jaden-bradley · 9 months
How NFT Influencers Can Help Your Business
How NFT Influencers Can Help Your Business
The NFT market is growing fast, and influencers are a great way to reach non-fungible token buyers. These influencers can help businesses and artists connect with new customers and increase sales of NFTs.
When looking for influencers, be sure to find ones that align with your business goals and have a track record of success in the NFT space. Also, be sure to review their compensation packages and disclosure policies.
The world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) went through a boom in the spring of 2020. YouTubers like Logan Paul and the Winklevii twins rode the wave, and even mainstream brands jumped on board. One of the biggest sellers was Mike Winkelmann, aka Beeple. He sold an NFT called Everydays for over 69 million dollars.
The sale of the NFT proved that digital art can be aesthetically pleasing and have real-world value. It also drew attention from the mainstream press and raised awareness of the new NFT world.
Beeple’s success is a testament to the growing popularity of NFTs and the power of social media influencers. These influencers can help businesses understand and navigate the NFT space. They can also provide valuable insights into NFT trends and market developments.
PranksyNFt is an influencer in the world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), a new craze that has people spending billions on digital collectables. He shares his knowledge of NFTs, and hosts events for his followers. He also donates the proceeds from his events to various foundations.
He has one of the largest NFT collections and is a co-founder of NFT Boxes. This project offers users a monthly subscription box of NFTs from various artists. He has a large following on Twitter and is an active contributor to the NFT community.
He is a prolific blogger, and has been featured on YouTube by Gary Vee and Coindesk. His popular YouTube channel deconstructs NFT technology and provides insights into NFT pricing. He also hosts a podcast about NFTs and is an advocate for female creators in the world of NFTs.
Influencers can help brands promote their NFT projects by creating creative, engaging content. They can do this through social media posts, videos, or podcasts. They can also connect their audiences with NFT creators.
NFT influencers can also be great at explaining how to trade NFTs. ryandcrypto, for example, has a popular Twitter account that shares transparent content about his NFT trading experience. This helps his audience feel confident navigating the crypto space.
Artchick is another NFT influencer who focuses on female avatars and is passionate about spreading diversity in the NFT world. She has recently come under scrutiny after old Twitter posts suggest that she may be a man. If this is true, it would be a disservice to the small community of women in the NFT world.
NFT influencers can help your business promote your NFT projects and build trust with consumers. These influencers are knowledgeable about the market and share their insights with followers. They can also help you create a marketing strategy for your NFT project. You should look for an NFT influencer with a large following and years of experience. NFT influencers should also have a positive reputation in the crypto community.
One of the most popular NFT influencers is Cozomo de’ Medici, who gained popularity by sharing his top NFT mints and trades on Twitter. He is now known as the NFT avatar of rapper Snoop Dogg, and his NFT collection has grown to become one of the most valuable collections in the Metaverse. NFTboi is another prominent NFT influencer who regularly shares NFT market analysis and highlights emerging NFTs.
NFT influencers share content about the NFT universe with their followers. They often focus on helping people find and acquire NFTs. Some also promote NFT creation platforms and artists. They may even create their own NFTs and mint them for sale.
The popular NFT influencer NFT girl is a digital artist who enjoys collecting NFTs and creating innovative artwork. She is known for her jaw-dropping digital paintings and is an advocate for other NFT artists. She also hosts aTwitter Spaces show where other NFT collectors share their success stories.
Another NFT influencer, NftTimes, has over 864 k subscribers and shares tutorial videos about NFTs. They also offer NFT giveaways and are a great resource for people new to the NFT world. They are also a good choice for brands looking to reach out to the younger generation of NFT enthusiasts.
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nesttech · 2 years
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lexibugsblog · 4 years
Sharing with Strangers
WARNINGS: N/A, cuddles and fluff
Arvin One Shot
This is my first fan fiction I've ever written so please be gentle :D
Arvin makes it to Cincinnati and gets dropped off at a diner
A red Volkswagen pulls up outside, a man in a baseball cap with a duffel bag throw over his shoulder steps out waving at the other man before he drives off. I look at the clock on the opposite side of the wall, 3:23 A.M. The bell chimes above the door as he strolls in, worn baseball cap still hiding his face.
