#autobot imagine
ikkosu · 30 days
Mdjabwudjb Prowl baking!! Im imagining his grumpy ass in a floral apron with ovenmits holding a tray of charcoal (what was supposed to be brownies) for his human. Then you eating one anyway (crunch 🪨crunch 🪨crunch) to show you appreciate him
Then you both have a romantic evening in the ER where you get your stomach pumped 😍
GOODBYE I personally have a hc that prowl is very good at cooking (since he follows instructions to a t and primus forbid anyone exceeding past a 0.1 milimeter measurement) but he definitely would suck ass at first because he’s not used to meddling with organic food. Imagine prowl preparing a romantic evening for the both of you, his servos over your eyes as a surprise and once the darkness unveils you’re greeted with, by god, even satan would want heaven’s gate to open at the sight of it.
You reigned in the sickness, Since prowl’s giving you his usual pinched look — that to you mean he’s looking for praise — you eat it anyway. And now half of the medics are after his ass.
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primal-con · 1 year
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Here’s how Earthspark Jazzwave can still win!! Aka I haven’t been able to stop thinking about girl Jazz in ES since @fanficmaniatic’s post about her and now I’ve got brainrot for she/her bisexual Jazz and he/him lesbian Soundwave (is delusional) :’//
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yandere--stuck · 10 months
Yandere!Bulkhead x Human!Reader Headcanons
💚 You're so much smaller than Bulkhead. It's the first thing he thinks when he sees you for the first time. And yeah, all humans are smaller than him - but with you, it's emphasized to him. For some reason, being around you makes him… Nervous. Not a bad kind of nervousness, it's just… You're so cute. And fragile! What if he accidentally steps on you? He actually goes out his way to avoid you for a time. At some point, you have to ask Miko if you did something to upset Bulkhead. He talks to the other humans just fine, but the moment you walk into a room or want a moment alone, he bolts! Miko is able to drag him into talking it out with you, Bulkhead making up an excuse about thinking you might not like him, which you thankfully take at face value.
🛞 Spending more time with you causes Bulkhead's infatuation with you to become deeper and more intense. He can't help it, there's just so much to love about you. Not his fault, right? Not his fault that he wants to talk with you so much. Talking with you comes so naturally and it just feels so right when you're together. And your voice is just music to his audials. He loves learning about you, what you like to do, your interests, what you think about the world and humanity, trading stories together. Something in his spark says you were always meant to meet.
💚 If you have a close relationship with Miko, you basically have the key to his spark. He absolutely adores his sparkling charge and will adore you all the more if you have a good relationship with her. He'd love to do stuff with the three of you together! Jamming out to Miko's favorite metal tracks, watching as you both play one of her racing games, trying to get Miko to study… You seem to care for a great deal, and you know Bulkhead has taken on a more parental role than even Miko's host parents… Could that mean you want to be a family together just as much as him?
🛞 You give Bulkhead a reason to fight even harder than before. He's lost so much already. Family, friends, his home world. But, with you here, it becomes easier to think of Earth as a home now. And it makes him all the more worried for your safety. What if a 'Con realizes you're affiliated with the autobots? What if they try to take you away from him - or worse?! He begins trying to follow you around without your notice - trying being the key word, considering you're well acquainted with his altmode. Bulkhead tries to insist him popping up near you on multiple occasions is pure coincidence. If that fails, he'll try to find reasons to keep you in the base as long as possible. In fact, maybe you could sleep over the night? Move in, maybe…?
💚 When Bulkhead gets jealous or protective, it's obvious. He doesn't think any of his fellow autobots would try to steal you from him, but it does make him a bit antsy when you talk to the others without him for too long. He'll either join in and move close to you or try to coax you away to do something with him instead. And if you ever caught the eye of the Decepticon… Forget about them coming back to the Nemesis in one piece, they may never return at all. It makes Bulkhead so proud. You've unlocked a brutality inside the wrecker he hadn't even realized he held back. He'd destroy all of them for you. To keep you safe.
🛞 Bulkhead thought he'd be fine with just being friends with you, but at some point, it's just not enough anymore. He wants to hold you, kiss you, tell you just how much he adores you and wants you to feel the same. You're his best friend (don't tell Jackie!) His everything. And you and he would be the perfect parents for Miko. Wouldn't it be perfect? To be a family? If you accept, there's no words for how happy he'd be. Gently, he'd sweep you into his arms and hold you close, telling you how happy you make him and how much he loves you. But, if you don't return his feelings… He'd try to bottle it up and say it's fine, but it becomes clear how much he's falling apart on the inside. It's not long before he snaps, refusing to let you and Miko leave the base. And if his friends try to stop him, he's prepared to run off and take the two of you with him. Consequences be damned, he knows you and he are meant to be, and he won't let anyone take his family from him, even if it's against your will.
