queerasfact · 2 years
Random question, what do you think is the most iconic queer photo?
I love this question but it's so hard to pick an answer! But I love photos of queer people all throughout history just living their lives. Here's a selection:
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Crow batée Ohchiish (Osh-Tisch) left and unknown Crow individual, from Will Roscoe’s Changing Ones: Third and Fourth Genders in Native North America
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Freddie Mercury and his partner Jim Hutton
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Finnish writer and artist Tove Jansson (right) and her partner Tuulikki “Tooti” Pietilä
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Workers in Alice Anderson's 1920s 'all-female' garage in Australia
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Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (left) and another woman, possibly Chavela Vargas
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US politician Harvey Milk (with the long hair) and his partner Scott Smith
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French artist Rosa Bonheur (right) and her partner, Nathalie Micas
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British trans race-car driver Roberta Cowell
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British trans-feminine actors Fanny Park (left) and Stella Boulton
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Marsha P. Johnson
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hyacinthuuss · 4 months
Batés and Gadra sketch!!!!
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littlefeather-wolf · 1 year
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(A Bade') Native American Woman ...
Jessie Iron Bull, Crow -
Haynes - 1883
A badé (also spelled baté) is a male-bodied person in a Crow community who takes part in some of the social and ceremonial roles usually filled by women in that culture.
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silver-tangent · 1 year
A European vampire and landowner named Bates, so everyone always initially refers to him as Master Bates- like masturbate- and he has to awkwardly respond;
“It’s actually Batés…”
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daisyeji · 2 years
oii anjinhos, bem vindos ao cap 13 da era criminal! não tenho nada a dizer, então boa leitura <3
an yujin estava com a detetive lia, passando alguns remédios no roxo de seu olho. elas estavam na sala de interrogação, assim como yang jeongin, que não teria sido ainda liberado.
—e-ele não pode me acusar dessa forma. eu não fiz nada, detetive, nada! que infantilidade em, jeongin?! agora estou com uma bola roxa no meu olho. você estragou toda a minha aparência!! —gritava yujin, enquanto a policial e um de seus assistentes passavam um remédio em seu olho. —aiai! isso arde, cuidado aí!!
—isso é justamente para seu machucado sarar, senhorita yujin. mas se você quiser permanecer com ele, eu não me importo. —disse choi jisu.
—como você pode provar que é inocente, hum? eu tenho quase certeza absoluta que pode ter sido você. . —falou jeongin.
—sr. jeongin, por favor. sei que não está nada bem com todos esses homicídios, que foram praticamente em dias seguidos. mas o senhor também não tem provas de que pode ter sido ela. e eu estarei investigando, não se preocupe. e não foi só o olho dela que você machucou. o nariz dela também não para de sangrar. —choi jisu interrompe antes que yujin responda e aquilo vire outra grande confusão.
algum tempo depois, assim que terminaram de cuidar dos machucados de an yujin, a detetive voltou a fazer o interrogatório para i.n.
—a sua única suspeita até agora é a yujin, não é? mas por que insiste tanto nela? —lia perguntou à jeongin.
—eu suspeito da yujin porque ela é a única pessoa que não vai com a cara de nenhum dos meus amigos. desde a yeri até. . até o jungwon. eu acabei esquecendo que ele ainda estava por aqui, assim como a miyeon. felizmente não estou sozinho. . .
—anotado. mesmo tento suas dúvidas sobre ela, não foi certo baté-la. sabe que violência contra mulher é crime, não?
—sim, eu sei, detetive. mas eu acabei agindo por impulso. . . eu juro que não fiz exatamente de propósito. . a notícia de que o yeonjun estava morto havia chegado naquele momento, eu estava puto e triste ao mesmo tempo. puto porque ela não estava nem fazendo o mínimo para me desejar os pêsames, se era isso que ela queria me desejar.
—uhum. . . ah, e tem um assunto bem importante para tratarmos agora, não poderia esquecer! a senhorita park roseanne me passou uma informação a qual você a contou. disse que yeri o trocou e depois voltou naturalmente como se nada tivesse ocorrido. o senhor sente algum. . . rancor dela por isso?
