#because its one of the ways he shows affection
hannieehaee · 2 days
Because I love making my boyfriend handmade little gifts but he never appreciates them :(( I need how svt would react to you making handmade gifts (those silly cute ones from Pinterest yk) for them
their s/o making them handmade gifts
content: implied established relationship, fluff, etc.
wc: 697
a/n: hii anon pls leave ur man and date someone who will love and appreciate ur cute little gestures :(
seungcheol -
he's so flustered and touched and happy and and and!!! he's just so in love with you, with insane adoration in his eyes when you give him yet another one of your cute handmade gifts. he already adores you so badly, only falling deeper for you when he sees what a sweet gesture you made him just out of pure love.
jeonghan -
cooing and aw'ing at you endlessly any time you come to him with a cute little gift. carries it around with him as a treasured item for everyone to see. will sometimes stop whatever he's doing to look at the cute gift you made him just to smile to himself as he recalled how adorable you looked giving it to him.
joshua -
he already has such a cute habit of gifting his loved ones little handmade bracelets, so you two would compliment each other perfectly<3 would fill your jewelry box with personalized bracelets any time you gave him a cute little gift.
jun -
he lightheartedly whines at you for being so cute, claiming he's supposed to be the cutest one in the relationship. this would start a tradition of you two making and giving each other gifts every so often to surprise each other. falls in love with you more and more each time you give him a cute personalized gift.
soonyoung -
shows them off to everyone lol. he needs everyone to know that his baby loves him and made him such an adorable present. he'd be so affectionate in showing his gratitude for making him something specifically just for him.
wonwoo -
so bashful in receiving your cute little gifts, thinking its the cutest gesture ever. does not care for the price of anything you give him, he appreciates heartfelt gifts even more and carries them around with him as good luck charms.
jihoon -
chuckles sheepishly the first time you give him one of your gifts, shy in accepting it bc he thinks its such an adorable detail from you. he doesnt really know how to react properly bc he finds it just so cute and lovely, but tries his best to let you know how much he loves such gestures by keeping them displayed in his home and studio.
seokmin -
literally cries the first time you make him a cute little handmade gift. treasures it forever and thanks you endlessly for it. has such an urge to show it off to everyone else, making you a little bashful whenever he'd do it in front of you.
mingyu -
he'll carry around anything you give him either in his wallet, bag, or even phone case. for once you'll make him blush at how cute the gesture is, causing him to lose his composure and let his cuteness aggression take over as he gave you endless affection in return.
minghao -
finds the thought of you making this for him so adorable. thinking of you looking for an idea, making it, putting it all together and giving it to him would make his cheeks hurt from smiling. he'd thank you with a hug and a kiss to your forehead, believing you to be the cutest thing alive.
seungkwan -
groans and whines at you for being so cute and lovely. you know the effect you have on him so why would you amp up your cuteness in such a way!! it's like you want him to melt for you, it's not fair!!! you cause him such heart pains he doesn't even know what to do with himself anymore. kisses you and thanks you for it without holding eye contact, far too touched by these little displays of affection to articulate his feelings properly.
vernon -
so touched by you taking the time of your day to think of him and make him something you'd thought he'd like. would save it or carry it around for years just bc you made it and that alone made it special to him.
chan -
heart eyes the moment you come up to him with the gift and the explanation behind it. his heart literally hurts at how adorable he thinks the gesture is, literally groaning out loud at how cute he finds it.
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shadesoflsk · 3 days
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pairing: arthur morgan x fem reader
summary: arthur didn't believe he was worthy at all. however, you made it your duty to turn harsh words into self love.
warnings: reader is drunk, mentions of death, a bit suggestive at the end.
word count: 1.7k
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Arthur was a man of few words. Blunt and straightforward statements were his way to go. He was well-spoken, don't get it wrong. But it seemed that his knowledge in words shone the brightest when a plethora of adjectives slipped from his lips at the sight of him in the mirror.
Staring back at him, was a madman. A garbage at most. Dull, horrible, and not worthy of a penny even though a bounty was placed on him.
However, life worked in mysterious ways when someone appeared in his life. He was no longer a cloud on a sunny day but a star in a clear sky. His eyes, at least for now, had a glint that has been lost ever since…—he doesn't know when or which was the ultimate instance in which happiness left his life.
You were a sight for sore eyes, a bandaid for a wound. A one and only in a world of forever ‘ifs.’ A constant where finite was the sole possibility. And lastly, a sweet fragrance mixed with the smell of gunpowder and death. 
However, he seldom thought about a calm life. He was not deserving of silence since it meant replaying his life through his eyes. Maybe that’s why his own mind was sabotaging his happiness. Life as an outlaw at least gave him a purpose, trying not to get killed left him with no time to dwell on his own low self-esteem. 
“You ugly bastard…” Sour as always but not less honest. In his mind, it was a payback. An attempt to not be in debt with life or whatever entity above him. He didn’t deserve a good life, so a few insults at himself would make things even.
Despite the harsh words he shared with himself, there was a chirping but endearing voice that told him otherwise. Ugly would be replaced by beautiful and old with young. 
But words weren’t enough if his shell was hard to crack. Therefore, the change had to come from him and not from a third person. 
"Arthur….” An intoxicated voice called him and brought him back to reality, to his reality. Both of you have shared some drinks that led to being somewhat drunk. Alcoholic beverages affected you a tad more than him, but that didn’t mean you were unconscious.
You were indeed very conscious.
“You know I love you, right?” And perhaps his own demons subtly pull him to believe your words are just drunk rambles. Lies mixed with a hint of just neediness and stupidity. No wonder, he doesn’t let you drink. Because he now has to deal with the slow poison of not being actually loved.
Damn you.
You share a cabin, you share a room and you definitely share days in which boredom was the pillar of your new life. A boredom not less welcomed but still so foreign to the rough man. But of course, in his messed up mind that didn’t mean you loved him.
“You’re drunk…”
His insecurities drowned out any joy he could feel. Dismissing your words was easier than accepting a reality he had never experienced.
Loving himself.
“I am drunk. You’re completely right sir.” The little show you were giving him was rather amusing. He had dealt with a drunk you many times before, but now it seemed there was a sense of purpose behind your actions. 
“But I’m simply telling the truth.” A waterfall of I love you’s escaped your lips. As if every one of them tried to make its way deeper into his system and plant a seed of self-worth.  
Clumsily, your body fell on top of him. However, you were conscious enough not to knock him towards the bed but rather straddle his lap. A poor attempt at caging him and stopping him from evading your words.
A faint of irritation coursed through Arthur as your voice rose slightly. But not at you but at his own incompetence of believing your words as beautiful as they sounded. Nonetheless, he was weak when feeling the warmth of your body embracing his. A reminder of you being alive and well next to him.
“Quit your rambling and sleep, you drunken fool lady.” His words may have sounded harsh but deep down, a tender tone hid behind his call out. Especially with how his hands protected you from falling. 
A smile formed on your face as you felt Arthur’s hands on your lower back. A few months ago, you had told him you felt safe with him, his reply was no more than a scoff but that moment wouldn’t leave his mind. And although he could only see the hands of a killer, he ought to protect you no matter what.
That was the least he could do.
“You may say that but…” Your hand caressed his stubbled cheek. “Drunk words are…” A hiccup escaped your lips. “Drunk words are sober thoughts.”
And they damn were. Even when alcohol wasn’t running through your veins as it does now. I love you’s were more common than greetings at this point.
“You ain’t makin’ any sense, woman.” He whispered, brushing back some hair that was sticking to your forehead.
“You don’t make any sense either, Arthur Morgan.” You replied, this time a bit more serious than all of your previous ‘yapping’.
He groans, knowing you were right. There were days in which his existence didn’t make any sense, at least for him. 
You knew that this simple talk wouldn’t do anything to the so-wounded Arthur. His heart has built an armor so strong that not even truthful words could destroy it. You shifted in his lap and slowly moved closer to him.
“Let’s do something else.” A glint appeared in your eyes as you came up with an idea to sort out the root of the problem.
However, Arthur completely misunderstood your intentions.
“I ain’t doin’ nothing with you. Look at the state you’re in.” He stated firmly. 
“You fool of a man. It ain’t nothing to do with that sort of thing.” You softly punched him in his chest, not really aiming to hurt him but rather reprimand him. 
“Just… hear me out, okay?” Your eyes locked with his blue-ish ones. Amidst the drunken state you were in, your intentions were as clear as if you were sober. “You’re gonna repeat after me, got it?”
“I don’t like this.” Arthur muttered, his nose scrunching up a bit.
You paid no mind, already getting your plan to work. “Listen closely.” 
A hint of curiosity flashed through his eyes as he couldn’t really make out what you wanted him to do. 
“I love you.”
Arthur rolled his eyes at your words. Words he had heard (and said) so much. But there was not a day he did not yearn to hear it from your lips. 
He couldn’t help but sigh, a facade to hide how much he was starting to let himself drown in the feeling.
“I love you.” He finally obliged, his eyes squinting when he saw you grinning.
“Oh honey… I know.” You cooed but your chuckles were obvious to a confused Arthur. You were light-heartedly teasing him.  “But you were supposed to change the ‘I’ for ‘You’ and the ‘you’ for ‘me,’ silly”
“That’s not what the word ‘repeat’ means.” His words are accompanied by his own self of teasing. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Shut up Arthur….” 