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decepticononline · 1 year
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Some amazing Tarn artwork I commissioned from @lextodrawsstuff on Twitter. This is him with me as a self-insert and I absolutely adore it!
This is particularly amazing cause you guys know just how much I love Tarn.
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transingthoseformers · 3 months
Still obsessing over Megs wanting to carry sparklings. I can imagine some bots thinking it's just a weird joke/phase he has and just laughing about it. Meanwhile Megs gets upset and sad when he gets denied any attempt to get knocked up or hear anyone says things about how he'd be a terrible mother. Some bots make comments about how "his body wouldn't be fit to carry" even tho he's got them thick thighs and birthing hips-
Anyway this probably makes no sense fbndnd just really thinking about angsty Megs who rlly wants to be a mommy
I can see this and in this scenario i can see Megatron going on and on about how they shouldn't restrict the right to carry post war, I'm really feeling a "g1ish megop develops post war" thing here as I've seen a fic of that and it was great
Tfp megasound where they got sidetracked from their quest
Mtmte megarod, post good ending
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spicimunni · 1 year
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(Transformers: Prime Season 1 Episode 21)
I think that through the eyes of a Cybertronian, monster truck rallies closely resemble gladiator fights. Ratchet calls it a “blood sport” and is visibly disgusted by the spectacle, which also leads me to believe that he was against gladiatorial matches on pre-war Cybertron as well. It’s also important to note that given Ratchet’s discomfort for the whole thing, it’s safe to say that Cybertronians likely view a car accident as literal body horror lol
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sunntownn · 5 months
I feel like tfp or any version of megatron deserves a moody and violent teenage human daughter that simultaneously annoys and terrifies him in a silly way. "what do you mean you stabbed starscreams toe?? why?? what is a toe?? why does he have toe??" "you have autobot pets to manipulate and spy on at the human government's puny excuse for an education facility, get out of berth this instant or your grounded!"
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epicfirestormer · 14 hours
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(holds all three in my hands) I just think they're neat
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Transformers x G.I. Joe crossover flick announced this past week at Cinema Con.
Teaser poster concept.
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Thinking ab how there’s a sort of wing-speak thing for both wings and doorwings
It’s heavily rooted in body language so I’m positive there’s similarities but fliers and praxians are Definitely socialized differently. Plus the hinges, weights, and attachment angles are different! So in certain ways they Can’t move the same
There’s definitely stuff that has different motions but mean the same thing, like for example wings fluttering would be the same as doorwings bouncing, because doorwings Can’t flutter
But what about the motions they share? A lot of outside factors influence the tone or meaning a gesture can have, and I think the detail wingspeak has would just amplify that, so with the different backgrounds a lot of the same motions probably have different meanings
Are the differences read as accents are? Like a flier from altihex looking at a praxian and the wing language translates like someone speaking with a super thick accent? The message comes across but the details are lost in translation
Or would that apply more between a flier from altihex and another from vos? While a grounder from praxis is speaking a whole different language?
How does that come into play after Vos and Praxis fall. Did it fuel the fire? “They’re all Decepticons/Autobots, they’re Bad, they don’t even use their wings/doors properly”
Idk man I feel like this is potential that Everyone is underusing, if we as a fandom are making it function as a language I demand nuance, I demand variation
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Broski...you are in the prime stage...creepypasta, fnaf, and Tfp...your reliving my childhood.
Anyways. If i may request Magnus and Smokescreen romantic headcannons? They could be whatever you'd like them to be! You're writing makes me feel like I've just gone back in time and I love it 😭🥺
♥ General Romantic Headcanons of Ultra Magnus, Smokescreen and Optimus Prime♥
A/N: Hey there bro! I would not say I'm in the stage of TGP, FNAF, and Creepypasta but I do really miss them and all of the good fanfics about them (Which most of the fanfic that I read were really good but some of them were bad...I am talking about wattpad fanfics.) So yeah, that's why this blog was created.
Gender: Neutral
Warning: None
Ultra Magnus
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Ultra Magnus is not someone who isn't really romantic. He was rather stiff, and awkward, and prefer to internalise his emotions and focus on his job rather than socialising with the other Autobots such as Bumblebee, Arcee, Smokescreen and Bulkhead.
That doesn't mean he cannot try his hard to make you happy since you are his s/o but he is doing it in his own way. Although, at the start of the relationship. He would be very awkward about it.
