#bee 'n boo
thetoebee · 3 months
Made the Bee 'n Boo Hotel fully, hope you lot enjoy:)
(More info below)
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So, yah! I built this by looking at a photo aswell and Ranboo and Tubbos old stream where they walk through it, counting the blocks and going from there. I first built it out of dirt for a foundation instead of scaffolding because they hurt my eyes, but it ended up working out really well! It's as accurate as it can be, especially since it was never finished by Ranboo or Tubbo lol. So I improvised! Aaaaand, I'm pretty happy with it:DD
I'd love to hear any feedback on it, especially if you lot have any ideas as to what to add upstairs to make it more lived in and cozy (preferably something "Michael coded", even though this is the hotel and not the mansion lol)
Blueprints coming soon:))
Here it is:)
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abrahamdraberham · 3 months
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mon-moonfae · 2 months
New cBeeduo fanfic!
Just two boys in love
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correctdsmpquotes · 1 year
tubbo: there are only three people in this world who can call me a hoe. and three of them are Ranboo.
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transbeeduo · 1 year
the Bee N Boo hotel… miss u every day bbgirl
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officalichigogo · 1 year
yes ichi i want your list. that shouldn’t be a question.
i feel like you already knew what i wanted😚
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ninbinary · 1 year
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Hopelessly Devoted // Bob Floyd
Summary: After Bob gets back from Miramar, he makes a B-line straight for your doorstep. Holding himself together just barely.
Warnings: Angst. mentions of mental health. Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x reader. No use of Y/n.
Word Count: 3k
Author Note: Listen, this isn’t my favourite piece but it was just sitting in my drafts and I thought it may as well be shared.
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The fall season always brought you much delight. The smell of pumpkin spice from your seasonal candles filled your home. Seasonal decor ranging from ceramic pumpkins to throw pillows that said ‘boo’ and ‘beware’ made your house feel very much like a home. The sound of gentle rain falling outside mixed with the soon to be full onset thunderstorm—rolling in slowly as the claps of thunder grew more aggressive every few minutes.
Lightning lit up all the windows of your living room as you sat curled up with your study notes. Preparing for your assessments. A bachelors in mechanical engineering had your name on it. Soon you hoped to work aboard some of the Navy’s patrol boats. A small stepping stone to where you’d like to end up one day. But for now? You’d do the work.
A gentle knock against your front door broke you from your concentration. You weren’t expecting a visitor this late. Not at ten thirty on a Sunday night. When you heard the gentle knock again your heart leapt from your chest. Jumping up as your papers fell from your lap. Now discarded on the floor in a pile.
“It’s me—“ Bob cooed, his forehand resting against your door as his knuckles softly knocked against your door. As you swung the door open, Bob stumbled in. His uniform absolutely drenched, waterlogged as all hell from the ran that had settled in nicely. His glasses slipped down the bridge of his nose as he dropped his duffel bag. Instantly letting the weight of the world fall off his shoulders as he brought you into a tight hug. His arms encapsulated you over your shoulders. “Hey—“ Bob mumbled as he rest his chin against the top of your head. Holding you in his arms.
“What are you doing here!?” You questioned as you hugged Bob back. His head was now in the crook of your neck as he crouched, letting you off the ground for a moment. Gentle sobs escaped as Bob broke in your arms, his legs felt weak. He put you down and pulled back, Bob took a deep breath in as he pushed his glasses up his nose. “You weren’t supposed to be back till tomorrow afternoon! I was gonna come pick you up and everything!” You questioned.
“Yeah well, I just needed to see you, now—“ Bob admitted. Robert Floyd had been your best friend since the second grade. Some days it was still hard to wrap your head around the idea that the same kid who cried on multiple occasions after finding out bees only sting once then they die, was a weapons systems officer for the Navy—and a damn fine one at that. “Missed you.” It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for Bob to turn up at your door after deployment, but this felt different. Something was off. “Just—“ You could hear it in the cracks in his voice, saw it in the way he held his lips tight to keep his emotions in check. “I just, I just needed to see you.” You kept Bob grounded, and after everything that had happened. The accident, the mission? He could feel himself pulling back from reality.
“You wanna come inside? Have a shower?” You cooed. “I’ll make you a cup of tea.” You smiled softly, grabbing Bob's duffel as he followed you inside. He took in the smell of pumpkin spice, it instantly reminded him that he was home. He was safe. He could relax. Pumpkin spice always reminded him of you—like a warm hug. “I won’t sugar coat though, you look like hell.” You sighed. “You wanna talk about it or—?” walking up the stairs with a huff as you carried Bob’s duffel. Unnecessarily heavy as you asked Bob a question he wasn’t sure what the answer was. He broke it down the best he could as he followed right behind you. Like a lost puppy.
“I look like shit but at least my shirt doesn’t say ‘welcome to the ‘Boo Bunker.” Bob teased. “I haven’t slept since I got off Leyte Gulf.” Bob couldn’t. He’d tried, but the sound of surface to air missiles rang in his head, exploding without warning or rhythm. “And no, not particularly, I feel like a bag of ass.” Sighing, Bob ran his hands down his cheeks in dismay.
“It would be rude of me to agree.” you smirked, handing Bob a fresh towel from your linen cupboard. You missed him. Too much. “Go have a warm shower, have you told your mum and dad you're here yet?” Bob shook his head no in response. Omitting a gasp you shoved his chest softly—with enough force to have Bob letting out a hiss. “Robert Floyd, your mother will kill me if I Harbor you here and she doesn’t know!“ In the very same breath you also noticed Bob's uncomfortable expression. “What, what’s wrong?” You questioned, puzzled as to why Bob's hand lingered on his shoulder.
“It’s nothing—promise.” Bob let his hand settle on the small of your back, drawing you in as he pressed a soft and subtle kiss against your forehead. Closing your eyes you took a mental picture of the moment. “I’ll let my mother know I’m home tomorrow, like I was supposed to be.” Bob reminded you. “She’d only worry more if she knew I was home early.”
“Does that mean I should be worried?” There was a reason why you and Bob had never really settled into a conventional relationship. He thought it would be selfish to ask you to worry constantly whenever he was deployed. Bob loved his job. But he loved you more, and he couldn’t bring himself to ask you to sacrifice piece of mind for him. Looking at you loving, Bob cupped your cheeks, the pad of his right thumb gently rubbed your cheek. Drinking in the sight of the only women he’d ever love. “Ro—“
“You never have to worry about me” he whispered. His eyes roaming every inch of your face. “Don’t worry about me, please—for the love god, don’t spend a second worrying.”
“Yeah well just because you say don’t worry, that doesn’t mean I don’t.” You replied sharply, Bob dropped his hands as you looked at him softly. Eyes so full of love and admiration for him. He could recognise the look because it mimicked his own. There was always an understanding, that underlying unambiguously love between the two of you. But to act on it would be selfish, at least in Bob's mind. He was never sure which mission or basic deployment might be his last. He knew he evaded death by inches this time round and boy it had him spooked.
“Anyway—“ you sighed. “You’re drenched and must be freezing, I don’t often bring strays into my home so you better go have a shower before I change my mind.” Bob raised his eyebrows at your attitude. Your clothes were slightly damp themselves from the hug he’d drawn you into at your doorstep, but nothing like his.
“You’re kinda rude sometimes—“ Bob snickered, walking past as he made his way to the bathroom. “Be out in a sec—“ shutting the door but choosing not to lock it. Looking at himself in the mirror Bob hissed as he undid his uniform buttons. His shoulder still stiff. Nothing technically wrong, just surface bruises that looked worse than what they were. A stiff right shoulder that had him using way too much deep heat.
