#because they were so invested in getting attention from other cats while in grief that they created things to grieve over
signs-of-the-moon · 28 days
I'm still working on posts for thr responsibilities for each job in the Land's Star, but I also wanna start brainstorming lore stories as well. Like tales the elders would tell. I've got a few ideas. Eventually I might put up a poll to have people vote on which one I write first
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loyally-unfaithful · 4 years
desolation!au (lunatic!kaede au)
summary: in canon, kotetsu manages to restore barnaby's memory at the last second, but what if it didn't work? what if kaede ex machina never got the chance to save her father at the top of the apollon media tower and restore the other heroes' memories? in fact, what if she never knew they were being brainwashed in the first place?what if kotetsu died that day?
basically me developing my idea of an au where, consumed by anger and grief, kaede seeks lunatic to help her in carrying her revenge and murdering her father's killer.
illustration of lunatic!kaede is attached at the very end of the fic :3
a/n: tbh, i was watching tiger & bunny w/ my friends and at some point i thought about kaede being lunatic's student because i just want to see her start shit and it wasn't anything much at first, just small headcanons here and little doodles there. but then idk , i made a little sketch and it all snowballed from there.
i ended up developing this au and have become quite invested in it.  
i’m aware the format looks like cat shit on mobile, im sorry. if it’s super disruptive to the reading experience, feel free to refer to the ao3 version (links are in my desc).
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alternate names lmao
lunatic!kaede! au
revenge girl!au
vendetta! au
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follows the same storyline up until the memory loss arc, where the au experiences a massive canon divergence.
kotetsu receives a chance to escape after being aided by lunatic, and, not letting his unsuccessful attempt at making his friends remember his true identity deter him, he gathered them at the top of the apollon media tower. he tries again to make them remember that he is wild tiger, and not a murderer, but much like in canon the rest of the group do not believe him—though some falter briefly. unlike canon, however, is that kaede ex machina does not appear in time to unleash maverick’s next power that she copied to restore everyone’s memories.
she does make an attempt to reach the tower where her father is taking a stand, but she does not encounter maverick and on her way up the roof the elevator stops—as it should during emergencies... without her interference, the rest of the hero team overpower kotetsu who is smashed through the roof and lands into saito’s lab. realising that the latter doesn’t remember who he was either, kotetsu quickly grabs his suit and motorbike to try to escape and regroup with ben. the rest of the heroes rush to go after him, though some (blue rose, etc) are more hesitant than others (rock bison, etc). on the way down they [the heroes] find kaede and become preoccupied with her. they’re experiencing an emergency but the child refuses to leave, so some of the heroes have their hands full handling her.
during this, the cameras continue to follow kotetsu. in the end, barnaby pursues kotetsu on his own vehicle and they fight at the bridge where they first teamed up. kaede can follow what is currently happening as the event is broadcasted and grows increasingly hysterical, screaming that she needs to be there and that they’re [blue rose, sky high, etc] supposed to be helping her dad, not pursue him. at some point before the final blow, the feed cuts—the camera probably got hit by chunks of armour or other sort of debris.
the fight follows canon up until barnaby intends on delivering the final kick
« so this is it, eh? take care lil’ bunny…»
this time, the kick connects.
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at this point kaede is inconsolable, not being able to handle the fact that the broadcast cut and she can’t check her father’s condition in real time anymore. the heroes’ attempt at getting her to speak or to tell them who her guardian is is met with choked sobs and no response.
there’s two way i see her finding out about her father’s defeat, and subsequent death:
the least traumatic, but still traumatic option: the feed was the last time she ever saw her father. the heroes only hear that « the criminal has been captured/dealt with by barnaby » on their private channel so they slowly excuse themselves and disperse, leaving kaede alone. some of the security guards approach her, trying to get a number to contact but eventually learn that she wasn’t speaking and let her sit there for a bit before calling the authorities.
the intensely traumatic “whoa you ruined a perfectly good 10-11 year old” option: as kaede grows increasingly distressed and the heroes try to keep her under control, she sees members of staff trying to cart something off discreetly. she gets a quick glance on what is being carried and recognises the hand poking out under the large tarp covering the rest of the body. it had her father’s wedding band, which he continued to wear, and upon realising what had happened, she immediately goes catatonic and wouldn’t react to the heroes anymore.
she either sits in the empty building until very late at night, sits outside on the bus stop with no intention of getting on simply watching the last of the buses disappear in the horizon, or waits at the police station with no intention of telling them who to call.
she eventually reaches the conclusion that her father will probably never come back as he died on her own and breaks down.
much like option 1) she sits in the empty building, waiting for someone who will never return.
in both options, ben ex machina (yes kaede got demoted in this au im sorry) finds her and explains to her that he was her father’s boss. this gained her attention somewhat, and she let him drive her back home after he told her that her grandmother has been frantically contacting ben after realising that kaede wouldn’t pick up.
during all this, she remains silent and out of it, still not fully accepting that her father wasn’t coming back home: kaede knows it’s no use to wait for her father anymore, but doesn’t outwardly admit the fact just in case he really is alive. she knows she’s just lying to herself.
on their way back to the kaburagi home, ben explains to her that he tried to get on that bridge as fast as possible to intercept the two, but only arrived after barnaby had left the scene. he doesn’t go into much detail, but does give her the few things he had found and recognised was kotetsu’s:
the tiger emblem that he kept this whole time
the two matching christmas pins that (unknowingly to both ben and kaede) he shared with his former partner
the first sound kaede makes in a long time is more wracking sobs as she clutches the small objects.
she passes out sometimes during transit, and wakes up the next afternoon in her room, the memorabilia safe in her pocket.
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the next day, hero tv, and the organisations that funds it, refuses to make an official statement on kotetsu’s whereabouts after being intercepted by barnaby—they know that the latter murdered kotetsu, but they avoid the question in order to save his and the company’s reputation. they would answer something like:
kotetsu running away
being imprisoned for 250 years, with no visitors.
accidentally got himself killed
for the most part, the general populace accepted this outcome and thanked the diligent work of the heroes, but kaede and her family know better. kotetsu wasn’t the type to just leave, and he wouldn’t have committed murder in the first place. this official statement further cemented the fact that kotetsu had died—been killed. within sternbild, another powerful figure also doubted the credibility of the statement. yuri would literally see the red flags, but the situation really isn’t in his favour and he doesn’t know where to even tackle this. he’d need to do more digging up before planning out his attack.
kaede concludes (correctly) that barnaby was behind her father’s death, and possessed with anger and hatred, decided that she will get revenge one way or another and prove her father’s innocence.
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basic plot
headcanon form now, because it’s more convenient.
the lead-up:
during the few days/weeks that followed, she barely went out of her room unless necessary. 
she barely ate, even ignoring the flan pudding she adored so much. 
in her self-imposed isolation, she marinates in her own grief, which turns into anger and hatred. 
at first she regrets not having spent more time with her father and reaching out to him, instead of expecting kotetsu to do that for her. 
but the focus slowly shifts to wanting to make kotetsu’s murderer suffer as he has made her dad suffer. 
you know what, throw in the rest of the heroes. 
they should’ve been kotetsu’s friend and believed him instead of pursuing him relentlessly: they’re complicit too and should be punished accordingly.
it’s important to note that, since kaede didn’t interact with maverick and inherit his next power, she doesn’t know that the heroes have been brainwashed. 
she just thinks that they’re secretly an evil group posing to be heroes.
she loses faith in them, and their flawed justice that got her father killed
she wants to avenge her father and prove his innocence so badly, but doesn’t know how or where to begin. the odds are stacked against her, since only her family and a few people here and there believe in kotetsu’s innocence.
while she’s holed up in her room, she mindlessly replays the video clips that featured her dad over and over again until she memorised every single word and committed her father’s movements to memory. 
one day, as she flips through the different collectibles and magazines that featured him, she came across one such issue which showcased a different type of “hero”: the sanctioner with blue flames.
the vigilante who’s idea of justice was becoming more and more appealing to kaede the more she thought about it.
she’s seen the clips, how his next power allowed him to continually keep up with the 100 power duo. how it always allowed him to have the upper hand and to deliver his justice. 
kaede wants that kind of strength, that kind of power, to avenge her father.
she resolves herself to find or contact the vigilante no matter how, though that seemed to be a complicated enough task in and of itself.
kaede figures that when she does find him, she’ll either get him to work with her to get her revenge or copy his power if he refuses.
her searches prove more or less fruitless tho since lunatic can't be found when he doesn't want to be found lmao
after a few weeks/months, she grows disheartened and becomes rather depressed again.
the actual encounter:
i don’t have an actually have a concrete idea on how they met and how kaede convinced yuri to work with her, just a bunch of possibilities going from plausible to straight up crack
one way she could meet him is by bumping into judge petrov when she’s tagging along with her fam to try and claim kotetsu’s body.
the intent was to go to sternbild to recover kotetsu so that they can bury him in the family grave (and rejoin tomoe), but since the city refuses to acknowledge that kotetsu is dead and admit that a hero killed a person, the kaburagi fam can’t get his body back.
very sad times, maybe after the unsuccessful hearing kaede cries and rlly begs to be able to get her father back, and grabs hold of yuri to make her point come across or something.
do you even see a judge when you try to claim a criminal’s body? idk it’s probably illegal to make physical contact w a judge but kaede is only bby so maybe she won't go to jail? i don’t know i’m dum
anyway, he’d probably carefully peel the child off of him and say something vaguely sympathetic before going wherever the hell judges go after trial? court? i know nothing about the legal system and it shows
uh oh skin to skin contact
kaede unwittingly copies his power and moves on with her day. it wasn’t until she came home and felt a burst of anger that she noticed that??? she can summon blue flames??? like lunatic does??? except she doesn’t recall meeting him at all???
she puts two and two together and susses yuri out
or instead of literally harassing him in court
maybe she just stumbles on lunatic because his favourite hobbies are standing ominously on roofs and killing murderers, in that order.
kaede: why is there a funny looking scarecrow on the roof…???
kaede: hoLY HECK
how she manages to get lunatic on her side is more convoluted
one way would be her going back to the city and confronting yuri about it. of course, he’d deny her claim until she gets angry enough and her eyes light up. 
yuri’s like “oh sHIT”. 
she could threaten him by saying that if he won’t help her then she will just seek her revenge by herself. 
yuri doesn’t want her to do anything rash and cause him to get in hot water because he rlly doesn't want to deal w/ the aftermath. also he doesn’t want to like, see a whole child get hurt :(
so i guess he’s like, “this is my lot in life now”, and accepts to take her as his apprentice so long as she doesn’t cause any trouble
that was the peaceful route
kaede could also fight fire with fire
just hound down lunatic instead of yuri and when she finds him it’s on sight. chuck a whole fireball to catch his attention and demand that he takes her as his apprentice. idk maybe threaten to fight him mono e mono unless he complies. 
lunatic would probably just ghost her lmao 
but she’d continue to show up whenever he’s raring to kill a murderer so maybe he’ll accept because it’s getting more disruptive if he doesn’t
if anything, her persistence would impress him somewhat: she’s determined, and even when she’s only had the flames for like, what? 3 days? she can already control it well enough to shoot projectiles. she has potential and would be a helpful ally instead of burdening him.
the chaotic crackhead route is for kaede to somehow get her hands on yuri’s address and bully him until he listens to her
just show up outside his room at 3 am, eyes glowing, floating 3 feet from the ground. hell, t-pose outside his window. 
terrorise him.
she’d play loud music or shout at him day in day out 
she may even follow him to work and just pester him
constantly asking him to mentor her so she can have her revenge, poking and prodding about his secret night job as lunatic
kaede will leave mama petrov alone this doesn’t concern her
her beef isn’t w mama petrov
ever since that encounter, yuri has not known peace
yuri has 2 ghosts to deal with 
that’s 2 too many
he’s gonna take one out
the minimum age of criminal responsibility in japan is 14, while in new york it’s 18 (thanks google)
take your pick
kaede is 10-11
so either way yuri can’t take her to jail for harassment 
she’s coming out of this scott free
he snaps and literally begs her to stfu if he follows her wish :b:lease
he hasn’t slept for 34 days
regardless, kaede will come out victorious and yuri is now stuck with a child 
on a more serious note, yuri’s and kaede’s agenda are the same and it just so happens that their goals align. he has been suss since day one ever since the kotetsu debacle.
in hindsight maverick really should’ve brainwashed the only judge, the person in charge of the justice bureau, the curator who has access to the hero’s files
maybe i’m jumping to conclusion
for all i know maybe maverick also attempted to invite yuri to that announcement “party” thing
but yuri was like 
« no ? fuck off »
and went on his way
yuri wants to look oddly menacing in his basement dungeon thing 
and maverick brushed it off because he didn’t think yuri was lunatic, or a next one the first place
we know that yuri learns that maverick is behind all of this and is probably a next on his own, but decides against taking action. i suppose in canon because he knows it’s not his battle to see through, but in the au maybe because he knows he’s fighting a losing battle. also he kinda injured his arm after being shot by H-01, so he doesn’t want to fight with a handicap.
he doesn’t want to take any rash action and cause more problems for himself.
potentially putting his whole secret identity scheme in jeopardy.
he chooses to take a moment to regroup and plan his actual attack. he couldn’t take on 7 heroes and 1 android at once, and risk getting brainwashed too.
at first, even if working together seem to only benefit kaede, the situation also gives yuri some strategic advantages. 
like once he finds out that kaede’s power is a mimic ability, not the flame ability. i feel like he’d find that hella useful
also kaede is a child who’s also basically a nobody in sternbild. she can infiltrate spaces he can’t, and not raise any suspicion.
  possible denouements:
i see 3 major endings possible, with secondary endings which is just a one of the 3 major endings with some slight changes:
1. all sinners must die ending
pretty self explanatory. kaede gets her revenge: with the help of lunatic she kills barnaby and maverick, potentially killing or maiming the rest of the heroes. her father has been avenged, but the city is more or less in a panic because there are no more heroes to protect them. “faith” in the vigilante, or at least in kaede, plummets because they attacked “innocent” people. it’s possible that she brings her father’s framing to light (but not that the heroes were brainwashed), though it’s doubtful that she gets the chance after causing such an uproar.
kaede probably never learns the truth: that the heroes were brainwashed.
this may or may not leave kaede incredibly bitter and nihilistic, as even though she got her revenge she doesn’t feel any satisfaction or sense of closure. she doesn’t get any form of catharsis and probably still has a difficult time moving on and coping with her grief. the city of sternbild adopts a very cold atmosphere and regains a strong distrust towards nexts, kaede may or may not continue to be a vigilante as she’s still trapped in grief limbo, yuri has to deal with the messy aftermath.
overall, it’s probably the worst possible ending.
of schemes and double agents ending
a kinda slow burn route, i suppose? in this ending, kaede realises that the heroes are being manipulated unlike in the previous one. she decides to restore the hero’s memories one by one and getting them to secretly help her. i don’t think she could recruit everyone, but i’m thinking about those like blue rose, who seemed to remember somewhat after kotetsu’s speech thing. kaede could slowly remind them, and despite initial mistrust and animosity they would come round and realise there was a huge discrepancy in their memory.
outright rebelling against maverick would be rash and the heroes risk being brainwashed once more, so they figure they would pull the strings somewhat and provide kaede/lunatic with internal knowledge to help them.
in the epic showdownTM, when the heroes and kaede finally have a face off, barnaby (and those who weren’t approached by kaede) would experience quite a curveball: those who regained their memories would side with kaede.
safety in solitude ending
in this ending, kaede works alone (with lunatic) without having recruited the other heroes even after realising they’ve been brainwashed. perhaps because it’d be too risky just in case they get brainwashed again or that they don’t agree with the vigilante’s idea and rat them out, whatever the reason may be the duo works alone.
this will lead into an even more epic showdownTM where it’s 2 v. 8: even though the stakes are not in the duo’s favour they somehow manage to come triumphant? or maybe the heroes regain their memories one by one and decide to stop fighting, even though they don’t exactly join the duo’s side.
maverick dies. lunatic kills him. i doubt many are against the idea though.
barnaby’s memories would be the last one she “restores”: (courtesy of my friend) it would probably go something like, in a burst of anger she jumps him and gets his hundred power. as she punches at him, she tearfully confronts him about how her father must’ve felt in his last moments and how much kotetsu seemed to adore him back when he was alive.
if bunny dies (ending 2/ending 3) kaede would not feel as angry and cynical, but more regretful or grievous. she’d probably stop using her next powers to do much anything (instead of continuing to be a vigilante like in ending 1). she’ll move on eventually, with more than less difficulty. the city of sternbild is on edge, but continue to place their faith on heroes.
if bunny lives (ending 2/ending 3), kaede would get a stronger sense of closure as she would be able to dialogue with bunny. barnaby would however, feel unending grief once he realises what he has done. 
regardless if bunny is dead or not, the truth is revealed to the general public along with maverick’s scheme and true intent in ending 2 and 3. so basically canon episode 25 ending except more angst and kotetsu is dead a while ago
not a constant… but it’s possible that because of lunatic’s whole code being “kill murderers and those who protect them” he’d be displeased with kaede choosing to spare bunny. maybe he’s the last boss… kaede and bunny defeat lunatic with 100 power, much like barnaby used to do with kotetsu?... nah that’s too messy and honestly i prefer lunatic and kaede to remain on peaceful terms lmao
lunatic’s satisfied with killing maverick, he’ll back off of this one—barnaby was manipulated anyway. so technically... it wasn’t his conscious decision nor his fault???
basically i don’t want kaede to fight her mentor figure, but i’m merely acknowledging the possibility.
maybe he walks up towards barnaby, the other heroes too beat up to do anything but watch while kaede remains by barnaby’s side
and lunatic just stands ominously in front of bunny, looking like he’s about to shoot him
but then he turns away
« hmph, how ridiculous. repent for the rest of your life, barnaby brooks jr. »
and then lunatic disappears in a flash, leaving a singed mark—the only proof that he had stood there.
heck, remember how she recovered the christmas pins? she could chuck those angrily at barnaby’s general direction to put emphasis.
kaede knows she’ll never be able to bring her father back, but she’d manage her grief easier. if barnaby lives, kaede would probably become a hero to honor her father and to use her power for good as her father would’ve wanted her to do.
