#anti Julie-Su
inserthumanname · 10 months
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Finally, IT'S DONE. When i heard that there was supposed to be an anti-Chaotix group but they only went as far as calling them the Orderix i was like "well don't mind if i do" and these guys are the result, maybe i'll do an individual page for each. Also that "D" gave me more trouble than a letter should have.
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dracarialove · 1 month
📄F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read chapter 1
[Chapter 2: Betrayal]
Rouge sat on the plush white living room couch, fiddling with a communication device while a random dramedy played on the television. Knuckles came down the stairs, doing up a navy blue tie, and hesitated when he saw her.
He'd hoped to slip out while she was washing dishes, but reluctantly approached the back of the couch to tell her goodbye. He leaned over the bat's shoulder and planted a sweet kiss on her cheek before straightening his posture.
"Bye, babe," he said nonchalantly, Rouge smiling as she turned to look at him. "I'm going to work."
"Work?" the confused woman repeated, watching him walk to the front door. "It's almost sundown!"
The echidna stopped at the mahogany entrance, one mitted hand on the doorknob. He replied over his shoulder, "Yeah... my boss is on a kick of working away from the office; he held a whole meeting about doing performance reviews on a more personal level."
He hesitated again, wanting to leave the excuse there as he squeezed the doorknob. But Rouge was staring at him, perplexed and expecting further clarification. "It's stupid, um... but he's the boss, you know? Kind of a weirdo, so I didn't want him coming here – I offered to let him do my performance review at the apartment."
"Oh," his fiancée replied, mulling over the explanation for a second. Then she smiled, allowing the echidna to let out the breath he'd been holding. "I guess there's nothing wrong with a little change. Strange, but I can't say it's the weirdest thing I've ever heard."
Knuckles chuckled, turning the doorknob. "Gotta go. Love ya."
She returned the sentiment and waved goodbye, her man quickly stepping out and closing the door behind him. Placing the communication device on the glass coffee table, Rouge stood from the couch, then turned off the TV and went into the kitchen.
She picked up her cell phone, thinking about calling Blaze for an evening chat. Before she could open the contact, a stack of papers sitting on the kitchen table caught her eye. Looking them over, it seemed to be a business contract, stapled and stamped, with Knuckles' signature at the bottom.
Figuring he would need it for work, Rouge picked up the stack and placed her cell phone back on the kitchen counter. Walking over to the front window, she could see that Knuckles' red BMW was already gone from the driveway, so she grabbed her keys and went out to her own car.
Stepping into her cherry-scented white Corvette, the bat predicted that she would be able to get the contract to him before his boss arrived – intending to wish him luck before she returned home. She admired the way her engagement ring twinkled as the sky darkened.
When she got to Knuckles' apartment, she parked next to his car, noticing a gray convertible sitting in the space on the other side of the BMW. It made Rouge raise an eyebrow as she exited her car, knowing that the convertible belonged to Julie-Su, one of Knuckles' coworkers. The bat had only met her briefly when she'd picked up her fiancé after an office party, so seeing the vehicle next to his struck her as suspicious.
'Maybe she lives in the complex somewhere,' Rouge thought, trying to justify it as she approached the stairs that led to the echidna's door.
Though she attempted to quiet the nagging voice telling her that something wasn't right, she also took each step cautiously, placing her weight on the balls of her feet to avoid clicking her heels against the metal.
The worried woman was tense, her fingers unconsciously bending the stack of business papers when she spotted a 'Do Not Disturb' sign hanging from Knuckles' doorknob. She almost immediately grabbed the knob, but stopped and leaned forward to extend one large ear near the door.
She heard his voice, low and muffled. Then a chuckle – a womanly chuckle. The bat's heart raced, her face flushing hot as jealousy rushed through her in an instant. She gripped the doorknob, pushing before it was even fully turned.
The door opened loudly, and she caught the two echidnas pulling away from each other as Knuckles gasped. Julie-Su's hand was resting on his knee, and there was a light smudge of pink lipstick on the redhead's lips.
Rouge's grip on the stapled papers tightened again, crumpling them in her palm as her eyes angrily darted between the pair. Julie-Su's eyes were large, staring at the bat in confusion while she removed her hand.
Knuckles' face twisted into an expression of horror and guilt. The betrayed woman couldn't find her voice for a moment, her gaze finally sticking to Knuckles and causing him to speak up.
"R-Rouge," he stammered. "Uh, w-what are you doing here? I-"
Her growing rage pushed her mouth to speak before she even knew what she wanted to say, interrupting the echidna with a raised tone. "How dare you! We're engaged!"
She thrust her left hand forward, flashing the ring – Julie-Su stared at it, her mouth agape as Rouge continued. "And you're having an affair?!"
While Knuckles nervously stuttered to conjure a response, the pink echidna blinked and her expression instantly turned to anger. She whipped her head in the cheater's direction, her long locks flicking around her body before settling. Pushing herself from the couch, she slammed her gloved fists against her hips and raised her voice, as well.
"Hold up, you're engaged? You said she wasn't your girl!"
Knuckles blushed in embarrassment, his tongue still too tied to reply. Julie-Su grabbed her purse from the floor and headed for the door, almost bumping into Rouge as she stopped and turned to him again.
