#because your phrasing can easily be misinterpreted
not-terezi-pyrope · 10 months
Honestly when those terfs were jumping on me and misgendering me and accusing me of being a sexual predator, the thing that actually most upset me was when one of them called me a "pompous pseudointellectual" for using the phrase "analogous maxim".
I could poke fun like "oh you use a word longer than six letters online and silly people think that you're an incomprehensible try hard because they can't read", but I think it gets at something that annoys me about how people treat language use online. There's a lot of good discussion pointing out that casual/non-formal styles of English are just as valid and can be used to communicate good ideas, and that people shouldn't be shunned for using them in their own space.
But I feel like a lot of people have missed the point in that discourse, which is that any manner of speaking is equally valid and okay and should not be dismissed as "cringe". I do sometimes speak in a slightly, I don't know, unusual(?) way, and that is because these are my own darned posts, and I sometimes like having fun with language that feels nice in my brain, or else I'll use a specific uncommon phrasing because I genuinely think it most accurately encapsulates what I'm trying to say. Does that mean I'm self important and think I'm somehow smarter than other people, and am using language to signal that? Like, no. It's just how I like to speak, and the same goes for other people who have far more exaggerated speaking styles than I've ever used.
People should be allowed to talk however the heck they like without being jumped on for it because people are projecting their own assumptions or insecurities. This goes for people speaking in more verbose styles as well as less verbose ones. Somehow people have managed to misinterpret "don't judge people for how they speak" to mean "speaking casually good, speaking formally Bad and Stuck-up and Obnoxious Male Coded" (yes, really, that last one is bizarrely common). And that sucks, especially since speaking in an "unusual" manner can be a neurodivergent trait, in a manner that some people can't so easily suppress, and so by stigmatizing it people enable a form of ableism.
Maybe assume good faith instead of assuming that someone is being condescending to you because of the way they speak. Wait until they actually condescend, until then that's just your own insecurity you're taking out on them.
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
can you do Keegan x male reader who is just a tad bit dumb. Like he is terrible at math, dense, silly, easily distracted. OH and gets lost a lot bcs he likes to wander?
I'll admit that I've never watched a play through of Call of Duty: Ghosts (I say watch because I'm not a gamer but have watched the reboot versions of Modern Warfare 1 & 2), but I have read through the Wiki pages of Keegan P. Russ, just for this. That being said, he's probably OOC (but I mean, I write all of them as softies so let's just chalk this up to that).
Another thing of note is that this civilian male reader. Also, I think I made him to be a little on the autism spectrum with the way he doesn't understand certain idioms and phrases.
I hope you enjoy!
Keegan loved you, in his own quiet way. He wasn't much of a talker, preferred to let you lead the conversation as you talked on and on about anything and everything. He mostly spoke to ask you something about what you were speaking on, a subtle indication that he was listening.
He loved you in the way he so patiently waited for you to solve a simple math problem, like how much difference a 10% off sale would make if the original price was fifteen dollars. He knew math wasn't your strong suit, but he didn't care. You'd arrive to the answer eventually, he knew that.
He loved you in the way he had to explain certain idioms and phrases to you, uncaring how you didn't even know that being offered to go to someone's place for a cup of coffee in the middle of night was an offer of sex. You didn't understand things sometimes and he understood that. They were intentionally vague, he'd tell you when you got flustered at being corrected about your misassumptions.
He loved you in the way you kept wandering off when walking around anywhere with him, whether it was you two walking in the park or out in a shopping center. Your attention was easily caught and it made you wander over to a plant or animal or piece of merchandise. He'd simply trail after you, smiling as you pointed out to him whatever you were looking at.
"Look, Keegan! A butterfly," you murmured, pointing at a nearby butterfly which was perched onto a flower. Its wings were so breathtaking, you just had to have stopped to look at the beautiful creature.
Keegan looked over your shoulder to the butterfly you were pointing at, chuckling in gentle amusement. "It's beautiful," he said before wrapping his arms around your waist from behind you. "But it's not as beautiful as my boyfriend."
Oh, how he relished the way you laughed and lit up in response. You loved when he called you his boyfriend, which you were. You had thought a military man—a Marine—like him would shy away from being out and proud about having a boyfriend, but he quickly proved you wrong.
His squad, the Ghosts, knew all about you. Keegan very happily told them about you, how your little quirks were so endearing. How you were the home he was fighting to go back to when he was on deployments. Oh they knew so well how much he loved you, how you were the sun and the moon and the stars of his universe.
You were everything to him and while he didn't say it often, he showed his love to you in so many ways.
How his hand reached for yours whenever you two were in a crowd so he didn't lose you if you wandered off. How he gave you the answers to a difficult math problem when you were clearly struggling to answer it. How he tried his best to word his sentences in a way that wasn't so vague so you didn't feel embarrassed about misinterpreting his words. How he drank in every word you said, relishing in the way your voice washed over him like a soothing balm to his soul.
Keegan loved you, though you were eccentric and loud where he was quiet and withdrawn. He never regretted being your boyfriend, not one single bit.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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Stumbled upon your master list of SW meta you wrote, and enjoyed reading through some of them, especially the ones that examined and defended the jedi order. I point to the jedi order in particular because when you pointed out that the number of jedi in the galaxy are proportionally smaller compared to a planet with a population in the trillions, it reminded me of a bad take regarding the order (which is conflated with the whole "the jedi are actually the bad guys" in SW): that the jedi are eugenicists because their adoption of force sensitive children. This never sat right with me given that the jedi never seemed the type to be concerned with propagating their numbers in some form of "purity" (genetic or force sensitivity wise). Any chance you can gleam into the nitty-gritty of this take's unsavory implications?
OOf, that's an old ask, and that reminds me that I really need to update that masterlist 😅 (and me saying that is an even older draft, oops 😂)
Okay, the idea of the Jedi being *eugenicists* is SO out of left field that I feel like it doesn't even deserve to be really addressed so much as mocked, because words mean things.
To be quite fair, I don't think I've ever seen anybody seriously use that word. (It may very well have happened tho, I just can't remember somebody seriously making the claim and sticking to it.) Even the infamous KT rant (see below) doesn't call them that - the extremely weird and frankly absurd take is that they embody supremacist ideas and that people who are into them believe there is such a thing as an inherently superior person. She does use the word "Nazi" (just wow), but I don't think she was going for the eugenics part, just the run of the mill white supremacy theories. People on both sides of the argument may have misquoted/misinterpreted her on that though.
(Seriously woman, why were you even writing for Star Wars?! YOU DIDN'T EVEN LIKE IT!)
Now, eugenics? (This post is so weird to write, I can't even) ⇊
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It is LAUGHABLE to use it in relation to the Jedi Order, because as you accurately put it, the Jedi just aren't interested in... making babies.
Do they force their members to procreate, even artificially? Absolutely not.
Are they seeking to improve the Order by only taking in the healthiest, strongest, most powerful children? No. They were ready to reject Anakin, for one thing.
Are they studying how to arrange reproduction in the rest of the galactic population? No.
Is there a ban on non-Jedi Force sensitives having children of their own? No. Are they forced or even strongly encouraged to have children of their own? No.
Do Jedi control who Force-sensitives are allowed to have children with? No.
