#because once someone's seen both your teething phase and your emo phase
primal-con · 11 months
Got my mom to watch the '86 movie but in doing so became completely gripped with Arcee, Springer, and Hot Rod's powerful sibling energy, more at 5!
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whileyoursleeping · 4 years
prompt: Just Eddie absentmindedly comforting Buck with a kiss to the forehead/head after a tough call. They aren’t even together and it just ends up becoming a thing they do.
idk man it’s been a long week i needed some fluff in my life
Today doesn't feel like a win.
Buck joined firefighting because he got to be badass and help people at the same time, and that hasn't changed - he was telling the truth about that. He gets an insane rush from the bell going, from driving the truck with its lights and screaming sirens, from kicking in doors - people's worst days keep him on his toes and make him feel alive, and he'd feel bad about that if it weren't for the fact that he helps people.
They don't have deaths that often, really. It's a police thing, to go to the deaths. But sometimes the paramedics can't make it to help the cops out and then they're on deck and that's when things go sideways, usually.
He's broken five ribs of a nineteen year old today, a sweet and kind of frail looking girl who he thinks might've had an eating disorder of some kind - he knows what those look like. And her heart stopped, and they got there before anyone else, and he was the first to do CPR, the first to break her ribs, feel them give with absolute ease under his hands.
He feels everything. That's why he didn't join the SEALs. Because he feels it all and can't switch it off.
In the truck, Eddie's watching him. Buck resists the urge to squirm - Eddie knows him too well to think he's unaffected by today. He doesn't want Eddie to look.
Eddie taps his headset, then removes it. Buck follows suit reluctantly.
"You okay?" Eddie asks, loud over the roar of the engine.
"Yeah," Buck says, and he smiles, pretty convincingly if he does say so himself.
Eddie looks doubtful, but he pulls the headset back on, and they're quiet until they reach the 118. If Eddie shuffles a little closer, and Buck lets himself press his knee to Eddie's, no one says anything.
He's getting changed after the shift when Eddie finds him.
It's been a pretty shit day really. He's tired, and his leg is aching - it acts up when it's cold or when he's had a shit shift and he doesn't want to show it, so he grits his teeth and walks perfectly normally to his locker.
"Hey, Buckaroo."
It's Eddie's voice. He doesn't need to turn around. He lets himself feel a little warm at being called Buckaroo by Eddie, with the affection evident in his voice.
"Hey, man," he says.
"You want to come over tonight?" Eddie asks, stepping up to his locker near Buck's and beginning to shed his own uniform. "I'll pick up Chris from abuela's and we can have a pizza night. You still haven't seen Star Wars."
Buck wrinkles his nose. "I just don't get why people think Kylo Ren is hot," he argues.
Eddie laughs. "Yeah. Reminds me of my emo phase."
"Emo pha - what? Are there pictures?"
"Not that you'll ever see."
Buck pouts, and Eddie laughs. His face softens as he looks at Buck, and he steps a little closer.
"I'm sorry today was hard," Eddie says, sincerely, then pulls Buck down by the back of his neck and kisses his forehead.
Buck - because he's tactile and affectionate and loves being touched and having people near him - doesn't think twice about letting Eddie grab him by the neck, even when he's being pulled down again. He blinks, unsure of what to say, when he's let go.
But it felt nice. It felt really nice.
"Are you coming to pizza night?" Eddie asks.
Buck nods mutely. Eddie hasn't let his neck go. It feels nice to be held, even if it's just like this. Does Eddie even know he did it?
"Okay." He's let go, and he immediately feels cold, adrift. "I'll see you there."
Buck somehow makes it over to Eddie's, even though if you asked him he wouldn't be able to say how.
The moment he knocks, he can hear Christopher inside, yelling, "Dad, Dad, Bucky's here!" and the clatter of his crutches to get to the door.
Buck is ready. The moment the door swings open, Buck's grinning, pulling Chris up into his arms and swinging him around, resulting in a delighted fit of laughter. He kisses Chris's hair, inhales the little kid smell, and then puts him down.
"You always beat your dad to it, little man."
"That's 'cause he's slow!"
Eddie's laugh rings down the hallway. He enters a second later, in soft, worn blue jeans and a red henley that makes Buck's mouth feel kind of dry. Somehow, he feels underdressed in his own black jeans and white hoodie.
"Hey," Eddie says, and pulls him into a hug.
Buck - who is a touch-hungry, needy little pest at the best of times - melts into it, smiling so hard his face hurts. "I didn't miss pizza did I?"
"I made Daddy wait!" Chris crows. "Buck, come look at my science project!"
They eat pizza and Buck helps Chris with his science project, they play Mortal Kombat, and the night settles as Chris begins to yawn and requests a bedtime story from both of them. It's a little hard, two grown men crowded onto one single bed, but they manage, and Chris is out like a light halfway through the second story.
Eddie shuts the door to Chris's bedroom quietly and heads back to the kitchen. Buck has already started cleaning up.
"Don't do that," Eddie says. "You're a guest. Guests don't clean."
"Guests don't eat their friend out of house and home and then leave," Buck replies. Eddie smiles, then leans against the counter, almost nervous.
"Listen," he says, and Buck - detecting the change in the atmosphere almost immediately - sobers up, takes up a similar position, and waits to hear whatever this is - maybe the evening didn't go as well as he thought and he overstepped with the homework thing.
"I'm sorry about kissing you on the head," Eddie says. "I do it with Christopher when he's upset, and I was on autopilot. It was inappropriate of me. I'm sorry."
"It wasn't inappropriate," Buck says, flustered for a number of reasons (one of them being that he has never once in his life used the word "inappropriate" in conversation). "I liked it. It was nice."
Once realising what he said, he promptly starts praying for the ground to open up beneath him and swallow him whole, preferably for eternity. He's twenty seven and admitting he likes being kissed on the forehead. Fantastic.
"Oh." Eddie smiles. "That's... good then?" He looks a little awkward. "I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable."
"I'm not. Wasn't."
Eddie laughs. "You look pretty uncomfortable, Buck."
It's true. He's wedged himself into the corner counter with his hands deep in his pockets, makes a conscious effort to relax. "I thought I was in trouble," he admits.
"For what?"
"I don't know, something?"
"We gotta stamp that out of you," Eddie sighs, but his eyes are warm and face affectionate. "C'mon. You owe me a rematch."
It's sort of a habit after that.
They have some bad calls. Someone drowns, and Buck - who jumped in and pulled the guy out - shivers in the back of the firetruck in midwinter L.A temperatures until they get back to the firehouse. Eddie sits with him, puts a blanket around his shoulders, and presses a soft kiss to the side of his head.
Chimney's eyes just about bug out of his head, and Buck is almost ninety percent sure that Hen snapped a sneaky picture to show Bobby and Athena, but he's cold and wet and miserable and doesn't really care.
They send Eddie into the change rooms with him, because he's near hypothermic and they're worried about him collapsing. He gradually turns the water temperature of the shower up until it's scalding and stands there until his skin turns red and the shivering stops, and when he exits the showers, Eddie is there.
"You waited?" Buck asks, surprised.
"The last thing I want to have to tell Christopher is that his Buck died falling over in the shower because I wasn't paying attention."
