#anyway THANK YOU!!! im glad you think its pretty cool even though its pretty rushed !! teehee
flooficandii · 11 months
YOOOOO i knew your art had been getting better and better, especially lately, but your latest oc/miguel art is SOOO GOOD. nice job :) hope to see more in the future (no pressure though)
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inner-visionz · 7 months
Magic City (2d x autistic transboy reader)
Morning after part 2
Start from the beginning
"Anyway, not that I don't enjoy your company but don't you have somewhere to be?" 
My eyes go wide. "Uhh yeah I should go home". I begin to stand up by y/n stops me.
"Stuart your shoes are untied" 
"Fuck uhh"
"..Do you need someone to tie them?" 
"How did you know?"
She sits me back down then gets on one knee and starts to tie them. "You told me last night Murdoc would tie them. You forget how to sometimes, which is understandable you got hit with a car".  
I'm baffled and don't know what to say besides stuttering, "I-I uh told you th-that much?". Not so charming on my part. I mentally slap myself for saying it.  God,Murdoc is right, I am an idiot.
"You told me a lot mate, but dont beat yourself up about it. I still think you're cool", she says tying the last knot and standing up in front of me.
"Thank you", I look down at my shoes she just tied and start to tear up. It made me think of Murdoc and how I miss him. The more I think about it the more tears run down my cheeks. No no, stop it you don't miss him. I feel her pull my head to her stomach and run her fingers through my hair.
"You're okay, please don't cry", she says in a gentle hushed voice. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around her. She continues to run her fingers through my hair to soothe me. "Feel better? or I mean Feel Good? heh, im sorry bad timing". 
I can't help but chuckle at her terrible joke as I let go of her. "It's fine luv. Yes I do feel good. I feel good Inc. actually. You know that's the name of the song not just feel good"
"Are you calling me a fake fan?" 
I look at her confused. "You can't be a fan, you're a human not something with blades that cools people down. Even so you can't be fake"
She laughs a little. "No, I mean a fan as in a fan of the band". 
My face flusters up realizing my stupid mistake. "Oh...yeah, sorry"
She laughs. "Its okay, its kinda cute. In a weird sort of way, I mean the circumstances was awful and im sure its not fun for you..eh I'll stop talking". 
"Im glad you like to ramble too," I smile up at her as reassurance. 
She nods. "Umm I'll see you later then?". 
"Oh right", I stand up from my chair then wave her goodbye before heading out the door. 
Two weeks later
9:00 pm finally rolls around. I have on a plain grey t-shirt with faded jeans and black boots. If (y/n) can see me while I'm ugly crying and drunk then this should be fine. I grab my phone before walking to the front room.
Noodle is sitting on the couch and looks up from her book. "Going back Toochi?"
I stop at the door to look at her. "Uh, yeah I am".
"You've been going back every night and Ace said you met someone. When are we going to meet her?" she teases with a smile. 
"Oh uhhh I don't know see ya later Noodle!" I say before rushing out the door. It's not like we're dating or anything. I don't even like her I mean yeah she's really nice, comforting, a good listener, really pretty, beautiful, soft....
Okay maybe I like her a little bit.
I brush the thought off as I walk into Magic City. I'm greeted with bopping music with pink and red lights blinding me. 
I walk up to the manager and ask for (y/n).
" Yes, follow me she'll be with you in just a moment," she tells me as she leads me to a booth. As we're walking I spot (y/n) with a client. It is painfully obvious that she's flirting. I know it's her job so I'm not bent out of shape about it. Still it stings. 
"Here you go, just sit tight" she said before leaving me alone in the red velvet booth. 
I sit down and wait for (y/n).
About 10 minutes later she comes in and upon seeing my face she brightens up. She sits on my lap like she did before. 
"You will not believe the night I've had". She starts. "People kept touching me even though you're not supposed to. It wasn't anything too bad but it gets annoying not to mention people asking about dates and ugghhh," she groans.
"Sounds like you've had a rough day luv," I reply.
"Tell me about it, so how was your day?"
"Eh we 'ave our tour dates scheduled we're going around the world"
"Ohh sounds fun, oh I guess you'll be gone a while huh?" she said her voice kinda sad at the last part. 
"Well we won't be leaving for a while and I have a question"
"oh? What's that?'
"Well just to add to your ever growing list of men that have asked you out, I'd like to add my name to the list and ask if you wanted to go on a date with me?"
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
ASK BOX OPEN YESwell, I read the toshinori, Aizawa and Present mic with their s/o with this Jesica Rabbit attitude I LOVE IT, can we have some more? When they were fighting against LOV they were badly injured, their s/o was there or near the area.She saw them injured and for the first time used her quirk in front of them (Like kaneki from tokyo ghoul, without the cannibalism) to defend her man, s/o with this Jesica Rabbit vibe won't let anything happen to his honeybun or her new children👊😤👌
A/N: Aaa yess jessica rabbit s/o is a total badass babe that ain’t gonna let anything happen to her hubby or her kids 👊😤im also lovin that she has a rinkaku (i think that’s what it’s called rite??) anyway its pretty late rn so uh apologies if its weird or anything lol..hope you like it tho uwu ~lily
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ALL MIGHT / Toshinori Yagi
Your boyfriend had forgotten his lunch box at home again
So, like every other day that he did, you went to U.A. to go give it to him
By now, you pretty much accustomed to his schedule and knew you’re way around
Today though, something felt off… 
You couldn’t tell what it was exactly but it just felt..weird? Somehow?
You went to one of the training grounds and finally found your boyfriend…
Being cornered by the league of villains
His face and arms were all bloody and dirty, you could tell he was trying to fight them off
Your hero senses immediately kicked in and you ran towards him
Then you noticed several students laying unconscious behind him
This fueled your rage and protective instincts even more
The League didn’t realize you were there until the very last second when you activated your quirk and started attacking them
Tbh All Might looked pretty relieved when you showed up
It’s as if he knew things would be ok now that you’re here to kick their asses
And kick their asses you did
Let’s just say years of training an already powerful quirk meant that you were really powerful
The lil bitches that call themselves the league of villains were not prepared for you or your quirk but they were quick to adapt
You may be strong but you were still a single person against an entire group of villains
Even still, you fended them off to the best of your abilities
What you didn’t know was that the students of 1-A still had a lot of fight in them
Those that could had quickly come to your aid and, within moments, the tide had changed to your favor
Ngl the damage you guys inflicted was pretty high and it forced Shigaraki to call for a retreat 
You let out a sigh of exhaustion and relief before checking on all the students and making sure they were ok
You gave instructions for those who were injured to be taken to the infirmary and overall managed the situation pretty well
All the students were really grateful that you came and, in a way, fighting together made them feel closer to you
Once you made sure everyone was safe, you hurried over to All Might
You then proceeded to scold him for using his quirk while helping him up and bringing him to the infirmary 
“Thank you though y/n…I never knew you could use your quirk so well,” he said, coughing
“Don’t mention it, I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you or the kids anyway” you replied with a smile
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ERASERHEAD / Aizawa Shouta
It was another peaceful day
The sun was shining bright, birds were singing, people were smiling as they walked along the streets
Yes, it was just another peaceful day
And you were very glad that your patrol ended cuz now, you could go enjoy this peaceful day with your one and only Aizawa Shouta
Just as the thought of Aizawa crossed your mind, you heard a loud boom and several screams
Moments later, a dark figure was flung past your eyes
So much for a peaceful day
Looking over to where the figure landed, you saw none other than Aizawa
His clothes were tattered and torn, injuries were strewn all over his arms and blood trickled from the side of his head
You immediately turned to the direction he came from and stared in horror as the League of Villains battled the young students of 1-A
You heard a cough from behind you and turned to see Aizawa getting up as if he was going back to fight
You quickly ran over to his side and told him to stay put and call for backup
“I’ll fight them off for now”
He seemed reluctant to let you go but he wasn’t in much of a position to argue
So he just gave you a nod and a faint smile 
With that, you rushed towards the battle, using your rinkaku (the tentacles..I dont think thats what you call em but nvm basically your quirk) to propel yourself forward
[insert intense and very cool battle scene over here because I suck at describing fights]
You and the students of 1-A managed to hold your own against the league
In fact, you guys did better than hold them off
You guys could’ve probably defeated them had they not run away when the other heroes arrived
A few of the heroes went to chase after them but you stayed behind and helped the medical team make sure everyone was ok
Once you were sure that all the students were safe and accounted for, you went off in search for Aizawa
You found him being treated by one of the medical team
Smiling in relief, you walked over to him 
“Ah y/n, when were you going to tell me you look absolutely amazing when you use your quirk?”
You suddenly realized that you’ve never actually used your quirk in front of him before and blushed slightly
“Well I guess this just means there are many more things about me you still don’t know,” you said with a playful smirk which he returned
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PRESENT MIC / Yamada Hizashi
It’s been forever since you and your boyfriend Yamada Hizashi went out on a date together
Work has been pretty busy lately so you two haven’t really had the time
Which is why you were so glad that the two of you were able to take the weekend off
He was the one who suggested going out for a stroll around town
“Heard about this new restaurant that has amAZINGG fried chicken”
So here you two were, sitting in a fast-food restaurant eating chicken to your hearts’ content
You felt slight vibrations and tremors but dismissed it thinking it was probably the construction happening down the street
However, when you heard several screams a while later, you knew this wasn’t just some construction
Hizashi realized this too and you two quickly hurried out of the restaurant, leaving the fried chicken behind to go help the people outside
Just as you suspected, this was another villain attack, although these villains weren’t just any villains
They were… The League of Villains *gasp* dun dun dunnn
“I’ll go fend them off while you help evacuate everyone ok?” Present Mic said
You nodded and the two of you rushed off
You used your quirk to protect the civilians from any stray blasts or debris that were sent your way as you led them to safety
You had also made sure to call for backup
Once everyone was safe, you went back to help Present Mic
He was badly injured in the time you left him alone to fight and was barely able to stand anymore
Your protective instincts suddenly kicked in and you propelled yourself forward in between your man and the league
The only thought you had was to make sure that Hizashi was safe
And that one thought served as a flame to your power as you fought off the villains
You knew your quirk was a strong one
You had confidence in your training and your abilities
There was no way you were going to lose now
You fought well and held the league off until the other heroes arrived to help
The league somehow managed to escape before they could be captured 
Since the fight was over though, you went to check on Hizashi and saw he was as spunky as ever
“Y/n you were amAZINGG. Your power, your technique…”
You sighed as he continued to fangirl over your quirk and the way you fought
Truth is, you’ve never actually used your quirk to fight in front of him before
Either way, you were glad he found your quirk amAZINGG
—–a little bonus—–
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“(y/n)” the nurse called out from the door. You stood up and walked over with an anxious smile. She handed you a clip board of medical information that you needed to update and then said she would grab you once it was completed and turned into the desk. You sat back down in the waiting room and flipped through the pages. Ugh I wish my mom was here...am I allergic to anything? I mean I don't think so but maybe Im just unaware of it..I don't remember having surgery-well my tonsils were removed but does that count? You were filling out the page to the best of your ability when your phone buzzed. You looked down and saw his name flash across the screen before immediately ignoring the call. You rushed to finish the paperwork and handed it in as the nurse came back. “Ready?” she asked.
“Yeah.” you followed her down the hall where she took your height and weight before escorting you into the room. You hopped onto the chair and anxiously tapped your foot as she checked your temperature, blood pressure, and oxygen levels. After finishing up she sat on the stool and smiled. 
“So, what are we here for today?”
“Uh...” you looked at your feet and shifted in the chair. “I think I may be pregnant.”
She smiled and nodded, “when was your last period?” 
“My period tends to be irregular but the last one I had recored was around two months ago.”
“Okay, were you on any kind of birth controls, or using any type of contraceptives?”
“I was on a birth control, am on a birth control but I missed a few days while I was on vacation which is when I believe this all happened.”
“Okay. Have you had any symptoms other than your missed period?”
“No, not really.”
“Okay. Have you taken any pregnancy tests at home?”
You nodded, your brain flashing back to that day. 
*Tears were flooding down your cheeks as he grabbed his last hoodie from your closet. All you wanted was for life to stop. You wanted him to say its okay, to make a change in the relationship, to stay. You sat on the bed crying as he walked out the door for the last time, taking with him every once of happiness you had. You ran to the bathroom, physically sick from the situation. It wasnt until you were hunched over the toilet that you realized the box of tampons had gone unopened. Missing periods was normal for you, they had never been regular. There was a slight doubt in your mind though. You had never missed a period more than once, so the fact that you were going on two means something was wrong. You had been under a lot of stress though, the distance, the lying, the excuses, all of it. Wiping the snot running from your nose, you had gotten up, washed your face, and thrown on sweatpants and a sweatshirt. You had mustered the courage to drive all the way to the drug store, purchase three pregnancy tests, and drive home. You had gotten three, you wanted to be sure. You wanted to be positive before making any other decisions. You sat on the bathroom floor after peeing in a cup and dipped each end, turning them over so you couldn't see the lines. You set a timer on your phone and closed your eyes. The only thing that could've possibly made this situation better was having him here. Of course he was gone already but you could still dream right? When the alarm on your phone went off you anxiously flipped them all over. Picking the first up and squinting you saw the dreaded double lines. Picking the second one up: dreaded double lines. And the third: PREGNANT in bold. You dropped them all on the counter and threw your phone. Of course, of course this this happens. He leaves and I end up pregnant with his baby..just like the movies except he won't be coming back. The rest of the day had been a blur. You had kind of just ignored the fact that there were three positive pregnancy tests in the bathroom. When your friend Luke had come over, you had cried into his arms. Cried about him leaving, about the break up, and finally about being pregnant. “(y/n) if you have positive pregnancy tests you need to call him.”
“No. I can't do that. Im not doing that.”
“(y/n)...hes the father, he deserves to know.”
“I may not even be pregnant though..they come up wrong all the time.”
“Not this wrong though.. this seems pretty sure.”
“I mean I've been stressed lately maybe its just a hormone thing.”
“I think you should go to the doctor and check. And if you are then you need to ball up and tell him. Seriously he needs to know”
You had nodded and cried some more before Luke left. Then you had called your doctor and made an appointment.*
Now here you were answering questions about your sex life and body. The nurse handed you a cup and showed you where the bathroom was. She said the test would take only around ten minutes but that she would be coming back to the room to do a blood test as well. Great, what a fun day... You quickly peed in the cup, leaving it on the counter for the nurse and wandered back to the room you had been assigned. Your hands were sweating and you felt dizzy. Having your blood drawn was probably your least favorite thing. In fact, you fainted almost every time. You checked your phone and thought about texting him...instead you texted Luke and told him how terrible the doctor was and that you were going to die while having your blood drawn. His only response was “lol” and you rolled your eyes. Typical guy.. The nurse came back in with a smile and sat down. “Well it does look like you are in fact pregnant so congratulations! We want to do a pelvic exam and ultra sound today just to see where everything is at and then have you come back for a blood draw in the future.” 
“Thanks.” you smiled and relief flooded your face. At least you didnt have to have your blood drawn today. On the other hand, you were pregnant, which was a whole other nightmare in its own. Not that you hadn't wanted and dreamed of having kids. You just thought it would be under different circumstances and that you would be married. 
“Im going to leave this gown here if you just want to change real quick we can do an ultrasound and hopefully see where the little baby is at.” She left for a minute and you quickly changed, your warm body freezing against the chair. When she came back in, she had an ultrasound machine on wheels. She started with the pelvic exam, lightly pressing all around your pelvic region. Satisfied she got out a tube of gel. “This is going to be cold at first.” You had nodded and watched as the clear gel squirted out and the ultrasound machine rubbed against your skin. You watched the screen as she moved it around looking for the baby. After what felt like months, she found a small white dot looking blob and smiled. “There it is...looks like you are measuring around 2 months right now which makes sense to when you thought everything happened.” She looked at you and smiled. “I know it can be a lot to take in..I’m guessing this is your first?”
“Yeah...its just a lot I guess.”
“It is, but it gets easier. Want to hear the baby’s heartbeat?”
You smiled and nodded. She pressed a button and you heard soft thumps. Tears slipped out of the corner of your eye and you wiped them away. “Thats pretty cool.”
She smiled and nodded before handing you a towel. “You are all set to go, we will have the pictures at the desk where you can make your next appointment. It was nice meeting you (y/n) good luck on your pregnancy and congratulations again.” You smiled and thanked her before climbing back into your clothes. 2 months pregnant...theres a living being in there...my baby...mine and Harry’s baby...oh god, what am I going to tell Harry? At the desk you scheduled another appointment and the receptionist handed you a picture saying congratulations. You looked at the little pea shaped blob inside you and grinned. Thats mine...thats inside me. 
Luke surprised you by standing at your car door with an ice cream sundae. “Soo did you faint? did you die? did you live?”
You laughed, “Yeah I lived. I didnt have my blood drawn at all actually.”
“Oh? Why’s that?” You took the sundae from him and smiled taking a bite, the hot fudge melting in your mouth. 
“Because of this.” you waved the picture in your hand and he grabbed it his mouth dropping. 
“Is that what I think it is? Do you have an alien growing inside you?”
“Lukeee seriously”
He laughed and looked into your eyes. “Okay okay but wow, a baby. That’s amazing. How are you feeling about it?”
“I feel like it hasn't sunk in yet....but that I’m really happy. I mean Ive always wanted a baby...why not do it now? I don't need a man in my life. Im a strong and independent woman.”
“That you are, but don't worry you will have me too. Im going to be a great uncle, its the best job anyways. But uh- are you going to tell Harry?” 
You shrugged your shoulders and continued eating. “(y/n)...it is his baby right?”
You rolled your eyes and nodded. “It cant be anyone else's.”
“So then you're going to tell him.”
“Idontknow” you mumbled, your mouth full of ice cream.
“You have to..you know he would want to know.”
“Theres a lot I wanted to know and he didn't tell me so I’m not sure yet. I haven't decided anything.”
“Okay...” he gave in and hugged you. “I’m happy for you I really am.” 
You hugged him back and smiled. “Thanks. I’m glad you're here...I’m glad I have someone to go through this with. And I’m so so glad you brought ice cream.”
“It’s okay. What are friends for right?” You nodded and jumped in the car after saying goodbye. You didn’t quite know who to call yet so you decided to just enjoy some time with yourself. You did the only logical thing you could think of after finding out that there was a baby inside you: you went shopping. You picked a local baby store and walked in, looking at all the onesies, furniture, blankets, binkies, and bears. 
“Hi! Anything I can help you find today?”
“No, thank you I’m just looking.”
“Okay well we are having a two for one deal on onesies and bibs so make sure to check those out.”
“I will thank you.” you smiled at the girl working but she kept looking back at you. 
“Are you (y/n)...the girl dating Harry Styles?” she asked shyly.
“I was dating him, not anymore actually.” She nodded and gave you the look, you know the one of pity and sorrow? You went back to shopping looking at all of the little outfits, there were so many choices. You also had no idea if you were having a boy or a girl..something told you it was a boy but obviously you had no clue whatsoever. You decided on a cute grey onesie with little animals on it...gender neutral. You also grabbed a cute binkie that had a stuffed bear attached to it. 
“These are super cute.” the girl said while checking out. “There's a whole collection that goes with this if youre interested.”
“No, that's okay this is enough for now?”
She nodded and wrapped the stuff in a bag. “So how far along are you?”
“Not very far, only a few months.”
“Well congrats! I hope everything goes smoothly and I hope to see you back here soon for more stuff.”
You smiled and nodded. “I for sure will be back.” 
You drove home, your phone blowing up the entire way with twitter notifications, instagram tags, and more. Inside you scrolled through it, only to find pictures of you shopping for the baby clothes. Your name attached to headlines stating you were expecting but not far along. Great...this is not what I need...how do they even know.... you were scrolling through more twitter notifications. Harry’s name was now being brought into this. Another daddy in One Direction? Harry Styles Expecting? ugh...this literally cannot be happening.. and then everything got worse.. Harry’s name and photo popped up on your screen as he called. “Harry?” you answered anxiously.
Part 1 of my new series, hope you all enjoy! Goal is to have another part posted tonight or tomorrow! This is kind of just an intro to the story, I’m hoping to have them be a little longer but let me know what you all would rather: longer and less stories (may take more time to upload) or shorter and more stories (updated a little faster)
Let me know what you think so far and what you think will happen.
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sheikah · 4 years
Have you seen Rise of Skywalker yet? Im looking forward to your opinions!
I did! Thanks for your interest haha. I just wanna quickly preface this by saying that I know that SW is very polarizing and that the fandom can be very toxic, people are passionate about their opinions, etc. I don’t want to step on any toes with my opinions. I don’t often post in depth or candidly about SW because I have friends from all parts of the fandom and I’d hate to hurt someone’s feelings. But these are my opinions! (Under a cut :D)
I loved the movie. At first I wasn’t sure, but I saw it a second time with a friend and I loved it. Does it have plot holes, inconsistencies, and issues? Absolutely. It does. It’s far from perfect and I absolutely understand why so many people have such intensely negative reactions to it. 