Do Jedi test for Force-sensitivity and keep records of it? Yes. But they don't seem to keep genealogies - there's nothing that says the list in the Holocron is a permanent one either - rather, the way it's phrased and the way there's only babies on it, names are probably erased eventually. And the purpose of the list has nothing to do with increasing the occurence of Force-sensitivity.
Are non-Jedi Force sensitives forced by law to give up their kids? No.
Do Jedi automatically take in Force-sensitive children anyway? No. Bardotta and Dathomir are right there and nobody's bothering them.
Is the Order ableist? No. We even see plenty of disabled Jedi and nobody is throwing them out. (Amputees like Anakin and elderly people like Yoda and Tera Sinube, for starters. Also Prosset Dibs, or Tahl in Legends).
The Force isn't even proven to be reliably 'transmissible' from one generation to the next - the Force 'being strong' in particular families may just as easily be for more spiritual reasons depending on how you want to look at it. Because, you know, Star Wars isn't all literal.
(I'm sorry I'm not dissing you for the ask I just don't get how anybody could ever have said that 😂😭)
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
i relate to the "anti-trans man lesbian" anon about his insecurities about his masculinity. but we go about it differently (unless i'm misinterpreting lol, my reading comprehension can suck sometimes.)
like for a while now there's been a trend of parents giving their daughters traditionally masculine names. i know a few girls named carson, for example, and i heard of girls named grayson. because of that trend, it has gotten people to talk to me about "being a girl named mason", which is super dysphoria enducing. there are a lot of cis girls who also pass as a guy better than me, without even trying to be gnc either!
so these "problems" can really mess me up. sometimes i wish that there was a thick line between cis girls and transgender men, and that there was a way to easily tell/enforce that line.
obviously that is a recipe for disaster.
the only "solution" to the "problems" is to supress gender non-conformity/force hyper feminity in "girls" and to restrict what names a parent can give to their child. that is not good for trans people, obviously. it is not worth it for my theoretical comfort.
and my masculinity is very fragile, as a result of cis women sucking and only calling me "they", and fellow irl transmascs/nonbinary people trying to force fem me(not detrans, but saying i'd look better/queer-er if i wore a skirt and grew my hair out, for example), so i do take up toxic masculinity to distance myself from those groups of people sometimes.
i can recognize that my discomfort for girls with masculine names, and girls who "pass" better than me is just a me problem that i need to sort out myself. (and probably with therapy too, some of it is probably from a personality disorder of some sort, lol. i experience the same amount of anger towards someone who has the same hoodie or backpack as me and towards a cis girl who has a similar "boy" haircut)
either way, fragile masculinity sucks, but it is no one's problem but yours to deal with. a trans men who calls himself a lesbian is not responsible for transphobia being directed at you, just like a girl named carson isn't responsible for mine.
a solution that involves policing the language and gender expression of someone is never worth it.
i hope this makes sense? and i hope i didn't grossly misunderstand lol. and that i phrased everything correctly.
Yeah!!!! this!!!!!!!! this is how you cope with this kind of issue. its entirely understandable why you feel this way, but you are aware that it is ultimately something you need to deal with yourself and not try to shape other people's identities (in this case, names) in hopes that it will fix the transphobia you are experiencing.
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miyakuli · 8 months
Buried Stars
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As a fan of psychological thrillers such as the Nonary games saga or Danganronpa, I was quite easily attracted to Buried Stars after watching its trailer, which really seemed to be in the same vein (murders, investigations, paranoia, etc.).
I don't know if I'd set too many expectations on it, but I found myself rather disappointed with my experience, despite the interesting premise.
❤ Overall, the game design is rather beautiful and polished, juggling still images and high-quality animations. ❤ Mature, realistic themes: harassment on social networks, psychological control in the workplace, the media's untimely intrusion into the private sphere, etc… ❤ The music is decent, and the dubbing is good (Korean or Japanese).
+/- The characters are quite endearing, and you shouldn't trust your first impressions, because as the revelations about their past unfold, they appear much more complex and mature…..but dammit, they make the worst decisions all the time, I felt like I was in a bad horror movie! +/- The game features a mental health gauge and a level of affinity with each character, which can influence the story's outcome, depending on the dialogues chosen….the problem is that there's no way of knowing which dialogues will increase these stats, so it's often pure chance (except in the case of new game plus).
✖ The investigation system is repetitive and boring. It mostly boils down to consulting the game's "sort of twitter" feed to obtain information, discussing these topics with each character one after the other and then cross-checking the information with each other. Over and over again. With a few variations at times, of course, but after several hours, it's just tiresome. In addition, I find that the staging lacks punch during the conclusion of investigations and big revelations. ✖ The English adaptation is not very good. There are a lot of confusing moments in the way sentences are phrased, making us misinterpret certain dialogue choices. ✖ TOO MUCH predictable (even if the game wants to blur the lines, but frankly it's too blatant). ✖ There's no skip function for text that's already been read, so you either skip and risk missing unread text, or reread the whole thing. For a game that has to be played several times, this is not convenient at all! ✖ You can't save at any point you want, which is really stupid, because if you want to unlock new routes, you have to go over the same scenes again and again, instead of being able to save at a specific turning point…
In conclusion, the game suffers from a flagrant lack of pacing in its investigative part, as well as from the essential options for a multi-routes visual novel. It's a pity, because in terms of story, Buried Stars remains intriguing, with some rather well-written characters, but it never really takes off due to its overly repetitive nature. Sorry for the surviving candidates, but you're not getting my vote on this one ;)
➡ My personal VN ranking (in french) ➡ My Steam page
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boreal-sea · 11 months
Pointing out that it's offensive for people to imply that trans women have it easier bc of male privilege (even if it was unintentional), use the term "women/AFAB persons" in a post specific to transmasc issues (which misgenders both trans women and AFAB trans people), and use the wrong pronouns for someone who disagrees with them is not sexist. Other AFAB trans people disagreeing with a post is not an example of AFAB trans people being silenced in that post. (In fact, I think misgendering the trans man who spoke up and ignoring that I specified that I'm also AFAB trans does a better job of that.) No one in this conversation is trying to stop transmascs from talking about erasure and frankly I'm confused about why this discussion is being presented as if that's the case when the trans man everyone was railing against in that post was the one who brought up the erasure of trans men
I wouldn't have thought that that post was implying that transfems "had it better" if it wasn't for the fact that the people involved in the post were repeatedly discussing those issues in contrast to transfems not having the same experiences. This topic could very easily have been discussed without mentioning transfems at all. "Transmascs faced/face barriers to existing because of misogyny" is a full sentence and doesn't need to come with an "unlike transfems" (who instead faced/face different barriers to existing because of misogyny). "Trans men were/are erased" is a full sentence and doesn't need to come with an "unlike trans women" (who instead faced/face hypervisibility and in India are also currently facing erasure)
I followed you bc I wanted to find more blogs about trans-inclusive feminism and see more discussions about how misogyny affects masc AFAB trans people like myself and I like your original posts on the matter. However, I don't think these discussions need to imply that trans women have it better under the patriarchy, which is what that reblogged post does by unnecessarily talking about how trans women didn't/don't face that form of misogyny in a post that only really needs to be about transmasc's experience with that form of misogyny, without also acknowledging the forms of misogyny that trans women did/do face in the same setting. "Transmascs face (this form of) misogyny" as a complete sentence fully addresses the issue and is a great discussion to have. "Transmascs face this form of misogyny and transfems face a different form of misogyny" also makes sense if you're trying to discuss how misogyny has different effects on different parts of the community. "Transmascs face (this form of) misogyny and transfems don't" with no additional discussion of transfem issues takes on a whole different connotation when the "transfems don't" part is irrelevant to the fact that transmascs do
That was the last of my opinions on the matter and I'll drop it. Thank you for the work you do in your original posts to discuss transmasc issues in relation to feminism (/genuine)
I'm gonna stop you at your first sentence.
