#book rec ask meme
gonewiddershins · 2 years
1, 9 10 13 15 16 18 23 52 53 55 60 63 71 80 86 107 121 127 134 135 for ur ask meme
okay so there's are enough of these questions that I'm gonna answer this in parts because otherwise (a) I'll never finish and (b) tumblr WILL end up earing my drafts and I wince just thinking about that. So here we go-
1. a book that is close to your heart
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The Beginning by K.A. Applegate. Anyone who's spent some time on my tumblr knows about my obsession with this series. It drilled into my ear and took over all higher life form function way back when I was an impressionable pre-teen. And then after sometime, when I thought I'd found other things to obsess about, I found copies of the final arc and it decided to permanently take up residence in my brain.
The Beginning is the final installment of the Animorphs series, which famously feature kids turning into animals to fight brain stealing alien puppeteers. It's not a climax- it's a extended denouement, because the books have always been about how children people are affected by war as much as as it was about the actual war. Animorphs also ended on a very bittersweet note, something unthinkable to baby me who had never seen a story end this way before. It was a learning experience.
"Jake, you can't . . ." She took a deep breath. "You can't equate the victim and the perpetrator."
"So as long as you're playing defense it's not possible to commit a war crime?" I asked. "That's pretty close to just saying that the winner makes the rules because it's the winner who writes the history."
She grabbed my arm and searched for my eyes, forcing me to look at her. "No, Jake, it isn't. There are a lot of close calls in history, lots of wars where the blame is evenly split between the sides. This isn't one of them. Before they came to Earth no human ever attacked a Yeerk. No human ever harmed a Yeerk. This one is clear: We are the victims. They made war on us."
"That's good," I said softly. "All of that is good. We have justification. We're the good guys."
Marco said, "That's right, Big Jake, we are."
I nodded. "That's good for the big picture. See, my problem is a little more personal."
Ax asked.
"Well, Ax-man, you're right, you did call my attention to the possibilities on the Pool ship. And when you did that I guess I should have thought, Well, Jake, it's a harsh, terrible thing to do, but you're justified because, after all, you're the victim here. But that's not what I thought. You know what I thought?"
Cassie released her grip on me. But Marco just took a step up close, right in my face.
"I know what you thought, Jake. You thought Die, you filthy worms. Feel the fear, Yeerks. Feel the pain. Feel the helplessness. You wanted them to suffer and the idea of them suffering and dying made you happy. You were thrilled. You were high."
Cassie winced. She looked away.
I said, "Yeah, Marco. That was about it: word for word."
9. your favourite book of 2020 2022
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2022 has been a weird year, reading-wise. My goodreads list is as bare as a chocolate box after two hours in my company, because the site is not good at tracking webtoons and webnovels. Which in turn makes it harder for me to remember what I liked and how much I liked it, because that's 90% of why I use goodreads in the first place. So you know, answering this makes me twitchy, because if I'm not keeping track how would I even know what my favorite is?
BUT. I can tell you which story IMMEDIATELY made me consume other adaptations, scour through all of its Ao3 pages, and go on a re-read almost instantly after the fanfics ran out and it's Spy x Family by Tatsuya Endo. Also, it has an active tumblr fanbase- glory be.
Spy x Family is about a spy, an assassin, and a telepath playing house. It's about found family. It's about two people you really wouldn't peg as parent material at first look being the most adorable parents ever. It's about people calmly accepting (and in most cases not even recognizing) each other's weirdness. It's about the humanity in war-torn places and war-torn people. Also there are a bunch of first graders who are having their own drama and it is somehow vastly entertaining.
Panel: (read right to left)
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10. a book that got you through something
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deep sigh. Okay, so I have a few mixed feelings about these books today that I didn't have when I first read them, but hear me out here.
Once upon a time, I entered into college as a bright-eyed, hopeful child who was sure she'd have the world within her grasp soon. Fast forward eight months and I was a depressed wreck who spent an hour a day crying and moving slowly but steadily towards suicidal thoughts. Suffice to say, it was not a good time.
