#brier as sunshine
arojenniferwalters · 1 month
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Love and Sunshine (2019)[15.3.2024] Directed by Ellie Kanner
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renniecirque · 2 years
.: The Betel Siblings :.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Betel Family was once a well-respected noble name within the Draconia Court, serving as local Apothecary and Healer Merchants in the Briar Valley. The family at the time was blessed with two sons, the eldest known as Brier, and young little Thorne. Barely at what a human would be considered three, Thorne was a beam of sunshine in the gloomy days within the Valley. Finding beauty in their war-ravaged world, following his dear brother Brier around like a curious little duckling, much to their servants’ disdain. Young Master Brier had school work to finish, Thorne had to leave him be. And yet, the small fae simply pouted until he was given permission to join in the private lessons, even if all he did was play with his small plush dragon and drift off at the countless re-tellings of ancient magic. The two children were nearly inseparable, Brier acting as a protective figure towards the younger as they ventured through the Royal Rose gardens during what should’ve been Prince Malleus’ birthday. Brier couldn’t remember the last time the kingdom had last witnessed a proper celebration- his mother proclaimed one of the last was around his own birthday as Prince Malleus had also been born around then. The memories were foggy at best, and filled with mourning at Worst. Since the passing of the dear Queen and King- the Valley hadn’t known of such happiness. Still, the children simply hoped the prince was enjoying himself on his day, locked up within that lone castle. As a keepsake of the special day, the two were gifted roses from the royal family garden, in which they pressed to preserve in one of their many tomes. As Thorne grew older, he grew close to a young human child at the outskirts separating the Valley from the Human kingdom. As tensions were still high between the two species after a tense and violent war, many were skeptical of each other. And yet, their childish innocence didn’t see anything wrong with their meeting. Thorne could show the human such fantastical things he’d never known. Could whisk them both up in the air to see the beautiful foliage with his broom- could create the most magical worlds for them both to play in with his ever-evolving Magic. A Magic that would change Thorne’s life Forever. One fateful night, the magic fairytale turned into a nightmare. Still unskilled and young with his magic, Thorne weaved a beautiful scene for the both of them to play in. However, not realizing the scale of his power, the human child was lured to what appeared to be a beautiful rose bush. Only for it to be a ditch within the Valley’s mountain-like terrain. Leading to the sharpest Briar Thorns below. A final curse to the humans who robbed them of their kin by the Queen Mother herself. The fantasy ended with a wail of distorted screams. Reality and fantasy mixing together as Thorne struggled to pull his injured friend from the thorny mess below. All he could hear within the cries were his own name being repeated over and over. Thorne. Thorne…. Thorne!!!!! The damn BETELS! Those accursed FAERIES! All Thorne could remember was the shadowy figure of his brother shielding him from an eventual iron strike days later- the screams and hate spilling from human lips who wished the family downfall. A Fae hurt a human child, was the reasoning. The peace treaty had meant nothing to their disgusting kind, they screeched. They demanded action. An accident was viewed as a purposeful revenge for the loss of their Royalty. An eye for an eye- yet those who understood the young fae knew this was never the case. It was a magical play gone wrong. The child lived, Thorne begged for help for his friend, and yet… the humans were too blind to see his efforts. Clouded by the Past. In a selfless act and love for her very children- a Mother spirited the family away. Forgoing life within the Court, giving up every last rich and honor they had accumulated for hundreds of years. A Mother only wishing for her children to be spared the wrath of iron and human rage. And so, The Betels began life anew within the deepest forest of the Valley. A humble life, a life only of love and the Land’s bounty. To go from a manor of servants and tutors to a little cottage barely large enough to fit the family of four- it was eye-opening to say the least. To save his heart from the ancient superstition, little Thorne took it upon himself to free himself from the final curse thrown towards their family name. Knife in hand, shaking and crying by the pitch black river… Those who know of your True name have Control over you. A name is a powerful thing. Hair was sliced and burned. The final time his name was ever spoken was breathed into the air. That fateful night was the Death and Funeral of the person known as Thorne Betel. And in it’s place, the morning birds sang of the birth of Rennie. The Betels lived and learned there was no better treasure than one of Family. Of hard work, everyone doing their part to keep the home functioning. Much like the Ancient Rose Princess’ humble childhood, the Betels lived with nothing but each other. Soon, another Betel joined the family. A little girl, blessed by the very same Roses as the Briar Princess herself- little Folia of no words but incredible magic. Her blissful ignorance of Humans would be the key the family needed to regain what was lost so long ago. And Awaken Thorne- Not of Death but of Sleep.
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chrssywakeup · 2 years
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Em nome da Excalibur, SUNSHINE CHRISTINE “CHRISSY” BOO em seus 25 anos, jura seguir o legado de FADA MADRINHA durante a sua estadia na Academia dos Legados. Com a sabedoria concedida a ela, deve se manter caminho da luz enquanto conclui o MÓDULO II.III. Com a bondade tocada em seu coração, recebe SINCERIDADE e não se permite ser corrompida por TEIMOSIA. Por último, é deixado um corte na mão de HAILEE STEINFELD como prova de seu comprometimento com a luz.
                                                    -- WANTED CONNECTIONS --
nome: Sunsgine Christine Boo 
apelido: Chrissy. Sun, Sunny, Shine
idade: 25
gênero: Mulher cis
orientação sexual: Heterossexual 
ocupação: Atriz na Briar Productions e Fotografa da Bibbidi News (em segredo)
dormitório: Sim
mãe: Fada Madrinha
irmãos: Blizzard, Pumpkin e Blossom
cor dos olhos: castanho
cor do cabelo: castanho escuro
altura:  1,73
detalhes: possui uma tatuagem escondida.
face claim: hailee steinfeld
Existe quem diga que as estações do ano tem algum poder de influencia sob aquele que nasce em seu domínio. E foi no dia mais quente do ano, em pleno verão Arthuriano, que a Fada Madrinha decidiu criar uma segunda criança, uma menina desta vez, que logo foi batizada de Sunshine, alguns inclusive culpam a garota por aquele calor infernal, e quem sabe realmente ela tivesse algo com isso. 