Buck gets dressed, sits down on the bench, and sighs heavily. Eddie sits next to him.
"You okay?" he asks quietly.
"I just... wish he'd made it." A lot of things don't make sense to Buck after the tsunami. Why he lived even while cut and bleeding and on blood thinners, barely a month out of a pulmonary embolism that also should have killed him, and so many others died. "Doesn't make sense."
Eddie sighs, puts his arm around Buck's shoulders again, and draws him in close, until their thighs are pressed together. Eddie's lips press into his temple again, and Buck sighs at the contact.
"Easy, cariño," Eddie murmurs into his skin.
Buck weighs his options. No one is looking for him because Eddie is here with him, and he wants so badly to snuggle down into Eddie's warmth, but he also knows the guy isn't necessarily as tactile as him and almost definitely straight - he had a wife after all - but it's been a long time since someone held him, and not the other way around.
He takes a chance, nudges closer and down until his head is mostly tucked under Eddie's chin. Eddie, for his part, just raises his head to make more room for Buck.
Someone will look for them eventually, Buck knows. Still, he waits for Eddie to end their half-cuddle.
"If you get lonely tonight," Eddie says, quietly, "there's a spot for you at my place."
Buck doesn't believe him now, when it's light out and he knows where he is, but later - when it's dark and he's woken from a nightmare - believing Eddie or not won't matter.
He's sitting up, nightmare fading, panic whirling through his mind like a twisted merry go round. There's water, he's breathing it in, and everything is upside down and he can't breathe.
"Chris, Chris-"
He's out of bed, going God knows where, makes it halfway down the stairs before he slips and falls. He crashes to the bottom, and the impact serves only one purpose - waking him up.
He finds his phone, dials Eddie. It's the only action his brain is capable of taking, even as he hates himself for waking the man up.
"Hullo?" Eddie's voice, sleepy, comes.
Buck tries to take a breath, but it catches. He feels cold.
"Buck?" Eddie asks, his voice sharper. "Are you alright?"
"Chris?" Buck asks, shyly, feeling suddenly very stupid for panicking.
"Chris is okay," Eddie says, calm. "Are you okay?"
He hesitates. Eddie breathes on the other end of the line, grounding him. "I had a nightmare," he says, gulping, "about the tsunami. Fuck, Eddie, I'm sorry, it's late-"
"Come over," Eddie interrupts.
"Come over. You need sleep and you aren't gonna do that alone."
"Eddie, it's... well, I don't know what time it is, exactly, but-"
"Come over, Buck," Eddie says, and the line cuts out.
Unsure of what else to do, and honestly a little soothed by being ordered around, Buck packs a bag of his things and heads to Eddie's. The house is dark when he gets there, but as he sits in his car - debating turning around and leaving - the front door opens.
It's Eddie, in sweats and nothing else. God really has no mercy on Buck today.
He piles out of the car, feeling childish and stupid, but Eddie only smiles at him when he gets to the front door. "You okay?"
Buck nods mutely, but Eddie's frowning, and that's when Buck realises he woke up crying and almost hasn't stopped, and that he's limping.
"Come on," Eddie says, taking Buck's arm gently. "This way."
"The couch is-"
"You aren't sleeping on the couch, Buck. It's freezing."
"But I-"
Eddie pulls him down and kisses his head again, effectively ending his sentence. "We'll stop by Chris's room on the way," Eddie says quietly. "You can see for yourself that Chris is fine."
His throat closes up, so when he says, "Thank you," it sounds quiet and wobbly.
Chris is, sure enough, fast asleep and fine under his covers. Dry, safe. Buck watches him for a few minutes, until Eddie pulls him gently, and they go to Eddie's room. It's sparse, compared to Chris's - everything Eddie has, he gives to his son.
There's something attractive about that. Buck will definitely not analyse the fuck out of it later.
"Buck," Eddie says.
"Huh - yeah?"
Eddie's smiling gently. "The bed isn't gonna eat you."
He's been standing there long enough that Eddie has stripped down to the cut-off sweatpants he wears to bed. He's watching Buck expectantly.
Buck shrugs his way out of his clothes. It's not that he's shy about how he looks - he works hard and he knows it shows - but being around Eddie makes him nervous. He feels vulnerable. It's almost nice, in a terrifying way.
"You are thinking so damn hard," Eddie groans. He's already in bed, on his stomach, hands beneath the pillow. He's got a tattoo on his spine Buck somehow hasn't noticed before, and his lats are defined as if he'd been hand-drawn by an artist.
"Sorry," Buck says sheepishly, and climbs into the other side of the bed before he can really stop to consider what he's doing. He's tired, and his brain is fogged by the stress of his nightmare, and Eddie is offering him something he doesn't know how to ask for, so he takes it. Selfishly, he takes it.
He rolls onto his side, away from Eddie, and closes his eyes, willing sleep to come. He's keyed up still, from the nightmare that shook him awake and the implications of what being in Eddie's bed could mean alongside the kisses, and if he lets himself drift too much he's back in yesterday, feeling the drowning man's ribs break beneath his hands.
(He never wanted to hurt people, only help them. It turns out those can be the same thing. Nobody warned him.)
"Buck," Eddie says quietly.
Buck jumps. He thought Eddie was asleep. "Yeah?"
"Roll onto your stomach."
He does. It's easy to do what Eddie tells him to. The other man has never led him astray before.
"Easy," Eddie murmurs, which is the only thing that stops buck from jumping when he feels Eddie sitting at his hip, and Eddie's calloused hands on his shoulders, massaging.
He didn't realise how tense he was. He relaxes, lets Eddie manipulate his head from side to side and dig his fingers into all the tender parts Buck didn't know existed.
He's falling closer and closer to the edge of sleep. Even as he does, his belly stirs with heat - he hasn't been touched like this for a long time.
Eddie finds a knot under his shoulder blade, pulls his arm out a little to open the joint up, and digs in.
"Ow!" Buck says, only remembering to keep his voice down at the last second.
"Sorry, sorry," Eddie says guiltily. He'd jumped when Buck had flinched from the pain, and now he's rubbing gently, apologetically, at the kinks that make up Buck's spinal cord. "It's supposed to be relaxing. I didn't realise you were this tense."
"Me neither," Buck admits. "I was relaxed."
Maybe a little too relaxed. He's half hard, which means there's no way he's rolling over anytime soon. He wants Eddie to keep going - to maybe duck below the waistband of his sweats.
He doesn't think about it too hard. Being attracted to men is new, but it doesn't feel that different from being attracted to women. No, the part he's freaked about is that it's Eddie, and knowing Buck's streak of relationships, he'll almost definitely fuck things up.
"Good." He feels Eddie lay down next to him; his hand keeps moving up and down Buck's spine, soothing him. "Go to sleep, cariño."
Cariño, Buck muses. It sounds familiar, and affectionate. If he was more awake, he'd probably be able to work out why.
"Night," he mumbles.
"Goodnight, Buck."
He's half awake because the door is opening.
Sometimes, his SEAL training is effective. Sometimes, because he's out of practice and relaxed, it's not. Today it's at the halfway mark, where his body instinctively knows that someone is nearby, but doesn't care enough to react.
There's a heavy arm slung over his waist, and someone breathing nearby. Eddie, Buck thinks, and the knot of momentary panic in his chest eases.
