#artificer raccoon
raccoonaday · 4 months
i play an artificer raccoon (tabaxi stats) in my in-person dnd game. his name is Rabie, and he made his armor out of trash. he wears a traffic cone as a wizard hat. not a request, just a fun fact I felt like sharing since you've been doing raccoon dnd classes
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18: Artificer Raccoon
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mrwolfhare · 3 months
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Dungeons and Dragons version of Rocket Raccoon.
He's an Artillery Artificer multi-classed with a Thief Rogue.
I tried making a video of me drawing him, but 85% through, after I came back from a break, I forgot to press record showing the last bits. I'll try and upload the sped up video of what I have later on.
I got the idea from Tulok the Barbrarian
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irrel · 10 months
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Racoon Artificer maybe heavily inspired by Varian from Tangled the series 😂
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gay-artificer · 10 months
there is something funny about seeing people like "people are too sympathetic to artificer" cause its like. that. like that is technically just an animal. like a wild one
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rizzzcat · 11 months
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Yayy finally made a relationship chart!! for them slugcats. Also featuring my designs I haven‘t even posted yet fully. Also thanks to @crypticferal for making this awesome template! Very helpful! (Invidual colors under the cut)
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hushyfoxxart · 1 year
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amerricanartwork · 6 months
RW Headcanon: The Omnivores and the Carnivores
Figured I'd start sharing some headcanons! Buckle up, folks, this is gonna be a looooooooong post! With a bit of Artimand sprinkled in (hope you like it @melissa-titanium)!
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This was based on an idea lingering in the back of my mind for a bit, but after drawing the above image from a previous post I got reminded of it and decided to develop it a little more! I'll put the full headcanon down below!
By the way, I should warn you that the verbosity habit in my post asking about headcanons was no joke. This headcanon, as I've explained it below, is literally almost 700 words...
I headcanon that there are two subspecies of “wild type” slugcats — omnivores and carnivores. I like the idea that slugcats were descended from a pipe-cleaning organism (although I still see them as mustelids rather than mollusks, but that’s a headcanon for another day…), so in this headcanon, a carnivorous variant of the slugcat ancestor was made to be more specialized for killing pests. Back when the Ancients were still around, they had a reputation similar to that of real-life raccoons and pigeons, while the omnivorous slugcats were more-often kept as pets.
As of the present Rain World timeline, though, omnivorous and carnivorous slugcats look almost identical. Omnivorous slugcats are still more iconic — they’re what you’d think of when one says “slugcat” — but the biggest differences the carnivorous variant possesses are their sharper teeth, stronger jaws, and sharper claws. Carnivorous slugcats also tend to be more muscular, while omnivorous slugcats have more body fat due to their largely plant-based diet.
Culturally, though, the two subspecies show more contrast. Omnivores are more peaceful hunter-gatherers who focus on trying to passively get by in a bigger, more dangerous world. Carnivores, on the other hand, are active hunters who tend to encourage combat training more and pride themselves on rising up to the ferocity of larger predators. The two tend to live separately in their own colonies, and don’t interact too often. There’s also some degree of prejudice in each group towards the other due to these cultural differences; not enough to cause large-scale conflicts, but enough that they side-eye each other occasionally. In more extreme cases, omnivores are perceived by the carnivores as weak, lazy, and meek, while omnivores see the carnivores as aggressive, loud, and cynical.
To bring it back to the image above, in my own personal fic-idea concept thing of how Artificer and Gourmand get together, this prejudice is a minor, but additional reason why they never expect to fall in love with each other; Arti is descended from a small group of carnivorous slugcats modified with explosive spit, while Gourm and the rest of the slugcats in his colony are all natural omnivores. Combine that with the rest of their attitudes in life, and at first, it seems they’re just too different to ever make a good pair.
A few more quick thoughts about these two subspecies:
Survivor and Monk are both naturally omnivorous. Hunter and Spearmaster, while directly engineered, were both derived from the carnivorous subspecies, while Rivulet was derived from the omnivorous subspecies.
Despite Gourmand being a natural omnivore, he eats larger prey more often than any other slugcat in his colony both out of curiosity for how other meats taste and because, true to his name, he honestly just likes to eat whatever (hey, as long as it’s edible)! However, once he and Artificer get together, he really starts to eat more meat from the creatures he hunts for her. And, interestingly enough, because he likes to use fruits and other plants as side dishes or as toppings to add flavor, this causes Arti to start eating more plants (now that’s what I call a “balanced diet”)! 
