#because they're all based off bugs
ottobasso · 8 months
i miss those knight ocs i had
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excuse me i need to Muse on something for a moment
so in Wally's secret 'vinyl' audios, specifically the last few (if we're listening to em in chronological order), obviously he starts to sound more strained/distressed. his breathing is more labored, like it's taking all of his energy to make contact.
but the audio that really caught my attention was the "But i still can't see" one. cause he just said he has more eyes than he did before. he knows We draw them a lot, and it's thanks to that that he can see. but he still can't see?
so my question is: where is Wally physically? cause although he can (assumedly) see the WHRP goings on, he can see through the eyes We draw, that could all be on a, uh... more Intangible level of sight. like the spiral pit is forming an eye, and then there's the eye on the ceiling in the secret Staff Only section - could Wally be in the pit, that space between his reality and Ours, "watching" through the eyes? but unable to actually see with due to the pit being pitch black nothingness? is he somewhere else? is he stuck? he can see, but he can't... see.
(or is he trying to explain an abstract concept - he's not actually viewing anything, but he can sense it. like how he knows We're there, even if he can't see or hear Us. but he just doesn't have the words to describe it other than using physical senses - see, hear, look.)
and him saying "...that I can see. But it is still... I can't..." but it's still what, Wally? dark? something else that he doesn't have the words to describe, so he just says that he can't see?
i know that in the Livestream Trivia Document (compiled by @/the neighborhoodwatch) there was something said about Wally being in a box. my first thought reading that was "oh, so he's in storage? the physical puppet, i mean?" which would make sense - show's over, there's no more use for him. pack 'em up and put him away. but that paired with the "can't see" audio makes both seem a lil... connected.
Wally can't see > he's likely somewhere dark > the inside of closed boxes are dark > Wally's in a box. (or maybe the Neighborhood is the box? it's a stretch, i know, but the map is a box. television sets are often set up in "boxes". maybe it's less of a physical storage box and more of a 'boxed in' sort of thing...)
one question i've had since the Start of my interest in this incredible project is: how is Wally communicating? how has he connected to the site? how does he connect to our reality? the pit almost definitely has something to do with it - most likely acting as a bridge, or the deteriorating of the barrier between our two 'worlds' - but if Wally is in a box and Not the pit or even just in the puppet's reality... how is he reaching us beyond just seeing through the eyes he's given?
or is he in their reality, and he can contact through the pit or something, but he can't actually see the other side? Our side? he knows it's there - that We're there - but none of it is visible to him. maybe his apparent disassociation in the 14 bug audios is a demonstration of him contacting Us. we can see through him, but it's a one way street.
and speaking of the pit - i just had a thought. his whole thing with Us letting him in, opening... the pit on the neighborhood map is getting bigger and clearer. but the presumed Other Side, the one on the Staff Only ceiling, is small. it's the size of a ceiling panel. it seems to me that Wally is chipping away at his side of the pit or 'portal', trying to reach Our reality, but he needs Us to do the same thing on the other side. the QA can hear him calling, but there's no phone on their (Our) side of the pit. how do We call back???
there's a fundamental barrier & lack of understanding between Wally and the QA/Us. he's trying. he wants to be let in, but what does that mean, really? let him in where? open what? he's desperate. he wants us to understand. he's trying so so hard Without the right tools to clearly communicate what he wants. he can't see Us, We can see him, both know the other is there, but there's no way to connect. and the attempts are hurting all parties involved, however unintentionally
#and its very ah. Autistic/Neurodivergent Horror i think?#the Wanting To Explain but Being Unable To because the people you're trying to communicate with#function differently than you. they don't understand. they Can't understand. their brains are wired differently.#no matter how hard you try there will never be understanding. your attempts to connect are somehow Incorrect.#and often - in my experiences at least - being that Different gets you hurt. people perceive your actions/behavior as a slight.#or as intentionally malicious! and then they get mad and you just.. dont get Why? you didn't Want to hurt anyone. you wanted to Explain.#you wanted someone to look at you and Understand. say 'oh. i see you! i get it now!' and have that Connection.#but you will never be understood. never Seen nor Heard. left in the dark. you're accidentally hurting them. they're hurting you.#it takes all of your strength to try to reach them and yet you still. fall. short. because they don't reach back.#anyway ive had these thoughts simmering for a lil while#Knowing whether or not the bug audios are present day or not would cross some theories off and write up new ones i think#that confirmation seems Important imo....#homebogging#welcome home speculation#welcome home theory#then of course there's the question of how Home fits into all of this... in the early days i was a 'home is evil' believer but now??#nah. home's not outright Evil i think. there's something complicated going on between them and wally and its role in all of this#im just... unsure of what. i think confirmation of whether his morse code says 'help me' or 'hello' would massively help clear up the sitch#is home an accomplice? a victim? a perpetrator? a secret fourth option? who's to say (yet)#i have many Thoughts about it based on a couple different things - the distorted voice under wallys. the waLLy guestbook entry. etc#but this post has gotten long enough and its Not on that particular subject#*grips the bug audios & home's morse code* you two motherfuckers would clear so much up i stg-#the bug audio's timeline placement could tell us whether or not wally is with his neighbors or if the neighborhood is intact (in some way!)#home's morse code would give Major insight into their place in all of this!!!#AGH THIS FUCKING PROJECT MAKES ME INSANE. IT'S SO GODDAMN GOOD WHO AUTHORIZED THIS-#as always take my words with a Hefty grain of salt & i hope it's coherent!#anyway there's nothing more dangerous & all-consuming than the need/desire to be understood <3
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edwards-exploit · 8 months
James: You know, Nia, you should really consider Ace's point of view in all this!
Nia: really.
Nia, unspoken: (you can consider someone else's point of view?? after running away like this???)
James: Yes, really-! He was built to race, and he's not bound by tracks or rails like you and me. No wonder he talks about being 'free and easy', and-
Nia: well, I suppose that does explain him being so reckless!
Ace, in the background: OI, I CAN HEAR YOU TWO!
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cordycepsbian · 2 years
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different flavors of leif, inspired by that post with the cool orange moth from earlier
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headspace-hotel · 10 months
Tree stuff
Most trees should outlive you. If a landscaper tells you the lifespan of a tree is 10 years, they don't know what they're talking about.
Trees are free. Carefully comb over your yard for baby trees, especially in mid-spring!
Similarly, If you live near a gravel driveway or gravel parking lot, you can find baby tree sprouts that can be easily transplanted by gently removing the gravel bits from around the roots, wrapping the roots in wet paper towel, and transplanting to a large pot.
Do not pile up mulch around the base of a tree. You can mulch under the tree, but it should be a mostly flat layer, not a raised mound, and keep the mulch a few inches away from touching the trunk. Roots need some access to air or the tree will grow roots upward through the mulch, and the roots will slowly wrap around the trunk and strangle the tree to death. It's called root girdling and it is very sad.
Trees need friends!!! If possible, plant two or three trees instead of just one. Trees share nutrients through the mycorrhizal network and they protect each other from storm damage.
Always get a tree that is native to your area and suited to your local environment.
Growing an oak from an acorn is easy. Go to an area where there are oaks in the fall, and collect the acorns that have turned brown and whose hats have popped off. Get large pots at least 8 inches depth, and lay the acorns on their sides on top of the potting soil, then cover them with a layer of damp fallen leaves, and leave them outside all winter long. Just be sure to cover them with some wire mesh or something to protect them from squirrels
Please keep oaks and other large trees about 20 feet from any structure because they will grow huge. Websites will tell you to keep trees X distance away from "structures or other trees" but other trees can go as little as 6-10 feet apart whereas structures need to be like 15 feet away minimum, generally speaking
Prune the tree while it's dormant, NOT in the middle of summer!
