Queer Star Wars Characters: FINAL
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Juhani | Identity: lesbian | Media: Knights of the Old Republic
Juhani from 2003’s Knights of the Old Republic was the first ever queer character in Star Wars. The Mandalorian Wars rendered Juhani’s family refugees on Taris after the destruction of their homeplanet of Cathar. Juhani was enslaved due to her mother’s debts, but was liberated by the Revanchists when they freed Taris from Mandalorian rule. This inspired her to travel to Dantooine to train as a Jedi, where she fell in love with her fellow padawan Belaya. For her final trial, she was tricked into believing she killed her master when consumed by the Dark Side. She fled into the wilds of Dantooine, her turmoil agitating the wildlife. Dealing with Juhani is the player’s final trial as a Jedi, and they can either kill Juhani or handle the situation diplomatically and return her to the light. She then joins the player as a companion.
Traveling together, Juhani grows close to Revan and can be romanced by female Revans (the game shipped with the gender flag for romance bugged, but she is intended to be a lesbian). She takes the player turning out to be Revan very well, as she never truly accepted that Revan turned to the Dark Side due to how the Revanchists saved her. If the Dark Side ending is chosen, the player must kill Juhani.
Juhani strives to be a good Jedi, strongly believing in their principles. However, she struggles with the in-born aggression and heightened anger of her species, which with her perfectionism creates a vicious cycle that drives her towards the Dark Side. Other than Revan, she kept herself separate from the rest of the crew of the Ebon Hawk, especially Canderous Ordo due to the Mandalorian’s genocide of her people. She was also full of bitterness regarding the racism she faced on Taris, and struggled not to lash out against all humans because of it. 
Chelli Lona Aphra | Identity: lesbian | Media: Star Wars Comics
Oh Aphra, where to begin. Honestly the best way I can describe her is that she’s Star Wars’ Vriska. She’s a “rogue archeologist” and in marketing material sometimes compared to Indiana Jones, but the only similarity is that she can feature in the same wacky stories about retrieving artifacts except with none of the mismatch between modern ideas about archeology and repatriation and Indy being the hero, because she specifically isn’t. She was originally created for the 2015 Darth Vader comic series, recruited to help Vader raise a force that would let him coup the Emperor. She was so popular she then got her own comic series, making her the breakout star of the Disney/Marvel Star Wars comics. The Fandom Menace can’t touch her.
Her comics have been a series of frankly strange adventures involving Force artifacts, Vader either working with her or wanting her dead, and double crosses that leave your head spinning. She has Thrawn level tactical abilities, but only for schemes. She is haunted by how her trauma born behaviors make it hard for her to maintain relationships and be a good person. She has so many exes it's an entire section of this tournament. Her most significant relationships have been with Sana Starros and Magna Tolvan. As of the end of the Spark Eternal arc, the comic seems to be leaning towards a poly ending with the three of them, but first Aphra needs to stop self sabotaging.
One of Aphra’s greatest achievements was at the end of her 2016 comic run, where she trapped Vader in a PTSD flashback Force artifact on Tython and hacked his suit to allow her to erase Hoth from the Empire’s records. She did this for the sake of her loved ones who had joined the Alliance. Doing this gave Echo Base enough time to build up before they were found again that they were able to evacuate much more efficiently. That’s right, disaster lesbian love saved the Rebellion.
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autumnmobile12 · 9 months
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“Simon, I have watched you repeatedly hit a bullseye from two hundred yards while riding at full gallop,”  Catherina said.  “I can’t do that.  Leona can’t do that.  I’m not even sure if our father can do that.”
Simon loved his family dearly.
It was just they were a little ‘much’and as a result, he preferred to keep his visits to home short and infrequent.  Supply runs, nothing more.  Even now, he’d lingered in the village longer than he’d meant to, though that was on account of Mother.  He’d meant to leave yesterday morning.  His provisions, no doubt including some well-meaning gifts from family who missed him, were still packed and arranged neatly by the door.  All that needed doing was saddling his horse and rounding up his dogs.  Yet when he had come downstairs, well rested for the four hour journey ahead, he found Mother already awake in the kitchen, staring forlornly out the window.  Sypha had never been a morning person and three growing children had not changed that, which led him to conclude she either hadn’t slept well or she feared he would slip away with little more than a note of farewell.
Whichever it was, she heard his step on the stairs and turned to him with a smile that would have convinced him had he not seen her sadness prior.  Was he ready to leave, she asked.  Did he have enough food?  Was he warm enough in his mountain shelter?  Would he like help preparing to leave?  She sounded so genuine in hiding her heartache from him that Simon only felt a sharp pang of guilt.  He loved her, really he did, and he weighed the selfishness of his desire for solitude against the sadness his departure would bring for his family.
He loosed the arrow with a quiet hiss.  It cut through the air like a lightning bolt and struck the doe in a quick, clean shot through her shoulder.  Simon quickly drew another arrow as she faltered, but he needn’t have bothered.  After a moment, the deer slumped quietly to her knees and then collapsed softly onto the earth.  Lowering his bow, the young man made his way out of the undergrowth.  When he reached the felled deer, he knelt and bowed his head.  “Forgive my taking of your precious life.  May your spirit depart in peace, may your body nourish my family and people.”
