#audiodrama casting
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Casting Call!
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malevolentcast · 1 year
You Call it Madness, but We Call it Love
Today, amongst other things, marks the anniversary of Malevolent. Three years ago I started this wacky ride, one that has been an absolute joy to reveal to you all.
However, it is the community that made this show grow to what it is.
This year, a number of absolutely amazing, kind, talented and inspiring community members got together to create an anniversary Zine. A gift of sorts.
If you love Malevolent, check this out (spoilers up until 27)
I am so humbled by this gift. Thank you. Thank you to everyone who contributed, to everyone who inspired others to contribute and to everyone who kept this secret from me.
Thank you so incredibly much to this amazing community, I don’t deserve you. Thank you to @asininestars for organizing and sending me this.
Thank you everyone! Please enjoy!
Happy Birthday Malevolent
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spacespeckspod · 1 month
SPACE SPECKS Crew Call - Deadline Change!
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SPACE SPECKS is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi audio drama about the collapse of a space society through the eyes of aspec survivors who called it their home.
With the pilot episode in production for the @podcastjam, we're looking for some folks to tackle dialogue editing, sound design, & music for Season 1!
We've had some amazing applicants so far, & are pushing our deadline up thanks to this! Y'all still have just shy of a week to apply—until April 28, 2024—so be sure to get your name in if you're interested and haven't already done so.
As a reminder, this project is currently unpaid, & we'd additionally like to continue to encourage aspiring creators to apply, regardless of experience.
You can find the crew call here, and here's the links for our application form/Casting Call Club.
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museqmeg · 10 months
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Calling all voice actors & Trigun Fandom! I'm holding auditions for the audiodrama of my vashmeryl fic, Reporter's Notes!
This is a paid project that requires two voice actors to cover the roles of Vash, Meryl, narrator, and other characters.
Auditions are being held until August 31st and an interest form to receive the audition script can be found here:
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Hello everyone! I’m here to give a very exciting update on the podcast. Since the season 1 script is almost complete I’m here to finally start audition going from December 16 to January 6th 2023. I’m looking to fill 11 roles, if you’d like to audition please check it out in the document below!
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saffronandperi · 10 months
Casting Call: Season Five
Saffron and Peri: Season 5 Casting Call
Saffron and Peri is coming back with a fifth season and we need more voices!  
If you’re interested in lending your voice to the fifth season of Saffron and Peri, we have a form for you to fill out, and a list of characters for you to get acquainted with.
Once your form is filled out, and an mp3 file of your audition is ready, please email us at SaffronAndPeri @ gmail.com (no spaces). 
Please note that your audition has to be crisp and clear, and it is very much preferred if you have access to recording equipment. 
The deadline to submit your audition is Friday, August 25th. 
Feel free to leave me a message if you have any questions. Good luck! 
Character List
The Seven Dwarves: 
Sunny Day:
Gender: Any 
Description: Dwarf, Copywriter at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: A self-proclaimed poet. A bit dreamy and easily confused.  
I brought another poem.
This is dedicated to a true friend and honorary dwarf *Ahem* 
Snow White, Snow Bright, 
Still your star shines oh so Bright. 
Minnie Day:
Gender: Female  
Description: Dwarf, Receptionist at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Self-obsessed and dramatic. If you like, you can try a stereotypical valley girl accent
Hey guuurrrll, Snow, you look so good for a dead person! 
As you probably already noticed, the first thing upon entering is me, Minnie Day. The face of the company. 
Tutu Day:
Gender: Female  
Description: Dwarf, Fashion Consultant at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Condescending and snobby. Thinks she knows best. The type of person who calls everyone “dear” and never means it.
Oh yes, your complexion is as blindingly pallid as the first time we saw you.
Seven League Boots are SO last season, dear. Perhaps you should pop those in the donation bin?
Wendy Day:
Gender: Female  
Description: Dwarf, Graphic Designer at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Morose and very prone to crying. Some lines of dialogue will just be incomprehensible sobs. 
