#bad girls club east meets west
Charlie Cox: Star turn
Charlie Cox is taking a break from Hollywood to bring Pinter to London's West End. And the experience has proved to be truly terrifying, he tells Charlotte Cripps.
Tuesday 29 January 2008 (X)
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I'm watching a preview of the Harold Pinter double bill at the Comedy Theatre on the night before I meet Hollywood's newest star, Charlie Cox, when I encounter his fan club in the row behind me. The girls gasp collectively at how good-looking he is, especially at the end of The Collection, when he strips off to a pair of tight white boxer shorts.
The English public school-educated 25-year-old is not only converting teenagers to Pinter, however; he also holds his own with his more experienced co-stars, Timothy West, Richard Coyle and Gina McKee.
The young star has just played the lead in the blockbuster family film Stardust, alongside such Hollywood luminaries as Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert de Niro, Sienna Miller and Claire Danes. Cox's character was the earnest, genuine Tristan, who transforms from boy to man on his quest for true love. In real life, too, the actor is growing up fast as he finds himself, right at the beginning of his career, rubbing shoulders with the acting elite. Although he had picked up some good roles – performing opposite Al Pacino in The Merchant of Venice and in Casanova alongside Heath Ledger – the actor was relatively unknown until a few months ago. Nowadays Cox, with his boyish, wide-eyed good looks, gets recognised wherever he goes.
When we meet the morning after the Pinter previews, the actor is cleaning his teeth in his dressing room at the Comedy Theatre. As he welcomes me inside, he takes off his porkpie hat to reveal a mass of bouncing, newly cut hair and clear brown eyes. His dressing room, which has the feel of a miniature flat, is nevertheless smaller than those of the other three members of the cast, because, he says as if he is still at boarding school, he is "the new boy".
His costumes for the character Bill – who in The Collection is accused by a husband (Coyle) of having a one-night stand with a married woman (McKee), despite being in a gay relationship with Harry (West) – are hanging tidily over a camp bed. There is a ‘Just For Today’ meditation book on the table – a 12-step recovery tool – because the actor no longer drinks. He has already begun pinning things neatly to the white walls, to create a collage that will document his four-month run in the play. So far it includes a line of fizzy vitamin C sachets, a Nurofen Cold & Flu packet, even three different Starbucks coffee cup sizes. He points out everything to me – "I will remember the bad cold I had at the beginning of the run" – but it is only day four. He is still warming up in his first proper job on a West End stage. "I am far out of my comfort zone. I am trying to keep up with actors who are consistently brilliant, not like me, this Disney kid Cox from Stardust."
Cox lives in World's End, Chelsea, above an art gallery, with his best friend, Ned, and dog, Ralph. He speaks with passion and maturity about his job, and has a calm presence as well as heaps of energy, which he uses both positively and negatively. "I am incredibly self-deprecating. It stems from self-doubt. With every job I watch, I can't find peace with what I've done. It's never good enough in my mind. I will never be happy if I'm in that mindset, unless I get a review that starts: 'once in a generation'," he says, laughing. "Fame terrifies me. I can say that with honesty. You're terrified that, when people know the real you, they won't like you."
The actor was born in 1982 and grew up in East Sussex with his publisher father, Andrew, his mother, Trisha, and his older brother, Toby. He also has three much older half-siblings, Ollie, Emma and Zoë, who were all leaving home by the time he was born. At the age of eight, he was sent to a local prep school and then to Sherborne School in Dorset. He won the school's Gerald Pitman Award for Drama twice, before leaving school for London at the age of 18.
He got a supporting role in the film Dot the I opposite Gael Garcia Bernal, before starting at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School at 19 years old. It was a miserable experience. "They start picking holes and I took it all too personally." Auditioning for roles was banned while pupils were still at the school, but after his first year he secretly auditioned for Pacino's The Merchant of Venice. "I remember feeling really panicked. I was meant to have learnt to play the recorder for the class nativity play when I got the call from my agent telling me I'd got the role. The next thing I knew I was hanging out in Luxembourg with one of my idols. Deep down I knew I'd never go back to Bristol. To slot back into my class after that would have been entirely weird."
He then played a warrior in an unwatchable Spanish film, Tirante el Blanco. "To call it a flop is an understatement. The film made no sense. It hadn't been translated properly. I wasn't even invited to the premiere." He returned to the UK to perform for no wages in 'Tis Pity She's a Whore to packed houses at Southwark Playhouse. The production, directed by Edward Dick, received rave reviews. "None of us got paid for it but it ended up being one of the shows to see in London."
This was the first time that the actor had a difficult decision to make, as he had already been offered a role in a big feature film when the Pinter play came up. "It really threw a spanner in the works because there is a pressure to continue to do films. If you disappear for a little while, they just lose interest. But if I want to be still acting when I'm older, the Pinter play is the kind of work I need to be attached to. The theatre is where I'm learning my trade," says Cox. "In Tim's [West] day he did years of rep theatre. Today we are in a manic rush to be rich and famous. None of us young stars has had time to learn our trade. There is a horrible misconception that you can either act or not. But experience is everything."
It is a challenge for Cox, playing a lead role in The Collection – one of the two rarely performed Pinter plays, the other being The Lover, which are being revived at the Comedy Theatre under the direction of Jamie Lloyd, who recently directed The Caretaker for Sheffield Theatres. "Harold [Pinter] has been involved in the production, but he hasn't told us whether my character Bill really did sleep with Stella or not. He is the only one who really knows. Gina [McKee] and I made a decision that we think helps us, but we are keeping that decision a secret." Bill is a million miles away from his Stardust role of Tristan, who wore his heart on his sleeve. "What is certain about my character Bill is that he lies all the time. Whether Bill did it or not, he still gives different versions of the story. He is a bit of a spoilt brat who doesn't think of what other people want. He just wants a bit of a drama. He craves power and manipulates people for his own amusement. He annoys Harry for no reason at all other than to entertain himself."
For Cox, who has been living out of a suitcase for so long, starring in the West End allows him something of a normal routine. He can walk his dog and hang out with the small group of friends whom he has known since childhood. Fame has not changed him, and he doubts it ever will. None of the older actors has ever sat him down for a pep talk either, but Pacino offered him some words of wisdom. "Al said, 'You're not an actor until you've got a leather jacket.' I took it very seriously and asked my parents to buy me this brown leather jacket for my 21st birthday. It's worn really well, hasn't it? Then Al rang me on the day to wish me happy birthday while I was in the middle of having a small party. Answering the phone to him was one of the most bizarre things that has ever happened to me."
Now Cox has another offer to star with Pacino, in Enclosure, a black comedy about a Jewish family. He has already finished filming Stone of Destiny, based on a true story, in which he plays Ian Hamilton, a committed Scottish nationalist who in the 1950s led a raid on Westminster Abbey to bring the Stone of Scone back to Scotland. The actor talks about his career with the excitement of somebody who is living his dream. In promotional TV interviews for Stardust he looked almost startled, but since he's been at home he seems to be more at ease. "It's so easy to become obsessed with the film industry and recognition that we can forget that we are not saving the world. We are just actors trying to entertain people. Doing this play, in front of a live audience, has reminded me of that."
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sirlenci · 2 years
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tvshows941 · 7 years
BGC17 cast overview
As usually I list the girls from how I like them by greatest to least with 1 being who I liked the most and the last number being who I liked the least.
1. Bri was definitely my favorite this season and it seems like i haven’t had an original be my top favorite in the house since Sarah from season 11 (NOT COUNTING BGC13) so production knows what they’re doing with these replacements. I feel like the only time she was wrong was when she fought Fran because she said her peeing on the limo floor was gross. Bitch that is gross 😂. But whatever bri was cool as fuck but I wasn’t feeling how hard she was coming at Susan at the reunion like I get it she was talking shit so confront her cool but she was going way to hard at her every five minutes when Key was the one she should’ve been trying to fight.
2. Sayyora is hands down the hottest girl this season. Like she said she has brains beauty and booty. Lol. Say was cool asf. I feel like sayyora is a cool genuine person to be around. Her bringing up Susan’s marriage wasn’t her throwing Susan under the bus in my opinion because she owed Susan no loyalty. However She was in the wrong when she didn’t check on Fran after she took that L from bri. Because Fran was there for her holding an ice pack on her face after she got into it with key. So I understood why Fran felt some type of way about that. But I also understood why say didn’t feel the need to break it up because it had nothing to do with her she just should’ve checked on her friend afterwards. Other than that say was A1 she never started anything with anyone she was only defending herself.
3. Fran OMG words can’t describe the love I have for Francesca. When I watched the casting special and saw how she called key out and how she dropped Deshayla for spitting in her face I knew I was going to fuck with her. I honestly don’t see how people don’t like Fran. Yea she was annoying how she came at bri because she was jealous of her and she was a bit extra at the reunion too, but other than that Fran was cool as shit. She was so positive. I don’t agree with her saying that dumb shit “did your husband die too” because that was fucked up. So she deserved that swing from susan. Overall, she was still one of my favorites I hope I see her go further in her hype girl career, and I’m happy that she was the last Bad girl to not only leave the house for season 17 but the last bgc girl to leave the bad girls club house ever…..on oxygen at least 😉
4. Kiyanna is cool. She had her moments where I didn’t care too much for her. She cross the line when she slapped sayyora. Like I said say was wrong for not checking on Fran after her fight with bri, but sayyora didn’t need to try and break it up and act all extra like Kiki did. And am I the only one that found it absolutely hilarious when Kiki and key would argue and fight 🤣🤣🤣. That shit was so comical. Do I feel like she was wrong for snatching Susan up…tbh I don’t know because I understood why she did it. She was arguing with Susan and told her to get up and fight her. Susan got up but she hit Fran. Now mind you I understand why Susan hit Fran. But I understand why Kiki did what she did. Because she was the one that called you out to fight not Fran. In all, you can say what you want about kiyanna but she was definitely bout it. She lost plenty of times and got dropped but she was never scared to get it poppin. I feel like if I knew her in person in real life I’d fuck with her to the fullest because she seems like a down loyal as chick.
5. Susan I’m not going to lie I miss judge her. Had she explained her situation about her husband more or if the editors would have showed us more about how her husband had another wife and kids and other women I wouldn’t have looked at her as if she was completely in the wrong because she wasn’t. If he’s going to do him then fuck it do you Susan. But my issue with her comes into play when she was the one who put her self on blast from jump. Who tells their personal business so proudly and unapologetically to someone they just meet three hours ago and then gets mad when they tell someone else? Then sayyora apologized to her and I still didn’t see why she had such a big issue, and talked so much shit about this girl. It was ridiculous. I didn’t care for Susan in the house but I’ll admit she grew on me a little at the reunion.
6. Key has issues fr. I honestly think she was jealous of sayyora at first that’s why she keep picking at her so much. This bitch literally inserted her ragged, dry struggle ass weave into every situation that had noting to do with her. She fought sayyora because of the Susan situation. First of all bitch that was between sayyora and Susan say apologized to her you should’ve stayed the fuck out of it because you was talking shit about her along with deshayla and Kiki in the first episode. Sayyora didn’t owe Key no damn apology at all what so ever. Then she was just plan rude and disrespectful toward sayyora’s guest acting like she was about to fight him. I wouldn’t even be mad if he popped her. I’m also confused 🤔 she mad because bri fucked her up one on one when she was the one coming for bri non stop since she been there. At the end of the day Key played herself. You put your hands around that girls neck wtf did you expect her to do ? Yes you got her in round two but you had to sneak a bitch to do it but we all know who won heads up face to face. Overall, she seemed as if she was trying to be the bigger person at the reunion and it’s good that she learned to just walk away I can give her that.