"Daddy, you didn't tell me Buck was here!"
Buck groans, raises his head from the pillow to see Chris attempting to climb onto the bed. "Hey, buddy," he croaks. He reaches down with one arm, gets it around Christopher, and hauls him up. "Why're you up so early?"
"We're always awake this early," Eddie's voice mumbles. "Chris, we said no waking Daddy up before six thirty, didn't we?" His fingers flex at Buck's hip, and Buck wishes more than anything that Eddie was dragging him close to kiss him.
"It's six-thirty-five, Dad!"
Buck laughs sleepily, tucks Christopher closer to his chest. The kid goes easily, melts into his body and lays there with his hand on Buck's neck, grinning up at him brightly.
"Dad," Chris says.
Eddie makes a vaguely muffled noise that Buck thinks may sound like a prayer for death, but doesn't do anything else, other than sling his arm over Christopher's waist. His hand lands on Buck's hip, and Buck twitches helplessly.
"Yeah, buddy?" Eddie mumbles.
"How come Buck's sleeping in your bed?"
"Because he was tired."
There's a long pause, as if Chris is contemplating something - which is never good. "Mommy used to sleep in your bed too," Chris points out.
Dead silence falls over them. Buck freezes as Eddie, suddenly very awake, raises his head and looks right at Buck.
"I'm gonna go make breakfast," Buck says, and not only does he literally fall out of bed, he trips on his jeans in the doorway, causing Christopher to laugh and clap mercilessly. Buck loves the kid, but he's way too smart for his own good.
More close calls after that. Buck nearly falls off a ladder (again), which earns him a stern talking to by Eddie and a few off-handed comments from Chim about needing to lose a few pounds.
Eddie kisses him on the head that night before they leave, and Buck feels the spot his lips touched all night.
A week later, it's more of the same - a bad pileup and an overzealous Buck results in a burn to his hand, which is superficial but still has Eddie muttering in furious Spanish as he does first aid. Buck didn't know forehead kisses could feel angry, but this one does.
He decides to be more careful. Eddie's blood pressure can't take much more of this, he suspects.
Only even being careful Eddie finds reasons. He makes a perfectly logical call during a job and comes out unscathed (which hasn't happened in, like, three years at least) and Eddie is still worried and looking like he's waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"I'm fine, Eds," Buck says, and gives his best winning smile. "What, you worried about not keeping up with me?"
Eddie rolls his eyes. "Estúpido," he mutters, but he's almost smiling.
"Hey! I don't understand Spanish, but I can guess!"
Eddie finally cracks a grin and pulls Buck down by the collar to give him a quick kiss on the head.
"So," Chimney says, later, when they're getting changed. "How long have you and Diaz been a thing?"
Buck almost chokes on the muesli bar he's wolfing down. "Me and-? We aren't. We're not."
Chimney doesn't look convinced. "You sure he knows that?"
"It's just a, a thing," Buck splutters.
"I thought you said it wasn't a thing?"
"No, it isn't - we're not a thing, the kissing thing is a thing, it's not - it doesn't mean we're together! We're just friends!"
"Oh, please," Hen scoffs - she's waited for them outside the locker rooms. "Buck, have you seen the way that man looks at you? You aren't just anything."
"I thought he was gonna blow a fuse when Buck was hanging off that ladder," Chim says thoughtfully. "Just about tore strips off the maintenance guy for not fixing it better."
"He did?" Buck asks, a little awkward.
"Sure did, Buckaroo. He loves you."
Buck bristles. "I'm straight!"
Hen just outright laughs at that, and Buck wilts. "Well," he hedges. "I mean, I thought I was..."
"Honey," Hen says, "even I'm not resistant to the Diaz charm. You can't be held responsible for waving goodbye to straight in the rearview mirror."
Her and Chimney high five gleefully. Buck bangs his head dramatically against a firetruck. Just his luck that he'd end up falling for the guy who gives him totally platonic forehead kisses.
Things get decidedly more awkward after his revelation.
He's a floundering mess around Eddie, who doesn't even seem to take offence at it - he just smiles and laughs like Buck is the funniest person ever.
Everyone's having fun except him, given that he's trying to get his head around liking Eddie the same way he liked Abby and Ali.
The forehead kisses continue, except now Eddie's doing it when Buck's fine but Eddie's had a rough day. Buck considers starting except he doesn't know how to without making things infinitely worse for both of them.
Eddie notices he's being weird and brings it up all of once: "Look, I know you said it didn't bother you, but if you want me to stop, you can tell me to anytime-"
"It doesn't," Buck rushes to say. "Don't. I don't want you to. To stop that is."
God, hasn't the universe fucked with him enough already?
Eddie calls in sick two weeks later and Buck, because of who he is as a person, goes to the grocery store after work, picks up ingredients for soup, and goes around.
He's geared up to argue his way into the house, sure that Eddie won't want to see him when he's like this, so when Eddie opens the door to his knocking his jaw is set and he's ready to fight dirty to get inside.
"Buck?" Eddie asks.
"You look terrible," Buck informs him, and Eddie rolls his eyes.
"Thanks, Buck."
But he's right, Eddie does look bad. He's pale and his eyes are red-rimmed and he's wearing a hoodie, which he never does, that's a little too big on him.
"Bobby said you were sick," Buck says, "so I'm going to make you soup." He's nervous and trying to cover it up with confidence, and Eddie kindly doesn't call him on it. He just smiles a little.
"Do I get a say in this?"
"No," Buck says. "Where's Chris?"
"With abuela. I didn't want him to catch it. But she can't keep him a lot longer." Eddie's getting that hunted look in his eyes, the one he had when he first joined the 118 and didn't know how to access childcare and abuela had hurt her hip. "I'm not really up to looking after him either."
"I'll look after him," Buck says instantly. "We'll be quiet, I promise."
Eddie's face breaks into a smile. "You sound like you're trying to convince me to have a sleepover."
"Can we, Eddie? Pleeeease?"
Eddie laughs, coughs, and stands back to let Buck in. "Not that I'm not grateful," he says, "but why're you here?"
"I told you,, I'm making soup," Buck says matter-of-factly. "Go sit down somewhere."
Eddie takes a seat at the kitchen table, where he can watch as Buck works. Buck knows better than to pick this battle, so he says nothing, just starts unloading groceries from bags and chattering aimlessly as he gets preparing things.
"That was when the new guy slipped and fell right into it - grey water, man, pretty much the grossest shit you could ever go through and - that's my sweatshirt."
Eddie looks like a deer in the headlights, but Buck's certain he's not wrong. It's the white sweatshirt he'd worn here when they had dinner. After the first forehead kiss.
"Oh, really?" Eddie asks, so unconvincingly Buck actually snorts.
"Yeah." It's a little long on Eddie, but it fits well enough around his shoulders. "That's definitely mine. And you know it's mine."
"Sorry," Eddie mumbles.
"Don't be." Buck, a little slow on the uptake, realises two things simultaneously - one, that Eddie knew it was his sweatshirt and didn't return it to him, and two, that Eddie had knowingly put it on afterwards. He grins.
"You wanted to wear my clothes."
"Buck," Eddie says, almost whining. He's begging Buck to drop it but Buck has never known when to quit, even when he's ahead.