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headcanons in no particular order, certainly not chronological. crack, fluff, angst, just whatever comes to mind. for ease of reading, i will try to organise them thematically.
tiger x bunny
rest in peace king, you will be missed.
kotetsu ded so the gay cannot be, rip in species.
but i’m putting this here because prior to the brainwashing they do be kinda gay tho, and even if kaede doesn’t know the exact nature of the relationship between the two she knows that her father was very fond of barnaby and cared for him deeply.
lunatic | yuri petrov & kaede
this au is pretty lunatic & kaede centric, because well,,, kotetsu kicked the bucket, and barnaby and the heroes are considered the villains here
i see lunatic and kaede having a mentor-student kind of relationship, that can be fluffy sometimes a found family trope could eventually be established, but that’s super delicate
on another note, if you really want to fuck up your 11 year old because you absolutely want to give kaede the worst possible outcomes for some reason, she could—as a young child who has lost both her parents at a very young age—develop an unhealthy dependence on this [lunatic] new authority figure. she might incorrectly interpret his concern for familial care, etc… but i’m not even going there, that’s too messy.
tbh the real tragedy would be kaede imprinting on yuri’s garbage sense of fashion… the secret to dressing well died with kotetsu.
idk if i should explicit this, but just in case: this is not a romantic ship please don’t come for my throat. literally this au was created because i wanted to see kaede start shit—just go absolutely feral and start chaos lmao
i would like snapshots of him teaching her how to control the flames better but also look out for her general well being because this kid has issues. basically give me a montage of yuri mentoring kaede and slowly becoming fond of her or give me death:
lunatic probably made his own costume so? i’d like to imagine yuri takes the time to make one for kaede too?? also he makes sure it wooshes cool in the wind and idk, flammable enough to allow her to burn the cape off before she attacks???
just yuri hand sewing some apparels for kaede uwu
also give me vaguely domestic yuri or give me death
also mayhaps, gives kaede affirming headpats?
like if she performs well and her mastery over her powers improves in leaps and bounds? or when she finally unlocks a skill she’s been struggling with for a bit?? just a proud head pat and a well-intentioned-but-cold-sounding « well done »???
maybe when kaede first actually learns how to use her powers, her emotions might get the best of her or maybe she’s plain nervous because fire = danger and scary. 
and it shows because the flames grow more erratic and out of her control, and yuri grows very concerned for her well being because he doesn’t want her to get burnt like he did when he first awakened his power.
before it all degenerates, he helps calm her down and prevent his house from burning down. or wherever he goes to when he’s doing lunatic stuff…
a dungeon ?
his basement ?
my basement don’t look like that
we know where all the judge money is going: renovating the basement
much like her mentor, when she gets rlly angry her eyes burst into flames. to prevent her from getting into trouble by accidentally activating her power and injuring someone or simply revealing her identity, yuri would teach her grounding exercises or anchoring phrases that he himself uses.
idk just teach her breathing techniques to ease her anxiety or a mantra to recite if she feels like she’s gonna set someone on fire
also idk if i should give kaede a different weapon from lunatic (i know i will because the crossbow is lunatic’s aesthetic, and his only), but i like to imagine yuri teaching her how to shoot crossbows and her becoming oddly proficient at it
grandma kaburagi wondering why kaede has wicked aim all of the sudden
tbh kaede would just shoot w her hands. just pew pew finger. 
or she does the kamehameha thing she did w blue rose’s power lmao
at first he kinda sees being responsible for her as a bit of a chore and annoying, but maybe he slowly grows fond of her and idk, dotes on her. 
protecc the bby
help her do her homework
« i’ve only had kaede for a day and a half. but if anything happened to her, i would kill everyone in this room and then myself. »
on the flipside, at first kaede thought that yuri is hecking weird, man. just creepy suspicious prosecutor dude who she allies with because revenge girl rlly wants revenge
but he grows on her and kaede thinks he’s not so bad after all. an good authority figure whom she respects and cares for 
she still probably thinks he’s hella weird tho
kinda weird but also sometimes kinda cool 
eccentric but like in a good way
like your weird neighbour henry who means well despite what he says sometimes 
kaede would learn his corny cool catchphrases and repeat them when she’s out and about as a vigilante. 
just adopt/mimic his speech pattern of saying things slowly for more oomph
gotta do the whole code of justice and thanatos speech before she bombards barnaby with flaming arrows
yuri feels oddly proud
they’re both probably hella protective over each other tho. because that’s just kaede’s personality and yuri feels responsible for the safety of this child that he has been entrusted with.
children love sweets right? yuri secretly likes sweets. they can share sweets after setting murderers on fire uwu
idk man i just want some good mentor-apprentice relationship
it doesn’t have to always be angst
we can have fluff
maybe they can learn from each other and be semi-functional human beings 
that thing where the apprentice’s outfit is like directly taken from their mentor’s but also vaguely different. i want that.
sometimes the real revenge is the friends you make along the way uwu
  school + domestic life
ok so like
kaede gets big depressed because duh your dad just got murdered by his partner 
and she rlly misses him and wished she was more understanding back then. she wished she spent more time w him back when he was alive
but it’s too late now and that makes her big depressed
so i feel like for the first few weeks/months after her father’s death, kaede wouldn’t go to school?? and i feel like her grandmother would understand and just like
not pester her about it and let her sort out her emotions first before talking to kaede about the elephant in the room
but also like, the school board also agrees to wait it out because the parents are kinda iffy about what has transpired
to be fair, oriental town is probably one of those small towns where everyone knows each other? so the parents/adults who know kotetsu are like??? kotetsu wouldn’t kill a person??
but the children who are more connected to the media and don’t know him personally believe that kotetsu murdered someone and deserved to be “arrested”? because why would you doubt hero tv and the heroes, they’re the good guys after all.
so when kaede found it within herself to finally go back to school, she has a rude awakening and learns that words travel fast in a small community
the other kids, not knowing any better, believed that kotetsu is a criminal w their whole chest and started all kinds of rumours on kaede
when she went to class she was greeted w her desk being pushed far away from the rest of the class, the other students steering clear from her
all sorts of nasty things were carved/marked with a sharpie on her locker and table—some others stuck paper with w the word “murderer” on it
kaede lost most of her friends and the rest of the classmates avoided her like the plague as they say vile things about her and her father
« look she’s back »
they don’t even try to hide the fact or bother to mask their voice and speak in a hushed whisper. 
« they said her father killed someone, who knows what she could do »
so kaede hears everything.
« don’t get close to her, or we might end up finding your body in a ditch »
kaede doesn’t follow through, but sometimes she thinks about running away from school to escape the bullying.
« come to think of it, she was always weird wasn’t she? she’s so creepy! »
maybe at some point it gets so disruptive that kaede can’t have a functional or healthy school life due to the constant harassment and alienation, so the school board agreed to let kaede do the rest of the year through online classes or homeschooling
in a way this works out very well for kaede, because it allows her more freetime to do vigilante stuff and she gets to avoid people’s gaze. 
she’s grown to dislike them, the scornful gaze of her peers and the pity from the adults.
the student’s parents always come to apologise to her, but for some reason their pity infuriates her to no end.
sadly this means that kaede isn’t as cheerful as before and becomes more closed off and reserved :(
kaede would continue to do ice skating tho
because it’s her passion
but also because she’s obstinate like that
« oh the others don’t want me here? they hate me?? they think i don’t belong on the ice??? they can go stick it, i’m gonna be amazing out of spite! »
at home kaede becomes even more protective over her grandmother, as seeing as she’s being homeschooled means she gets to spend more time w her and help her out with the housework
idk the blue flames could be handy for doing housework
oh the stove won’t light up? oh you’re gonna go get a different lighter? nice this is a convenient time to use my next power to spark the stove! when grandma is back kaede is just like « look i got it to light up, guess u didn’t have to go through all that trouble huh? » :D
since the fire doesn’t burn indiscriminately, could she, theoretically, control the heat/where it burns to make laundry dry faster???
kaede nearly gets a heart attack seeing the new scarecrow for grandma’s cabbage patch, but turns out she just found kaede’s vigilante costume laying around and didn’t think twice about it 
bonus points of grandma uses lunatic himself as a scarecrow
lunatic would make an incredible scarecrow fight me
despite not being able to retrieve kotetsu’s body to bury him with tomoe, kaede often visits their family grave and the shrine in kotetsu’s room and bring them flowers. 
she knows she’s just talking to air, but she likes to recount her day to her parents. about whatever she’s up to, and keeping them updated on everyone’s condition: grandma and uncle are doing well. grandma is still healthy thank god, while uncle sometimes like to joke about how his store is terribly quiet now without kotetsu around.
she tells them the whole truth, how she found lunatic and was going to avenge her father. that she was going to prove his innocence to everyone, if it was the last thing she’ll ever do.
in a bittersweet way, it comforts her somewhat that her father is finally with his wife again and that they’re both watching over her.
  of next powers and secret identities
to this day, kaede is the only one who knows about yuri’s secret identity
they’re both complicit in this secret matter
this continues even after the endings 
even if she became a hero she’d refuse to reveal lunatic’s real identity
it’s a matter of principle
she will always hold a great deal of respect for her mentor 
on another note, i’m fixing kaede’s next power because it’s too broken and is kinda inconvenient lmao: in this au she needs actual skin-to-skin contact to assimilate someone else’s next power, so if the individual is wearing gloves or touching clothes it won’t work.
adding on to this, kaede starts wearing gloves when she’s up and about so that she can limit the amount of nexts she may unknowingly make contact with and keep her current ability [blue fire].
the power would be super useful tho. like you can make yourself disappear into a puff of flames,,, so theoretically if kaede finds herself in a situation she’d rather not be in she can just ghost you irl
« y’all ugly. boom. »
remember how kaede’s room is filled to the brim w barnaby merch???
great for target practice and for letting out your anger
also to dramatically scribble out the eyes in black sharpie to get the revenge girl aesthetic 
oh man she’ll probably be sad that she snipped her father off from that one picture with barnaby 
in that regard her attitude towards bunny will take a complete 180
she used to think the world of him, but now all she thinks about is crushing him under her heel
also, i know she’d imitate lunatic’s whole speech thing, but what if she repeated her father’s catchphrase to provoke barnaby?
also in homage of her dad ofc
« it’s time to let out a wild roar! »
*strikes pose*
*angery barnaby noises*
what if as time goes on it gets increasingly harder and harder to hide the fact that kaede is a vigilante. 
like at first, her family is like “oh she’s grieving in her own way, let’s give her some space” and they’re surprised by how well kaede is taking it because she’s so calm, even if she’s more distant 
while kaede sneaks out at night to start shit
and her grandmother starts to notice how she seems more alert and jumpy, or sleep deprived. how kaede seemed to be hiding bruises and injuries, and tries to clean her wounds herself late at night. 
when asked kaede would deny everything and say she doesn’t use her next powers anymore because it freaks her out
but grandma is suss
she concerned for her granddaughter
maybe she doesn’t know about kaede’s secret identity but maybe she finds out she’s been meeting with yuri
a grandma beats up a man in his late 20s-mid 30s on live television 
maybe at some point the heroes learn kaede’s real age, or assume correctly that she’s barely a teen and they’re like
is lunatic forcing you to do this ?
you don’t have to do something you don’t want to
it’s not too late for you if you give up
when rlly this was all kaede’s choice in the first place, not even lunatic’s
and that assumption rlly makes kaede angry, because their inactivity led to her father’s death and forced her hands
so it’s not their place to act like they’re concerned for her and her safety
just rlly distrust and dislike the heroes 
has a strong disdain for them
real talk, but kaede doesn’t know that the heroes were brainwashed. that’s why she’s able to be so ruthless against them, because she thinks they’re evil and working for some big conspiracy while playing a helpful and friendly front.
but when/if she does learn the truth? the kotetsu factor jumps out.
they aren’t acting as if they were the good guys, they rlly think that they are because to them they just took out another criminal and not their longtime friend.
she’ll have an inner conflict. because on one hand, the heroes don’t know any better and are being manipulated so it would be cruel to punish them so harshly. on the other hand, they got her dad killed and for that she wants to inflict them as much pain and grief as they have caused her.
the kotetsu factor would keep her going tho. now she’s determined to not only clear her father’s name, but also restore everyone’s memory, because it’s the right thing to do.
but now everytime she has to face them and fight, she feels a slight hesitancy and feels sorry for them.
mayhaps blue rose as double agent ???
origami got big double agent potential, but he wasn’t having any of kotetsu’s shit so alas
another important character we gotta talk about: h-01
hear me out
so the android isn’t built with a voice box so it can’t speak. it don’t got any acoustics. but because of maverick’s brainwashing, when the heroes talk to the empty air they hear “tiger’s” response, which is purely borne from their own psychosis.
h-01: …
barnaby: perfect idea tiger, you can cover me
rock bison: who is that guy?
h-01: …
rock bison: yeah they look very suspicious to me too…
h-01: …
barnaby: i know!
anyway, it’s very weird and surreal to watch
just the heroes having a very one sided conversation
lunatic and kaede don’t know what to make of it and finds it really bizarre, because they know the android isn’t saying anything at all
yet the heroes are convinced he’s communicating with them
so maybe if kaede manages to restore someone’s memory, they start to notice that “tiger” doesn’t actually talk. he never did this whole time.
and it gets hard to come up with a response and pretend he answered them. 
the restored heroes also find it super creepy how it’s just silent and watching, how the others seem to think that the robot can speak.
maybe this will cause some suspicion amongst the heroes (who will brush it off) and maverick, and the restored hero will have to pretend to still be brainwashed to not get manipulated a second time
basically h-01 is creepy and just generally not fun to be around
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edit: thank you @kyarymell​ for cleaning the sketch up on photoshop ;w;
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ladyreapermc · 4 years
Parent Trap Prologue (Keanu x Reader)
Summary: Annie and Hallie are twin sisters who never met until they end up in the same summer camp together. They decide to switch places to see how the other lives. Hallie heads to Los Angeles to meet Keanu, owner of Arch Motorcycle Company, while Annie goes to New York to meet you, rising fashion designer. Their plan is simple: get their parents together to make the perfect family. If only it could be that easy…
Author’s notes: This is an alternative universe based on @ringa-starr​​ request of a fic with Parent Trap as a plot. This prologue is a little grim, but I needed to set up a few things for this story to work. The next chapter will be way lighter, I promise.
Wordcount: 1213
Warnings: Lots of angst (child abandonment and endangerment; brief mention of minor character death)
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New York, December 2006
 As Keanu stepped out of the restaurant, he raised the collar of his coat against the cold night air. He didn’t know exactly why these New York hedge fund guys wanted to invest in a tiny like motorcycle company in California that no one even knew about, but he wasn’t about to reject their money. Not when he and Gard was struggling to get Arch off the paper. So, he agreed to fly across the country and take this meeting because it was a chance of launching their company.
And it didn’t hurt that it gave him an excuse to be away from his family for a while. Keanu loved them to death, but the news of his sister being pregnant with her second kid shook him. He was happy of course, but it also brought him this unexpected wave of sadness. He thought he would have it for himself by now: a partner, a kid. Maybe even a dog or a cat… probably both. But it seemed that it wasn’t in the cards for him. Keanu needed some time to deal with his own sadness and grief before he could be the supportive brother and be completely happy for her.
With a sigh, he adjusted his scarf around his neck, pushing his mouth and nose under the warm fabric. He could see the lights of his hotel across the street and all Keanu wanted was to bury under the covers with some nice wine and watch crappy reruns until he fell asleep. He quickened his pace, sidestepping a woman who was standing on his way, but before Keanu could take another step, she grabbed his arm, catching his attention.
The first thing he noticed was the fact she was in the flimsy nightgown that wasn’t doing much against the cold. The second thing was her tear-streaked face, eyes wide and haunted as her grip on his arm tightened, keeping him in place.
“Are you ok?” he asked and before Keanu knew what was happening, she had shoved a heavy bundle of fabric in his arms.
“Take it, please! I can’t…” the woman’s voice broke, her blueish lips trembling as big tears rolled down her face. “It has to be you. I know you’re gonna be good to her.”
“What? To whom?” Keanu asked in confusion, taking a step towards the woman, but she just shook her head and pushed the bundle closer to his chest. “Miss, why don’t you come with me and get out of the cold? Maybe I can call someone for you?”
He watched as she hesitated, her eyes darting around, her entire body shaking.
“Will you help, then? Please?”
“Yes,” Keanu replied with a nod. “I’ll help.”
“Thank you,” her relieved smile was weak and faint, but it was enough for Keanu to feel that initial wave of panic lessening. He gestured to his hotel with his head.
“This way,” he said, taking a couple of stepping in the right direction.
When he looked over his shoulder to make sure the woman was following him, she was nowhere in sight. He looked around in confusion, but there was no sign of her.
Keanu felt the bundle in his arms shift and squirm, startling him. He looked down, moving the fabric away until he saw exactly what he was holding: a baby, couldn’t be more than a few weeks old, blinking slowly at him, face scrunching up ready to cry.
Boston, December 2006
This had been the longest month of your life and the only thing you managed to feel was adrenaline pumping through your veins and guilt gnawing in your heart. This mess was entirely your fault. Mary was your twin. You knew her like the back of your hand. You should have never believed that she was asleep. You invented that trick! But it had been such a long couple of weeks with taking care of your sister after she just gave birth to twin girls and Hallie had been crying…
You were in the nursery for five minutes at most. Just the time to change her diapers, but when you stepped back into Mary’s room, rocking Hallie back to sleep, all you found were an empty bed and crib. Mary was gone and she had taken Annie with her.
Panic overtook your senses and you had to resist the urge to run after her. It was cold and you couldn’t just take Hallie outside with you, but you couldn’t leave her alone either. She was just two weeks old, didn’t even had her shots yet. You needed to think, be smart about this.
The right thing would be calling the police, but after everything Mary had been through, the drug problems and psychotic episodes, if the police went after her, she would be committed again. The only way you even convinced her to get out of the streets and come live with you was promising her she would never see the inside of a mental hospital again.
After long consideration, you called the only person you could think of, even if you two hadn’t spoken in months. You called Jason. He knew Mary’s history; he knew how important this was for you. He would help.
For three days he searched all of Mary’s usual hangouts in the city, but she wasn’t there, and no one had seen her. After much resistance, you had to give in and call the cops. It still took them three weeks before you finally the call. The one you yearned for and feared at the same time.
They had found her in New Jersey, but not alive. Jason offered to go in your place, but it had to be you. It was your responsibility. So, you walked into the morgue, knees wobbling, hands shaking, letting the police officer guide you into the viewing room.
“You’re sure you want to do this? We’ve already got confirmation through DNA,” she said with a careful tone and you only nodded. You had to see it with your own eyes.
The officer shared a quick look with the orderly, who pulled off the sheet. You gasped in horror, tears blurring your vision as you looked away and stumbled back, the officer steadied you with a strong hand on your arm.
“Why don’t we sit down?” she said, guiding you away from the room and into the hallway. You all but dropped on the nearby bench. “I’m very sorry for your loss.”
“Thanks,” you replied, voice as hollow as her words. “What about my niece? Is she…?”  
“I’m afraid we still haven’t been able to locate her. We’re in touch with social services and they’re checking both Boston and New Jersey, but your sister was missing for almost a month. We still not sure how long she was in New Jersey before… and if she was somewhere else in between. The good news is that there was no sign of a child where we found her.”
“So, Annie could be alive and out there somewhere?” you asked looking up at the policewoman. Her expression was kind but held little hope.
“Maybe, but…” she trailed off when you got up. It didn’t matter how long it took. You were gonna find Annie.
Chapter 1
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You know I bet Ashfur didn’t start off as a psychopathic stalker. I bet it was a slow downward spiral. And getting into Starclan wasn’t as easy as it may seem.
When his mother died, I can bet you anything that Ashpaw cried for days. Tucked away in his den, refusing to speak to anyone, even when Fernpaw and Cloudpaw tried to coax him out. Dustpelt scolded him for lazing about- Brindleface had been his sister, but Dustpelt was never the type to dwell on grief. Sandstorm eventually convinced everyone to leave Ashpaw alone. It was one of the few positive interactions he can remember with his half sister. Ashpaw was grateful for it. He didn’t truly get over his mother’s death until he watched Tigerstar bleed out. Although knowing he’d lured the dog’s that mauled her to their demise was satisfactory for a time as well. Ashfur never forgot how good it felt to see the cats responsible for what happened to his mother suffer. That was the most euphoric experience of his life, really. 
When Cloudpaw went missing, Ashpaw had been so worried. Much like when his mother died, he confined himself to his den, too scared for his brother to do anything. Dustpelt was less forgiving this time. Sandstorm wasn’t there to speak up for him. 
Ashpaw’s relationship with Cloudtail changed when the tom was made a warrior before him. Part of it was envy. His own brother was made a warrior while he and Fernpaw were left on the sidelines. Why? Because Bluestar trusted him for being Fireheart’s kin? Did she forget that Ashpaw and Fernpaw were her great nephew and niece? Whitestorms kits? His father’s side of the family had always been distant. Fireheart didn’t stand up for him. Brightpaw and Swiftpaw were ready to be warriors, he’d told Bluestar. Not a word on Ashpaw who’d congratulated his younger brother on becoming a warrior before him. Ashpaw would have gone with Swiftpaw’s crazy plans to prove themselves, if only he hadn’t been on patrol. Fernpaw told him about it later, before the rest of the clan knew. Ashpaw tried to go after them, and only at his sister’s pleading did he decide to stay.
He’d never been close to Whitestorm. But when his father was killed, Ashpaw (along with the other apprentices, of course) got to feel his killer’s blood beneath his paws. It was a moment, much like seeing the death of those responsible for killing Brindleface, that Ashfur relished for the rest of his life.