“Shit—“ Bob hissed as he threw his shirt into a pile, working to unbuckle his belt. Knocking before you stuck your head in Bob felt like a deer in headlights. Speechless. He knew in that very second what was to come.
“I forgot to mention there’s a box under the cabinet with some random suppl—“ your heart sank as you took in the bruises, dark and littering Bob's torso. Opening the door completely, your eyes welled with tears. “Oh my god.” You cupped your mouth. Shock oozing from you as you stepped closer. Reaching out to trace the bruises that covered Bob's right pec. Your touch left Bob’s skin littered with goosebumps. An undeniable reaction to attraction.
“I promise it looks worse than it really is—“ Bob mumbled. His hand softly guiding you, tilting your chin up to catch your gaze. “I’m okay—“
“You and I both know you’re a bad liar, what in the hell happened?” Your mind ran through a million scenarios.
“Phoenix, my front seater and I had a training mishap.” Bob explained. “We have to eject—“
“EJECT!” You gasped. “BOB I’m literally you’re emergency contact why didn’t anyone call me!!” You panicked.
“I told them not to! I was fine! I mean I am fine!” Bob cupped Your cheeks holding you still as explained himself, god he hated the way your eyes watered. “Ejecting is just hard on the body, and my landing wasn’t all that gracious.” He’d blacked out after tumbling a few times. Hence all the bruises. It wasn’t something he was going to mention—and Bob was certainly going to omit that fact he had to use his secondary shoot.
“You ejected from your plane and didn’t call me?” You shook Bob's hands from your cheeks, stepping back as Bob stood before you, his belt in his hand, his fly half done up. Shirtless. His muscles popping, bigger than you remembered. More defined and toned.
“I didn’t want to worry you!” You scoffed out a sarcastic chuckle in response to Bob's reasoning.
“Oh my god you self righteous asshole—“ shaking your head in defeat. “ I’m going to worry about you! I do worry about you, Bob. I worry about you every second of every damn day and there is nothing and I mean nothing you can do to stop me because me worrying is me caring and I care too much about you to lose you!” You felt like you couldn’t breathe. “I mean look at you it looks like you’d been—you—you’ve been.”
“Ejected from a F-18?” Bob finished your sentence as you let your tears fall freely down your cheeks. Chuckling softly, you gave Bob a look.
“Yes, it looks like you were ejected from an F-18 and I hate that you were!” Bob closed the gap between the two of you, taking your hand to rest it on his chest. “If something ever happened to you I wouldn’t know how to coup—not telling me, not letting me in? It’s wicked, it’s cold-hearted and it’s cruel.” You didn’t take your eyes off Bob for a second as you leaned against him. The gap none existent. “It’s entirely keeping with this self sacrificing righteousness that you Navel men seem to have. It’s ruthless to shut the people out who care about you because in some twisted way you believe you’re doing us all a favour.”
“I’m okay—“ you could feel his heartbeat as Bob spoke softly, his voice deep, his eyes serious, his slight southern accent music to your ears. “I’m not just saying that, I mean it—it’s all surface layers.” You called Bobs bluff instantly as he tried to reassure you he was fine. He wasn’t fine, you could tell by the way he held you at your front door that he was thankful to have to opportunity to hold you again. That’s how much he wasn’t fine—because you could tell.
“How close?” You asked just above a whisper. Bob wanted to pretend like he didn’t know what you were talking about, but he knew. Looking up over your head he shook his head. Eyes watering. Voices he couldn’t get rid of ripping his head apart. Pounding on his skull.
“Phoenix break right! Break—“
“Rooster , two more on your six!”
“Dagger two defending!”
“Payback, same on your nose!”
“Dager one defending.”
“Rooster, tally, tally.”
“Talk to me Bob!”
“On our six!”
“Phoenix break right!”
“I don’t know what you mean?” Bob met your gaze. It was written all over his face.
“This was the one wasn’t it?” You could barely raise your voice above a whisper as the realisation set in. Robert Floyd almost didn’t come home to you. “Bo—“ Bob didn’t let you finish, his lips crashing into yours in some desperate attempt to keep your head from filling with scenarios about his untimely death. His hands cupping your cheeks, his body pressed to yours as he backed you up against the vanity. Gently hosting you up as he broke away—leaving you seeing stars. Lips tingling as your eyes traced every inch of his face.
“It could have been the one, but it wasn’t—“ Bob panted, his chest rising and falling as he stood between your legs, draping down his sides. “It wasn’t and I’m here and I don’t want to think about it because the more I think about it the deeper I fall in and I’m scared I won’t be able to pull myself out.” You let the silence linger for a moment as tears ran down Bob's face. Wiping them away softly you pressed your lips together in a solemn smile.
“If you don’t talk about it, it’ll be what kills you—“
“Don’t Dr.Phil me.” Bob hissed.
“You didn’t come here to be coddled!” You hissed back, snapping as you felt Bob's hand snake along the small of your back. As close as he could be.
“I came here because you were the only person, and I mean the only person who was on my mind when I was sure I wasn’t coming home.” Bob admitted. “I’m in love with you, I always have been and I can’t bring myself to ask you to say it back.” Bob let his forehead rest against yours. “And I’m so beyond grateful I was given the chance to live long enough to tell you I love you.”
It was something that you never thought you’d hear Bob admit but it was even harder to admit to yourself you would have waited a lifetime and then some. Hopelessly devoted.
“I know I don’t bring much to the table, I’m—just—“ you didn’t let him finish, no. You crashed your lips against Bobs. Teeth slightly grazed his as you deepened it. Tongues dancing as you moaned ever so gently into Bob’s mouth. Fuck he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think. All he could do was savour the moment.
“You are everything I’ve ever wanted, what’s a girl gotta do to make you see that huh?” You asked as you pulled away. Leaning back against the mirror as Bob’s hands traced unidentified objects into your thighs. Sighing in defeat you opted to put yourself. “I love you, Bob I really do—“
“But?” Bob questioned, his heart racing. Trying to read you like he usually could, an open book.
“But you can’t shut me out if we do this?” You pleaded. “You gotta let me in, talk to me, let me worry, tell me when things are bad, when you’re bad! God—“ you paused, tears welling in your eyes once again. “I’d hate to think you were fine and the next day you’re just—gone.” Bob hadn’t really realised when the last time he really opened up was. He’d stopped in order to be less of a handful, and above all wanted people to worry less. Guess doing that was really causing the opposite to happen. “I need to know that when things are bad? They’re bad. And when things are good, they’re great.”
“Deal—“ Bob cooed. “Deal.” Kissing your temple Bob smirked against your skin. “I’ll have a shower, then we’ll talk? About everything.” You nodded, sighed as you slid off the vanity.
“I’ll make you that cup of tea—“ you said softly, the atmosphere around you and Bob heavy with emotion. “Take you time.” It was almost as if you didn’t believe Bob would let you in, you had felt him pulling away but you hadn’t realised just hard far you let him fall behind. He couldn’t take his eyes off you, the way you wanted to leave but your feet wouldn’t move. The way you picked at the skin around your nails when you were nervous.
“You could stay, if you wanted to?” Bob smirked, his thumbs tucking into the waistband of his trousers. “I’ve uh—I can’t say I haven’t thought about you before.” Bob admitted as he stepped closer, watching as you didn’t move a muscle. “You’ve thought about me, haven’t you?” Kissing your neck softly you let your eyes roll in the back of your head as a just audible moan escaped.
“Now's not the right time—“ you tried to keep your composure. Bob pulled away to look at you one final time.
