#blue/owen grady
book-place · 2 years
Raising Her
Warnings: slight cursing, mentions of killing, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Owen Grady x daughter reader
*not my gif*
Summary: There is a child in the raptors cage, but Owen isn’t as concerned as he should be
A/N: This is short, but I liked writing it
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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It was strange to hear giggles in a place like that. A place of dangerous creatures that could kill a person within a second.
The laughter was so full of happiness that anyone unfamiliar with it would feel as if they were hallucinating.
But there it was, a child’s gleeful laughter coming from inside the raptors cage.
Claire whipped her head to face the glass in concern, but that look soon turned into horror when she saw you, a five year old girl, waddling around the raptors cage, the dinosaurs nowhere in sight. But she could only assume that they were waiting to jump out of the shadows at any moment, having a nice snack of child flesh.
“Owen!” The redhead whispered out in terror.
“What?” He then turned around and took in her panicked expression and immediately began to think the worst, “What? What happened?” His words came rushed out.
Claire was yet to take her eyes off your small form as she reached up to point a shaky finger at you, “Ch-child.” She managed to mutter out, then she came to her senses, “There’s a child in there, Owen!” She practically screamed, “Get her out of there! They’re going to kill her!”
The man looked down in confusion, but visibly relaxed when he saw who she was pointing to, “Oh, that’s just Y/n. She's okay.”
Claire finally turned away from the glass and now looked at him in horror, “What are you talking about? That kid is going to die!” Then she started wildly looking around for any of the other workers, “Help! Somebody help!”
She had completely forgotten that it was a holiday and the only workers were a couple of guards that were too far away to hear her screams.
“Claire, Claire.” The woman couldn’t help but feel disgusted at the amused tone in his voice. There was a child in danger and he had the audacity to be smirking.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” She snapped, not having the willpower to take her eyes away from your helpless form for even a second to glare at the man like she so badly wanted to.
“She’s my daughter.” He explained slowly, a large hand coming to rest on her shoulder as he talked, “And they would never hurt her.”
That finally got the redheads attention to snap away from you, “What?” She breathed out.
She didn’t know he had a daughter.
“Her mother left her with me a couple years ago.” He continued, “And when I first brought her around to see the dinosaurs… they just seemed to click.”
Claire was officially stunned into silence.
“The dinosaurs feel like they’ve raised her more than I have.” There was no spite or anger in his tone, just fondness as he looked down at you in the cage in complete adoration.
“And how do you feel about that?” She finally managed to get words to leave her tongue.
His green eyes turned back to her, seriousness suddenly taking over his entire demeanor, “I feel like they’re right.”
As she turned back to look out the window, she still couldn’t help her breath catching in her throat slightly as she watched one of the raptors exit from nearby bushes. Blue.
She walked up to you slowly, and you turned to her with a large smile, not hesitating to reach your hand out in front of you and waiting for the dinosaur to come and nuzzle her head against it.
Which she did without hesitation.
“They love her just as much as I do.” A small smile has made its way onto Owens face as he looked at the two of you. The girls he had raised, “And she is safer with them then she would ever be anywhere else.”
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percymawce-arts · 24 days
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and there he is again (this time ft. i can’t draw guns)
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memoriamp4 · 3 months
Hiccup Haddock and Owen Grady with their reptiles
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ivy-plays · 7 months
We'll be alright part 2
Summary: you've been married to Owen Grady as well as training a pack of velocsrapters at the New Jurassic World for two years now. So what happens when the two of you are asked to check on the paddock for a new dinosaur only for things to go sideways and send the entire park into chaos?
Series: jerassic world
Pairing: Owen Grady x reader
Warnings: blood, death, cursing. As usual if I missed anything let me know in the comments.
Raiting: pg13
<previous - ch.1
A cool breeze drafted throughout our small bungalow on the other side of the island from the park. I hummed quietly to myself as I chopped up some potatoes for our dinner ,every now and again looking up and out the kitchen window at Owen who was outside working on his bike. I smirked to myself as I watched how his muscles flexed as he tightened a bolt on the tires.
