#black cowboys/cowgirls culture
cozyaliensuperstar7 · 2 months
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Beyoncé 👑 🐝 🤠 🐎
Via @foreverdc Beyoncé does nothing by “chance” and from what she does in music with albums like “The Lion King:
The Gift” “Renaissance” or recently with “Cowboy Carter”, the history lessons extend to the visual field and through what he uses, he gives us the complete experience.
For “Cowboy Carter” Beyonce contextualizes us by wearing fur garments like those worn by black cowboys in the 1900s, recognizing their importance in the history of Texas, when they worked on ranches throughout the state, or with references to the clothing of Linda Martell, who She became the first commercially successful African-American woman in the country genre, being the first to play the Grand Ole Opry in 1969 before retiring from the country music industry and eventually appearing on the album cover as a Black Rodeo Queen., which are the
“face” of the sport of rodeo. They represent their rodeo, association, or region for a standard period of usually 12 months and are typically required to wear a cowboy hat, crown, and sash with their title. Being a rodeo queen requires Western-style horseback riding skills, public speaking, rodeo knowledge, appearance and personality.
In history there are Black Rodeo Queens, little visible.
Thank you @beyonce for being aware of the importance of our history, legacy and the power of black women and passing it on to us!
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thechanelmuse · 1 year
Black American cowboys and cowgirls in Decatur, Georgia.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 4 months
If that act ii is all country/roots music, I will be so excited and curious to see how Beyonce will navigate this roll out. I'm ready for it. Sitting here with Solange energy like bring it on home!
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16 Carriages is giving us serious gandy dancer/prison work songs/chain gangs rythmns. There's a bullwhip sound layered in there. I'm hearing so much.
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thoughtsmindless · 3 hours
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strawhbrrries · 1 year
Cowboy hats.
pairing: dbf!southern!frank castle x afab!reader
summary: five days and five nights without a single word from frank, what an asshole. an asshole who looks too damn good in a cowoy hat.
warnings: age gap (reader is 22, frank is 52), use of pet names, dirty dirty thoughts!!!,unprotected p in v sex!!, praise kink asf, soft frank, frank being an asshole for the first like two thousand words, cowboy hate frank, no mentions of y/n, no descriptions of reader, not proofread
word count: 4015 words
author’s note: end of the road for darlin’ and frankie (probably not, i absolutely will write more, smaller, things for them, but this is the end of the cowgirl series!! I loved writing for them and hope i did them justice!! I hope you guys it enjoy it, mwah 
read the first one here, and the second here !
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It had been five days, five entire days and nights without speaking to Frank. Not that you didn’t try, you had been texting him. Multiple times. Just to get “read at 2:30” every time.  Every. Damn. Time. He brushed you off if you spoke to him in person, ignored your texts, you would soon resort to carrier pigeon. What the fuck happened to Frankie who was calling you his girl? The fucking 180 he pulled was pissing you off. The rational side of you tried to convince yourself he wasn’t your boyfriend, he had made no promises to you, he was free to ignore you all he wanted. No matter how angry it made you. The irrational side didn’t care, he had been inside of you raw, he owes you some explanation. What a fucking little fuckboy move to fucking make. 
Ironically, Boyfriend by COIN played through your car. Not now.
“I don’t wanna be your boyfriend,
When you need a little company,
I don’t wanna be your boyfriend,
When there’s not another phone to ring.”
You searched through the passenger seat for your phone once your car was safely stopped at the red light, this was absolutely NOT the song to play. Of all the songs on your playlist, of course it had to be this one. The universe wasn’t done playing cruel jokes on you, it was almost like it wanted to see you suffer just a tiny bit more. A black truck pulled up next to you, in the left turn lane. Frank’s black truck. That Frank was driving. It would take a miracle to save you from driving your car off a cliff, today was testing you and you were losing. He shot you a smile from his driver’s seat, giving you a two finger wave without lifting his hand off the steering wheel.
A smile. The nerve of this guy. The fucking nerve.
The light turned green before you were able to yell all the expletives you knew in all the languages you knew them in. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. You were meeting Tiff at a bookstore for a girls day, she was going to get an earful of what happened five days ago and the fucking nerve he has to act this way. 
“I mean, he is fifty. Right? Maybe he’s just not used to dating culture. He had a wife previously, I think, so just talk to him.” Tiff reasoned, tracing her finger up the spine of a book before pulling it off the shelf to read the description on the back.
“Even if dating culture is different, he gave me his number. Said we’d talk later and has given me the coldest shoulder possible. Then has the nerve to smile at me like none of this has happened.” You whined, frustrated that this was even happening. Initially, you had planned to just be pretty and reap the perks of it this summer. Not get hung up on an older man that’s best friends with your dad. 
“Does he even know you’re angry? I mean he’s not a mind reader and neither are you, ambush his house when you know he’s there. I don’t think he’d shy away from being alone with you.” She teased, poking your side and placing the book back in its rightful spot on the shelf. “Then, you can set boundaries and what not. Fuck. And make up!”
“I would sooner punch him in that smug attractive stupid fucking face.” You rolled your eyes, knowing deep inside the next time he was in your presence and willing to take you to bed that you would be there. You didn’t know how to say no to him. 
“We both know that is the furthest thing from the truth.” Tiff raised her eyebrow at you and cocking her head, daring you to argue about it. 
“Shut up, I’m trying to learn to have some self control.” You tried to hide a smile, failing miserably and rolling your eyes instead. “I’ll ambush him later, he better be there or be prepared to feel my wrath.”
“That’s my girl!” She laughed, clapping her hands the best she could with the books in her hands. “Make sure he really understands the anger. The rage!”
To keep true to your word, you drove by his house on the way to yours to see if he was home. He wasn’t. Fucker. You knew it wasn’t intentional but it sure felt that way, because of all days and of all times he wouldn’t be there. However, to your surprise, he was parked in your driveway. You parked in your usual spot and headed inside, stopping right inside the house when you heard the two men inside.
“How was your date the other night?” He went on a date, what the fuck?
“Horrible. She was still hung up on her ex-husband, talked about him all night.” Good, hope every woman you go on a date with does that. Asshole.
“Sorry man, you’ll find someone someday.” Your dad tried consoling him, your anger was bubbling and the next word of this conversation was going to be your breaking point. Did the sex truly mean nothing to him? Did you mean nothing to him? Were you just a quick fuck to get the desire out and then move on? 
You closed the front door loudly to announce your presence, walking into the kitchen where said men were sitting at the kitchen table. Frank had his legs spread, hand hanging between them with a beer in his hand. The kicker was, he was wearing a cowboy hat, his hair fluffing out on the side. To add onto the never ending list of things making this, currently insufferable, man so attractive he was wearing some sort of red henley with the top buttons undone so you could see the gold chains decorating his neck.
“Hey daddy!” You smiled at your dad, handing him a book he had mentioned twenty times he wanted to read. Your words caused Frank to clear his throat and sit straighter in the seat, you could play his game much worse than he can.
“What’s the occasion, honey?” He always had weird ways of saying thank you, as in he never really did and would instead pay you back by making your favorite food for dinner tomorrow or ordering a dress you really wanted. You figured it was just how he grew up.
“You deserve it, daddy! You do so much for me and treat me so well! I’m gonna take a shower.” And with that you were off up the stairs, flipping Frank off once you got to a point in the stairs where the wall covered you.
You locked your bedroom door. He didn’t need to come in here and desecrate your room anymore than he already had. If he didn’t have such a big dick and fantastic hands you would’ve murdered him already, why bless bad men with great appendages. 
Your mind raked itself for answers, you truly couldn’t come up with one that didn’t end with you not being good enough for him. The date was the trulying baffling part to you, the cold shoulder you could deal with just fine but the date was just cruel. If he didn’t want you he shouldn’t have left his number, shouldn’t have fucked you within an inch of you life, shouldn’t have called you his. He shouldn’t have even read the messages, deleted them and blocked your number. He read them and actively chose to not respond, you didn’t know if it was any worse than just blocking you. If the universe was cruel, Frank castle was worse. 
Your door knob jiggled, quite a few times before you heard the sound of boots going downstairs. You knew he would come up here and try to act like it was all peachy keen, like he hadn’t been twisting the knife he placed in your back. Your phone dinged.
