#aro tim stoker
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Jon n Tim are aro/ace solidarity
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me, looking at every single fictional character i like: you could be aroallo....
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nylongenesis · 9 hours
Im just rambling my heart out rn bc im like this but listen hear me out. I think Tim is aromantic. hot take I know but as an aro person maybe its just me but I see a lot of myself in his flirty chatter and playful gestures. In my head he does it as affection, as a way to stretch his wings and engage in a bit of fun banter, and of course, to get what he needs. I inherently see his tendency to draw the eye of people in order to obtain information as a gesture rather detached from the inherent concept of romanticism. it displays a nature in which one understands romance and appeal on a surface level, but does not feel it themselves. I think he likes traditionally romantic stuff. He calls himself a hopeless romantic. He kisses his friends on the cheeks and he treats Sasha as a lover would treat their spouse but they are not dating and both of them know this. He spends passionate nights with people and leaves feeling satisfied. But if you confessed romantic interest in him he would give you a horrifically awkward, apologetic look and let you down easy. I think he was devastated by the realization in his youth. I think beneath all his affection and smiles and toying remarks he knows he will never truly be able to have the romantic relationship he always dreamed of having, because what he desires simply does not exist. I think he indulges in the little things- passing glances, playful flirts, romantic comedies, nights on the town, to taste what he cannot have- and even moreso, to enjoy what he *can* have. To enjoy the fact he can do so comfortably, openly, without concern for what it may look like or if it's really romantic or not. Perhaps he has grown to be happy with the way he lives. Perhaps he is content to be in his lovely queerplatonic relationship. Perhaps he distantly wishes he could be a better partner because he knows he will never meet the standard. I think he loves so strongly, so powerfully, that it simply is not something that could fall into romance. It just isn't. But he loves all the same. He loves so passionately, like a fire, but it is not romance. it is simply love. Tl;dr personal hc is that tim is romance-positive aro (unless it comes to romance aimed at him) and is bisexual. Bc we need more alloaro rep. and more romance-positive aro rep. And i see myself in him.
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for the aro ask game, can you do question 18 or 9?
9: What is your favourite aro-spec identity flag?
i LOVE the cupioromantic flag, the colors are sooo pretty and I think it's so neat :]
18: Do you have any aro-spec headcanons?
not a whole lot tbh, however:
Jonathan Sims (tma) - he's a romance favorable aro-ace to me
Sasha James (tma) - I don't think it was ever actually made cannon that she's aro? but idc she is
Tim Stoker (tma) - listen it's not my fault all the archive team are aro ok? but he's cupio all the way around <3
Patton Sanders (tss) - my aro bestie <3 he just wants to be friends w everyone
Darryl Wilson (dndads) - in my mind he is either aro or greyromantic, but my mans is not allo
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Do y’all wanna cry today? Yeah I know you do
(TMA s2 spoilers)
Listen to Panic at the Disco’s song House of Memories and think about Tim and Sasha.
That’s all. I’m sorry. But if I have to cry about my bi disaster and aro blessing so do you.
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secretlyhuntokar · 4 months
im aroace and hit all your faves with the aro beam and ace beam guess what's happened now
aroace Crowley
aroace Aziraphale
demiromantic asexual (sex-neutral) Doctor
demiromantic asexual (sex-repulsed) Master
aromantic Sasha James
frayromantic Tim Stoker
asexual (sex-neutral) Martin Blackwood
aromantic Helen Distortion
aroace Michael Shelley/Distortion
asexual Jonny D'Ville
aromantic asexual (sex-positive) River Song
aroace Saiki K (honestly this one is canon but i see people ignoring it all the time so im adding it)
demiromantic, greyromantic Arthur Pendragon
demisexual, demiromantic Merlin
demisexual Gertrude Robinson
greysexual Agnes Montague
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cyeayt · 4 months
whats ur tim headcanons :)
oooh i have so many i can sort them into appearance, character arc, and sillies, a lot of these are lifted from fics i like fyi,,, ty so much for the ask, this is very rambly lol
i tend to think of Tim as Malay mostly because of Head in the Lion's Mouth and renwhit's other works with the stoker bros which rewrote my brain although in my mind he has short hair instead of long like he has in those series. i also have fallen to the fanon of him wearing colorful button ups but i don't really like him in aloha shirts just cause i think he has better taste than that, i also think he has his ears pierced and i am not immune to the idea that he wears a shark tooth necklace he got from Danny. I do also think that he had his hair shorter and dyed purple on the ends in season 1 that he then stopped taking care of in season 2 so it was washed out green and all messy by season 3, by which time i also think his fashion had deteriorated and to me he was at the unknowing in the rattiest hoodie imaginable and jeans he had been wearing for at least 4 days. he can have a graphic tee as a treat but he was def greasy.