But if I’m being 100% honest I just wasn’t one of those people. Yes, it was rushed. But that made it interesting from start to finish. I almost always step out to use the restroom during a movie in theaters. I think it’s a mental thing–I’m constantly thinking of how I DON’T want to step out to pee, so I always have to haha. But I didn’t even think about it once during this movie! I just had that much fun watching it. 
I can acknowledge that it had a lot of weaknesses, though, and I’ll talk about that first. I think most of the issues were a result of the film being the end of a trilogy that was helmed by two different people. It felt confused to me at points because I could see where JJ was trying to stick to what he clearly wanted to explore post-TFA while also trying to pick up where Rian Johnson left off post-TLJ. It’s like they had different visions and JJ was trying to include aspects of both in TROS. In a lot of ways, that didn’t work. I don’t want to go into too many nitpicky details but I can sum up my one big gripe by saying I think Finn was done wrong. 
I think this movie had a lot of big character moments for Rey, Ben, and Poe, but I don’t feel like Finn got his due. I also think that from a shipping standpoint he was treated really unfairly. I genuinely felt while watching TFA that JJ was trying to lay the groundwork for canon Finnrey. In TLJ, Johnson went in a different direction with Finnrose and Reylo. So the problem, to me, is that in TROS JJ tried to follow up with Johnson’s Reylo groundwork while still including nuggets of Finnrey. Watching the film, it seems abundantly clear to me that Finn was harboring feelings for Rey that were unrequited. His devotion to her felt one-sided and the almost-love-confession in the sinking sand seemed to confirm that for me. I realize at some fan panel JJ apparently said that what Finn was really going to confess was that he was Force-sensitive, not that he loved Rey. But any viewer watching the movie without that knowledge would not get that from it imo, so the average viewer is left thinking the writing left Finn in unrequited love with Rey. And the writing completely brushed the Finnrose relationship to the side. I’m a Finnrey shipper so I didn’t really love Finnrose to begin with. But since Johnson started it, I honestly don’t know why JJ didn’t just continue it if he was going to continue Reylo. It seems better than spending time establishing Finn’s continued feelings for Rey only to leave him alone, especially since TLJ ended with Finnrose: it should have been easy enough to pick up their relationship and carry it forward. I know unrequited love exists, and exploring it in fiction can be poignant. But in this case it just didn’t track to me, and felt like a slap in the face to Finn’s character and anyone who was shipping Finnrey, Finnrose, or even Finnpoe. There seemed to be no reason to write Finn’s actions toward Rey the way they did if they weren’t going to put them together. Finn wasn’t together with anyone in the end. And in the same vein, shoehorning in a past romance for Poe with Keri Russell’s character just felt like a cheap way to make sure Finnpoe wasn’t going to happen. Idk. But these were the only aspects I really didn’t like. 
I loved the many displays of Rey’s incredible power. I loved seeing Rey use the Force to heal, just like we saw Baby Yoda do in that week’s episode of The Mandalorian. I thought the scene where she accidentally used Force lightning was chilling and interesting foreshadowing for Rey Palpatine, even though I don’t really love that she’s a Palpatine. That being said, as a scorned Dany fan, I really enjoyed the message that who you are by blood should not define you. GoT ultimately ended with the message that your family and your family’s legacy are inescapable, grim realities. TROS had a much more hopeful message. This is also an important message to me personally because I have a lot of baggage with my father and his side of the family. It’s something I’ve struggled with. I never want to be like him. That aspect of Rey’s inner conflict was really beautiful to me and I think Daisy portrayed her struggle with darkness very well. I also thought her vision of dark!Rey was terrifying and really well done. The scene of her looking in the mirror at herself under Ahch-To in TLJ was probably my favorite scene of that movie so I liked seeing JJ utilize similar imagery there.
I loved seeing the trio together on a mission. The chemistry between Daisy, John, and Oscar is excellent and the comedy and wholesomeness between them is what made the movie so fun and memorable imo. I would have been happy with an OT3 for their characters, but c’est la vie haha.I loved the fan service. What can I say? I’m a fan: I like to be serviced lol. I know it was cheesy to some people, but Force Ghost!Luke lifting his X-Wing out of the water for Rey made me tear up. It was a nice callback to the moment with Luke and Yoda on Dagobah. Speaking of callbacks, I also loved the final shot with the binary sunset on Tatooine. I’ll admit I don’t really get why Rey has BB-8, or why she’s alone, or why she would choose to live in a place that even Luke wanted desperately to leave… but the visual and musical parallel to ANH got me right in the feels in the best way.
I loved seeing Ian McDiarmid return as Palpatine, who was as delightfully evil as ever. I don’t really understand how or why Palpatine had to come back, and I am not satisfied with the explanation for Snoke. But the Emperor is a classic and an iconic character I love. Having him as the ultimate baddy was satisfying in its own way. I also thought everything abot Exegol and the Sith fortress was terrifying and visually stunning. Even the sound effects of the lightning, and the way that blended with ominous music, was really interesting to me. I loved almost every sequence that took place on Exegol.
Lastly, (and this is the part I have been nervous to post about haha) I liked Ben Solo. I am not a Reylo shipper. That’s not something I talk about really because I have a ton of Reylo friends and I really treasure those people. The last thing I want to do is hurt their feelings or make them feel unwelcome on my blog. But In TFA and TLJ I didn’t really see that many redeeming qualities in Kylo Ren, and I certainly don’t ship him with Rey. I liked the character as a villain from the first moment I heard Adam Driver’s epic voice and saw Kylo Ren freeze Poe’s blaster bolt in stasis using the Force. I thought he was cool and I loved the crazy sound effects and unstable appearance of his unique lightsaber. But I just didn’t really romanticize him at all. I also thought TLJ ended on a pretty definitively negative note for the character. He told his men in no uncertain terms to blow the Falcon out of the sky with Rey in it. And I didn’t think killing Han and trying to kill Luke was something he was going to come back from. I didn’t really want “Bendemption.” 
I say all this because I think this is one of the reasons why TROS impressed me so much. When it actually happened, I was happy that Kylo was redeemed as Ben. The scene with Han reminded me that above all, this is Han and Leia’s son. No matter how much of a villain I thought Kylo Ren was, I didn’t want Han and Leia both to die and for their son to die in disgrace without ever having made amends for the things he’d done. I couldn’t love Han and Leia the way I do without hoping for some semblance of peace for their family. And when he took off the Kylo Ren getup and dressed more like a regular guy, when he adopted some of Han’s personality, when he stormed into Palpatine’s lair on Exegol blaster blazing, and most of all when he wielded a Jedi’s lightsaber alongside Rey, I loved it. I really, truly loved it. And for someone who went into the movie theater expecting to hate that aspect of the story, I think that speaks volumes. They won me over. They made me like Ben Solo. I don’t really think it’s a great social message for the real world in 2019 to forgive him despite all he’s done. But if I divorce it from real-world implications and just treat it like Star Wars, I’m actually glad it happened the way it did. Leia deserved to have her death mean something. She gave the last of her strength to reach out to her son. Not to Kylo Ren, but to Ben Solo. She and the audience both deserved to see Ben Solo before the end. And for him to make the ultimate sacrifice for Rey was, to me, the best possible way he could go out. I found it to be a very compelling end. His death made me surprisingly sad, but it was a noble death.
Anyway, like I said above, I know the movie has a lot of issues. I haven’t even addressed a fraction of the things I could say about this movie–both good and bad. But ultimately I boil it down to how a movie makes me feel. This one left a strong emotional impact on me and I was happy to watch it a second time. I laughed, I cried, I reflected on why I’ve loved Star Wars for my entire life. So I have to say I liked it. Sorry for the giant answer haha :P
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moonlightkitkat · 5 years
When you become a superhero, you learn a lot of new things. You learn the freedom of running on rooftops, the power of being able to restart everything, the weight of the world on your shoulders. And hardest of all, realizing that you never know who you can trust, not when the person next to you can turn into your worst enemy in a blink of an eye. 
The first day of school was always a stressful one. Waking up late and only having a few minutes to make it to school only made it worse. Marinette groaned and quickly got out of bed, rushing to get changed and slip her hair into twin-tails.
“Marinette! You're gonna be late!” Her mom called from downstairs.
“I know! I’m almost ready!” she yelled back, grabbing her backpack, which she thankfully had the foresight to pack last night, and hurried down the stepladder. Her mom had set out the box of cereal for her, but seeing as she only had a few minutes before class started, she decided to just grab a banana and a granola bar to eat on the way there. Slipping on a pair of flats, she went downstairs into the bakery to say goodbye to her parents.
“Bye Maman! Bye Papa!”
“Wait Marinette!” her papa called, hurrying out from the kitchen and to where his daughter was. “I made Macarons For you to give to your classmates. Have a wonderful day sweetheart, i can't wait to hear all about it.”
Marinette couldn't help but smile when she took the box from her papa, looking up at him and feeling her nervousness from earlier fade away. “Thanks Papa. I’d give you a hug, but I’d rather not show up to school covered in flour,” she teased.
“How about a high five then?” Grinning, she nodded, and with a high five from her dad, she was off to school.
She was so relieved that her family’s bakery was next to the school, it made it easier to run over when she was running late. To her dismay, she’d just missed the cross light, which meant she'd have to wait a minute before she could continue. Sighing, she pulled out her phone to scroll online a little when she noticed something ahead of her.
An old man in a Hawaiian shirt with a cane was walking down the street, right as a car was speeding towards him. Her eyes widened with horror, and she quickly ran forward and into the street.
“Look out!” she yelled as she quickly pulled him out of the way. She stumbled on the cobblestone road and fell after she pulled him out of the street, grunting as she fell on the hard pavement. Groaning, she sat up and looked over to see her box of Macarons open and laying down on the ground. “No no no no no!”
Picking up the box, she looked inside and saw that only a few macarons had been spared,the rest crumbled or in pieces. So much for a present for her classmates, she doubted she'd be able to give five people these, much less her whole class.
“Thank you young miss,” a voice with a heavy accent spoke from behind her. Looking up,she saw the older man behind her, safe and not a scratch on him. “Are your cookies okay?”
Offering a small smile, she stood up and held out the box for him to see. “A few are, but i'd rather have broken cookies than you being hurt. Would you like one?”
The man smiled and nodded, taking a macaron and biting into it. He hummed softly at the taste, nodding his head in approval. “These are wonderful! Thank you for saving me miss..”
“Marinette. And it's no biggie, i'm just glad you're okay. I have to go, but stay safe okay?” Waving to the man, she quickly ran the rest of the way to school.
When she got to class, she was relieved to see she had a few minutes before class started. To her relief, her usual seat was open, and she walked up the stairs to sit in the second row. Setting her box on the table, she put her backpack down on the bench, leaning back and sighing. “I made it,” she smiled, taking a moment to relax and calm down from this morning’s business and excitement.
“Morning Marinette,” Ivan’s voice came from behind her. Leaning back so her head was against his desk, she smiled up at him.
“Morning Ivan. Are you sitting alone this year?”
“Yeah, Alix managed to get Mylene before I could,” he chuckled, shrugging. “I'm okay being alone though, I’ll probably have headphones in all year long.”
She chuckled at that, knowing that Ivan probably would. He wasn't the type to care whether he sat alone or not, especially if it meant he could listen to his music without having to worry about Mylene trying to whisper to him and him not hearing her. “Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out then.”
“What about you? You have a desk partner?”
She shook her head. “Not unless I'm assigned one probably. Honestly though i wont mind sitting alone as long as-
“Well if it isn't Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Speak of the devil; it was like Even the thought of the rich blonde managed to summon her. Sitting up, she looked down at the row in front of her to meet a pair of pretty blue eyes. At least, they would be pretty if they weren't narrowed with a smirk on her glossy lips.
“Hello Chloe. Can I help you?” she asked, bored of her already.
“Actually you can, by moving out of this seat. This is my seat.”
Her seat? There were no seating arrangements yet though!
“But Chloe, this is my seat.” She pointed out. “I’ve always sat here!”
Chloe’s smirk widened, and she flipped her ponytail, looking down at her. “Exactly. You always sit here. Time for a change don't you think? Now go on and shoot, you can sit next to the new girl if you want.”
Marinette looked over at the next row over, seeing a girl with red and brown hair looking up at them, watching the two talk. “You know Chloe, i think im good-
“Did I say you had a choice? Go! And take your cheap cookies with you.”
Before she had a chance to even stand up, Chloe took her box of cookies and threw them over to the other side of the room. The whole room froze, and Marinette watched as the box landed on the floor. Feeling everyone’s eyes on her, she sighed in defeat and grabbed her bag, sliding off of the bench and over to the front row.
“I'm sorry about all of this,” she whispered softly to the girl sitting next to her.
Shaking her head, the girl stood up and picked up the box from the ground before sitting back down and offering it to her. “Hey it's okay, it's not like its your fault. Here, these are yours right Marinette?”
Looking up in surprise,she nodded, slowly taking the box from her. “Y-yeah, it is… but how did you know my name?” she asked in confusion.
With a chuckle, the girl pointed up at her old seat, where Chloe and her friend Sabrina were sitting down in what used to be her seat. “Miss loudmouth over there said your name, it got my attention. What’s her deal anyways?
“You mean Chloe? Where do I even start?” she groaned, causing the brunette to laugh.
“Its cool girl,we got all year for you to give me the story. I’m Alya.”
Smiling, she opened up the box and offered her one of the last two macarons that had survived chloe’s throw. “Nice to meet you Alya, I'm Marinette, but you knew that already,” she chuckled.
Alya’s eyes lit up at the sight of the macarons, her smile brightening. “Can I really have one?” after getting a nod from Marinette, Alya quickly took the macaron and eagerly bit into it. She watched as her entire expression lit up with delight, and Marinette grinned as she heard her happy hum. “These are so good! Where did you get these?”
“My dad made them! I could ask him to make you some more tomorrow if you want.”
Alya looked as though she’d just seen God himself, staring at her in awe. “Uh, Alya?” After Waving her hand in her face Alya snapped out of it,  laughing and adjusting her glasses. “Sorry girl, didn't mean to zone out on you. I’d love that! I’m guessing your parents like to bake?”
Chuckling, she closed the box and set it down in her bag, nodding her head. “You could say that. It helps that they run a bakery.”
She didn't think that her eyes could get any wider, but before they could continue, Ms. Bustier walked into the room, setting her bag down underneath her desk at the front of the classroom. Marinette quickly turned to face the front, snickering softly as the brunette quickly wolfed down the rest of the cookie.
“Good morning class!” The redhead said cheerfully. How the teacher managed to be so cheerful so early in the morning, she had no idea.
“Now, let's see about these seating arrangements.. Nino? How about you sit in the front this year?”
Looking to the back of the class, she saw the sleep deprived DJgrab his bag and walk sluggishly to the front of the class, plopping down in his seat. He looked over, and smiled once he met Marinette’s gaze.
“Felix? Wouldn't you like to sit in the front? There's still a few seats left.”
Felix? That name didn't ring a bell. It seemed the rest of the class didn't know him either, as when she looked back to see who it was, they were all looking around too.
Sitting in the very back of the class next to the window, was a pale boy with pale blond blond hair, styled back and out of his face. He was dressed far better than her classmates or herself, in a grey vest and shirt, with a teal tie. He looked annoyed by the sudden attention from the class, but the expression changed so quickly to a neutral one that Marinette wasn't sure if she had imagined it or not.
“No thank you Miss, I prefer to work on my own,” He answered smoothly. His tone was quiet, but his voice was projecting across the room. It was as though he was used to talking across long distances. I wonder if he's an actor, she thought to herself.
The teacher frowned, looking around before her eyes landed on Ivan. “Why don't you sit next to Ivan? He doesn't have a partner yet.”
Felix paused, the tone in Ms. Bustier’s voice wasn't asking, she was just politely ordering him to move. Standing up and grabbing his bag, he moved down to sit behind Chloe, and next to Ivan.
Now satisfied with the seating arrangements, Ms. Bustier began her usual beginning of the year speech. Mainly listing out the rules and what they would cover in the class. Marinette had had her before, so she already knew all of this, and mainly zoned out during it all.
. . .
It felt as though it had been an eternity before lunch arrived. Marinette was relieved by the time it came, tired of sitting down all day.
“Hey Alya, want me to show you around real quick?” She asked, looking over as she packed away her things.
“Really? That’d be great! Thanks girl.”
“It's no problem! I wanted to check out the locker room first, is that okay?”
With a nod from Alya, she picked up her bag and led her new friend out of the classroom. “So, this is your first year here right?”
“Yup! My parents just moved to a new apartment, and this school was closer than my old one. I take it it isn't your first year?”
Chuckling, she shook her head. “It’s my second year here. I’ve gone to school with a lot of kids here. Me and Nino have been friends since we were little. Chloe on the other hand? Not so much..”
“What's her deal anyways? She seems to have it out for you.”
Marinette sighed heavily, shrugging her shoulders. “I have no idea… She’s just never liked me, and whoever she doesn't like, she bullies. It’s not just me, she means to everyone, even her friend Sabrina.”
“The girl with the red hair?”
“Yup. They've been friends for a while, but Chloe treats her like a servant.. Chloe’s the only real bad kid in the class though, and she's more of a brat than anything.” She kept her voice low, not wanting anyone to hear her gossiping.
The locker room was downstairs, to the east side of the school. The locker rooms for PE were in another room, where the girls and boys each had their own room. This one was co-ed, and was for storing their books and other things they may need.
“What’s your locker?” Marinette asked curiously. Showing her the number, she led her to which locker was hers, and was happily surprised upon learning that her locker was across from Alya’s.
“Sweet! We’re next to each other!” Alya cheered, opening her locker and storing her bag inside, taking pictures of the inside.
“So, where do you want to go first?” She asked, placing her own bag on the hook inside of her locker. When she shut it, she made a mental note to put a lock on it, one that wasn't the simple ones the school provided. She didn't like the thought of her sketchbook being left alone where anyone could sneak in and steal it.
“Hm.. maybe the cafeteria? I am kind of hungry.”
As if on cue, her stomach growled, causing both girls to laugh. “Of course! I’m supposed to go home for lunch though, wanna come along? I know that my parents would love to meet you.”
Alya’s eyes lit up, and she grinned. “Will I get to have some more of your dad’s cooking?”
“Nope! My mom does the cooking, he does the baking,” she chuckled, grinning as she saw Alya’s face fall for a moment. “Don't worry, my Maman is a great cook. I’m sure we’ll have something you’ll like.”
Alya threw her arms around the smaller girl, causing her to blush and giggle. “You know, I was hoping that id be able to make friends here, but I never thought that id manage to be friends with someone so nice and amazing!”
“M-Me? Amazing? Really?”
Nodding her head, Alya looked down at her with a warm smile. “Yes you! I really can't thank you enough. Now, let's go eat!” Pumping her fist in the air, Alya let out a cheer and marched towards the entrance of the school, dragging a giggling Marinette behind her.
Just before they managed to reach the front though, the ground shook violently, and Marinette let out a fearful shriek.
“What was that?!”
“An earthquake?!”
There were shrieks and screams across the room, and Marinette froze as a loud booming voice filled the air.
“KIM!” A loud and deep voice rumbled. The ground shook again, and Alya yanked her out of the school and over to the stairs.
To their disbelief, there was a giant creature slowly making its way around the school, made up of stone. With every step it took the ground shook, and his voice was so loud, it hurt her ears.
“Alya we have to go!” She gasped, tugging her down the steps and towards her house. There they should be safe.. Right?
“Are you kidding?! Girl this is a real life super villain! I’ve got to record this,” Alya grinned, pulling out her phone.
“What?! No way! It's way too dangerous, you could get hurt!”
She tried to pull Alya away from the rock monster, but the taller girl was stronger, and wiggled out of her grip. “I’ll be fine! I’ll meet up with you later!” Before she could stop her, Alya was chasing after the large beast.
A part of her wanted to chase after her, to make sure she was safe, and wouldn't be hurt. Another part of her was terrified. Fear won this battle, and she raced home as fast as she could, her eyes wide with fear and panic as she threw open the doors and ran inside.
“Maman! Papa!” She yelled out, needing to see them, needing to know that they were okay.
“Marinette? Whats wrong?” To her relief, Sabine poked her head out from the kitchen door, a worried look on her face from Marinette’s yelling. “Is it the earthquake? I’m sure everything will be okay.”
“Maman it isn't an earthquake! Hits this huge rock giant, a-and Alya went after it, and its after Kim and i don't know where Kim is!”
Her speaking was rushed, worried about her friends, stressed about the whole situation.
“A rock giant?” She gasped, looking out the window worriedly.
“Excuse me miss,” a customer called,drawing their attention. “A rock giant? You can't be serious!” He laughed. “Your daughter is quite the storyteller.”
Marinette flushed at his words, and she watched as her mom’s worried expression turned stone cold as she looked over at the man.
“My daughter is not a liar,” she said coldly. “If you can excuse us, I’m afraid we have to close shop early today. Please leave.”
The shop was closed immediately, and Marinette went upstairs with the promise that her parents would be close behind her as soon as they packed up shop. Hurrying up to her room, Marinette sighed heavily and sat down at her desk, turning on the news to see if there was any coverage of the monster.
