#boomers ruin everything
n0thingiscool · 4 months
The ai gets it right, here:
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tallymali · 10 months
listen theres a reason i like to nettle gen x and its bc thats my parents generation and i know their weaknesses
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hyunubear · 7 months
They brought the subject of how much the interactions between idols have changed over the years and basically confirmed something i had suspected already.
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xannerz · 6 months
I want to strangle this old man oh my godddd
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
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Worst Guy Ever - Also, Unfortunately, Very Homosexual Convo. (subtextually)
#Evidence of Tom being a bad boyfriend is also in a file labeled 'Tom wants to fuck Steth so bad'#but seriously I wanted to deck him in this convo v_v FORTUNATELY it is bearable bc I think that's the point - like the narrative is#showing that Tom is 'ruining what he's worked for' by being a dick to B'Elanna so I'm not like meta-mad about it (like OTHER Tom/B'Elanna#moments) <- Ex: Tom saying 'I have a beautiful girlfriend' instead of something like#'someone I care about/a girl I love' but that's a like...tv writing thing. I don't like it but I know it's a tv writing thing#Woman as like a status symbol instead of a person you care about#I never care about Tom's inner conflict in Tom episodes (with the exception of the one where he gets thrown in solitary - him going full#rogue was fun) bc his inner conflict is always the most boomer bullshit#Literally he's just having a midlife crisis in this one.#BUT...GUYS....IMPORTANT NEWS...BULLDOG'S IN THIS ONE??#BULLDOG ?? My enemy BULLDOG BRISCOE from Frasier??? Good to see you man! This makes sense.#Steth....WHY would you choose to turn into a guy with a detailed and established web of interconnected relationships on a ship with a#complex hierarchy? Steth really thought he'd be able to play it cool on VOYAGER...the USS codependent...nu uh#they sniff you out and maul you like gophers on that baby#EHHEHEEH the Emh is funny as hell...'WOW...I had no idea me being so perfect at everything was making you feel bad! It all makes sense to#me now...' / Steth(as Tom):....Yeah v_v#SNRKEHEHEHEHEHEH GUYS..I'm taking a mental health day so I can reflect on myself and how even though I'll never be as good as the Doctor#I'm probably still worth SOMETHING#Steth(as Tom): Hey now B'Elanna...let's not go around blaming Steth for things. He's a pretty cool guy actually.#Okay yes confirmed! The above convo is also to show that Steth is 'being better' than Tom by telling B'Elanna what she wants to hear#unfortunately this does not make me like Tom more#SHE WANTS SO LITTLE. SHE ASKS FOR SO LITTLE.#BC Tom DOES say that B'Elanna is 'overreacting' and basically calls her crazy even when it's not for a later moral lesson and#this isn't framed as bad by the narrative. If your girl's always mad at you then your relationship ISN'T good.#There's literally NO resolution once again to their relationship issues. Tom shows her his garage program and when B'Elanna says she feels#she doesn't value her he says 'Yeah I do.' episode ends.#T/B scenes are literally [conflict arises then they argue or kiss] <- it is never...RESOLVED...#Me @ The Writers: (B'Elanna voice) Is this your idea of an adult conversation?#OH. Gay subtext: I hate spending time with my girl I want to hang out and live the bachelor life with my cool guy friend.#Tom's grease monkey program might as well be a subscription to playgirl magazine sit DOWN dude
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cainite-bite · 1 year
Here’s my gaming hot take;
im so saddened, and sick and tired of the fact that so many games are being flooded with chuds who want to turn everything competitive and don’t know how to fucking have fun
“I only play to climb ranks/win for a team/will scream insults if you aren’t in a clan” thats fine and dandy but you keep joining matches and staying in matches with like 9 other players who do not give a flying fuck and would rather not deal with your howler monkey ass screaming at the top of your lungs when you die once and decide to rage quit. Most people don’t care about your K-D or the fact you’re in some superficial and stupid clan full of other fragile egos. Learn to have fun instead of compensating for the fact you never bothered to practice anything else to become skilled in and can’t make your parents proud of you with literally anything (and thus screaming at others to take it out on them).
