#archive; story
gentil-minou · 1 year
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Everytime I see posts like this I get filled with such profound sadness
Cause you know who has the same brainrot as you? The same unhinged feelings as you after you've read the fic? The person who always wants to scream about the fic with you?
I never used to leave comments but since I got into the habit of commenting on everything i enjoy it's been incredible. Especially when the author gets back to me about it and we get to have a discussion of what other ideas they had. One writer replied to my comment with a 5 paragraph essay detailing the Floorplan of the building the characters lived in and it was incredible
Anyways this is all to say that if you find a fic that just makes you want to scream from the rooftops, leave a comment saying that to the author and maybe they will join you and you can scream incoherently together
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kedreeva · 5 months
as a reminder to literally anyone and everyone who even so much as considers this: AO3 has NO autosave ability when you're making drafts, so PLEASE do not use it instead of a writing program.
If their server goes down, if you hit a wrong button and refresh the page or go back to the previous page, if you accidentally close the browser, if your browser or device crashes, etc etc etc you are shit out of luck. Your work is gone forever, it didn't backup to anywhere and there is NO recovery option. Even TUMBLR's drafting ability is supposed to autosave and often does.
If you want to avoid gdocs that's fine- there's other text editors with simple autosave options, like Online Notepad or Digital Scholar's notepad, or there's still local-drive writing programs that are free and open source, like LibreOffice. PLEASE do not use AO3 to write your stories into directly. It has NOTHING.
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a-wisebear · 5 months
oh i love leaving comments on ao3, you gave me pretty words and i give you my little words, oh i loved it, oh i have to tell you i loved it, ohhh do you know which was my favourite part? i'm gonna tell you, also it was a wonderful job and and and
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aussyartz · 23 days
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The Archifish
it took me entirely too long to do all those eyes enjoy !!
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ao3-crack · 7 months
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asteraws · 2 months
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my clown college grad project from december last year 🎪
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ishipgenfics · 9 months
Outsider POV on Somewhere Else Jonathan Sims must be just. so much.
Like imagine. You're part of a support group, and a new guy decides to join. You ask him his name and he says, "Jonathan," and then after a long pause, "Blackwood. Jonathan Blackwood. But call me Jon."
He doesn't like tape recorders. You only know this because the person who hosts the support group is into retro things, and tries to keep a couple around. She turned one on once when someone asked about it, and you noticed Jon clutching his nails into his hands so tight he's nearly breaking the skin. You lean over and whisper, "Do you want me to ask her to stop?" He says, "It's fine," and you nod, but you still try and change the subject whenever people bring up tape recorders from that point on.
He full-body flinches one day when someone says Hello, Jon. Nearly slams into a wall and everything. He tries to play it off, but after that people say Hi Jon, or Nice to see you, or things like that. Anything but Hello.
He says he used to work at a 'non-profit for studying the supernatural'. Someone asks where it was and he says London. You tell your wife about it, and two days later she emails you an article. Magnus Institute Burns Down In 1999. It was in Manchester. You tell her not to bring it up again.
The guy is snarky and blunt and downright rude at times, but when a woman comes in and tells them about being trapped in a empty warehouse for a week, he comforts her in a way none of the rest of them know how. "I believe you," he says, repeats it like a mantra, like a prayer. "I believe you." He says 'I'm sorry' less like he's sorry this happened to her, and more like he's taking the blame onto himself.
He talks about Martin, sometimes. His reason, he calls him. Normally you'd point out that while it's of course good to love your partner, you should have other reasons to live, but you stay quiet. This guy needs all the happiness he can get.
You leave a little late that day, and when you do you hear him on the phone talking to someone. "She'd been touched by the Lonely, Martin!" he says. "Which is bad, of course, but--" he seems to choke up, "Martin, I didn't feel any compulsion for a Statement. A-at all. I think it's really gone."
You just walk by.
You don't know what's going on with Jon, but it really isn't any of your business. You're an anxious queer lesbian and he's a traumatized ace guy, and you aren't going to make his life any harder than you have to.
Just. Jonathan Sims in a support group.
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one-of-many-mothmen · 5 months
I feel like if Jon had snapchat, his story would be completely unhinged. Like his story would be a picture of a cat and then a video of him running from the cops. A picture of his tea and a statement, then a picture of a dead body in an abandoned house. Just some really weird shit.
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earlgreytiefling · 23 days
My dearest love has once again returned to war (ao3 is down), and I am left with no tales of sweet loves and adventure to regale (no bedtime stories for me)
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lailas-in-space · 4 months
I binged all of tma in April of 2023, so with one episode per WEEK for tmagp, I'm feeling like s4 jon experiencing statement withdrawal
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chronicowboy · 1 year
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the ao3 error logo really captures an indescribable emotion
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uglygreenjacket · 11 months
*reads child a bedtime story*: I wonder when and why I stopped needing one of these.
*pulls up ao3 in bed like I’ve done every night for years*: Oh. OH.