As soon as she turned on the monitor, she was greeted to a video of Nadia, reporting about the giant beast. The video showed an aerial view of the beast, heading straight to the police blockade. The sound of gunshots could be heard, but to her shock, the monster did not go down. Instead, it paused, and grew even bigger than before.
“Bullets can't stop him?” She groaned. “How are we gonna stop it?”
Leaning back in her chair, she sighed heavily, looking over at her window. Her brow furrowed as she noticed something odd. On the edge of her desk was a strange looking black box.
“That wasn't there before.. Was it?” She mumbled, picking it up. Maybe it was the first day of school present from her parents? The boc had some odd red markings on it, and she hummed softly. It looked expensive, what did they get her?
Opening it up, she peeked inside, right as there was a bright flash of light. Shrieking, she tossed the box onto the floor and scrambled away. A bomb?! Was it a bomb?!
A small red orb of light burst from the box, lifting up into the air. Sparks burst from it, and in a shower of light and glitter, a small red creature appeared. It shook itself out, and looked around the room curiously before its big blue eyes landed on her. It was red, with a bigger head than body, with black spots on its head. Two antennas stuck out from its head, with small feet and hands, which were more like paws if anything.
“Hello!” it said excitedly, flying up to her.
“BUG!” She screamed, grabbing a book and chucking it at the red bug. “Get away!” of course though, her aim was terrible, and she completely missed the bug, much to her dismay.
The bug gasped- how could a bug gasp? -and quickly flew out of the way. “Wait! I’m not a bug, I promise!”
“Ah! It can talk!” Freezing, she rushed over to her desk, grabbing a glass and trapping the bug inside. The bug seemed to sigh, and looked up at her with a smile.
“If this makes you feel safer, than very well.”
It continued to speak, but Marinette wasn't listening. She was too busy panicking. There was a huge bug, and it was talking. Bug’s couldn't talk, right? But then again, there was a giant rock monster outside who was after her friend, so this wasn't the weirdest thing that had happened today, but still weird. This was too much, this was far too strange.
“Mom!” she yelled out, needing to make sure that she wasn't hallucinating or something.
The bug panicked, and was suddenly out of the glass, right up at her face, and shushing her too!
“No no no no no! It’s okay! I’m not here to hurt you! I’m not a bug! I’m a Kwami!” Now that made Marinette pause. A kwami? What on earth was a kwami?
“You… Aren’t a bug?” she asked nervously, wondering whether or not she should just smash it with her hands. Nope. Smashing it would be too gross, and it was so big that it would surely end up making her hands all sticky and stuff.
The bug seemed to relax at her question, and nodded its head. “Yup! It’s okay, I'm not here to hurt you, you don't have to be scared of me.”
Slowly, Marinette began to relax, moving back to her computer chair to sit. The red bug hovered over her desk, thankfully keeping its distance from her. They both stared at each other for a moment, its blue eyes staring right into her grey ones. She took this moment to observe the bug, noticing that it had a strange tail like thing on its butt, three feather-like red strands poking out.
“What… Are you?” she asked hesitantly, not taking her eyes off of the creature, trying to process whether this all was real.. Or if she'd been dreaming the entire day.
“I’m Tikki! I'm a Kwami!”
“What’s a kwami?”
Flying over to the black box that had been knocked over during her panic, Tikki picked up two red and black earrings, seeming to glow as she held them in her tiny paws.
“A Kwami.. Is like a guardian,” she explained in her high pitched voice, setting the trinkets down in front of her. “I am bound to the wearer of the Ladybug Miraculous, and you, are my chosen!”
Chosen..? Marinette looked down at the earrings, picking one up and peering at it closely. “A Miraculous? What's that?”
“A Miraculous is an object of great power. Those earrings you hold are the ladybug miraculous! When wearing them, you have the ability to turn into a superhero!”
“A… Superhero?” she echoed, her eyes wide in surprise. “You want me… to be a superhero?”
The tiny kwami flew down to her,gently placing her paws on her arm.
“I only want to help you be the best hero you can be. It is your choice whether or not to wear them. I know this is a lot, but.. We don't have a lot of time.”
Glancing at her monitor, she saw the image of the rock giant, headed back to the school. A flash of orange caught her attention, and she looked closer before gasping.
“Alya!” hopping to her feet, she looked down at Tikki, who quickly zipped up to her eye level. “She’s in danger! I have to help her! But.. How do i…” Looking down at her earrings, she paused,studying them for a moment. Her mind was made up. “Tikki, tell me what you need me to do.”
It turns out using a yo-yo to zip line around Paris was a lot more fun than she expected, and a lot more difficult too. A flash of black came into view from the corner of her eye, and she stopped on top of a rooftop near the school, watching as a boy landed beside her.
He was dressed in all black, the only ounce of color on him were a comically large gold bell at the top of his zipper, his sunshine blonde hair, and his piercing green eyes. He held a small silver pole in his right hand, his wrist covered with an arm guard. A black mask donned his face, glamouring him from allowing her to focus on him too much. It wasn't as though she couldn't see him, but it was as though her mind was fogged, not allowing her to picture what his face looked like under the mask.
“Who are you?-
“So you're my new partner?-” they asked at the same time.
Marinette’s nose wrinkled in confusion. “Partner?”
The boy grinned and nodded. “Yeah. didn't your Kwami tell you? My name’s Chat Noir, i have a back cat miraculous. And you are?”
That's odd, Tikki didn't mention her having a partner. Maybe she just hadn't been aware that another miraculous had been given out. After Thinking of a name, and looking down at her red and black suit, which seemed plain compared to Chat Noir’s, she looked back up at him, offering a shy smile.
“You can call me Ladybug. So Chat Noir,what’s your power?”
Chat frowned, looking down at his ring. “Y’know, I don't know actually. My kwami didn't tell me.”
“It didn't?”
“Well.. I might have gotten a bit excited and transformed before he could tell me,” he chuckled, scratching his cheek.
Ladybug chuckled and shook her head in amusement. It seemed they were both new at this, at least she wasn't alone in being the newbie.
“I don't know much about it myself if I'm honest, but i do know that you can only use it once, so make it count. After that, you only have five minutes before your transformation wears out. We can figure out the rest together, right Chat?”
Smiling, he nodded, looking up at the rock giant. “Let’s go get the Akuma My Lady.”
. . .
Marinette sighed heavily, leaning back against her computer chair. She didn’t know how Chat Noir had known about the Akuma, but she was so relieved that he told her that she needed to capture it.
After ripping apart the black piece of paper, she’d watched as a black butterfly flew out of it, flying up and away. A sense of pride filling her, she turned to pick up the lucky charm, only to catch Chat Noir’s confused face.
“What’s wrong?”
He looked conflicted, but after a moment, he finally asked “why didn’t you kill the Akuma?”
Her eyes widened with horror. “Why would I kill a butterfly?!”
“Well.. Isn’t that where the powers came from?”
After pausing for a minute, Ladybug turned to the butterfly, quickly flying further and further away. She grabbed hold of the Lucky Charm, and quickly hurried after the butterfly. When she got close to it, she noticed her yo-yo beginning to glow, and she whipped it towards the butterfly. To her surprise, the yo-yo opened, catching the butterfly before returning to her hands.
“Whoa! I got ya!” she looked at it, uncertain of how to open it and free the poor butterfly. As she touched the surface of it, she gasped as it opened, a silvery glow coming from the inside, and instead of the black and purple butterfly flying out, it was a white one. A sense of peace filled her, and she couldn't help but smile and wave to it as it happily fluttered away.
“Bye Bye Little Butterfly!” Taking her lucky charm, she threw it up into the sky, remembering what Tikki told her.
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
She watched in awe and amazement as the lucky charm burst into thousands of glowing ladybugs, rushing around Paris and repairing all of the damage. Once everything was repaired, she headed back to where Chat Noir and Ivan were, only to see that her partner was gone, and Ivan was still seated in the turf, looking confused.
When his eyes met hers, his eyes widened, and he quickly stood to his feet. “Who are you? How did I end up here? I was back in the school wasn’t I?”
Offering a small smile, she could understand how he was so confused. It looked like he had no memory of the incident, which she was relieved about. Ivan was so sweet, and she hated to think that he would have to live with the memory of the danger he put others in, of destroying Paris, of being shot at by the police… That was enough to traumatize anyone, and she was glad he didn’t have those memories anymore.
“My name is Ladybug, I’m the hero. You were… Akumatized? You were turned into a monster, but it’s okay now! Me and my partner turned you back.” “I was… a monster?” he asked in horror, his face paling.
“Well… yes… I promise I’ll explain later, but I have to go right now. Can you take him back to school and make sure he’s okay?” She asked Alya, who she noticed was recording her still.
Eyes lighting up, she quickly nodded her head. “You can count on me Ladybug!”
“Tikki?” She asked softly, looking over at the Kwami, happily munching on a snicker doodle. “Did i.. Do okay today?”
Smiling brightly, she flew over to her, nodding her head. “You did amazing Marinette! You even managed to capture the Akuma! How did you know about that?”
“Chat told me. In fact.. He knew about the Akuma even before we started fighting.” Tikki tilted her head to the side curiously. “Hm.. I wonder if Plagg told him about it.”
“Yup! He’s Chat Noir’s Kwami! He’s very stinky and likes smelly cheese, but he's okay.”
She frowned a little at that, sitting up and pulling her knees to her chest. “But Chat Noir told me that his Kwami didn’t tell him anything about his powers. He didn’t even use something like my Lucky Charm, he just fought with a baton and his claws.”
Tikki stared at her in surprise, and she frowned. “That’s weird.. Maybe he just transformed before Plagg could tell him about his cataclysm?”
“Cataclysm? What’s that?”
“It’s Chat Noir’s power! He can use it once to destroy whatever he wants to!”
Her eyes widened in surprise, and she sighed softly. “Wow… So i have the power to create, and he has the power to destroy? But why do we have these powers Tikki? Why are you here? Who gave you to me?”
She smiled softly, and sat down on her bed, patting her hand softly. “You’re here because someone has the Butterfly Miraculous, and it's being used to do evil. The Ladybug Miraculous, the one you have, is the only one that can stop the Akumas. The Black Cat Miraculous gets sent out whenever the Ladybug Miraculous does, they’re a pair!” “Oh.. so that’s why i have it. What does the Akuma do?”
“They feed on negative emotions, and turn whoever it touches into a villain! They’re all different, and you have to find whatever item it possessed and destroy it!”
“But how will i know what the Akuma is possessing? With Ivan it was easy, but that's because he only had one thing on him..”
“Marinette, I have no doubt that you’ll do just fine! You're so creative, and I know that you’ll figure it out! Have faith in yourself, and remember, you did it today, and I believe that you can do it again!”
She smiled at that, relaxing and picking Tikki up in her hand. “Thanks Tikki. I needed to hear that. “I’m glad I'm not alone.”
“You won’t be alone Marinette, you have me, Chat Noir, Alya and so many others supporting you! Believe in yourself, like I believe in you!”
“I'll try Tikki. Thank you.”
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Episode 9 commentary (Alexander)
FINALLY!!!!! Finally I can talk about a few big things from this series I have been dying to talk about....
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...............What did I sign myself up for. 
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A quick rundown of what it says here: More and more people are becoming interested in the street-style and choosing to be street-style stars since the Prism King Cup. In the graph, the gold portion is academy-style and the silver is street-style, before -> after the Prism King Cup. Below it points out that Kazuki and Hiro’s “sparking” scores from the Prism King Cup (the Prism Watch data) were equal and suggests Schwartz Rose needs to step up their game in the street category. 
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Every time I laugh at this. 
Every time I feel kinda bad afterwards. 
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So Ace was entered as an official participant. It says “reserve”, but still. I guess that may have helped to make Joji’s score possible and not break the system. 
(In between writing my episode 5 commentary post and now, I got to read the interview with the director in spoon2Di where he confirmed that Joji’s high score was only because Ace joined in what was supposed to be a solo show.)
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Flashy, huh. We’re going with flashy this time for “charachara”.... Okay. (Better than gaudy I guess.)
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I love this so much. Kakeru coming outside just to watch Taiga exercise and get all sweaty and all that. I wonder how long he stood there. Or rather I wonder how long he watched with binoculars after heading back inside. 
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I’m such a dumbass. After episode 3 aired someone pointed out that this is Taiga’s mom vs. Alec’s mom, and my excuse for not noticing then was that it’s in the background and such. (Can’t pause the movie in the theater and didn’t think to check it afterwards.) But here the camera actually pans over them slowly, so yeah I have no excuse. 
But regardless. Amazing!! 
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Another thing I didn’t catch in the theater. But I have never had a reason to know the Japanese word for asthma before. I’m glad that gave him an actual reason for being sickly instead of just.... sickly child syndrome. 
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As long as you’re happy, Victoria. 
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But really though, their relationship is pretty damn interesting. 
I wonder if she knows he borrowed her clothes. 
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No I don’t know why these grown-ass men have nothing better to do than pick on an actual seven year old child...............
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So uh. This line confused me for the longest time. The way he says it, I really thought he was giving “Daikokuno” as another last name and I thought it was some kind of DJ KOO reference I didn’t get or something. 
But thanks to Crunchyroll I finally realized.... ITS A PLACE. He’s just saying where he’s from, and that’s how Alexander is able to find him. GOOD LORD IM SUCH A DUMBASS.......... Another point for Crunchyroll. 
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Okay so now that I have the luxury to pause this, as soon as I did I opened up Google Maps in another window, zoomed in and....
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At least I finally know where it is
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Fuck asthma am I right
It wouldn’t give me the cycling time, but yeah, you can imagine. 
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They only have this one image of Rei doing a jump and gosh darn they are gonna use it to the fullest. 
So during this scene and the next people cheer for Rei in the theater, but nobody really knows what color he is. There was a whole lot of variation at the beginning before people (in Nagoya at least) finally settled on red. (For the flames maybe? I don’t know if it’s official.....)
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Alexander actually had a flashback to this moment on Prism Rush during the Road to SSS 9 event. I reblogged it recently on my @prism-rush blog trying to disguise it as part of my Alexander birthday spam. (It wasn’t.)
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So if you have no idea where the heck this egg came from and what it is..... Rainbow Live.
But anyway. 
I can finally FINALLY talk about this!!! Even though I knew it would probably be all over Twitter, I really wanted to protect this spoiler on Tumblr if I could. It was such a big deal to me when I saw it in the theater and I really wanted you guys to have the opportunity to be as blown away as I was. I could not possibly think of anything to say about it that wouldn’t be a hint, so all I could say all this time was just that Alexander’s episode has “a surprise” in it.... SURPRISE!!!
But yeah, when I saw this for the first time I thought it just came out of NOWHERE. Total shock! I thought this was not predictable at all!
But then it hit me. All of a sudden I remembered something. Something important.
Again, in Road to SSS event 9....
So, for folks who follow my @prism-rush blog, remember that one Alexander PR where he was looking into a box? And nobody knew what was in the box? But  there was something weird following him? I even mentioned it and my confusion over it in my summary of that event. WELL GUESS WHAT.
We finally know what was in the box don’t we.  
I asked a friend to see the card story to fill in the blanks and see if there were any obvious hints to what was going on at the time, and it’s just mentioned as a strange animal he picked up. Alexander struggles with what to do and not really wanting to take care of it, but then he asks himself what Rei would do..... (Whether he could see Momo at that time, I do not know ahah....)
So in the beginning after seeing Part 1 in theaters I said on Tumblr that the Road to SSS events from Prism Rush didn’t have much to do with the SSS anime, and most of them didn’t and still don’t. All of course except for Road to SSS 9, just that one, which ended up being way more important than I would have ever imagined. And this isn’t even the only reason either, there is also--
SO UH anyway Road to SSS 9 took place in June, so this flashback is taking place in June DURING Road to SSS 9. A very roundabout way to dating the episode, but really cool. I like how Road to SSS was significant after all. 
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And another surprise for me. In the theatrical version he’s not glowing here. They wanted to emphasize that he’s powering up I suppose eheh. I was really freaking out about this in the stream chat. SO COOL.
To the right of his little dragon house you’ll see some “dorayaki” because.....
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Although they never actually mention it in the anime, his name is Dorachi. (Confirmed on Twitter.) 
(Note: Dorayaki is also the favorite food of classic Japanese character Doraemon.) 
Even though Dorachi doesn’t talk in this episode, in the theatrical special video for Alexander he talks A LOT. An UNFAIR amount. So much I do not remember most of what he said since I only saw it once and it went by so fast. 
But his real name is very long (like the manager names from PriPara) and he talks about spreading the prism sparkle. I’m sorry, that’s honestly all I remember right now.
Will he show up again in the main anime before the end?
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(Okay yes.)
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And at least they gave you guys was a bit of original(??) art of him in the new ending. 
Okay moving on....... 
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Urrgh..... okay so.............. When I first was watching this with you guys in the stream I was like UGH because I don’t think “flashy” fits here at all. I really wished they had stuck with “playboy” since it would work better with this scene. 
But then when I watched it again, I realized they already used “flashy” once in this episode to describe Kazuki’s sweater, and it did kinda work there. 
If we go back to my episode 3 commentary, my main complaint with Crunchyroll’s  translation of “charachara” was actually less about the words they used, and more about how it just wasn’t consistent. 
This episode..... is consistent.
Another point for Crunchyroll. 
I officially cannot complain about the subs in this episode. 
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Another little thing in SSS I have spent way too much time thinking over is how Joji got here. 
In every episode up until now, it’s always been Louis seen walking beside Jin like his pet. But in this episode. JUST THIS EPISODE.... it’s Joji instead. 
I think the reason is because Louis is performing next, so he has to rest (since he’s not exactly in the condition he once was.....) So Joji scooped up the opportunity. 
Whatever the reason, I find it really interesting. 
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My all time favorite Alexander face
In a weird way I actually think he’s cuter here than in the Prism King Cup
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This song.... was not quite what I was expecting for Alec, but I love it. No part of me anticipated he’d just launch into a ballad but WOW. I just love how they picked something that really shows off his beautiful voice like this. Alexander is in my top three singing voices in King of Prism (1: Hiro, 2: Taiga, 3: Alexander) so I loved hearing him belting this out. 
Now time for my like.... 4th(?) embarrassing confession in this post.... I had no idea this song was a cover until like AN HOUR before this episode aired. You guys were playing TRF songs in the stream, the original came on, and while y’all were like “what should we watch next” I was sitting there like “!!!!!!!!FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF”
Well, it’s a new song to me. And I think it’s perfect for him. 
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Poor Joji and his inconveniently timed fruit. 
He finally gets to spend time with Jin, and he just can’t get a break. 
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I love the generation gap here. Kazuki’s existence has been so big to Taiga he can only think of Kazuki. But Kazuki and Hijiri are able notice the subtle differences that make this an OG Rei move. 
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I could certainly spend a whole lot of text speculating why Alexander did not change into his battle suit, but I won’t waste your time and just admit I have no idea. I’m glad he doesn’t, since it keeps the spotlight on Alexander since HE CAN’T PERFORM ONE GODDAMN SHOW WITHOUT TAIGA BARGING IN ON HIM BUT MMMRGGHGHG
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Yeah I was SO MAD about this when I first saw it at the midnight showing.
A lot of people change to green when Taiga comes out, but I do not. This is the only battle where I cheer for Alexander the whole time.  
Not only was I mad at Taiga for being so dumb, but just mad at the whole concept of Taiga barging into Alexander’s one show to do basically the same jumps we saw in Pride the Hero again..... 
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Nowadays I forgive my idiot son. And I hope you do too. 
This wasn’t the moment I forgave him. No, that’s coming later. I was mad at him for an entire month. But yeah. 
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He’s just so confident and everyone believes in him................................
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So Alexander breaks the street-style curse and gets a damn good score. Higher than Taiga’s original score. 
But just like Joji’s score was due to Ace, I can’t help but think Alexander’s score was a good deal due to Taiga.........
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I had a feeling this would happen. 
I knew long before Part 3. 
Even back when I had only just seen Part 1.... I just knew the tables would turn in this episode. 
Maybe it would be difficult to guess by watching week-to-week, but for me having Alexander’s episode as the last episode of the theatrical Part 3 just seemed like it would be WAAAAAY too much of a coincidence otherwise. So I had a strong feeling Schwarz would come out ahead at the end of this one. (I didn’t guess the reason would be because Taiga would get a penalty, but yeah.) And especially because the performances are kind of out of order to make this work? Up until now I thought all of the Schwarz Rose boys performed first, but Yu was up before Alec? And Louis is up next. Maybe it wasn’t a guaranteed thing that the Schwarz Boys always go first, but I noticed it.  
So up until now score has not mattered much as Edel Rose has just sailed on though. But now it does. It matters a lot. 
So this is the second surprise of this episode, and why I was saying it’s the beginning of the chain of events that lead to the end.
But about score mattering now, one of the reasons I have been questioning Taiga’s score the whole time is because I knew this was going to happen. So I just.... I just hope Taiga’s score wasn’t lower to begin with on purpose for mathematical reasons so they could get their desired progression of the overall score or something. IDK.