“Will there ever be a right time?” He whispered, his hand coming to push the hair that had fallen around your face behind your ear. “This is it for me, you’re it for me—always have been.” Bob cooed.
“You should have called me—“ you sobbed, dashing into Bob with so much force it sent him stumbling as he fumbled to get a grip on your waist. So much passion in your words, Bob knew it would be a long overdue conversation when you were finished. “Don’t you ever do that again—!” Pulling your shirt above your head Bob couldn’t breathe, was this really about to happen? Stepping into the shower you reached behind Bob, blasting the water as he stripped his trousers off. Still desperately kissing you as he did so. “I wanna know when you get a damn paper cut! Understand?” You hissed, pulled back as you pushed Bob under the stream of warm water—instantly soothing his battered and bruised skin. Pulling you into him as you shed your pyjama pants.
“Yes ma’am-“
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thetoebee · 2 months
Here is, finally, the video tutorial on how to build the Bee 'n Boo Hotel from start to finish!
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I worked really hard on initially building this by looking at VODS, counting the blocks, building, and so on and so forth, so I'm REALLY happy to finally be the one to put a tutorial out there on how to actually build it. It may not be 1000% accurate, but from what I've seen this is as close as it gets.
Feel free to tag or @ me on any platforms with your build and what you have added! My tumblr is here @thetoebee, my twitter is @_TheMonkeMan and my insta is @kodazzdraws! Excited to hear back from you lot about this, enjoy!:]]
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kairoot · 4 months
EICS. 💌 (03.) king bee (the parties and boobies in question)
WARNINGS ▸ 2.7K words, profanity, suggestive jokes, alcohol mentioned, marijauna/vaping mentioned, let me know if i missed anything (i do not condone any of these things and this is not made to represent any of the idols’ personality or behavior. it is simply for fictional purposes.) ignore timestamps!
SYNOPSIS ▸ you and jake broke up about a year ago and he made it his mission to forget everything about you. you’ve always wanted to send him a text or even a voicemail about how much you missed him but you always held back. that was until you two met again.
— ˖˚ ͙ ❤︎︎
“There’s nothing here.” Y/n said, raking through the dozens of hangers dangling from the shelf. She sighed in frustration before turning around to look at her friends. “Literally nothing.”
Yunjin clicked her tongue, not believing her claim. “Please, there has to be something. You're just not looking hard enough.” She says, something immediately catching her eye as she went to grab at it.
“See, look this is so…you!” She held the shimmery pink halter top against Y/n’s chest, folding her lips as she tried not to laugh at the tacky little red hearts patterned across it.
Y/n gave the girl a blank stare before rolling her eyes. “Be serious. I’m looking for something less clown-like, and more.. scandalous.” She says boldly, laughing to herself as she plucked the top from Yunjin’s hand and placed it back on the rack.
“Uh oh? Who’re you and what’d you do with our Y/n?” Jurin teased, raising her trimmed brow and popping a mini bubble from the flavorless gum she’d been chewing on since they arrived at the mall.
“Showin’ out for your man? Hmm?”
Y/n’s hand paused for a moment. Resting on another crop top she’d pulled slightly out of its place to look at. She was trying to tune out her friends' antics but of course Jurin always had to take it there.
She scoffed, “No, actually- I’m doing it to flaunt my single…ness.” She hesitated, mentally debating on if that was a word or not. Her friends could see right through her confident facade. They shook their heads as they recalled the countless times said girl had boo-hooed to them about her ex.
 “Uh huh, see now I need you to be serious.” Yunjin spoke up, pointing her polished finger at Y/n.
“Right, you deadass whine and bawl over Jake every second you breathe.” Jurin agreed pointedly while skimming through other items lined neatly across one of the store’s walls. Y/n immediately protested.
“I do not- I’m not crying over him right now.. am I?!” Her voice got higher towards the end of her sentence as her eyes suddenly glazed over with tears.
“Yeah, technical-”
“Shut up Yunjin.” Y/n interrupted her, a single tear escaping from the corner of her eye.
Jurin stopped her browsing to direct her full attention to the girls beside her. She sighed, putting her hand on her hip with a half concerned expression.
“You know what, just forget it- I don't even wanna go anymore.” Y/n said, sniffling and looking towards the ceiling and wiping under her eyes as she tried to stop any more tears from falling.
Yunjin’s head whipped in her direction, she furrowed her eyebrows before stomping up to y/n, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Alright look, I did not pump twenty bucks worth of gas in my tank to take us here, home, and to that damn party just for you to bail on us last minute.” She grabbed Y/n by both of her hands urging her to look at them.
“You’re going to that party,” She said, holding eye contact. “And you’re gonna go and enjoy yourself. because you deserve it. You hearing me?”
Y/n nodded at Yunjin's words, sniffling before responding. “I hear you.”
She was trying to convince herself that she was doing it for her and not for anyone else, not because she wanted to see Jake- and definitely not to show him what he was missing.
“Now that that's settled,” Yunjin smirked, pushing y/n toward the dressing room. “Get in there, I'm gonna be your personal stylist today.”
Y/n locked the stall door behind her, taking a seat on the mini bench in the corner. She began to think of all the many ways she could walk into that party and look as if she were her most confident self, as if she were healed and had 99 problems and Jake wasn't one. (He was all 99 of them..)
“You wanted something sexy- excuse me, “scandalous” right? Yunjin said with a cheeky grin. “Why don't we use Sabrina for inspo?” Yunjin called from outside the door, the sound of hangers scraping against metal intrigued Y/n as she heard her friend looking through possible options.
She giggled before responding to her friend outside the door in agreement.
Jake slouches his body lazily on the red sofa he’d made himself comfortable on. The hat he’s wearing sits at a downward angle covering the upper half of his face. The boy groaned in irritation, blowing a nasally sigh into the cap perched on his nose.
“You’ll be alright, s’ not that serious.” Heeseung reassures him, patting his shoulder and taking a seat in one of the chairs across from Jake.
“Not that serious..? I feel like I’m gonna be alone for the rest of my damn life.” He scoffed, snatching the cap off of his face.
“Really wish you would stop whining and bitching and let loose for the first time in decades.” Heeseung whistled.
He’d gotten the last word as the rest of their friend group made their way into the room. The sounds of the bags they held and their outside voices filled the space, throwing Jake off enough to hold on a response.
Heeseung stood up and greeted the rest of them with handshakes and dap ups, while Jake continued to look at him crazy.
“Relax, you won’t be all by yourself tonight. S’long as you stick to the objective of gettin’ you some honey for your hive king bee.” Heeseung told him while plopping down beside him this time.
Jake knew exactly what he meant by that. He rolled his eyes and turned his head to blankly stare at where the ceiling met the wall. “There’s no such thing as a king bee, dumbass.” He mumbled.
“Then you’ll be the first.”
Jake’s lip twitched in amusement. “Whatever you say bro..” And he left it at that, directing his attention to other matters and hoping for the best.
“You act like you were dating to marry Jake, not every relationship is for the long run and that's fine.” Niki made a point, chuckling a little as if what he said was just plain common sense.
Heeseung nodded his head once at his friend's point.
“Exactly, see Niki gets it and he's younger than you. Oh and while we're on it- why exactly did you and Y/n break things off?” He asked, his curiosity leading him to putting Jake on the spot.
Sunghoon added on. “Yeah and- who broke up with who?” Great, now they were trying to revisit the situation as a whole.
Jake sighs, a subtle pained look making its way onto his face before he speaks. “I’d rather not get into my world shattering break up. That's reasonable right?”