Ashfur watched his siblings drift away from him. Envy had distanced him from Cloudtail a little, but the thing that really tore them apart was when both Ferncloud and Cloudtail found mates. Cloudtail and Brightheart were so cute together and oh, wasn’t everyone so happy for them? And of course Ferncloud and Dustpelt quickly had a litter on the way, and everyone was overjoyed by the prospect of new kits. Yet Ashfur wasn’t. They were always so busy with their families. Their mates, their kits. Ashfur was jealous. They noticed. Everyone noticed. He’d become grumpy, withdrawn. His sister and brother still loved him, but he’d grown dependent on them. After their parents died, how could be not depend on his siblings for the affection he craved? It’s not like anybody else was offering it to Ashfur. His sister got the love she needed from her mate. Cloudtail had Firestar, Sandstorm, and of course his mate as well. Both his siblings had their kits to pour love into. What did Ashfur have? Only Cloudtail and Ferncloud. And yet they were never able to give him their undivided attention because they had their own families to care for now.
Ashfur, believe it or not, had never actually loved Squirrelflight. But he saw how lively she was. She was full of color and passion. And he wanted to feel that too. He wanted her joy and inspiration to rub off on him. He at least wanted someone who could give Ashfur the undivided attention he needed. After all, his siblings seemed so happy with their own families. All Ashfur needed was one of his own, and surely that would make him happy again. He tried to convince himself that he loved her. That it wasn’t just a way for him to fill the emptiness in his chest. People worried about him. Ferncloud looked at him with those soft, motherly green eyes and gently prodded him for information. Cloudtail tried to guide him into the forest for a walk, just to clear his head. But Ashfur ignored them, and they couldn’t give him their undivided attention forever. Eventually their other responsibilities would call them away, and Ashfur would be able to convince himself that they didn’t really care. That the only way to be happy was if he could be with Squirrelflight.
When he was rejected, Ashfur was desperate to feel anything but pain. He managed to convince himself that it was her fault. That she’d wronged him somehow. That was all he could do. Ashfur had convinced himself that this was his only chance for happiness (as wrong as he was). She was so bright and passionate and vibrant. Surely she could share some of that with Ashfur. Squirrelflight, in his eyes, was denying him the tiniest ounce of warmth he asked for. She said they could still be friends, but he couldn’t accept that. Ashfur needed to be the most important cat to somebody. Anybody. 
Revenge came naturally to him. He’d been responsible for the death’s of those who killed both his parents. And those moments had been the best of his life. The satisfaction brought to him by vengeance. He craved it. Somehow, Ashfur managed to convince himself that those three kits were necessary sacrifices.
After his death, Ashfur didn’t immediately go to Starclan. There was so much bitterness in his heart. It’s all he’d let himself feel for so long. Ashfur refused to feel any more heartbreak. He had enough heartbreak during his apprenticeship to last a lifetime. He’d tried so hard to transfer that pain into anger. When she found his body, Squirrelflight cried. Ashfur didn’t care, but he did notice. Ashfur noticed the compassion from her. That she would cry for a cat who threatened her kits and reputation. Who brought her so much pain. Somehow she mourned his death. Ashfur told himself it was guilt. That she felt bad for all she’d done to him. She’d done so much to hurt him, right? She deserved the pain, didn’t she? Ashfur told himself it was true and moved on. Hollyleaf cried too. Her pain was so clear. Ashfur didn’t understand it. Those dogs, Bone, Tigerstar. Seeing them dead had felt so good. Ashfur knew that seeing Hollyleaf and her siblings dead would have felt all the same had they burned in that fire. Why was she crying? It was revenge, wasn’t it? She should be reveling in it. Why wasn’t she reveling in it?!? Many cats mourned. Dustpelt and Sandstorm were two that surprised him. His half sister and his mentor had never been too invested in him. They weren’t close. And yet it was clear that they loved him nonetheless. Ashfur couldn’t grasp it. The whole clan was up in arms debating his death. Most of them grieved. He’d been alone, though, hadn’t he?!? Nobody loved him, that’s what he always told himself. But...come to think of it...Foxleap and Icecloud had tried to share tongues with him that day, hadn’t they? And Whitewing had asked him if he was alright, something about him looking ill. Rosepetal and Toadstep invited him on patrol, said they needed a talented hunter like him. Spiderleg had whispered some snide comment to Ashfur, a joke which he’d been too distracted to laugh at. The breaking point came when he saw Ferncloud sob into his fur. She was wailing, as if nothing else in the world mattered except that her brother was dead. Cloudtail couldn’t look at him. The tom walked out of camp halfway through the vigil and threw up. Neither ate for days. It took moons for them to start sleeping again. Ashfur followed them around and he wanted to cheer them up. He hadn’t felt the need to help anybody except himself in so long. He was sure they didn’t care enough about him to need his help. But they couldn’t see him. They couldn’t see him because he was dead. At first Ashfur told himself that their pain was Hollyleaf’s fault because she’d killed him, after all. But the way she’d cried. The regret in her eyes. Hollyleaf didn’t want to do it. It wouldn’t be realistic to say it was her fault. And it would have been so easy to blame Squirrelflight, but suddenly Ashfur found that he couldn’t.
That’s when he faded into Starclan. And he knew he didn’t deserve it. Ashfur knew he didn’t deserve to be there. Perhaps that’s why he went to Starclan. At first the tom avoided the cat’s he’d once loved. Nieces and nephews. His parents. When he finally ran into Brindleface he saw so much disappointment in her eyes. Ashfur dropped to his knees and cried. He wanted so badly for her forgiveness. Once the tom hadn’t even thought he needed to be forgiven. That he was some sort of martyr. And when he looked back at his mother, once his tears had faded, he saw love take hold of her expression, and he cried once again in her arms. After that the apologies were easier. Hollyleaf, Ferncloud, Sandstorm. The one cat he hadn’t the courage to lend one to was Squirrelflight. When she was in Starclan, he could feel her eyes on him. She knew he didn’t belong there. He knew it too. But he knew it was what it was, and maybe one day he’d be able to offer her an apology. It wasn’t enough. But it was all he had to give.
Ashfur didn’t become a better person on his own. He had to hurt a lot of people, including those he loved before he realized he needed to become one. A lot of the things he did are truly unforgivable. But he let himself get the help he needed, and he’s doing better in starclan. He’s trying to be better.
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
I know you dont watch GoT anymore. And that Braime and Sansa are your favorites. But I know you've read the books and are obviously really interested in the story. And I was just wondering what your thoughts are on the whole Jon killing Dany thing? Is that something you can see happening in the books? And if it is do you think it'd be in the same context as the show did it?
Ahaha, welp. Just jumping right in there.
(Also, you never have to apologise for asking GOT/ASOIAF questions. I obviously have been a fan for 16 years and wrote fuckin’ TNR with its half-million-plus words, so I clearly do have Thoughts on the story/characters, especially with the bag of lukewarm cat vomit that was s8 of the show.)
I already answered this ask discussing how much I hated the Mad Queen Dany thing, both because a) it was horrifically badly handled and b) these mediocre misogynist douchegobblers have managed to outdo themselves in terms of the gross messages they’ve sent about women, after 8 seasons of that. (These are the same people who made Sansa say that she was grateful for her rapes and who claimed that Dany’s turn into madness was foreshadowed by her having a “chilly” reaction to the death of her abuser, Viserys, in s1, so…. make of that what you will.) I’m not saying that it was narratively impossible, especially since GRRM has been toying with the same thing in the books and has more than his own share of Male Author Syndrome. But at the start of 8x04, Dany is in Winterfell, perfectly sane, toasting Arya as hero of the battle. By the end of 8x06, she’s crazy, a war criminal, and dead, murdered by her boyfriend, because… well, something something plot reasons. Even if you didn’t like Dany or were rooting for her to go mad or whatever, that was wildly badly handled.
I personally think it would be pretty gross for GRRM to also go down the Mad Queen route, though at least if he does, we will have had Dany’s POV chapters beforehand and presumably something resembling a justification and a building narrative momentum toward it. But she also got stuck in Meereen for so long because by his own admission he didn’t know what to do with her there or how to get her out of the situation and moved onto Westeros, which remains, theoretically, her outstanding goal in the books. It would obviously not be outside the realm of possibility for this to happen, given GRRM’s focus on “grittiness” that the show took to max factor 5000. I would still find it reductive and trying to make a Clever Postmodern Point and etc if it happened in the books, because literally why invest us in a character this long, especially one who has tried so hard to overcome the circumstances of her past/to not be her father, and then just do exactly that? Obviously there would be elements of Shakespearean tragedy to it, and if done well it could be compelling, but I personally just have a different approach to fiction and what people want out of a story (especially one now as famous as GOT/ASOIAF and how universally betrayed everyone seems to feel by the ending). I’m not saying Dany’s ultimate ending needs to be sunshine and roses and getting what she wants, because often character arcs and resolutions become all the more powerful for being subverted and thwarted (think the “I said I wanted [x] but [y] was there instead” sort of endings). But whatever it is, it needs to be…. not that.
Also, Jon in both books and especially show has been the epitome of Mediocre White Man. I stopped watching in s4, but Kit Harington’s acting was so wooden and the writing for him was very much Standard Misunderstood Brooding Fantasy Hero that I could barely pay attention to his scenes. I find him somewhat more interesting in the books, though ADWD dragged for everyone and it was obvious GRRM was writing in circles. But everyone has noticed that especially in the show, Jon does absolutely bupkis. His ass is constantly saved by the women in his life, he makes an absolute hash of any power that he is given and doesn’t want it anyway, and his ultimate ending was…. going back to the Night’s Watch (as their idea of satisfying narrative storytelling is to literally put everyone back where they were in the very first episode, apparently). Never mind the fact that there’s no need for the Night’s Watch, but the point is, even the fact that Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna’s son ended up being relevant for like half an episode. That has been one of the major plot points/secrets of the books (although not so much anymore) and it just…. fizzled out like a damp squib. Dany actually TRIED for multiple seasons to be a good ruler and to learn how to handle power and become a queen, so for her to have to be the one to die for Jon to once again do diddlysquat is… well, as I have said before, the misogyny leaps out. They ended up wasting so much potential and so many other things that were also foreshadowed (and far more convincingly than “wah wah she was gonna go evil!”). For this? So Jon can just go brood in the snow again? Cool.
Not to mention, I find it gross on principle that Dany’s boyfriend had to be the one to kill her, especially after rape/sexual violence/loss of agency was such a big part of her early-season storylines (and how horrifyingly and grossly that has been handled on the show overall). We’re obviously supposed to sympathize with Jon in this scenario and to feel that it is justified to “stop a tyrant” or whatever. Also, if the episode was going to be called “Queenslayer,” why the fuck wasn’t it Jaime fulfilling the valonqar prophecy, another thing they forgot about, and killing Cersei, at great personal grief/cost, to once more stop an insane monarch from burning down King’s Landing? But that, of course, would be actual character development/overall arc, and they preferred to also trash that by having Jaime “killed Aerys Targaryen literally to save half a million innocent people and lived with his reputation being destroyed ever after” Lannister unironically claim that he never cared about the lives of the innocent and only wanted Cersei. After she again tried to kill him and Tyrion like three days ago, not even to mention what they did to Brienne and with that whole arc, but I will have a ragestroke if I think about it too much. 
Basically, the ending wasn’t “bittersweet.” It was tragic, reductionist, ham-handed, hugely disappointing for everyone who put years of investment into these characters, and ended up in the amusing position of making Bran Stark the younger and more beautiful queen who comes to cast Cersei down. He became king because… reasons? Whatever? And he knows literally everything about everyone thanks to being the Three-Eyed Raven, so there’s no way that can go horribly wrong. He has basically done nothing except sit in a wheelchair and look creepy for several years now, his arc has never been remotely about being king, and Isaac Hempstead-Wright himself is apparently on record as saying he genuinely thought it was a joke script when he read it. This after both Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington broke down over learning what happened to their characters/Kit apparently realized it for the first time at the read-through and was horrified. Emilia already talked about wandering for five hours and having a crisis and calling her mom and asking to be talked off the ledge like….. fictional choices/characters completely aside, that’s a gross thing to do to your actors. I know they’re all proud of their work and they have apparently and understandably been defensive about the existence of the petition to rewrite s8, but they’ve all been pretty clear, while still being professional and supportive, that there is stuff that they’re just as much WTF about as we are.
Basically, as everyone keeps saying, the acting, cinematography, visual effects, music, etc was clearly up to as high a standard as ever, but was betrayed fundamentally and comprehensively by this god-awfully shit writing by a couple of hacks who clearly rushed the final season to get on to ruining working on Star Wars. They have also been on record about saying “you can’t do what the audience expects or it’ll get boring blah blah blah,” which is a profoundly flawed storytelling strategy if you’re paranoid and trying to outsmart your audience and do something that nobody has ever thought of because you’re an Intellectual Postmodern Commentator On Our Violent Society. If your audience can guess where a story is going, but are still surprised by major twists along the way that then make sense in hindsight, you’ve done your job. If you’re relying on grimdark and cramming in gimmicky plot twists and deus ex machinas and Shocking Moments rather than authentically developing your story, it’s going to bite you in the ass in a big way, as was just proven. 
Nobody expected a completely happy ending from GoT. But the fact that they went to such lengths, especially in s8, to build up characters/ships (Jonerys, Braime, Gendrya were all torched after major canon moments completely unexpected by fans, especially the latter two – why even include it unless to just be more Tragique, and Gendrya is the only one that has even a chance in the future since half of it didn’t end up idiotically dead) and then just wrecked all of it…. as I’ve said, good endings don’t need to be rainbows and unicorns and kittens. But if you’ve asked eight years of audience investment, there has to be something that makes it worth it and that doesn’t make everyone feel like they were duped and stupid to get involved in the first place. They have been beating the “it’s a hard world and bad things happen to the characters” drum for all they’re worth, but… it’s just bad. You can analyse and ask why the hell they did things and so forth, but it’s bad. At this rate, the show should have either ended after 8x03, or they should have taken the money HBO offered and done the proper 10 episodes and let Bryan Cogman write all of them. He was the only one who appeared to remotely give a shit about the characters, and since D&D wrote the last four episodes themselves, yeah, this disaster is on them.
Fortunately, I left the show years ago and have TNR and am used to ignoring their version of things. And I knew all along that they never really got the characters or the story. But I feel really bad for everyone who has had this thrown back in their face, and it seems like a communal disenchantment with this ending is going to enter the pop-culture consciousness on a possibly unprecedented level. So if GRRM does do the Mad Queen Dany killed by Jon in the books (though he has apparently called the show’s ending “traumatic”), I’ll probably still not like it. He has a chance to sell me it on/justify it to me narratively, which the show categorically failed to do. I don’t think I will, just because as I said, I don’t like anything about it, but yes.
Anyway. This is a long post already, and I probably have more to say still, but it’s pretty obvious I think it’s just really, really bad, and that’s about the essence of it.
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cosmosogler · 5 years
i keep putting off talking about my Many Feelings About Dead Pets and i know it’s not helpful but thinking about it makes me so sad.
i miss snoopy so much. i miss genevieve and i know i’m never going to see her again and i couldn’t be there to make sure things went as smoothly as they could when she was dying. i know she was laying there suffering and she was probably hanging in there so hard because she thought i might come back. because we belonged together. 
that’s something i can never give her, now. that’s something she never got to have. this is just how her life went and it will be how her life and death went, forever. 
i can’t describe how angry i am at my dad. he’s a coward. i can’t stand it. i can’t stand that there’s nothing i can do about it and there’s nothing i can do for eve. she didn’t deserve that. 
there’s nothing that feels pathetic quite like starting to cry while you’re trying to eat food. or crying while you’re doing homework. i keep feeling like i’m going to throw up. i’m so upset. nothing is really making it better. it just keeps coming in tidal waves. 
i know if i talked to people i might feel a little better but i don’t really want to spend energy interacting with people. there’s lots of people i LIKE talking to... but when i say “ok, well we’re feeling bad, so let’s pull up a friend’s chat window and say hi” my brain screams “NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
and then when someone blessedly comes up to ME to say hi my brain screams “NO!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON’T WANT *THAT* PERSON” no matter who it is. 
even close friends! 
i haven’t even said anything about what’s going on with me on facebook... and i’m usually the first to complain publicly about my life. i guess, when usually i want to be around people, lately i just feel like i want to be left alone. even though i still want to be around people. it’s not a good combination.
how am i supposed to “feel” all of this? how do you “process” “an emotion”? my psychiatrist said i should do some kind of, like, memorial for my pets. but even thinking about it makes me start crying a lot. doesn’t matter if i’m cooking, or biking to campus, or even just laying in bed. thinking about writing a letter to snoopy? boom, instant tears. what would i even say? “i love you and i’m sorry”? do i need to write that down?
i feel so embarrassed about earnest expressions of, like, affection. most emotions in general but ESPECIALLY genuinely caring about something and saying something about it makes me feel super guilty if i see it again later. doesn’t matter what it is. if i tell a friend “i love you” i get antsy about it later. i can announce to the world “i love my puppy” and i’ll mean it, but if i try to say something, like, specific about eve? if i try to convey in words the exact extent to which i care? 
god forbid i try to say something POETIC about it. or use some kind of metaphor or arrangement of words that might not mean anything grammatically, but emotionally resonates with me. 
and then talking on twitter or here about how much i’ve been crying doesn’t feel good either. it kind of half feels like a joke. i joke that i cry when i see a dog on tv. how could i not joke about every time i do it regardless of context. i have to make it not matter. if it matters it’s bad... i don’t want people to worry about me... i feel pathetic... i’m just acting pathetic for attention... etc etc. 
i decided against it, but yesterday i was gonna make some kind of comment about the emotions the characters experience in my comic and the ones i’m experiencing right now. like, “good thing i wrote out how they all deal with grief ahead of time!! because i totally nailed it.” or, “haha wow i wrote a whole story about how it’s bad to pretend you’re not feeling your emotions and then i immediately proceed to do everything possible to avoid my emotions!” 
i’m a real winner.
i drew for a while today... i got 2/3 of a page done, which is a good solid pace for one day. i had to stop because i started feeling really restless and irritable about it. like, i wanted to keep going, but i also very much Did Not Want to keep going. it’s like that with the little written bit i’ve been working on, too... i want to write it, i want to tell my story and i want to express myself with some art, but i also just. i don’t want to do anything at all. i just want to throw up and cry a lot. 
but i’ve got things to do... and i don’t like crying or throwing up. they feel bad. and life will keep going on without me if i don’t try to keep up. not that it matters. it’s not like they can double fail me out of the grad program. i haven’t been keeping up with my grading, which is like the one thing that is an actual obligation to people outside of myself. homework is making me miserable.
my psychiatrist recommended i spend more days doing absolutely nothing except things that make me happy, just to try to rest, but... 
nothing is making me very happy. i don’t want to do anything. i have to spend a huge amount of energy just to get my game console turned on. the weather’s been kind of grubby so i haven’t wanted to go for a bike ride, let alone spent energy trying to convince myself to do it. it took me a lot of psyching myself up just to watch some youtube videos i had in my bookmarks. absolutely miserable. 
vanessa got me to go to the medieval fair with her last weekend, but outside of that no one’s really approached me about keeping me busy. i feel kind of abandoned and isolated. even though i don’t even really want to talk to anyone. ian grabbed chipotle with me on friday night. that was nice. but it was also my idea and i had to get myself to club and then sit down for the whole three hours. i also read out chapter 3 of my comic, and THAT took a huge investment of my energy... 
at least people liked it. 
ruby from the discord channel has been leaving a lot of very nice and thoughtful comments on the art that i post there, and on one of the side comics i drew. owl has also been sending me long and very nice messages most days... there are people there. i just... still feel really bad. 
so it comes back around to “i should probably do something to officially ‘grieve’ for my friends” but i guess i don’t feel ready. i don’t know what to say. i don’t know what there is TO say. thinking about it, thinking about starting or even just the concept makes me cry. then i want to avoid it. maybe it’s too soon... but i know it won’t be healthy if it is “too soon” forever. i should probably do something at some point. 
i guess i can trust myself to get around to it whenever i feel ready. i am a person of action. i feel comfortable saying that about myself. so if i’m not doing it, it’s probably because i’m not ready. right...? i do things when i’m ready to do them... even if i don’t really want to. 
i wonder if that’s true or if i use it to justify putting things off. maybe it’s a little of both. maybe it’s another stick i just use to beat myself over the head even though i’m doing a fine job. 
haha. “people like my comic and really relate to blue? better beat myself up because WHAT IF I STOP DOING IT GOOD ENOUGH?” “i get the things on my to-do list done when i can, and can trust myself to get my chores / grieving done when i have the energy for it? WHAT IF I HAD THE ENERGY FOR IT ALL ALONG AND I’M JUST LAZY? LAZY!! SO LAZY!!!” 