"Pointing out that it's offensive for people to imply that trans women have it easier bc of male privilege (even if it was unintentional)"
We didn't.
Sometimes, when you misinterpret something someone said, you are just wrong.
Transmascs saying "transfemmes have historical rep and transmascs don't and part of that is probably linked to sex assigned at birth" isn't transmisogyny.
But here's the thing. We can never speak perfectly enough for people like you to "approve" of us. We can never phrase it clearly enough. It doesn't matter how hard we try.
Even if we had just said "historically trans men are underrepresented and a big part of that is probably due to the historical oppression of people assigned female at birth" without the mention of transfemmes at all, we still would've been called transmisogynistic.
You know why I know this?
Because trans men do make posts that don't mention transfemmes all the time, and on almost every single one of those posts, we get "called out" for "implying trans women oppress trans men". Y'all do this to us every time we fucking speak about our issues.
Because it's not about how we're saying it - it's that we are speaking up in the first place. People don't give a shit what we say, they just want us to shut the fuck up.
So nah. I'm tired of it. Stop policing our language and leave us alone.
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homemade-ghosts · 2 years
There's something I notice thanks to fanvids Gina said in s2 'I know where I stand with him (Carlos) that's more what I can say for most boys at school (referring to Ricky)' does this means she interpreted the flashback scene as she confessing romantically but not exactly being rejected just not knowing where she stands with him? If that's so it changes a lot to me on how I see things, and now the script, Rina has so many layers is a headache but also really amazing
That’s the way I’ve always interpreted it. The episode prior to that, in the heat of an argument with Carlos, Gina says, “I’m still just trying to figure out—“ then she takes a breath, her eyes growing bigger as a pause hangs in the air before she finishes, “who I want to be at this school.” 
I’m still just trying to figure out what’s going on between me and Ricky.
I’m still just trying to figure out who I am to him. 
I’m still just trying to figure out how he feels about me.
I’m still just trying to figure out if he loves me back.
I’m still just trying to figure out if things would’ve been different had I never left.
Take your pick. Regardless of how she would’ve phrased it, before she paused, before her head caught up with her words, that sentence was going to be about Ricky. 
Then, as if to emphasize that, when Gina tells Carlos, “it’s just a really confusing time and it’s not about you.” & Carlos responds, “If it’s not about me, then who is it about?” Gina tries to backtrack with, “I didn’t say it was a ‘who’.” and “it doesn’t matter.” 
If Gina genuinely thought Ricky didn’t have feelings for her, why would she be confused by him? Upset? Sad? Heartbroken? Sure, but confused? Friends don’t get confused about what they feel for each other, not unless they think there might be a romantic undercurrent to their relationship. & when Gina says, “it doesn’t matter.” it’s not because she thinks Ricky doesn’t have feelings for her, but rather because Ricky is with Nini now, because she would never step on what they have, because she thinks Ricky is happy with her.
In 206, even after Gina cuts off all communication with Ricky post-Carlos’ quinceañero, when she tells Ashlyn about what happened between them on Opening Night, about crying in Ricky’s arms, about confessing, and Ash asked if she & Ricky have talked about that night since it happened, Gina could’ve easily responded with something like, “what’s the point? It’s obvious he doesn’t feel the same way.” But instead, she says, “Nini’s back and he’s so happy now.” 
Again, for Gina, it isn’t about whether or not Ricky has feelings for her, it’s about the fact that he’s happily (or so she thinks) in a relationship with someone else. All Ricky & Gina have ever wanted is what’s best for each other, whatever makes the other happy, even if they’re not the source of that happiness — so, like Ricky eventually does for her in s3, Gina puts her feelings aside for his sake. When you love someone the way Ricky & Gina love each other, you want that person to feel loved, even if it’s not with you. 
Gina does eventually convince herself that she was, in a sense, rejected by Ricky, but that doesn’t come until later. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s somewhere in/around 208-209. It isn’t addressed, though, until the girls’ (+ Seb) sleepover in 210, where Gina tells her friends that there’s nothing romantic in the cards for her & EJ (wrong). “Trust me,” she says, “I’ve been wrong before, so I feel pretty safe putting that idea to bed.” (also wrong). Which is a direct reference to Ricky and the fact that she now believes she had misinterpreted their entire relationship, had thought there was romance where Ricky only saw friendship. Little did she know that Ricky’s feelings for her were the one thing that she got right the first time.
I always found it interesting that it isn’t until after this conversation, where Gina makes it clear that she thinks Ricky’s feelings for her were/are entirely platonic, that EJ asks Gina out on a date and she accepts. In Gina’s mind, Ricky is no longer and option, EJ is. Just like how, in s1, Gina had to move to the other side of the country for Ricky & Nini to get back together because, in Ricky’s mind, he was never going to see Gina again — she wasn’t an option anymore, Nini was.
Anyway, back on topic: up until late into s2, Gina was trying to figure out where she stood with Ricky. She was confused. Did he like her back? Would things have been different if she hadn’t moved away? If Nini hadn’t decided to come back to SLC? She thinks so, but she isn’t sure. Then, for the entirety of her relationship with EJ, Gina is under the impression that, finally, she’s figured it out: Ricky isn’t interested in her, he never was. She genuinely believed that when she accepted EJ’s offer for a risotto date and when she asked him to be her first kiss (side note: I still cringe just thinking about that scene) — and then, when she reconciled with Ricky in the early days of summer camp, she wouldn’t let herself believe otherwise. She couldn’t let herself see Ricky in a romantic light, not when she was trying so hard to build something with EJ — because, let’s be honest, if Ricky were an option for Gina, he’d be the only option. 
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
my (probably easily solvable with just reading the necessary parts in the novel lol) problem with the post abt how it’s not that nmj doesn’t have any hobbies, it’s just wwx being unreliable, is... okay. “wwx knew this from the time my was working under nmj” -- how did he know this? was he close to them during that time? close enough to notice my’s attempts at finding nmj a hobby and nmj’s incompatibility with these? were there rumors about these that reached wwx’s ears? why would people talk about that, though? or did wwx come up with a random headcanon on the spot?
