#big if true. and it's Gonna be true soon...
islandtarochips · 3 days
I'm Just a Man
I keep hearing the part of THIS Epic: The Musical song from "I'm Just A Man". Of where the part that says, "But WHEN, does a COMET becomes a METEOR."
And I couldn't help but to think each of those lyrics matched with WTF. I will typed down the lyrics that matched with the WTF and I'll explained as much detailed as I can. To tell you WHY it matches them!
Ok, here is the song that I got from TikTok for you guys to understand of what song that I'm TALKING about!
Now let's start with this, shall we?
"But when, does a COMET become a METEOR?"
For this lyrics. I believe that AELAN KALANI fits this one really well. Because for the COMET part explains that they can't predict of when the comet comes down. Same thing for Aelan as she was nervous of serving her first patient. Not knowing of what she was doing. Afraid that she'll messed up.
But with the METEOR part. They practical, logical, and task-oriented. Just like Aelan right NOW. She had became the best Medic in the Army. Always know what she was doing and is fast enough to patch up ANY injuries they have. So that's why she is the perfect matched with this lyrics.
"When does a CANDLE become a BLAZE?"
Pretty sure AGNES "BLAST" FALAGI fit this one! And yes, it's because of her codename...what? I couldn't help it. It was just...right THERE.
I know a CANDLE personality is different than the BLAZE. But I'm just gonna stick with this one. I mean, from a candle light to a BIG fearsome BLAZE. Am I wrong?
"When does a MAN become a MONSTER?"
.........ok. I know I said I will explained in details of as to why the lyrics MATCH. But I'm gonna save this one until I get to the story for the FUTURE. And to tell you WHO. This will be TIALA "SHARK" TOA.
"But when does a RIPPLE become a TIDAL WAVE?"
This will fit for NIGEL "SQUIRREL" HARRISON. For the word RIPPLE, it describes him as he was trying to fit in with the Shadow Company. But his personality and his behavior aren't very fitting into this group. And they were surprised that Graves is TOLERATING his behavior, even he was surprised. And after the incidents from Las Almas. He made a HUGE step of leaving the Shadow Company and joining with the Warriors Task Force. THAT'S when he became a TIDAL WAVE.
"When does the REASON become the BLAME?"
One soldier lost under HER command. Under ALANA KALANI'S command. If you read her bio about her being the Lieutenant General and had given orders/permission for her soldiers to go on that mission. She had lost ONE. One out of many. For the REASON of his death is because SHE had led him and his men there. Without knowing the consequences. So the BLAME of his death and some (or MOST) of her other men as well is cause by HER.
"When does a MAN become a MONSTER?"
And last but not least...this one match with KANOA TOA. I know most of his team and some of his close friends sees him as a happy man who can't take things seriously. But did they even KNOW of what he did 5 years ago? That mission that he went to save his sister? He wasn't the same man after receiving the news about her being MIA. He HUNTED those enemies and interrogating them with no mercy until they gave him the answer of where his sister been kidnapped. Sometimes his interrogation can be...a bit overboard too (Which I will NOT show it here...). But after that mission and a year later. He became that happy man again (Not really...). So yeah, that MAN he was before will soon come out to show his true MONSTER.
Imma just gonna tagged these two for they are an Epic: The Musical fan! Just like me!
@deeptrashwitch @justasmolbard
Love you peles!😙❤️
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orcelito · 7 months
So I've had no time to write today bc work etc etc but I've been thinking about it like All day and
I have chapter 17 all plotted out, and tbh could potentially write it in a matter of days, brain willing. It's finally back to Not action, which as fun as action is to write its also fucking Hard. So it'll be nice not having to agonize over the sound of a fucking chain (Twice) etc etc. Add in the fact that it's gonna be angsty as hell (angst is always the Easiest for me to write) & I rly think I could knock this one out quickly.
And the Great news is that. Examining the timeline and what I have planned...
Wolfwood is definitely arriving in chapter 18. And not at the end like I'd suspected. No, he's probably gonna be there towards the Start.
I've gotten through the two most difficult arcs to write for early ITNL, so the ball is really rolling now. We are Finally getting places...
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if you have some, do you have any headcannons for barnaby?
honestly! not really! i don't have hcs for any of the neighbors!