"My sweatshirt is your forehead kiss!" Buck crows.
"Dios mios," Eddie mumbles, holding his head in his hands. "Este imbécil no tiene idea..."
Buck feels like he should be at least a little bit outraged at the definite use of the word imbecile in that sentence, but he's too busy feeling warm and fuzzy at the idea that Eddie takes comfort in wearing Buck's clothes the same way Buck takes comfort in Eddie's forehead kisses.
"You love me," he says smugly.
Eddie looks up, then, smiling with his eyes warm and pinned on Buck, and Buck suddenly feels as though the floor has fallen away - he's looking at it, he realises. He said it as a joke, but he's looking at Eddie now and Eddie is looking at him and Eddie so clearly loves him it hurts.
"Te amo," Eddie says, still with that expression.
Buck doesn't need a translation for that. He knows what that means. He knows it means Eddie is putting his heart on the line for him, without much of an indication of how Buck feels at all.
He can feel how hard he's smiling, and if it hadn't been for the door opening he might've done something about the confession then and there. But then Chris is yelling, "Bucky's here!" and he can hear Eddie's abuela laughing in the background, and he goes to meet them - lets his hand catch on Eddie's shoulder, first, lingering, before getting to the door.
"Hey, buddy!"
Chris laughs as Buck swings him around. "No one said you were coming!" he says excitedly.
"I decided to surprise your dad." He puts Chris down. "You wanna help me make him soup?"
Chris heads for the kitchen, and Buck straightens, face-to-face with Eddie's abuela. She's smiling.
"Edmundo is very lucky to have a man like you," she says, pulling his shoulder until he leans down far enough for her to kiss his cheek. "Chico dulce."
He glows at the praise, at the acknowledgement that people know how Eddie feels, apparently, and that they think Buck is a good choice.
It's a quiet night after that. Buck makes soup with Christopher's help, then gets both Diaz boys situated in the living room. Christopher has math homework so complicated it makes both their heads hurt, but they have more luck with history, which mostly turns into Buck re-enacting some of the more dramatic civil war battles and attempting a poor English accent. Eddie - who has pretty much stayed on the couch since dinner - watches them and smiles.
Buck puts Chris to bed on time, reads him a story. As he's turning off the light, Christopher mumbles, "Buck?"
"Thank you for taking care of Dad."
His heart swells. He leans down and kisses Chris's forehead. "Of course, kiddo. Sleep tight."
He leaves the door a crack open, with the hallway light spilling in, and goes back to the living room. Eddie sits up a little as he enters.
"About what I said before-" Eddie begins, his face worried and body tense beneath the blanket.
"Please don't take it back," Buck pleads.
Silence falls over both of them. Eddie stares at him, and Buck shuffles his feet around helplessly. Appearing small is hard to do when you're six foot two, but he's trying his best - it never worked with his dad, but it can't hurt to try.
"Buck," Eddie says quietly. "Come over here."
Buck obeys mindlessly, goes to the couch and folds down on it awkwardly. Eddie sits up - if Buck looks carefully, he can see that there are light tremors shaking his frame. Maybe the fever is breaking.
"I wasn't going to take it back," Eddie says gently. "I was going to apologise for blindsiding you, but I wouldn't ever take it back."
Buck opens his mouth, then shuts it. "Chimney was right," he realises aloud.
Eddie frowns. "Chimney?"
"Chim told me you loved me! And that that's why you were kissing me so often!"
Eddie smiles that patient smile of his. "Why else would I be doing it?"
Buck flounders. Is he seriously the last person to know about this? Why is it that everyone always knows these things before him?
Eddie laughs, then. "Buck," he says. "You look like someone killed your puppy."
"I'm dumb," Buck moans, sinking further into the couch.
"Hey." Eddie reaches out and takes Buck's face between his hands, sending an instant flush through him. "If I'm right, and you want this as well, then of course you didn't realise. Maybe it felt too good to be true. You're not dumb."
Buck blinks. "I want to kiss you," he says.
"You'll get sick," Eddie reminds him gently. "But if you stay the night, maybe tomorrow."
"Okay," Buck says, smiling. "I'll stay."
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rwbyconversations · 6 years
The four RWBY girls alongside Michael Jones and Vic Mignonga had a panel on July 14th at Florida Supercon. 
Panel finally starts after five minutes and a tangent about Titanic. Michael does a runway walk while people queue up for questions, Vic beatboxes for him.
Would the RWBY girls say that their friendship is as close as RWBY’s friendship? A: Basically, yes. Lindsay notes that she’s more like Weiss when talking with Kara and Kara is more like Ruby in that Lindsay constantly dunks on Kara. Arryn notes that Blake never talks to Ruby, so she’s got that over Blake.
Of all the characters in RWBY, which would you like to see development for? Also can I have a hug? A: Hugs are promised at the booth after the panel. Arryn: “I will touch you so hard.. in the most appropriate way possible”. As for the question, Lindsay would like to see more of Neo. Kara says Mama Schnee. Arryn says Zwei. Barbara says that she’d love to see Ruby get some development. “Out of all the main cast, we have yet to learn more about her.” Vic goes with Oscar, partly for the selfish reason of getting to hang out with Arron Dismuke (Oscar’s voice actor). “He’s my little baby brother who’s now 7′4, and he went from ‘brother!’ to ‘BROTHER.’” Michael chooses Neptune.
How is everyone today? A: Great! Q: In between all the voice acting stuff, do you find the personal time to do what you want? A: Lindsay: “I mean, we had a kid, so... yeah.” Barbara notes that recording for RWBY and other RT Animation shows is just something that takes an hour a week. Arryn notes that since acting is her full-time job, she doesn’t exactly like having downtime. “Please give me a job!” Vic stabs the viewer in the heart by saying “I’m doing what I want right now.” 
Does your voice ever get tired out, especially among the people who shift from Achievement Hunter to RWBY? A: Lindsay notes the big difference in going from AH to RWBY in that “Achievement Hunter is... Achievement Hunter and RWBY is family friendly!” She goes on to say that the most exhausting thing is ‘efforts’ or battle sounds. Ruby’s voice is difficult when it comes to crying and yelling. Michael admits he takes horrible care of his voice- other VAs have special teas and honeys to calm their throats down, but when Michael’s not doing VA work he’s usually screaming. Sun is based on Michael’s normal voice and as a consequence, he’s pretty hard to do if Michael is just out of a Let’s Play. Vic notes you can damage your voice from over-usage and that it’s important to know when to stop.
Would you rather ship Jaune with Pyrrha, Weiss (Kara raises her hand) or Ruby? A: Lindsay: “Let’s remove that third one from the equation. Ruby’s in a relationship with herself right now.” Barb: “I would like to see some Jaune/Sun.” Arryn: “Sun’s in love with Blake.” Michael jokingly laments that “volume after volume,” Sun’s been doing his best for Blake. Arryn more seriously says that “Jaune needs to focus on himself. He had his chance with a girl and he screwed it up.” Arryn then notes that Blake also needs to do some introspection. 