If you happen to be from the Eastern United States, please consider getting an oak! They are keystone species and host plants for literally hundreds of insects. We have too many maples here too, so maybe consider a Sweetgum or Black Gum for pretty fall colors?
If you have a tree that's tied to a stake to keep it upright, get rid of that thing as soon as you can, particularly if there's zip ties holding it to the tree, because those can grow into the bark and kill the tree...
If your tree is dead, please consider cutting off the branches and leaving at least 6-10 feet or so of trunk standing. Dead tree snags like this are important nesting places for many birds and you might see a woodpecker
If you live in North America, whatever you do, do NOT get anything marketed as an "ornamental flowering pear tree." They're typically Pyrus calleryana, and they're virulently invasive
Bugs eating a few holes in the leaves of your tree? Good for them! (They aren't hurting the tree unless they're like, fully skeletonizing it, and they're just the caterpillars of butterflies and moths. Want Luna moths or Tiger Swallowtail butterflies? Let the caterpillars eat their dinner mmkay.)
Don't throw away the fallen leaves! Butterflies, moths, stick bugs, lightning bugs, ladybugs, and many other insects hibernate the winter in the fallen leaves. Use them as mulch for flower beds, compost them, or just leave them alone! You'll probably want to stop mowing after the leaves fall if you'd like to see bugs.
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Finally finishing all these guys we’ve got charts and headcanons! (Long post)
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(Body length & basic shapes I used) (it might be odd but ignore any detail on the back, the shapes are for general body shape)
Seawings: - Colors range from red and purple to yellow - Aquatic is based off areas of bioluminescence rather than singular scales (because no one wants to draw all of those) - Although they average small compared to the other tribes, gigantism is more common - Wing bioluminescence gene is always present but for some doesn't show, thus aquatic doesn't utilize the wings
Rainwings: - Can change the texture of their scales alongside color - Weakest bite due to their fangs, probably why they're vegetarian - Mimic interesting behaviors - Have forked tongues
Mudwings: - Colors range from olive green to purple-ish red - Very resilient - Able to breathe fire regardless of body temperature, the heat of the flame depends on body temp - Their horns constantly grow and sometimes have to be cut due to dangerous growing patterns - Love gnawing on things, tough foods like jerky is popular - The horn covers of fallen siblings are harvested and turned into instruments to remember them by
Leafwings: - Colors range from gold to teal (and pink to olive green during cold seasons) - Can appear to have false eyes - Bug-like just like the other Pantalan residents (because they're just some weird outlier like what is going on here) - Leafspeak doesn't actually allow them to hear voices from plants but rather increase the sensitivity of their antennae which pick up on the changes in plants - In colder seasons, regions that have deciduous trees influence leafwings in that their scales change into warm tones similar to fallen leaves for camouflage but this also negatively impacts one's leafspeak ability; this doesn't apply to evergreen leafwings however
Hivewings: - Colors range from hot pink to olive green - Can appear to have false eyes - Have elbowed antennae just like their "cousins", Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, ants) - Tend to disregard personal space/get close out of habit, being close means better temp regulation and better communication - All hivewings have stingers, wrist stingers, and a venomous bite but it largely depends on preference of which they choose and like muscles, they can be exercised to become deadly weapons - They're not capable of "emitting a horrible stench"
Icewings: - Colors range from white to pale indigo - Melanism is still very rare but more likely in icewings - Can be iridescent in any color, especially visible in lighter scaled individuals - The scales on their face is very fine and is flushed with blood which darkens the area and allows them to see in the snow by absorbing light, otherwise the glare from the sun reflecting off would be a hinderance - Their wings are thin and thus have visible veins most of the time - Idk how to describe their scales other than its kinda like basalt formations - From the side they appear large but are actually thin and flexible - They can freeze to death if they've gone without cold for a long time and then reintroduced too quickly - In hybridization, they have dominant genes, partially because the animus gene - The extra mane of horns can appear randomly on the body in singular spikes, they also make a clink sound when they collide as if they're made of ice, making a pretty scary rattle when disturbed
Nightwings: - Colors range from orange to purple - Albinism is still very rare but more likely in nightwings - Dwarfism is more common - Teardrop scales are always present, highlighted when the dragon has powers regardless of type - Pitbull ready to bite kids - They CAN hang upside down as the books suggest but not for long - By taking dust baths, they dull their scales to reflect less light and blend in better in the dark - Have white fire but cant breathe for long due to how hot it is (this is mainly to add onto the mysterious factor of em and I always liked the idea) - Due to eye sensitivity, they hate sudden bright lights and will close their eyes as they breathe fire
Silkwings: - Can have black or dark accents but never as a whole body color unless they've hybridized - Wing shapes vary widely - Can appear to have false eyes - Flamesilk is rarer than one might think - Very flexible and have strong tails used as a sort of 5th limb in climbing - Albino or melanistic dragons still keep their iridescence - Silk is emitted through a spinneret on the chin rather than the wrists - Prefer to travel in pairs (instinct)
Sandwings: - Colors range from red to olive green - Dark patters often mimic a snake's - Horse-like in complexion - Alongside their snake-like appearance, they have pit organs - Tend to move like birds - Poor eyesight but good hearing - Their horns angle upwards sort of like a bull
Skywings: - Colors range from red to yellow (and green because skywings are meant to be your typical fire breathing dragon which is most often depicted to be red but can also be green) - Tend to move like birds - Weaker than they appear - Green skywings are incapable of being or having flamescales - Their horns constantly grow and have to be filed down - A flamescale cant melt rock or metal by touch alone, only via fire is it possible - It's not that they don't want flamescales that they kill them, it's more of a mercy killing because of how lonely their life can be
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snotsloth · 2 years
I don't know if this is a hot take? But there's something that bugs me about a lot of Batman performances: the dichotomy of his Bruce and Batman voices.
Now, hear me out. Batman absolutely should have a completely different voice from Bruce. Bruce is neurotic enough to develop two completely different idiolects for his identities. Anything to throw people off the scent, right?
However! Actors usually make the choice for Bruce to be the "natural" voice and Batman to be some sort of growling affectation. I personally think it would be better for Bruce to be the fake sounding voice and Batman to be his more natural speaking voice.
Imagine, Batman with a naturally deep and resonant voice that carries a lot of authority but very little emotion. Meanwhile, Bruce's voice is very Mid-Atlantic old money playboy with an almost breathy, ditzy quality. It's all emotion! No thoughts! Just enthusiasm and good natured smiles!
This is absolutely coming straight out of my "Bruce is neurodivergent" HC. A lot of us have a natural speaking voice that sounds off to others and a performative "public" voice that we've learned to use with people we don't know very well to put them more at ease. So, it's completely possible for Bruce's natural speaking voice to be a bit more flat and his words to be more fact based in a way that would make neurotypical people nervous. And, being Bruce, he would have absolutely studied other people's voice and behavior so that he could mimic it in public.
However, masking like that is very brain resource intensive, so it would have been an easy choice to drop that for Batman. This would also mean that in private, when it's just him and the family, he also uses the "Batman" voice because that's just what he sounds like when he's not trying.
This would also lead to hilarity when Bruce does crack jokes or tease people by intentionally using his Brucie voice when they're not expecting it. Like, imagine Batman, looking Flash straight in the eye as he shows up late to a team meeting FUCKING AGAIN, and saying, "You know, old chap, for The Fastest Man Alive, you certainly know how to take your dear sweet time." IMAGINE!
TLDR: Batman is the real voice and Bruce is fake and it kind of bugs me when actors do the opposite.