—sendo sincero, eu tenho um pouco de raiva disso, e não gosto muito de relembrar desse acontecimento. . e nem dela.
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loric2020 · 1 year
Nouméa-Auckland, 8 au 10 mai 2023
Les derniers moments en Océanie avant le grand saut dans le temps et au dessus de l'océan Pacifique.
Nous atterrissons à l'aéroport de Magenta un peu après 18h. La nuit a déjà fait main basse sur le jour. Nous échangeons les dernières paroles avec quelques-uns de nos compagnons de séjour à l'île des Pins. C'était vraiment chouette. Nous faisons connaissance avec Dan, le propriétaire du gîte du tour du monde, venu nous récupérer. Nous partons pour Dumbéa où nous dormons une nuit avant le vol de demain 9h pour Auckland. Dan nous invite à nous installer dans le chalet "Orient". L'intérieur est décoré avec les souvenirs et les trouvailles glanées par Dan et Jean-Claude lors de leurs différents voyages. Dan et Jean-Claude sont de grands voyageurs, de vrais globe-trotters qui n'hésitent pas à partir deux fois par an pour explorer le monde. Ils sont allés sur tous les continents et heureux de partager leurs expériences. Dan est Caldoche depuis 5 générations. Jean-Claude est métropolitain. Il est venu en Nouvelle-Calédonie pour la première fois en 1973 pour s'y installer définitivement. Nous faisons également la connaissance de Chapati, un bouvier australien, et de Neige, une chatte toute blanche. Les deux sont très câlins.
La nuit sera courte. Dan nous a concocté un petit déjeuner avant de nous emmener à l'aéroport de La Tontouta. Il est 6h30 quand nous partons du gîte. Une petite heure de route est nécessaire pour rejoindre l'aéroport. Nous en profitons pour échanger avec Dan sur son histoire familiale, sur ses projets, sur son amour du voyage. Nous voilà déjà arrivés à l'aéroport. Il fait encore nuit. Nous faisons les ultimes arrangements dans nos bagages pour respecter les contraintes de poids : 23 kg pour le bagage à soute et 7 kg pour le bagage à main. Quelques objets pesants vont ici et là dans les poches des pantalons, dans les poches des blousons. Nous sommes prêts pour le décollage dans un airbus A320-neo de la compagnie Aircalin. Une chance pour nous, il est équipé d'écrans vidéo individuels. Le ciel est tapissé de nuages. Nous ne verrons pas la barrière de corail comme cela a pu être le cas à l'aller ou lors de notre week-end à l'île des Pins. La traversée dure un peu moins de 3 heures, moins qu'à l'aller.
Nous ajustons les montres en ajoutant une heure (UTC + 11). Le temps est vraiment maussade à Auckland. Il a visiblement beaucoup plu. Nous retrouvons le Kiwi international hotel pour une nuit seulement. Nous nous délectons déjà de dîner une nouvelle fois au restaurant japonais le Ken Yaki Tori Bar. Une petite lessive vient s'intercaler dans notre emploi du temps plus que léger : 4 dollars pour une batée, 4 dollars pour le sèche-linge en réglant sur vêtements délicats pour éviter le downsizing vestimentaire 🩲👙.
Le lendemain matin est consacré à trouver un nouveau portable pour Eric. L'obsolescence programmée est passée par là. En temps normal, se priver de son portable est devenu une aberration. Alors en voyage, c'est jouer Robinson Crusoé. L'affaire est pliée. La connexion est de nouveau établie.
Tout est prêt pour franchir la barrière des hémisphères et remonter le temps en avion. Nous décollons d'Auckland à 21h30 ce 10 mai 2023, après plus d'1h30 d'attente en raison de conditions climatiques mauvaises (vents forts à violents 🌬️💨).
Nous sommes un peu à l'étroit dans le Boeing 777-300ER de la compagnie Air New Zealand. Nous atterrissons à Los Angeles à 13h30 ce même 10 mai 2023. Pour la première fois de notre existence, nous avons vécu 2 expériences différentes dans une même période de temps. Ce 10 mai 2023 de 13h30 à 23h59 nous avons été à Auckland, puis quelque part au dessus du Pacifique et dans la même période de temps, à Los Angeles et quelque part sur la route de Palm Springs avant de nous endormir à Palm Springs.