Let's talk about his love language. As someone who is shy with affection. I can see he would rather use Acts of service to show his love to you because he is not good at words of affirmation nor showing physical contact.
Ultra Magnus would be glad to help you with data when studying or learning some kind of cybertronian languages or trying to help you to do a little bit of research about Cybertron's past. He can be the best mentor since he doesn't have explosive anger like Ratchet.
Ultra Magnus would also get a little bit protective with you when you are scouting out together with him. He would stick with you most of the time and look out for any Decepticons that try to harm you.
Ultra Magnus would also give the best suggestion when you need a solution from him but do not expect that he would sugarcoat his words. Not because he's trying to be an asshole but he just cannot see the point to sugarcoat his words when the fact is like that.
I am sorry but Ultra Magnus isn't cuddly or a romantic autobot. He's not into physical touch nor he could calm someone down with his words. After all, he's the reason why sometimes people or other bot angry or cries since he could be a little bit tactless
In summary for Ultra Magnus, his love language is tutoring you, protecting you from Decepticons, and becoming your listener as he give solutions or answers.
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The light of the Autobot counter base was dim and hard to be seen around with normal human eyes. (Y/N)'s eyes glance around before looking at the screen in front of their/her/his eyes. There were numbers, cybertronian Autobot language, cables and keypads to type down.
Ratchet had told you to help him a little bit with the data that he just gave to you. At first, there was no trouble and you understand the task very well until you got the last part. There were many confusing codes, especially there were some Decepticons Cybertronian alphabets that you did not understand.
After typing down some answers that you guess, it would only be popping out a red 'X' sign from it. Stressed with repeating wrong answers, grumbles and curses escape from your lips as your hands slowly press the hurting area of the back of your head, massaging your back migraine to ease the headache.
But you did not realize a pair of sky blue eyes notices your stressed condition as his eyes travelling from the bottom of your feet until the top of your head. Ultra Magnus slowly comes out from the hallway as his large feet make contact on the metallic ground, getting closer and closer to you and standing behind you.
The navy autobot notices that you had trouble handling the last data that Ratchet gave to you. He wanted to tell Ratchet that he shouldn't put his work on you but there was no one who are intelligent enugh to handle such difficult objects other than Optimus, himself and you. Realizing this, Ultra Magnus had an idea.
Walking up to you, Ultra Magnus slowly reads the data that were laid in front of the girl "(Y/N), Are you having a problem solving this case?" Ultra Magnus asks.
"Yeah, could you help me a little bit?" You look up at him.
Ultra Magnus nods before he stands right behind you as both of his hands were next to yours, pointing out some answers and the explanations that you need to finish the cases as quick as possible. However, the close contact between you and the tall commander made you feel a little bit bothered, hot and nervous. You were never this close with Ultra Magnus.
You want to tell Ultra Magnus to give you a little bit of a space since you can feel the heat coming out from his body but you were thinking twice. Ultra Magnus probably did not realize that he was being too close and things would get awkward between the two of you.
Ultra Magnus notices the slight discomfort on your face even though you didn't speak any words out, "Is something matter, (Y/N)?" he asks. You couldn't tell him and shaking your head side to side, lying right in front of his face and acting as if you were fine with the close distance between you and him.
He was confused at first because he could tell that you don't look fine at all until he realizes that he was too close to you with your back almost touching his chest. He flinches a little bit as his cheeks turn a little blue from the Energon "A-ah. I am very sorry for making you feel uncomfortable." He says, stepping aside and deciding to stand right next to you. Because of the space that was given, a sigh escapes from your lips as you felt glad that Ultra Magnus gave you the space.
"No... it's okay and thanks for giving me a little bit of a space," you mutter but still loud enough for him to hear it.
"It was no problem. I am sorry for making you feel uncomfortable," he spoke to you.
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Smokescreen can be romantic but not as romantic as Knockout since it's canon that Smokescreen can be quite childish, a little bit selfish and doing action before action first.
He can make you happy since you are his s/o but he would also annoy you a lot since he can be quite reckless and his actions can anger you sometimes.
Let's talk all about the romantic things he would do for you since you two are spark mates. Your relationship with him would be like a roller coaster since you're dating this Autobot.
I can see Smokescreen would be glad to drive you around as you are driving next to him (If you are an Autobot) or inside him (If you are a human).
When driving around, the two of you gonna talk about the most random things and talk to each other about what happened when the two of you were still on the Cybertron.
I can see Smokescreen using his holoform when going on a date with you as he brings you to the arcade and plays games together with you.
Since Smokescreen is quite immature, he can be a huge prankster. Some pranks were funny but some are right down annoying for you, especially if his pranks are messing with your paint job or clothes.