If RWBY fought Sun and Qrow, who’d come out on top? A: Lindsay isn’t sure Qrow would go all out against Ruby, even if it was a training match. Arryn and Lindsay both consciously snub Yang. (Lindsay: “Would Qrow really fight his lovely niece?” Arryn: “The one he’s so clearly obsessed with? I’m sorry, who are you again Yang?”) They pretty much all agree that Qrow’s Semblance would sabotage Team Drunken Monkey. Michael says Sun would hang back and let Qrow figure it out.
Vic, how did you come up with Qrow’s voice? The girls do Qrow impressions of varying quality. Vic shares a story of how he got into RWBY; at a panel in Perth back in 2014, Lindsay and Michael shared some footage of RWBY that got Vic hooked. As far as the voice, they sent him some test images of Qrow and some lines that he recorded in LA and sent to them. He did a few different voices, they picked one and the rest is history. Most of the rest of the group used something close to their natural voice. Barbara initially had a higher pitch for Yang but she toned it down. Arryn uses the same voice but changes her speech pattern. Lindsay based Ruby’s squeak on her own self-deprecating jokes about being the chubby kid. Ruby’s Volume 1 voice was because they weren’t sure how innocent Ruby was supposed to be. Michael says Sun’s voice nowadays is based on a surfer bro without the accent. There’s another bit of teasing for the Black Sun fans when Michael laments that Blake keeps shooting Sun down (”He’s trying though!”) and Arryn bemoans how oblivious Blake is. Barbara tries to fit in a Bumblebee joke about her loving Yang. 
Q: Did Ruby have a goth phase? Lindsay notes that Ruby is now sixteen as of Volume 5 (Arryn wonders if this means that Blake’s finally eighteen). Lindsay jokes that Ruby likes going to Fall Out Boy concerts. Arryn once had black hair with red tips like Ruby.
What weapons would the show be able to come up besides what’s already been seen? A: Arryn: “Well the show isn’t capable of ideas.” The question was meant to be “What kind of weapons would you come up with for a new character?” Barbara says a “gun-gun,” a gun that shoots guns. Vic: “I like to keep it simple. What I do is I take a bottle, and I break it. And then I cut you.” Arryn would love to see some kind of fan weapon. Kara: “What about a frisbee?” Michael likes the idea of a game controller that turns into a whip. The fan also has a statement that Blake isn’t the only black cat he knows that’s completely oblivious to love (Adrian from Miraculous Ladybug)
What does RWBY mean to you? Barb: “It means Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang.” Vic: “Can we change it to QRWBY?” Arryn talks about how much RWBY changed her life and let her find her dream job. Kara: “It’s been amazing, I have no words.” 
A Ruby cosplayer made bracelets for RWY. Arryn got hers on-stage. Q: Any advice for anyone who wants to get into voice acting? A: Lindsay says getting into VA work is a little bit of luck, but it comes down to who you know and how you network with people. Fan dubs are a great jumping off point since directors keep up with that. Yuri Lowenthal (Merucry Black) and his wife Tara Platt (Kali) have a three-part series on Youtube that covers how to make a great demo reel as a voice actor. Vic says to take any chance you can to develop your skills. Most of the actors he knows didn’t start as voice actors, they just performed wherever they could. Basically, never say no to any acting gig, get into community theater and go to acting school. “One thing you need more than talent, is a thick skin.” 
If you guys could switch characters with someone here who would it be? A: Michael: “I’M YANG!” Lindsay and Weiss would swap. Arryn would be Sun or Yang. Barb would do Qrow. Vic in his Qrow voice: “I’m Weiss. I drink a lot.” Lindsay: Like mother like daughter! Vic at the end of the question: “I’d like to play Winter so I can lose to myself in a fight!”
How do you guys get into character? Arryn: “Don’t really have to do anything any more.” Kara watches the most recent episodes to get into Weiss’s mindset. She also records in heels since it helps her posture, unless it’s a fight scene. For Chibi/Volume 1-3 Yang, Barbara would cause chaos and build her energy up, but for Volume 4/5, she’d wear a big hoodie like “emo yang.” Lindsay finds a theme song for her characters. For Ruby she uses anime OPs like Lucky Star (Beacon) or Red Like Roses Part 2 (Volume 4-5 Ruby). Michael runs in circles to build up energy for Sun, if he plays Max from Camp Camp he starts swearing up a storm. When he’s driving in he’ll shout along with songs on the radio.
Michael, favorite character that’s not Sun? Winter. 
Who can do the best robot dance? Barbara.
Who do you ship in RWBY? (DAMNIT WE NEARLY MADE IT TO THE END WITHOUT THIS FUCKING QUESTION GAAAAAA) Barb- Bumblebee. Kara- White Knight. Lindsay- Nuts and Dolts. Vic- the USS Enterprise. 
Barbara, how was it to provide your voice for Blazblue? She rapid-fire says “I nearly lost my voice from all the power up sounds.”
Barbara, how can fans support Rooster Teeth beyond just buying First? A: Watch the shows, First is the absolute best way to support them.
Do you believe in destiny? Yes. Favorite OST song? Lindsay- Red Like Roses Part 2. Arryn and Michael- This Will Be The Day. Barb- Gold and Cold. 
Barbara, is Yang gay? Barb: “I don’t know, I kinda hope so though.”
Where are Yang’s puns? A: Watch Chibi. 
Arryn, when is Blake gonna stop being so melodramatic? “I’ve already ended it. Just wait!” 