The next time I looked up it was because I heard the sound of tiers grinding against our gravel driveway. A white Mercedes Benz had come to a stop just in front of our house."what does she want?' I think to myself as I put down my knife and wipe my hands off on a towel before heading outside., to see what Claire could possibly want that couldn't wait until tomorrow.
" What do they want now" Owen says with an exasperated sigh as he wipes the oil from his hands and I come to a stop beside him.
"no clue. I just want to know what's so damn important it couldn't wait until tomorrow" I say as I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. I watch as Claire walks up to the two of us and is trying not to trip in her heels which I have to hold back a laugh from.
"Mr. Grady" the red head says as she comes to a stop in front of us and I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes at the fact she only addressed Owen. Claire never could get over the fact that Owen dumped her and got with me instead. We were friends before from the navy, and eventually feelings grew and here we are today almost two years later.
"it's nice to see you too Claire" I say with a fake smile and Clair cuts her eyes to look at me
" Mrs. Grady. " She said stiffly before looking back at Owen " I need you to come take a look at something."
"why are you calling us Mr. And Mrs. Brady?" Owen asks as he leans back against me and I rest my arms on his shoulders.
"Owen" the red head says" if you're not too busy-"
"we're pretty busy" I cut her off coldly which earned me an amused smile from Owen.
"we have an attraction" Claire continued completely ignoring me
" that's not what you said the last time I saw you " Owen says being the one to cut her off this time.
"I'm talking about the dinosaurs Mr. Grady" she continues with an irritated tone .
"Owen" Owen corrects with a sigh. He was no happier about seeing Claire than I was. Her holier than thow attitude really grates on my nerves.
" A new species we made,"
" you just went and made a new dinosaur?" I say with a raised brow as I was blown away by her nonchalant tone when she said they just up and made a new breed of dinosaur.
"yes that's kind of what we do here" Claire says with matter of fact tone and a fake smile as she rebuts what I asked. She once more turned to look back at Owen.
' This bitch' I think to myself," who does she think she is just ignoring me and talking to my husband like I'm not even here?"
"The exhibit opens to the public in three weeks . Mr. Masrani wanted me to consult with you." She explained as she swatted some nats away from her .
" Do you want to consult here or in our bungalow? " I say with a smirk as I wave a hand to our home.
"that's not funny"
"it's a little funny" Owen interjects with a smile.
"we'd like you to evaluate the padlock for vulnerabilities" Claire stated with a clear tone of irritation sleeping into her attitude.
"why us?" Owen asks as he goes back to working on his bike completely uninterested in this conversation.
Claire lets out a sigh," I guess Mr. Masrani thinks since you're able to control the raptors " Claire began to explain before once more getting cut off by Owen . " It's a relationship. It's built on mutual respect. That's why you and I never had a second date." My husband says as he wipes his hands off with the rag he had in his back pocket before walking the bike to sit closer to the bungalow under the awning.
" I'm going to go inside and finish up dinner. So don't be too much longer dear. " I whisper to Owen as I place a quick kiss on his chapped lips before going inside.
It wasn't long after I came inside that I heard the front door open and close. " That was quick. So has Claire left?" I called out to my husband who had walked straight to our bedroom upon coming inside. It was silent for a moment until his voice called back
" no. She's insistent that I go look at this padlock. Well we but she would prefer only Me" he says as he walks up to me while he's finishing pulling on a new and clean shirt.
" Dinner is gonna have to wait baby. I'm sorry but I promise as soon as we get back we're doing nothing but eating our dinner together and cuddling while watching some shity new movie on Netflix. " Owen says as he gently cups my face in his warm and calloused hands. I let out a sigh but leaned into his touch.
" well then let's make this quick. "
An: I finally wrote another chapter of this story!! I'm getting back into the movies and subsequently owen as well. So sorry for such a long wait. I honestly forgot about the series until someone messaged me asking me to write more for this story lol.