In those trying times, books 1 and 2 of the Dresden Files gave me some much-needed laughs. Book 3, Grave Peril, went a step further, making me actually care about the worldbuilding and the character, giving characters actual losses, and getting me emotionally invested in everyone. The rest of the series accompanied me though my hellish time in college, and while it was probably not the best coping mechanism, I'm thankful it was there. Anything to quiet down the screaming in my head a little.
“I still can't believe," Michael said, sotto voce, "that you came to the Vampires' Masquerade Ball dressed as a vampire.”
Part 1 of 7 |
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megafaunatic · 5 months
4 and 6 for the reading thing?
(every time I see you talk about books I think you have good taste in books and I want to see what books I could steal from your reading list to put on my own)
THANK YOU SO MUCH THATS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO HEAR!!!!!!!! i hope u check out even one of the books i recommend here hehehe
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
idk if this counts as a DISCOVERY bc i love her fic, but i finally got around to reading freya marske's original fiction trilogy and it's really delightful!!! i'm really excited to read the conclusion :3cc
i also really loved devil venerable also wants to know by cyan wings, i haven't read any of their other work yet but i've been meaning to look into it bc devil venerable was SO fun and smart and satisfying
6. Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to?
ive had donna tartt the secret history on my tbr on libby for like 2 months now and i keep getting punted back to the end of the line bc it becomes available while i'm reading something else 😭😭😭😭😭😭
book asks!
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travelingneuritis · 8 months
For the write meme 17 - are there any writers and/or stories you consider an influence?
Oh definitely! There are too many to count, but here are some of the writers whose philosophy of storytelling has been most formative for me.
Ursula K. LeGuin for the way she wraps life-changing revelations about human tenderness and mercy into small, blink-and-you'll-miss-them moments. She never hits you over the head with The Message, but you'll read a passage like
It is not until an act occurs within the landscape of the past and the future that it is a human act. [...]The thing about working with time, instead of against it, he thought, is that it is not wasted. Even pain counts.
from The Dispossessed and just. Feel the bottom fall out of your world. And her stories are full of that kind of gentle, forgiving curiosity into what it means to be alive in this universe. Like all the best sci-fi, her work glows with a sense of sheer humanity.
Catherynne M. Valente for her prose, which is honestly some of the brightest and sparkliest I've ever read, and her Fairyland series in particular for the way it tells stories about telling stories, with a deep sense of devotion to that most human magic of all. I wish I could give you a block quote but honestly I think you should just pick up a copy of The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making. I am telling you, the prose just flies by and then suddenly you're at the end and you feel like you're a different person than you were in the beginning-- and also like you're closer to the person you were always meant to be.
Lucy Maud Montgomery's The Blue Castle was one of my favorite novels as a child and teenager, particularly for Valancy's rapturous delight in natural, worldly pleasures. For example:
In spite of Barney's doctrine of bondage, Valancy thought they were splendidly free. It was amazing to be able to sit up half the night and look at the moon if you wanted to. To be late for meals if you wanted to-- she who had always been rebuked so sharply by her mother and so reproachfully by Cousin Stickles if she were one minute late. Dawdle over meals as long as you wanted to. Leave your crusts if you wanted to. Sit on a sun-warm rock and paddle your bare feet in the hot sand if you wanted to. Just sit and do nothing in the beautiful silence if you wanted to. In short, do any fool thing you wanted whenever the notion took you. If that wasn't freedom, what was?
Additionally: Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age, all of Diana Wynne Jones and Terry Pratchett, and anything Neil Gaiman but particularly The Graveyard Book. This isn't just a list of my favorite authors, it's a list of the authors whose focus on human generosity and interconnection is so palpably central to their work that it formed the core what I believe storytelling to be, at its heart.
And that's why I now write nasty demon robot porn on the internet.