Other than his annoying pranks. He doesn't have emotional intelligence just like Bee. So you can expect that when the two of you fight, he would pout and give you silent treatment like a kid.
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The gently swipes the sands of Nevada, America as the wind blows against your alt form/face. Above five o'clock in the afternoon, the temperature of the desert was getting colder as the wind got stronger than before. Nonetheless, it was still a nice feeling as you enjoy the view of the desert.
Enjoying the breeze, you heard another sound of a car engine from far away as the sounds of the machine got louder and louder. No need to turn around, you know who's car is that before there was a loud shifting sound from the transportation. Showing your romantic partner, Smokescreen. The new member of the Autobot.
"Hey babe! Why are you in here?" He strutted up slowly to you, careful with his steps.
"Oh hey Smokescreen. I'm just chillling out in here, it's a nice feeling when you can enjoy wind blowing against your face," you explain to him.
"Really?! Let me try!" He stood there trying to feel the windy sensation against his face.
However, it did not last long because he couldn't just be standing there like a statue. He feels restless, it feels wrong for him that he doesn't move around and stay calm. It was silence for a few seconds until you can hear him groaning in boredom along with the should of shifting once again.
"It's getting boring!!! Let's go somewhere else instead!" He said
"Fine, where do you want to go?" You roll your eyes at the childish Autobot.
"Let's go racing/arcade game together. I will use my holoform!" You swore even if he is in his alt form, he is smiling giddily.
"Okay, let's race/go to an arcade game together," you take a deep breath before huffing the air out. You were in a mixture of amused and unamused with his antics but you are still going with him nonetheless.
There was an enormous button in front of you, along with Smokescreen on your side and a large hammer that is quite heavy in front of you. However, that doesn't make you back away as you give Smokescreen challenging eyes before inserting the coins inside of the machine and grabbing the hammer with both of your hands.
With all of your might, you lift the large hammer up before bringing the stuff down and hitting the centre of the button with all of the strength you had in your arms and hands. Many people saw the screen of the score and their eyes widened, not expecting you to be able to smack the button with such quiet strength.
However, Smokescreen only crosses his arms. at the total of the score and laughs, "That's it? It's quite impressive but I think I can have more score than you," He challenges back. Grabbing the hammer out of your hand before inserting the coin as well. Twirling the hammer, Smokescreen uses all of his strength to smack the button just like what you did.
Seeing his points were bigger than yours, your jaw dropped on the ground and you couldn't believe that you loose against your childish boyfriend whose currently laughing in his holoform. "Aw c'mon! That's not fair!" You whine, crossing both o your arms.
"Hahaha, it's alright, sweetheart. Maybe next time you can beat me down," he wraps his arms around you, trying to stop you from your puffed-up cheeks and jutted-out lips. Still not accepting that he won against you, you pushes his arms away and storming off, earning a chuckle from Smokescreen.
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Optimus Prime
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Optimus Prime, the leader of Autobot. I can see that he can be romantic but also he has a little bit of difficulty with being romantic to his s/o.
As you are aware, Optimus was chosen as a prime to save his Cybertron planet and destroy Decepticon. Because of this, he can be really busy.
He has many jobs other than leading, sometimes he needs to make a strategy of how to take Decepticons down along with searching for some relics that can help Autobots in the war.
Because of this. I cannot see him with a S/O who always wants his attention 24/7 as the other Autobot member needs his help constantly, especially ratchet and Ultra Magnus.
However, other than being busy. I can see Optimus secretly can be romantic because of his gentle and caring personality. Unlike Megatron, he does not have an anger issues.
Optimus would likely have words of affirmation when being romantic. Word affirmation as in his words can be very comforting when you feel down after a fight.
Because of his nurturing side, I can see he would be likely to say at your side when you are injured after fighting with the Decepticons. As he was staying on your side, he would always check your condition if you have gotten better or worse.
Optimus might always internalize his feelings and doesn't show it but I can see he has a hidden soft spot for you. There would be a time he would wrap his arm around you and hold you close if you are an Autobot or use his holoform if you are a human.
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The sound of a grasshopper chirping an owl can be heard in your ears along with the sound of wind blowing against the glass and hitting the metallic surface of the walls. It was very calming for everyine but not for you as you curled up on your bed/birth and wrapping your arms around your body.
After those fights with Decepticons. Ultra Magnus's words struct your mind and it makes you keep thinking about it until now. He was right it's not the right time for thinking about love where out there Decepticon is still trying to destroy Autobot and taking over the Earth and Cybertron.