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I don’t blame Rei for not figuring it out right away. Even though I KNOW this is Alexander, I still have trouble connecting his younger and older selves. I mean, getting muscular doesn’t make your eye shape completely change does it....?
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Poor Kazuki. He doesn’t care.
So if I interpreted this episode correctly.... 
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This was Alexander’s official transition from an antagonist to a protagonist. (Or just to a normal rival at least.)
During the first two movies and for a good long time of Prism Rush, he always played the part of the villain. But once Road to SSS started that began to change. We saw him reminiscing about Rei, making awkward conversation with Louis, struggling over forming a duo with Joji, etc. So I had a strong feeling they were taking his character in this direction, but this right here was the official turning point I believe. 
No more destroying stadiums. From now on he’ll be spreading the prism sparkle with Dorachi. 
And still trying to beat Kazuki but you know. 
So I don’t have a source handy (if someone challenges me to find one I’ll dig it up) but I remember I read one time that Alexander was actually originally a character that was only created for the first movie. But then they realized they had to keep him on when he was just so popular. 
So if you have ever supported Alexander, this episode was for you. Fans make King of Prism possible. 
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So.... one more thing I guess. Something I learned from the Minato episode was that even if I ignore controversy and specifically state I don’t want to talk about it, it still finds its way into my inbox anyhow. So I might as well get this over with I guess. 
After Young of Prism Alexander was revealed to have light skin, someone told me a theory that mixed race children are sometimes born with lighter skin which darkens as they grow older. So up until her design was revealed, I had always imagined Alexander’s mother as a black woman. 
So yeah. I don’t know the reason for his darker skin color now. 
But I’d like to point out that in this episode being pale was associated with being weak and unhealthy, while darker skin was associated with being healthy and strong and just leave it at that. 
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And thus ends Part 3. 
Next week begins.................. what I have been dreading for a long time............
So up until now I have been pretty tight-lipped about spoilers. But once episode 10 airs, the floodgates will pretty much be open. Episode 10 and episode 11 are so connected it’s really hard to talk about one without the other. I mean, once you know about episode 10, I seriously might as well. So after episode 10 airs, at the bottom of my commentary post and after a warning I plan to share some episode 11 spoilers. 
Because I have been through this......
And I know how it’s gonna make you guys feel......
And since I was lucky enough to get some answers right away, I’m going to give you guys those same answers for those who want them so you don’t have to just sit on episode 10 for a week. I am not that kind of a monster. I won’t put you guys through that. 
So after episode 10 ends, take a deep breath, cry it out if you need to, and get some tea. 
I know how you’re gonna be feeling. I know. Don’t send me a panicked anon ask right away. Give me a little time. Hold on. 
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ultsracha · 5 years
Idol!Changmin (Q) x Model!reader Fluff
Anon:  Yes! We need more the boyz writers! If I may request, could you write a bulletpoint piece model!fem reader and idol!changmin/q meeting and falling in love? ❤️ A/N: Ahhh thank you for the request! changmin is my bias and so i would absolutely love to write for him so im glad this was requested. *disclaimer* this is the first thing ive written in a very long time and im sure it’s not the best, im sorry for that but hopefully i made up for it with adding other members cracky content as well <3 
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being a model was never what you intended to do when you grew up but you started posing for photography students during school and from there more and more people want to take your picture 
now, 3 years later it’s a whole career and you get to work alongside some amazing brands and creators to promote stuff 
one week, you were sent to seoul for a shoot with numerous other people to promote a clothing brand 
usually you didn't mind flying out to new places, in fact it was the best part of the job once you got over the language barrier 
but this time, you were completely alone, your manager couldn't come due to family problems and all of your friends had work
so you were completely alone going to this event
and little did you know it wouldn't just be a small shoot, tons of people were there from all over the world 
they had actors, singers and models from tons of different places and companies 
and most of them were older than you which made things more stressful
so, first day there and everyone’s being told their schedules and what they need to be doing 
when you’re given your schedule you see you’ve been put on the same shoot as a boy group and a handful of other models 
not that you minded because maybe you could make some friends seeing as you’d be there for a while 
luckily your shoot wasn’t for a while as they didn’t choose you as one of the major people involved with the project so you ended up in a backroom with a few other people minding their own business
it was reasonably quiet in the room, people chatting away and on their phones until the door burst open and a group of boys walked in
all of them were, well
very very very very cute
its uwu time
no wonder they’d been picked for this project, who wouldn't want something modelled by them 
They walked in together, one following behind the other. The final boy to walk in looked around at everyone until his eyes met yours
and when i say awkward eye contact, i mean awkward eye contact for about 6 seconds before he accidentally walked into his group member in front of him
followed by some profuse blushing and apologising 
they proceeded to disperse into the room and sit down
the one who made intense awkward eye contact lingered for a second, looking around before settling into a seat opposite you 
Now there were around 18 people all sat together, not really talking very much
and the air was, awkward. 
Until the organiser of the event came in to introduce himself and explain what you were all meant to do
The whole time he was introducing himself you felt someone looking at you, but whenever you searched everyone's faces no one was looking 
everything was going fine and dandy until the guy explaining the concepts and the activities you guys would be doing for the shoot asked everyone to introduce themselves one by one 
it wouldn’t usually be a problem, you’re a confident person and modelling has certain helped that but when surrounded by so many beautiful humans it’s scary as hell 
so, they all introduced themselves. one of the members called Hyunjoon even threw in a cheeky wink at the end of his introduction 
like who ??? let you be so cute 
but then it came to the one who held the awkward eye contact
he seemed dead set on never looking at you ever again after that first moment up until the second he stood
he looked right at you as he introduced himself 
explaining that he didn't mind being called Q or Changmin 
what a freaking cutie pie 
when it was your turn you felt the most amount of butterflies in your stomach since probably your first kiss back in primary school
introducing yourself as calmly as possible, only looking up from the floor briefly to see Changmin staring into your eyes with keen interest 
oof that was enough to set your heart on fire 
Finishing your introduction of where you’re from and how old you are, you sat down quickly feeling the heat in your cheeks increase when you saw two of the boys whispering together 
once the man was gone it was a lot easier for everyone to chat and discuss how they thought the project would turn out, excited to be part of such a unique shoot 
Changmin was glancing your way every few seconds, looking like he was having an internal battle with himself 
You decided to just be a bad bitch and go speak to him yourself 
he was with Hyunjoon anyway and you needed to congratulate him on winning the best introduction of the team award!! 
when you got there they both abruptly stopped talking and looked at you, waiting with wide eyes for what you were going to say 
“so you’re part of a boy group yeah?” you ask
might as well ease in gently yanno
they both looked at each other before Hyunjoon answered and began explaining their roles in the group
he explained in great length that Changmin was the main dancer 
speaking very briefly of the other members in order to explain that Changmin can sing and dance so well and he’s super amazing with fans 
Changmin all the while stood there blushing and trying to disagree with him 
honestly a sweet but strange interaction 
until finally Hyunjoon was called away by another member of the group 
leaving just you and Changmin alone 
you’d moved to a couch nearby by now so for a few moments you sat there admiring him as he watched Hyunjoon walk off 
when he turned back he rushed to say “I’m sorry about him, he loves to hype us all up. I’m not really that cool’ 
“No, I think you’re pretty cool...” You shrug, trying to pass off the compliment slyly which didn’t go unnoticed by him. 
A faint blush was working it’s way up his neck when the organiser walked back in with 3 sheets of paper 
“I can see you’ve all got to know each other more and now, I want you to divide yourself into teams as evenly as possible. I don’t want all the girls put in one team though because there are less of you” 
He then leaves the sheets on a table and walks off again leaving you to find the courage to ask Changmin if he’d want to be in the same team as you
Because I mean you’ve only known him for about 45 minutes but he’s already showed how sweet he is and you can’t help but feel excited at the idea of spending the next few days working with him
“So would yo-” 
“Hey could w-” 
You both tried to ask each other to be on the same team in the exact same second
Both of you burst into laughter and write your names on the paper one under the other still giggling the whole time 
The rest of the morning goes by just like this, giggling together and gradually getting to know one another more and more
by the time the afternoon rolls around he’s basically your best friend
You both love the same movies, same books, enjoy similar music 
Even as hair and makeup is being done you don’t stop talking and giggling
Lets be real here, a crush was growing 
It’s like within the space of 4 hours you’d become inseparable 
When the photos were being taken your teams connection together was so genuine
Working for a brand that’s entire concept is friendship and having fun together it was hardly surprising that the laughter didn’t end there 
The rest of the time you were there your cheeks never stopped hurting from how much you smiled and laughed 
Not just from Changmin but also from all of his groupmates too
Such a wonderful, fun group of people to be around 
You truly felt like one of them by the end of the shoot 
but lets not ignore the lingering glances you and Changmin exchanged, or how he always managed to find an excuse to be stood with you and how whenever he’d walk you to your hotel room door he would try and make the conversation last as long as possible and always, always end the night with a hug 
okay lets be real again, a crush had definitely formed, grown up, moved in and was now decorating the kitchen in your heart 
Like you couldn’t get enough of his happy energy and humour 
At the end of the final shoot when you’re all stood around talking and laughing Changmin grabs your arm and pulls you away
Clearly you don’t resist because like anyone would accept some alone time with Changmin 
Gently he leads you to a couch in the corner of the room and sits down
His cheeks are already rosy when he starts to speak, his hand starting to get clammy against your own
“y/n, will you go on a date with me?” he blurts out quickly and then opening his eyes wide as if he was surprised he said it
and in that moment 
your heart
burst and stopped and did a trip round the globe 
“Of COURSE” you literally scream
His face lights up immediately and he jumps up hugs you quickly and darts off back to the others
you hear them all cheer and see them start hugging and pushing around a very, very blushy Changmin 
Later that evening he arrives at your hotel room door, still wearing that same red hue on his cheeks 
You go to the arcade together and the whole evening is wonderful
it’s no different than how you guys have spent time together the last few days but this time Changmin insists on holding your hand every second 
As well as hugging you from behind when its your turn on the claw machine
Unfortunately you claw machine skills are... 
But of course, your knight in shining hoodie and jeans swoops in and wins you the stuffed animal you really wanted 
After you’d played every arcade game and taking endless amounts of cringey pics of each other you walk home slowly still hand in hand 
“You know, I’m really glad I met you” he states out of the blue, still looking ahead of him
“Me too, I feel so complete with you around me” you reply back, swinging your joined hands slightly 
From then on, you were never apart
Literally like the brand you did the shoot for hired you permanently for big moneys and a promise of a successful modelling career a few weeks after your first date with Changmin
Which you graciously accepted for only that reason
Not the fact the love of your life happened to live down road from your new apartment 
and all you wanted to was hold his and forever 
plus the rest of the group fully accepted you as one of their own 
like seriously it was hard to find any moments alone with your boyfriend when hanging out at the dorms because hyunjae liked to ask what you’re doing every 3 minutes 
as well as father maknae line demanding your attention every second you were there
not that you complained about any of it 
because who would complain about a family like that 
and a boyfriend like Changmin 
really out here living your best life huh
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darkhymns-fic · 5 years
As a Chosen, Lloyd will be expected to take on the journey to complete the World Regeneration. Of course he would rather stay in the village with Colette and live his life alongside her. 
At the very least, he could give her something to remember him by.
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters/Pairings: Lloyd Irving/Colette Brunel, Raine Sage, Genis Sage, Dirk Rating: G Mirror Links: AO3 Notes: This was written for @frayed-symphony for a Secret Santa exchange! This fic was based off her Chosen Lloyd concept which she has drawn fantastic art for (here and here). I’m so glad I was given the opportunity to write something for you and for this idea also! (And over 8000k, I’m sorry haha). You’ve been an awesome friend and this story is just a small way of saying thank you!!
On one of Lloyd’s past birthdays – 14 to be exact – Colette had seemed surprised that he was getting her a present instead.
“But, it’s your birthday! I should be getting you something…” Although she couldn’t take her eyes off the little carving of a doggy figure he was just finishing up. They were far from the Church, far from Colette’s house even, in a part of Iselia’s forests where few others would stumble upon them. At least not yet.
“Hm, I don’t really care about my birthday that much,” he said once, and maybe that had already been too much. But just then, he had just finished his gift, remembering what the dwarf had taught him when the pastors weren’t paying attention. “And it’s more fun making stuff for you!”
He would never forget the way Colette’s eyes lighted up. How happy she seemed to be at one of his first attempts at crafting. But as long as Dirk kept visiting the church, and as long as Colette kept being his friend, he wanted to give her even more.
In the distance, they heard some voices call out to Lloyd. Although not by his name.
“Ah, I’m sorry,” Colette said then. “I hope I don’t get you in trouble.” She held the doggy statue safely in her palms.
Chosen, Chosen One the wind kept repeating. Lloyd shook it away.
He took her hand then, the one free of the statue, and smiled. “Hey, if you want to get me a present, you should take me exploring! I don’t think we’ve done much of it lately.”
Colette had smiled too, gripping the boy’s hand tight. Once they rushed away from the voices, Lloyd had sometimes imagined that they were both running away from those voices forever…
“Chosen! Chosen One!”
Lloyd had been trying to work on the necklace for the past three weeks, but there was always something interrupting him. The knock on his door, along with the insistent calling, was just another one of those.
He instantly put away his tools and the nearly finished necklace in a small tin box. Doing it fast enough while also not scratching up the jewelry proved to be a bit challenging, and he probably just made more noise that way. He could already hear the pastor grumbling outside his door. “J-just a minute!” he called out, going to a nearby cabinet.
“Chosen, this is the fourth time this week you have been late for your lessons. Punctuality is highly important-”
“Yeah, yeah, no problem!” Lloyd was trying to fasten up his outfit. It always felt so stiff and hard to move around in, but just getting away with the shirt and pants he slept in never cut it. (He tried). Once everything was set, he finally opened the door, totally not looking like he had been up half the night working on his project. “Okay, I’m set!”
Even after a lifetime of being at the Church, he never knew how to talk to the pastors, always so proper and formal in their speech. The old man looked at Lloyd with a certain air of disapproval – just a little bit, for he was still to be the savior of their world after all. He inclined his head slightly to Lloyd, maybe too much. Lloyd thought the big hat he wore would fall off from the action, and even shifted a little to catch it if it did.
“You’ve been doing so well lately in your memorization of the scriptures, Chosen. It would be beneficial of you to simply focus on that than on other, less vital pursuits.”
…Crap, did the old man already find out what he’d been doing? Lloyd shifted nervously on his feet, which probably didn’t help his image. “I just overslept a little! Sleeping is pretty important!”
The pastor didn’t argue, because it was frowned upon to argue with the Chosen. A little loophole that Lloyd had found out about when he was little, and may have used it to his advantage numerous times.
Well, until his dad got involved.
Lloyd pushed that thought aside and was more or less nudging the pastor away from his room’s door to get going. “Anyway, uh, let’s go! Got a lot of books to get through!” And man, was there a lot of books. He could read fast and well with all the years of book-reading he was forced to do. Not like he enjoyed it, but what else could he do?
“My, I must apologize then, Chosen. It is good to see you eager for a lesson!”
Lloyd put on a big smile until the pastor turned away to head for the stairs. Once unseen, he was back to frowning. The old man really was old and had not noticed Lloyd had long stopped following him. The Chosen watched him descend the steps, then leaned back against the wall, sighing so deeply it pulled at his chest.
Was there really a point in having more lessons?
As a Chosen, there wasn’t much Lloyd was allowed to do, and there weren’t many places he was allowed to go either. He was salvation itself, so he needed to be safe, and to stay safe, he needed to remain within the Church at nearly all times until he went to school. Going to school had always been something he’d look forward.
But as time passed, it was getting harder to enjoy much of anything.
Anything except the necklace, which he had been working on day and night – whenever the priests weren’t paying attention. At the very least, he could leave something behind for her, hoping that was enough.
And… if he had to choose, he would rather go through all this than anyone else… He imagined briefly of another dealing with the role of Chosen and it only made the ache inside him worse.
It was better this way.
Down the stairs’ corridor, he could hear the confused mutterings of the priest. He rolled his eyes and quickly followed after. Just something he would have to go through. Again.
…Still, these lessons dealt with way, way too many books.
Living at the Church did have some benefits though.
For one, it was right by the beach, which Lloyd had definitely snuck off to on more than one occasion. Colette had worried if it was okay for him to go, and Genis had worried he would trip against one of the rocks and crack his head open, thus ruining Sylvarant’s one chance at salvation. But that had only nearly happened one time! Making highly detailed sand castles with Colette, and burying a napping Genis in the sand, were things he didn’t ever want to trade away for just being safely cooped up in his room.
Another was that he got to see Dirk a whole lot.
Just after another mind-numbing book lesson, he made his way down to the atrium, the place more wide, the walls helping reverberate the sounds of his footsteps. He was glad to see the dwarf there, already setting up another work sculpture of Martel. Or maybe it was Mithos? Lloyd still had trouble telling the difference sometimes. He really, really tried to keep that fact hidden from his instructors. It had worked so far!
The dwarf turned to him, his bushy beard hiding half of his face, but not his grin. Hands were on both of his hips, eyes angled up at the boy that was slightly taller than him.
“Ah, Lloyd! Ya look ready to fall asleep on yer feet!”
“Ehehe… I’m fine! Really!” A tiny stumble against one of the pews but Lloyd more or less righted himself up. The dwarf merely shook his head.
“Well! I was just finished with my work. Need anything?”
Sometimes Lloyd wondered what made the dwarf come back here so much. He had been here ever since Lloyd was little, seen much more of him than of… Anyway, he was always traveling around so much, working on crafting commissions, sometimes even bringing back a souvenir he had bought on the road. Lloyd still had some of them; one of the famous Palma Potions from Palmacosta, some pottery from Triet, and even a cool-looking wooden figure of a swordsman! Dirk hadn’t specified where he got that last one, making Lloyd think he had made it himself.
He had thought about asking him many times before. But the years kept passing, and the day for when he would leave was only getting closer. He figured there was really no point in asking now.
Instead, he reached into his pocket, pulling out the necklace he had poured everything into. He held it up for Dirk. “You think this looks any good?”
The dwarf placed a hand on his chin, mock-deep in thought. “Hm, I don’t think that color works on ya.”
“Not for me!”
Dirk laughed loudly, his voice bouncing across the walls of the Church. After so much stress on being quiet within these walls, the dwarf’s laugh was welcome. He held out his hand. “Here, let me see.”
Excited to show off his work, but also worried on being judged, Lloyd gave it to him quickly. “I, uh… kinda had to rush through it this morning. But I think I got the size right this time! And, I didn’t waste the metal like you said and-”
“Hold on a bit, Lloyd.”
“Right, sorry.”
Dirk was holding up the necklace by its chain. The sunlight from the stained windows glinted off its pendant, a deep red jewel embedded in its center. After a brief look, the dwarf was grinning. “Really outdone yourself for this one.” He gathered it back carefully in his palm. “The chain work is strong, and the pendant is much more even this time. Not completely! Still need some work on that.” He handed it back to Lloyd. “She’ll be very happy with it.”
With Dirk’s praise, Lloyd felt something lift off his shoulders. The weight of everything else was still there… but this one thing, it gave him some lightness.
He held the necklace in both his hands before putting it away. “Thanks!”
“Yer welcome, lad. But.. I gather you still have more on your mind?”
Man, was he this easy to read with everyone now? Lloyd shook his head. “Nah, not really. Just bored with the same things, like always.”
“But your training should be giving ya some excitement.” Dirk crossed his arms, finally resting his legs by seating on a nearby stool. “And ya still got that sword I gave ya? The one the priests said was lost?”
Lloyd scratched at his cheek, grinning. “Hey, I did lose it! But then I found it again. Who knew it was under my bed this whole time?”
Dirk grinned back, laughing into his beard. “A shame it was not before they asked me to make you another one to continue with your training. But I suppose it’s good that you have a spare.”
Lloyd nodded at that. “Yep! And, well, can’t leave your other sword to waste. So it’s only better to use both, right?”
Both Dirk’s and Lloyd’s plan for him to use dual blades should have been so see-through, but once Lloyd started training with his double weapons, the priests couldn’t find much to argue with. The Chosen had to know how to defend himself, after all. And… his logic did make some sort of sense to them. Wouldn’t two weapons be better than one?
The dwarf shook his head. “Mighty clever thinking there! I’m sure that will help on your journey.”
The mention of the journey put a dark cloud in Lloyd’s head suddenly. Right. In the end, that was the point of the swords anyway. To protect himself until…
“Also!” Dirk’s voice broke through, and he watched as the dwarf reached around him towards a satchel, bringing it towards the front. “Got my latest commission done! And no worries. The Church will take care of the bill when they see it later.” He handed the folded clothes to Lloyd.
His eyes widened in glee at the design. “You already made it! Nice!”
“Fitting for a master swordsman and a Chosen, right?” Dirk seemed pleased as well. “At the very least, these would help you move around better, and has a place for your swords.”
Lloyd would have gone to hug the dwarf if he could – or if that wasn’t a bit weird. “I’m definitely wearing these from now on!”