And I hate the fact that devs, sometimes much to their own detriment, are trying to cater to the merry little band of shrieking donkeys by gearing up all their shit for just that and trying to pretend the casual crowd isn’t there
#its like the whole difficulty setting thing with how many wanna launch into the whole we have NORMAL AND SUPER HARD AND LEGENDARY#and mock the people who chose normal still and pretend they're a niche batch of cry wimps#but the reality is normal was still the highest played shit but you gotta poke at your core base to look cool to the loud posers#hell even EA went over their one new games when the chuds were pretending the hardcore mode was more popular than super easy#and saying super easy should be taken off#and turned out there was 10% more playing super easy than the hardcore one which had a whopping small 4% of players#not that either should be removed but its the same concept of shit flinging to try and appear cool and awesome#and meanwhile they just eat their own foot#but anyways im sick and tired of just hearing these fucking asshole rambo wannabes#and if they all just died out and never had to hear one scream obscenities into the mic and verbally abuse others i would be happier#especially with the pathetic crowd who do this with co-op games of all things#like what was the point of shouting slurs and saying everyone ruined everything because you ran off on your own#and got killed by a boomer in l4d2#if you take shit this seriously and verbally abuse people every time you play a game then you need to get the fuck off#if dying in a game once reduces you to punching a wall or breaking a controller/keyboard you need to get the fuck off#and you desperately need to learn better ways to cope with your life because normal people are NOT like this
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rainbowsnowcone · 2 years
🤔😔 (DS rant below. I apologize for doing this so much even though it is going nowhere and I know it is way too repetitive. I struggle with these unhealthy obsessions with calling out the same thing over and over again but I feel the need to get this outor hold it in and suffer.)
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valentineish · 2 years
Man. Can I just say, like... please, please reach out to some elderly people sometimes. They don't have to be relatives, it doesn't have to be a big community service thing. See if there's a friend program at a local nursing home or something. Literally any connection with somebody who's lived a long life.
I'm in the process of touring facilities for my mom with her attorney. It is so sobering that even my presence, let alone my level of concern during the process is just like. Treated with shock and awe. More than once, people have commented how rare family like me is for aging adults. Especially those with disabilities.
We're talking countless people finishing out their lives alone. Some are just forgotten by loved ones. Others never had a family. It's just them, and a rotation of caregivers. It's such a cruel end, and often a fast approaching one. People just fade so fast without a connection to the world. And whatever difficulties I've had with my mom, it breaks my heart to think that's her fate if something happened to me.
Just like. Please, think about it. Even if it's a once a month visit. However minor and frivolous it might seem to you, that shit can give life fucking meaning to somebody. There is no greater cruelty than to be forsaken and alone in the end. Preventing that for just one person is a public service, man.
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pendragonstar · 2 months
Got another rejection today wooo. I didn't even want the job because it was in Dallas and also ONLY $15 an hour, no wiggle room. But it still sucks that I haven't made it through screening interviews ever. Like I am 26 years old, I have a master's degree, experience in multiple industry relevant places, and I'm willing to move anywhere. But nope can't get an entry level internship, an "entry level" job requires a year of experience or two years or three years, or no experience. I can't get fucking shit
And again I know places aren't really hiring and that it's probably my own fault and I need to figure out what's wrong with my CV/resume and my interview skills but still. The HR guy said I asked good questions and had a good interview and I didn't even make it to second stage interviews
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planetary · 8 months
1. POKEMON - ash is in a coma and the show is he's dreaming
2. RUGRATS - the babies are on drugs
3. edd edd eddy - they died in 1962 (tuberculosis)
4. scoopy doo - theyre on drugs too and the dog cant really talk :(
5. rugrats - angela is in a coma and the show is her dream
6. spongbob - songebob is in a coma and the show is his dream
7. spongebob - spongebob and his friends are the christian hell sins
8. spoinegbob - squidward is heroin?
9. COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG - it was real it was all real none of that was a dream or a nightmare everything you remember is real
10. rugarts - angela is on drugs and all the other ones are dead
11. jimmy neutraon - jimmy is weird because he is gay
12. fairly oddparsnts - timmy is in a coma and the show is his dream
13. spongebob - sandy is taxidermy
14. higgly town heroes - higgly town is all cannibals and they eat other people and thats why they do that . how could they do that..? my heroes..