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
Childhood | bold the things you’ve done
ran upstairs after turning off basement lights pretended to smoke when it was cold pushed down all the knobs on multicolor pens poked holes in erasers tried to force magnets of the same pole together built forts out of blankets and pillows struggled opening otter pops blackmailed your siblings spoke into a fan to get a robotic voice poured water into the bottle cap and drank it like a shot
hid inside clothing racks pretended the floor was lava watched raindrops race in the car window used cardboard rolls as telescopes for binoculars walked up the stairs on all fours got annoyed when you were forced to talk to relatives had to pretend you knew people you hadn’t seen in years burned yourself on a metal slide got shocked by playground equipment ruined your palms from the monkey bars had fun pushing the shopping cart really fast thought eating a seed meant a plant would grow inside you loved annoying people by copying their every word
Aries +10% | excellent sense of adventure +10% | you play to win +10% | optimist +10% | child at heart +10% | accidentally yelling…a lot +10% | showing off +10% | impulse decision making +10% | red is your color +10% | dog person +10% | prone to emotional outbursts Total: 50%
Taurus +10% | down to earth +10% | stubborn af +10% | slow and steady wins the race +10% | can be trusted with anything +10% | napping solves all +10% | “I want it, I got it” +10% | small group of close friends +10% | good luck changing your mind +10% | possessive of loved ones +10% | cozy nights in Total: 40%
Gemini +10% | no filter +10% | love a good debate +10% | always learning new things +10% | nosy +10% | easily distracted +10% | trouble with names +10% | witty sense of humor +10% | if it’s boring, bye +10% | value your fam +10% | persuasive Total: 70%
Cancer +10% | puts the needs of others first +10% | romanticizes the past +10% | creative +10% | cries easily +10% | reads into everything +10% | rather stay in than go out +10% | had an emo phase +10% | intuitive +10% | loves deep conversations +10% | follows a ton of animal instas Total: 50%
Leo +10% | people are drawn to you +10% | adores being adored +10% | very social +10% | likes giving advice +10% | easily jealous +10% | possessive of friends +10% | you want it your way +10% | queen of the friend group +10% | loves getting dressed up +10% | dislikes routine Total: 30%
Virgo +10% | never forgets anything +10% | enjoys creative projects +10% | rules are meant to be followed +10% | people fill you in on ALL the drama +10% | your own worst critic +10% | hate people telling you what to do +10% | sometimes perceived as “uptight” +10% | people-pleaser +10% | voice of reason +10% | perfectionist tendencies Total: 80%
Libra +10% | indecisive af +10% | unintentionally flirty +10% | extreme people-pleaser +10% | just wants everyone to get along +10% | supportive +10% | open-minded thinker +10% | treat yo self…a lot (self-care) +10% | cannot stand injustice +10% | avoids conflict like the plague +10% | being nice is not being fake Total: 70%
Scorpio +10% | wears a lot of black +10% | mysterious +10% | good at reading people +10% | trusted with secrets +10% | holds grudges forever +10% | needs control +10% | goes after passions +10% | carefully calculated moves +10% | hard exterior, soft interior +10% | will fight you if you cross a loved one Total: 30%
Sagittarius +10% | high energy +10% | just here for a good time +10% | loves traveling +10% | bored easily +10% | can’t focus on one thing at a time +10% | independent +10% | comedian of the friend group +10% | bold outfit choices +10% | will call you out +10% | boundaries? haven’t heard of em Total: 30%
Capricorn +10% | conceal don’t feel +10% | sarcastic humor +10% | work work work work +10% | expects the worst +10% | know it all +10% | self-described “realist” +10% | thrives in leadership positions +10% | secretly a softy +10% | dislikes not having control +10% | loves riddles and puzzles Total: 50%
Aquarius +10% | you’ve always felt “different” +10% | stand up for what you believe in +10% | very artistic +10% | can’t stand fake people +10% | you question everything +10% | active imagination +10% | doesn’t trust easily +10% | generous +10% | hides emotions +10% | alone time to recharge Total: 60%
Pisces +10% | next level empathy +10% | cannot take criticism +10% | daydreams +10% | idealist +10% | ignores your problems +10% | naps and baths and soft things +10% | loves the ocean +10% | trouble making decisions +10% | has all the feels +10% | prone to being a doormat Total: 30%
I am: a Virgo (80%)...both in this and in reality
My job requires me to wake up pretty early. I’ve driven a car today. I worked today. No one can ever remember when my birthday is. I pay attention to details I have a Blackberry phone. I’m always thinking about what tattoo I want next. My cell phone provider is Verizon. My short term memory is shit. I’m nineteen years old. I’ve bought a CD this month. I’m currently wearing shorts. I procrastinate procrastinating, that’s how bad I am. I love blaring music. I’ve been in a tattoo shop this month. I’m planning on getting another tattoo soon. I go on Facebook from my phone. My feet are always falling asleep. I haven’t bought a DVD in a long time. I hate pumping gas into a car. I get high when I come home from work. I’m attracted to tattoos. Not even the guy behind it. Just tattoos. I can’t even walk around sometimes without getting winded. I have a love hate relationship with cigarettes. I’ve been to the doctors recently. My lips crack a lot and it’s really annoying and painful. I feel like I live at the mall. I curl my hair more than I straighten it. My room’s always a mess. I don’t need to workout because of how active I am at my job. I put something new up on my walls recently. I hate my room so much. I’m constantly whacking my hips against shit. I’m always embarrassing myself. Pizza is all I’ve eaten today I’d rather be alone right now I’d rather solve your problems than my own I say I’m going to do something but then I usually don’t do it One of my siblings has been to jail more than once My parents are no longer together and my dad re-married I regret getting my hair cut because I miss my long hair My arms are sore right now I’m going camping this weekend I live right on the border of my home state Rainy days are my favorite kind of days I’m extremely addicted to Vanilla Frappucinos Google Chrome is the shit I get homesick even if I’m 3 hours away I have a prepaid credit card and I love it My cell phone is white and has a full keyboard I crack my knuckles religiously I have been single for well over a year I’m going to be legal this summer and I can’t wait! Most of my friends are having kids but I sure as hell am not
You're nineteen and a vegetarian.
You've been a vegetarian for over a year.
You don't like John Lennon.
You are studying Mandarin Chinese.
You have blue eyes and white hair.
People often mistaken you for sixteen or under.
You enjoy reading and mathematics.
You wish your family was healthier mentally.
Your favorite flavour of tea is mint.
You listen to foreign music.
You watch the anime Naruto Shippuden.
You prefer routine to your day.
You've never attended a concert.
You're Chinese.
Your favorite sport is basketball.
Your favorite basketball team is the Lakers.
You basically want to marry Kobe Bryant.
You have a Samsung S4.
You hate English quite a lot.
You like playing card games.
You think people who play League of Legends is stupid.
You are often jealous of anything trying to take something away from you.
Your parents are scientists.
You are really good at physics.
You prefer noodles over rice.
You want to own a BMW when you're older.
You were in choir in high school.
You like spicy food.
You're short compared to your friends.
You really like Hello Kitty and try to own a lot of it.
Your father is slowly dying.
Your mother is studying in a university.
You have a crush on someone who is younger than you.
You like to eat apples a lot.
You've had braces and they were recently taken out.
You recently decided to have bangs for your hair.
You eat rice at least every other day.
You live in a huge house.
You have multiple strangers living in your house with you.
You got a large amount of Halloween candy last year.
You are really good at badminton.
You like to watch Asian reality shows.
You have no siblings.
You hate your name.
You are very aggressive.
You overeat a lot and feel very guilty afterwards.
You are used to being left out.
You hate missing the person you care for.
You are a slow learner.
You don't like your teeth.
You have dyed your hair orange before.
Your friends think you have a great taste in music.
You would chose food over love anyday.
You often swear too much.
You have an older sister.
Your mother owns a beautiful car.
You are only nice to people you trust.
You like mood rings.
You obsess over Candy Crush.
You have an iPad or iPad Mini.
You prefer your hair in a ponytail more.
You have very noticable dimples.
You always use a cute voice with people.
You have a blue bicycle.
0 notes
seablu · 7 years
Do 1-50 ho
1: what is your name and does it mean anything?my name is olivia, it just means olive
2: how long have you known your best friend?15 years! wow omg
3: what position do you normally sleep in?on my side cuddling a pillow usually
4: were you a part of any “clique” in high school?only at one school, i was totally in the super angsty kids club that sat against the wall (aka “the emo wall” or “the wall of shame”) at lunch and played guitars.