Even as Dirk looked very pleased, he stared at Lloyd with another expression, one that Lloyd couldn’t place. “You’ve been doing a lot lately, lad. I hope you remember to rest in between all your work.”
In all fairness, this was a first that he ever heard come from an adult. Usually there was always something do, another thing to learn… “Ah, I’m okay enough. Besides, I’m taking your advice on things!”
“Oh, that so?”
“Yep!” Lloyd nodded. He had his new clothes underneath one arm, standing proudly. “Dwarven vow #4! Don’t depend on others. Walk on your own two legs.” He then grinned, glad he could remember that right! He only knew a few of the vows Dirk had mentioned to him, but some like those stood out. “I’m taking that as my mortal from now on!”
Dirk raised a bushy eyebrow. “Think you mean motto there, lad.”
“…Huh. That does make a lot more sense.”
“I thought ya read a lot.”
“I did! I do! Just, after a while of non-stop reading, all the words start to look the same…”
Still, the dwarf smiled. “Anyway… I’m glad you think my old sayings are of any interest. However, here’s another for ya. Dwarven vow #7! Justice and love will always win!”
“…That doesn’t sound as cool at all!”
It was easy to talk with Dirk, easier than most other adults. His dad sometimes just… well…
He saw the light in the sky in a nearby stained-glass window and flinched a little. “Oh, shoot. I gotta go. I’ll wear these though!” He held up the clothes then made his way back to his room, waving back at the dwarf. “I’ll see ya later!”
“Don’t trip over the stairs again!” Dirk called out, his bellowing voice finding every nook and crevice in the room. The pastors would have hated such a sound, but Lloyd was ecstatic. At least for now.
“…Is that a new outfit?”
Lloyd had been waiting forever for someone to comment on it, and Genis was never one to disappoint. He put his hands on his hips, knowing the euphoria he felt would be brief but trying to take as much as he could. “Yeah! Special tailor-cut for me!”
Genis looked to his Chosen best friend with a curious air. And maybe some suspicion. “Huh. Suits you better. Even those weird suspenders you have seem to work.”
“What do you mean weird?” Lloyd asked with a small frown.
“Nothing! I said they worked. I don’t get those white strips on your collar but… they also work, too.” Genis stared at Lloyd with more thought. “Yeah, this literally wouldn’t look good on anyone else.”
“Remind me to never come to you for compliments.”
Even as the younger boy laughed, Lloyd was grateful for Genis’ honesty. It was hard finding that in most people around him when they spoke with him. It was harder finding that in himself. He pulled at the, high collar in his new outfit, hoping someone else he knew would like it too. Or at least like it enough.
“You haven’t been to school in a while,” Genis hedged. Lloyd had just come back to Iselia as he walked from the Church, both of them meeting right by the schoolhouse. The day was already late, classes long over. Easier this way. Less people to speak with, less incredibly boring phrases to recite. “Chosen duties getting too much for you?”
It was meant as a joke. Lloyd didn’t really have it in him to laugh along to it though. He pulled at his collar, feeling an anxiousness to him that he had been stemming down for so long, but was slowly beginning to rise the past few months. “Just things. It’s nothing really.”
When Lloyd was quiet like, his friends always noticed. Genis raised his head, noting the tone. “Sorry. That was stupid to say.”
“It’s fine. Really!” He grinned, glad that the collar of his new outfit could hide away some of the strain there. “There’s been a lot of things lately anyway. I only had time now to even leave.”
Genis stared a little, but gave Lloyd some relief when his young eyes lost some intensity. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell them you snuck out again.”
“Heh… thanks.”
“Anyway, I know you’re not here to see me.” It was then Genis grinned, much brighter than Lloyd’s, much more hopeful than Lloyd could ever imagine to be. “Colette’s been talking about you all day. I don’t know how or when you got Noishe to deliver her a letter, but she was real happy about it.”
Noishe was his father’s dog first and foremost, but the creature always did him favors. And with Kratos having been gone for so long lately, it just made it easier.
“Shut up,” Lloyd muttered jokingly, and Genis only laughed again, the awkwardness about his duty of being a Chosen momentarily forgotten.
He wished it could be forgotten completely.
When he was younger, Lloyd had always wanted to travel the world, to see what it had to offer. When he was younger, the Church told him that he would someday, and he had looked forward to it, excitement lighting up his mind.
But on his eighth birthday, all that excitement went away.
Lloyd sat on the outskirts of Iselia, the grass around him still a bright green, the sky darkening as the sun began to set. He had been there early – a first for him. But for Colette, he would go the extra mile.
He heard her trip over the ground before he even saw her.
“Ah, s-sorry! I messed up.” He turned, finding Colette brushing away the grass stains from her dress, just a few feet away. Her blonde hair was a bit frazzled from her fall, but she still smiled.
Gloomy thoughts instantly went away at the sight of her.
“You’re such a dork. You didn’t need to rush here, you know.” Still, he couldn’t take his eyes off her as she sat next to him. She was always so cheerful and bright, and it made the world a little less scary to Lloyd when she was near him.
But it also made him feel bitter over the things he would miss as well.
“I know! Just, um..” Colette fiddled with her hands. “It’s been really boring the last few weeks without you. I was so happy seeing Noishe show up to my house! Though I think my grandmother’s sneezes might have scared him a little, sorry.”
“Oh. Oh right! I forgot she’s allergic..” Gah, why did he have to be stupid about these things? That explained why Noishe was all frantic when he came back. Even the sound of a twig snapping put the dog in a panic. “I guess I should have sent a person instead…”
“No, no! I was really glad to get it from Noishe… I missed petting him, hehe.” She pulled in her knees, looking at Lloyd with such curious eyes. “You said you got a new outfit from Dirk! It looks so cool on you!”
“Heh, yeah, it does make me cool, doesn’t it?” He smiled, sitting up straight. “It’s even got the Church of Martel symbol on it, see?” He pointed at his vest. Dirk had suggested it as one way to curb away any disdain from his pastors. With this symbol, it was still Chosen-appointed clothes. And with Dirk’s many, many work contributions to the Church, the pastors couldn’t deny him either. “It’s way better than the robe things they always make me wear.”
Colette nodded. “Yeah! You even have these cute ribbons.” She played with one now, always reaching out to Lloyd with little reserve, and Lloyd always glad she did. He was not someone far off or otherworldly like so many other people would view him as. “Are they meant to do anything?”
Lloyd thought about this. “Um… to make me look cool!” Just saying that made him laugh, and made Colette laugh too. It had been weeks since he felt this relaxed, and happy. It would be weeks that he would not feel this again.
He thought the time away would make him forget, but it only brought everything out in full force.
Lloyd was already handing her the necklace before he thought too hard about it.
Colette stared. “Lloyd?”
“I… I’ve been working on this for a little bit. Just to keep busy.” Just to make the days bearable. “Probably not as good as Dirk does it… but he can’t really teach me stuff for very long because of..”
Colette carefully took the necklace in both hands, eyes shining. “It’s so pretty! You… you always make such beautiful things, Lloyd.”
There was always something in her voice that stopped him, that made him wonder… While Genis and Raine always called him by his name, the way Colette does so was always different. It always pulled at him in a way that was sweet and painful. It had gotten too painful lately. Raine had already let him know today… only a month left before he would need to go.
“Is this really for me?” she asked, surprising Lloyd out of his thoughts.
“Yeah! This can replace the that other one I made for you a few years ago. That was all uneven anyway.”
“Oh, I still have that too… and the doggy figure! It’s still on my bookshelf!”
As Lloyd was momentarily stunned at that information, Colette circled the chain around her neck, the red jewel glinting in the waning sunlight. “I know you have so much to do lately. But I’m so happy!”
Some of that happiness got to him too. He wished he could keep it. “Heh. I wanted to give it you before I-“ He stopped.
“Before you what?”
He had nearly told her then. Lloyd had been trying so hard to keep quiet about things, about what will happen, about what he would have to face. But Colette was looking at him, and suddenly he was ready to tell her everything.
That wouldn’t have been fair though. At least one of them should be happy?
“Before I go on my journey, I mean.” His voice was quieter, which was hard to change. “I’ll probably be gone a while, so I wanted to give that to you first.”
At that, Colette was quiet too. Again, something that made him wonder. She looked ready to ask him a question. He anticipated it, unsure if he could keep lying.
Then she smiled. “I’ll miss you so much.” She kept holding the necklace in her palm, the sun making her hair shine. “I’m glad you wanted to come out here with me today.”
Lloyd wanted to hug her, and he did. That was one thing he would let himself do. He brought her close to his chest with a strong grip, and Colette held him back, her hands holding tight onto his new outfit. He didn’t care if it was wrinkled or whatever.
“Of course I wanted to,” he said softly. Then he pulled back, a smile on his face. “And once I regenerate the world, I’ll come right back again, okay? So don’t worry about anything!”
Colette kept one hand on Lloyd’s arm, while the other clasped the necklace again, pendant going between her fingers. At least, she would have something of him left.
“You don’t have to go back so soon, do you?” she then asked. The sun was nearly past the horizon, and the stars blinked up from their places in the sky. “Maybe, you can tell me what you’ve been doing? Not much happened in the village though.. so I’m sorry if I’m a little boring.”
Lloyd laughed. “Colette, I usually just stay inside and read old books all day. Believe me, nothing is more boring than that. And definitely not you! So no more apologizing, okay?”
If a pastor heard this – if his dad heard this – he’d have been in trouble. The most would have been a stern lecture, but he had heard nothing but lectures for weeks. Colette’s happy voice was such a difference for everything.
He could enjoy things for one day.
Colette was smiling again, looking beautiful as she always did. “Okay!”
So they both sat back, and they talked. Once the sun had long set, they were still seated by each other. Through all that time, Colette had not let go of the necklace. He wanted to keep that image of her for as long as he could.
“Colette… are you sure this is even the right way?”
Having never been out of Iselia her entire life, Colette didn’t know much about the world or which road led to where – especially to Triet. She sighed within the desert heat. The clothes she wore were different from her usual outfit for school, made of thicker material, with hidden compartments to sheathe away her chakrams. But it was doing her no favors in this sandy place where the sun beat down relentlessly.
“I… I’m not sure. Not anymore, I guess. I’m sorry, Genis.”
Genis sighed too, but out of exasperation. “You really don’t need to apologize… We probably should have brought a map before we left.”
“But, that nice caravan family pointed us to here! I don’t think they would lie to us..”
Genis shrugged. “I know. I’m just saying maybe we shouldn’t have rushed.”
There were a million things Colette could have argued on why they had to rush, but, she kept them to herself. She pulled at her shirt which was getting sticky with sweat, and she checked to see that her chakrams were indeed still on her.
Lloyd had left Iselia the other day. It had been so sudden, before she had time to prepare. Even Raine had not given her any indication that they would leave so soon. Or maybe that was the reason she hadn’t said anything…
“But it is weird, isn’t it?” Genis said aloud, following Colette still. “Lloyd and sis just leaving in the night like that.”
Colette wanted to say what she knew, but Lloyd had kept it a secret for a reason. She didn’t feel comfortable revealing it. Not yet at least. “Yeah,” she simply agreed. “They must have had to go right away.”
“…And Lloyd said you were supposed to go?”
“Uh huh!” She nodded, then giggled. A little difficult with how hot it was, but she managed. “I already told you that, Genis!”
“Yeah… I know.” His tone was low, unconvinced, or really, it could have just been the heat. “Well, sis was obviously supposed to bring me along too. Her and Lloyd really don’t pay attention to things sometimes.”
Colette inwardly sighed, feeling relieved. That was why Genis overlooked her obvious lie – he had one of his own. The people most important to them have left them alone, so there was no choice but to follow. Even if they were probably lost, and very, very dehydrated.
But I have to keep going, she thought to herself. As she plodded through the sands, she felt a familiar weight hitting her chest. She had not taken off the necklace ever since Lloyd first gave her a month ago. Then before his birthday had even come, the Church said he had already gone on his journey.
Colette fervently wanted to be with him, and with barely a word to her family, she had gone, leaving them a letter instead. She hoped her father and grandmother could forgive her.
“Oh! Is that it?” Genis was saying, and though still dizzy with heat, Colette was able to understand what he meant. Because just ahead was a walled city, standing so far apart from the sandy dunes. There were the figures of people walking by its entrance, and before she knew it, Colette was hurrying towards it. Any worries about maybe being a mirage from the desert did not cross her mind.
She heard Genis shouting after her, also giving chase, but she had to find Lloyd. Each day before he left, she had thought about telling him so many things. She knew she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if he had gone and then finished his journey. Once she entered Triet, the amount of market stalls were new to her! People in turbans shifted past her, not minding this pale girl with the light-colored hair. She started to walk off in a random direction, hoping to ask someone if they had seen… the Chosen around. She would have to call him that if they were-
“Lloyd!” she shouted, finding him at the edge of her vision. She hadn’t expected him so soon, seeing the boy to the far side of the plaza, trying to usher in a whining Noishe in one of the stables. He was already looking exhausted doing so. He still had on his new outfit, but now wore belts that held his weapons. She knew of them – it was why she had started using two of her own!
Colette grew excited, waving her arms to him. It took a moment before she saw Lloyd peer through the distance, and then his eyes widened. She started to go to him.
“Lloyd, I-!” And then she had tripped. She tripped so frantically that she had completely turned around, trying her best to avoid surprised passerby. Unfortunately, the only way to avoid them was to go straight into a wall.
She heard Lloyd shout her name back once she finally fell.                                  
“You know… you need to be more careful.”
Colette nodded silently as Lloyd pressed a small bandage on her forehead. It was only a minor scrape, that was what she usually got out of her falls. Although the stall she had fallen into had not been so lucky.
Once Colette had gotten out of the rubble, Lloyd had been rushing to her, eyes wide with surprise. The owner of the stall had been furious, seeing a Colette-shaped wall in his property… until Lloyd tried to calm the man down. There had been murmurs and stutters of the boy being the Chosen.
“Uh, yeah? That’s me,” Lloyd said, still trying to placate the man. “Anyway, she didn’t mean it! Colette just-”
“But why would such a hole be important to the Chosen?” the owner had continued. That had given Lloyd pause, slow in understanding, but then recovering quickly enough to avoid any further trouble.
“Because… it’s an important Church.. landmark?” Lloyd had winced at his own explanation, but no one seemed to notice besides Colette. “Yeah! To mark my pilgrimage… and junk. I, uh, I bless this thing!” He patted against the mark perfectly shaped like Colette’s falling body – the imprint of her arms raised high to try and avoid the inevitable. “It’s really important! It was made by my companion on the journey! So don’t be mad at her or… risk the wrath of Martel! Wait, is that right…?”
Yet even with Lloyd’s shaky explanations, that had been enough to send the crowd surrounding them into gasps of wonder. Soon people were touching the hole in the wall, now blessed by the Chosen, and that was when Lloyd took Colette’s hand and got them out of there fast.
She had seen Genis with a frowning Raine earlier, and wondered dimly if she had only gotten both herself and her friend in trouble. “I’m sorry,” she said, still seated on the chair.
“What? No, it’s fine! Someone would have tripped there sooner or later!” Lloyd had taken her into his room at the inn, worried about any injuries she may have had. “It’s not too bad. Just I guess the Professor should see later and then we can get someone to take you home-”
She knew he had been about to suggest that, and took his hands, gripping them tight. “I’m staying with you, Lloyd.”
She had expected a lot of reactions from Lloyd. Surprised at her determination, confused at why she would do so, and maybe even happy that she would go to him. But she didn’t expect the silence that followed suddenly. He didn’t grip her hands back.
Colette floundered for a moment, then instinctively reached for the necklace he gave her. It was hidden underneath her shirt, but she pulled it out, both to be reassured as well as to show him. “I want to help protect my friend on his journey… I’ve wanted to for a long time! My friend who makes wonderful things like this, and who’s always been kind to me. If I can just repay it back-”
“Colette, I didn’t ask you to come with me.”
She stopped, surprised by the sharpness in his voice. Lloyd blinked, then looked to the side.
“Lloyd, um…”
“I would have told you if I wanted-“ He bit his lip, then sighed. “This journey is supposed to be dangerous.”
Colette also looked away. “I know. That’s why I had to come.” A pause. “You’re mad at me.”
Lloyd dug a hand through his hair. “I’m… Just a little.” He sighed. “I didn’t want you to go through this too.”
Colette tried to search for a correct response. The best she could come up with, “Now you don’t have to be alone with it.”
“I have the Professor with me! Why do you-”
She gripped his hands tight, tight enough for the both of them. “I want to stay by your side, Lloyd! As.. my friend. And… I can help you. I won’t be a burden, I promise.”
“I didn’t… I didn’t say you would be.” She felt him finally hold her hands, at least slightly. “But it would be dangerous, I told you. You don’t even have an Exsphere or anything like it to-”
“I do!” Colette said suddenly. She calmed after. “I mean, I do. Look, it’s…” She rolled up the sleeve covering her right arm, showing a small key crest just on her forearm. It glinted blue, inlaid with polished metal. “I’ve been using this so I can fight off the monsters better.”
Lloyd looked at her Exsphere with complete surprise. “When did you get that?” Exspheres were not common to come by – it was mainly used by Desians or mercenaries.
“I… Dirk made me one. I saw him a while back and asked him if he could make me something. I told him I wanted to help you and he seemed really happy to do it.”
“…So.. he just had Exspheres lying around? He never told me!”
Colette blinked. “Oh. He said he’d been carrying one around for a long time.. It was the only one he had. I didn’t… ask him for an Exsphere exactly. Just if he had something that could help me.”
Lloyd continued to look surprised, confused, and a little betrayed. “But where would he just find one?” he asked, mainly to himself.
Colette wasn’t thinking about that now. She rolled down her sleeve, looking to Lloyd sternly. “I want to stay. And I know I can help you. So… please don’t turn me away.”
She saw him continue to struggle with his decision. His hands still held hers, a thumb rubbing across her palm. That somber look that she had seen Lloyd have lately – it was there again. There was once a time she didn’t know what would cause such a look in him.
He sighed again, but then small laughter left his throat. “Geez, Colette, you’re more stubborn than me.” He raised his head to her with a smile, even though it looked a bit sad still. She held his hands tighter in comfort.
“So, does that mean I can stay?”
“You’d just come back, I bet. You and Genis. I definitely didn’t expect him though!” He grinned wide then. “Missed his bestest friend, huh?”
Colette giggled, loving that grin of his. It was so rare now. “Well, he did say he missed Professor Sage…”
“Hey! What about me though?”
“It’s okay! I’ll miss you enough for the both of us!”
She wondered then, if that was a poor choice of words but Lloyd was still smiling. He even laughed.
“Heh, actually, um… does that mean Genis will be cooking for us now? The Professor keeps… wanting to do that lately.” Lloyd shuddered. “I could barely get through the first week.”
Oh no. Colette remembered the times their teacher had made the school lunch a few times. She giggled at Lloyd’s look. “I’m so sorry, Lloyd. I really am!” But she couldn’t stop laughing.
He smiled at that, even as he mocked sighed. “Are you making fun of me? Imagine the Chosen failing the journey because of indigestion. That’s embarrassing!”
It only made her giggle more, and soon Lloyd was laughing with her again.
Colette hoped she could keep him laughing throughout this journey.
Before Colette had left Iselia, she had decided to not mention what she knew to Lloyd. Even as she went over the knowledge in her head, searching for other ways, she knew it was not her place to say. But she could never fight off the feeling of wanting to be with him still. Once they had fought the guardian in the Fire Seal, she believed she could be useful while also being selfish.
A Chosen needed protectors, and she could even feel Raine’s gratefulness in having an extra pair of hands helping keep Lloyd from danger. He did run into monsters an awful lot…
Then Lloyd had nearly collapsed on the sands. She had never seen him so pale.
“Lloyd!” She caught him around the shoulders, and then he had just… kept slipping through her arms, making her hold on tighter. “Lloyd! Lloyd, wake up!”
“Wh…what?” He blinked dazedly at worried faces, leaning into Colette’s hold. “I was just… taking a nap.”
Genis’ expression went from worried to annoyed. “Are you serious?”
“Lloyd, how long have you been feeling faint?” Raine walked up to him, gripping her staff tight. “We may need to take you to a doctor.”
“I.. I’m fine! It’s fine!” Lloyd stood up again, gently moving away from Colette’s arms. “It’s just…the trial… I guess?”
Colette noted how quiet his voice had gotten then.
Raine was considering. “If that’s so… then we should at least make camp and let you rest. There’s an oasis not too far ahead. Genis, get started on dinner when we get there. Colette, please keep an eye on him.”
Lloyd stared at his Professor with some irritation. “I told you I’m fine. I’m not gonna run off!” Still, his voice was low.
But Colette knew there was something wrong.
After settling for the night, Lloyd had wanted to walk, and Colette hoped her presence wasn’t annoying him. But he seemed happy to have her near. They sat on the cool sands, the stars as outstretched as ever in the desert. Maybe they could find the same constellations here, too?
“Hey! Wanna see them again?” he asked her with a grin.