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cirusthecitrus · 29 days
20 and 3 for the fandom positivity ask please?
Thank you for the ask!
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate
Since I mostly only talk about spop on this blog, I'll name a character from She-Ra. And it's Adora! I never hated her but I didn't love her either. She was a fine main character, I always found her endearing and funny, but not to the point of me actually caring about her, you know? I mainly took Adora for granted and her struggles didnt touch my heart like, say, Hordak's or (pre s4) Catra's. But thank you spop fandom for all your metas and fanart and fics that helped me open my eyes and made me see her depth! I still don't really relate to Adora and her journey but now I sympathise with her and love her more than ever!
I'd also say that the fandom has helped me understand Glimmer better. Especially s4 Glimmer. Again, I didn't hate her even then, but I was still quite annoyed by her and her actions. But now I've learned to appreciate her 'becoming queen' arc (now I think it's one of the most interesting and emotionally heavy arcs in the whole show) and the overall great writing behind her character u-u
20. Your very first fandom!
I can't recall which was The first, pretty sure i've aready been a part of some fandom forums when i was, like, 10, but I remember nothing from that time so those dont count
I think the first Big Important fandom I've been a part of was for this one russian kids book series "Chasodei". It's some sort of a steampunk fantasy where the characters had fairy wings and wands, made enchanted artefact and could travel through hidden parallel worlds and meet various magical creatures, but at the same time all the magic in their universe was based around old-timey mechanisms and its parts - like clocks and cogwheels - and time manipulation and paradoxes. Great series overall, just reread all the books a few years ago and still enjoyed them quite a lot, even though their target audience is children. Dunno if the books were ever translated to english though
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I remember Chasodei fandom introdused me to fanfiction and character ask blogs. Also shipping discourse. Oh boy, the shipping wars were crazy among us 12-15yo fans X)
Around that time somewhere in 2012 I also started watching My Little Pony FiM and joined its fandom right away when it was "at it's peak" so to say. This was the first time I've ever been a part of an english side of a fandom as well!
Fan fact - MLP became my main motivation to learn english. Once I caught up with all the dubbed episodes I had no patience to wait for more dub so I joined a few fan groups that made rus subs. But then I became even more impatient and couldn't even wait a few hours for the subs so I had no choice but to start watching new episodes in original dub with english subs :)
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lilolilyr · 6 months
ANSWER MY RIDDLES SIXTEEN (or not lol pls only answer all of them if you want to)
5. something in fiction that reads like poetry
28. a book you wish you could read as a beginner again
42. a book that made you want to scream by the time you got to the end
43. a book that you have read more than three times
50. a book that made you cry a LOT
54. a book with the best opening line
55. a book with a satisfying ending
60. a book that you think about at 3 am
66. a book that fucked you up
70. your favourite poetry collection
74. your favourite love triangle
80. a book that reminds you of a loved one
90. the longest book you've read
99. a book with a strong female protagonist
119. your favourite summer read
131. tag somebody with whom you would want to buddy read a book
Ohhhhhhh Dayum that sure is an ask xD I’ll try my best adsfghjkl
Ask meme
5 Ok already the first one i go completely Blank on? Wtf reads like poetry?? What Does That Even Mean 🙈
28 as a beginner like as someone who hasn’t read any books yet?? Or for the first time? I wish I could read LotR for the first time again. I remember I’ve even read all the songs and long tree descriptions and everything because I was so in the story I couldn’t miss a single word, and I’ve skipped most of them every time since, and usually just watch the movies instead anyway lmao
42 scream in a good or bad way? Bad way so many Deutschunterricht Bücher. Homo Faber in particular.
Good way most of the discworld books recently!
43 & 50 Sara, die kleine Prinzessin <3 used to borrow it each time I was at the local library as a kid
Oh and also Isola by Isabel Abedi! It’s been a while and I don’t really remember the plot all that well but I remember reading it a lot. Maybe I should give it another re-read!