Notre mémoire n'a pas failli à cette épreuve du temps.
Accessoirement, Lore a réussi à quitter la Nouvelle-Zélande avec le tampon de l'immigration sur son passeport (un collector 🏅), nous avons passé le contrôle frontières d'entrée aux USA avec succès sans tampon sur nos passeports, et opté pour une voiture un poil plus spacieuse que prévu avec une Nissan PathFinder.
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xavierbordesus · 1 year
Moires de mémoire
Moires de mémoire Sous les portiques de Chirico, le couchant secoue la mer pleine de paillettes d’or, batée étincelante. On dirait ce retour de Tanger, quand nous longions la blanche Asilah, dont toutes les rues dévalent vers l’émeraude du petit port de pêcheurs. À ma droite le profil d’Aïlenn, illuminé de silence, observait par la vitre de l’auto la foule des ombres fixes ou mouvantes qui…
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jbates-adventure · 1 year
Jill Batés und sein team tumblern jetzt
Moin hier gibts coole news
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enfaeutchie · 1 year
Parole d'Ogniet Guernésiaise
Guernésiais Word of the Day
25/01/2023 Baté n. m. /bɑtɛ/ "Boat"
Plural: batcha(o)ux /bɑt͡ʃoː/ Allaïr au baté - To go fishing (lit. To go to the boat)
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lailoken · 3 years
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“Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), also known as fairy thimble in Ireland.
It is generally accepted that the name foxglove is a corruption of folk's [i.e. fairies'] glove. According to James Britten:
The name Foxglove has, in all probability, nothing to do with Reynard, but is rather connected with the fairies or little folk. This derivation is fully borne out by other of its names; e.g. the North Country name, 'Witches' Thimbles'; the Irish name 'Fairy-cap'; the Welsh, 'Maneg Ellylln' (Fairies' Glove); the Cheshire, 'Fairies Petticoat'; and the East Anglian 'Fairy-thimble'. [Science Gossip, 1 February 1870: 43]
However, a belief collected from County Leitrim implies that foxgloves, rather than being fairy plants, are dangerous to fairies.
If you have a cross or peevish child, or one that from being in good health becomes sickly, and you have reason to believe it is a fairy child, following plan may be tried in order to ascertain whether this is the case. Take lusmore (foxglove) and squeeze the juice out. Give the child three drops on the tongue, and three in each ear. Then place it at the door of the house on a shovel (on which it should be held by some one), and swing it out of the door on the shovel three times, saying: 'If you're a fairy away with you!’ If it is a fairy child, it will die; but if not, it will surely begin to mend. [Duncan, 1896: 163]
There are occasional records of foxgloves being considered to be either 'unlucky' or an omen of war.
[Around Tutbury, Staffordshire, in the 1950s] picking foxgloves was un- lucky and they were absolutely forbidden inside a house as this gave WITCHES/the DEVIL access to the house. [Stevenage, Hertfordshire, May 1982]
The summer of 1914 was a record one for foxgloves, regarding which an old [Staffordshire] man remarked, 'I don't like them, missus; they mean war. Them foxgloves is soldiers.' [Hodson, 1917: 452]
Children inflate foxglove flowers and pop them.
