#anyone please send me silly pet pictures if you have them <3
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constantmourning · 9 months
[Price/Fem!Reader] [Gaz/Fem!Reader] [Soap/Fem!Reader] [Simon/Fem!Reader] [Poly!TF 141/Fem!Reader]
Summary: You haven't been feeling too confident lately. Your friends convince you to dress up to feel good, and you send them a picture of the end result. Except, you sent the pictures to the wrong group chat...
Word count: 6.9k (hehe)
Warnings: 18+! MINORS DNI!! No use of Y/N, Thigh slapping, finger sucking, p in v, lack of protection, creampie (x2), oral (male and female receiving), face sitting, praise, pet names. Let me know if i forgot something please, I'll be happy to tag it if i did!
A/N: Reader is written As PLUS SIZE! There are mentions of fat/stretch marks/self esteem issues and the likes! This got very long I'm sorry but also I hope you enjoy!! Also, half of this is Beta'd, the other half... well, we die like men...
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Your confidence had been at an all time low as of late. You weren’t sure what it was, but ever since joining Captain Price and not having your friends there to tell you just how great you looked every day, you really were down in the dumps.
Babes, I’m terribly upset
You text in your group chat with your friends. You waited for their answer. It felt like a century before someone responded.
Dear, what's wrong?
Finally, one of them had answered. You sighed and took a moment to respond.
I’ve been feeling like utter shit lately. Everyone around me is so… not built like me… I think it’s silly, but I don’t always feel beautiful.
You sent in the chat and immediately got a speech bubble.
Babe… I’m gonna tell you what helps me. Dress up all pretty. Do something to make you feel good. I promise it’ll help
You scrunched your face up.
I’ll try it. But if it doesn’t work I’m going to torment you forever
No response. You groaned and sat up. You decided it’d be best to try that. You looked through your things and found a cute underwear set and walked to your bathroom. Momentarily battling about putting on makeup, you decided to try it.
You sat in your bathroom for a good twenty minutes just doing your makeup. You then took another twenty minutes doing your hair. Everything was going to be undone, but if it was going to help you feel better, why not try it? You slipped into the cute underwear, black and lacy. You examined yourself in the mirror and smiled.
Remember, briefing tomorrow morning
-Captain Price
You remembered, and made a mental note to respond to his text a little later. You, instead of responding, began to take pictures of yourself in different positions. Once you were satisfied with some of them. You decided to throw a few into your group chat with your friends.
Validate me babes <3
You set your phone after you sent the pictures and just looked at yourself. You inhaled and placed a hand on your stomach. You pinched the fat there and sighed. Your phone went off, and then went off again. And again.
oh fuck
Wrong number?
You felt your heart stop. You wanted to vomit and run away and never be seen again by your teammates. Truly thinking about not responding and running away into the night, you scraped your nails through your hair. You grabbed your robe from the door and screamed into it. As loudly as possible without alerting anyone.
You grabbed your phone up and thought about being a grownup. Briefly.
You then sent a barrage of different sad emojis and hoped the pictures would leave their minds.
There were no responses for the rest of the night. You went to bed just as you were; hair, makeup- You did put on comfortable pajamas though. You lied down and knew- just knew you would be getting an earful in the morning.
You grabbed your phone one last time and sent a group message to your girls, checking this time if it was really them.
Goodbye, I just wanted to say that. Since I will be simply passing away right now.
Immediate response.
What did you do???
I sent pictures to the wrong group chat. To the work group chat…
Your friends both, at the same time, asked what the pictures were. You sent the pictures and said nothing else. The chat erupted. Your friends were spamming you, different emojis, swears, memes. Anything. If they could send it, it was sent.
You lied on your back, looking up at the ceiling and you sighed. You were going to have to be an adult and face the men you really didn’t want to in the morning. You made that a problem for you in the future, and decided that sleep was the best option. You turned your phone off and slowly fell asleep. A pit in your stomach the whole time you waited for unconsciousness to overtake.
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You woke up with the exact same pit in your stomach. You threw on your uniform and walked as fast as you could to the room you were meeting at. You wanted to miss Soap, Ghost, or Gaz. You did not want to run into them.
You opened the door to the room and realized you’d be facing Price alone. That was until you saw everyone was already in the room. You looked at your watch. You were early… If you were early, what time did they get there? You did not want to think about it…
No one would look you in the eyes. Their demeanor had changed completely. But no one mentioned the photos. You stood, uncomfortably, away from everyone. You couldn’t take in any information that Price was giving you. You were hyper aware of everyone around you; their body language…
You watched as Soap balled and unballed his fist a couple times. His knuckles white.
Gaz’s chest was rising and lowering a little quicker than usual. You could tell through the gear. His eyes were trained ahead, looking directly at Captain Price.
Speaking of Price, his eyes would look right over you. You weren’t the best at eye contact anyway, but Price was not bad at it. You knew he was trying to be professional.
Your eyes moved to Ghost and they locked onto his. You, immediately looking away, noticed him shift. His eyes didn’t falter though. He seemed to be the only one looking at you.
You shifted your weight, swallowing hard. Gulping down air like your life depended on it. The tension in the room was too much. You wanted to explode. Instead of exploding, you did (in your mind) the second worst thing. You opened your mouth, and words actually came out.
“I’m sorry!”
Everyone went quiet. Price stopped speaking and all eyes were on you. You gulped again and took a step back, distancing yourself even more. Price was the first to speak up. His brow cocked and you waited for his response. “For what?” He did sound genuinely confused, so you didn’t take it as him pretending to be stupid.
“Uh-” Your eyes scanned the room. You did the thing you were best at, word vomit. “Well, I’m sorry for sending those pictures! It was unprofessional and I didn’t check the group I was in- I was just- I meant to send it to-” You stopped yourself.
“To who?” Ghost asked, deadpan. But, you could almost see the smirk under his mask.
You, not knowing how to stop, kept going. “My friends. I wasn’t feeling good last night- Or the past couple o’ weeks really… My friends said, um, doing what I did would help me feel better! I mean, she did not tell me to send the picture in the work chat!” You put your hands up, no one stopping you from continuing. “I just wanted to feel cute… I guess…”
The room went silent. You made a face and held yourself back from stomping your foot or throwing a tantrum. You decided to be an adult, and wait for a response, one that felt like it was never coming. Price, Gaz, Soap, and Ghost all looked at each other before all staring at you. You pouted.
“Do friends normally send pictures like that to each other?” Ghost cocked his head at you.
You wanted to throttle him. “Whatever. If this is done, can I leave?”
Price nodded, he knew you had retained nothing, but he didn’t say anything about it. “Free to go.”
You walked out of the room and began to walk towards your room. You felt tears prick your eyes and tried to hold yourself together, at least until you got to the comfort and loneliness of your room. You were seething. You didn’t know why, but you were mad. Mad at how they had acted, mad at how you had acted, and mad that the pictures were sent to them in the first place. You got to your room, slammed your door, and threw yourself down on your bed.
You curled up and decided it was best to skip lunch that day.
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A knock came from the other side of your day and you held back the urge to tell whoever it was to go away. You threw yourself out of bed and walked towards the door. Forgetting that you had puffy eyes from crying, you opened the door. Price stood there.
“Hey, you weren’t in the mess hall-” He stopped when you wiped your eyes. “Are you crying?”
You pouted harder. Price sighed. You groaned and moved to the side, motioning for Price to come in. You did not want everyone to see you looking like a mess. Price walked in and you shut the door. You placed your back against it and looked at him.
“Are you alright?” He gave you a concerned look.
“I’m fine.” You lied. Terribly.
Price’s head dropped slightly. “You had said this morning you weren’t feeling-”
“Captain,” You sighed. “I’ll be fine. Just horribly embarrassed. It’ll go back to normal once no one looks at me differently.”
Price’s brows furrowed. “If they don’t?”
You blinked at him. Why would he say that? You felt tears forming again. “Captain-”
“I know you don’t want to hear it from me-” Price started, “And would obviously prefer it from your friends,” He smiled at you softly, and got closer to you, “but, you are stunning. You should not feel the need to be validated, but you should know you are beautiful.”
Something hit you; whether it was the eye contact, what he said, or how he said it, you weren’t sure, but whatever it was sent you into a frenzy. You, without thinking, grabbed Price’s face and kissed him. Hard. Your lips hit his and you realized what you were doing. The kiss was over as fast as it started. You threw yourself back and began to profusely apologize. 
“Holy shit!” You were stunned at your actions, “That was so inappropriate, I’m so sorry.”
Price was as stunned as you. You watched him with wide eyes and he processed everything that had just happened. Nothing was being said. It was a deafening silence. Price watched you closely, his eyes dropping from your to your lips. His hands cupped your cheeks and he brought you into another kiss.
You eagerly kissed back, pressing against him. He pushed forward, your back pressing against the door. His tongue traced your bottom lip and you slowly opened your mouth for him. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and nothing was stopping either of you.
Until your stomach growled.
Price pulled away and looked down at you. “Look, you need to eat and I’m not sure we should do this-”
“I want this…” Your voice was barely audible, just loud enough for Price to hear.
“How about…” He paused, “you go eat. And think about this-”
“I’m not going to lie now, Captain Price,” You bit the inside of your lip, “I’ve been thinking about you, and the others for a while now.”
“Me and who?” He questioned you, brows knitting together.
“Um, Gaz, Soap, and Ghost… I think about you four all the time. Um, too much actually.” You stop yourself before going further. “Sorry, that's too much truth.”
Price laughs, “Okay… Go eat. Think on this. Text me when you’ve eaten.”
You nodded. “Yes sir,” You did a little salute. Price moved and let you out from your spot. You opened the door and both of you walked out of your room. You, pretending like Price did not just have his tongue in your mouth, walked off for lunch. As you were leaving, Soap walked up. He looked at Price in confusion.
“Why were ya in her room?”
Price smiled at him. “We may be doing a team bonding exercise later.”
“What does that mean?” Soap was quick to ask. Price was quick to ignore. He started to walk off, away from Soap, agitating him. “C’mon! You can’t say that and then not elaborate!”
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Your mind was racing the whole time you ate. You could only focus on one damn thing; your earlier actions. And Price's words. Heat prickled across your cheeks as you ate and you made up your mind.
You wanted to do whatever it was Price had been thinking about.
You finished up your food and began to head back to your room. You just had to get a hold of Price, you had to tell him what you had thought about. But not before coming face to face with Soap.
"What happened earlier?" His brows were furrowed and his lips were turned down. "Wait, have you been crying?"
You groaned. "Fuck, it's still noticeable?" You looked back at Soap, "Where's the Captain?"
It was his turn to groan, "I'll take you to him."
You smiled widely and thanked him. He began to lead you to the barracks, the men's barracks. Your stomach flipped and you felt butterflies instantly. You kept your eyes trained ahead, on the back of Soap. Your heart was racing and your cheeks were burning.
"Did Price get to you first?" Soap turned to ask.
You blinked at him, shocked. "Huh?"
He shook his head, mumbling 'nothing' before leading you Price's door. He knocked and there was silence for a minute, before the door opened. Price's eyes fell from Soap and back to you. Price smiled and motioned for you to come in.
Soap began to leave and you grabbed his hand. "Can he come in too?" Your words caught Soap's attention. He froze and looked back at Price.
Price's smile turned into a toothy grin. "Of course."
You pulled Soap in behind you and Price shut the door. You held Soap's hand like a lifeline, a nervousness taking over that only hand holding could help. Soap didn't seem to mind. You looked at Price with a curious expression and finally asked, "What now?"
"Well, we have to lay down some ground rules, and let Soap in on what's going on."
"Please fucking do! What's going on?"
Price looked at you, for you to tell him. Your stomach turned. You swallowed hard and looked at Soap, letting go of his hand. "Um, I talked with Price this afternoon, before I ate. I told him about-" your eyes cut from Soap to Price, who gave you an encouraging nod, "-about liking the four of you. I thought about it, like you asked," you looked to Price again, "and I'm up for-"
"A team bonding exercise?" Soap asked.
You nodded. "If you wanna call it that."
Soap very much so wanted to call it that. He wanted to bond with his men over you. You were unaware- oblivious to the fact that all of them seemed to want that. But, now, the opportunity had presented itself so perfectly. Soap wanted nothing more than to launch himself at you. But he waited.
"Go get Gaz and Ghost." Price looked at Soap before his eyes hit you. Your heart fluttered and you looked at Soap, who was ready to protest.
"Why do I have to go get them? Call them!" Soap's hand snaked around your waist.
"Soap…" Price's eyes narrowed. "I'll take care of her, go get them." Price pulled you from Soap's grasp and Soap groaned. He mumbled a 'whatever' under his breath and left the room.
You watched Soap refrain from slamming the door and moved your gaze to your Captain. You bit the inside of your lip and your arms instinctively wrapped around your waist, hugging yourself.
"C'mere." Price motioned you over. Your feet were heavy and your eyes were wide. You couldn’t move. You inhaled sharply and your hands dropped to your sides. Price watched you like a hawk, “You still up or this? You can back out at any time.” You only nodded. “We’ll set ground rules as soon as Soap gets back with the boys.”
“Until then?” You asked, head cocking to the side.
“We can do whatever you want.”
You nodded again. Anxiety crept in, and even though you knew you could do what you wanted, you needed to ask. “Can I kiss you?” You whispered. Price nodded. You were on him in an instant. Your lips were on his, arms wrapped around his neck. He smiled into the kiss. This time, you traced your tongue over his bottom lip. He eagerly opened his mouth for you, and your tongue slipped in.
Price’s teeth ever so slightly bit down, gently scraping your tongue. You moaned. Price smiled again. His hands rested on your hips and he pulled you closer to him. He began to back up and he soon reached his bed. He sat down on the edge of it and you froze. Suddenly, you were aware, very much so, of him and yourself. You looked at Price, he looked up at you through his lashes.
Without saying a word, he placed his hand on his upper thigh, and patted. Everything in you screamed for you to sit down, but you were stuck standing in front of him. Price’s lips turned downward and his brows furrowed. You shifted your weight and looked at him with an apologetic expression.
“Love,” Price reached his hand out for you, “what’s wrong?”
You grabbed his hand and sighed, “I don’t wanna sit on your lap because, what if-” You stopped yourself. Price’s brows furrowed and he asked for you to continue. You refused.
“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”
You threw your head back and whined, “I don’t wanna be too heavy.” You didn’t want to say it too loud. You felt silly enough already. But it was a real fear, being rejected because of your weight.
Price gave you a soft smile, “Don’t even think that way, I promise it’ll be fine.” Price motioned for you, once again, to sit on his lap. So, you did. You didn’t place all of your weight immediately, and he could tell you obviously didn’t want to. So he would coax you. You were sitting on one of his thighs, uncomfortably if you were being honest. Until Price took matters into his own hands.
Price’s heel rose from the floor, catching you off guard. Your back arched and you grabbed his shoulders. “What are you-” His foot dropped, taking all of you with it. All of your weight pressed down on his thigh now, and as soon as his foot hit the floor his hands were on your hips. You instinctively grinded into him and let out an embarrassing whimper.
The door of the room opened and you looked back, unmoving. Soap and Gaz walked into the room, and your heart jumped into your throat when Ghost walked in right behind them. He closed the door and everyone was staring at you. You wanted to hide your face but there was nowhere to hide. Your whole body was hot and you couldn’t focus on anything but the feeling of their eyes on you and how good Price’s thigh felt against you. Price lifted his heel again, and before you could prepare yourself, it hit the ground. You moaned.
“What the fuck?” You grumbled.
“Sorry, love,” Price smiled, “I had to show them your reaction.” Price gripped your hip before releasing it and looking at the guys. “There are some things we need to go over before we get down to business.” Soap, Ghost, and Gaz all nodded, listening closely. “We need a safe word.”
They all looked at you. You were confused momentarily. “Uh, red? Like y’know, green, yellow and red? If I’m good I’ll tell you green, if I’m iffy I’ll tell you yellow, and red is just hard stop.”
They all nodded in agreement with you. Soap was the first to speak up, “What first?” You shrugged, feeling very shy all the sudden. Price gripped your hip before releasing it, and you looked at him for reassurance.
“You decide, darling.” Price looked back at the guys and then at you, “Who first?”
You said the first thing that came to your mind. “Gaz.” You looked back at him and watched him ball his fists, before relaxing. He smirked at you and Price stood you up. “You’re feelings aren’t hurt right?” You looked around the room.
“Bonnie,” Soap smiled at you, “we’ll all get a chance, no hard feelings.”
“You’re just saying that,” Gaz elbowed him, “You wanted to be first.” He then promptly ignored Soap’s angry stare and approached you. Price stood up from his bed and he, Ghost, and Soap watched you closely. Your body was set ablaze and you just focused on Gaz.
“Please, kiss me?” Your voice was soft, your arms behind your back. Eyes cutting through your lashes as you looked at Gaz. You did not have to ask again. He was on you instantly and his hands were cupping your face.
He backed you towards the bed and you fell down. You scooted up the bed and Gaz was on you again. This time, he was kissing your neck. Your mewls filled the room. You had no clue what to do with your hands. You were pulling at the sheets and then started to pull at Gaz’s shirt. He eagerly pulled it off.
“Let’s get you out of these clothes, yeah?” He asked, so politely, how could you deny him?
“I don’t know…” You answered. Suddenly, you couldn’t look him in the eyes. You were staring at the ceiling and playing with the cover beneath you.
“You don’t have to,” Gaz nuzzled your neck, nipping the sensitive skin. “We can work towards that.”