“A little demanding for someone who can’t even sit straight on my lap.” And finally, a feeble smile adorned his face. 
“Go on.” You frowned, already waiting to continue with the little game or experiment you were both taking part in.
“You love me?” He repeated questioningly, expecting some kind of correction on your part.
“Very much.” You emphasized, letting your words linger in the air for a bit before coming up with another phrase, another affirmation he had to repeat. “Now… ‘I’m worthy’.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, he hadn’t even said the word yet and it already felt so foreign to him. Worthy of what?
“Say what?” He feigned ignorance, knowing damn well what your little plan was. A playful smile was on his face.
“Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit you.” You persisted, not allowing him to escape from the inevitable. “Repeat it.”
You gently held his face, your noses brushing in an endearing display of affection. And for a few seconds, both of you just stayed there, embracing the warmth of shared love and unspoken intimacy. 
Maybe he was indeed worthy. Worthy of having someone next to him every time he wakes up. Worthy of having a warm meal every day, and having someone he could so easily love.
Both of you are grinning like idiots, you were drunk on alcohol and he was in the love you were—or rather always provided. 
Reluctantly, slowly, and carefully. He thought about those two words and let them set in his brain before saying them. 
“I’m worthy.” He finally repeated… or confessed? His mind was still adamant to believe it. But acceptance is the first step for a change and you have taught him about the art of betterment.
A lump formed in his throat as he looked into your loving eyes. A feeling of purpose suddenly rushed back to him. After all these years, this was the first time he actually felt worthy. 
“So worthy…” A loving kiss was pressed against his lips. Your words were a silent prayer and the dim room was your sacred place. If God existed he surely did an amazing job forgiving him. 
Arthur’s eyes fluttered closed as your lips locked with his. He was no stranger to your affection but damn he would never say no to them. A strange sense of hope washed over him, maybe this was the beginning of a new era.
He had everything, it was time to enjoy it.
“So worthy…” He repeated even though he wasn’t mean to. Those were your words, but now he managed to sing them as if they were a song he was learning. 
And the phrase was repeated over and over that night. When your eyes got tired of being opened and when the alcohol finally took its toll on you. It was repeated when you finally fell asleep and he admired the face of his life partner. And it was repeated over the course of days, when he found his home inside of you, letting his body show how much he adored you.
Arthur was a man of few words. But now, his mental dictionary was completed and the insults were soon replaced with only words of affection.
Worthy of life and love.
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quillkiller · 5 hours
sorry to say but barty + the rosier twins are in love and i’ve thought about nothing else since yesterday
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#barty growing up in a family where love and affection is only for show and for the public image#a quiet and strict home where love only comes if someone important is watching#and then barty stumbling into this other family dynamic with the rosier twins#where they love each other in every concievable way#a sibling dynamic that knows no boundaries when it comes to love and intimacy#but its all behind closed doors#rather than the pretend love and intimacy his father holds above barty for the public eye#instead it’s behind closed doors and no boundaries and theirs and real#barty being so possessive over them because they’re his <3#no one is allowed to know them and see them like he gets to know and see them#they both end up dating barty and people talk and people think it’s weird#but they’ll never KNOW and that’s what important to them#people might talk but they’ll never actually know or understand the way they do#pan and ev don’t consider themselves dating or even in love#they already love each other because they’re twins. in every possible way#they’re already together too because they’re twins. calling it something so mundane as ’dating’ wouldn’t cover it#they’re just a unit and they love each other and want each other and barty love them and they love him <3#the polar opposite of bartys family and stumbling into ev and pans family dynamic#makes me insane#makes me EMOTIONAL#and barty being so protective of it#protective over pan and ev but also protective over all three of them#that’s his family :’) and his loves :’)#i dont even think they tell reg what their relationship turns into#everyone knows barty is dating both of them#and everyone talks#but no one will ever know#reg eventually does think he knows#and has a ’none of my business’ attitude about it#bartyrosiers
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4unnyr0se · 21 hours
❥ tsukishima plays the waiting game
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warnings: fem! reader, pre and post timeskip! tsukishima, tsuki gets slapped, reader is a sweetie, yamaguchi and hinata mentioned, tbh its mostly fluff
MDNI | No 18+ content here, I just don't want minors interacting with my blog
word count -> 785
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Kei Tsukishima wasn’t the best at showing affection at all. He only liked and respected Yamaguchi, but apart from that, there wasn’t really anyone he thought merited his honest and most sincere loyalty and trust. Sure, he respected Daichi when he was still in high school, but Daichi was his captain. It was different.
Then, you moved to Miyagi and enrolled in Karasuno in mid-April. You were placed in the same class as Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. Apparently, you had scored in the top 1% in your old high school, much to Tsukishima’s chagrin. He assumed you would be just another one of those academic bitches (like himself) who only cared about what directly affected them. 
That was the first time Tsukishima was wrong. 
You were sickeningly sweet, so much so that many people thought it was just an act. Tsukishima first thought this, too, that a wolf was hiding under that fluffy sheep wool. But no, there wasn’t. You were genuinely nice without ulterior motives, always volunteering to tutor students after class. You even helped Yamaguchi with his English vocabulary and grammar. He didn’t even have to ask! That’s how sweet you were, and Tsukishima hated that. Well, only at first. 
He knew he liked you the second you snapped at him, calling him an asshole in front of the entire Karasuno team. He was practicing serves and missed completely, the volleyball slamming into your torso as you walked by the practice gym. Instead of apologizing, he blamed you for being in the way. 
Instead of you apologizing for having dared to be in the way of a rouge volleyball, he was met with a cold smack in the face. Vulgar words left your mouth, your face heating up in anger as you called him out for being a stuck-up prick who didn’t care about anyone but himself (and maybe Yamaguchi.) The Karasuno team stood in shock as you screamed at him, your usual friendly and kind demeanor long forgotten. Hinata thought that Tsukishima was absolutely going to murder you, but instead, the lanky blonde just stood there with the tiniest blush on his cheeks. You called him out; you slapped him. The sweetest girl in Karasuno slapped him and humbled him in front of his teammates. You weren’t just an innocent little lamb, you bit. And Tsukishima liked that. 
Tsukishima never acted on his urges in high school; he was too busy with class and volleyball and Hinata’s bullshit to worry about romantic relationships. But he caught himself sneaking glances at you throughout high school, no matter where he was. You two were always in the same class, weirdly enough. Graduation eventually came, and lo and behold, the two of you went to Sendai. He was on a semi-volleyball scholarship, and you had a full academic ride because you did. And to his horror, or perhaps delight, you both had the same entry-level statistics class.
He first noticed that you had a sense of personal style that he approved of. Tsukishima had only ever seen you in the Karasuno girl’s school uniform before, so it was a pleasant surprise to see you wearing a spaghetti strap tank top with a wool cardigan and loose jeans. It was…cute.
Tsukishima was taken aback when you walked up to him after class, bowing your head slightly to apologize for screaming at him when you were in high school. He smirked and accepted the apology, pushing your head down further. 
“You also slapped me and called me an asshole, remember?”
You became flustered and started apologizing even more, tilting your head with sparkling eyes.
“I know, I’m really sorry. I don’t want any bad blood. How can I make this up to you?”
“Go on a date with me.” It came out of his lips so fast that Tsukishima didn’t have time to cover it up with a cough. How could he let that slip from his lips, he always thought before speaking. He thought before doing anything! He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking away in embarrassment. “Go on…just go on a date with me, please. I’ve liked you since high school, moron.”
You smiled and hugged him, squeezing his torso with all your might. Of course, Tsukishima thought this was adorable, he was a foot taller than you. “Of course, I’ll go on a date with you! Where?” You asked as you looked up, the prettiest smile plastered across your shining face. Fuck, Tsukishima was totally screwed. He’d give you the world right then and there if he wasn’t so proud. 
“My dorm? Yamaguchi is out with friends for the weekend.”
“Yamaguchi has friends other than you? Damn, he really grew up.”
Tsukishima’s side of the dorm was immaculate. Spotless, organized, and decorated with dinosaur posters. It was cute and nerdy, making you smile. Maybe deep down inside, he wasn’t such a jerk.
part two??
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I need fluff rn sooo...
Tim drake as baby ruler of worlds again!!
He talks with like the "common people" bc he wants to know what they want! He's actually doing good! Bringing back lands that had fallen barren bc the previous rulers didn't care enough about the people to maintain them. He sees where the poor live, and where the abandoned warehouses are, and builds roads through them (so that the modern, bigger trucks can reach bc they have narrow streets) and therefore business can come back to the area! He sets up genuinely anonymous (like with magic) ways to tell him/the police things. (Eventually they have to set up a spare line to send Tim compliments)
I wanna see him be able to help people, be able to see how he is loved, because gotham is rough, but he loves it, just... sometimes its nice to go to this world and be treated softly, like he's worthy of so much adoration and know that it's because he helped them, he didn't force anything, they asked and they love him for what they received.
Some have even told him to his face that they didn't expect anything, just that he couldn't make it worse because he's just a baby...
But he made it better, he helped them, and they adore him for it. They put up banners and yes it's embarrassing but... It's incredible to be loved so loudly and by every name he gives them. Never the name of the one before him, never by accident, but openly, because they don't see him as a weakness.