I know you heard, at least let me explain.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at the absolute nerve he has had today.
Darlin’, please.
Fuck off, Frank.
Fucking COIN was right, he didn’t want to be your boyfriend. How fucking foolish could you have been. How could you imagine he’d settle down for a twenty-two year old girl who was related to his best friend. You flopped down on your bed and let out a very long, very needed, scream. The tears started coming, you hadn’t been this emotional in a very long time, the tears you had initially shed over Frank turned into tears over everything you’d bottled up. Your tears comforted you into dreamland. You awoke to four texts from Frank.
It’s not how it seems. Sent 9:30pm
Darlin’ I swear, I had to do it. Sent 10:05pm
Two nights with you has me ready to fill every ocean with blood, sweat, and tears for you so don’t act like that. Sent 5am
Your dad set up the date, I couldn’t not go. Was I supposed to tell him I’d rather be fucking his daughter? Sent 5:30am
It didn’t matter to you that your dad set the whole thing up, you responded with a simple yes and placed your phone back on the nightstand you picked it up from. Men are so stupid, you could think of two ways he could’ve gotten out of the date without you being involved. Still doesn’t explain the five day freeze out, if he had been honest about the date it wouldn’t have mattered . As much. He better come up with the best damn excuse for this shit or you swore you’d never speak to him again.
Frank’s phone dinged in his pocket, he’d been waiting all morning for you to respond. He knew you would, just as you were his vice. He was yours. The second you walked in the kitchen last night it was taking all his self control to not pull you onto his lap, continue his conversation with your dad, trailing his fingers up and down your leg. He knew you were angry with him, you had every right to be, but he didn’t know how to even begin explaining the situation. Your dad was being suspicious, he thought it was odd that Frank spent an extended amount of time in your room the other night, thought it was weird that everytime your name was mentioned Frank’s nostrils flared and his jaw tightened. It was your dad who suggested setting up the date, watched Frank’s face as he brought it up to see if he’d give away anything. Frank was saving you both, he was doing this for you. In some twisted way.
The date happened the night after he slept with you, he felt guilty to have gone behind your back. He didn’t want to see you look so excited to see him when he felt tainted. He didn’t do anything with the woman, opened her car door and moved back her seat but he never once laid a finger on her. Her smile wasn’t as sweet as yours, her laugh not as gentle and filling, and she wasn’t nearly as beautiful. Frank spent most of the date thinking of you and how he wished it was you in front of him, not this woman who couldn’t be bothered to speak of anything besides her ex-husband. He thought she’d get the hint that he was bored, he stopped responding to her questions and was now scanning the restaurant making up stories about the other patrons to pass the time.
He just wanted to be with His cowgirl.
Seeing you in your car yesterday made the guilt twist in his heart, he needed to speak to you. But you didn’t want to speak to him, especially not after what you heard in the house. That’s why when his phone dinged and he had the feeling it was you, his face lifted and he was filled with a warmth only you could give to him. The one word you replied with had made the past five days almost bearable.
You know I can’t do that. Can I see you after work? Please, darlin’
He placed his phone back into his back pocket, taking a deep breath as he awaited your response. God, he hoped you responded. It didn’t matter if you didn’t say a word to him the whole time he explained it, he needed to see you and he needed you to understand why he did what he did. He meant what he said, he’d fill every ocean on the fucking planet with blood, sweat and tears if it meant your happiness. He’d go back to the life he left to ensure your safety. 
If the rest of the day was the worst day possible he could deal with that, he could deal with anything as long as it meant getting to see you when he got off. He truly didn’t know how you would react or what it meant for the two of you going forward. He could only hope for the best. Whatever that even was.
You spent the rest of the day thinking about what he could possibly explain to you, it was clear that he wasn’t as interested as you thought before. Would you even believe it, whatever his excuse was? Or would you immediately forgive him because it meant he would be back in your life, would you forget it even happened and go back to playing girlfriend. You wanted to forget, to act like it never hurt, but you wanted him to understand how it felt. To be treated like the top of the world and then dumped like you meant nothing. 
You wore red.
That was the first thing Frank noticed as you walked up his driveway clad in a flowy red sundress, you remembered his favorite color and the conversation about wearing it the next time you saw him. Forgiveness was in there somewhere, he knew it. You noticed he was wearing that damn cowboy hat again, damn he was playing a hard game. 
“Thanks for coming darlin’, I was kinda worried you wouldn’t.” He didn’t stand up from his chair on the porch to greet you, in some way you were kinda glad but you mostly figured it’s because you’re on his porch and everyone can see.
“Yeah, I just hope you’ve got something real good up your sleeve.” You responded bluntly, sitting in the chair next to him and smoothing your dress out. “You’re an asshole, Frankie.’
“I know, I fuckin’ know baby. Just listen, okay? I’ll explain and then you can fuckin’ obliterate me but I need you to listen.” He sat up straighter, reaching to take one of your hands in his, rubbing his thumb across the top.
“We don’t have all night, I suggest you start talking.” He could’ve swore he saw a hint of a smile playing on your lips as you spoke.
“Your dad, I know I can’t blame it all on him. He came to me, after I left your room, and he hinted he was a bit suspicious of us. What he said doesn’t matter, just know he was suspicious. He said he had a date planned for me, thought it would be nice for me to meet a woman ‘my own age’ and gave me the information. Darlin’, if I said no he would’ve caught on the next time I spent more than a minute with you, I did this for us. For you, baby. I didn’t touch her, barely spoke the whole time. She spent more time talking about her ex-husband, I’m not sure she even knew my name,” you giggled at that, she didn’t deserve to know him,”Took her home, didn’t give her my number. Nothin’. I came here and thought of you, all night. Thought about how I was supposed to tell you. I felt gross, and I’ve done bad things darlin’. Bad things.”
“I don’t care what bad things you’ve done, because that’s not you. Not now.” You whispered, taking your free hand and caressing his cheek. He leaned into your touch, so soft and warm.
“That’s the thing, I’d do it again. I’d do all those bad things again, for you.” He admitted, watching you process his words. It should’ve scared you, should’ve made you run off his porch and block his number. It excited you, made your core throbbed at the thought of someone loving you enough to do those ‘bad things’ he spoke of. You were smart enough to make your own conclusions about what he meant.
“But why did you ignore me? That really hurt, Frankie. It really fucking sucked.”
“I told you. I felt gross, undeserving of you. I went on a date with someone who wasn’t you and it was eating at me, even if my reasons were just.” He truly looked apologetic, you came here looking to stick it to him but you melted the second he started talking. He did it for you and you were sat thinking he just didn’t like you and wanted a quick fuck.
“Frankie..” You whispered, looking at him like he’d hung the moon and all the stars. Scanning the other houses to predict who could’ve seen you here.
“Don’t do that. Don’t look at me like that, darlin’.” He groaned, tipping his head back and squeezing his eyes shut. You were a goddamn dream.
“I’d like a tour of your bed.” You giggled, the way you figured was he at least owed you some sort of makeup sex. You were melting the second he said he’d do bad things for you, he had to fix the problem he started.
“Mmm I can arrange that, c’mon cowgirl.” He tightened the grasp on the hand he was holding and led you inside, it smelled just like he did. Slight scent of gunpowder, tobacco from the cigars he smoked with your father, some sort of leather and coffee. You could drown yourself in the scent.
“Your place is so…you.” You observed. There were more cowboy hats hung up by the door, more boots on the floor, a whiskey cabinet in the living room which led you to assume everything else was held in his kitchen, the lighting was dim. 
“Might shock ya to hear that I live here.” He teased, leading you through the kitchen and down a hallway to his bedroom. His room was sparsely decorated, he was only a man what could he say. 
“I would’ve never guessed.” You smiled, letting go of his hand to flop down on his bed. It wasn’t nearly as comfortable as yours, didn’t have nearly as many blankets and pillows. 
Frank slid his hands down your thighs as they hung off the bed, admiring the sight of you in his bed. He didn’t deserve you or what you were about to give him. But Frank Castle was a greedy man, he’d take everything you were willing to give. Especially when it came to you. He slowly massaged your thighs, moving both hands to one of your legs and massaging all the way down. You propped yourself on your elbows, watching him curiously as he massaged you.