Colette’s smile must have been obvious, because Lloyd already summoned his wings. Great things that unfurled from his back in a great shift of azure light. Just like they had back in the Fire Seal. They framed him in a beautiful way that she wished she could say aloud without making it sound weird.
“That’s so cool!” she said, clasping her hands.
 “Heh, yeah. Although…it’s kinda hard to get used to these.”
Colette tilted her head at him. “Your wings?”
He shrugged. “Yeah. I mean, they really do look cool! But… they’re kinda big, aren’t they?”
The night made his wings appear that much brighter. They were so much like a bird’s wings, nearly as large as Lloyd was tall. Colette was seated on his right side, and his right wing was curled around them both. She had been tempted to reach out to them, wondering if that glow would make sensations across her skin.
He shrugged. “I guess this is just what it means to be an angel or something.”
Colette pressed her lips together, not saying anything at first. She still remembered when Lloyd had paled, falling to his knees, and not responding to her at all…
“Well, you’re still you, Lloyd. Just with wings!” Maybe there were better ways to say it, but she had never been as good with talking as he was. “And…” She risked something here, but she continued. “Even if you’re an angel, you don’t have to like your wings.”
Lloyd turned to her more fully. She could even feel the wind shift behind her, his wings flinching from his motion. “What?”
“I mean…” She tried again. “You don’t have to like them. Because… it doesn’t seem like you do.” Nervously, she reached up to her necklace, its weight comforting. “I think it’s okay to feel that. Or if you find them scary. I think I would, too.” Especially after a fall like that.
Lloyd kept staring at her. Soon, his wings dissipated into nothing, leaving only floating feathers of azure that also evaporated into the air.
His gaze shifted back to the sands. “It probably seems dumb… I’m a Chosen and I can’t stand the sight of my wings, heh.” His voice was hollow.
She dared once more. “Then… why did you want to show them to me?”
Lloyd took a moment. “Because I have to get used to it. Also… it’s easier with you, you know?”
She let go of her necklace to take his hand. Though she couldn’t see the Cruxis Crystal he wore, hidden away by the high collar of his jacket, she could feel it there. Maybe Lloyd had wanted to hide it from himself too.
“It’s okay, Lloyd.”
“Hm..” he said, unable to say anything more. But she felt him grip her hand back.
Sometimes silence was all that was needed. They stayed that way for a while before going back to camp.
Colette was not always so clever, or smart, or so self-assured. She second guessed herself on so many things, that even when she met a young Lloyd back then, it was his bright smile that got her to talk to him. She hadn’t even noticed at first that few others had talked to him either, that she had been one of the first friends he ever had.
But she never doubted she was Lloyd’s friend. And she never doubted that he meant so, so much to her.
When he fell earlier today, the doubt about telling him what she knew was beginning to fade away.
“Lloyd? Why are you up?”
He was looking up at the sky, standing on a small rise. He always liked connecting the stars – and showing her how to do it as well. There was only him and her awake now, while Raine and Genis rested by the campfire. Even Noishe was sleeping peacefully, with barely a whine leaving his throat.
He turned as she went to him. “Oh, it’s my turn to watch for the night, remember?” He smiled. “You should be sleeping though! It’s pretty late.”
The journey had been long and difficult, but it was what the Chosen had to endure – at least what Colette knew about it. Lloyd rarely talked about such things at all. Sometimes… the only way one could even tell he was a Chosen was at the seals, waiting for the angels to bless him. It was only then when he would look so different, but also so sad.
And each time, she could tell it was hard for Lloyd to hide that sadness.
“Lloyd… you collapsed today. Again. The Professor said you didn’t need to do that now. I was supposed to take over…”
He blinked, then turned away. “It’s okay. I feel a lot better now.”
She hesitated. Sometimes he did this, trying to shut himself away. Sometimes, she would let him, but not tonight. She couldn’t. “Lloyd, your hand. Is it feeling better?”
“Huh? Yeah.. yeah, it’s fine!”
She reached for it before she could think to ask him. Because she had a feeling he would say no.
After the Wind Seal, Lloyd had been fainting faster, too. Enough that she couldn’t catch him this time.
The scrape was deep in his palm, still bleeding a little. Looking at it made her own hand ache. “You didn’t get this checked by the Professor.”
He took his hand away from her quickly. “It’s fine.”
She shook her head. “It’s… it’s not, Lloyd. And you know that, don’t you?”
He didn’t say anything.
Colette reached for her necklace, the gift he had given her just a few weeks before he left. Its weight was a comfort that she held onto at night, and even during their fights against monsters, bandits and Desians, it had stayed strong. It was made by Lloyd who was strong himself, she knew. But even a strong person couldn’t be…
“You’re not eating much… and you haven’t been sleeping either.” Colette would sometimes wake and still find him staring up at the stars, all by himself. “Things aren’t okay.”
She felt cruel saying these things, but Lloyd could never lie so easy, not as well as he thought he could. And right now, no good lies were coming to him. He only looked away, eyes dark and his expression somber.
“Why are you…?” he started, but couldn’t finish. Still, Colette needed to tell him more.
“Lloyd, I… know about what happens.. on the journey.”
He turned back to her then. For a moment, she couldn’t read his eyes at all. She had to fill the silence.
“This necklace you gave me. It’s more than just a present… it was supposed to be a memento, wasn’t it? But, I don’t want it to be that. I really don’t.”
“You’re… not supposed to-” Lloyd stopped, realizing his mistake. “I mean, that’s not what…”
She moved closer to him, reaching for his hands again. She tried not to squeeze it tightly, even though she knew now he would not be able to feel a thing. “I… my grandmother knows a lot about the Church of Martel. She used to be a priestess actually. She never told me exactly, but her stories about other Chosen.. and the way you’ve been acting lately..”
Lloyd still wasn’t looking at her. Afraid she was just making things worse, she started to release him again. “I want to be by your side. I don’t want you to go away. I don’t know how to stop that but... I had to at least be here.”
Just as she let go, Lloyd went to embrace her. Like he had on the day he gave her the necklace, except so suddenly.
“Colette, I’m… I’m not doing okay. I’m not… They didn’t tell me this would happen.” He held her tighter. “Dad didn’t tell me anything at all.”
She held him back. “I’m sorry.”
He shook. When he spoke, his voice was a little harsh, but she knew it wasn’t aimed at her. “Why are you apologizing? It’s not… it’s never been your fault! I just can’t.. handle this. I can’t handle anything.”
Colette pulled away so she could see him. With the way he spoke, she expected tears. But none fell from his eyes. So he couldn’t… “I’ll help you find another way. There has to be one. Because I don’t want you to go.” It sounded so childish, the way she said it. Still. “I don’t want you to go.”
Lloyd looked so sad and lost that she wished she could comfort him better. Lloyd pulled her back in his arms, pressing his forehead to hers. “I don’t want to also. I just want to stay.”
Maybe it was the sadness there that made her want to kiss him. She wished she’d have done it sooner. She had been tempted to on the day he gave her the necklace, but held herself back. She was afraid doing it now would be cruel if he couldn’t feel it. But once her lips pressed against his, he kissed her back, fingers digging into her shoulders, desperation in his grip.
It had been fierce and deep. Lloyd pulled back with a little nervousness. “Um… I meant…”
Colette leaned in to take his lips again. Softer this time, finding ways to make him feel, at least perhaps a little. And maybe he could, in some way. Because he still held her so tightly, still tried to press against her mouth as much as he could.
I just want to stay, he had told her. Colette would find a way to make that happen.
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idreamofwolves · 5 years
Old Times -Part One
Summary: Negan stumbles upon a familiar face from life before the end of the world.
Pairing: Negan (The Walking Dead) x OC
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The dead walk the earth, the living survive on nothing but fuel in the form of safe houses and scraps of food they find or hunt. It wasn’t the way Emily ever thought things would be, or anyone for that matter, but there she was, hiding out in some old, abandoned cottage in the middle of the woods. She thought this would be her safe place, somewhere she could feel comfortable sleeping without the fear of being eaten by walkers in her sleep. She was wrong.
Emily had woken in the middle of the night to the sound of pounding on her front door that she’d hardly reinforced given her false sense of safety. That was mistake number one. Mistake number two came when fear started to override rational thought. Instead of running for weapons when the door cracked open, she attempted to hide herself in a small closet.
As the dead drug their feet in, they became frantic, or as frantic as the dead could be, in search for the living flesh they smelled and craved. Her hands shook and tears ran down her face. “This is it. This is how it’s going to end.” She thought, feeling more hopeless than ever.
Just when she had given up all hope, she heard something that would change the course of her awful night. The croaking sounds of walkers dying tang through the cottage, making her perk up and wonder what on earth was going on out there.
When the sounds of smashing and crushing finally came to a close, foot steps could be heard around the area. It seemed like only one person, but Emily couldn’t imagine a scenario where one person could kill so many walkers. And although it was against her better judgement, she slowly and quietly crawled out of the closet. She gasped as she was quickly met with the rotting face in hers. She threw herself into her back and took in the bloody scene around her.
Just as she started to get overwhelmed, a figure in the doorway took her attention. “Ho-ly shit!” The man exclaimed, oddly amused somehow. A barbed wire covered bat was sling over his shoulder, dripping with blood. He seemed unfazed by this. “We got a live one.”
“You did this?” She asked, not sure what she was more horrified by, the graveyard around her or the man above her that caused it without a flinch.
“Yeah and saved your ass in doing so.” He chuckled as he rest back on his heel. “What’s your name, doll?” The room was dark and she couldn’t see much, but she recognized that voice from somewhere.
“Emily.” She answered without thought, his demeanor and authoritative stance made her feel afraid, but he’d just saved her life. She couldn’t be anything less than grateful. “Thank you, for this.”
“Emily.. Have we met?” She was taken aback by the question, but upon really looking at him, she realized he was right. They’d met before, long before the outbreak.
“Negan?” She answered, trying to hold back a smile. She stood up and brushed herself off quickly before going back to the conversation. “You’re alive? What are you doing here?” She hurried to him and hugged him out of a rush of relief and joy.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He hugged her back, almost dropping his beloved bar in the process. His smile was still there, but it wasn’t the normal, cocky grin he often wore. He was shocked to find someone from his old life, relieved even. It suddenly made him miss the old days.
They’d met long before the outbreak, looking at her was like looking into the past, into a place he dearly missed when he let himself think about it.
He pulled away from him to look him in the eyes. He looked almost just as he did the last time he saw her, except maybe more muscular now. “I haven’t seen you since..” she trailed off, remembering exactly when she saw him last but didn’t want to say.
“Since the bar.” He finished, and in the back of both of their minds they remembered their first and last meetings.
Negan’s wife, Lucille, was harsh and demanding and every part of him felt his marriage had failed. They fought so often that he barely knew what it was like to laugh with a woman anymore, until he met Emily. He’d often go to the bar to get out for a while and let things cool off at home. That’s where he met her.
She was shy and new to bar tending, she wasn’t cut out for it but she was pretty and men tipped well. It wasn’t what she really wanted to do in life, but it paid the bills.
It was a slow night when Emily came into work. It was the last shift, and a short one at that. She was ready to go home as soon as she came, until she noticed the tired looking man at the end of the bar. A few others lingered as they sipped their drinks, but it was him she was interested in. “Hey.” She smiled as she gained his attention. “You okay?”
“Doin’ great doll.” It seemed like he’d actually meant to sound more honest, but it came out sarcastic. “Mind filling this up?” He slid his glass over to her, and motioned toward the nearby bottle of whiskey.
She lowly watched him as she poured the whiskey. She slid his glass back and checked on the other bar dwellers. After a few moments of contemplation, she went back to him. “Want to talk about it?” She pried, making him chuckle.
“That obvious, huh?” He rubbed his eyes with his hand and took a deep breath. “Think I’m here for the same reason most of these lonely, alcoholic bastards are here for. Angry wife.”
“Ooh. That bad, huh?” She rested her elbows on the bar and sipped on her soda. “By the look on your face, I’m guessing it’s one of two things. This is your first big fight with a wife you’re crazy in love with, which I’m going to doubt since I’ve seen you here once or twice, or this is becoming so common that you don’t know what to do anymore. Am I close?” She found it easy to talk with him, despite her normal reserved nature.
“Spot on, sweetheart.” He chuckled and sipped his drink, looking confident but deep down she knew he was feeling down.
“It’s Emily.” She smiled and lightly tapped her name tag. She got a smile out of him, which was really all she wanted.
From that moment on, they bonded over broken relationships and their off sense of humor. It was an unexpected friendship laced with some kind of flirtatious nature, as time went on.
Negan quickly became attached to Emily, as he was able to use her as therapist and friend. She reminded him how to laugh, and she helped him forget about the rest of the world outside of the bar. And although the friendship was innocent enough, he knew himself enough to know he had feelings for her.
Emily, on the other hand, was incredibly oblivious to Negan’s flirting. She saw it as a joke most of the time, just friends kidding around, even if it did make her heart beat out of her chest. He wasn’t someone she ever imagined she’d want to be with, but she couldn’t help but imagine it at times. She found safety in him, as he was always there to ward off the seemingly sexual predators that frequented the bar now and then who always wanted more than a drink from her. She found solace in him, knowing she could vent if she needed to and ask for his opinion. He was honest and caring, something rare, she thought.
The last time Negan saw Emily, he knew it would be the last. The news of Lucille’s cancer made things hard for him, and he knew he couldn’t keep seeing this girl anymore. As much as it hurt him, he knew he had to let her go.
He walked into the bar, his composure slightly different than normal. His confident stride and cocky smirk had completely vanished. “Hey you.” Emily greeted him as he took his normal seat. He mumbles out some sort of greeting, but it was incomprehensible. “What’s up buttercup? Bad day?” She asked, thinking he and Lucille must have gotten into some kind of major fight.
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “Definitely a bad day.”
Emily frowned, she hated seeing him upset. “Whiskey kind of day, huh?” She poured him a drink but he put his hand out to stop her.
“Look sweetheart, I’m not staying today. I just wanted to drop in and give ya this.” He dropped a folder note down on the bar for her to read. He didn’t have the courage to tell her what he desperately needed to say, especially knowing it wouldn’t get him anywhere anyway.
Emily picked up the letter and looked him in his sad eyes, somehow knowing she wouldn’t see him again. “What’s this?” She asked, not really wanting to open it.
He sighed and looked away for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. “Read it later, okay? Lucille’s got cancer so I won’t be around much anymore. Just thought I’d say ‘bye’ to my favorite bar tender.” He tried to make it light, but this didn’t feel good for him, it felt like a break up.
“Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that.” She nodded, squeezing the paper in her hand. “Well I hope I see you around some time, Negan.” She forced a smile, even though no part of her felt like smiling.
“Me too, princess.” He walked out, feeling more broken than he ever had. It was hard, knowing she was about to find out what he’d been feeling, and not being able to do anything about it. Not to mention the guilt he started to feel about having feelings for another woman while he was married.
It was tough on the both of them, but they never saw each other again. Not before the outbreak, that is.
“Yeah. The bar.” She said, slowly. She didn’t want to remember that night, but she still had his note. She carried it with her the moment she’d been forced to flee her home, knowing it was all she had left of him and the old life she’d lived.
“I’m real sorry about that Em.” He started, but she didn’t want him to finish.
“How’s Lucille? Is she-“
“Dead.” He said, abruptly. “She died while all the shit started hitting the fan. Turned into one of them.” He shrugged, feeling a little defeated. He hadn’t really talked about it before, but he knew he could trust her.
“Oh. I’m so sorry.” She hadn’t expected that answer, somehow.
“Don’t be. I’m glad she didn’t have to deal with this shit show.” He motioned around them, and she knew where he was coming from. Part of her wished she never had to deal with it too, but the other option scared her more.
“Right.” She nodded and looked out the window. She felt nervous, never did she think this opportunity would come. Honestly she figured he was dead. “So what are you doing here? On the run?”
“Never.” He said, confidently. “I run a place called The Sanctuary. It’s an old compound we fenced in. We take in everyone we can, make deals with other communities, you know.”
“Thats sounds amazing. I’ve been on my own since this started. Somehow I’m still not any good at fighting these things.” She laughed, knowing her weaknesses.
“How the hell have you been living in this without fighting?” He asked, semi amused but mostly worried.
“I just go from house to house. I board everything up and live on the food and stuff there until it runs out, then I venture off to a new home.” She wasn’t proud of the way she’d been living, and honestly she had very little contact with anyone since the beginning. It was amazing to her not only seeing someone, but seeing someone she knew.
“Come on, come to The Sanctuary with me. We got food and hot water, even beer.” The offer was enough without the luxuries he’d mentioned. She realized she still had feelings for him, and she wondered if he still felt the way he said he did in the letter. There was only one way for her to find out.
“I’d love to, thank you.”
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dailyjeons · 6 years
BTS account 13/10/18
didn’t do merch cause i did that in london, didnt go for studio cause that was probably not feasible with how our lines were going (at least i was too scared to do it).. sucks cause i didnt get allowed into the london booth while in the amsterdam booth everyone was queue-ing up anyways and getting in lol
bolding the subjects so you can skip parts that dont interest you
pre concert stuff So I was going to the concert with a person(Julie) I met through tumblr, she responded to my message asking if people wanted to queue up in GA with me cause I was alone. She was with a group of people and they basically adopted me so that was nice!!  Julie was super kind, constantly looking out for me, for my anxiety too and just I really loved being with her, time really flew!! We prioritized looking out for eachother over seeing the boys so I was really happy bout that! We basically queued up at 7AM in the 'unofficial line' that later on became the official one! Campers were sent out, I believe, but they probably came back early still! We still had a fairly decent spot I suppose? The camping out itself wasn't too stressful but I had a lot of anxiety bout being in the pit in a crowd of people, not havin bathroom breaks and being on 2 hours of sleep gjkfg Julie tried to reassure me through all of that. there were some fans giving out some stuff in the line!! like arts and stuff and i got this from a jimin fansite, i think she was japanese? 
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it was so funny basically she did rock paper scissors with fans to determine if they’d win.. i lost but she gave it to me anyways?? LOL she didnt give it to anyone else that lost LOL
gettin into pit Eventually we got in and fortunately my tickets worked!! We like rushed into the left side but the view was not bad, ok, then we tried for the right side and we got similar views? But I think overall it was just a little better! We were around the sixth/fifth row in the pit but we moved up a bit to the fifth/fourth during the concert. I had a fairly good view on the stage, and could see the boys clearly!! I still used my iphone to film cause of the amazing quality zoom it has and i have so much gooood footage ahhhh my hands are super shaky though so thats annoying but oh well, its something! they like handed out water very often thank god so i could cool off and drink durin the concert!! we had to stand for like 3 hours inside so i was getting really nervous but once the concert started it was fine!!
concert Anyways the concert itself was mindblowing? They're actually sosososo good live it's actually insane how they sing live through their choreo or while bouncing around. Tear is still my favorite performance but the crowd went a little too wild around then so i didnt enjoy it as much :( They also did the medley I prefered (w Baepsae) which made so happy cause i got to experience both medleys now jdskfhfsdf.. i do feel like the performances were better for the London date, but the interactions and the boys happiness were on a much higher level in Amsterdam, especially with jungkook flying around trying to dance!! That said I felt like the crowd fell a little bit flat.. When the Jimin/Namjoon VCR was playing everyone was screaming initially for both but after a hot minute they like only screamed for Jimin?? The silence was actually deafening so Julie and I decided to help with Namjoon's screams then, and it was so disappointing we were legitimately the only 2 people screaming for him in such a venue lol. Crowd did however go wild at Kim Seokjin's performance, and IT'S WHAT HE DESERVES. Overall I think Seokjin and Jimin had the best reactions in Amsterdam, and London both.
impressions on boys As for the boys. Gonna be honest with y'all I was so busy filming Jungkook solo all day that I didn't really notice others?? fdjkghdf since i already had thel ondon date i figured today was jungkook's day now i had sights on him proper.. Some notes, Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon spoke some Dutch and it was super cute!! Yoongi did it first fjgdkhfdg 
Yoongi: Super smol but big hands, and fluffy cheeks (he bloats really easily lolol) his see saw performance was REALLY good today too, i feel like reaction to seesaw is the best, everyone's always singing the whole song w it while most of the crowd struggled with their title tracks in both london and amsterdam LOLLL yoongi must be so proud over it.. also he's the first to speak in dutch to us but it was like really suddenly right before they were performing so nobody really noticed fjghkdfg and u know when he makes a dad joke and he smiles flustered, but nobody reacts to his jokes.. he did that thing LOLLL
Namjoon; very long and slender, his legs are legit 70% of his body and he went offffff today like when he's into shit like tear i cry cuz oh my god merCY kjdfhgdhjkfg Namjoon seemed to really love Amsterdam tbh he kept talking bout stuff to do while the others had fairly standard stuff to say, with a lot of repeat from the london concert too (which is fine vconsidering its hard for themt o speak in eng too)
Hoseok: He looks a lot sharper irl?? im not sure if i said differently last time, but now i saw him up close he's definitely much more handsome, cameras dont do him justice.. also he always has the most gentle smile on his face and it calmed me down a lot jkfgh
Taehyung: tbh im not sure if i missed him but i didnt really see him on my side a lot? i think like a few times i tried to film but couldnt really get it..?? julie did tho.. he's kind of.. small? but not small like yoongi but small like i'd confuse him for a high school kid.. BUT his face?? is really smth else his face is SO small but his features are sooooooo big and sharp.. god himself shaped this boy
Jin: ok yeah this man is 10000% more handsome irl liek i was filmin jk and lost focus and then jin appeared and i almost dropped my phone cause what the fuck?? hes GORGEOUS.. he didnt do the forehead/glasses look today though, unfortuantely cause jesus christ that was something else. he was bein a crackhead to jk again today rofll
jimin: he's legit a fairy irl lol it doesnt make sense.. like.. he's... really pretty....... super super super pretty, guys like legitimiately glowing.. he was super playful today and he seemed really happy to perform on his birthday which is super pure considering.. who likes working on their birthday? he like moved his dressshirt/blouse off shoulder a bit during the fake love portion of the set and oh ym god h..e..........HE... his collar... i want 2 kiss it.......platonically.