in terms of his character i have a lot of stuff that i think are headcanons that are actually just canon (like that he knew something was up with sasha before not-sasha was revealed or that he felt comfortable in research before getting drawn back into the horror) because i have a really shitty memory but heres some stuff im pretty sure isn't plain stated in the text: he and Jon bonded in research and were very close before Jon became the archivist, and part of how they bonded was that they were both overworking themselves looking for their answers and also they're really good at breaking into places together. i am also a sucker for the idea that jon and him were involved or dancing around something but had to break it off when jon got promoted. speaking of hcs with high angst potential, i also think a lot about subtle rituals of intimacy between him and sasha and the small ways in which he would have noticed that there was something off with her. i also see him as being estranged from his parents/ them suspecting him of having something to do with Danny's death, which is not helped by the box of photos n such i think he keeps hidden in his closet/under his bed. in terms of his mentality Tim is really relatable to me i think he really struggles to be trusted in meaningful ways and that Jon suspecting him of murdering Gertrude brought back a lot of bad memories of police and his parents thinking he killed Danny. he gets stuck into patterns of though and mindsets esp when hes depressed and has trouble thinking of things in different terms in s3. also he did nothing wrong but thats neither here nor there
sillies! hcs that have little support but i think are funny, shipping stuff, and like whatever.
It's not really supported by canon unless you think he was playing 4d chess with Basira in s2 but in my mind Daisy and Basira were the ones investigating Danny's disappearance and they have a bad history. i like to put this one in my aus/ give him and daisy and basira a weird antagonistic relationship whenever i can because i think its funny when people are bitter with each other.
while i do agree that Tim would enjoy outdoorsy stuff like rockclimbing or kayaking, i don't think he's that good at it. i def see him as like the nerdier brother and think that he got into stuff that he and Danny did together, but it would be like Danny trying to convince him to go on the black diamond while Tim zigzags his way down a blue square. idk what the rock climbing equivalent of that is but i do know that tim cannot do bouldering.
i also see tim as being aro-spec like demi-romantic bisexual or somewhere in there idk im aflux aroflux its all soup to me but he and sasha are queerplatonic to me. also don't @ me i think he at the very least flirted with elias a few times either pre-archives for funzies or at some point in s2-3 when he stopped giving a shit.
hcs are so fun bc they're like little outfits you can put your character in like not every fic i write will have all of these and some of my more minute ones contradic each other but they're like ships to me anywayyy
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fox-guardian · 1 year
{pulls you back on stage with a bigger, cooler shephard's hook} what was that abt aro!danny in stoker swap 👀
in short this is the plan :
martin: see you around, ig danny: see you around too ;) martin: 😳 danny, internally: yes. YES. i'm going to get a good grade in coworker which is normal to want and possible to achieve. via Flirting.
they later go on a date that danny doesn't Realize is a date until embarrassingly late into the date and he's like
danny: oh haha sorry im not into men like that martin: .... what danny: im not gay. no issue with it! i just don't swing that way :3 martin: .... we just went on a date danny: what martin: you Winked at me several times danny: i mean yeah but- martin: You Called Me Handsome And Have Been Literally Half-Laying On Me For The Duration Of This Film We're Watching danny: .... i like cuddles martin: THAT'S GAY, DANIEL-
no one ever told him that flirting with strangers tends to be taken as an Actual Sign Of Romantic Interest (the fact that tim is danny's role model and also a playfully flirty guy Didn't Help) so now he's battling his lack of romantic interest in seemingly Anyone with the confusion of his newly discovered Sexual Interest in men, because hey. martin hot. and he doesn't realize there's a difference until he brings up his conundrum with his darling coworkers sasha (aro ofc) and jon (ace ofc) and they (mostly sasha) assist in him Realizing Things.