“What’re you doing, Frankie?” You asked softly, genuine curiosity present in your voice. His lips lifted at the nickname, as they did every time you called him that since the first time.
“Jus’ lovin’ on my lady, do you have a problem with that?” He tilted his head down and raised an eyebrow, the cowboy hat slipping a bit as he did so. 
“Nope, no problems. Just thought you were gonna take me to bed, ‘s all.” 
“You know how to pick my brain, findin’ all the right things to say and when to say ‘em. My pretty girl, made just for me. Ain’t that right?” He let go of your leg, hiking your dress up so he didn’t sit on it when he straddled your waist. “Knew this was gonna happen, huh? Did ya find the laciest red panties you could find? You got words, I know you do.”
“For you, told you I’d do it.” You pulled the top of the dress down to realize the matching lacy red bra, all for your Frankie. He let out a low groan, you were too good to a man who didn’t deserve you. Too tainted to touch the pureness of your soul.
Frank helped you out of your dress, throwing it into the corner of his room, he stared at you a long time. The matching red set was something out of his dreams, he wanted to sear  the image of you wearing it in his bed in his head forever. He ran his hands over your stomach, your thighs, anywhere his hands could reach. It’s crazy how fast a person can come to mean so much to you, especially when they’d been around for years. One night changed everything for the both of you, changed the meaning of love for Frank. He’d figure out how to get your dad on board late, for tonight you were his sweet thing to make sweet love to.
The cowboy hat was left on at your request, he didn’t mind as long as you kept letting the giggles out when it bumped your forehead as he thrusted up into you. Your red bra was left on at his request, a reminder that this was all for him. That it was all real and not some cruel dream. Your moans and whimpers a sweet symphony to his ears, he’d pay over and over and over to hear. Your nails gripping his back, when he checked in the mirror later that evening it’d be adorned with light pink scratches and half moons scattered across it, holding onto him like he was going to disappear again. His thrusts were slow but deep, hitting all the right spots inside you, his hands holding your head to look at him as he showed you everything he couldn’t say with words. 
His words were equally dirty and sweet, just like him.
“Pretty baby, you feel how you’re squeezin’ me?”
“God, gonna lock you away. Keep you all to myself, use you when I want. Make you my pretty housewife.”
“”S alright baby, Frankie’s got you. Gonna take good care of this pussy, make ‘er feel good.”
The two of you came together, he talked you softly through the whole thing. Peppered kisses across your face and down your neck, praising you for how good you did even though he did all the work. He traced his initials, FC, above your heart with his fingers before placing a kiss right where he traced. Marking you, invisibly, as his forever and ever. 
“Don’t ever go on another date with another woman.” You teased softly, looking up at him when you came to.
“I’m not doin’ nothin’ with another woman that’s not you. Promise, darlin’.” He placed a soft kiss to your lips, nipping at your bottom lip and pulling away to look at your face. He wiped away the sweaty hairs that had stuck themselves to your face.
“Good, my Frankie.”
“Your Frankie.” He’d softened in his older years, in his years with you he’d soften even more than previously thought. Frankie, as he came to be known to everyone you introduced him to, never could say no to you. That included the day you decided you wanted to tell your dad about him, you were tired of sneaking around. Even if it was fun. You’d been in an actual established relationship for a while at that point, he was going to find out eventually. In true Frankie fashion he sighed, shot back the rest of his whiskey and said Okay, darlin’. The mental battle he fought, briefly, about you lost the second you assured him you’d traverse it together. Loving you was the best thing Frank Castle would ever come to do in all his life.
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thetudes · 9 months
4.0 Genshin's Fontaine - Vocabulaire
Les Lieux en Fontaine (Places in Fontaine)
fontaine (f) => fountain
poisson (m) => fish
chemin de l'espoir (m) => path of hope
fleuve cendré (m) => ashen river
quartier lyonnais (m) => Lyon quarter
quartier narbonnais (m) => Narbonne quarter
horlogerie (f) => clockmaker's shop
Les Noms des Personnages (Characters' Names) (Mainly NPCs)
les Gardes => guards
livre (m) => book
Maison Gardiennage => security house (lit. house security)
vacher (m), vachère (f) => cowboy, cowgirl
semaine (f) => week
Petit Chou (m) => little dear (familiar, affectionate term) (lit. little cabbage)
bulle (f) => bubble
confrérie (f) => community, association, guild, fraternity
marcotte (f) => layer (horticulture term)
Oratrice Mécanique d'Analyse Cardinale (f) => Mechanical Speaker of Cardinal Analysis
pluie (f) => rain
blancheur (f) => whiteness, purity
noirceur (f) => darkness, blackness
Mot-valise (Portmanteau)
lumidouce = lumière (light) + douce (soft, sweet)
belleau = bel (beautiful) + eau (water)
French Localization Names
Tidalga => Maréalgue = maré (tidal) + algue (algae)
Condessence Crystal => Cristal de condensat (crystal of condensate)
Cultural notes from the Genshin Impact Fandom/Wikia: (spoilers ahead)
Marcel/Vacher's name is a reference to French serial killers, Joseph Vacher and Marcel Barbeault
Mélusines are female spirits of fresh water in European folklore
Méquignon and Bertin's House of Curiosities may be a reference to French fashion merchant Rose Bertin, known for her work with Marie Antoinette, and Bertin's mother, Marie-Marguerite Méquignon
Méropide (as in Fortress of Meropide) is the French name of the fictional island Meropis by ancient Greek writer Theopompus as a parody to Plato's Atlantis
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rabid-revolution · 1 year
7, 8 and 14 for the pride asks :)
7. Are you the "token" queer person in your family?
Yes, and no. There are a handful of other queer ppl in my entire family that I kno of (and by that I mean I've had to deduce this because my family usually beats around the bush when it comes to queer stuff) so technically I'm not the only one, but since I'm not fully out to them and I don't kno that many other ppl in my family that are queer, I am indeed The Token Queer TM.
8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender:
Punk, Goth, rockstar, detective, cowboy, cowgirl, knight, archer, 70s-00s, 90s specifically, red, black, green, purple, teenager from dystopia, rebellious, folkish, nature-like (if both the peaceful and unhinged sense), culture-oriented, and most importantly Long hair TM. (this is all over the place lol I'm so sorry)
14. How do you think other factors like neurodivergency or upbringing have impacted your identity?
My family is somewhat open to LGBTQ+ stuff, so I've never grown up homophobic or anything like that, but since they aren't super open about it it took me a long time to really find out abt identities and stuff. Being neurodivergent, I never really cared for social norms in the first place, nor I did I have any trouble accepting who I am. It also makes my identity incredibly unique with it being associated more with looks and objects rather than words. My gender's very fluid and follows my emotions, and my sexuality may or may not have been influenced by bad events I've had in my life. (genuinely still trying to figure that out) Regardless, I'm happy to have found labels I feel most comfortable with and I plan on sticking to them. :)
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gingerradiohour · 2 years
Ginger Radio Hour #021
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Show Notes July 19, 2022
Listen to archived episode.
Theme: The Mythic West.
Featured: A conversation with photographer Gabriela Hasbun. Her new book The New Black West: Photographs From America's Only Touring Black Rodeo tells the story of cowboy and cowgirl culture out west through photographs and interviews. "There's a lot of Black culture that is celebrated at the rodeo," Hasbun told me. "It's a place where people feel safe and comfortable, celebrated, acknowledged." Plus, listen in on a training session with Buddy the blind horse in the Catskills and music inspired by all of the above.