Sn-Snow, I want you to know.. *weeps*
*weeps like she’s trying to say something* 
*weeps more desperately*
Arthur Day:
Gender: Male  
Description: Dwarf, Accountant at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Polite, non-confrontational. A very practical dwarf who’s very good at math.
Magic? No no, it’s not magic. Excellently crafted, yes, but not magic. 
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh - OOOF.  *bumps into a wall here*
Farah Day:
Gender: Female   
Description: Dwarf, Talent Scout at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Outgoing, a go getter, and never misses a chance to do business. Likes to encourage people to be as motivated as she is. 
Ignore Minnie! Hi, I’m Farah. Farah Day of Ad-a-Day Agency. Did anyone ever tell you that you have a gorgeous profile? And your friend here has the most beautifully manicured claws I ever saw! Did you two ever think of modeling? Our card. 
Sadie Day:
Gender: Female   
Description: Dwarf, Manager at the Ad-a-Day Agency
Personality: Full of eldest sibling energy. Organized and meticulous, but still makes the business feel like a cozy family affair. A little sarcastic. 
Welcome to the Ad-a-Day Agency! Founded by seven siblings - we apply our dwarven diligence and craftsmanship to create top notch, top trending advertising campaigns. 
Other Characters: 
Gender: Male   
Description: Rock Troll, Secretary/hired goon/transportation at the Detective Agency.
Personality: An intellectual snob who thinks very highly of his own “genius”. Constantly neglects his job to work on his plays. Abrupt and insulting, he does not take kindly to interruptions or criticism. 
 Silence! The muse has called to me! I must write!
Interior: detective office. An under-appreciated and undiscovered playwright stares soulfully out the window. Enter: two hooligan youths. Youth 1: Hark noble faced Sirrah, word of your wordsmithing and crime solving has reached us in yonder far away lands
That, you myopic munchkin, is precisely the point!
Prince Bartholomew: 
Gender: Male   
Description: Prince and ex-husband of Snow White. 
Personality: Has courtly manners and a gentle spirit. 
 AAAAGGHHH. ULP (like he’s being choked. In this scene, he’s attacked and the attacker goes for the throat) 
Forgive me if this is crass, but isn’t Snow White dead? 
Thank you, your majesty, for allowing us to join you today. 
Mrs Garden: 
Gender: Female    
Description: Human, Grieving mother. Middle aged
Personality: Usually quiet and soft-spoken 
 I can’t imagine anyone heartless enough to do such a thing!
Now, now, let’s not be too hasty. 
Mr. Garden: 
Gender: Male    
Description: Human, Grieving father. Middle aged. 
Personality: More talkative and action-oriented. A good foil to his wife. Grief translates to anger for him.  
If I ever get my hands on whoever did this…. 
Gender: Female    
Description: Human, young college student. 
Personality: Usually kind, but has a dark side that comes out when someone hurts her friends. 
*grief stricken* I tried! I tried! I tried everything under the sun! Nothing would work.
Have you ever heard of the “quiet ones” who suddenly go violent? That’s me. 
Gender: Female    
Description: Fairy 
Personality: Dramatic as all fairies in this universe are. Hot-headed and jumps to conclusions frequently. 
Ahhhh! Thank you both so much for coming!! 
Oh, I’m so glad that stereotype about how teenage girls love to solve mysteries is true!
Agghhh, okay, so I threaten to do creative and violent things sometimes! But what fairy doesn’t??
Gender: Any    
Description: Prison Guard.  
Personality: Stiff and rule-abiding. 
you have fifteen minutes. No funny business. 
Saffron and Peri Voice Actor Form
When emailing us your audition, please fill out the following form and include it in your email. 
Name/Contact Information:
(Please provide your name and an active email address where you can be reached.)
How you would like to be credited: 
(If you don’t want to use your actual name and have a stage-name you would prefer to go by, please state it here.)
Part(s) auditioning for: 
(Please list the part or parts you are auditioning for.)
Previous Experience:
(If you have had any previous experience lending your voice to a podcast or other such project, please list them here.)