"Lose my number," she ordered angrily, avoiding eye contact with Rouge as she walked out and stomped down the stairs.
"Wait, Julie!" Knuckles finally managed to shout, standing.
Rouge's expression twisted to one of disgust. "'Wait, Julie'? You don't give a fuck about me? I can't believe you!"
"Babe, let's just talk-" pleaded Knuckles.
She interrupted him with a scoff, dropping the papers and swiftly shimmying the engagement ring off her finger. "Talk? No, I've had it with you. We're through!"
Throwing the ring to the floor, she glared at him for a brief second before turning to leave. The bat struggled to tune out the excuses flying frantically from his mouth as he began walking around the couch. She slammed the door behind her, hopping off the balcony and gliding down to her car while Julie-Su pulled out of her parking spot.
By the time Knuckles reopened the door, Rouge was climbing into the driver's seat; she started the ignition while he leapt down the steps two at a time. Still seething, she refused to look up at him and jerked her car backwards, peeling away from the apartment in the opposite direction that Julie had gone.
'Bastard!' her mind shouted, the furious bat unable to hold back tears as she sped away. The rest of her thoughts were angry, jumbled, a flurry of incoherent emotions that forced rivers from her eyes while she tried to focus on the road.
Shaking, she gripped the steering wheel tightly and drove in silence – besides the screaming in her own head – until she reached a coffee shop where her foot dropped absent-mindedly against the brake. She swung her car into an empty space and sat parked, falling back against the black leather seat and staring angrily up at the sun visor. There were a couple of people sitting outside, so she didn't yell to herself like she wanted. Instead, she quietly cried it out, silently calling herself stupid and cursing Knuckles for his betrayal.
When her heart beat had slowed and the tears couldn't flow anymore, Rouge took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. She gathered the strength to sit up again, then flipped the sun visor down and looked into the attached rectangular mirror. Her eyes were still wet, teal irises shining back at her, and transparent streaks ran down her cheeks.
Beginning to collect herself, she reached into the glove compartment for tissues and gently wiped away the moisture. Then, glancing at the coffee shop sign, she sighed and flipped the visor back up. She decided it would be a good idea to go inside for a quick cup of tea, not feeling well enough to go back home just yet.
After ordering, the tired-looking cashier handed her the steaming cup and yawned the moment she turned around; Rouge took the hot drink to a two-person table nearby and sat for a while, ruminating between sips.
She was still shaking a bit, mostly staring at her own reflection inside the mug. Soon, a male hedgehog exited the back room of the shop and relieved the other employee, who promptly left while Rouge remained lost in thought.
The black hedgehog looked her way, noticing the bat's glum expression and finding it surprising that she was alone. He wondered what was bothering her, perplexed that a pretty young woman would be sitting in a coffee shop instead of partying at the nearby clubs.
The stoic man kept a subtle eye on her, eventually becoming curious enough to approach the lone patron. He quietly cleared his throat before rounding the counter.
"Hi," said the hedgehog in a deep, smooth voice.
Rouge looked up, caught a bit off guard, and was met with the most striking crimson eyes she'd ever seen. They were matched by red highlights along his silky black quills, his expression entirely neutral as he stood in a gray apron, white chest hair escaping the collar.
She straightened in her seat, subconsciously perfecting her posture while her gaze remained glued to his. The bat was a little embarrassed that she hadn't noticed him walking up to her; and she wouldn't have been in the mood to speak with him if he weren't shockingly handsome.
"Oh, hi," she responded, her tone shaky from the crying.
"Are you enjoying your tea?" he asked, looking down and pointing at the half-empty cup.
"Oh, yes, I am," Rouge answered, then noticed the nametag stuck to his apron. "Do you work here?"
She immediately felt dumb for asking, but the hedgehog didn't miss a beat in his response. "Yes, I've been here for a while. Truthfully, I only took the job so I could get free coffee. It calms me."
Rouge appreciated the softness in his voice; although not very chipper, his energy matched hers in the moment. All things considered, she found it friendly enough that he was talking to her, the sad bat feeling a bit grateful for the light conversation. Although she was too drained to smile, her eyes brightened a little more.
"Not a bad gig," she said. "Seems pretty quiet in here."
The hedgehog nodded and there was a moment of silence between them. His eyes drifted back down to her mug, and she got the feeling that he didn't know what else to say. Then he looked back up and took a step forward, extending his gloved hand.
"Shadow," he said simply, ignoring that she had already seen his nametag.
She reached out and pressed her palm against his, shaking a couple of times. He had a firm grip, and his hand was warm. "I'm Rouge."
"I'll let you finish your tea," replied Shadow, taking his hand back as she let go. "But maybe you could come by tomorrow."
He shrugged and added, "If you have the time."
Rouge's heart skipped a beat and she managed a faint smile. "I just might do that."
He nodded again, then returned to the counter just before another customer entered the building. The newly-single jewel hunter finished her drink – sneaking glances at Shadow while he worked – then offered a quick wave to him before leaving.
She felt a little more energized as she climbed into her car, then made the drive back home and confronted the question of what to do with Knuckles' belongings.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Federal Judge Gregory Presnell has placed a preliminary injunction on a Florida bill banning individuals under the age of 18 from attending drag performances. 