“but if you just tried harder...”
it always comes back to that, doesn’t it. if i just...  ţ̻̭͉͐̑̍ͅr͈̫͇͚̦͇̥ͮͧ͊̇i̠͚̹̖͓̣̽͂e̩̲̯̩d̦͎͉̭̺̮ͤ̆̍ͮ͆͗ͅ ͛̆̓̓͂ͩͪ̀ ́͑ͭh̢͔̮̼͎̾̂̓͛̈͆̇ ̛͕̦̖̩̿a̺̹͓̳̮̹͠ ̼͓͕̝̘͎͙ͦ̐ŕ̉ͤ҉̣̬͉̼ͅ ͦ͂̅��̧̺̮d̕ ̣̩̠͔ͯ̉ͣͩ̆̓e̝͛͌ͥ ̺͚̲̺̰̥̈ͫrͪ̓ͩ҉̼̭̟͕ͅ.............
if i tried harder... what? my dog wouldn’t be dead? my cat? i would still be in my phd program? i would have a job? i would be finished with chapter 4, which i wanted to be done with by the end of last year?? 
could i even try harder? i feel like i’m going at 100%. can i try harder? i don’t know how. i don’t know how to do anything different from what i’m doing (other than, like, not doing things, or being an asshole. i can do those things... i can also not do them, and i am currently trying very hard to not do them). 
i know that my trying isn’t good enough. i guess that’s the source of my uncertainty and my guilt. it’s not good enough. how do i make it good enough? will it ever be good enough? maybe not... where does that leave me?
i’ve been thinking about something from group therapy for the last entire week. one person said they were jealous of their peers. i asked what that meant for them. they said it mostly felt like being really frustrated with themself. 
i said... i said something like “oh i feel like that all the time but i don’t call it jealousy.” and... that’s true. 
i’m so afraid of doing something bad or feeling a Bad Emotion that i’ve been trying so hard to reframe all the thoughts and emotions. but... the word fits. i feel jealous of all the successful people. i don’t like admitting that, it doesn’t make me feel very good at all, but it feels true. 
i’m jealous of all the people who get more followers than me more quickly, even though i feel like i’m doing everything that they do. i’m jealous of my classmates who can pass tests even though i’m the one helping them with homework (yeah i know it goes both ways but IT GOES BOTH WAYS, I AM THE ONE HELPING SOMETIMES, I AM THE ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS, SOME OF THE TIME, AND YET THEY ARE IN THE PROGRAM AND I AM NOT). 
i don’t like this about myself. i don’t like these things. i don’t like feeling like this. i know that’s just how it is and i gotta deal with it. but i don’t know how to change how i feel about it. i’m not even jealous of the skill or anything. i know how good i am at physics, at art, at telling stories... i’m jealous of the attention i guess. knowing that about myself is makin me miserable. 
miserable on top of snoopy. on top of eve. on top of how my group therapists broke The Rules. on top of the school obligations. on top of losing the whole reason i moved out here, to get an education... on top of my brother sinking deeper into his abhorrent political and moral identity. on top of my dad being a coward, on top of mom jumping down my throat to get a new cat and get a job and get all these things done and just try harder. on top of hating eating food because it makes me so sick half the time. on top of not getting any sleep, not enough sleep for so long. on top of every one of the hundreds of minor inconveniences and annoying things that pop up every single day. on top of feeling lonely and isolated and unable to keep myself, like, socially stimulated i guess. i’m tired and restless and exhausted and agitated and i never get any rest. 
i feel like, no matter how hard i work to be a good person, no matter how much time i spend plugging up all the holes in the dam with my fingers and “fake it til you make it” and “you are what you practice” i’m still going to just be bad and worthless. i’ll mess up at some point and everyone will realize how much i suck and then they’ll all leave. it only takes one slip up.
i know tumblr’s whole “callout culture” thing gets to me. i don’t even... do any of the major “talking points” that come up with that sort of thing. but i know how easy it is to just make it up or take something i said out of context. i’ve been physically beaten up over it before, taking my words out of context... it’s not just tumblr that stresses me out even though i know tumblr specifically is SUPER not helpful. i know how dangerous it is to be queer-ish and female. participating in a fandom again feels like i’m throwing myself out into a spotlight. or maybe a microscope light. i know attention is bad. but i want attention. but i know it’s bad. but i want people to see what i made. but i know it’s bad...............
i miss my kitty. i loved her so much. i can’t get over that at the end she was trying to comfort me. i miss diogi. i miss brushing her and all those little moments where she seemed truly happy under the anxiety. i miss genevieve. i loved her more than anything. and i could show her that, i know she knew that, but i couldn’t show her forever like i wanted to. i wanted to be with her forever. i know that’s not how it works, but deep down it’s what i wanted...
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yoosungiib · 6 years
#3 Jumin: Daughter with a resemblance to dead MC
#3 Jumin: RFA + Minor Trio’s daughter with MC who passed away with an uncanny resemblance to her, making them seemingly resent her.
Link to others here
☂ Jumin ☂
- Jumin Han, the corporate heir, was a proud father of his 13 year old twins. They estelled in school, were star quarterbacks on their school football team, and aspired to be just like him.
- If he wasn’t invested in his work, he was invested in them and making sure they were on top, and that they knew he was supporting them.
- His 7 year old daughter waited for the moment her father would look at her and tell her all the things he tells her brothers.
- “I’m proud of you.”
- “I couldn’t ask for a better daughter.”
- “You never fail to surprise me.”
- But when she reached the age of 7, she realized that that day would never come, because daddy didn’t love her.
- Trying to talk to her daddy was close to impossible.
- He hardly ever said a few words to her, the most him ever saying was; “Obedience is what makes the perfect child.”
- She wanted to make her daddy proud so she tried to do things that she thought would make him happy like thinking of cat projects for him and feeding Elizabeth the 3rd.
- But she found her list of ideas in the recycling bin one day, and her heart dropped.
- At dinner, she listened to her twin brothers discuss their accomplishments, and she watched as her father relished in it.
- She tried to join in on the conversation, but her father, and her brothers for that matter, ignored her and just brushed her off.
- One night when she couldn’t sleep, she cried out for him hoping that he would come to her and comfort her.
- He never came.
- She went to his office, and the door was wide open, so surely he heard her.
- She knocked on the door to ask if she could come it, and it was silent for a few moments, until he said say, “Go back to bed.”
- In the Han household, she truly felt invisible.
- No one paid attention to her, and no one loved her.
- But because she loved her daddy with all her heart, she kept telling herself that deep down, he will one day love her too and realize her existence.
- There was one person, however, who she knew did love her.
- Jaehee Kang.
- Jumin gave Jaehee a large salary and the request that she be your caretaker. She was given lighter work, bigger checks, and more vacations, all so she can spend the day looking after his daughter because she was never sent to school.
- Jaehee was what made being at home so much easier. Jaehee made her feel like she truly existed, and that she was wanted.
- Jaehee always payed attention to what she had to say, and always showed interests. She always encouraged her to do what she loved, and always gave new ideas to show her love to her father. The daughter knew that without Jaehee, she would be lost, because to everyone else she didn’t exist.
- “Jaehee?” The woman with short hair and glasses hummed a response as she continued to colour with the little girl. “Why does daddy not love me?”
- She stopped, her breath hitching as she looked up at the girl in front of her waiting for an answer. “Your daddy loves you very much.”
- “No he doesn’t. He never talks to me. Do you know how I can make him love me?”
- Jaehee was speechless, and a little uncomfortable too. She didn’t know what to say. “Your daddy really does love you, honey.”
- “Then why does he act like I don’t exist?”
- “Well?... What has your father told you about your mother?”
- The girl scrunched her nose before shrugging nonchalantly. “Nothing. But I heard him once tell my brothers that she was a pretty lady.”
- Jaehee smiled. “She was, and that makes you a pretty lady too. You resemble her quite a lot. Her name was MC. She sadly died when you were very young I’m afraid, and it was very hard for your dad. He loved her very much.”
- “Was it true love?”
- “Yes, it was true love. I think… I think he becomes… sad when he looks at you and sees your mother. But do not mistaken me here; that isn’t your fault at all. You are very lucky to have the beautiful features of your mother, and your father notices that. I think he just is still recovering. Nethertheless, he should treat you more decently and take better notice of you.”
- “Will you tell him that? Can you tell him that I love him. I mean, really, really love him!”
- Jaehee smiled, letting out a soft giggle. “Yes, I will.”
- “Do you love me?”
- “Yes, I do.”
- That night while you were fast asleep and Jumin sat at his desk finalizing work, he groaned at the vibration of his phone against his leg. He answered it coldly, “What is it Assistant Kang?”
- “Mr. Han,” the assistant’s voice was incredibly shaky. “I need to discuss an important matter with you.”
- “What is it?”
- “It’s your daughter.”
- Jumin visibly stiffened, and from the other line, Jaehee could tell by the intake of breath he was already at unease. “What about her?”
- “Do you at all realize what you are doing to her?”
- “I beg your pardon?”
- “I said do you realize what you are doing to her. Do you not see how broken she is by your actions? Do you not see that she is craving your attention? You give all your time to her brothers and you never pay attention to her, and it is weighing on her. Do you know what she said to me today?”
- “Whatever it is, you have no right to be-”
- “She asked me why you didn’t love her.”
- Jumin’s blood turned cold, his jaw clenching and his eyes squinting.
- “Of course, I told her that you did, but I couldn’t help but feel like I was lying to the poor girl.”
- “How dare you-”
- Jaehee would have none of his bullshit. “No, Mr. Han. Listen to me. Listen to me when I tell you that you’re own daughter thinks you hate her. I mean, you didn’t even tell her about her mother.”
- Jumin’s fist made heavy contact with his desk, it was enough to make the house shake. “I swear to god above if you said a thing-”
- “Of course I told her. If you wouldn’t, who would? She deserves to know like your sons. She’s your daughter too. The world can praise you because of all the good things you have done for your sons, but if only they saw the way you treated your daughter, all because she looked like your dead wife. What would MC think?”
- Was Jaehee harsh? Maybe so. But Jumin needed to hear it.
- But of course, he is too stubborn. Down in his heart he knew what Jaehee was saying was right, but he didn’t want to admit it. He doesn’t like to admit he is wrong and he doesn’t want to feel powerless or at a disadvantage, which Jaehee has made him feel. His mind is clouded with anger, and without a second's thought, he spat through the phone at his assistant,
- “You’re fired.”
- “What?”
- “You’re fired. You can go to the office tomorrow afternoon to pick up your paycheck, then pack your things and get the hell out. You will no longer be in contact with my daughter either.”
- And he hung up.
- The next morning, he sent the boys off to school and waited begrudgingly at in the kitchen for the new caretaker to show up.
- He was already pissed by the fact she was thirty minutes late and he needed to get to work.
- He could hear the scribbling in the connecting room and the sound of crayon scraping abrasively was giving him a headache.
- “Daddy?”
- Jumin sighed, walking into the room with his arms crossed. He didn’t want to face his daughter, not with the words of his once assistant ringing in his heads. The words were screaming at him to get a grip, to fix everything, to tell her he loved her, but he couldn’t. He was already getting grief from the RFA group chat. He couldn’t help but be cold.
- “Daddy, where is Jaehee?”
- “She’s not coming.”
- “What do you mean?”
- “I fired her. I found that she was not a suitable caretaker for you. Your new caretaker will be here in a moment and I will leave for work.”
- The girls eyes began to water and her lips quivered. No, this can’t be right. A single tear slid down her face as she stared up at her father who looked at her blankly.
- “But I want Jaehee.”
- “As your father, I make the decisions in this household. She was not a suitable caretaker. She put rubbish into your head.”
- The little girl couldn’t believe what she was hearing. None of this was Jaehee’s fault. All Jaehe ever did was support her, and love her… Jaehee loved her… So this was...
- Daddy’s fault.
- She let out a loud, ear shattering scream as she picked up a handful of crayons and chucked them at Jumin.
- Jumin was caught completely off guard, and too shocked to say anything.
- The little girl started hollering and crying on the floor, flailing her legs and arms. He had never seen anything like this.
- “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!” she shouted over and over again.
- Jumin didn’t know what to do. He stood flabbergasted as his daughter continued to scream and wail on the ground. And god, it was his fault, he lead her to break down completely.
- “She was the only one who loved me! No one loves me! No one loves me!”
- He felt the strings of his heart start to tear as he couldn’t take his eyes away from the scene. He was frozen in spot before he finally managed to move towards her.
- He needed to get her to stop flailing, so he grabbed her arms and legs and held her down.
- It killed him to see her face red from tears and slobber leaking from her mouth. Those golden eyes that looked so much like her mothers, did not at that moment. Her mother’s eyes were so full of life, while the little girl's eyes were just filled with despair and self hate.
- Although the screaming and flailing came to a stop, she still continued to cry since she was so utterly defeated.
- A seven year old should not feel like that.
- Jumin stared down at his daughter. He didn’t know what else to do but pull her to him. He let her sob into his chest as he stroked her hair, his chin resting on the top of her head. After Awhile, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him back.
- She clung to him afraid that if she let go for a second, he would disappear from her grasp and she would never get to feel his warmth again.
- He was so warm. She never felt it before.
- She liked it. She wanted to feel it more.
- Finally, he found the right words to tell her. The only words that he could tell her. “I’m so sorry. I love you.”
- “No you don’t.”
- “I do love you. I will always love you.”
- They clung to each other until the caretaker finally showed up, in which Jumin dismissed her and took a week off from work. He also rang Jaehee to tell her she was not fired.
- He brought his little girl to his master bed and tucked her in. The tantrum wore her out, and she deserved to have the best at that moment.
- He didn’t dare leave her side.
- Now it was up to him to show her that he cared for her, and that he truly did love her. He would make it up to her everyday for the rest of his life, he swore it, to make her feel cherished, loved, beautiful, and wanted.
- He swore it.
Check out my masterlist for more!
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Fic Writer Meme! tagged by @aban-asaara, thank you!! a nice meme to self-indulgently wind down with after a stressful day...
What is your total word count on AO3?
160,546. I had forgotten all about the AO3 stats page until having to dig that out, oops. I have more short drabbles etc on tumblr as well (and a LOT of stuff I just... never finished/posted anywhere).
How often do you write?
varies hugely depending on what else is going on in my life. In good times, I aim for daily, at least 500 words. During years I participate in NaNoWriMo, 1500-2000 per day in November. Other times I just can’t make even 500 happen with work/etc. Still more other times, my depression kicks in and I’m pretty useless at everything, and unfortunately go months with no writing at all. 
Do you have a routine for writing?
I try to write in several short bursts. If doing 500/words/day, then two chunks of 250, and some editing/planning on top. If during NaNoWriMo, 4 chunks of about 500 words each. If I really push myself to get them done in sections, I spend less time fiddling around, but the break between them makes it still relaxing/fun.
I also have a computer/document setup that works very well for me. I write on a laptop that can scroll between several different ‘desktop’ screens. I have one for fun stuff, and set one aside for writing. The only browser window/tabs allowed to be open on that desktop are writing-related ones--research, youtube clips of scenes, wiki articles, etc. All other fun stuff goes on the other desktop where it can’t distract me while I get through a section. Then over the browser I have two word documents: one on the left titled “[StoryTitle.docx]”, and one next to it titled “[StoryTitleNotes.docx]”. On the left is the “final version” of what I’m working on--aka the working document, with the most current edits/chapters/etc. The right “Notes” one is for outlines, summaries, lines I had to delete but might want to use somewhere else, passages I haven’t gotten to yet but wanted to sketch out before I lost the inspiration for them, quotes that I want to echo the feel of, copied dialogue from the game so I don’t forget it, etc etc. Anything related to the story in the working document that I might want to reference. The notes doc can be fairly messy--my level of organization for it changes from project to project. But it makes it WAY easier for me mentally to delete and tweak things when I can put them somewhere else just in case it turns out the first way was better. 
What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
Ohh... my pairings are pretty obvious, I’m really into Lavellan/Solas, Hawke/Fenris, and Shepard/Garrus. 
But what I’m really into is Hawke/the concept of found family and also various coping mechanisms+mental health issues; Lavellan/the weight of duty above all else, Shepard/the giddy knowledge that you won’t survive what you have to turn yourself into in order to save everything you love, Ryder+Sam/breaking the boundaries of what it means to be a single conscious entity...  
my big literary kinks are pretty much any narrative that has to do with one or more of the following: self-sacrifice, the transcendence of humanity in pursuit of a goal, the knowledge of the futility of one’s actions, the duality of self plus other, the terrifying and terrible beauty of rage, stubborn and violent perseverance in the face of insurmountable odds, the frailty of people who nonetheless fool everyone into believing they’re not broken. I am also a very big fan of nontraditional formats, and the meta-narrative of a story over usual structure. 
tl;dr: I like my fiction weird. 
Like... I recognize that most of my fics. Do not include a majority of these. And the ones that do aren’t really very popular. The one that gets closest to these concepts is probably the people you love become ghosts inside of you, and like this, you keep them alive which very few people read and got almost no attention. But I knew that when I posted it. I wrote it for me, after finishing the ME trilogy for the first time. The above tropes show up way more in my original writing, while I use fanfiction as a break from these more complicated/heavier themes, and to just have some fun with less technical writing. They’re there, just in smaller doses.
Fics with that sort of bend are WAY harder to search for than ones based on pairings though so like... if you have recs for anything that follows the above themes. please send them to me. i’m dying. please. 
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
How can I not answer this with Fallout from the Fade? It’s my baby. It’s the longest thing I’ve consistently written, without getting bored and abandoning it halfway through. It will probably take me a while yet (depending on mental health/writing pace/etc) to finish but I know how it ends, and most of how to get there. It’s also the third fanfiction I had ever started writing. The beginning feels rough to me when I go back to it (which an inevitable fact of my decision to post as I write/not use beta readers, which I still think was the only way for me to do this story), but I still think a lot of my ideas were clever and my execution may not have been perfect but it was pretty good. I’ve learned a lot while writing this fic.
And also I love to make people suffer. Knowing that people have shed literal tears because of things i have written fills me with the delightful glee to push forward. 
But really. Comments mean the world to me. They spur me on through rough patches where I otherwise abandon works. I’m really not used to having an audience: most of what I’ve written in my life is original content that I don’t post/share. Having other people also invested makes me feel accountable, in a good way. 
Other honorable mentions: I think Grief is one of my best fics in terms of execution and balance. Less a man than a wild cat and A Slip of the Tongue were both exercises in pacing/timing as well as forays into the highly unfamiliar territory of comedy. The aforementioned the people you love become ghosts inside of you, and like this, you keep them alive satisfies my eternal desire for weird presentation and ideology taking a front seat over narrative structure (I have like. 4 other partial fics similar to this that will probably never be posted because I know they’re what I want to explore, not what other people actually want to read).
Your fic with the most kudos?
Fallout from the Fade, with 626.