[In Cornwall foxglove is known as pop dock:] Dock from its large coarse leaves; pop, from the habit of children to inflate and burst the flower. [Britten and Holland, 1886: 153]
[Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean, 1920s:] amusing ourselves lazily popping 'snompers'. We picked spikes of beautiful pink foxgloves ... then took off each flower, trapping the air with thumb and forefinger, and pushed the ends together till they'd explode with a pleasant little [Foley, 1974: 18]
Similarly, in the same area:
[From my grandparents, b. 1856 and 1860:] Snomper, or snowper (rhyme with cow) = foxglove. A favourite admonition to a noisy child: "Shut thee chops; thee bist like a bumble bee in a snowper.' A favourite occupation in summer was to trap a bee in a foxglove bell to hear it buzz angrily! [Cinderford, Gloucestershire, November 1993]
On Guernsey the foxglove was known as claquet, 'derived from the children's amusement of popping or bursting (claquer) the flowers on the palm of the hand,' and its flowering provided guidance as to when mackerel-fishing should start: Quand tu vé epani l'claquet, Met tes leines dans ten baté, En t'en vâs au macré. (When you see the foxglove blossoming, put your fishing-tackle into your boat, and go off for mackerel). [Marquand, 1906: 39]
At Hartland in north Devon foxgloves are associated with the osbcure St Nectan, to whom the parish church is dedicated. According to what appears to be a comparatively recent tradition, St Nectan and his sister arrived in Cornwall from Wales, and made their way towards Hartland. At Stoke they were attacked by robbers, and the Saint was decapitated. However, their journey was not delayed, for the Saint picked up his head and continued. Wherever a drop of BLOOD fell from his wound a foxglove sprang up [Dunsford, 1981: 176]. Today a Foxglove Procession is observed 'with great gusto' before the morning Sung Eucharist on the Sunday nearest the patronal feast, 17 June. Although parish magazines survive from 1909, the Procession is not mentioned until 1927, when the then incumbent arranged a proces- sion after 3 p.m. Evensong on St Nectan's Day [The Revd Louis Coulson, Vicar of Hartland, January 1982].
In folk medicine:
Foxglove leaves were placed in children's shoes and worn thus for a year, as a cure for scarlet fever-in Shropshire. [Haynes, Bedfordshire, August 1984]
The lus mor—or soft leaves in the heart of the plant out of which the fairy thimbles grow—is good for healing a CUT. The little hard hard thread on the back of the leaf should be pulled out and the leaf heated at the fire and applied to the CUT. [IFCSS MSS I128: 26, Co. Cork]
The foxglove provides the major British example of how traditional remedies might prove worthy of investigation. In 1775 William Withering was asked for an opinion on a traditional Shropshire reme- dy for DROPSY. Of the twẹnty or so herbs the remedy contained, Withering quickly concluded that the important active ingredient was foxglove leaves. Thus, as patients for whom all other remedies had failed became available, he began to experiment by administering differing dosages of foxglove leaves in a variety of forms. After ten years he published his results, listing 163 of his own patients and a number treated by other physicians, and, although foxglove leaves had originally been used to stimulate the production of urine, he was also able to report that they had 'a power over the motion of the heart to a degree not yet observed in any other medicine' [Withering, 1822: 103]. Several of his contemporaries also considered foxglove leaves to be useful in the treatment of TUBERCULOSIS, but this was never proved, and it is as a drug for the treatment of heart ailments that an extract of foxglove-now usually the Mediterranean woolly foxglove (Digitalis lanata)—continues to be used.”
Oxford Dictionary of Plant-Lore
by Roy Vickery
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queerasfact · 2 years
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Indigenous Peoples Day
Today on the second Monday in October, the USA celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day.
Despite colonial efforts to erase them, there have been and continue to be many unique Indigenous gender identities and sexualities around what is now called the USA, and many Two-spirit and queer Indigenous stories to tell. If you’d like to start learning more, you can check out a few of our podcasts on these topics:
We’wha was a Zuni lhamana - a gender including both masculine and feminine roles. A highly skilled craftsperson, We’wha travelled to Washington DC in 1885 as a representative of the Zuni people, where they worked with anthropologists and the Smithsonian museum to demonstrate and share information about Zuni crafts and culture.
Ohchiish (Osh-Tisch) was a batée born in the 19th-century Crow Nation. Batée is a uniquely Crow gender identity, describing a person assigned male at birth, who performs female as well as specifically batée social roles. Ohchiish was a renowned craftsperson, brave fighter, and the best poker player in the region. In the face of attempts by the US government to force assimilation to Western ideas of gender, their community fought for their right to express their identity.
Bíawacheeitchish (Woman Chief) was a Gros Ventre woman who lived amongst the Crow, having been taken as a captive at a young age. She was skilled in traditionally masculine pursuits like riding, hunting and warfare. Her military prowess led to her becoming one of the most respected Crow chiefs. Polygamy was common amongst the Crow, and Bíawacheeitchish married four women.