Heeseung hums. “For now, sure, but that’s why we decided to host this party yeah?” He smiled, throwing his arm around Jake’s shoulders as he continued.
”Tonight is about you, Jake, getting fucked up and letting your brain free from the shackles of everlasting heart break. If you know what I meannn.” He teased, poking Jake's side with his free hand while flaunting his charming smile.
“Oh yeah- n’ I forgot to mention this, but Harvey is supposed to be coming to this party.” Sunghoon said, drawing his attention from down at his phone to the men around him.
“What?!” Jake snaps his head towards Sunghoon, his face immediately scrunching up.
Sunghoon met Jake’s gaze with a knowing smirk. “I mean Heesung had already invited her, and we know that where there’s Harvey, there's also Y/n. And the rest of them I guess.” He said with a shrug, spreading his legs slightly as he made himself comfortable in the love seat he sat in.
Jake cleared his throat at the information. Trying his absolute best to relax and not let his mind be overwhelmed by the thought of seeing Y/n again for the first time in months.
Not like he particularly cared or anything- (He in fact, did care. Like a lot. Maybe too much.) but if anyone put themselves in his shoes would they also not be a little on edge about seeing their ex that they had yet to detach themselves from even after a year of not being together?
“No, probably not, because they probably would've healed and gotten over them by now like a normal person.” Jake’s inner monologue nagged, leading Jake to let out a half frustrated sigh.
“Look he’s about to combust.” One of his friends commented with a chuckle. That brought Jake out of the momentary mind war he was having with a roll of his eyes.
“Fuck you.” Jake said, standing up and heading towards the bathroom to clear his head. This was gonna be a long night.
A few hours later Y/n and the girls found themselves finally making their way into the party. Upon walking in they were immediately hit by the scent of marijuana, pink lemonade flavored vape pens, and liquor.
Bodies were grinding and bumping into each other while bathing in the multi-colored laser lights that shot from several different angles around the main living room.
Harvey and Yunjin immediately made their way to the living room turned dance floor, hand in hand and ready to move their bodies however they wanted.
Jurin eventually wandered off toward the kitchen after shouting, “I’ll be right back, gonna go get a drink!”
Leaving Yuna and Y/n together. The two girls made their way to the house's den, which appeared to be the “lounging section” of the party.
Yuna sat down on one of the couches, Y/n taking a seat not far from her.
“Ah, look who showed up.” Yuna spoke up, teasing Sunghoon who was making his way up to her.
“Unfortunately.” He scoffed jokingly. “I actually had a game today but for whatever reason that was completely disregarded.” He laughed and continued to engage in conversation with Yuna for a bit.
Moments later a slightly tipsy Harvey came stepping into the lounge.
“Y/n? Girl c’mon!” She slurred walking towards the girl with a little pep in her step. “This is literally our song and you were planning on just sitting through it?!” She said a little louder than intended, tugging Y/n out of her seat by her wrist before acknowledging Sunghoon with a wiggle of her fingers and leaving the lounge.
The girls had their fun, sticking around for a few more songs to continue their wild dancing. They were giggling and screaming lyrics like they’d had one too many shots but hadn't even touched a drop of alcohol, or at least not Y/n.
“Hey, we should go get drinks.” Yunjin proposed, slowing her movements and already moving to make her way toward the kitchen. The other girls nodded and followed along.
They entered the kitchen, piling at the drink station. Their giggles filled the area as they discussed different things. Harvey’s drunk dance and Yunjin complaining about her hairspray not working since her hair was sticking in all types of directions.
Y/n laughed along with all of them. She really was having a good time. And for the first time in a while, too.
No more crying, she thought. Gotta live my own life.
Y/n seemed to get caught up in her thoughts as she backed into someone, quickly spinning around to apologize.
“Oh, sh- sorry!” A thick accent rolled off of their tongue as they jumped back.
Y/n turned to see a messy blonde heap of strands, paired with an apologetic puppy gaze. Her eyes widened a bit, this interaction catching her off guard.
Jake seemed to have the same reaction, a pink tint spreading across his features. He cleared his throat after realizing he’d been staring for too long.
“Y-Y/n, I’m sorry, I..” His eyes panned to every feature on Y/n’s face, from her eyes to her lips.
Y/n couldn’t tell what he was feeling at that moment. Anger or sadness. Her brain couldn’t decide on how to react.
“Uh, it’s okay. No worries.” She did one of those quick awkward smiles before letting the corners of her mouth fall into a straight line again.
Jake licked his lips, something he did when he was being flirty or wasn’t really sure what to say. Right now was one of those times where he really didn’t know what he could do or say.
“Um, you look..” He exhaled, unable to find the right words to explain how breathtaking Y/n looked. If they were still together, he’d probably pull her into his arms and just smudge the lip product she wore, telling her that she was always so pretty for him. But he knew that wasn’t the case. Not anymore.
“Thank you, Jake.” She said, as if she was reading his thoughts.
Jake wasn’t even sure whether he should’ve been talking to her but indulging in that short conversation made him realize how much he missed her. How he was such an idiot for avoiding her. Or for even ending things between them.
Y/n sent Jake a small smile before following her friends out of the kitchen.
“What was that all about?” Yunjin raised an eyebrow as she sipped from her cup. Harvey hummed in agreement to Yunjin’s question, both of them curious about the sudden conversation between Y/n and her ex.
“It was nothing.”
“Nothing?” Yunjin asked, chuckling. “M’kay.”
Jake flopped on the couch next to Heeseung in the dimly lit lounge room. He waved his hand through the air, shooing the marijuana smoke and scent of different vape flavors away from his nose.
“What’s wrong, king bee? No honey in the hive?” Heeseung said from next to him, smiling while blowing smoke from lips. The girl that sat in his lap stood up to leave, not wanting to intrude the boys’ conversation.
Jake looked over at Heeseung, his eyebrows furrowed. He was still on this whole ‘king bee’ trope.
“No.” He responded flatly.
Heeseung turned toward his friend, studying him.
“Nah, but that’s not what’s bothering you.”
“I saw Y/n,” Jake sighed. “More like bumped into.”
“Aw shit,” Heeseung grinned. Jake didn’t even have to look at him but he knew his friend wanted to laugh.
“So? Heeseung, I fucking miss her!” He groaned, slouching on the couch just as he did before the party.
Heeseung took another drag from his blunt before shrugging.
“Hey,” He threw his hands up in defense. “To be honest, that’s between you and her.”
“But remember what I told you tonight was about?” Heeseung asked the pouting boy next to him. Jake turned to look at him with hope in his eyes, confident that Heeseung would go into some motivational speech moment.
“Get. The. Honey.” He nudged Jake’s arm after every word. Jake rolled his eyes, running a hand down his face in frustration.
“Yo, Soleil!” Heeseung shouted to someone, beckoning them over. He patted the spot between him and Jake.
A smaller female took a seat between the boys, looking over at Heeseung.
“What’s up, Hee?” Her voice was on the softer side, causing Jake to look over out of curiosity.
Heeseung nodded his head over to Jake who was still annoyed.
“Have I told you about my friend here, Jake?” He said, wiggling his eyebrows at Jake, making that ‘I’m hooking you up’ face.
“You might’ve mentioned him once or twice,” Soleil shrugged.
Jake’s brows furrowed over at Heeseung. Hopefully he hadn’t mentioned Jake’s whining about being single. Knowing Heeseung, he probably did.
“Hi, I’m Soleil.” She smiled, she extended her hand.
“Jake.” He sent Soleil a small smile, shaking her dainty hand.