Even though the carnivores are culturally more similar to scavengers, the omnivores tend to get along better with them due to their more peaceful attitude, and the fact they naturally compete less with the scavengers for food (I like to imagine scavengers as pack-hunting carnivores).
Carnivores tend to move slightly faster than omnivores.
Carnivores often have bigger, more ravenous appetites than omnivores because they require more energy on average. Again, it’s partly what the image above is referencing!
Back when the Ancients lived, there actually existed a bit of a friendly discourse around which variant of the slugcat ancestors made better pets. It was in a similar vein to the modern “cat person vs. dog person” idea, but, to some degree, it’s actually continued on in various iterator groups, including the main one! FP, NSH, SRS, and CW are firm believers in carnivore superiority, UI passionately cheers on the omnivores, and Moon just giggles in the background and makes sure the debates don’t get too heated (but is also secretly team omnivore).
Anyway, with that said, BIG thanks to anyone who made it all the way down here! This headcanon originally formed as a way to explain in-universe the noticeably different diets of the main slugcat characters, but I just couldn't help adding more to it!
Let me know what you think of this concept, if you have anything to add to it, or if you'd like to see more of my headcanons! I just LOVE developing fictional worlds from ergonomic, analytical, and narrative perspectives, so if you want more, I've definitely got it!
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dopscratch · 9 months
My Slugcat Designs
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gaze upon the glory of my slugcats, i have gone full mollusk :)
feel free to use with credit! also show me if you do hahaha
fun design details/headcanons under the break
edit: find out why they're all tubemammals instead of felines here
All of them are mostly Smooth Creatures, no fur in sight. Also all of their limbs can be retracted into their bodies because slug. They each have a maximum of 3 fingers and 2 toes, though some have none at all. They are all toothless and instead possess radulae. Some have beaks and some don't, but I haven't decided which ones. The hunter is the only one with a confirmed beak. Beaks are all dark in color.
Monk is Tall because I said so. Lonk. Also I noticed its tentacles are slightly larger than survivors. Also I like the tall little sibling thing because it's funny to me.
Survivor is very average all around. Maybe slightly on the short side.
Hunter is squid. That is all (Not really). Hunter is an absolute beast and I really liked the idea of rotating colossal squid hooks instead of claws. Also squid worked really well for its long legs form :) Edit: As its rot progresses, its orangey color fades (read: parts of its skin start peeling off) and it becomes pinker like its ingame sprite until it becomes that sickly pink of Hunter Long Legs!
I thought the Spanish Dancer really invoked the tattered ribbons of the explosion spears. Also I know it's an aquatic slug and Artificer is terrible in water but I think the flailing to swim around really fits it haha. Also its a skunk because of the whole chemical weapon theme.
Gourmand is an absolute unit. It is very round. I don't have much else to say about it.
I love axolotls but they're overrated, so instead of having the gills of everyone's favorite neotenic Mexican salamander, Rivulet is an octopus. It can use the pink tentacles around its face to hide its big silly eyes if its scared. It can also stretch them out to look bigger. the space in between is webbed, just like in an octopus, though the webbing is not always visible when the tentacles are folded back or in a relaxed position. It has suckers on the back edges and can twist the tentacles around if it wants to use them to grab or hold something near its face. Its arms and legs can extend to great lengths but they cannot support Rivulet on land very well so they usually stay short then (or will only push it up a short height). A siphon on its underside lets it move faster underwater and it may spray water with it playfully.
Spearmaster is also very long like Monk. The spears are pulled from underneath the shell rather than straight out of the tail.
Saint is a sea sheep, complete with the silly closely placed eyes. Its "tongue" is just a tentacle. Also it's short. And a raccoon because I just felt like it fits.
Nightcat is a scaly-foot gastropod because I said so. I think that since it's a pretty mysterious creature it can get a pretty mysterious feature, though with a generally basic silhouette.
Enot/Inv/???/whatever you wanna call it is just cuttlefish. A wild, crazy creature whose colors, shape, number of arms, and texture are never consistent. It is dense and will not float well. Usually its tentacles and limbs have a bit of a curl to the ends.