[Note: "Preliminary injunction" means that the judge has blocked the law from going into effect. The ban is temporary, and is designed to keep the bill from being enforced or applied while the bill goes through the appeals process, where higher-level judges will rule on whether they agree with DeSantis, or with this judge.
Given how incredibly overbroad the law is, previous recent rulings on these issues, and this judge's ruling in particular, DeSantis's government will almost certainly have a difficult time convincing any not-a-total-right-wing-crony lawyer that the law is constitutional. Because, in fact, this law is a huge violation of the first amendment, which protects freedom of speech and freedom of expression.]
The law, dubbed the “Protection of Children Act,” would allow “the Department of Business and Professional Regulation to fine, suspend, or revoke the license of any public lodging, establishment, or public food service establishment if the establishment admits a child to an adult live performance.” DeSantis previously said that drag shows, which are covered by the ban, “sexualize” children.  
In his ruling, Presnell sided with Hamburger Mary’s, a restaurant that hosts drag performances and sued the DeSantis administration, claiming that the restrictions implemented by the act were too broad and not only violated their first amendment rights but unfairly harmed their business. 
In a move the DeSantis administration likely did not see coming, Presnell cited previous laws passed by the Florida governor in his reasoning for placing an injunction on the law. Presnell wrote that the Florida government had failed to sufficiently narrow the breadth of the ban to prevent its unjust application and its “inevitable clash with the Florida ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights’ and other laws.” 
The “Parental Bill of Rights” was signed into law by DeSantis in July of 2021. The law, as quoted by Presnell states that “all parental rights are reserved to the parent of a minor child in this state…including…[t]he right to direct the upbringing and the moral or religious training of his or her minor child.” 
-via Rolling Stone, June 23, 2023
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batboyblog · 9 months
Two former librarians of the Sterling Free Public Library in Sterling, Kansas have filed a lawsuit claiming they were fired over a June library display featuring a rainbow symbol that was mistaken for a Pride Month display.
The library’s board fired library director Kari Wheeler and assistant librarian Brandy Lancaster on July 5 after library employee Ruth Splitter complained to the board about the display. Lancaster created the display as part of a national summer reading program with the theme of “All Together Now,” The Topeka Capital-Journal reported.
The display featured a rainbow infinity symbol, a logo often used by neurodivergent and autism rights advocates, along with a heart and the words, “We all think differently.” The display also featured a rainbow image of a child in a wheelchair and a quote from Black writer Maya Angelou that said, “In diversity there is beauty and strength.”
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On June 22, Splitter, a temporary summer library employee, complained about the display to Lancaster, saying she found the “gay Pride” symbol offensive and going into “an anti-LGBT diatribe” even though Lancaster explained that the infinity symbol represented neurodiversity and autism.
Splitter then complained about the display to Michelle Miller, vice chair of the library board. Miller reportedly told Lancaster that she could get her fellow board members to have Lancaster take down the display.
“I am totally fine with diversity of skin color display, just not represented with rainbow colors,” Miller texted Wheeler, the director, according to the lawsuit. “I do not want any kind of rainbow display especially in this month. We have a conservative town and as a library do not need to make political statements (see Target and Budlight as negative examples). I certainly do not want the library to promote LGBTQ agendas.”
Wheeler removed the display, thinking its removal would just be temporary until the board advised her on how to change it. Instead, two weeks later, the board decided that it had lost confidence in Wheeler and Lancaster and voted to fire them.
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Outside the California State Capitol last month, a fitness trainer turned school board president fired up the crowd at a parental rights rally, telling them they were all fighters in “a spiritual battle” for their kids and must answer the call from God.
Sonja Shaw, who was elected to the Chino Valley Unified School District board of education last November with an assist from a local megachurch and its Christian nationalist pastor, didn’t equivocate in naming the enemy: state Democratic officials who are challenging her right-leaning policies—and drafting laws that hinder book bans and protect teachers from harassment.
“Today we stand here and declare in his almighty name that it’s only a matter of time before we take your seats and we be a God-fearing example to the nation, how God is using California to lead the way,” Shaw crowed, adding, “We already know who has won this battle. You will be removed in Jesus’s name! You, Satan, are losing.”
Now Shaw is in the national spotlight in wake of her Chino school board passing codes that ban pride flags in classrooms and force educators to inform parents if their children identify as transgender—the first such policy to be passed in the state.
This summer, Shaw’s school board meetings, about 35 miles east of Los Angeles, became chaotic spectacles, ones that attracted the Proud Boys and other right-wing extremists and pitted them against students and parents protesting what they’re calling anti-LGBTQ practices that endanger children. When California superintendent of schools Tony Thurmond appeared at the July meeting in opposition, Shaw unceremoniously silenced him.
Weeks after state Attorney General Rob Bonta announced a civil rights probe into Shaw’s “gender disclosure” policy, his office sued the school board. Bonta said the policy violates the California constitution and state law, and would cause LGBTQ+ students, “mental, emotional, psychological and potential physical harm,” according to a press release.
Other right-leaning school boards across the state have followed Chino Valley Unified’s lead. Shortly before filing suit against the Chino board, Bonta issued statements denouncing the Anderson Union High School District, Temecula Valley Unified and Murrieta Valley Unified school boards’ decisions to pursue “copycat” anti-trans policies.
