#benji's thoughts
drunken--raccoon · 6 months
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albino-parakeet · 23 days
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Jwct countdown May 14-15 prompt: Favorite Ship
Yaz and Sammy living the life I wish I had. Sapphic dinosaur ranch owners lol. Ft. Bumpy in the background
Of course I had to draw these two. Their kiss/confession scene is on repeat in my mind all the time and I’m still so just in awe that it happened. Here’s to hoping they stay together and happy throughout all of Chaos Theory! @campbenji
Timelapse undercut:
Song used in Timelapse (and is the same one I listened to on repeat while working on this)-> Real Love by Cat Clyde
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goobygoobb · 9 months
no i dont think i will stop thinking about benji from hfwu .. benji whos father his number 1 supporter was shot in front of him at the beginning of the book his blood splattered on his face buried under his nails forever ingrained into the ridges of his fingerprints benji who loved so fiercely it was dangerous so much so that he forgave the boy who hurt him so quickly and it cost him almost everything BEEENJIII who felt different for so long and who ended up associating that feeling with being monstrous after he was injected with seraph BENJI. who just wanted to be a boy that loved boys. who was only a teen when the world fell apart and chained him down, benji who had religion and trauma whispering in his ear bite your tongue and do as you are told for He will never forgive you if you follow your heart — benji who was never even sure who He was, if heaven and hell and everything his life revolved around for so long even existed ..
i love him
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liass-21 · 4 months
benji: babe u look so updog today
ethan: what
benji: haha uh. no you’re supposed to say—
ethan, tearing up: babe you promised me if my hair looked funny you would tell me discreetly
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snovyda · 7 months
In the light of Christopher McQuarrie calling Ethan and Benji "two sides of the same coin", I keep thinking about the sort of parallels between them in mi7.
The bomb scene. The Entity asks Benji who or what is the most important thing to him, and he admits that it's his friends. We later see very explicitly that Ethan would have given the exact same answer. That's what the Entity bases its entire ploy on. Benji even quotes the question at one moment - explicitly in relation to Ethan.
With Ethan getting on the train, it was Benji who came up with a crazy plan, and Ethan got all fussy about it before going along with it. Kind of a role reversal between them.
The way they both mourn Ilsa. Each of them goes to be alone for a bit (contrasting to Luther and Grace), but they also do it in the opposite circumstances - Ethan is at the balcony amid the open space, in the light of the new day, even wearing a white shirt, while Benji is in a small darkened room, in the shadows, and is wearing dark clothes at the time.
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empressofmankind · 6 months
So, funny story -
One of my nieces has clearly inherited her grandfather's absolutely HoRRifFiC sense of humour.
And by horrific, I mean completely toe-curlingly excellent.
My 10-year-old niece: *seeing me make that doodle*
My niece: I wanna go to a firework show with my dad too
Me: Same, same
My niece: Tho mine is not that tall
Me: sad life
My niece: *watches*
Me: *draws*
My niece: So. His name is Crocodile for real?
Me: Yes
My niece: That's cool
Me: *draws*
My niece: *watching*
My niece: Does that mean he's her... dadodile
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thevelaryons · 2 months
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Fire & Blood, George R. R. Martin // unknown // The Raven and the Mouse, Susan Pace-Koch (illustrated by Emily Stepp) // @slugspoon (Alivia Horsley) // Contradictions: Tracking Poems, Adrienne Rich // Happiness, Raymond Carver // Addam & Ben at Raventree Hall by OrionHakuryu // @wormbus-art // They Both Die at the End, Adam Silvera // The Issa Valley, Czesław Miłosz // unknown // Poem, Langston Hughes // Addam & Ben at Tumbleton by OrionHakuryu // gentle.earth by Mia // Burial at Raventree Hall by asoiafattherite // The Bad Beginning, Lemony Snicket
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dhsyweirdo · 11 months
Simon been talking about how Benji loves Ethan for dozens time and Tom has never disagreed to that. What he and the MI team did was always, more screentime for Benji Dunn in the next installment.
Oh god he is secretly obsessed with Ethan and Benji's relationship, I have no doubt. : p
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[ID in alt]
if i had a nickel for every time theres a fic where benji is kidnapped (??), presumed dead for several months, and then resurfaces as a completely changed person sporting a mask, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but its funny that it happened twice.
Midas!Benji (full face mask) belongs to @helyiios , I think there was a solid half hour at most between me coming up with the idea and finding their fic exploring the same general concept LOL.
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drunken--raccoon · 7 months
Once I get over my anorexia and BPD and PTSD and anxiety and ADHD and chronic suicidal thoughts it's over for you bitches
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heldenherzchen · 10 months
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monday, august 7 day 1: practicing together (@benthan-week-forever)
They found themselves in a small gym, surrounded by punching bags and the sound of gloves hitting the leather.
Ethan, known for his exceptional physical prowess, was helping Benji put on his boxing gloves. He carefully adjusted the straps, making sure they were snug but not too tight. As he did so, he took the opportunity to explain the importance of gloves in boxing.
"Benji, gloves are not just for protection," the older began, his voice calm and reassuring. "They serve a crucial purpose in this sport. They not only shield your hands from injury but also provide cushioning for your opponent."
Benji listened intently, his eyes focused on Ethan's face as he tightened the straps. He could feel the weight of the gloves, a reminder of the responsibility that came with them.
Ethan continued, "When you throw a punch, the gloves distribute the force across a larger surface area, reducing the impact on your opponent. It's about control, precision, and minimizing harm."
The blonde nodded, absorbing every word. He admired his partner's expertise and dedication to his craft.
As they began their warm-up exercises, Ethan demonstrated various boxing techniques, explaining the proper form and footwork.