But Ultra Magnus notices every time how you act around Optimus. You were less guarded, more vulnerable, and using your feeling instead of your brain which makes you act more reckless sometimes. Even if he was right, it still hurt your ears nonetheless even though he doesn't mean anything harmful with it. He just wants you to be more careful.
You did not realize but your recent actions were noticed by the leader of the Autobot. His eyes would observe your every movements as today you were more down than before, less active and more silent. Even though he mostly focuses on the computer in front of him, it did not go missing on his eyes to see you like this and it really breaks his sparks.
Seeing you going to the bed/birth with a sluggish walk and eyes looking at the ground, he's planning to talk to you after he was done with the cases before turning it off and giving it to Ratchet. "Ratchet, I have done all of the cases that Agent Fowler has sent me. I need to go for a few moments," he began walking away, leaving Ratchet who immediately takes over the computer.
"Yeah yeah, you can go now," Ratchet dismissed him.
Approaching the room, Optimus Prime presses the button of the bedroom/birth room to open up the room as he sees you curled up on a birth/bed and hugging yourself. No one can see it but his frown was getting a little bit deeper than before. worried about your recent actions before he carefully walked up to you with or without his holoform.
Optimus carefully sat next to you, his hands slowly and gently held one of your arms, "(Y/N), Are you alright? You are acting rather strange today," he sat closer to you.
"I'm fine..." you lied to him.
"(Y/N), I am aware that you are not fine. Please, do not lie to me," he could sense that you were lying to him as he adjusted his voice to make it softer.
"I...I;m sorry Optimus. I cannot tell you the exact reason but..I really need just some space and comfort," you mutter.
"I see....could you please come here (Y/N)?" Optimus whispered to you, he carefully wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you to his chest as his arms gave a gentle stroke in a singular line motion on your arms.
Seeing this softer side of Optimus Prime made your eyes widen in surprise, you did not expect this such a gentle side from Optimus Prime. He was mostly stoic, and doesn't let emotion get the best of him as many people would think of him as a sparkless bot but you know that's just a lie to fear the leader of Autobot where in fact Optimus is very gentle with everyone.
Slowly you could feel your optics or eyes getting a little bit droopy, not realizing that you are feeling sleepy because of the warmth that Optimus provided for you. In the end, everything turns dark and the leader of the Autobots was relieved to see you relaxed once again.
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rodimusprime2017 · 10 months
An imagine where Y/N didn’t become Spider-Man of his universe like he’s supposed to. Instead, Y/N something else
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Y/N|Optimus Prime: Stand down, and I will not destroy you.
Gwen Stacy: We are supposed to be the good guys, Y/N. You are supposed to be Spider-Man, not become a Transformer… whatever you are!
Y/N|Optimus Prime: I will never be like you, Gwen. You betrayed Miles, and you betrayed me. I will send you back to the Society without your head.
Gwen Stacy: No! No!! Who do you think you are, abomination?
Y/N|Optimus Prime: Time to find out. *Battle Mask comes on*
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wyrm-with-a-why · 7 months
“What’re you thinking about now?”
Tfa Decepticons except they’re xenomorphs
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chrometheraptor · 5 months
the real reason swindle joined the decepticons instead of the autobots is that the insignia fit his color scheme better
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decepticononline · 2 years
ROTB! Optimus Primal X Human Female Reader
A/N: Was working on another request and the ROTB trailer dropped and I'm so insanely down bad for this man that I had to make this. I know the movie hasn't come out yet but let's just use context clues and pure horny to work this out. This will take place in the late 80s since the movie does.
Warnings: cunnilingus, hair pulling, overstimulation, vaginal sex, feral behavior, breeding kink, doggystyle, dubious consent, a bit of murder and gore of course.
Summary: Everything is peaceful on the military base until Optimus introduces the Maximals as new allies.
(This chapter is kinda long but completely worth it because I intend for this to be rather nasty and unhinged).
"There we go Cadet!"
You wiped the sweat from your brow before turning around to look at your superior in irritation. This base was staffed with two hundred military personnel but when it came time to do housekeeping work on the base rarely anyone ever volunteered so you and five other cadets got selected for it.
It was currently your job to hang up banners that were written in English accompanied with a cybertronian translation to direct the bots when and where they could use mass displacement, get energon and see a medic.
"Is it even?" You questioned the Cadet below you that happened to be Ellie, literally the only person you trusted on this god-forsaken base.
Ellie gave you a thumbs up which permitted you to come back down from the latter.
"Why are we hanging this shit up again? We already have enough of these signs."
Her red eyebrows were furrowed up in confusion and it was obvious you weren't the only one feeling overworked.