(i’m honestly puzzled by quite a number of things wrt the narration; often i can’t discern if the narration is from wwx’s pov, showing us what he knows, or if it’s omniscient narration that tells us the true state of things. in the first chapters of the novel, after wwx is brought back to life, a lot of the information feels too... informed to be wwx’s knowledge, unless he spends most of his time in inns gossiping with people, but also too flimsy/gossipy-sounding to be the Objective Truth.  that, or i’ve lost the ability to read lmao;;)
i do feel like empathy is less “a sequence of separate scenes shown by the deceased exactly as they want it” and more “the deceased sharing with wwx the state of having experienced their memories, with focus on the memories/feelings they want him to see”, though. nmj’s empathy sequence has time skips, sums up nmj’s dissastisfaction with his new deputy envoy without a concrete “scene” to illustrate it... therefore, my trying to “find nmj’s weakness/hobby” could be just something that happened between the lines that wwx/mxtx simply didn’t find important enough to describe earlier. it wouldn’t be surprising, considering other things that mxtx doesn’t consider necessary to write about.
wwx sure can misinterpret people’s activities, but i don’t see him coming up with a headcanon about something as mundane; he could have simply observed that nmj can taste “tea. that’s tea for sure, aye” regardless of the quality of the leaves, that he doesn’t care for wartime tension-relieving hookups or about the artistic properties of a calligraphy scroll. the “meng yao was trying his best to find something in nmj that he could exploit later” bit is a bit confusing again, because it talks about my’s intent that was somehow noticeable for either nmj or wwx or both. but then, i could easily imagine my trying to get nmj to relax, asking him how he unwinds and then trying to find something for him (and failing), or alternatively: nmj adding the “everything he did was to figure out my weaknesses to exploit my trust!” tint in, uh, post-production.
on the other hand, i also simply wonder if the 当年孟瑶在聂明玦手底下做事时魏无羡就见识过了 sentence has anything in the phrasing that would hint at how exactly wwx obtained the ~intel~: personally during the war or via empathy. hmm
in general though -- i don’t think that nmj having no hobbies other than practicing his saber is necessarily bad, or something a hater would say. dude seems like someone who’s busy as hell, and there’s a certain straightforwardness about him that just gives me the idea that he’d be... rather utilitarian in the things he does. he focuses on the saber training because the nie sect Does Sabers Here, sir, to the point that he doesn’t even go “okay whatever, my did is shit at the saber, let him be a diplomat instead” but constantly nags him about saber practice. practice your saber, and you’ll be a good sect leader, and you’ll be able to protect people and vanquish evil. functionality!
and if he sees a painting, well, does the painted mountain succeed at looking like a mountain? then it’s a good painting, he guesses. is the calligraphy legible? then it’s good. but are they useful? if it’s a book with lan rules, a map, a name of a pavillion or a motto for the disciples to live by -- then sure, but if it’s yet another poem about the beauty of flowers? eh, they’re fine. a character written on fancy paper solely to be beautiful? in what way is it going to influence you? it’s not? then why have it in the first place. an expensive fan painted by a master painter? you’d cool yourself down just as effectively with a blank, cheaper one. etc, etc
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sincerely-krp · 2 months
regarding the information you guys presented on the hqrise situation - as an outsider/lurker - it honestly kind of feels like you guys overstepped as admins. there might have been a lot of missing information but that doesn’t take away from inserting all this information publically even if there’s good intentions to prevent the rp from closing down considering the general consensus of the current members/etc reasons.
like any anything done anonymously, even though you guys have always done your best to handle things privately and protecting people’s identities, it still doesn’t take away that an admin reaching out has the right to not be 100% trustful of what you guys are saying to them as once again - there’s only so much proof you guys can provide someone without violating your own conditions which easily equates to empty words because no solid proof is able to be presented to them no matter what.
from that pov, it’s not going to be easy to just trust what other strangers on the internet are saying for an rp they’ve curated with specific rules. if people weren’t happy with the strictness of the plot and timeline, that means that need to look somewhere else because as you also stated the admin consistently put out polls as an attempt to figure out the future of the rp together with the collective.
but there were certain phrases through your information that kind of painted the admin in a negative light for making that post with their own decisions and reasons. i don’t think picking apart their post for what they want to do and how they approached the overall situation was necessary considering they did so on their own blog to address things privately with the direct members of their collective. but by making this post - regardless of if the admin asked for clarification - it feels like this situation has been made a public situation for all of the krp community rather than kept publicly within their own community. and if the admin didn’t ask for clarification but you felt the need to provide that clarification, i honestly think it would’ve been best to just reach out to them again unless if they had explicitly stated they no longer wished to discuss the situation with you guys. from what the admin posted, i didn’t interpret any insinuation that they were pinning anything on any removed members. which kind of brings me back to my point of why i think this was unnecessary on your end as admins. you guys are provided extra information because of the proof you guys have and therefore are more aware of things that outsiders wouldn’t know even reading through all of the admin posts up to now. essentially you guys are indirect insiders which no longer puts you guys as an outside party with analyzing and interpreting proof sent to you.
overall, i don’t think it makes sense for you guys as admins of this blog to be getting directly involved in other rp’s situations like this because it will be misinterpreted in multiple ways by everyone both involved and uninvolved.
if the issue came with being mentioned by name on their blog, i feel that could have been something then discussed privately with the admin as well before jumping to this.
but that doesn’t take away from inserting all this information publically even if there’s good intentions to prevent the rp from closing down considering the general consensus of the current members/etc reasons.
our response was public because we were referenced publicly in the original post, which may have been part of the cause for the anons in our inbox, or the traffic clearly driven to our blog! if we did not address it, then we would be seen as either censoring a situation or part of the harm that was being continued against a person that we knew for sure was innocent. being given all of the context and sides and seeing the result of the admin's post was a clear indication of the hate that was being directed to the innocent member! this is why we made a post about the misleading nature of the admin's post, because it was very clear to us the takeaway from the post was that it was the single removed member who made the original anon.
it still doesn’t take away that an admin reaching out has the right to not be 100% trustful of what you guys are saying to them
this is true! however, this only makes it more relevant for us to establish why the anons or comments in our inbox from the past week will not be posted. had there been no mention of our blog, we wouldn't have felt the need to clarify what we discussed with the admin that was not presented. we were willing to discuss further with the admin as long as identifying information was not required by us to be shared, which in the past has always helped admins that reached out to us verify our proof is real and therefore our statements are not empty words!
from what the admin posted, i didn’t interpret any insinuation that they were pinning anything on any removed members. which kind of brings me back to my point of why i think this was unnecessary on your end as admins. you guys are provided extra information because of the proof you guys have and therefore are more aware of things that outsiders wouldn’t know even reading through all of the admin posts up to now.
we were not connecting ourselves to hqrise in any way prior to this, by solving things with individual muns in our dms and taking down the only post that made commentary on the krp. as we stated in our post, typically we come to our conclusions, and the only evidence of that publicly is whether or not a certain thread of conversation is never followed up again, or if we allow those pent up anons to be posted.
please keep in mind that while this was your experience, it does not represent the kinds of comments and takeaways that were given to us that made us aware of the post in the first place. as a gossip blog we don't often see 10+ messages in our inbox unless a situation has occurred and much of the krp is involved in it. the response to the original question gave us this, including actual conversation on the krp and actual explanations as well amidst the anons expressing their feelings about the steps taken. during the week after we privated the post we had bursts of inbox anons attacking the removed member. the other we had another burst in a short period of time, relating to the admin's final post.
as you mentioned, we had information that the krp did not have, the same way the admin had information that was not shared. while it is true they reached out to us and we said we could not provide that identifying material, it is also true that we ruled out for them the only member that could have been referenced as not in the krp. it isn't just us that came to this conclusion, it was more that our conclusion was made by looking at what those who viewed the admin's post made. once again, we will not show every anon we received (especially with harmful language), just enough to prove we are not lying.