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I think a flamboyant cuttlefish was perfect for its design, and I chose a yellow mongoose because a) silly creature and b) it's not actually a mustelid so it kinda fits how incredibly weird this guy is.
and that is all, hope you enjoy my slugcats.
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
(Sighs) Look, I've gone deep into the barbarian aus, so-
Very self-indulgent TFP!fic where some Others (including humans) from Earth found themselves on Cybertron as they pushed back a Quintesson invasion on their home planet. Elsewhere functions as a nexus of liminal spaces; time and space are warped as gateways to other planets (and universes) open and close.
Like TFP Sparkling!AU with the barbian/city-dweller twist. Also, humans-into-Cybertronians and Magic-Exists!AU because it’s my ridiculous, self-indulgent AU. (Ehhh, more like human characters that always been Cybertronians, but whatever; humans found themselves on Cybertron because of Quintesson invasion/expansion in the Milky Way or something, and they mixed into the locals since Cybertronians and humans are very much cousins and there are members in their respective species that will bang a monster for fun and profit.)
So, D-16 is the most “civilized” one. Like no, D-16 is no senator’s son, nor does he hail from a high-caste lineage. He’s the bitlet of miners and a child slave worker, but he has creators that try their best for their unexpected, little one. Little D-16 had been raised in a communal underground cohort and had never even seen the surface since he took his first cries. Of course, the supervisors get a train of newcomers, including a couple of sparklings from the untamed Wilds that were deemed too “much” for the sensibilities of the middle/higher castes. Too old to forget. And too violent to make it worth it an adoption.
Before Optimus was even Orion, there was a sparkling that scavenged in the Wastelands. He’s a goddamn, feral raccoon with the tenacity of a seagull and a crow's love for tasty things. He’s clever enough to avoid the obvious traps, but hunger had driven him to gamble his luck on a caravan. His luck ran dry since-
It was a raiding caravan, specialized in capturing creatures and mecha. And it was successful snatching a few beings, including June.
She came on a rescue mission and had managed to free a few other sparklings but was unfortunately caught when she made the choice between retreat or free a flyer with a teleporting ability to take the youngest ones.
The raiders were prepared for specific tribes that had practitioners and artificers because of the “monsters” that traveled with them, and shoved her into a cage that neutralized such abilities.
For some reason, magic falls under sigma abilities, so the suppression mechanisms work.
Que Alpha Trion wandering in the “wrong” areas and completely missing his protégé-to-be/reincarnated little brother because of other mecha's last second decision change.
June/Juno is no dainty, wee thing that’s defenseless and cute. Oh no, gentle planets make gentle people. Young Earth was not a gentle planet, and its lost inhabitants made their home in the untamed wilds and Wastelands of Cybertron and warred with the natives to keep it as such. After she recovers, she’s a little hellion that confirms all the negative stereotypes that mecha in city-states have of the Wilders/barbarians of the Wastelands.
The only reason why she wasn't bought by another party is because she's a monoformer and seemed to have none of the famed talent. It would have been too much to bring this little ankle biter to yield without the fantastical benefits to offset it.
Same to be said with Orion-to-be. That sparkling had broken a mech's wrist, straight down to the struts with his teeth. It took a couple of shocks from an electro-staff for him to let go because he was trying his damn best to break something off.
No matter her appearance, June is still a descendant of a hybrid coupling, so many things were a learning curve between them and her. Same with a feral, little nameless convoy.
She got terribly sick with a basic Neocybex language installment. Feverish, delirious, and unable to keep down Energon.
A few of the more tenacious miners still alive and kicking had managed to keep her fueled with a slurry mixture of clay, coal, and crushed crystals. Liquid is easy to purge, but the clay and coal will coat the tank and keep it settled.
Downloads from slugs and chips do not agree with her, so she needed to learn and absorb the language on her own.
Orion got his name for the trouble he gets into for every scrap of fuel and for his keen senses. Little thing isn't afraid to rummage into the scrap pile or to claw his way up the shafts to get a tiny cluster of crystal root. In fact, Scraplet was a major contender for his name, especially since he had a habit of biting people.