A questão é que fosse pelo calor extremo ou uma possível falta de concentração por parte da Fada, Sunshine veio sem os característicos cabelos loiros e olhos claros, quase como se fosse o completo oposto do irmão mais velho, e apesar de admira-lo mais do que tudo, ela gostava de ser “diferente”, ao menos no quesito de aparência. Durante seus primeiros anos de vida, tudo o que Sunshine queria era agradar a mãe, fazê-la orgulhosa e ser um verdadeiro exemplo. Com 3 anos ela começou a atuar na Brier Productions, onde ganhou o apelido ou nome artístico de Chrissy. Tinha um talento natural, um belo sorriso e uma voz de dar inveja, que conquistava todos que a ouviam. Porém, apesar de todo o seu esforço incessante, e da vontade de se provar para a matriarca, nada nunca parecia ser o suficiente para chamar a atenção da mãe.
Conforme foi crescendo, a necessidade de agradar a Fada Madrinha foi sendo deixada de lado, estava cansada de ser aquele modelo perfeito de filha arthuriana, a atriz queridinha do reino, sendo obrigada a agir de maneira bela recatada e do lar, tinha seus passos assistidos pelo reino inteiro, quase um Keeping Up With Chrissy, ao menos era assim que se sentia.
Quando completou 16 anos, cansada de toda exploração que forçara a si mesma, decidiu dividir sua vida em duas, existia aqueles que conheciam Chrissy a atriz, aquela que conseguia todos os papéis, filha da grande Fada Madrinha, a que reinava sob os meros mortais, era aquela que vivia em frente as câmeras. E tinham aqueles poucos que conheciam Sunshine, uma garota um pouco mais divertida, mais desastrada, teimosa que só ela, mas que daria a vida por aqueles que ama, aquela que descobriu uma paixão pela fotografia e começou a trabalhar com isso, chegando a trabalhar secretamente na Bibbidi News, suas fotos chegam até lá, mas ninguém sabe ao certo quem as tira.
Aos 18 ingressou na Academia e ganhou seus poderes, as coisas faziam um pouco mais de sentido agora, ela era como as estações do ano, com características diferentes a cada momento, tudo variando de acordo com seu humor e sentimentos.
Manipulação das estações -  é o poder de controlar as quatro estações do ano e os fenômenos relacionados a elas. Sendo assim  é capaz de manipular todas as temporadas do ano (primavera, verão, outono e inverno) e diversos elementos relacionados a elas de diversas formas (crescimento e desabrochamento de plantas, suas colorações, os ventos e brisas, neve, chuvas. - uma vibe meio pepa de encanto). Porém, não tem controle total dos poderes, e só consegue fazer uma coisa por vez, envolvendo a estação atual. -
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deadlinecom · 2 months
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quirk-nova · 9 months
The Astronomical Chronicles Cast (Part 1)
(Click on the underlined links to learn more)
The Aura Quartzes
Apart from Universal Aura Quartz and Raven Black Aura Quartz, who represent Ophiuchus (from the Sidereal zodiac) and Cetus, respectively, the Aura Quartzes represent the traditional Western zodiac. They are all able to emit auras that give them various abilities associated with the Western zodiac signs. The Aura Quartzes came into existence when Universal Aura Quartz and Raven Black Aura Quartz were granted permission from their creator, Brahma Diamond, to leave their home planet to explore the universe on a ship that had the ability to create the rest of the Aura Quartzes and even travel between realms.
Universal Aura Quartz
Raven Black Aura Quartz
Ruby Aura Quartz
Apple Aura Quartz
Celestial Aura Quartz
Angel Aura Quartz
Flame Aura Quartz
Champagne Aura Quartz
Tangerine Aura Quartz
Transformation Aura Quartz
Sunshine Aura Quartz
Cobalt Aura Quartz
Aqua Aura Quartz
Rose Aura Quartz
The Aura Quartz “Family”
A set of characters that includes Universal Aura Quartz’s artificial human child Nova and the other members of the Aura Quartz “family”. They are the only characters that don’t represent zodiac signs or constellations.
Nova Aura Quartz
Cloud Pearl
(Eye of) Brahma Diamond
The Anthronomics
A group of anthropomorphic animals from the Anthro Realm who represent the Chinese zodiac. Each animal is in possession of a gemstone that gives them enhancements and various powers associated with their associated Heavenly Generals, which are all Buddhist deities. The gemstones, created by the Guardian, were scattered across the Anthro Realm, allowing its future keepers to discover them by accident and unknowingly be transported to an uninhabited island, where they would then compete in a river race held by the Guardian, disguised as a human, to see if they were worthy of the gems’ powers.
Twilly Swarm
Cole Rufous
Amber Darana
George Lagomorff
Varana Prong
Balthazar Bane
Linda Trot
Hugh Epicur
Xin Brachia
Diederik Gasconade
Fidela Knochen
Eugene Wallow
The Searing Stars
A group of witches and demons from the Demon Realm who represent the Celtic zodiac. Their magic is associated with Celtic gods and goddesses, and they also have palismen that are based on their corresponding zodiac sign’s spirit animal. The Searing Keys are home to magical trees and plants that have the ability to create portals to the Earth Realm, but they can only be activated by powerful witches, which currently happen to be the Searing Stars.