#the way i interact w/ welcome home is uh... slightly differently than how i interact with more mainstream / company-produced media#like if you compare how i talk about the neighbors/wh to how i talk about characters on say... my dc blog#there's probably gonna be a notable Difference!#with mainstream/company stuff i go Hog Wild with hcs and aus and i form my own version of everything in my head#(while still understanding & respecting canon as the true source)#but wh is Different! i can't really do that!#it isnt some big production created by a team & mass released#where the actions of some fans just fuckin around and having fun won't directly affect anyone or even reach the ears of the creators#and where upon releasing it everyone Knows that its gonna be dissected & torn to shreds & played with like barbies#wh is more... personal? there is one main creator. these are His characters. its Their story.#i can't in good conscience make headcanons and honestly? id much rather stick to canon trivia & facts than create my own#theyre not my facts to create or believe in!!#sometimes ill make a post saying 'hey this would be cute / neat'#but as soon as i post im tossing that thought away. i dont let them stick or become hcs#(NOTE THAT I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE WHO MAKES HCS. THIS IS ALL MY PERSONAL OPINION!!! MY OWN PERSONAL INTERNAL RULES!!! FOR ME!)#rambles from the bog#like even with the lights out au im being careful with it. im trying to be faithful & respect the characters and the source#its an... exploration i think#ive never approached making an au this way bc usually im just flinging characters around and treating canon as a chew toy - scrap for parts#but i cant do that here! im Not Complaining At All im simply stating! i cant!#sorry you probs weren't expecting a lil mini rant in tags my b <3#this has just been in my head since i first discovered welcome home#i remember feeling myself start getting really attached & interested#and i recall telling myself 'ok. we cant approach this the way we would other things'#and i have done my best to Stick To That. ive relaxed a lil since then but im still standing by my one rule#Be A Little More Normal About This Than I Would If It Were Mainstream / A Company-Made Production
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right. so. i meant to be writing the thasmissy fic. i did not do that but
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i can explain
#hit over the head with the obsession baseball bat#hit SO hard i think i have a concussion#i might actually be more excited for the mcr us tour in 2 months than dw now this is BLASPHEMY dsfhgkjfhg#nuts this is the quickest a special interest has ever taken hold of me it usually takes like. a season#bc it's usually tv so it usually takes the first season. it took all of s12 in 2020#but this was like... last sunday i told my sister like 'you know gerard way? theyre kinda cool maybe'#and this sunday i was painting the biggest painting ive ever done and it’s THEIR FACE#one week ago i was like 'idk i want to like it but this music is really not my genre' and two days later i was listening to it all day#a wEEK#like unfollow me now this is gonna be the only thing i talk about for the next week#actually no thats not true ive got nothing interesting to say about mcr#i did expect/hope to wean myself off of dw but i didnt expect it to get so violently replaced by something else#better than having nothing for a bit tbh#anyway it's not really replaced either im still writing fic and making videos#and i dont think mcr is gonna become a real special interest bc it has the obstacle of having real people so i cant get too involved#so it’ll just stay a fling i think. i Am excited for new music though. im excited for the old music!#i think the obsession will pass soon tho. fucking hope so this is the worst. im so annoying abt this#but for as long as it lasts it at least has produced maybe the best painting ive ever done. i think this might be the best#aND IT WAS SO FUN do you know how much fun it is to paint this big?? im never painting anything small ever again#also i Have actually been slowly working on a scene this past week in my notes app but it’s absolutely unnecessary thoschei octopus sex#like what i SHOULD be doing is loadbearing scenes to fill in the plot gaps. what i AM doing is more of the this.#more of the garbage that needs Connecting#anyway i didnt paint the mic bc i couldnt be bothered. i like painting faces and hands i dont care about objects sorry#hashtag artistic choice#mcrposting
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layzeal · 2 years
living in a hell of my own creation (staying in a fandom for long enough, having already read different analysis and have read the source material so many times to have developed my own personal interpretation of things to the point where i don't care or i even feel annoyed towards fandom drama or metas that are too far removed or feel like are just repeating some fandom misunderstanding you've already seen before)
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rosicheeks · 2 years
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mysjams · 2 years
i can't believe there's gonna be no yonghoon for basically 2 years that's f up
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flysafepapi · 2 years
apologies to anyone who thinks they’re going to get anything coherent out of me until july 1st. and then for several weeks after that until im done screaming into the void because someone’s going to die i can just feel it and it will break me into a billion pieces.
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
since u've mentioned got7 before for being just some guys and their recent non-jype comback had massive "just some guys having fun" vibes i was curious if you had any more opinions on them in general or this comeback (and maybe how it differed/didnt differ from "standard" group comebacks) in specific! also because they just released a dance practice video i was curious if there were any notable diffrences to previous choreos? i just love ur insights bc i dont know much abt stuff like this! -🐥
the chick emoji a;lskdfjj;lads anon that's so cute
now there are some pretty obvious differences in choreo, particularly in the complexity of the choreo, since got7 in their younger years was obvs pretty famous for difficult choreo + acrobatics as 2pm's younger brothers. one really noticable thing is that the nanana choreo is a lot more separated than their choreos usually are. i think i've mentioned it before when talking about group choreographies but in order to really take advantage of the group in a choreo, you have to have them all in the rehearsal room. with a normal kpop group that's not a problem because they're usually all under the same company and have the same schedules and managers, so they have block rehearsals with all the members there all the time. you can see this in all of their previous choreographies: they have pretty intricate formations and physical shapes that involve member interaction. things like the intro of ycmn, the handkerchief throw/catch in poison, the fall back trick and that crazy close backwards travel in the chorus in if you do, like all of eclipse, all of last piece, etc etc etc, these are all choreos that need all the members physically present in order to get all the shapes right. nanana on the other hand, has very little member interaction (just the jinyoung and yugyeom bit in the beginning) and although there are some pretty fun transitions and shapes, they're all made with the members standing independantly of each other. this basically expedites the process because they can all learn and practice the choreo fairly easily on their own, and then put everything together when they're all in the same room.
lack of rehearsal time isn't the only reason the nanana choreo is less complex though. you can hear jackson and jinyoung talk about it very briefly in their dance practice behind the scenes, where they say that this choreo is more about the 'feel' of the song than anything else, which is very different from their previous choreographies. jype has a reputation for having very good dancers and got7 was at the head of this, with a whole catalogue of very difficult and intricate choreos that are about showing off the technical skills of the performers first and foremost. the only other choreo from their catalogue that is equally vibey as nanana is probably thursday, which is a bside, not a title track.
as far as the actual cb goes i mean, they barely did any promo, i think they only went on youngjae's radio show and did the fanmeeting (that was basically just a concert), so that's pretty different from the typical bg cb.