as for jimin's birthday.. omg he's so cute? they were at the extended stage when his birthday message came up (a message in dutch) and he like instantly rushed back to the main stage to show off his birthday message and he proceeded to talk in dutch about how it's his birthday, and how army are his gift?? it was suuuper cute!! imagine Jimin practicing his dutch just for this moment fdgkjhdf
Anyways onto ma boy!! Jungkook is absolutely unreal pretty. He didn't look as bloated/pained today so i guess i saw The Jungkook today and he's so.. sharp looking??? like his jawline and cheekbones are insane and like the dimple?? ughhhhh he looked a lil smaller now i was upclose but his thighs were still gods gift.. also he did forehead kookie instead of coconut kookie, i remain blessed.. he always hears my prayers..
throughout the show he was honestly super cute, he kept dancing in his chair to the choreo, spinning in circles while doing it, hopping around the stage slowly to wave and look at every fan.. he even looked towards me at some point but i legitimately dodged and turned away cause like I FELT SO GReaYS ANd i'd rather not have him see me like that lmaooo anyways it's so super cute how despite his injury he still tries to give it his all at all times, and now he could walk around he's instantly back at trying to make interactions with all fans?? a precious baby honestly!!
his ending ment was really-really sweet as well and it always amazes me how eloquent he can get when he gets to share us his real feelings.. i really am glad he's not too disappointed in himself anymore and has reached a point where he's just working on getting better instead<3!!
other than that, just like in london.. jungkook's vocals are insane. i don't care that he's not top tier vocalist in terms of technique but he got smth completely else and thats' how comffortably he can move around in his range and remain stable and it's just.. so amazing to hear him hit certain notes with almost.. ease? voice never cracks even after 23948234 songs it's so sickkkk
anyways this was definitely one of the best nights in my life.. despite allt hes tress and anxiety.. i’m sosoosos glad i went through all of this for that.. i had the greatest company and ended up having the greatest experience<3
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tumblunni · 5 years
Okay I know that kingdom hearts has a bad reputation for sticking crucial plot information on obscure spinoff games but HOLY SHIT I just finally watched a lets play of the fuckin digimon tcg game and found out it ACTUALLY HAS A GODDAMN CONCLUSION TO ANALOGMAN FROM DIGIMON WORLD 1
like 90% of the damn game has no plot whatsoever let alone indicating its a digimon world sequel! and then suddenly in the last battle without being foreshadowed whatsoever analogman returns and gets possibly the best boss battle ever IN A GODDAMN TCG GAME
holy shit his whole fight is framed as ‘this is literally the same guy from digimon world 1, hacking another game’, the interface wigs out and a bunch of fake command windows pop up with rapidly scrolling code of the game supposedly falling apart. And then his boss battle flips the entire gameplay system on its head by giving him fourth wall breaking special moves that pull overpowered effects by “hacking the engine”, with cool animations to fit. Fuckin badasssss!!
digimon world’s conclusion was so rushed, you never even meet the villain until the final battle and it ends all weird with just “something” going wrong that causes him to get sucked into a portal or something while screaming dramatically in weirdly high resolution terror faces??? the tcg game confirms that this was him attempting to flee back to the human world after you defeated him, but one of the stray attacks from the battle damaged his machine and it caused him to essentially commit accidental suicide when he turned it on.
the game had some sequel bait hints that maybe analogman is somehow still around and that the portal explosion just turned him into “corrupted data” so he can never return to the human world. and i always thought it would be super ironic if he actually got turned into a digimon aka the thing he hates more than anything
he appears in this game as a malomyotismon who does a damn good vexen face during the fight, lol. And he’s all “gahh that stupid kid ruined my plans but this accursed body at least improved my hacking abilities!” Tho its implied that his corrupted state is more like a bodyless cloud of data that can possess/copy different digimon, which would be REALLY FUCKIN CRITICAL to explaining the goddamn plot of Digimon World Next Order!
Seriously wtf is up with this series? Digimon World 2 is not the sequel to Digimon World 1, all the numbered games are entirely separate individual stories with wildly different genres from pet sim to roguelike strategy. The real sequel is fucking DIGIMON THE CARD GAME THE GAME and then Digimon World Next Order a bazillion years later for the ps4. In which i am STILL REALLY SALTY that they have a FUCKIN RAD remix of analogman’s boss theme yet he doesn’t appear in the game. The added context of this damn tcg game confirms once and for all that the Ambiguous As Fuck Ending actually WAS him appearing in the game, this unexplained “oh wait the villain was good all along and he was just possessed by an evil virus” was supposed to be corrupted-digi-analogman and seriously WHY DONT THEY JUST FUCKIN EXPLAIN IT!!! this tcg game wasnt even released in europe!! and even american fans probably had no clue it was linked to this entirely separate subseries! You have to friggin piece it together with context clues like the battle music and the fact analogman’s signature mon was machinedramon. I mean vjesus christ Next Order is a litera; sequel with the grown up version of Digimon World’s protagonist as a badass home ec teacher who still defends the digital world in his free time yet you couldnt spare ONE LINE OF DIALOGUE mentioning the name of the villain?? and summarizing the fuckin tcg game everyone missed??? AND CONFIRMING THAT THE VILLAIN IS INDEED MAKING A REAPPEARANCE POSSESSING THIS GUY??? oh god everything makes SENSE, thank you terrible card game adaptation. ehh but i do still love Next Order for making Hiro/Mameo’s canon partner Mamemon, he’s even more badass as this big tough bishie version of himself with a tiny adorable pal that can shoot rocket fists through space and time. (its funny tho cos the DW1 intro movie showed metalmamemon and metalgreymon and the american boxart flipped a coin and decided metalgreymon must have been the one the protagonist was using in that scene. Whoops!)
anyway even with the added context that IT WAS INDEED GODDAMN ANALOGMAN, the final boss fight in Next Order was as terrible as the rest of the plot. So I’m glad trash gramps got a suitably badass boss fight after all, even if it was a CARD GAME VERSION! lets all celebrate the awesomeness of this obscure fuckin spinoff game’s obscure fuckin intercontinuity cameo with the boss fight music that other game wasted
seriously fuckin hell the biggest challenge in that final boss was that i was so distracted by SHEER OFFENDEDNESS at the cool music not matching it that it was hard to keep focused
its not just a great boss theme for a terrible boss, its a really fuckin EMOTIONAL song for anyone whose childhood was fuckin defined by the first game!!!
and look you had a PERFECT FUCKIN EXCUSE for a REALLY GOOD boss battle against MY MAN GRUMPY GRANDPA OF THE COOL DAMN NAME. Seriously guys analogman was THE FIRST digimon villain! digimon world came out before the anime, digimon world was the BETA FOR THE ANIME! this was the first place they had the ideas for file island, so much of the areas in the game are awkwardly mistranslated versions of stuff that would later appear in the anime in a different form. before this digimon had never been anything more than a fuckin 2-bit graphics tamagotchi and this was (after the manga) only the second goddamn time these monsters had an actual full colour character design! all of those charmingly janky 90s gross out show styled tcg illustrations? that was concept art that this game was working from! fuckin hell this game thought up the idea for metalgreymon’s changed design that ended up becoming the iconic partner of tai in the anime. (you can also see beta tai in the manga with a beta veemon as a partner instead! o_O)
I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT ANALOGMAN OKAY!!! he’s a badly written guy with only like five sentences across all the videogames but fuckin hell he was such an Iconique part of the development of this series that they named him fucking ANALOGMAN
like dude you could have SO EASILY made me scream at my tv in a more positive way by bringing him out as the surprise villain and showing us wtf his deisgn is even supposed to look like cos god all we have is a blurry faceless early ps1 model buried under the glow filters of Mt Infinity’s funky background effects.
slap a fuckin O on this man and LITERALLY LET ME BEAT HIM UP
like dont even give him a team or anything, just let me fight THE MAN HIMSELF
you canonically fuckin said he’s a digital ghost now and basically the same as a digimon
let me beat the shit out of a regular businessman in a suit and tie while he pulls his badass ‘i’m hacking the game i’m in’ bullshit from the GODDAMN TCG GAME THAT WAS MORE CLIMACTIC THAN YOUR SHITTY CASH GRAB FAKE SEQUEL
man god i didnt expect a fuckin TCG GAME to revive my righteous fury from back when i first played that piece of shit. i hate it cos Next order is so pretty and its gameplay is so good and i really loved my twin digis but there were SO MANY bugs and cut corners and missing content and really bad writing and GOD it made me so sad that the dub team really really tried, they tried so hard that they got fuckin renamon’s original voice actress back even though the renamon in this game has nothing to do with the anime one. THE DUB WAS REALLY GOOD BUT IT COULDNT SALVAGE THAT SCRIPT!! THE MUSIC WAS REALLY GOOD AND THE ART WAS REALLY GOOD AND THE DIGIMON THEMSELVES WERE MY BEST DAMN FRIENDS FOR THAT MONTH OF MY LIFE BUT THE GODDAMN FUCKIN SCRIPT!!! the postgame was MORE FUN because FINALLY everything opened up like the sandbox of the first game and you could just fuckin hug u digis without being distracted by constant cutscenes butchering your childhood nostalgia
man i wanted to write a fic/draw a comic about my headcanons on how to fix it but i never managed to do it cos holy shit it was basically “throw everything out and make a different game geez” I COULD RAMBLE FOR HOURS ABOUT THE ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SEQUEL THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN!! and a fuckin!! tcg game!! was closer to that sequel!!!
fuck it im gonna do draw myself decking business gramps in the face
oh! and the female protagonist design! thats another rare good part of that thing! i loved the pixellization effect on her ponytal, way better than the male equivelant having a very ordinary costume design just with a pixel corner taken out of his jacket. also why did the plot never actually make a thing out of that? like you’d think that ‘unlike every other digimon tamer i’ve got this scar of my digitization’ would be a plot point. like they didnt give everyone else a cool pixel squares mark! they could have at least used it as an excuse why the protagonist is the Only Chosen One who can do all this plot shit. or if it was me i would have made it early foreshadowing for the Return Of Business Gramps, like you were partially infected by the Oooo Mysterious Unexplained Digi Virus (seriously why did they not just have ONE SENTENCE explaining its the fuckin original villain returning????) during the prologue and i dunno somehow that gives you powers to break analogman’s control on the digimon he possesses. or maybe the pixel thing is like a tracking device he put on you? or just give that cool design trait to the protagonist of digimon cyber sleuth instead, whose entire plot is that theyre a digimon human hybrid with literaly the power to pixellize themself into computers.
ALSO!!! actually do something!!! with mameo!!!
they really fuckin hyped up in all the prelease materials that the digimon world 1 protagonist was gonna be in this game and he’s all grown up now. and then he does NOTHING in the plot except babble exposition and stand around your home base. and has one line about how he’s a badass teacher now and his partner is mamemon but hey we made a bullshit excuse for why his digimon is sealed away and he never gets to fight :<
give me an actual cool teamup of new protag girl and her cool teacher dude beating the shit out of business trash with their bare fists and also their digimon’s bare fists while THE BEST DAMN MUSIC GOES UNWASTED
...fuck i sure do Feel Intensely about nostalgic games lol. i wonder if i’ll be so rambley when i play kh3? maybe itd be a really shitty lp, aaagh...
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iheartgod175 · 6 years
2018 Netflix Bucket List Part 1: Animation Nation
After watching some of the original Idolmaster today, I felt inspired to tackle my VERY LONG OVERDUE Netflix Bucket List. Although to be honest, two of these that I watched were on Netflix; some of the others I’ve watched and/or dumped were on KissAnime, and the remaining ones were on either Crunchyroll or Hulu. So yeah...not really a “Netflix” bucket list in this regard...BUT PART TWO IS I SWEAR
I decided to start off with the “animation” side of things, since I watch a lot of anime and cartoons, and I felt it’d be good to talk about some anime (and the one cartoon) I’ve finished up. Some of them are from months (or possibly a year back), but I feel like I should still talk about them anyway ^^
So here we go!
Completed Series
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The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
I liked this one. It was cute, the characters were charming, and I found six of my favorite characters from it (one of them being the Producer). That being said, I can see why it and the characters were seen as bland by other iM@S fans; the show doesn’t do a lot to really develop its large cast. The main beef I had with it was its treatment of New Generations, the group with Uzuki, Rin and Mio. They were the three main characters in the beginning, but then they kinda got shafted mid-season and then suddenly came back near the end again. I do love them (especially Uzuki and Mio; and I’ve warmed up to Rin a bit), but I felt the drama that Mishiro caused between them was drawn out a bit, and that the ending was cute, but rushed. Despite its flaws, this show got me into The iDOLM@STER series as a whole, and I even had my brother interested in it for a while to the point where he started watching it--keep in mind that my brother’s a die-hard Love Live fan. I won’t say that it’s a good gateway point to the series, but I will say that it’s alright for an idol series.
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Flip Flappers
My friend @infiniteglorias​ was watching this show about a year or two ago, and I watched it out of curiosity. I expected it to be a bit off beat, and boy howdy did I get off-beat. It’s bizarre, it’s funny, it’s got some pretty cool scenes, and an interesting villain backstory. It’s also super gay. Like, Symphogear-level gay.  And even that’s a stretch; Shirabe and Kirika ain’t got nothin’ on Papika and Cocona. But it’s a good show, even if by the end it got a little mindscrewy.
And I just found out that there’s a Blu-Ray box with an artbook and art cards. R.I.P. my wallet.
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BanG Dream!
Back when my brother was annoying the crap out of me with Love Live!, I was desperate to find a good idol series. I had started watching Cinderella Girls, but my brother took to bothering me about that, so I left it for a while (and also because although I enjoyed the show, I found it to be slow in some parts). If I had to describe BanG Dream!, I’d say it’s like Love Live! meets K-On!. I didn’t think I’d like it, and I thought the title name was kinda silly, but I ended up loving it. It really says something when you like some of the music better than Love  Live’s...in fact, I can kinda thank this show for pulling me to other idol anime away from LL! and introducing me to other things like Tokyo 7th Sisters, The iDOLM@STER and most recently IDOLiSH7. I loved this show, and I can’t wait to see the OVAs for it. Oh, and I’m patiently waiting for the release date of Girls’ Band Party’s English localization! I might not be able to play it, but I pray it goes well!
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LoliRock season 2 (cartoon)
LoliRock’s second season is leagues better than the first one. So much effort was put into making the five princesses stand out in their own ways. We got great songs, great outfits, Dark Talia and Dark Auriana, great episodes focusing on Carissa and Lyna, more worldbuilding, more Lev, great episodes focused on Amaru, and best of all, episodes focused on developing Mephisto and Praxina. That Praxina episode was a hard one to watch, because of how genuinely sweet her good side is--given events in the season finale only made me sadder. About the only gripe I had was Gramorr. He still didn’t do that much to interest me as a villain, although I have to admit his powers were pretty cool. At least he’s slightly better than Hawk Moth from Miraculous Ladybug.
Either way, if you want an excellent example of a great show for girls, watch this (and Ladybug too, if you want). You won’t be disappointed.
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The Seven Deadly Sins
I’ve been meaning to talk about The Seven Deadly Sins. But now that I actually have it here, I don’t have much else to say, other than it’s one of my favorite fantasy anime ever (and my favorite happens to be the Record of Lodoss War original OVAs). It’s funny, pervy (but not too pervy, unlike some shows I know *cough* High School DxD *cough*), tragic, awesome, gory and likeable. It’s totally binge-worthy. And it’s one of the few shows where the ships are totally okay; I usually avoid shipping people with people who look like they’re twelve or younger, but the maturity with which the show handles it changed my mind.
And season 2 has been announced. Enough said.
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One Punch Man
One Punch Man was great from start to finish. It was awesome and thought provoking for a show that parodies the Japanese superhero genre, and I don’t think I’ve ever laughed at a show this much (that is, until Blend S came along). Moreover, it showed how to do an overpowered character right. I haven’t read the manga yet, but I can’t wait for season two of this show to come out!  
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Kokoro Library
I found this little thing when I was cruising around for an older anime, Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san (a classic favorite of mine). I saw the opening and dismissed it as a bland show probably based of a visual novel. But curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to watch an episode of it, just to see if it’s as stupid as I thought. Similar to what happened with LoliRock, I took my words back. This show’s a cute slice-of-life show about three sisters who live in the mountains running their parents’ library. The interactions they have with each other and the rest of the town are what make this show. I admit, the first part is kinda slow, so I wouldn’t blame people who dropped it if it was boring, and you can tell this is an older anime from like the 2000s...but it has a great soundtrack, adorable characters, and a really sweet origin story. I would give it a shot and see how you like it.
Currently Watching
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The iDOLM@STER (Original)
Move over, Love Live. There’s some new idols in town.
I came across the original iDOLM@STER several times while looking for Cinderella Girls content. I thought nothing of it at first, but as I was finishing the Cinderella Girls anime, I did some research, and learned that these girls were the original generation (similar to how Muse was the original before Aqours). I decided “Eh, I’ll give it a shot. I like iM@S enough anyway; I’ll check it out before Side M, at least.” Gotta say, I am so glad I did. The original iDOLM@STER is leagues and above Cinderella Girls in terms of characters, story, humor and feel (although I still kinda like CG’s score more). In fact, I’ll go as far as to say that I prefer this over the original School Idol Project, which, while I think is pretty good, didn’t feel that spectacular to me, which is why I rank it 5th on my favorite idol anime list. Similar to IDOLiSH7, I don’t have a Best Girl, because pretty much all of them are awesome...although I gotta say that Iori, Hibiki, Makoto, Miki, Takane and Chihaya are my clear favorites, and I love Producer-san, surprisingly more than CG’s Producer-san, who was one of my favorites as well.
If you want to get interested in the iDOLM@STER universe, this is the series you need to watch.  
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Blend S
Blend S is great. I have never laughed so hard at an anime save for a few. And I love the character dynamic; even Dino’s crush on Maika isn’t really, really creepy since he’s not going borderline pervy like some other shows possibly would. I’m only three episodes in, but it’s been a great ride.
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If you can’t tell that I love IDOLiSH7 already, you haven’t seen my blog recently. Eight episodes in, and I’m in love. I can’t say much else other than that, but it’s right behind the original iDOLM@STER as one of my current favorite idol anime.
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Glasslip is a little anime I found on Hulu. It’s about a group of friends who go through the trials and pains of first love during summer vacation...oh, and something about the main heroine, Toko, and the mystery dude, Kakeru, being able to see the future through objects--in Toko’s case, it’s through glass objects, hence the title. It’s supposed to be a supernatural romance, but think it does better on the romance, though; their attempts to explain how and why Toko and Kakeru can see the future comes off kinda flat. Honestly, the real reason I’m watching it is for the romance plot between everyone. It’s a bit of a breather between watching shows such as Fate/Zero and Gundam SEED (seen below).
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Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (Remastered)
Yes, I realize this pic is from SEED Destiny. But hey, the pic’s cool ^^
Gundam as a series is one of the series I enjoy, but never really watched much of because I was intimidated by the universe. It is massive, and most Gundam anime take place in its own universe. Thanks to some help from my dad (who is a huge Gundam and Macross fan in his own right), I started watching the series again, starting off with one that I found the most interesting, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. I had started watching it years ago, but I forgot about it. I’m glad I gave this another chance, although I must be careful, because the last Gundam I watched was Gundam 00′s first season, and I binged watched it for hours.
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I forgot to mention that one of my friends, @infiniteglorias, is a fan of the animated Fate series. I also forgot to mention that my dad is a semi-fan, too. Between the two of them, I became interested in watching the series, and my dad got me into Fate/Zero. I love it thus far, and the characters are pretty awesome. I can’t really say much else about it other than that, honestly...other than that I’m a complete newbie to the Nasuverse ^^
Shows I Need To Get Back To
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Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ
I was following AXZ, and then that delay caused me to get off track. I will go back and watch it and include it in my next Netflix Bucket List (hopefully).