7. Seven ironically gets number 7. She was a roller coaster ride for me. At first I didn’t see the big hype over her she was ok but I noticed in the first three episodes she was always talking shit about the other girls in her confessionals. I mean this bitch was thuggin’ in front of that green screen. Toward the middle of the season I grew to like her a little but then she fucked it up the last three episodes and at the reunion. I was right back to not caring for her. What was her point for fighting Kiki again ? Because she laughed at key for getting her ass beat? and I feel the fans hype her up so much because she’s a pretty girl. If seven was ugly she wouldn’t have half of her supporters. She hypes herself up, and she does so much to the point where it seems so…forced and unnatural. Like girl calm down it’s not that deep. 🙄
8. Deshayla is fake as fuck.
Overall, this season was soooo good. I can honestly say I’m going to miss it. If bgc would’ve ended at 13 or 14 I would’ve been perfectly fine because BGC fell off after 10 but season 15 and 17 got me interested in the show again. My top four seasons of BGC are season 7: New Orleans, season 9: Mexico (this was the first season I watched), Season 15: Twisted Sisters and Season 17: East Meets West.
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supremeabraxas · 4 years
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itsnellesworld · 7 years
7 Alpha Females Go Head to Head in "Bad Girls Club: East Meets West" [Trailer]
7 Alpha Females Go Head to Head in “Bad Girls Club: East Meets West” [Trailer]
Via: Oxygen
Oxygen Media sets hearts afire this Valentine’s Day when “Bad Girls Club: East Meets West” launches Tuesday, February 14 at 8PM ET/PT.
This season on BGC, seven feisty alpha females from rival coasts will show that the east and west have very different ways of handling their business when dueling over style and territory.
Catch a BGC casting special on Tuesday, February 7 at 8PM ET/PT
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masetv · 7 years
7 Alpha Females Go Head to Head in "Bad Girls Club: East Meets West" [Trailer]
7 Alpha Females Go Head to Head in “Bad Girls Club: East Meets West” [Trailer]
Via: Oxygen Oxygen Media sets hearts afire this Valentine’s Day when “Bad Girls Club: East Meets West” launches Tuesday, February 14 at 8PM ET/PT. This season on BGC, seven feisty alpha females from rival coasts will show that the east and west have very different ways of handling their business when dueling over style and territory. Catch a BGC casting special on Tuesday, February 7 at 8PM ET/PT…
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skiptownwithme · 7 years
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BGC17 Official Cast Photo
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violettelueur · 3 years
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| featuring : fushiguro megumi ft. itadori yuji + kugisaki nobara from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors and spoilers from manga (chapter 55)
| form : imagine
| word count : 3203
| published : 01 january
| synopsis : After being sent back to your old middle school: Saitama Urami East Junior High for a mission, you unexpectedly run into someone who you are all too familiar with.
| barista’s notes : HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE ʕ♡˙ᴥ˙♡ʔ we are staring off 2021 with a fushiguro megumi imagine that i have written and not to proud of to be honest....what an amazing start to the year ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ but i just finished catching up with the kdrama called ‘The Penthouse: War in Life’ and must i say, i hate all the characters in the show...like my mind is collapsing with the many plot twists here and there ʕ – ᴥ – ʔ but other than that, i hope you enjoy this cup of classic black coffee that i have mean. don’t worry, it is on the house ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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Staring up at the view in front of you, you couldn’t help but admire the large building that you once was just nearly a year ago after you had graduated from middle school. To be honest, you couldn’t help but smile at the memories that started to recall themselves in your mind. Back when everything was just normal.
Moving your view from the top of the building to your right hand, you carefully took one more look at your illuminated phone screen to see the message that you received from your current teacher causing your mind to pull itself back into reality on the situation you were in right now.
Idiot Sensei: Make sure you are able to get enough information on what is going on with the cases, remember to go see your middle school first~ much love your favourite sensei ♡
Idiot Sensei: Also I just heard that a few jujutsu sorcerers from Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College have arrived, make sure to not blow your cover.
“This is all the information you need”
Looking up at your teacher, you stretched out your hand to receive the file he was passing before you opened it to see what was inside, only to instantly be greeted with a few sheets informing you about a school called Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College.
“Sensei what is this?” you asked curiously as you scanned through the documents, leading to him walking behind you to then to peek over your shoulder before saying in glee “I don’t know~ I haven’t read through it either Y/N, let’s read it together!” which caused you to roll your eyes in annoyance.
“How did the school get so much information about Jujutsu Tech? How did they get the teachers and professional sorcerers names? Sukuna? What is going on in that school? Wait, they couldn’t find the student’s names?” you began to frantically question as you continue reading the file while turning over the pages to see if there was anything else you could pick up before you stumbled upon a picture of your old middle school, leading you to then read the page that it was attached to.
“So….we suspect that one of Sukuna’s cursed fingers is the reason why there has been a rise in deaths near your old school~ and from what we could gather, a Jujutsu Tech student’s sister is also cursed due to her taking part with the bungee jump at the bridge near there,” your teacher explained, causing you to then look over at him in more annoyance since you knew then he lied to you about not knowing what the file contained.
‘So you have read it….’
“Your mission is to get that finger Y/N,” your teacher then stated, causing you to widen your eyes at him. However, before you could even object to the mission, your teacher began to explain what was lingering in your mind the second you heard what he said. “The reason why you were picked was not only because you have been to that school is also because you are a special grade mage Y/N, I have confidence that you’re going to be fine~” he then explained before following it up by saying “good luck out there favourite student~”
‘But isn’t it the sorcerer’s business to get cursed objects?’
“Ahhh, then why make me go on this investigation on my own?” you rhetorically asked as you placed your phone back in your black blazer pocket before turning your head once again to look at the entrance of Saitama Urami East Junior High, only to suddenly see the sorcerers that your teacher was talking about. 
From what you could observe, there were at least four people from Jujutsu Tech that were in front of you with one being a supervisor while the other three seemed like students that were around the same age as you, leading you to become more irritated at the fact that you had to put in more effort in your acting than you had originally wanted. Taking in a deep breath, you slowly began to breathe out at a slower pace before quickly making your way towards the school building. 
“To be honest, I was expecting someone from a different school to come but- oh, I guess they’re here,” the person mentioned, causing you to look up to find that it was your old principle that was talking to the students leading them to turn to look at you.
“Sorry, Was I late for the meeting? It’s really nice to meet you again sensei,” you gently greeted before bowing in front of him as well as the students he was talking to, only to suddenly be greeted with a familiar pair of eyes that you never forget the second you graduated from the school.
“Fushiguro? Is that really you?” you asked in a surprised tone, before immediately straightening your back to stand upright to take a proper look at the boy in front of you, only for the sudden thought of your eyes tricking you to be false as the person you called out was truly right in front of you.
“L/N?” Fushiguro questioned, causing everyone to look at the both of you in confusion due to what seemed to be a sudden reunion happening right in front of their eyes. “How are you? It’s been a while ha?” you quickly asked with a smile, trying to deeply conceal the shock and worry that was slowly manifesting in your stomach.
‘Since when were you a Jujutsu Sorcerer Fushiguro? That just makes my job worst’
“Yeah, it’s nice to see you again,” Fushiguro mentioned with a smile, leading his other two classmates to look at the sight in extreme shock since they never really saw the sorcerer smile before. “Are you still getting into fights?” you then questioned, even though you sort of already knew the answer.
“Not really,” Fushiguro replied, leading you to nod at his answer since you knew it was a white lie but not a complete one but you couldn’t help but hear a few giggles from his classmates that were with him. At least he was being somewhat truthful to you even after this time apart. 
“I’m Itadori Yuji,” one the students behind Fushiguro mentioned as he introduced himself with his index finger pointing towards himself leading to the only female student to then follow by saying, “Kugisaki Nobara,”. Giving them a smile, you then quickly introduced yourself to the two energetic students before turning around back to the principle. You couldn’t help but smile back at the elderly man as you faced him causing small but fond memories to reappear in your head again leading you to the desire of wanting everything to go back to normal again.
“Y/N! You were amazing at the practice match today, we would have never won if you didn’t set the ball like that!”
“What do you mean? All of us won because we worked together and that-oh!”
Suddenly, you felt a small impact on your shoulder, causing the interruption of your speech leading you to turn around to apologies before you were stopped by a pair of emerald eyes. You couldn’t lie to yourself at all, they were the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen and you could stare into them all day if you could. “Sorry,” you quickly apologised before you were caught gawking at the guy in front of you leading him to apologies back before he continued to make his way wherever he was planning to head off to.
“Who was that?” you quietly asked yourself, trying to hide the fact that you were intrigued by the person you suddenly bumped into.
“That’s Fushiguro Megumi, I wouldn’t associate with him if I was you Y/N,” one of your teammates as well as classmates suggested, causing you to look at the girl in confusion as you wondered what was so bad about him - to be honest, it was odd for you to not know the person since you were also part of the school’s student council.
“He’s a delinquent, he beats up people you know, remember when the principal was screaming yesterday? That was because of him. Aw, I feel bad for his sister,” your other classmate muttered, causing you to look back forward at the person’s back who you learnt was named Fushiguro Megumi.
“He doesn’t seem like a bad person”
“So this is what you’re up to?”
Looking up from his hand, Fushiguro came eye to eye with a female standing at the bottom of the pile of bodies. From what he could see, the person was from the same school as him due to the uniform that she was wearing but what made him paid attention to her was that even though she was wearing the classic red armband to represent who she was, she wasn’t yelling at him nor putting him in his place, rather just smiling kindly up at him.
“L/N Y/N, it’s nice to meet Fushiguro”
Now he remembers who you were. You were the student he bumped into the other day, but you were also known for being the setter of the school’s volleyball club, and you were also the person that had an early acceptance at the prestigious Dawn West Wing College. You were someone that had a promising future.
“Do you wanna come down? You have a nasty cut on your cheek,” you shouted, leading him to break out of his daze to once again find you smiling at him. However, what he didn’t expect was for you to then suddenly climb up the tower of bodies to reach up to him causing him to look at you in surprise at your persistence. Finally reaching up to the top, you tried to steadily find a place to sit only for Fushiguro to unexpectantly tightly grab your wrist, trying to ensure that you didn’t fall down.
“Thank you,” you said to the dark-haired student before you continued with, “let’s get down, I sort of need to get you fixed up,”. Once again surprised at your actions towards him, he suddenly felt you pull him down behind the pile of beaten up bodies, before unexpectedly being suddenly pulled up to make a full-on run for it.
“Why are we running?” Fushiguro asked as you continued to pull him to wherever you were taking him. “I don’t know if you had a bad eye, but the Principle was coming so we sort of need to make a run for it,” you explained, before rapidly turning a corner to what seemed to be a building that was connected to the main building.
“This is the sports hall, where the volleyball club practices and there is also a first aid kit there, so you can come in,” you informed Fushiguro before sliding the door open to reveal the nicely kept hall as you then disappeared into the building to find the first aid kit that you had mentioned. Following your movement, Fushiguro slowly took a step into the hall before taking a seat on the floor near it, patiently waiting for you to come back with what you needed to do.
After a few minutes, you finally emerge from the storage room with the first aid box in hand before quickly making your way towards the boy as you then kneeled down in front him while opening the box to pull out a plaster, some bandages, cotton buds as well as a bottle of alcohol to disinfect the wound on his cheek as well as a few cuts that you found on his knuckles.
“What are you going to gain for helping me?” Fushiguro asked you all of a sudden, causing you to look up at him before quickly going back to pouring some of the alcohol on the cotton bud to which then you grabbed his hand to place the substance on his bloody knuckles leading him to hiss at the sudden sting.
“I’m not going to gain anything from this, I just choose to help people unequally you see,” you answered in a quiet but serious tone. “There are both good and bad people in this world Fushiguro, but I choose to help people that I know that are going to do no wrong in the future, that is the type of people I choose to help. Someone like you,” you then explained, as you then began to treat the cut on his cheek after you had bandaged his knuckles.
“Thank you Y/N”
“No problem Megumi”
“You did really good out there”
Looking up, you found Fushiguro staring down at you with a bottle of water in hand as he stretched out to pass it to you. “Thank you,” you kindly said before taking the bottle from his hand, “I’m surprised you came, you usually don’t come to these sorts of things,” you then mentioned before taking a large gulp of water that you really needed right now.
