlene}: THAT LAST SET WAS HYPE AS FUCKKKKK
What was my muses 5 last unsent texts yours.?
{Marlene}: please{Marlene}: you wanna get a drink?{Marlene}: why dont you text me anymore??{Marlene}: i miss your music{Marlene}: i think remus is tryina be my friend???
What was my muses last snapchat to yours?
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What my muse saved your number as?
What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
One of Sirius’ songs
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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How many times my muse has called yours this week?
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
A lot.
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bruhhhhhhhhh! none of us actually know bruno please stop saying that we know of him we dont know him personally for me bruno is filipino and puerto rican because thats what he says he is i KNOW when i look at him i see a black biracial person but he dont claim it so let it go but if he was to come out and say hey you guys i am mixed with black now i would be like okay you got that dna test...😂😂😂 because i dont live off of anything but facts fam we aint just taking anyone in the black comunity
okay guys i gotta admit i laughed pretty hard @ this post 😂😂😂😂
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