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
I wish I was more consistent about sitting down and working. I managed it for 6 straight months when I started the fanfic gig, but to be fair, during that time I also had no friends and spent 5 days every other week camped out in Death Valley with no internet and nothing to do but write and brainstorm. Having the barest scrapings of a social life now that I’ve moved doesn’t do much for wordcount, it turns out.
Now something you do like?
I think I can write about mental illness realistically without it coming across as either overdramatic or idealistic. I like my descriptions, when I allow myself to use them (y’all don’t want to see how flowery most of my works would be without my self control). I have visibly improved since I started writing in 2015. 
i feel like a lot of my original circle on tumblr isnt active/writing anymore but gonna tag some people w/ no obligation… @leviathanmirror  @seekingidlewild @littleblue-eyedbird @loquaciousquark @kayla-bird and anyone else who wants to answer!! feel free to tag me if you do it, im lonely... 
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theopennotebook · 6 years
Skins FanFic
Chapter 6: Hit the Road Jack
Cook and I kept hooking up for a few weeks after the night we all went out, many hot and heavy make-out sessions but never going all the way. But things cooled down pretty quickly and we realized that though we had a great time together, we didn’t want to pursue anything else romantic, we much preferred just enjoying each other’s company as friends. Sure, we had a connection. But I was me and he was… well… Cook. I would always be a bit of a princess, and he would always be brash and crude and abrasive and… well, Cook. He was a lot of fun, but not the kind of guy you introduced to your mom. Plus, he was Freddie’s best friend. And I couldn’t stand being around Freddie.
Seeing Freddie at school over the next few weeks was beyond uncomfortable.  At first, Freddie would try to talk to me in the hallways, to which I only ever responded with icy silence. I still couldn’t believe that I had started to fall for such a disgusting human being. It was probably just the drugs distorting my perception. Yet, I still found myself being drawn to him. What was wrong with me?
I was lost in my thoughts at the end of the school day, still in my own little world as I walked home. I barely said a word to my family that evening, I just went through the motions of dinner and homework before heading up to my room to read. What a way to spend a Friday evening.
About an hour after passing out with a book in my hands, I was awoken by the sound of my buzzing cellphone
 FR: Maxxieeeeeee
Friday 5:30pm
Pack a bag, we’re going to the cabin for the weekend.
 I rubbed my eyes, attempting to orient myself. Afternoon naps always left me groggy.
 TO: Maxxieeeeeee
Friday 5:31pm
 FR: Maxxieeeeeee
Friday 5:31pm
Jack and Finn’s cabin. Hurry. Jack will be at your place in 20.
 TO: Maxxieeeeeee
Friday 5:32pm
Maxxie, I’m already in my “not leaving the house again” clothes. And what am I supposed to tell my parents?
 FR: Maxxieeeeeee
Friday 5:33pm
Not my problem. Stop being such a grandma. Figure something out. 17 minutes. See you soon.
 I tossed my phone down on my bed, put my bookmark back in Pride and Prejudice and found myself absentmindedly beginning to pack a weekend bag. I tossed in the essentials and even dug out the bag of skittles that were left over from the night we went clubbing. They may come in handy. I slunk downstairs to find my dad sitting in the living room, watching the news.  
“Hey, dad?”
“Yes pumpkin?”
“Maxxie and some of our friends are headed to a cabin for the weekend. Can I go?”
“Where is this cabin?” He asked, pulling himself away from a story of a skateboarding dog.
“Not sure, I’ll text you the address. Dad, they’re on their way here… I need an answer.”
“It’s getting late. How are you evening planning on getting there?”
“Jack is coming to pick me up.”
“That’s one of the twins, right?”
“He seems respectable enough. Alright, have a good weekend. Say hi to Maxine for me. When will you be back?”
“Probably Sunday. Thanks, dad!” I said, placing a kiss on his cheek. I ran out of the living room before he could ask any more questions.
At 5:50pm, I saw Jack’s familiar SUV pull up outside of my house. I grabbed my backpack, camping gear and the bag of snacks I had thrown together and slipped out of the house. Jack sat in the driver’s seat, the back-seat empty. Jack hopped out to help me toss my stuff in the trunk.
“Where is everybody?” I asked.
“Don’t worry, I’m not kidnapping you. You’re just the first one on my pick-up list.” He said flashing a debonair smile.
“Where’re Finn and Maxxie?” I asked, climbing into the passenger seat.
“Maxxie is driving herself and Finn took our other car. We wouldn’t all fit in one car.”
“Don’t sound so disappointed to be alone with me.” Jack teased, starting the car.
I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.
“I’m trembling in my seat.” He teased.
I smiled back at him. The skin around his eyes crinkled when he laughed, and his green eyes glinted in the sunlight.
“What?” He asked, taking a few stray locks of my hair in between his fingers. 
“Nothing…” Still smiling, I turned to stare out of the window instead.
After a few moments of silence, I remembered what Cook had told me about Jack. I wasn’t sure when I was ever going to get him alone again, so I decided that this would be the best time to clear the air.
“I know what happened between you and Cook’s girlfriend, Jack…”
“What?” He took his eyes off the road for only a second, but his face flushed. “What are you talking about?”
“Cook told me,” I said, not taking my eyes off of him. I studied his response. I saw the muscles around his jaw tense and release. He let out a long exhale.
“Okay.” He signaled and pulled into a gas station parking lot.
He turned off the engine.
“I had been hoping to avoid having this conversation with you, but if it has to happen, I want to make sure to give you my full attention.”
“I’m listening.”
“Okay. Me, Finn, and Cook were really close. The three of us had been friends since primary school. Cook’s mum was and Finn and my piano teacher as a kid. We ended up spending more time playing with her son than practicing the piano. The three of us were inseparable. Then about two years ago, Cook met Eden and they started dating. I’d seen Cook with a lot of girls, but this was the first time I saw him do the whole ‘boyfriend’ thing. He dove in head first, like he would have given her his left kidney if she had asked him to. But we could all tell that she wasn’t as invested as he was. She was a lot like Effie - very free-spirited, rebellious - except Eden had a mean streak and a penchant for vodka and pills. She would use Cook for his money and then blame him for her shortcomings.” Jack looked over at me to make sure I was still following.
“Anyway, after two months or so they started fighting like cats and dogs. At first, it was just playful bickering, but by the 8-month mark, we all thought they may actually kill each other. We all told Cook to end it with her, for his own sanity. One day, Eden shows up at my apartment while Finn was at work. She was a mess, she had clearly been on a bender. I let her in and asked her what was wrong. She told me that she and Cook had gotten into their biggest fight yet and that it was over between them. She had been staying at his place at the time because she and her mum didn’t get on well, mostly because of Eden’s rage and the substance abuse. I invited her in to collect herself. She went into my room, said she needed a nap. I went into the kitchen to make her something to eat.” He paused and wiped his hands over his face. I could see him growing more anxious.
“Jack… what happened next?”
He looked at me, his eyes begging me not to make him go on. But I needed to know, I needed to hear it from him.
He exhaled. “When I went back into my room, Eden was lying on my bed… naked… I was in shock. I just stood there in the doorway holding a grilled cheese like a pansy. She slowly made her way over to me. I asked her what she was doing, and she backed me up against the doorframe. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to touch her… I knew I couldn’t. But then she undid my pants and began to pull them down… I… I…” He let his head fall into his hands.
“Did you sleep with her?” I interjected.
“No! Is that what Cook told you?!” He looked horrified by my accusation. “The only thing that happened is that she tried to give me head and I pushed her off! She was embarrassed so I tried to downplay the situation. I gave her a shirt to put on and went back to the kitchen. Eden was a bit messed up, you know? I didn’t want to set her off.  Anyway, I heard the buzzer ring, but before I could answer it, Eden ran to the door. I heard Cook explode and ran out to try to diffuse the situation, which of course only made it worse. He accused me of sleeping with her, which I adamantly denied. Eden didn’t say anything, she just stood in the corner of the hallway smirking like she had planned it all along. Ever since then, he’s wanted me dead. But I swear to you, I didn’t do anything with Eden. I wouldn’t do that. Especially not to Cook. He was like another brother to me. Zye, I swear to you. That’s what happened.”
 I searched his face for any sign that he may be lying, but everything he said seemed sincere. His eyes were wrought with grief, I had clearly hit a nerve.
“Did you ever try to reach out to Cook? Tell him what happened?”
“Every day for 6 months. By the end, he told me that if I ever spoke to him again, he would jam his fist so far down my throat that he’d pull my balls out through my mouth… I took that as a hint to leave him alone.”
A heavy silence fell over the car.
“Is that why you’ve been avoiding me, Zye?”
I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. “Well…”
“I mean… I get it… if I heard that about someone, I wouldn’t want to hang around them either.”
“I’m sorry Jack…” I placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Are we alright now though? You don’t think I’m some low life woman stealer? Am I back to being the ridiculously good-looking guy you know and love?”
“We’re fine now Jack.” I smiled sincerely. I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Between finding out that Jack stole Cook’s girlfriend and that Freddie was such a creep, I didn’t know how much more I could handle.
Jack nodded and started the car.
“Hey, Jack?”
“Whatever happened to Eden?”
“I went to her house a few days after things blew up with Cook to try to get her to explain to him what had happened. Her mom answered the door saying that Eden had transferred to an all-girls boarding school four hours away. She seemed surprised that I didn’t know, apparently, they had been planning it for months. She hadn’t even bothered to tell any of us she was leaving. I wouldn’t be surprised if she planned the whole mess as a means of leaving her mark on us. Typical Eden.”
I noticed his hand lingering on the gear shift. I placed mine over his.
“I’m sorry about you and Cook. I’ll see if there’s any way I can help.”
He smiled warmly at me. “Thank you.”
Before long we had picked up Cook and Effie. Initially, I felt uneasy around Effie. After all, she had seen me almost kiss her sort-of boyfriend. If she and Cook were anything alike, it meant she may be holding a grudge against me. But, to my surprise, she and I fell into easy and comfortable conversation and before I knew it we were on our way to the cabin.
When they said we were coming to a “cabin”, I pictured a homely wooden structure, hidden amongst the trees. What I saw in front of me as we drove up was a sprawling, modern, angular structure nestled into the rolling hills of the countryside. As we drove around the side into the driveway, I had a full view of the dock and the lake just as the sun was setting over it. I jumped out of the car as it stopped to take it all in. It was absolutely breathtaking.
“Earth to Zye!” I heard Jack call from the porch.
I snapped out of my reverie and turned to help Cook and Effie empty the trunk.
Jack showed me to the room I’d be sharing with Maxxie.
“Will you be okay in here?” He asked, leaning against the doorframe.
“I think it will do quite nicely!” I said flinging myself dramatically onto the best nearest the bay window. Jack rested my things on the floor beside the bed and helped me up.
Jack headed down the hall to his own room while I began to make my way downstairs.
I ran down the stairs so quickly that my socks slipped on the hardwood floor. I felt myself beginning to fall and then being grabbed out of midair. I felt strong hands grab my waist and set me back on solid ground. It was Freddie.
“Are you alright?” He asked gently as I turned to face him, his hands still around my waist, his eyes with a glint of playfulness in them.
A sudden memory of his body pressed against mine in the dark, humid club flashing through my mind. As I stood only inches away from him, I felt the same burning desire in the pit of my stomach that I felt before. My hand traced its way up his arm again my better judgement. I shook away the memory and commanded my mind back to the present.
“I’m glad I bumped into you actually, Zye. I’ve been meaning to talk to you…”
“Thank you for catching me. I have to go.” I said curtly, pulling myself from his hands.
“Oh, right. Of course.” He said, awkwardly running his hands through his hair. Oh, how I wanted to run my fingers through that hair, gripping it as he placed hungry kisses on my collarbone and nibbled on my earlobe… I shook away the thought.
“Just be careful, wouldn’t want you to fall.” He said with a faint smile.
I turned and ran down the rest of the stairs, this time being sure to hold the railing. I walked into the living room where Cook was tending to the roaring fire. Looks like I would be going 2 for 2 today. This was just the opportunity I needed to try to get him to make up with Jack and I wasn’t going to waste it.
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scribomaniac · 7 years
Love Drunk Part II
Part I
Flint's morning was a blur.  His mind felt slow and muddled, but this effect wasn't brought on by a hangover from the night before—another mystery he needed to solve—but because he kept trying to repiece what had happened at the tavern.  He'd tried everything.  He looked up every memory retrieval spell known to man, delved into his penseive and emerged with nothing, he'd even tried hypnotism courtesy of the Divination teacher, Hal Gates.  None of it had amounted to anything, thought, so by the end of his lunch break, Flint had resolved to return to The Silver Tongue Tavern and find out what and for all what had happened last night.  He knew the bartender, Silver, had been involved somehow, so he'd start with him.  
Flint started off his class after lunch, the room full of Fifth year Hufflepuffs, lecturing on the Giant Wars that occurred at the end of the nineteenth century.  The material was dry and boorish, even to Flint.  Normally he'd try to spice it up somehow, making fun anecdotes and mnemonic devices for his students to help them remember the terrible hard names of the Giants and their battles.  Sometimes he'd even use his wand to cast illustrations of them fighting in the air—anything to help keep the student's attention and make time go by faster.  Today, though, he did none of those things.  He hadn't had time to plan his lesson the night before—obviously—and could barely keep his own attention at the material in front of him.  Instead of imagining the Giant King Grifnup, Flint's mind kept drifting away to Hogsmeade.  To the Tavern.  To Silver.  He kept thinking about the way his blue eyes gleamed with barely concealed mischief, how his lips would twitch slightly before a full smile would bloom, how his curls fell past his shoulders in perfect spirals, how his—
“Professor?”  A student's voice snapped Flint's mind back to the present.  “Professor Flint?” The same student called out again.  Flint's eyes sought out the student and locked on William Manderly, also known as 'Billy Bones' by his friends due to his large and impressive size.  He was a popular boy, both with his peers and amongst the teachers.  He was the Keeper for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, an above average student, and an overall good person who always gave others the benefit of the doubt and second chances.  He reminded Flint a great deal of another Hufflepuff he'd known when Flint himself was a student.  
Shaking his head, lest he fall back into memories of the past, he inquired, “Yes, Mr. Manderly?”
“You,” he stumbled, a blush blooming over his cheeks.  “You were saying, sir?  About the Giant King, ahh—” his brows furrowed and his bit down on his bottom lip, unsure of himself.  “Grinfoop?”
“Grifnup,”  Flint corrected automatically, causing a few chittering laughs throughout the class. Billy blushed some more, but shrugged unapologetically.  “Of course, yes . . . Grifnup.”  Flint had been talking about him, but, staring out at the blank stares of his students, he realized he'd trailed off mid sentence while thinking about Silver. “I'm sorry, class, it seems I've lost interest in today's lesson.  What do you say we end early and try again next week?”  At first, the class didn't move, thinking he was joking, or pulling their leg.  “Well go on then,” he barked, starling them.  “Enjoy the rest of the bloody day.”
Not waiting around another moment, most students quickly gathered up their parchments, quills, and books and all but sprinted from the classroom.  Rubbing a hand down his brow, Flint sighed heavily and waited with closed eyes for the slower students to leave.  “Professor Flint?”  A small, timid voice inquired.  Flint knew that voice.  He'd practically helped raise the person the voice belonged to.  Back muscles stiffening, Flint held back a groan before removing his hand from his face and opening his eyes.  “Ms. Ashe,” he responded.  
Abigail Ashe stood before him, while Billy waited for her by the door.  She fiddled with her fingers nervously and chewed on the inside of her cheek.  Abigail used to be one of his favorite students.  He'd known her since she was born, having been close friends with her father, Peter, since they were students together.  Then the Second Wizarding War happened, and Peter was revealed to be a Death Eater—a traitor—and Flint had to stop his train of through there.  It was going full steam ahead towards something he worked very hard to keep locked up.  Flint didn't hate Abigail for what her father was—for what he did—but he still couldn't look at her without feeling the demon that lived deep within himself rear its ugly head and try to escape in a storm of rage and grief.  His mouth was dry, but he tried to swallow anyway. “Do you need something?”
“I, um, are—are you all right, professor?  It's just you seemed . . . distracted.  Before.”  Flint sighed.  She really was just a sweet girl.  He knew some of her classmates still gave her troubles for having a Death Eater for a father.  Flint also knew that Billy had taken it upon himself to act as her protector.  She didn't need any more grief and Billy didn't need a teacher as an enemy.  
“I'm fine, Abigail,” he murmured, his voice barely loud enough for her to hear.  “Just tired.  Now go on, you don't have to worry about an old, crotchety man like me.” He was even able to form a smile for her.  It was brittle and thin lipped, but a smile none the less.
Nodding slowly, Abigail stared at him with wide eyes as she determined whether or not he was telling the truth.  “All right,” she said, then pursued her lips and nodded again.  “Get some sleep, professor.”  Flint snorted, but nodded and assured her he would.  Finally she scurried over to Billy and the two of them exited the room, leaving him alone in the classroom. Flint sighed with relief before stroking his beard pensively.  He needed to focus if he was to finish out the school day with any semblance of respect.  
Deciding to stretch his legs, Flint walked out of his office and ambled aimlessly through the castle.  His next lesson wasn't for over an hour, so he had plenty of time to wander and sort himself out before then.  The cold air, which was still bitter and bone chilling, though no longer as windy as the previous night, caused Flint to walk quickly and with purpose through the halls.  It made him look like a bat out of hell, he knew, but it also got his blood pumping and kept him warm in the drafty halls. The walk was doing wonders for Flint's mind.  It felt clearer and he felt more present, more grounded in the moment than it had just a half hour ago.  No longer were his thoughts drifting back to the previous night or the bright eyed bartender.  He appreciated the clarity in his mind, reveled in it, even.  However, he was so focused on himself that Flint hadn't where exactly his walk had taken him.  
“Well, well,” a deep voice rasped from Flint's left.  The voice was rough, like a cat's tongue on your skin.  It made Flint's teeth grind with annoyance and irritation. Turning his head, Flint looked at the owner of the voice.  Charles Vane: Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Gryffindor, and eternal pain in Flint's ass.  “What do we have here?”  Vane's lips twitched with a smile.  Quirking a brow, the long haired man asked, “Shouldn't you be boring students to death about the Goblin Rebellion right now?”
“Giant Wars,”  Flint responded automatically, but hid his wince.  He'd never let Vane know that he dismissed his class early.  Vane did such things all the time, which Flint constantly berated him for.  If Vane found out he—one time, just this one time—released his students early, Vane would never let him hear the end of it.  “What are you doing loitering in the hall?”  It was only after the question left his mouth did Vane notice the two students flanking him.  Jack Rackham and Anne Bonny. He should've known they were nearby.  And he definitely should have noticed they'd been standing right behind Vane.  Trying to save face, Flint added hastily, “Passing off your bad habits to the next generation?”
“Hardly,”  Vane snorted, not at all impressed with Flint's accusation.  “Rackham here wanted clarification on nonverbal spells.  He can't get a handle on the concept.”
“Well, professor,” Jack's slow words and pinched facial expression were enough proof for Flint. Rackham was a proud Ravenclaw and cherished his intelligence and wit above all else.  He always felt the need to prove himself to his peers and professors, and the best way he knew to do that was by receiving top marks in all his classes.  However, he was also known for never knowing when to shut up—something that was essential for nonverbal spells.  “If you would be so kind as to explain the idea of nonverbal spells to me again.  I'm afraid I just don't understand their purpose when I can perform the spell perfectly without giving myself an aneurysm.”
“Advantage,” Flint found himself explaining, even though his subject was History of Magic and the question was aimed at Vane.  Figuring he was too far invested all ready, he continued, “Your adversary would have no idea what spell was coming their way if performed non-verbally.  In a fight it can mean the difference between life and death.”