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hauntingblue · 4 months
Luffy needs to grab that witch and pull her thru the mirror and break it. Fuck katakuri and leave him in there
#dont attack my cute siblings ajdjaka ?#they are overduing the pudding heart eyes.... sanji needs to bleed a little more#JESUS CHRIST!!! BREAK THE MIRRORS!!!!!#BIG MOM SURFING THE WAVE????#nami DONT SAY THAT!!! NAMI!!!!!#is jinbe gonna make the sunny surf the waves??? no fucking way right.... like i know he is cool as hell but damn.... no way#nvm empty space under the wave.... it does look cool still.... jinbe reigns supreme mvp#episode 853#at first i thought i didnt like this opening but it is growing on me.... 'if you want inmense power just show our unbreakable bonds' insane#and also so true and also we are going to sail together forever we all know this.... and the dawn is coming thing with pedro now.... well...#the mirror..... omg#ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#luffy???? smiling and shit to sound good for his friends omg 😭😭 jinbe noticed tho...#JUST REALISED THE SHAPES IN FRANKYS WANTED POSTER BREAK ARE MIZU AND KIWIS HAIR#katakuri stood up as soon as he was born and slept sitting down on an armchair lmao#episode 854#one thing katakuri hasn't planned is that luffy is sooo skinny he fits in between his trident blades#doffg and matakuri both have their habilities awakened... i see#pekoms crying bc of pedro..... LEAVE THE BIG MOM PIRATES!!!! THEY KILLED TWOOO OF YOUR FRIENDS!!!!#the chicken guy has been afflicted with the sickness that makes all of pedro's haters turn into dickriders.... time...#nonji has been nani'ed..... breaking news#and where is judge#the fucking mochi turd katakuri put on luffy..... look how they massacred my boy...#katakuri just said merienda..... omg#its an afternoon snack in between lunch and dinner (at like 5-6pm) like when you finish school or get out of work at 5 you go and have it#SPANISH CULTURE REPRESENTED🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🐃🐃🐃🐃WHAT THE FUCK IS A JOB??? 🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🐃🐃🐃🐃 OLEEEE 🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🐃🐃🐃🐃#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 855
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astonmartinii · 3 months
cutie patooties | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x fem leclerc!reader
just them terrorising the world with their cuteness (and collecting the younger drivers)
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liked by arthurleclerc, maxverstappen1 and 1,209,455 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: he loves redline more than me 🙄
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user1: obsessed with how she's like "oh you wanna ship max with my brother" and then takes lestappen out back and shoots them
user2: as she should, she's the cutest leclerc by far
yourusername: true 😙
maxverstappen1: double true 😘
charles_leclerc: die.
yourusername: erm consider your ass REPORTED THIS IS HARASSMENT
maxverstappen1: did you just threaten my girlfriend ????
charles_leclerc: and what?
maxverstappen1: pull up, i'm outside
charles_leclerc: ???? leave ????
maxverstappen1: no i'm deadass don't disrespect my gf 😤😤😤
charles_leclerc: it's my SISTER
yourusername: when he's protective 😛😛😛
user3: screaming, crying, throwing up over the keychain
user4: i need someone *cough, cough* them to recreate it 🥸
yourusername: watch your tone
maxverstappen1: god forbid i want to spend time with my GIRLFRIEND on a DATE
landonorris: that's not a valid excuse
yourusername: also bold of you to assume you're our favourite child when oscar, yuki and logan are right there
oscarpiastri: snooze you lose lando
yukitsunoda0511: suck on that lando
logansargent: i'm just happy to be included
landonorris: damn...
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo and 1,203,513 others
tagged: charles_leclerc & yourusername
maxverstappen1: spent the weekend bothering my girlfriend's brother, what about you?
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user9: the way charles put his ferrari cap on y/n only for max to throw it into the crowd and put his own on her head instead
user10: those who know max's attachment to his caps, this is big.
yourusername: winning looks so sexy oh my
maxverstappen1: blushing like a motherfucker
yourusername: skip the debrief? they won't notice?
maxverstappen1: i think they might notice the driver of the race they're analysing not being there
yourusername: show them the pic i just sent you, they can't say no to my puppy dog eyes
maxverstappen1: helmut said fuck off 💔
yourusername: tell him i have a present for him (it's a pack of salt and vinegar crisps and a pamphlet for caskets)
user11: @yourusername winning IS sexy, tell your bf to tell charles win
yourusername: if charles wins it's suddenly decidedly unsexy, this isn't game of thrones babe
charles_leclerc: you ARE annoying that's right
maxverstappen1: annoyingly sexy
charles_leclerc: no comment, we're going to be family at some point soon
maxverstappen1: DAMN RIGHT WE ARE
yourusername: if you think we're annoying now, oh boy.
user12: i need max and y/n to be engaged right this fucking moment
user13: i think it would actually make my year
user14: after the championship win queen @maxverstappen1 ?