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wishing the blur transition didn’t completely cover the thumbnail… anyways the flags used for tim stoker are the bisexual and gray aro flags (the colors clash too much and i spammed it with gradient maps 😭😭)
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r-r-raf · 1 year
aro Tim Stoker is so true and real in my heart
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Alix is aro and has such swag
The Unplanned Variable (The Outer Worlds player) is the rare case where I think aroace is the intended default position in a western RPG
Tim Stoker from The Magnus Archives is a Casanova that never settled down or showed interest in romance beyond simple flirting or an actual tool to use
Oh heck yeah, Alix having aro swag is literally canon (at least, she is canonically aro and in my opinion she has swag)
I don't know who those other people are but that's awesome, thank you for sending these!!
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Tim is learning new things about himself and his feelings <3
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aroallo tma headcanons?
tim stoker (bi aro, romance indifferent, prefers fwbs), sasha james (pan aro, prefers qprs), jonah magnus (pan bellusromantic, objectum, romance repulsed), gertrude robinson (frayromantic lesbian), oliver banks (aro gay, romance indifferent, currently non-partnering)
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oh shit uhm did not know that its aro visibility day! uh i don't have anything planned but here's a list of characters that i headcanon as aromantic (as a person on the aromantic spectrum)
any bursona ever (except cc!wilbur obviously)
bruce wayne (demiromantic) (DC)
damian wayne (DC)
c!ranboo (cupioromantic) (dsmp)
c!tommy (dsmp)
c!techno (dsmp)
c!phil (demiromantic) (dsmp)
dipper & mabel pines (gravity falls)
tim stoker (grayromantic) (tma)
sasha james (tma)
jon sims (grayromantic) (tma)
kon-el (grayromantic) (Young Justice)
The entire Teen Titans (2003)
cassandra cain-wayne (DC)
theres probably a bunch more that i'm forgetting lol .
(also heres a list of bursonas under the cut)
c!wilbur - lithoromantic
o!wilbur - grayromantic
q!wilbur - cupioromantic
ghostbur - demiromantic
argbur - lithoromantic
simpbur - i actually have no idea whats going on with him.
i can't think of others rn but assume they are aro too.
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aroconfusion · 3 years
okay but the possibilities of aroace tim stoker…
- he didn’t realize that other ppl thought he was flirting, he just rlly likes (or liked before all his ~trauma~) meeting ppl or being friendly
- once he figures out that ppl interpret his being nice as flirting he keeps doing it bc he thinks it’s fun and funny (as long as he knows the other person isn’t super invested while he isnt)
- when he meets sasha and jon at tmi and flirts with them
- and sasha and jon make eye contact (ik sasha wasnt in research it was during lunch break idk)
- and with their gaydar but for aspecs they decide, this man is ace (jon) and this man is aro (sasha)
- together they help tim figure it out and he is so happy to finally understand why he doesn’t always understand
- his only regret is that he couldn’t tell danny abt it
- he is sex favorable and romance favorable, so he wouldn’t mind a qpr or soft romo type relationship
- he and sasha are aro buddies and he and jon are ace buddies
- martin is the resident allo if the archives and they all tease him for it
- or martin is also ace, tbh i like both
- he and sasha have a qpr together and when sasha gets replaced there is so much Angst bc they don’t have a qpr anymore and his apartment feels empty and theres something missing but what…
anyways just all the possibilities of aroace time stoker
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iiiumihottie · 3 years
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[ID: A drawing of Tim and Sasha from TMA wearing various Pride clothing. They lie down on an abstract background and smile at eachother. Tim has a hand lying on his chest, and another arm around Sasha. He wears a sleeveless, cropped shirt with the bisexual flag colors, and the colors of the trans flag on his bicep. He’s depicted as East Asian and pale, with cropped black hair. Sasha has her arms crossed and wears a tank top with the aromantic flag colors, as well as a Philadelphia pride flag pin on her chest. She’s depicted as black with dark skin and coily brown hair. End ID.]
platonic pride timsasha for @archivalpride week one! this is for the prompt friendship 😌
(click for quality)
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