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it is very obvious that hqrise members read the admin's post as confirming who the original anon was, hence why we know the admin's post was misleading!
essentially you guys are indirect insiders which no longer puts you guys as an outside party with analyzing and interpreting proof sent to you.
the fact that evidence was brought to us, allowing us to piece the picture together does not make us indirect insiders. we would be indirect insiders if we were friends of people in the krp. we would be insiders if we were part of the krp. you are saying that because we had analyzed proof we are now no longer an outside party with analyzing and interpreting proof, despite us doing what you are saying outsiders do. we're probably misunderstanding, please clarify!
if the members in our inbox post admin note are the same from before, then it is proof that they were intending to try and use us to vent harmful and incorrect opinions. if the members in our inbox post admin note are different, then it involves us because they brought us more people who took away an incorrect assumption. our post clarified this assumption by linking relevant information that was left out, unintentionally or intentionally, by the admin, so as to clear up the misleading nature their post had (evidenced by the people in our inbox stating things like what we mentioned above. we included a specific timestamp below to prove that the anons were submitted after when the admin made their post, which would be either 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, or 12:00 PM in american timezones).
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to summarize, we do not think we overstepped when this was an issue that our blog was being referenced in, and when it was clear that people took the admin's note to continue to try and hate on a member who was not in the krp at the time through our blog.
if we had stayed out of this, despite knowing what was happening, then the krp members would have continued to believe and build an incorrect narrative that would have continued to be in our inbox, and we would have had to make a post proving the assumption as baseless which would have been a lot more violating for all parties involved, and would have dragged this issue out as well. this has occurred before on our blog and it did no one any good.
to be clear: if the admin had not referenced us, we would not have responded. even though they did, if the hqrise members had not consistently submitted things to us that were clearly harmful towards a member we know is innocent and have communicated to the admin is also innocent while REFERENCING said note that LISTS us as part of the whole issue, we most likely would not have gotten involved at all anyways. we did not consider ourselves part of the issue until we were named!
if the admin did not believe us to be credible, there was no reason for them to use us as a source on their post as a team that had credible information they wanted. we as a blog had been handling things privately for the last week +, and would never have made anything public if we were not publicly brought into this.
we are not trying to make you believe our decision was correct! only to understand why we did what we did! apologies if this is confusing in any way, we tried to really understand and respond to your points. if we missed the mark or misinterpreted, please let us know!
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
For some reason, even before knowing about all the creepy and contrived shit Ohkubo did in Fire Force, I had some strange aversion of it. IDK maybe its the main charachter who just seems generic and boring or something else, hard to say, but guess my intuition paid off
Fire Force ending spoilers below.
It’s weird: when Fire Force started, I was open-minded about Shinra, even as I could point out how archetypal (not necessarily cliche) he was. 
I didn’t have a sense that this was strange or bothering me. I’ll get to how it was generic in a bit, but even that wasn’t bothersome: typically, if a story still hits me emotionally, I can overlook cliches. The art style is still not as engaging for me as Soul Eater, but there are some times when Shinra gives that demonic smile that something more fascinating appears in the art. And having him look off-putting in the art when crying hit hard emotionally. All of that was good. 
I do think Chapters 0 and 1 do a great job making you cheer on Shinra. 
(Just ignore the stupid shower scene and the stupid “Akitaru points out Shinra is staring at Maki’s cleavage.” Maybe you keep “Shinra gets nervous about bumping into that girl and smiles and the girl misinterprets it,” but you need to re-frame that given the male gaze problem.) 
It helped that all of the good stuff in Chapters 0 and 1 was before Fire Force got really bad, and when it was fascinating how Shinra acted as the opposite of Maka. Maka can come across as so capable, with it, powerful, sure of herself. And then there’s Shinra, someone with incredible power but, beyond his trauma, is awkward and easily riled up. 
That’s not to ignore Maka’s own feelings of self-doubt (as I just discussed about the Book of Eibon arc) or anger problems (you don’t use a book all the time as a weapon to hit your partner and not have serious anger management problems that need addressing; you don’t hold this grudge to a parent over this bad shit but admittedly not-as-bad shit to this level of unhealthiness, but that changes with age; you don’t react this way when dealing with Black Star when it was Stein who should have put Black Star in his place). 
But it felt like Ohkubo was willing to actually engage with the talks about trauma, guilt, peer pressure, lies, rumors, and, forgive this stupid fucking phrase, cancel culture. It was actually looking at what would happen to someone who is accused of something they didn’t do and how that eats at you (and better than shit like Rise of the Shield Hero, which, LOL, nah, fuck that story). 
Shinra being Maka but the opposite is the more impressive way of Ohkubo stretching, to make a character who isn’t just a Maka retread, and wasn’t just “Soul Eater but the opposite” as was so much of the rest of the series (“death is taken more seriously, the pigtail girl is make into a sex joke”) before giving up on that (“LOL just kidding, it’s all the opposite because it’s a prequel and that is somehow ironic”). 
I think what also helped endear me to Shinra initially was just how shamelessly he is a Rin Okumura knockoff: same face, same hair, similar personality, similar ostracitism, even the same smile.  And, at least in English, similar names: you can’t spell “Shinra” without “Rin.” 
Then things fall apart when Sho arrives. 
It’s lazy to have Joker just info-dump that Sho is alive. It doesn’t feel like a reward to the audience to tell them, “Look, you know this kind of story, you know of course Sho is alive, you probably expect Mari is that Demon Infernal, so we’ll just have Joker info-dump this because why bother coming up with an elegant revelation.”
Not to re-write the manga, because that’s less useful--but if I was adapting this for anime, I would do the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood approach: anime viewers already read the manga, they know who Father is, they really know what Bradley is really about, so make sure the first episode to this reboot puts that out in the open. I would do the same if I had adapted Fire Force: end Episode 1 or 2 revealing the White Hoods and Sho plotting and scheming somewhere else. 
And this opens up the problem with Shinra: the story treats it as obvious that Sho is alive, starts acting like it should be obvious that Mari is the Demon Infernal, and sets up Burns as hiding all of this. It’s reducing all of this to paint-by-numbers plotting--and hence reducing Shinra to just a stock character, no longer a Rin Okumura expy or your typical shonen protagonist but a shonen cliche. I stop caring as much about Shinra because the story moves from insisting he wants to be the hero fo this story and just flat-out says, “This is fiction, this is not real, he is just a character, he is just an archetype.” It robs some of the depth to showing his trauma, that smile, his survivor’s guilt, his brother’s absence, his mother potentially dying, people lying to him, finding any family in the 8th: it’s all just a story, and it feels less special. 
Then Ohkubo literally positions Arthur as a literal knight and Tamaki as just a plot device for fanservice, and this meta crap undermines any authenticity to get out of Shinra.
I know, it’s silly to whine about authenticity in a work that is already fictional. And getting into suspension of disbelief kind of flies out the window when you have a story about pyrokinetics that kick and punch with flames. But this is after Promare, after Avatar: The Last Airbender--there comes a point that you are not doing something new with fire powers because other people have done it better, so your solution is to just go meta and make it a Soul Eater prequel? Come on, man. 