You nodded, “Okay,” a breathy whisper escaped you. Gaz worked wonder with his hands, he grabbed at your hips and his fingers ran up your side, just under your shirt, causing you to gasp. Goosebumps rose on your skin. With eyes shut tight, you spoke up, “You can take my shirt off.”
Gaz smiled into your neck and pushed himself up. You sat up and helped Gaz help you out of your shirt. You sat there in your bra and the cool air made you realize what you had just done. Your hands went to cover your abdomen and Gaz frowned. He placed a hand on yours but did not dare move your hands away from you.
“You’re beautiful… I-” He stopped himself, “We can show you that if we need to.”
You bit the inside of your lip, “I’m gonna be honest. I’ve never felt comfortable in these situations… Well, actually, I’ve never been in this situation, with multiple men… I never even felt comfortable with just one.”
The energy in the room shifted immediately. Before, it was just horny, then it quickly changed to something more serious. Gaz nodded, understanding. “We can stop if you get too uncomfortable. Where are you right now?”
“Green.” You grew more comfortable, even if it was just with him at that moment. You moved your hands from your stomach and placed them, palms down on the cover, beside you. Gaz gave you a soft smile and nodded. “You can continue.” You reassured him. He did just that.
You leaned back on the bed and let Gaz take over again. His hands ran up your sides and towards your bra. You arched your back and let him unclasp it. You shimmied out of it and he threw it to the side. You laid back on the mattress and looked up at Gaz, who was staring at you as if you were a gift from whatever God was listening to him when he prayed.
One of his hands moved for your chest and you gasped. His hands were warm and calloused and something about his touch was so calming. He massaged your breast and lowered himself to your neck again. Your back arched harder and your hips bucked upwards slightly, causing Gaz to groan into your neck.
You had almost forgotten other men were in the room. Almost. "Ugh" Soap groaned, "could you go any slower, Gaz?" You laughed at his remark. Genuine and loud. Gaz grumbled into your neck and pushed himself up.
"I'm going to ignore him now," Gaz looked dead at you, you were the only one in the room according to him. You smiled at him and nodded. Gaz kissed your jawline, down your throat and headed for your chest. He briefly paused at your nipples, a hand playing with one while the other got sucked on. You moaned and whined at him, the sound of the other men shuffling around the room not even detering you.
Gaz's hands moved towards your belt and you tensed. You said nothing though. But Gaz still noticed you tense. He froze and looked up at you, one of his brows cocking. "Green," you whispered, still focusing only on him. He gave a nod and made quick work of your belt. It was pulled off of you in no time. You kicked off your shoes and Gaz began to pull down your pants. You lifted your hips to make it easier, and soon enough you were just laying there in your panties.
You were nearly completely exposed to them. Your thighs, stomach, stretch marks, all of it on display. Part of you didn't care, but part of you was terrified. Gaz's fingers gently traced your stretch marks and you froze up.
"Yellow." You blurted out, without really thinking.
Gaz was off of you in an instant. "You okay, love?" Price and Gaz asked at the same time.
"Uh, sorry," You sat up, resting on your forearms, "not used to this attention. I was a little uncomfortable." They all looked at you, attentively. "We can continue."
"How would you feel…" Gaz trailed off, thinking hard, his fingers tracing patterns on your thighs again. "Sitting on my face?"
Your heart jumped into your throat. How were you going to survive? Your eyes widened and you pulled yourself up, trying to comfort yourself. "What if… what if it's too much?"
"What?" Gaz, seemingly genuinely confused, cocked his head. "What if what's too much?"
You gave him a deadpan expression as if he should know. "I don't wanna crush you with my thighs!"
"What an honorable and lovely way to go, though!" Gaz gave you a goofy grin.
You thought for a moment, "Okay, but can we do it my way?" You played with the sheets beneath you. Gaz hummed, asking what your way was. "Uh, you lay on the floor and I'll sit on your face." Your face was suddenly burning as you said the rest of your thought, "So I can I suck one of their dicks." Your words ran together and you tried to hide your face.
"Hey, no need to be shy now!" Gaz comforted you. "Anyway, I'm sure I know one of them is absolutely dying for you to suck his dick." Gaz whispered to you. You laughed, causing the others to wonder what was being said.
Gaz moved off of you and got on the floor. He laid down and patted his chin, waiting for you to get up and take a seat on his face. The others looked at you with confusion. They couldn't help but wonder what you had planned. You stood up and wondered how to not awkwardly take your panties off. You decided it didn't have to be awkward, you were with four men who were ready to throw themselves at you (well, Ghost hadn't yet…), you didn't need to feel so self conscious.
Yet, there you were, being self conscious. "Do you have to watch me while I take off my panties?"
"Well, what else are we supposed to watch, love?" Ghost adjusted himself, causing a pit to form in your stomach.
You grumbled a 'fine', and slid off your panties. You made your way to Gaz, who was more than ready to devour you. You got on your knees, one on each side of his head and looked at the other guys. Gaz placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer down to him.
"Don't be afraid to sit all the way down." He smiled against your thigh, causing you to melt.
"Soap," You had said his name with a lust in your voice you weren't sure you were capable of. He perked up. "C'mere." You motioned for him to come over. He was on you as soon as possible.
"May I?" You grabbed up at his belt. Gaz kissed up your thigh, closing in on your pussy. Your thighs clenched around him without you meaning to and you immediately apologized.
"Fuck," Soap groaned, "You're so gorgeous…" That caused you to look back up at him through your lashes. Soap was promptly pulling his belt off for you. He unbuttoned and unzipped them so fast you were unable to process his movements.
Gaz licked a stripe up your pussy and you gasped. “Fuck…” Your voice was soft and weak. You focused back on Soap and looked up at him. Your hands moved to his waistband and you bit your bottom lip. You pulled at his underwear and you were immediately at eye level with his cock. Your hand wrapped around it and you began to softly pump it, the head already dripping precum. You slid his dick into your mouth.
Everything was going on at once. You were trying to focus on Gaz absolutely going to town on you, you were trying to focus on sucking Soap’s soul straight from his body, while also trying to focus on looking okay for Ghost and Price. Which, in all honesty, you didn’t need to try to do that at all. In their minds you were already perfect.
Soap’s cock hit the back of your throat and you gagged. You couldn't help it. Soap's hands tangled in your hair and he held you steady, which you were thankful for. Gaz was putting his mouth to good use and you needed all the help you could get. If you weren't so concerned with Gaz and Soap you would have heard Ghost and Price groaning and grunting on the other side of the room.
You looked up at Soap, tears pricking your eyes, and he pulled your hair, guiding you up and down his cock. "Good girl," he grunted, causing you to have a reaction.
Gaz was going to town under you. His tongue lapping you up as quickly as possible. His hands gripped your hips tight, holding you down while his fingers dug into the skin. You lost it. You settled completely on Gaz's face and moaned onto Soap's cock. Gaz's nose rubbed against your clit and you were sent over the edge immediately. You gripped Soap's outer thigh and tried your best to keep going as your first orgasm hit you. Soap saw you struggling and pulled away, leaving you a mess.
"Kyle!" You moaned out. Gaz did not slow. In fact, you saying his name only caused him to go harder. Your hands hit the floor and your nails dug into the wood. You started to grind onto Gaz's face, a whining and whimpering mess. No words were forming. At least not properly. "Please- Fuck, I-"
Gaz slowed and his grip loosened on you. You pushed yourself up, or tried, Gaz helped you move off his mouth and you were left sitting on your knees, hunched over and reeling.
"Holy shit."
"You still good?" Ghost asked from across the room. You nodded. "Wonderful, because we're just getting started."
You looked up and noticed Ghost was still in uniform. He had obviously been masturbating, but he was fully clothed. Price however, was not. He stood naked, his hand pumping away at his cock. You wanted him. He caught your glance and immediately stopped jacking off. You sat up straight but your eyes cut away from him.
"Mind if I join, dear?" He smirked at you. Words were still not forming. You motioned for him to walk over and made his way towards you. He easily pulled you up and walked you over to the bed. He set you down and you took a moment to catch your breath. You looked up at Price, and sighed.
"I forgot to mention," you finally formed a sentence, "I'm on birth control." Price smiled at this. It was your way of saying 'Please rawdog me right now' and he understood instantly. He lowered himself to your level, lips pressing to your ear.
"Wanna be on top?" Price whispered, chills running up your spine.
"I don't know…"
"Whatever you want to do is fine, love, but I'd love to watch you ride my cock-"
"Okay." You are hooked instantly. His tone, his accent? He did not have to repeat himself. Before you knew it, he was laying on the bed and you were positioned over him. You grabbed his cock and started to gently rub up and down it, before lowering yourself onto him. You whimpered, Price steadying you. He watched you closely. 
“Good girl, that’s it,” He grunted. His hands rested on your thighs. You were still so sensitive. You had a feeling you were going to be sensitive for the rest of the day.
“Captain…” You moaned out, not entirely sure where it came from. But it did something to Price. His hips bucked up immediately. You gasped. You were bouncing up and down, slowly at first. Your hands rested on Price’s chest to steady yourself, your legs still wobbly from the earlier interaction with Gaz.
The sound of skin slapping skin echoed through the room. Your whimpers and all of their groans and grunts filled the barracks, most likely. Your pace picked up and Price slapped his hand against your thigh, the smack ringing in your ears. The sting only turned you on more. “Fuck,” Price’s teeth were gritted, “love, you’re taking me so well.”
Your eyes shut tight and your mouth fell agape. One of your hands grabbed his, the one that rested on your thigh, and you were coming undone again. “John-” You stuttered out his name, “John, I’m gonna-”
Your movements slowed, but Price kept bucking his hips, causing your second orgasm to hit faster than you thought. A string of curses left your lips and your eyes rolled in the back of your head. Your stomach was in knots as you clenched around Price.
“Love, I’m-” He was so close… “Where?”
“Inside.” It was so clear and coherent. Price did not argue.
His hips bucked up a couple more times and suddenly he was cumming as well. You leaned down and your whole body tensed. The feeling of his cum spilling out and rolling down your thighs was all you could think about. Price pushed himself up and kissed you, catching you off guard. You were kissing until one of the guys stopped groaning and spoke up.
“My turn.”
You pulled away from Price and looked over your shoulder. Ghost. You blinked at him a few times and Price moved you off of him. He stood up and let Ghost approach you. Ghost looked at Soap and motioned for him to get behind you on the bed.
“This okay?” Soap asked.
“Yeah-” You started. Ghost clicked his tongue and shook his head. “Oh. Green.”
“Atta girl,” The tone in Ghost’s voice caught you off guard. You looked up at him with wide eyes. “Sorry, love,” He began to pull his pants down, “but I’m not letting you on top. And the mask isn’t coming off.”
You nodded. Soap was behind you holding you. You began to wonder if Soap and Ghost had done something like this before… You, however, did not wonder for long. Ghost was on you quick, his mask pulled up slightly to kiss you. His hand was placed under your chin, keeping you in place. He pulled away from you and looked down at you, his eyes locking with yours.
Ghost’s fingers slipped down to your dripping pussy and he slid two fingers into you. He kept eye contact with you as he fingered you. You shut your eyes as he hit a spot you had never had someone reach with just their fingers and he clicked his tongue again.
“Look at me.” Ghost’s voice was gruff. Your eyes snapped back open and your chest heaved. “Good girl.” You were stuck trying to form a sentence again, and the word Ghost slid from your lips, but nothing else was intelligible. “Simon,” He leaned down to your ear, “You can call me Simon.”
You were sent into a frenzy. Your hips bucked up and as he dragged his fingers out of you, your hips tried to follow. You were putty in his hands. You were a blubbering mess once again. Another orgasm hit and you cried out for Simon. Your eyes screwed shut and you gripped onto Soap, who was still right behind you.
Simon pulled his fingers from you and slid them into your open mouth. “Suck.” He demanded. You looked at him through half shut eyes and shut your mouth, sucking on his fingers. Simon smiled under his mask, you could see him smirking under it as you eagerly sucked his fingers. He removed them from your mouth with a ‘pop’ and you watched him, waiting for his next move. Waiting to see what was next.
Simon grabbed your chin and made sure you stayed looking at him. “I’m going to fuck you, is that alright?” You nodded and he continued, “Soap is going to be here for moral support.” He patted your thigh. Soap’s hands rested on your hips, and as Simon said that, he gripped you tighter and placed a kiss on your shoulder.
‘Fuck,’ You thought, reeling from everything going on, ‘I’m going to need fucking support?’ You prepared yourself for what was to come. Simon told you to position yourself, and Soap, seeming to know the drill, helped you while Simon took his clothes off. Simon was completely naked except for his mask, and you were staring. Staring, and staring. Your head was resting on Soap’s stomach, and Soap was leaning back against the headboard of the bed. Simon crawled onto the bed and leaned over you, angling himself at your entrance. His eyes cut to Soap and moved back to you.
“Green,” You were eager for him to continue. So he did. Simon’s hips thrusted into yours, his pace slow and steady. Your legs were quick to wrap around his waist and Soap rubbed your shoulders. He whispered how good you were, how amazing you had been, and how hot you looked taking Simon’s cock.
Your cries grew louder, and you begged and pleaded for Simon to go faster. Simon grunted as he did so. His pace picked up and you were being plowed into within seconds of asking. Your head rocked back and you looked at Soap.
“Johnny-” You whined, tears pricked your eyes, “Fuck-” You reached up for Soap, who was hard again, you could feel it, and you touched his face. Soap mumbled some swears but was quick to encourage you some more. “I can’t- Uhn-” Your legs tightened around Simon’s waist and you cried for him. His name ripped from your lips and you said it over and over. Moaning for more. Simon did not stop.
“You can-” Your words caught in your throat, “You can cum inside-”
Simon wasn’t far off from you. You were laying there, whining and mewling as he continued to wreck you. His thrusts began to pick up speed once more, until he finally came as well. His hips slowed slightly, and he placed his face in your neck. He moaned out your name and your stomach flipped.
Soap placed and a kiss on your forehead. “We can take a break if you need to?” You couldn’t answer. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Simon pulled out of you and you lied there in Soap’s arms for a moment, staring up at the ceiling. “Come on,” Price walked over to the bed, “Let’s get cleaned up.”
You didn’t move. Your legs felt wobbly and your brain was foggy. Your eyes cut over towards Price and you saw Gaz grow concerned. “You good?” He asked. You finally processed his words and gave a lazy thumbs up. This elicited a laugh from Simon.
After a couple minutes and Soap trying to get up, you stopped him. Your hand grabbed his bicep, “Wait,” Your voice was slightly hoarse from all the noises you had been making, “is this-” You froze momentarily, “Is this a one time thing?”
You could see them all look at each other and then back at you. They all started talking at the same time, “No!” “Of course not!” and “Do you want it to be?”
You sighed in contentment , “I think I could go for the occasional team bonding… If you guys are up for it of course!”
“Absolutely,” Simon leaned over you, “Now we really need to get this mess cleaned up.”
You smiled, agreeing, and let them help you. You had felt more confident than before, and while you knew you didn’t need to rely on others to make you feel that way, you hoped that whatever happened could continue.
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benedictscanvas · 3 months
i'd love to love you, someday - remus lupin x reader
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pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: it's just pining fluff with a couple pet names
a/n: hello sunflowers <3 this can be read as a part two to this, but it works on its own! i can't stop writing soft!fic right now, so if you have any requests along those lines, please do send them in. this was also technically requested by @onceuponaoneshot, I know you asked for young!Remus but i'm picturing early twenties in this!! i hope that's okay and i'm wishing you so well lovely <3
Remus has now kissed the top of your head three times. He’s told you that he likes you twice. He still does not think that you’re aware of the overwhelmingly massive/silly little crush he has on you.
Crush is the wrong word, but he also thinks telling someone you love them before you’re even with them is, at best, naive and, at worst, selfish. He’s not in love with you, but he knows he could be. He knows he would be if he could kiss you on the top of the head whenever he liked, if he could run the backs of his knuckles over your cheek and stare at you, really stare at you. He knows he’d be in love with you then.
He needs to get you the message about his feelings first, though, because you seem persistent in ignoring them. He’d told you he liked you more than the rest of your friends at the night market and all you’d done is start referring to him as your best friend. He’d kissed you on the crown of your head twice at that time, then kissed you on the temple during a brave parting hug a week later. Just yesterday, after he’d watched you arguing with Sirius in the pub about something that didn’t matter at all, he told you breathlessly.
“I like you so much,” he had said, watching your chest heave after all that talking you’d done, watching a drop of sweat travel down your neck because the heating in this place is always far too hot.
You had laughed as if he said something funny and then almost shoved him over in your haste to get away from him. If he didn’t know you as he does, or if he listened to his insecurities, he’d think you were trying to brush him off. But he knows you, really knows you. He knows you were as embarrassed by his words as you are in the face of almost any affection. It’s why you call him an idiot so often, with that look in your eyes that gives him so much bloody hope. It hurts his chest sometimes.
Today he’s going to tell you how he feels and you’re going to understand him. He’s decided it.
“Remus!” you greet him, with an excitement he’s never sure he’s earned. You catch him in a tight hug, arms wrapped around his shoulders, so he braves his fourth kiss to the top of your head. When you pull away, you’re beaming up at him, “It’s so good to see you.”
“You saw me yesterday, lovely,” he says, just a fact, not a complaint. You furrow your brow. It’s adorable.
“Exactly. It’s so good to see you today. Especially without people trying to ruin our bestie time.”
He’s been pretending to hate that new phrase, so he rolls his eyes at you, but you just can’t stop beaming. He’s finding it difficult not to join you.