“These students are currently under threat of being outed to their parents against their will, and many fear that the District’s policy will force them to make a choice: either ‘walk back’ their constitutionally and statutorily protected rights to gender identity and gender expression, or face the risk of emotional, physical, and psychological harm,” Bonta said.
To concerned observers in Chino, Shaw’s tack is not unlike what’s happening at school boards across the country, with brawls over curriculum, social emotional learning, and the banning of books that focus on race and LGBTQ issues. Extremist groups like Moms for Liberty have spawned a mainstream narrative that public schools are “indoctrinating” children with “woke” ideology and into believing they’re a different gender.
But in Chino Valley, the school board’s new direction appears to be spurred on by a man behind the curtain: Shaw’s megachurch pastor Jack Hibbs.
Indeed, three of the board’s five members belong to his church, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.
At the Sacramento rally, Hibbs boasted of his congregation’s work in electing Shaw. Calling her a “true modern-day Deborah,” Hibbs said the soccer mom “heeded the call to run for the school board” and that “when churches get involved and get informed, people vote.”
God, Hibbs said, installed Shaw into her position.
“Get on your knees every night,” Shaw told the crowd. “All day I talk to him. People probably think I’m crazy, but I’m really just talking to God all day.” After reciting a Bible verse, she added, “I have looked demons straight in the eye and with God’s authority rebuked them back to hell where they belong.”
“You can do that too, trust me.”
Residents have long raised alarms about the school board’s religious bent. And Pastor Hibbs and members of his megachurch congregation appear to be more involved than ever in Chino’s public schools.
Last week, in an interview with right-wing provocateur Charlie Kirk, Hibbs said that he brought the policy language to the school board after Republican state Assemblyman Bill Essayli’s “parental notification” legislation died without a hearing.
“He came back thinking he was defeated,” Hibbs said. “What we did is that we read his bill and we took the verbiage from that bill and then introduced it to our unified school district school board and they voted and adopted the verbiage.”
“Guess what happened?” Hibbs continued. “We found out something, Charlie, that the most powerful politics is local…”
Hibbs then turned to Bonta’s lawsuit against the board, saying, “We’re going to take that on, we’re going to make sure that this goes to the U.S. Supreme Court.”
The pastor, who hasn’t returned messages left by The Daily Beast, wasn’t shy about his fight on the school board’s behalf.
Before he signed off, Hibbs told Kirk that children are “groomed” into trans ideology in the classroom and that schools want to “castrate your children” and “mutilate them.”
Ahead of the parental notification vote in July, Hibbs also urged people to flock to the fiery board meeting. “We’re asking people to show up by the thousands,” he said in a video announcement on the church’s Facebook page. “Please make it a priority.”
Meanwhile, Calvary Chapel has boasted on social media of collecting tens of thousands of ballots for state and local candidates endorsed by Hibbs. The church’s ballot collection, a practice it’s engaged in for years, is conducted with help from Hibbs’ political organization Real Impact.
A teacher in another district—who alleges she was fired for refusing to follow her school’s gender identity protocols—heeded Hibbs’ call. “I could no longer be both a Christian and a public school teacher,” she said at the board meeting. “Then I remembered what Pastor Jack Hibbs taught me, that the word of God says… that being a coward is a sin.”
Still, Shaw claims that neither she nor the school board follow Hibbs’ orders. “Absolutely not. No one has a direct line to Pastor Jack Hibbs. Pastor Jack has never said, ‘Hey, guys, I want you to bring this policy forward.’ Never ever did he do any of that,” she told The Daily Beast. She added, however, that she couldn’t speak on Hibbs’ involvement with the board of education prior to her election.
The mother of two daughters—a freshman and junior in high school—Shaw was a Bible study leader at another church before joining Hibbs’ Calvary Chapel Chino Hills about two years ago.
Last September, Shaw told the San Bernardino Sun that she wasn’t running for election on the behalf of the 10,000-member Calvary Chapel. “They keep calling me ‘the church’s choice.’ I’ve never met Pastor Jack (Hibbs). I’ve never been brought up on stage,” she said.
One month later, however, Hibbs introduced her at the pulpit, telling his Sunday service that “she’s truly going up against the machine” before leading a prayer for her victory. Shaw bowed her head as Hibbs lifted a hand in the air and declared, “She has decided, Lord, to take on the woke-ism that is attacking our children.”
Hibbs has emboldened supporters to fight progressive education bills and prop up Christian candidates. In his sermons, he has tearfully prayed on stage for Donald Trump to win the 2020 election, said COVID-19 vaccines would lead people into accepting “the mark of the beast,” and called “transgenderism” a “sexually perverted cult” and “an anti-God, anti-Christ plan of none other than Satan himself.”
On education, he’s claimed that he and his acolytes are “trying to rescue kids from a system that is sexualizing them,” that kids “come out of school questioning their gender but they don’t even know how to do simple math” and “are being raped by the public school system.”
Hibbs has also taken aim at California’s abortion protections, describing them as “Infanticidal Death Policies,” in a document circulated to his congregation in October 2022, just before Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s re-election.
“If God does not intervene in this upcoming election through His people, which has always been his MO, and, if Newsom has his way, then this will certainly be proof that judgment has begun in California if not the United States,” the document reads. It ends by encouraging followers to return their ballots to the church.