Tag list:@kaykinotic ,@rubyxx16
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tr85n · 8 months
I'm so sorry I know my sister and I are asking a lot-
But I was wondering,
What do you think would happen if the Park Manager's Lodge held a Halloween costume party? I did see some posts in the past of Benson and Stella wearing some costumes for Halloween, I wonder if they could match outfits with Gene and his son? 😭💖💖 You do not have to answer this if you are busy or anything! I literally love how you draw Gene so much! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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The kiddo's are in a dino-phase :>
(It was ridiculously tough to figure out how to dress these kiddo's in dinosaur costumes xU)
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alexiethymia · 2 years
claire and owen really went through all of the stages and fanfic tropes. enemies-to-lovers? check. awkward exes? check. and of course the final form...domestic cottage!core with their adopted clone daughter, their dinosaur, and their dinosaur’s clone daughter. 
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ask-the-toy-box · 2 years
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We didn't watch the newest movie, but this is how we assume it went
*remastered comic*
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motoroil-recs · 3 months
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[X / X / X] [X / 🏎️ / X] [X / X / X]
A stimboard for Owen Grady [Jurassic Park] with imagery of nature and dinosaurs in green and blue.
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jurassicsickfics · 1 day
Happy 2 years Jurassic World Dominion!!!😁🎈🎉🎊🎆🎇
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violet-phoenix-nebula · 3 months
So, somebody told me that people who enjoy omegaverse fanfic would probably be more inclined/willing to check out my Blue/Owen fic even though it's not omegaverse.
So, here's my post detailing said fic. If you're an omegaverse writer/reader, could you consider giving this a try? For obvious reasons, it's not up the alley of most people who read regular fics.
Brief detailing of why under the cut.
Basically, it's the penis-in-cloaca sex. Understandably, people who like standard human × human sex aren't super willing to read that. And I'm trying to build more of a story too, but at the end of the day the first chapter is just sex.
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softquietsteadylove · 5 months
A newly arrived stallion arrives and Thena watches how Gil and that said stallion forming a bond
Something wholesome and cute? For the dressage AU
It was huge. Stallions were fairly large breeds, of course--well muscled and meant to be strong. But even with all that being said, there was no denying the horse was massive. It was all black, with quite a mean expression. Its long mane had yet to be trimmed or groomed because the beast wouldn't let anyone near it, let alone with shears.
Only one had been brave enough to even try.
Thena watched from around Olympia's shoulder. She had only seen the new arrival a few times, now. He had been purchased by the club for what an asset he could be, but first they needed someone willing to tame him. From what she had heard, Ikaris had tried, maybe even Eros - only the most egotistical riders, of course - but to no avail.
"Easy, boy, eyes on me."
Gil had a tight hold on the rope in his leather gloved hand. He let the horse trot in circles around him. The line was taut, the horse maintaining a distance from Gil but at his own pace. Gil walked in circles as he was led by his companion.
"That's right, it's okay," he spoke softly to the monstrous horse, keeping his eyes on it. He was the only one strong enough to compete with the horse's pull on the reins, of course. "No one's here to hurt you, pal. Just try to take it easy."
The horse glared at him, pulling back and trying to get up on his back legs.
"Ah--hey!" Gil tugged again, pulling him forward. "None of that!"
Thena watched, astonished as the stallion seemed to listen. She knew Gil had a way with the creatures, but she had never quite seen it to this degree. Maybe a way with a stubborn or fickle horse, but never taming an actual wild stallion. It was like something out of a romance novel.
Olympia bumped her shoulder.
"Hey!" Thena hissed at her impetuous horse, who flicked her ears at her. Olympia wanted to know more about the new horse as well, obviously. "Stop it!"
Thena froze, nearly blushing at being caught spying on him (again). She pulled her hands behind her back to disguise her fingers fidgeting with the sleeves of her white buttoned shirt. "I-I see the new recruit is in good hands."
Gil looked at the stallion, who eyed Thena with a new level of wariness. Gil snapped the rope faintly, just enough to remind the horse of the bridle in its mouth. "Be nice."
His tail flicked, but the horse didn't exactly stomp or kick up his feet at her.
"I heard he was unworkable," she murmured, eyeing the creature keeping its distance from them.
Gil also kept his eyes on the young steed, like a coach eyeing a stubborn athlete. "No horse is unworkable, some are just more stubborn than others. But I think we're coming to understand each other."
The stallion attempted to rear up again, voicing his disagreement with that.