“I just wanted to come to support you, and I thought you might need some help with those lot,” Fushiguro explained as he tilted his head to the side causing you to look up to find some boys staring down at you from the gym balcony, before looking back at Fushiguro who started to make himself comfortable next to you on the floor.
“Thank you,” you said once again before gently placing your head upon his shoulder to which you felt him tense up slightly, only for him to immediately relax a second later.
 “I’m really glad that I got to know you Megumi.”
Shifting his eyes down at you, all his saw was adoration and truth in your eyes as you looked onto the volleyball court where the other team were preparing to leave for their school after the organised match. Shifting his eyes back onto the court, Fushiguro couldn’t help but remember everything you did during the match, from the way you ran to the way you jumped to set the ball to your other players. Fushiguro couldn’t lie but admit you had talent. That was enough to put a soft smile on his face.
“Yeah, I’m really glad that I got to know you too Y/N”
‘But that’s in the past now, concentrate on the investigation’
“L/N, you wanted to gain information for your project right?” the Principle asked, causing you to snap out of your daze to then quickly put a smile on.
“Yes, my school wants me to do a project about paranormal activity and how it relates to electric waves since that’s now some ghost investigation to prove that ghosts and spirits exist,” you explained as you tried to seem convincing as you could since that was the best explanation you could come up with.
“That’s a really weird project,” Kugisaki and Itadori commented, causing you to laugh slightly since it is something weird for a ‘normal’ school to set their students to work on. “Yeah, but I really can’t complain, I did pick the science courses for my subjects and it sort of relates to physics since we do have to learn about electricity and that stuff. Hella boring in my opinion,” you continued to express, trying to make the lie more convincing.
‘Well….that’s what I get for going to a ‘school’ full of mages, just like how you three go to a ‘school’ full of jujutsu sorcerers’
“What do you need to know dear? it’s the least I can do after all you did for the school as the student council as well as for the volleyball team,” the elderly principle asked, leading you to smile brightly at him as you began to list everything you needed to know.
“Strange rumours, dark rumours, anybody with relationships with bad adults or maybe even karma getting what they had coming?” you began to say, causing the principle to look at you in complete shock to which you then looked at him in confusion, “is there anything wrong sir?”
“Fushiguro said the exact same thing as you, no wonder why you two were best friends back then,” the principle mentioned with a soft laughing leading you to turn to look at the sorcerer, only to come to the view of him looking to the side with a light blush with his two friends looking at you with the same expression that the principle did a few seconds ago.
“There were students that were back like the ones that suddenly past away but they weren’t as bad as Fushiguro,” the principle stated, causing you to scoff slightly at the fact since he wasn’t wrong before the principle then suggested, “you should investigate Yasohachi Bridge, it is well known for this paranormal activities there dear,”.
‘The whole bungee jump mettle test or whatever it was ha?’
“Ah, those people are so stupid,” you muttered to yourself, knowing the reason why the Principle told you about the bridge and due to the fact that the sorcerers were here, they were probably told the same thing as well.
‘This is you sorcerer's fault for letting a special grade object let into the hands of some teenager, now Sukuna’s finger bearers are everywhere’
“Thank you so much for your time principal, It was nice to see you again,” you said with gratitude as you bowed down to your old teacher as you told him ‘goodbye’ before you began to turn around to immediately go to the bridge that was informed to you.
“Please come visit again soon!” the principal exclaimed, leading you to look over your shoulder with a smile on your face as you waved at him before turning to the Jujutsu Tech’s students to give them the same gesture to which then you started to walk away to head off to your next destination.
‘So I got more information than I needed but that’s okay, that means we got more inside information on Jujutsu Tech’
However, before you could even take one more step away from the institutional building, you felt someone suddenly grab your wrist leading you to turn around to look at the hand that held your wrist before quickly looking up to find the green eyes that were so dear to you.
“Is there anything you need Fushiguro?” you asked, as you gave him a smile leading to the noticeable light blush to appear on his face before he then questioned you by asking, “are you planning to go to Yasohachi Bridge?”
“Yeah, I just need to get some results for the project, I won’t be there too long if you are worried,” you answered, trying to end the conversation so you could go investigate the bridge so you could end the mission as quickly as possible. 
“It’s dangerous, you shouldn’t go,” Fushiguro stated, causing you to internally groan in annoyance since you already knew the dangers the second you got the file. “Like I said I won’t be that long,” you mentioned before quickly adding, “ghost ain’t real, I’ll be fine”.
‘I choose the help people unequally, and I’m choosing to help you Fushiguro’
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 20
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on, on Mayans M.C., are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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The next morning, Nina was looking out the window, at a green truck that had just pulled up by the curb. “I think it’s him!”. “You’re really excited, huh, ma'…?”, Angel chuckled at her. Nina turned to look at him, and nodded enthusiastically. “Do you think he’d like some coffee? We should make him some coffee…”, she said. “Ooh! Maybe some cheese! Go to the store an get some. Hurry!”. Angel came up behind Nina, and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her away from the window. “He’s not royalty”, he said. “To me, he’s pretty fucking close right now!”, Nina retorted. “I can’t wait until every one of those little assholes are dead and gone!”. Angel laughingly pressed a kiss to her temple, and went to open up for the exterminator. Nina felt a sudden urge to straighten her hair, and brush invisible lint of her clothes, before he came through the door.
As Angel showed the exterminator around the house, Nina followed close behind; adding to the conversation whenever it made sense – and sometimes even when it didn’t. She realized she was beginning to go stir-crazy from only spending time at either the clubhouse or Angel’s house; and she hadn’t talked to a person that didn’t have anything to do with the Mayans in days. Before that, she’d been kept under strict surveillance by SAMCRO, who were worried she’d hurt herself; and even before that, it had been the first lockdown at the scrapyard.
Crouched on the kitchen floor, and looking under the sink, the exterminator looked up at them, and sighed. “Yup. Roaches”, he said. “Is this a rental or do you own the house?”. “I’m the owner”, Angel muttered. Nina realized she hadn’t known either until now. The thought of having a stable home for a potential future family made her heart skip a beat – in spite of the roaches. “Too bad… You could charge the owner otherwise”, the exterminator. “That reminds me of a joke! A man walks in to an insect shop, and asks for a box full of roaches. The man behind the counter asks the costumer what he needs it for. Well, I’m moving, and the owner of my apartment told me to leave the place as I’d found it!”. He laughed loudly at his own joke, and Nina bit her lip to keep from grinning; while Angel simply raised a brow. The exterminator looked at Nina. “You liked that, huh…? Listen to this one: My girlfriend stepped on a butterfly the other day, so I told her; No butter for a week! Then she saw a cockroach, and stomped on that as well. I told her; Nice try!”. He roared with laughter, and Nina snorted out a snigger.
Angel went to stand half way in front of Nina, and looked at the exterminator. “What’s this gonna cost me?”, he grunted. “No price on peace of mind, right?”, the exterminator said, before catching on to Angel’s glum expression. “250 $... If you take care of the clean-up yourself, I’ll cut it down to an even deuce”. Nina winced at the thought of having to clean up an unspecified amount of dead bugs, and Angel sighed. “Just take care of it”, he muttered. “Will do. But I’ll need you to clear out of here for the rest of the day. And open the windows when you get home”. Angel grunted in confirmation, and took Nina’s hand; pulling her with him. She hardly had a chance to grab her borrowed helmet, before he dragged her out of the front door.
Once out by the bike, Nina stopped dead in her tracks. The weather was beautiful, and perfect for a day at the park, or a ride anywhere other than what at the moment felt like the suffocating closedness of the clubhouse. She looked deep into Angel’s darker than usual eyes. “Take me out for breakfast…”, she said. “Querida, you know how it is. We shouldn’t even be out in the open like this", Angel said.
“But I’m going crazy!”, Nina pleaded. “I only ever see you, or the people in the clubhouse… I feel like I’m under house arrest, even though you keep telling me I did nothing wrong". Angel got on his bike, and shook his head. “We’ll go out when all this is over", he said. “And when is that? You haven’t found the snitch yet; and even if you do, it’s just a matter of time before Palo realizes I’m still alive". Nina realized her voice was turning whiny. “I wanna go somewhere… see other people…”. “Like last time?”, Angel snapped back, taking her by surprise. “When you fucking left me, with nothing but a bullshit excuse?”.
Nina felt like she’d been slapped in the face. “Angel… You think I want to leave?”. “You did once already”, Angel said. “And just now, you were flirting with the guy who came to nuke the cockroaches, that’s made you hate my house”. “I don’t hate your house…”, Nina said, and scowled at him. “And I wasn’tflirting!”. “We’re not doing this now. Get on", Angel grunted, and started the engine. “Angel…!”. “Get on the fucking bike, Nina!”. “No! Fuck you!”, Nina growled, and began walking down the sidewalk, in the direction she thought might lead to a bus-stop.
She was so angry, she hardly heard Angel drive after her; and only just noticed him, once he was coasting slowly next to her. “Are you gonna walk to the yard?”, he said. “No. I’m gonna take a bus”, she retorted. “With what money?”. Nina halted. “I’ll flirt with the driver. Apparently, I flirt with strangers!”, she hissed. “I’m sorry…?”, Angel said. “Is that a question?”. She looked at him with rageful eyes, and he stopped the bike; getting off to walk up to her. “You have girls all over you, all the time, and I never complain. I’m friendly with one person, and you flip out!”. “You laughed at his sex-joke!”, Angel exclaimed. “Creeper was making dirty jokes all night, last night. I laughed at them”, Nina sneered. “You didn’t even blink!”. “Creep is a brother”. “So, I’m allowed to talk to patches; but with everyone else, I’m supposed to pretend they don’t exist?”, Nina asked. “With the club, it’s different. I trust them not to…”.
Nina scoffed at him, and rolled her eyes; before continuing to stomp down the street. Angel ran up behind her, and grabbed her arm. “I’m sorry…”, he said quietly. “I shouldn’t have said that shit”. “You don’t trust me; that’s the problem”, Nina said. “Yes, I trust you. I’m just… I already lost you once. I can’t do that again”. Angel’s eyes were sincere, and Nina fought the urge to take him into her arms. She was still angry. “I wanna protect you… And maybe I’m trying to protect myself”. Nina sighed. “I’m not leaving you again… But I have to see more than the inside of your house and the scrapyard”. “I know”, Angel said, and cupped her face. “Just, please… Let’s finish this shit with Palo, and I’ll take you wherever you want, ok?”. Nina frowned at him for a moment longer. “Don’t accuse me of stuff like you did just now… That’s not ok”. “I won’t. I’m sorry”, Angel said. “Please get on the bike. We need to get you to the yard, where you’re…”. “Safe… yeah. Whatever”, Nina muttered; put on her helmet, and got on the bike, after Angel had saddled up.
They drove to the scrapyard in silence.
Once at the clubhouse, the tension between them had lifted slightly, but Nina was still feeling peeved at Angel. He managed to steal a short kiss from her; but frowned, when she didn’t reciprocate his hug with more than a pat on the back.
Coco and Gilly came over, with rushed expressions. “We got a load of meds for the doc, but border control is hovering around the flower shop”, Gilly said. “East tunnel?”, Angel said. “West”, Coco said. “It’s further, but safer”. Angel nodded, and gave Nina a final look, before going over to get on his bike with the others. Nina waved at them as they drove off. She felt bad about how she’d left it with Angel, but it was hard to just get over being reminded of what she’d done to him. Mostly, she was angry with herself. Maybe there had been a different way to deal with the situation with Danielle those weeks back; but at the time she hadn’t known how to.
Trying to take her mind of it – she couldn’t do anything about it at the moment, anyway – she went into the clubhouse to start work. EZ was waiting with coffee and burritos, and they spent a little while having breakfast; while Nina retold the exterminator’s bad jokes. “He was flirting with you!”, EZ said. “How did Angel take that? Is he still alive?”. “Angel?”. “No, the exterminator!”, EZ chuckled. “Yeah… Though, I have a feeling he’s gonna have to watch his back for a while”.