“We should be able to stand against the school board,” Hibbs said in May. “We should be able to stand against some teacher that is molesting your child—if not physically, in their minds.”
In July, Hibbs delivered a skewed history lesson claiming that some founding fathers “inherited” slaves but actually cared for them. “Before you call them rich white guys who were slave owners,” Hibbs preached, “you need to finish the sentence: They were rich white guys who were slave owners who clothed, fed, and in many cases took very good care of their slaves while at the same time juggling two worlds…”
The megachurch has also tried to meddle in Chino Valley public school classes and teachings. Calvary Chapel members once funded textbooks for an elective course in two public high schools on the Bible as history and literature and tried to alter rules for sex education curriculum.
The church also runs a Christian “Released Time” program, where public school students can duck out of class for weekly one-hour Bible lessons held in buses outfitted with tables and chairs. This program had a table at the district’s back-to-school night, and a volunteer in a Calvary Chapel Chino Hills T-shirt handed out candy and Bible coloring books.
“This is a national movement and it’s intentional,” former school board president Christina Gagnier told The Daily Beast. “I think Chino Valley is a cautionary tale.”
District parent Glory Ciccarelli condemned Hibbs’ words on slavery at the August board meeting, urging Black parents to leave his church and “wake up and realize that what our ancestors went through is slowly getting phased out of the curriculum to the point where our kids will eventually be taught that literal slaveholders were nice guys…”
Ciccarelli told The Daily Beast that her biggest issue with Chino Valley leadership is “the apathy they have for the Black kids in the district,” and that the board needs professional development training relating to race and culture and diversity in hiring.
But she believes that Hibbs’ influence over certain board members could derail any progress in the district. In addition to Shaw, two other school board members—James Na and Andrew Cruz—are also members of Calvary Chapel.
“Cruz and Na are quite literally acolytes of Jack Hibbs at this point,” Ciccarelli said. “In my opinion, everything they say and believe as it relates to the school board is basically something they have heard from him.”
Hibbs, she added, “reminds me of Jim Jones with the way he is so easily able to control so many people at the same time.”
At the July board meeting that attracted far-right extremists like the Proud Boys, some local parents pushed back against the church’s connections to the school board.
“Madam President, board, cabinet, and staff,” quipped one father of a queer child, “I didn’t know I came to church tonight. I thought it was a board meeting.”
So many citizens had signed up to speak, waiting in a line outside in 100-degree weather, that the board cut the public comment period from three minutes to one minute per person.
Lisa Greathouse, a local mom and former school board candidate, defended teachers against claims they were “indoctrinating” and “grooming” kids. “Make no mistake,” Greathouse told the auditorium, “what this board is pushing through now is just the tip of the iceberg. They are taking their cue from their megachurch…”
Outbursts from hecklers interrupted the proceeding, which had a heavy police and security presence. Speakers from out of town and from Calvary Chapel preached about God and the Devil, facing off with parents and students who warned Shaw and her board they would have blood on their hands should the “outing” policy pass.
One moment in particular was so explosive it made headlines: Shaw excoriated Tony Thurmond, California’s state superintendent of schools, who’d asked her to reconsider the policy about notifying parents if their children identified as trans. He said it might run afoul of student privacy laws and jeopardize kids who “may not be in homes where they can be safe.”
Thurmond wasn’t finished with his remarks, but Shaw cut him off for time like she did anyone else. “Tony Thurmond,” she seethed, “I appreciate you being here, tremendously. But here’s the problem: We’re here because of people like you. You’re in Sacramento proposing things that pervert children!”
After Thurmond tried to continue, Shaw yelled into her mic that she wouldn’t let him “blackmail” or “bully” her district. Video of the scene showed Thurmond exchanging words with a group of cops before walking away.
In a statement, Thurmond told The Daily Beast that a group of concerned students contacted him about Shaw’s proposal, and he rearranged his schedule to be there. “Let’s be clear about these policies—a small group of anti-LGBTQ+ politicians like Ms. Shaw believe they have the right to dictate when and how students and their families talk about their sexual orientation or gender identity,” Thurmond said. “They are trying to turn our public school educators—who are already overworked and underpaid—into the gender police.”
“Choosing when to come out and to whom is a deeply personal decision that LGBTQ+ young people have the right to make for themselves.”
Ashlee Peters, the parent of a child in the district, watched the scene unfold. “As an educator and as a mom, you just sit there and go, ‘I can’t believe this is happening in my community,’” said Peters, who has been a public school teacher for 22 years.
Peters was also in line when far-right activist Bryce Henson, who also goes by Ben Richards, walked around trying to bait people into reacting on camera. “He would come up to you and be like, ‘I just want to talk to you, why can’t we just have a conversation about this?’” It was a sneak preview of the testimony to come.
Inside, people proselytized and spewed hatred, calling LGBTQ people “terrorists” and warning “demons are after our children.” Richards called transgender, Black Lives Matter and Juneteenth flags flying outside his San Diego school district a symbol of “systemic radical leftist indoctrination." One mother ended her speech with, “As Jason Aldean would say, ‘Well, try that in a small town.’”