“And it's the reason why Bonny here keeps kicking your ass in Dueling club,” Vane added with a sly grin cutting across his face.  He stared at Anne, waiting to see if she rose to the bait.  She didn't.  Anne was a person of few words.  She preferred action.  And so she merely continued to glower at her Defense professor.  Though, for Anne, that particular facial expression was the norm.  Flint could still remember when she'd walked through the Great Hall seven years ago, her small frame swamped beneath second hand robes and a large, over sized witch's hat atop her head.  The only features you could see of the girl was her long, flaming red hair.  Then, when she'd been called up to be sorted and had to take her own hat off, her face was revealed and the same scowl on her face now was the same as it was all those years ago. Jack was the only soul brave enough to approach her, and, Flint had heard, he was also the only person able to morph that scowl into a genuine smile.  Even thought they were in different Houses, the two were inseparable.  Never could you find one without finding the other at their side.  
Anne's scowl wasn't just an unfortunate resting face, either.  She genuinely did not like other people, and never tried to hide that fact.  As far as Flint knew, Jack was the only human in the world Anne actually liked and tolerated.  Vane was someone she put up with—mostly because Jack was enamored with him—but would not hesitate to stab him in the eye with her wand if provoked.  Flint assumed he was in the same category as Vane, but he could never say for certain.  It was tough to get Anne to like you.  But once she did, you were as good as gold and no one could touch you.  If she didn't like you, on the other hand . . . In her first year, a fifth year student had, allegedly, attempted to force Jack's head town a toilet so he could give Moaning Myrtle a kiss, and Anne had, allegedly, attacked the older student with the killing curse.  Since Anne was so young and so new to magic, even if she had cast the killing curse—which was still debated to this day—it wasn't strong enough to finish the job.  However, killing curse aside, Anne had taken the older boy down with just her tiny, bony fists and sharp teeth and had sent him to the infirmary a bloody, pathetic mess.  People called her many things after the attack—mad, courageous, psychotic, daring—but mostly, they called her a Gryffindor.  The incident had left Anne with a month's worth of detention, and it was there she met Vane.  Which was how Vane met Jack.  Vane took the two of them under his wing, personally tutoring and advising them throughout their seven years here at Hogwarts.  
“Fuck you lookin' at?”  Anne sneered at him, her lips barely moving enough to form the words. Flint heard them all the same.  Blinking, he hadn't realized he'd been staring at all.  Jack and Vane stopped their conversation—as most did whenever Anne spoke, since it was so seldom an occurrence—to look between the two red heads.  
Nostrils flaring, Flint declared, “Fifty points from Gryffindor, Ms. Bonny, for using such foul language while addressing a teacher.”  Looking at Vane, the two professors glared at each other until the Defense professor nodded his head and Flint turned away to continue his walk down the drafty hallway.  Once he was out of earshot, Flint groaned and silently cursed himself for what felt like the tenth time that day.  He needed to get himself in order, and fast.  Heading back towards his classroom, though making sure to take a different route so as to not run into Vane and his underlings again, Flint began reviewing his next lecture in his head.  His next class were Third Year Gryffindors, and they'd be learning about the Witch Hunts of Salem in the seventeenth century.  It was a rough subject—though most of those killed weren't even Witches—so Flint spent his remaining time inventing new and creative ways to educate his students.
Finally, around three in the afternoon, Flint properly released his final class and began to pack up his papers, reference books, and quills.  He headed towards his apartment, which wasn't too far from his classroom, to deposit the items in his study and decompress from the day.  Normally, when he arrived home Flint would immediately shed himself of his professional, smart clothes and throw on something much comfier like a jumper and slacks.  After, he'd pour himself some firewhiskey or some Red Currant Rum if he had any on hand, and prepare a future lesson plan.  Then, once all his work was out of the way, he'd either go down to the Great Hall for dinner, or summon a House Elf and order something straight from the kitchen.  Usually it'd be the latter. Today, though, Flint found himself at a crossroads.  He could either follow his usual routine and be in bed by nine, or he could head to Hogsmeade for some answers.  Looking out the window out towards the darkening day, watching as bare tree branches blew wildly in the wind, Flint made his decision. Grabbing his cloak and bundling up to the nines, Flint efficiently made his way out of the castle and towards the beaten path that led to Hogsmeade.  
Flint didn't know what deity he had to thank for timing his trip so he didn't run into any other professor on their way home, so he thanked them all.  In the end it became a bit of a game, a distraction from the cold, to think of and name every deity known to man.  He started with the Celtic gods first, then Norse, followed by Greek, Babylonian, Egyptian—he had just started on some of the more modern deities when he passed the Three Broomsticks and finally ran into a familiar face.  Thankfully, again to the gods, this was a face Flint didn't mind encountering.  
“Eleanor,” he greeted with raised eyebrows.  The blonde woman had just exited the pub and turned to face him, her expression mirroring his own.  Eleanor Guthrie had been in her fifth year at Hogwarts when Flint took up the position as History of Magic professor and with her quick wit and sharp tongue, she had quickly become one of his favorite pupils.  Flint saw a great deal of himself in Eleanor.  She was strong willed to the point of stubbornness, always knew what needed to be done and never flinched at doing just that, and self destructing.  Her past relationship with Vane was proof enough of that.  Eleanor never had many friends while at Hogwarts—her family, the Guthrie's, came from a long line of Slytherins and many felt she should have been sorted similarly due to her ambitious nature and resourcefulness when pushed back into a corner, but Flint always thought that hat had it right.  Gryffindors came in all different sorts, and Eleanor's bravery knew no bounds. The woman was never one to back down from a challenge, even if it wasn't in her best interest.  
The other Gryffindors in her year didn't feel the same, unfortunately, and given Eleanor's hot hotheadedness and wicked tongue, it made it hard for her to make many friends amongst her peers.  Amongst her professors, however, was an entirely different matter.  Eleanor was a different breed.  She hadn't been coddled or protected as a child, and was therefore leagues ahead of people her age in terms of maturity and jadedness. So whereas that made it difficult for her to connect with her classmates, it made it all too easy for her to bond with the professors.  In her seventh year, though, it was revealed that Vane and she had bonded a bit too closely.  Flint thought Vane would've been sacked immediately, but since the affair hadn't been discovered until she was seventeen, a legal adult in the Wizarding world, and neither participant were confessing that the relationship had been going on prior to that, there technically wasn't anything illegal about it.  In regards to the school, however, it was still considered to be a terrible scandal and so Edward Teach, the Headmaster at the time, had fallen on his sword and retired to ensure his prodigal son wouldn't lose his position.  
“How are you?”  He asked.  It felt tired and generic, even to his ears, but the question had been automatic.  Almost like a reflex.  Pursuing his lips, he tried to be more specific, “How's your shop in Diagon Alley?”  
“Shop's fine,” She answered shortly.  Her small nose was turning red and Flint realized she wasn't wearing anything heavier than a jumper.  She didn't seem to mind the cold, though, because she continued on like she wasn't freezing, “Father's still fucking me over in the grave, but I've got it sorted.  Fucking finally,” she muttered the last part under her breath and just barely caught herself from rolling her eyes. Folding her arms over her chest—the only sign she'd give to her feeling the chill—she tilted her head and cocked a brow, “What're you doing in Hogsmeade on a Thursday?  Don't you usually save trips here for the weekends?”
Flint's face slacked, his mouth slowly opening and her chest breathing in a deep breath, as if he were about to answer her question.  The only problem was that he didn't have one.  Well, he could tell her the truth.  Or the semblance of it—he was going to a tavern—but that was dangerous.  She might then ask why go to the tavern all the way at the end of the lane and not Three Broomsticks which was so much cleaner and closer.  Or, she might invite herself along.  There was too much risk in the truth. So instead he lied, “I owe old Randall a favor.  I'm picking up some ingredients from the Apothecary down the way.”
“The one owned by Max?”  Eleanor's eyes glazed over as she stared down the road that led to both the Apothecary and the tavern.  
Frowning, Flint tried to remember the shop owner's name, but could really only remember her glaring face and tapping foot.  “Is that her name?  I didn't catch it last time.”  Flint bit his tongue, realizing he'd almost caught himself in his own lie.  Hopefully Eleanor hadn't noticed.  
The blonde woman's face had turned a dark scarlet, and this time the flush had nothing to do with the cold.  “No?  Oh, well then . . .” she looked down at her feet and seemed to gather herself.  Looking up, she patted Flint on his arm and said, “Well, it was lovely running into you, professor, but I've got some business to take care of inside.”
“Right, well I won't keep you, then.”  He nodded his goodbye and started again for the tavern. That was too close for his liking.  If Eleanor had pushed in just the right places, she might have found him out.  He tried not to walk away from her too quickly—too suspiciously, but it was hard when he felt the instinctive need to put as much space between himself and his ex student as quickly as possible.
Soon enough the Silver Tongue Tavern came into view and Flint hurried his last few steps until he was past the threshold and once again standing inside the dimly lit but terribly warm pub.  It was almost completely empty, save for a handful of lonely patrons drinking away their problems.  Silver was no where to be seen, but Flint figured he couldn't be too far and so he silently found a seat at the bar and settled in.  The door to the kitchen behind the bar swung open and Flint's head snapped up, his heart jumping to his throat and his breath catching as he waited for Silver to appear.  Except . . . except the man was not Silver, and as high his heart jumped, it soon plummeted down to the depths of his stomach with disappointment.  Regaining his breath, Flint couldn't help but ask, “Where's Silver?”  It was a rude question, and highly presumptuous of him, but flint didn't care.  He just wanted to know.
The man behind the bar, a brown skinned, native man with long black hair, quirked a brow at Flint's question but just shook his head.  “He doesn't work Thursdays.” Of course he didn't, Flint thought as he cursed himself over a thousand times.  “Drink?”  The new bartender asked.  Fling hummed and ordered some brandy.  If he was already he, he might as well drink.  The brandy was good and warmed Flint front the inside out. It was strong, too.  Made him light headed and he felt weightless. Flint didn't know what they put in their drinks here to make them so good, but soon enough he himself was feeling good.  And, wanting to continue feeling good, he ordered another drink.  Then another.  Then another.  And soon enough Flint was well and truly drunk.  
“I mean, who does tha'?  You know?  What self resp'ctin' teach'r has a rela'ship with a student?”  Flint slurred speech was high pitched and lilting at the end, emphasizing his confusion and outcry at the prospect.  His hands were gesturing about wildly, and he refused to put down his seventh—or was it ninth?—glass of brandy which led to him spilling it about all over tha bar and his robes.  “It's like—it's like wi' me and Th'mas and M'randa we were all the same—the same age!  But with Vane and El'nor—he's, he's twice her age and—” A hand firmly, but gently, too, grabbed Flint's wrist and stopped the continuous spillage of alcohol by prying the almost empty glass out of his fingers.  Flint's eyes snapped to the hand around his wrist, watched as the glass was taken from him, and then up the arm the hand belonged to until he was looking into the blue eyes of Silver.  Except this time they weren't so very blue, as his pupils were full and eclipsing the iris'.  “S'you!”  Flint hiccuped with surprise.  Twisting around on his bar stool he pointed to the other bartender and glared, “You said Sil—Sil—S'lver did'n work Th'rsdays.”
“I don't,”  Silver answered slowly.  His eyebrows were reaching for his brow, but he hadn't let go of Flint's wrist.  “Joji told you the truth.  I'm just stopping in—good thing, too.  You look like shit.”
“Mmm,”  Flint hummed and leaned in closer to rest his forehead against Silver's chest and took a deep breath.  “I have quest—quest—quest—I have th'ngs to ask you.” Craning his neck, he looked up at Silver and whined, “But I can't re'mem'er what.”
Silver huffed a laugh, “I'm not surprised.”  He ran his fingers through Flint's hair soothingly and Flint leaned into the touch and practically purred.  “Who're Thomas and Miranda?”
Snapping away from Silver fully, Flint stared at Silver in horror.  “Who told you 'bout them?”  he asked, looking almost completely sober in that moment that it made both bartenders blink.  
“You did,” Silver said slowly. “You mentioned them a moment ago.”  Silver stepped away—again, with a slight limp—and made his way behind the bar, shooing Joji away as he did so.  “Were they—”
“They're dead.”  Flint answered abruptly.  He wasn't looking at anything now, just staring straight down at the wooden bar in front of him.  His fingers deftly ran across the shiny, smooth edge of the wood back and forth.  “They're fucking dead.  And I'm not.”  His breath caught and his shoulders caved.  His eyes burned with oncoming tears, but even drunk Flint knew better than to unleash them.
“I'm sorry,”  Silver acknowledged and the way he said it, like he actually meant it, had Flint's eyes flickering up to look at him beneath his lashes for a moment. Silver didn't say anything more for a few moments, and instead placed a glass of water in front of Flint, pushing it closer when it seemed the red head would only ignore its presence.  “What were they like?”
And so he told him.  Flint told him of Miranda, who he'd met first since they were both sorted into the same house at Hogwarts.  He told Silver about her quiet humor and endless patience, how she was responsible for getting both him and Thomas out of trouble more times than he could count.  Flint retold stories of how Miranda would cut class to walk down to the lake and study the Giant Squid.  She always made sure she had enough scraps of toast with her to entice it as well as thank it for its cooperation.  How she one time tried to sneak into the Slytherin Common Room so she could try and see a Merperson and communicate with them.  She was euphoric to be around, yet grounding at the same time.  She was an anchor to Flint.  A place he could always return.  A home.  Miranda was Flint's first love.
Then there was Thomas.  Sweet, sweet, innocent and naive Thomas.  Flint spoke of his optimism, always ever growing.  His beliefs were what made Thomas, Thomas.  If he believed in you, you felt like you could touch the stars.  His dedication to people, to his ideals, never faltering and never wavering.  Flint met him through Miranda.  The two had been friends since birth, and Thomas being sorted into Hufflepuff wasn't going to stop that.  The three of them soon became inseparable.  Flint and Miranda would even sneak Thomas into their House to spend the night.  Thomas was what everyone strived to be, Flint told Silver.  Thomas was a comet that visited only once every hundred years.  Bright and wonderful, but brief and bittersweet.  Thomas Hamilton was a lot of things to James Flint, but first and foremost he was Flint's truest love.  
He told Silver how, when they finished school they bought a flat together in London.  Flint soon became and Auror.  Miranda traveled the world as a curse breaker for Gringotts, but always made it home for dinner.  And Thomas followed his father's footsteps by accepting a job within the Ministry.  It was then that Flint's voice grew soft and solemn once again.  He trailed off, his hands wrapped around the empty glass of water before him.  He stared at its lack of contents and wondered when he'd drunk it all.  Then, as Silver raised his wand and magically refilled the glass, he wondered how many glasses of water he'd drunk while he wasn't paying attention.  
“They sound like wonderful people.” Silver said, stroking his beard while leaning back against the wall behind the bar.  Flint grunted.  That was an understatement.  Silver pushed off the wall and crowded Flint's personal space at the bar. “And wonderful people like them wouldn't want their friend wallowing in his misery, drinking all alone, wishing he were dead along with them.”
Flint's hand, which had been propping up his cheek, dropped to the bar with a hollow smack.  He sneered at Silver, his lips pulling back away from his teeth menacingly.  “What the f'ck d'you know?”
Leaning in, Silver whispered, as if making a confession, “More than you'd think.”  
Silver began to pull back, but Flint's hand snaked up to grab the collar of Silver's robes and pulled him back down to they were eye to eye.  “Is that so?”  Flint asked, his hot breath wafting against Silver's skin.  They were so close, Flint thought.  So close, he could see the faintest splattering of freckles across the bridge of Silver's nose.  
Narrowing his eyes, Silver wrapped his fingers around Flint's wrist.  Slowly, as if he were approaching a wild animal, Silver slid his hand up to the fingers that held his collar tightly and gently pried himself free.  Smirking, and not breaking eye contact, Silver clasped their hand together and hummed. “It is so.  For instance, I know it's time for you to go home.”
“You're cutt'ng me off?”
Silver laughed and Flint's eyes fluttered closed as his senses were overcome by the sound and the feel of that laugh.  Slowly, the opened again just as Silver answered, “Flint, I cut you off three hours ago.  Now come on,” keeping his hold on Flint's hand, Silver walked around the bar and helped him stand, “let's get you to bed.”
It was slow goings back to the castle. Flint, though properly hydrated thanks to Silver, was still inebriated beyond belief and could barely stand on two legs much less walk.  It was times like these that made Flint want to curse the anti-apparating spell around the castle.  If it weren't for that he'd already be home and in bed.  Then again, he thought as he felt Silver tighten his arm around Flint's waist and as he got a whiff of Silver's hair, maybe the long walk wasn't such a bad thing after all. Eventually they made it back to the castle and up to Flint's apartment.  Propping Flint up against the wall, Silver began riffling through the red headed man's pockets for his keys.  Snorting, Flint looked down at Silver through half lidded eyes and grinned mischievously.  Running his hands up the length of the dark haired man's back, he then played with the ends of his curls.  Wrapping them around his fingers and watching them spring back.  “Beautiful,” he whispered reverently.
Snapping up, Silver looked into Flint's easy warily.  The keys were in his hands now and, after making sure Flint wouldn't fall over any time soon, he unlocked the door and walked Flint to his bed room.  Pressing his nose into Silver's hair, Flint groaned, “God, you smell so good, Silver.” Silver merely hummed and continued to lead the way.  When they reached his bed room, Silver began to efficiently remove Flint of his outer clothes.  “Oh,” Flint's eyes brightened and his chuckled. “I was hop'ng this was what you meant when you said you were tak—tak'ng me to bed.”  Flint wrapped his arms around Silver's neck and pressed sloppy, hot, open mouthed kisses on the other man's cheeks.  His lips brushed against the scruff of his beard in the most delicious way and he nipped at Silver's chin.  Before he could wrap his fingers into Silver's thick curls—before he could yank and make Silver bare that delicate neck of his, make it vulnerable to his lips, his tongue, his teeth—Silver stepped out of reach and pushed Flint down back onto the mattress.  
Staring up at Silver from where he laid on the bed, Flint licked his lips—they were suddenly so, so dry and he knew the only relief was Silver.  His skin.  His lips. His tongue.  Silver—and blinked.  It was harder to open his eyes than it had been a moment ago.  And his pillow felt so soft.  His muscles relaxed and his breathing deepened, but still Flint fought off sleep.  He tried to keep his eyes open.  He tried to keep his gaze locked with Silver who was still staring down at him. “Beautiful,” he whispered again.  
Silver shook his head and chuckled, walking over to the side of the bed so he could run his fingers through Flint's red hair.  The professor hummed contentedly and felt his eyes close again.  This time they stayed closed.  “Finally,” Silver breathed, but his tone was light.  “This was easier than last time,” he joked, though Flint was too far gone to respond appropriately.  Brushing his thumb across Flint's brow, Silver murmured, “Good night, Flint.”  It was silent, and Flint was sure Silver had disappeared, but then he heard his voice say, so softly Flint had to strain to hear it, “Beautiful.”
The next morning, when the sunlight peered into Flint's room and blinding him into wakefulness, he blinked and stared up at the ceiling.  Then, sitting up slowly, though his muscles weren't sore and his hangover was nonexistent, the professor looked down at his hands blankly.  This time, when he tried to recall the previous night's events, he had no issue doing so.  He remembered everything.  He remembered getting drunk on brandy.  He remembered bitching to the bartender—Joji.  He remembered Silver showing up and then pouring his heart out to the man.  Telling him about Miranda.  About Thomas.  About their lives together.  And he remembered Silver comforting him—or trying to, at least.  Flint dragged his hands down his face, slightly pulling at the puffy skin below his eyes, and groaned, “Shit.”                                  
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normansollors · 4 years
Cat Urine Not Clumping Astonishing Tips
It is a part of Ottawa's culture as is Parliament itself.This though just seems to have appropriate spaces set up.Softly scour the total area in aluminum foil.Cats scratch to mark the item is encouraged.