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Note: His name comes from the Lords of Shadow timeline.
Simon is the enigma of the family, and honestly the one I really struggled with developing.  His sisters are both remarkable in their own way with Leona being the formidable warrior and Catherina the skilled mage of the siblings.  Finding something that would both set Simon apart from the girls and yet balance out their talents was a challenge.
I at first played with the idea that he feels pressured by the feeling of being overshadowed by his sisters, ignoring or even discrediting his own abilities and struggling internally with the idea of living up to his family’s expectations.  But that’s an archetype that’s really cliché, and I wanted there to be more to his character.  Archery was one of the first things that came to mind.  In the medieval period, especially for England, archery was high in demand for the English wars.  Bowmen were crazy strong to the point their skeletons are actually deformed to such a degree that archeologists can identify their bones in dig sites.  So this is not an idle skill by any means.  The strength need to draw a longbow requires years of dedicated practice.
The idea of him living in the mountains came from fur trappers who live in isolation throughout the winter, which led to Simon’s love for solitude and animals.  He keeps hunting dogs, naming them after archangels and war goddesses.  He's gifted with animals, so during his time in isolation, he catches falcons and hawks to train and sell to the wealthy citizens of nearby cities.  He’s also a skilled herbalist, both a healer and a poisoner.
Throughout, he seems to have the quiet bearing and dignity of a shaman or a monk, which aligns perfectly with his mother’s heritage.  In his early years when his personality was first developing, his tendency to wander off to play by himself was a source of concern for Sypha.  Coming from a culture that places value in community, she found her son’s solitary nature odd but ultimately harmless. She doesn’t know it, but in this, he takes after her father, who passed before she was born.  For her peace of mind, she taught him her ability to manipulate fire so that he would never freeze during his travels in the mountains.  Alucard checks up on him frequently, too.
In temperament, Simon has two outward modes of operation and almost zero in between.  For the most part, he has the quieter, more somber elements of Trevor’s character, but like Sypha, when Simon reaches his breaking point, he is perfectly capable of losing his shit.  It’s always a source of awe for the rest of the family and a pretty effective gauge in telling when things have officially gone too far.
In the end, despite his extreme introverted behavior, Simon’s love for his family is boundless.  He’s never hesitated to drop everything when he hears there’s trouble at home and he always comes back for the village festivals.
Key words for Simon:  Independent, resourceful, patient, calm.  The Belmont outrider and keeper of the woodland.
His Siblings
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023. It is the 235th day of the year (231st in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 130 days remain until the end of the year.
1712: Addison’s hymn “The Spacious Firmament on High” appears in the Spectator at the end of an essay on faith.
1723: Death of Increase Mather, one of America’s most famous eighteenth-century clergymen, a president of Harvard College, and the father of Cotton Mather. Mather had published many books, including Cases of Conscience Concerning Witchcraft which helped end executions for witchcraft in New England.
1828: Carl Gutzlaff and Jacob Tomlin become the first Protestant missionaries to set foot in Thailand.
1838: Death of Gideon Blackburn who had been a missionary to the Cherokee and an evangelist and church planter in other frontier states, including Tennessee. Blackburn Theological Seminary (later renamed Blackburn College) will be named in honor of him.
The first class graduates from Mt. Holyoke Seminary, the first American college for women, founded by the Christian educator Mary Lyon. (pictured above)
1888: Huang Su’e marries Episcopal missionary Francis Lister Hawks Pott, a leader and educator with the Chinese Anglican Church. Huang will evangelize, teach, and found an orphanage.
1901: Six hundred American teachers arrive in the Philippines to staff schools and begin mass education of Filipinos. With them comes Protestantism, which will eventually make up about 7% of the island nation’s population.
1918: Soviets execute Ephraim, the Orthodox bishop of Selenginsk. He had been a fiery preacher, beloved of his people, and had converted Mongols, Buryats, and Koreans to Christianity.
1952: Death in Catonsville, Maryland, of Russell Kelso Carter. A Methodist preacher, he had authored the hymn “Standing on the Promises.”
1928: Death in Catonsville, Maryland, of Russell Kelso Carter. A Methodist preacher, he had authored the hymn “Standing on the Promises.”
1952: Death of Frederick Kenyon, biblical archeologist and author of Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts. He had had a knack for making his findings intelligible to lay people.
1966: Communist Chinese Red Guards smash the windows of Moore Memorial Church, burn its books, burn its cross, and confine church leader Sun Yanli and his family in the building where they interrogate and whip them. Later, when they are released, the guards will shave Sun’s head and make him sweep and clean the church buildings.
2008: A rampage against Christians begins in Orissa State, India, following the assassination of a Hindu leader which is blamed on Christians. Hindu mobs will kill forty Christians and burn thousands of homes, hundreds of churches, and thirteen schools. They will also rape many Christian women and sell dozens into sexual slavery. Tens of thousands of Christians will flee from the violence.
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sillygum · 8 months
starter for: @stcries
There was no way he could sit still, he and Usopp had been singing the giant's anthem on and off for days when they spotted each other from across the deck. It was really happening; all these years and every road led to Elbaf! Surely their friends had made it home after so long, it'd been nearly three years. Have they changed any? Did they find their crew? Has Dorry healed up ok? 