Heeseung stood up, stretching as if he’d done a day’s hard work and his shift was over.
“Well,” His eyes remained on Jake, giving him that look boys give each other when there’s an attractive girl around.
“You two.. have fun.” He giggled to himself, putting his blunt in his mouth before walking out of the lounge.
Soleil gave Jake a shy smile while he gave her a small, awkward one. To be honest, he did think Soleil was pretty but she wasn’t Y/n. His mind was still on her.
How amazing she looked. How she sounded. He wondered if she even thought about him at all.
❣︎ ❣︎ ❣︎
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MILAN’S NOTE ▸ CHAP 3 IS FINALLY OUT RAHHHH (can you tell this is my most favorite smau i’ve posted so far) also new character whaaaa 😱 big BIG THANK YOU to @telail & @wonifullove for helping me finish off this chapter and editing it. i couldn’t have done it without you guys 🥹 forgot everything else i was gonna say but hope u guys enjoy!!!! 😁
TAGLIST: @wonifullove @kgneptun @thesunoosshining @lostwonderwall @ariadores @haechansbbg @mrchweeee @instant-joy @jiseokzzz @n-eetune @wntersm @wonyofile @jebetwo @sussycheetos @ilovecats923 @hyuckscore @laylasmother @jakehooni @fertiliezedtoesw @ghostiiess @zyvlxqht @adr1an4 @sasfransisco (message, comment, or send a ask to be added)
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beeduoo · 2 months
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who remembers forever unfinished Bee n Boo Hotel
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callmeoncette · 1 year
Do u take requests?
if u do can you make hobie brown x black reader where she beats the fuck out of this girl for flirting with her man. Like he clearly not interested, but she keeps insisting and then talks shit abt reader and reader goes ballistic on her ass.
thanks boo😘
Invited To The Cookout
Hobie x fem!black!reader
I remember someone mentioned they’d like to see him in a black southern cookout setting so I just mashed the two together if that’s okay with you!
Warnings: fighting, use of the n word, and a bit of suggestiveness at the end and I think that bout it
Hobie plucked away on his guitar, occasionally dodging a shirt or skirt, as he waited for you to get ready to go to one of your family’s many cookouts during the summer. He dressed casually. Black chucks, ripped up jeans with a few chains dangling, and a breezy band shirt because he learned very quickly that the southern heat in your dimension was nothing to mess with.
He smiled softly as he listened to you talk on FaceTime with your favorite cousin, who he mainly knew went by the nickname Bookie, trying to catch up on drama and coordinate your outfits. Your accent sounding thicker than normal as you two conversed.
“No cuz why my brother lie to that girl and tell her he was watching my baby? That negro ain’ watch shit but the back of his muthafuckin’ eyelids!” Your cousin said through the phone doing her hair
“He so weird for that like if you ain’ wanna go wit’ the girl just tell her…” you then smirked a bit and got closer to the camera, “I used to do that shit too tho’ I ain’t gonna’ lie.” You cackled like you’d list your mind. You then held up a large shirt and a pair of custom air force’s, “you think I should jus’ do these wit’ summ biker shorts? They go wit’ the colors Bee got on…” Bookie perked up, “oh my friend comin’?! HEY HOBIE!!” She yelled excited into the phone. He walked over to where you were and waved, the both of you laughing at her antics. She dropped her phone and the screen was black for a bit before she lifted it again to show her face along with a sweet baby girl’s, “Lala look! Its Hobie!” The baby babbling excitedly. You ‘awed’ softly at the sight before it was interrupted by your cousin pulling a confused face as she mumbled along reading something. Her face then fell as she groaned. Hobie quirked a brow while you asked her what was wrong, “Maggie bringin’ Tisha. You gon’ see yo bestie girl!” She laughed. Your face fell, “Stop playin’ wit’ me Bookie. You know I don’t like that girl.”
Hobie looked at your irritated face in confusion. You’d never mentioned the girl before but there’s clearly some history between the two of you. “Well alright…I’ll see you when you get at Granny’s girl. Khalil just got home from work so imma fix him a lil summ before we go.” Bookie said as her boyfriend walked behind her placing a kiss on the top of her head. You said your goodbye and hung up, laying your phone down a bit aggressively.
He stood behind you as silence took over. A pout on your face as you started doing your hair. His fingers drummed on his pants, “right, so who’s Tisha?” His voice is normally cool with a tinge of curiosity only you could pick up. You sighed a bit while rolling your eyes at the mention of her, “this bobble head bitch I can’t stand! Me and her been beefing since middle school.” you roughly brushed out your hair before he took the tool from your hands. He nodded, “the anarchist in me is screamin’ to tell you to fuck up the slag but I know you been wantin’ me to come to your ends and meet your fam’. ‘Ow bout we just avoid her and ‘ave a good time, yeah?” A soft kissed placed on your forehead, then your cheek, then your nose. You giggled lightly and pushed his face away, “okay! Okay fine! Now lemme hurry up an’ finish cuz we gotta pick up the drinks.” You say with a small smile.
You guys pulled up to your family home. The house wasn’t large and grand but the energy of it and the land made up for it. The yard and backyard was full of your relatives who waved and stared as you got out with Hobie. He looked around at everyone and let out a low whistle at the sight. He felt a familiar tingle and turn to see your cousin’s boyfriend holding their one year old, “it’s a lot right? I still be stuck everytime we come to one of these.” Khalil said with baby Jayla on his hip. Hobie hummed while he dapped the man up, “my guy!” He then squinted as he looked around, “she always said ‘er fam’ was bare big. Just didn’t think it was this big.” Khalil nodded, his locs swinging, “yeah they all hella cool tho’ ‘cept for like a few. [name] prolly explain that to you tho’ so…” the man shrugged lightly making his daughter laugh.
You walked up to the boys with Bookie laughing. She quickly held Khalil’s hand and turned to you, “c’mon girl. You know we gotta speak to Granny and Gran before anybody else.” She said to which you nodded knowing that in your family you spoke to the matriarchs first. It wasn’t really a rule, more so something you just did. You two led the way to the porch of the house where your great grandmother sat in a rocking chair with a thin blanket over her lap. She slowly turned to peer at your group and you spoke up first, “hey Gran.” She squinted with a frail smile, “hey, w-who you baby?” She asked, confused. “It’s [name], [mother’s name] daughter? I’m one of your great grandkids.” A bright smile come on her face as well as a look of realization. She nodded, “yes! I remember honey. How you been?” She asked but before you could answer her attention turned to Hobie who awkwardly stood beside you, “oh. He one my grands too?” You all laughed a bit. You shook you head and gently corrected her, “no Gran. He’s my boyfriend.” She nodded “I thought so. Too tall to be one of mine.” You giggled again and hugged her, “imma go see Granny now okay? It was good talkin’ to you.” You then led Hobie into the house while your cousin had her time with the woman.
“She’s a peach. ‘Ow old she anyways?” Hobie had thrown an arm over your shoulders and leaned down closer to you. You rolled your eyes, “you not supposed to ask a lady her age.” He pulled you closer, “yeah, but I didn’t ask the lady I asked someone else. Bit of a loophole, innit?” You sucked you teeth and pushed him with a laugh. “She’s 97.” He let out a low whistle, “97 years. That’s mad long!” He said in a bit of disbelief. You held the hand of the arm thrown over your shoulders and hummed in agreement walking to the kitchen where you knew your favorite woman was.
There she stood cutting up cheese for the macaroni while she hummed along with a song by Big Jay McNeely. Seeing her made you feel like a little girl again. How you always nagged her while she cooked and she’d answer your questions without missing a beat.