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samandcolbyownme · 5 months
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Summary: Anon request - "could you do a smut based on the reader and colby being good friends, but she secretly likes him, they do the q&a vid where colby admits to being a dom and then something happens with him and the reader after the vid and he like proves what he said?? hope this makes sense"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, dominant!Colby, sub!y/n, mentions of alcohol, dirty questions being asked, flirting, use of pet names - daddy being one of them, rough unprotected sex, choking, oral (both), breeding kink?? Cream pie,, hair pulling, scratching, semi forceful actions, filth
Disclaimer: All of the questions expect for the kinks question are made up, along with the answers. Also sorry in advance if this isn’t my best work.
Word count: 4.4k | not edited
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"What's up guys. So as you can see, Sam has changed a little bit." He laughs as he motions to you sitting next to him.
You laugh and shake your head. Colby smiles and looks back into the camera, "No, Sam is actually behind the camera today."
Sam peaks around, showing his face extremely close to the camera, "Hello." He stands back up, sitting back down in the chair and Colby claps his hands together, "Well now that Sam got his three seconds of fame, let me explain why y/n is here."
You cross your leg over the other and lean back as he speaks, "I thought it would be fun to do a little Q and A, but not only on my personal channel, but with one of my closest friends, y/n."
Colby turns to look at you, "Y/n. Don't be rude, say hello." He laughs as you gasp, "Oh, gosh. Sorry." You wave, "Hello everybody."
"Thank you." Colby laughs and reaches down, "So.. you all know mine and Sam's drinking question Q and A stuff, so I figured we'd do the same here." He looks over at you, "You know how this works?"
You nod, "If I don't want to answer the question, I have to take a shot?"
"You catch on quick." Colby chuckles and sets a shot glass on the table, "So.. Sam went through our little twitter thread and picked out some good questions to ask us, from you."
"Now." He glances over at you, "I know I said they're for me, but we can accommodate with having y/n here, right?" He looks over at you and you smile, "Sure can."
You liked Colby. Not as long as you knew him for, but you've started to like him way more than a best friend over the last few months.
You were nervous, because you knew his fans are ruthless when it comes time asking questions about whether or not he likes being tied up, and since the questions are also for you today, what are you going to do? Lie?
"Alright." Colby's words snap you from your thoughts, "Let's get started."
"Okay, first question." Sam clears his throat but you cut him off, "Hold on, Sam. Sorry. Colby you have.." you reach over, pulling a piece of fuzz from his purple colored hair, "Fuzz, or something."
You wiggle your fingers as it floats down to the floor and you look up, "Sorry. Continue. That was just bugging the hell out of me."
Colby smiles, "Thank you."
You nod and Sam clears his throat, "Alright. First question. If you could design your own superhero costume, what would it look like?"
You raise your brows, "Wow I thought these were going to be bad." You laugh and Sam quickly follows up, "Just wait."
"Oh." You laugh and shake your head, "My super hero costume would definitely be something like.. oh gosh. I don't know. Like a mix between Wonder Woman's and Black widow? If that's even possible."
Colby nods, "Nice. Nice. Like a black bodysuit type thing with the tiara that wonder woman wears?"
You look at him, "I think so, maybe not having pants, but longer sleeves definitely and maybe a boy shorts type bottom and of course the tiara."
"Sick." Sam says with a nod, "Colby?"
Colby thinks for a few more seconds, "Definitely something like Spider-Man, maybe not a mask, but something I can wear under a button up and just rip it open and save the day." He points, "Definitely more black and a royal blue color."
You smirk, "Instead of the spider, have a big C and B on your chest in cool letters, that would be sick."
"Yeah, yes!" Colby snaps and points to you, "I like it."
You laugh and look back at Sam, "Alright. Next question."
Sam laughs slightly and you close your eyes, "Oh no."
Sam sighs, "What's an embarrassing thing you've done and never told anyone about?"
"If I never told anyone why would I say it here? Right now when there's a camera pointed at me?" You point to the camera on the tripod and laugh.
"For the goodness of this video?" Sam laughs and you shake your head, "I need a shot, Colbs."
He tilts his head, "Really? Will you tell me later?"
You laugh, "Probably not."
He sighs and pours you a shot, "Fine." He smiles as he hands you the glass and you take it, "Oh god. I hate straight vodka."
You wipe your mouth and set the glass down, "Your turn."
Colby sighs, "I think I'm going to have to agree with y/n on this one." He pours himself a shot and takes it.
"You guys are no fun. Get drunk so you answer." Sam groans.
You roll your eyes and Colby laughs, "Next question, dear host Sam."
Sam scrolls on his phone and smirks, "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
You try not to make it obvious, but you look at Colby and he looks at you. You nod, "I mean, I would have to say so, yeah."
"Ohhh. Wanna tell us who you-"
"No." You cut Sam off and laugh, "that wasn't a part of the question."
Colby laughs and you can tell his eyes are still on you. He looks away as you look back at him and he shrugs, "I mean, with the right person maybe? So what, is that a yes?"
"I'd say so." You nod as you look from him to Sam and Sam nods, "Yeah, that works." He hums as he looks for another question, "Okay." He tries to hold back in his laughter, "Colby. This one is specifically for you."
"Oh no." Colby leans forward, resting his chin in his hand, "Hit me."
"Colby. Why do you have a pair of handcuffs in your room?"
Your mouth drops slightly. You knew about them because it's an on going joke between all your friends, but it still never ceases to amaze you.
Colby's eyes go wide and he gasps, "Oohhhkaaay." He laughs, "Why?"
"Yeah Colby. Explain why." Sam says, "What, are they from your god dang arrest or something? Props on a video.. really, what are they for?"
Colby reaches down and grabs the Tito's bottle, "um.. I mean.." he looks over at you, "I mean, no." He looks at Sam, "Definitely wasn't for those."
He untwists the cap then screws it back on, "Alright.." he leans forward as he sets the bottle on the floor, "I use them for personal fun, alright."
You cover your mouth and look at Sam who looks scared, "What the fuck does that mean?"
"That.." Colby laughs, "..would answer the question, though, right?" He looks into the camera, a smirk on his face, "I'm already.. I'm already getting embarrassed." He leans back, fixing his shirt and Sam shakes his head, "No."
"Judge is saying no." You point to Sam and Colby smiles nervously, "What? No?"
"Drink!" Sam yells and Colby goes to pour his shot before he finally spills, "I use them for.. sexual fun. Alright?"
He caps the alcohol and sets it back down. You can feel your cheeks turning red, but with this next question they're red no matter how hard you try to conceal it.
"Name two dirty kinks that you have." Sam raises his brows and Colby's mouth drops, "Oh god."
"Sam." You scoff and he laughs, "It's not me, I'm just reading the question from this person so yell at them."
"You know.." Colby starts, "I think it's only fair if y/n answers first on this one."
"No- don't do that." You laugh and cover your face. Sam laughs, "He's right." You look at Sam, "Of course you're agreeing with him."
You look at Colby with a smile, "Okay, fine." You take a deep breath, "I like.. wax play."
The look on Colby's face changes and he raises his brows, "Oh really?"
"Oh snaaaap!" Sam yells behind the camera. You hold up your hand, "Yeah, yeah, Colby. Your turn."
"Oh fuck.." he looks into the camera, "Sorry.. mom." He laughs slightly and reaches for the bottle of alcohol, "You know what.. I don't wanna answer now."
"No, no. You have to. I did, so you do." You lean back, crossing your leg over the other, "Come on. Let's hear it."
"I already said one. The handcuff thing." He pours the vodka into the glass, "Does that count as one?"