“Hi, welcome in!” I regenerate my normal greeting. I grab my notepad and make my way over to him,
“What can I getcha’?”
“Just coffee.” He states quietly, glancing out at me from the corner of his eye. “Coming right up,” I notify him, giving him a smile. Once I prepare the coffee I bring it over to him, setting it down on a napkin. “Thank you,” he mutters, this time his head looks up for a split second. I turn to walk away, but he looked in need of some company and there was only one other guest, asleep at a corner booth towards the back of the diner,  so I slide into the corner booth across from him. He finally looks up at me, mouth agape. “How long have you been on the road?” I inquire. 
“How did you-” he takes off his cap, his mused hair adding to his disheveled appearance.
“You look like haven’t had a good meal or a good sleep in a minute,” I explain, he seems a bit taken back at this point, maybe insecure about how he looked, but he shouldn’t be, even worn to the bone he looked drop-dead handsome. 
“So, are you running away from something or to it?”
“Take a guess,” he smiles playfully before taking a sip of his coffee. I laugh a little, lacing my fingers together on the table. I purse my lips, taking him in, his chocolate eyes watching me, awaiting my response. “Running away,”
“Why do you guess that?”
“Your eyes,” I explain, he laugh awkwardly breaking eye contact at that moment.” You have tired eyes, full of woe, not hope, at least not as much as someone who would be running to something. Also, you were hitchhiking, so it must have been abrupt and  really bad whatever it is your running form.” His eyes then flicker back up at me for a moment, nearly brimming with tears. My heart sunk to my stomach, “I’m so sorry! I really didn’t mean to-” I begin apologizing profusely, getting up from the booth.
“No, no really it’s okay,” he gestures back to the booth,” Please stay.” I hesitate as he sniffles, running his hands over his face, pushing away any water that was on the verge of spilling out. “Please.” He says on last time before I take my seat across from him again. “I really am sorry.” I declare one last time. “It’s okay, really,” He assures me, “Its just been a long drive.” I nod, shifting in my seat, trying to break the uncomfortable silence without overstepping again. 
“Where are you headed, if you don’t mind my asking.” I preface this time.
“I don’t know. The man that picked me up said he was headed here, so I’m here.” 
“Where were you coming from?” he opened his mouth to speak, a name on the edge of his lips be he stopped himself, thinking on the answer, “A small town, on the other side of Ohio” I laugh softly to myself. He smiles back at me, eyebrow raised in confusion, “What? You don’t believe me?”
“Nothing,” I smile pushing my hair out of my face, “You just really have this whole ‘handsome mysterious stranger’ thing down pat. You show up at three in the morning to a 24/7 diner, ball cap shielding your face, duffel bag slung over your shoulder. Then when asked where you’re from, you give the vaguest answer a person could get.” He chuckles, once again running his hand through his hair, “You think I’m handsome?” he flirts halfheartedly. I let out a laugh, blush filling both our cheeks as he laughs along with me. He had a beautiful laugh, much lighter then he himself seemed to be. This time, even once our laughter died down, the silence didn’t seem as uncomfortable as before. 
“Look,” I prompt, “how about I make you some food, on the house, I get off at five and we can go back to my place.” he seemed in awe of this offer, hell I was a bit in awe of my offering, but something about him seemed different. I’ve lived in this city my entire life, I had met a lot of people most of them questionable at best, but he had something about him that made him seem like a genuinely good person. “It’s not a lot but its a real bed, at least for the night.” 
“I’d really appreciate that.” he finally answered after a beat.
“Okay,” I give him a nod and a smile before getting up from the booth to prepare him some burger and fries. Time ticked by quickly after he finished eating and I finished cleaning up it was nearly time to go. I finish packing up my sketchbook, and art supplies that had been laid out on the counter before he’d come in when Sarah finally comes in to relieve me. I grab my backpack before heading over to his booth to let him know we could go. “What’s your name by the way?” I ask as he slides out of the booth.
“Arvin, my names Arvin,” he states as he throws his duffel bag over his shoulder. “I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet your Arvin.”