Patti Smith “Land: Horses / Land of a Thousand Dances / La Mer(de)” Album: Horses 1996
The Intruders “Cowboys To Girls” Album: Super Hits 1973
D’Angelo And The Vanguard “Back To the Future (Part II)” Album: Black Messiah 2014
Wah Wah Watson “Bubbles” Album: Elementary 1976
Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose “Too Late to Turn Back Now” 2008
Decibelists “Between the World and Me (feat. Cornelius Eady)” Album: Decibelists 2017
Bill Callahan “Riding For The Feeling” Album: Apocalypse 2011
Swamp Dogg (feat. John Prine) “Please Let Me Go Round Again” 2020
Featured Interstitial: Gary Burton “Vibrafinger” Album: Turn Of The Century 1976
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plethodontidae · 4 years
the amount of cowboy-esque roles that pedro pascal has had is just *chefs kiss*
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thechanelmuse · 9 months
Black American Cowboy & Rodeo Culture in Arizona
"Since it first began in 2011, the Arizona Black Rodeo has become one of the biggest and most renowned Black American cultural and educational gatherings in the Grand Canyon State. The event celebrates the rich history and contributions of Black cowboys and cowgirls. It seeks to preserve this often-overlooked part of American history while providing a thrilling and family-friendly experience. Here, participants compete and shed light on the significant role Black Americans have played in shaping the heritage of the Southwest.
"Over 100 cowboys and cowgirls participate, hailing from Arizona, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and California. The Arizona Black rodeo commences with the performance of the Black National Anthem, followed by grand entry celebrations and a tribute to the Buffalo Soldiers. Some of the main attractions of the Arizona Black Rodeo include bull riding, steer wrestling, saddle bronc and bareback riding, and barrel racing." (x)
Black American cowboy and rodeo culture is a long-standing tradition dating back to the 1800s. They even had a 4-year-old cowgirl out there this year ❤️
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horsesarecreatures · 3 years
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Choctaw Indian Pony -
“Researching the history of the Choctaw horse (pronounced CHOCK-taw)—also known as the Choctaw Indian Pony—is like tracing the delicate lines of a once colorful thread woven throughout a time-worn and fading tapestry. I was transfixed, awed, enchanted and, at times, deeply saddened as the fabric of this endangered breed’s story unraveled before me, most of it left out of our school history curriculums…The Choctaw horse is a Colonial Spanish horse, though you will rarely hear them referred to by this name. Easily confused with the wild horses the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) oversees, they are often called “mustangs,” a term frequently and indiscriminately conferred on any feral horse of any genetic background. Today, only a very small number of feral horses (mustangs) bear the true Spanish type and breeding. Overall, Colonial Spanish horses of all bloodlines number about 3,000, while the total number of pure Choctaw horses is only about 250 animals.  The surviving Colonial Spanish Choctaw horses, however, are proven to be direct descendants of horses brought to the New World in the 1500s by the Spanish Conquistadors. Dr. Phillip Sponenberg, Professor of Pathology and Genetics at Virginia Tech University has devoted much of the last thirty years to ensuring the genetic integrity of the breed’s survival. “Colonial Spanish Horses are of great historic importance and are one of only a very few genetically unique horse breeds worldwide. Choctaw horses are one of a handful of distinct Native American tribal strains of Colonial Spanish Horse that are surviving by a thin thread,” he explains. The mythology of the Choctaw horse is complex, romantic and heart-rending.
While it may seem strange to envision Native Americans without horses, it wasn’t until the 1600s that indigenous Americans living in the deep South first encountered the animals. Hernando de soto and his invading Spaniards, searching for the mythical Seven Cities of Cibola (rumored to be overflowing with gold and riches) were the first to ride horses into Mississippi. The local Choctaw people dubbed the mysterious animals “spirit dogs.”  The seemingly friendly Spaniards soon proved otherwise. In the ensuing struggles, the brave and noble Choctaw managed to retain their rightful land and avoid enslavement—and they acquired a few of the Spaniards “spirit dogs,” as well.
In addition to horses, the Spanish also introduced cattle, goats, sheep and hogs to the native population. The Choctaw soon became adept at raising livestock, and the “spirit dogs” quickly became an integral part of the Choctaw culture. The characteristics and traits of the small and sturdy horses facilitated their deep integration into tribal life. They were athletic and possessed great endurance, with sound legs and tough hooves. Despite their smaller stature of 13.2-14.3 hands, the horses were able to carry a 200 plus pound man in 50 and 100 mile races. The equines quiet, people-oriented dispositions endeared them to the Choctaw and the animals soon became indispensable in hunting and farming.
Interestingly, the Choctaw women were considered “keepers of the horse,” according to screenwriter John Fusco whose movie Hidalgo was the story of Frank Hopkins and his Indian pinto pony.
‘The men did the hunting and it was their wives’ task to track and locate the kill on horseback, with little more than a broken twig here and there to mark the trail. On her sunset-and cornsilk-colored pony the Choctaw Woman would ride into a tangled maze of indigo bush and brambles, follow the trail without breaking gait, and locate the gift deer. Even five moons pregnant it didn’t matter; her Choctaw pony was born gaited, like riding a cloud. With her knife she’d dress the deer and sling the heavy meat up across the packsaddle. Laying some tobacco in gratitude, she’d remount and start for home.’
For three hundred years the Choctaw lived peaceably as accomplished agriculturalists and by the 1800s had developed a lucrative trade network with the areas that would later become Texas and Oklahoma, a feat which traveling on horseback had made possible. The high quality of their livestock, horses in particular, had become legendary, written about in travels journals of the era, including those of Lewis and Clark.
The Choctaw continued to prosper as a nation until Andrew Jackson signed the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek in September of 1830, proclaimed in February 1831, designating Oklahoma ‘Indian Territory.’ Thousands of Choctaw were forced at gunpoint to leave their beloved homeland in what was termed the ‘Relocation.’
Leaving their ancestral farms and forests to make way for Anglo plantation owners, they marched on foot (often barefoot) along what would come to be known as the Trail of Tears. Their loyal horses, with small bells tinkling like wind chimes fastened to their manes, carried children, the old and infirm through extremely cold weather and blizzards.
It is thought that as many as 4,000-5,000 of the 16,000 native people forced to relocate perished along the route. The tribe would prove resilient in the new territory until the Civil War and then, finally, Oklahoma’s statehood in 1907, when their nation would cease to exist as a separate entity. Tragically, their beloved horses did not fare as well.
The US Government sanctioned the extermination of the Indian horses in an effort to more easily force the Indians onto reservations. Because the Native American’s horses were of spiritual significance in the tribal culture (as was the land), confiscating them was a strategy to break the tribe’s spirit. But the fleet-footed ponies proved hard to catch. And unbeknownst to the cavalry, a handful of families in isolated pockets on the reservations sought to preserve the ancestral bloodlines, guarding and breeding their prized horses.
By the turn of the century, the handful of Choctaw  horses remaining sported long Spanish manes and came in a variety of colors: line-backed dun, varnish roan, blacks and bays and leopards among them. They were intelligent and possessed uncanny cow sense, a constitution that could survive on scrub grass, and a “butter smooth” ride. But by 1950 most of the Choctaw elders had passed on—and along with them the esoteric wisdom and zeal for preserving the rare pedigreed ponies that had accompanied them through times both good and bad.
Then another challenge arose: the US. Government imposed the Tick Eradication Program, ordering every wild pony in Oklahoma to be shot. A twist of fate in the form of a young cowboy named Gilbert H. Jones would turn the tables in the breed’s favor. G. H. Jones had a life-long passion for pure Spanish mustangs (now called Spanish Colonial Horses). He left New Mexico because his horses were being slaughtered by neighbors for their meat, and he had only one remaining stallion.    
Moving into the Kiamichi Mountains in southeastern Oklahoma, he obtained grazing permits from a local timber company and with the help of a friend, Robert Brislawn, began the process of rebuilding a pure Colonial Spanish Horse herd.
Jones happened upon some Choctaw elders who respected the young white man’s dedication and helped him acquire several Choctaw mares and an additional stallion—an impressive buckskin and white pinto named “Rooster.” Rooster’s ancestry could be traced directly back to the Trail of Tears. Jones’ restoration of a small herd of Choctaw horses had begun.
Savvy and industrious, Jones had become aware of Frank T. Hopkins. Hopkins and his Indian pony Hidalgo (the inspiration for the 2004 motion picture) had demonstrated the breed’s merits through long endurance races, and Jones aimed to do the same. Between long trail rides and brutal endurance events, Rooster’s bloodlines eventually became legendary.
By the 1980’s, Jones’s herd numbered close to one hundred pure horses. Jones continued to work tirelessly to preserve the Choctaw Indian Pony well into his elderly years. He died in 2000 at the age of 93, passing down his research and conservation work to Bryant and Darlene Rickman, who still breed and preserve Jones’ horses on his original land.