Contrary to popular interstellar belief, they know how ruthless he can be. They told him this when he protested being called a "baby". They know he's a badass, but even if he weren't, they would call him that anyways. Because however good he is at fighting? That's not who he is for them. Yes they see his capabilities, but it's his intelligence, respect and genuine care that they emphasize because that's what he helped them with. Why should they worry? Even if he couldn't fight, they would protect him because he is himself.
Idk man just soft
Gods, that's some tooth rotting fluff right there. It's so sweet.
Just Tim doing what he's always done, helping people, and being loved for it. Also, it's amazing that his origin as overlord is separate from Robin. For Robin, he had to force himself into that role. He wasn't initially wanted, but he saw a need to fulfill.
For the planets, they asked him. He never takes over a planet or rules anyone who doesn't request it. They asked, and they show him so much affection for it.
I very much love the addition of the citizens knowing how scary Tim can be, but they don't care. That's not their Tim. He will never be that way to them. He can hurt and destroy and fight, but he wouldn't turn that against the citizens. To them, he's kind and gentle and caring and a good leader.
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longwuzhere · 1 day
My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Easter Eggs
Welcome to another week of My Adventures with Superman and what a great episode this one was! I CALLED IT THAT WE'LL BE SEEING A CERTAIN CHARACTER SHOW UP SINCE EPISODE 1 SEASON 1!!! OK lets get to the easter eggs!
My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here.
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here.
Spoilers if you haven't seen it yet.
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At the start of the episode we see Clark discover a new power of his to protect a person (we'll talk about him soon) during a fire. What we are seeing here is Clark using his Bio Electric Aura. Superman's Bio Electric Aura was first introduced in Superman #1 (1987) where Superman is investigating an abandoned laboratory where stats on Superman are plastered over the computer monitors and he finds the body of the scientist who's neck was snapped by something powerful. So in order to to keep the things inside safe and way from bad people (we'll talk more about this later), Superman does this (W&P: John Byrne, I: Terry Austin, C: Tom Zuiko, L: John Costanza:
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He takes it up to space so the vacuum can keep it preserved. But Superman is able to lift such a large piece of land thanks to his Bio Electric Aura. What it does is help protect the Bio Electric Aura user from damage and enhance their strength, speed, and durability. The user extends their aura to whatever object they are interacting with, in Superman's case, this giant piece of land, and be able to lift it up without IRL physics affecting them. Check out All-Star Superman to see how far Clark can use his bio electric aura!
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Clark was able to save the man's life from the fire started by Livewire (I talked more about her here). But before the reveal, we have a fun name drop in the scene! The man Clark saved was Silas Stone, the father of Victor Stone aka Cyborg of the Teen Titans/Titan (yeah I know Cyborg was with the Justice League sometimes but he fits with the Teen Titans/Titans more)!
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Silas Stone made his first appearance in DC Comics Presents #26 (1980) [W: Marv Wolfman, P: George Perez, I: Dick Giordano, C: Adrienne Roy, L: Ben Oda] as a STAR Labs scientist. After his son's accident, Silas had Victor rebuilt with new cybernetic parts in order to keep him alive, a move that strained his relationship with his son. Here in the pages Raven was showing the Teen Titans that Silas was in trouble trying contact this protoplasmic cell.
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Speaking of Victor, we get a reference to him after Livewire threatened his life and Victor was forced to delete the files he had on AmerTek (we'll talk more about that later).
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Victor Stone makes his first appearance also in DC Comics Presents #26 (1980) [ W: Marv Wolfman, P: George Perez, I: Dick Giordano, C: Adrienne Roy, L: Ben Oda]. Robin and the rest of the Titans gather at Titan's Tower but for some reason Robin can't recognize the team.
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The title for this episode is a nod to Hiromu Arakawa's manga/anime Fullmetal Alchemist, IMO the gold standard when it comes to action manga/anime. Fantastic read and watch highly recommend either watching the anime, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and the first Fullmetal Alchemist just to see how the two are different, but also read the manga because its just that good! A very appropriate title for what we will be discussing next!
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Finally the one character I hope would show up in MAwS, John Henry Irons! In MAwS like his comic book counterpart worked for AmerTek, but in MAwS Irons hoped he could use AmerTek be beneficial for his neighborhood, Bakerline (which I talked more about here.)
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John Henry Irons makes his first appearance in Adventures of Superman #500 (1993) [First Sighting: Man of Steel segment - W: Louise Simonson, P: Jon Bogdanove, I: Dennis Janke, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: Bill Oakley] during the start of the Reign of the Supermen storyline where we see John be buried under rubble after saving one of foreman coworkers and with the help of Superman was able to save both of them. However Doomday attacked the city and John was ready to pay Superman back by helping him fight Doomsday as well but the building John was in collapsed burying him.
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Like his comicbook counterpart, John don's a suit to help out Superman later in the episode. In the comics John wears the Steel armor in Superman: The Man of Steel #22 (1993) [Cover art by Jon Bogdanove and Dennis Janke]. After Superman's death at the hands of Doomsday, John builds the Steel suit in order figure out why the weapons he created but ultimately destroyed were in the hands of the gangs of Metropolis. He later learns that Amertek Industries, his former employer was still in business distributing the weapons.
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As Clark is running late for a date with Lois as Waid's cafe (I talked about this reference here and you hear a bit of the MAwS leitmotif in the cell jingle.
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At the AmerTek demo, Lois is in the crowd to see what they have for their showcase and we see Thomas Weston demonstrate the Metallo, two DC characters from the comics.
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Thomas Weston and AmerTerk makes their first appearance in Steel #2 (1994) [W: Louise Simonson, Jon Bogdanove, P: Chris Batista, I: Rich Faber, Andrew Pepoy, C: Gina Going, L: Pat Brosseau]. In the comics Thomas Weston is a Colonel and CEO of Amertek Industries where it is a weapons manufacturing company for the government but upon seeing the weapons be used in the streets of Metropolis, John Henry Irons quits his job as their engineer and destroys all the schematics he had on the weapons, but Amertek Industries was still able to steal John's armor designs for soldiers. If you want to check out John's adventures as Steel give Death of Superman, Reign of the Supermen, Steel, and the current series Steelworks, a read. They're all pretty awesome! Also if you like John Henry Iron's premise give Milestone Comics' Hardware a shot too, same with the current Hardware series too!
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Metallo's name was first used in World's Finest #6 (1942) [W: Jerry Seigel, P&I: John Sikela) where Metalo, here aka George Grant, was a scientists who wore a metal suit to rob a train.
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The next Metallo was John Corben who first appeared in Action Comics #252 (1959) [W: Robert Bernstein, P&I: Al Plastino], the same comic with Supergirl's first appearance. Here, John Corben's car swerved off a cliff and Professor Vale was able to replace his limbs and heart with metal while his heart is powered by uranium until John Corben learned that Kryptonite would be a better substitute because his uranium heart can only last for a day, while Kryptonite would not need to be replaced at all.
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The next Metallo is Roger Corben who first appeared in Superman #310 (1977) [Cover art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez and Bob Oksner]. Here, Roger Corben was part of SKULL who engineered Roger's death in order to create a second Metallo just like his deceased brother, John Corben. SKULL manipulated Roger to blame Superman for his misfortune and to seek revenge for his brother.
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The more modern Metallo returns this time as John Corben again post-Crisis on Infinite Earths, in Superman #1 (1987) [Cover art by John Byrne, W&P: John Byrne, I: Terry Austin, C: Tom Zuiko, L: John Costanza]. Here, Metallo was built by scientist Emmet Vale, who transferred John Corben's brain to the robot body after Corben's car accident, and using technology stolen from Clark's rocket ship that brought him to Earth. He found bits of Kryptonite and coined it that which is used to power Corben's new body.
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At the presentation Vicki Vale tries to get the story from Lois and I talked a bit about her here and she later name drops Palmer Tech. While not in the comics Palmer Tech is a reference to Palmer Technologies from the CW Arrow-verse where it is specialized in nanotechnology founded by Ray Palmer (played by Brandon Routh who was formerly Superman in Superman Returns and Superman again in the CW Arrow-verse) which segues to...
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Ray Palmer aka the Atom who first appeared in Showcase #34 (1961) [Cover art by Gil Kane, Murphy Anderson, and Ira Schnapp]. Ray Palmer is a professor from Ivy Town. He stumbles upon a White Dwarf Star fragment which when shot with ultraviolet light can cause anything touching the light to shrink, however after a few minutes later that shrunk object would explode. When Ray used the fragment on himself though, he was able to shrink fine and returned to his normal height. It's hypothesized that his Metagene is what made it safe for him to shrink and grow and as a result he built a device to control the size shrinking and growing on his belt and thus the Atom was born.
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Later in the episode Clark and Jimmy meet up with Flip and John comes in to greet the former two and name drops his niece, Natasha.
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Natasha Irons makes her first appearance in Steel #1 (1994) [W: Louise Simonson, Jon Bogdanove, P: Chris Batista, I: Rich Faber, C: Gina Going, L: Pat Brosseau] where she greets John who arrived back in Washington DC. Years later in Action Comics #806 (2003) [W: Joe Kelly, P&I: Karl Kerschel , C: Guy Major, L: Comicraft] where after facing the news of her uncle John retiring the Steel mantle, Natasha discovers the hammer and unlocks a recording he made where he discussed the new suit he built. Natasha dons the cool as hell new armor and takes up the Steel name. Fingers crossed Natasha gets to show up and suit up as well, maybe even team up with Kara in the future if that happens?!