The walk back to my apartment was quiet, I began overthinking things. What if he was some crazy person, I sneak a glance at him, what if he murders me or something once we get back to my place. How could I even begin to politely retract my offer, he looks over at me a shy smile on his lips, as his hand tightens around the strap of his bag. Before I could say anything, we were at my apartment, 
“This is it,” I tell him, as I begin fumbling for my keys. “Hey,” he stops me, “If you’re uncomfortable I can find a motel.” He gives me a sympathetic smile and once again my heart wrenches looking into his bloodshot eyes. He’s been through it, I don’t know exactly what it was but I could tell he needed a little human kindness.
“No, I’m not, just promise...promise you won’t, like, murder me or anything?” I propose, he chuckles sticking out his pinky finger, “I promise,” he says, as I wrap my pinky around his. We both smile inwardly as I finally find the apartment key. After walking up a couple flights of stairs, I open the door to my place, flicking on the lights, as we enter. I sit my things down on the small kitchen island, I shove my hands in the pockets of my bib, becoming a little insecure myself as he looked around. I hated the color of these walls, it must have once been a vibrant orange but over the years has become dull, the pale yellow overhead light not helping. The covers of my bed disheveled, I’d always meant to get into the habit of making it but I never did. He then sat his bag down, moving over to the large window the by the bed, he looked out it, 
“I’m going to change real quick,” I inform him as I meddle through my closet for my pj’s “Feel free to make yourself at home.” I gesture to the whole one room of my apartment. I quickly change into a sweater, shorts, and some comfortable socks before exiting the bathroom only to find him staring at my painting sitting the easel.
“That’s not finished,” I explain, biting my thumbnail, watching him admire the unfinished painting of a naked woman. 
“This is really good.” he compliments. It could be better. It isn’t until he turns around, I stop looking at all the imperfections of the painting and I actually look at him, no more jacket, baseball cap, or even shoes, he looked perfectly at home, as if he was made to be here, at this moment. I wished i could capture this image forever, it almost felt like a dream. 
“Thank you,” I finally say, remembering he paid me a compliment just a moment ago. I shake my head of all the thoughts swirling around in my head as I begin to turn the bed down for him. “I’ll take the couch,” I say pulling the throw blanket off the back of it.
“Definitely not,” he states firmly.
“I’ll take the couch, I’m the guest.”
“Which is exactly why you get the bed.”
“I’m not letting you-”
“Look,” I interrupt him for the second time tonight, “I promised you a bed to sleep in tonight, and that what you’re going to get,” I say firmly, he presses his lips together in defeat. “We could share?” my cheeks flushed at the thought, but with my back to him he was none the wiser.” I mean, if that’s okay, I don’t want to make you feel weird or anything, I just..” he begins stumbling over his words, causing a smile to pull on my lips. “Okay,” I say finally turning to him.
“Okay.” he agrees his lips pulled together in a tight smile. As he settles into bed I turn out the lights before joining him. At first, we both lay on our backs, neither of us saying anything. Eventually, I began to hear the patter of rain against the window, and his breathing became more shallow. I finally look over at him for a moment, the neon lights of the outside shining onto him, he really is beautiful, this is the last thought that passes through my mind before drifting off.
I wake up the next morning to the sound of a heartbeat thudding in my ear. As I come to I realize my leg is flung across his hips, and his arms are snaked around my body. Part of me felt like I should be freaking out, I only met him yesterday, but a big part of me couldn’t deny how natural and comforting this felt like this was how things were meant to be. Not long after he finally woke, realizing our position he quickly lifts his hands from my body, not all the way, just hovering above where they were.“Im not uncomfortable.” I simply say, and with that his hands return, tightening even. Yeah, this is good. 
Once we finally get up from bed, he takes a quick shower I make us breakfast. He comes out of the bathroom in the same disheveled clothes from yesterday before sitting on a stool at the island. I set a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of him before taking a seat beside him with my own plate.”So, whats next?” I prompt. He takes a bit, thinking about the question for a moment. Selfishly I knew what I wanted his answer to be, but also I could tell he’d been on a long journey before he’d out into the stranger’s van that brought him to hear, and he had a long one left to go. He finally swallows and looks over at me, a boyish grin plastered onto his face, “I think I might stay here for a while if you’ll have me.” I toothy smile spread across my face, he may not be around for long, but I was more then happy to be part of his story, even if just for a little while.