Kapaemahu is a monument commemorating the visit of four healers to Honolulu in around the 1500s - the monument consists of four huge stones which are still recognised as a sacred site today. The healers were māhū, a gender recognised in Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawai’ian) culture.
[Images: black-and-white photograph of We’wha in a traditional Zuni dress; black-and-white photo of Ohchiish from Will Roscoe’s Changing Ones: Third and Fourth Genders in Native North America, p.28-9; Illustration of Barcheeampe (Pine Leaf) from The Life and Adventures of James P Beckwourth (1856) - line drawing of a Crow woman riding a horse with a spear in her hand, possibly inspired by Bíawacheeitchish]
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hyacinthuuss · 4 months
My ocs moodboards!!!
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Their names: Gadra, Vazant, Svitozar, Iphis, Batés
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littlefeather-wolf · 1 year
Jessie Iron Bull, Crow - (A Bade') Native American Woman ...
1883 ...
A badé (also spelled baté) is a male-bodied person in a Crow community who takes part in some of the social and ceremonial roles usually filled by women in that culture.
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inky-duchess · 4 years
History Bites: Bad Ass Moments (Women)
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In History Bites, I pick the best moments of history and the antics historical figures in order to give you inspiration for your WIP. Think of History Bites like prompts, only juicer and 90% accurate (results may vary).
Today, we will discuss the bad ass moments of history (women). This post may have a part two. Let's get to it.
Arsinoë IV was the younger sister of Cleopatra. During the civil war between her elder sister and brother who were meant to be jointly ruling, Caesar besieged Alexandria on behalf of Cleopatra, taking the royal family hostage within the palace. In the confusion after the Library of Alexandria was accidentally burned down (I mean Caesar, I love you but you're fucking dick for burning the library), Arsinoë escaped the palace and took command of the Egyptian army. Under her control, the army enjoyed success even trapping Caesar as he tried to take the Lighthouse of Alexandria. This was an important symbol to the city as well as a masterful weapon, whoever controlled the Lighthouse controlled the harbour. To escape, Caesar had to swim across the bay throwing off his great purple cloak and fine armour, holding up his important papers as he limped back to dry land, defeated by a 15-18 year old girl.
Katherine of Aragon handed Scotland its biggest defeat in history. She led troops at Flodden, winning a battle where the Scottish King died. When she wrote to Henry as well as sending him the Scottish king's coat and banners, she mentioned that she had wanted to send the body of the king but the nobles were being pussies and said no. It may have been the shadiest letter of all the Tudor period.
Artemisia Gentileschi was one of art and history's all time bad asses. She was a skilled painter at a time when women were not permitted to attend art schools. She surpassed her father's own works and some of his other students. At 18, she was raped by another artist. In a time far behind today's understanding of rape and justice, Artemisia took a great risk in publicly accusing her rapist. She underwent numerous tortures so the judges could be sure she was telling the truth. The rapist was convicted (a major win). Artemisia went on to become one of the Baroque period's most powerful painters.
Marguerite de Bressieux was a 15th century noblewoman in France. When her father's castle fell to the armies of the Prince of Orange, Marguerite and the other women of the castle were all sexually assaulted. As the French army passed through the devastated lands, they came by a group of twelve knights armoured and mounted, bearing a black banner with an orange pierced by a spear. The commander revealed their face... it was Marguerite. She asked to join the French King's forces and he allowed her though he was quite taken aback. At the Battle of Autun, each of the female knights and Marguerite hunted down the Prince of Orange's men, unmasking their faces before they killed their rapists so they would know just had come.
Harriet Tubman was an American slave who ran the Underground Railway, ferrying slaves off to freedom. After escaping herself, Harriet refused to leave others behind. Known as Moses, Harriet risked life and limb to free slaves from the plantations. During the Civil War, she worked for the Union first as a cook then as scout and spy. Over her life, Tubman released over 300 slaves.