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At the end of the episode Lex unfortunately buys out AmerTek and renames it to LexCorp. LexCorp was first mentioned in Superman #416 (1986) [W: Elliot S. Maggin, P: Curt Swan, I: Al Williamson, C: Gene D'Angelo, L: Duncan Andrews] where Superman encounters a hologam message from Future Superman telling him to not pursue Lex who will save a child that will cure him of his obsessive hatred for Superman which then leads to Lex using his brains to benefit humankind like the holocaster that is mentioned in the panels. The later iteration of Lex where he is a shady businessman when John Byrne took over the Man of Steel and Superman titles helped establish LexCorp to what we know today in pop culture (fantastic runs btw definitely recommend reading them).
And with that episode 3 is done! Come back next week for episode 4's references and Easter eggs!
My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
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Here’s a concept for a possible Earth Avatar series. Taking place in the Avatar equivalent of either the 1990s/2000s, we follow Earth Avatar Kazuya in his journey to maintain the balance in the world, as per his Avatar duties. However, the twist in this show is the way we’re supposed to view Kazuya.
Aang was clearly the one who we’re supposed to root for in his show. Korra, say what you will about how successful the show was in its attempt at more grey morality, but she was clearly supposed to be who we were rooting for. Kazuya, it’s up to the viewer whether they want to root for him or not.
The reason is that even though he’s “maintaining the balance”, he’s a lot colder and less empathetic. He views any sort of conflict as disrupting the balance and will side against the ones causing the disruption. Even if the troublemakers are the more sympathetic/righteous side, Kazuya views them as the threat.
Basically, this hypothetical Earth Avatar series explores an Avatar who judges people on a binary/black-and-white lens. He views maintaining the balance as maintaining the current world order, thus he views any attempt to disrupt the world order as a threat that he needs to shut down. So in his quest to maintain the balance, he ends up alienating the public that he’s supposed to protect. The show also explores what it means to maintain the balance, especially if the current world order that the Avatar is trying to maintain is corrupt to the core.
Examples of how the show could explore this concept:
1) Kazuya shutting down protests against the current Fire Lord because he doesn’t want a civil war to breakout. Even if the Fire Lord is legitimately corrupt, Kazuya takes their side because a war-torn Fire Nation will end up affecting the other 3 nations, thus “disrupting” the balance.
2) Kazuya establishing his own “Avatar Task Force” to maintain a constant presence in all four nations. This is meant to be a deliberate deviation from Aang and Korra since unlike his predecessors, Kazuya is a lot more proactive than reactive. Of course, this upsets the public since it feels like Kazuya established his own private army rather than a peacekeeping faction.
3) Kazuya deliberately questioning the effectiveness of his predecessors. Saying things like, “Aang wasted people’s time by not killing Ozai” or “Korra was too soft on her enemies”. While this obviously wouldn’t endear him to the audience, it does give us a clear picture of how he views his role as the Avatar.
So, the main arc of this series is obviously very different from the previous two shows. Aang and Korra’s arcs were both a coming-of-age, hero’s journey. Kazuya’s arc is a morality tale, in which he can either learn empathy and realize that you can’t judge people through a black-and-white lens…or continue down the path he’s on and permanently ruin the reputation of the Avatar.
As a side note, if the show ends with Kazuya ruining the Avatar’s reputation, the Fire Avatar show is gonna start off with the world already despising them. Not gonna lie…that’s a fucking interesting concept to explore, especially because Aang and Korra’s shows were about how much the people loved the Avatar. It’d be a dark as fuck ending to have Kazuya destroy all of the Avatar’s goodwill, but it’d make for juicy storytelling.
TL;DR Earth Avatar is an anti-hero who is a mix of Judge Dredd, Daredevil, and the Punisher. And I guess DCEU Batman.
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al-the-remix · 3 days
I know nothing about 911 but seeing all the bucktommy posts makes me really interested, if you don’t mind could you give a short introduction of the ship/which episode(s) to watch for them? Thanks!!
Hi! So the ship is a very new one and they don't have a lot of screen time yet, so their relationship only appears in season seven, episodes: 7x3 to 7x6 and then 7x9 and 7x10. Tommy Kinard as a side character also shows up in episodes 2x9, 2x12, 2x14 (in an off-screen capacity) and 2x16.
As for the introduction, the lore with this show runs sort of deep, but as condensed and simplified as I can give it to you: the decision to introduce bi!Buck and Tommy and his love interest was made very last minute (like as the first few episodes of season seven were coming out kind of last minute...) as the tv show switched networks from FOX to ABC and was working with a protracted season, (10 episodes in stead if 18), so this first season you see them together in has a very "let's see how well this works and if the general audience approves of it" kind of vibe.
Obviously, it worked for me! And the general reception has been good. Personally, I find their dynamic fun and genuine; the show runner was aiming for a non-heavy coming out story with a romcom twist, which a think they succeeded at. Buck (or "Evan" as Tommy calls him) is sort of the obvious favourite of the show in the audience and the writer's eyes, he's gotten a lot of development over the years, but has stagnanted recently on the romance side of things and also in his professional development, (which is partly the fault of the writers and partly just bad luck with maintaining actors). So I think a lot of fans are excited to see him "off the hamster wheel", as they say, in the love department. This opens up the possibility to explore other plot lines with him as a character in his professional life and personal life now that hes in a steady relationship.
Tommy we don't know much about yet, other than he was deeply in the closet when we first see him in the season 2 flash-back episodes. He's not initially a very warm, welcoming, and accepting person, but it's implied that a lot of that behavior was influenced by his environment and poor upbringing and he is quick to make amends and befriend the main characters when he's shown to be in the wrong. He used to be in the army, and is a fan of cars, martial arts, and rom coms. The way he talks in the season seven episodes makes it clear that he's done a lot of self reflection since we've last seen him (and since he's come out). He's shown to be an open and honest person who does his best to show up for the people he cares for, and once Buck is in his line of sight, all that attention is turned his way.
I think with this ship what people are most excited about is the potential it demonstrates: Buck as a character is someone who's been on an aggressive misson of self discovery and understanding, he's been actively looking for a romantic partner to have a committed, mature relationship with, he's someone who's willing to give a lot of himself away to his partner and is desperately hoping to have that attention and affection mirrored back at him.
What little we know about Tommy so far makes it clear that he's mature and willing enough to be that person for Buck: if it works out and the writers allow him to be. I just really enjoy what little I've seen so far, and with the show being back to its regular 18 episodes next season and Tommy pretty much confirmed to return, I'm interested and invested and hopefully in where they may take this relationship next.
Also I feel like I need to add if you're going to engage with the fandom specifically for this ship, do it through the #bucktommy tag on tumblr, because it's a real mine field out there right now, lol.
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munchkinmarauder · 1 day
Let's talk Magneto's letter!
I'm not marking this as spoilers because we've probably all seen the panels from Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver floating around the internet at this point (but I do apologise if I do accidentally spoil it for someone - take this as your warning to scroll past and not read this post).
So after many months of speculation as to what the letter could be and if it has big reveals the contents of the letter is not a lore changing or retcon inducing reveal but .... Drum roll please.... that Magneto thinks the twins should stay apart, that they are dangerous together (particularly that Pietro is dangerous to Wanda and Wanda coddles Pietro) and that Pietro should have stayed dead after Magneto murdered him.
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Wow isn't Maggie father of the year? What a girldad!
Jokes aside and let's get this out of the way because I know a lot of the Magneto is right crowd have been calling for Orlando's head over this character assassination or trying to argue Magneto is in fact right about the twins (despite the story and the twins themselves saying otherwise) - Magneto being an abusive douchbag to his kids is the norm, we only have 60 years of their relationship in the 616 verse alone to prove this. Yes there is nuance to this that makes it all very interesting, one of the most interesting dynamics in Marvel, and I personally never expected to hear Magneto saying the silent part out loud because I do think cannon shows that he loves all his kids Pietro included (but is incapable of loving them the way a parent should), but this is simply an over exaggeration and not out of character. Its no surprise he says this to his son. It's also of note that Magneto never actually intended for the twins to see the letter or Storm would have given it to Wanda when she visited in SW#2 to deliver the news of Magneto's passing, it might have been Magneto trying to work out some feelings and opinions rather than protect them as he claims (cause again he didn't actually intend for anyone to see the letter, he sealed it shut in a box). He is justified in feeling frustrated that his last words were weaponised against his children (lol Mags being like how dare my own hurtful words were used to hurt my kids - no one hurts them but me)
Magneto is one of those genderbended boymoms that is jealous of their daughter and views then as competition. Only in this case it is with his son and the competition is for Wanda's affections. The fact is, Magneto is always going to loose that fight and he knows it.
The more I think about it the more I like that this letter wasn't a big reveal (though I'm sure the recton everyone is hoping for will come some day -I'm glad it wasn't today) but something that played into the themes of this series. Their father, the Wizard and the Giver are all saying the twins should stay apart and the story and the twins say no and prove them wrong. A lot of the twins greatest feats are reactive and evolving, tying back to the red queen hypothesis mentioned in issue 4.