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liked by danielricciardo, oscarpiastri and 1,562,044 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: @ the person who asked how much max weighs... god will deal with you
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user15: i'm obsessed with how obsessed they are with each other
user16: is max's wardrobe all red bull merch and t-shirts dedicated to y/n?
maxverstappen1: yes 😌
danielricciardo: i saw the clip... the time stamp was 3am - we RACE TODAY?
yourusername: i am happy to support my man's hobby
danielricciardo: yes but you also don't have to race with that man on three hours of sleep
yourusername: be real daniel, the only time you'll be close to max is when he laps you xxx
maxverstappen1: bold of you to assume you were my first love
danielricciardo: did on the couch mean nothing to you?
maxverstappen1: soz buddy this is a childhood friends to lovers narrative right now (and we were already together by the time i was at red bull)
charles_leclerc: WHAT?
yourusername: spare me the dramatics, you guys were deep in the ANGST and then austria happened so really it's your own fault that it took as long as it did
user17: one comment section where the girls aren't fighting? impossible.
oscarpiastri: omg the shirts look so good y/n !!
yourusername: we're ✨graphic designers✨
maxverstappen1: does having a dashingly handsome model help
yourusername: of course !!!!!
oscarpiastri: i'm not going to answer that question
maxverstappen1: :(
oscarpiastri: on another thought - yes!
yourusername: @landonorris this is why he's one of the favourites
landonorris: i'm not talking to yall
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, yourusername and 1,309,556 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: weekend off racing means shenanigans and late night streaming
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user20: i know whatever poor soul went for dinner with them hated every second
yukitsunoda0511: working on being the favourite of the favourite children 🫡 and they paid for my meal at a really cool italian restaurant
oscarpiastri: game on
yourusername: so who is the lady and who is the tramp?
maxverstappen1: you're not a lady... you're a queen 😘
yourusername: did you just fail the test, successfully?
danielricciardo: you smooth motherfucker
yourusername: stole your red bull drive and your nickname @carlossainz55
carlossainz55: why am i catching strays?
yourusername: bored ❤️
user21: y/n really be like "oh the season's boring cause my bf wins everything? let me make it interesting by shading every driver on the grid"
maxverstappen1: do NOT give her a challenge
charles_leclerc: can you PLEASE stop taking such lovey dovey gross ass photos maman keeps getting them printed and I AM GETTING MOVED OFF OF THE MANTEL PIECE I AM ON THE BOOKSHELF, THIS FACE IS A MANTEL PIECE FACE NOT A BOOKSHELF FACE
yourusername: not reading all of that, i'm happy for you or sad that happened x
charles_leclerc: MAX DO SOMETHNG
maxverstappen1: step your pussy up bro
yourusername: when he catches your lingo >>
charles_leclerc: i am a VICTIM
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liked by arthurleclerc, landonorris and 1,450,387 others
tagged: maxverstappen1 & charles_leclerc
yourusername: invented babygirlism actually
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user22: y/n is so real for choosing a cute recent photo for herself and then just violating the guys
user23: she's funny as fuck for that
charles_leclerc: finally some fucking credit
yourusername: not everything can be about you all of the time 🤨
charles_leclerc: don't make me an ankle-biter again you're PUSHING ME
sebastianvettel: knew you were an ankle biter
yourusername: LOL
charles_leclerc: no seb no! i didn't bite ankles, just y/n's and that doesn't count
user24: what the fuck is going on here
maxverstappen1: you are the most babygirl to ever babygirl
danielricciardo: i think i had a stroke reading that
yourusername: awwwww you're so cute maxy
maxverstappen1: knew you were the one for me when we first met karting, you taught me the babygirl ways
yourusername: and you're delivering
oscarpiastri: you guys can't see but he's blushing so bad right now
landonorris: are you just attached to them
yourusername: yes he is, a babygirl in training
user25: how do i get adopted by y/n and max?
maxverstappen1: no but for real i love you, even if we are lumbered with your brother
yourusername: i love you too xxx
charles_leclerc: *brothers
maxverstappen1: nope arthur and lorenzo are sound
charles_leclerc: fUCK OFF :(((((((
note: heyyyyyy you guysssss! we all know i have a soft spot for these two (plus oscar and alex) so i wanted to put out a little thing to celebrate 5k! thank you so much for following and reading my work, hope you enjoyed xx
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mymelx · 4 months
Sukuna and his favorite concubine, but she's sick
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True form Sukuna, established relationship, Heian era
No usage of Y/N
Gonna proofread someday soon I'm gonna sleep for now it's past midnight 🧍🏻‍♀️
Imagine you're sick under the blankets on his bed in his private chamber, wearing nothing but a pair of panties and a little top because any more piece of clothing annoys you now that you're sick, Sukuna's four arms wrapped around your delicate figure after he fed you soup. Your soft skin is so hot as if it's burning. You're whining and whimpering softly with a weak voice.
He can't deny how cute and vulnerable you look. You're dependent on him. On him making you feel safe and protected. You're always cute and vulnerable, but when you're not sick, you act like a brat - not that he has any problems with it - but now... now you're his little sick kitty.
Sukuna can't control himself. He gently kisses your temple. So gentle since you're more sensitive now. You whine at his gentle smooch. He kisses your jaw and the side of your neck. He tries not to put any force. You whine again. Even this low level of pressure is too much for your sensitive body now.
He chuckles softly at your whines. "Did it hurt you, kitty? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, my little deer."