When it was her turn, Peters warned that the “outing” policy would “create a hostile environment” for LGBTQIA+ students and that the board’s “reckless pursuit of personal agendas” could bring about “expensive lawsuits.”
The atmosphere was so tense that security escorted a person out who put hands on someone else, Peters said. “It seriously feels like I’m in some sort of weird dystopia,” Peters told The Daily Beast. “I don’t know how this happened because it does not feel real.”
Peters believes that what’s unfolding in Chino Valley Unified is a wake-up call to monitor school board elections. “I just didn’t think it was going to happen in my community because I live in California,” she said. “I feel relatively safe living in a blue state—that religion wasn’t going to suddenly take over my public school system, and it has.”
Even though the involvement of Hibbs and his megachuch in local public schools has been center stage in Chino Valley this year, it’s a battle that’s been brewing for at least a decade. Back in 2014, the Freedom from Religion Foundation filed a lawsuit on behalf of parents in Chino Valley over prayers and Bible readings at school board meetings, arguing these practices “constituted an establishment of religion in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments.”
The prayers and Bible verses were being led by Calvary Chapel members James Na and Andrew Cruz, who were elected to the school board in 2008 and 2012 respectively.
According to the prayer lawsuit, Na once told spectators of a school board meeting that their “lives begin in the hospital and end in the church, and urged everyone who does not know Jesus Christ to go and find Him.” In 2013, Na sent out a letter to school district “family member[s]” that referred to Hibbs with an excerpt from “Pastor Jack’s Christmas story.”
“The community is going to rise and create a war chest to help you,” Hibbs told the board in 2016 in the midst of the legal battle, though a crowdfunding drive affiliated with the church apparently never delivered. A school board spokesperson previously said that funding was intended to bring the case to the Supreme Court.
A federal judge ultimately ruled in the parents’ favor, and the board lost its Ninth Circuit appeal, leaving the district with $282,000 in legal bills.
This apparently hasn’t stopped Cruz’s Christian commentary. In April, he went on a rant wherein he said that if he were governor, he’d mandate citizens be trained in firearms and that, “I do love one man, I really love this man, and that is Jesus Christ. It’s in my head.”
Since his election, Cruz has especially ignited parents’ ire and weathered calls to resign as a result of his offensive remarks and chemtrail conspiracy theories. In 2015, Cruz said mothers who don’t vaccinate their kids are wrongfully vilified while “illegal aliens” bring infectious disease to America. In 2018, Cruz infamously said that “it wasn’t Hitler that was bad, it was the people that follow the laws and the agenda” while discussing “parents rights.”
That year, Na and Cruz (and Hibbs) proposed that parents have the ability to opt kids out of sex-ed discussions on gender identity, sexual orientation, and discrimination—and for schools to notify parents when a transgender student uses a locker room or shower. Those measures failed.
Na is also not without controversy. Aside from his religious musings at the board, he’s also been accused of trying to recruit at least one student to Calvary Chapel.
At a June board meeting, a statement was read on behalf of Esther Kim, who was the panel’s student representative in the 2021-2022 school year. “In sophomore year, I met Mr. Na through a personal phone call where his school board role and my school were acknowledged,” Kim said. “During an unrelated conversation, he attempted to persuade me to go to his church.”
Federal law explicitly prohibits churches from engaging in political campaign activity.
Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, where Jack Hibbs is pastor and school board member Sonja Shaw is a parishioner, should immediately have its tax exempt status revoked under 501 (3)(c).
File a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service HERE. Email the completed form to [email protected].
Specific info for the IRS form:
• This church's EIN (Tax ID #) is 33-0419808.
• Address: 4201 Eucalyptus Ave, Chino, CA 91710
• Complaint Against: Jack Hibbs, Pastor
• Date Of Violation: April 19, 2023
• Description: Pastor Hibbs held a political rally outside the California State Capitol in opposition to a specific bill pending in the legislature. Also published a notice in the church newsletter soliciting attendees for this political lobbying rally under the headline, "California Lobby Day: Stop AB 2223."
• Evidence #1: Political Lobbying Violation on the church's newsletter (include link)
• Evidence #2: Archive.org snapshot of the newsletter article (include link)
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
On Friday, the US Chamber of Commerce issued an open letter to President Joe Biden imploring him to appoint a “mediator” and force through a tentative agreement between the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) and the over 22,000 dockworkers in the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU).
In the letter addressed to Biden and acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su, Suzanne P. Clark, the CEO and president of the Chamber, wrote that the group was “very concerned by the premeditated and disruptive service actions that are slowing operations at several major ports along the West Coast.”
Beginning last week, and continuing through this writing, dockworkers at several West Coast ports have refused to show up to work after it was revealed that the PMA was proposing an across-the-board $1.56 “raise” for dockworkers, well below the rate of inflation. The fury of rank-and-file workers across all three tiers, A, B, and casual, prompted the ILWU, worried that workers would take matters into their own hands, to unofficially authorize job actions that led to the near-shutdown of major ports and terminals.
Dockworkers have been laboring on 29 ports, from Washington to California, without a contract since last July, while the PMA and ILWU have been negotiating in secret for 13 months. These secret negotiations, Andy, a Los Angeles-area dockworker told the WSWS, have left him and his coworkers “frustrated...we don’t know what is going on. We have no say in anything, it is outrageous.”