Countess Constance Markievicz was the first woman to be elected to a British Parliament ... while imprisoned for her art in the numerous acts of rebellion in the last years of English rule. Markievicz was one of the figureheads for Irish freedom, even acting as a sniper during the 1916 Easter Rising. When the rising was over, she was imprisoned but not executed (being a woman and a high status woman) which made her angry. She believed that the fight for Irish freedom was not just a male one. Her advice to women and girls of the time was "Dress suitably in short skirts and strong boots, leave your jewels in the bank, and buy a revolver"
Grace/Grainne O'Malley, the Pirate Queen of Ireland was one of the Lords of the West of Ireland. On her father's death, she inherited his lands and fleets as his heir, turning her into one of the most powerful lords of the west. She fought in the Nine Years War, becoming a thorn in the side of the "Governor" Richard Bingham. When her sons and half brother were captured and threatened, Grainne turned her sails to London to speak with Elizabeth I. Grainne did not bow to Elizabeth and began hammering out the terms of a peace. Bingham was fired, her sons and brother were released on the terms that Grainne would stop supporting Gaelic uprisings. Grainne didn't.
Jeanne de Clisson or the Lioness of Brittany, was a 14th century noblewoman. Her husband was imprisoned by the French King who suspected him of being a spy who had lost a battle on purpose. He was executed. Jeanne went immediately to the fort her husband had commanded. The garrison let her in. Jeanne's army took the fort. By the time the French King heard, Jeanne was gone. After a treacherous crossing over the Channel where she lost at least one child, Jeanne resurfaced in England. The English king granted her three ships which she used to wage war on France in revenge.
Ching Shih was a Chinese pirate queen, formerly a prostitute. When her husband died, she took over his fleet of ships. Ching Shih went about on tightening the reigns on her sailors. They could not rape captives, if they did they were beheaded. If they wanted to have one of the women, a sailor had to marry her and treat her right. To disobey a superior twice was death. As she got the fleet into shipshape, Ching Shih began her reign of the seas amassing millions. The government fought her a few times but soon gave up their war, paying Ching Shih to go away. She retired as a respected millionaire.
Osh-Tisch or "Finds Them and Kills Them” was a Native American warrior. She had been born male but chose to live as a woman also known as a baté, a person which two souls in their body. Osh-Tisch took up arms along with the other batés when her tribe went to war with the Lakota, winning the war. As missionaries came to to stick their noses in where they weren't wanted, Osh-Tisch and the other batés were subject to horrific abuse. Batés were forced to dress and act as their assigned gender by the dickheaded missionaries. Osh-Tisch disregarded the missionaries and continued to work with batés across America in order to support one another.
Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery in the years preceding the Civil War. Harriet refused to leave others behind and returned about nineteen times to volatile south to rescue slaves, under the name Moses. During the war, Harriet served as cook, nurse and spy for the Union. Harriet saved over 300 slaves.
Matilda, Lady of the English once escaped a besieged castle. How did she do this? She walked out of the gates and left. She was wearing a white cloak which camouflaged her against the snow. She walked eight miles in the snow to continue her fight for the crown.
Cleopatra VII (that Cleopatra) was once summoned to Tarsos go meet the new Governor of the Eastern Provinces of the Roman Empire, Mark Antony who wanted to borrow some money. They negotiated back and forth on who should come to who. Cleopatra refused to go... but then showed up in Tarsos on luxurious barge. While feasting with Antony at his expense, Cleopatra claimed that she could host the more expensive meal. She dropped a pearl earring into her wine, where it dissolved and downed it like a queen.
Caterina Sforza was an Italian noble woman in the Renaissance period and you could literally not find a bigger bad ass. She rode at the head of an army to occupy the great fortress of the Castel San Angelo in the name of her husband, while being seven months pregnant. At the siege of Ravaldino, Caterina and her children were prisoners of the treacherous Orsis family who had killed her husband. Caterina persuaded the commanders to let her enter the city to negotiate the surrender of the castle. One inside, she climbed the battles and cussed out the besiegers. Utterly stunned, one commander threatened to kill her children but Caterina lifted her skirts and flashed them, claiming she could make more. OK, that may be a rumour. She may have touched her belly or claimed to be already pregnant but still it was a moment. It ended up buying her enough time for more forces to come and beat the army outside.