Ordell Whittle
Minerva Vermeil
Thistle Speartwig
Rikki Algork
Winslow Waters
Joy Brier
Redmond Quercus
Bree Holliex
Schuyler Dunn
Sibyl Liana
Zidane Graspen
Harmony the Tall
Eldred Berry
The Superterrestrials
A group of humans who represent the Native American zodiac. They own accessories that, when activated, give them physiologies that are all associated with the members’ corresponding zodiac signs. The Superterrestrials were given their magic accessories by Nova Aura Quartz, who was sent by their mother to give the trinkets to whoever they felt was fitting.
Wahid Timberlake
Clementine Farran
Brian Sickler
Florence Lebrun
Tate Haggard
Harriet Woodward
Albert Leaper
Sophia Navarro
Justin Blackburn
Melanie Schleicher
Doran Nocte
Ida Gander
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noisynutcrusade · 1 year
Three Women Share: "I Had a Molar Pregnancy"
“I was a labor and delivery nurse,” Brier, 34, said. “So, I knew that not everything was rainbows and sunshine when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth.” When her 2018 pregnancy seemed to end in miscarriage, she was devastated, but what came next was genuinely surprising, even for a nurse. “Once I had my bearings, everything got flipped upside down,” she said. Brier learned that she’d had a rare…
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bkillerwhale · 2 years
Memory; nothing that she brings to us is complete. She is a willful child; all her toys are broken. I remember tumbling into a huge dust-hole when a very small boy, but I have not the faintest recollection of ever getting out again; and if memory were all we had to trust to, I should be compelled to believe I was there still.
At another time—some years later—I was assisting at an exceedingly interesting love scene; but the only thing about it I can call to mind distinctly is that at the most critical moment somebody suddenly opened the door and said, "Emily, you're wanted," in a sepulchral tone that gave one the idea the police had come for her. All the tender words she said to me and all the beautiful things I said to her are utterly forgotten.
Life altogether is but a crumbling ruin when we turn to look behind: a shattered column here, where a massive portal stood; the broken shaft of a window to mark my lady's bower; and a moldering heap of blackened stones where the glowing flames once leaped, and over all the tinted lichen and the ivy clinging green.
For everything looms pleasant through the softening haze of time. Even the sadness that is past seems sweet. Our boyish days look very merry to us now, all nutting, hoop, and gingerbread. The snubbings and toothaches and the Latin verbs are all forgotten—the Latin verbs especially. And we fancy we were very happy when we were hobbledehoys and loved; and we wish that we could love again. We never think of the heartaches, or the sleepless nights, or the hot dryness of our throats, when she said she could never be anything to us but a sister—as if any man wanted more sisters!
Yes, it is the brightness, not the darkness, that we see when we look back. The sunshine casts no shadows on the past. The road that we have traversed stretches very fair behind us. We see not the sharp stones. We dwell but on the roses by the wayside, and the strong briers that stung us are, to our distant eyes, but gentle tendrils waving in the wind. God be thanked that it is so—that the ever-lengthening chain of memory has only pleasant links, and that the bitterness and sorrow of to-day are smiled at on the morrow.
It seems as though the brightest side of everything were also its highest and best, so that as our little lives sink back behind us into the dark sea of forgetfulness, all that which is the lightest and the most gladsome is the last to sink, and stands above the waters, long in sight, when the angry thoughts and smarting pain are buried deep below the waves and trouble us no more.
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Element Spotlight: El (Turkish) country, society
Hi guys, I've made a list of country names for you. They're based off the Turkish element el, which means "country, society". All of the other elements are also Turkish. This list could go on forever, so I just stopped when it got long haha. Let me know if there's anything you want me to add to it! :-)
Akel - white country, hoary country
Alel - red country, country of scarlet
Griel - gray country
Maviel - blue country
Morel - purple country, country of violet
Pembel - pink country, rosy country
Sariel - yellow country, pale country
Siyahel - black country, country of ebony
Yesilel - green country, verdant country
Adael - island country
Baharel - country of Spring, flowers and youth
Bulutel - cloud country, country of plumes
Buzel - country of ice
Çiçekel - country of flowers
Çölel - desert country, wild country
Dagel - country of mountains
Derel - creek country, country of streams
Deryael - ocean country, country of the waves
Gökel - sky country, society of the blue
Günesel - sun country, country of sunshine
Güzel - country of Autumn
Ilikel - warm, mild country
Inel - cave country, country of burrows
Karel - country of snow
Kirel - prairie country, country on the moor
Kisel - country of Winter
Ormanel - forest country, country of the jungle
Rüzgârel - wind country, country of the breeze
Sahilel - seaside country, country on the coast
Vadiel - country of the canyon
Yarel - cliff country, country on the precipice
Yazel - country of Summer
Bilimel - country of science, knowledge, and learning
Çiftlikel - farmstead country, country of ranches
Dokumael - country of weaving and textiles
Kokuel - country of flavor and fragrance
Madenel - mining country, country of metal and ore
Müzikel - country of music
Otlakel - country of pastures
Pirlantael - country brilliant diamonds
Sanatel - country of art, craft, and trade
Savasel - war country, country of fighting
Servetel - country of fortune, wealth, and riches
Tarlael - country of farmland
Tedaviel - country of healers
Adaletel - country of justice
Adilel - fair, honest, just country
Güçel - country of power, strength, ability, force, and sword
Hirsel - country of desire, ambition, greed, and mettle
Kutsalel - sacred, blessed country
Periel - country of fairies, country of elves
Senel - happy country
Serefel - country of honor, dignity, glory, and pride
Vahsiel - wild, ferocious, brutal country
Yeniel - new country
Yetkiel - country of power, authority, and competence
Aksamel - country of the night
Aslanel - country of the lion
Ayel - country of the moon
Dikenel - brier country, country of thorns
Gülel - country of the rose
Günel - country of the sun and day, country of bees