Commenting on the long hours that dockworkers put in during the pandemic, and the “thanks” they have received so far from the PMA, Andy said, “Me and a lot of other people got over 2,000 hours. We didn’t step out of line, we did everything they asked. The PMA are talking about not giving us enough retroactive pay, that insulting $1.56 pay increase.”
On Friday, June 9, the PMA issued another statement confirming that while job actions had lessened at the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland, the “Ports of Seattle and Tacoma continue to suffer significant slowdowns as a result of targeted ILWU actions.”
The PMA asserted that the ILWU was refusing to dispatch lashers, leaving ships idle and resulting in “a backup of incoming vessels.”
Terrified at the prospect that these limited actions could spiral into a “serious work stoppage at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach” that “would be devastating to...businesses,” Chamber Commerce CEO Clark, on behalf of Wall Street, urged Biden “to appoint an independent mediator to help the parties reach a voluntary agreement.” Clarke wrote that this “step is necessary to avoid potentially billions of dollars in economic damage to the American economy.”
Raising the prospect of invoking the anti-union Taft-Hartley law against dockworkers, and possibly deploying soldiers in the case of a strike, Clarke added that Biden should “consider additional steps that may be necessary in the event of a widespread work stoppage.”
This is the third statement issued by a major big business lobby over the last week calling on Biden to intervene in the dockworker negotiations, on the side of capital. On Monday, representatives from the National Association of Manufacturers and the National Retail Federation also called on the White House to impose a contract on dockworkers.
While Biden himself has not directly commented, his actions last year show that the self-declared most “pro-union” president is more than willing to run roughshod over workers’ democratic rights in order to satiate Wall Street’s unquenchable hunger for profits. Furthermore, high-level officials, in his administration and outside of it, have made clear that the White House has been actively involved in the dockworker negotiations from the outset.
In an interview on CNBC on Thursday, Gene Seroka, the executive director at the Port of Los Angeles, confirmed that the same labor officials who blocked a railroad strike last year, and subsequently dictatorially forced through a rotten pro-company agreement rail workers had already rejected, were again intervening in the contract talks.
“Here’s what’s been happening,” Seroka said. “Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su has been working with both sides, individually and collectively, trying to keep these talks moving.” Su was the deputy labor secretary under Marty Walsh last year during the railroad betrayal.
“Julie and her staff have been working tirelessly, not putting out press releases or coming on TV. They are talking with both sides to keep this progress moving,” Seroka continued, adding, “From the secretary of labor’s seat, this continues to be a top priority.”
While he claimed not to know the exact details, Seroka confirmed that the major conflicts in the contract remain pay and “robotics.” Seroka noted that during the pandemic, “Dockworkers were out on the job six days a week.” The ILWU has confirmed that at least 43 members died of COVID-19, no doubt a significant undercount.
While dockworkers were risking infection and death to move cargo, the companies have pulled in record profits. Shipping giant Maersk, one of several companies represented by the PMA, posted $30.9 billion in profit in 2022. And while shipping rates have declined from their 2021 highs, last month Maesrk still reported a first-quarter profit just under $4 billion.
In interviews with WSWS reporters on Thursday, Los Angeles area dockworkers reflected on the precarious and dangerous character of their work, the hated tier system, which was negotiated in by former ILWU President Harry Bridges in the 1960 Mechanization and Modernization agreement, and the need for dockworkers to unite as a class against the major corporations.
A casual worker said that she has been “a casual for 19 years. I need four more years to make it to Class A. It’s been a long, long time, and we don’t have any rights. My brother is an A man, we were always taught in our family to get union jobs, but things are very tough these days. It’s stressful. I had an accident last month because I had a seizure, which was caused because I was so angry with my boss.”
Commenting on the anti-Asian sentiment that has been whipped up by both big business parties as part of the war drive against China, the dockworker said she was “against all this anti-Asian violence and hate. They are trying to blame Asian people for all the problems, trying to pit worker against worker. We are all facing the same problems.”
A longshoreman who has been a Class A man for 15 years noted that the ILWU along the West Coast had yet to conduct a strike authorization vote nearly a year after the contract expired. “The Canadian longshoremen are having strike authorization votes [Thursday] and Friday. That’s important because the PMA was trying to use the Canadian access from their ports to railways to Chicago and back East to reroute shipping since West Coast longshore have been carrying out job actions here.”
Commenting on the miserly $1.56 raise, a pay cut in real terms, given that inflation in California is over 7 percent, he said, “For us here, I wasn’t happy about that tiny raise the PMA is offering us.”
In a message to other dockworkers, Andy warned about the ongoing conspiracy between Biden, the ILWU and the PMA. “They are all just oligarchs. Biden is doing the same thing Trump would do. The same thing George Bush would do.”
“It really is an international struggle,” he added, “That’s why the internationalism is so important. I mean if me, and all the other dockworkers in the world, got together and decided we weren’t going to move cargo until our demands were met? That would be amazing.”
The fight to link up workers in a joint struggle against the major international carriers requires the development of rank-and-file committees, controlled by the workers and independent of the ILWU union bureaucracy.
Workers cannot let the initiative remain in the hands of the ruling class and its state! It is urgent that workers begin communicating among themselves and coordinating actions to counter the conspiracy between the companies and the Biden administration, assisted by the union apparatus.