Orion had a tendency to use proto-language, even with the full access of basic Neocybex and Kaonite. He struggles with using full sentences. Frustration had led to biting, and that isn’t good, especially at his age where he can do damage with his thick denta. Sometimes, he refuses to speak and just flops into the pen with all the younger sparklings, much to the amusement to the Watchers: mecha too old and worn down for the long hours.
The adults were confused by June's adamant refusal to part with her flimsy dressings. (Sigils and runes sewn into the hardy fabric to hide her magical presence.) And then alarmed over her thin armature. More malleable like a newspark rather than an active sparkling. No wonder she gets sick easily!
It's due to her heritage. The mix between Earth and Cybertron meshed well. The inhabitants had gone local, and their descendants had to adapt with every new generation. In June's (and others like her), they have a far more extended development for plating density and growth. It helps limit the strain on their mothers, and some tribes utilize it to carve sigils while soft before hardening.
Eating a large amount of raw minerals and metals. Orion has a similar habit, but due to deprivation.
D-16 manages to strike up a friendship with them due to proximity and that his creators' cohort took them on.
He likes the pictures Juno draws in the dirt between shifts as everyone rests together.
Language is a slow process for different, yet similar reasons. Juno's lexicon isn't compatible with Ilmentite - a Neocybex dialect used by underground Tarnians (fitting as its name comes from a common mining metal), nor does she have the heavy plating and long streaks of biolights to communicate. Orion, however, struggles with verbal communication and has the body language of a wild animal rather than another mech.
Juno is fast and slippery, and if it wasn't for the tracker/inhibition collar, then she would have escaped. She's able to slip between tighter spaces with her lack of bulk. Unfortunately, she has a tight leash, so she can drop to the ground when she passes a certain perimeter.
Orion and Juno get confused over D-16's queasiness over eating a dead animal. It's drained and it isn't sick, what's the matter?!
Someone (D-16 or his parents) needs to stop Orion from rummaging through the garbage.
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kingkenzieofmold · 5 months
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My favourite dungeon and dragons character duo I have ever played. Alastair a Paladin of devotion and Raccoon a Goblin Child Artificer!
Backstory Raccoon a goblin child, grew up in the city alone. shunned from society decided to make herself a family from trash. It was during her exploration outside the city that she found a warforge half buried underground, hidden. Opening a few panels she finds a lose power core. Snapping the core back into place. He powers on, static blares out of his mouth, unable to speak. Raccoon terrified runs and hides behind the ruins.
Alastair once just a machine who swore to his creators an oath of devotion to the people. Forced to turn on his creators to protect the innocent from them. He would be knocked down as his core dislodges from a fatel blow. He would later sleep for centuries before awakening with a jolt. His body deteriorated from the weathers and years his voice box static. he would attempt to coax the hiding child from her spot unable to move. She would watch him struggle with rebuilding himself enough to move and would slowly make her way to him. She would begin helping repair his body, asking questions even though she got no answers. Nodding along to each questions, together they finish repairs by sun down. He would motion for paper writing down his words but soon learns his new companion can’t read. Raccoon offers him to be part of her family and he would accept, mentally vowing to protect her till the end.
I hoped you enjoyed! I love them both dearly<3
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imanalbertross · 4 months
So my fiance found a pin that I really must have, but I figured to share it with you other tts fans. I understand that it is not (probably for good reason) not marketed as Varian, but look at what this adorable RACCOON is wearing and his occupation.
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atlantic-grave · 8 months
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Whiteboard stuff
First is Rivulet being.. themselves..