He caresses your hair
"Your cheeks are pink... you look really cute. You look like a little kitty now." He caresses your waist gently and slowly.
You reply with nothing but whines. You feel the wetness between your legs. You instinctively rub your body to his bigger one.
"Feeling horny, my pretty brat?" He chuckles and caresses your hair. "I could finger that little cunt of yours, but no sex until you heal properly."
You moan as you feel the heat between your legs and the tickling because of your arousal.
His fingers gently slide your panties aside, feeling your little wet hungry cunt.
You whine and moan loudly, and he shushes you tenderly. "Shh... it's alright. I'll be gentle. Just relax, my love."
His fingers caress you wet folds, opening the lips and pushing in. He pushes only one finger, and you whine at how big and uncomfortable at first and then pleasing it feels.
He whispers in your ear "This little cunt of yours is small for my finger. I wonder how you take my cock?"
He fingers you until you cum, and then you fall asleep in his embrace.
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moechies · 2 months
giving older bsf toji a bj cs u dont have any money on u for gas 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
oh mi gosh. dis is absolutely so filthy ‘nd absolutely perfect for him . dis is how grimy he is in my mind.. (modern au where toji is RICH $$)
“hm, darling?” you look upon the questioning man sitting besides you, one strong hand that guides the steering wheel of your own car. he insisted to drive, and in what position would you say no? you’d never pass up an offer to be passenger princess.
“i-i forgot.”
“forgot what?”
“forgot money for gas, toji.”
“are ya dumb sweetheart? goin’ t’get gas n the one thing ya forgot is gas money?”
“‘m s-sorry toji, can you lend me? please? promise i won’t forget next time!”
he scoffs, knowing well that he would’ve paid nonetheless. but watching you nervously scramble yourself together, anticipating a response from him is too adorable, he thinks.
“yeah, but ya gotta pay me back.”
“course i will! gonna give it back as soon as we ge-“
“no sweetie. not with money.”
your head turns slow to the man, already shooting you a evil-intentioned smirk. his free hand comes down to scarce over the evident bulge that pokes through his sweats, indirectly instructing you.
“with your mouth, honey.”
he chuckles when your face flushes red, how unexpecting.
with over 3 years of close friendship, the man had assumed that you at least would’ve noticed; his stares that pierce into your skin, touches that linger a little too long, and the constant absence of your favorite panties. what a naive little thing you were; he loved it.
if you didn’t know his true intentions then, you’d definitely know now.
“c’mon, y’want me to fill it up right?”
“the tank sweetie. the car. don’t you want gas?”
you huff when he chuckles at your flustered expression. your small fingers dance across his bulge, his own hand messily slipping under the band of his sweats, releasing himself. he can’t help the smile that spreads across his face when you gasp, fawn like eyes that immediately shoot up to meet his gaze.
“s-so big..”
“mm, you think so?” he teases.
his hand slithers to the back of your head, fingers playing with one or two strands of your hair.
“c’mon, be good..”
he smiles at you coyly, desperate even, and it makes your heart and your cunt clench.
with slight pressure from the man’s hand, you find yourself lowering onto the tip of his cock. your puffy lips press against the warm slit, an immediate groan that spills from his lips,
“no action recently?” you tease, facing him with a slight smile,
“shaddup princess. yer lucky you’re cute.”
you snicker, separating your slicked up lips to wrap around the thick of his cock head. your tongue presses against the slit once again, tasting the sweet substance that coats his dewy slit; more that spews from the teasing licks.
“don’t t-tease.”
you hold yourself further onto his cock to accommodate his length, a light gag that elicits from your throat. tears brim in your eyes when you feel your jaw begin to ache, but the needy man pays no mind when he begins thrusting into your warmth.
oh and when he feels a warm tear fall onto the skin of his thigh, he nearly cums.
“heh.. there you go, see? ya can do it.”
you hum around him, the light sensation that drills right through his sensitive cock.
“g-gunna cum. shit.”
and with a few shallow thrusts, his cum brims. it’s warm, and thick, but you swallow without a second thought. you pull yourself off to meet your eyes with his, vision daisy and face flushed with a sweet pink once again.
“hah.. gonna have to fill you up, darling. we’ll worry about the car later, kay?”
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adrienneleclerc · 28 days
hi! i loved Drive Thru Test and i was wondering if you'd actually write charles calling y/n his girlfriend and then her not wearing the ring. i think that would just be really funny and he'd be so cute whining. im not trying to rush you and I'd be happy to wait for the fic!
Hi! Yes, it would be very funny because i don’t think Charles realizes that he proposed to a Drama Queen. I don’t know if it turned out like you wanted it to but I really hope you like it!
Fiancé Girlfriend
Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: After a month of being engaged, Charles isn’t used to calling Y/N his fiancé, and accidentally calls her his girlfriend AGAIN. Y/N being true to her words, decides to stop wearing her ring.
Warning: the usual spelling and grammatical errors, VERY bad photoshop.
A/N: I am on my period and it SUCKS, i haven’t been able to get much sleep sadly and i really want chocolate and there’s no chocolate in my house 😩 also, if I were to ever give Charles and Y/N a dog in my fanfics, it will not be Leo since he is a Saint Mleux as well, not just a Leclerc
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(His face when he realized he messed up)
Y/N was in the paddock at the Monaco Grand Prix, she had to be there for Charles’s home race. She was happy she did, Charles got P1, Max P2, and Lando P3. Charles kissed her when he got out of the car, she saw his podium ceremony, literally the best GP she’s been to, nothing could mess up her mood. She was in the hospitality snacking on whatever they were offering her while watching the post race interview on the TV and something happened.