On a side note if the Giver really wanted to deal with the twins she should have gone to dear old daddy Mags and he would have nipped that problem in the bud in a jiffy seeing as he and the giver are of a like mind when it comes to the twins. Technically you just need to get rid of one of them seeing as the Givers worry is about the twins together but let's see what the new Scarlet Witch solo has to say about that (I hope Pietro's role in this isn't forgotten but you can never tell with Marvel)
What the letter is is a classic case of a narcissist parent setting up a golden child and scape goat dynamic. Seeking to isolate the twins from each other. It's very clear he's self projecting onto his son (and Lorenzo Tammetta deliberately emphasises the similaries the two have in appearance to drive this fact home) and blaming Pietro for moments that happened that can apply to himself and are in fact caused by his actions for example his willingness to abandon his daughter to die and murder of his son in HoM. Both the major trigger points for the creation of the HOM verse and no more mutants. I'm not saying Magneto is souly to blame here but he does have a big contribution to what happens that he never has taken accountability for (along with the X-Men who play as victims and the avengers who did own up to what they did but otherwise keep silent about the blame the twins get from the X-Men).
A lot has been said about the impact of the letter on Pietro and I don't think I can add much more other than to emphasise how crushing that has be to hear from a parent and abuser even if you hate them. The twins helped each other survive for a very long time and we're each others everything parent, twins, best friend, protector, etc. You've spent time and energy and dedicated a portion of your life to protecting someone to the degree of making it your reason for living for a long time (please note I am not saying this is a healthy mindset for Pietro- hes taken it too far sometimes) and in a hypocritical tyraid are told it's all for nothing. Pietro handles it really well and comes out this with his head held high. Reacting calmly, expressing his love for his sister and throwing Magneto's words back at him. I think as a Quicksilver fan we can be reasonably happy with this outcome (but I do understand some fans frustration to hear Quicksilver be degraded that way and told he's bad for Wanda while she gets forced to interact with men that did treat her like shit like Vision and Magneto - however the point is that Magneto is WRONG and Wanda herself reiterates this point).
Now the one person who's screwed over by the writing and out of character in that scene is WANDA. Sure she tells Magneto he is wrong but that gentle response (even if she does react with a degree of unhappiness to see Magneto back) and effort to be neutral is so odd for her given that she sent the Wizard to a hell dimension for hurting her brother a few pages prior and has been even more vocal than Pietro in calling her father out in the past. She's as protective of her brother as he is her and I can't believe she would be written as a daddies girl and standby while a man who abused them both continues to abuse her brother.
The contents of the letter is also not great for Wanda. And I would argue is a subtler abuse tactic. Like a lot of the focus is rightly on how shitty it was for Magneto to say what he did in his letter to Pietro but we're also not considering the the negative implications it has for Wanda as well. Wanda has been working to establish herself as independent and not defined by the men in her life for so long and here is her "father", infantalising her and saying he knows better than her about her own life and what keeps her safe, that is seeking to take away from her the one pillar of support she's always had and one of if not the important relationship to her, a lot of Wanda's lowest moments did happen when Pietro wasn't even around, when everyone including Magneto abandoned her, her brother was there. The twins do have a codependency and that codependency does have it's toxic elements, Magneto touches on it but doesn't go into detail. Wanda is codasended to and told she is "coddling" her brother and everything else is Pietro's fault. The letter is worse for Pietro but it's shitty for Wanda too, she is a grown woman& a mother here is a man that abused her talking down to her, saying he knows best for her and her opinions are wrong, seeking to isolate her and undermining her authority.
The twins are right for saying Magneto is wrong but wish Wanda would get more angry at this undermining. Maybe like Pietro she is just very jaded and tired of the whole thing with Magneto. These words would be upsetting if they didn't in their own way love their father too as fucked up as it all is.
Now to be fair - does Magneto's letter have any merit? That isn't to easy to answer but in the interests of equal analysis let's try!
So I think one think that Magneto touches on but doesn't go into or outright say is the twins codependancy. He is a few years late to the party but he's been dead and their not dad for a while so well give him a small amount of leeway in his old age. I don't think the twins codependency is necessary a wholly bad thing but it does have it's nagative elements and in some cases has held the twins back. If we are to adopt a charitable approach her Magneto in his own twisted and emotionally constipated way may be trying to encourage the twins to be independent, to discourage his son from defining his self worth around his ability to protect his sister. Ofc I am reaching a bit here as Magneto could have just said this (though we'll never see the full contents of the letter - both Wanda and Mags may be summerising the worst parts of it) and done so in a way that wasnt cruel.
I also do believe that Magneto in writing those words to a degree did believe or convinced himself that he was not writing those words out of Malice and that it was an attempt to protect the twins (though I will reiterate how much it was actually intended to protect them when Magneto didn't actually intend for the twins to see the letter but at least he owns up to the fact he did write those words). In his mind he was being cruel to be kind but the narrative makes it clear that even if he had "good" intentions - he is nevertheless still fundamentally misunderstanding his children and self projecting onto his son. I'm not mad about this -its in character and I feel this letter is set up for a longer plot thread and I hope it's explored but let's see!
It certainly makes me feel that Pietro's lack of mention in RoM was extremely deliberate as was his lack of appearance in last week's FoX issue despite his cameo in the previous one to save the Magneto and Pietro reunion for this comic (the Xoffice are collaborative)
Is the writing for this scene perfect? no! Is Magneto potentially a tad one note? Yes but being a dick to his kids is in character and it's unsubtle but sometimes it needs to be.
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cooloddball · 1 day
hihi it's me again. the anon who agreed with you with who fell first and who fell harder haha, maybe i should make a name for myself
i've just been reading some textposts and i started thinking about the different ways lestappen shows affection with each other and whatnot. now i'm here in your inbox bc i really have no idea where to put this out lmao. because it really is just so them when it comes to displaying emotion so i guess buckle up and drive with me
as we all witnessed, especially more recently, max is definitively the initiator. the one who loves with everything he has. the one that feels things deeply and has nowhere to put it but in the world itseld. the one who constantly reaches out and finds charles and just corners him to talk to, to say congratulations, to just maxplain without care. bright eyes and a brighter smile, he just always finds charles to talk about anything. it's ridiculous, honestly. prime example, the entirety of the monaco 2024 gp weekend. max has been doing nothing but drop really obvious hints that the only one he'd love to hear on the top step is the italian national anthem? yes, this could be due to max liking ferrari as his only opponent on the field, but it's just so clear which of the two drivers he favours more heavily. yes, max likes carlos. yes, max and carlos have a history. but has max ever constantly walked up to him and squeeze the back of his neck twice to grab his attention and sidle off with a smile? no? don't think so. the fact he does it with consistency too — max constantly grabs charles' attention this way around monaco too, back in 2022 as well. (and i believe bahrain 2022 too? istg max) and here in monaco, the year 2024, he does it twice, once to congratulate him on pole with a run-and-gun tactic, literally being on charles' left only to clasp hands on charles' right bc max was just zooming across the media pen — the other is when the glorious lestappen hug happens (talking about this hug deserves another post in its own right). max just goes for it because it's easy, natural, and just right. as if it makes sense to gravitate towards your rival, as if it always has and always will be the same.
max is definitely more physical, literally talks with his hands i getchu, when it comes to interactions. the constant handholding (what is the sportsman clasp or dap if not a way to hold the hands of your rivals), the touches, the way max holds him on top of the podium, fingers curled around red waists, pressing light, pressing hard, enough to make an impression, enough to make it last (podium waist holding also deserves its own post good lord)... it just adds up
charles is definitely more discreet as mentioned before. he's more coy about it, too. teasing. likes to bully others with love. when charles gave max the secret santa gift and dedicated it to his biggest fan and when i tell you he ain't wrong — have you seen max's reaction? all he does is grin and laugh about, doesn't even deny it. just says, "oh that's a nice one" as if he likes playing the f1 games like come on. he was so smiley and giggly and it's so obvious. like they share the same sense of humour for sure, to be able to have a laugh about the absurdity of being gifted an f1 game while you are a driver while your rival's face is plastered all over it, but the fact that max just accepts the title of biggest fan? c'mon. charles knows how to play around with people and it's so evident in how max reacts afterwards,, i know charles is charming but. please standup max i beg.
charles clearly allows max to do whatever he wants with him, being a willing recipient to all the maxplaining. i don't quite remember which gp this is, maybe jeddah? where the commentators willing pointed out that they just immediately go into debrief soon as qualifying or the race is over? yeah. that. charles just lets him do that, he has to like going over their stuff together to the point where the commentators are just casually pointing it out like they're teasing them. like honestly they love yapping to each other and it's why we got the terms maxplaining and leclerifying in the first place. and to learn that it's been a thing they've been doing since they were kids?? las vegas 2023 you were too good to me ily
charles loves in the quiet moments, in the way he watches them with grace and adoration, loving everything they do because it will always be their traits to love. whenever someone is at the center of attention, it's the gentle smiles, a soft curl upwards — how his eyes crinkle around the edges, how green his eyes shine, how every second he stares is worth its time in gold; charles just loves to observe and have quality time together, only ever being physical when his friends and loved ones crop up. and i dare say max is finally beginning to be on the list where charles can be easygoing around him even outside the paddock
this is such a mess. im not sorry. i still have more thoughts, more details. im going to scream
my love, my darling, my precious do you know how much i love you sharing your thoughts with me? honestly this ask is chef’s kiss 😘 and i wish i could pin it on the wall or something.
it’s true max is not shy to show affection and proclaim it while charles loves in the quiet moments. you have their dynamic down to a science. no, i’m not biased because we share the same sentiments
please share your thoughts on the hug and the chaist grabbing and how max pulls Charles closer to him (never does it with anyone else) and then gently pats him before they part ways like 🧐 …
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nalyra-dreaming · 23 hours
Hi! I want to thank you on the way you talk about The Marius Issue, it really helped me understand readings of it outside my own (i think most of the critique is very valid, and absolutely in line with the books and even with in-universe judgement on the events. Its just wild how many people seem to run on the few descriptors and believe that's all there is to it)
I am actually concerned that the way they introduced the idea of Marius, it would be easy falling into a kink-negative rabbit hole of "every Dom is inherently an abuser, every Sub is actually a victim and there is no way that dynamic could be fun or consentual". Because there has been similar thing already established with Louis and Lestat and now also with Louis and Armand. And then we will get to Daniel and Armand as well... That's so much revisiting to do, i am scared the show would not be able to pull it off, should we trust the writers?