Then there's my friends dnd raccoon oc, Artificer abt to kill a scav, Pure Vessel being hot, then me and my friends ocs being AMAZKNG THANKS FOR ASKING
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marguerite-pizza · 5 months
rain world art dump. sorry guys they got me
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also made a little headcanon chart and it’s gonna be under the cut
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I rlly like thinking of the slugcats as those like. Inbetween mammals. yknow like you can’t really tell where they fall :3c mostly mustelids
survivor - European polecat + Doris odhneri
- standard ferret thing
monk - mink + Doris montereyensis
- it was funny
- i thought having both surv and monk as similar slugs was neat
hunter - american badger + Okenia rosacea
- badgers are mean but also protective
gourmand - raccoon + Doriopsilla albopunctata
- c’mon it’s so fitting
- also that slug is called a “white spotted sea goddess” and I thought that was rlly funny
spearmaster - marbled polecat + Edmundsella pedata
- just something abt them
rivulet - sea otter + Hypselodoris bennetti
- bffr
- I was actually rlly surprised there was a sea slug that fit rivulet so nicely
saint - fisher cat + Costasiella kuroshimae
- they just look the same to me
- I’m a slugcat fur denier he is WET and SLIMY
artificer - tasmanian devil + Aplysia californica
- also speaks for itself
- California sea hares are so ugly I love them <3
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irrel · 7 months
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The Raccoon Artificer pin is here! ✨
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thegeneralreturns · 2 months
IF I ABSOLUTELY HAD TO RANK THEM: The Academy Award nominees for Best Picture
10. Maestro - With its dialogue gaudily written in a style reminiscent of the Golden Age of Hollywood--keeping all of the cadence and none of the wit--kudos must be given to co-writer, co-producer, director and star Bradley Cooper for making a movie about the first great American conductor of classical music that's utterly fucking excruciating to listen to. And as an actor, he doesn't find a character here, getting lost in an impression and hiding behind prosthesis. He did give one of the best performances of 2023, but it wasn't as Leonard Bernstein, it was as Rocket Raccoon. Though I will say this film is impeccably made, and even though he can't make a connection himself, he did a great job in setting up Carey Mulligan to succeed. She gives one of her best performances as Bernstein's long-suffering wife. Bradley Cooper is a wonderful director, and he's a pretty good actor once he gets out of his own way. But could someone who loves him please tell him to step away from the typewriter?
9. The Holdovers - Da Vine Joy Randolph is the front-runner for the Best Supporting Actress Oscar. And she deserves it, as the rest of The Holdovers can't keep up with her. Alexander Payne's early-seventies boarding school pastiche is all artifice and cliche (most of the time agreeably so, I'll admit), but when Randolph's school cook starts emotionally cratering in a very real, visceral, uncomfortable way, the movie seems to wake up... only to lull itself back to sleep once the camera is off of her. I have often said that one can only review the movie one is given, but, well, I'd have paid the premium price to go see the movie about Da Vine Joy Randolph's Mary. As it stands, I'm glad I caught The Holdovers on Peacock.
8. Poor Things - If Tim Burton suffered from a permanent hard-on, this is the movie he would make. Yorgos Lanthimos' feminist, socialist riff on the Frankenstein story has a lot of ideas and a ton of jokes that land, only for him to vanish up the prolapsed asshole of his own technique. It feels as though we're assaulted on the quarter-hour with iris shots and fish-eye lenses that seem to serve no other purpose than to inform the audience that this film is capital D Directed. I recommend this movie, don't get me wrong. It's smart, it's hilarious, the sets and costumes are impeccable, and Emma Stone gives an all-time belter of a performance. But it's really frustrating to have all this in the hands of a director that's the equivalent of an eight-year-old who wants us to watch him do cannonballs in the pool.
7. American Fiction - Cord Jefferson's American Fiction was sold as a biting satire of the inherent racial prejudices of the American literary industrial complex, from publishers looking for authenticity to the heaps of plaudits delivered by guilty white readers who want to bear witness to black misery without being told how much they suck for that. But I gotta tell ya, I think Jefferson could have gone farther. He could have been a little bit more vicious, went for blood, because what we're left with a satire that doesn't really seem to be mad at anyone. But the human drama and comedy that exists apart from that? That works wonderfully. Jefferson populated his film with real, loveable people that any audience would want to spend more time with. It's only surprising that Sterling K. Brown got nominated for an Oscar if you haven't seen the movie yet. And Jeffrey Wright's transformation into America's brainy, slightly depressed uncle continues apace.
6. Barbie - It was a cultural juggernaut that made all the money in the world, and spawned enough thinkpieces to choke a team of Clydesdales. Did its admittedly lofty ambitions jibe with its tone and approach? Not always. But did its jokes land? Yes, Barbie was the funniest movie of 2023. But I don't think I can say what hasn't already been said... Except America Ferrera was really good. I'm serious, I saw people get all butthurt about her Best Supporting Actress nomination, but these people couldn't reason their way out of a wet paper bag that was open already. And this isn't even about that monologue, either. Ferrera provided an oasis of plausibility in the middle of all this neon pink madness. Never once does she wink at the camera, or dive in and join the scenery chewing. She's funny, but funny in a real way that provides much needed counterweight to the musical numbers and jokes about Skipper dolls with expanding boobs. If it weren't for America Ferrera's work, Barbie would have been caricatures bouncing off of one another, and any weight this movie has is a testament to her skill. She was given a truly thankless task... Or it would have been, if she didn't get that nomination. Good for her.
