#anti baeddel
✅ Holding trans men accountable for transmisogyny
✅ Holding trans women accountable for transandrophobia
✅ Holding binary trans people accountable for exorsexism
❌ Fucking misgendering fellow trans people
❌ Making fun of fellow trans people’s bottom/top surgery and talking about how “gross” it is
❌ Not letting trans people talk about their experiences
❌ Being transphobic as fuck and then going “well they did it first!”
❌ Excusing any of the above with “well I’M trans so it’s ok for ME to do it”
None of us have it “better” or “worse” than one another. We’re all being killed. Fighting won’t help anyone unless we’re fighting against our oppressors together.
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craycraybluejay · 5 months
"You should be separated from a majority of people you can find community with and harass anyone that's not enough like you! This is how you protect yourself!"
^is exactly the same argument nazis used to break up alliances between their victims, same argument conservatives use to try to break the queer community, same argument racists use to try to break racial solidarity with oppressed races other than your own... come on now. Y'all aren't really letting yourselves fall for that.. right?
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tryhardrat · 2 years
dont start that shit on twitter too
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cyberatioum · 4 months
How can you be a trans woman and use a terf-like talking point to justify the exclusion on transmasc from gay male spaces ?
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imhoser · 5 months
Instead of calling baeddels TERFs, I think it’s better to add one more letter in—TMERFs.
Transmasc Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
That’s who they literally are, they deny any discussion on how transmascs are affected by misogyny by stating we experience “male privilege.” That’s denying us a chance to better our lives through feminism, as they deny the effects of misogyny on our lives after we begin to transition. They repeat the same tactics as TERFs, whittling down every complaint of ours as us simply being men who want to butt into their space.
The exact same abuse so many transfemmes face, some turn it around on us because people don’t inherently “learn” from suffering. Suffering people can perpetuate further abuses onto others.
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Not Benjanun Sriduangkaew
When anti-transmasculinity meets a wannabe cult leader:
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Explore Algizia’s ramblings here.
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If you want to understand where common bad intercommunity takes on transness come from, you need to understand transmedicalism and baeddelism.
And when I say understand, I mean where these ideas come from, not what is sympathetic. Because no, truscum and radfems are neither reasonable or sympathetic.
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amateur-art-critic · 8 months
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"queer afabs" aren't victims of TERFs, huh?
So we're just gonna ignore how "queer afabs" are demonized for being too feminine, demonized for being too masculine, infantilized if we're trans, treated like we have hysteria if we're trans, told we're mutilating our bodies when getting gender affirming surgery, mocked if we look like "queer-eotypes" (blue hair and pronouns etc.)-- (I could go on but I think you get the gist.)?
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pallpokipoki · 2 months
When baeddels claim that trans men oppress cis women, they don't sincerely hold this (absurd) belief, it's simply another tactic to:
A) isolate trans men from cis afabs, thus undermining any potential solidarity that might form between these groups (and this is part of a larger effort to break afab solidarity in general)
2) gain even more power in queer/feminist/progressive contexts over trans men, power that they'll use to further control and marginalize trans men.
3) obscure how patriarchy functions and transfems' actual sex class position within the patriarchal system.
4) generally obscure what baeddelism is really about
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Remember, baeddels don't target trans men because they see you as men but because you're afab and therefore, in their eyes, a latent terf threat that must be dealt with (i.e subjugated to amabs), just like cis women and other afab people. Their targeting is just adaptated to the social/feminist/lefitst/etc context of your specific gender identity category (as they adapt it to other afab groups) but it's ultimately based on the fact that you're afab.
Baeddel "misandry" towards trans men is just a deceptive facade, a cover for their amab supremacist projets (i should add that many baeddels themselves are not fully aware that they have amab supremacist ideas). Their general goal is to increase amab social, political, control over afabs because they perceive us as a latent terf threat, once you understand that this is their underlying (conscious or not) motive, you'll understand many of their behaviors, discourses, inconsistencies, absurdities etc.
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yearning-mlm-hours · 1 year
Begging the online trans community to understand that their euphoria and someone else's dysphoria may be the same thing, and that's okay! But no one else is responsible for the things about yourself that make you dysphoric. You can't expect trans people to stop being gnc or having fun with their presentation because you feel that you can't. However, you can talk to drag kings and queens and find ways to use their methods to affirm yourself. Have facial hair you want to add/hide? Makeup. Self-conscious about your lack of hips? Foam and shapewear. Transness is a beautiful and powerful thing and if you ever find yourself resentful of other trans people's joy, consider reconnecting to reality and finding your own joy.