“Hey Granny.”
She looked up and broke out into a smile. She came over and hugged you tightly, “oh my sweet girl!” She pulled back and looked you up and down, “lemme get a good look atcha!” She hummed happily. Her eyes drifted to Hobie, “and who is this handsome young man?” A welcoming smile on her face. “This is Hobie Granny. My boyfriend.” He stuck out his hand, “it’s nice to meet yo-oh!” Your grandmother had yanked him into a tight hug. She pulled back up looked up at him, “oh so tall! My grandbabies pickin’ right might finally get some height in this family.” She squinted as she peered at his piercings, “all these piercings don’t that hurt sweetie?” You sigh and save Hobie pulling him back to your side, “Granny.” She waved you off, “I know. He’s still very nice on the eyes.” She smirked. She then looked back to Hobie, “now. Thought I heard an accent in there. Where you from?” “London ma’am.” He replied respectfully. She nodded, “okay, okay. Well I hope you hungry cuz I’m almost done in here.” “Smells bangin’. Can’t wait to eat it.”
Before anyone could say anything else Bookie came in, “Granny I brought your only great grand can I get the first plate?”
Hobie sat down beside you at the picnic table eating. In front of the two of you was your cousin and her crew. As he ate he kept feeling someone’s eyes on him and every time he looked up it was the same girl. She was white from what he could tell, had black hair to her shoulders with her edges done, a septum, and over lined lips with lipliner and gloss combo you usually used. She would smirk whenever their eyes met but it never went further than that.
Once everyone finished eating you turned to him wiping the corner of his mouth, “want some dessert baby?” He smiled softly, “that’d be lovely, doll.”. Bookie stood with you also going to get some while Khalil went off to change Jayla leaving the punk alone. That is until the mystery girl sat herself beside him a little too close for comfort.
“Hey.” Her tone making him scoot over a bit.
“Uh hi.” He said before pulling out his phone hoping she wouldn’t continue talking but of course luck wasn’t on his side. “I saw you wit’ [name]…” she her name with a smidge of venom that he caught, “y’all like friends or summ?” He continued scrolling on his phone but answered her, “bit more than that, mate.” She sucked her teeth in annoyance, “what wrong wit’ you? She don’t let you have friends?”
“Not with bitches holding onto that one black grandma like their life depends on it.” Oh thank goodness for Bookie.
You stood beside her with a stank face and two bowls of banana pudding. You placed one in front of him and placed yours at your seat but chose to stand and stare at the girl.
“You know you don’t talk like that in real life Tisha.”
Oh fuck.
The girl stayed at her seat beside Hobie and rolled her eyes, “whatever girl. He ain’t yo nigga. Yours busy with that baby so worry ‘bout that!”
Everyone started taking notice of the discussion. Tisha’s friends, including a distant cousin of yours, coming over.
Bookie screwed her face up and almost lept across the table till Khalil swooped in, “mention my kid again and I promise you. He ain’t gon be able to keep me from you.” She growled.
You glared at the girl, “he ain’t hers but he mine and he clearly don’t wanna talk to you. I suggest you stop sayin’ nigga by the way before actual niggas tag yo head.”
“She’s part black…”
“Shut yo dumbass up Maggie oh my god!”
“I think he can speak for himself.” Tisha said snidely.
It happened so fast but it also felt like slow motion. Even with his spidey sense Hobie didn’t see the attack coming.
After her snide remark you promptly dragged Tisha from the table and commenced to beating dat ass! Like you really whooped that hoe! Walked that girl like a dog! Honestly you should be ashamed of yourself. Shame on you [name]. Shame! Why you do that girl like that?!
When you finally got dragged off of her by Hobie who whispered in your ear trying to calm you down she was just a mess on the ground. Her wig as gone, she was missing a sandal, she had holes all in her leggings, and as much as she tried to cover it she had a knot and black eye.
Everyone whispered around shocked before one of you uncles spoke up, “aight now. Someone get the girl up off the flo’. Get her on home.” He said as her friends came to her aid. He shook his head mumbling, “shouldn’t been talkin’ shit.”
You sat at the kitchen table hissing in pain, “ow! That hurts Hobes!” He sucked his teeth, “oi, pipe down Mayweather. It’s not that bad.” He said as he internally winced, putting bandaids on your fingers where your nails broke off too close. You pouted before looking at him as he carefully worked, “I’m sorry I did that.” The man snorted before actually full blown laugh. “What are you apologizin’ for? Did wha’ you had to do, yeah?” His tone is light and playful. He then smirked, “it was a bit hot too…” he kissed your hands as he placed the last bandage. You looked at him with low eyes, “oh yeah?” “Yeah…”
“Ouuuu y’all in Granny kitchen being nasty!”
“You have a whole baby??? Get out???”
“Okay but lemme get summ of that potato salad behind you before I go.”
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katiekatdragon27 · 4 months
Guys sorry, I am not immune to Hazbin/Helluva propaganda. I am also not immune to criticizing the designs and character motivations.
So! Let’s start with one of the most redesigned characters in the show: Beelzebub^^
So, sorta hot take, I really like the idea behind Beelzebub in the show. Ik "boo tomato tomato," but hear me out. I like how she is meant represent the hellhounds she rules over (ik she actually is a reference to Jay Jay, but let me have this connection PLEASE). However, the source material is very bug-like and compact.
The HB Beelzebub is NOT that bug like. Or compact.
With this redesign, I decided to pick all the stuff I liked about the og, and what I wanted to see more of. I kept her colors and general vibe but made her more built like a bumble bee with more inspo from the fly Beelzebub.
This is what I got.
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Progress doodles n stuff below cut (it's gonna be an essay, y'all know the drill):
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(She was much sharper in the sketch lol)
Anyways, I always imagined Beelzebub to be, y'know, more BEE like. The show did not give me that, so I did it myself. I made her wings bigger, gave her an actual bee tail and face (with the proboscis and stinger too), and more stripes and fluff. I also made her small and slightly chubby. Gotta hone the bumble bee.
I thought the hair made the original design too cluttered, but I wanted to keep the party colors. To compromise, I stuck all the goop in her tail. It sort of works like a firefly's abdomen and a lava lamp. I also nullified her cloths, so they would blend more with the body and help pop the neon colors in her eyes, antenna, and tail.
When she stands at her normal form, she is the smallest of the sins. But when she is in her "true" form (that I have not illustrated yet), she is the biggest of the sins. This is a reference to how gluttony starts small but gets really large over time, both mentally and physically.
As for additional details, I wanted to keep her "foxness". So in a brilliant brainstorm of ideas, I came up with the concept of "Masks". Basically, all the sins I'll redraw will have them. The masks are meant not only to represent their hellborn, but to represent how the sins pretend to be good things at first.
Stuff like "Rest a little more, it won't hurt" and "Be proud and don't care for what others say" are how they present on the surface, but if you continue those mindsets in a toxic way, it turns into sloth and pride and stuff instead of self-care and being proud of things.
For Bee specifically, it's "Have a little more, you deserve it!" and she has a hell-hound/fox mask. This also feeds into her personality change.
In the og, she's a party animal who cares for... moderation??? Yeah, I hate this about Helluva Boss. Why is it so hard to write *sshole/negligent people in power and why is it only Mammon who's allowed to be like this? Give me more morally dark grey powerful people!
That's where Bee is different for the redesign. She runs te lowest ring in hell and is in charge of hellhounds, the lowest species in hell. B/c of this, she is much more lenient compared to the higher ranked sins in hell, which is why she is often seen talking and hanging out with lower classes. (She gets slack for this from the other sins). She is also the only sin who has had open relations with lower class citizens all the way down to hellhounds. However, none of them last. Most of her relations outside of the sins are one-night stands and flings.