5. The Zone of Interest - One does not explain Jonathan Glazer's The Zone of Interest, one can only experience it. A man and his family settle down into their new house, only the man is the commandant at Auschwitz, and the twentieth century's greatest evil is happening just beyond the garden wall. We never venture into the camp itself, we never see what goes on, but for one-hundred-and-five minutes, we hear it. This family idyll is constantly underscored by gunshots, screaming, barking dogs, and the ever-present drone of the crematorium. This is one of the most unsettling experiences I've ever had watching a movie... the first time around. I don't think it would work dramatically for a second viewing. For as much mileage as Glazer gets out of his approach, it's still a gimmick. Not a cheap gimmick, mind you. It's a free-range gourmet gimmick from a place that's hard to pronounce, but a gimmick nonetheless.
4. Anatomy of a Fall - I don't know whether to ding Justine Triet's plug for the website didshedoit.com before even the studio's logo at the beginning, or to commend her for it. It tells us what kind of movie we're in for. A man falls from the balcony of his French chalet, and it's determined that it was either suicide, or he was pushed by his wife, and we spend the next two-and-a-half hours going through interrogations, investigations, re-enactments, and a full-blown trial trying to get to the bottom of a question that we were told at the beginning, through the mention of that website, that we weren't getting an answer to. It's only arrogance if Triet can't pull it off, and she very much does, presenting us with information in a way that leads us to question how we got to our conclusions. I'm usually resistant to movies that try to get us into a dialogue with ourselves, but the answers I got from... uh... me, were quite enlightening. I think it's odd that the Palme D'Or went to a simple courtroom movie, but as far as simple courtroom movies go, it's the best I've seen in decades.
3. Oppenheimer - Those who claim that Oppenheimer glorifies the life of the father of the atomic bomb quite frankly haven't seen it. I have never seen a biopic that holds its subject in such lively, blistering contempt as this one does. Cillian Murphy's J. Robert Oppenheimer is a man blundering towards a scientific breakthrough that will irrevocably worsen the world, and the only one who can't see it is him. Christopher Nolan's usual icy disregard for the people at the center of his narrative mazes comes off, in this case, as a kind of deadpan disapproval of a man who, brilliant though he may be, just can't see the train coming. Geniuses are still just men, only their mistakes are an entire magnitude larger, and virtually unfixable.
2. Past Lives - What a wonderful movie this is. A boy and a girl in Korea separate after her parents emigrate to America, only for them to reconnect decades later in New York, after she's married someone else. But the held breaths and things left unsaid aren't just romantic, but encompass the entirety of both their lives. It's not just about lost love, but lost opportunity, and being a stranger to themselves had one other thing gone different. Boy loses girl, and the realm of possibility winnows down to one for both of them. More than what these people say to each other in Celeste Song's marvelous debut, but what they don't say. What they can't admit to themselves. What they think the other can't take. Past Lives is quiet and delicate, but boy is it powerful.
And the Best Picture of the Best Pictures is...
Killers of the Flower Moon - This is a master working at the height of his powers. This is a top-shelf effort from the greatest filmmaker the United States has ever produced, depicting in minute detail the slow-motion genocide of the Osage people for oil money in the 1920s. At the center of this is Leonardo DiCaprio's Ernest Burkhart; a dimwit roped into this evil by his charismatic uncle, played by Robert DeNiro. It is through the lens of Burkhart that most of this story unfolds; a man whose grief and good intentions and convictions melt away once someone stronger and wealthier than he is tells him to do something that violates them. Now, there are some who recoil at this approach, preferring instead to center more on Ernest's Osage wife Mollie (played in a performance for the ages by Lily Gladstone). And I want it known that I'm sympathetic to this view. The movie they want may very well have been a great one, and it may very well have been better than this one (Hey, anything's possible), but it wouldn't have been this movie, which I wouldn't trade for anything. Mollie Burkart is the kind of character that would be the hero in another film, but Martin Scorsese doesn't make movies about heroes. He makes movies about weakness and failure. Hell, his movie about Jesus centered on a hypothetical moment of temptation. If Ernest Burkart hadn't existed, Scorsese would have had to invent him.