“You mean Sirius?”
You huff at the mention of him.
“He took up so much of my time last night. About cows! Can you believe that?”
“Yes,” he says, smiling wryly at you. You and Sirius could argue about anything and despite any protests, you both enjoyed it immensely.
“Right,” you huff again, “But still. It meant not nearly enough time talking to you. And I want to hear about your week! You said there was a promotion you were thinking of going for?”
He had said that. In a group setting, where he didn’t expect anyone to ever ask about it again. He’d been threatening to go for a promotion for a few years, but never quite managing to go for it.
“I thought you’d assume I chickened out again.”
“You’ve never chickened out!” you protest, linking you arm through his as you start walking through the park you’ve met in. At some point you’ll try to remember stop for lunch, but Remus isn’t sure when, “You decided it wasn’t for you.”
“Because I was scared,” he argued but you slapped him gently on the hand instinctively.
“Stop being self-deprecating” you warn him, “I don’t enjoy it.”
And he never wants to do anything you don’t enjoy, so he stops immediately. It’s amazing the effect you can have on him. He’s going to tell you so, so soon. Very soon. Next few sentences, he thinks. But then sentences go by and you get into a rather brilliant conversation and he just can’t butt in with his own wants. 
“Lily thinks he’s being stubborn but I think he just wants everything to be right for her.”
The two of you have been talking about Lily and James and their potential engagement for a few minutes now. It’s only a matter of time, but how much time is up for debate.
“He’s a romantic. It has to be perfect for her. You’d think he knows by now there’s no such thing.”
“You don’t believe in perfect?” you ask him, no longer clinging on to his arm but walking close enough that your arms brush every now and then.
“Not objective perfection, no,” he says, measuring his words carefully, “But I think something can be perfect to someone, you know? People can be perfect for each other.”
You wiggle your eyebrows at him and he knows the teasing is coming. He feels the flush creeping up his neck already.
“Like soulmates?”
Your eyes are alight with mischief.
“I suppose. If they’re not predestined. If you can choose your soulmate.”
“You think we were destined to be besties or that we chose each other then?” you say, as if it’s the most nonchalant thing in the world and you’re not implying that you might be soulmates. He feels lightheaded.
“You think we’re soulmates?”
“Answer my question, Rem! It’s a hypothetical, you love a hypothetical.”
You still look mischievous, not hypothetical, but he’ll answer you anyway.
“I don’t know how you feel, but I think I chose you as one of my favourite people. I feel very lucky you chose me back.”
He’s definitely blushing. He can feel it, even without bringing his hands to his cheeks to give it away. You’re grinning at him, and it’s making him blush more, but he also feels better. Feels like you might finally understand his meaning.
“This is why I can’t argue with you like I do Sirius,” you say, which wasn’t what he was expecting, “We agree on far too much.”
He smiles down at the ground to stop himself from barking out an altogether unattractive laugh. But it’s his chance and he’s going to take it, because he wants to so desperately.
“If my soul has a mate, I think it’s you,” he says quietly.
He’s sure his heart stutters in his chest in the brief silence that follows. You both walk a few more slow paces forwards but then you finally speak up.
“I’ve never had a person like you, all my life,” you say seriously, staring up into his face for a moment before you have to look where you’re going again and the moment he thinks is coming fades, “We must be as close as it gets, buddy.”
Buddy. His heart sinks. You are the prettiest human being in the world and the most oblivious and Remus really, really wants to fall in love with you. If only you’d let him. If only you could hear him basically declare you his potential soulmate and realise he might have some intentions towards you that weren’t very platonic.
He’s not sure if he’s chickened out or if you have, but he decides whatever moment he wanted isn’t going to arrive today. He spots a nearby cafe after a few minutes talking about his potential promotion, which he pinky promises to go for, so he’ll have to follow through.
A three hour lunch later, and another half hour walking back to your cars, and he hasn’t said another word to you about his feelings. But he’s had a lovely few hours and he thinks you have too.
"Bye, Rem. See you Wednesday?"
There's four of you going to play mini golf on Wednesday night. He hates mini golf.
"Can't wait. Bye, sweetheart."
Whatever rush he thinks he’s in fades when you kiss him on the cheek as you say goodbye. Once you’ve driven off in your car, waving to him all the way down the road, he decides that you might be working up the courage for something too, and he might need to wait until you’re both feeling brave to do something about it. 
He can wait. He carries that kiss on the cheek with him the rest of the weekend and into the next week, where he puts his name down for that promotion first thing Monday.
And if it’s solely so he has something to text you about, so be it.
if you've gotten this far, please know i'm very grateful. really hope you enjoyed, sunflowers <3
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
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well, hello there, my little crumb cakes. the rumors are true: your local feral malewife enthusiast will indeed be 20 soon, if you can believe it. i thought it'd be fun to do something special to celebrate my two decades on mother earth, so…
𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖'𝕤 𝟚𝟘𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕙!
this celebration will run from march 3rd (mar. 4 is my actual birthday!) — march 10th. anyone 18+ can participate!
feel free to send stuff in now :)
are you excited?! here are the festivities i've planned:
🎁 — presents! can't have a party without presents, silly. but i wanna give you something! (mutuals only) send this and i'll write a little love letter to you, 'cause I love you all so so much. 🥰 
🎵 — hey, are we gonna dance, or what?! okay, fine, i'll pick the song. send me 3-5 of your favorite things and i'll give you a song rec based on those vibes.
there are party games too...
💏 — send one of these for a kiss, marry, exile (because I'm a benevolent, pacifist girlblogger who doesn't believe in killing. mostly.) send three characters (18+ of course) for me to decide fates for. can be outside of ST and mcu!
🪄 — send me this for a CYM (cast your mutuals) along with something to cast my mooties as! fruits, characters from a show, queen albums, anything! (**mutuals, if you don't want to be tagged for this, please lmk. no hard feelings 🫶)
📖 — send me one of these for a rec! this can be a rec for me or i can give you some recs. a fic, a movie, a song, anything! 
📝 — did you know i'm a writer? 👉👈 yeah, little known fact. send me a prompt from one of these lists (don't forget to tell me which one!) and a character and i'll write a little somethin'.
List 1 | List 2 | List 3 | List 4
i will write for steve harrington, eddie munson, and robin buckley. i'll also write steddie! NO SMUT. 
there's cake and refreshments, but make sure everybody gets a slice! 
🍰 — do YOU have a talented creative blogger you want to kiss on the mouth every time they post something? send me a username or usernames of writers, artists, gif makers, basically anyone who makes stuff, and i'll post it and let them know they're appreciated ❤️ and you know what? i would be none the wiser if you put yourself, so…
☕— this is an anti-capitalist blog, so i don't require an exchange of goods and services for us to interact. treat this like a week-long sleepover! tell me about your day, send me pictures of your pets, ask me advice (20 year olds are known for their wisdom btw), tell me your starbucks order (I'm a pink drink truther), anything! this event is, above all, a time to interact. so ask/send me stuff, psychoanalyze me, declare your undying love for me, etc. 😎
tagging some peeps i think might be interested under the cut
@cryinthecar @thesoftestpunk @thornsnvultures @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare @starchildbucky @stevebabey @stevestummy @spideystevie @joellkeeny @starrystevie @cable-knit-sweater @real-jane
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sweetdumbbunny · 10 months
My Intro!!
Helloo!! My name is either Bunni or Berri, and this is my blog for NSFW thoughts and my dark fantasies!
I am 19 years old, and my pronouns are he/she/they! You really can’t go wrong with them!
I’m going to say now, that i’m okay with people talking to me in my messages, and i only have a few limits that I’ll discuss in a bit, but I do ask that if I ask for you to stop, to please stop and respect my boundaries. I have mental health issues and it can become a problem for me sometimes.
I’m very submissive, and will only be submissive on this blog!
Oh and also, I won’t be posting any pictures of myself, or send them to anyone, im simply not comfortable
Anyways!! Here’s a list of my kinks, starting off with my personal favorites!
Petplay (Me as the pet, either bunny or puppy :3)
Degradation and/or praise
Humiliation (heavy on this one)
Orgasm control
Fear play
Alright! Now I’m gonna move onto the ones that I’m alright with, or enjoy!
Ddlg / ddlb / mdlb / mdlg
Impact play
Temperature play
Breath play
Knife play
Pain play
Wax play
And next we have stuff I absolutely don’t like!
Foot fetish
Armpit fetish
Uhhh idk if theres anything else but those are the main ones
Anyways, yeah! Just a general thing, I’m attracted to everyone, and I’m okay with gendered and non-gendered terms. Call me whatever you want!
Feel free to message me!!!
Oh right! just so you know, I am taken. this is simply a silly blog that me and my partner are both fine with. I am not in any way looking for a relationship here!
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pawsitivevibe · 3 years
Dog Towel Robe Tutorial
Does your dog love to swim? Does he go dock diving? Maybe you bathe her a lot? We all know staying wet isn't necessarily great for their skin and coat, or your car or living room! Wouldn't you love to have a convenient, travel friendly, hands-free solution for helping dry off your canine pal? How about a towel robe for your dog!
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You've probably seen these in pet shops or online, but man they're like $40-80! That seems silly when you can buy a towel for $5.
If you have access to a sewing machine or a needle and thread, you can make one for your dog for less than $20 of supplies.
If anyone happens to try this, please do message or tag me! I’d love to see what you made! If you need any tips or more explanation, feel free to send me a message. 
Step 1: Gather your supplies
You'll need a towel. A cheap towel, an old towel, a more durable towel. Any towel will do. Then you'll want some thread. I used extra strength outdoor thread because I had some, but any thread is find. You'll need some velcro strips. Do NOT get the ones with sticky stuff on the back. You want sew-on velcro. Velcro is also called "hook and loop tape", and generic brand is fine! Just do not get an "adhesive" one - that has sticky stuff on the back. You want "non-adhesive." The sticky backing makes your sewing needle angry.
Here's an example:
You can find hook and loop tape at craft stores, the craft section of Wal-Mart, etc.
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Question: I can't find velcro or my dog doesn’t/I don’t like the sound of velcro.
You can try using buttons in place of the velcro OR you can use something like cord or shoelaces to make ties instead. You can put a tie at the neck or sew the neck closed where the velcro would be, and make two thinner waist straps that tie at the top.
Step 2: Measure your towel
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Throw that towel over your dog's back to see how long it needs to be. The narrow end of the towel should drape over your dog's head or neck. If you want to be able to pull the robe over your dog's head like a hood, then put the towel like the photo. Otherwise, you can just drape it around the neck. You want to mark along the back, however long the robe needs to be to cover your dog's back.
My dog is just big enough that the towel hangs nicely down her sides without being too long. If you have a smaller dog and the towel hangs too long you can always use a smaller towel OR you will need to cut along one side to cut the excess off. You want the towel to hang a little lower than your dog's belly because you want the towel robe to be able to wrap under your dog a bit.
So, for a smaller dog pull the towel to one side until one side is the ideal length, and then mark or fold the towel so you know where you'll need to cut the excess along the side.
Step 3: Cutting
Cut off the excess at the back and/or the side. We are trying to keep as many of the hems the towel already has so you have to do less sewing, by the way. You can cut it differently, or more rounded at the ends, but you'd have to sew more.
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Now, you're going to need the extra piece you cut off the end of the towel to make the belly strap. Cut that baby down to something like this:
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You can round the end like I did or leave it square ... It doesn't really matter! If you leave it square, it'll be slightly less sewing.
*Note: if you want to make this robe without velcro, don't make this belly strap. Use scraps from your towel or even another fabric to make two narrower straps that go around your dog's belly and tie above the back.
Step 4: The belly strap
Time for some sewing. Get your sewing machine or needle and thread ready!
You're gonna take your belly strap piece and flip it so the two "good" sides of the towel are pressed against each other. Easy to tell if you're using a patterned towel with an obvious good side. If both sides are the same, it doesn't really matter, just pick one.
Now sew around that baby. The sides and top if you rounded it. Leave the bottom open.
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Now you're gonna turn that baby right side out using your open end.
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You can leave your end open for now!
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Time to attach your velcro. Two strips near the closed end should do nicely. Pin those in place (or don't ... I don't pin things often lol) and sew them on.
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Step 5: Hemming
Okay, so here's basically the lazy/easy way of hemming some sides so that the ends of your towel doesn't fray. You should have at least two ends of your towel that are already hemmed or finished. For the one or two ends that aren't, you're going to fold the ends back into themselves. Roll the edge over so that the frayed end is tucked inside. Go ahead and sew the edges like that.
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Your hemmed edges should look like this, with the rolled edge underneath and sew inside: 
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Step 6: Attaching the belly strap and velcro
*Note: if you're not using velcro, this step will be different.
You're going to grab your dog and drape that towel over them again. Then you're going to take your belly strap piece and figure out exactly where you want it to go so it will attach to one side of your towel, wrap under your dog, and velcro on the other side. Mark and/or pin where your strap needs to attach and where it should meet velcro on the other side.
Now you're going to sew the open end of the belly strap to the good side of your towel where you marked it. You should sew the open end down/closed now too. The velcro on the strap should be facing down. 
Pin your prickly velcro to your towel where you marked. Again, two strips is probably good. 
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*Note: if you're not using velcro, you'll have to sew your two straps to either side of the robe so that they can wrap under the dog's belly and tie at the top of the back. Again, sorry I don't have pictures for this version. I will try to get on making one and posting a separate tutorial!
Step 7: Neck velcro
Pin your velcro like this on one end of your robe and sew in place:
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Note: If you aren’t using velcro, you can try a button, snap, draw string, or some cord to tie into a bow instead. 
Step 8: Enjoy!!
Throw that robe over your dog. Attach the neck velcro like so:
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Slip that belly strap under your dog and velcro it to the other side. 
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I highly recommend giving your dog a quick toweling with a regular towel before throwing this on. And of course obviously only use this while supervised!
Please send or tag me if you make this, I’d love to see it!
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pupmastersd · 3 years
A Pup’s Tale
Chapter 8
Over the course of the week, Master controls me from a distance. Since we are not yet ready to meat up (at least I’m not), Master tells me to follow various orders throughout the week.
At first, his commands are simple and almost silly.
Sit on the floor like a good slave you are. Furniture is for Master.
So, I sit on the floor. Of course, I don’t always do this. Master doesn’t know. I sit on the floor when prompted, but otherwise I still sprawl out on the couch or other furniture
However, its becoming more like a game. I don’t mind moving to the floor when reminded.
What did I say about furniture, boi?
That’s what I am now. Boi or pup. I like that. It is almost like a pet name you see couples with.
Things escalate as days go on. He starts asking what sort of gear I have.
What kind of gear?
Bondage/pup play/kinky gear. Any gear.
None really.
That was true. Though I do have a pair of purple fuzzy cuffs that I recieved as a gag gift for Christmas one year.
Download Etsy. Hmmm what sort of gear should you start with?
At first I am a little annoyed. What? Does he expect me to buy things too? Then, I think about it. I have been wanting to own “gear” of my own. I just need the push to do it.
Immediately, he answers his own question.
I want you to buy a collar. Purple. This.
He sends a screenshot photo. The collar looks beautiful: a deep purple with soft, fuzzy cloth on the inside. I get shivers.
Yes, Master.
I download Etsy and set up my account. I don’t know how to find that exact collar so I type in “purple human pup collar” to the search bar. I have dozens of results pop up. As I scroll through the options, I get lost in a horny trance. Soon, I find what Master has requested. The price states $20. I could afford that.
When I go to click on the buy options, I see that I could buy even more: wrist and ankle restraints, a harness, a hood, and even a tail. My mouth is drooling. I make an impulsive decision and buy them all!
I bought it, Master.
I don’t want to tell him about the extra toys—not yet, anyway.
Good, pup. Now, are you on the floor like a good pet?
A few days go by. I continue to message Master with glee, even participate in some embarrassing acts.
The day after I order my pup gear off Etsy, Master tells me that it is time for another “test”.
I easily agree and wait for instructions.
I want you to shave.
Easy. Done and done, Master. I am always clean shaven. I can’t even grow that good of facial hair.
No. Not your face. I want you to shave your privates. Smooth.
I’ve never shaved down there. Sure, I do some trim work—some light manscaping, but never have I fully cleaned myself that way. Ah, what the heck. I’ll try it. Besides, I’m a bit intrigued by how it will feel when I’m done.
Yes, Master. Right away.
I wait for his obligatory response. Three . . . two . . . one . . .
I stand up off the floor and march towards the bathroom. Then, I stop and think. I want to try something.
I get back on the floor, on my hands and knees and start crawling like a dog. The carpet is soft enough. This is an odd sensation, a new perspective on my living room. Master calls me pup, right? I might as well act like one every now and then. 
A new sensation washes over me. I feel . . . I don’t know . . . a little proud that I am doing this on my own. I’ll have to tell Master about this later.
I make it to the bathroom and get back up on my feet. I pull out my razor, shaving cream, and a towel, stripping myself naked.
I stare at the shaver, then the cream, then my nuts.
“Okay,” I say aloud. “Here we go.”
Thirty minutes later, I finish. (I know what you’re thinking. Yes, it did take a long while. To be fair, I got a little shave crazy once I started working on my cock and balls.)
I loved how smooth my skin was down there once I finished. I didn’t want to stop. Once I finished with my package, I moved on to my chest, then my armpits. Finally, I worked up the courage and excitement to shave my ass! All smooth now, super smooth. Well, with a few exceptions for my butt area. It was difficult to do for my first time.