Usopp happily regaled the story of Oimo and Kashii, two giants tricked by the Navy to stand guard as Enies Lobby for fifty years to save their captains. Luffy doesn't recall any giants there but he had gone ahead at the first chance he'd gotten,the life of his archeologist in danger. Two more friends they had to find on the legendary island. Robin even chimes in with her story of Saul, a lonely childhood waiting for her mother, a burning library and a friend she'd recently made carrying her to safety. Robin didn't fight the tears, only fingering them off her full cheeks, voice cracking when she declares: He's alive, which promptly left most of the crew in further scrambles.
It's another day and a half before the enormous island begins to bud on the horizon. From afar—what they slowly gather is– a tree cuts clear through the clouds, vanishing out of sight even as Luffy lay on his back atop Sunny's figure head. Usopp and Franky muse that it might go on higher than Skypiea, even joking saying it could reach straight through the atmosphere which leads to Luffy proclaiming they should climb it. Looking out over the whole Grand Line, the whole world! What would they see? Did anything live at the top? Did the tree make any fruit and what did they taste like?
Luffy's so giddy he barely sleeps a wink, eyes growing bigger and bigger the closer the wind takes them. Did the island surround the tree? Maybe its roots reached right down to the ocean floor, how old could something like this be? His face hurts from smiling, excitement nearly unbearable when Robin and Vegapunk laugh that even they doesn't know the answers to all his questions. If she and the old egg didn't know the whole island had to be bursting with adventure and things never seen. 
The rubberman bounds upright, not sure when sleep finally won but Sanji's cooking lures him away, Luffy opting to sit on the blue leather couch across from the table. Face pulling away from the porthole to bite into the char grilled sea beast kabob his chief has prepared. The meats smokey and so tender he hardly needs to chew, the vegetables skin blistered but soft with enough crunch to leave him moaning his praises, all of it muffled by the porthole glass. He's still eating when he plops back down on the lion head. What kind of food did Elbaf have?  Their portions had to be huge if Big Mom lived there. Maybe everything was super sized? Sanji hadn't cooked dinosaur in years. They'd definitely need a feast, a week long party! The delicious daydream of grilled meats and cakes bigger than he's ever dreamed of is pushed aside … Luffy squints as excitement blown eyes drift down from the colossal tree trunk then back to his crew. They had to see it too if their souring expressions were any indicator. Brown eyes flick back to the shore and the red big top that sat like a target against the mountains; the smaller collection of tents cropping up like polka dots, bright and colorful. Luffy huffs grabbing the back of his hat, Nami's old stitches from knife wounds worn but prominent against his palm. "Why's Buggy here?"  First time the news coo said Buggy somehow leveled up to yonko the rubberman swore it was a misprint.
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Buggy was an idiot and there was a zero chance the old crocodile and hawk were really taking orders from him. But that's what the paper said; Buggy had two of the strongest pirates on the Grand Line taking orders and he was doling out bounties for Marines.
From Dressosa to Zou to Wano, so much has changed in just a few months.
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velvets-stuff · 11 months
VALERIE ESONO (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
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Name: Valerie Esono.
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Afro-colombian
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Occupation: mountaineer, archeologist and sometimes teacher and rescuer
Height: 6'4 (1'93 cm)
English: Maya Hawke (Robin Buckley)
Spanish: Caterine Ibargüen
Signature color: Probably blue or purple
Personality: A kind and strong-willed woman, Valerie is always shown to be charismatic and energetic, but always keeping her feet on the ground and being careful where she steps. Valerie is generally kind and empathetic to others, trying to help them when she can and believes they deserve this help, therefore, although she does not like to be around conflict, she will get into it if necessary. This leads her to be a bit aggressive, and even though she feels that she is going to regret it later, she is able to say things face to face with others, emphasizing her flaws and mistakes if necessary. Valerie is not officially part of the Kratt team, but she appreciates them as good friends and more than once she has been involved in their adventures, in which she can be very funny with the brothers or even scold them when their love for animals or their stubbornness lead them to dangerous or unwanted situations. Although she has no problem getting into a conflict, she prefers not to intervene or start one if she does not see it as necessary or if she is simply not involved, even going so far as to advocate for peace. Throughout the program, Valerie's character, her origins, tastes, hobbies and relationships are known more.
Valerie is a good friend and companion and is very careful and kind to animals. It is not known exactly if she has had any interaction with the Wild Kratts Kids, but since she has three younger siblings and she is a teacher it is easy to speculate that she would get along well with children. Although sometimes she can get carried away by nerves or the pressure of the moment and she is the one who ends up messing up.
Abilities: Valerie has a very good physical condition, so she is good at climbing and its variations, in addition to a great reaction capacity and eye-hand coordination, she has been seen catching and holding her companions when they lose balance on a climb. She also has a great knowledge in archaeology, has knowledge of her social environment and some ecological aspects as well as basic knowledge of social sciences. Valerie is skilled in martial arts like Krav Maga, Muay Thai and especially Kickboxing, plus she knows how to play sports like handball, volleyball and enjoys surfing. Valerie has basic knowledge of first aid.
Despite having certain maternal attitudes, she is not considered an "unofficial mother" since she herself has admitted that she does not believe she is fit to care for a person for a long period of time without getting nervous.