“So Charles, we saw you kissing Y/N after your big Home Race win, how long have you guys been together?” The interviewer asked.
“Yes, my girlfriend and I have been together for 5 years.” Charles said and his eyes widened. Max and Lando were also looking at him like ‘ooh, she’s gonna kill you’ “Wait, no, that’s not what I meant..” Charles started but the interviewer ignored him and started asking Max and Lando questions.
Y/N was in shock, how dare Charles call we his girlfriend on live television. So Y/N did what any normal person would do, she took off her ring and placed it securely in the inside pocket of her purse.
Charles in the other hand was panicking after the interview.
“Okay, try not to panic.” Lando said.
“That ship has sailed, Lando. I’m panicking, I’m fucking panicking!” Charles was paving around the room.
“There’s probably a good chance she didn’t see the post race interview.” Lando said.
“And if she did? I already called her my girlfriend once, you know what she said she would do if I do it again? Take off her ring.” Charles said.
“Maybe she was bluffing, she wouldn’t actually go through with that, she loves you too much. I have never seen a couple love each other so much.” Max said and Charles smiled.
“You’re right, Max, she loves me, she’d never take off the ring.” Charles said. He left the room to go to the hospitality and saw Y/N eating fries. “Mon ange! Did you see the interview?”
“Muñeco! Yes I did.” Y/N said.
“I am so sorry, I really am.” Charles takes Y/N’s hand in his and noticed something was missing. “Mon ange, where’s your ring?”
“What ring, muñeco?” Y/N asked, feigning innocence.
“Your ring, your engagement ring, where is it?” Charles asked.
“Charles, I don’t know what you are talking about, why would I have a ring? It’s not like I’m your fiancé or anything, I’m just your girlfriend.” Y/N said and Charles pouted.
“I’m sorry! I swear I am so very sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Charles begged for forgiveness.
“Let’s go home, muñeco, can we order in?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah sure, anything you want, mon coeur.” Charles said. They were walked to the car and as soon as they got in, Charles expected Y/N to put her ring back on since they are not ‘in public’ anymore but she didn’t, the ring was still off. “So mon ange, have you been thinking about when would you want the wedding?”
“Wedding? What wedding? We’re not even engaged, Charles.” Y/N said. You know the saying ‘if they go low, I go lower’? Y/N is going as low as the depths of hell for a slip of the tongue.
“Mon ange, is not funny anymore.” Charles whined.
“Did you order food?” Y/N asked.
“Yes I did, we’re picking it up.” Charles said.
“Cool.” Y/N said.
The drive to the restaurant and back home was silent.
“Okay, we’re back home now.” Charles said as they entered the apartment.
“Yes muñeco, Im aware.” Y/N said but she still didn’t put her ring back on.
“Mon ange please wear your ring.” Charles begged, wrapping his arms around her waist, her back to his chest. “Please, I promise to announce our engagement on Instagram.” Charles kisses her neck. “Please just wear the ring, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you are the best fiancé a man could ever have.” Charles whispered in her ear as he places little neck kisses.
Y/N turned around and saw Charles pouring with teary eyes and she felt her heart melt.
“Aw muñeco, okay, I’ll wear my ring. But promise the whole world will know we are engaged. I love that you want your friends and family to know first, but it hurts me when you still call me your girlfriend.” Y/N said and Charles kisses her forehead.
“I know, mon ange. We’re going to let the whole world know that you’re my fiancé.” Charles kissed her passionately.
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Liked by pierregasly and 830,659 others
charles_leclerc after years of dating, I proposed to the love of my life on our 5th anniversary. I love her so much, I am thankful for having her in my life. We have been engaged for a month and I am so happy that I get to call her my fiancé, the future Mrs. Leclerc, I love you 😘.
View all 9,235 comments
landonorris happy for you mate, so glad she didn’t kill you
charles_leclerc you and be both 😳
maxverstappen1 happy for you mate!
carlossainz55 congratulations, cabrón! I expect invite to the wedding
yourusername aww, muñeco, I love you too, I can’t wait to be Mrs. Leclerc 🥹
francisca.cgomes let me be a bridesmaid!
yourusername you’re maid of honor!
user45 no wonder Charles looked nervous after his pst race interview
yourusername posted a story
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charles_leclerc replied
Can’t wait to be your husband 😘
The End
Hope y’all liked it! It was a little short but fun to write!
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nanaslutt · 7 months
Ok but giving gojo road head and he feels so good he has to pull over in the nearest parking lot to properly enjoy it oh my god just imagine his head bent backwards and his mouth open eyes closed moaning I can’t I need to suck his cock honestly ❤️ and maybe like if ur feeling a tad bit silly he could be a head pusher in this one 😁😁😁teehee just maybe ONLY jf ur feeling silly nana mwah!
OH I LOVE THIS we’re getting straight into this oh em gee
contains: fem reader, oral(m!receiving), sensitive!gojo, sooooo much dirty talk, road head :p, manhandling, throat fucking, headpusher!gojo <3
Your hands were all over Gojo, trying to rip off his belt, unzip his pants, and get his cock out as quick as possible.