I did it, Master. I shaved! I not only shaved my “down under” area, but I shaved my chest, my armpits, and even my bum!
You have done well, boi. Master is very pleased with you.
I feel a wave of happiness roll through my body. As I begin putting back on my clothes, my phone dings again.
Now, show me, boi.
I freeze. I don’t know what to do. Part of me wants to obey, but part of me wants to ignore Master’s request, pretend I don’t read it, or flat out tell Master no. I am uncomfortable. I’ve never sent nudes to anyone before. I’m not even comfortable sending Master a picture of my face yet, (if I ever will).
How am I supposed to just send someone—basically a stranger—something so personal and embarrassing. I don’t have the best built body. I’m not strong. I have a bit of a gut. I have a smaller than average penis. I feel inadequate.
I can’t Master. I’m embarrassed. My body isn’t like the ones you see on this page. I have an ugly body.
I don’t care what you look like, boi. You are mine and that is all that matters to me. Show me. Now.
I get scared. I don’t want to disappoint Master, but I don’t want these pictures out in the world for anyone to see. What if he shares them with someone else. What if I get recognized? What if these pictures come back to haunt me some day? I don’t know what to do.
I’m waiting.
I strip. I snap. I send.
I stare at the phone with anticipation and worry. What will Master say? What will he think? Will he be disappointed?
Good slave. You did a good job. Show me the rest of your work.
I take a few more photos. A couple of my pits and my chest. I don’t snap a picture of my backside. That is one piece of me I want to keep yet.
Great work, pup. You took a big step today. Though, I am disappointed you resisted for so long. I gave you an order. When I give you an order, I expect obedience. Am I understood?
Yes, I’m sorry. I was just nervous and even a little afraid.
When I ask you a question, I expect an added ‘Master’ in the response. I also do not want an excuse. Am I clear?
Yes, Master.
Good. And do not think I forgot about that clean-shaven ass of yours. I want to see.
Without thinking I quickly send the picture with the message:
Yes, Master. Sorry, Master.
He waits a good 5 minutes to respond. Keep in mind I’m still naked in my bathroom, staring at at my phone intently as my palms start to sweat a little. Then, his name bolds in a commanding black.
Good, boi. Now that is a nice peach.
To be continued . . .
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
32 notes · View notes
Jealousy Sin
Word Count: 4397
Pairing: Lou Miller x Tammy x Reader - Established Poly Relationship
Prompts “You’re so pretty” “And you are drunk, darling”, “Wait, say that again”, “Go fuck yourself,” “How about you fuck me yourself, you coward?!”, “Come on now, dear. Let’s not torture her any longer”
Warning: NSFW 18+, bad smut writing lmao. 
A/N; @existentialcrisiscat​ thank you for sending in this request and look just in time for your birthday tomorrow! I send you my best wishes and I hope you enjoy this early bday present, July babies are the best! 
Thank you @imnotasuperhero​ for reading over this! Second attempt at poly smut so enjoy the mess lmao!
Permanent Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome​ @natasha-danvers​
I do not own these pictures!
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Prompts 14,16,20,39 “You know that the heart of a shrimp is located in its head and that a snail can sleep for 2 to 3 years continuously,” You excite, reciting from a ‘50 fun facts’ book Constance left lying around the lounge area of Lou’s apartment building. Your back against Tammy’s side with your legs stretched out on the sofa while she twirls a strand of your hair around her finger loosely peeking over to look at the ridiculous book. You hear Lou scoff from the open kitchen, making her way to where you are.  She hands you both a glass of wine each before grabbing a hold of your ankles and lifting them up from the sofa so she can sit close to you; your legs now stretched out across her lap. 
“That’s ridiculous babe. You read the weirdest stuff.” She teases, tickling your feet lightly making you squirm and yelp slightly at the sudden sensation making her eyes twinkle with mischief. 
“Hey! It’s true, see!” You turn the book around for her to read. 
“She’s right Lou. They are real facts,” Tammy defends teasing the older woman slightly, knowing that it’s usually you against them. You smile smugly at her as she snatches the book from you grumbling about ‘the mess that girl brings every time she’s round here’ making you and Tammy laugh. The back and forth exchange continues for some time as you all enjoy a rare peaceful night in; with another successful heist for the two woman and your new promotion underway, the lighthearted mood continues into the late night with loving kisses exchanged and sweet caresses as you all stumble into bed, tangled up in sheets and limbs as hot wet kisses are pressed on warm glistening skin. 
Being with Lou and Tammy for the past six month has been the most wonderful ride you have ever been on and you never want it to stop. 
Pure Paradise
Two weeks later 
Over the past two weeks the little bubble you three had created started to show cracks leaving you feeling insecure and down right pissed off. You see, being with two women who lead a life of crime no matter how elegantly and successfully they do it, can be difficult. Their planning has to be precise with no page left unturned, if one thing goes wrong it could mean prison for them and no one wants that. They’ve only ran one big heist since you started dating but you were in your honeymoon phase with them back then, they could do no wrong in your eyes. The less frequent phone calls and texts were justified when the two women hung the moon in your mind: 
‘It’s a big job they have. They need to focus and make sure it goes right, they still love and care for you the same, Y/N’. Debbie would remind you quietly away from the others, always aware and seeing behind the fake persona. 
“You are not going out, Y/N. That’s final.” You stand in your black turtleneck dress and heels, arms crossed in defiance. 
“Yes, I am. I’m celebrating my promotion with my colleagues whether you two like it or not.” 
“Come on, darling. Stay with us we had this reservation booked for tonight for weeks,” Tammy pleads slightly a little confused by your decline. You usually love date nights, especially when it involves the two of them and  food from your favourite restaurant. 
“Why are you being like this Y/N? You’ve been distant the last week and a half and don’t think we haven’t noticed you sneaking out of our room in the middle of the night to sleep in the guest room.” You scoff at the word ‘our’. 
‘It hasn’t been our room for the last two weeks’ You think spitefully. 
“Why do you even care Lou! You and Tammy have been so busy with each other the past two weeks, you barely noticed me leave last week for TWO DAYS Lou. It took two days for either of you to message me and then when I am here you’re both hovering over building prints and potential crew members, I understand that this isn’t something I’m a part of but you could at least act like me not being a part of this doesn’t affect our relationship!” You shout aiming your anger at both women. While Tammy has the decency to look guilty and slightly apologetic, Lou’s face turns hard and cold. 
“I’m sorry if our job has taken an importance over yours for once! We thought you understood what you were getting yourself into when we asked you to be a part of our lives Y/N, stop being a clingy brat and grow up.” Lou rages, her chest raising and falling heavily. Tammy takes a step forward to chastise Lou for her burst of anger but before she can intervene you hold up a hand indicating for Tammy to stop as you chuckle humorlessly with unushered tears, speechless. You shake your head in disbelief before grabbing your clutch and rushing for the door and heading into the night. 
The bar is crowded, full of warm bodies pressed closely together as the dim blue lights glow over the dance floor. You feel the rush of alcohol swarm your mind making you dizzy as you sway lightly to the beat of the sound, you notice your phone illuminate with missed calls and worried texts from your significant others. Your pissed and upset state had quickly changed once you had hit your first bottle of wine and twirled around on the dance floor with your colleagues after some time and a few tequila shots later, the fight you had with them seems miles away. You feel funny and brave as you see Tammy’s name flash on your phone and press the green icon to answer. 
“Well... hello gorgeous,” You flirt, your voice deep and slurred. 
“Y/N? I can’t hear you much. Darling, please tell me where you are so I can come and get you and bring you home to us?” You scoff at that before stumbling towards the smoking area by the front of the club. 
“Tam-Tam, I’m fine. Apparently I’m a brat and this is what brats do right?” You mock, hearing Lou sigh slightly in the background:
 ‘Is that her? Let me talk to her’ You hear Tammy hush her as if batting her hand away from the phone making you giggle. 
Tammy has always been the calmer mediator between you and Lou. 
‘You drive her crazy with your bratty ways Y/N’ Tam teased one evening her hand wrapped tightly around your waist as you shrugged in fake innocence  while watching Lou struggle to contain herself from across the room at her makeshift bar where she stood with Rose and Debbie, you and Tammy knew that the dress you were wearing was a little on the short side and showed your chest off beautifully driving them both wild, especially Lou. 
“Baby you know she didn’t mean it… you know how hot headed she can get,” Tammy murmurs, bringing an offended ‘hey’ out of Lou in the background. You roll your eyes and huff, knowing how right she is. 
“Why don’t you tell me where you are darling? We miss you,” Tammy confesses softly, making your heart flutter slightly. But with dutch courage in your system, you simply roll your eyes. 
“Well it doesn’t feel like you have missed me at all,” You murmur, leaning heavily against the wall of the club watching the nightlife before you. 
“You know that's not true and I’m only going to ask you this one more time Y/N. Where are you?” 
“Eye spy with my little eye, something being with L.” You giggle at your attempt of humour giggling loudly as Tammy huffs on the other side of the phone. 
“Hilarious babe, really.” 
“You're supposed to say Lamppost,silly!” You exclaim, hiccuping in between your sentence making you giggle once more.
“I’m coming to get you,” Tammy states, you can hear her moving around as if gathering her keys and heading for the door but not before hearing her and Lou argue about who’s going to get you. You sigh in defeat, knowing you have had far too much to drink and secretly want to go home so you can wrap yourself up in their warmth. 
“I’m at Russo’s.” You mumble, sulking in defeat before hanging up. Your colleague Matt pops his head out of the door scanning the smoking area, looking for you. He sees you and waves before striding over. 
“Hey Y/N! Come back inside, Lucy is bringing another round to the table. We’re celebrating in style tonight sweetheart.” You cringe subtly at the pet name before smiling weakly at him. 
“I’m actually waiting for my ride. I think I’ve reached my limit for the night.” You try to joke making him laugh a little too much, he steps closer to you and leans against the wall next to you as he lights a cigarette before offering you one. You shake your head in decline before scanning the street hoping to see Tammy’s ‘soccer mom’ car. 
“You look amazing tonight, by the way. Those two women sure are lucky.” Matt compliments, his eyes scanning you from head to toe lingering too long on your chest making you wrap your leather jacket around you, hiding from his lustful look. You step back to try and put some distance between you. 
“Oh uh, thank you and if anyone should be the lucky one it’s definitely me.” You state trying to put the point across. 
Fuck off!
“Have you ever thought of expanding this ‘little relationship’ to four people or is it a women’s only type of thing?” You gape at him in disgust as he shrugs his shoulders and smiles cheekily thinking he’s being charming. Before you can retaliate you feel a strong arm wrap around you from behind, making you smile slightly knowing that familiar pull of electricity.
“We are perfectly happy with the three of us Mr.Lawson, if you would kindly remove yourself away from my girlfriend before I send you back in there with an even higher pitched voice than before that would be much appreciated,” Tammy suggests, her voice hard and commanding making you shiver slightly at her authoritative tone. She stands tall in her heels, putting herself slightly in front of you, blocking his view of you. You watch as he gulps and stutters over his words, his face red in embarrassment as he stumbles an apology before heading back inside. You go to tease her about throwing her top energy around like that in front of others outside of the bedroom but her face shows that she’s in no laughing mood, you throw her your most doe eyed look making her sigh in defeat; never being able to stay mad at you. 
“Come on baby, let’s get you home.” She mutters into your ear as she pulls you closer to her side while guiding you over towards her car. 
You fumble around trying to get comfortable in the seat, once situated you relax against the warm seat as it heats up around you making you sigh contently. You lean your head to the side and face Tammy, taking in her soft features and full lips as the street lights hit her side profile making her look like an angel. 
“You’re so pretty,” You mumble to her, as you brush a finger across her cheek lightly and tuck a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear.
“And you are drunk, darling,” She teases back dismissively, although her soft smile and tinge of pink on her cheeks shows how affected she is by your statement. You grin lazily at her as you feel sleep succumb bringing you into darkness. 
You wake by the sound of Tammy’s whispering voice coaxing you awake. 
“Come on darling, you need to wake up. You can’t stay in here all night,” She whispers, shaking you slightly. 
“5 more minutes, mom.” You mumble, turning away from her making her laugh out loud which causes you to wake, eyes wide at your slip up. 
“Wait, say that again.” She asks, subtly getting her phone out. 
“You better put that phone away Tammy or I’m going to stay with Debbie for the night.” You threaten, knowing how jealous her and Lou get whenever Debbie flirts with you to tease her best friends; which you are more than happy to go along with. She scowls playfully. 
“Fine fine, come on then, you lightweight. We better get in before Lou sends out a search party for the both of us.” She murmurs, climbing out of her side and walking around to help you out of the car. You frown suddenly realising that it was only Tammy who came to get you. 
“Is she still really mad at me?” You ask sadly, starting to sober up slightly and relaying the fight from earlier in your head.
Tammy helps you out of the vehicle and wraps an arm around your waist before giving you a reassurance kiss on your temple. 
“Yes… but not as pissed off as she was earlier on. She… we both know we’ve been rather neglectful of you lately and we promise to make it up to you.” She confesses, her eyes showing how sorry she is. 
“I’m sorry for acting out like I did… I know how important it is to make sure the job runs smoothly, I should have been more understanding. I’m sorry Tam-Tam.’ You apologise, pecking her cheek lightly. 
You both walk steadily through the front door but stop in your tracks when you notice Lou sitting casually on one of the single chairs in the living room area, her legs spread wide in her black suit pants and white open button shirt revealing a peek of her black bra making you and Tammy gulp. 
“Lou I..” She holds her hand up, silencing your apology. 
“Did he touch you?” You frown in confusion not fully understanding her meaning.
“That guy from work, did he touch you?” 
“How do you know about th-” 
“Nine-ball,” you all say in unison, although Lou and Tammy’s casual tone in answer contrasting with your pissed off one doesn’t go unnoticed by either woman. 
“You were checking up on me through the security cameras!? Nice to know that not only am I a selfish brat, I'm also an unloyal one,” You snap towards them both as Tammy reaches for your hand, making you step back. 
“You know that’s not the reason, love. We didn’t know where you were, we needed to make sure you were safe,” Lou reasons for them both while Tammy nods in agreement, moving towards the middle space between you and Lou. 
“Oh because you care so much, fuck you both and your possessive asses.” You snapped in reply.
“Trust me, you haven’t seen me possessive yet sweetheart.” She says cockily as Tammy hums in agreement, clearly staying mutual within this argument you think sarcastically. 
“Well maybe I should go back out there and find him then, let’s see the real Tammy and Lou.“ You taunt, watching as both Tammy and Lou’s eyes flash dark, making your confident smug attitude flutter slightly. 
“Go fuck yourself,”  Lou spats clearing hitting a nerve, making you retaliate. 
“How about you fuck me yourself, you coward?!” You fight back, not realising that during your heated argument Tammy had slowly made her way behind you. You watch as Lou’s tense figure deflates. Her crystal blues flash with lust, swallowing quietly knowing that look all too well; the look that haunts your wet dreams whenever you’re apart from them.
“Is that what you want Y/N, you want us to show you who you belong to?” Lou questions grinning slightly, knowing that's exactly what you want while standing from the chair and stalking over towards you. She rolls up her sleeves slowly revealing the tattoos on her forearm as Tammy stands behind you placing her hands on either side of your hip keeping you in place, smirking knowingly. You shiver in anticipation, loving when they both take control over you. 
“I dunno Lou. Do you think she deserves it after the stunt she’s pulled tonight?”  Tammy questions Lou as if you weren’t trapped between the two women as Lou creeps dangerously closer, you bite your lip trying to hold back a moan as you feel Tammy’s wet tongue trace the shell of your ear. You watch as those blue eyes grow darker as they follow the direction of Tammy’s tongue carefully. Lou presses her front against your own; chest to chest, her nose brushing over yours before moving over your cheekbone and towards your ear, you watch from the corner of your eye as Tammy and Lou share a heated kiss over your shoulder making you groan loudly. This seems to draw their attention away from each other, their matching grins doing nothing to help the creeping wave of pleasure that ignites deep within your core. 
��Oh look Tam, it seems our darling girl wants our attention. Do you think we should give it to her?” 
‘Yes!’ You scream internally. Tammy laughs and takes sympathy to your doe-eyed expression gently cupping your face and turning you slightly towards her so she can place a chaste kiss on your lips. 
“I think we should... Besides we owe her an apology, I’m sure we can make it up to her.” Tammy mutters between placing quick wet kisses along the side of your jaw and neck. With that Lou swoops in and lifts you over her shoulder making you yelp out loud causing Tammy to giggle at her girlfriend’s actions before she slaps your ass and shushes you while she races ahead up the stairs, her hips swaying showing Lou her plump behind. You hear Lou growl low at Tammy’s teasing demeanor as she follows slowly after her up the stairs mindful of you being over her shoulder.
“Oh, am I just some sort of slave that you can carry around, you caveman?” You accuse, earning you a slap on the ass. 
“Ow! Watch it Miller. You know how tender my ass is,” 
“And I can’t wait to see that gorgeous ass all red on our bed, baby.” You squirm at that making Lou chuckle. 
She carries you into your shared bedroom before slowly lowering you down making you brush fronts as your feet touch the ground. She places a tender kiss to your mouth before looking over your shoulder and grinning, her eyes filled with glee and admiration. You turn around to face the bed, understanding Lou’s expression. Sitting upright against the headboard on top of satin sheets wearing a black lingerie babydoll set is Tammy. You lick your lips at the sight of her, drinking her in. 