5: who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?ms. komori! i didn’t have the option to take japanese at my first 3 high schools, so when i got to my 4th one my senior year, i was in a freshman class she was teaching. they were awful to her but she still tried her absolute best to teach them and make sure they knew she cared about them as individuals. she talked a lot about the importance of mental health and self care & always made sure her class was a safe space for everyone, always had food in case anyone hadn’t eaten, made sure to ask if she wasn’t sure if somebody was okay.. basically she was just a literal angel always. that was so long wow,,, yeah i love her
6: do you wish to travel a lot?yes, 100%
7: did you participate in any sports while in school?not really, but marching band did kinda feel like a sport sometimes lol
8: show a sample of your handwriting:i would, but i am on a plane and i have no pen
9: have you ever given blood?no! i always wanted to, but they always told me i didn’t weigh enough
10: do you like the way that you grew up?not really but i’m still lucky
11: do you like your siblings? why or why not?my brother doesn’t really have a personality yet so idk
12: how did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?our dads were both pilots for eagle at the time & we were three, and they decided to get us together so they took us to chuck e cheese. honestly i have no idea how we became best friends cause she stole my tokens and i’m pretty sure I punched her?? but i haven’t seen her since the deep end of my scene phase in 9th grade and she’s finally coming to see me IN 4 DAYS
13: name one movie that made you cry.gran torino ooh shite
14: do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?both
15: things about someone that you find attractive?literally everything abt the person that sent me this ask
16: what song are you currently listening to?general tso what by jank
17: Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?my nose, once by flip-turning directly into the wall during my big freestyle relay at state (i still won) and once again at a concert. i was watching emmure from barricade and some fucker behind me literally threw a crowdsurfer, and he landed right on me, so my face went directly into the metal barricade & re-broke my nose. i then went straight to the pit and got punched to top it all off! (i had 2 black eyes at school for like a week and a half & all my teachers thought someone was beating me)
18: a random memory from you childhood:i forced my parents to let me dress up as bob the builder for halloween when i was four
19: where did you grow up?ft. worth texas & ardmore oklahoma
20: what was the last thing you watched on tv?the office
21: do you think you’d make a good parent?yes but i have to get all the crazy out of my system first
22: would you like to meet any of your tumblr friends in person?no bc i don’t have any
22: what was the last dream you remember having?i went back to one of my old high schools to watch a football game and there were only 3 people in the marching band
23: when is your birthday?july 23rd, exactly one week from today!
24: how many pillows do you sleep with?two or three
25: do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?i was prescribed some last year but i lost them a few months ago, i only really needed them cause they were supposed to help with my migraines but they didn’t anyway
26: what color is your hair?dark brown
27: name 5 facts about your appearance:i’m short & tiny, i have really pale skin, my hands are oddly big, i have a few freckles in summer & i have 0 hips
28: what is your favorite soda?this peach soda i tried overseas oh my goodness gracious
29: what is a strange talent that you have?idk i can play the french horn
30: how’s the weather right now?looks real dry over new mexico rn
31: why did one of your friendships end?because he made me very uncomfortable & did a lot of really creepy, inappropriate things i won’t go into on the internet
32: who do you miss right now? the person that sent this ask
33: why did your last relationship end?bc i found out he didn’t love me at all and was just using me.
34: are you still figuring out who you are?absolutely
35: have you ever been admitted to a hospital? why?quite a few times, yeah. a variety of reasons but the most recent time was because i had a super violent bug and needed to be put on an IV
36: what is your favorite restaurant?i don’t think i have one
37: what is word that you always seem to spell wrong?annihilate
38: would ever adopt kids?absolutely
39: what is your favorite kind of pizza?classic pepperoni
40: what was your first thought when you woke up this morning?i was in a hotel room with my family and my half asleep mind thought my mom’s snoring was a weedeater
41: when was the last time you got really really happy and why?earlier this month when i stayed a few days with @manilla-folder cause i’ve missed him for so long and he’s my favorite person in the world
42: what’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?someone dared me to eat a fish eye in japan and i did it.
43: how do you start a conversation?.. i usually do not
44: what’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?the japanese house
45: do you come from a family “of money?”not really, nope
46: do you have a bucket list?yes
47: what is your favorite series of books?i don’t have one, all my favorites are novels
48: when was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?one of the days when i was laying around with @manilla-folder , i don't even remember what he said but oh my god he was so funny and i couldn’t breathe
49: where do you go when you’re sad?to my bed or on long drives
50: 5 random facts about yourself:i love outer space, i can’t do a backflip, my cat is missing one of his front teeth, i want to live in japan one day, and my favorite color is light pink.
1 note · View note
dragonbornoflegend · 7 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, and 100. My hand hurts now.
Lord have mercy upon my soul 1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? I always try and have a decent balance with the two, but I lean towards more milk. 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? It depends. If I've just left a warm place, it feels refreshing, but if I'm already outside and cold then it feels like death.3) what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Right now I'm alternating between an astrology card I got from a fortune teller machine in a Spinelli's and a dollar bill that has the word "BONER" written on it. 4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Coffee sweet with shit like chocolate or pumpkin spice, and tea usually iced with enough sugar to taste the diabetes.5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yep 🙃 I lost my retainer in the 8th grade so my teeth are Fucked Up™6: do you keep plants? I certainly try, but I'm kind of like Timmy's mom from Fairly Odd Parents7: do you name your plants? Yep! I used to have a bromeliad named George before I accidentally killed it. 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? I tend more to just bottle them up lmao but if I had to pick one it would be writing 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? I do, but I refrain from doing so in public out of respect for others 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? I'm a stomach sleeper. It's painful. 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? Most of my jokes honestly. "Just watch some porn and eat more chocolate", "you got a 30 on your ACT", the implication that I on the reg put it in @fuckthepersonthattookmyusername's ass, stuff like that. 12: what's your favorite planet? I feel like I should say Earth since I live on it? But I also highkey relate to Pluto bc I, too, constantly struggle with validation. 13: what's something that made you smile today? My dogs. My Big Dumb one is chasing his tail in front of me as I type this. 14: if you were to live with your best friend(s) in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Spacious, with lots of plants and a goat skull hanging on the wall. A nice kitchen. My dog is there and healthy. 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! I don't have my glasses on and at first glance I thought this said "weird spice fact" and I got really excited. I did google a space, fact, though, and I learned that Neutron stats can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second. 16: what's your favorite pasta dish? Does "all of them" not count? If I had to pick one, right now it's tortellini. 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? Silver. I do love my red, though. 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. Basically everything I do that exemplifies how dumb I am lmao. I almost didn't graduate high school and they nag me parent-style about that one a lot.19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I do not, I've tried before but I've never known what to write in it. Plus I'm always way too paranoid that someone will find and read it. 20: what's your favorite eye color? @stripper-boots's 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. The only bag I really have that's lasted a while (I abuse my bags lol) is an orange drawstring with a skull printed on it. It's got some weeaboo buttons on it bc for a while it was my convention bag. Now I mostly use it to collect buttons on. 22: are you a morning person? Absolutely not. If allowed to I will sleep until 2 pm with no issues.23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Usually just sit around and watch YouTube/Netflix or play video games. Today is actually one of those few days, actually. I've got plans on running to the local farmer's market too so I can plant some herbs later on. 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? I have people I would trust not to tell anyone else, but I still wouldn't ever tell them. It's less a trust issue and more that I just don't want anyone knowing some of these things. 25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? An abandoned church compound. It was a big lot full of tons of old buildings. Some of them were used for storage and had a bunch of newer stuff in it but some of them looked like old schoolhouses and dorms. The desks inside had schoolwork dated from the 70s in them. The place has since been leveled, though. It's a shame. 26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? My combat boots. They've seen hell, basically. 27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? I can't remember the name, but 5 gum has these two that are great. One is a fruity flavor that kind of tastes like Monster and one is a mint that's great because it's not as harsh as most other mint gums.28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset, probably. I'm usually awake to see that one more. 29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? Exist. 