#aph oc ask
Why does Philippines often hang out with the Pacific Brother other the ASEAN? Does Phillipines have a crush on COUGH and is COUGH dumbfounded about it and is Kiwi aware f it?
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Don’t steal and claim my art as you’res,
Thanks Hetalia belongs to Hima-san, Philippines design and personality is mine.
you can reblog but don’t repost.
———————————————— New Zealand: Just kiss already what? 🤢 Australia: Eh??? Philippines:
Authors note: So sorry for the late outcome, im multitasking! Currently I am working with a Big Project! book binding a Hetalia Fanfic ish, I made with friends!
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peonycats · 3 months
Ooh, could I see Pakistan? My mum's from there!
P.S. If you recieved a notification that I followed you, I accidentally unfollowed you while trying to write this ask-
As always, you're a huge inspiration to me, and stay safe, or should I say..
!محفوظ رہو
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I am so, so sorry this took so long 😭😭 I got really ambitious with this piece and i had to take a break in between working on this and resting and actual work before i finally felt satisfied posting! There are still technically a lot of mistakes in this, but ultimately i'm really happy with the results, esp considering that i'm trying to be more proactive drawing backgrounds and lighting!
as always, this pakistan oc belongs to my dear friendly @letttalias and the transp edition is below the readme!
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crepegosette · 2 months
Do you have a design for Mexico?
I technically have, but at the same time I kinda switch between seeing Mexico as a girl and Mexico as a boy, so I don't draw her a lot
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ask-heta-dzayer · 19 days
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[thank you @ask-the-pearloftheorient for the question <3 i'll give you a short version here and reblog this with a longer version <3
It all started during the French revolution, when France had became pretty isolated from other European countries, Algeria, back then the Regency of Algiers (Naval kingdom of Algiers) had helped him with grains and other goods, through the Bacri-Busnach association,
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France owed Algeria 7 Million Frs Or (golden Franc, = 2 billion Frs in 1955) and for 30 years he slacked off from paying them, they amounted to 24 Million latter but Algeria allowed let them be turned back to 7M , after a quick return of a monarchy in France, the king Louis XVIII wanted to solve the problem and sent some money to Algiers (that never reached it bcz the Consul Duval took the money for himself) another sum was versed but was devided between french officials and the association mentioned above. The Algerians were growing frustrated, so the Dey asked the consul in 1827 (who was desperate for a rupture between the two countries to hide his thieft) about the matter, Duval was disrespectful and angered the Dey, who ushered with his fan for the consul to leave (may or may not have hit him in the face while doing so.)
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France considered this a great insult, he asked Algeria for disproportionate compensations that touched to Algeria's sovereignty, Algeria obviousely refused, he then prepared to attack him. Now Algiers had a famous naval army (he was a Barbary corsair) but his Armada had been destroyed during the battle of Navarino and thus it didn't take long to invade him and make the Dey surrounder.
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Now it's important to explain why the Fan accident (explained above) was only a mere exuse for the invasion and consequent brutal colonization of Algeria. First of all, Algiers had a reputation, this was not the first Consul he insulted and France had done nothing about it before (he throw one out from a canon toward nearby french ships). Then France didn't mainly use this exuse for the invasion, another reason he gave was to bring civilization toward the...less civilized indigenous, to abolish slavery, to deliver Algerians from the mean Ottoman rule etc (none of this actually happened) The real reasons France invaded Algeria was to hide the corruption of the governement and burry the debts affair, give credibility for the monarchy by making a new win in a foreign land (inspired from other European powers "accomplishements") and because Algeria was wealthy (there's proof that the idea of occupying Algeria started from Napoleaon.) and because of his strategic location as the gate to Africa. (what happened up from there is really not pretty though)
don't hesitate to ask me anything ]
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ask-pakistan · 5 months
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He just did some "Friendly" Firing, not a big deal
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twrambling · 6 months
do you take requests? (if not feel free to ignore!🙈) how about poland and haiti? they apparently have history together! feel free to see it as romantic❤️ or platonic✨ (if I am not wrong, I think a few haitians today actually have polish ancestry🧐)
Thank you for the request this was super fun to draw!!! :DD and it also taught me something new so thank you for sharing ❤️ ^^
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Historical context (copy and pasted from Wikipedia):
"[...] descendants of surviving members of Napoleon's Polish Legionnaires which were forced into combat by Napoleon but later joined the Haitian slaves during the Haitian Revolution. Some 400 to 500 of these Poles are believed to have settled in Haiti after the war. They were given special status as Noir (legally considered to be black, not white despite actual race) and full citizenship under the Haitian constitution by Jean-Jacques Dessalines, the first ruler of an independent Haiti [...]"
The link to the wiki article:
Slightly less anti french version
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ask-aph-oceania · 14 days
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four years since i’ve started this blog!!! its a tradition at this point to come back every couple months to re draw these guys
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ask-therasenna · 2 months
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🌻 (i see and appreciate all the likes but would really love it if you could reblog so I can build an audience!)
Sethre: Hello~ Pleases to meet you all
> Who are the Etruscans?
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Sethre: Well.... We are an ancient italic people in Northern-Central Italy (-with some territories in southern Italy)
Oh and don't worry it won't be just me! Here is some of my siblings
(in order: Tarchna/Tarquinia (She/Her), Velathri/Volterra (They/Them) Caere (She/He) 🌻)
We are called in many ways: Thyrrenoi by Greeks, Etrusci or Tusci by Romans
But in our language it would be "Rasenna or Rasna" ("our people)
> Why are you here? How are you here?
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Sethre: When I was traveling your world, I came accross this device I heard it's called "phone"? (it even had a picture of Ruma!)