Sam nods and you sigh, "Good so now you only have to say one." You laugh as Colby caps the bottle, "Okay.. um.." he laughs slightly, "I like to be dominant. Alright.. there we go."
His words did something to you.
You squeeze your thighs together and he most definitely noticed that.
Sam erupts from behind the camera, "Whoooaaaaahhh."
You and Colby both laugh at him as he shakes his head, "The beans.. were spilled."
Colby rubs his eye and sighs, "I hate this." You nod, "Me too." He looks over at you, "What's your second kink Miss y/n."
"Oh we're back to that. Great okay." You look down and sigh, "I guess I might as well just.." you slap your hands into your lap and look up at Colby, "I like to be dominated."
"Oh shit." He tilts his head, eyebrows raising as he nods, "Go you."
"Moving on please." You try to deter from your answer, but it's hard when you said it on purpose.
You wanted Colby to know that you wanted him, but you didn't want to fully come out and say it.
Not yet at least, maybe when he's telling you to say it.
"Okay, okay. Moving on from that spice show." Sam laughs, "Next question."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Alright. So that's it for this video, I'm actually surprised that we aren't drunk." Colby looks over at you, "Thanks for coming on and getting down and dirty."
You laugh, "Anytime, guys. This was.. if you look past the embarrassing part, it was kind of fun."
Colby laughs and nods, "Yeah. It was. He looks into the camera, "See you guys in the next one."
Sam cuts the camera off and stand sup to stretch, "That was.. something." He laughs and shakes his head, "You guys are going to be the stars of twitter when this drops."
"Why?" You ask knowing the answer. You just wanted to hear what Sam had to say.
He tilts his head, looking at you dumbfounded. He points to Colby, "Likes to be dominant." He points to you, "Likes to be dominated."
You roll your eyes, "mhm."
Colby laughs, changing the subject, "I'm going to go start editing this." He looks over at you, "You coming with?"
"Yeah, I'll be up then. Just to make sure you don't embarrass me."you tease and he smirks, "I would never."
You smile and look over at Sam a he snorts, "You guys.." he shakes his head and you tilt your head, "You guys.. what?"
"Just keep it down." He mumbles as he walks away. You laugh and look at Colby, "I'll be up." He nods and stands up to grab the camera off the tripod, "See you then."
You watch as he walks away, shaking your head as you think about what happened tonight.
You couldn't believe you were so open about some of the stuff you said.
Wax play?
Like being dominated?
A lot of that had to do with your comfortability level with Colby, if he wasn't there, you probably would have just drank, but at the same time...
You knew exactly what you were doing, and you think it worked.
You get up, making your way up to your room. You change out of your jeans and sweatshirt and put on a pair of shirts and a loose t-shirt.
You take a deep breath before going next door to Colby's room. You knock before slowly opening the door, "Can I come in?"
You watch a now shirtless Colby turn around and he nods, "Of course."
You walk in, closing the door behind you as you walk over to his bed and sit down on the end, "Get a lot done?"
He chuckles, "Just watching it.." his eyes move up your  legs, "So see where I can cut it, you know." He looks up at your face and turns back towards the computer.
You lick your lips, smirking as you bring your legs up to sit comfortably on the bed, "Can you cut out my sneeze, please?"
"Why?" Colby asks, turning his chair towards you, "I thought it was adorable."
"I hate how I sneeze." You argue and Colby rolls his eyes playfully, "Well I don't, so." He spins back towards the computer and you can hear Sam ask about the two kinks.
"Oh god." You groan, falling back onto the bed, "Just cut that whole segment out."
Colby pauses the video and you hear him turn towards you, "Now why would we do that?"
You look up at him and sit up, "Because I actually said what mine were." You laugh, obviously nervous, "That's.. embarrassing."
Colby pulls his lips between his teeth and sighs, "You know what I think?"
You look at him, "What do you think?"
"I think.." he leans forward, fingers tapping your knees, "You said it for a reason."
You chew on your cheek, trying to keep your composure, "Uh huh. Okay." You nod, "What if I did?"
"Then I know what I need to do." He moves forward, crawling up the bed as you move back, his body hovering over yours.
You stare to at him for a few seconds before he leans down, roughly attaching his lips to yours.
You hands slide up his chest, laying on the sides of his neck as he reaches down to spread your legs. He nestles his hips between your knees, grudging his bulge against your clothed center.
You whimper out, moving your hips, "Please."
It was like a switch flipped the minute you said you liked being dominated, because he's doing exactly what he said he likes to do.
"Beg." His voice is low and his lips move along your jaw, "Beg for me, baby. Tell me what you want."
You whimper, tilting your head back to give him room as he kisses down your neck, "Please Colby, I need you."
He sits up, your legs over his thighs, "Need me to do what, baby?" He pushes his hands up your thighs, slipping his fingers inside your shorts and pulling them away.
"Take off my shorts." You lift your hips, "Please."
He chuckles lowly and slowly pulls your shorts down. You bring your legs up as he pulls them over your feet and tosses them, "come here."
You get up, on your knees in front of him, "Tell me what to do."
He smirks, fingers moving to pull your shirt up over your head. His eyes scan down over your bare chest, "Move to the floor."
He stands up as you move to the floor, on your knees awaiting your next command.
Colby stands up, undoing his jeans and pushing them down. He sits down, in his boxers, on the edge of the bed, "Come here."
His eyes follow you as you move in between his legs. You look up at him and he reaches down, gripping your chin, "I'm going to take care of you, okay? But first.." he bites his lip, thumb hooking over your bottom row of teeth, "I want to hear you gagging on my dick."
Your breath hitches in your throat as your heart rate picks up, "Yes, daddy." You smirk slightly as you see his eyebrow twitch.
He nods with a small smirk, "Fucking right."
He brushes hair from your face, lifting his hips as you work his boxers down his thighs. His cock springs free and you immediately bring a hand up to wrap around it.
A low groan leaves his throat, lip pulled between his teeth as he locks eyes with you. He nods down, "Go on, sweetheart."
You lick your lips, leaning in to swirl your tongue around the tip. He gasps lowly as you wrap your lips around him, bobbing your head to work at coating him in your spit.
"Fuck, that's it." He moans out quietly. He lays a hand on the back of your head, pushing down, urging you to take him all, even if you can't.
He wanted to hear you.
You push your head down, his cock hitting the back of your throat which causes you to gag around him. He pulls your hair into a makeshift pony with his hands, "That's it."
You bob your head, squeezing your eyes shut as you gag on him a few more times.
Colby moans, pulling your head up. He grips your chin, squeezing as he leans in, "That's my girl." He bucks his hips, "Keep going."
You nod, moving your head back in to take him in fully, gagging around him as your hands move up to grip his thighs.
He moves your head up and down, pulling at your hair as the sound of your saliva squelching around him fills the room, along with the sound of you gagging.
He moans, "Fuck, that's my girl. That's my fucking girl."
He lifts your head, wiping away the spit from your chin with his thumb, "On the bed."
You quickly get up, still breathing rapidly as you get on the bed. He motions with his hand, "Hands and knees, baby."
You roll over onto your stomach from your back and lift yourself up. Your arms holding up your weight as you look over at him.
His eyes scan up and down your body, biting his lip before he holds up a finger. He walks over to his dresser, pulling out the - you guessed it - black fuzzy handcuffs.
Your heart skips a beat as you watch him walk over to you with them, spinning them on his finger like a taunt.
"Do you want these on you?" He tilts his head, holding the cuffs up higher.
You nod, "Yes."
"What did you say?" He bites his lip, trying to fight back his smirk and you swallow, "Yes daddy."