Bishop, Taza and Hank came out of templo, and the prospect got to his feet. “We’re meeting with El Padrino”, Bishop said. “Business”. “Where’s Huey, Louie and Dewey?”, Hank asked. “They got a hold of some meds for the doc down south”, EZ said. “They’re using the west tunnel”. Hank nodded in approval. “Riz and Creeper are rat-hunting”, Taza said. “With their dicks…”, Bishop grunted. The men all sniggered. “Do you need me with you?”, EZ asked. “No. Stay here and Nina-sit”, Bishop replied. Nina rolled her eyes. “Sorry, mija. You know how it is. Palo is supposed to come tomorrow, but we don’t know if he changes his mind, and shows up early”. “You have your gun?”, Hank asked. Nina pulled out the .38 from her waistband. “Always”, she said. “Good”, Bishop said. “Prospect, go take care of that load of iron with Chucky. Nina, call him if anything comes up”. Nina and EZ both nodded, and the Mayans left the clubhouse. EZ went to clear up the table, but Nina halted him with a hand on his shoulder. “Go… scrap, or whatever it is you do. I’ve got this”. EZ nodded with a smile, and left her to it.
After clearing off their dishes, Nina went behind the bar, and put her gun by the sink, to wash them. She took her time, turning on some music to relax her tense mood. She hated to think something might happen to Angel while he was away, after how she’d more or less shrugged off his affectionate gestures, before he left. A cheery song came on, and Nina let herself sway to the music. Maybe she’d get a chance to dance with Angel at the party the day after, in spite of the psychopath bikers coming to kill her. They’d be ok. They had to be.
After a while, she went to wipe down the tables around the clubhouse; having to work a little more forcefully on the table the poker-game had been held at the night before. Stains from liquor and stray cigarette ashes had dried in, and she broke a nail trying to get one of the stickier stains. She cursed bellow her breath, and put her finger in her mouth, to relieve the pain a bit.
The door to the clubhouse opened, and Camille came in. “Hey!”, Nina smiled. “What’s up?”. Camille looked around the room, as if searching; before walking behind the bar. “Where is everyone?”, she asked. “Bish’ and the other tops are at some meeting; and the rest are out on some job down south”, Nina shrugged, and turned around to continue wiping down the table. “What about EZ?”, Camille said. “He’s around the yard somewhere. Bishop has him working on something”. “So, no one’s around?”. Nina looked confusedly at Camille. She looked almost relieved that they were alone; when usually she’d be annoyed there was no Mayans around to adore. “Yeah, we’re alone”, she muttered. “But seeing as you’re here, maybe you could help me with the party prep”. Camille chewed her lip. “Actually, I was hoping we could talk”. “Sure”, Nina shrugged. She dried her hands, and went to sit at one of the clean tables. “What’s up?”
Camille sat down across the table from her, and blew out a deep breath. “I’ve been keeping a secret from the club”, she said. Nina felt a shudder go through her. The situation reminded her too much of her confrontation with Daniella. “What’s that?”, she said. Camille took a long moment to gather herself, before looking meaningfully at her. “Before I came here, I used to go with the Vatos”, she said. “Oh”, Nina croaked. “Yeah…”, Camille muttered. “I met Sala while on a trip to Tijuana; and he took me to one of their parties… I ended up sticking around for a while; you know how it is”. “I guess…”. Nina didn’t like where this was going. “At first it was fine. I’d hang around, and take care of them…”. Camille shot Nina a look; making it clear what taking care of meant. “They offered me a permanent place with them, if I helped them out with a problem… Apparently, they wanted to expand into the states, but there was another MC blocking their way… So, they sent me up here to get whatever info I could get out of the Mayans; and for a while, that’s what I did”.
Nina cleared her throat, and tried to look calm; failing miserably. “Why are you telling me this?”, she asked. “You should know, I don’t have very good experiences with snitches”. It was difficult to avoid having an edge to her voice. “Because… I like you”, Camille said. “And I want you to understand why I’m doing this”. She put her hand behind her back, and pulled out a .38; which Nina instantly recognized as her own. She cursed internally for letting the gun out of her sight. Her eyes widened, and she fought the urge to run for the door. She wouldn’t make it anyway. Camille let the hand holding the gun rest on the table; the barrel pointing towards Nina. “Camille… What is this?”.
“The night of the party, I went into the trailer with Creeper… I saw your inhaler, and I figured out who you were. Sala had told me to look out for someone like you”, Camille said. “I was going to tell him, but then Creeper started talking about taking me out to the ocean for a couple of days, and I didn’t want to miss the chance of becoming his; and being a part of the family here... The Mayans are so different than Vatos Malditos… It’s not just drugs, and guns and fighting. They’re like a club should be. They care about their own… VM never cared about me, not really”. There was true pain in Camille’s eyes. “So, I went to talk to Sala, and tell him I was done. I wanted to belong to the Mayans… He told me it was fine, and that he’d take me to get the last of my money… But in stead, they beat the shit out of me, and… The Vatos aren’t as nice to women as the Mayans are. They dropped me in that tunnel, for the club to find me; said that if the Mayans wanted me, they could have me…”. Nina could read on Camille’s face what had happened the night she was beat, and she felt bile rise in her throat. “Camille… I’m sorry that happened to you…”, she tried. “Don’t pity me”, Camille hissed, and clenched her hand around the handle of the gun. “After all that, after they beat and raped me to try to get me to talk, I was still loyal to the MC here! I didn’t say a word... You are the Mayans favorite pet, and I saved your ass; but I couldn’t even tell anyone about how faithful I’d been, because I’d still be punished for being a snitch.”.
Nina swallowed thickly. “But you did talk to them again… didn’t you…?”, she said quietly. Camille nodded. “People around here love you. Everyone lights up when you enter the room, and I want that as well... You left, and I thought that when you went away, I’d have a chance to take over your job; but Dani was here, and she was all over the gig… I didn’t stand a chance”. “So you told the Vatos she was me…”, Nina croaked. “I was there the night Angel made her tell him what she knew. But even after trying to blackmail him into giving her another chance, the club was going to let her stick around; I just knew it. So, when Angel calmed down, and went to take her home… I called Sala. I told them the woman they wanted was with him, and where they were headed”, Camille said. “They killed her… You killed her, Camille”. Nina felt her whole body shaking. “Yeah… With both you and her gone, maybe the Mayans would finally let me be a part of the family”, she said. “But you came back, and you make it so fuckingdifficult to live up to the standards you set”.
They sat for a long moment in silence. Nina was terrified to move even a muscle. “What are you going to do now?”, she asked, convinced she already knew the answer. Camille looked at her with sad eyes. “You weren’t supposed to come back”, she said. “I just want to be a part of something, but with you around, there’s no room for me”. “That’s not true… You belong here as much as I do”, Nina said. “Bullshit…! I tried everything; serving their favorite beers; laughing at their jokes; giving them a good time in bed… They still see me as a nobody. But you… you’re like this shining, perfect person to them; and I can’t live up to that… The only chance I stand of having a home here, is if you’re not around. I’m not enough as me; so, I’m going to become you”. Camille pulled the hammer of the gun, and took a deep breath. “I’m gonna tell them the Vatos came by, and took you out… I’ll take care of them while they heal. They’ll see me as the new Nina”. Camille raised the gun, and smiled sadly. “I’m sorry…”.
Nina felt pure adrenaline flow through her veins. She put her hands under the edge of the table, and flipped it over; making Camille fall backwards, and the bullet hit the ceiling. Running for the door, another shot was heard, and she felt a burning pain in her leg; and screamed out in agony. Crawling behind the bar for cover, she heard Camille scramble to chase after her. “Don’t make this so fucking difficult”, the red-head yelled. Nina got to her feet, and grabbed a stray bottle of scotch; throwing it at Camille. Camille ducked just in time for the bottle to narrowly miss her head; giving Nina time to jump at her, and grab her wrist, to force the gun to point away, before Camille could pull the trigger again. They wrestled for the gun for a few seconds, before falling to the floor; limbs tangled. Camille was growling in anger, and as Nina got on top of her, she grabbed her arm, and bit down on her skin; drawing blood. Nina cried out, and pulled back; making Camille able to get on top of her. Nina kept her hold on Camille’s wrist, trying to force her to drop the gun, but Camille was like a wild woman; not letting go of her weapon. Once again pointing the .38 at Nina; she was startled at the door to the clubhouse slamming open. Nina twisted her wrist, when Camille pulled the trigger again.
The next three seconds felt like years to Nina. Red mist clouded her vision, as Camille’s blood and brain matter rained down over her. Something heavy held her down, and she realized it was her assailant’s body, slumped on top of her. The weight was pulled off her, and someone yelled her name repeatedly. She didn’t reply. Even opening her mouth a little, she felt the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. She could hardly even breathe, though not for need of her inhaler. It just felt like there wasn’t any air to be had. Turning her head, she looked at Camille. It was that dark alley all over again. The bullet hole in Camille’s head, and her dead body on the floor; laying just as Gael had lain there.
A hand on her wounded leg made her jolt in pain, and she finally met EZ’s startled eyes. “Nina…! Are you ok?”, he said. Nina simply let out a short breath; unable to reply. When she didn’t answer, he pulled out his phone. “Angel! Get back to the clubhouse now. Camille is dead, and Nina’s been shot…”.
She sat on the floor, with her back against the bar. A paramedic was shining a flashlight into her eyes, and trying to get her to talk; but she had nothing to say. She’d not spoken a word to anyone, not even shed a tear.
EZ’s second phone call had been to Bishop; and he, Hank and Taza had arrived moments later. They all tried to get her to move away from Camille and the pool of blood she was sitting in, but she’d refused; recoiling from anyone trying to touch her. She’d sat there, looking at the dead woman on the floor, while Taza called 911.
The Mayans were pacing the floor, and giving statements to the cops; and all giving her worried looks. “Miss? Do you think you can tell me what happened here?”, a police officer asked. He crouched down in front of her, while the paramedic moved down to take a look at her leg. Her calf was soaring with pain, but Nina didn’t move a muscle. “Miss Teller?”, the officer tried again. “This is a serious situation. A woman is dead!”. “Back off her!”, Bishop growled. “You see the gun in the dead bitch’s hand. It’s clear what happened”. “You need to relax, sir”, the officer said warningly.
A roar of bikes was heard from outside, and Nina recognized the sound of one of the engines. It felt like there was finally a little bit of air to be had, and she took a gasping breath. “Where the fuck is she?”, Angel roared, before slamming the door open. He took one look at the scene, and ran over; dropping to his knees next to Nina. “Get off her!”, he growled at the police officer. “Watch it, son…”, the officer sneered. “She won’t move”, the paramedic muttered. “We need to get her to the hospital”. “Just let me talk to her”, Angel said. The officer got up, and backed away; keeping wary eyes on him and Coco and Gilly, who had come in after him. Both of them cursed bellow their breaths as they took in the scene.
Angel cupped Nina’s face, and looked at her with worried eyes. “Nina? Look at me, please…”. He stroked her temples with his thumbs, and Nina met his gaze. “Angel…”, she almost whispered. “I’m here, querida”, he said, trying for a soft smile. Nina slumped against him, and he gently wrapped his arms around her; letting her melt into him. “She… I can’t…”, she croaked. It was as if a dam inside her exploded, and tears came streaming out of her eyes. She sobbed violently, and clutched her hands around his arm. “I got you… I’m here”, Angel said, and pressed his lips to the top of her head. Everything surfaced in Nina’s head – overwhelming her with emotions. Her fight with Angel; how she’d not said goodbye properly; how she could have died without telling him again how much she loved him. She looked at the dead body on the floor. The coroner was crouched over it, taking pictures, and swabbing for gun residue on the hand. Camille’s eyes were still open, and it felt like she was staring straight in to Nina’s soul. Nina closed her eyes, turned away, and wailed against Angel’s chest; while he continuously stroked her hair, and tried to wipe away the unstoppable rivers of tears coming from her eyes.