15. max & ruby - they are bunny rabbits and thast because thrre was. an apocalypse and max is a real human little boy but there was an apocalypse and his parents died and he's with ruby but he got hit on the head with a steel pipe because of the apocalypse so now he's in a coma and the show is his dream
16. disney aladdin movie - the tiger head cave is really really scary
17. danny phantom died - this one really happened they tell you in the theme song and you can see it happen in blood and gorey detail if you watch that one scary episode that only comes on at 3am. does anyone else remember that episode
18. dora the explorer - dora is on crack
19. faaiely odd parents - the fairies are drugs and timmy takes drugs and maybe goes into a coma for this reason and maybe has a dream that they're his magic fairies
20. caillou - hes bald. this theoru explains that cailiu has no hair because he is bald. and perhaps his parents are nice to him because he is bald. this could also explain why he has no hair (because hes bald)
21. courage the cowarsly dog - courage is a dog and he's in a coma and
22. the magic schoolbus - its magic because the bus was on drugs and then it blew up (becasue it was high) and they all went to purgatory and clones took their place
23. tom and jerry - tom should have been allowed to cook and eat that baby chick. and its fucked up that the show didnt allow him to. me and my friends watched it and we were all clapping and cheering for him to cook and eat it and we were so excited but of course the writers pussied out and didnt let him do it
24. finding nemo - that thing in the beginning didnt even happen but the dad made that story up so people would feel bad for him
25. sponegbob - in the latest season patrick says "Ok boomer!" to mermaid man and barancle boy
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call me ageist, i don’t care
but I fucking hate old people who make their slowness in life everyone else’s problem
move out of the way
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goth-oatmilk-latte · 3 months
idk why but revisiting old trends via tiktok makes me realise that going shopping had much more of a thrill in the 90s/00s and even in the early 10s (10-13) before amazon and online retail ruined it.
like i remember being a teen and being absolutely THRILLED to go shopping, get a starbucks frap, getting food court food (esp bourbon chicken!!), and just walkin around. but now it just feels way too mundane & modern, i guess??? like stores arent fun to go into anymore bc theres not a ton of individual aesthetic. everything is sleek and modern, everything is bright lights and minimalism when it comes to marketing.
even outlet malls arent fun anymore. i remember being absolutely thrilled when i went to the beach with my friend one yr bc we went to an outlet mall and got tons of discounted stuff from like victorias secret, hot topic, etc.
plus malls are closing so walking around them with so many vacant shops is really sad.
i also think influencers have made it mundane. you HAVE to get this, you NEED to order that, etc. marketing emails are absolutely insane, definitely more in your face than mailer ads/catalogs. i know gimmicky stuff existed prior to influencers but there was a certain thrill that came with walking into a store blind and seeing new trends.
idk i prob sound like a boomer but whatever i miss bein a teenage mallrat.
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pawberri · 2 months
It's so annoying how much people older than me mythologize the past, but I do miss my childhood. In fact, I can't believe how little kids these days know about it! Haha, I'll just ironically joke about how much better it was when I was a kid. I'm self aware about it, so it isn't the same as those old people. Plus, the time I grew up in isn't even mythologized, so it'd be stupid to take me seriously! Hmm, but, come to think of it, it kind of was better, right? Like, kids now are so weird and fucked up and self centered... in my childhood it was totally different. We weren't always in some moral panic about something stupid. Haha reject modernity embrace tradition, right! No one could take that seriously about my childhood, even if it really was better then. I really wish we could go back before these kids were ruining everything, making everyone so sensitive and changing all the stuff I liked. I know that makes me sound like those old people before me, but they were different than me. Why? I mean, isn't it obvious? They care about stupid stuff, but the time I was growing up in was really better! There's so many bad things happening now, and I didn't experience any of that stuff myself back then. If we just went back, it'd be so much better. Who cares about social progress. Social progress just makes everyone more sensitive. We already had the perfect amount of social progress before, when everyone had a healthy amount of fear of things. No way, that's not mythologizing the past, I'm not some straight white boomer. Reject modernity, embrace tradition!! Haha!!
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finniestoncrane · 9 months
Play Fight
General!Boomer x GN!Reader, word count: 500 commission: thank you @skye707 for giving me a reason to write for boomer as soon as possible ;-; have some general boomerang play fighting with reader (and i will be using ktjl boomerang as the image because he's yummy) commission me here! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: suggestive, mentions of arousal, play fighting
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Luckily, the exhaustive panting and exertion were enough to offer a cover, an excuse. If asked, he would say his face was bright red due to the workout he was receiving. Not because he was blushing, not because he was facing up to his crush straight on, not because he was deeply aroused and putting effort into hiding it. And grinning wide with his signature hint of mischief was just another attempt to hide the deeper emotions that ran under the surface.