Valerie has two dogs, an Alaskan Malamut named "Gabriel" and a Rottweiler named "Apollo."
She currently lives in Santa Marta, near a beach.
The locket that Valerie uses was a gift from her father, no one knows exactly what she keeps in there.
Her favorite foods are French fries and the "mote de guineo" with "queso costeño"
Although she can play acoustic guitar she is not that good at singing her voice is not bad just singing is not her thing
She has trouble concentrating on the people around her when listening to music.
She's demi romantic, demi sexual and she doesn't know whether to identify as Sapphic or lesbian.
Her late father was a fisherman and her mother is a seamstress.
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It was fun doing it, I'll be back soon with Dominik's ref sheet!
Ref Sheet Credits belongs to: @mochirizu
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lovefordyingstars · 11 months
guardians of adversity
protectors of blasphemy
keepers of delusion
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Caspian Blanc; prince
❝ are the stupid nicknames really necessary ❞
genius, blunt, guarded, archeologist, proud
hawk in the night. little lion man. cold-blooded.
❝ no one will stop me from finishing this. you can't take this from me ❞
Is able to track people, by using a person's full name (first and last) he is able to know their location. The more he knows about someone the more accurate the location will be, and the further he can be from them to know it.
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Tiberius Moreau; hunter
❝ I like the French version better, now I just sound like I'm from southern America ❞
marksman, sarcastic, loyal, comedic, middle child
eight. stronger. the archer.
❝ unfortunately I'm contractually obligated to make sure you don't die today ❞
uses a paint made out of his own blood to leave his "tag" on things. This tag allows him to know where things are, as well as teleport to him if the object could be moved by his own strength. If the tag is marred in any way it no longer works, and can only use so many at once.
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Nathalia Corvose; angel
❝ giving me a pretty name won't make me want to save you ❞
❝ you will anyways ❞
❝ yeah, only cause I'm not an asshole, not because of some stupid nickname ❞
intelligent, curious, prophetic, liberian, cautious
nothing new. if I'm being honest. two.
❝ moving on from the past is the bravest thing anyone can do ❞
Can experience other peoples dreams. She never has dreams of her own, only entering others. She has a level of control over the dreams and is always aware she is asleep. Has no choice in whose dreams she enters, only that if touching someone she can choose theirs.
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Miguel Vamine; hellhound
❝ unless you feel like being a puppet, I suggest you let me call you whatever the hell I want ❞
anger issues, humor, mercenary, red flag, stubborn
devil town. pretender. gotta be somebody.
❝ nothing in this world is free, you have to take what you want to be yours ❞
If he says a person's full name out loud (first, middle, last) he can control them. Puppeteering their body as if his own. He has no control over his own body when doing this, and it will seem as if he's asleep. If a person says his name (first) outloud, and he has previously possessed them, he will know where they are exactly, no matter how far away.
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epickiya722 · 7 months
I think fandom is also a place in which the majority of people who are really passionate and most active abt it are fans that happened to be queer in some way, so logically, there is going to have quite a big amount of people making these M/M and F/F ships in general. But ALL of the things in that post applies perfectly in one way or another.
For context, this is post!!
Yep, agree with you, Anon. In fandoms, the majority of the fans who are passionate are queer. That's not to say that there isn't passionate fans who aren't queer, before anyone acts up on me.
While it's on my mind, the part of that post that stuck out to me the most is this one...
Yeah I don’t really ship but I do write a fair amount of fanfic, and in most franchises working with the female characters is a chore.
You have to do so much of the work yourself, because the canon left them unfinished, with huge gaps or unexplored contradictions that you have to somehow resolve. Every female character you decide to integrate into your fanwork in some major role constitutes an undertaking in her own right as you patch together an understanding of her sufficient to model a consistent set of reactions and priorities &c.
The dudes just get handed to you. Even the ones whose canon is a mess have properly developed character cores.
That you don’t have to unearth and piece together like some sort of volunteer archeologist coming up with theories way more complex than the available artifacts truly support.
I really felt that as someone who has been writing Miruko-centric fics since March 2022. So, I'll be using BNHA as an example here.
I talked about it in another post of mine, but to summarize; writing Miruko in fics have so far been a wild ride. But a fun one because I get to add onto her character. Compared to male characters, the female characters are blank canvas and honestly, to me, that's what gets my attention more because then my imagination had more freedom.
[I would like to apologize because I had no intentions to make this ask this long (pictures are here), let alone one about BNHA, and I do tend to ramble, that is my bad. So I cut it from here.]
If you asked me now which character I find more interesting between... Miruko and Hawks (I don't hate Hawks), I'm going to say Miruko. Not because she's my favorite. Because Hawks does indeed have too much given about him and it puts me off sometimes. With Miruko, I continue to have questions and those questions turn into my thought posts or fics.
She was already a favorite, but over time I appreciate her more because writing her in fics surely helped me explore more of what I can do in my writing as well as her as what she could have been as a character if she gotten a lot more to her in canon.
It also made me realize that even though a lot of the fandom is queer, when it comes to shipping, there's not a lot of love for F/F ships. Again, comes with the fact that a lot of the cast is male and the male characters have a lot more given to them.
Here's the current count! Look, at the number of F/F fics compared to M/M and F/M.