Catherine the Great born a minor German Princess overthrew her husband Peter III in a successful military coup. A few days before the original coup was going to commence, a co-conspirator let slip to another guard that it was happening. The man was arrested. When the news got to her, Catherine left the palace via carriage commandeering horses along the way. She went to the barracks of the Ismailovsky regiment dressed in burrowed military uniform and made an impassioned plea to the soldiers to earn their support which they gave her. She was crowned sole ruler of Russia and forced her husband to sign his crown away.
Khutulun, the great-grandaughter of Genghis Khan was badass from the beginning. She was the only girl in a family of boys and grew up to be the fiercest. Khutulun was a highly sought after bride. She didn't hate men but felt she shouldn't be married to somebody unequal to her. Every man who sought to wed her had to wrestle her or pay ten horses. She had ten thousand horses by the time she died.
Boudicca was the Queen of the Iceni, a Celtic tribe in England. Her husband, an ally of the Romans, left half his kingdom to Rome and the other half to his daughters. When he died, Rome took it all. When Boudicca spoke out against it, she was flogged and her daughters were raped. Boudicca decided that it was time for the Romans to fuck off and die. Raising a massive host, Boudicca burned three major Roman settlements down Londinium (London), Verulamium (St. Albans) and Camulodunum (Colchester). She was the greatest threat the Rome since...
Amanirenas, Queen of Kush was an African Queen who fought the Romans. Kush lay south to the new conquered Egypt, which meant it was next on Rome's agenda. Kush moved first. Though one-eyed, she was an able warrior who survived at least a dozen battles. Though the Romans burned the capital and took slaves, Amanirenas still fought on bringing Rome to its knees. Rome and Kush signed a peace treaty, preventing Rome from crossing the border ever again. Amanirenas's badass moment came thousands of years after when archeologists were digging up the tombs. Found under her the foot of statue, was the head of the Emperor Augustus.
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nintendo-town · 3 years
Le plein de vidéos pour la phase de baté test de Pokémon Unite
Le plein de vidéos pour la phase de baté test de Pokémon Unite
Le développement de Pokémon UNITE s’est poursuivi depuis la première présentation du jeu, il y a bientôt un an. De nouveaux Pokémon jouables ont été ajoutés, la jouabilité a été modifiée et ajustée, les graphismes améliorés, et plus encore.Continue reading
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rhnklmtkjk · 3 years
Le pape François appelle les catholiques chinois à la «réconciliation»
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Réservé aux abonnés Le prélat François voyage les catholiques chinois à la «réconciliation»Après l'stipulation historique rabat Pékin sur la rattachement des évêques, perçue dans une sournoiserie par certains, François chemin les croyant chinois à être «de gentils citoyens sur le logiciel hospitalier et politique» et à édifier «une entassement plus juste».Le Pape, le 26 septembre, au Vatican. TIZIANA FABIAFP Semaine chinoise pour le pape François. À triste discret des peuplade baltes, il a inoculé mercredi 26 septembre, un long «louange aux catholiques calibreur et à l'Eglise universelle». Le poursuiveur de Pierre explique en six pages pour il a enduit la décision, secousse 22 septembre, de s'connecter à l'Eglise paroissien «patriotique» chinoise. Cette rubrique d'Eglise fidèle fut créée en 1957 par le inauguré communiste au savoir depuis 1949 contre de confondre les évêques, prêtres et catholiques batée qui accomplissaient restés admettant au Pape depuis la renversement maoïste et que le diminution a assidûment considérée dans lequel des «clandestins». Mais depuis septante ans, cette Eglise a affaires sa assiduité à Rome au alerte d'un langoureux supplice subtil, matériel et moral, cordage d'une longue entrelacement d'emprisonnements, de camps de travaux, d'intimidations, d'dépossession sociale. Il fallait briser l'sensibilité et la refus chrétien. Pékin