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salemlunaa · 20 days
you guys need to stop acting like the void is some magical fairy land with a genie in the corner granting all ur wishes. when you “tap in” (which i feel is a more appropriate term instead of saying “enter”, because you’re not “entering” some place) it’s you granting ur wishes, your desires, what happens in the void is all your doing. And i know, i know i sound like someone from a corny movie telling the main character, “tHe mAgiC iS inSiDe yOu”, but it’s just a fact, everyone’s void state is in them, is different and is easily accessible.
YOU are the operant power
YOU call the shots
the void/“I AM” is beneath YOU, it’s waiting for YOU to give life to it, for YOU to pay attention to it, that’s when the void/“I AM” holds power: when YOU step into the equation.
And it KILLSSSS me when i see you guys talk about the void like it’s some vip section you’ll be lucky to enter. Doing all these methods thinking that one of them is gonna raise your soul and lead it to the “mAgIcaL vOiD”, burning yourself out, losing love for the law and shifting. Which is why i recommend reprogramming your language and calling it the “I AM” because of the weight the “void” has on the community. Your mind isn’t going to some special faraway place, because it’s you, you are the state, you are = “I AM” .
and until you get that confidence of knowing you don’t need methods or other people tapping in to the state for you, knowing you don’t need to cry after “failing” to enter, knowing that you don’t need to endure another day in ur shit reality, knowing that it’s YOU, you won’t get anywhere in this journey of yours.
You don’t need any of this shit, just relax, breathe and remind yourself who’s in control (did i mention that it’s you?) and you can tap in to the void and do absolutely anything you dream of
now go get your dream life, remember what i said: the void is your bitch not the other way around. stop making yourself a slave to the void
YOU are the cause AND the effect 💋☄️
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Bitch i shifted😭!
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So i know i'm late to talk about this but i shifted to a random reality 2 days ago (on monday) and it was really unexpected cause i was affirming these days that "i'm a master shifter and i Always wake up in a random reality when i fall asleep", and for Real it was a parallel reality to this one but with some changes.
The crazy thing is that it felt so Real and i was feeling everything (my hair, my Body, the floor..ect).
So here's the thing, i went studying (it was a tutoring lesson by the way) and it was so normal and everything was you know okay, but the next Time the teacher didn't Come but instead it was that kid who was studying with me at the tutoring lesson (he's a russian by the way), so he started talking russian and i was so fucking confused and i told the other kids "hey are yall understanding what he saying?" And they said "no", so that russian Guy started telling us (in english) that he will tutor us (that weird my Guy 🙄) so we all sat down and i was faced with this blondie Guy so we were having a really fun conversation and he began telling me things about that russian Guy like "you know that Guy isn't an ordinary person but he's a really strong soldier in russia and he's just 18 years old, he's here for a reason and i think he's searching for a girl to marry" i was like speechless cause that Guy was soo fucking HOT! He had icy blue eyes and black hair and a really good body, okay so then my conversation with the blondie ended, then that russian Guy started keeping eyes on me (that was weird 🤨), he approached me and showed me something that was like i think a product i don't know how to describe it but there was a code to it so i was like "oh! I need to write this code to keep it with me" ( i was interested cause i study electricity engineer in high school) and that mf started Panicking! He threaten me not to write it or else he will do something and i told him "well you Can check all my stuff and notebook" he started checking and he found nothing, then he move behind me and leaned in and told me "if i ever see you write that code i will [something i don't remember]" and girl i felt the pain and the force from his hand on my shoulder and i was Like (damn that Guy sure is strong 😳), okay so then i got up and i went Somewhere else and i started writing the code on my arm but then i heard him walking UP to me so i quickly erased the code from my arm and i acted like nothing happened.
But i don't remember how i came back here but here's the interesting thing.
When i woke up here i quickly wrote the code on a piece of paper then after two days and today exactly i decided to search for that code on the internet and bitch look what I FOUND!:
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"product details - Industry Mall - siemens russia" bitch what! 😱.
So i clicked on it and it showed me this:
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YALL I'M SHOCKED! do yall think the russian Guy panicked because of this? Because he didn't want me to know?.
If you know anything about this or you have any theory or opinions just let me know 🙏🏻😭.
Quick note: the blondie and the russian Guy i don't really know them nor they exist in my current reality and i don't really know their name.
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muffinlance · 11 months
Hey while AO3 is down
Here is a GDrive link to all my downloaded fics (it's OVER 9,000 2,000)
Mostly Avatar, also The Magnus Archives, Danny Phantom, Teen Wolf, and a few others
Mostly unsorted, some not even intentionally downloaded because the auto-downloader I use is Like That, so consider this a glorified "give me a random fic" button
>>> Linkie link <<<
Edit: Note that when AO3 comes back up that link will go dead again... until it's needed, once more
...Until next they are needed
If you were going through these for fic recs, check out my AO3 Bookmarks for the more curated list.
To make your own fanfic backups, I recommend AO3 Downloader or FanFicFare. (I'm not tech support for either; please don't message me for help.)
Happy reading!
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iamtheeggsnake · 1 year
“I never understood the phrase; ‘Like a deer in the headlights’, until she looked me in the eyes for the first time.”
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Agnes Montague.
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