As I was trying to understand it's function I also came accross this letter thingy that allows people to ask and answer queries
//sorry for the repetition I did not notice also yeah that is my actual phone that I actually lost irl xD
Sethre: So I thought...
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Sethre: The afterlife has been quite monotonous so why not try something new?
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ifindus · 4 months
CHALLENGE! Draw a favorite oc(s) of your from another creator! Lets spread some love for eachothers ocs! And,if you want,send to another creator to try! (Not forcing,btw love the blog! <3)
Thank you 🥰 Always up for a challenge - and spreading love 😅
First that came to mind was @hetagrammy 's Ireland ✨
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lou-art · 8 months
Oh, así que no planeas en tener un oc para Argentina y solo enfocar en las Provincias ocs? :0
¡Exacto! Mi lore se enfoca en las provincias argentinas y en lo que hicieron a lo largo de la historia. Sin embargo, sigo necesitando a un personaje de Argentina para retratar algunos acontecimientos ya que hay una relación nación-provincia que es imposible de ignorar 👁 entonces para cubrir esa necesidad utilizo el OC de mi amiga DolceMinerva
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(Aprovecho para subir la comisión que le hice jajaja)
Durante estos años con Flopy estuvimos desarrollando el lore de las provincias junto con el lore de Argentina ya que ambos se necesitan para tener una buena narrativa 🫶 También podrán ver un poco de la dinámica de Argentina-provincias en el cómic que estoy preparando sobre La Rioja! 🥰
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peonycats · 5 months
Thank you for doing Nigeria
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Wahhh it's no problem!! even if it has been years since ive drawn her so here's a miss nigeria (yorubaland) for your troubles!!
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ask-heta-dzayer · 16 days
And how do you feel about your former occupants? I see you're still pissed at France lol
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Chibi Dzayer: " I'm an amazigh (free man) Hear me roar!"
[Short answer: He hates and fights anyone who comes in 1 m raduis from his land, longer answer:]
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[1st Panel, After killing Juba the first, Numidia (Ancient Algeria) fell under the Roman empire and his son Juba the second (who's next to Algeria) was imprisoned and became under the Roman guardianship, he was later put in the head of Mauretania Caesariensis (Western Algeria) and later Tangitana too (Eastern Morocco), Algeria as a whole became known as Caesarea is some books. I inspire Algeria from that era a lot from Juba, someone who hated the Romans because they killed his father and wanted to give him another identity, but he was too weak to do anything, Juba 2 even stopped a local insurrection and was thus considered a traitor (which is what i'm illustrating) but at times he and Algeria relate to each other.
2nd & 3rd Panels The vandals and Byzantines, i'm sorry i didn't have ref to draw the two so it's a bit half-assed. After the Roman empire lost its influence on some of its north African provinces other emerging empires started to take over, these two were pretty violent and repressive, although the Byzantines weren't as bad as they were remored to be, the locals had fought them all the same, like they regularly tried with the Romans, and suceeded to push them away. This is just natural to not want to be under someone control]
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[4th Panel; mister Ummayah is younger Syria in here, he's speaking too fast though because resistence didn't stop after Dihya (Amazigh queen, head on Algeria's hands, better known as Al Kahina) was defeated, Amazigh went in regular uprisings against the Ummayah, until they were separated from him (In Algeria's case, there's the Banu Ifran (Ifranid dynasty) and Maghrawa confederation in the west then the Rustumid in the east). But Ummayah was more accepted than the Abbasid in general which came later.
5th Panel is especially related the poor Ziyyanid dynasty (btw all dynasties and tribes have their own representation, but to simplify i only drew Dzayer) who was attacked from everywhere by Spain, Portugal, Tunisia, Morocco etc, he fought fiercly but ended up occupied by Spain until he had to call the Ottomans for help...
6th Panel, the Ottomans came for help, but also for something more; but The regencey of Algiers was also a very troublesome youngster ugh.
Now for France:]
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[The two panels are during the occupation, i tried to make their clothes militarish but don't quote me on these, i have a long post about these two relations lurking somewhere hmm; in sum , Dzayer does show more disdain toward his ex-colonizer simply because his wounds are pretty recent and not healed yet and France does nothing to help, if not emplifiying the impact and triggering the Algerian in many ways.]
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[Old illustration, I don't think any of those occupations can be summarized in one post or the man's feelings towards them (he talks with these people and most of the past is kept in memory or long forgotten, with exceptions) especially not the last, but i tried to make it brief.
In conclusion; because of his geographical position, North Africa, middle of the Maghreb, Dzayer had people coming from everywhere claiming his land, which he refused to give, so he had been beat up and around a lot trying to keep it. The guy just wanted to be left alone lol. Today though, it's more peaceful times, and because or thanks to his terrible Amnesia, he doesn't mind that past much, except the most recent direct one. ]
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bellhopmomo · 2 months
Siri search for "beach vaporwave" on pinterest
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fanart for @ask-hws-guam !!
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jnjzksekfjvn · 2 months
ame biting the curb 4k hi-def footage (sexy)
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BEAT HIS ASS BEAT HIS ASS (my oc realized that smashing a beaker on his head wouldnt be enough to get him to fuck off)
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ask-pakistan · 1 year
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Would you like to see him on your Dash more often? ;D
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"I can't take all the credit of course, Prince Frederick did help me with the convincing after all. Ah, what a fun night it was! Anyway, I'm getting distracted -- Gisil here cleans up real nice in a dress! Such a shame there's so few occasions that call for a man to get prettied up nowadays,"
i am obsessed with the idea of konrad, gilbert, and fritz getting up to all sorts of debauchery and trouble at dresden after frederick william hit the hay
equally obsessed with the idea that gilbert and konrad both stole their dresses from ilse
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