“Sir, we have to move her… I can’t treat her here”, the paramedic said. Angel nodded, and slipped his arms under Nina’s body; lifting her up. He carried her out of the clubhouse, and over to the waiting ambulance, where they’d set up a gurney. Nina was shaking and crying as he set her down on it. “Let’s get you out of here”, the paramedic said. Nina shot Angel a panicked look. “Don’t let them take me away”, she cried. Angel looked at the paramedic. “I’m going with her”. “Only family can…”, the paramedic tried. “He is family", EZ said. He and Bishop had followed close behind Angel. “All of us are", the president grunted. Angel looked ready to kill anyone who tried to keep him from Nina’s side, and the paramedic sighed. “Alright. Let’s go", he said, and together, they pushed the gurney inside the ambulance. Angel jumped in to take the seat by Nina’s head, and took her hand.
The paramedic went to share a few words with the police officer, and left them alone in the ambulance “Angel…”, Nina whimpered. “Shh… you’re safe”, he whispered, and stroked her cheek. “It’s over”. “No…”, Nina whispered. “Camille was the snitch”. Angel’s eyes widened, and he stared at the body bag the coroner was rolling out of the clubhouse, before giving Bishop a hard look. “Rat…!”, he growled.
The last thing Nina saw before the paramedic closed the doors to the ambulance, was Bishop rushing back towards the clubhouse, his phone in hand.
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kiyannamonaeee · 7 years
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tvshows941 · 7 years
I mean sayyora not lying...Key grow the fuck Up and admit you inserted yourself in something that had NOTHING to do with you and you started that shit with say.
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AGE: 28 PROFESSION: working at his family’s country club  RESIDENCE: the east side in his own house but mainly just stays in his room at the country club so he can work around the clock  BIRTHDAY/SIGN: september 12th, virgo SEXUALITY: heterosexual  Ivan is the oldest of the six Havenwoods and in a lot of ways, the least memorable. He’s never wanted to stand out or be star of the show, he’s always been more concerned with proving to his parents that he’s capable of one day buying out their side of the country club and being the sole owner. He’s a hard worker and isn’t new to sacrificing his social life for his career ambitions. 
SASHA - his ex girlfriend. they dated in secret seeing as she’s elsie’s - his sister’s - best friend and didnt want things to get messy. even though they’ve separated, he still cares a lot for her and hopes one day they’ll find their way back to one another.  
A BEST FRIEND - male, between 26-30. a close friend of his that he grew up with, preferably someone that encourages him to stop focusing on work and go out and have fun. a bad but also a good influence. 
AN EX-GIRLFRIEND -female, between 24 - 30. someone he dated after sasha and maybe it went south because he still wasn’t over her and the girl, rightfully, decided that   she wasn’t going to settle for that. 
FRENEMY - male or female. someone who is trying to manipulate him into selling the country club for big $$$ and he’s half tempted because it stresses him out but knows it’ll disappoint his parents and probably won’t. i just think it’d be interesting to have more of a fake friend. 
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AGE: 26 PROFESSION: small business owner  RESIDENCE: the east side in her penthouse where she also runs her business  BIRTHDAY/SIGN: october 3rd, libra SEXUALITY: heterosexual Elsie is the oldest daughter and unlike Ivan, her parents always struggled to get her to focus. She wasn’t disruptive or unruly, but she never quite seemed to have her feet on the ground. Academics were never really for her, despite being quite bright. She loved the arts and creativity. Her candle business, found on EtsybyElsie, has been her passion project for years but it really took off in 2020, meaning she has a lot more money of her own rather than just her parents. 
SASHA - her best friend, the girls have known one another for ages and are more like sisters. 
AXEL - her ex-boyfriend. they were together for a few years in high school as an unlikely pairing seeing as he was insanely popular and she was more in the artsy crowd, but she was asked to tutor him. it was his choice to keep them a secret and he ended up cheating. she now hates him.
FWB - male 23 - 30. someone she casually meets up with and goes on dates with quite a lot. there’s no strings attached but they do enjoy each other’s company and kind of have an agreement to keep doing it until one of them finds somebody serious. 
BEST FRIEND - sasha’s one of them but I'd love her to have a best friend she met later in life who is equally as important to her. 
EX BOYFRIEND - male 23 - 35. someone she was with quite recently. maybe they broke up with her because she’s quite fussy LOL. i imagine her to be very particular about what she wants in a relationship and it just didnt work? 
COWORKER - anyone 18+ - someone from the west side of town who maybe works for her Etsy business and helps her take and distribute orders. elsie’s always had money but she’d be very good to them/pay well and help them out however they needed. 
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AGE: 22 PROFESSION: marine biology student  RESIDENCE: at her parent’s home on the east side  BIRTHDAY/SIGN: may 11th, taurus  SEXUALITY: bisexual   Cora is one of the middle children and has always had more to her than meets the eye. Her girly and almost preppy exterior makes people assume she’s just another Crescent Hill nepotism baby but she’s driven and has a lot to say. For as long as she can remember, the oceans and wildlife in general were always very close to her heart. She studied science throughout high school and her A-Levels, eventually enrolling in college to study marine biology. Sometimes she travels to the coast to conduct research and uses her huge social media platform to spread awareness. 
EUNJI - her best friend who she has a major crush on. they make out a lot and are kind of dating but neither of them have done anything about it officially.
NEVAEH - her best friend from birth. victoria and hanna are very close and with cora and nevaeh being close in age, it was almost fate for them to be the best of friends. 
FIRST BOYFRIEND - male, 18-27. he hasn't had many relationships and probably would’ve met her first boyfriend at the beginning of college. it doesn't have to be a dramatic connection; they would've just grown apart but he probably would've been her first too. 
ENEMY/BUSINESS OWNER - any age - someone who owns a pretty successful business that Cora targets a lot as being damaged to the environment. she’s the reason they get a lot of bad publicity and because of this, they're very against her. 
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AGE: 20 PROFESSION: freelance photographer and art & photography student  RESIDENCE: at her parent’s home on the east side BIRTHDAY/SIGN: february 16th, aquarius SEXUALITY: heterosexual   Maeve is the youngest daughter of the Havenwood family and is without a doubt Elsie’s little twin. She’s free-spirited, funny, never really pays any attention to the trends or who’s popular and who’s not and loves to get lost in art. However, rather than being a bit of a goody-two-shoes like her older sister, Maeve is notorious for getting into trouble and ending up needing to be bailed out by her parents. 
BEST FRIENDS - Maeve is a social butterfly and somebody everybody knows in one way or another. I imagine she has a big friendship group and is always busy.
MUSES/MODELS - People she photographs or people who have hired her to be a photographer for different things. 
FWB - I feel like she definitely has someone in her life who she gravitates towards constantly. I dont think it would ever be too serious but she does like attentions and having somebody willing to give it to her. 
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AGE: 19 PROFESSION: business & law student  RESIDENCE: at her parent’s home on the east side BIRTHDAY/SIGN: december 1st, sagittarius SEXUALITY: heterosexual   George is the youngest child and the absolute baby of the family. He absolutely has an attitude problem and it’s clear he’s always got exactly what he wants and when he wants it. He’s not used to the word no. Despite being a first year, he’s more focused on girls, partying and his social life. He has no real plans to use his degree, it’s more just to keep his parents happy. 
EXES - George has never, ever had a relationship any longer than like 3 months, so he could have a ton of back-to-back girls he’s seen and screwed over in one way or another. 
FRIENDS - like-minded guys who are more about the social scene and he’s definitely more about friends than family or even romantic relationships. 
UNLIKELY FRIENDS - someone not as popular/outgoing who has known him for years and they're actually really close and such. 
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AGE: 21 PROFESSION: an intern at her mum’s real estate business  RESIDENCE: in her apartment on the east side  BIRTHDAY/SIGN: september 15th, virgo SEXUALITY: bisexual   Althea is a go-getter and has always been. She’s never been somebody to sit around and wait for things to happen. When she was 18, she made the choice to leave education altogether and shadow her mother in the real estate business. She spent a year in Dubai helping sell properties before coming back to Crescent Hill to work closer to home. She’s very goal orientated and has very little time for romantic relationships. She’s chasing the lifestyle of glamorous, rich, jet-setter and is definitely on route to achieving it. 
UNREQUITED CRUSH - somebody who has liked her for the longest time but knows she isn’t in the right place for a relationship. they stay close to her hoping it’ll change but it really never does at the moment. 
WORK BESTIE - someone roughly her age who works for her mum. they would be expected to work in both crescent hill and Dubai to help sell luxury properties. that mean the two of them room together a lot and travel back and forth so I imagine them to be super close. I think it’d be so cool if they both have the same goals and aren't really looking for love or anything most people tend to be. 
EX BEST FRIEND - Althea is the bluntest of her siblings and will be so quick to cut people off. I’d love her to have someone she used to be close with in her teen years but after a silly argument over something, they fell apart and Althea is the one keeping them from being friends again.
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AGE: 20 PROFESSION: your local trust fund dealer  RESIDENCE: with his mum on the east side  BIRTHDAY/SIGN: march 4th, pisces  SEXUALITY: pansexual    Anette has been pushing for her only son to do something with his life since he turned 18, two years later and still no luck. You’re likely to see Reese hanging around the east-side or in the town centre, just doing what he wants without any cares. It’s no secret that he’s a drug dealer for the rich kids just like him too; mainly light stuff but it depends on who’s asking. He’s the ex-class clown and is definitely a people person but after he graduated, the depression and anxiety of his parent’s divorce took over and he lost all motivation to do anything. He has no real direction in life and that’s just how he likes it. 
CLIENTS - anyone who buys from him, maybe it’s a secret, maybe it isn't? I dont really mind tbh. 
HOOK UPS - he’s not the committed type, at least not yet. flirtationships and friends with benefits with guys and girls are a complete green light though. i think he’d be the type to be really chill about it and struggle to become too attached to anyone, so dont expect him to get jealous. 
FRENEMY - someone he’s close with but they hate how much he just doesn't care or do anything with his life and they almost clash over it. think like, lexi and rue in season one. 
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AGE: 19  PROFESSION: unemployed, on a gap year  RESIDENCE: with her mum on the east side BIRTHDAY/SIGN: april 18th, aries SEXUALITY: heterosexual  Luna is one of the youngest daughters of Anette but the oldest of the twins. She’s a traveller and has always craved being away from education and seeing the world. Since she was 18, she’s been travelling around Australia and some of Asia, seeing different things. She’s met many friends out there which is exactly what she wanted. However, she does have a tendency to be intense, a little bit immature and dramatic and is very much finding her feet in the world. 
REID - her only ex-boyfriend. they were together when she was 17 and he was 22. she was obsessed with him and genuinely thought he was the one but he wanted to keep it quiet because he knew she was young. they were never sexual and never did anything illegal but he still ended it because he felt too weird about it. it broke her heart and she does everything in her power to try and get his attention again. 
ADELLA - a good friend. adella’s from the other side of town but luna started talking to her through instagram and online and recently invited her to come to the Hamptons. 
COLTON - they made out in at a party a few days back and luna hasn't been able to stop thinking about him since. she does really and truly like Reid but Colton is definitely turning her head a bit more. 
AMBER - her good friend who is very popular and she definitely gets jealous about it LOL 
GAP YEAR FRIENDS - people she’s been travelling with. I know I've plotted this before but I’ve genuinely forgotten since then! I’m really sorry! we can redo though! 
CLEVER, ACADEMIC FRIEND :’) - a good friend of hers who took a different path and went to uni and continued studies but they dont let their differences get in between them. 