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inaaontheskyways · 9 months
Since all my OCs come from different corners of the Spiral and are of varying mythological beings, I decided to compile a list of both their origins and occupations!
(Sidenote: some details about certain worlds! Those in purple belong or were reimagined by me, those in green are just canon worlds renamed by me, and those in red belong to @prince-of-khrysalis and @brewbellwizardry!)
Caelum: Eva (Filipina-Palestinian-Calé/angel; astralmancy/Eden caretaker)
Kalpana (Nepali/cthulhi; spatiomancy/avatar)
David (Jewish American/lich; chronomancy/conman)
Milagro (Dominican/sylph; thaumaturgy/hoop aerialist)
Vontae (Black American; physical, hero trainee)
Iina (Navajo; mental, fashion major)
Airam (Nicaraguan-American; almighty, freelance hacker)
Binna (Korean-American/A.I.; reality/idol)
Melanie (White American/virus; reality/villain sidekick)
Kamiyah (Black-Ecuadorian; disempowered, street racer)
Eranuhi (Armenian Lom/pixie; solarmancy/Miracle Mitch's assistant)
İnayət (Azerbaijani/pig; divination/keytarist)
Shushana (Georgian Jewish/alphoi; lunarmancy/singer)
K'ila (Greenlandic Inuit/snow angel; thaumaturgy/martyr)
Greko (Finnish/näkki; privateer/Ironclaws leader)
Cedine (Afro Norwegian; musketeer, Wolf ranger)
Othi (Swedish Romani; swashbuckler, Splithoofs fighter)
Sarai (Danish Jewish; buccaneer, wanderer)
Sevastjan (Estonian/werewolf; solarmancy/W.C. Forces guardsman)
Vidas (Lithuanian, vampire bat; thief)
Līga (Latvian/gargoyle; chronomancy/bounty hunter)
Greeta (Estonian; necromancy, Rickoyoto student)
Prokhor (Russian; divination, Ravenwood student)
Hadria (French Algerian, arctic hare; La Révolution lieutenant)
Théane (Monégasque/matagot; conjuration/bartender)
Hilol (Uzbek, courtesan)
Nima (Buryat, half-polar bear; cigarette boy)
Priscila (Cuban/avialtri; umbramancy/researcher)
Jacinto (Afro Venezuelan/changeling; conjuration/Arcana student)
Roshan (Iranian, half-bunny; ex maiden-in-training)
Yuuto (Japanese/cambion; mysticism/hitman)
Goldie (Austrian Jewish; conjuration, Ravenwood student)
Elise (Papuan/gnome; theurgy/figure skater)
Aulia (Indonesian, half-raccoon; housespouse)
Rayner (German Turk/elf; lunarmancy/doctor)
Vaino (Welsh Romani; pyromancy, Ravenwood student)
Carmel (Welsh Jewish; necromancy, alchemist)
Meriful (Scottish Romani/anthusiai; necromancy/druid)
Darina (Afro Irish, half-deer; budding writer)
Sestiva (Irish; necromancy, Ravenwood student)
Zakhi (Afro Scottish; buccaneer, Shatterhands tank)
Trainet (Scottish Romani, mouse; Quarrel Mob moll)
Bisera (Bulgarian Turk; thaumaturgy, assitant librarian)
Peritz (Jewish Canadian; theurgy, Pigswick student)
Zãne (Basque/aidegatxo; divination/smuggler)
Yeniel (Afro Spanish/anjana; theurgy/healer)
Jamilla (Portuguese Jewish/anjana; mysticism/astrologist)
Cosme (Spanish; stellarmancy, aristocrat)
Wizard City:
Tiena (English Romani; lunarmancy/handyman)
Alura (Black Canadian; conjuration/W.C. Forces artificer)
Epimetej (Bosnian/half-draconian; pyromancy/Ravenwood student)
Ithal (Irish Romani; sorcery, W.C. Forces knight)
Cherie (Haitian/elf; spatiomancy/concubine)