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Haruchika: Haruto and Chika
Haruchika was an anime I found when I was watching Shakugan no Shana (more on that below). I thought it’d be a high school romance, but what it actually is is a high school mystery with a very, very tiny bit of romance...and both our male and female heroine are going after their teacher, believe it or not. I don’t find it as interesting as Glasslip, but I feel that I should finish it on general principle before deciding it sucks. Plus, it does have a great soundtrack.
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Hunter x Hunter
Hunter x Hunter was a show I started watching around the same time as Lupin III (more on that on my next list). The only reason I’ve put it on hold is because of the above mentioned anime.
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Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan was one of those shows that I heard was good, but didn’t watch because of the hype (I swore to myself that I’d stop watching on hype alone after what happened with Sword Art Online and Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha the Movie 2nd A’s). I watched it with my uncle and we both really enjoyed it, going through like 13 episodes. I haven’t watched it with him in a while because we’ve both been so busy, but I have it saved on my list to watch it later.
Future Shows to Watch
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Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen
The ONLY reason I’m not watching this one is because I haven’t watched the original in years and I don’t remember much of the plot. *sigh*
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Macross Delta
Macross is another love of mine. After the amazingness of Frontier, I’m going to give the more recent Macross a try. That’ll probably be after I finish either iM@S or Blend S.
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Violet Evergarden
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Girlish Number
Girlish Number is another one of those shows that my brother annoyed me about, but I guess I’ll give it a shot to see what he really liked about it.
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Magical Girl Raising Project
More dark magical girls! Fun! Well, this should hold me over until I can watch Washio Sumi is a Hero, at least. 
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The Ancient Magus’ Bride 
This is a show I’ve heard was quite good. It’s got some solid production values, and it’s a fantasy, so I’ll give it a shot and see how it turns out.
Shows I’ve Dropped
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A Certain Magical Index
I wanted to like A Certain Magical Index, but alas, I found it to be a bit tiresome. At least its magic system and characters are a sight better than The Irregular at Magic High School.
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Shakugan no Shana
It’s a shame I had to drop this show, because honestly, I had liked it at first. But then came the incesty bits between the two new villains that were introduced. On one hand, the sister was voiced by Yukari Tamura. But on the other hand, I do not want to see a younger sister slipping her older brother some tongue. Incest’s one of the few things that will make me drop a show like it’s a plague, and that’s what I did with this show. I just couldn’t stomach it. 
That is all I have to say for part 1! What do you think? Are there some recommendations you have or do you think I should talk about certain shows more? Let me know in the comments!
 Part 2 will be coming soon~!
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jestbee · 7 years
June 21: Ships that pass in the night (Chapter One)
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kosmicdream · 7 years
Flight or Fight Drawing mode
for me, i think there’s always this restless feeling that comes when working on comics. That feeling that time is running out or not being utilized to its fullest degree. You are aware of how much more there is to go in your story and can calculate the progression of your journey, but only the present. As you keep going on your story, the circumstances change, and it is always this fluid process you cannot fully accommodate and plan for.
I know in the few years since I started drawing FFAK my expectation for myself and my work has changed tremendously. Its something i reflect on a lot, since i forget how not too long ago, I felt like i was somewhat incapable of producing a comic because of the way i enjoy to write and explore stories. I still think fundamentally, FFAK reflects that raw unedited version of my writing and creative skills in a unique way that I doubt will be replicated again (in the same manner) even as i explore and work on other stories. FFAK just carries this certain kind of momentum of forwards and backwards both at once. You stretch all over the place and peek through small doors to go in strange places. Growth is difficult to gauge because of the way time is handled in the story. Goal points seem endless and bleed together from my perspective. There’s always so much more to go and so much planned that when you make accomplishments they feel sort of like a bunch of tiny small steps in many different directions. And honestly, No one is more impatient than i when it comes to waiting to share this story than me. I am always biting my nails and wanting to get it out faster SOMEHOW even though I work on it constantly as it is. FFAK is no longer just.. a random comic idea i started on a whim that I felt i would only dip my toes in and never actually attempt making. and now it really has consumed my mind like a wildfire. it is also my fireplace and my home in my heart and my peace. I don’t even think I could ever fully be prepared for and handle such a thing but I am glad to have it in my life. But as the haze.. shock? of starting this project starts to fade i find myself fully committed and trying to evaluate the steps and process i take for this comic as a whole. I think its interesting how 2ish years of planning basically gives me enough time to know what sort of story I’m doing. But I am in no eager rush to finish it because my excitement for it only grows and feels more satisfying the more i write and plan. Part of me gets upset I don’t blast pages out the “same” way anymore, even though i appreciate the exploration of ‘putting more effort’ into my drawings. Instead of drawing thru 20 pages a night I’m polishing like, 2.. or 4 a work night. Its kind of annoying!! because I’m not really one for polish and editing (or maybe I just never believed myself capable of doing it in a way i liked? lol) but.. it just feels like the right thing to do right now. it feels almost impossible to ‘rewind’ myself or go back to like, thinking things in a different way than what i try to do now. by attempting more things visually it kind of makes some things easier too. im often pretty surprised like “hey alright that came out ok. i guess i can push myself a little bit more next time to make it look better!!” I think about my early eggshells pages a lot and how i labored over like.. 15 pages over an entire year and felt miserable and in the end, often over rendered + lost clarity and energy and now i just get what i was doing ‘wrong’ to make it not fun for myself. Like, even when i was offered advice at the time I wasnt so welcome to it nor did i understand it, its like I had to suffer a bit before I was able to understand what I needed to do with myself lol. The lesson feels much more impactful after discovering it for myself too on my own pace imo. SO i am thankful for how that turned out! Then i broke down my art to its most base level (earliest ffak pages) and i’ve just been rebuilding myself back up since then and now I’m attempting things I didn’t even think I’d be able to do -- or be interested in. (like color, for example, has never been something I was too interested including with my comics but like.. blammo here i am doing it anyway now.) anyway. its really cool, this art journey thing. i kinda wonder how long ill coast on this certain part of it before i like, end up doing an unexpected detour again. Maybe I won’t..? i dont know!! FFAK is so raw and alive it makes me happy i get to make it and do whatever i want in it. I always wanted to make a comic that I could contribute to on a day to day basis rather than something you just make so you can get it done asap and move onto the next thing. When ffak does eventually finish I wonder if it will be really hard on me. I look forward to its ending because its really neat but it is not a world I want to let go of so quickly. Even tho i have several other stories I’d like to do.. (and have started a couple already LMAO) I think about that expectation with ending stories a lot and completing projects. Most of my very favorite comics have yet to end despite going on for decades.. and when i think about that too, it almost feels very strange. Readers generally want closure to reflect on their experiences reading something so endings are that important ‘release’ from that fake world and  time you participated in it. But when i ask myself what I want to do for endings to my story, i try to contemplate  my favorite endings to stories ive read/watched/experienced to figure out what i want to do with my own. Since.. its my story and my satisfaction with it is really going to be reflective of what I like. Everyone interpretes ‘good’ endings differently and like, clings into diff parts of what makes a satisfying story so its important to isolate what elements you find are important to try to replicate that in your own work. But like.. its hard to see what kind of ending you’re going to make before you make it???? And making the story is a difficult thing to let go of vrs just being funneled all the stuff. Maybe my ‘ffak reader’ half of me will be satisfied but will my ‘ffak creator’ side be happy? Will i feel fufilled on both parts? I mean an experience is going to just be an experience.. i cannot manufacture or control it to be anything than what it will be so to think about it too much is probably only going to go in circles. It certainly has changed me a lot as a person and an artist. WHich is disorienting b/c im also introducing my work to everyone while not also knowing myself completely. (not that is ever fully achievable but, its been something i get forced to confront a lot.) When I work on this project I fight so many demons of my own life, chase ghosts of my heros that i feel are so beyond my ability, and stare down the illusion of my own reflection of what kind of artist i want to be every time i draw a new page.. I’m never going to really be that reflection, and my heros will always be my heros and they’ll always do things I cannot, but I wonder what kind of creator I look like from the outside?? from a person who isnt me. I cannot experience myself as a ‘reader’ but I try to pretend I am seeing myself as one. And the most exciting thing about myself, from that outside perspective, is that I am not sure what I will attempt next or what strange journey i will write about. I am happy that despite every difficult thing I have been through, I am still excited and having fun with my art like I have only just first attempted to draw. Soon FFAK will be three years old and (likely) 4000 pages by then.. I still havent gotten to write and draw out things I planned the very first day, but now I know roughly how the story will end (without actually getting to draw it yet, of course.) And i’m just anticipating the future while knowing  that...i have no idea what it will bring!!! O_O (one thing is for certain i hope to fuck my house doesnt burn down again because, istg, that fucking SUCKED!!!!!!!!) Wooh.. well. i just felt like sharing some thoughts since i just got done re-reading some of ffak and feel a bit overwhelmed with emotion.. Thank you all for sticking around and experiencing this comic with me..! :’3 -kosmic
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Ali & Caleb
Ali: Do we know when Carly's funeral is going to be yet? Ali: I need to come back but I don't want to pester her parents...I sent a message but no response Caleb: I did too and got nothing either Caleb: I'm feeling they dont want us to be knowing Ali: Think so too Ali: Which is rich considering Ali: Trying to be understanding but where have they been Ali: I know I was away too but Caleb: you kept in touch Caleb: they haven't met their grandchild yet, have they? That's their vibe Caleb: imma leave them in peace but its not cool Ali: everything is so fucked Ali: how did this happen Caleb: never seen my mum madder Caleb: she's not praying for them saving 'em up for indie & drew Caleb: you gotta make sure you handle your own goodbye Ali: Can't blame her Ali: thank God she and Meena were there or they could both be gone Ali: What the hell is going to happen now Ali: Yeah, I'll have to, I don't think we're getting in to the real funeral but, it won't be her anyway Ali: they don't know her Caleb: I wish I had been, caught my mum crying hard later & that was before all this Caleb: she's down to take her in but I dunno if he'll allow it Caleb: Carly's parents could take her still its mad here rn Ali: I owe her big time, I didn't know what else to do, she wouldn't go to Hospital so I can't be sorry I did it but I am sorry for the fucking trauma of it all Ali: In a way, that might be better for her, but then...they've not done a good job with Carly, have they? Would they let history repeat itself Ali: but Drew, fuck Caleb: it's all good, like nah, but as far as my mum goes Caleb: you did the right thing Caleb: I dunno man they might be feeling like they're getting a second chance with her but will it be? Caleb: you heard from him? Caleb: im blocked Ali: Thanks, I'm doubting everything I did and said now Ali: but I really tried Ali: I truly don't know what's for the best but it will have to be worked out Ali: Poor baby Ali: No, not since this whole...mess Ali: I think he genuinely feels guilt for this one Caleb: You handled shit better than I could. Better than most I think Caleb: Estou orgulhoso de ti, querida. Caleb: yeah my heart's breaking to look at her Caleb: He won't let me help him & truth be that I don't even know where to start Caleb: No idea what he wants, you know Caleb: could be what the kid needs but as easy could not be Ali: You're too nice for your own good Ali: He probably feels like he doesn't deserve it, and rightly so frankly but not going to spite Indie just to prove a point Ali: She's so innocent Ali: Oh God Ali: I'd do it myself but the social would never sign off on that Ali: who am I, like Ali: She's got family Caleb: I ain't feeling it. I'm raging Caleb: I get that I don't get to speak on it, and he's hurting so I'm not going there but I dunno how he could let her go like that Caleb: With the bab there Caleb: Shit's beyond fucked Caleb: We could try. You were Carly's family Caleb: She'd want you looking out for indie Ali: I don't know Ali: It was hard to know how to help her Ali: but he didn't even try Ali: well, from what we can see from our outside perspective Ali: she seemed to think he did but Ali: I don't fucking know Ali: It really is, thank God Indie won't remember any of this Ali: Drew will have to, and that's his punishment Ali: I asked Mum, its pretty much a no go, if she got put in the system, if none of them claimed her, then maybe, but not whilst I'm at Uni and away and I already have too many kids to deal with by standards Ali: especially for a single parent, they wouldn't favour me over a nice, older well-off couple with everything to give Caleb: She wanted to bounce so says my mum, he shoulda let her do what she needed to do, she had to be in shock having her way it went Caleb: gotta keep your babies safe they're defenseless Caleb: anything could've happened them playing at family how they did Caleb: Filho da mãe! Caleb: Okay but hear me out...what if we went at this together? Caleb: You still got your ring, you're still my missus, legal or nah Caleb: se você me tiver eu estou disposto Ali: She did, she had, she told me where she was Ali: I just think its too easy to think over all this now Ali: its plausible he was trying to keep her safe by bringing her back, its not out there Ali: arguably was safer who knows where she would've ended up Ali: its happened regardless of all the what-ifs and woulda coulda shoulda Ali: better focusing on what we can all do now, Drew included Ali: See, too nice Ali: Of course I do Ali: I still don't think it'll happen but of course we can try Ali: if it comes to that Caleb: True Caleb: He was outta his depth, feeling like he could get Carly to turn it all around, let his kid have the ma he never Caleb: It's sad man Caleb: Good Caleb: We can't worry on that yet but I've been stressing over you out there on your own Caleb: Can I hit you with another idea? Ali: Yeah, exactly Ali: Very fucking sad Ali: Oh, I'm fine, like, not right now but, you know Ali: Go for it Caleb: Try not to get vexed at me for sneaking but it's been a while Caleb: I've been hitting up job offers round you and they've said yeah to some part time things Caleb: I wanna come out, help with the kids more than ever now Caleb: What you think? Ali: You're serious? Ali: I think its the best news I've had in a long while Ali: Well done you! Caleb: what happened got me thinking Caleb: and its the only thing that makes sense Caleb: us all together, you feel me? Caleb: It won't be easy but neither is this rn Ali: I've been feeling the same Ali: but I was too scared to put it out there Ali: Family should be all that matters Ali: the rest is just bullshit to deal with Ali: the kids are going to be so excited when are you coming Caleb: my bad for leaving you hanging this long but I didn't wanna mess you around, not only with the job, you know Caleb: but my heart's sure Caleb: I dunno what I'd do if shit happened to you, cos you're my baby mama yeah, but cos you're you too Caleb: I still feel the same, not trying to change it these days Caleb: Gotta help Gus get my cuz ready to do my thing but won't take no time Ali: Not at all, it had to be right Ali: It would be all the more painful and wrong if you came and we couldn't make it work Ali: I love you Caleb: I love you too Caleb: You've been all on my mind since I last saw you and thats how I want it Ali: Wait Ali: before you commit fully I have something to tell you Ali: might change your mind, I don't know so you need to know now before Caleb: You can tell me Caleb: I'm listening Ali: [Sends bump pic] Ali: About 5/6 months Ali: Your Bday, Christmas, remember? Ali: I didn't say because Ali: Last time Ali: I've not told anyone else though, no one Caleb: Shit man! You been dealing on your own Caleb: That's so rough, Ali Caleb: You should've said, hit up your fam if not me Caleb: I get not wanting to say it but I gotta ask, was there anyone else on the scene? Caleb: I know what I think but I need to hear it Ali: It was worst for you but Ali: it wasn't exactly easy to tell them Ali: I know they were all disappointed or disgusted or whatever else valid feelings but it wasn't fun Ali: No, no one else Caleb: We gotta tell them Caleb: Mine too Caleb: What's the story? What's the doctor said? Are you both good? Ali: Yeah, my blood pressure's a bit high but to be expected, I told him I ain't got no time to chill Ali: are you happy? Ali: do you think anyone will be? or have i had one too many to soon to get the congrats now Caleb: I'm gonna make time for you to chill Caleb: Swear down Caleb: Eu nunca estive mais feliz Caleb: And they'll be happy for us too. Trust Ali: That would be nice Ali: don't think I've stopped since I came here Ali: If they aren't, they aren't Ali: Its coming, like Caleb: I'll rush through what I gotta do here, be with you sooner Caleb: More I can do to take care of the bubs the more you can have that you time Caleb: I'm not slipping on you or this baby, you're gonna be all good Caleb: Gus'll throw us a party, he misses you like I do Ali: You don't need to do that, tho no shade to your cuz but some talent you just can't teach Ali: #natural Ali: I miss him too, I miss everyone Ali: Oh shit Ali: Has anyone told Ro? Did she even know Carly was pregnant Ali: We've not spoken much, I've tried to give her space, let her live her Uni dreams Ali: Fuck Caleb: You don't need to hype me but I'll allow it Caleb: yeah no lie I'm a bit scared about heading over gotta be done for my culinary arts tho like, keep the restaurant game fresh for my fam Caleb: Oh damn! Meena maybe? I dunno Caleb: She swerves me & everything happened fast Ali: You're gonna love it Ali: I've found so many amazing places already, I can't wait to show you Ali: Even Junie's trying new things Ali: I'll have to ask her, God I hope so Ali: If not, oddly maybe it'll be best coming from me? Seems wrong but Ali: she knows I was friends with Carly Caleb: That's my boy 💪💚 Caleb: I'm excited too, trust Caleb: yeah we all felt the love Caleb: Hope she didn't hear it from the wrong peeps but it'll be what it is Ali: I dread to think how fast the rumour mill be spinning Ali: Wankers Caleb: Least she got that distance Caleb: You're the furthest and closest Caleb: I hate that it's gotta be this way for you Ali: I'm just glad I got to know her Ali: I was lucky enough, none of them were so Ali: say what they like, they did when she was alive, like Caleb: I should've known her better Caleb: I knew what Drew was doing Ali: We all did Ali: what could we have done? stop him? stop her? Ali: they both made choices, even if they were poor ones, or made not in their best state and mind Caleb: True Caleb: I let him make a lot of bad choices, shit went on too long Caleb: It's not on me to pull him back anymore I got focus elsewhere Ali: You can't blame yourself for him Ali: its his to shoulder Ali: yeah, a lot of bad shit happened to him but, he's made a lot of it happen since Ali: not his excuse of a Ma Ali: she's not been around for a long time Ali: Meena still manages to be good and do the right thing, y'know? Caleb: Exactly Caleb: He's grown now and he needs to act it more than he's been Caleb: There are two kids in this Caleb: Behaving like her isn't what he wants but we can't do the changing for him Caleb: It wasn't on Carly to help me out with that either Ali: Right, though, clearly he won't acknowledge Edie unless I'm dead Ali: Fucked up thing to say but more fucked up that its real Ali: I know Ali: but she loved him, she wanted to Ali: he shoulda treated her so much better, she gave him everything she had and for what? Caleb: over my dead body would he mess that kids head and life up if you weren't here Caleb: it's not right Caleb: I don't feel I know him nowadays Ali: I know Ali: you're a better Dad to her than he could ever be Ali: just the truth Ali: I know Ali: its a shame but you and your fam have done all you can for him Ali: can only wait and see what he does now Caleb: I'd adopt her but I'm hoping against hope he'll wanna be her dad Caleb: But if not now when like? Caleb: Now he's got to take care of Indie alone that's the excuse he needs Caleb: shit man Caleb: he doesn't deserve either of those girls Ali: She'll know Ali: we don't need a piece of paper to make it official Ali: she feels the 💚 Ali: No matter what happens, we have to look after Indie too, okay? Ali: Make sure she's good Ali: Promise Caleb: I promise you Caleb: nothing's gonna happen to any of these kids on my watch Caleb: she'll feel the love too, all we've got Caleb: 5 babies or 15, gonna keep my word Ali: Same Ali: we're not doing a bad job, are we? Ali: I don't want to prove everyone right Caleb: We've been slipping but it'll be all good when we're together again Caleb: Better with you than without Caleb: And we've always done the bubs right no matter what Ali: Yeah Ali: You're right Ali: haters got me trippin' Ali: don't tell Caleb: I'll pick you up on the quiet Caleb: when you going to the doctors again? I'll time my trip so I can be with Ali: its not 'til next month Ali: so that should actually work out reasonably well? Caleb: Fated Ali: if not its only a checkup so its chill Ali: but we can aim for it Caleb: Sooner the better for me Caleb: Don't tell the kids I wanna show up and see them lose their shit like on the vids Ali: That will be too cute for words Caleb: forreal Caleb: Imma try and get Junie on the songs cos I got my girls to help me Caleb: he's already a chatterbox we halfway to it Ali: they've learnt this Malay nursery rhyme Ali: its sick, they're so good at it Ali: I'll let them show you when you come Caleb: they can teach me Caleb: gimme a leg up Ali: Yeah, and Mandarin Ali: like, you'd get along fine with English but its so much more fun and just respectful to try Ali: I want them to learn as much as they can whilst we're here Ali: and wherever else we end up Caleb: I feel that Caleb: I got an app on my phone but with everything that's been going down I haven't tried Caleb: Sampled some fusion cooking tho which'll be sick now I've got more peeps to get stuck into eating it Caleb: Getting a belly here Ali: 😍 Ali: oh I've missed you Caleb: won't have to for much longer 💚 Caleb: i'll be counting down them training days honest Ali: speaking of Ali: gotta run Ali: got class in an hour and best believe i need all this time to get those kids out the door Caleb: oh I be knowing Caleb: go get your genius on Ali: talk soon ✌ Ali: love you Caleb: te amo 💚💙💜
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