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AGE: 19 PROFESSION: secretary for her mum’s firm but also a design student  RESIDENCE: with her mum on the east side BIRTHDAY/SIGN: april 18th, aries SEXUALITY: pansexual  Anya is the youngest of the siblings and the youngest twin. She has big dreams to become a designer but doesn't want to use her mum’s money to get her name off of the ground. She refuses to be a nepotism baby and has worked hard for every achievement under her belt. Even though she was raised with everything, she definitely spends more time with the people on the west side of town because she genuinely doesn't like the injustice and divide; also, she likes how grounded and hard-working those people are. 
ON AND OFF BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND - someone she’s on and off dating. we could develop one thing that constantly means they clash and causes them to break up and see others, but they’ve got back together more than once and everyone expects it. 
FASHION BRAND OWNERS - someone she could intern for for a little while. whenever they offer her perks, she’d politely decline because she’s VERY set on earning everything she achieves. 
FRIENDS - as always lmao, we can build on it. 
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AGE: 24 PROFESSION: works at the family diner RESIDENCE: with her parents on the westside BIRTHDAY/SIGN: september 27th, libra SEXUALITY: heterosexual  isabela is the oldest sister of the Gomez side and a complete force to be reckoned with. She’s opinionated, confident and outspoken. A lot of people have the impression that she’s feisty but she’s actually quite soft and loves to take care of people. She works as a waitress at her family’s diner and spends it all on going out and making herself look glamorous. She definitely has dreams of being wealthier than she is but her main thing is about living her life and having fun. 
ELLIOT - he’s a friend of a friend but she gets the impression he has a crush on her, which she finds sweet, honestly. 
REID - a friend. they’re from different parts of town but met when he came to eat in her family’s restaurant. they’ve been good friends ever since and go out from time to time. 
BENJI - dated him for clout LOL
WAITRESS/WAITER FRIENDS - people who also work at the diner and she’s friendly with 
CHILDHOOD FRIENDS - friends she grew up with who she’s super close to. especially if they come from the west!! I feel like they’d know about her ambitions to be in the east and earn lots of money and they’d just have fun growing together 
EXES - she’s only 24 but dated quite a bit, probably like 3-4 exes? some serious and some not so much. 
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AGE: 21 PROFESSION: works at the family diner & college on sports scholarship  RESIDENCE: with his mum on the westside BIRTHDAY/SIGN: 2nd january, capricorn  SEXUALITY: heterosexual Luis works at the family diner like the rest of his siblings but also is one of the star football players on his college team. He earns the scholarship while still in high school and has been one to watch ever since. He’s definitely got the boy next door thing going on; down to earth, easy going, hard-working but also talented and, some might say, attractive. 
EX 1 - a high school ex, I really doubt it was anything serious. they were probably closer to being best friends and just decided to date for the fun of it. they probably aren't as close anymore but there’s clearly no bad blood or anything. 
EX 2 - beginning of college? his first real girlfriend and first for a lot of things, probably including the person he lost his virginity too. I think it would've got to a point where he decided to be single and focus on maintaining the scholarship and would've had to end it. if she’s bitter about that, he'd get it. 
FRIENDS - i think he'd be pretty popular on campus honestly 
FWB - self explanatory 
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AGE: 18 PROFESSION: high school senior?  RESIDENCE: with her parents on the westside BIRTHDAY/SIGN: 11th august, leo SEXUALITY: heterosexual Elena is the baby of the family but acts too old for her age; it’s both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, she’s streetwise.On the other hand, she’s doing things that girls years older than her wouldn't even think about doing. She’s definitely trying to run before she can walk and thinks she’s more capable than she is. With that being said though, she is a good friend and loyal to everybody around her.
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Anime i’ve Watched
That begin with a O (Part 2)!
Yep this is how i’m going to bring over all the anime and manga i’ve watched and posted about on the old blog. It’s not so detailed but it will have to do. Anything new I watch or read from this point on will have their own posts.
Orenchi no Furo Jijou:
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Josei, TV short
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Synopsis:  On his way home from school, Tatsumi sees a man collapsed near a lake. When he approaches him, Tatsumi notices something strange: the person in need of help is actually a beautiful merman named Wakasa! Because Wakasa's home has become too polluted to live in, Tatsumi graciously offers his bathtub as a refuge. With a boisterous merman as his new roommate, Tatsumi's normal life won't be returning anytime soon, not to mention Wakasa's aquatic friends—Takasu, Mikuni, and Maki—often show up uninvited, making them all quite a handful for the high school student. As he humors their curiosity for human life, Tatsumi sometimes finds himself enjoying their childish antics, but he will have to keep his cool if he intends to keep up with his daily life and newfound friendship. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8.5/10
Finished airing in 2014 with a total of 13, 4 minute long episodes. 
My Thoughts: A soothing tv short with a fantasy twist and cute guys as far as the eye can see! 
Oshiete! Galko-chan:
Genres: Slice of Life, Comedy, School, TV Short
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Synopsis:  At first glance, Galko, Otako, and Ojou are three high school girls who seem like they wouldn’t have anything to do with each other. Galko is a social butterfly with a reputation for being a party animal, even though she is actually innocent and good-hearted despite her appearance. Otako is a plain-looking girl with a sarcastic personality and a rabid love of manga. And Ojou is a wealthy young lady with excellent social graces, though she can be a bit absent-minded at times. Despite their differences, the three are best friends, and together they love to talk about various myths and ask candid questions about the female body. Oshiete! Galko-chan is a lighthearted and humorous look at three very different girls and their frank conversations about themselves and everyday life. No topic is too safe or too sensitive for them to joke about—even though every so often, Galko seems to get a bit embarrassed by their discussions! [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2016 with a total of 12, 7 minute long episodes. 
My Thoughts: Cute art/ animation style. An alright short but nothing amazing. 
Otome Youkai Zakuro:
Genres: Demons, Historical, Military, Romance, Seinen, Supernatural
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Synopsis:  Second Lieutenant Kei Agemaki, the son of a famous general, has hidden his extreme fear of paranormal beings all his life. However, when he and two others are reassigned to live and work with youkai in the Ministry of Spirit Affairs, he is brought face-to-face with his worst nightmare. Now with the help of the fox spirit Kushimatsu, he and his fellow officers must learn to work alongside youkai maidens—Zakuro, Susukihotaru, Hoozuki, and Bonbori—to solve paranormal cases. Set in the midst of an alternate version of Japanese Westernization, Otome Youkai Zakuro explores the clashes and unions that can occur when east meets west, local meets foreign, and women meet men. The unusual alliance of the youkai maidens and human officers must learn to work together in a world that is changing around them. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 8/10
Finished airing in 2010 with a total of 13 episodes. 
My Thoughts: An interesting (if not a bit cliche) but incomplete anime. Has a manga.... which is also incomplete and updated very, very slowly. 
Ouran Koukou Host Club (Ouran High School Host Club):
Genres: Comedy, Reverse Harem, Romance, School, Shoujo
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Synopsis:  Haruhi Fujioka is a bright scholarship candidate with no rank or title to speak of—a rare species at Ouran Academy, an elite school for students of high pedigree. When she opens the door to Music Room #3 hoping to find a quiet place to study, Haruhi unexpectedly stumbles upon the Host Club. Led by the princely Tamaki Suou, the club—whose other members include the "Shadow King" Kyouya Ootori; the mischievous Hitachiin twins, Kaoru and Hikaru; the childlike Mitsukuni Haninozuka, also known as "Honey"; and his strong protector Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka—is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain the girls in the academy. In a frantic attempt to remove herself from the hosts, Haruhi ends up breaking a vase worth eight million yen and is forced into becoming the eccentric group's general errand boy to repay her enormous debt. However, thanks to her convincingly masculine appearance, her naturally genial disposition toward girls, and fascinating commoner status, she is soon promoted to full-time male host. And before long, Haruhi is plunged into a glitzy whirlwind of elaborate cosplays, rich food, and exciting shenanigans that only the immensely wealthy Host Club can pull off. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 9/10
Finished airing in 2006 with a total of 26 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Raise your hand if you believe this series deserves a remake!? I would lose it if they remade this series but the original isn’t all that bad either! Worth a watch if you’re a shoujo lover! 
Outbreak Company:
Genres: Harem, Comedy, Parody, Fantasy
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Synopsis: Shinichi Kanou is a shut-in otaku with a vast knowledge of anime, manga, and video games. One day, after applying for a job in hopes of escaping his secluded lifestyle, he is kidnapped and transported to the Eldant Empire—a fantasy world filled with elves, dragons, and dwarves. Trapped in this strange land, Shinichi is given an unlikely task by the Japanese government: to spread otaku culture across the realm by becoming an "Otaku Missionary." To accomplish his mission, Shinichi has the full support of the Japanese government, as well as the half-elf maid Myucel and Princess Petralka of the Eldant Empire. Together with this ragtag bunch, he will overcome the obstacles of politics, social classes, and ethnic discrimination to promote the ways of the otaku in this holy land. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 7/10
Finished airing in 2013 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Not memorable at all. Character design looks nice, very shiny... 
Owari no Seraph:
Genres: Action, Military, Supernatural, Drama, Vampire, Shounen
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Synopsis:  With the appearance of a mysterious virus that kills everyone above the age of 13, mankind becomes enslaved by previously hidden, power-hungry vampires who emerge in order to subjugate society with the promise of protecting the survivors, in exchange for donations of their blood. Among these survivors are Yuuichirou and Mikaela Hyakuya, two young boys who are taken captive from an orphanage, along with other children whom they consider family. Discontent with being treated like livestock under the vampires' cruel reign, Mikaela hatches a rebellious escape plan that is ultimately doomed to fail. The only survivor to come out on the other side is Yuuichirou, who is found by the Moon Demon Company, a military unit dedicated to exterminating the vampires in Japan. Many years later, now a member of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, Yuuichirou is determined to take revenge on the creatures that slaughtered his family, but at what cost? Owari no Seraph is a post-apocalyptic supernatural shounen anime that follows a young man's search for retribution, all the while battling for friendship and loyalty against seemingly impossible odds. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 4/10
Finished airing in 2015 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: Cliche, but not in a fun way. I rarely watch anime involving vampires though so that was a bit fun. 
Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen
Genres: Action, Military, Supernatural, Drama, Vampire, Shounen
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Synopsis:  Yuuichirou Hyakuya is finally reunited with his childhood friend Mikaela Hyakuya, whom he had long presumed to be dead. Upon their reunion, however, he discovers that Mikaela has been turned into a vampire. Determined to help his friend, Yuuichirou vows to get stronger so that he can protect Mikaela as well as the comrades in the Moon Demon Company. Kureto Hiiragi receives information that a large group of vampires will be gathering in Nagoya, preparing for their assault on the Imperial Demon Army's main forces in Tokyo. Led by Guren Ichinose, Yuuichirou's team is one of many selected to intercept and eliminate the vampire nobles. With the Nagoya mission quickly approaching, the members of Shinoa squad continue to work towards fully mastering their weapons, while learning how to improve their teamwork. Yuuichirou must gain the power he needs to slay the nobles and save his best friend, before he succumbs to the demon of the Cursed Gear. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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My Rating: 3/10
Finished airing in 2015 with a total of 12 episodes. 
My Thoughts: It somehow got a sequel... still lacking. Plenty of pretty people though with little substance...
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
A Bug’s Life
Peter Parker x Lang!reader
a/n: i love this concept and also anon u r sweet and i just found out theres a marvel supervillainess named dragonfly but since i havent heard of her until today im using that name!
prompt: anonymous: “Can you please write a Tom Holland!Peter Parker x Female!Reader where the reader is the older sister of Cassie Lang (Antman’s daughter) and her and Peter fall in love with each other. ✨ Thanks so much! 😘”
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Okay, so when you were a kid, you had always dreamed of being a superhero. You never thought you’d know your idols personally, though. You see, when your dad, Scott Lang, came back from prison, a lot changed. Suddenly, he was a superhero and no matter how much he didn’t like it, you wanted to be apart of it.
“Y/N, no, please. You’re just a kid!” You dad argued with you in the presence of your “uncles.”