For me, a cool thing about Armands and Mariuses relationship is that they affect each other pretty equally. Armand knows exactly where to push Marius to get what he wants, and Marius complies, always. Very often against reason. (EXPOSED! ThE MoSt ReASonAbLe TVC character is weak in the face of one specific boy and fumbles hard on his so-called Morals!)
Marius is portrayed to be very concerned for Amadeo distancing himself from humanity, and he tries over and over to push Amadeo back to it. His moral failure is that he can't do it fully, never actually commits to it - there is too much love, too much obsession and too much underlying conviction that Amadeo will recieve the Blood one day, hence the grooming.
There is so much nuance to it, like a fucked up tapestry of doom unrevelling its horrid beauty from the day Armand did not die in the brothel.
Yes, do trust the writers.
I know it was reduced to "dom/sub" in interviews, but I do think it is all a lot more complicated, and we see that already with how Loustat has shifted in this season already, despite it being "only" Louis.
We are on a POV show.
S3 will be Lestat's. I firmly believe we will have more characters there "chiming in", so to speak. There will not be a black and white picture of any of these characters, pun not intended - they will all be morally gray, and their actions understandable - and horrendous.
I am sure the show will make a very firm commentary re Marius, and I have a feeling that.... there maybe was a past to Daniel and Marius already, and now that Daniel knows... that commentary will come from him, maybe (after he remembers, of course). I think there is a lot of potential in it all, without watering anything down.
I disagree a bit that Marius is "only" weak in the face of Armand... there was more to it all in the books. Hints, mostly. The "ankles of the boys", for example.
I do think it good that the show makes it's commentary. And not everything they point out will be comfortable to acknowledge.
But I for one appreciate them for doing this.
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that-ari-blogger · 3 days
Nothing To See Here (Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Hooty's Door)
Every story has that one character. The Tom Bombadil, if you will, the one who is mostly irrelevant to the plot and functions as a kind of in joke. In The Owl House, this is Hooty, and yes, I am aware of how many people I annoyed by linking such a seminal work of fiction with a The Lord of the Rings. (Go on, disagree, boost my numbers, I dare you)
Some series even devote an entire episode to this joke character and their antics. This usually involves clowning around and comedy to balance out the heavy feels of the rest of the series, and rarely furthers the plot in any way.
Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Hooty’s Door is this episode. It’s a fun romp with the cast of The Owl House, and nothing important happens.
Nope. Nothing at all. No sir. That would be crazy.
Who am I kidding? This episode is the linchpin of the series and will be studied for years to come.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (The Owl House, Legends Of Runeterra, One Piece: Whole Cake Island)
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The Owl House should have pacing issues, and “should” is the operative word there, because it doesn’t, really.
The series is trying to balance out themes of family, acceptance, identity, and freedom. As well as a ton of key arcs. Eda, King, and Luz, each have two, if you squint, as well as the overarching conflict with Belos.
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Eda has her struggles with the Owl Beast curse and her need to protect; King has his seeking of identity and the search for his father; and Luz is juggling her romance with Amity with a quest for the way home.
Including Belos, that’s seven arcs that The Owl House is trying to explore. Add in Hunter’s whole thing and we round up to eight, a nice even number.
This is an extraordinary number of plot threads for a season of television to handle, and get the feeling that most of these were planned for the hypothetical season three.
But people who treat art as a product that can be manufactured and sold made decisions, and for some reason, those people sit in high positions in institutions that make art, so The Owl House’s third season got canned.
So… why isn’t season two crippled by pacing that tries to bite off more than it can chew?
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This shot is a joke. It is a fraction of a second's long bit that doesn't come up again. They didn't need to put this much effort into it, but they did. There's even a Dutch angle to emphasise King's shock.
Well, because Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Hooty’s Door discusses six of these arcs. If you’re keeping track, that’s most of the series getting developed in a single episode.
I’m not going to pretend that this episode is perfect. Personally, I read it as ambitious and barely managing to hold itself together. The fact that this episode works at all is astonishing, so I’ll let it go on the minour details.
But I can’t deny that this episode walks so that everything after can fly. The show doesn’t feel constrained because this episode takes all of the burden.
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Starting with the fact that this episode joins its themes rather well. Luz can’t work out the thing with the mouse because her mind is set on Amity, Eda is held back in her magical abilities because the curse, and King… well, I’ll get back to King.
The episode streamlines the entire series into manageable chunks, offering one arc as a pseudo reward for completing another. For example, Luz getting together with Amity allows her to speak with the mouse.
Before I discuss the nitty gritty of the plot, I do want to clarify something here. I’ve seen a ton of people say that Hooty is the perfect wingman and point to this episode. And, no. No, he’s really not. In my opinion, that’s kinda the point.
This is something that I like to call the Cyberpunk Dilema, in which the rule of cool affects the audience perception. Audiences will look at something that is entertaining to watch or funny and say, “I’d like to do that”, and miss out on the fact that it doesn’t go well.
Case and point, Hooty screws up being a wingman so badly that he pushes people into character development by accident. Hooty isn’t good at this, he’s just endearing.
Anyway, even with the condensation of the plot, this episode has three storylines, so talking in overarching terms can only get you so far. So, allow me to get into those.
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A screencap can't really do the dream transition justice. The music is eerie and unnatural and, at least to me, evokes the memory sequences from the Galbraith books, or rather, the film versions of them.
Eda gets a dream sequence, and as is the usual for such things, it gets weird. The audience sees the curse ruining Eda’s life repeatedly. We see her greatest shames, the attack against her father, and the inability to talk to Raine.
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I think it’s interesting that these two actions contrast each other. Eda’s father could have known better than to set off a party popper that close to a daughter he was aware would have such an effect. That was a predictable occurrence, and I blame him almost entirely for it.
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The think with Raine, however, is mostly Eda’s fault, and she says so in the moment.
“Just tell them, let them help.”
I also want to throw some shade at Gwendolyn and Lilith here, as well as the Boiling Isles as a whole, because Eda has absolutely zero healthy coping mechanisms. I’m not talking about the curse here; I’m talking about in the entirety of her life. She never learned how to deal with anything except by running. Or rather, she didn’t, until Luz rocked up.
Eda needed someone to help her and inspire her to be better, as well as being willing to hold her up when she is feeling low. Her mother didn’t offer her that, her sister caused the problems, and Raine tried, but got pushed away.
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I think these two moments in Eda’s memory guide her every move. Both as things she wants desperately to never do again. She tries to control the curse because it hurt her father, and she takes in Luz and lets her get close because she’s determined to never push anyone away again.
We’ll see how well those two resolutions go over the course of the series, but for now, she’s getting better.
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Do we not wanna talk about this? Eda meets the collector before everyone else, and doesn't even ask them about the Owl Beast. This could have been such a cool episode later on down the line.
The we get this scene, which was blatantly set up for a much longer season three, but ho hum. This sequence talks about the history of the owl beast, and has some brilliant Icarus imagery, serving to humanise the creature.
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Icarus famously drowned. More accurately, he aggressively discovered surface tension. But for those who don’t know, Icarus was the son of the inventor Daedalus, who made wings for them both to escape a tower. Icarus flew too close to the sun, and his wings melted, causing him to fall.
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As such, the owl beast has themes of freedom, as well as the limits of oneself. Notice how those are both things that Eda deals with on a regular basis.
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But yes, the obvious, Eda is accepting her otherness and deciding to stop fighting it and work around it. It is a part of who she is, and its not something worth destroying herself to “fix”.
You could read this as a queer metaphor, or a discussion of disability or neurodivergence. I don’t have a disability, so I can’t really comment on that, but I recommend checking out the opinions and readings of those who do and who have thoughts. @oakwyrm has several videos on the subject that I personally found rather enlightening.
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I do want to talk about the aurora imagery here, because on one hand, its an excuse for the animators to make something genuinely beautiful, but on the other, this is a blog about analysis, and I want to dissect as much as I can.
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The world fades out, rupturing as it fulfils its purpose, leaving Eda curled around the now much smaller curse, protecting it like a mother protecting a child.