Kumruel - country of the dove
Kurtel - country of the wolf
Melekel - country of angels
Kiliçel - country of the sword
Süsel - decorated country, country adorned with flowers
Yanginel - country of fire, country of the blaze
Yilanel - country of the serpent
Yildizel - star country, astral society
Aciel - country of pain, suffering, hurt, grief, and sorrow
Çürümüsel - rotten country, country of decay
Iblisel - country of demons
Kanel - country of blood
Kemel - haunted, evil, sinister country
Uçurum - country of the abyss
Yikimel - country of ruin, havoc, disaster, blight, and death
Zalimel - cruel, tyrannical country
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lilacandladybugs · 3 years
hello lilac, i know you've probably never listened to it and it might not be your style, but just so you know the lyrics of Infected Mushroom - Savant on Mushrooms make me think of you. and idk how to do line breaks or anything so here they are if you're curious: "You know God is in the rain / How else can you explain / how it takes away the pain / How sunshine puts a smile on our souls / makes the love in us call / makes us want to feel at all"
thank you im in a crying mood right now and that was really nice
that reminds me of saturn by sleeping at last, "You taught me the courage of stars before you left / How light carries on endlessly, even after death / With shortness of breath /You explained the infinite / And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist"
he orchestrates the world even the wind and the seas obey him and he holds us so gently,, thank you anon this was kind
More similar vibes:
Job 37 ->
"God thunders wondrously with His voice,
Doing great things which we do not comprehend.
For to the snow He says, ‘Fall on the earth,’
And to the downpour and the rain, ‘Be strong.’
He seals the hand of every person,
So that all people may know His work.
Then the animal goes into its lair
And remains in its den.
From the south comes the storm,
And from the north wind the cold.
From the breath of God ice is made,
And the expanse of the waters is frozen.
He also loads the clouds with moisture;
He disperses the cloud of His lightning.
It changes direction, turning around by His guidance,
That it may do whatever He commands it
On the face of the inhabited earth."
1 Kings 19 ->
The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Isaiah 55 ->
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, 11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. 12 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. 13 Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.”
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I'm thinking of reading Kencyrath, but I'm not sure whether i'll like it. What do you like about the series? Who would you recommend it for?
OKAY SO, first, the people I would recommend it to:
Anyone who read or watched more than half a book/four episodes of Game of Thrones--the Kencyrath has a similar list of trigger warnings, but commits much harder to the fantasy angle, and in my opinion deals more directly with the ethical problems raised by those trigger warnings
People who like those posts picking apart the minutiae of how high fantasy worlds work--the Kencyrath is one of the only series I’m familiar with that answers the question of “okay great you have a warrior race, so how does that actually work” with “it kind of doesn’t, everyone is starving half the time because we’re all warriors and our land can barely grow food, so if our mercenaries don’t get paid, we don’t eat”
People who like a mix of “low fantasy” moral questions (the first book is kind of like...hm, Lies of Locke Lamora?) with classic “high fantasy” political machinations and battles of good vs evil and such--the Kencyrath HAVE a grand sweeping destiny more or less on their doorstep, but they’ve sort of fallen down on the job about it
People who like books that deal with trauma recovery--Jame, the main character, spends most of her time trying to drag herself (and, ideally, her brother, cousin, and entire race) out of the cycle of abuse that they’ve all lived through, and every character has, to some extent, a trauma that shapes their actions one way or another
People who don’t mind a big cast as long as there are a couple main characters to focus on--the Kencyrath ends up being a pretty expansive cast, with a lot of schemes running at any given time, but it always revolves around Jame and her twin brother Tori
People who like complex societal worldbuilding and Loyalty Stuff--the Kendar/Highborn dynamic (warrior class/ruling class) is so wonderfully messed up and I love how seriously the books take both the advantages and massive pitfalls of that kind of society
People who listened to TAZ Balance and thought that the Hunger was really cool and terrifying and wanted a whole book series about the sequence where the world is fighting it
Anyone who ever read a standard high fantasy book with a Rambunctious Young Lady as the lead and went “this is fine, but if you’re going to spend 250 pages telling me that this girl is wild and uncontrollable, I would like to see her go completely feral, please”--Jame’s brain plays Yakety Sax 24/7 and you can TELL, so if you ever wanted a book where the Unladylike Lead Character goes genuinely apeshit, but also learns how to make friends and respect the value of traditionally feminine work even if it’s not for her
People I would recommend NOT read the Kencyrath:
Anyone who knows they are triggered by written discussion of assault, abuse, sexism, coercion, torture, flashbacks, racism, murder, or basically any other major trigger warning--I personally think the books deal with things pretty well, and they’re never grimdark, but they deal with a lot of incredibly heavy material, including child abuse, sexual assault, coercion, and torture.  If you know you have a major trigger that really messes you up when you read about it, please exercise caution and feel free to contact me for more details.  Also, if you have a specific trigger and want a different book recommendation, I have them on tap.  
Anyone who struggles to read or connect with “problematic” characters--pretty much every character in this series will EVENTUALLY do something you don’t like, including Jame.  The books go very hard on “who you are is defined by how you handle making an irreparable mistake,” so be prepared for that.  If this is your hard stop but everything else is fine, I would recommend the Imperial Radch series by Ann Leckie (spaceships and war crimes and found family), or something by Robin McKinley (mostly fantasy), especially the Damar books or Sunshine!