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? On one hand, I think so, but on another hand I do have that "could be worse" issue. Yesterday I was woken up by a man I didn't know knocking on my door and then literally climbing on my roof. After he got down he started banging on my door and yelling. That was pretty terrifying but I do feel like it could have gone much worse. 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I do enjoy weird patterned socks, I think they're cute. White socks are demon spawn tho. I also despise sleeping with socks on. I went through a phase in middle school in which I exclusively wore fuzzy socks. Never again.32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. Boy do I have a story to share. I once went out to watch Rogue One with @stripper-boots and another friend, and somehow the night ended with us picking up another person, stealing a grocery cart from a CVS near my school, and driving through our old high school's parking lot while someone sat in the cart and held on to my van. We would then hit the brakes and the person in the cart would let go and see how far they would keep rolling. It was absolutely amazing. 33: what's your fave pastry? Listen, I'm a baking and pastry student, I can't pick just one. If I had to narrow it down, I love making turnovers and scones. Blackberry and sage scones are absolutely amazing. 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I kept (and currently keep) two stuffed Dalmatians named Spot and Pongo (I was a creative kid, I know). I've had them since I was born and they're both incredibly dear to me. 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I always want to, but almost every time I end up too afraid to use them because I want to wait and find something that would be worth using them for (spoiler alert: I never do). So I've stopped getting them lol36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? Probably The Neighborhood or something like that. I'm feeling pretty mellow today. 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I like to keep it super clean (even if it occasionally gets messy thanks to depression). The people I live with are pretty messy and it gets to me pretty badly so I try to have at least one clean area that I can retreat to.38: tell us about your pet peeves! Hoo boy, here we go. I cannot stand it when people chew with their mouths open (people that have to due to some sort of disability or something don't count, ofc). It is seriously one of the grossest things in the world to me and it honestly makes me uncomfortable to the depths of my very soul. Most of my family and a few of my friends do it, too, and it absolutely kills me. I also can't stand it when people put their feet on things or when they do something I've asked them not to because they find it humorous. 39: what color do you wear the most? Black. I'm still a little emo kid at heart. Plus I own all dark haired animals lol. 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? I wear a collar around my wrist that belonged to a dog we fostered. It's from when he was a puppy, which I think is pretty great because as he grew up he ended up coming up to my hip with his shoulder. Seriously, he was huge. 41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? Both of the books in the Kingmaker, Kingbreaker series. I read them my sophomore year of high school and I still think about them a lot. I'm not even sure why, they just struck a chord with me and I absolutely love them. 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! I feel obligated to say the one that belongs to my school. It's basically the only one that I really frequent, anyways. The cafe mochas are amazing. 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Honestly, I can't remember the last time I actually stargazed. It's definitely been a while.44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? Probably before I was born. My mom smoked a lot of weed while pregnant with me so I'd imagine I was a pretty chill little fetus. 45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Anxiety won't let me. 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. Basically any pun my chef instructor this past quarter told us lol. Or anything that comes from @stripper-boots47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Candy corn 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? I was always terrified of tornadoes, to the point that some nights I would just lay awake and cry because I was afraid that a tornado would come crashing through my house, even on nights with nice weather. I'm no longer that afraid of them, but I do still get really nervous when it storms out.49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? I love CDs! I haven't bought one in a while, but the most recent one I "acquired" (aka stole from my dad) was the Cloud Atlas soundtrack. 50: what's an odd thing you collect? Sadness. 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? I associate the song "Fuck You" with my mom. Because fuck her. 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? All of them53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I've seen Rocky Horror and parts of Beetlejuice. They're both pretty awesome. 54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? Myself in the mirror lmao55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? I try not to be dramatic that much? Idk. I'm answering all 100 questions of this rn to prove that I'm not a little bitch. 56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Genuine care. Like honestly, someone can act caring towards me once and there we go, I think they're great and want to be their friend. 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? You mean there aren't people that dramatically reenact the lyrics? 58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? @thenomoreotaku is the self-proclaimed wine mom. I feel like @stripper-boots is the vodka aunt. 59: what's your favorite myth? Listen I love mythology, do not get me started. Just all of them. 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I really like "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" from Robert Frost and basically anything from Neil Hilborn. 61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? Every gift I give is stupid. I'm not very good at giving gifts. 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? I'm not really a fan of juice. 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I want to be organized but I am Not. 64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Kind of a light gray with some blue. It rained last night. 65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? I haven't seen my friends since Saturday night, does that count as a long time? 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Anything with bright flowers (probably red) and maybe some Quartz on it too. I actually plan on making some soon. 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? I like the melancholy feel but I hate how humid it is when it's misty so I'm kind of on the fence about it. 68: what's winter like where you live? Normally I would say Fucking Cold but this winter was actually pretty warm so?? Thanks global warming. 69: what are your favorite board games? I really like Betrayal at House on The Hill, and I appreciate the cutthroat factor of Monopoly. I was also recently introduced to Arkham Horror and it was pretty lit. 70: have you ever used a ouija board? Nope71: what's your favorite kind of tea? I have this black tea that's cacao mint flavored and I love it 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? YEP73: what are some of your worst habits? All of them. 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Listen I have like, 3.5 friends this is going to be a pain to choose one. I have one that's pretty saint-like lately. Bc they're holey. 75: tell us about your pets! They're all amazing and I love them. I have a 6 year old blue pitbull named Jinxx, 3 year old Presa Canario named Murdoc, a 9 year old brown tabby cat named Tiger, a fluffy black cat named PJ that's somewhere between 7-9, and a betta fish named Radicchio. 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? Going to the farmer's market and cleaning my house. 77: pink or yellow lemonade? I don't like lemonade 😐78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? I will hate minions until the day I die 79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? My friends literally made me a bedroom. 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? They're just white. I wanted to paint them but I never got a chance before we moved in. 81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. He much will everyone hate me if I use "azure pools" 82: are/were you good in school? Definitely not lol. I think I'm getting better now that I'm college though. 83: what's some of your favorite album art? I really like some of the drawings from Alesana's album The Emptiness. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? I currently have one tattoo of my cat, and I plan on getting something baking related (probably a quote about bread) and something Wizard of Oz related. 85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I always mean to but I've never actually gotten around to it. 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? I love concept albums. Alesana did three concept albums in a row that were all related and I absolutely adore them. 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Cloud Atlas, Uno: The Movie88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Do Snapchat filters count 89: are you close to your parents? Occasionally with my dad, but not with my mom 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. The one I live in lol. Louisville is pretty lit. Lots of good food. 91: where do you plan on traveling this year? I'm hoping to make it to Sandusky for ColossalCan in the beginning of June.92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? There is never enough cheese 93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? My sidecut. It's basically my most recognizable trait at this point. 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? My stepbrother's birthday is the 14th 95: what are your plans for this weekend? I'm not sure, but I'm hoping to chill with the D&D squad and play some more board games. 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I can't remember the last time I installed an update on my computer 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? ISTP, Libra, Slytherpuff98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? Probably year or so ago. Hiking is lit. 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Stressed Out from top because I'm always stressed 🙃100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? I wouldn't press either tbh. Leave that shit how it is.
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