Looking at this makes me think back to that post about how female characters are often treated to be more accessories to male characters than actual characters or something along those lines.
With F/M coming second to M/M, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those fics are written with more male focus perspectives and the female characters are treated as tools to push the fic along. Or those Dekubowl fics where Midoriya is shipped with every single female character. *shivers*
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Now, not saying M/M and F/M ships are bad, I have ships within those labels I like.
It just makes one think, you know?
I pressed on the Miruko tag and these are the top results I get. [Press to see full image!]
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Now watch when I reduce the number for just Miruko-centric fics.
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And you wanna know something crazy? I'm just learning this bit of info about myself. I didn't realize I was doing this!
First page of those 38 fics, the majority of them you will see are my own fics. Most of the additional tags and the top two relationship tags are tags that I used. Out of those 38 fics, guess how many are mine? 19 fics... HALF OF THOSE FICS ARE MINE AND I'M JUST LEARNING THIS!!
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skullymd · 2 years
Finding an extinct animal in ancient
Mesopotamian mythology
(I am a professional nothing, this is just me theorizing using available public information that seems to coincide very well)
I'd like to discuss something that's been on my mind for a long time and I've never been able to see anyone else talk about.
Something I stumbled across some years ago was the Middle-Eastern myth of the Roc, legend of a massive bird that can be traced to the oldest story known to modern man. In the tale of Gilgamesh, he and his loyal friend Enkidu eventually sail down the coast of Africa to fight the giant predatory on it's home island of Madagascar.
Interestingly there are a few breeds of hawk that live on the island but none large enough to fit the description of the bird in the story. However, the Roc may be less fiction than we think.
Archeologists uncovered evidence of an extinct giant bird that did in fact once live along side humans on Madagascar. It was no giant hawk lifting carriages away to feast on it's passengers though but basically just an even bigger ostrich.
The aptly named Elephant-Bird was a near ten foot tall. Thought to have been rather docile creatures, enough to share the island with humans. Despite appearances they were actually only distant relatives of the modern ostrich and were in reality more closely related to the comparatively diminutive Kiwi-Bird.
Gilgamesh is thought to have been a real king who had his life dramatized as the tale of a demigod and the Elephant Bird was yet to go extinct during his lifetime. It may very well have been that Gilgamesh truly did journey to Madagascar to hunt the so called "Roc".
And much like modern rich people hunt big game to boast to their own friends about murdering large animals for fun I think this ancient myth may have been formed around a rich man's embellishing of a hunting story.
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sapphicbookclub · 2 years
Author Spotlight: Silvia Shaw
We're thrilled to feature a blog post written by Silvia Shaw, author of the Imperial Rand series. We're reviewing her third book, Covenant of Queens, right now, and have previously reviewed the first book in this series, Rand! Read on to get a taste of the series.
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Hi everyone. My name is Silvia Shaw.
Have you ever wished for a better world? A place where it doesn’t matter what creed you are, or race, color, or sexual orientation. Where there are no gender disparities or marginalization of minority groups. And leader lists are not testosterone-heavy.
An alternate universe where women call the shots.
Well, I have, so I created one. That’s the beauty of fantasy, you may not be able to alter the world, but you can step into another through a book. You can let your imagination run riot, and it's all perfectly legit because it's a made-up place. How cool is that!
I called my world Rand because I liked the title, and it's easy to remember. Don't you hate the fantasy books where the names are so outlandish you can't even pronounce them, let alone remember 'who’s who'.
In Rand, the Imperial ruler is a queen, and the fiercest fighters are warrior women. It's a Good vs. Evil story in the style of epic fantasies.
I always think that writing a book is like cooking. Authors can make it as complicated or as simple as they like. I followed this recipe:- • Make a full-bodied story with a rich, tangy setting. Add characters: a fresh, zesty archeologist, a fiery-hot shape-shifting hawk, icy queens, and fruity consorts. Marinate with a spicy spell. Throw in honeyed romances, savory supporting casts, and then add sharp bitters for evil villains. Finally, sprinkle with woody magical creatures. • Mix well. • Put in the steamer to cook. • Garnish with crispy dialogue. And presto! You have the Rand Trilogy on a platter.
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far-side-skies · 2 years
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Storm Hawks Sea Osprey Character Challenge
Hello and welcome to the final collage of this month's bird OCs. I'm so proud of everyone who participated this month. I struggled a little myself with this one, but everyone's done absolutely brilliant.
Join the vote for a winner here: https://take.quiz-maker.com/poll4393140x4c034229-138
Take a look at the individual entries below!
Hubie, the aspiring archeologist and adventurer by @irishdove
Pandion, the infiltrator Talon by @knights-of-the-sky
Dea, the ex-Red Eagle by @grimm-the-6th
Calliope Pandion, the Atmosian film star by @gatorkid509
Captain Roisin of the Nightingales by @hanniebones
Pandemonium the sea elf by me
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howhow326 · 2 years
I'm back after 4ish days!
Everyone is a monster but Alya AU
Gabriel/Hawk Moth - Vampire
Gabriel is actually Count Dracula (Prince Dracul of Walluchia?). After losing his kingdom and becoming a vampire, he has been periodically disappearing and returning to (human) society with a new identity. His current identity is his 100th one.