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Why do you believe transandrophobia exists
Because I’ve faced it.
I was there when the Baeddelism “movement” took Tumblr by storm. I didn’t have an online presence then, but I watched it all happen from the outside. If you want more information on Baeddelism I recommend checking out @/baeddel-txt for both testimonies from former members and many, many examples of the harassment they perpetuated.
The whole “transandrophobia doesn’t exist bc nobody hates masculinity” is bullshit. Talk to ANY butch lesbian ever. Talk to ANY black man ever. If you belong to a minority, your masculinity is a threat. It’s dangerous. It’s used against you.
The “transandrophobia implies ‘androphobia’ exists!” is also bullshit, because we’ve changed it so many times and yet it’s never good enough for people. Even saying “anti-transmasculinity” gets you shit. Hell, that post I made where I didn’t even use the word “transandrophobia”, just “transphobia against trans men”, got me an angry anon calling me a horrible transmisogynist.
Also, it’s a combination of “trans” + “andro” + “phobia”, not “trans” + “androphobia”.
Even if this isn’t all enough for you, you have to acknowledge that discrimination among minorities does very among gender because the patriarchy effects everything.
Conclusion is that discrimination doesn’t follow “rules”.
Real life experiences are more creditable than your “rules”.
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craycraybluejay · 5 months
Really strange flavour of ideology where you love pedophiles but hate trans men and mascs to death
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zo1nkss · 8 months
I've noticed some ppl confusing "truscum" and "transmed" ideologies recently. Very fair, they're basically broken off the same brand of transphobia, but there are some notable differences that are important to recognize bc not all truscum are transmeds and not all transmeds are truscum.
I actually ID'd as a truscum and not a transmed at one point so I'm p qualified to explain this, it's not actually that deep but I think knowing the difference in ideologies will be helpful to ppl trying to fight against them.
Basically its like this:
Transmed: All trans people, binary or not, MUST physically transition to be real trans people.
Truscum: There are only binary genders and everyone else is faking to get oppression points.
As I said before, not all truscum believe ninary people MUST transition, and not all transmeds believe non-binary IDs are invalid. That said, there's a LARGE amount of overlap to the point where even some of those ppl genuinely don't know the difference anymore.
And again, they're two different sides of the same transphobia. Its not really anything but policing who can be trans and how they can express it. Just thought this might help!
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cyberatioum · 5 months
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You can explain this phenomenon without including the idea that transmisogyny is the fulcrum of patriarchy (and therefore that anti-tmasculinity is a secondary oppression that will only be abolished with the abolition of transmisogyny). Positioning transmisogyny as the root of patriarchy is, i'll repeat it again, a fundamnetal idea of baeddel belief system.
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Here we go again with attempts at coercion - "it's the only solution" - no it's not. The other solution is to recognize the interrelated and convergent relationship between anti-tmasculinity and transmisogyny without rehabilitating the idea that one oppression is more serious, more important while the other is secondary (that's what "transmisogyny as a fulcrum" theory does) and simultaneously opposing bioessentialism. You know, it's possible to not hierarchize transfem and transmasc oppression, it's possible to develop a theory that doesn't frame one of them as the fulcrum of the other or of patriarchy. I'm sick of this level of dishonesty.
You are misrepresenting our alternative solution(s) to terf radicalization when you claim that we propose the idea transmisogyny and anti-tmasculinity are opposed to each other and based on ASAB (when we insist that they are connected and mutually reinforce each other and are based on how you are gendered by your environnement). It's another misleading description of our solution(s) that is intentionally made to push us to embrace the baeddel alternative (''transmisogyny as the fulcrum'').
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imhoser · 5 months
Anti-transmasc logic:
Saying cis women can have a problem with misogyny in their community while recognizing not all are misogynistic: good ✅
Saying transmascs can have a problem with misogyny in their community while recognizing not all are misogynistic: good ✅
Saying transfemmes can have a problem with misogyny in their community while recognizing not all are misogynistic: you are The Transmisogynist ❌
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