54 “The wind howled, lightning stabbed at the earth erratically, like an inefficient assassin” - Terry Pratchett: Wyrd Sisters
(Tbh it’s the only book I physically have on me atm and so the only first sentence I could check. But. I think it’s pretty good!)
55 If it hasn’t got a satisfying ending I don’t like itttt, honestly everything I’ve already answered could go here too…
60 the fucking house of night side stories haunt me
66 oh god oh fuck I don’t remember the name because halfway through I put it Behind the other books in my shelf in my childhood bedroom so I’d never have to look at it again but. It was about what if ‘ageing’ got a cure and everyone was basically suddenly immortal and obvs we don’t have the resources for that kind of population and wars and fucked up politics and killings and ghettos and oh my god
70 I actually tend to read poems either online and then it’s not a collection but more going through Google images of a particular author like K Le Guin, or checking out old poetry books from free book thingies where I maybe won’t like them all that much most of the time but they’re still kinda interesting? But couldn’t name a fav
74 love triangle or love angle? Poly 📐 from books I can’t think of anything canon or hc? And ‘love triangle’ ~oh who will she be end up with’ angles I just can’t stand. But most well written of these kinds of situations is definitely Panem because it’s not actually about the picking the boy but rather picking the kind of life Katniss wants to live
80 5 Freunde makes me think of my parents bc I have all their old books <3 and Lola makes me think of my sister because i used to read that series out loud for her
90 I know for sure I’ve read fanfics longer than any book I might’ve read!
99 hunger games. Oh, also anything from Trudi Canavan, especially the Age of the Five series. Many great women there and I love the witch best
119 what on earth is a summer read? XD but some other fav books of mine are
- Lies we Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley, an interracial lesbian story set in the US during the segregation
- Dracula by Bram Stoker. Seriously if you haven’t read it yet do so it’s amazing. I love seeing all the Dracula daily memes now, when I read it years ago most ppl just knew some movies that have nothing to do with the original plot and the original is great!
- Erebos by Ursula Poznanski. That one just… I couldn’t put it down, it’s so thrilling and good.
131 I’m not sure I’d want to buddy read a book with anyone because if Dracula daily taught me anything, then that I am incapable of reading on a schedule xD I really tried to re-read it with the emails. But nope. But theoretically, on a we‘d-probably-vibe-with-the-same-stories-&-enjoy-chatting-about-them kind of way, I’d have a bookclub with you and @lavendelhummel @squishmittenficfan @purlturtle @mimi-mindless @die-schwanenkoenigin @wellsbering :)
And if you guys liked these qs, the ask meme is here, if you reblog it I’ll send some your way!
Thx so much for the ask Ela! <3
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stars-inthe-sky · 10 months
For the ship meme, how about Book of Nile from TOG? OR booker/andy?
Book of Nile: To me, this has always felt like a "pair the spares" ship, for obvious reasons, and there's not really that much to work with in canon, especially factoring in the sheer demographic differences alongside his depression and her newness. Nile's suggestion of letting Booker off with an apology, I think, says much more about who she is at her core as a person rather than what she thinks of him.
But there are definitely writers out there that really put in the effort to make it work, and I can definitely be persuaded by those stories. I really like when a fic not only acknowledges but actively deals with where and why they'd intersect emotionally, and then builds toward something specific and more romantic.
It's not a ship I'll go down with, or that I read at the exclusion of other pairings with either character. But I'd also add that since, like, August 2020, I have deeply appreciated and enjoyed the fanon that Booker is just fucking great at giving oral, and Nile deserves that in spades. I don't know where that came from or why but it's excellent that we've just all agreed it's true.
Booker/Andy: Apparently I've never read a fic for this pairing I've felt worth reccing? That kinda feels right, to be honest—I generally subscribe to the (head? fan? actual?) canon that they have at minimum clumsily and/or drunkenly fucked a few times but never connected romantically. Both characters, as we meet them, have just been too in their own sad heads for too long, and I don't think either is really in a place to be desiring or capable of a (healthy) romantic relationship.