“Did you have this on underneath those ‘mom’ clothes?” You tease, watching her roll her eyes at your poorly timed humor, loving it nevertheless. Her smirk confirms your suspicions. You watch as she slowly makes her way towards you both crawling on her hands and knees until she reaches the bottom of the bed, she kneels tall and beckons you both closer. You follow her call like a pirate to a siren as you are about to touch her, Lou wraps an arm around you, her chin against your shoulder. 
“You are far too overdressed,” she whispers huskily into your ear, as she slowly unzips the back of your dress letting it fall to the floor in a heap before placing sweet kisses along your shoulder blades and spanking your ass hard. You close your eyes at the sensation  and the feeling of cold air hitting against your warm skin, you feel a second pair of hands skim over your front tracing light touches across your chest before wrapping gently around your neck pulling your forward an inch as full luscious lips meet your own making you both moan in unison. You open your eyes and meet deep brown pools so full of love and passion. 
“Now, who's the one overdressed?” You tease making Tammy smirk mischievously before you both draw your attention to Lou who has left staggered marks along your neck and shoulder. She pulls away slightly and smirks as she unfastens the buttons of her dress shirt, you crotch in front of her and yank her suit trousers down in one sweep letting her step of them, you kiss your way back up her body while Tammy pushes her shirt off her shoulders, leaving us all equally in some state of undressed. Tammy grabs hold of your hand and pulls you towards the bed letting you fall onto your back as she crawls to lie beside you leaving trails of kisses up your body, you eye Lou who stands tall and confident at the foot of the bed in just her briefs; her bra now discarded into the pile of clothes on the floor. She slowly makes her way onto the bed as she licks, bites and kisses her way up your leg towards your inner thigh making you moan and clench slightly. 
“You can only cum if one of us says okay baby girl.” Tammy commands softly into your ear, you whimper and nod your head in agreement as Lou pulls your panties down your leg before placing a light kiss against your wet heat making you shudder at the sensitive flesh. Before you could catch your breath Lou dives her tongue deep into your entrance, fucking you with her tongue as Tammy wraps her mouth around your sensitive nipple biting gently, making you moan out loud with pleasure. They both continue their tongue motion over and over again making your body hot and wet with need for release but with Tammy’s words swirling around in your head, you hold off from releasing your pleasure. Lou slowly removes her tongue from your wet folds and presses a kiss on your clit before soaring forward to Tammy and kissing her hard and clumsily letting her tongue tangle with hers, they both moan enjoying the taste of you. You lick your lips at the raw sight of them both above you and whine for their attention as they both look back towards you once again. 
“Come on now. Dear. Let’s not torture her any longer,” Tammy teases, pulling away from Lou’s lips.
Lou moves to your other side and lets her tongue skim across your bottom lip before pressing her pale lips more firmly against your own, you feel another pair of lips on your own; the taste of vanilla lingers on your mouth knowing Tammy has joined you both in the fight for dominance as tongues tangle and clash together. You pull apart slowly savouring the moment before Tammy moves south towards your legs, wrapping her delicate hands around your ankles and pulling you further down the bed slightly. You frown in confusion before realising she was making room for Lou to sit comfortably above you with her thighs on either side of your face, you can see her arousal from above you making you whimper in want, licking your lips eagerly. You can practically hear the smirk in her voice: 
“Always so eager baby,” she teases, lowering herself a little bit more towards your awaiting mouth. You flick the tip of your tongue over her clit making her squirm and gasp you grin smugly knowing exactly where she likes it the most before taking the sensitive bundle of nerves between your teeth and wrapping your mouth around it, sucking hard. Your mouth releases her clit momentarily as you gasp at the feeling of two cold fingers filling your entrance and curling, hitting your most sensitive spot making you cry out as Tammy picks up her pace. 
“So wet and needy tonight darling.” She mutters before diving between your legs and taking your clit into her mouth. You feel Lou’s thighs tighten a fraction around your head making you refocus back onto the enjoyable task of making Lou come. You all continue to rile each other up, picking up your pace, thrusting your tongue deeper into her heat as you grind your hips further onto Tammy’s fingers. Tammy moans as she moves to sit in between your thigh as you bend your knee just enough to add pressure against her wet folds allowing her to grind herself against your bare skin, you bring your thumb over to her clit rubbing the sensitive nerves hard making her moan loudly. The room fills with loud cries of passion as desperate bodies continue to thrust against one another, the knot in your stomach begins to become tighter, you squint your eyes trying to hold off your orgasm. 
“Come for us baby, I want to hear you scream.” Lou breathes above you as she grinds hard one more time before allowing her own release. Lou removes herself from above you and lies lazily on her side facing you both, rubbing her fingers over her heat while she watches you and Tammy continue to grind roughly against one another; your fingers working faster and deeper as you both throw your head back in pure ecstasy letting yourself ride out your orgasm on Tammy’s fingers. Tammy collapses against your glistening skin leaning her head against your shoulder as you brush your fingertips softly against her back making her purr ever so slightly. Lou moves from her position and sits upright against the headboard gesturing for you both to join her, Tammy removes herself from your lap as you crawl over to Lou’s awaiting arms and curl into her side. Tammy moves to your other side and drapes an arm over your waist resting her hand gently on Lou’s hip, brushing her thumb back and forth; resting her forehead between your shoulder blades. You feel Tammy’s warm breath against your glistening skin as she speaks softly. 
“You belong with us Y/N. Don’t ever think we don’t love you or want you...we wouldn’t be us without you” With that said, she presses a light kiss to your back while Lou hums in agreement pulling you closer, her arm reaching across locking you in between their embrace, you smile cheekily.
“So does this mean I’m still a brat?” 
A slight pinch to your hip bone is your only reply. 
351 notes · View notes
Treat Instructions!
The fills have been posted! 90 incredible Stuckony stories for you to enjoy!
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For the next week while you enjoy guessing who made them all, we’re encouraging you to put extra treats in people’s stockings. You can do this in two ways: Discord or Tumblr. 
Below the cut, you’ll find a list of the folks who have requested treats linked to their tumblr stocking post. You can reply to/reblog the Tumblr stocking post and share the treat there! 
You can head over to Discord and share it there. You can do this through DM if the person allows, or @ the recipient on our STB Enthusiasts 18+ Discord server if both of you are there. (Are you? You should be! We’re guessing who created the amazing fills over there all week!) We’ve created a special channel - #stocking-party - just for this purpose.
Treats do not need to be Marvel or Stuckony-themed, but they certainly can be! Here are a few examples for how to make someone’s day even brighter: fic comments, gifs, pictures of animals, recipes, moodboards, and Flame really likes being told she’s pretty - just to name a few. Exactly like the fills, this is open to everyone and anyone who wants to make someone’s day.
Anyone who signed up for a stocking - be sure to check your stocking post for treats! Treats are open until October 3rd. But if you want to keep sending love to each other after that, well, we’re not going to stop you!
Treats are CLEARLY LABELED on the stocking posts as treats, so please be careful to follow wishes carefully! Click through the readmore for the full list of treat requests or click here for the archive of stocking posts.
betheflame - "I love gifs, and jokes, and anything to do with any of my fanworks. Puppies are just joy in photo form to me."
FestiveFerret - "I love allllll animals, especially ferrets. I cook, knit, crochet, and garden. I love pictures of pretty yarn, kind messages, anything to do with any of my fanworks, puzzles and brain teasers."
HogwartsToAlexandria - "Moodboards! Playlists! Love notes! (🥺) Fun pics and thirsty ones! Snippets of your own headcanons about the boys! Additional prompts you think are great! Reclists of shortish fics (anything over 3k I'm less likely to read, sorry!) Links to artsy time-lapses (they're a drug of mine..) and anything that came across your dash you think I might like. Commenting on your favorite of my fics if there's any you like. Stick figure drawings about anyhing at all... I just love gifts 🥺😍💕"
Bill_Longbow - "Mini Avengers cross stitch patterns"
hundredthousands - "Fanart, moodboards or headcanons of any of my prompts or likes would be loved!"
Corsets_and_Cardigans - "Moodboards, Baking recipes, anything fall or Halloween themed, pictures of cute animals. I knit, sew, cross stitch, and bake, anything themed there."
RedToni - "musicals, books, sims, social work, singing, baking"
DepressingGreenie - "Chickens. Secretary birds. Gardening (I'm particularity fond of: food gardening, native Australian food plants, Food Forests, cottage style gardens, and heirlooms plants). Dragons/Wyverns + other mythological creatures. Snakes with arms or hats... or both. Puns. ...and anything to do with any of my fanworks."
Wiggle - "moodboards, I haven't put up prompt or ask posts in forever come hmu, headcanons, stick figure art, wild AU ideas, gifs of the boys, puppies, and anything to do with my fics/writing"
realityfallsapart - "I do like to bake 👀👀"
Fearlesslexi - "I love pit bulls and reptiles so pictures of those would be amazing"
willidothefandango (nagth) - "Movie and podcasts recommendations (anything mysterie and science fiction themed) and pics of cute cats and dogs (specially weiner dogs!) are all appreciated"
RoseRose - "Kitty pictures are awesome! Really, any adorable animal picture. Dragon pictures. Anything to do with any of my fanworks. Silly headcanons are also fun! Also, fic recs!"
JimmieJive - "I don't quite get this section but, SNAKES, I love snakes. Actually any cute animals are great. Was thinking of trying cross stitch so any beginner patterns are cool too." "
Ruquas - ""I love recipes. You have a recipe that you absolutely adore and would eat only if it was socially acceptable? I would love to try it. And pictures of landscapes. Doesn’t matter from where, with water or without, with animals or without, but I love landscapes"""
Skeeter_110 - "Moodboards, art of any kind, recipes, prompts"
JacarandaBanyan - "Moodboards are always fun!"
goindownshipping - "I love to cook! If you have any go-to recipes, I'd love to try them out. I'm not picky!"
newtypeshadow - "Fanart, foxes and kitsune, wolves and werewolves, dragons, funny pics and gifs, cute animals, anything to do with my fics, recs, headcanons, marvel meta."
Not_Crazy_Just_a_Fangirl - " translations of my fics, book recs, pokemon, fanart, song lists, recipes, dnd oneshots?, anything really"
justanotherpipedream - "I love to cook and always love trying new recipes! Puzzles, animals, gif sets, cat/dog videos, fun crafts, colouring pages."
mayamoksin - "Art would be cool. :) Also interesting but simple baking recipes. Any minimalist tattoo designs would be awesome to see. Maybe an idea for a new tumblr username."
Dodo - "sewing patterns for plushies, and cookie and pie recipes."
asphxdels - "moodboards, playlists"
nativemossy - "PLEASE send me pics of your pets or advise for my garden lol"
ABrighterDarkness - "I love, love, love foxes! I mean, I love animals period but foxes are <3 <3 <3. Moodboards, gifs, anything to do with my fics/writing, got any one-pan/pot-wonder recipes to share? I also love reading and learning the 'weird but true' type fun facts/trivia!" "
Huntress79 - "- cooking recipes (only in German and/or English, please), from wherever in the world you are! - cute pics of baby kittens, dolphins - knitting and/or crochet patterns (again, only in German or English, please)"
Publisher021 - "Mood boards"
iam93percentstardust - "Moodboards! Playlists! Prompts! Cats! Foxes!"
Faustess - "Funny or fandom cross stitch, lower carb recipes, cats, owls, moodboards, gifsets, memes - all kinds of stuff!"
MercurialMagpie - "my favorite animals are foxes, cats of any type, and Western dragons"
seleneaurora - "art, recs, cute animals"
Aquatigermice - "I like dogs, fish (Bettas), Tsums tsums, cake, tigers, snow and coloring sheets." "
OddConfection - "- I am always looking for new things to bake, so recipes are welcome! - Dark fairy tale/witch aesthetic - The moon/space - Mythical creatures. - Libraries"
MassiveSpaceWren - "Recs for the things I like, recs for TV series that are nice to watch without super much attention (for example while drawing). Anything with feathered dinosaurs."
groffiction - "love crafts, art of any kind, stuffed animals, drawing, stickers, horses, cats, dogs, wolves, etc."
lokivsanubis - "fresh laundry, betting on random things, dogs."
LadyUkkey - "Art~! Playlists! Stories!"
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
The Other ML Crossover Nobody Wanted
How many of you have read Petshop of Horrors?
No wait! Come back! I swear it’s not too horrible this time!
In a non-Miraculous version of events, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a bullied and lonely girl. She’s creative and resilient, but has few friends and low self esteem.
Things happen similarly to Origins in canon. The first day of school comes and she’s already figuring it’s bound to be another bad year. Her parents attempt to help by sending her off with a box of macarons to share to try and make friends.
Only instead of Master Fu, she happens to run into a rather peculiar man. Androgynous. Different colored eyes. Long nails. And wearing full oriental clothing.
She helps him and even offers him one of the her bakery’s macarons (which he loves). And somehow, he can tell she has problems. Despite herself, she admits to her fears and her desire to have friends.
The strange man introduces himself as Count D, and as a way of thanking her, he directs her to his Petshop, where he says he sells hopes and dreams. And he offers to find her her perfect companion.
With little else for it, she decides she’ll at least check it out and agrees to go with him.
At the petshop, he offers to give her a pet that will help her and takes her to the back of his store...which strangely seems bigger inside than it should be. He leads to to a particular room.
And inside is a young blond boy who D says is going to be her new pet.
“You can’t just give me a boy as a pet!”
“Don’t be silly. This is a cat.”
Despite the Count’s reassurances, Marinette remains skeptical, but ends up having little choice in the matter. D tells her that this “pet” will help with her problems. And the boy (who calls himself “Chat Noir”) insists on going with her and swears to protect her.
She’s reluctant and demands to know the catch. D is impressed she bothers to ask, but remains vague. At best, he reassures her that as long as she’s good to him, he will return the favor.
So Marinette returns home with a “cat”. Said “cat” is very affectionate and rather needy of her attention. But he’s a great listener and will let Marinette vent to him all of her feelings. He’s also supportive and encourages her. He becomes her friend, as weird as he is.
She wants real friends.
The next day, when she goes to school, she discovers a new student.
Who is her cat.
She panics and tries to hide him, only to discover that everyone else sees him as a regular kid. Not only that, he’s pretty and popular and Marinette vicariously becomes popular for knowing him. She doesn’t really like this though since she figures people are only really interested in her because she knows him.
While “Adrien” is getting along with the other members of class, Marinette goes off by herself to begrudge his interference in her social life. Chloe of course takes the chance to antagonize Marinette and try to steal her seat to sit behind this cute new boy she’s heard about. This is how Marinette meets and befriends Alya, who is also a new student. Together, they stand up to Chloe and decide to be friends.
Chloe goes off in a huff, and they think that’s the end of it.
But once class starts, Chloe sees “Adrien” and freaks.
It turns out that Chat Noir in this human form looks just like a boy Chloe knew. A childhood friend of hers named Adrien Agreste.
Chat gets a little down after this and doesn’t want to talk about it. Which is fine by Marinette, because that is what the internet is for! And new best friend Alya is on the case to help her solve this mystery—because this Alya is a fan of mysteries, and a new transfer student from out of nowhere who looks just like a kid who died is definitely a mystery. And possibly supernatural.
With Alya’s help, Marinette discovers a young male model named Adrien Agreste, son of Gabriel Agreste of the fashion company. Adrien was a model for his father’s brand until he collapsed one day and passed away suddenly. Gabriel Agreste has been holed up in his mansion ever since, and has refused to leave his home or make any public appearances. But he has been known to have a particularly volatile temper, seemingly going out of his way to upset people for unknown reasons.
Chat Noir develops a strange interest in the case and asks to visit. She’s wary, but agrees and takes him to the mansion. Somehow, he knows the access codes to unlock the gates and doors, and manages to get her inside.
The mansion is strangely empty.
They work their way through the rooms, including Adrien’s old bedroom, which looks like it’s been untouched for at least a year. They eventually find their way to Gabriel’s office.
And discover a secret entrance to a hidden basement below.
Down there, they discover a pale, sunken-faced, sickly Gabriel Agreste single-mindedly focused on caring for a strange cocoon. The man is clearly unwell and possibly mad, as he insists the cocoon is his comatose wife. And that everything he’s doing is to wake her.
It becomes clear that like Marinette, Gabriel was also a customer of Count D’s petshop. Only his “pet” is apparently an insect of some sort whom he has been bewitched to see as his dead wife.
Chat Noir is furious and confronts him for neglecting his son for “this”.
The truth comes out.
Adrien Agreste died due to malnutrition, exhaustion, and stress. He had been overworked as a model, working long hours and was kept on a strict diet. Adrien was horribly neglected and desperate to get any sort of approval from his father, so he forced himself to keep at it until his body eventually gave out.
Gabriel Agreste had been a broken man after his wife’s “disappearance”. When he came upon Count D, he was introduced to a “pet”—a cocoon containing an exotic species of moth, which took on the form of his wife in a state of stasis. He signed the contract to keep her and had been focused on “waking” her ever since. To the point of obsession and neglecting all other things.
Including his son.
Chat Noir is strangely angered by this. It takes Marinette’s interference to calm him and keep him from attacking the broken man.
Not that it mattered anymore.
Because Gabriel had a contract for this pet. With three rules of his own to follow:
1. Keep her in a cool space with plenty of moisture.
2. She is an empathetic creature and needs to be stimulated by proximity to high emotions.
3. Do not let her feel isolation.
In lines with these terms, Gabriel had been spending all of his time with her so she would not be isolated. In addition, he had taken to intentionally upsetting people in order to stir up high emotions—often of the negative variety—in some mad attempt to “feed” or stimulate her in hopes she would awaken. In this way, the third rule made sense to him in that if she was empathetic and could sense emotions, she could feel a lack of them and would die if she felt alone.