It’s also why that ending pisses me off. Shinra is reunited with his brother…and we timeskip to him watching his kid go off. But is that his kid? Or is it Arthur’s kid? Or Iris’s? Or Inca’s? Where is Sho? Why do we show Sho going to school and not more of him bonding with his brother? Where the fuck is Mari? We’re told she is cool with staying a demon, we get that stupid harem ending with Iris and Inca and I guess Hibana, and Mari is fine with that--and that’s it. Shinra doesn’t get a satisfying ending, at least not for me. We don’t see that family reunion in a satisfying way. Maybe the point is that the group hug with the 8th is the family ending? Okay, that just threw Sho and Mari under the bus, thanks, Ohkubo.
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dailyblogs24 · 1 year
Consider Dental Assistant School As a Springboard To a Great Career
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The great Roman poet Horace said: "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero". It means: "Seize the day and trust the future as little as possible." It is perhaps not only one of the most well-known Latin phrases, but also one of the most misinterpreted. Because Horace didn't literally want people to binge drink and stop even thinking about what lies ahead in the future. Horace's message is that we should live our short lives wisely and responsibly.
Unfortunately, many young people misinterpret Horace and literally seize the day. After graduating from high school, they no longer worry about their future and live precariously from one part-time job to the next. They spend more time partying and binge drinking than thinking about what they can do to secure long-term employment. Read more here about this or similar topics.
In the past, you could get by with part-time jobs alone. But now things have changed. In an unpredictable economy, relying solely on part-time jobs would not be a viable long-term survival plan. If you haven't thought about what you can do to secure your job in the long term, then it's high time you did.
But if you're struggling to choose a career, you might want to consider getting into the healthcare industry. Since health is one of the most important commodities in life, you shouldn't worry about being kicked out of work due to lack of demand for your profession.
Consider securing a career as a DA by attending dental assistant school. Experts rate the job prospects in this area as very good. The demand for dental assistants is fueled by several factors, including population growth and the increasing priority of dental care for younger people. Employment of DAs is projected to increase to as much as 36 percent by 2018.
But is this profession economically feasible? Aside from being a secure profession, being a dental assistant will also reward you with a stable and reputable income. In the US, the average salary for a DA is $32,380.
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Dental assistants work under the supervision of certified dentists. They take on a variety of tasks, such as For example, taking and processing dental X-rays, sterilizing dental instruments, taking patients' medical histories, assisting in the fabrication of dentures, and advising patients with oral care instructions.
Today, many DAs learned their skills on the job. But completion in this job market is becoming more and more intense. It is indeed wise to do things that will allow you to gain a superior advantage over your competitors. So, attending a dental assistant school would be a worthwhile investment.
When choosing which institution to enroll with, you should ensure that the program is accredited by the American Dental Association's Commission on Dental Accreditation. With an accredited school, you can be assured that you are attending quality programs and going through the best training available in the industry, things you need to easily get entry-level DA positions.
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bricklarch8 · 2 years
Not known Details About 20 Signs He Is Developing Strong Feelings For You
25 Undeniable Signs He Has actually Strong Emotions For You What are the signs he has solid emotions for you? You could possibly take him to a doctor, a mental health expert, or both! What are the indications he has strong emotions for you? Use this resource as an indicator of whether or not you have been in connect with along with him. What are the indicators he has solid emotions for you? Talk with a counselor, therapist, or consultant with competence in a brand new subject or task. Whether he’s a close friend or someone you’ve been courting for a although, it can easily be challenging to gauge where his head and heart are. The only technique to comprehend the magnitude to which this individual is carrying out the work he’s doing is to adhere to their paths and the info they get regarding who they are and how he’s doing it. For the reason of this post, I will certainly offer the most noticeable example of how I met Mr. Trump. Males can be hard to read (if you don’t recognize what to look for), and there’s a great chance he’s sending out you mixed notifications. It's necessary to recognize that several of the elements that lead to favorable feelings are a result of bad selections or selections that could harm you, and not necessarily when your sensations are being hurt. The concern with combined notifications is that lots of blended notifications that aren't hurtfulness can easily be misinterpreted. One time you’re out for supper, and the conversation circulates back and forth. And in performing thus, you obtain the capability to discuss emotions of satisfaction, affection and, in performing therefore, express empathy (because of your own pain), therefore you may be tenderhearted to various other people or help others. Also if you are not a enthusiast or an advocate, being a correct follower in some of those premiums is the trick to coming to be a much better person. Before you recognize it, you’re the merely two left behind in the restaurant, and the team is nudging you out the door. I'm certain there will be even more individuals out certainly there, but I suppose that's our job.’ And currently I look back at the image of a lady who's looking for her guy back home. It's one of those photograph cds that's been all around for good. But I'm not certain what it implies to be right here, best? The next day, you’re fortunate if you receive two phrases out of the guy—he’s struggling to string a single sentence together. Right now you, and I, and I, he maintains placing all together three. This week, the two of you decided to attempt and write on a single webpage. They discussed so little bit of, thus nothing to the end of the collection. The 1st paragraph is a individual outrage you are certain he is attempting to shove down on you. You’re starting to worry he has an similar paired bro, and they’ve been pulling a switcheroo on you. As for your sibling, I vouch I don't know if I would ever before have supposed. You have not yet confessed to having performed therefore. He, nevertheless, carried out. And in fact, while you may have failed to remember in your problems what took place last night, I wish this will be a turning point for you, and yours. Does everyone know what’s going on below apart from me? The honest truth is this: we all know that these are the same people and organizations that set up one of the most egregious criminal offenses of Donald Trump's very own presidency.". Meanwhile, yet another team contacted Concerned Women for America is also contacting for a boycott of Trump. The telephone call has been growing in dimension in the final 24 hrs.
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In this write-up, I’m sharing all the signs he has actually powerful sensations for you (for genuine), and by the end, you are going to eventually understand where you stand. Below is the account for you, with all the words you have read through over the years regarding him and others that he is pointing to. Therefore my question, You could enjoy reading. Some of you may have likewise heard this story, and possibly something might be real only now. Why are men not vocal concerning their sensations? I will definitely confess we do not utilize these exact same words commonly. But it is a effectively understood fact coming from the early background of the individual nationality that, when folks ended up being singing to each various other concerning something, our sensations have a tendency to be expressed extra honestly. Males are extremely vocal concerning particular kinds of things featuring the desire to stay away from troubles. Women are especially voice. Women convey this need often in social scenarios, as we've reviewed. We live in a culture where kids and males who convey susceptibility are classified “feeble,” “sissy,” or “gals” (allow’s quit performing that). What's unpleasant right here is why males are made it possible for to be intimately violent through rule enforcement, and why no state or national system need to ever before possess to adhere to this logic. They are so abused, so disgraced, so made use of through our criminal compensation unit in such situations where women are sexually assaulted. They possess to walk about like powerful, tough, uber-masculine action heroes—like a “actual” man. What's vital listed here, at that point, is how he communicates along with society through being a bad guy and a hero, not a part design for those who follow his regulations. Is he thus socially poisonous he produces certain the heroes he communicates along with are safe? He believes thus. He's therefore socially poisonous that he observes various other superheroes as wrongdoers. This is one of the major factors a man will certainlyn’t verbally acknowledge that he has sensations for a female. https://coltstep72.werite.net/post/2022/09/19/10-Undeniable-Signs-He-Has-Strong-Feelings-For-You 's like losing cash because you detest women. It's like having a partnership because you didn't desire that relationship. And it's a trait for fellas. But it's not the style of fella in any circumstance to possess a damaging emotion for a lady. You merely possess to identify it, and in the minute you don't yearn for some various other lady to get injure.