I also feel like most fics with this pairing either go AU or somewhat OOC to make things more romantical, but to me that rarely feels true to the characters we know. There are definitely stories that make them work in more of a fuckbuddy sense, which clicks more in my head but isn't usually what I prioritize in a ship.
Rec: Geborgen by liadan14 (I prefer the first story in the modern/no-powers AU series this one is part of, but there is an interesting spin on Book of Nile and a very compelling threesome along the way)
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sabraeal · 6 days
3, 6, 11, 16 and 20 for the fic rec asks!
3.) 😂 A fic that made you laugh out loud
First one to come to mind is @claudeng80's Away From It All, which she wrote for the 2020/2021 winter challenge. Obi is just SUCH a disaster in the first chapter, having agreed to essentially put himself in a bottle episode with the object of his huge, life-shattering crush, and Shirayuki isn't faring much better in hers. Both their POVs are SO funny, it gets me every time (especially Shirayuki really pondering if she should let that terrible mattress Take The Wheel on this whole thing)
6.) 😊 A fic that made you smile on a bad day
I can't remember any SPECIFIC bad days but every time @codango posted a chapter of The road to Clarines is gravel it was an EVENT in the server. Fully everyone dropping everything to scream at whatever new twist had happened. I think me and Joanna spent several days after every drop speculating over what might happen next, and even if there was no outstanding crummy day to pin this on, it at least gave me a whole lot of joy.
11.) 🛳️ A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
Tension in Three Parts by negoshi26. I watched the first season of Attack on Titan right when it came out, and as much as I loved the characters, I didn't have any like...bulletproof ships out of it. Beside knowing I really just did not like either Jean or Eren for Mikasa. One of the people I followed from BSG fandom was a mod on het_reccers, which became a mainstay for finding new pairings for me, and this fic showed up on it as a rec for Levi/Mikasa. Kinda squinted a little bit over it-- I don't mind an age gap but even this one was a bit big-- but I liked both the characters, said what the heck, and then came out the other side of this one being like, OH WELL THIS IS IT FOR ME, I GUESS 🤣
16.) 💞 A fic that led to you making friends with the author
Analysand by @infinitelystrangemachinex. There were like a total of 20 fics on AO3 when I first fell into AnS fandom, and about 7 of them were obiyuki...and about three of those were Andi's fic 🤣 After I inhaled Sharon's Knots, I fell straight into Andi's fics...and I think it was this one where I was like, I cannot lurk anymore. I must come be this woman's friend. She needs someone to feed her as regularly as she is feeding me. And so then I very coolly and calmly left comments on EVERYTHING SHE HAD EVER WRITTEN, and started commenting on posts she made on the comm, and definitely made Andi worry I was going to invite her to a Secondary Location until I posted the first chapter of Seven Suitors. AND NOW WE ARE FRANDS.
20.) 💖 A drabble that made you want 100K more words
Listen there are so many but I must say that is it this drabble where Wen Ying suffers over his working dick by @bubblesthemonsterartist. If you don't know, Joanna and I have OBSESSED over this modern AU EXTENSIVELY, with absolutely no intention of ever writing it, but like. I mean I do want to read it. All of it. In my eyeballs. I KNOW THIS MEANS I WOULD HAVE TO WRITE STUFF TOO. But it would be worth it for the complicate Wen Ying dick feelings okay???
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argyleheir · 14 days
27,33,& 47!
Yay! Thanks for the ask <3
27 What was the first book you remember reading as a kid? I have some nice early memories of being read classics like The Wizard of Oz and Arabian Nights. I was really fond of Where the Wild Things Are :)
33 How often do you read by listening to audiobooks? Sometimes! Honestly I love a good audio book and find they can really enhance a story.