“Dig, you’re doing terribly! I really thought you’d put up a better fight after all your bragging…”
You offered him a sly wink, hoping to rile him up a bit, and succeeding. The moment you tried to shift yourself up to straddle his waist and keep him pinned he seemed to panic, sensing you might gain the upper hand. Grabbing your waist he flipped you onto the soft carpet, kneeling beside you, keeping you there with his strong hands on your wrists. Thankful that you hadn’t noticed the obvious tenting at the front of his pants, he let out a sigh. The way you struggled against him, still smiling, giggling, gave him a feeling in his chest he would struggle to describe as anything other than a life sentence. Playing the field seemed a distant desire. He would keep you pinned there forever if he could, watching you look up at him with playful adoration.
He was desperate not to ruin it, not to taint the moment with his ridiculous and pervasive need to make everything seem like a lewd romp with no emotional attachments. The minute you saw how stiff he had become from pretending to fight you, he knew it would be over. The only solution was to have this over with as soon as possible, despite how much he was enjoying himself.
And again, as though the universe felt it owed someone to Digger Harkness, of all people, his efforts to cover his throbbing attraction with his terrible acting skills were bolstered by the fact that all of his attention was being focused on something he’d never done before: keep someone away from his crotch. Weakened by concentration on other matters, you suddenly had him on his stomach, face pressed into the carpet and telling him to admit you were the better of the two of you.
When you leant down, face almost pressed to his as you smiled, waiting for his declaration of your prowess, he felt that strange sinking and rising feeling again. The one that told him he was in too deep. That it was all over for him. He should be the winner, he should be infuriated that you had won by what was essentially cheating, by being so attractive to him. He should hate you. But he didn’t. Your happiness in victory, the way you helped him up and touched his cheek, making sure he wasn’t actually hurt. That was it. It was scary, it made him panic.
But it was pleasant. It was love.
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Ridiculously long post of depression tips
In the words from some of my favorite books, people and games:
"Road to recovery is a long one, but you will make it." - Volition from Disco Elysium
"Be selfish. Be brave." - Babel
"You can and you will make it." - Someone I know
This will be a ridiculously long post as I'm trying to put everything I know/have learnt over the years on it, so might break it into parts if need be. I'm not a doctor, but fellow survivor and this is what I've found useful. Take what you need from the post. WE GOT THIS!
Basic self care
Crucial. Important. In some cases, life or death.
I will include the obvious tips and some random specific ones.
It literally heals your mind when got right. Some things to make it happen:
Go to bed and wake up at the same time. Even if insomnia keeps you awake, stay consistent with the bed times.
Give yourself ridiculous amount of time for the rest. When I'm bad and in recovery, I start prepping for sleep at 8pm. People will not mind, they might be a bit surprised at first, but it's not really their business.
Be firm with yourself about technology before bed. I strive for putting my mobile off for the night, and only look at it AFTER I've had my morning coffee.
Really long walk and some kind of sleepy tea of your choice is an EXCELLENT combo for good rest.
Sleep is also tied to other basic self care, so you need to be doing all of it - but good news, more you do the easier it gets because you get better.
If you fuck up any of these points - say, stay until 3pm on your phone looking at memes - don't beat yourself up (even if that's the natural thing you'll want to do when you're suffering from depression), but don't give in either, thinking that letting yourself KEEP doing this is self care and being merciful on yourself. No. If you fuck up, it is okay and human, but KEEP AT IT. Think of all the process you've made so far despite the fuck up. Keep going. Don't let yourself get discouraged by one or few fuck ups, but make it a top priority to get back on track. You will make it. You deserve a good life and sleep will definitely help.
Making food while depressed is exhausting. You need to choose the ingredients, buy them, then make the food. And your depression might tell you lies, such as what's the point and I don't deserve to eat well. But they are lies! You do deserve it. It is important to do this right to not get into financial ruin, and keep a healthy diet. This is tricky, but you can get there. Some tips:
When you're doing a little better, prepare a LOT of food, and then freeze a lot of it. Little gift for the future self who is struggling.