As for how she sorta sucks: she is still a party animal, yes, but she purposely chooses to be blind and ignore all the suffering that occurs at the parties. People have fun, but they overindulge, and as a result get sick, sad, and violent. However, Bee leaves the parties before they get this way. She does not want to see it. She is negligent. When she comes back to the party aftermaths, she quickly gets her workers to clean everything, so she does not have to discover anything gruesome and sad. She just wants to live, party, and see people "happy". (Sort of like Gatsby's parties minus the pining for a single woman who does not care for her).
... I wonder what would happen if that mental image she had shattered? I guess only the future will tell.
But anyway, if you have any questions or characters you recommend I design or redesign, feel free to ask lol.
I hope this made at least a little sense. Have a lovely day^^
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loving08 · 11 months
Love or Pain
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Nicholas leister x reader
summary: Y/N and Nicholas has been best friends since childhood but Y/N started to have feelings for Nick. will she confess her feelings to him or the entry of Noah in their life will change everything??
Part 2
Third person pov:
The next morning Y/N was still asleep when her Mom Y/F/N came to wake her up " Y/N, c'mon its time to wake up sweetheart, I have made your favourite today, french toast and maple syrup. let's go downstairs yours Dad is waiting for you". Y/N wakes up and goes to her bathroom. After freshening up she goes downstairs to join her parents for breakfast.
She started eating when her Dad Y/M/N asked her "How was the party yesterday, didn't had any problems right". Y/N shook her head and said "Yes dad it was good and No we didn't had any problem" her mom came back from the kitchen and asked her "So how was Nick, is he okay?" Y/N didn't want to say what really happened so she said "Maybe, he didn't talked much just said that he will have a hard time adjusting to everything".
Her parents smiled sympathetically and her mom said "Tell him that he is always welcome here, its also his home he can come here whenever he wants". Y/N just nodded her head and they continued eating. Y/N parents had known Nick's parents since college, so both the families were very close. Her parents has always been easy going and she always had thought of them as her friends, she would tell them everything and due to that they also know about her love for Nick. They think that if both of them are happy then they are okay with whatever relation they have between each other.
After finishing breakfast Y/N said "Mom I'm going to get ready and go to Nick's house". Her mom gave her a nod and she goes to her room to get ready. After getting ready she goes to her car and started driving, when she reached Nick's house she saw a car was already parked there, knowing who have already arrived there she goes inside. When she enter, she saw two females with William, Nick's father. William's back was turned towards her so she debated going towards them but when he saw her and called her over she had no choice.
When she reached near them, he introduced her to both the females "Y/N meet Rafaella my wife and Noah her daughter and she is Y/N my son's best friend, basically she is like my daughter". Y/N smiled politely and greeted them "Hey its nice to meet you guys, I have heard so much about you guys from my parents I was dying to meet you both". William smiled at her enthusiasm, he always liked her polite and kind nature for everyone. From the corner of her eyes she saw Nick coming downstairs, she turned towards him with a beaming smile and greeted him "Good morning Boo, hope you had your breakfast properly today". Y/N knows if she doesn't take care of him then he would never pay attention to himself, especially now.
Nick was having a bad start since the morning, starting from his bad headache to his rude awakening in the morning from the alarm clock and meeting his dad's new family. He was just waiting for Y/N to come just so they can leave here, so when he heard her voice he runs out of his room to go downstairs. when he looked at her and her beaming smile for him he relaxed. He knew that just by looking at her, he will be okay and said "Good morning to you too Bee, and yes I ate the breakfast I know you told them to make for me". Y/N just smiled and hugged him when he came closer.
"C'mon let's go, we can't keep Jenna and Mario wait any longer they both are blowing up my phone" Y/N said and they both laughed. William looked at his son when he laughed and smiled to himself, he knows that after his late wife's death they both have been drifted apart but he is thankful to Y/N and her parents. Whenever she would be around Nicholas, he would laugh or would have small smile in his face. William is happy that there are people for Nick when he needed someone. As Y/N and Nick started to leave, William walked them to the door and watched until their car disappear and he return inside.
In the car soft music was playing and Y/N was sitting at the passenger sit while Nick was driving. She was looking outside when she felt his eyes on her turned herself to face him, with one eyebrow raised she asked " what is it?? is something on my face?" Nick laughed and said "No, no Bee there is nothing on your face", "what is it then" Y/N asked. They reached the cafe they were to meet their friends and Nick parked the car and turned to looked at her.
"Its just.. I.. feel very lucky to have you by my side, you always make my day better and I just wanted you to know that" Nick said, Y/N smiled at him and gently brushed his hair and said "you don't have to tell me all this Nick I know how much you appreciate me, you don't have to tell me all the time, okay" Nick nodded his head and smiled at her. Y/N shook her head, a smile still attached to her face and said " c'mon, let's go and meet them" and they both gets out of the car goes inside the cafe.
Part 3
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milaisreading · 5 months
No one:
Bachira to CD(Y/n): Can you be my pookie aookie bookie cookie dookie eookie fookie gookie hookie lookie jookie kookia lookie mookie nookie oookie pookie qookie rookie sookie tookie uookie vookie wookie cookie yookie zookie popeyes biscuit with a cherry ontop, my whipcream and rainbow unicorn boo boo, icing ontop drizzled with pink caramel, my pookie lookie white chocolate and chocolate chip cookie with a unicorn charm ontop my boo boo pusheen hello kitty bee buzzy bee Ronald McDonald KFC Burger King boo boo moo moo kawaii UwU OwO baka princess bookie wookie dookie stuffed lookie bookie mookie cookie dough ice cream chocolate mint ice cream straberry ice cream cookies and cream Hershey bar boo boo woo cookie mookie bookie 😍 i can buy kitty cat food amd drink with you in my room, strawberry milkshake with 50% whipped cream hookie pookie fookie cookies and cream ice cream patootie white chocolate bar sookie bookie strawberry cheesecake with strawberries ontop (pls say yes🙏)
CD(Y/N): 😦
CD!Yn: What? Wait, what does that even mean?
The rest of Blue Lock: 😶😶😶
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howlingday · 7 months
Penny: (Snoring in bed)
Blake: (Shaking Saphron's hand) It's good to meet you~!
Saphron: (Shaking Blake's hand) You too~!
Blake: (Thinking) Is she a threat to my family? I'll find out everything tonight!.
Saphron: (Thinking) Is my brother in danger? I'll determine that tonight!.
Blake: If you don't mind a simple meal, I can make you something to eat quickly!
Saphron: No. You don't need to.
Saphron: As if I'd ever eat anything you make.
Jaune: Saph, please! You don't need to be so mean!
Saphron: I-I'm not being mean!
Saphron: Dammit! I'm letting my emotions get the better of me! Rrgh, that creep's interrogation earlier is getting me all worked up!. I'll need to be careful so I can keep playing as the loving sister at the embassy!.
Jaune: (Thinking) I need to be careful so I can keep playing the loving househusband I need to be! My career as a contract assassin depends on me pretending to be Blake's husband!.
Jaune: Thank you for the lovely flowers, Saph.
Saphron: You're welcome but let me be absolutely clear when I say this. I do not recognize this marriage. You've been married a whole year without telling me! If you want me to give my blessing, you better have a damn good explanation!
Blake: That's a fair request. You asked me to put my faith in you, Jaune, so that's what I'm going to-
Jaune: I... I FORGOT.