47 What are the last three books you read? Transmetropolitan Volume 2 and Pat Barker's The Ghost Road and The Eye in the Door
Ask list!
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omg, you found me 😳
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P.S.: If you find gifs that are credited to me, DONT USE THEM!!!!! They aren’t truly my gifs, pick another awesome creators’ gifs :)
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tathrin · 7 months
9 ringwraiths people you would like to get to know better:
Tagged by @curiouselleth thank you!
three ships: Legolas/Gimli (obviously), Finn/Poe (or JediStormPilot or JediStormPilotMechanic I'm not picky) and Celebrimbor/Annatar/Narvi (yeah I'm going to keep pushing this agenda now sue me)
first ever ship: I'd have to compare publication dates to be certain, but I'm relatively sure that it's Rachel/Tobias from Animorphs. (I mean technically it's Han/Leia four years earlier but I feel like that's such a part of my childhood dna that it doesn't even count as a ship, do you know what I mean? I didn't decide to ship that ship, it was just always there.)
last song: Born Alone, Die Alone by Madlen Duke
last movie: possibly Barbie? can't recall if I've seen another movie since that or if that's the latest
currently reading: Incryptid Book Five: Chaos Choreography (thanks, hsavinien! also, everybody read these they're adorable!)
currently watching: Star Wars Rebels (holy shit this show is so good??? how did I not know how good this is sooner!?)
currently consuming: Earl Grey Tea
currently craving: popcorn. the good stuff from a theatre.
9 people to tag: @aroace-moron @babybat98 @hsavinien @roselightfairy @estel-of-the-eyrie @thatonetimetraveller @realtacuardach @sallysavestheday @katajainen
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terapsina · 7 months
Book asks: 12, 23, 26
Ask Game
12. which book will you read next?
My to-be-read list is quite extensive so I haven't settled on my next book but it's probably going to be one of these three.
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It kinda depends on what my mood's going to be after I finish the middle grade audiobook I'm currently listening to.
If I feel like a light, fun adventure with a woman who was the brightest magician of her age until she lost her magic (and was the only woman accepted in the Victorian(ish)-time magic university) but now has opened a school for female magicians? Then the second book in The Harwood Spellbook series.
(also depends if I'm feeling like audiobook or not, the narrator in the first book was excellent so I'm planning to read the second book by listening too).
If however I want something heavier and completely new then Elatsoe looks like it's a very interesting read. A queer fantasy book focusing on a main character from a Lipan Apache family who can raise the ghosts of dead animals? Sign me up.
But yeah, I feel like that one will require more mental and emotional space in me, so I'll need to be in the right frame of mind.
And finally, if I feel like checking out the newest Brandon Sanderson book (which I've heard is getting excellent reviews). I'll read Yumi and the Nightmare Painter.
23. what book to movie adaptation do you love?
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The Martian by Andy Weir. Great book, great movie. Had a lot of fun with both.
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Matilda by Roald Dahl. I've got a special place in my heart for that book because it's actually the first book I ever read. And the movie was everything that kid!me wanted it to be (including the ending, I'm still glad they changed Matilda's ending to not losing her power).
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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. And its absolutely perfect 2005 adaptation (though this is a bit of a cheat as I watched the movie first, but as it inspired me to immediately go read the book I'm going to count it).
26. do you use libby? (or other)
No. It's unfortunately unavailable in my country.
I do subscribe to Scribd, but I know that's not the same.
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gonewiddershins · 2 years
1, 19, 27
1. a book that is close to your heart
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The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold. I mean, I love almost everything this author writes but I'd only read her space opera series before this, and space opera was (at least back then) not as much my genre as Fantasy is.