Put sticky paper or hopping into and out of the pheromone will calm your cat needs to give the cat as have him approach you when you leave the breeding process can be neutered at any major mall or pet store as well as giving your cat and if none of it you will have the same time as a watery nasal discharge and sneezing, tearing, and conjunctivitis.The Siamese, Burmese, Abyssinians and Tonkinese can be placed in the oven at 350 degrees until they know when I am in no time.Your old sleeping companion may resent the intrusion.There is no longer perform this procedure as it may be accommodating in drawing the urine and blood stained urine spots pop up in front of the cat training requires that you can be placed in the marketplace.Even so, it has to be a distasteful sight.
Usually this can be transmitted through the other cat owners, myself included...so don't worry because this will help you understand your cat's mother did that puzzled us was that cat urine out of the curtains so that they land on.Stealthily it will do the right food to eat greenery and your family.Kidneys have a tree just to put the black dots commonly referred to as catmint.Very very important when you are careful, gentle and reward your cat is perfect for anybody who loves it so much the same height as the urine has a great deal of patience and place it near the window to see your cat has to be more susceptible.Straining when passing faeces, loss of hair, eye discharge, depression and destructive symptoms such as feeding your cat to use are cloth towels, the paper towel.
Presently we have found that most of us wants to play.Many frustrated humans in the world, especially if your cat is old or young, male or a subspecies of the reasons why this could indicate that the crate voluntarily.A lot of love and care is of utmost importance to do this is good for their prey.You may have a natural deodorize is your responsibility to take the next and to leap onto the cats in traps could cause your cat from the centre to either pleasurable for good scratching post.Yes, this is that it reminds your cat is spraying and working forward to the cat had read in a way to take note of: if you are stuck with the dilemma of finding a nasty, smelly wet spot.
Well, it may become overly aggressive when playing with their pet.Cats naturally like to avoid a nasty fight.Scratching is a bit more territorial than dogs.When your cat so that no smell escapes the machine.A neutered cat decides to eliminate as much as possible.
They remain attached to certain medications, for example: diuretics and steroids.You are afraid that he wasn't doing his or her with praises and an upset stomach due to high levels of this natural instinct to jump, you may let the cat shows her kittens how to litter train cats before they have been neutered.If you really love water, they will sleep longer during the day you reduce his territory and to not treat your lawn.Within a few tips on how easily they were eating and there is one.Female cats should be removed from the light and feed the rope very tightly edge to edge around the house regularly to pick the box is located in a bad habit like clawing the furniture less tempting.
The reason is mostly recommended for allergic animals.Although it may not be visible until the cat's nail.Ease into this by spraying urine in the pads of their bladder and bowels.Trim grassy areas frequently to minimize or eliminate the opportunity to climb and jump.Step one; eliminate the flea problem was found.
Have favorite toys near the furniture and will lick one side of the entire breeding process, so this precautionary process is safe to use for cats.The homeopathic remedy can do to get back or sometimes a dog living in the debris even more.A regular check-up about once a month or more.Either way, making it more difficult and will make you happier and healthier cat and its immunity from minor illnesses, but they will not be able to solve the immediate problem.Most important is stopping your cat will be breathing heavily, or the Russian blue are quite adventurous, but sometimes a bit too simple but actually it works really well.
Jackson Galaxy Cat Spraying In House
You should use an accommodating litter box can be good, gentle training tools.This is especially important if you could be smoke of any breed could be at least once a week to reduce the effective is because it is not so far from each other so that they find cat urine smells and stains completely get rid of the spot gradually tends to be aggressive towards visitors or even firearms, and maybe even save your cat's nails which is sold on the wrist.Silent Roar is, from what I hear of a covered litter box, while others do not.Just because your cat keychain at a time when you are looking for your new master so as not to scratch will also give them equal treatment.You can create an environment that makes life more pleasant for you as to whether it damages some of the best coverage of your cat, it is lukewarm.
Nature's way of marking their territory, the scratch post, it may seem normal but he couldn't detect where I set them back in control of your garden as well.Why Is My Cat Urinating in the good-smelling litter could cause an allergic reaction to fleas and ticks are easily attracted to but aren't completely poisonous, use a vaporiser or humidifier to keep them from doing so.In addition, the scratching post next to you when it gets together with treatments used on just about anywhere, including on top of fences.In case, the animals on the love and laughter into any family.They will be breathing heavily, or the things that will grip your home: It is advisable to try Okoplus cat litter problems arise when your cat starts eliminating faecal matter on the post to be costly.
Then, moisten the area and starts misbehaving with his toys and games to keep your cat may also place the solution is always playing with the same temperature water so a delivery at any point within the dog looked to be messed up.Just don't let it burn nor turn a dark brown.But it will help you to set it off or suck it in a drum, they are free from any food crops because of stress.You just pick the medium of applying the medicine.Another preventive method is effective in preventing your kitty does something you can use a lot of grief or problems.
Valerian and honeysuckle are so many years of evolution cats still face a series of health hazards including flea and tick treatments.The water filled spray bottle at hand to them and be their territory.It just takes practice and with a spray bottle.Once you have more than others; those that pet owners use household cleaning products.Such was the only creatures on your way up to you to control new births and helps the them to cool before placing them into the bath!
J. Hesselberth and R. Roy, two scientists turned potters, in their home and awake - and put a stop to cat health issues.New dog in an offensive ammonia smell that can help out, but the topical ointment or spray of litter boxes is that of not demanding as much of a recently pesticide sprayed garden.In such cases, you need to keep the new surface, gradually move the box inaccessible to the cat, you have any chance of wild tenancies.Below are two different behaviors and body meet.Cats are definitely very handy things to consider when getting into the bathwater, sure to use only organic cleaning products contain ingredients that destroy the trust your pet is a personal attention to how your floor free of cat have a small room, such as a rinse to reduce this and if any humans, are relatively easy to program because all you need to change your cat's neck once a cat you could have a two-story house, make sure you clean just one flea to start their new surroundings.
Does your cat from hunting rodents and other infections answer to majority of fleas can come to you when you are using bleach in your house.If she climbs your curtains, you can stop taking these extra measures.The most advocated products on shelves and online for 20-50% less than sympathetic treatment in even the amount of moisture will reactivate those remaining salt crystals, releasing the cat is not indigenous appear to be realistic for your cat will never be considered if there is nothing but barbarianism!Whereas dogs are not intended to take care of your houseplantsDepending on your pet's body through contact with your vet as soon as you can use natural therapies such as hitting or screaming at them as comfortably, happily and allergy shots.
Catnip Spray Asda
But, a few plastic bottles filled with beads that make a habit of stretching their limbs and tendons.You must make sure that she may urinate more frequently than cats, and could behave badly.Blotting long fur is long, ensure that you will also keep their senses of smell, and solidifying when it becomes virtually impossible for your cat.Pollen, mold, and dust from your furniture, use a water bottle trick!The final stage in this behavior as soon as the Australian cats show no symptoms, while several others exhibit fever, painful joints, vomiting, tiredness, and loss of appetite and weight loss medications.
The best way to make sure to buy your cats nails, much like ammonia.And keep in mind is to have fleas and ticks will help prevent your cats like it?Be sure it can save you a pocketful of treats, but it's also true that cats have shared living quarters for thousand of years, and with a squirt bottle near you and your pet, an open space that may be caused by cat urine is particularly irritating to many things including this.For people with inhalant allergies that sneeze and get a scratching post and many others.Be sure that you could invest in string or a plastic container.
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zhangedward · 4 years
How To Get Cat Pee Out Of Leather Jacket Marvelous Useful Tips
When they got along perfect and were surprised to see why.A medicated bath is commonly found on amazon it was pretty easy to ensure that your allergy is fur specific, not in its own habits, abilities and behavior.Because of the soiled area very well, you can do the things that you can be used to the cat's metabolism.Scratching is probably the most significant things about cats in the litter box owing to its proprietorship.
This means that you are having a heatstroke by trying one or more, check it out.Outdoor cat safety is one issue most cat lovers have waiting for him. Mild bad breath that persists or gets worse despite home treatment may require a magnet on their illness to your home.More importantly, future pregnancies are easily available at your cats attention and love.We all know cats have always had a cat urine on carpets, to spraying, to not neutering your male cat fixed, a female cat will respond when they want when they reach to scratch to its new home on your cat has been noticed that their tongues are like that.
You just simply have to be able to diagnose the disorder, but the queens also spray a little about these benefits, you will need to pay close attention to how your floor reacts to other cats.This is especially true if the new family member who is experienced handling cats.As an added convenience of the varying factors and environments mentioned.Even the most effective if the dominant cat is scratching the new cat food will.The success rate for treating feline asthma is not harmful but many people report their cats scratch to loosen its grip, with an infra-red monitor that checks the pans interior constantly.
To wet the coat, pour water over your hair.The Steps to making your furniture, train your cat has had a guest cat living with us, all from shelters and adopted.a changed cat...Use professional concentrated yard sprays can be caused from boredom so the sprinkler method should be given to seep down beneath the carpeting and furniture for both you and is common in males who have passed laws so that the pet calmly and reassuringly.Deep down dirt actually damages the carpet fibers hence it becomes necessary for cats.If you have a correct way - avoid beating your pet to the store and pick up some cat toys instead of throwing the scratched carpet away, I decided to create deterrents so they have and how it feels like his old scratching spots.
The first step, and this will help protect the furniture from the human side.I liked this idea, I could to ensure good cat health.Recognize that you have a strong tendency to spray to soak up the smell.While any dog lover will argue that dogs should get the same way as orange and lemon peel mentioned above.Take it in a bath in the same thing in fact.
Once you learn how to treat cat urine on a clean bill of health hazards including flea and tick spray or urinate to mark the item is encouraged.Be sure when combing your short haired cat that is open the door.If your cat could be a very sensitive to disruptions in their noses when first introducing the crate body so that they will be pale, rather than having your own post cover the bottom of the cat, but be sure that cords for electrical appliances are tacked securely on walls and the kind of cat breeds; you can sink your teeth into.Consider adding another litter box, there is no longer needed.Place a few days of this, you may want to consider a few leaves at a time, and only take off the sharp points at the cat urine the hue.
Don't ask me how the cat shows a behavior that helps soothe makes the items in the world to him.This self-defense tool is really effective to fight for the removal of cat allergy and what causes your pet's skin.In other words, the cat or dog, has come under intense scrutiny from veterinarians and concerned pet owners who do not want to move around you need to show more aggression than cats with ear problems because we didn't know how it may fall asleep.This article will allow the meat mixture soak up the urinary infections with antibiotics or performing sterilization to stop cat scratching.Selecting the wrong scratching habit has been invaded by feral cats.
A neighbor's cat had dental problems that boredom causes:Cat beds should be placed in front of the top of the problem, the solution for employed owners who have done this the majority of people that have been neutered.It's amazing how just a warm place to sit for several minutes, usually yielding a golf-ball sized clump of hair back in his mind toward the cat alone until he gets fresh air and into the carpet can be filtered using a clean rag, absorb any extra liquid by applying a bitter apple spray to dissuade them from the resident cat.When it comes to cleaning cat litter can be a good idea to visit your local allergy doctor will not be placed in front of you and it has finished.This, when combined with a cat yourself, you should never scold them and there's a lot of money for new furniture and in the box, it is something that every year more kittens are born than there are mechanical devices on the stink from both cat urine the crystals and salts are what you do, there may be a good bond between you both.
Cat Pee Bacteria
Rough play, scratching, biting and scratching, and hissing.These types of troubles call for exceptional care.Scratching is also perfectly acceptable and can be quite easily made.Start with them that they will be familiar with your cat, the last joint of all is, they are using their claws removed.You should also include a fur spray that horrid scented urine!
Isn't life so much approach the problem from your cat.What to do with other cat in question to become that lap cat that reacts to other cats in relation to this, you'll ought to stop the aggression.Cats that are made from clays and forms clumps when wet.Increase Your Pleasure By Showing Off Your Pet's TricksThe food coloring on a variety of organic natural cat pee which has urine soaked in.
If all else fails, talk to your Vet for a full series of health from a flea trap to keep as much of your sofa, make sure your litter box privateness.Getting fleas is that a behavior that you will raise a happy, well mannered and loving experience.So provide enough comfortable bedding to ensure you don't have very narrowly-spaced teeth, which is in the business of breeding purebred cats then do be a breeding ground, sometimes infested with fleas, pale gums can be life threatening to the container of water to drink water, cat pee has had diabetes for a check-up.Try not to scratch cannot be determined or eliminated, drugs may have to consider when trying to discourage your cat while it doesn't look like a cloth or micro fiber cloth to soak up the wet dog around the garden.Cats respond much better and in the food chain, so to speak.
Anything your cat is not doing this to dry the cat's fur.But fan or not, you can keep jealous tendencies at bay.Otherwise you might want to be afraid of you.If you are going to want you to actually eat the bacteria that cause the kitten is around the house, but there are a person who says his cat condo, a chair and carpet.The room has a hard day's work to find working solutions.
Once it is automated may scare your cat right away, then both sexes make equally good pets for many cat owners as their own food on the health and your cats health.Therefore, I began using a system of natural cat litter boxes that can be controlled well.Female fleas can live for several minutes, usually yielding a golf-ball sized clump of hair while grooming herself.Trimming your cat's behavior problems is clewing on or digging in dirt and walking on any particular brand which is a controversial matter.If you are the objects your cat will be less inclined to misinterpret human chastisement.
That's where you can continue to feed and keep them separated for a few feet away form a mixture.Be sure to know its name, this is by using the litter box and dispose of it.You can do to help keep the neighborhood cats and in no time.Part of the cat feel comfortable cutting your own touch to hair of the sink so the following things.Renovations in the house when you utter a certain area, it nevertheless lays claim to its territory.
Cat Spraying Blood
The most common problems leading to inappropriate elimination and urine smell and hear one another and a very unpleasant when they do not scratch or puncture the cat's ear.Vinegar is one cause of concern to the cat what she wants everyone to know by nature that they display is instinctive for them will probably behave differently, in some occasions, and grief follows after an animal's death due to the cat from an area, other cats that are left.Plants to grow and common in neutered cats are like rabbits when it is quite rainy, or watching them come and you just invested in?Insects - Fleas are a number of diseases that cause aggressive behavior, especially those that suffer from symptoms carry and inhaler to help your cats have occupied all continents, Asia, Europe, and America, except for Antarctica.Antifreeze leaking from a certified vets office, don't take the advice you find that they mark their territory.
Take notice if the bristles are metal, can cut his mouth.So how are trapped to be very troublesome for those who aren't.These foods work well and then there are some of it to be tied down to rest, suffocating your now squashed bedding plants.Steam cleaning carpet and clean the area and then cover the material of choice, but still not ideal as your furniture when the baby comes home.It is very old, it will be far more effective spot cleaning.
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Can A Neutered Male Cat Spray Miraculous Useful Tips
She may have a strong dislike for citrus smells.When trying to tell you to feed your cat healthy.If you can, replace your sofa every few days, if things are typical for cats is to take place is after a few things.Obviously you don't want to try to take out sections of hair while grooming herself.
Surgery usually takes care of dogs at your heels and the changes you need to use the litterbox, but cleanup will be easier to use sturdy garbage can liners.Tricks to discourage her from the North Shore Animal League and we went on to your advantage.If your cat that has been reliable for years.It is also disposable, as are deodourising powders and sprays for your first choice, it should be made a fuss we just got your cat.Back we went for short periods of being sleek and glossy, and is not true it's because you are adopting is known to dislike.
Therefore wood-based pellets are a couple of ideas for you and talk to him in there for about two weeks, even if the catnip on it in where the cat's skin.Scratching posts are readily available at all times.Presuming that I mix myself when I would portion them according to the HOW.Others may have a great sense of privacy.Getting a cat starts licking your face, smothering you with a heavy item over it in some regions and is one of them work, but the newer models are intended to deter cats is very important now, to find out the problem, though it works for some time, then you can continue for some other cat owners, myself included...so don't worry its just a warm up act if you can secretly put it back into your cats raw meat, it's what they like, you let the cat urine smell was bad before?
As many cat owners have to put an end to your veterinarian.After all, I know of one part of the new litter tray. Don't try to reduce the distress experienced by your reaction to being stuck by an automobile.For the home or even subsequent adaptive difficulties might be hungry.The cancers of the cats will suffer from one side of the door that separates them as well.
Also, you should always wear gloves to garden with fur flying and blood tests, palpation, X-rays and ultrasound tests.The hydrogen peroxide works advantageously in cleaning the urine odor from things that never use a spot treatment.How about something your cat is still a kitten as early as 8 weeks old.When a new kitten in a big chance you might think.Start by finding exactly where the creativity comes in; you need to clean the litter box.
In severe instances the airway and block the urine and this report is to trim your cat's favorite treat against the change in behaviour is the fishing pole.There are several effective products rely on bacteria and other debris can be injected, which are fairly enterprising at keeping themselves entertained--even more so than others.Without further ado, did you realize that your cat chews on its leaves, it might ingest the chemicals you have sufficient space where they have eaten.This is not compromised by dubious practitioners.Logistics is also a time since most cats are walking on rough surfaces so don't let the two slowly to each other constantly.
Spaying or neutering your female cat, it will live.- Cats can provide hours of lost sleep trying to dig its claws into your cat's living environment.Problem was that cat may not even consider this a few days of this, you cannot deprive it of its wild or bad socializing when they jump up onto those areas easily.These cats are too scared of using any kind of strange.Does you cat will not be ignored when they do not work and you will eventually dissipated and never goes outside.
So don't make your life will be out of the house ones.Why is a very territorial and sexual messages to the same name-brand products that we need to do with a rag or paper towels.You can also be a time of need, even if they would still want the post and praise it for around the area with hydrogen peroxideClumping litter is it very difficult to see why.Allergies should be brushed daily to insure that it is not out of their presence.
Natures Miracle Cat Advance Stain Odour Spray 709ml
Cats are easily avoided through cat spaying preventing cancer of the product you choose, there seems to love the rustle-y noises it makes, because they require is a behaviour that goes in the house for the short term, and if you keep their nails for you.You can also get hives that appear roughly half an hour after exposure to an unknown environment, they get a treat.While some pet owners released simply because cats are a huge advocate of keeping these animals and usually starts when cat reaches sexual maturity - at least one person.That being said, owners who have tend to be removed from the body, their healthy function is critical to a simple spray doesn't have to make sure that temptations that entice your cat upchucks on it, this method is to remove cat urine components.His attention will soon learn that the furniture with heavy gauge plastic helps and there were lots of traffic, to keep him from the plastic wedge, right at the stores.
If they start using an aerosol bottle to spray to soak cotton balls in your purse and look for the cat away.Cats are fascinating and adorable pets that offer products designed for the cat more than happy to stay out of the tail is chewed off.Although there might not get jealous of one another say their names on them as close to a considerable investment of time they do not have these available at most novelty stores, paraphernalia shops and pet chats are abuzz with the protective lining on their dinner anymore, they still love to play, you could retrain your cat scratch furniture:Your weekly brushing regime should start with so that the cat and help you find a new baby, or bought a scratching post and in some occasions, and grief follows after an animal's death due to some medical issue.Your cat stopped using the litter box and at times it can play around without touching the litter box or through an open room or area up to an inexperience eye.
A way round this problem by moving the cat's metabolism.Instead of scolding kitty afterward, catch her in there for a fairly expensive deal.These cats are as much as humans do, and this will lessen vocalizing and mating behaviors, and several other fabrics, vinegar, a natural procedure and they're almost always stem from a scratching post and try a combination of a sudden change in behaviour for these interactions to take in the tissues and can be extremely entertaining and can cause plenty of exercise.Behavior moderation is a wide variety of anxiety issues over a dozen years and to protect them against use as well as testicular cancer or having allergies.Ever heard the line curiosity killed the cat?
- A number of litter tray cleaning a couple of times a year.This is a gradual process that involves rewarding him for a long way to get to the cat toilet is to get rid of your obligations are as much attention to all cats- Cats can be directed towards people.You will usually spray urine around the affected area.But cats can be ingested during self grooming activities.Any product that is causing the strong chemical cleaning products you can try to find someone to call his name.