Dr. Phillip Sponenberg works closely with the Rickmans, contributing his advanced genetic research, as well as serving as Technical Advisor for the ALBC (American Livestock Breeds Conservancy). Dr. Sponenberg also serves as an Advisor to Red Road Farm and the Choctaw Indian Conservation Program, founded by the writer and filmmaker who made the Disney movie Hidalgo: John Fusco.” - Cowgirl Magazine
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mafaldaknows · 3 years
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Food for thought from Tyler: Why are we here?
Because human beings suck at overcoming confirmation bias, which feeds the ego with feelings of moral superiority and righteousness.
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There’s often so much more to a story than meets the eye. Remember that. What you see is only what you think you see. What happened in your mind might only have ever happened in your mind, without facts and evidence to support the event.
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John Belushi never served time in Joliet. It was for a movie. Note the name tape that says BLUES. But how many people will think it’s real, just because they saw it on the internet?
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We think cowboys can only ever look like this.
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When they also looked like this. And still do.
Our egos feed on feelings of righteousness and moral superiority, which often leads us to the wrong conclusions about others based solely on an image or perception of what we think is true about them. We can become so addicted to these feelings that we refuse to see the whole story behind the image. But feelings aren’t facts. A supposition still needs concrete evidence in order to turn it into a fact. Simply believing it doesn’t make it true. When confronted with the truth, some will double down on the lie and dig their heels in deeper, in order to preserve their egos. Human beings are strange creatures.
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What you see is not always what you see.
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Emp-ire “The Angel On My Side.”
Hope everyone is having a good day. And I hope you all like seeing Ramirez a little more because he is going to be present a lot in these next stories. I hope you find this fun because I had fun writing it :)
“Relax would you, you look like…. Well you look like you're sitting in the dentist's office waiting for a root canal.”
Adam looked up from his hands as the shuttle rocked from side to side, “Sory, I just generally prefer to drive. This guy keeps dipping too shallow and it's making me nervous.”
Ramirez rolled his eyes and kicked back to take a look at the pamphlet he was reading, “Listen to this. I picked this up back on the station and it's  pretty interesting read.” He cleared his throat, “Within the last eighteen months GA xeno planetary analysts have green lit twenty potential colony planets for human habitation. According to xeno-scientific experts, these planets are all perfectly habitable, and unlikely to ever produce sentient life of its own. Each of these planets has a suitable climate for a large population though xeno experts will be  strictly limiting colonization in an effort to not destabilize the planetary ecosystem. Each colony will be heavily monitored by members of the xeno colonization taskforce. Efforts will be made to keep the natural landscapes of the planet as intact as possible. For these reasons the use of technology, and natural gasses are being strictly limited by the Interplanetary Energy Association. Some experts postulated that these limits on technological use might have a hand in deterring colonists, however this theory has proven to be false as slots for planetary habitation fill up quickly. Furthermore xeno cultural experts have been stunned at the sudden and rapid development of micro cultures within the colonies. The term they are using is called Rapid Microcultural Evolution, often these cultures are very specific and very niche to each planet often based on dead or outdated human cultures from history largely influenced by popular media.”
He set down the pamphlet, “Isn’t that cool, I was reading in here at it seems like there are “themed” Colonies now. Like the one we are going to is like wild west, but there is also a sort of greek/roman style one that popped up in the milky way, and even a victorian one out somewhere in andromeda.” Adam tilted his head, “Guess you and I are going to have to start a colony.”
“Alright, what theme are we gonna pick, can’t be sci fi because we live in that.”
Adam leaned back in his seat, “You ever stop to think that we only consider it sci fi because I watched too many space movies from the 2000s. Technically it's not sci fi its sci fact. I have a house on the moon, and fly a spaceship.”
“Good point.” He walked to sit over next to Adam, “So what time period do you think is cool.”
Adam tapped his foot on the ground, “how about…. Renaissance?”
“I was thinking vikings or WAIT Aztec.”
“Mmmm some of my ancestors were viking.
“And twenty bucks says some of my relatives were Aztec.”
Adam shrugged, “Just mix them together and make Aztec vikings and ‘bam’ you have the craziest space culture ever. Big ass viking men who drag you back to the ziggurat to pull your beating heart out of your chest for a good Maze harvist.”
The two of them laughed for a second until the shuttle dropped into upper atmosphere, and then the two of them went relatively silent as they prayed to make a safe landing as the shuttle rocked and bumped through the upper atmosphere. The sky on the planet was a very vibrant blue, almost more so than earth, and as they descended towards the barren open desert, they thought they might have seen a oup of horses riding north over the barren, rocky  landscape.
When they landed, Ramirez stumbled from the shuttle and out into sunlight throwing a hand up to protect hi face. 
It was hot, and the croaking of strange alien insects rose up around them. The site they were at was arid and mostly deserted with a single wooden building before them and a shiny new set of train tracks.
The two of them stared, “Awesome.”
Looking around, they could see miles and miles of open plane, mostly desert, but some tufts of strange looking scrub brush and more than a few rocky plateaus rising into the sky.
Then they looked around at the people.
They were not disappointed.
Men and women alike in jeans and suspenders, with wide brim hats and gun belts. Some of the women had on long skirts and decorative hats or even bonnets on a few occasions. There were a few horses tethered to the side of what they assumed to be the train station.
“I think we are a bit overdressed.” Ramirez said, leaning over to whisper to Adam.
He nodded, lets go change and then buy some train tickets to the capital. We have to find somewhere to get horses if we want to make this any sort of experience.”
Ramirez frowned as they made their way towards the train station, kicking up dirt in his wake, “Wait, horses, hold on I thought we were just going to kick up around town, go to the saloon, get drunk and maybe hit on a couple of bar maids or something.” 
Adam snorted, “Please we can’t go to the cowboy planet and not put our equipment to use.’
They shoulder their way through the double doors, their feet clattering on the wooden flooring. A few faces looked up at them from the waiting benches, but mostly they ignored the two strangers.
Adam motioned ramirez towards the bathrooms and the two of them made their way over, Glad that this was at least one modern convenience that they got to keep. Ramirez took a little while to get his gear on, and when he stepped out of the bathroom Adam was already waiting for him. 
Waiting for him leaned up against the wall, the brim of his hat low over his eyes. Ramirez was a bit surprised at how well the other man fit into the role. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, and a black vest over that, his hat was black and he had blue jeans tucked into black boots. A brown leather gunbelt hung at a canted angle on his hips.
When he looked up Ramirez grinned And adam shook his head, “You dumbass, do you even know how to put that on.”
Ramirez looked down, “What!”
Adam walked over, “I thought you lived in texas.”
He grabbed Ramirez by the shoulders and began adjusting his clothes, “Come on, If you are making me spend time with you, the best you could do is not look like a dumbass.”
Ramirez held up his hands Grinning as Adam grabbed the pistol from his holster and adjusted the belt.
“Hey Adam, is that your gun belt or are you just happy to see me.” 
Adam looked up at him with a withering gaze, “I hate you you know that.”
Ramirez grinned, “I know.”
Adam flipped the gun around, “Holster Like this if you want to be authentic, now quit being a dumbass or we are going to find out what it feels like to get a bootheel to the balls.”
He didn’t see the short side handed slap that came for the side of his head but still felt it was worth it as he tugged on his hat.
His poison of choice was a white shirt and no vest with brown boots and the light tan hat from earlier. He thought he looked sexy as hell. In fact he would go so far as to say the both of them looked  pretty hot. Two eligible bachelors out on the town…. Well one eligible bachelor and a slightly less eligible bachelor with huge baggage issues still hung up on his one and only love, but that was more of a mouthful.
Adam left Ramirez standing by the door and walked over to buy some tickets, which were also being purchased using credits as anywhere else. When he walked, his boots clomped over the floor and jangled lightly. No one bothered to look up as he went past making it clear just how common that occurrence was around here.
He came back later with two train tickets and sat on the bench next to ramirez leaning his head back against the wall.
Adam crossed his arms over his chest and pretended to be asleep, while some alien insects buzzed around the room rather annoyingly.