"Sergeant Kay says that Optimus will be bringing new allies this evening. And Mirage accidentally pulled down the other signs trying parkour." It sucked how it was always up to you to clean up someone else's mess.
You immediately took a long sip from your canteen after answering her question. It's October but the base hasn't yet regulated how much heat to put out to combat the cold weather, so outside the base was 50 degrees and inside it was almost 80. This was the only time your base allowed everyone to wear normal clothes instead of their uniforms.
"Okay I'm done here. Going to go hit the showers and then get ready for the event later."
"Watch out for Aiden!" Ellie laughed before taking the tape roll from you.
You visibly cringed when she said that and rolled your eyes. You absolutely loathed Aiden. The guy was a massive weirdo who has been trying to sleep with you since high school. Just last week you reported him for harassment after he blocked you from exiting a hallway to try to take you on a date. Ellie handed you the box cutter and the marker in case you needed it when you completed your inventory shift later. After she playfully saluted you goodbye, you walked off to the shower room before drying off and heading back to your room.
It didn't take you long to find out what you wanted to wear, so you packed your essentials in your purse after doing your makeup, hair and putting on your dress. You debated on wearing heels but wore them anyway because they did go with your outfit. You left out and took your normal route out of the main facility through the halls to the ceremony room.
You joined a group of soldiers who were all wearing formal wear and entered with the crowd. The room looked the same as it always looked every day except for the Autobots lounging on the other side of it. The ceremony room was an old hangar so it gave them all the room they needed to walk around freely without needing to use mass displacement.
You had already missed the highlights of the welcoming of the new military recruits but with how everyone was standing around Optimus you assumed he was going to give a speech. You joined the crowd and noticed Aiden was staring at you from the corner. You simply smiled and shot your middle finger up at him and turned to Optimus.
"Autobots…Humans… We have had such a profound alliance with one another. I have saved lives with many of the people within this room regardless of species-"
You basically tuned him out after that part since it had ideally nothing you do with you, you weren't a soldier, you were simply a cadet. You've never even stepped foot on the battlefield so you weren't going to listen to praises that didn't belong to you. You looked over to your left to see if Aiden was still staring and he definitely was, he always just had this blank empty look on his face.
You sighed once you noticed the Hangar doors were slowly beginning to open and started paying attention.
"-I humbly invite the Maximals to join our alliance and work with us on our journey of equality for all sentient species."
The door slid completely open and your jaw dropped. They were giant cybertronian….animals? You looked over to Optimus to see if this was a joke as did everyone else before the animals actually transformed into full fledged cybertronians too.
"Their designations are Cheetor, Rhinox, Rattrap, TigerHawk, and… Optimus Primal. We both share the same name due to our lineage within leadership."
Your eyes darted between the five mechs before you noticed the one in the middle was practically scanning the room. He had a face similar to Optimus along with his size but he certainly didn't look as friendly as him. The mech was a very faded dull colored silver and had prominent green optics that darted all over the room. It was clear that this one had been the cybertronian version of some kind of feral looking gorilla.
His optics looked around until the lime-green orbs stopped in your direction. You weren't sure if he was actually staring at you or just looking within your general area and it was making you uncomfortable. He had some kind of padded felt or synthetic fur draped around his shoulder plates.
"You may all refer to me as Primal. There is one Optimus already here."
You watched as the entire group of Maximals entered the hangar and the other humans were noticeably uncomfortable. It was clear that none of you were happy to see the addition of new even more dangerous looking cybertronians on base. The next two hours of the ceremony were the most difficult with Aiden being sat at two tables behind you and sneaking glares while you noticed every now and again a pair of green optics would be looking in your direction. You actually kept taking your makeup mirror out of your bag to see if you had something on your face because you were utterly confused.
The worst part is Optimus Primal didn't have any of the warm and inviting energy Optimus Prime had. The occasional growls from him along with the jingle of the chain hanging from his chassis that appeared to be attached to an incredibly sharp spear did nothing to make you feel better about his presence. You were trying not to stare but it looked like he had no interest in socializing with the other maximals, autobots, or humans. He just stood off in the corner analyzing everyone, especially you.
You'd be a liar to say that it wasn't giving you the feeling that you were intruding upon his territory. As if he was some kind of predator in a jungle and everyone else was his unsuspecting prey. You looked around the room to see if anyone else felt weird and immediately sighed when you realized it was only you. He didn't even look like he wanted to be here and it made you think that Optimus Prime had asked him to show up.
You were tired and just wanted to go home at this point so you told your superior that you were feeling ill and wanted to leave early. The indoor route to the main facility housing was closed off for cleaning and you didn't want to wait so you bit the bullet and decided it was best to take the outside route.