Gabriel is desperate. He’s been at it for years and still no sign of life from the cocoon. He’s insistent that he keep trying though, because everything will be better once she wakes up.
It’s Marinette who figures out what’s actually happened. And she has to break the news to both Gabriel and Chat.
Gabriel misunderstood the second and third rule of the contract.
For the second rule, she needed to be exposed to high emotions. They didn’t all have to be negative. Happiness counted. Love counted. Excitement and pleasure and bursts of creativity and even all the little mundanities of life would count just fine. But Gabriel thought that the highest emotions were the ones that got the most physical reaction, and had thus been consistently making people around him miserable for this purpose.
Then the third rule, she needed to not feel isolation. For this, he stayed with her constantly. But he failed to realize that this didn’t only mean that she could feel isolated, but that as an empathetic creature, she could feel when OTHERS were isolated.
Like Adrien, whom had been neglected by his father and locked away in his room when he wasn’t being used as a dress up doll.
For years, Gabriel had been exposing her to constant negative emotions of everyone he dealt with and neglecting his own son. That’s a lot of bad feelings he was creating, and a lot of sad/mad/scared/hurt and just all around painful feelings he’d been forcibly exposing her to.
Without realizing it, Gabriel had been poisoning her all along. That’s why she never woke up. And now she never will.
Gabriel refuses to believe it. He breaks down. His wife was lost to him again—for good this time and by his own hand. His son was an unfortunate casualty of his obsession. All former friends and companions driven away. Even his own health and well being was neglected. He was a truly miserable man.
With little other choice, Marinette calls the authorities to get Gabriel some help.
She notices Chat Noir had left and leaves Gabriel to the care of health care workers.
She eventually finds Chat Noir in Adrien’s room.
She also finds a picture there. One of the few of a genuinely happy Adrien Agreste.
And his pet black cat affectionately named “Chat Noir”.
“I hated this room. It was always big but empty. And no matter how much space I had, I always felt trapped. I could never leave. Never go out. Never interact with anyone else.”
“And your room is so much smaller. So I should be worse off there, shouldn’t I? But it’s warm. And so full of life. And you’re there. And I was so…so happy. It was like what home used to be. What home should be.”
“How could that make such a difference? I didn’t understand it. Because I thought…surely he loved me the same, right? He slumped. “I just wanted to know why. That was all I ever wanted. And now I finally do and…I can’t stand it.”
“It just makes me hate this place more.”
“Tell me. Are you…Adrien?”
“I was. I think?” He shook his head. “I don’t know anymore.”
He looked to her, wounded and desperate and practically begging all at once.
“Can I stay with you?”
That night, Marinette slept in her bed, exhausted from the events of the day.
A warm ball of fluff purring as he was held securely in her arms.
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends — Part 5
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.  
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually) 
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally. 
Series masterlist
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4
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5. LA, still.
The first thing Sofia asked after greeting everyone was where was his baby Dodger.
“Oh, he's running around in the backyard. Wanna meet him?” Chris asked her, still arm around her shoulders.
“Are you kidding? yes.” She said with an enthusiasm that makes Chris smile bigger, he likes it when they love Dodger.
Specially likes how she loves his dog.
Chris showed her the backyard, sliding a gigantic glass door open and the rescued big puppy come running.
“Dodger!” Sofía kneeled on the grass and the dog went straight running to her and started licking her face as she pets him and kissed him all over. “Oh my God!, he's so pretty!” Sofía screamed back at Chris making him let out a laugh as he sat down in the grass beside her.
“He is.” He agreed as she kept scratching his ears, Dodger had made his way into her lap and was sitting there, like a lap dog.
“I love you, Dodger.” She said hugging the dog and buried her face on his fur, with a smile she let him go do his thing and Chris was looking at her with a wide smile, heart fluttering and he had that weird ringing on his ears when his anxiety picked a little.
“Oh man, I can't believe I just meet him.” She said with a pout but a smile tugging her lips. “I miss my dog.” Sofía mumble feeling her throat constrict but the sudden emotion, she took a deep breath and push it all down.
Chris noted that, making him sigh at how Sofia never let any sudden emotion take hold of her, in all this time he had never seen her shed a tear for anything. It was a little frustrating, he had seen her mad, pissy, quiet, and really happy but he had never seen her sad and crying.
It's not like he wants her to be sad, no. He just wants to be there for her and for Sofia to know she had someone, besides Amanda, to lean on.
Chris justs wanted to her to open up.
“I'm hungry, let's eat something and watch that game of yours.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“So, you're Chris's friend?” Brad, one of LA Chris's friends asked sneaking up on the kitchen where Sofia was in pizza duty while they watched the game (which she couldn't care less).
“Yeah, I am. You're Chris's friend?” She asked not falling for the bullshit he was about to spill, she didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know where this guy was going with asking that question.
Brad let out a laugh and walk up the few steps that separated them, Sofia didn't even acknowledge him as she put the pizza the oven to warm for a little bit.
“You need something?” She asked crossing her arms and laid her hip on the counter.
“Um, maybe but I just want to check if you and Chris are fucking so I can ask you out.”
Sofía’s brow went up as he spoke and let out a laugh of surprise.
“That's forward,”
“I don't like playing games,” Brad's and licking his lips and Sofia considered, he was kind of hot… he had that frat boy douchebag thing going on. He was tall, not as tall as Chris. Brunette and hazel eyes… She would totally one night stand a guy like him.
“So, what?”
“Are you guys fucking?”
“I'm going to say no otherwise, you shouldn't bother man.” She smiled up at him, taking the pizza out of the oven.
“You don't want to go out with me?” Brad asked he was kind of surprised. Apparently, girls didn't say no to him.
“So you're fucking Chris then?” Brad asked, thinking that this would be the only good reason.
Sofia stared at him because she was in no mood to explain why she didn't want to go out with him.
“I don't understand how that had something to do with you asking me out?” She asked looking back at the counter and grabbed the pizza to walk back.
“I'm trying to know if you're off-limits.”
“Off-limits.” She laughed and shake her head. “I already said no, consider that off-limits.”
She walked off with the pizza in hand and put it on the coffee table in front of the TV.
“Man, I like your friend she brought us pizza.” One of the other guys said and Sofia let out a laugh. Chris laughed and grabbed Sofia and put his arm around her shoulders.
“Yeah, she's awesome.”
Chris ended up wrapping his arms around Sofia from behind and watching the game just like that. She kept whispering about how much Tom Brady was an asshole and how she would definitely fuck Julien enderman because he had a nice ass.
“I kind of see the appealing… a little.” She confesses in the midtime drinking a few beers.
“Now you like it? it's because of the hot guys?”
“Of course, why wouldn't you started there in the first place?” She told him with a wide smile and Chris shale his head with a smile.
“You had no idea how happy I am that this beer is going to be here,” Chris said with a smile enjoying the last of the six-pack Sofia had bought her.
The game had ended almost half an hour back and slowly but steady everyone leaves, leaving those two enjoying each other's company in the backyard, feeling the lukewarm air and the amazing view Chris had from his backyard.
“I'm happy that you're happy, should I talk with Ron and tell him that Captain America wants to sponsor them in exchange for a lifetime supply of beer?” She asked, kind of joking kind of not.
Chris looked at her, considering the offer.
“Will he accept?”
“His eleven-year-old is a fan of the Avengers. He's in the loop, so yeah. I would like to think so.”
“Okay then,” He laughed and Sofia took a swig of her Stella artroia. “Can you arrange it?”
“Of course.” She said and make him a face. “I feel like I should thank you.”
“I probably just got a raise, maybe a promotion.” She laughed. “Ron is gonna shit his pants.”
“He didn't know?” He asked. “About us, I mean that we're friends.”
“Nope,” Sofía said looking at the empty bottle. “I'm not that kind of person, I'm not your friend because you make movies. I'm not looking for something—” She said looking at him, feeling a little guilty about the whole sponsor thing. “Chris, you don't have to do anything, seriously. I'll still get you free beer. I wasn't setting you up, you know that, don't you?”
“Hon, it never crossed my mind. I know the kind of girl you are, Sof.” Chris said reaching up and grabbed her hand, he entwined his fingers with hers and kiss her knuckles.
“The phrase ‘kind of girl’ always makes me think about sexual things.” She teased as Chris smiled against her hand, his lips lingering there.
“Mmm… now, do I .” He said and Sofia let out a chuckle. Caressing his soft beard with the tip of his fingers.
“I'm probably that kind of girl.” She laughed. “Now that I think about, I'm the kind of girl that girls say… I'm not that kind of girl.”
“And what exactly that girl is?” Chris asked, brow raised.
“That's down to fuck, do casual sex. All that shit, you know.” She explained letting go of his hand and laid down on the grass and her arms behind her head.
“And?” Chris asked, looking down at her body. How her hoodie and shirt underneath, she laughed. “That's not a problem, Sofia. You're entitled to enjoy your sexuality.” He added taking his eyes off her for a second and smiled looking at the hills for a second.
“Well, thanks, Captain.” She said stretching her arms, with a suggestive smile.
“What's that?” Chris said after a very known deep blue shirt popped underneath her hoodie. Sofia laughed as she lifted the hoodie on. “Oh my, take it off. Take it off!” Chris reached out and started to pull out her hoodie with a smile on his lips when he saw the Patriots logo.
“It supposed to be surprised, I kind of forget about it.” She laughed pulling her hoodie off her and Chris gasped putting a hand over his crotch. Making her laugh even harder.
“How could you forget this surprise,” He said looking for his phone on his pockets. “Hold still, baby girl. I need photographic proof that this is happening.”
She laid back on the grass, putting one arm behind her head and blow a kiss to the camera. It was a silly cute photo, the thing that Chris wouldn't know if that he will come to cry looking at this in just some time.
“Imma put this as my lock screen,” He said lying down next to her and show her the picture. “Look how fucking cute you look with my Patriots shirt.”
The action was interrupted by an incoming call that someone he was avoiding at the moment.
“Isn't that you girl-ex?” Sofi asked peaking at the phone. Chris sighed and nodded, sending the call to voice mail.
“Mmm yes.” He said putting the phone away and stayed quiet, Sofia was staring at him.
“Do I have to ask?” she raised an eyebrow at him.
“I was at an event, she was there… I was feeling lonely and you know.”
“Oh, you regretted now?”
“Yes, I don't—we're not good for each other.” He said and gave her a wide smile. “But I'm used to her,”
“Like an old habit,” Sofía said.
“You need a new habit.” She shrugged like it was an easily fixable thing. “There's plenty of women, especially for you.”
“It's not easy for me to date anyone, I can't trust someone that easily.” He said, a little upset. “Some of them had ulterior motives.”
“Shit… I couldn't ever sell someone like that, much less someone I care about.” She said with a frown.
“I know,” He nodded. “I know that we are known for almost a year, but I trust you.” He smiled at her and Sofía smiled back and bite her bottom lip.
“That means a lot to me,” Sofía beamed and Chris laughed, she was endearing and Chris's stomach tighten.
Without much thought, in her semi-drunken state, she leans over and presses a firm kiss in Chris's mouth. He was taken back for a moment but he'd grip her waist and pull her close.
There we go!
Thanks everyone! ❤️❤️❤️
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Reader x Jihyun Kim {MysMes} - Letters to Heal a Broken Heart
Title: Letters to Heal a Broken Heart Fandom: Mystic Messenger Character: Jihyun Kim Genre: bittersweet? romance Warnings: spoilers for his good ending!  Intended Gender Audience: Neutral Audience  Word Count: 2040 words POV: second person Other comments: no smut but im proud of this! please note that everything with the push back is a letter! i think its pretty clear, but i wanted to make sure it’s understood <3 Written by: @mythiica​ Req: 
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Dear –
I’ll admit, it feels a bit strange writing a letter for you, but my therapist recommended it. He told me to explain my emotions with words, saying it would help me become more confident. 
See, the reasoning behind it, at least from what I remember, is that there is no pressure to think quickly. Writing allows a flow, a sense of movement between the words before you pick which one you wish to use. Talking is different because it follows a completely contrasting rhythm. To keep a conversation going, you have to speak rather quickly so the person stays engaged in the topic. 
It’s all really interesting, and my therapist has given me a book over the fundamentals of other practices like this. I read half of it on the plane to Japan. 
To clarify, I’m writing this from my hotel room in Tokyo. I landed a few hours ago and the jet lag has yet to hit me, so I decided to take advantage of this time to write. 
I think you’d like it here – the sakura are in full bloom and I have three days dedicated to photographing the sea of pinks as they ripple in the wind. Until now, I’ve only seen pictures of the famous parks, and I never thought that I would be able to witness them in person. 
I didn’t think I’d
I never conside
Ah, I should mention, I’m not allowed to erase or cross out sentences I start. Another confidence booster? It’s a bit sillier, but it’s meant to force me to say what is on my mind, rather than letting it fester. I’ll try again: 
During my years under Mint Eye, my vision was narrowed, and I had only one duty. However, I am learning to broaden my horizons and expand my mind to encompass everything. The urge to explore bubbles in my chest, waiting for the moment to come out. There are so many chances to do anything, and I’ve got all the time to do all of it. 
I’ve also realized that I went over my word limit. I have to stick to 300 words or under. Confidence booster #3! Express yourself with less words. Take a guess of how many times I’ve opened the thesaurus, looking for better synonyms for words? At least seven times in the past five minutes. It’s crazy! 
For now, I’ll sign this off and try better next time. 
                                                           Jihyun Kim
PS, I’m practicing my Japanese! That says best wishes… I think. 
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Hello and greetings from India! I took a long nap on the plane, and forgot to write. Although I’m only passing through, I ate some delicious food (that I should really try to replicate for you). India is absolutely beautiful – from the sunrises to the bustling markets to the colorful fabrics hung at every corner. I’ll inhale the air and smell six things at once, albeit, not all of them are the best, but I embrace it nonetheless. 
More about what I’ve been doing: funnily enough, my phone died on the bus ride, but I made a new friend named Sunmi, and she was kind enough to lend me her charging cable. Instead of ending the interaction there, we spoke for a few hours at least. I learned she was traveling with her friends on a photography excursion. She gave me all the information, and I’d like to look into it when I have wifi again. 
You wouldn’t believe what they’ve seen! Last year they went to Antarctica through South America. She got to pet a penguin! Apparently the company also takes people to Greenland and New Zealand – some places I’ve been dreaming of visiting since I was a young boy. 
I’ll use my last 100 words to mention that… I’ve gotten a bit homesick. I miss the RFA – well, the people from the RFA minus… 
Don’t tell Jumin about the company though, he’ll insist on flying me around with his private jet. I want to experience for myself. Saeyoung is somehow messaging me when I don’t have service? I don’t… understand. Anyways, I also saw Zen landed a huge international role (someone had a magazine on the plane). Otherwise, I hope Jaehee and Yoosung are well. And Elizabeth the 3rd of course. Send them my wishes. 
I didn’t forget about you though! The keychain you gave me reminds me of home every day. It might have lost an eye, but I found a button and stitched it on. And I also wanted to ask you–
Ah, I’m over again. 
Next time. 
                                                           Jihyun Kim
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Iyi günler! I am in Turkey now and actually writing this on a boat. The sun is setting over the horizon, making the sky change colors with every passing minute. It’s breathtaking, but I wish you were here with me. The other passengers and I take turns standing at the front of the boat, and I sometimes linger, trying to take pictures. 
Good news! My vision is getting better. I’ve been taking some Greek herbal remedies, and the seem to be helping. Either that, or they have a wonderful placebo effect. Has that ever happened to you? To think something is working, but you’re just imagining things? 
I apologize, maybe that stirred bad memories for you. 
Back to Turkey: I stepped out of my comfort zone and spent a night camping. Honestly? I was terrified of doing so, but now I want to do it every night. It is the perfect temperature for hiking, even though I am a bit sunburned. 
So many people have been commenting on my hair. Good things mostly, and I started styling it with a bit of gel to keep it out of my eyes. It feels good to look people directly rather than through a curtain. 
What are you up to? Hosting anymore parties? I imagine that you are keeping busy, as always of course. My therapist said it would be best to wait messaging you until I return home. I nearly called you a week ago, but I didn’t want to break my vow. It’s like lying to myself, and I know better than that now. 
Still, it doesn’t stop me from dreaming. 
                                                           Sending love, 
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I’m genuinely angry, but writing to you always calms me. Someone stole my bag – I luckily didn’t have much in it, but your keychain… can you make me a new one please? Now that I don’t have it, it’s almost like I’ve lost a part of you. It hurts a lot, but then I wonder if I am being silly. It’s just a keychain. 
Otherwise, France is nice. I didn’t want to go to Paris, so instead I traveled through the countryside to visit a few wineries. 
Yes, I did… drink a bit, but I wasn’t impaired when my bag was stolen! 
You would laugh at me if I told you what happened, so I will save the story for another time. Before coming to France, I went through Germany and visited some of the most beautiful castles I’ve ever seen. They all looked like they could be straight from a fantasy movie set, and I was convinced one – Neuschwanstein Castle – actually was. 
I’ve barely written anything despite so much happening. 
I got a haircut (finally), because it was becoming a hassle to tie it back at night. 
One evening, I fed some stray cats and they followed me home. 
And a drunk (?) tried to play cards with me. But he didn’t have cards. He was dealing an imaginary deck. 