"Atta girl." He winks and moves behind you, reaching down to take your one arm and bring it behind you. You rest your head down onto the bed before bringing your other arm back.
You feel the fuzz against your skin, biting your lip as you hear the click of the cuffs tighten around your wrists.
"You look so fucking hot like this." His hands slide down the small of your back, over the lace of your panties to deliver a smack to each ass cheek at the same time.
You whimper, jolting forward as the sting settles in, "Fuck."
His hands rub the red prints on your skin, "What do you want, baby?" He slips his fingers into the band of your panties, teasing you because he knows exactly what you want - he just wants you to say it.
"Fuck me, I want you to fuck me." You whine, "Please. Please."
"You don't want me to taste you?" He leans down, kissing your lower back, "you don't want me to taste what you've been flaunting around me for all these years?"
His words make your stomach flip, but in the best way.
"Fuck, yes. Yes, Colby." You move your head so you can try to look at him. He chuckles, "Yes, yes Colby what?"
"I want you to taste me." You breathe out, biting your lip as you feel him pulling your panties down over your ass.
He pulls them down to rest at your knees, "fuck, you have such a pretty looking pussy." He brings a hand up, teasingly sliding his fingers up and down your folds.
You whimper, pushing your hips back to meet his fingers more, but he pulls them away, "Mm, baby. You're so eager aren't you?" Colby moves behind you, bending down to kiss the small of your back again.
"Please." You whine, "Colby."
You head him chuckle, "Tell me again, baby. Tell me what you want."
"I want your tongue in me." You say, desperate for his touch, "Please, daddy."
You feel his hands lay on your thighs as his thumbs gently spread your folds open. He leans in, licking a strip up and groaning against you, "So fucking good, baby."
You moan loudly, wrists pulling again the retrains, "Fuck, yes."
Colby's tongue moves up and down a few times before pushing into you. He digs his fingers into your skin as he slides his other hand up to pull your hips back.
You groan loudly, wanting to do badly grip the sheets, "Fuck, fuck. Yes." You pant loudly, wiggling your hips as your eyes roll shut.
Colby pulls away, placing kisses up the back of your thigh as he sits up, "Your pussy is going to feel so fucking good around my dick."
He moves behind you, sliding his hand down to grip the center chain of the cuffs as he slaps the head of his cock against your pussy a few times.
"Tell me you want it." He demands, head of his cock sliding up and down your slick folds.
"I want you. I need you." You push your hips back, nails digging into the palm of your hands, "Please, daddy. I need yo-"
Your words are replaced by a long and loud moan as Colby slowly slides his cock into you, "You keep it up with that daddy shit and I might have to just make it true."
You moan in response, "Please.. daddy."
"Fuck.." he groans as he pushes his hips against you. His hands hold your hips tight as you stretch around him.
"M-move. Please." You whimper out, but Colby doesn't comply. He leans down, kissing your shoulder and you moan as his cock shifts slightly.
"Just give it a minute, baby." He rubs your hip, "You feel so fucking good. I could cum right now."
He cuts your begging short, "Tell me what you want."
"M-move.." you whimper out quietly, the feeling of him just resting inside of you becoming unbearable.
You whimper, a little louder than the last, "Please move.."
"Mm. Louder baby. I wanna hear you nice and clear." Colby continues to rub your hip.
You move your head, "Colby.. please move."
"Mm. No I need you louder than that, baby." Colby chuckles and you sigh, slightly frustrated, "But Sam.."
"I don't give a fuck about him right now, y/n. I only care about one thing right now and that's hearing you beg for me." He pulls your hips back, causing you to moan at the pressure from his cock.
"oh my god." You moan out, making your voice louder, "Fuck me, daddy. Please move, I need you to fuck me!"
"That's my girl." He pulls out and thrusts back in, "Fuck, keep going baby. I wanna hear you."
You pull your wrists, whining when you can't move them anywhere, "Fuck, yes yes yes."
Colby lays a hand on yours as he thrusts, pulling the metal chain to the cuffs back with each thrusts, "Fucking hell, baby. You're so fucking good."
You moan out, basically screaming his name, "Fuck, Colby! Yes!"
You squeeze his cock, digging your nails into his hand. His thrusts are punishing, building up your orgasm quickly, "Shit, d-daddy!"
You whine, "So fucking close. So fucking.. close."
"Hold it, baby. Wait for me." He leans down, kissing up your back, "Wait for me."
A constant string of moans leaves your lips as your eyes roll back, closing as you try your best not to cum just yet, "Please." You breathe out, "C-Colby."
"Almost there, sweetheart." He whispers in your ear and you nod against the mattress and he groans, "Where do you want me?"
You just whimper in response and he sits up, "Can't hear you, baby. Tell me where you want it."
"Don't stop." You moan out, "Please daddy."
He grips your hips tight, "Fucking hell, you gonna cum for me?"
"Y-yes. Yes yes." You gasp, pushing your hips back as much as you can, "Fuck, cum in me."
His fingertips press into your skin harder, "F-fuck." He moans loud as his thrusts become sloppy, "Shit." He breathes out, voice shaky as you feel his cock twitch inside of you.
You moan, breathing heavy as he gently rests your hips down onto the bed. He undoes the cuffs, rubbing your wrists as soon as they're off, "Are you okay? These didn't hurt you did they?"
"No." You try to shake your head, "No I'm fine, Colbs." You smile as he lays down next to you, gently pressing his lips to yours.
“So.. follow up question..” you look up at him, “Does this mean we’re together now, or?”
“you're my girl, now." He brushes hair from your face, "Thought me moaning out my fucking girl gave that away." He chuckles and you smile with a slight laugh, "Yeah, no you're right."
You sit up, leaning over to kiss him and he lays a hand on your back, smiling within the kiss, "Just be prepared for Sam to bitch in the morning because you were pretty loud."
You lean back, laughing as you push his shoulder, "Only because you told me to."
"Yeah, and you listened very well." He winks and pulls you back down for another kiss, “Next time, we'll take it a little bit slower, and more gentle."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Thank you for reading!
Love you all!
Like and reblogs are all greatly appreciated! 🖤
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Fandom art poll...
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kabutoden · 5 months
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TROLLS REDESIGNS by kabuto!!! thats me! they have fresh lore that comes with this too but i think im gonna upload it later : ) they're all based off different bug species. see if you can tell which is which!!! ALSO because i want to have fun with doodling these more or make stickers or whatever
REQUESTS OPEN. for these designs. i drew mostly my favorite trolls so if you want to see me struggle to draw the ones who arnt here or the trolls at their different molts, i can do that too : )
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
I have a really specific request but can you draw Adrien and Marinette as MLP Ponies please :)
listen i dont normally take requests but anon...you have no idea how much i absolutely live and breathe cringe. i got so excited when i saw this in my inbox. OF COURSE i made a whole au
(i have to thank my friends for helping me flesh this au out with their amazing ideas. i was stuck on what to do with adrien's cutie mark for the longest time!)
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marinette is a pegasus and adrien is a unicorn! marinette has a lot of energy and would be buzzing around all over the place all the time. she is almost always flying! her wings are small, so she has to flap them really fast to stay afloat (like a bug's wings!) her special talent is designing, so i based her cutie mark off of the plum blossoms on her shirt and added a ladybug and sewing needle. though she doesn't have the aid of telekinesis like a unicorn would, she doesn't let that stop her from creating amazing art and clothing!
adrien comes from a long line of regal unicorns and is tall and lanky. he is unfortunately a blank flank even as a teenager due to the fact that he has not had the chance to explore many interests yet from his strict upbringing. he is a little insecure about it but he tries not to let it get to him, especially since his makeup team does a pretty good job of applying a fake one because it would be "unfortunate for the brand" if gabriel agreste's son still had not received his cutie mark as such a late age! not even his friends know he is a blank flank...not yet, at least. he does not like the fake cutie mark.
his father does put him into a lot of studies, including magic studies. adrien is a pretty skilled magic user but it's not his passion. he doesn't discover his true passion until after he meets marinette and his other friends.