Anyone for whom incest between twins is a hard stop--the primary romantic relationship is Jame/Tori, and while I would consider it easily the healthiest relationship in the series, that’s the ship and you should be aware of it.  If this is your hard stop but everything else is fine, I would recommend the Captive Prince series by CS Pacat (political scheming and romance) or the Winternight trilogy by Katherine Arden (fairy tale fantasy)!
The stuff I like about the series:
Jame.  I love that she’s allowed to be completely unhinged.  I love that she faces consequences for her actions.  I love her determination to slit reality open and lay it all out like a scientist in her search for the truth.  I love her willingness to face unpleasant realities, and I love the times when she can’t bear them and has to figure out how to deal.  I love every second she spends trying to figure out how honor works, and whether it’s even possible for a Highborn to be honorable, and how she can save her people without sacrificing who she is.  I love to watch people pick a fight with her and immediately learn the error of her ways.
Tori.  I know I pick on him a lot, and he deserves to be picked on, but Tori is really one of my favorite characters.  He struggles a lot more than Jame to move past their father’s abuse, and he makes a lot of genuinely harmful choices in the depths of that struggle, but I love watching the times where he wins.  It makes me frustrated beyond words when he caves to what he was taught, but I’m always elated when he can push past that and reveal the deeply loyal, sincerely honorable, incredibly good person that he became in spite of their father.  He’s a good leader, despite everyone’s best efforts, and I love to see him fight for his people.  Love to see him consider HIMSELF one of “his people” someday.
Kindrie.  I won’t say too much about him, except that I didn’t actually like him that much when I first read the books, for basically the exact reasons Jame didn’t like him much at first--he’s someone doing trauma recovery in the exact opposite way that I was comfortable with.  But god I love him so much, he is doing his best and his best is so much better than anyone would expect, from his past.  Truly the best boy in the Kencyrath, wise beyond his years and just insane enough to get into the disasters where he’s most needed.
The Kendar.  Instead of making this post 4k with individual bullet points about every Kendar I love, here is a brief litany.  I love Marc because he’s the only stable person in the Kencyrath.  I love Brier because she’s doing her best and it would be okay if everyone (including her) admitted that she doesn’t always know what that actually means.  I love Burr and Rue because their rabid determination to turn Tori and Jame (Confirmed Feral Cats) into real nobility will never NOT be funny to me.  I love Sheth Sharp-tongue because he’s the only person with his shit so together that not even Jame can ruffle him.  I love the Randir Kendar who didn’t move, at the start of Bound in Blood.  The Kendar are the most nuanced take on the concept of an eternally loyal warrior caste I’ve ever seen and I love them.
The Villains.  I believe I have established that I love a nuanced villain.  The Master is a pretty straight up and down villain figure, the voice of the darkness, John Hunger or Saruman or whatever else you might like to compare him to, but no one else is that simple.  I love the Dreamweaver, who didn’t know what she was doing and paid for it anyway.  I love Tyrandis, who knew what he was doing and did it and spent his eternity trying to fix it without breaking a single rule.  I do NOT love Caldane, but he’s a kind of viscerally real, slimy evil that is exceptionally well executed.  Likewise, I would like Rawneth to die, painfully, in short order, but godDAMN watching her chessboard unfold over the course of the books is hypnotic. The villains in this are GOOD, folks, and I like them.
I really need to wrap this up, so my last pick for what I like is Overpowered Characters.  I complain a lot about media that panics over powerful characters, and responds by taking that power away, or having unstable worldbuilding that means the character is weak when the narrative demands it.  The Kencyrath doesn’t do that.  Jame is bonkers powerful from day one, and pretty much maintains that level through the series.  Instead of focusing on characters building their power, like leveling in DnD, the Kencyrath focuses on the question of using power.  Jame’s power in the first book is terrifying not just because she’s insanely strong, but because she has no idea how to use it.  Likewise, Tori is determined pretty quickly to be at the same level that she is, but he’s in such deep denial that he’s as likely to kill himself as do anything useful.  It’s just very SATISFYING, okay, to have a series actually do interesting things with OP characters.  Sure, in a weird way Jame seems less like a magical nuke in book 8 than in book 1, but it’s because she’s not just throwing power around like someone playing darts blindfolded.  And watching her figure out how to harness her power into something useful is so gratifying.
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fluttershyfan12345 · 4 years
Incorrect Ever After High quotes.
Brier: *Sleeping in class*
Duchess: Wake up.
Brier: *takes off glasses* What do you want?
Duchess: You're ugly.
Brier: *puts glasses back on* And you look like a burnt garbanzo bean.
Darling: *to Apple,* Hey, I gotta be straight with you, I'm gay for you.
Sparrow: *to Apple and Darling* Hey ladies, I was wondering if you... knew the secret to a healthy relationship.
Apple and Darling: Communication.
Sparrow: Ok.
Rosabella: Whare do you want to eat, sunshine?
Daring: Sunshine? *turns to the sun* WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO MY LADY FOR?!?
Ginger: Hey Lizzy, wanna try my elderflower macarons~?
Lizzie: I take a stab at it, *Eats one,* *completely deadpan* Hot Diggity shit, that is a baller cookie.
Ginger: That's how I do.
Romona: *sniffs the air* Somethings different.
Justine: Oh, it's a new perfume, Poppy recommended...
Romona: NO, not you, I know what you smell like.
Justine: *mouthing* You do?
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cometkov · 4 years
This time I would like all of them... sooo let's do that... 12, 13, 27, 38, 42, 50, 59, 67, 77, 89, 97
ALL THE QUESTIONS IN THE WORLD!! (but seriously, ty, you’re the best!) 💙💫
12 - can they do magic?
if we’re talking about supernatural abilities, a yes for Brier and Oak! Sage, Mercy, and Auster can all see supernatural creatures while Robin knows about them, but can’t actually see them unless there’s a specific exception.