“Baby slow downn,” he laughed, “My cock ain’t goin anywhere,” He placed a big hand on top of your own while you tried to undo his belt.
“We’ll be home in 20 minutes, ‘s my girl that needy?” he smirked. You ignored his teasing, pushing his hand out of the way; making him giggle and submit, placing it back on the wheel with his other hand.
You had just finished going shopping together. Gojo needed a new designer suit for some fancy get together with the jujutsu higher ups soon, dragging you along with him.
You protested at first, not wanting to spend your day off suit shopping with gojo. You would much rather cuddle up with him on the couch, but you didn’t want to be alone, so you caved, letting him drag you along with him.
And god damn it if you weren’t glad you did. Tight fitting suit after suit being tried on, all tailored perfectly to his measurements, accentuating his big biceps and toned frame.
Watching him roll up his cuffs and fiddle with his jacket was making your mouth water. You were clenching your thighs as he smoothed his big hands down his chest, veiny hands coming up to tighten the tie on his neck.
“How do I look baby? Ya like this one?” He asked, completely unaware of how something so simple as him trying on suits made you want to devour him right this second.
He found out your true feelings later, bringing you back to the car as you finally undid his difficult zipper after struggling with it for a while, reaching your smaller hands into his pants to pull his semi-hard cock out.
“You got this worked up while I was playin dress up? So dirtyy~,” he teased, biting his lip and smirking while you stroked his length in your warm hands, getting him fully erect.
“Satoru,” you said sternly, leaning your body over the center console and placing your mouth inches from his cock, “shut. up.” The second your words were out his cock was filling up your mouth, quickly falling into a rhythm as you bobbed your head up and down on his cock, making his hips jolt up into your mouth when he drove over a bump, making you gag.
“Ahh- A-hh shittt baby,” Satoru groned, eyes fluttering as he tried to keep his focus on the road, occasionally dropping his gaze to watch the show you were putting on for him.
He dropped a heavy hand on your head, pushing down slightly, making you wince as it hit the back of your throat, “Thought you wanted my cock so bad huh? Cant take it?” he smirked, relishing in the feeling of you swallowing around him, trying to hold back your gags.
Your hand came up to place it on top of his challengingly, pushing his hand down against you. “Oh yeah?” he smirked. Gojo’s fingers curled into your hair as leverage as he started bobbing your mouth up and down on him like a cock sleeve.
“Such a thirsty girl- fuckkk- such a tight fucking throat.” He was trying his best to keep the acceleration of the car at one speed, his legs jerking and jolting every so often when he felt his tip hit the back of your throat, making his driving a little sketchy.
The vibrations from your moans combined with the tightness of your throat as you choked around him was going straight to his balls, “Gonna make me c-crash the fuckin car holy shiiiiit,” he whined, jaw dropping as moans repeatedly fell from his tongue.
Gojo couldn’t take this for much longer, he yanked you back from his dick, popping your mouth off of him with a wet sound as you coughed and sputtered in the air, hand immediately coming down to stroke him still.
“Gotta pull over, ‘s too fuckin much” he said out of breath, face red and heart beating out of his chest as he took the next exit the freeway provided.
His abs were clenching, back coming off from the back of his seat as you rubbed your thumb on the underside of his cock, right under his head, “Babyyyy, killin me, h-hold on just hold on please,” he wined, his big hand coming down to grip your wrist tight as he frantically searched for a semi secluded place to pull over.
Once he found a nice gravel patch off the side of the road covered decently with thick trees he turned the wheel a little too hard to the side, car rocking the both of you as you settled into the spot.
Gojo quickly put the car into park and flipping his hazards on before he brought you back down onto his cock, “All yours baby, take my fucking dick,” he groaned.
Your lips immediately came to suckle on his tip, before sliding down the length of his cock again. This time he just let his hand rest on your head, slightly pushing down on the downstroke.
His head was tipped back against the seat as loud groans and wines spilled from his slack jaw, “goddd baby that feels so good-“ he choked out, running his hands through your hair.
His abs clench when you swallow around him, moans being cut off with a gag when his dick reached too deep in your throat.
You pop your lips off his dick, rotating your wrist around him while while you jerk him off, “yeah? my throat feel good?” you moan, biting your lip while smiling up at him.
“Yes yes so fucking good pretty, so good” He smiled back at you. His big hand comes up to grip your neck, squeezing as he pulls you up to his mouth, “Don’t stop jerkin’ me off” He whispers before he crashes your lips together, moaning at the taste of himself on your tongue.
The kiss is so messy; whenever you twisted your twist around his wet tip his jaw would fall open, and his pretty blue eyes would roll back in his head.
“Fuuuuck, Im so close- fuck-“ He moaned into your mouth, gojo’s body jerking when you started pumping him more vigorously.
“Wanna cum d-down ur throat princess, cmon, why don’t you suck my dick again, huh?” His grip still hard on your neck as he gave it w squeeze to emphasize his need.
Gojo was trying his hardest to keep his composure, trying to stave off his orgasm long enough to at least feel your lips around him again, but your hand movements around his cock was making that task feel impossible.
You bit your lip and nodded, feeling his member start to pulse in your hand. He released your neck, letting you drop your head down to his cock again.
You started to kitten lick the tip softly, dipping your tongue into his leaky slit; but gojo was having none of that.