(Can you assure us that you can submit your work within the time limits we set? If you have a minimum amount of time you need to provide us with your work, please state it here. Example: “I can only record on weekends” or “I need at least a week to record an episode”)
Social media:
(Please list any social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, or some other site. Please let us know if you would like us to link to your accounts in our cast page, that way listeners will be able to find you elsewhere if they’d like.)
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brokenheartedpod · 4 months
Looking for chicane / mexican-american voice actor:
Hello, I am participating in the Podcast Jam which is "a collaborative event running from early February to May for anyone interested in creating an audio drama, both prior creators and newcomers to podcasting. Inspired by game jam events, teams of writers, voice actors, editors and artists will collaborate to create the pilot episode of a fiction podcast from start to finish, with the last weekend of the event dedicated solely to recording and editing of the episodes."
This is my pitch: solar-punk sci-fi with anti space-colonialism sentiments. It is the year 2072, the poles have melted and hummanity has taken for the stars, except for the CONDUCTOR of the MUSIC OF EART radio show. To cope with being the only human on earth, they’ve decided to create a Radio Show where they stream music from various times and places of the world. One day there’s an interference with their show, the broadcast of an ECOLOGIST with their unflinching believe that it is not the end of the world, just a succesion. Together they embarch on a quest for other humans that still live in planet earth, finding various communities and people, and began to help the earth one day heal.
Currently I am imagining the ecologist as chicane, and looking for any chicane and/or mexican-amercian people that would like to try their hand at voice acting. If you would like to try pls reach out!
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doyoucopypod · 1 year
The auditions for Do You Copy are officially open! Refer to the link below for more details!
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denouncermedia · 10 months
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Erika (@erikasandersonactor) trained at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London.
A highly versatile character actor, her stage career has spanned over three decades during which she has created a myriad of roles in a variety of genres from children's theatre to classical plays and musical theatre.
An award-winning voice actor, she can regularly be heard on The NoSleep Podcast, as well as appearing in other audio dramas and video games.
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chainofbeing · 10 months
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Another return from S1, it's Frances Gillard as everyone's favourite semi-organic prophet: Might-Upon-Serenity!!!! Graduating from Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in 2022, Frances has taken naturally to the stage both in Dance and acting and is very excited to be returning to CoB
In season 2, Might-Upon-Serenity has joined Lanralis and Exalted-by-Fire in their mission to prepare for the arrival of the Anthronesians, but she soon realises that Lanralis is in grave danger of losing herself to the indomitable machine that is Nimonea
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We're casting for season 2 of The Soft-Boiled Detective!
Check out our Google Doc for available roles.
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malevolentcast · 2 years
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It's audition time! Would you like to be part of the Bonneville experience? Don't hesitate to throw your hat in the ring!
Auditions due Feb 27th!
Auditions Google Drive
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marsfallpod · 10 months
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Happy #AudioDramaSunday! Joining our cast as the new voice of Chief Archaeologist Wei Han is Angel Lin, a veteran voice actor, musician and anything synonymous to the word “geek”.
They’ve also performed Off-Broadway, in National Broadway tours, and their love of games and movies totally fit the vibe of the rest of the Marsfall cast and crew! Keep your ears sharp as you’ve probably heard Angel in many other places before.
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THJ update
Since the audition deadline is being pushed back, I have also created a Casting Call Club project where people can audition, please do not audition through both email and Casting Call Club. If you'd prefer to audition through Casting Call Club please use the link below:
If you do not want to use casting call club and would rather audition through email please use the document below.
Please only audition through either email or Casting Call Club, not both, thank you.
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ghoulpepperv · 1 year
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I want to make some shorts to practice my sound design, especially since so many people are so supportive!
I've been toying with the idea of doing little shorts inspired by DnD characters just to practice, but i have no idea if anyone would be interested.
As in, interested in listening to them or even lending a voice for something that's very much a practice thing. I just want to make stuff with these dorks since I don't have time for RPing.
Art by @countslimeula
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