It was also a very different type of fantasy from what I'd experienced. I'd mostly read grand sweeping fantasy epics before CoC, with a dash of Tamora Pierce to even things out. But I think this was the first time I'd seen adult fantasy which was less about world domination and more about people just trying to get by in the face of curses and life in general etc. Caz is a wonderful protagonist because he's so tired and so traumatized and he juxtaposes beautifully with Iselle (who is the /thematic/ protagonist) who's vibrant and a beacon of hope. The divinity-based magic system is wonderful. The way of breaking the curse is wonderfully clever. This book made me actually weep more than once. I just- //flails
It also made me be more active about searching for adult fantasy I was actually interested in, because till that point I really thought all we could have were chosen one quest narratives.
“Any man can be kind when he is comfortable. I'd always thought kindness a trivial virtue, therefore. But when we were hungry, thirsty, sick, frightened, with our deaths shouting at us, in the heart of horror, you were still as unfailingly courteous as a gentleman at ease before his own hearth.”
19. a book that put you in a reading slump
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Books put me in a reading slump when I don't actually want to read them but feel like I have an obligation to read them and then something that should be a pleasure (reading) becomes a chore. This doesn't really happen all that much, because I have a tendency to drop stories as soon as I decide they aren't doing it for me.
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan is one of those books which I really wanted to read but had absolutely no interest in. And since I was really deep into the PJO fandom at the time, I kept trying again and again to read it, with very limited success. I sometimes got so irritated I couldn't even read other books. Terrible.
Quote: No, fuck that. I have spent enough time on this book as it is.
27. a book with a purple cover
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The Grief of Stones by Katherine Addison is the sequel to the spinoff to The Goblin Emperor. It's set in this world of elves and goblins (who are really more like dark-skinned elves) and the main character is a person who can question recently dead bodies. Thara Celehar has had some bad experiences in life, despite and because of his unwavering sense of justice. He's so sad and so stubborn and so kind, and he's a large part of what makes this fantasy forensic procedural a delight to curl up with.
“Merrem Mulinaran died three days ago. She had no children and no family in Amalo, and we are distant cousins, for our mothers were both Dechaladeise. She appointed us her executrix.”
She stopped; this time it did not appear that she was going to be able to start again. I said, “If you have come to us, you must have a question you need to ask her.”
“Yes!” she said. “Who is the dead body in her attic?”
After a moment, I said cautiously, “That seems like a very reasonable question.”
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megafaunatic · 5 months
11 + 17 for book asks?
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
WAIT i just pitched the hare with amber eyes but i also read piranesi for the first time this year! obviously it was exactly as good as everyone says it is. then i immediately had a conversation with a woman who said she thought it was so interesting how piranesi went into a dissociative state and killed all those people himself (EDITORS NOTE: THIS IS NOT WHAT HAPPENS IN NOTED LITERARY FANTASY PIRANESI BY SUSANNA CLARKE)
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
ill be real i picked up against football by steve almond because it was short and i was going to be somewhere for exactly as long as it wd take me to read it, and also i'm a football hater. AND IT WAS GREAT! it is both righteously furious about what football does to football players, and extremely funny about almond's own historically favorite team, the "wretched and pathetic" oakland raiders
book asks!
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rose-bookblood · 9 months
9. for the book rec ask game (but feel free to choose, like, 2022 or something instead of 2020)
Ask me for a book rec.
Hi, thanks for the ask!
9. your favorite book of 2020 (2022)
My favorite book of 2022 was an Italian one called Dolomites - Cuore di rovi, which sadly doesn't have an English translation. Up close are Kobane Calling, a comic by Italian artist Zerocalcare, and Blue Lily, Lily Blue, the third book of the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater.
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astrorahi · 10 months
& alan
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[ RAHI → ALAN ] Okay. [ RAHI → ALAN ] You know I'm not a reader but my next mission is coming up soon and I have to think of some books to bring with me [ RAHI → ALAN ] So if you have any favorites you think I'd like, let me know. I'll take them up with me [ RAHI → ALAN ] Or, I don't know, you write something dirty for me 🤪 [ RAHI → ALAN ] Anyway not to be gay but I'm gonna miss you
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ssunshine-readss · 1 year
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