"Hey!" Gil barked at him, moving in front of Thena to keep the horse's eyes on him. "Don't make trouble for her!"
The young horse snorted but planted his hooves down again.
Gil wound the rope around his forearm to shorten the leash, walking forward again. "Listen, buddy, I get it, okay? You don't wanna be here?--tough. But it'll be fine if you give it a chance."
Thena watched as, once again, Gil the horse whisperer approached the unsocialised steed and spoke with him on even ground. She could imagine that if they dealt with canines that the unruly new creature would be seating itself before him.
"You think I got into this business because you smell great?" Gil snorted right back at the horse, who turned its face away from the joke about horse smell in general. "I used to just make horseshoes. But I met one horse, just like you, that was way too full of itself."
The horse whinnied again, complaining about its lecture.
"Shut up and listen," Gil sighed, loosening his grip on the rope. "I had to get some horseshoes on this thing, so I spent a whole month winning it over. And do you know what happened?"
The stallion just stared at him.
Thena felt the familiar and uncomfortably moist breath of a horse leaning over her shoulder. She nudged her nose away from her ear, "sh, just listen."
"I finally got the horse shoes on," Gil put his hands on his hips (the rope almost totally slack in his hand). "And he took a dump on me as soon as I did."
The stallion didn't even attempt to hide how much it enjoyed hearing that.
"Olympia," Thena whispered again, nudging her horse, who was also chortling behind her shoulder.
"But his hooves were in good condition for the rest of the season," Gil finished with a huff. He crossed his arms, "because he didn't have to like me, but we did have to work together."
The stallion turned its head somewhat, not wanting to concede.
"So," Gil held his hands up, dropping the rope tethering the horse to him, "I'm gonna let you think about what you want to do."
"Gil?" Thena frowned, watching the rope fall between him and the horse. She moved closer to Olympia subconsciously, and Gil took a few steps back from the horse and closer to her.
Gil stayed still in front of her, watching as the hose kicked and bucked and neighed at the top of his lungs. "He just has to get it out of his system."
Thena wasn't sure if there would be an end in sight to that. But Gil knew what he was doing, maybe more than any equestrian club member in the building. Although she had to admit that the sheer size and display put her on edge.
Gil didn't say anything - very kindly - about her clutching at his sleeve.
The stallion glared at him, panting from its display of protest. It stalked over to him slowly.
"Gil," Thena repeated, tugging at him more. The horse truly was huge, standing much, much taller than Olympia. She moved somewhat more behind him, "Gil!"
"It's okay," he said calmly, whether to her or the horse staring them down. He raised his hands openly, "you ready to give this another try?"
Thena held her breath, nearly hiding her eyes as Gil reached out to the stallion's nose. But she let it go as he actually let Gil pet him. It was slight, and after just a few pats he was sick of it, turning away and flicking his tail again. But Gil had done it, in a sense.
"It's okay," he chuckled, watching his stubborn new stablemate stomp around petulantly. "I think he's done with his temper tantrum, at least for now."
"Hm," Thena mused, unable to match his level of surety. But she did her best to pretend she hadn't been clinging to him. "I'm sure the riders will be eager to think that they can have a go at him, now."
"Well, I think he'll be reluctant to let anyone that close to him yet," Gil ruffled his hair, letting out a tense breath. He turned back to her properly, "sorry you had to get caught up in that."
She tilted her head at him, "was it true?--about you and taming that horse?"
"It is true," he rolled his eyes, "not that it's a nice story or anything. But that is how I started caring for horses and not just making horse shoes. So I guess I know how to deal with colts like him."
The stallion bellowed at him from across the pen, just to complain about being called a young colt.
"Save it, buddy," Gil chuckled back at the horse.
"You make an interesting pair, that is certain," Thena smiled, gravitating back to the side of her own lovely mare. "Should I look forward to watching you mount in the future?"
"Hm?" Gil blinked at her. "Oh, I'm no rider, I'll leave that to you guys."
Gil laughed it off, but Thena watched as he smacked the outside of his thigh, clad in blue jeans to emphasize that he wasn't a rider. But she wasn't sure about that, because he was definitely strong enough to ride if he wanted to.
Not that she had noticed such things.