Saphron: You... You're saying the reason you haven't told me for more than a year is because...
Jaune: I forgot! Yes!
Saphron: Then what about a few weeks ago, when you said you were taking someone to the party? Why didn't you tell me then?
Jaune: Oh, uh, w-well... I FORGOT THAT I FORGOT TO TELL YOU.
Blake: ...
Jaune: ...
Saphron: ...
Saphron: Well, if that's what happened, I can't really argue with you, can I?
Saphron: I swear, you can be so scatter-brained, Jaune!
Jaune: I'm sorry!
Blake: Is... Is this normal for the Arc family?
Blake: Dinner is served.
Saphron: Way to interrupt my conversation, jerk. But I can't say that. I'll just have to keep on a smiling face, even when I choke down her awful... Her awful...
Jaune: W-Whoa, Saph! I know Blake's cooking is good, but you don't have to wolf it down like that!
Jaune: And then, after a couple dinner, we decided to get married.
Saphron: Where did you have dinner? How often? What did you eat each time? What restaurants and at what point did these immoral rendezvous become an official relationship? What's the real reason you two got married?
Blake: Why does it feel like I'm being interrogated?.
Saphron: What do you two call each other when you're alone?
Blake: Uh... Jaune?
Saphron: A-And what do you call he, Jaune?! Bee?! Blakey-Boo?!
Jaune: Wh-What?! Er, well...
Saphron: IT'S BLAKEY-BOO, ISN'T IT?! (Slamming down wine)
Jaune: N-No! It's just Blake! Saph, maybe you've had enough to drink...
Blake: Here, I brought some water.
Saphron: Grr! (Chugs more wine)
Blake: I need to divert! Divert!.
Blake: So, uh, Jaune tells me you work at the embassy. That's pretty fancy work, isn't it?
Jaune: Yeah! Pyrrha said you were in Little Menagerie recently!
Saphron: Yeah, but it was just for work. But it's such a beautiful city, I wish I could take you one day.
Blake: ...Little Menagerie, right? Off the south coast of Mistral? I remember studying abroad there when I was a student. I remember eating at some wonderful restaurants there.
Saphron: Oh, well, the next time you go, you should try a little cafe there called "The Orange". It's run by this sweet old woman who makes a delicious stew.
Blake: Oh, I think I've eaten there, too! Is that wine also from Little Menagerie?
Blake: "Yes, that wine...".
Saphron: Yeah, that wine...
Blake: "I bought from this shop on Taurus Street.".
Saphron: I bought from this shop on Taurus Street.
Blake: I hope it wasn't too expensive.
Blake: Let me guess... "200 Lien".
Saphron: Well, it's a little pricey, but I think it's a good deal to get quality wine for 200 Lien.
Blake: I knew it.
Blake: Well, I'm glad you were willing to share it with us.
Blake: I thought this conversation sounded familiar. This is the exact same dialogue from the Atlesian Ace Operatives hand-book. It's used as a way to set up a dialogue about traveling abroad to fictional locations. The Orange was renamed The Tangerine after the old woman retired from back problems and put her son in charge. And that bottle of wine comes from a winery that's in the middle of a drought streak, so it's actually 300 Lien. Everything she's said has been a lie, and if she has access to the Ace-Ops hand-book, then her job at the embassy isn't something low-level. Saphron Arc, if that is her real name, is a high-ranking officer for Atlas.
Jaune: See, Saph? Blake's such a nice sister-in-law, isn't she-
Saphron: (Slams her hand on the table) I... already told you... I DON'T RECOGNIZE THIS MARRIAGE.
Jaune: S-Saph! Don't be rude!
Saphron: You're right about one thing, Blake; it is a pricey bottle, but I can afford it, because I have a wonderful brother who inspired me to work hard for my career! I still remember a time I was too sick to work, and my brother would come home covered in blood just to give me my favorite meals. So I could have my medicine to stand on my own two feet today. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep my baby brother safe. Can you say the same, Blake Belladina? Huh, Blakey-Boo?!
Blake: ...I love your brother with all my heart. I care about her just as much as you do, and our daughter loves her, too. She's an important member of the Belladina family. And I don't care if it's knives or bullets or a high-yield bomb, I WILL protect Jaune from any harm!
Saphron: ...
Saphron: I... I could protect him from knives and bullets, but a high-yield bomb?! I... I couldn't do that... Could I?.
Saphron: ...Prove it.
Jaune: Huh?
Saphron: Kiss my brother right now and prove that your love is real.
Blake: If that's what it'll take to prove it to you, then fine. Jaune, let's kiss each other, just like we do every day.
Jaune: HUH?!
Blake: (Leans in) Shall we?
Jaune: W-WAIT! (Grabs bottle, Chugs what's left) Awright... Lez do thiz...
Blake: (Whispering) Hey, if you don't want to...
Jaune: (Whispering) Nono, this iz my famly too...
Saphron: Hey! Why are you both whispering?! If you aren't a real couple, then stop embarrassing yourselves and- (Shink!)
Jaune: (Barely missed her head) Sh-Shaddup, Saph! Imma show you the depths of our love! (Leans into Jaune) Close your eyes, darling... I'm coming in...
Saphron: Jaune, you should be out there making some other girl happy, not your stuck-in-bed-all-day sister.
Jaune: It's okay, Saph! I don't mind it. Besides, even if you're the only girl I make happy, then that's enough for me.
Saphron: Oh? Was that a marriage proposal?
Jaune: Hee hee! Maybe! If you need me to, I'll take care of you the rest of my life!
Jaune: I CAN'T DO IT! IT'S SO EMBARRASSING! (Swings fist out)
Saphron: (Cracked in the face by Jaune, Slams into the wall)
Blake: (Slack-jawed, Watching this all happen)
Penny: (Sits up) AGH! A... A bomb?
Penny: ...
Penny: Zzz...
Saphron: (Sniffles) I... I get it now... You were so passionate to smear your lips all over this creep's face...
Blake: L-Listen, you're drunk and you're bleeding... Maybe you should-
Saphron: For now, Blake Belladina, my brother's lips are all yours.
Jaune: (Punches) SAPH, STOP!
Saphron: I've let you win this round, Blake Belladina...
Jaune: S-Saph, you're swaying!
Blake: You're both swaying... Are Arcs just naturally light-weight drinkers?.
Jaune: Should I call Terra and have her come pick you up?
Saphron: Please don't drag my wife into this...
Blake: (Smiles, Holds them both)
Saphron: What are you smiling about? Are you enjoying my misery?
Blake: No, not at all. I'm just enjoying the love only two siblings who took good care of each other can share. We should work together to give Jaune the happy life he deserves.
Saphron: ...Don't touch me! (Pushes away) I'll find some way you tricked my brother into marrying you! And if I find out you made him shed a single tear, I'LL HAVE YOU EXEC- I-I mean, I'll... JUST REMEMBER THAT! (Runs away)
Jaune: Be safe on your way home!
Blake: Was she about to say, "She'll have me executed"?.
Penny: G'morging...
Jaune: Good morning, Penny! I'm sorry you missed Saph last night.
Penny: Saph... Who's Saph?
Jaune: Huh? But I thought you were excited to meet her?
Blake: The way Jaune's sister acted was bad enough...
Penny: Oh! Auntie!
Blake: ...but finding out she's actually a member of the secret police just makes things all the more complicated.
Penny: (Thinking) Secret police?!.
Penny: ...What's that?.
Penny: (Sobbing) Why couldn't I see her?!
Blake: I... I didn't know she'd mean so much to you...
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