13 - do they believe in dragons?
Robin likes to think about the similarities between european dragons and pterodactyls because...there are a little too many similarities between the two.
27 - what is their favorite holiday?
Oak likes the equinoxes. Sage likes summer solstice and valentine’s day. Brier likes thanksgiving because of the food. Robin likes halloween. Mercy likes christmas because she gets to see lots of her family (plus gifts of course).
38 - do they get along with others easily?
Brier is a little awkward, but not particularly hard to get along with. Mercy comes off as cold at first, but quickly warms up to people. Robin can be difficult, even after you’ve know them for years. Sage is just a literal ray of sunshine.
42 - do they live with anyone? if so, who?
Auster, Brier, and Robin all live together. the past is a bit muddied, but Auster knew the twins’ parents before they passed away and ended up as their guardian. Oak also lives in the neighboring forest and constantly breaks through the warding charms all over the house to mess with them.
50 - if they got called out by someone, what would they do?
*chanting* fight! fight! fight!: Oak, Robin
would try to talk it out: Brier, Sage, Mercy, Auster
59 - what is their favorite song?
Mercy 100% listens to lofi and no one can change my mind. purely because it’s my favorite, Mercy’s would be hyacinth by In Love With a Ghost. Robin would be into IDKHBTFM and MCR—those kinds of things, so Soft Fuzzy Man by Lemon Demon. Choking on Flowers by Fox Academy has strong Brier vibes. for Sage, Locket by Crumb.
67 - what is something simple that makes them smile?
finding new words makes Robin really excited. sometimes Sage’s cat will curl up next to her and she absolutely melts. Brier gets really happy when she’s complimented. Oak likes being visited, even if people don’t exactly know she’s there. Mercy’s mom will come up behind her for a hug and it’s very wholesome™️. whenever Brier and Robin get along Auster feels like maybe he hasn’t lost all hope with the whole ‘being a parent’ thing.
77 - who would cheer them up after a long day?
Brier and Robin argue a lot, but at the end of the day, they’re there for each other. Robin will hand Brier a snack or Brier will leave a little trinket she found outside on Robin’s bookshelf; it’s the little things.
89 - have they ever been in a sword fight before?
Auster has been threatened with knives and had sharp, sword-like limbs of supernatural creatures pointed at him, but not a fight where both him and his opponent had swords. he wouldn’t know how to use one and would end up just stabbing vaguely in a direction.
97 - have you ever drawn them before? if you are comfortable with it, would you post a picture?
because i don’t have a single artistic bone in my body, i sadly have not drawn anyone. sometime’s i’ll draw like. a circle with a feature in my wip notebook just to break big chunks of text so i can read it, but that’s about it!
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jumperboy9-blog · 3 years
how To properly treat Cellulite.
how To remove Cellulite From Your Legs, bottom and Tum.
What Foods cause Cellulite?
comparative research Study Of Cryopen and fluid Nitrogen In Actinic Keratosis.
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We were established in January 2017 as well as have actually created significant experience in temperature level controlled storage, and also gas/cryo systems equipment as well as engineering. We're based down on Cardiff Docks in Wales, and also have a passion to service clients worldwide with remedies to any type of sort of cryogenic or storage troubles. The medical literary works has several reports of differing cryogenic freezing technics. Likewise, the thickness, location and hydration of the target cells can influence results.
Does dry brushing help cellulite?
Dry brushing can help get rid of dead skin cells and stimulate blood flow, but there's no scientific evidence that it reduces or eliminates cellulite. If you're looking to diminish the appearance of cellulite, there are a number of other treatments that are more effective at reducing cellulite than dry brushing.
Skin that looks plumped and also freshened-- all within a matter of minutes. " Whether cryotherapy is utilized on the body or face, it provokes vasoconstriction-- a reduction of the capillary size," describes Dr. Yannis Alexandrides, cosmetic surgeon and creator of 111 Skin. This restriction can provoke a huge variety of advantages, including pain relief, muscle healing and also stronger skin.
What Foods cause Cellulite?
Our initial item, launched in 1985, was the Cryostream cooler, which revolutionised the procedure of low temperature level data collection in X-ray diffraction. Today, the firm has a wide series of products targeted at reduced temperature data collection, from open circulation colders for solitary crystal diffraction to flat-plate chambers for powder diffraction. It's said that a good dosage of sunshine benefits your body and with this modern technology the light waves your skin is exposed to in conjunction with the cool temperature level has numerous advantages for your clients. More DetailsWith over 40 years experience of working with clinical and also recovery devices, our team believe we are able to use the best level of service in the marketplace. With all the latest test devices and also using up to day solution requirements, we can ensure your gadgets are operating properly and effectively. SiVL is a phrase for Super shielded Vacuum Lines, generally a type of thermos flask however in tubular kind.
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Cryo Health provide a complete option of cryotherapy treatments from our Brentwood clinic. You can find details on what you can expect from your cryotherapy experience as well as the treatments available using the links below.
ACTIVE La-Lipo has a lot is a cryogenic treatment using a local cryotherapy maker to use ultra-cooled Nitrogen gas to the targeted body location i.e. face, scalp and neck. Pressurised liquid nitrogen vapours are carefully blown over the surface area of the scalp, face and also neck. The appearance of the face is enhanced instantly as pores reduce as well as facial inflammation as well as "puffiness" are lowered, decrease of lines, wrinkles, acne. The skin ends up being tighter, more even-toned, as well as blood circulation is enhanced. Over time, the skin of the face regains flexibility as a result of the boost in collagen manufacturing which reinforces the skin, hair and nails in addition to removing & purging away contaminants. ENERGETIC Cryofacials can also be made use of to deal with inflammatory skin problem including acne, psoriasis, dermatitis as well as rosacea.