"Come on," Thena murmured to Olympia as Gil went back to the steed, the boys bonding over whatever males bonded over. She tickled the nose of her prim white horse, "let's leave the men to their work."
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blueandbetaraptors · 9 days
🚨 Jurassic world sick fic is done. It’s not perfect but I think it’s good if you like short stories with action and vomiting… hehe..
Requested by @jurassicsickfics
Authors note: I don’t own any of these characters, I love Jurassic park/ world. This was just for fun. Pls let me know what yall think but also pls no hate
Claire had a long day ahead of her. The biggest thing she has today is a meeting with InGen, their new project was almost ready to go on exhibit at Jurassic world. They wanted to “up the wow factor” so they created the Indominus Rex. A lab created dinosaur, bigger than a T-Rex. Modified with other genes like velociraptor which gave it the ability to communicate with that species . The special part of this dinosaur was that it could camouflage due to the cuddlefish genes. Claire never liked the idea of a dinosaur being so advanced so she asked Owen Grady to come and check the stability of the cage. Owen was the head raptor trainer. He raised and trained velociraptors. His team consisted of Blue, the alpha, echo, charlie and delta. Claire trusted Owen and his judgement. After the meeting she had other stuff to do.
Claire quickly made herself a cup of coffee as she drove to the park. Realizing she forgot to eat she found a granola bar wedged between her seat and her console. Without thinking she opened up the wrapper and ate the half stale bar. Shrugging off the odd taste she figured it was just a bit old since it’s hot where the park is situated. She quickly gets set up at her office and grabs the necessary paperwork she needs for the meeting. Her stomach growls angrily and nausea creeps up into her throat. She takes a swig of water to swallow the nausea down. She did not have time to get sick. She had so much to do before the indominus gets put out for public display. She takes a deep breath to calm herself and her nerves. She fixes her skirt and quickly but calmly heads towards the inclosure that contains the Indominus. When Claire gets into the room with massive floor to ceiling windows she sees Owen talking to her assistant Tara. They both look at her,
“Morning Claire.” Owen says.
“Morning ma’am” Tara follows suit.
“Morning guys, Owen have you had time to look at the inclosure? Tara what time are the representatives coming in?”
“Well the walls seem tall enough to contain such a beast, what security measures do you have?” Owen says as he looks at the enclosure.
“They should be here in ten minutes ma’am.” Tara responds.
“50,000 volts on the top, a tracker implanted into the Indominus.. we also..* Claire suddenly stops as she feels her stomach suddenly cramp harshly. She swallows thickly trying to not throw up on the floor.
“Claire are you feeling ok?” Owen asks as he steps forward.
“I’m fine Owen, just a bit tired.”
“You look green, are you sure you’re ok?” Owen once again asked.
“Drop it Owen, I’m fine.” She snaps at Owen, to raises his hands in defense.
“Sorry just trying to help, where’s the beast now?” Owen asks.
“Says he’s in the far north east corner.” She replies while pulling up the tracker. She winces as the nausea continues to creep up.
Suddenly InGen files into the room. Claire shakes of the nausea and puts on her business face. She manages to get through the meeting. However as soon as they are gone,
“I’ll be right back.” She quickly says and walks with purpose out and then when she’s sure no one is around she rushes to the bathroom and bends over the bowl. She feels the hot rush of vomit flowing up her throat but then.. nothing. Nothing happens. She feels so nauseous but nothing happens. Then when she’s least expecting it it comes launching out, projectilng onto the back of the toilet bowl before she can lean completely into the bowl. She gasps and gags at the sheer force that her stomach is contracting. She stays, hunched over violently vomiting when she hears a knock on the door.
“Ma’am, we have a problem, Owen needs you.”
“I..I’ll be right there!” She calls, taking a few deep breaths satisfied her stomach has calmed down she cleans up washes her mouth and goes to find Owen.
“What’s wrong Owen?”
“ um, were these claw marks there before?” Owen asks as he peers to the wall to see deep, 5 feet long gouges in the wall.
“D..did she try to climb out?” Asks someone else.