“Scotty, I think it’d be good for her, you know? Like, she’s so smart and she’s got a lot of talent! I think she could learn a thing or two from Hope and Dr. Pym, right?” Uncle Luis egged on.
“Yeah, dad! Me and Hope have already been experimenting with some stuff and, I mean, Mom’s been bugging me over getting into some extracurriculars...” You reasoned with him.
“Yeah, y/n, like photography club or soccer, not being a crime-fighting bug!” Scott pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, but when he looked back up, you were giving him puppy eyes. “Don’t...don’t do that.”
“Please, dad? I just wanna follow in your footsteps. You’re my hero.” You pouted your lip and didn’t break eye contact with him until he let out a load groan.
“Your mom is going to kill me.” He mumbled while you celebrated with Luis.
You became known as Dragonfly, Ant-Man and Wasp’s sidekick partner. It wasn’t long before you were affiliated with the Avengers and other heroes from across the galaxy.
The first time you stepped foot into the Avengers Compound was unbelievable.
“If only I could tell eight-year-old me how cool she’d grow up to be...” You whispered as your dad led you through the place. You were specifically requested for recruitment following a backround check that proved that you were qualified to train as a junior scientist! The program had just been started thanks to the young Spider-Man, one of the many heroes you had met before and would actually get to know after today.
“Alright, kiddo, it’s not too late to back out.” Your dad told you.
“It’s gonna be fine, dad! You know you can visit me anytime and I’ll come to see you and Cassie every chance I can get.” You gave him a warm smile to let him know it’s alright.
“I know...I’m just gonna miss you, you know?” He shrugged, but before the conversation could continue, you were greeted by Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk.
“Welcome! Nice to see you again, Scott.” Bruce shook your dad’s hand, then turned to you. “And it’s wonderful to finally meet the girl behind the mask.” He shook your hand.
“Nice to meet you, too, Doctor Banner.” You fit your small hand into his abnormally large (and green) hand.
“I’ve heard great things about you, Y/N. I’m excited to see your talent up close.” Dr. Banner chuckled. “I told Peter to meet us here, he probably forgot.” He walked to the wall and pressed the speaker button to the intercom. “Peter, can you meet us at the South Entrance?”
Moments later, a teenage boy came barrelling towards the three of you.
“Sorry! Sorry I’m late.” He apologized profusely. You giggled at the disheveled appearance of him. His hair was sticking up in the back and his flannel was half-tucked into his pants. “I’m Peter!” He stuck his hand out for you to shake. “Peter Parker. Spider-Man.” You took his hand gladly and shook it.
“Y/N Lang. Dragonfly.” You introduced yourself. “It’s been a while since we’ve fought together.” You pointed out. “Maybe that’s a good thing.” Peter’s eyes furrowed at that comment. “You know, not fighting.” You added.
“Oh, yeah, definitely!” Peter agreed.
“So, let me guess: you overslept?” You referenced Peter’s bold look and he quickly fixed anything noticeably wrong to him. Bruce and your dad were just observing the chemistry between you and Peter, exchanging entertained glances.
“Hi! I’m y/n’s dad, Scott. Ant-Man.” Scott interrupted as he waved to Peter.
“Oh! I remember you. You got really big in Germany and I had to web your knees until you fell down.” Peter brought up old memories and you covered your mouth to stop from laughing.
“Yep! That’s me.” Scott eyes got slightly wider. “So, I really wish I could stay, but I have a meeting with a client tomorrow morning that I can’t miss. Alarm company doesn’t run itself, you know?” Silence. “Anyways, uh, y/n.” He motioned you a bit closer so you could say goodbye. He crouched down and grabbed both your shoulders. “I love you so much and I am super proud of you. This is an awesome opportunity, kiddo!”
“Yeah, I know.” You said in a sort of disappointed tone.
“What’s wrong?” Scott asked.
“I’m just gonna miss you.” You frowned.
“Come here.” Your dad pulled you into a tight hug. “I’m gonna miss you, too.” The hug lasted at least sixty seconds before he pulled away and kissed your forehead. “Okay, now here’s your bag, go do some science!” He gave you your suitcase. “I love you, Pumkin.”
“Love you, too, dad.” You smiled, almost holding back tears. You really didn’t want to say goodbye to him, but it’s apart of life. Scott watched as you, Peter, and Banner walked down the halls of the Compound. Bruce and Peter were showing you your new room!
“What’s crime like on the West Coast?” Peter asked you. “I’ve only fought crime on the East Coast. And Europe. And Space.”
“Crime is the same coast to coast. It’s crime.” You shrugged.
“Well, that’s cool. Sorry, I’m not good at small talk.” He chuckled.
“Peter, you’ll be able to show y/n her room and give her a little tour, right?” Bruce asked as he slowed down.
“Yeah, no problem.” Peter nodded.
“Alright, great. I’ll be in the lab if anyone needs me.” Bruce walked away and left the two of you to it.
“Okie doke.” Peter clapped his hands together. “Well, this is the hallway.” Is exactly how he just began the tour. The Compound was actually, surprisingly, bigger than you expected. “And that’s the training room, there’s the kitchen, your room has it’s own bathroom, but there are other bathrooms all over the place. There’s a shopping list on the fridge if you ever have any requests, but fruit snacks are banned since I ate two full boxes in one day and threw up.” Peter gave that wonderful anecdote.
“Wow, that’s...impressive?” You tried to come up with something.
“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘disgusting.’” Peter and you shared a laugh as you approached your new room. He opened the door up and you stepped into the biggest bedroom you’d ever seen. “It’s taken some getting used to, you know, the big room, the big bed, the huge bathroom, all of it.”
“This is amazing.” You mumbled.
“Yeah! And Bruce said we can go shopping and decorate the room any way you’d like. I just got my license, so I’d be cool with driving.” Peter proposed.
“Yeah, I think that’d be pretty cool.” You agreed as you threw your suitcase onto the bed and started unpacking. “Uh, I’m kind of hungry...know any places to eat around here?” You started putting shirts on hangers and filling up your huge closet. You noticed Peter hadn’t answered your question yet, so you turned around to see what he was stalling for. He was just watching you. “Am I really that interesting?” You joked.
“What?” Peter blinked. “Oh! Yeah, sorry, yeah, there’s a few places around that we can go to. Assuming you’d want my company, of course. It’s your choice, really.” Peter rambled and you approached him.
“Duh, I gotta get to know my housemate better!” You pulled Peter out of the room and in a random direction. “Am I going the right way to the garage?”
“No.” He answered and you quickly changed directions. You were oddly comfortable with Peter already, and he wasn’t exactly against it. You were super sweet to him and you two have a lot of shared experience. Teen heroes trying to make a difference. And bug-themed.
Peter drove you to his favorite (and closest) restaurant for dinner, and on the way, he played his music on the playlist. Left Hand Free by Alt-J played through the speakers as you sang along.
“You like this song?” He asked and you nodded without a pause in singing. “Good, so do I. You have a really good voice.” He complimented, which definitely made you blush.
“Thanks, now sing with me!” You nudged his arm leaning on the console and resumed your singing.
“I don’t really sing.” Peter chuckled and saw you roll your eyes, then sighed. “Fine. You win.” He began to join you in song.
Well your left hand’s free, and your right’s in grip. With another left hand watch his right hand slip towards his gun, woah woah woah...
“You’re not too bad, yourself, Peter.” You told him as he pulled into a parking spot at the restaurant. The two of you walked in together and the waitress immediately recognized Peter.
“Hey there, Peter! Good to see you!” She greeted and grabbed two menus. “I see you’ve brought a date.” She raised her eyebrows and smirked.
“Oh, uh, she’s not—” Peter stuttered before you took over.
“Yep, it’s our first date! I’m y/n.” You introduced yourself.
“Well, it’s nice to see him with someone. Follow me, you two.” She let you over to a table and told you she’d be back for drinks in a minute. As soon as she left, Peter turned to you.
“When were you going to tell me this was a date?” Peter cocked an eyebrow with a crooked smile to match it.
“I’m sorry! I hope it’s okay I told her that.” You innocently replied.
“It’s more than okay.” Peter leaned forward. “I’m happy to be your date. We are moving a bit fast, though.”
“Are you sure? This is actually pretty slow for people our age. By now, they’d probably be confessing their love for one another.” You joked and he rolled his eyes.
“You are so right!” He snorted. “Jeez, it’s been so long since I’ve talked to someone my own age!” He sighed. “What about you?”
“I hang out with adults all day long. The only kid I hang out with is my little sister. Do you have any siblings?” You asked him.
“Only child.” Peter answered. “What’s your sister’s name?”
“Cassie. She’s sweet but it’s kind of weird coming back after the Blip and seeing her all big and everything.” You made random hand gestures to demonstrate that she was bigger.
“I know, right! I have classmates that I saw as infants that are now bigger than me!” He explained. The waitress came back and got you your drinks and took each of your orders. Back to the chit-chat. “Okay, now tell me, what got you into the hero-game?”
“Okay, well, my dad had just gotten out of prison, right?” That sentence itself made Peter choke on his drink. “Oh, calm down, it was a non-violent offense. He actually exposed corruption, that’s why I look up to him.” You explained.
“That’s good, that’s good. I’m glad. Go on.” He took another sip from his drink.
“Yeah, so then he robbed Hank Pym, who actually wanted my dad to rob him, then a bunch of ants broke my dad out of jail after he got arrested again for stealing from Dr. Pym, then my dad became the new Ant-Man and took down some bad guys, his new girlfriend, Hope, who is Dr. Pym’s daughter, took a liking to me and started showing me the ropes, so me and my Uncle Luis convinced my dad to let me make my own suit. Then Dragonfly was born.” You explained in full detail. “What about you?”
“Oh, yeah. Well, I got bit by a radioactive spider that was being experimented on in a lab, then I had a short-lived wrestling career, then my uncle who raised me died and I became Spider-Man.” He smiled and your jaw dropped.
“Holy shit, are you okay?” You asked.
“Oh, yeah, I’m good.” He admitted as you guys recieved your food. “So, anything else I should know about you?”
“I dunno.” You shrugged. “I like Star Wars.” You told him.
“Me too!” Peter exclaimed.
“No, you don’t. My dad told me Spider-Man called AT-AT’s ‘walking-thingies.’” You shook your head and laughed at the thought of that.
“Okay, so I’m not a huge fan, but our next date can be a Star Wars marathon?” Peter proposed.
“Yes!” You agreed a bit too enthusiastically. Peter smiled and the waitress brought an ice cream sundae with two spoons to the table.
“It’s on the house.” She told you two with a wink.
“Looks like we’re sharing.” You grabbed a spoon and got to work. Peter got chocolate all over his chin. He was kind of a messy eater. “You’ve got a little something...” You grabbed a napkin and wiped his chin clean.
“Thanks.” Peter picked his spoon up and moved it towards you. “Have you tried any of the brownie yet?” You took a bite of what he offered.
“Wow, that’s amazing.” You spoke through your mouthful.
“I hate to brag, but I make a pretty mean batch of brownies.” Peter bragged.
“You’re gonna have to prove it, Pete.” You wiped your face off and cleaned up your spot a bit. “You ready to get back to the Compound?”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get going.” Peter left some cash on the table to pay the bill and walked you out to the car. The car ride back was filled with jokes and even more stories about your super-adventures. “So, you’re telling me that the first time you shrank, you cried?”
“Yes! Dude, it was an emotional experience. I’m telling you, I was not prepared for something so cool.” You defended yourself. “Now tell me something embarrassing about your powers.”
“I got stuck to a bathroom stall at school and they thought I was skipping class so they sent an aide and I was crying out of fear.” He admitted with pity in his voice.
“Oh, my god. That’s awful.” You giggled and grabbed his hand. “Have you recovered yet?”
“No, unfortunately not, but the handholding sure does help.” Peter squeezed your hand tighter.
“I’m glad.” You smugly replied and closed your eyes to listen to the music. You were kind of exhausted from traveling, so you knew you’d pass out the moment you hit your bed. Soon, you arrived at the Compound and Peter kissed your cheek to get you up.