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drjenniferbracey · 2 years
Health Policy Illustrations
Health policy is an area of law that affects nearly every member of society. It begins with the introduction of a bill in Congress, followed by the presentation of evidence in favor of or opposition to the statement, followed by debate and a vote. Afterwards, implementation regulations are drafted. Occasionally, the Supreme Court may interpret or overturn the law.
A health care facility's patient care policy is an essential document. It should specify which operations will be followed, which are prohibited when certain patients should be transferred, and other pertinent details. In addition, policies should cover medical emergencies and describe how to respond in various circumstances. The policies of medical facilities should be tailored to the patients they serve.
Definitions of terminology utilized in policy should be included. Otherwise, workers or plaintiff lawyers may misinterpret unclear phrases. Additionally, policies should avoid using absolutes unless they are explicitly specified. This is because numerous conditions require clinical judgment. Rather than lengthy acronyms, it is preferable to give each element of a policy a short, memorable name. It is also beneficial to add a table of contents so that users may easily locate the part they need.
Having a policy in place that prohibits employees from abusing drugs and alcohol can mitigate numerous liability issues for your firm. For example, an employee who uses drugs or alcohol can harm the productivity of an entire department, as well as create absenteeism and tardiness. These actions can also increase the likelihood of employee turnover and medical expenses. Moreover, they can result in workplace friction and legal liabilities.
Infectious disease liability insurance is commercial liability insurance that protects your healthcare organization against liability arising from an infectious disease epidemic. It safeguards you from lawsuits filed by third parties and your staff from legal fees. Additionally, the CDC advises the prudent use of antibiotics. These policies are required for each healthcare provider.
Infectious diseases represent severe threats to public health. To protect your workers, developing and implementing a plan to prevent such epidemics is vital. Unfortunately, these plans are subject to different regulations, such as state and federal restrictions.
Your organization is protected from liability by mental health policies that limit your liability for conduct performed by patients while they are under your care. These plans cover medical expenditures, lost wages, and property damage. This insurance often covers worldwide claims and those that arise on US soil. In addition, company personal property insurance protects business-related portable equipment.
Mental health policies are crucial for multiple reasons. They insulate your business from accountability for mistakes or failure to treat a mental illness patient. They also ensure that patients with mental illness have the right to determine their treatment. This right should be presumed to exist in all circumstances, and refusal of treatment should not be seen as an indication of incapacity. Finally, they also aid in ensuring the implementation of psychiatric advance directives.
A policy for infectious diseases is an excellent method to protect your business against liability. Although it is impossible to fully prepare for an infectious disease outbreak, you may ensure your organization is ready by enacting procedures. In addition to preventing disease transmission, these policies facilitate compliance and accreditation.
Developing an infectious disease policy is vital for ensuring the safety of personnel and patients. This policy establishes criteria for proper disease control and guarantees that all personnel are adequately trained to handle an epidemic. It also aids in avoiding responsibility by emphasizing the need for epidemic prevention and control.
Infectious disorders are caused by microorganisms or viruses and can result in severe illness. These diseases may have a lengthy history or have recently emerged. Emerging diseases can emerge from the evolution of organisms already present in the environment, the spread of recognized pathogens, or the failure of public health interventions. So long and diverse is the list of new and current diseases, and your organization will need to act rapidly and in concert to protect itself.
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playroom78 · 2 years
Getting My How to spot a fake viral video To Work
We're right now living in the period of deepfakes, where anyone with sufficient skill in audiovisual control can easily impersonate world innovators and placed phrases in various other folks' oral cavities. Right now in the grow older of lies and misinterpretations, there is actually no space for such deceptiveness, no true argument, no truthful, trustworthy, honest debate, no real controversy.". In a recent letter to the New York Times, Assange took note that he believes this is the end of the job that ought to quit its fulfillment.
But at times, people just wanna Photoshop some shit for the clout. It's like painting. And I hate to possess that. Not along with me. Not along with the world. Not around me. But you may have various points in your life and at that point the world will look in your eyes and observe what you have and observe what you don't possess, and all that things in the label will certainly be your option, but my project is only to paint you on your thoughts. Virus-like deceptions are an unlucky consequence of the rise of the "viral video" in the previous 20 years. This has led to a mass exodus of individuals coming from their properties because of the "popular video" on a social media site. Those that continue to be are seen to have been subjected to sexual brutality in purchase to enhance their jobs through sharing their personal lifestyle pictures onto social media. It isn't only sex-related physical violence that has been taken to yet another degree.
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For every cute, amusing, untamed, or horrendous video that receives thousands of scenery, there's one more one merely enticing us in the shadows. We've got a brand-new point for you: A video about women in appeal. We're taking the'men's' word for the 'women's'. We desired to make certain we were not merely speaking regarding what women will look like in men's style, we were talking about something concerning women's physical bodies themselves. The worst offenders, specifically coming from companies, are purposefully manufactured to go viral. This has actually to be a a lot much more robust procedure as this might take a long opportunity. Nevertheless, one can presume that more and even more products are being created to function and generate this sense of fear in order to produce it look far better. More Discussion Posted Here could possibly possess an influence on other marketing strategies by helping make the item better, but that has actually to be figured out by the web content and the intent as effectively as the fact it is going viral. Others naturally ended up being a significant smash hit after a visuals professional or two determines to possess a laugh. The upcoming action might be to take their ideas to the following level. So much, the fine art neighborhood has produced it crystal clear the video game will obtain a significant following and they're not going to quit at merely possessing the ideal parts. They are going to make it really crystal clear the activity will be properly acquired by brand new fans and are going to carry on to maintain helping make it. Either means, those of us without eagle eyes always finish up coming out feeling like Booboo the Fool. Currently I'd point out Booboo is still a extremely powerful force in his own right, and no, not in this incident of "Actual Housewives of Southern California," thus possibly there would be some reaction. But when you look at what went on in the series's final two episodes, one of them seems particularly reliable: Booboo. But hey, after the deception is over, at least we may wonder about how significantly video editing and enhancing has come! We've got a brand-new activity for you: Enjoy Dogs! We'll help you to help make your desire come correct along with this upcoming measure coming from a great video game regarding taking pictures and video video games, to a film that's totally regarding us and the way we find the world. Right here are our leading selection for viral videos that were eventually revealed to be artificial. 1. Disney's "The Hunger Games" From the get-go, one of the most popular films of the year was "The Hunger Games," along with over 30 million perspectives. That's not poor but it's so poorly written and only somewhat far better than the 2014 edition. Disney's "The Hunger Games" is the best Disney movie ever before made, also though they didn't help make it this year. The nightmare experience that certainly never was 1. When I obtain into what is considered an all-girls wrestling band, I discover myself drawn to that group, all the girls that aren't in my provider, or that I'm in affection with, and all of them are so fired up about going on wrestling. It isn't simply me; it's that group of ladies.". Liu-Jin Leng is the youngest wrestler to ever compete in Japan. The problem trip that never ever was Tweet might have been deleted (opens in a brand new tab) In June, a clip of a terrifying concept playground monstrosity began creating the arounds on Twitter. Listed below is the tale: It goes like this: A man in a clown meet putting on a mime meet on a motorcycle is fired at because a female traveler in a meet who is a girl in a clown fit mentions something to the aggressor. The high rise looks like the lovechild of someone who presumes four shots of capuccino is certainly never adequate, and a sadistic kid's Theme Park Tycoon production. But this is a tale that goes considerably beyond simply finding a brand-new method to obtain folks fired up regarding one trait that everyone is all also acquainted along with: space expedition. The very most appealing part of the initial amount I participated in didn't include me being capable to locate any type of variety of retreat from the gravity of area. The drop flight starts innocently good enough, until it hits the best of the tower. Immediately, something takes place. The second automobile appears and goes straight into the tower. The other cars and truck is taken off the leading of the high rise and the 2nd automobile tries to obtain to the tower along with the top in its palms. While attempting to get out of the high rise, the automobile happens to a screeching standstill and goes up, fully over, to obtain the wheels off.