Fluid Cryo gives an extremely concentrated cold for a successful therapy. Our cryosurgical tools are geared up with a certain fluid gas dosing applicator. The driver can manage the release of adequate fluid N2O to deal with lesions without throwing away gas. With a temperature of -89 ° C/ -128 ° F the liquid gas is evaporating on the sore. A freeze thaw freeze technique is advised to accomplish maximum outcomes. This process causes the cells of the tissue to be ruined because of the cell membrane layer rupturing consequently of ice crystal development within the cell. With the Cyro 21 devices these fat cells are targeted by producing a thermal shock that lowers the surface area temperature level and also completely removes the fat cells via a procedure called "apoptosis".
relative research Of Cryopen and fluid Nitrogen In Actinic Keratosis.
La-Lipo.uk documentation .
The Cryo Sphere is offered you by Cryo Express as well as is distributed from our centre in the UK. This ball of marvel gives all the advantages of a traditional self myo-fascial launch in combination with cryotherapy. It will decrease swelling, pain as well as swelling and also the benefits can be really felt immediately. These 2 types of therapy allows specific therapy on any type of area of the body.
Hifu Face & Skin firm Treatments.
If the fluid nitrogen goes to -180 approximately in the storage space vessel, it needs to be provided at -180 at the point of usage. An SiVL pipework system does simply that, securing the fluid gas from heat and heat and reducing the boil-off, providing cool fluid nitrogen to your biobanks, cryostats, or experiments.
How long does it take to get rid of cellulite?
Several studies and researches done on cellulite show that if treated in a proper way it takes around 15-30 days to go away.
The gadget is electrically sustained to make sure the cold air within the chamber is dry, not wet. There is a big distinction in between both the treatment and experience in a dry chamber, incorporated to a wet one.
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This configured cell death occurs naturally in the body all the time, the treatment with Cyro 21 simply quicken this process to get the instant outcomes customers require. Cryotherapy literally indicates cold therapy and it is anything however new. First use of cold therapy goes as far back as 2500 BCE when the Egyptians utilized it to deal with injuries as well as inflammation.
What Can I Do If I Am miserable With The results Of My genital renewal?
Welcome to fat freezing Radlett , we provide a range of whole body cryotherapy treatments to help recovery, manage pain, enhance sports efficiency and supply an entire variety of appeal and anti-ageing benefits. This allows a fast decline in superficial skin temperature, while preserving the capacity to run all the time. Unlike other cooling down techniques, such as call air conditioning, cryogen spray or ice packs, the Cryo 6 lowers the skin temperature quicker, with much less risk of skin burns as well as keeps a constant dose throughout the whole treatment time. According to Ada Ooi, facialist as well as owner of 001 Skin care, cryotherapy may be able to deliver a noticeable increase to the skin's surface area, from the inside out. " Cryotherapy makes use of ice-cold temperature level to give a chilly shock to the skin, which will certainly send fresher blood to the targeted location," she describes. " Even more blood suggests a lot more oxygen, and a richer nutrient shipment, which flushes away toxins and also minimizes water retention." The result?
Your body's body immune system will certainly then naturally refine the fat and remove dead cells as well as you could experience up to a 40% reduction of fat cells in the treated location which will consequently cause a decrease of the fat layer thickness. Whether you choose to submerge your entire body into minus 85 degrees or our revitalizing purified air face therapy you will certainly experience the power of cold like never previously. At-home choices abound when it pertains to icy tools and also treatments.
As facialists seek to expand their powers beyond the beauty salon, numerous have introduced at-home items. Offered at Harvey Nichols, the brand name's unique Cryo Device uses a wand that compels -30 level air on the face.
let's discuss ... City Skin.
However if the biopsy shows some locations to be extremely slow-growing, these might not be dealt with.
Mottet N, Bellmunt J, Briers E, Van den Bergh RCN, Bolla M, Van Casteren NJ, et al
These will influence each guy differently, as well as you may not get all of them.
University College London Hospitals NHS Structure Depend On; 2014.
UCLH Client Info Sheet for Focal HIFU in guys with localised prostate cancer - the 'INDEX' research study.
. Find out more about what takes place if your cancer returns and also what treatments may be offered.
Whole-prostate HIFU treats the entire of the prostate and also takes about three hours.
HIFU normally triggers the prostate to swell to start with, which can make it tough to pee.
" This constricts the muscle mass, lifting as well as firming their appearance while calming inflammation, reducing pore dimension as well as sebum manufacturing," explains Alexandrides. While it's unquestionably a less enjoyable experience than a massage with a physical ice roller, the deeper infiltration is claimed to provide more than surface-level benefits, tightening up the skin on a reduced degree. Currently, similar to various other different therapies-- assume gua sha and also acupuncture-- cryotherapy has been fine-tuned into face treatments, created to function especially on our complexions. Our specially designed applicator precisely targets particular body areas with reduced- frequency acoustic wave. This procedure warms and also vibrates the layer of fat cells listed below the skin's surface area. It incorporates heating and also cooling down to safely as well as effectively remove fat cells.
Does sitting cause cellulite?
Prolonged periods of sitting are thought to reduce blood flow and cause these changes in areas prone to cellulite.