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the miraculous are still a thing in this au. adrien/chat noir wears his ring on his horn! when they're transformed, they become temporary alicorns, gaining a magic-based horn for ladybug and wings for chat noir.
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one of my favorite headcanons for adrien's future career is that he finds a love for baking, so i used that here!!! when baking with marinette one day he discovers that baking is his special talent and he really, really loves it, earning his cutie mark (a cupcake in chat noir colors) a moment later :') they are both VERY excited! adrien would come clean about the fake cutie mark to the public and would become an advocate for blank flanks everywhere, reminding ponies that it's okay to take their time to figure themselves out and to not try and pressure themselves into finding their special talent when it's not the right time, because it will come eventually.
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donelywell · 7 months
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October 7 2023
One day, Sonic got into an accident while trying to show off and do daredevil stunts in a new zone. Unfortunately, he barely made it and accidentally broke his leg.
While being forced to sit around and recover, he got bored very quickly, becoming a nuisance to Tails who was treating his injured foot. Tails knew he didn't really mean to be a dick head, but it was beginning to get on his nerves as the stir crazy hedgehog was practically bouncing off the walls trying to find something to do.
With a glimmer of hope, Tails' communicator buzzed with Knuckles' message about their scheduled DnD session today. The kit completely forgot about it because he was trying to wrangle Sonic into sitting still to not ruin the cast. Something sparked in Tails' brain and quickly made a group chat with Amy and Knuckles to see if they were all down to playing Dungeons and Dragons for a quick one shot.
Amy pointed out that she was watching a sick Cream & Cheese today while Vanilla was out on a trip that she didn't go into detail with, so she couldn't leave the house for several hours to play. Tails pointed out that they could all go over to her house to play, and she immediately got excited, listing off all the things she was going to set up before they come over.
Knuckles was a little apprehensive, because he wanted to continue the story they were already playing, and he didn't want to leave the Master Emerald unguarded. Amy swooped in and said that the Chaotix owed her a favor for helping them with a case, so she could simply use the favor to have them watch the Master Emerald. Still unsure, Knuckles agreed, but pointed that he would make several calls through the one shot to make sure everything was okay on the island.
With everything planned out, Tails went over to Sonic to let him know what he got planned for them today. At first, Sonic was against it, saying he's not as into the roleplaying and numbers game as his little brother. Which led to Tails rambling first about all of the times the hedgehog has told him about that time he went to Camelot and fighting a Genie in a lamp, but then pointed out that it was either this, or sitting on the bed still with nothing to do.
Sonic immediately agreed after that, but embarrassingly muttered that he didn't need to do all of this just because he was bored. Tails huffed, his twinned tails twitching in mild irritation, that this was more for him than Sonic because it'd finally get him to stop bugging him while he was trying to do something.
Tails helped him get on his crutches and over to the Tornado, and running back inside the fallen-plane-made-home (base) to grab a large box of fidget toys and his DnD notes & premade character sheets.
While in the air, Tails rambled about how he's wanted to play this one shot he made for a few months now, how to play the game because Sonic has never played before, and tried to warm him to the idea of playing DnD with them more maybe down the line even if his leg isn't broken. Sonic just sat in the back of the plane, idly listening to Tails' ramblings while mindlessly playing with a fidget toy and feeling the wind in his face. Though the wind didn't feel as great as when he's standing on the wing, feeling any wind against his quills at all is refreshing after being cooped up for a few days at home recovering.
Once they landed just outside of Sunset City, Sonic insisted on helping Tails carry everything. The fox just looked at the injured hedgehog unimpressed but eventually caved and let him hide the DnD notes in his quills. Due to Sonic being in crutches, they ended up taking the subway over to the heart of the city to get to the Rose Family's Apartment. The brothers made small talk while walking, talking about what projects they're working on or where they plan to explore to next.
The duo made it to the apartment and noticed that Knuckles was already there, and laughed at the fastest thing alive being late. The blue blur fired back that he was currently out of commission at the moment and the subway station was having some technical difficulties. Red and Blue continued to butt heads as Yellow and Pink continued to set up the session table (coffee table). Tails only butted into the light hearted bickering to ask Sonic to give him the DnD notes back.
As the fighting calmed down, Amy revealed the snacks and comedically large box of costumes she has for everyone to wear to help them get into character. Tails revealed the characters they could choose, with Knuckles choosing the Cleric, Sonic the Fighter, Amy the Wizard, and Tails being the DM.
They all got situated in their costumes, character sheets, couch placements, and pillow arrangements while snacks, dnd dice, and fidget toys littered all around them.
It went great, Sonic quickly understood the rules and how to play the game, Cream sometimes came over to watch the battles they faced, Knuckles and Sonic only sometimes butted heads, Amy had a lot of fun getting in character and casting spells that wowed the table, and Tails was relieved that Sonic was actually having fun.
Tails laughed while Sonic and Knuckles were quipping back and forth again while Amy was in the kitchen making something for them all to eat for dinner, a soft smile formed on his white muzzle as he realized Sonic was petting the tail he absentmindedly rested on his brother.
We should do this more often, he thought.
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cordycepsbian · 2 years
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day 6: spy
what a suspicious "ant"
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doctorbunny · 23 days
A little speculation about Corpse Disposal and J-horror
But I'm a little bored so sharing a part-theory, part-headcanon on Muu and Rei
So we unfortunately don't see much of Rei in "Its not my fault" but I want to point out three key times we do
The first time we see Rei in the MV, is her wet sleeve (we know its not Muu because Muu wears a pink jumper under her blazer)
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Then, after a lot of bug stuff, we're finally back in the real world, where Muu has just killed her Post-After Pain. In INMF, we don't see the surroundings as well, just the dirt track and bushes. But in AP, we see this is right next to a rushing river (Muu's undercover card also features a bridge as a landmark)
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The next time we see Rei after her corpse, is a flashback to the start where she turns the hourglass over. Then it cuts just further back to before Rei stood up - as she pulls herself up off the floor She's alive and absolutely soaked after a session of intense bullying (which we saw Muu insert herself into in AP)
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However, I want to now switch a little to talk about cinematography and a concept called the Kuleshov effect The video I linked is pretty concise but the gist is that if you put two shots next to each other, even if they were filmed separately, the brain interprets it as a continuous scene (so if you film a character looking off screen, then a picture of an apple on a table, we're going to assume they're looking at the apple)
Therefore while we understand chronologically that the sequence of events is Rei (wet and alive) -> Rei's murder on dry land ↺ Flashback to Rei still wet and alive Which I think everyone understood as a commentary on how this power struggle was a constant cycle of the hourglass being turned over
I think visually, it also implies a sequence like Rei was bullied -> Muu kills her -> Sopping wet, Rei crawls back to the classroom
But wait! That sequence suggests a missing step How did Rei get wet again?
Well, we know Muu killed her next to a river And if you were a scrawny teenage murderer with a body on your hands, would you leave it there where someone could see it while you grab a shovel and stand in broad daylight digging a hole in tough ground??? Or try lighting a fire in public??? Of course not!
It'd be much easier for Muu to, in a panic, just roll her body into the convenient river and let all the evidence wash away!