It was hot and Ramirez tugged at the collar of his shirt.
They were there for probably thirty or forty minutes before a distant train whistle jolted the two of them back into wakefulness.
Adam stood and so did Ramirez, the two of them jogging noisily outside onto the wooden platform in order to watch the train.
Though the train had wheels and ran on tracks, big, black and impressive, it clearly wasn’t run on coal or natural gas. However, whoever had designed the thing had clearly put great emphasis into making it look as realistic as possible, and the thundering roar as it rolled over the tracks was something to behold, vibrating in their bones in a way that just wasn’t captured by the maglevs of earth.
“Damn, that is cool.”
Adam smirked a little, “hey think the train will get robbed on our way back to town.”
Ramirez grinned, “If we don’t, I want my money back.
The platform around them started to fill up some, and they stepped back as the train pulled to a stop, urged back by a few conductors as a couple of passengers stepped out carrying bags. Some of them were cleary tourists, though there were a fwe who looked like citizens.
Stepping onto the train, the two of them were ushered into a car in the back and sat in an uncomfortable wooden bench as they watched the other passengers slowly filter onto the train. No one even looked at them twice, except, Ramirez noticed, a very pretty cowgirl who stepped o second to last and sat a few rows behind.”
He grinned and elbowed Adam in the ribs, who looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I think this planet is going to really benefit from….. A latin lover.” he whispered seductively.
Adam punched him in the leg.
He yelped, “Ouch, dude, no sense of humor.”
“I don’t know, I thought that was pretty funny.” The two of them shared a laugh as the train began to chug forward over the tracks, slow at first and then faster and faster until the landscape was rushing by below them.
The ride was rather bumpy and sort of loud, but they were ok with that. 
The sun inched towards the horizon as the train moved, and the sky faded from blue to a delicate violent towards the horizon.
At some point Adam drifted off at his side and ended up slumping against the window.
Ramirez let the poor guy sleep and sighed.
It had been a rough time for the crew, and for him, but he hoped he was doing the right thing by coming out here and taking him on some sort of adventure. Sure he had selfish motives, and wanted to see cool things, but he liked to think this was mostly for his friend.
The entire sky was almost purple now, and the light of a distant city sprung up before them.
He nudged Adam awake, and the other man sat up blinking owlishly as he looked around. Little lanterns on the carriage had been lit, illuminating the interior of the train with dim yellow light. The train began to slow, and then pulled to a stop as they got to their feet and stepped off.
Walking off the wooden planks of the train station and down into the muddied dirt road of the Bramble Colony Capital: Two Sun.
The streetlights had already been lit though horse drawn carts and carriages were still being pulled through the streets.
Dogs barked on occasion and voices rose up from houses and establishments on either side of the wooden boardwalk street.
“Where to?” Adam wondered/
“The Saloon!”
“You are such a dumbass.” Adam said, shaking his head, but he followed after Ramirez. Walking down the street their boots clattering voer wooden boards and through mud the leather of gun belts creaking slightly as they walked.
“Dude I feel like such a badass.”
Ramirez turned to look at Adam eyebrow raised, for the first time since their trip started, he seemed genuinely excited.
“Glad I’m not the only one!’
The two of them drew to a halt in the mud turning to the side where they spotted a man sitting on one of the wooden porches. Ramirez’s eyes widened as he saw the shiny golden star on the left side of the man’s chest, “Sheriff!”
The man Raised an eyebrow probably not used to being greeted so enthusiastically.
“You two new around here?”
The two of them grinned at each other as the man’s exaggerated rural drawl fell over them.”
The man narrowed his eyes.
“Yes sir, just visiting.”
“Well you see this building behind me.”
“Yes sir.”
“You two fools get into any trouble and you'll be behind bars faster than a thoroughbred from the starting gate, you hear me.”
Ramirez jumped up and down in his boots turning to look at Adam, “Wild west jail.���
“Not a tourist attraction Ramirez.” He turned to look at the Sheriff who was still eying them and grabbed his friend by the shoulders steering them clear, “We’ll keep our noses out of trouble Sheriff.”
Ramirez was still grinning as they made their way down the street, “Do you have a death wish?”
“He won’t kill me, but wouldn’t going to cowboy jail be a great story.”
“Getting dragged would also be a great story when all my skin pealed off.”
“Old west form of punishment where you get dragged behind a horse till dead.”
Ramirez shook his head, “I will go with a no on that one, also not a big fan of hanging, but I could do a firing squad as long as I was allowed to make a really bad pun before I go.”
Adam snorted with some amusement as they made their way towards the loudest building on the street. From the sound of the out of tune piano on the inside and the drunken singing , they were in the right palace.
Adam Grabbed Ramirez by the back of the shirt and dragged him away from the swinging doors, “Hold on, hold on.”
Ramirez stopped, “What.’
“Ive always wanted to do ths.”
“Do what?”
Adam cracked his neck and his knuckles before stepping towards the door and pushing both open. The clatter of his boots was loud on the floor and Ramirez waited for that expected moment when all of the sound would stop and everyone would turn to look at them.
That…. Did not happen.
In fact, no one noticed the two young men as they made their way inside the hot, cramped room smelling of liquor and sweat.
“My disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined.” Ramirez whispered.
Adam frowned, “yeah my expectations were, well, expecting something better than that.”
Together the two of them made their way over to the bar, both leaning against it in exaggerated nonchalance before bursting into laughter. The bartender, a stern looking redhead walked over, “And what do you boys want.”
Ramirez patted Adam on the back, “me and my friend are looking to get very drunk very quick, think you can help us.”
The woman sighed, but ducked behind the bar.
Adam tilted his head at Ramirez, “I thought you didn’t like it when I drank.”
“When you drink alone, yes, but when you drink with me, we have a party.”
“Sure we do.” Adam snorted 
The woman came back a moment later with two shot glasses and bottle which she set on the bar, “This will get you drunk.”
Adam flipped over the bottle to take a look, “Shit, Ramirez, this is practically paint thinner.”
“Tastes like to too.” The woman said as she poured two shots of the stuff and slid it over to them.”
Adam took it gingerly like it was a snake about to bite him.
Ramirez raised the glass, “Ready when you are, cowboy.”
“Don’t call me that.” Adam said raising the glass, and together they kicked it back bith grimacing and sputtering as they came back up to set the shots back on the bar. 
Adam wiped his eyes, “Damn, Like…. Rubbing alcohol.”
Ramirez waved a hand in front of his face “Makes my eyes burn just thinking about it. Another!”
“Sweet heavens above.”” Adam Implored, but slid his glass back to the bartender, who seemed very amused.
“Are we going to end up in jail by the time this is over.”
They took another shot.
It was about ten or so minutes later when Adam started to feel the warm fuzzy sensation inside his chest. Ramirez had already vanished somewhere tryin to woo the local population. No one was safe.
He took a seat at the bar head down staring at his glass.
Why was he thinking about Sunny all of a sudden.
“Someone break your heart.” The bartender said dryly. When he looked up, he expected her to be wiping at the same greasy spot of counter with an even greasier rag, but she was simply leaned against the bar staring at him.
“That obvious?”
“Nine out of ten times its the best guess, besides, most of the time two shots from that bottle can lighten anyone’s mood.”
“You got something….. Strong but like…. Good tasting?”
“You mean something brightly colored and fruity?”
“Yeah, something brightly colored and fruity.” She Smirked, “You're braver than most men at this bar.”
“I knew we were dressing as cowboys, but I didn’t know the 1800s let us borrow their views on drinks too.”
She laughed, and returned a few second later with a martini glass full of bright green liquid, “There that should do for yah.”
He sipped at it a little, and satisfied it wasn’t going to peel the first layer of his insides began to drink.
“So, this girl of yours… she leave you.”
“No uh…. I sort of left her.”
“You some kind of simpleton…. Idiot maybe/”
He sighed and slumped down in his chair. “That’s what I’m told… I left her…. So I wouldn’t hurt her. I don’t think she understood but….. I’ve been pretty messed up since the war.”
“A soldier huh.”
“Not much of one.”
“ANd your friend over there, the one dancing on the table, is he a soldier too?”