Other stories will have to wait until I see you again, and I feel better now. It’s okay to be upset, but it won’t hinder my trip any more. 
                                                           Je t'aime, 
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Alaska doesn’t have a night. 
That’s not exactly true, but it’s basically true. The hotel has special curtains that block the light, and it is only dark for a few hours. 
It has been many miles since I last wrote, but I was caught up in visiting show after event after party after exhibit through America. Their art has given me a new perspective on point of view and emotions, so I hope that the ten camera chips I’ve filled with photographs will be able to convey the same sense of awe. 
I’ve also been mistaken for an idol? Like – multiple times. Interesting to say the least, maybe I’ll say yes to the next person that asks. What should my stage name be? I’ll spare you the embarrassment and not share my ideas. They are all very silly and no one would believe me if I told them my name was Cam Ra. Do you get it? It’s bad, I know. 
I’ll be returning home soon, unless I get distracted or impulsive and go down to California and Hawaii before coming back. I want to – it doesn’t feel right to return just yet. But that doesn’t mean anything about you! 
Really, I think about you and everyone else each day. 
Have you met new people? We’ll exchange so many stories… 
                                                           See you soon, 
                                                                     J K 
You pace around, waiting for the last guest on the list to appear. The party started an hour ago, but he still has not arrived. Then again, it has been three months since anyone heard a whisper from V, and you start to lose hope. Swallowing hard, you remind yourself that V is having a wonderful time exploring the world and finding himself. 
          Taking a handful of your dress, you turn and head through the doors to the main room. Jumin tries to pull Saeyoung away from Longcat, Yoosung explains his most recent surgeries to a group of nurses from his work place, and Jaehee receives many compliments for her majestic cake. 
         Everyone is happy and has moved on. 
         You hope V has too. 
         Maybe all the wishing and praying finally paid off, because you hear his familiar voice calling out behind you. It’s a long shot, but you turn around nonetheless, thinking it is a different guest. 
         Instead, you see Jihyun, wearing the most dazzling smile you’ve ever seen, running towards you. He’s carrying a folder filled with papers, but that doesn’t stop him from embracing you. He smells rugged, like his voyage has transformed him, but you rather like it. 
         “Jihyun!” You melt against his hug. “You’re.. Here… you’re here!” 
         Your squealing draws everyone’s attention, but he focuses on you and only you. “Of course I’m here. I missed you more than I can verbalize.” 
         His stance is open, welcoming, and confident, much different from two years ago. He is a different person now, brave and proud. Jihyun offers you the folder. It is strange to gift something in the middle of a party, but you accept it anyways, happy he has returned. 
         Jihyun’s heart races as he explains. “I wrote you letters every time I went somewhere new. These are just a few of them, really I have so many. But each shows something I’ve learned.” He takes a breath and laces his fingers with yours. “This is sudden, and I’m sure you will need time to think about it, but I’m trying something new: asking without being afraid. Over the past two years, I’ve… longed for you. Art has shown me the power of friendship, joy, perseverance, and most importantly, dedication. I want to dedicate my art to you, if you’ll stand by my side.” 
         You can’t find the words to express yourself because you are so awestruck. He truly has changed, but he has embraced himself and his life. Tears start to roll down your cheeks from the overwhelming surge of emotions. Jihyun brushes them away and presses his forehead to yours. 
         “I still have much to learn, but I want to do it all with you.” 
         “I’d like that a lot, Jihyun,” you whisper, captivated by his intense gaze. 
         “And I can finally say this without fear–” 
         You tip your head up, and Jihyun kisses you the next moment. His lips are chapped and the warmth radiating from his skin envelops you. He doesn’t need words to communicate it, because you understand perfectly what he is trying to say. 
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proxyedgy · 4 years
Azrael Act 3 Thoughts, let’s go! (Bunch of pictures under the cut)
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You’d think he’s talking to Hazama but no, funny enough, he’s talking to Litchi about her silly hairpin panda.
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Izanami has yet to domesticate her sweet adorable dog. (She likes them a little wild and unruly)
Story Fight
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Wait, so I didn’t dream that
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Azrael, that’s ableist
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I am literally the garbage can and you’re my trash
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Exotic pets.
Random Fight
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Oh, yes, don’t mind if I do
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hmmm yes that felt nice
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Oh, look who it is, Good Guy’s Hazama!
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Goodbye, Good Guy’s Hazama!
Story Fight
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Hey there, do you like my exotic pet? It’s glowy
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My. Exotic. Pet. Sir.
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How dare you refuse my son something
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Wait there for a moment darling, I’ll get you that lil’ snack as soon as I’m finished with it!
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You tried your best.
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That cursed stretched Arakune coming into the scene shall haunt my dreams today
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Oh no
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Who’s the next foodstuff going to be
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Oh, it’s her, that’s fine then. It’s not anyone I care about.
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T-Pose for good measure
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I’ll get your snack so stay put sweetheart.
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Oh I wonder who it could be (it’s Terumi. I have every single artwork with Terumi saved in my phone so I know he’s gonna show up eventually)
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I had to suffer through the vore and you’ll suffer with me
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My gay senses are tingling
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The one who dares oppose my sexy bulging muscles on my always-bared chest has arrived!
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Did I overdo it with the pose? I didn’t right? It looked cool right? ARE YOU INTO ME ALREADY?
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Aww come on, don’t lie, everyone knows you’re a bottom
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(Don’t make eye contact, keep hands in pockets, don’t make eye contact, keep hands in...)
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My manliness wins again. I am the manliest of men. Your half-open shirt is nothing before my bare manly chest.
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“You were trying way too hard. Well, I am out of your league so it’s only natural” - Terumi
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Date. Tomorrow. At 8. I’ll take you to dinner and then we figure out what to do from there.
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Final thoughts: WHY-VORE/10, very gay, lots of fun, I have far too many screenshots of Blazblue Centralfiction.
If anyone finds AzraelXTerumi fics or fanart, please send me a link. I need them for research purposes.
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whiskynottea · 5 years
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51 Chapter 52
Huge thank you to my beta, @theministerskat for correcting the same mistakes 53 chapters in without any complaint!
picture by: Kamryn Hinojos
Chapter 53. Dust and Smiles
When I lived in Scotland I missed the sun dearly. Sunny days were treasured, and I found myself smiling without any particular reason when the sunlight snuck between the curtains of my room in the morning.
But sometimes a person can have too much sun. And too much dust stuck to their body. And there is a point when you think of rain and realise a wistful smile has appeared on your face at the thought. It’s the same moment you realise there isn’t an inch of your body not coated in grime.
I reached that exact point on a quiet afternoon in June, two weeks before I left Zambia. Some would say it had taken me long enough.
I was left alone after treating the skin wounds of a couple of five-year-old boys that had gone out ‘to explore’. Their little feet had raised tons of dust as they ran away from the clinic and the first thing that came to my mind was that I was extremely tired of washing my hair every night only to feel it dirty again by noon the following day.
Then, just before the boys disappeared out of sight, one of them turned back to look at me, white teeth stark against his dark skin as he smiled, and waved goodbye.
And suddenly, I didn’t mind the dust that much. I didn’t mind the heat, or how heavy my body felt at the end of each shift. All that mattered was their smiles when they left the clinic.
My three months in Zambia were so full of experiences, I could hardly believe it hadn’t lasted longer. I learned how to talk to people who were in pain, how to heal them or -- when this was impossible -- how to make them feel better. I learned to listen to them, to search their eyes, to read their discomfort or pain in the way they moved. And I learned how a single smile can make your day, how two skinny arms wrapped around your body or two warm hands holding yours can fill your heart to the brim.
Spending my childhood with Lamb, I was used to living amongst people who were different from me. He’d taught me to look at people and see them for all they were. Humans. Different, beautiful, every one a worthy individual.
“All people are the same,” Lamb used to say. “All genuine smiles make the eyes crinkle, all hearts beat in the same way inside our chests, not aware of colour or tribe.”
In Africa, I saw life, and I saw death. I saw the universality of pain. I felt hands squeezing mine in terror and in gratitude. And I felt full. I felt alive.
When I first decided to volunteer I had thought I would find a piece of my mother in Africa. I believed I would discover who she had been, what she had pursued in life. I didn’t. And I wasn’t disappointed, because I had found a piece of myself in the faces I met in Livingstone, and I cherished that. And maybe -- just maybe -- that piece of myself was hers. Passed down to me, together with her amber eyes, an unbreakable part of myself.
Being a volunteer had been a full time job -- and a demanding one at that. But I didn’t want to leave, not yet. I had more to give, there were people here who needed me. But I knew that my time was up. In two weeks, I would feel Scottish air against my skin once more. I would feel Lamb’s arms hugging me for a few extended moments before he would push away to look into my eyes and pet my hair the way he always did. And a week later, I would be at Lallybroch. Jenny had asked -- demanded, actually -- to spend a week or two there. She had enough of the men, she had said when we’d texted. And true to her word to her brother, she had sent me pictures of the estate, in full bloom and beauty.
Jamie would come home after the summer term. We would spend two weeks together before his next term began and I would go to Oxford. To Oxford, where -- unexpectedly -- I would find a familiar face.
He had been different since his personal confession. His arrogance and cheeky comments hadn’t abated, but there wasn’t an edge to his voice anymore. It felt as though he needed someone to know his story, even if that someone wasn’t a friend, even if it was just me. He clammed up after that and never talked about his mother again, apart from the time he’d told me it was her wish that had brought him to Zambia as a volunteer.
We started, however, talking about literature. One evening I found him reading that fantasy book I had finished a few months ago. And when the conversation turned to our future plans after Zambia, he had looked down at me with a smirk and proudly announced that he had been admitted to Oxford University. I’d almost spit my pineapple juice out and onto his face. After that, our expectations and dreams of studying at Oxford became the most common topic of our discussions. Robert would be studying economics, expected to inherit and work in his father’s wine business in Provence. That was a relief. The last thing I wanted was to have the self-centered, competitive French on my heels through medical school. From what I had learned about him in the few months we lived together, he didn’t like being bested by anyone. And neither did I.
Jamie was the first to know I had found a fellow Oxford student in the middle of Africa. He and I had been texting and sending photos all the time, and I kept changing my screen background, choosing the funniest of the pictures he sent me. My favorite picture of him though, was the one he had sent me right after I arrived in Zambia. He was wearing a wide, silly grin as he sat in the bleachers of Michigan Stadium, my Wolverine amongst the blue and yellow sea of other students. He had sent it together with a text, shouting, “MY FIRST SPRING GAME!”
Despite the selfies Jamie sent me every day -- in class, on his way there, before training holding the towel I had bought him, or tucked in with his blanket at night in bed, my favorite part of the week was when I saw him during our calls every weekend. I was always trying to take in every detail of him during our video chats -- his beautiful eyes, the way his curls moved as he excitedly gesticulated, his voice.
I missed him and I knew he missed me too. Even when John was present in their dorm and Jamie wouldn’t say it, his longing was obvious in the way he looked at me.
Two weeks and I would be at Lallybroch, in Jamie’s room. It made no sense for me to fly straight to Michigan with Jamie having his final classes and preparing to sit for his spring term exams. I had looked for tickets to visit him right after the exams, but the fares were too high to even consider it.  
We had agreed that it was not the ideal situation but okay nonetheless. We would survive it. At least, once I was back in Scotland, we would be able to call each other every day. As John had said, laughing, the force of the internet would be with us.
Jamie would come home at the end of August, after his summer term, and we would be at Lallybroch together, spending every single minute with each other.
“We have to make up for so much lost time,” Jamie had said to me during our last call, and the glint in his eye was as terrifying as it was exhilarating.  
A text on my phone brought me out of my reverie and I realised that I was still standing under the sun, alone, looking towards the far end of the road.
I found myself doing that a lot lately.
Scot: John’s cousin is a pain in the ass.
Sassenach: Hello to you, too.
Scot: Hi babe. John’s cousin is a pain in the ass. She called him, woke us up, and she demands that we pick her up from her hotel and show her around.
Sassenach: Well, she came to visit. Makes sense, no?
Scot: It. Is. Too. Early.
Sassenach: It’s 1 pm here!
Scot: You’re not helping. It’s 7 in the morning. Maybe I can send her there, then?
Sassenach: Is that the cocky cousin or the nice one? I doubt they’ll like the dust we have here, in any case.
Scot: The cocky one. Can I come there myself? Please?
Sassenach: Why aren't you on your way, already? :P
Scot: Don’t tempt me.
Sassenach: I don’t have anything to do right now.
Scot: We didn’t send you there to relax under the sun, Sassenach. Get that gorgeous round arse to work.
Sassenach: It seems I’ve healed all of Zambia.
Scot: So humble.
Sassenach: Always. I took lessons from the best.
Scot: Fuck you.
Sassenach: What? Since when are you talking like that? I need a selfie to make sure it’s really you.
I spent a whole minute wishing his selfie to load faster, but I ended up with a sleepy Jamie on my screen, which was worth the wait.
Sassenach: So it is you. These Americans are rubbing off on you, no? AND I DON’T MEAN IT LITERALLY. Also, fucking seems a bit difficult right now, seeing as you’re half a planet away.
Scot: But I’m ready, you know, right now.
I could almost see his pout and the challenge in his eyes when I closed my own, and I felt my cheeks turn red.
Sassenach: Okay. Shut up!
Sassenach: Oh I’m looking forward to that.
Scot: Aaaaargh
Sassenach: Eloquent. Now get dressed, go get John and Hector, and show the girl around. She came all the way from Penrith to see Ann Arbor.
Scot: I just don’t get why I have to go, too.
Sassenach: John is your friend. This is what friends do. I spent all Saturday afternoon shopping with Louise.
Scot: I hate you.
Sassenach: Me too. Send me pictures?
Scot: Always. You too. Actually, I need one right now.
I took a picture of my dirty dusted face and sent it to him, grimacing when I saw how sloppy I looked.
Scot: You’re so tanned, I want to lick you.
Sassenach: Believe me you don’t. I’m dirty.
Scot: DIRTY? OMG STOP TALKING. I’m hard already and I have to get dressed.
Sassenach: You are ridiculous. Have I ever told you that?
Scot: Only a million times.
Sassenach: Good!
Scot: I’m going to take a cold shower AND CERTAINLY NOT THINK OF YOU.
Sassenach: I wish I was there with you.
Sending that, I actually snickered. His reply came in milliseconds.
Scot: You are a heartless, dangerous woman.
Sassenach: And yet you love me. Now go shower.
Scot: I do love you. And I’ll prove to you how much once I get my hands on you, you tease. Ttyl!
Raising my eyes from the screen, I saw Louise looking at me.
“You know I can tell when you’re texting Jamie, from that silly smile on your face?” she asked, keeping her arms crossed in front of her chest as if judging me.
“What can I do?” I didn’t try to hide my smile. “I found myself a good one.”
Louise nodded and came to stand next to me. A moment later a heavy sigh left her lips, and I noticed the shadows in her eyes. “Margaret was crying again. I tried to talk to her, but she won’t listen. She’s leaving next week and she doesn’t want to go back.”
“Makes sense.” Louise’s mood had been bad the last few days. “The moment she’ll be back, she’ll have to deal with reality. He won’t be there, and there will be no way to escape.”  
“She keeps talking in her sleep. She’s having weird dreams, you know.” Louise twisted her rings absentmindedly, not looking at me.
“I know. I woke her last night because she was murmuring and thrashing about. Jeremy was awake too, and we kept her company until she was settled again.”
“I’m sorry to see her go, especially knowing she’s still so unstable. I think her family isn’t supportive and that terrifies her even more.”
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Two of the volunteers I got to know had come to Zambia carrying a great emotional load and needing a chance to escape. They were trying to heal themselves through healing the others. The universality of pain, all over again.
“Charlie called me.” Louise changed the subject, this time with a smile. “He said he misses me.” She rubbed her hands against her thighs, awkwardly, but met my eyes when I turned to look at her.
“Rather convenient, wouldn’t you say? Seeing as you’re going back home next week.”
“Not all of us are strong, Claire.” Her voice was harsh and I bit my lip, regretting being so straightforward.
“You know better, I guess.”
Louise sighed again. “I wish I did, actually. I don’t know what to do when I get back to Paris.”
I placed my hand on top of her shoulder and squeezed lightly. “You don’t need to decide right now. You can meet him, see what he has to say, how he’ll explain himself.”
Louise nodded, sleek brown locks of hair escaping her loose ponytail. “I wish we were as strong as you and Jamie are. Everything would be simpler.”
“Well, it’s not like everything comes easy and we don’t try at all. We’ve just decided that being together matters the most, and we’re not sacrificing what we have just because we’re not close. We’re both stubborn and it helps -- thus far, at least.”
My phone vibrated against my leg, and I unlocked it to see a picture of Jamie and John rolling their eyes, and a girl in the background.
Sassenach: Out, already?
Scot: Yeap. She’s fourteen but she’s so bossy I think John is afraid of her.
Sassenach: And you?
Scot: I’m being a good friend, as I was advised to be. I already regret it.
Sassenach: Where are you?
Scot: Out for breakfast. She had the longest order I’ve heard in my whole life. She actually ordered something from the menu and then changed every little bit of it. It was embarrassing.
Sassenach: Leave a good tip.
Scot: We will! Hector turned red as she kept going on and gave the waitress a shy smile.
Sassenach: I wish I was there, sitting at another table just to make fun of the three of you.
Scot: Believe me, babe, if you were here I’d sit right next to you at a table in another cafe.
Sassenach: Drama queen.