Zulekha (Lebanese/ghost; chronomancy/ex-concubine)
Kinna (Welsh; pyromancy, head priestess)
Ivan (Serbian; necromancy, Dragonhorn Order knight)
Uana (Romanian; divination, Storm Department major)
Yakov (Bulgarian Jewish; thaumaturgy, Chivalric Forces trainee)
Mateja (Slovenian; pyromancy, Dragonhorn Order knight)
Qendräk (Albanian Ashkali; conjuration, Myth Department major)
Eldra (Croatian Romani; theurgy, Life Department major)
Andrej (Macedonian; sorcery, Balance Department major)
Ariele (Italian Jewish‐Tunisian/half-guinea pig; dualism/Shatterhands bag-boy)
Lereia (Italian Jewish-Tunisian, porcelain doll; hitch-hiker)
Luretta (Sicilian Moroccan, half-unicorn; Resistance spy)
Valente (Genovese, unicorn; Armada soldier)
Titania (Greek; privateer, Shatterhands 2nd-in-command)
Zinon (Greek/elf; mysticism/wanderer)
Spisene (Greek Romani; divination, Arcadia student)
Taysa (Afro Greek/asteriai; stellarmancy/Arcadia student)
Yousef (Saudi/vampire; thaumaturgy/House of Tabbi captain)
Wafae (Afro-Omani/avialtri; spatiomancy/wanderer)
Ku-aya (Iraqi/udug; umbramancy/Silenus' ward)
Meresamun (Nubian; chronomancy, Temple of Balance priestess)
Kreianos (Nubian/half-krok; pyromancy/Medjai commander)
Fibruniyah (Copt/undine; divination/ferrywoman)
Wagguten (Berber; sorcery, Temple of Balance trainee)
Resego (Tswanan; necromancy, Arcanum researcher)
Umklomelo (Zulu/tikoloshe; necromancy/blacksmith)
Dechen (Tibetan; theurgy, Ravenwood student)
Choua (Hmong; mysticism, Shatterhands witch)
Nengmei (Chinese/huli jing; pyromancy/bride-to-be)
Zayaa (Mongolian/frog; thaumaturgy/Shangri Baa apprentice)
Fulki (Santhal/guhyaka; conjuration/princess)
Zeenat (Pakistani/genie; miraclism/Fulki's contractor)
Luntian (Bisayan/kataw; lunarmancy/babylan)
Liwliwa (Iloco/diwata; stellarmancy/loner)
Wallaru: Jiemba (Wiradjuri/mimih; solarmancy/Didgeri dragon caretaker)
Aroha (Maori/ice construct; thaumaturgy/Ravenwood student)
Fielea (Tongan/swan maiden; astralmancy/Eight Legs agent)
Mikaere (Maori/lunari; spatiomancy/bodyguard)
Skull Island:
Julien (White Caribbean; swashbuckler, Shatterhands captain)
Haydée (Puerto Rican/elf; sorcery/Gravulum Order researcher)
Daniel (Jewish American; underground fighter)
Lázaro (Cuban-American/cagueiro; lunarmancy/private eye)
Audélia (Jewish American, half-canary; tabloid reporter)
Tiara (Japanese-Chumash, ladybug; aspiring starlet)
Cool Ranch:
Otaktay (Lakota; musketeer, Shatterhands sniper)
Jewel (Black American, half ball-tailed cat; magician)
Basilio (Mexican, coyote; sheriff)
Heyra (Mexican/duende; solarmancy/amateur monstrologist)
Tlacelel (Nahua/nagual; chronomancy/bounty hunter)
Nayeli (Zapotec/cactus dryad; sorcery/photomancer)
Odalis (Panamanian/myrmeki; theurgy/bride)
Yasmin (Brazilian/boiúna; sorcery/mercenary)
Painé (Chilean/carbunclo; astralmancy/bard)
El Dorado:
Raymundo (Colombian/solari; solarmancy/prince)
Yadira (Colombian/stellari; stellarmancy/princess)
Nona (Assyrian/pyros; stellarmancy/shadow hunter)
Isidora (Guatemalan/squirrel; conjuration/war messenger)
Shay (Irish Jewish/sea slug; pyromancy/code breaker)
InvictaMane: Kem (English Romani/incubus; theurgist/court jester)
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