Without warning he shoved the entirety of his cock down your throat, bobbing your head up and down with his new grip on your hair, “Sorry baby, cant put up w-with your fuckin’ teasing when i’m this close” He smirked down at you, watching you struggle to take him.
You adjusted quickly, breathing through your nose so you wouldn’t choke, and focusing on sucking and rolling your tongue around him to get him to finish as fast as possible.
“Yesyesyes just like that fuck- right there-“ His grip tightened at his head fell back with a ‘thmp’ against the headrest when your tongue caressed a particularly sensitive spot on the underside of his dick.
You were paying special attention to the thick vein running along the underside of his cock, and it made him feel fucking dizzy. His head was spinning every time your mouth fully engulfed him.
You continued your ministrations, letting the massive man above you manhandle you; pulling and tugging at your hair for his own pleasure, and steadily bringing himself to his orgasm.
“I’m gonna cum babe, oh my godd” He let his chin fall back down, jaw slack and eyes heavy as he watched your mouth create a mess of spit all over his cock.
Spit strings connected from your chin to his abdomen and balls, the feeling of you moaning and gagging around him; it was all too much.
You felt his cock twitch before you tasted him; his heavy hand pushing you to the base of his dick as hot ropes of his cum shot down your throat.
You swallowed his cum up greedily, like it was the antidote for some poison to save your life. “Fu-uuuck yeahhh” he wined, biting his lip hard watching you try to keep up with his orgasm flooding your mouth, “Just-like-that- swallow it alllll,” he emphasized by thrusting his too sensitive dick into your mouth.
His whole body was buzzing, long legs shaking from the intensity of his orgasm, mind feeling like jello as the aftershocks ran through his body.
When the stimulation became too much for him; and right when your vision started to be covered in black dots from asphyxiation; he pulled you away from his dick.
Still holding your hair as your hand came down to rub at your throat, coughing and gasping for air in the process. “Show me.” he demanded.
Your foggy mind knew exactly what he meant; sticking out your tongue you showed him how you swallowed every last drop of his seed into your tummy, smiling when you put your tongue back in your mouth.
Gojo’s big hand came up to pat your cheek, releasing your hair and opting to grip your jaw in his hand, “Good fucking girl baby~” He cooed, smashing your faces together.
You felt his tongue dart inside your mouth, greedily licking around, trying to taste himself in your mouth.
He pulled away with a smirk, spit string connecting the two of you as he gave you a quick peck, “God i’m still fucking shaking haha” He laughed breathlessly, making you giggle.
Gojo stared into your eyes for a couple more seconds, biting his lip looking at the expanse of your face before his sighed, dropping his hold on your chin.
“Okaayyyy~” He sighed out, tucking himself back in his pants and buckling his seatbelt back up.
By this point you were positive you had drenched a spot through your panties, pants, and his car seat with how aroused you felt, so you felt ecstatic at his next words.
Putting on his blinker and pulling out into the street, his big hand came to rest on your thigh, patting it a couple times before speaking, “I’m gonna eat your pussy till your fucking crying when we get home as thanks for that.”
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snapscube · 1 year
so i don't know if this is a post i'm gonna keep up cause, like i said, i don't really like talking candidly about aspects of my personal identity often these days, and lord knows i especially hate talking about legal identity and all the dissonance that entails. but this week was a pretty big one for me and i can't shake the desire to share my enthusiasm for even just a fleeting moment.
my name has been a sticking point in my mind for a long time. i've adopted many different ones. first, middle, last, you name it. i've been searching most of my life for a moniker that represented my true self socially, and a surname to distance myself from someone in my life who hurt me very badly and never really learned how to stop.
obviously for a long time now I've been Penny Parker to 98% of people who know me, and for the past couple that number has been bumped up to a solid 99% with a few stragglers. it's a name that is so mundane and assumed at this point that tbh I've even come to resent certain aspects of it. which to me is actually beautiful. i find that mundanity, that nuance, extremely telling of how it encapsulates my life. it's a fully three-dimensional reflection, smudges and sparkles and everything in between.
of course, i only just moved out on my own 3 years ago. and unfortunately that had to be the starting point to make this social and personal progress i've been sitting on for half a decade at least now official, tangible, legal. i've been playing a game of catch-up i didn't sign up for, but it's one that does have a silver lining in that i feel more in resonance with who i am and who i want to be than i ever did before being granted this independence.
and as of this week, i have the pleasure of entering an era of my life where the dissonance between who i am in speech and who i am in contract is nonexistent. my name is Penny Olivia Parker. i'm the same as i've always been, but getting better every day at it. soon i'll even have a license to match!
sometimes more of an Olivia Parker in brief moments nowadays tbh but i haven't worked out the details yet. nothin you need to stress over, ill take care of it. the full set is just fine and legally recognized, which is all i've wanted for as long as i can remember.
this isn't the end of my journey, both excitingly and unfortunately haha, but this is yet another huge milestone for me and in certain respects it's one of the biggest i've managed. i'm so happy to still be here. if you're reading this, thank you for being here too.
also those of you who watched my direct reactions the other day might have a little more insight as to why i was so emotional that the day after a judge signed my legal name change a new game by the Sonic Mania devs was announced called "Penny's Big Breakaway" LOL, it was a lot to handle for me but i wasn't sure how much i wanted to say just yet.
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