Keep a lot of easy good snacks around. Include fruit. Eat when hungry.
Speaking of fruit, have some at the house and eat often.
Include protein in your food. However, if you really are struggling and there's nothing but pasta in the house and you're starving, eat the damn pasta.
Accumulate a lot of simple recipes you can make quickly. Tomato pasta with some protein is a good one, especially with some Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.
Making food can be helpful for depression, although when the worst is on it's very hard. But if you're a little better, it can even be therapeutic to focus on it. Try making something that takes a while, like pizza.
When you're getting even more better ('cause you will!) offering food to others is good for mental health for secret reasons. But if the thought exhausts you as you read this don't worry about this for now.
If you excercise, horde some protein snacks you can eat immediately.
Congratulate yourself for keeping up with this, and every time you've gone through the day with a good healthy diet. It is not easy.
Similarly to sleep, if you stray off course, know this is natural, change is hard, don't beat yourself up, but get back on track. I believe in you.
Did someone say "extra fries"? Boomer minion memes aside, this is another really really good thing to do. Get this: You can literally force your body to create endorphins, even when you're mind is in the mud. It also helps with both appetite and sleep, and self-esteem. It also can help you find an outlet, and it helps focus yourself on the present. And it is such a concrete way of fighting an illness which feels so not-concrete. Some tips:
Make plans with people or find a workout buddy. The peer pressure is an excellent way to motivate yourself even if your mind makes bullshit excuses. It may feel intimidating to ask someone but I promise a lot of people want to get into working out but find it hard to motivate themselves too, so you really are also helping them at the same time too. Societies or groups are also good, as long as you go each time.
Think of working out as a fight against your depression. Because it is. Think of your depression being this big Dark Souls boss fight. (gif below for anyone not familiar.) You are struggling, but you are fighting against it, and you're a survivor, and you're badass af for keeping on fighting.
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BTW above gif: that's you drinking some estus flask (water) before you tackle again the task of fighting your depression by working out because that is how badass you are.
Do the workout, no matter what your mind tells you.
The kind of workout that raises heart rate is really good.
Long walks are also REALLY good. I don't know what it is about them, but they are magical. You might find cats on the street or cool birds too.
Yoga is also good. The YouTube channel Yoga by Adriene is very good, she's so gentle.
Remember that after any kind of work out congratulate yourself and remember you are a fighter and you've just taken even more steps to battle against this thing, it's not easy and you've done it and you should be beyond proud.
That's it for this post but I will reblog this with more tips in the future so stay tuned folks. I will cover at least things like people, hobbies, therapy, values and goals and staying organized, but I'll add more if I think more.
I've struggled with this for a long time but I can and will make it towards being better and so will you.
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simplydnp · 4 months
Dan talking abt how tiktok is “the downfall of humanity” gave very millennial😭. Girl don’t act like you weren’t on tumblr in its peak years and don’t scroll on twitter every day (arguably worse). It’s just a pet peeve of mine when people say that because thats literally what gen x/boomers said about everything on the internet. MySpace was the true start of the downfall of humanity imo. Everything else just followed along! 👺
well he is a millenial 😔
i think he's trying to be conscious of everything that comes along with tiktok--safety concerns, privacy concerns, as well as the erasure of the creator and the platforming of The Algorithm.
he doesn't deny there's good content there, he even says in the video if his fyp gave him this content continually, he would use it. but he's all too aware of the advertising and prevalence of the algorithm. and, he's concerned about the amount of time people (cough, phil, cough) put into it.
i think they're valid concerns. i think having good-faith criticism about the things you choose to spend your time on are important. not that having guilt all the time is good, but something doesn't have to be 'perfect' in order for you to interact with it. (see youtube, twitter, and even here with tumblr)
i'll be honest, i'm a gen z who doesn't use tiktok. there's good tiktoks out there, but i prefer a different type of slop (everything is slop don't lie to yourself).
like if it really bothers you that much i suggest you sit with that discomfort and figure out why.
a lot of people older than gen z shit on tiktok because they think it's turning the frogs gay--it's just a title of something they can blame their hatred of everything different from them on, and their disgust for the youth who dare to not live by their morals. it's not about tiktok itself. whereas dan is seeing the flaws and faults of the app and the culture. you don't have to agree with him, but his opinion on it shouldn't ruin your day. he's just a guy.
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