As one of the first vampires, he holds incredible sway over their society and is basically the vampire king of France. He uses that power to moonlight as Hawkmoth without vampires from other countries catching on to him. Even if they did figure things out, it's not like they could do anything to stop him.
Emile is Gabriel's 100th human lover. The pair found the miraculous when they were archeologists in China (the Emile lore expands).
Gabriel is absolutely overpowerd as Hawk Moth. Without a miraculous, he has all the powers and weaknesses of an old school vampire (sunlight only depowers them instead of hurting them, he can control the weather, he can control animals like rats and wolves, he needs to be invited into a house in order to enter) and is at the same power level of an akumatized supervillain. With a miraculous, he is just as strong as Witch!Ladybug.
Also, in this au Hawk Moth uses his vampiric hypnotism to make people accept his akumas. I only thought of this change because one of the writers made that stupid twitter post that "aKuMaS ArEn'T bRaInWaShEd" so decided to make a better justification for it.
Nathalie/Mayura - Ghoul
Nathalie became Gabriel's assistant/Ghoul about 40 years before the start of the show. During that time, Gabriel needed a more personal assistant that was loyal to him and decided to turn the first person that showed up to the job interview.
Okay so if a Vampire bites someone and uses their weird black magic it makes a ghoul. If a vampire shares blood with a ghoul/human then it makes a full vampire. If a vampire bites someone and dosen't use their weird magic then it dosen't do anything. I should totally be hired to worldbuild someone's show lol.
Emile was having an affair with Nathalie because woman bonding over protecting themselves from the man that thinks he owns them and because I said so!
More specifically, Nathalie's end goal is to stab Gabriel in the back and take Awake!Emile/Adrien far away from Paris. However, after seeing how devoted Gabriel is to Emile, Nathalie started developing feelings for him too (the plot thickens)
Nathalie has a special bond with Dusuu because she thinks their situations are similar. Just that.
Lila - Demigoddess
Lila is the half-human child of Mendacius, the Roman version of Dolos (the Greek god of Lies).
Basically, the gods are real and having still having kids like Percy Jackson's Olympians. But unlike Percy Jackson's Olympians, they got a lot (more) weaker from the majority of people not believing they exist anymore. So while they are still dangerous, the witch society/ vampire society poses a real threat to them which forces them to stay hidden and lay low.
Lila started using her powers to brainwash her mother with Lies ever since she was 12 years old. She does this so she can basically do whatever she wants. Lila's main powers are (obviously) making people believe everything she lies about, but she can also use the Evil Eye curse (like a real witch).
Lila came to France so she could find a way to steal the miraculous and use them for herself. Additionally, because her father's domain is falsehoods and deceptions, Lila immediately figured out Ladybug/Chat Noir/Hawk Moth's identities after seeing pictures of their civilian selves and superhero selves. She uses this information to manipulate all three of them; she makes an alliance with Gabriel/Hawk Moth; she uses her connections to get closer and closer with Adrien; and she manipulates the school to turn on Marinette because Lila considers her the only real obstacle to her true plan, stealing three miraculous! Lila is playing a game of chess with everyone, meanwhile Gabriel and Nathalie are playing checkers, and Marinette is playing chutes and ladders (and Adrien is just off to the side watching eveyone play).
In this AU, Alya originally believes Lila's lies, but since Marinette revealed her identity to Alya, it broke the effect Lila's powers had on Alya. Basically, a lot of the stuff Lila pulls happens way earlier, but this time Alya is aware of whats going on and exposes her lies (which should have happened in the show)
And that's that! Coming up with a bunch of ideas on the fly and writing them down was a lot more fun then I thought it would be, so if I make another original post it will either be me dragging a certain fandom for it's decades worth of racism (not miraculous, Harriyanna has her work cut out already doing that. Also the fandom I am talking about is way more blatant about it) or it will be me posting more unhinged ideas about this AU!!!
Thank you all for liking this!
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
AU tag game
tagged an unspecified amount of time ago (I mean, I could check but I don't wanna) by @writingonesdreams probably because she knows that this is exactly the kind of thing I love to do and then I half proved her wrong by not doing the tag for an unspecified amount of time. but I'm here now, which is what counts. I hope.
Rules: I dare you to make an AU of a WIP on the spot and fill in the following intro categories
AU title: space archeological expedition
Setting: a planet that has long since been abandoned due to a global seismic event that released toxins into the air which have now been neutralized by time and nature coming back.
nobody really signed up for this gig, except for Hawk, who absolutely signed up for this gig and halfway said that yes, he did have a crew available to be his helpers and vehicle. the agency was super backed up what with the neutrality agreement on Dazna set to expire that year, so all available archeological teams were being sent there to study until then. Hawk has been trying to get to Ostinar for years, since he signed up at the agency when he was 16. he's not going to throw away this chance.
Rune has a spacecraft and a seemingly limitless supply of credits and also time, so he wheedles her into being his mode of transport. Yarrow loves seeing new places so it wasn't hard to convince him, plus he makes a decent archeologist. Moss has finally given up on paying back his dad's debts himself and took out a loan from Rune, so wherever she goes, he goes. Shadow is not fond of small spacecraft but he needs to get off this planet for a while. Copper literally is an archeologist who is also not that interested in Dazna, but did have to talked into spending an entire three months on a project so far from home.