“We’re hoooome.” He said in a singsong voice as your eyes fluttered open. “Sorry, that was weird.” He apologized, but you grabbed his face and pulled him in for a long kiss. More like a brief makeout, but potato, poe-tah-toe.
“You’re really cute, you know?”
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foxfiregalaxy · 4 years
Delicate by Taylor Swift is a soft Shuake song
I have so many shuake/akeshu feelings lately and I need to just let them free.
But like Delicate by T Swift is such a shuake song.
I’m thinking post game where Akira and Goro are healing after the past year and learning how to just be themselves. I see this song largely from Goro’s perspective but I see Akira too.
This ain't for the best
My reputation's never been worse, so
You must like me for me
We can't make
Any promises now, can we, babe?
But you can make me a drink
Goro has lost his whole detective prince persona and he’s essentially a nobody. Or maybe people know about Shido and his good boi reputation is tarnished. He’s dealing with the same thing Akira is dealing with when the game began. Not to mention he showed Akira and the phantom themes the damaged, angry side of himself in Shido’s palace. You can’t go back from that kind of meltdown. They all know everything about him now. But here is Akira, he’s seen through Goro since the beginning. He has seen every side of him and he still loves him. He likes Goro for Goro and despite everything, he wants him around.
Goro knows that these feelings he has for Akira are dangerous. He tried to kill him not even a few months ago *cough* twice. I imagine Goro is struggling to deal with the internal hatred he feels about everything. Not to mention, i’m sure Akira has his own trauma he’s struggling to acknowledge while also dealing with his own feelings. Thus, Goro wonders if them spending time together is for the best.
Dive bar on the East Side, where you at?
Phone lights up my nightstand in the black
Come here, you can meet me in the back
Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you
Oh damn, never seen that color blue
Just think of the fun things we could do
'Cause I like you
Come on, dive bar on the east side? Do you not get either Jazz club vibes or Leblanc vibes? And just Akira showing up in his jeans and preppy blazer, t-shirt combo. And Goro is just waiting for him and is excited to spend time with someone who wants to spend time with him as well. And Goro is beginning to allow himself to find Akira attractive. He’s beginning to show his true feelings instead of just hiding behind a mask. Goro is the King of pinning.
Is it cool that I said all that?
Is it chill that you're in my head?
'Cause I know that it's delicate
Everything about their relationship is delicate. They are finally getting to see each other without this fucking malevolent god controlling their fate. Now they get to decide their own fate and its just really fucking delicate. And they both have such strong feelings for each other after Shido’s palace and Maruki’s reality that they can’t stop them from slipping out. Sometimes Goro’s hand will linger when taking a cup of coffee from Akira or Alira will just stare at Goro with an intense, heartwarming affection that Goro becomes breathless.
Third floor on the West Side, me and you
Handsome, your mansion with a view
Do the girls back home touch you like I do?
Long night, with your hands up in my hair
Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs
Stay here, honey, I don't wanna share
'Cause I like you
I imagine that after Akira goes home and finishes high school he moves back into Leblanc. I bet the whole time he’s gone Goro wonders if he is seeing someone. Akira is long,tall and handsome. Anyone would fall for him. And yet, Akira is dying to see Goro again. He’s always mixing different coffee blends just for him to try when he returns to Tokyo. They both want each other wholeheartedly and don’t want to share at all.
Sometimes I wonder when you sleep
Are you ever dreaming of me?
Sometimes when I look into your eyes
I pretend you're mine, all the damn time
I feel like Akira would make it pretty clear he has feelings for Goro but Goro has reservations. He knows Akira deserves someone less high maintenance and with less baggage. So he often looks at Akira and just wishes he could give in. He wants him so damn bad. What he doesn’t realize is Akira has already put everything in the past. The past year was incredibly difficult for both of them. But the feelings and connection the two developed? That isn’t something Akira regrets. He just wants Goro and he wants to show him what its like to be truly loved. Its what they both need.
God i’m sorry for that I just can’t stop thinking of these two. I just imagine them literally tip toeing around each others apartments because its just that fucking delicate. But its also soft and i love these two so much. Okay essay done.
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Anonymous asked: Don’t you miss London in any way since you are British? Wouldn’t you love to come back especially after Brexit? Do you think London has changed for the worse that its not worth living there anymore?
Yes, I do miss London. I do want to go back....but not yet. I’m enjoying living and working in Paris. Brexit doesn’t affect me as I also have a Norwegian passport and I qualify for carte de séjour (a sort of residential work permit).
It was the wit Stephen Fry who said “The English language is like London: proudly barbaric yet deeply civilised, too, common yet royal, vulgar yet processional, sacred yet profane.” He captures the essence of London it’s so diverse that anyone can fit in. That is its strength and its weakness compared to other maga cosmopolitan cities like New York in the West or Shanghai in the East as its only rival.
But to my mind London has  more - arguably the same as New York but definitely more than Shanghai - in terms of energy and vibrancy with a very unique English topping of eccentricity. Something you would never find in Paris for instance where things are quite socially stodgy and snobbish. The dinner parties I attend in London are far more down to earth and vibrant as well as eccentric and very fun compared to the ritualised boerdom of super pretentious dinner parties of the Parisian crowds I get roped in - a caveat, most but not all.
London to me is like city state much in the spirit of a medieval Florence. It has no moorings to the rest of the country or the nation. It’s a bubble. or I should say bubbles within a giant bubble. There a diversity of communities each rubbing up against each other. Mostly for the good but some times not so good. Despite urban problems that affict growing mega capitals London for me still remains a wonderful place to live. 
When people ask me about if I enjoyed living in London I have to ask which London? We all live in our concentric social circles in London and people as much as place help define our sense of belonging and happiness. I don’t look at London in an abstract way in terms of favourite places but in terms of the bonds of friendships made and sustained from childhood onwards. 
Samuel Johnson said “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” In my case, it’s because I wanted to expand my life experiences that I left London. I get bored easily and I have restless feet. I left London because it became too small for me. Or rather the world I inhabited became too socially claustrophobic for my tastes. I needed to get out and seek adventure and challenges elsewhere at least for the next chapter of my life.
I do love London and I often go back there for work reasons as well as personal ones when I can. I am a member of a few gentlemen clubs (many allow women in now) and its old genteel atmosphere centres me and paradoxically helps me to see London in slow motion even as London around me is fast moving and changing. I also don’t miss key events that I can only experience in London like the ballet and the theatre which is unrivalled in the world. And of course there are some events on the social season calendar which I can’t miss because of family obligations.
Every city has its unique charms but only a few touch the heart and soul. London - or at least the London of my childhood - is one of them. But for how much longer I don’t know.
London seems to be galloping towards a new and uncertain identity, one that puts ‘stuff’ before substance, and more importantly, money before class (as in good taste). Brexit’s impact on London doesn’t bother me in the slightest as London will adapt as it always does. It will muddle through which has always been the English way to solving any problem: just muddle through.
Still, it’s the little things I notice rather than the obvious macro ones. It niggles me and prey on my mind long after I witness the offence.
So let me give you an example of what I mean.
I did a hard day’s shopping in Knightsbridge and was waiting to meet a dear old friend from boarding school to play catch up. She’s always bringing me up to speed on the gossip in our circles and most of it goes in one ear and out of the other as I’m bored by it but interested and polite enough to listen if only to feel happiness and relief that I actually do live away in Paris.
So there I was waiting for her. She was late as usual. I was sitting in a quintessentially English hotel restaurant in Knightsbridge over Christmas. I watched a young man about the same age as me approach the door. He was dressed in a wool long coat with a velvet collar that looked a little snug, although it was beautiful and had the look of Turnbull and Asser about it.
My heart soared, as he held the door open for an elegantly dressed woman who was on her way out, then approached the restaurant and confirmed he was there and waiting for a guest, a living illustration that manners maketh man.  When he took his coat off it was to reveal what was the uniform of my father’s generation, right down to the waistcoat, bottom button left open, and polished shoes. The suit he was wearing could well have been inherited from his father - probably Savile Row - but the whole was a thing of modest beauty and seemed to fit with the Christmas decorations and season of traditions. This was a well groomed young gentleman who had dressed for the occasion, and the occasion was a treat, an extravagance, something not of the every day.
I ended up at a table diagonally across from him and his companion, probably his wife or partner, excited to be there and also impeccably dressed and I watched as a party of flashy men of indecipherable East European origin arrived five minutes later. They didn’t speak much English and were wearing a selection of very tight floral shirts with white cuffs and collars. Block printed, purple and lime and many other colours unsuitable for December, but there you have it and while my suited object of admiration sat unserved, the party in the middle of the restaurant made up for their lack of fluent English with magnificent finger clicking skills.
You might say this is and always has been the way of the world, the wallets were on the table, money clips clearly visible through the skintight shirts, but one thing was different about this picture, something unpleasant. The restaurant staff fawned on them, and the couple opposite me sat, waiting politely for the two gin and tonics they had ordered.
Meanwhile, gaudy bottles of Ace of Spades Champagne arrived stage centre, possibly the world’s flashiest wine container, gold and shiny and terribly gauche. They were closely followed by four sets of twins, female ones, who sat down at the table amongst the flowery shirts and were each poured a glass of fizz which they silently sipped in minimal clothing.
Meanwhile in the other corner, the unassuming couple who had come in first were still waiting for their drinks, and I watched while the gloss went off their day, and the pall of poor relations settled on them in the corner.
This scene will be familiar to anyone who lives in Central London and it’s sad. The bottom line has always been a vital consideration in the London restaurant scene, there has always been a special table for regular customers, that’s the way of things. Until recently however there has also been that very British recognition that the chap who has saved up all year to take his wife to a special lunch should be treated as if he is also a regular guest and one of equal value at that.
It’s these little acts of tradition and custom that are the life blood of the civic life of a city. Lose this and you slowly erode the pillars of civility.
This obnoxious veneration of money to the exclusion of everything else has reached fever pitch. Restaurants that used to be just that, dining rooms that you could sit and eat lovely food in, providing a bubble away from the day to day stresses that we are all party to, are now restaurants with private clubs upstairs. Meanwhile private clubs that used to be simply  private clubs now have VIP areas – VVIP areas – which is at least a bonus in that you can avoid the more ghastly members as they are all in those bits.
What does this all mean? Does it mean that everything from eating out to where we shop is now Instagrammed or Facebooked, leaving us defined by our purchases and spending habits alone? It is certainly starting to feel like it in London (and worryingly small signs of it Paris too with rich Russians and Arabs buying up most expensive aprtments in the city), where a hundred pounds is the new tenner, and consumption has reached improbable proportions.
Strangely though, no one seems any happier, quite the contrary. Are the new Rich Kids of Instagram really something to aspire to? Is bad taste the new good taste?  Strange times are upon us, when 16 year olds sit in a cordoned off areas of clubs and restaurants flashing their cash and getting on and off jets. I see this first hand as I sometimes get to fly on private jets purely for work reasons at the largesse of my corporate clients. I always thought the Euro trash aristocrats girls at my Swiss boarding school were entitled airheads but the present nouveau riche incarnation don’t even have a sense of ironic self awareness or taste.
Human beings love a boundary, well they have for the whole history of mankind to date, anyway. If in one generation we get rid of all the traditional social conventions, from buying our own homes, saving, working hard, not buying whatever we want whenever we want it, where will we be?  Perhaps instant gratification will lead us all to a new kind of life, a new place where we all live for experiences instead of taking out a mortgage, where nothing we do is our fault and no consequences to our actions.
I have always loved the quote ‘Don’t give up on what you want for what you want now’ and believe that delaying gratification is the defining characteristic of mature adulthood.
Perhaps values, traditions, less is more and simple kindness will make a comeback. In the meantime, restaurants will empty of customers like the well mannered gentleman on the corner table, and I will continue to feel uncomfortable that we are losing something vital not just in London but increasingly elsewhere in great European cities I travel to.
Thanks for your question.
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