“Says that she’s still in the inclosure.” (She/he idk what gender the Dino is so it’s probably gonna change cause I don’t have energy to fix it)
“I’m gonna go check it out.” Owen walks out and shortly later Owen is seen in the inclosure with another Jurassic world worker. As they examine the walls, they realize that they aren’t alone. Suddenly a tree rustles.
“Run! She’s in there with you!!” Claire yells over the intercom and watches as Owen and the other worker scrambles for safety just as the giant white dinosaurs bounds out snapping its jaws towards them. Them make it through the gate but it didn’t close in time and they watch as the Indominus breaks through the enclosure.
Feeling sick Claire quickly finds a trashcan and proceeds to throw up again. Her assistant, notices.
“Are you ok?!” She asks
“I’m fine, where Owen?”
Meanwhile Owen climbs under a car as his fellow worker tries to hide in front of a vehicle but is no match. Owen shuts his eyes as he watches his co-worker get gobbled up. Owen quickly and quietly rips the gas line off the car and drenches his body in it to hopefully hide his scent. He watches as the bloody teeth get next to the car and the Dino sniffs and then walks off. He waits then rolls out and runs to find Claire.
“Claire! The Indominus has escaped! We need.. Claire! What the heck!” Owen says and then stops when he sees her throwing up violently into a trash, with her assistant next to her, rubbing her back.”
“I’m.. *throws up* fine*gag* we need to.. shut down.. t..the park… w..we don’t know what’s.. in this Dino…” she paused and then suddenly lurches forward as a big wave of sick pours through her lips and into the transcan.
“She’s been sick for at least three minutes.” Says the assistant.
“She needs medical.” Owen responds immediately.
“I..it’s just food poisoning… ate.. old.. granola bar…” she barely gets out before she’s dry heaving and spitting bile out.
He was torn… care for Claire or go save his raptors and stop this monster that was created.
“Don’t care, your dehydrated and we need you ok cause we are about to be in a life and death situation now that the Indominus has escaped, and I need to get back to the girls cause InGen wants to equip my raptors to hunt this Dino and I really don’t want them to. It’s too dangerous and unpredictable. “ Owen says as he calls over his radio.
Suddenly paramedics and a gurney rush in.
They take Claire away while Owen follows to provide protection.
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deandraws · 9 months
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Owen and Blue stickers are on my Sticker Shop now! Yay! Mystery packs are on my Etsy shop too!
Art by me! Tones by Lockway!!
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bajisjinx · 2 years
Does anyone have a screecap or a wallpaper of the scene where Rexy goes behind the fountain and does the logo of the movies? It was soo good 😌
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
19 - One Last Fight Rexy
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Part 20
Hybrid Trainer
@bigbendyhorns @abaker74 @foundationsretail
Entering the room we met up with the others where I bend over feeling the baby kicking a lot harsher than normal. Owen comes to my side rubbing my back looking me in the eye seeing my eyes glow their golden color. Baring my teeth I growled sensising a smell I knew well even though it's been four years since I last saw him. "RH, you're alive?" He breathed out before I spun around on my feet flashing my golden eyes directly at him stomping forward where there's little space between us. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't tear you apart this second for what you did to me!" Ian raised a brow stammering out seeing the scientist standing in front of me. "No, no, no. Him. Not him. It's always him. Every single - is that a dinosaur on your shoulder?" Owen slowly turned carrying Blue's little raptor on his back replying like it's no big deal. "Yeah, why?"
"Now that's settled. Let me deal with you!" I bawled my hands into fists at my side about to transform and pounce on him as a raptor until Jewel jumped in front of me in her tiny raptor form chirping up at me. Maisie ran up standing by her side blocking me from getting any closer to killing the doctor. "Mom wait. He's trying to fix what he's done. The bugs can be fixed with mine and Jewels blood. He's not going to hurt anyone." She locked eyes with me where I grumbled throwing my head back before Dr. Wu slowly stepped forward reaching out to place his hand on Jewels raptor nose gently. "Wow she's  - she's remarkable. I never dreamed that the serium would actually work. It was always just a trial run faze but I see that's not a problem for you two." Be points towards my stomach with Owen resting a hand on my shoulder where I grabbed my hand in his still preferring to kill him in the next few seconds.