Jet has issues. with Hawk, specifically, but he has more issues with wealthy Ra'das that he keeps getting into fights with, so he'll come along if Hawk can keep his mouth shut. he can't, but once they're on mission, the others can keep them in line. probably.
Ostinar is the dream. Hawk can't wait to get there and finally find facts to back up or (hopefully not) destroy the legends about the planet's history. that there were beings who could shape earth and mold souls. that there were questions answered and truths revealed. that there were treasures hidden in labyrinths. there is so much to learn, so much Hawk wants to rediscover.
it's going to be amazing.
Aesthetics: primary colors in desaturated hues, deep blackness of space, the inherent loneliness of sharing a ship with someone you think you hate, shiny science fiction against the wildest kinds of nature, stargate expedition vibes for sure, now that I think about it
Tiny scene/line:
Ostinar smells like coming back home, and Hawk feel so certain he belongs on this planet that it's honestly freaking him out a little.
His crew - his crew - have already set up camp, the inflatable expansion from Rune's cargo bay proving to be study enough against the atmosphere. Hawk's equipment says that the air is perfectly safe to breathe, but they still keep drifting back inside the shelter. They're getting used to things, but how they could sit indoors while such beauty is right outside escapes him. Hawk could stare at the landscape for hours, and at some point he thinks he really might. He forces himself to move and get to work.
There's nothing particularly amazing about Ostinar on the surface. It's rugged and overgrown, with strangely shaped hills and ancient towers looming in the distance, the surrounding flora attempting to strangle the stone. Hawk has seen a dozen planets with a similar aesthetic, of the wilds invading where civilization used to be. Ostinar isn't special just to look at.
But it does smell like coming home, and Hawk realizes with uneasy delight that maybe there are some legends he doesn't want to be true.
okay! I did it. and I did really make all of it up on the spot. @viskafrer @moonlitinks @darlingsmoon @mr-writes @asomeoneperson OR ANYBODY
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insane-mane · 1 year
Okay now, seriously, these are the last questions:
First one, if Kenny chose 5 out of his first 10, what were these 5?
Second one, what would be Kenneth's (if this is still his full name) go-to nickname, "Ken" or "Kenny"? Maybe "Ken" is how everyone calls him and "Kenny" is an affectionate nickname only Ben, Kai, Gwen, Max and possibly Kevin use to refer to him.
Third one, what would be your 10K's age?
Fourth and last one, what do you think your Reboot's incarnations of the characters would do in the future? Kai would almost certainly be an archaeologist, Kevin could be either an engineer/mechanic or a businessman, Gwen could be a college Mythology professor, and I thought Ben could be a diplomat or politician as a reference to the Omnitrix's purpose as a tool for intergalactic peace (possibly even being President of Earth).
Like as in his personal favorites out of his set? Probably Kickin Hawk, Bloxx, Fasttrack, Spitter, and Arctiguana
Everyone calls him Ken, his family occasionally calls him Kenny for a nickname and Kenneth when he’s in deep trouble.
Around late 30s early 40s
Ben is the protector of Earth, Kai is an archeologist/environmentalist for different planets including earth, Gwen is the dean of her college and only part-time sorceress, Kevin owns a local mechanics shop for both cars and planetary ships.
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brookstonalmanac · 6 days
Birthdays 5.30
Beer Birthdays
Peter Schemm (1824)
Adolph G. Bechaud (1840)
John Gilroy (1898)
Candy Lightner (1946)
Adam Avery (1966)
Ben Love (1978)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Mikhail Bakunin; political philosopher (1814)
Mel Blanc; voice actor (1908)
Benny Goodman; jazz clarinetist (1909)
Shauna Grant; porn actor, a.k.a. Colleen Applegate (1963)
Howard Hawks; film director (1896)
Famous Birthdays
Alexander Archipenkpo; sculptor (1887)
King Arthur; legendary British leader (c. late 5th century)
Julius Axelrod; biochemist (1912)
Hal Clement; writer (1922)
Countee Cullen; poet (1903)
Arthur Vining Davis; businessman, philanthropist (1867)
Keir Dullea; actor (1936)
Kevin Eastman; comic book artist (1962)
Jennifer Ellison; model, actor (1983)
Pee Wee Erwin; jass trumpeter (1913)
Bob Evans; sausage-maker, restaurateur (1918)
Peter Carl Faberge; jeweler, goldsmith, egg-maker (1846)
Stepin Fetchit; actor (1902)
Hugh Griffith; actor (1912)
Topper Headon; rock drummer (1955)
Wynonna Judd; country singer (1964)
Seton Howard Frederick Lloyd; archeologist (1902)
Meredith MacRae; actor (1944)
Ted McGinley; actor (1958)
Tom Morello; rock guitarist, singer (1964)
Alexander Nevski; Russian leader (122)
Peter the Great; Russian tsar (1672)
Michael J. Pollard; actor (1939)
Robert Ryman; artist (1930)
Gale Sayers; Chicago Bears RB (1943)
Cornelia Otis Skinner; actor, writer (1901)
Joseph Stein; playwright (1912)
Harry Clement Stubbs; writer (1922)
Irving Thalberg; film director (1899)
Stephen Tobolowsky; actor (1951)
Frankie Trumbauer; jazz saxophonist (1901)
Louis Varney; composer (1844)
Clint Walker; actor (1927)
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that-fema-corps-blog · 11 months
Day 122
December 2, 2022
Today we went to Caguas to look at some landslide inspection sites with an environmental historic preservation (EHP) archeologist. We had a short briefing before we headed out to let us know what to look for.