Adam turned around to look towards where Ramirez was standing on a table and dancing around like a moron to the flight of the drunken crowd below, “He sighed, do you know what a synonym for moron is?”
“A marine.” He stood, “Hold on a second while I go get him, “ 
He walked over to the table hands on hips and looked up,”Ramirez, Get down from there.”
“Or, or you could come up here.”
“Or I damn well won’t.”
He turned around in a circle stamping his boot and clapping his hands.
“Come on! Have some fun.” off in the corner the piano was going loudly getting faster and faster.”
“If you don’t come here I pull out the shoe.”
Adam looked back at the bartender who looked more amused than she did annoyed. So he sighed and held up a hand, “help me up.”
Ramirez grinned and grabbed him by the hand, helping to haul him into the table, where the two of them linked arms and began dancing around in a circle in some horrible tandem rendition of square dancing mixed with swing dancing. The table wobbled dangerously back and forth threatening to tip over as their weight distribution swayed around and around. Laughing and Drunken chanting started up as the piano started to go faster and faster.
Those who were able to sing along in time with the words, soon stumbled over them, their lips tripping over the words that spilled from their mouths.
Adam and Ramirez stomped their boots and kicked up their heels in a wild tornado, both of them having surprisingly good rhythm. The piano grew faster and faster and faster until they were simply spinning around in a wild circle.
And then the door slammed open.
The piano cut off, and Ramirez went tumbling into Adam causing the two of them to pitch backward off the table and hit the floor with a loud “thud”. The room was dead silent except for the sound of boots rattling over the ground.
Adam ad Ramirez groaned rolling into sitting positions as they looked up at the intruder.
The man they saw was…. Greasy and unkempt with a snarled black beard and a pockmarked face. He wore a tatty black leather jacket and grimy fingerless gloves. His clothing was travel stained and filthy. When he walked into the room, his smell was just as present as he was.
“Don’t stop on my account.” He said, “it looked like we were just getting to the fun part.”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing back here Louis.” the bartender snarled,”I thought we made it very clear that you weren’t welcome last time.”
The man raised his hands innocently, “Oh please, I am just here to/...collect charitable donations.”
“Get out! Or we call the sherif.”
“Sheriff is busy…. Chasing outlaws outside of town.”
Adam and Ramirez exchanged looks as they slowly got to their feet.
The man reached towards his belt, “You boys stay right where you are.”
Adam raised his hands, “Woah, no harm done.”
Adam glanced towards Ramirez, giving him a look as he began to inch quietly to the side. Adam moved strategically in the opposite direction keeping his hands up.
He tried to look as shifty as possible to keep the man’s attention, “I think you should leave like the lady said.”
“Oh ho so one of the twinkle toes dancing boys thinks I should leave.”
“I do, so i am going to ask politely first.”
“And then what.” his hand inched down hovering over the grip of his gun. Adam did the same, though his fingers had gone numb. He was a good shot, but dueling! He knew he would fumble! He just knew it.
“I’m going to stop you.”
He laughed, “Oh you wil,l will you.”
Adam stared hard at the man’s face watching Ramirez move into position behind the man’s back, “I will…. I have the angel’s on my side.”
The man started to laugh.
Ramirez struck, grabbing a bottle from the nearest table and cracking the man across the back of the head with it. The man went down hard but Ramirez doubled over clutching his hand,”Fuck….. My hand! I thought those were so supposed to break! Shit.”
Adam leaped forward pinning the man to the ground.
A few other men and women rushed forward to help and soon enough they had him hog tied on the floor.
He stood up heart beating with exhilaration.
Ramirez rubbed his hand and groaned in pain.
Adam pressed his knee into the man’s back.
The bar tender came around from behind the bar, “That was a dumb move boys brave but dumb.”
Adam looked over to where ramirez was still nursing his wound, “yeah, I think that describes us pretty well doesn’t it. I got this guy, the rest of you can go back to drinking.” 
The bartender shook her head, “You buys drink free tonight.”
Ramirez grinned, “how can I say no to that! Drinks on me!”
Adam ignored the cheering of the bar for a moment, as he pulled the guns from the mn’s belt, and…. A very large knife. He noticed the decorative handle and, out of curiosity, pulled it out. It felt heavy in his grip, with good heft. He tested the edge against the hairs on the back of his arm, and they fell away smooth.
“Not bad.” he muttered.
Sunny would like…..
He paused
Looked down, looked around and then back down fighting with himself internally before.
Discreetly tucking the knife into his own, empty, knife sheath.”
Looking up he saw one of the serving girls staring at him.
He blushed and held up a finger to his lips.
She smiled, ruby red lips parting slightly, and winked at him, turning away exaggeratedly as if she hadn’t seen anything.
The door crashed open again a few moments later, and the Sheriff came barging into the room huffing and puffing like a bull, covered in dust, fingers stained with cordite. He paused in te doorway frowned at the scene before him and walked over, “Louis Grey.”
He looked down at Adam, and then Over at Ramirez who was taking advantage of his momentary glory.
“Thought I told you not to get into trouble.”
“You never told us not to stop it.”
He grunted and motioned to a few men to help him drag the body back to the jail, “Guess this is a thanks I owe you then. He has outstanding warrants in several counties, can never catch him though greasy little weasel.”
The unconscious man was dragged away only just beginning to stir. The sheriff shook his hand. “You boys be safe, and try not to do something so dumb next time.”
Adam touched the brim of his hat. “Yes sir.” He reached down to touch the knife at his belt, “We will make sure of it.”
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luimnigh · 4 years
Honestly, I still can't understand how some people think YANG XIAO LONG, the daughter of TAIYANG, isn't Chinese. Ruby and her are at the very least white passing.
It's because Yang has a cowgirl aesthetic, and Hollywood has people trained into thinking that the Wild West was Very White. When, in fact, the majority of cowboys were Black and Mexican, and the Wild West had a pretty large amount of Chinese immigrants on top of that.
Combine that with people assuming blonde = white, and you get the misconception.
Though I wouldn't say Yang and Ruby are white-passing. The Branwen Twins, despite a Welsh surname, are high-key Japanese in their aesthetic and culture. As a result, I'm pretty certain that Yang is Chinese-Japanese.
As for Ruby, we don't really know enough about Summer to figure out what her ethnicity is.
My personal headcanon is that Summer's Cambodian, Vietnamese, or a combination of both.
Not for any in-universe reason, it's just that Monty was of Japanese, Chinese, Cambodian and Vietnamese heritage, and I think it would be nice to see that represented in the Xiao-Long Rose family.
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365days365movies · 3 years
February 14, 2021: Brokeback Mountain (2005) (Part 1)
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Or Palentine’s, Galentine’s, Single Persons Appreciation Day, what have you!
Anyway, on this day where we (and the greeting card companies) celebrate love in all of its forms, I think it’s about time to diversify my movie choices a little bit. SO, for the next few days at least, we’re going to change it up, starting with a film that shook the 2005 public’s perceptions of love: Brokeback Mountain.
And who brings this movie to us? Same guy who gave us this:
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And this:
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And would give us this:
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Ang Lee wasn’t originally meant to be the director of the film, as Gus van Sant was signed on to do it. You know, Good Will Hunting, Drugstore Cowboy, that one movie where Una Thurman plays the greatest hitchhiker in the world with giant thumbs, and eventually finds herself meeting multiple people, including Keanu Reeves, Pat Morita (Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid), and a group of radicalesbians who like in the Great Plains, coexisting with a group of critically endangered whooping cranes to whom they;’ve fed peyote, while also opposing the intentions of an evil feminine hygiene product company that seeks to take over the land for their factories? YOU KNOW, THAT MOVIE?
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It’s called Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, and I wasn’t even slightly exaggerating with that summary, I SWEAR.
Anyway, he couldn’t do it, and Joel Schumacher also passed on it eventually, so they asked Ang Lee if he’d do it. After CTHD and Hulk, dude was on his way to retire, but after he cried at the end of the script, he accepted the job. AND HISTORY WAS MADE
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Before I get into it, I should probably frank about something. I’m a cissexual, heterosexual man in a straight relationship with my girlfriend. She says hi, by the way. Here she is, a massive Jake Gyllenhaal fan, getting ready to watch this movie for the first time with me:
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Isn’t she lovely? Anyway, just thought I’d be totally transparent about that. Incidentally, I remember when this film came out, as well as the fervor around it. This was JUST as the gay marriage debate was EXPLODING into the public scene, so this was obviously quite the talking point at the time.