Alan moved around the table glancing between our group with a confused face. "Forgive if this sounds like a dumb question but what exactly does RH stand for?" Owen and Wu both replied in unison to his question. "Raptor Hybrid." Crossing my arms over my chest I flipped my hair over my shoulder scoffing back his direction. "He's the man who created me!" Claire and Ellie come back in the room with Barry before we all headed outside seeing a helicopter waiting for us. Halting in my tracks beside my husband while he still carries a gun in his other hand I hear the light roar of Rexy and another meat eating dinosaur. The lights of the helicopter fly around right until the two dinosaurs finally noticed each other. Our group ran underneath one of their tails before they charged at one another fighting to win dominance over the other one. Rexy swings her tail knocking the other to the ground where I tackled Jewel and Maisie to the ground barley avoiding getting hit. "Come on, I've got you honey." Owen ran backwards pushing the girls in front of us wrapping his arm around my waist since I still can't run let alone run on my own.
"Come on. Go. Go!" Claire and Ellie both ushered us forward hiding behind an orange statue. Alan and Ian both slide underneath one their legs with little bits of ash falling ontop of us since the remaining area is burning on fire. The people in the lab that were here had decided to burn whatever evidence was left. Maisie gets in the front seat and I started to help Jewel in her seat until a loud thud knocked us on the ground. Whipping my head the wind blowing my hair in my face I bared my teeth seeing Rexy was on the ground in some rubble. Another smaller dinosaur roared in wanting to challenge the Giganotasaururs. A small pitched cry filled my ears secounds before I saw my youngest daughter jump up onto the Giganotasaururs back biting on her. "Jewel no!" I screamed breaking into a run transforming into my raptor form with Owen hollering my name in terror. "Y/n, Jewel!" Launching myself onto the other dinosaurs back it tries using its claws to knock me off but scratches Jewel off onto the ground and against the orange statue.
The smaller dinosaur whined with my teeth in its neck as I glanced towards the rubble seeing Rexy slowly rising to her feet. She roared giving me the signal to let go so I removed my mouth letting my body fall on the ground. Tumbling around until I'm on my back I gasped seeing Rexy push the bigger dinosaur into a metal statue where the smaller dinosaur is standing by. The two dinosaurs collapsed onto the ground dead with metal priced throughout their chests. Dragging myself over to my daughter's knocked out body she was back as a human where I lightly shake her barley finding a pulse. "Wake up my baby...please wake up. I can't...I can't lose you. Please Jewel...Jewel!" I started sobbing uncontrollably not caring that Rexy was standing behind me and could kill me if she so wished to. Foosteps ran towards me with strong arms wrapping around my waist trying to pull me away from her. "Y/n, we have to go now. We have to go!" Owen grunts when I fight against his hold gripping our daughters arm still holding onto her weak heartbeat that I could still hear. "Owen get your hands off me. She's our daughter  - she's our child. I refuse to leave her. I'd rather die. I've lived through too much for this!' He finally managed to get his arms completely around me dragging me away from her body.
Pushing me into one of the seats on the helicopter he used all his strength to keep me grounded where I kept punching his chest sobbing uncontrollably. "Owen you're just gonna let her die!" He raised his voice turning on the alpha tone causing my raptor side to follow his commands without a real choice. "Hey, hey, look at me. Eyes on me right now. Lock it up. Eyes on me!" He reaches up wiping tears away from my eyes seeing he is sobbing too right as Barry carries her knocked out body on the airplane. Pressing his fingers he turns to us while the helicopter took off into the air. "She's barely holding on. She'll need immediate medical attention." Owen grabbed my head pressing my face into his chest letting me start sobbing uncontrollably in fear. Wrapping my arms around his neck I death gripped the fabric of his shirt seeing the little raptor laying behind Maisie's chair. Blinking tears from eyes Owen and I just stared out the window in silence seeing the area that the dinosaur would live in until they died burning. Not all of them are here and they would soon be roaming around Earth where we just had to hope that humanity and dinosaurs could live together.
Oh my gosh ya'll not gonna lie I almost cried writing this chapter for two reasons
Because of what I wrote for Jewel Grady and the fact that this is almost the ending of this book
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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