You were just thankful you managed to stash a hoodie in your purse before you left your room just in case. It didn't take long for you to begin to hear someone else's footsteps behind you and you became nervous. You stopped in your tracks and turned around to see Aiden's signature unbothered blank expression.
It was hard to ignore the feeling of your stomach sinking when you understood the amount of danger that you were in.
"Need help?" You asked, trying to sound like he didn't scare you.
He dropped his serious look before letting out a laugh.
"No…. Just thought you'd want someone to walk you to your room. Gotta be careful, there's a shit ton of wild animals out here…"
"Aiden, I can handle myself. Just go back to the stupid ceremony."  You turned on your heel and began walking just to hear the sound of his footsteps behind you once again. You slowly reached into your bag and grabbed the box cutter that Ellie had given to you earlier and you squeezed it in your hand. You weren't a fighter but you damn sure weren't a victim either.
He put his hand firmly down onto your shoulder and with an instant you turned around and let the box cutter connect with his face. The long slash of red seemed to grow while he winced in pain and grabbed his face with both of his hands. You were going to turn and run before a spear lodged itself directly within the middle of his head. The sharp weapon came from behind him and now sat planted and looking like a divider between both sides of his face.
The popping and gurgling sound he made while thick lines of blood began to pour from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears made you want to drop to your knees. But before you could do that the spear retracted following the long chain it was attached to. With that as it was the only thing holding Aiden's head together, both halves of his face slid apart and his body hit the floor. His entire head had been split into two and you could how clean the cut was right down the middle. There was a loud animalistic roar within the background signaling a victory.
You couldn't even bring yourself to look at the scene before you. Nor did you bother to look up when heavy cybertronian footsteps approached you.
"I guess he did need help."
The voice sounded much closer to your own height than usual and you looked up and had to catch your breath. Mass displacement... Of course they gave him a module for it. His bright green optics were now only just two feet above your head rather than just ten.
"Do you want me to say thank you or something?" Your voice had a hint of annoyance and fear with it. If anything all you wanted to do was leave.
"Actually, I should be surrendering my gratitude to you instead… I was disinterested in the ceremony and I needed something to hunt."
The glint of the blood-stained spearhead caught your attention and you winced. This new Optimus was nothing like the one you've been accustomed to. Your eyes trailed from the spear to the mech's chassis which was certainly much bulkier than the other cybertronians. His broad shoulder plating with the synthetic fur draped over him made him look more like a warrior than a soldier. With him in mass displacement you could see far more details on his frame than before. While further analyzing him you felt a familiar tingle between your legs.
You were paused from your thoughts when you noticed the mech sniffing the air around him. You looked around with confusion trying to smell what he did but to no avail. After he stopped sniffing the air a long drawn out animalistic growl fell from behind his face guard.
"You're in heat."
"I'm in what-"
The motion of you being yanked down by your hair onto the gravel face down was too fast for you to even yelp. You immediately turned your head to the side so you could breathe but that didn't help with the weight of a mass displaced cybertronian pressed against you.
"What the fuck are you doing?!"
He seemed not to like the language you used against him because he pressed your face down even harder.
"I can smell your arousal. You're in heat and you wish to breed."
You were confused until it hit you, you were definitely ovulating this week and you'd be lying if you didn't say that you felt something while looking over his frame.
"Hey! Listen big guy you're confu-" You felt the lower half of your dress being torn off and you could feel the chilly wind against your thighs. The straps of your underwear snapped like a thin string under the pressure of his digits.
"You allowed me to terminate the undeserving male so that we may engage."
"YOU killed him for no reas-"
Your brain went fuzzy as you felt the forceful lick of his glossa between your folds. The slickness of his saliva felt like warm thick honey when it came into contact with your core. You couldn't believe how good it felt just to have his cybertronian version of a tongue slowly lap at your cunt. You could tell he was trying to focus most of the pressure around the small bundle of nerves above your entrance. You can only imagine that female cybertronians must have the same anatomy that you did for him to know what to do.
He let out an encouraging growl when you arched your rear end up further into his faceplate to give him more access. This was all moving so fast for you that you no longer cared that your face was being pressed hard on its side into the gravel nor about Aiden's semi-decapitated corpse only a few feet away.
All that mattered to you at the moment was the onslaught of deliberately slow licks you were receiving at your core. You ended up letting a whine escape your lips when you felt his thick glossa slide inside you. His glossa twisted and curled within your tight walls so much you were absolutely sure you were close. After he starts thrusting his glossa into you, your own body catches you by surprise and you feel yourself clenching roughly around him.