 Anyway, shall we find out who’s not going to quit whom? SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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Cowboys Ennis del Mar (Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal) are waiting outside of a trailer, with Ennis having just arrived  on a truck that reminded me of Optimus Prime, and I’m sorry. They’ve been hired by Joe Aguirre (Randy Quaid) to look after a group of sheep and guide them over Brokeback Mountain, a fictional mountain in Wyoming.
The two finally introduce each other, with Ennis seeming considerably closed off as compared to the open Jack Twist. They head to a bar, where the two get to know each other a but better Jack’s an occasional shepherd, but highly involved in rodeos throughout the year. Ennis, meanwhile, is a regular ranchhand at his family’s farm.
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Time for sheep-herding, as the two guide their flock of sheep on horseback, with soft country guitars playing in the background over all of it. And I gotta say, the music combined with the visuals is giving me this real sleepy ambience vibe that I 100% would watch specifically to fall asleep to. Which is not an insult by any means, by the way; it’s just super relaxing.
The two make camp with the sheep in a mountain valley, and now I want to go camping. I realize that it’s February, and I live in a place VERY non-conducive to camping, but GODDAMN this movie makes me want to go camping. In the wilderness, surrounded by bird calls and crisp mountain air, LET’S GO.
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We find out that Ennis is engaged to be wed to a woman named Alma, while Jack is yearning to break free of needing to take jobs like this. And all the while, they’re eating beans, scaring away coyotes, and fending of REALLY REALLY FAT American black bears, who you could really easily scare away without too much difficulty. You ever stared at a bear while both of you were in the woods? I HAVE. And we BOTH took off from each other in opposite directions. They’re not the bravest of animals, black bears. Grizzlies, however, you don’t wanna fuck with.
Anyway, after they face off against that bear and lose their newly bought supplies, they go hunting the next day and take down an elk. Which is a LOT of venison, I tell you what! Oh, and I’m not a hunter, just to be clear, but elk are fuggin’ HUGE. Seriously, XL deer they are.
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Anyway, time goes on after that, and they continue to make their way through the mountains. And they get to know each other more, sharing their rodeo experiences and family backgrounds. Ennis also opens up pretty considerably, a fact not missed by Jack. The two become friends.
My girlfriend asks an interesting question: if I had never heard of this movie in any capacity...would I have known the extent of the relationship of Ennis and Jack? And honestly...I’m legitimately not sure at this point. I think I would’ve just assumed that they’d stay close friends, but no further than that. Call that being raised in a society with heterosexual bias towards relationships, or call that me not being a natural shipper. Both are probably accurate, to be honest.
Anyway, it’s getting cold out, and Jack’s sleeping in the tent one night while Ennis is freezing his balls off outside. With Jack’s insistence, he goes inside the tent to sleep next to Jack. And then...
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Oh. Well, OK. Again, though, still not sure that at this point I’d...oh wait...OH...OH.
OK. Think I’d be able to tell at this point what the movie’s about.
So, yeah, they have sex. It’s spontaneous, it’s wild, it’s heat of the moment passion...and it’s REAL awkward the next day, I tell you what. That next evening, Ennis and Jack both insist that they “ain’t queer,” and that this is “a one-shot thing they got goin’.”
Uh, boys? There’s some important evidence to the contrary that we should consider here. But, OK, it’s a different culture, this is super new to you both, I get it. I’m not one to talk on the coming out or discovery experience (again, straight cis dude over here), but I understand that there’s some inherent denial. But still, they continue their relationship as is, for the time being.
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Which is not as private as they thought, as Joe Aguirre observes them chasing each other naked on the mountain from afar. Whoops. Well, it doesn’t matter as much, as they still have a job to do until summer ends. And that job continues. They encounter another herd of sheep that gets tangled up with theirs, snow falls on the mountain and they have to deal with that, etc.
Then one day, the two need to head out. Jack goes to fetch Ennis, who’s moping on a hillside about something. He does this play lasso thing, which seems cute...
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...until it turns into a full on brawl right there on the hillside. OK. Well. Some heavy denial going on here, I think, especially on Ennis’ part. Which is somewhat understandable, given the culture, and the fact that Ennis is engaged. Oh, by the way, hello infidelity. GodDAMN IT. Escaped you for TWO MOVIES IN A ROW, and you’re back rearing your ugly head.
Anyway, the job is done soon, and Aguirre’s not exactly happy with them, as they’ve apparently lost some sheep and picked up some from the other herd’s flock accidentally. With a light rebuke from Aguirre, the two part ways with not much else said. Jack asks if Ennis will come back the next summer, and Ennis reminds him that he’s getting married that fall. But as Ennis leaves...
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Huh. Interesting reaction, that. Well, in the next scene, Ennis gets married to Alma Beers (Michelle Williams), and they seem to have a very happy relationship. They have two daughters together in a pretty small amount of time. The next summer, Jack tries to get a job with Joe Aguirre once again, but is refused on account of his relationship with Ennis on the mountain...kind of.
See, here’s the thing. Joe rebukes Jack for having their relationship on the mountain, leaving the dogs to babysit the sheep, rather than do the job they were hired for. And, uh...he’s not wrong, honestly. Yeah, OK, there’s definitely some homophobia laced in there, obviously, but they were hired to watch the sheep, and we only really saw them do that once or twice. So, yeah, sorry to say, but Joe’s not entirely unjustified in not rehiring Jack.
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At a Fourth of July festival, Ennis brings his wife and daughters to see the fireworks, when a couple of bikers antagonize the crowd as a whole. This results in Ennis telling them to stop, and a fight takes place, with Ennis IMMEDIATELY taking out the two bikers, with little effort. Anger issues there, Ennis? 
Jack returns to the rodeo, with new other options for money. He’s clearly also coming to terms with his own sexuality, as seen when he not so subtly hits on a cowboy at the bar. However, he also meets a young woman, a barrel racer named Lureen Newsome (Anne Hathaway), whom he seems to get along with fairly quickly at a rodeo. They dance together at the bar that night, and, uh...park.
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And that, of course, leads to their eventual marriage and parentage as well. Looks like Lureen’s parents arent the biggest fans of Jack, though. Sure that’s going to lead to a healthy relationship down the road.
Been about 4 years since Brokeback Mountain, and this is punctuated by Jack paying a visit to Ennis’ place, which Ennis is told about by Alma. He seems...very anious, waiting nervously for a day to see him. But he finally arrives, and the two embrace happily. And then...
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Oh, and Alma sees? Sure, sure, oh, and they go to a motel IMMEDIATELY? Oh, OK, OK, infidelity? Yuuuuuuupyupyupyupyupyup, halfway point? Yeah, sure, see you in Part 2. Geez.
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rabid-revolution · 1 year
8, 10, and 11 pls! -Jen & Finn
8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender:
Punk, Goth, rockstar, detective, cowboy, cowgirl, knight, archer, 70s-00s, 90s specifically, red, black, green, purple, teenager from dystopia, rebellious, folkish, nature-like (if both the peaceful and unhinged sense), culture-oriented, and most importantly Long hair TM. (this is all over the place lol I'm so sorry)
10. Something that gives you gender euphoria (whether you're cis or trans):
clothes 100%. If I'm feeling a certain way that day, I *need* to have my clothes represent that. Masculine? I often need baggy clothing with certain colors, and I need to wear my hair a certain way. For feminine, I need to do the same, expect it's harder since I'm limited to dress how I want in that area and can't wear tighter/shorter clothing. Androgynous looks are easier tho.
Ppl using all pronouns for me. this ones probably an obvious, but ppl just don't do it enough in person :(
Songs also give lots of euphoria, especially when they express a certain vibe that can connect to the way I see and express myself (gender included)
11. Favorite (or just one you love) piece of LGBT media?
There's these Lotería cards and posters I've seen online that depict queer Mexican lovers back in very traditional times (specifically during the Mexican Revolution) and I just think they're super cute :)
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