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I don't know if i already posted these doodles about trish here \/(•-•)\/
but if not ...ahem..LOOK AT BEST GIRL TRISH ^♡^!!
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...here is a art challenge from Instagram called #artblend i participated (even though i had and still have art block) TwT'
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gin-and-massacre · 4 years
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I recently started a red bubble so I think I will start to share some designs here!
Here is one of my favorites!
You can also check out my redbubble by going to
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beearaba-art · 4 years
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Some of my favorite color palettes to work with. #bohominimalism #artchic #fortheloveofart #artchick #doitforart #artlove #art #artlovers #artfans #artistsunite #design #patterns #stylemaker #visionaryart #artistontherise #digitalart #digitalartist #artbyaraba #beearabaart #barabaart #artislife #artheals #artforthesoul #artliving #artdiary #artdeco #artforthehome #femaleartist #artwork #artportfolio https://www.instagram.com/p/CDwoWehl2b7/?igshid=v5991tztxfii
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najeematvonline · 5 years
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Art Everywhere. Art Everyday. #artchick (at North Charleston, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5VYrXzBD9R/?igshid=1uuhhvl175az5
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kittymattrazzsworld · 7 years
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"Mithing teef" Inspired by Swimming Pool by The Front Bottoms. Made this painting late last year. Put a final touch on it, scanned it, and varnished it. #art #painting #paintings #acrylic #acrylicpainting #artlife #femaleartists #artistlife #artchick #thefrontbottoms #creative #blood #teeth #prettycolors #artislife
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audralovescolor · 4 years
#wholelottamiles #artchick #art #cool https://www.instagram.com/p/CDfvOLXjxNp/?igshid=1hxr7z7t943et
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renescreations-blog · 4 years
#artchick #artistsoninstagram #catsofinstagram #cats #art https://www.instagram.com/p/CCCoi17Ahuz/?igshid=bat9q306na3o
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kevaind · 6 years
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@baileyrpace with her young empress vibe. #KEVAIND #art #culture #money #fashion #style #streetstyle #studio #portrait #model #ootd #photooftheday #spring #love #hypebae #melanin #queen #queens #blackqueen #blackqueens #empress #melaningoddess #film #poledancing #danceafrica #london #africa #instagram #artchick #bgm (at by CHLOE.)
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nesttech · 2 years
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activeadultmale · 7 years
Fantasy Lipsynch-for-your-Life number 5.... "Tell me we both matter, don't we?" #katebush #legend . . . #runningupthathill #thegreatest #artrock #artchick #hotbitch #80s #icon #1980s #gay #rpdr #rupaulsdragrace #beardedqueen #instagay #gaystagram #beard #beardsofinstagram #ginger #gingersofinstagram #redhead #416 #yyz #toronto #thesix #activeadultmale (at Toronto, Ontario)
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collat-zo · 7 years
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A project that my bro didn't finish from a while back. So i decided to finish it for him 😊✌🏼 Haven't drawn in forever too so this exercise was really really fun 🤗🤗 #thefallowing #kevinbacon #sketch #pencilart #artchick #gamerchick #love #siblings #yas
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catrice14 · 7 years
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Customized by yours truly.... #customshoes #airbrush #angeluspaint #reshoevn8r #artchick
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beearaba-art · 4 years
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Some of my favorite color palettes to work with. #bohominimalism #artchic #fortheloveofart #artchick #doitforart #artlove #art #artlovers #artfans #artistsunite #design #patterns #stylemaker #visionaryart #artistontherise #digitalart #digitalartist #artbyaraba #beearabaart #barabaart #artislife #artheals #artforthesoul #artliving #artdiary #artdeco #artforthehome #femaleartist #artwork #artportfolio https://www.instagram.com/p/CDwoCY2FMSv/?igshid=xurrm2no535a
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