He made you ride out your own  orgasm with his glossa still in your hole. Even after your little climax had subsided he was still devouring you from behind and pulling moans and whimpers from your lips in the process. He clearly had no intentions on stopping any time soon as he just continued to glossa fuck you into an orgasm over and over at least three more times. You could feel the hot vents of his mouth getting heavier the more he lapped at you.
Every time you came he didn't even bother to move his mouth which gave you the impression that he was just swallowing your slickness down his intake like he was starving. What really set it off was the way the base of his faceplate was rubbing against your clit in a way that made you scream. When his mouth finally parted from between your legs it felt like he had been down there for ages.
Your legs already wobbled and felt like jelly when the mech hadn't even 'bred' you yet. The cold air against your overly sensitive cunt was making you buck your hips in hopes that the warmth of his pelvis against yours would happen soon. You heard a loud click behind you along with a thud which was his interface panel being taken off and thrown to the grown beside you.
You moaned out loudly when you felt the warm and thick head of his spike nudge between your folds. He then let out a threatening hiss as he felt his tip split you wide open. The pain of your walls stretching to accommodate him was a serious one but your cunt was so overstimulated and wet from him swallowing you down that the pain was already fading as fast as it came. 
It didn't take long for him to hilt himself totally inside you and it was obvious he was holding himself back from completely destroying you. The grip he had on your hair and how hard he was tugging it, told you that you were going to have a headache for the next couple of days.
Him saying a curse within human language under his heavy vents took you by surprise. You yelped out when you felt his first brutal thrust that seemed to make your legs sway like thin trees on your knees. Then the second thrust came, along with the third, fourth, fifth, and so on. He did not start easy on you but then again you didn't expect him to.
The sound of his metallic pelvis slapping against your flesh ass made you wince as you could already feel the stinging sensation of bruises forming. His thick member felt like it aimed to do nothing but conquer your spasming walls with the way it was shaped. His spike felt like it was shaped in a way that it was curved upward and towards his tip, it had a pronounced swell that made a delicious popping noise every time he pulled it back out.
On top of his groans, growls, and hisses of pleasure he whispered something to you in cybertronian that you didn't understand so you just ignored it. There was nothing you could do but hold your position in front of him and just take whatever he was giving to you. You weren't even going to complain about it because you were just so drunk on the pleasure that there was no hostility towards him for using you like this.
"Please….please I'm so close." Once again he brought you back to the point that you were whining like a bitch in heat just begging for him to keep fucking you. His servo's grip around your hair tightened and your breaths got hitched into your throat while he began slamming into you. Your eyes rolled back and choked pleas and curses fell from your lips.
The feeling of his thick sex organ just unrelentlessly rutting into you from behind and your hair being pulled hard was just enough to make you tear up. Your next orgasm came so quick while you felt him halt and seize up behind you and he let out a deafening roar. Thick spurts of his hot transfluid painted the insides of your walls and it only made you come harder.
He stayed buried in you while his overload ran its course and allowed you to milk every drop of transfluid he had in his system to give you. Your body shivered when you could feel his climax spill out and leak down your thighs. He waited until he finished shooting his entire load to pull out of you and let your body slump onto the cold gravel. Your breathing was just as heavy as his venting and you both felt physically overexerted.
You tried to stand up before collapsing back down after your own legs gave out. You were going to yell at him before you looked in the distance and saw that the ceremony was over and everyone was leaving.
"Primal how the fuck am I going to explain this?" You gestured to your lower half.
"Actually, how the fuck are you going to explain that." He remarked before pointing a digit at Aiden's corpse. And once again you were left to clean up someone else's mess.
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Idea but
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I imagined an Aligned adjacent au where at one point or another where all three are on a rebuilding Cybertron with their own apartments and haven't reunited until now
Starscream and Soundwave have their rid15 designs because those are beautiful as fuck in my opinion
Megs in my opinion has either a frame that's a mockup of his pre-war Megatronus frame or something similar to what we see in "Coming Home" because I fucking loved that fic
On a side note I've been running this plotline where Megs shows up somewhere and Optimus meets him while he's in jail of sorts, and Megs makes a remark about "This feels familiar, does it not?" A bittersweet moment with a helping of this exasperated fondness to it in my mind. I say this because I know in rid Starscream and Soundwave were individually hauled in for a trial, and I adore the idea of there being a rehabilitation program because yes.
I'll be honest I don't really know who Starscream should be with as in this situation I'm imagining wavewave and megop, yes. I know I did imagine Starscream having minibots / smaller sparklings, because I've been thinking about that (the frame ratios are more in favor of carrying for his rid15 frame, which is how this scenario was born.)
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