The aurora itself symbolises hope and renewal, derived from the Greek word for sunrise and the deity who was the sister of the sun, according to space.com. But it’s also the colour from the greyscale beach returning.
Which leads me to Harpy Eda, and holy moly is that a character design.
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Harpies are weirdly dynamic mythological creatures, varying in appearance and thematic and powers across ancient Greece and a few close neighbours. This is usually what happens when a myth has either had time to drift, meaning it’s a holdover from a much older civilisation and mythology, or one on a trade rout. Harpies have a habit of pestering sailors, so I’ll let you guess which answer I think is more accurate.
I want to stress that I am talking about usual situations, it is possible that these Harpy myths sprung up due to a common stimulus, like birds that could mimic speech or something similar.
Ovid was also involved in evolution of the myth, and he was known for making stuff up as he went along, so there’s that.
In any case, Harpy Eda is a form that allows Eda control over her life, it gives her agency, and the wings that are a universal symbol of freedom. This is a person who can now go anywhere she wants. Combine that with the owl’s wisdom affiliations, and you get a symbol of power and a statement piece. Eda, when she has fully accepted herself, can do anything.
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King is looking for the missing piece of himself, so he stands in front of an incomplete hole. I'm definitely clutching at straws with this one, but
King meanwhile is going through a bildungsroman at a truly unsafe pace. For context, a bildungsroman is a coming of age story (technically, it’s a book, but I think that’s dumb), and part of that is working out who you are. Growing up means being given the freedom to choose, but none of the experience to make that choice educated. It’s telling you to pick two options, but not explaining what they are.
"I thought you had real answers."
No buddy. No-one has real answers like that, because they don't exist. I'm religious, and I don't have a clue either. Everyone else is making it up as they go along, buddy, same as you.
Also, Alex Hirsch needs a raise for the delivery of everything in this episode, especially this line.
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Then there is the stock advice that always annoyed me. “Be who you are.” It’s helpful at face value, but it doesn’t mean anything when you think about it. If you don’t know who you are or who you want to be, being yourself is really difficult.
“I don’t need you to tell me to love myself, Hooty. I want to know where I came from. What my dad looked like. What I’ll look like when I grow up. I don’t have any responses to my video yet, or my wanted posters. Maybe my dad is gone. Maybe there’s no one else like me. And maybe I’ll live my whole life without any answers.” “No! I didn’t want top make you mad.” “Well I am mad. At him, for not being here. He left me ALONE!”
Do I really need to explain this? King is forced by Hooty’s ineptitude and his own bottled-up emotions to actually say what he thinks and what he wants. He’s a comedy character who has dropped the joke and needs to release that energy that he has built up.
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Enter the roar, a power gained by reaching an understanding of oneself. Hooty and King were trying to ascertain what King was by focusing on the superficial. What type of creature is he? What can he be categorised as?
Hooty’s stock responses are designed to be aggravating, because they don’t work on an individual level. What King needed to work out was that he wanted to understand himself as a person rather than a thing. Who is King?
For the moment, that answer is “complicated”, in a way that he isn’t quite ready to be yet.
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If you pause at this specific frame, the background resembles the bisexual pride flag. I'm telling you there are queer undercurrents in this series. It's not obvious, but it's there. I'm not crazy.
Finally, let’s address Lumity, and I’m going to begin that by not talking about Lumity at all and instead the concept of shipping as a whole and what makes a good ship to me.
I think it is important to understand that fiction and reality are two different things, and so ships and actual relationships need to be judged on different terms.
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A ship, first and foremost, needs to be compelling, and interesting to watch. A real relationship needs to be healthy. This is why I think that the Stolas x Blitz storyline in Helluva Boss is a good ship but would be genuinely awful if these were real people.
Yes, there is a discussion to be had about what is presented as good and bad in fiction, but I trust you to have enough media literacy to differentiate the fantastical from the grounded.
So, what then makes a good ship?
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Well, to me, a good ship is compelling and inspires stories on its own. A good ship isn’t merely a reward for completing the plot, or an “x and y have a cute dynamic” or even an “x and y both have ice powers”.
Once again, I am talking about my opinions here. If you like to ship characters because they have the same colour palate or something, that’s great, go for it. There are no rules, don't let people tell you how to enjoy a story. This is simply what I like to read and write about.
This is the basis of some of my favourite ships in fiction, Leona and Diana from Legends of Runeterra, Zoro and Sanji from One Piece, and Luz and Amity from The Owl House.
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Leona and Diana are the two aspects of the sun and moon and have an on-off romantic relationship. This is strained by religious zealotry and indoctrination, which gives it that tragic air. But this ship also lends weight to their conflict and could have the power to sway Leona into doing the right thing.
Zosan is more complicated and needs some explaining. It’s a fan ship and it relates to the two secondhand men of the Strawhat crew. Sanji is brash and emotional; Zoro is calm and stoic. Sanji is a nerd; Zoro is an idiot. Sanji is well put together; Zoro is a mess.
The story comes from what they do for each other, because Zoro is, in a weird way, Sanji but better. I don’t mean this in a character standpoint, I mean this from the perspective of stability. Zoro is protective without being suicidal. He is affected by loss, but he’s motivated by it rather than being scared. He is calm, he can survive. Zoro is the rock that Sanji can use to secure himself.
Sanji has been traumatised to hell and back, and he needs a way of letting his emotions out in a healthy way. He needs to shout and scream and cry, and Zoro, by being that rock who can take anything Sanji does, becomes the constant.
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The above image is part of a comic by @dog-politics, and it shows my point. Sanji holding onto Zoro with tears running down his face while Zoro holds him.
I also want to point out that in this comic, Sanji is crying because Zoro is offering him affection, and he doesn’t know whether he likes it or not. He’s not used to receiving any affection at all.
But, what does Zoro see in Sanji? I give you @tea917339 and this post right here.
Zoro sees a type of hope in Sanji that he only saw one other place. Sanji reminds Zoro of Kuina, the one who inspired his own journey, and it tells him that it wasn’t the person who drives him, but her spirit, and he can see it even more so here.
Sanji’s spirit should be broken a million times over, and that’s how he presents, as a buffoon for whom romance is the only thing left in his life. But this comic shows Zoro that there is more going on beneath the surface, and that Sanji’s force of will is eternal.
Caitlin Seida’s poem, Hope Is Not a Bird, Emily, It’s A Sewer Rat, describes optimism, joy, and perseverance as diseases that hope can give you. The poem doesn’t do witty wordplay or fancy forms, it’s blunt and raw, and it should be the calling card of the Zosan ship.
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Lumity follows this formula, at least to me. Amity and Luz compliment each other and the ship makes the series more interesting by provoking stories. Most notably, the story of Amity being inspired by Luz to be a better person and to come into conflict with her family.
Luz shines a way for people, and she guides Amity towards happiness. Shenaniganry ensues then as Amity tries to work out what she values more, and what she is willing to sacrifice to keep the affection.
However, Luz’ angle of this has been relatively ambiguous, until now. Remember what I said about this episode streamlining things? Well, it also does that with Luz.
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Luz main flaw is in direct conflict with her greatest strength. She is original and unique, and defies definition. But she also wants the world around her to fit her expected storyline. She’s a perfectionist of plot.
This is also Belos’ main flaw as well, you may notice. He wants the world to fit his expectations. But Belos can only understand life through the lens of conformity. Either he will change to fit it, or the world must change to fit him. Luz starts with a similar mindset, but spends the series learning to accept the world and herself the way they are and let them exist peacefully.
From that angle, the story proposes its definition of good and evil as relative to how much a character is willing to learn and accept, which is a neat benchmark.
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The story overall has been teaching Luz to accept the world , but Amity teaches her to accept herself.
The date goes poorly. I cannot stress this enough, you don’t want Hooty as your wingman. But it also goes badly because Luz wants it to be perfect, she wants top try and compensate for her perceived flaws and hide things about herself that she deems unworthy.
Amity, however, has fallen for Luz in her entirety, good and bad. That kind of affection is what drives Luz to see herself in a new light, and it’s a core tenet of the story’s themes.
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So, the fact that the actual asking out on a date is so awkward is the point. It’s not perfect, because neither of these characters are perfect, and that’s more than ok.
The animation builds up to the question really well, keeping the tension high and then undercutting it for the sake of humour and catharsis. Because was Amity really going to say no?
You’ve got so deep in Luz’s muddled thoughts that you miss what she is thinking about. Obviously, Amity would say yes, anyone could see that.
If you want a clear metaphor for this, the floor shifts as Hooty carves a hole in it, and Luz and Amity find themselves on rocky ground. They don’t understand where they stand in relation to each other, but then the camera pans out and they were standing in a heart the entire time. These two were dropped into a relationship. They tumbled into affection. They fell in love.
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Before I finish up, I want to do something weird and discus the title of the episode. Because this episode, Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door, is a play on Bob Dylan’s 1973 song, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, coverd by Guns and Roses in 1991.
Mama, take this badge from me I can't use it anymore It's gettin' dark, too dark to see Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door
The song is about redemption and looking back at ones’ life to decide where to go now. It’s a sad song, and a weird fit in tone for the series, but it is a really good turning point for the story and its ideas.
From here on out The Owl House doesn’t slow down and doesn’t pull any punches. This show has finally worked out who it wants to be, and so the reference to the song says there is no turning back now. The fun hijinks are still here, but now we get serious.
