#architecture things
modernethinking · 1 year
What sort of architecture would you like to do? Like, if you had your dream job, what sort of structures would you like to design and what styles would you want to specialize in?
That's a great question that I'm still trying to figure out myself 😅 id say my favorite style is what is called now "critical regionalism." This style takes its signification depending on where the building is located (geographically, culturally, etc.). So this "style" doesn't have typical things, shapes, or elements that the usual styles have. It's more sensible to it's environment so its identity will vary drastically from place to place if that makes sense.
I've come to really dislike projects that seem to blend or lack any type of cultural identity. This way of thinking helps create and/or reinforce already existent identity.
As for building type, I'm still unsure, but anything with lots of budget always seems less restrictive 😅
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droserawr · 1 month
my design concept is driving me crazy i ended up trauma dumping to my classmates/new friends or whatever idk
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excalisbury · 6 months
It’s 99% invisible ministories time and I just learned Carlo Scarpa didn’t have a license and got in trouble with the Venice order of architects about it???!!?!!? How fucking dare they???? He was prosecuted in a courtroom HE DESIGNED ffs (the judge agreed with me btw)
Btw: if you ever visit Venice, see as many Scarpa buildings and rooms and such as you can. His stuff is so so so so worth it. Scarpa is to Venice as Gaudi is to Barcelona imo. He is that vital to what’s great about Venice when you look further than the old stuff the normal tourists visit.
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reyblogs · 1 month
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heart shaped architecture my beloved <3
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rosarylo · 1 year
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orionhong · 1 year
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— the love was there. (it didn't change everything, but it changed me)
x. // erin slaughter // state of grace - taylor swift // x. // architecture - maisie peters // white ferrari - frank ocean // begin again - emma lord // x. // lunar years - maisie peters // king lear // hope ur ok - olivia rodrigo // cheryl strayed // 19 - xana // begin again - emma lord // the only exception - paramore // anne sexton // there it goes - maisie peters // road to hell (reprise) - hadestown // the things they carried - tim o'brien // in case you don't live forever - ben platt // molly templeton // for good - wicked // jeanette winterson
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fu-cough · 3 months
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you should find another guiding light, guiding light, but i shine so bright~ // adrien agreste doodle
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mer-se · 6 months
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vegan food is boring
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modernethinking · 1 year
I haven't heard of critical regionalism before! That sounds really cool! So is more of a focus on how the building fits in the site itself and blends with nature like Prairie School architecture? Or more like, focusing on historical/vernacular styles and how they can be translated to the modern world?
Yes kinda ! Although prairie houses still have lots of elements that make it a full style (big roof overhang, earthy colors, long shaped bricks, uses of natural material, etc). Id say when your imagining a building and your not starting it with the "im gonna do this style" and more "how can I integrate the building to its site" (physically and/or culturally) that's when you can say the building is critical regionalism.
ngl it's a very contemporary style so there is still plenty of thing to be established so I might be wrong. But from what I've learned that's what I got out of it.
One project that really reflects this idea is the wadden sea center (or lots of other project) done by Dorte Mandrup
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rosieandthemoon · 10 months
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silverskye13 · 4 months
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Lyrics are to Peter Hollin's cover of God Help the Outcasts, which I recommend giving a listen if you haven't heard it, or would just like to hear the swelling music with some of the more dramatic poses.
I also highly recommend opening the images in a new window, if you're having trouble reading the text or seeing details.
I think this is the closest I've ever gotten to making an animatic XD
Tanguish doing musical theater in the Saint of Blood and Steel's cathedral, heavily, heavily based [as in straight up ripped from] Notre Dame de Paris, as well as the Chartes choir reliefs, and also I think the entry area is from Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal? I'm not sure I've lost the reference image. But I'll throw that name in the bucket in case y'all would like to look that one up as well! The altar piece is beautiful.
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53v3nfrn5 · 6 months
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The Loneliest House in the World Location: Elliðaey, Iceland
Originally built in the 1950s as a lodge for puffin hunters, this house is often referred to as the most secluded home in the world. There is a widespread misconception among foreign fans that the Icelandic singer, Björk, has lived on/owned the island. The artist, however, never purchased the island or a house there. Today, the island is deserted with no residents since the 1930s
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rosarylo · 1 year
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cemeterything · 2 years
i used to think i was a total freak for thinking of buildings especially towers and churches as bodies + alive but then i started reading architectural theory papers that discuss buildings as living bodies with distinct anatomy and personalities of their own and i was like oh so i was just right this whole time and none of you told me. okay then.
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leroibobo · 8 months
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al-zidani mosque in tiberias, palestine. it was built in the 1740s and named for zahir al-umar, the ruler of the region at the time, who'd commissioned its construction.
since the 1948 palestinian nakba, it is abandoned. it remains the last standing islamic landmark in tiberias, and the occupying government does not allow its restoration.
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Books of 2024: WELCOME TO YOUR WORLD: How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives by Sarah Williams Goldhagen.
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