(Of course, if Muu was panicking, she might not have been very careful. Given she ended up in MILGRAM, there must've been something tying Muu to Rei's death and in T2 Muu seems to have finally remembered losing her left shoe...)
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Fun fact: this is the same shoe Cinderella loses in the animated Disney film (and the best known version of that story came into English from France)
Shoe break over, back to the Endless Queen's Game
So, if we assume Rei's corpse was thrown in the river, what does it matter? Its just a pointless headcanon
But I speculate the meaning goes deeper!
So that image of Rei, soaking wet, crawling off the floor reminded me of something: J-horror ghost girls! Specifically the most famous of ghost girls Samara/Sadako Who became a vengeful spirit after being thrown in a well and now crawls out of TVs to kill people who watched her VHS tape
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Her story too is a cyclical one (its called 'Ring' for a reason), the only way to break the curse is to copy the tape and have someone else watch it, who will then become the victim unless they can themselves copy the tape and show it to another unsuspecting patsy
The story goes back further because this movie is based on a novel, which is based on the legend of 番町皿屋敷 Banchou Sara Yashiki. There are many versions but generally a maid girl Okiku is proposed to, and when she rejects the proposal, her master breaks one of ten plates and promises to forgive her if she marries him. When she declines again, he beats her to near death then throws her into a well (sometimes it's a jealous mistress instead of a master)
Interestingly, Atrophaneura alcinous (swallowtail butterfly) larvae found in Japanese wells became known as Okikumushi お菊虫 (Okiku bugs), tying back to the whole insect thing...
It's been said a bunch now, but the name 'Rei' can be read as 霊 meaning ghost (seen in words like Yuurei 幽霊, a more common word for ghost than Rei on its own)
We know Muu is afraid of ghosts too (though I must admit she says Obake, not yuurei, but both words refer to ghosts)
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Remembers the i/井 in Sakurai/櫻井 can be read as 'well' I'm sure that has nothing to do with anything
Uh, I can't think of a conclusion because its 1 am and I had to look up a bunch of spooky images
TL;DR: I think Muu may have quickly shoved Rei's body into the river next to where the murder happened (maybe forgot her shoe at the scene of the crime) and now she's scared by the cycle continuing and Rei coming back to haunt her
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stinkysam · 6 months
Buggy the Clown - My marine bf.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “buggy with a marine bf. (buggy is delusional that they're together). cat and dog trope. marine bf that says he hates buggy but cant turn him to his comrades. you know that meme why are you running? (buggy). and the person that is running is his bf. thats them.” - anon
Reader : male (you/yours)
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Sometimes you really hated your job. Like today.
Today has put you on Buggy's path once again. And you hate him. He's a pirate. You had to hate him.
“That's it, I've had enough, come with me, now !” You declared, pointing at him angrily.
“On a date ?” Buggy replied, hands on his cheeks, swooning, walking toward you.
“No !” You couldn't stop the blush on your cheeks from appearing. “To jail !”
“Aw, but babes, that's a questionable choice for a first date !”
“That's not a date ! I'm arresting you !”
“You want to put cuffs on me ?” He looked at you, surprised. “Getting kinky on me ?” He said with a lower voice, winking at you.
“No !” You blushed harder. Annoyed and frustrated, you threw the handcuffs to the ground and left, stomping.
“Aw, leaving so soon ? Without a goodbye kiss ?” He frowned, his lips smiling downward as he walked toward you.
“I'm not kissing you !” You scoffed, almost offended, your back still turned to him. He gasped, hurt by your words and continued to follow you.
“But, oh, why, my love ?”
“I'm not your love ! Stop following me or I'll really arrest you !”
“Why do you have to be so mean, huh ? You worry me. Sometimes you make me feel as if you don't love me.” He said, still frowning, saddened by your attitude.
“Because I don't love you !”
“Don't say thaaat, you love me, I'm your little bug !” He said, trying to reason with you.
“What ? No, you're not. We're not in love and you're certainly not my little bug.”
“But babes !”
“No !”
“Then why do you never arrest me ? Huh ?” He finally catches you, pulling you by the arm, holding your hand. You tried not to think about it.
“Because… you're annoying !”
“Then shouldn't putting me in jail solve the problem ? You wouldn't stumble upon me again.”
“Let me go.” You pulled your hand away from his, ignoring the hurting look in his eyes.
“No, I think you like me.” He said, grabbing back your hands. “We're boyfriends after all.” He added with a hopeful smile.
“We're not. I'm a marine and you're a pirate. I should arrest you.”
“But you're not doing it, why ?”
“Because…” You frowned, unsure of what to answer. “Because you'd wear my ears off while I'd walk you to the nearest marine base.”
He gasped.
“Not true ! You love listening to me, I know it ! You love my storiiies, my vooice, the fact they're always funny and-”
“No ? I never said that ?” You pull your hands away from his once again. “You should leave before I really decide to arrest you.”
“And when will that be, mh ? Babe ?” He booped your nose, loving the way your brows furrowed, with a light dust of blush on your cheeks.
“Now !” You yelled, slapping his hand away from your face. “Hands behind your back, I'm arresting you.”
“With what cuffs ? You threw them away.” He reminded you, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Fuck !” You stomped, your feet hitting the ground hard before pushing Buggy to turn around.
“Then I'll hold them myself !”
Buggy's eyes widened in surprise at your sudden movements, letting you do as you pleased as you grabbed his hands and held them behind his back. He said nothing for a few seconds before smiling, looking at you smugly.
“All this to hold my hands, huh ? You could've just-”
“Shut up !” You blushed again, pushing him forward to walk toward the closest city with a marine base.
This was going to be a looong walk.
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blooming-violets · 1 month
Lucky number 13 for Nature please :)
Apple Of My Eye || TASM Smut
Nature - 13: beneath the shade of trees in the middle of an orchard
[TASM Peter Parker x Fem!Reader]
WC: 1k (look at me being short and sweet for once in my damn life)
A/N: Two weeks later and I'm finally start to write for these prompts! I'm a slow bitch, I can not help it.
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“It’s colder than I thought it would be out here.” She wrapped her arms around her sweater to try and hug out the chill in her bones. “I don’t think a skirt and tights was the right choice.” 
Peter’s eyes roved over her body, taking in her legs in the sheer tights, “I think they were the perfect choice.” 
That was easy for him to say. He had pants on. 
She rolled her eyes and dropped the wooden basket full of apples she was carrying at the base of the closest tree trunk. 
“Your opinions don’t count when you just like how my legs look in tights.” 
They had been wandering through this apple orchard for almost two hours. At this point in their trek, they had yet to come across any other pickers for over forty minutes. They were deep into the orchard. 
Probably lost. 
Though Peter would never admit that. 
With two full baskets of apples, they had more than enough for her mother, May, and themselves. 
She sighed and leaned against the knotted tree, kicking at a rotten apple with the toe of her leather boot. 
She was tired and hungry and cold and sick of picking apples. 
“Are you going to give me your jacket or are you just going to stare at my legs some more?”
Peter tore his eyes away from watching the way the light breeze made her skirt dance around her thighs. 
She threw up her hands in exasperation, “Oh my god!”
He laughed, tackling her off the tree and wrapping his arms around her, dragging her straight to the dew covered grass. 
“I was kidding, baby, kidding!” He pinned her to the ground, keeping her shoulders locked down with his palms and sliding his knees around her hips.
She couldn’t remember the last time she laid on the grass without a blanket between her and the ground. 
“Peter!” She cried. “It’s wet down here. Cold and wet. Probably bugs. Worms. Little beetles. Oh god, spiders!”