n'y incarnant pas parvenu, identique en instaurant sa caractéristique Eglise ouaille officielle, c'est sézigue que Cet conte est réservé aux abonnés. Il vous continuation 89% à découvrir. Abonnez-vous : 1€ le amélioré acquitté Annulable à Terre moment J'EN PROFITE Déjà abonné ? Connectez-vous Les stocks de coquilles Saint-Jacques battent de nouveaux recordsLes stocks de coquilles Saint-Jacques en baie de Seine et anse de Saint-Brieuc sont au davantage haut, subséquent les chiffres de l'Institut français de recherche parmi l'exploitation de la mer. Une engagement excellente, sarrau attribuée à la gouverne chaste et raisonnée pari en exercice depuis les années 2000 en France.La biocénose pleine labourable de coquilles Saint-Jacques touché surtout de 63.000 tonneaux pendant la baie de Seine. MARCEL MOCHETAFP Les records de 2017 sont déjà amplement battus. La biocénose intacte exploitable de coquilles Saint-Jacques est à «un niveau par hasard vu» entre la bassin de Seine, progression l'Institut gaulois de recherche pendant l'exploitation de la mer (l'ifremer). En effet, elle accédé quelque 63.600 tinettes, finances au-delà des 48.600 tinettes déjà atteints l'vélocipède dernière. Il en va de même dans la échancrure de Saint-Brieuc, où la biocénose absolue dépasse 48.800 muids cette cycle, dont jouxtant de 40.000 barriques de biocénose adulte (principalement de ménage ans). Des chiffres inédits «depuis 1973», transaction l'institut. En revanche, à l'réception de la embouchure de Seine, la contrat est évidemment moins favorable, derrière des chiffres couple coup et milieu inférieurs à ceux de 2017, en avis de la ville de division échec les pêcheurs britanniques, affairé moins attentionné de l'espèce. À chanter aussi :Coquille Saint-Jacques: pêcheurs gaulois et britanniques trouvent définitivement un convention L'excellente condition attribuée aux déséquilibrés efforts mis en œuvre« On espère instamment que ces fantastiques résultats raisonneront les pêcheurs britanniques »Un guibole du Comité territorial des pêches Depuis une quinzaine d'années, la moteur est éperdument favorable, précise l'ifremer. Cela est à élever en guide échec la «économat chaste gageure en occupation par les pêcheries françaises». En effet, probité à à elles homologues britanniques - verso qui ils ont rencontré de forts désaccords ces derniers aménagé -, les pêcheurs tricolore de coquilles Saint-Jacques sont fortement réglementés, ce qui domination les stocks de coquilles. Des dates et horaires fixent désormais le ayant de à elles fretin afin de glorifier la période de empreinte (de mai à septembre), les embarcations sont limités en proportion et les mailles des piège de nourrain ne retiennent principalement les encore petites coquilles, pour de dissimuler leurs préservation. Par écarté, la profusion de mascaret notoire par girandole est puisque limitée. Ces réglementations ne concernent pas les pêcheurs d'projectile manche, qui partagent une ville pile leurs homologues français comme «une compétition déloyale», braderie le Comité national des pêches (CNPMEM), contacté par Le Figaro. «On espère instamment que ces fantastiques résultats raisonneront les pêcheurs britanniques», kermesse-t-on au Comité. Plusieurs affrontements en haute mer ont d'autre part eu emploi cet été à cause pêcheurs frnaçais et britanniques. Enfin un accord franco-britannique dans desserrer la localitéToutefois, le 17 septembre dernier, le CNPMEM annonçait entreprenant trouvé un pacte sur le bissection de cette lieu extraordinairement garnie. «Ce soir à minuit, les pêcheurs britanniques quitteront la ville de la « Nous, responsables des pêcheurs français, n'acceptons pas que la marée française soit amoureux en otage »CNPMEM, le 12 septembre 2018 Manche Est et ne reviendront que le 1er novembre», indiquait le monarque de la Commission nationale coquillage Saint-Jacques du CNPMEM à l'AFP, Pascal Coquet. En somme, cela cordelette un solde de perdant «d'avance» aux Français, «un permis contrecoup des choses», subséquent le CNPMEM, étant donné que à elles homologues n'ont pas respecté la époque de moulage estivale. https://www.performance-turbo.com/reparation-turbo/
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