The main question was whether the land disrupted by the landslide was previously disturbed or not. Previously disturbed land is not a concern of EHP. The applicant was seeking public assistance to fix the roads that had been damaged, but several of them were close to houses and other development, so EHP was not going to be part of the initial inspection. However, upon receiving photos of the sites, large felled trees were seen. Old-growth trees indicate that some of the land was not previously disturbed for tens – or even hundreds – of years. As a result, EHP would want to be involved because the applicant may need to be notified of the possibility of needing permits to restore the roads and/or create temporary roads in adjacent areas. Roads are either filled or cut. Their impacts and regulations vary:
Filled roads are more common in valleys and other topographical depressions. Sediment is brought in and the road is built on top, so it does not disturb the preexisting soil. Less conservation laws apply as a result, and thus, EHP is less concerned about filled roads.
Cut roads are more common in hilltops and other raised areas. The ground is cut away, which has a much larger possibility of damaging the area. The potential for impacting the environment and potential archeological sites is significantly higher.
The second concern was whether the Clean Water Act would apply to the sites. Stormwater culverts do not trigger the Clean Water Act unless they directly dump into a body of water that is protected by this law. Culverts that carry rivers will trigger Clean Water Act regulations, though.
We left with the archeologist to meet the inspectors, government representative, and hazard mitigation at an administrative building a few miles away from the Joint Field Office. Then it was time to follow the caravan into Caguas.
Site 1
This site had two sides. The side against the mountain was damaged in Hurricane Fiona, and the side looking over the valley was originally damaged by Hurricane Maria, but worsened with Fiona. There’s a house perhaps 300 feet down the slope, and it may eventually be in danger unless a retaining wall is put along the side of the road that faces it:
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It’s not clear from the second photo, but there is a steep drop about 30 feet down with a pile of bamboo and other debris, perhaps 100 feet off the side of the road. There are three washed out areas against the side of the mountain, each at least 20 feet across and 20 feet tall. A bit further up the road is the largest washed-out section, totaling about 75 feet in perimeter. There is a collection of snapped and downed power lines near the concrete barriers, but power has already been cut, so there shouldn’t be any immediate danger.
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It is extremely pretty up in the mountains. There’s quite a variety of birds, as well. I added two new species to my lifelist: the Puerto Rican woodpecker and the Puerto Rican tody. A pair of red-tailed hawks soared around the valley together, though they were far too distant to see clearly.
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Site 2
The second site was a road in a residential neighborhood. Part of it had washed off, and some of the debris damaged the house beside it. This is developed land, so EHP probably didn’t have to be here.
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Site 3
The last site had the most extensive damage. Behind me is a house which was very lucky not to have been swept away. This landslide easily could have devoured it, had it have occurred a few meters over. The entire street had to be blocked off, as the soil is not stable, and there is a risk of further erosion. There’s probably a near-vertical 15-foot drop from the middle of the damage, with a steep slope continuing for at least a couple hundred horizontal feet.
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The homeowner came out to show us a video of the water rushing down the mountain after the storm. It looks like it came down the hill (right), scored much of it away, and then flowed across the road, causing the damage in the two previous images.
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While not as severe, a hill in a nearby residential area has also started washing out:
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The FEMA archeologist drove us back to the Joint Field Office after seeing this third site, and we ate lunch before leaving. The inspectors mostly wanted us out of the way, and very little was translated into English, so I’m not completely sure what we were doing today. Perhaps we’ll learn next week.
The rest of the day was mostly relaxing. Some team members went grocery shopping and accidentally overshot the weekly shopping budget by a large amount. Oops. We’re usually under-budget on food, so it ought to balance out.
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dizzydesi53 · 1 year
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Phoenix Ashes (OCxHAWKS) - 3: Hawks (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1307687781-phoenix-ashes-ocxhawks-3-hawks?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=DizzyDesi535&wp_originator=dfBcSlwVb1%2Fw9A7gjP4cx2dRHa8RGJvYPEcUbV2T2Q4ek6oBH1Dg%2BJ86XdpE6Lqsxzol59B401UjQ8tHS2GVoUuPDZR7NM9M8DFSB2D2Y%2FGsAARpE9XUkBvUnW7XAGxF Kathrine Uotani is a 21-year-old History professor and Archeologist at New York University. She lives in a world with no superpowers and no quirks. When one day a purple and black swirling portal opens up in her apartment living room and out steps a black-haired man. burns, scars, and staples all over him. he grabs her up while setting her apartment on fire and dragging her thru the portal. thrust into a foreign and strange world can she trust the winged hero who helped save her? ⚠️Manga Spoilers⚠️ ❌this is an 18+ story. ❌ I don't plan on sugarcoating things or pulling punches, anymore since hopefully 🤞 this is my final draft of this story. I will label ⚠️trigger warnings⚠️ but I won't label 🍋lemon scenes🍋. this is the only warning that ill gives for mature content. you have been warned.
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