“Shut up,” he laughed. He shoved his lips against hers to keep her quiet with a kiss. “It’s not cold. You’re just tired and cranky because we’ve been walking for approximately ten full business days while carrying all these apples.”
She nodded, huffing, “This is true. You got us lost. And now you’ve forced me to lay in Spider’s Ville. I bet they're crawling in my hair right now and laying their eggs.”
“The only spider down here is me and I’m already on top of you so you have nothing more to worry about.” 
That got her to drop a bit of her attitude, turning her head to the side, the wet grass tickling her cheek, as she tried to hide her smile.
“Don’t you turn away from me when I’m being cute,” he chastised. 
His hand slipped around her chin to gently turn her face back to him. He leaned down to kiss her again. 
Taking his time. 
Adoring her lips. 
He slid down her body and forced himself to a kneel between her legs.
“You don’t need my jacket. I have other ways of warming you up,” he whispered, throwing a wink at her. 
Her eyes widened in surprise, “Not here! We’re in public!”
Peter lifted his head and looked around, “Baby, please, all I see is you, me, and a shit ton of apples.” 
“Well they could come!” 
A suggestive smirk grew across his lips, “You’ll be the only cumming, don’t worry.” 
Before she could even protest, his hand was slipping up her shirt and covering her breast over her bra, while he attacked her mouth with fiery kisses. 
“Omph, Peter,” she tried to breathe through his kiss. “This is…is…oh.” 
He had tugged down the strap of her bra, loosening the cup, so he could access her nipple. As she spoke, he flicked a finger against it, causing her to forget her words. 
Her quiet moans in response were all he needed to keep going. 
His tongue slipped past her lips, tangling with hers, enticing her to play along. 
Her body relaxed, hands slowly moving up to run through his hair, as she submitted to his will. 
The moment he felt her give in, he was ready to go. 
Peter broke from the kiss to slide down her stomach. He trailed kisses over her sweater until he reached her skirt. 
“You said you didn’t like these tights, right?” He panted, eyes wide with mischief. “They weren’t keeping you warm enough?”
She silently nodded, still trying to catch her breath from his dizzying kiss. 
His hand disappeared under her skirt and a loud RIP followed. 
She gasped in shock, “Peter!” She felt the massive hole he had torn open in her crotch. “That’s your solution to me being cold? Ripping my clothes off me? Counter productive.”
He chuckled under his breath, already settling himself in the grass between her legs, laying on his stomach and smirking up at her. 
“Are you really that averse to my methods?”
She went quiet, hiding her need to smile. She wasn’t averse to it. She actually found it to be incredibly sexy. They were just a pair of cheap tights. 
But she refused to tell him that. 
He winked, reading her facial expressions anyway, “That’s what I thought. Now shut up and let me eat you like one of these apples.” 
Chilly hands gently hooked behind her knees, raising her legs and spreading them wider, so he could scoot his shoulders closer. Peter pushed aside her underwear and let out a happy sigh at the sight awaiting him. 
“I love this pussy,” he whispered to it. 
His head ducked under her skirt and descended to her inner thighs. He brought his lips to her soft, rolling flesh. He traveled with kisses over her stretch marks and blemishes that he would never allow her to even think about calling imperfections. 
There wasn’t a single inch of her skin that Peter didn’t adore. 
Whatever reservations she might have had moments ago fly away the moment his breath hit her where she needed it most. The anticipation of what was to come had stoked a spark of her desire into a roaring lame. She didn’t care where he took her just as long as his tongue was buried in her pussy. 
A whimper escaped her as they made contact. 
She felt him give a breathy, hot laugh against her, knowing just as well as she did that she was enjoying this more than she wanted to let on. 
He mumbled against her dewy lips, “You’re the cutest.”
He always loved hearing her whimper and moan despite all the fight she would put up. 
She would give in. 
Every time. 
Peter delved back in, licking a steady stripe over her soft folds, dipping into her for a taste before dragging his tongue back up to her clit. 
Tight, slow circles toyed with her sweet bud. 
His mintrations were reserved. Lazy. Like he was purposely taking his time to savor every stretching second. 
Languid and precise. 
But it wasn’t long until he had her mewling and writhing over him. 
The sounds urged him to hasten his work. 
He wrapped his arms around her legs, pushing them up, locking his arms over her stomach so he could hold her closer. His face buried into her. Head hidden under her skirt. Lapping his tongue over her soaked, sensitive folds. Tending to her clit, worshiping it between his lips, before sinking his tongue back into her for another taste. 
Heat rose over her body, warming her skin, pushing away the chill. 
At least he was correct in delivering on that front. She was no longer cold. 
Steaming hot. 
Her thighs trembled in Peter’s hold as pleasure seemed to pulse out from between them. 
She let out a long, gasping moan. Trying to be silent should anyone be nearby but unable to keep it in. 
Peter was too good with his tongue. 
He responded with a guttural moan of his own from under her skirt, eating her out like a starving man unabashedly enjoying his first meal in days. 
The vibrations of such a low, growling moan spread across her clit and sent shivers up her arching spine. 
Her fists clenched at clumps of wet grass. 
Feeling it give way in her hands. Ripping up. Dirt sinking under her nails. 
She should be embarrassed how quickly Peter could take her from complaining about the cold to forcing her to orgasm but she couldn’t focus on anything besides that building pleasure. 
His tongue pulled breathy whimpers from her lips. 
Easing her closer and closer to that beautiful release. 
“P-Peter!’ She gasped, letting out a desperate, needy whine. “Feels…so good!”
He was mumbling something against her lips but his words were muffled out by her cunt. 
His grip around her belly tightened. 
He knew she was almost there. 
Hanging on by a quivering thread. 
Peter turned all his attention to making love to her clit.
Her hips canted, arching off the ground. 
Peter anticipated the move, shifting to follow her, knowing her well enough to predict where her body will go. Never letting the latch his mouth had on her pussy slip for even a second. 
Her calves shook under her weight, holding her up, following her trembling thighs as her body gave in. 
Her hand slammed across her mouth to stifle the shriek she desperately wanted to let rip. Letting it fall against her heavy, clamped hand instead.
Smelling the earthy dirt mixed with juicy apples against her fingers. 
The faint smell of sex lingering in the wind. 
Wet grass clinging to her skin. 
Her clothes, damp. 
Her body, on fire. 
Peter stayed dutifully to her spasming pussy, letting her ride it out, sucking out every last drop she had to give, until she came crashing back to earth. 
He lapped through her folds with moaning growls of delight as he cleaned her with his tongue. 
It was only when she couldn’t take it anymore, far too sensitive post orgasm, that she shoved him out from under her skirt with her hand. 
He emerged with a lopsided, glistening grin that screamed a silent “I told you so”. 
It was only them and the apples. 
Not a single person wandered on to the erotic feast he had devoured. 
She threw a sweatered arm over her eyes to block out the sight of red apples against the deep blue sky. 
Breathing heavily.
Feeling uncomfortable wet down below. 
She felt him crawling over her. The weight of his stomach pressed against her. 
His salty lips urged her out of hiding with his tongue gliding into her mouth.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, kissing him deeply. 
Peter’s eyes were shining, proud of the work he had done this lazy afternoon.
He didn’t care for her ripped tights or soaked underwear or the fact that they were both covered in wet grass stains. 
All he cared about was her and making sure her mood had shifted. 
She shook her head up at him, still not fully believing he had suckered her into this.
“I love you to my core,” he murmured, a smile tugging at his lips. “You’re the apple of my eye. You’re so a-peel-ing to me, baby. Let’s go home and live apple-y ever after.” 
“I literally hate you so much right now.” 
His laughter was enough to prove her statement false. 
She loved him. 
Even if he was a dork.
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