Scot: You haven’t met wee Geneva yet.
Sassenach: How come she visited without her parents?
Scot: They had promised her this trip if her grades were good. They were. She’s really smart, actually. It makes her more of a pain in the ass.
Sassenach: Maybe the three of you can teach her something, you know? Humility, for example.
Scot: Not a chance.
I stuck my tongue out, took a selfie and sent it.
Scot: Don’t you show me that tongue because I have dreams about it. And I hope you’re there alone.
Sassenach: I’m with Louise! She says hi!
Scot: Hello Louise! Take care of Claire for me, okay?
Sassenach: You realise I’m still the one reading the texts, right?
Scot: Just read that one aloud.
Sassenach: I’m capable of taking care of myself, thank you.
Scot: I know. My strong and stubborn lass. John looks desperate and Hector is huffing. I’m going to save them from their misery because I’m a good friend.
Sassenach: The best! Go save them, my gallant lad!
I huffed a laugh and turned my focus back to Louise. “It was quiet today.”
“Mmmm.” Her eyes were closed, her face relaxed under the sun.
“Whatever happens with Charlie, you’re going to be fine,” I said, using my most reassuring tone.
I decided to join her and close my eyes for a bit, but an elderly woman and her daughter came into view. “Well, don’t blame me for that,” I murmured and nudged Louise, who opened her eyes, saw the patients, and shot me an accusing glance.
“Hello,” she said as she turned back to the women, and we both rose from the bench.
Who knew what waited for us once we got back to normalcy. For now, we had work to do.
Chapter 54
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lifestylejournaling · 6 years
Masterlist of Lifestyle Journal Ideas
I was going to post images with each listing, but 100 pictures on one Tumblr post was quite a task. So, if you’d like to see examples of any of these, I am adding them to my Pinterest Board which can be found [here].
1. Books To Read- Color them in as you go! Or make a fun list of them and check them off one at a time. 
2. All About Me- Make doodles of things you love, add quotes, draw yourself!
3. Future Log- There are so many ways to make this page. Please do some research to see which would work best for you
4. Movies To Watch- Pretty self-explanatory, but there are many ways to do this page too
5. Skills To Learn- Jot down all the things you want to learn
6. Important Numbers and Addresses- In case of emergency of course. Also, be careful what you put in this part for your own privacy reasons
7. Year In Pixels- Honestly, one of my favorite pages
8. Fonts, Banners, and Frame Ideas- For practice and to choose from when you are having trouble being creative
9. Snail Mail Log- Keeping a list of people who you want to send letters to
10. Savings Tracker- It’s always fun to see how much you have saved up
11. TV Series Tracker- Keep track of all the shows you still need to binge
12. Monthly Challenges- I know I haven’t been helpful with this lately, but you can always search for challenges on my page
13. Music Playlists- A list of songs that describe you, your goals, things you love, etc. 
14. Timeline of Your Life- This was hard for me to make. My life isn’t all that exciting
15. Inspiration Page- Fill it with quotes, pictures, memories, etc. 
16. Self-Care List/Ideas- I posted many lists like this on my Pinterest if you want more ideas
17. Monthly/Yearly Memories- Look back on all the good and bad things that you’ve gotten over and endured. 
18. Sleep Tracker- See how many hours you get each night. This also works well when paired with number 7. 
19. Me Time Log- Keep track of how many hours you spend with yourself. We all need to learn to love on ourselves a little more. 
20. Tiny Adventures- Go out of your comfort zone and go on some tiny adventures like reading in public, talking to a stranger, giving people compliments, etc. 
21. Word Tracker- For those who are writers who like to procrastinate
22. Daily To-Do List- This can be done on your weekly pages or you can make a page specifically for daily sticky notes. 
23. Blog Post Ideas- Got an idea, but you’re not at your computer or have what you need for your post? WRITE IT DOWN
24. Fitness Log- Keep track of how much and when you work out or stretch or do yoga or and of those fun physical activities. 
25. Food Log- If you’re trying to lose weight or just get healthy or just want to track your food intake for fun, this is for you! 
26. Meal Prep- I love how cute and helpful these pages can be. 
27. Gift Lists- Ever see something and say to yourself, “Man, ____ would really like that”? Keep a list of things people would like so that you don’t worry about it when it comes to holiday time or birthdays. 
28. Grocery Lists- Every time I go shopping, I forget something because I didn’t write it down. 
29. Goals- Oh, yes! It’s 2018. We need some goals. Monthly, weekly, daily, YEARLY. Just get some goals and aim for them. 
30. Recipes To Try- I see nice recipes all the time on Facebook, but I never think about them again after I keep scrolling. It’s bad. 
31. Daily Affirmations- Give yourself some compliments and some emotional support
32. Business Plan- Make yourself a good businesswoman or businessman or businessperson in 2018. You got this. 
33. Birthdays- Keep track of all those important people in your life that need to be remembered on their special day. 
34. Work Hour Log- Sometimes we don’t keep track of all the things we get paid for. Actual work, babysitting, photography jobs, writing jobs, pet sitting, house sitting, etc. 
35. Wishlists- Not so you can #treatyourself, but so that you can make note of things you really want. 
36. Gratitude Log- It’s always good to have a moment of gratitude with yourself. Make it a monthly challenge if you need to!
37. Quotes- Your own, friend quotes, celebrity quotes, author quotes, and lyrics. 
38. Illustrations and Doodles- Doodling helps you keep your mind fresh and ready to react quickly to situations. 
39. Jokes- Your own, ones you heard, ones you read, etc. 
40. New Discoveries and Interesting Facts- Find a new interesting fact? How about that lemonade is basically Sprite in almost any other country than America?
41. Travel Log- Places you want to go! There are so many ways to do this, so look up different versions before starting!
42. Family and Friend Favorites- Their favorite colors, animals, stores, places, hobbies, etc. 
43. DIY Projects- Things you want to try out someday. 
44. Chore List- Keep track of when you do your chores so that your house doesn’t become disgusting or dusty. 
45. Bucketlist- What do you want to do before graduation, moving out, marriage, having kids, etc. 
46. Story Ideas- I always come up with story ideas and then when I sit down to write them, I blank. 
47. Period Log- For people with periods that have many PMS symptoms or even PMDD symptoms. This is a great way to show your doctor all of the things you go through each cycle. 
48. Words That Make You Happy- Silly words, ugly words, words that are fun to say, etc. 
49. Things That Make You Happy- People, places, and things. 
50. Monthly Habits- Water intake, cleaning, bathing, exercising, reading, etc. 
51. Story Titles- This can be titles for books, short stories, poems, or just nice sounding titles for anything. 
52. Made Up Words- I make myself laugh with all the words I make up on the daily. 
53. Follower Counter- This page keeps me inspired to keep doing what I love. 
54. Index- Always have an index for easy access to the pages you want to find. 
55. Icons- Sometimes we need to have icons to make our pages pretty. Sometimes we make too many icons and never use them (me). 
56. Packing List- For those who travel often or stay at friends’ houses more than our own, it’s good not to forget the things we need. 
57. Morning Routines- Our bodies need routines for mornings to get us ready for the day. 
58. Nightly Routines- Our bodies need routines for nights to prepare us for sleep. (see what I did there?)
59. Weight Tracker- If you’re struggling with your weight, keep a chart tracker or add your daily weight to your calendar. 
60. Pen Test Page- If you get new pens, highlighters, or markers, its best to test them out before using them. 
61. Brain Dump- Sometimes we just need to jot down ideas or thoughts. It’s okay if they don’t make sense. 
62. Spending Log- Keep track of what you spend because you might need that someday. 
63. Water Tracker- HYDRATE
64. Habit Tracker Reward System- This is something I came up with myself, so if you have questions, message me!
65. Name Lists (For Babies and Stories)- Keep a list of cool names for characters or even future babies. 
66. Looking Forward To...- Birthdays, holidays, raises, pay days, vacations, etc. 
67. Compliment Lists- Make a list of your go-to compliments, your favorite ones people have given you, etc. 
68. Level 10 Life- Please look up what this is before jumping into it!
69. Pet Care Log- Keep track of how much you do with your pets. Walks, play time, park time, play dates, baths, etc. 
70. Achievements- What have you done that you are proud of?
71. Weekly Log- Keep track of your week. This is one of the most used pages in any bullet journal honestly. 
72. Monthly Log- Another overly used page in any bullet journal. Very important. 
73. Daily Log- I don’t do this too often, but I know it helps others who really need a whole page for each day. 
74. Bill Tracker- This was fun to make and something I will be using now
75. Income Tracker- How much and how frequently do you get paid?
76. Deadline Page- Prepare yourself for things that you need to get done. Do not procrastinate this year!
77. Vocabulary Practice- Sometimes we just need to educate ourselves on our own terms. (and with our own terms. Anyone? Anyone?)
78. Doctor Appointment Log- If you don’t want to add them to your calendar or they are too far out to add to the calendar you’re using. 
79. Username and Password List- Be careful with this page. If someone finds your bullet journal, this could be bad. 
80. Monthly Cover Page- These are so cute! I just started doing them, but they make my journal so artsy and pretty. 
81. Dream Log- This is a fun one. Track your dreams. This would be good to line up with how many hours you get as well. 
82. Favorites List- What are YOUR favorites? Movies, snacks, drinks, subjects, people, colors, animals, etc. 
83. Habits To Break- Do you bite your nails? Quote The Office too much? Throw clothes into piles on your floor? STOP THAT. 
84. Small Things That Matter- Puppies, getting up in the morning, pennies, smiling at yourself, laughter, etc. Remind yourself that there is good in the world. 
85. Things To Sell- Get rid of the things you don’t need. Or make things to sell! Be prosperous this year. 
86. School Schedule- High school and college students really need this. Even teachers do too. Make a chart of your classes, room numbers, buildings, and times.
87. House Projects- Things that need fixing or improvements around the house. 
88. Day Trip Ideas- Fun places to go when you have the time. 
89. Things I Am Bad At- It’s okay to admit our shortcomings and work on them. Or just accept them for what they are. 
90. Resolutions- YES! Make yourself this better this year. Be the best you. 
91. Crochet/Knit Log- When making a blanket, small items, or just keeping track of your improvements in your skill. 
92. Future Planning- Make a list of the things you want in your future and how you plan on getting them. 
93. Quirk List- Ever notice you do small little weird things? Make a list to appreciate who you are. 
94. Who Borrowed What- Sometimes people borrow things and you forget until you need it again. By then, they threw it out or gave it to someone else. 
95. Six Word Stories- Get those creative juices pumping. 
96. Love Yourself- Write down all the things you love about yourself. Appreciate yourself. 
97. Paying It Back- Honestly, a good page to have, but it doesn’t get much attention from me. 
98. Childhood Dreams- We should always try to look back on what we thought we wanted
99. Good Deed Ideas- Ever think “wow, wouldn’t it be great if I could _____”?
100. Mind Mapping- There are a few reasons I really enjoy this, but it really helps me get my thoughts and ideas out more easily
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Katherine au (part 2)
@djinmer4  @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
N/A: Ok, I want to confess here. Kitty is not based on Danny(Game of Thrones) but I can see some similarities here. It was an accident.
Living with a necromancer is not how Kitty was picturing, then again, she´s not his prisoner. Not in the technical sense. Kitty often prays for the conflict to be over and prays for the X-men to be alive and well. Sometimes, she ponders about her motivations and asking guidance for Zaorva for such path.
Maybe, she thought privately with the Godness in her mind, if I had stayed in my small island and closes my eyes...this wouldn´t happen.
But….it wouldn´t be you if you did that.
“Didn´t anyone told you is rude to spy on people praying?” Kitty asked not turning her back. She can feel when he´s near.
“I know, but, you're so focused, for a moment, I thought you were trying to cast a spell” Kurt replied and once Kitty rose from the floor, the man enters in her chambers, amused that Kitty is giving him such glare.
“Is also rude to be entering in a woman´s chambers like that” speaks letting her mouth twist in upside smile. And as programmed, a dragon flies by, a purple one, looking at Kurt as if he can roost the man.
People have only two reactions once seeing Kurt. Fear or love. Fear can be in many varieties and the same goes with love, however, Kitty has one emotion now. Indecision as if ...she is planning on burning him.
It wouldn´t work, of course, but still, Kurt has to admit it has been centuries since anyone gives a gaze like that.
As the dragon is safely on her shoulder the bemused expression returns. Now, Kurt is curious.
“I came here to see how you are, you missed your meal” Kurt explained and now Kitty is surprised. “I forget about...oh, I´m sorry, I was praying and speaking with Zaorva” Kurt did shiver a little at the mention of such deity´s name “and I lost track of the time”
Kurt did take pity of such a statement and give more news regards the fight. Turns out the X-men are doing alright, the campaign is progressing alright. Kitty gives a sincere smile and praises Zaorva.
“I´m sorry for lost the meal, but, please, don´t enter in this room without my consent” Kitty speaks and Kurt likes how she gives orders around him. Normally, even the woman who he brings home(the few ones who are brave or dumb enough for that) are very meek in front of him.
“I apologise greatly for this mistake” Kurt speaks amused and the dragon has his golden eyes narrowing at him “would like to eat with me?”
Ororo just return from her mission. The necromancer may be a friend but he´s still her boss and ask for Bloodstorm to check a rumour, to her great joy, said rumour was a lie and she punished the responsible for that. She did fix her face as she enters in the great dinner room. Hank is there to greet her as always.
“Hello, my love” Ororo speaks in a nicer tone. Finally, that mission is over and she can relax “did Kurt blow something up?” is a joke but it has a bit of seriousness too.
“I think Kurt is a bit smitten by the dragon rider and wants to impress her” Hank explained and Ororo shakes her head “does he knows she wants to conquer 3 of the 7 kingdoms?”  Hank shares the same look at Ororo “we are talking with the worst detective ever, of course, he is not putting 1 and 1 together”
“So, he´s not even curious to know about the princess the people of Avalon whisper and wait for?” Ororo asked crossing her arms.
“Bold of you to assume Kurt even know that those 3 kingdoms use to belong to Avalon and it was split by a powerful empire back then and the 3 kingdoms are a political hostage in this new formation.” Hank explained and Ororo can say safely he likes history “Avalon is the only or one of the few countries with a matriarchal system and it was defeat by a greedy man who wanted to erased Avalon and its culture”
“Until...Kitten arrives” Ororo finishes having an admiration for Kitty. Her dream to unite the 3 kingdoms to its original motherland Avalon is a nice dream, however, dreams sometimes can be only dreams.“Kurt is really the worst detective in the world”
“Yes, he is” Hank answers for her.
“Do you eat with your zombies?” Kitty asked remembering watching some of his zombies lurking around and doing the chores.
“No, that would be silly, do you want with your dragons?” Kurt counter asked and Kitty nods “yes, of course, I´m the one with the dragons ...why I wouldn´t eat with them?”
Kurt stops and looks at her. She´s not joking as the dragon look directly at Kurt. Well, he can´t judge much.
“Oh, don´t judge me, dragons can be more polite than humans” Kitty speaks freely as she pets the dragon, Lockheed (that´s the name she uses) and looks back to Kurt.
“Well, I hope to be a better companion than a dragon” Kurt speaks in good humour and Kitty smiles mischievously.
They eat as one of his human servants(Kurt noticed how the human was afraid of the dragon and Kitty and ...why?) serve the food and leaves in a hurry.
“So, how long do you reckon I may be here?” Kitty asked politely and offering a plate to Lockheed, who in turn, does not need any plate.  The purple dragon is eating the fruits that are twice his size. Kurt watches as his mouth morphs to be able to chew the food.
Am I competing with a dragon?
“Asking the immortal necromancer advice regards war?” Kurt asked amused. “Only if is free…” Kitty replied gazing into his eyes.
“Well, the enemy may have the stealthy advance. The Skrulls can be anyone, however, they have to face the X-men who once defeated Satan, and no...that´s not a euphemism to me” Kurt then explains the strength and weakness of each side in such eerie detail that Kitty wonders if Kurt did fight with them at some point.
“Overall, the X-men have 95% of chances of winning” Kurt stated “then I shall pray for the 5% to not happen”
“Praying is a futile thing to do” Kurt states and Kitty send him a glare, too mischievous and mysterious(oh, people never dare to have secrets from him. How interesting) “look at Cerulium for example, praying for their heroine to set them free to the 7 kingdoms formation” Kurt speaks in such disdain tone.
“Cerulium, Morgana and Celesta all used to be united with Avalon ...until it was conquered and tried to strip away from their culture and roots” Kitty speaks a bit stronger than intended “ and inquisitions were made, racial cleaning was created to erase the traces of Avalon, yet, it still alive as the first day and the said heroine will unite them together once again”
Kurt blinks not understanding why she's so passionate. She's from Avalon, but, they don't have the resources to do such feature, even if the X-men helps them(which is unlikely as the X-men can't face the 7 kingdoms and they don't have the money to pay Kurt to do so)
“It will be a difficult task” Kurt starts to speak but Kitty interrupts him “but it can and will be done” she looks so fiercely at him and for a moment...Kurt was sure she´s a dragon too.
“Well, if you insist” Kurt drinks his wine. Remembering the words of his student. You look so much like a villain drinking wine like that. “ you think your heroine can do such a task?”
“Yes, I believe I can. it's poetic justice, a man split Avalon apart and a woman will unity them, pass me the wine?’’
Kurt is processing what he just heard. Woman achieve power in several forms and ways, but, being a conquer and unity kingdoms? That's new for him.
You're interesting. I think you pique my interest, Katzchen.
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