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The episode closes arcs and sends the plot in a new direction as characters decide what to do. It is a turning point in the series.
The title also implies that Hooty and by extension the Owl House itself are heavenly in some form or another, which squares strangely well with Lilith’s letter at the start.
“Hello, Hootsifer. Your letter concerned me. You write of feeling unimportant while Luz, Eda, and King are off on adventures. But Hooty, you are the Owl House. You take care of everyone inside you. If that isn’t a worthy purpose, then what is?”
The Owl House is a place of sanctuary. Where people can go to be themselves. It is a place of freedom. It is the promised land.
The Owl House those who look upon it, and so does the series that takes its name.
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This guy looks important, I wonder if he'll come up again.
Final Thoughts
Like I said, boring. Nothing happens in this episode, nothing at all.
In all honesty, this episode is seriously impressive. It’s bloated, yes. It has a pacing issue, yes. Some of the jokes don’t land, yes. But oh my G-d, this episode carries the show, and that’s not even a hot take.
King’s Tide, Hollow Mind, and Watching And Dreaming don’t stand on the shoulders of giants, they stand on the non-existent shoulders of Hooty.
Next week, I’ll be looking at Eclipse Lake, which has Hunter in it, and I swear, if anything happens to my precious boi, there will be hell to pay.
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starlightandsunshine · 6 months
Genuinely baffling to me that in all of the discussions I've seen about Anakin and Ahsoka's first meeting and what his line about her being "a little young to be a padawan" and her reaction means for the worldbuilding that no one seems to have considered the possibility that he was just. Being kind of a dick.
He does not want her there. She is small and he finds her annoying and he didn't ask for a padawan anyway. And like. Sometimes people just look at children smaller than them who are being annoying and go "what are you ten?" to a teenager.
And Anakin became a padawan at nine so his perspective is definitely skewed because when he was a padawan all of the other padawans were bigger and older than him. Now, he's twenty and she looks tiny and his response is "no way was I that little she must be younger than I was" and to needle her about it.
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Just to minimize my chances of being genuinely misunderstood OR deliberately misinterpreted, and crucified for something I don't think, How Dare You Say We Piss on the Poor website etc...I'm gonna say this right up top. I absolutely understand why people don't like Thessaly as a character, if anyone does completely unironically stan her as some kind of feminist hero who Did Nothing Wrong uwu, I personally see it as a bit of a red flag. I don't like terfs real or fictional. In a vacuum, I could even completely sympathize and agree with the people who want her cut.
It's really something to me to see people clamoring for her to be cut, because she carries and expressed an ugly indefensible prejudice (transphobia) in words towards (1) person. Meanwhile Hob fucking Gadling enacted one of the most violent forms of antiblack racism I can even think of against thousands no, millions of people, the ripple effects of which still affect billions more today. Just a little light idk, profiting off the fucking slave trade and had to be told by someone else that it was bad...and he's a fan favorite.
People are saying Thessally being Dream's love interest reflects badly on him or is somehow endorsement by the narrative (?!?!?!?!?!? Didn't she (SPOILER ALERT AS IF IT MATTERS BY NOW) help participate in his extended assisted suicide? She's not painted as a great person to me just another character what are y'all SMOKING whatever fine. It's fine this is fine.) But shipping Dream with Mr. Former Slaver is not only not verboten or frowned on widely in the fandom but its THEE most popular pairing by far. So...why the difference?
Like where are the same fans who are saying Thessaly shouldn't just be more clearly shown to be wrong, she shouldn't even be in the show at all when it comes to Hobert's crimes??? Yes, transphobia is indefensible. Isn't racism?
And I hear the cries of "it's fiction!!!" Already rallying (if anyone who needs to hear this even sees it lol) to which I say:
HORSESHIT. I KNOW you don't, deep down, really agree because if you did, why get upset about Thessaly being included??? Why does what she said to one person matter if it's Just Fiction You Guyze. Fictional characters are allowed to do bad things and fiction isn't reality sweaty....except when you only apply that standard to fictional racists you like and simp for, but fictional transphobes you don't are SO HARMFUL they shouldn't even be portrayed in fiction.
Like. Give me a big fat BREAK. This looks like bullshit, no? I'm sorry, but I'd love for someone to try and give any other explanation besides one personally offended you or hit home for you, and the other doesn't.
And if that bothers you or you feel like it says something negative about you...idk what you want me to say??? You can't control how other people perceive you and that's how people outside this majority-of-the-fandom bubble see it. You don't need to respond, I just wish and genuinely hope this gives you a moment to think about why fans who ARE bothered by both (and not just paying lip service to being bothered by the one but railing against the other) are so frustrated with people saying everyone is welcome but in practice only bending over backwards for the comfort and emotions of themselves, and people they can easily relate to.
You don't have to like Thessaly (I don't. I find her an interesting antagonist, I don't stan her. And frankly that's not the point of her character) but you'll pardon me for feeling more than a bit cynical and side eying people's motivations for what seems a...pretty obvious double standard, on what fictional crimes related to real world issues matter to y'all, and which clearly don't. Either actually bring the same energy to the table for fictional people who committed atrocities, even if against a group you're not part of and thus don't feel the need to empathize with, or just carry on, but accept that you don't have the SLIGHTEST room to talk about cutting characters who do immoral things. And you also need to accept that you look like a hypocrite when you do.
#thessaly#wanda the sandman#hob gadling#I could've cried sexism!!! Problematic Male vs Female Characters except 1) I don't actually think that's the main reason *here*#2) there are WAY better examples of that particular double standard in this fandom#also i can admit when I'm a bit of a hypocrite or was.#i used to dip my toes into the dreamling stuff too early on#but idk. It just got too sour seeing ppl whitewash (lol I know I'm a comedian)#what he did over and over. And I genuinely had started to wonder#if the show hadn't included that particular crime and I'd just imagined it from the comics because#my memory is shit sometimes and I guess I was naive. I *wanted* to believe someone would talk aboutit#if it had made it in. but ultimately i went back and checked and no#and seeing how the whole fandom behaving affected my non-white mutuals some of whom...#like these are my friends man or ppl I just respect and I can't just. Ignore their feelings and their pov#and act like they werent making points or it doesn't matter#like it's all just fun and games for everyone on the same terms. And seeing how easy it was#for everyone to ignore was so unsettling. I couldn't keep pretending it was just fiction and didn't affect anyone real#Call me a bully a t3rf apologist (fuck you and for the record. no)#a puritan or a Fancop (actually stop comparing#people disagreeing with you online to what cops do. For fucks sake you just make it look like nothing is really real to you outside fandom)#whatever man. Whatever helps you sleep. I'm just gonna block you#if you're clearly sticking your fingers in your ears. engaging with you is a waste of time and energy then#Hell I have sympathy for anyone who doesn't like thessaly#especially trans fans. Especially rn. But lbr that sympathy for a lot of the white trans/queer fans only goes one way!!!#never gets extended to anyone else's issues. Like THATSthe issue. And it's shitty!#(sorry this post is not about me in the confessional lol that's why I put this at the bottom#I just had feelings to get out and yes its my blog but i didn't want to clog the airways)
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
I really like romances that highlights a complex relationship with desire. what’s that one quote. found it, it’s the siken quote that goes “the enormity of my desire disgusts me” and “there’s only one thing I want, don’t make me say it” LOVE that. it’s so fun. denial and repression and self-loathing! some of my favorite ingredients for a romance.
#time to talk the romos#it can show up in any narrative in many ways#but the way in romance it pulls another person into the process#is SOOOOO fun for me#with romance being character-focused and with the plot tied to emotional/relationship development#(when it’s done well) you get to see it in both an individual and systemic context#how it manifests in solitude and its impact on relationship patterns#how it’s masked or displayed#whether the character is aware or unaware#whether the character is trying to break these patterns or are furiously clinging to them#fight or flight lol#anyway that’s why I just ended up rotating that one single father bl in my head for so long#I feel like writing-wise I’m kind of lukewarm on it? but themes-wise it grabbed me by the throat and shook me like a rattle#the love interest’s whole thing is how at his core he wants affection but has only gotten it through dysfunctional means#because what he’s wanted has always been dismissed or rejected or minimalized for the sake of someone else#well yknow he’s an orphan and was taken in by his maternal uncle so there’s always been resentment if he does better than the ‘actual’ son#so the pattern is#starting from his cousin and his cousin’s girlfriend#is seeing affection and going ‘I want that’ and ‘stealing’ another person’s partner#and then instantly being disinterested because if it’s so easily ‘stolen’ it’s not the affection he actually wants#and since it continues outside of that context of. well essentially revenge#it just continues into solely experiencing unfulfilling relationships#so when the love interest recognizes his own interest in the main character#he’s trying to continue his cycle of ‘surely if I sleep with this person I’ll lose interest’ except by this point *that’s* the self-delusion#he’s found a person that he connects with and with whom he wants a genuine relationship#and it’s devastating to him!!!!!!#lmao I love it
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sonknuxadow · 6 months
with shadow out of the lineup for the twitter takeovers for now that means they cant say any offensively out of character stuff about him anymore which is a win but what if with him gone they direct that energy elsewhere. what if they start saying offensively out of character stuff about amy or knuckles or sonic. horrifying
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