Throughout their training session, the brunette emphasized the importance of discipline and respect in boxing. He reminded Benji that the sport was not about violence but about skill, strategy, and self-control.
As the session progressed, they exchanged punches - their movements became fluid and synchronized. They pushed each other to their limits, testing their endurance and honing their skills.
Despite the intensity, there was an unspoken bond between them, a mutual trust and understanding.
In that small gym, Ethan and Benji not only practiced boxing but also strengthened their bond as teammates, friends, partners and lovers.
As the session came to an end, Ethan removed Benji's gloves with the same care and precision he had put them on. He looked at him, a smile of satisfaction on his face.
"Great job, Benji."
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desertfangs · 10 months
I was just looking up the top music videos on MTV in 1985 for... uh... reasons and #8 is If You Love Somebody Set Them Free by Sting, which appears on his album Dream of the Blue Turtles. Which also contains the song Moon Over Bourbon Street, a song that was written about Interview with the Vampire.
So while Lestat's music videos were climbing the charts in 1985 and taking over the airwaves, they would have been played alongside Sting, with a song from an album that contains another song Sting wrote about Lestat's estranged boyfriend.
Just saying.
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ambriel-angstwitch · 7 months
Darius: Ben you kissed Kenji!
Ben: I know
Darius: What do you mean 'you know?
Ben: What do 'you mean what do you mean'?! It's not like you can kiss a person by accident!
Ben: Besides it's not the first time l've kissed Kenji
Darius: What?!
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smallerthanzer0 · 6 months
There was a wreath hanging on the door of Benji’s apartment. That was new.
He got the concept - it was the seventeenth of December and he was back in the States, it was harder to find a door that didn’t have something red or green fastened to it - but Benji, of all people? Ethan didn’t even know he celebrated the holiday. 
He was starting to wonder if he should have brought a gift. Surely there was a holiday market somewhere in between the last three shootouts he’d been involved in this week. It was too late now, though, so he knocked on the door and brandished an apology instead as it swung open. “Hel - mmph-”
The rest of Ethan’s greeting disappeared under a mouthful of crumbling pastry - cheeks bulging, he blinked at the unexpected presence of the apron-clad spy in front of him. “Mmph?”
Ilsa beamed warmly back at him, hand still pressed against his lips. “Do you like it? They’re gingerbread, fresh out of the oven.”
“Ilsa! Tell him the other part first, or he’ll just spit it out." Benji's voice came immediately from somewhere in the apartment behind her - the kitchen, if the ominous rattling from the other room was anything to go by. “There’s no sugar or butter in them just for you, you health nut.” 
He blinked again. Somehow managing to read his expression even with his mouth full, Ilsa pulled him gently inside as she moved her hand to cup his cheek instead with her smile dimming slightly. “Everything’s fine, Ethan. I just happened to be free for the holiday, that’s all - and Benji’s been keeping track of your last mission and said things weren’t going well-”
“-absolutely tits up,” the poltergeist in the kitchen contributed. “What the hell were they thinking, having you try to breach hideouts one at a time-”
“-so we thought we’d make you something nice to welcome you back.” She patted the side of his face, indulgent. “Well? What do you think? We’ve got more if you want them, you must be starving.”
Benji’s head popped around the kitchen doorway too, looking at him expectantly. Something about the way they were both fixated on him, eyes wide and pleased like kids holding out a piece of grade school art-
He barely managed to swallow before he had to step away from Ilsa and bury his face in his hands, shoulders shaking. “I - I -”
“Ethan?” Ilsa asked, alarmed. “Are you - Benji, he’s crying-”
He stumbled back into the door as she reached out, trying desperately to calm himself down, but he couldn't help it - he burst out laughing just as she started to wrap her arms around him, wheezing helplessly into his fingers. “They’re - sorry, I’m sorry, they’re just so bad - what did you do?!”
Ilsa froze with her hands on his forearms. “What?”
He laughed even harder, giving up on hiding his face and dragging her into a hug so he could giggle into her shoulder instead. “This - it’s the worst - oh, God, I can’t-”
“Hey,” Benji said darkly, appearing at his elbow with a spatula brandished threateningly in his direction. “Stop that, stop laughing, they can’t be that bad!”
He couldn’t breathe - either it was just that funny, or they’d actually managed to poison him. He flailed a hand in Benji’s direction, clutching weakly at his shirt, and dragged him into the hug too. The spatula had something wet and sticky on it that only registered to him as it was mashed into the side of his face along with Benji's sweater, but he couldn’t care less.
“What’s wrong with him?” Benji complained to Ilsa over his head. “Here, give me the rest of that, they can’t really be-” He choked abruptly. “Nope, nevermind, they’re bad, we’re bad at this - which is not an excuse to mock us, thank you very much, see if I ever try to do anything nice for you again-”
“Th - thank you,” Ethan snickered, lightheaded and feeling better than he had in weeks. Worming his arm out of the strap of his bag, he let it fall carelessly to the ground as he wrapped his arm back around Benji to hold him properly as he caught his breath. “No, this is great.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Benji told him kindly, wriggling loose from his grip to smack Ilsa’s arm. “You! You said you know how to bake!”
“Listen,” Ilsa started. He could tell she’s trying to sound angry, but her chest shook against his like she was close enough to laughing herself that she couldn't quite manage it. “I know how to bake normal things, it’s not my fault that he doesn’t eat sweets. The other things we’re making are going to be perfect-”
The smoke alarm went off in the other room. Ethan started laughing again.
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the-woman-upstairs · 10 months
Still laughing at Ethan having a “bros before hoes” moment when he sided with Luther over Benji.
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empressofmankind · 6 months
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Imprinting the juvenile bananawani
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