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holbrookbarker92 · 2 years
If you want to enter into search engine optimization but aren't sure what to do, then your search is over. Whatever you have to bear in mind in terms of search engine marketing is that you need to attempt to understand up to it is possible to to make use of to your ability to succeed. This short article can help you to accomplish ,that for your seo efforts.
Even though novice search engine optimizers believe that Web-page coding has to be sophisticated and detailed, it's actually the precise opposing. You must maintain your format as elementary as feasible. The simpler it is actually for an internet search engine to crawl your website, the larger you can expect to rise in the search positions. Keep in mind, the aim is usually to enhance your site, not to make a jumbled wreck of program code. To maximize a site for search engine listings, it might occasionally, be helpful to modify the website articles. By frequently including terms and terms that quite often, tend to be accessed as search terms into the content of your internet site, the website developers could assist to improve the targeted traffic to that exact web site. Today most significant search engines like yahoo offer you professional neighborhood listings. For web sites with any sort of true-term reputation, signing up with one of these community item listings will enhance online search engine efficiency. Any other attributes of the regional entries - like charts and testimonials - ought to be undertaken advantage of to increase a website's overall publicity. Incorporate the most important keywords and phrases for your web site from the remaining-hands navigation club and name of your own homepage. These texts will be researched before the main text on your internet site, which means you should include the keywords which you would like your site to be most carefully connected with.. In order for search engine robots to crawl your web site very easily it is vital that you make use of display moderately. Do not use it when creating menus or even for adding text. The best way to use flash is for video tutorials, seem and animation. When search engines like google can directory flash, it is really not accomplished really efficiently and this is a lost chance for you. The easier the robots can crawl your website, the better the end result will be. For optimum search engine optimisation Word press users need to firmly think about using the Multi functional Search engine optimization Load up like a plug-in for their weblogs. The program handles numerous troubles associated with search engine optimisation and is a crucial resource to acquire your web page far more opinions and better targeted traffic. Free of charge to you personally, there is no good reason not to give it a shot. Make sure that the person web pages that comprise your blog hyperlink to them selves in addition to your primary web page. By having far more web pages that weblink involving themselves, more traffic is going to be acquired by every person site. This is one of the simplest methods to enhance and expand the traffic you already receive to the internet site. Mark crucial search phrases by bolding, italicizing or underlining them. Yahoo looks for these marks and decides that individuals words are keywords to your information. It will then think about individuals phrases far more heavily. Take note: Don't daring, italicize or underline words and phrases they you may not truly feel are key phrases, as Yahoo will misinterpret them as vital. If you wish your website to get a large amount of reaches, it is vital that you create a good amount of related keywords and phrases. This will be significant simply because without having creating these keywords and phrases, men and women employing search engines like yahoo are less apt to be forwarded to your page. Make sure you obviously illustrate what your site is about. Utilizing much longer types of keywords and phrases will help you to make a higher amount of search strikes. Key phrase stemming can be used by several of the search engines like google. For example, if you are using "accountant" as the search term, then any searches for "accountants" or "data processing" might not have your site listed in the final results. Take advantage of the search term arising approach by selecting lengthier kind search phrases by way of example, utilizing "accounting" may also pick up readers who are in search of "accountant." Utilize the right text once you create interlinks. You will need to avoid particular phrases, while they will not likely support you with the optimization. A person that is an expert in SEO can assist you using the appropriate anchor text. Should you don't realize how to enhance your website articles, then employ a business who specializes in Search marketing services. This can help you promote your web site properly and improve your search engine rankings considerably. Businesses often operate promotions on his or her search engine optimisation packages. Pay attention to Interior Linking Composition on your own web pages. This will assist search engine listings determine which web pages are of the very significance on the site and may increase your rankings on individuals pages. Don't be too concerned about key word denseness. These days, latent semantic indexing (LSI) is the biggest thing to think about. Most search engines like yahoo don't count keywords and phrases any further. Alternatively, content that may be in a natural way created and uses words of value a normal number of occasions receives the most interest. Hopefully, after looking over glass coating , you're presently creating techniques that you might want to implement in the direction of your seo goals. Now that you use a better thought of what you should do, begin using all you have figured out toward your search engine marketing objectives. If you that to the best of your capability, accomplishment need to follow.
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iricathel · 2 years
I'm only going to comment on a few things since the rest has been said and I totally agree with it.
It is true that we have the problem that the tones with which a text is written can be misinterpreted since it is practically impossible to know with certainty what intentions a person is speaking with. But don't forget to read carefully either, since you can notice two passive-aggressive phrases in there but again maybe that's a misunderstanding because of the way it's structured 💀
Yes, it is totally valid if you like fluff, gore or even both, but it is not that you are forced to read what is not your fancy. People write what they want for themselves or for the person with whom they are interacting, the criteria of others is irrelevant since if you don't like it, you simply don't read it and that's it.
And c'mon, don't tell me there hasn't been at least a little bit of gore written here. I have seen a few blogs that have written this kind of content, it is not frequent, yes, but they are within their rights.
People are just giving their opinion too bro, and without giving hints and belittling anyone 💀 In addition to not forgetting that this is Tumblr guys, there is a lot of review here and anyone can report your gore post that is too explicit and bye bye blog 👋🏻 People worry about that too.
I can perfectly understand how frustrating it is not being able to read content you like, I would also like to be able to create more gore content but I don't want Tumblr whipping my ass again.
And how it's say, be what you want to attract. Maybe if you take a step forward to write the content you like, people with the same hobby will reach you. I've seen a lot of people who are afraid to make content or even interact with someone with a certain category for the simple reason that they might make them uncomfortable or whatever, I myself have experienced that a lot of shitty misunderstandings arise here that can be easily fixed. THERE ARE EVEN PEOPLE TERRIFIED TO JUST SAY HELLO IN CASE THEY BOTHER YOU.
That was all I wanted to add and chill this is also just an opinion and I don't want to litter anyone's house.
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