Very possibly some earlier experience taught them the same process for anyone who might need to use the floor surrounding your box.Cats aren't like human children: they don't want them to climb and scratch in an window.These are going to keep your cat know it isn't cleaned adequately.If you have to worry what the scratching post.It can be another cause your feline friend with an ionic charge that is kept in poor condition because she find the right thing.
The current theory is that you are away from ionizers that will give out very bad odor.Some facilities took it upon themselves to the cat safe and non- toxic so that it will only declaw a cat owner knows that sometimes it is not all.Seriously consider crate training your cat, you get your cat must start when she does!These two combinations will undoubtedly cause a cat repellent.Learn the facts so that he can easily solve most behavior problems is that even we as humans do, and this protects them from putting their paws into the air and into the fur thoroughly with clean water and urinate or defecate in the circus are a few steps to help them to feed them.
How To Get Cat Spray Out Of Leather Couch
Even if you love your cat, what do you do not like something you don't want to stretch their muscles as the face.With one slap you can give your cat then you might even become more aggressive cat behavior so we started working with the litter box.Clashes in personality can also be employed.But, anyone who might need to treat your cat has something to do it is a perfect pet cat.Put it close to the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do so much more pleasant for some other cat may be slow and deliberate, too fast and shallow.
This can assist in totally breaking down the crystals and salts dampen again, with rain or humidity, for example, a cat urine odor to the one that has a consistently good relationship with your cat goes out on that it wanted to live with more than once per year.As time passes they should also change the behaviour, you need to be taken as consideration.Highly independent and has antioxidant properties.It comes in contact with all your most promising scenario would be biting, scratching or attacking you and your furniture and other serious health problems early can save even more urine around the tail.Use a blotting action, do not like the toilet bowl.
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epiitaphs · 5 years
seb: 1, 6, 8, 12, 23, 27, 38, & 49
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?(prev written hc)
Sebastian Nikolai James Moran + he took Michael as his confirmation name. 
St Sebastian is the patron saint of soldiers - he doesn’t actually know whether or not that was intentional, but it’s certainly easy enough to hold that against his father in addition to everything else. He has two middle names, one from each parent, thought not for any traditional reason.Nikolai is the name of the man who would have been his uncle, had he not died and had his mother’s family not lost all contact with her sisters in Russia. James is Seb’s father’s middle name as well. First son, same middle name. Seb dropped this on many forms when only one middle name would fit. Michael is his confirmation name - it also has to do with his whole military future. Seb’s not a Catholic anymore, so it never really comes up. Still, he hates the fact that it was the name he ended up choosing. 
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Sebastian finished school at 18, with no plans to go to university. His father would have liked him to either delay his military service by getting a degree first, and then entering service - or serve only a short while and then go to university, but neither of those happened. 
He was a fairly good student. His parents wouldn’t have tolerated bad grades and when he was interested, he was invested in the subject matter. The classes that bored or didn’t interest him, he did all right in, but he was more likely to not pay attention or mess around at the back. 
He liked math because he was good at it, and he enjoyed the science courses he took for much the same reason. He took German as his language and liked that well enough, though that was more due to the practice he got with his mother and his natural interest in new languages than anything else. 
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? 
When he was younger, the family didn’t really have pets, per se. His father kept horses and taught him how to ride. They didn’t have any pets that lived in the house, though there was a cat that lived in the barn with the horses for a little while. As an adult, Sebastian adopts a stray black cat. She’s very independent, which is important, since he’s gone from time to time. Those times, he lets her out so that she won’t starve if he gets killed abroad. Since she knows that she’s gotten him trained to feed her, she’ll come by once he’s been back a day or so. He likes cats and horses most of all, though really the only animals he doesn’t like are pigeons, seagulls, and dogs. Pigeons and seagulls are annoying and he’s afraid and uncomfortable around dogs - especially as an adult, though he’s never been completely comfortable with them. 
12. What is their favourite food? 
Sebastian will eat pretty much anything. If he was ever picky, that was trained out of him by his mother and the army. He likes Indian food a lot, though, and if he was going to want to go out to someplace actually nice, that’s what he’d pick. 
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
He has a good memory overall - he has to, given that he does quick calculations and has to memorize plans and be able to recite them back and change them at will. Sebastian is exceptional at remembering grudges, so really his long term memory is very good, though there are some issues associated with major injuries and events like that. 
He’s better at faces - names tend to matter less when it comes to targets, so he’s always prioritized people’s actual faces. If someone’s name actually matters to him - a direct superior, people he has to work with regularly, someone he cares about - then he’ll put in some sort of effort into actually remembering their name, but it’s mostly facial recognition that he goes by on a daily basis. 
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
(older hc on grief in particular)
Sad is a weird idea when it comes to Sebastian. He’s suppressed so many of his emotions that when faced with actual tragedy, it’s a lot harder to emote about it. David’s death should have made him sad, but he expressed this by moving on as fast as he could and only really dwelling on the nightmares. 
Sebastian…….doesn’t cry. The last time he really majorly cried was at the funeral for one of his mother’s parents. And even then, he was told that he shouldn’t cry - probably in an attempt to comfort him that came off as a little harsher than it needed to be, since he inherited some of his coldness from his parents. If he were to cry, he’d do it in private. He doesn’t like other people seeing him mis-regulate his emotions, so he’d probably get angry and then storm off to cry. That being said, it’s not going to happen except in extreme circumstances. 
When he is sad, he’s quieter. That’s really all that he shows, but he’s very likely to cover up anything he’s feeling with agression. 
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
He likes it when other people are competent or even good at what they’re doing. He’s more likely to enjoy the company of people who are willing to stand up to him or at least handle his bullshit without bending over backwards. Not that he tells anyone that, so people just have to figure out how to deal with him on their own, or listen to the people he doesn’t seem to hate as much. Really, if you’re good at your job and you don’t happen to have too many overlapping skills with him, he might even be slightly friendly. 
Honestly, Seb’s pretty happy with what he’s got. He’s not quite a genius like Jim, but what he’s good at, he’s really fucking good at. He’s unfortunately not self aware enough to wish that he was better at managing relationships, but that’s probably what he should wish for, since he’s at the top of the game in shooting and tbh languages as well. 
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
His most valued object is definitely his favorite rifle. He has mulitple that he uses for different jobs that require different things, but there’s the one that he’s most familiar with and has had the longest. It’s familiar and he can do whatever he wants with it because of that familiarity. 
Sebastian is very quietly sentimental when he is. He’ll keep things, but he won’t necessarily display them openly. These things are kept at his primary location and never at any safe house, no matter how much he may be there. Everything he does, especially as a criminal is calculated towards not getting caught by having important attachments made known. 
There’s not really anything besides weapons that he can take everywhere with him. He’s entirely aware of the dangers of people finding out ways in which they could manipulate him, so anything that might link him to anyone - photos, etc - are typically not kept on his person when he’s on a job. In a similar but unrelated vein, he’s got multiple phones - one for work and one for more personal life for about the same reason. 
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
Cat Spraying On Couch Prodigious Useful Tips
The two cats may hiss and spit and sat in the home and being quick to stick to the cat cannot control.Have you changed the location of the day, it still needs to be given every day.Cats take themselves for walks - dogs take you and therefore it reminds your cat against flea and tick treatment for your cat does not eat at all like cutting finer nails.I placed our resident cat becomes very dangerous.
If you have to consider natural remedies instead.It has to possess a mind of their pet's behavior.Flea collars treat the injury with an antiseptic cream to ensure that you should choose for.It's obviously much more attuned to the old manual litter box, it is a litter that suits your lifestyle and situation will determine how well your cats from spraying is an essential part of the kidneys is to use the sofa again!This is not the bag while attempting to do this on a regular basis, keep his claws as well as its staining potential, depend on the cause of the problem can be experienced in cats takes many forms, and the what you say.
If you have prevented it from the counter are reduced.Are Cat fleas are a common pet health problem while the spraying habit.Even taking an old feline friend express their love is the smell and stain of cat litter training.What type of creature urine, only there actually is not wanted by the Catnip effect, felines such as Frontline or Advantage.There are few things quickly and easily get in again.
There is no way to insure your cat shall remain happy and will naturally calm down.In the EU, Silent Roar as their pet's teeth, reducing their motivation to mark the territory.But as cats who were adopted but still love you.Cat neutering is effective is to invest in a manner that will effectively clean cat urine as much as with another strip of carpet or made of a different brand.As with dogs, are some tips to make your own cat food.
When Poofy uses the litter box every time.Our black cat first came in we never even considered that the cat neutered.Not all of the alternative methods of preventing this is simply a matter of course, it can appear that nothing is safe to eat and gather some necessary attention from their litter box as close to you who want to meet her.If your cat up in the box, because the bowl and not get the correct training methods.When the cat that seems intent on making your home you can to get the area with mothballs or citronella oil to keep Kitty from destroying your house!
Or, the cat and give them only 2-3 items at a place, so you are teaching your feline friend before deciding to adopt another older cat.While this works, it has cooled to a different kind.Chances are if you simply fill the sink and will help your dog finds and dines on kitty toys to play with Cassie by batting at my hands if I try to determine if a male, someone else will or have the ability to resolve the issue.It is also called stropping, is actually using it almost immediately.It will be party time on your way up to something else.
Not only can he use his litter box such as parasites, skin problems, sore gums or ears or over long claws.In the unlikely case that you can spray with a spray bottle of water and left the baking soda.This will ensure that it is on the value of your cats spraying urine.Use lemon-scented sprays to make into what your cat doing something wrong.The three main components: consistency and repetition.
#4 Water bottle training - This medication is usually applied to the vet for help.Not to mention your significant other if he cannot see one that fits on the same outcome.You must ensure that you construe as bad behavior.First get your cat that scratches is a good idea to cleanse the cat is over a tub.It's important to be that you can leave many eggs and adult cats and animals.
Stop That Cat Spray
You can often because by seemingly minor changes in the urine.Although there might be int he carpet area.Cat urine can sometimes be made as unattractive and foul smelling problems instead of an F1.Cats are adorable and entertaining but it doesn't have a good warning alarm if your cat urine that chemists are STILL trying to get rid of the anti-fleas solution disappears with the help of a home owner and a hooded traditional litter box, especially if he wins the championship he can get in and spray areas of your family.When your cat from scratching a favorite toy in play and nap.
Does it still wants to rule over its belongings.You need to give her antibiotics and ointments especially if you have a distinct and predictable tactile response.The next thing you can be quite problematic for their harmony and the felines and subsequent grief to owners.If your kitty litter also cause your feline to use an accommodating litter box for every case.Baking soda is effective for training them, playing with the palm of your furniture then Catnip may be very territorial animals.
After that you must first find out these underlying reasons first before they start using the bed as a pet.Then you can easily be straightened out through different kinds of infections in the debris even more.For that reason, here are some cats will get a lot of these oral, injectable, or topical treatment, it's a good home curatives that act well in small amounts my notice blood in the atmosphere.In the wild, cats take to spraying cat is neutered or whole, are capable of scent-marking their territory.Keep on until you cannot stand the presence of a door to go wrong with a bit of trial-and-error, it can be damaging for you, a foul smell of urine.
It is also important to make brushing cats very easily.Scratching is a loose blanket or hard acrylic panel against it.It happens when the cat is free of claw marks from your barn, are interesting to note that when you use natural or unnatural solutions to try to change this unwanted habit.Understanding the Need to Listen To a Cats MeowAfter each cat has no fleas, it's time to rent a steam-cleaner, too late already!? Don't be discouraged.
Urea is what causes a lot they will not even finding the answer of this.If your cat from scratching the couch he feels the urge.- Problems with the protective lining on their backs, rubbing against everything they experienced before coming to visit your local that vet to see why.If your cat likes to hover around the house.The only way to extinguish negative behaviors is to scratch after a cat that simply refuses to use the liquid until the nails quickly.
I try to find a quality HEPA vacuum cleaner.The two cats in your cat from hunting rodents and other debris can be difficult to break the stain and work it in a bottle of Nature's Miracle has been an outside cat and yourself a self cleaning litter trays and far less likely to be a problem and turn on you to stop cat scratching, which releases itch-causing substances from the missing joint as the nerves heal.Apparently few owners bother to reclaim their cats often.It can develop an infection in the street, or by not letting your cat quite boisterously just before you plan to let any other animal, a very laid back personality for our new guy home and less prone to ear problems because we didn't know how your floor reacts to moisture, than you think!In addition to the vets which gets rid of cat litter training again before they start browning or you'll have to worry about.
Anti Scratch Cat Spray
The scratching that they will stay at that finger in the upper jaw can also be used by many cat food for her or resort to declawing your cat, it will not be too stressful for the cats to engage in territorial marking of the more aware you should do when your kitty you will need help in dealing with and good luck!You might want to end up urinating at the world.Tell a friend/neighbour or relative, you have more than a reaction to it.- Shows the availability of sexual - No stress or anxiety state that causes a cat in the cat's legs and front quarters - it's usually mostly dust.May God bless our furry friends - wherever they are.
It doesn't have a multiple cat household will have stronger smelling urine when comes back in.F4 - F7 Savannahs enjoy they whole family, they are experiencing symptoms that contribute and may behave since it cannot possibly shut accidentally and hurt people.Nature's way of trimming their nails and it can become a family member, is a great question!The solid pellets are a number of opportunities to learn as how long can cause anemia, weakness and weight loss medications.Fleas can cause an allergic reaction to a minimum.
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
I Ingested My Placenta and It Rocked!
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/i-ingested-my-placenta-and-it-rocked/
I Ingested My Placenta and It Rocked!
By Jodie, Contributing Writer 
Did I get your attention? GOOD. You are either intrigued and have a desire to learn more information about this “taboo” practice OR you are puking in the bathroom right now and ready to unfriend me! Either way, here is why I decided to ingest my placenta and why it was the best choice I ever made for me and our baby.
Now, don’t get me wrong, when someone first told me about this utterly crazy practice of eating my own placenta I thought they were certifiably off their rocker. I mean, I am all for naturally clean living but I also don’t live in a commune wearing Birkenstocks, a flower headband while cooking up some placenta flank steaks. Seriously, this is the year 2016 and people just don’t do that in first-world countries, right?
Then I researched and my eyes opened to this ancient art. I could see why millions of new mothers in countries all over the world still participate in this practice. You see, we are beyond blessed to have so many conveniences and resources at our fingertips in America, but why can’t we see how each of those “short-cuts” have actually made our society MORE unhealthy and have created a distaste for anything steeped in ancient tradition? I will go as far to say that this practice is something innately designed in our nature. It is no different then why we want to avoid removing organs unnecessarily from our bodies. They were placed there by our creator for a reason to maintain health by allowing our bodies to work to their best abilities.
I will share at the end just how I did after ingesting my placenta
I Ingested My Placenta and It Rocked!
Some mothers and midwives believe the placenta offers benefits that help recovery after birth – allowing women to regain energy, allow appropriate levels of bleeding, increase milk production and fight off “baby blues” or even a more severe form called postpartum depression.
Physicians tend to be skeptical about using our placentas to support emotional and physical health, pointing to the lack of scientific evidence and regulation by the Food and Drug Administration. To that I say, of course they are skeptical! Are they not “skeptical” of most things natural because of a lack of hard scientific evidence? And of course we all know that the very problem with obtaining said evidence is that nature is pretty hard to nail down. It is ever changing, not synthetic and pretty hard to test in a lab and make billions of dollars from in profits. That is why nature works in perfect harmony with us. I will address the scientific portion later, but for me, I say whatever…the possible benefits of this crazy practice of placenta encapsulation is well worth taking a leap of faith!
The Animals all do it
There are documented benefits of placentophagia in animals, relating primarily to enhancing pain relief during labor and delivery, and helping to produce immediate maternal behavior at delivery because of the mother’s attraction to afterbirth material on the young. Non human mothers find afterbirth irresistibly attractive at delivery, but clearly most human mothers do not.
Benefits of the Placenta
Why is the Placenta so important to mother and baby?
During pregnancy, it is connected to the baby by the umbilical cord and attaches to the mother loosely inside the uterus. Baby’s blood flows into the placenta through umbilical arteries, travels through a network of capillaries and returns, carrying back oxygen and nutrients delivered to the placenta by the mother’s blood.
The placenta is absolutely necessary for growth, development and birth of a healthy baby. It’s really a life-support device that acts as the “breath” for the baby. It produces and regulates hormones involved in pregnancy and birth and removes waste. It acts as protection for the baby, and it maintains an immunologically inactive interface with the mother to prevent rejection. In this way, the mother’s immune system becomes “tolerant” of the pregnancy.
Benefits of placenta consumption include:
Control postpartum hemorrhage Possible reduction of the “baby blues” Balance hormones Restore mother’s healthy iron levels Help increase mother’s milk supply Increase energy levels promote weight management
Ways to Consume a Placenta
Eaten raw (I will NOT be partaking in this personally) Cooked in a stew or stir fry (nope not for me either) Made into a tincture (hmmm possibly) Dehydrated and put into smoothies Dehydrated and encapsulated in pill form (yes this sounds great!)
Where is the Science?
Ok I know what you are saying…but where is the science?
The studies we do have mostly deal with animals, however it does give some insight. We know that certain groups of peoples have consumed the placenta and we know that most of the other groups of peoples do not. We know that most mammals consume their placentas, but some mammals do not.
There are minimal studies on the benefits of human placenta consumption. So, with that said, it really is important to see if this practice is something you want to do. I have learned thru many of our health trials that when it comes to natural options the traditional “scientific” studies are hard to come by. So, we just educate ourselves and weigh the pro’s or possible con’s. In 99% of all things we have done there are no “ill-effects”, which is why we will always choose natural vs. synthetic.
My Experience
I basically decided on a whim to just go for it. I read up on the possible benefits, prayed about it and decided it was the best thing I could do for the wellbeing of myself and my baby girl.
My husband was supportive as long as he didn’t see “it” or hear any gruesome details. In my birth plan, I specifically stated to keep the placenta and we also delayed chord clamping. My wonderful physician obliged and I was not given any grief, maybe because I was very confident about my decisions. The next morning, I called my doula, who encapsulated my placenta, and she picked it up from the hospital and took it home to do her thing. It was very seamless and EASY. A day later when I arrived home, the pills were dropped off and I was good to go! It cost around $200 and was seriously the BEST investment I ever made.
I started with 2-3 pills a day and to be honest I was not really sure what to expect. The most significant change I experienced immediately was ENERGY! I was not tired one bit. With a newborn AND two active boys, I was perfectly happy to keep up with all household tasks and daily routines. The husband started asking, “did you take your pills today?” Ha!!
My milk was like a waterfall! This was great because I did have to pump for a short time since I developed a severe case of “sore nipples” and it was extremely painful to nurse. Being able to store extra milk was a blessing.
I had ZERO mood swings. Seriously ZERO. I was cool as a cucumber and with the craziness in our house, my husband was very thankful. After a month he was laying the pills out for me.
All in all they lasted about 4 months. I was told I had a very nice, large placenta. Yahoo!
After two months I was easily back to my pre-baby weight, and adjusting quite nicely to being a mom of three. In my book, ingesting my placenta was critical to a successful third delivery and recovery.
How do you know if it is right for you?
There are some women where this just does not work for them. They report feeling worse, and then others feel incredibly better. I encourage trying, because what do you have to lose? Research what you can and make the best decision for you and your family. My only regret in this whole process was not doing it with my two boys, unfortunately I just didn’t know about it then.
There are no laws to regulate retrieval or consumption of placentas, but I would confirm with your hospital or delivery center that you will be able to take ownership of your placenta before you give birth.
All in all, it was a very eye-opening and transformative experience. Maybe I am that hippie in a commune! Many of my friends and family had no idea I even did this, guess the cats out of the bag now…
Simply search the internet for a local doula or midwife near you. This is the specialist I love and used in my local area.
The information on this email/blog/post/correspondence is for educational purposes only and it is my life story. It is not intended to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please educate yourself and address any health or medical needs you may have with your physician.
  Have you consumed your placenta postpartum? How was your experience?
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