Featuring 360 ° cooling plates, a shipment of heat will certainly be related to the area being dealt with, which is made to improve blood circulation and also is after that followed by a cooling process, which will drop down to minus temperature levels. Our clinically approved cryotherapy chamber has actually been improved 7 years of experience and also has actually been used by various expert sports individuals around the globe. Our device has actually been designed to the highest spec in order to provide 100% risk-free use, reliability and also high quality, allowing you to have the best feasible experience.
A cryo chamber is not a clinical tool and ought to not be thought about a clinical tool. Dependence on any type of details appearing on this web site is entirely at your own threat. This reduction in temperature will certainly then start to freeze the fat cells in the targeted area without causing any damages to your skin.
The details, including yet not restricted to, message, graphics, pictures and other material contained on this internet site are for educational purposes only. The objective of this internet site is to advertise broad customer understanding and also knowledge of cryotherapy. It is not planned to be an alternative to specialist medical advice. Cryotherapy is not suggested as a type of treatment for any kind of health problem or disease without direction from your healthcare specialist.
Modern day cryotherapy can be traced to 1989 in Japan where Professor Yamauchi used a chamber to deal with the results of rheumatism in his people. Today, Whole Body Cryotherapy is used by best clubs and professional athletes throughout the globe to boost the after sports recovery, reduce inflammation and prevent injuries. On top of that, cryotherapy has shown to additionally have anti-analgesic, anti-oxidant impacts along with boost blood circulation, mood and rest, speed up the metabolism, enhance the immune system as well as invigorate the skin.
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kandsgoeast · 4 years
Gorgeous sunshine for our Brier Island hike today.
August 20, 2020
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flipsideds · 4 years
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
name: brier mackenzie bell-barnes ( goes by mac or bri, depending )
gender: male
general appearance: dark hair. big, light eyes. soft features. his resting expression is closest to a smile.
personality: it’s like someone took the softest bits of flip and lia and smushed them into a human. brier is kind. he starts volunteering young. unfortunately, he’s a disaster in the kitchen –– but what he lacks in culinary tact, he makes up for with charisma. he’s got an affinity for hearing stories; he never believed in his parents’ warnings not to talk to strangers.
special talents: can juggle a soccer ball 82 times in a row ( a school record ). blows the best gum bubbles. has a knack for guessing the time.
who they like better: his mom. she’s easier to talk to. his dad tends to ask more questions than answer them.
who they take after more: i’d say it’s a 50-50 mix. magnolia’s sunshine. flip’s heart. he certainly looks like flip, with his dark hair and pale skin, but he has his mother’s eyes. father’s smile.
personal head canon: when he was 6, he nearly burned down the kitchen trying to cook his parents an anniversary dinner. he all but rendered the chicken to ash, and the carrots and potatoes turned to mush. but flip and lia ate a few bites anyway ( and washed them down with ample wine ). they have ‘ book night ’ every sunday. all three of them sit in the living room and read their respective text, then enjoy a tea and chat through what they’re liking about it. what could be done better. their favorite quote of the night. brier had trouble learning how to read as a small child, so hearing him talk passionately about poe and other major authors makes flip one of the proudest men alive. a transcript of their conversations would sound a lot more like a college lit class than a parent-son reading night. intelligence runs high in the bell-barnes household.
face claim: louis partridge ( in his teen years )
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bunnybly · 5 years
[ MADELAINE PETSCH, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER, 21 ] // filed under: ( BLYTHE BROOKE ), student is a ( SECOND YEAR ) from ( CANADA ) who specializes in ( FIELD OPS ). we believe they will be an asset because they are ( COURAGEOUS & RESOURCEFUL ). however, we are monitoring them due to their tendency to be ( DITZY & CHILDISH ). at their basic state, they remind one of ( WEARING HEART-SHAPED SUNGLASSES WHILE LOUDLY CHEWING BUBBLEGUM, MESSY SPACEBUNS, AND BIG DOE EYED LOOKS ). our ( BUNNY ) has promise, but as we all know, brier isn’t for everyone. ✉ [ mace, 22, central, she/her ]
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hey y’all its macie again...i couldn’t resist anyway i lowkey stole this lil filler out template from somebody i don’t remember who it was but thank u <3
full name: blythe bailey brooke nicknames: bly, bee, bb codename: bunny sexual orientation: bi-curious mbti: esfp   zodiac sign: sagittarius year/specialty: second/field ops likes: red, pop music, romcoms, bunnies (of course), youtube, lollipops, being underestimated dislikes: scary movies, rain, broken nails, being late, hospitals
blythe is definitely one of those hannah montana types: she's quick on her feet, brave, n tough while also being a huge ditz that can't seem to remember her own room number. when she's on the field, it's like she's a different person -- still the big goofy child everyone knows her as, but there is a layer of seriousness and focus that's almost unbelievable. it's like she puts on this bubbly act, but really that's just who she is. she's an onion; she's got layers. there's just something about her that's charming, however, not everyone feels this way about her. some find her annoying; some think she's fake. blythe doesn't really let it bother her.
even though she has her issues, she tries not to show them. she'd rather be known for the ray of sunshine she usually is, but when she's really down, her normal self can become a bit of an act (which only makes her "haters" more certain that it's all a facade). it's rare that she feels this way, but when she does, it's hard to get her out of it.
she has a seemingly normal family, despite being adopted. she loves her dads more than anything; they are her #1 supporters. sometimes she wonders what her biological parents were like, but she usually manages to convince herself that it's not worth finding out. her instrusive thoughts can get the best of her however, so watch out techies..she might make you dig up some info for her.
looking for all kinds of friends ofc (even one-sided friendships lmao)
enemies/"haters" who are convinced that she's a fake lil B*TCH lol
previous flings??? she probably wouldn't have gone all the way w them but it could've been like a lil talking phase or whatever
crushes as always // im down 4 her exploring her bicuriousity
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