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bizarrequazar · 10 months
GJ and ZZH Updates — August 13-19
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
08-13 → Second anniversary of 813.
→ Fox Factory posted a bonus clip from their interview with Gong Jun. [subbed video]
08-14 → Hogan posted four photos from their Qixi commercial featuring Gong Jun that was released the previous week. (1129 kadian)
08-15 → The clothing brand GXG posted then quickly deleted a photo ad of Gong Jun, announcing a livestream for 08-29 at 16:40 (kadian!). It's assumed that this was a mistake, as no endorsement with them has been publicly announced yet.
08-16 → The Instagram posted six photos of "Zhang Zhehan" in his native habitat (airports).
→ HZ Baobao, one of the scam's million brands (the one with the ugly leopard mascot), posted an ad announcing sunglasses made in partnership with Zeiss, a high end lens company. Within a few hours, Zeiss responded to a post on Weibo made by a Zhang Zhehan anti, denying involvement and saying they would be taking action against the unauthorized use of their name. HZ Baobao hid the listing for the glasses shortly after, then reposted it with the references to Zeiss removed. Whalers proceeded to harass Zeiss on social media.
→ Gong Jun allegedly sued 100 antis including 34 whalers, with one of the whalers having made posts insinuating that Gong Jun had involvement in 813. The lawsuits are unconfirmed at the time of this post.
08-17 → Gong Jun posted a commercial he did for Hogan. (1129 kadian) This was reposted by Hogan.
→ Hogan posted four photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun's studio posted six behind the scenes photos of him from the Hogan shoot. Caption: "Seasons go by, and inspiration is throbbing. @ Gong Jun Simon moves with his heart, releasing the free and easy autumn."
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin of behind the scenes footage from the Hogan shoot. Caption: "Ready for... @ Gong Jun Simon autumn!" BGM is Why Mona's cover of Wannabe.
→ QuelleVous posted a Twitter thread about Yajing (a livestream host who worked with Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun a number of times in 2021), explaining connections she has to Songcheng and the scam. In July 2022, Yajing posted a photo of herself wearing slippers from the EHz.Z brand only to delete it shortly afterwards when fans mass-unfollowed her, later telling marketing accounts that she was attacked by Gong Jun's fans. QuelleVous' findings suggest that Yajing was involved with the scam early on but likely backed out because of this. Follow ups: [1] [2]
08-18 → Flora began translating an article about money laundering in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. On a similar note, a family from Mainland China were arrested this week for involvement a billion dollar money laundering scam. If you want to know why all of this is relevant, refer to the roughly twenty companies registered by the scam gang within the last year.
→ The Instagram posted eight photos of "Zhang Zhehan".
→ Gong Jun posted nine scenery photos. Caption: "Chasing the sky. ☁️" (in English) He also posted ten photos to his Instagram with the same caption, including four that were not included in the Weibo post. The photographer Sheng Sheng left a comment on the Weibo post complimenting his photography, which he replied to, and his studio reposted the post with the added caption: "The handsome photographer awakening the Chinese bloodline @ Gong Jun Simon is on the line" Fan Observations: - The Instagram post was made at 14:43, the same time that Gong Jun made a post on that date in 2020. The date was the anniversary of the BAZAAR joint photoshoot; it is not known if the time has a specific significance. - One of the photos (below) is of a streetlight at sunrise, recalling the line from Zhang Zhehan's unreleased song Running To Meet You, "hurry to see you before the streetlights go out." 🥺
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08-19 → Hogan posted four photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
Additional Reading: → N/A
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Efforts to advance mental health in Brazil must continue
After a prolonged period of dismantling, the principles of psychiatric health reform appear to be resurging at the forefront of policies in Brazil. However, there is a substantial amount of work ahead to undo the setbacks that have occurred, writes Outra Saúde
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On July 3, during the 17th National Health Conference, Brazilian Minister of Health Nísia Trindade announced and signed a decree to resume funding for Therapeutic Residential Services and Centers for Psycho-social Attention. These are the cornerstones of promoting mental health in the Unified Health System (SUS). The announcement took place in the presence of other secretaries of the Ministry of Health, including Sonia Barros, head of the newly created Department of Mental Health, in a strong show of the commitment to improve the right to mental health through better public policies.
However, according to Fernanda Magano, psychologist and member of the National Health Council, there is still much to build and confront. The field of mental health has been strongly affected by the advance of conservatism in Brazil. Ideological and religious groups often use their anti-drug moral discourse to mask specific economic interests, as seen in the so-called Therapeutic Communities. Besides the announcements made during the National Health Conference, this year will be marked by the 5th National Mental Health Conference, which could be a turning point in the production of public policies related to mental health.
“The Conference will be an important moment to reaffirm all the public policies that we defend, including care in freedom, without imprisonment. At the same time, some issues are being processed in the National Justice Council (Conselho Nacional de Justiça, CNJ), specifically those related to ending custodial hospitals and penitentiary treatment, with prisoners to be transferred to the health network. This will remain a hot point in the debate,” Magano said to Outra Saúde.
Read the full interview below.
Continue reading.
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Russia reduces Su-75 'Checkmate' costs to win the sale of the fighter in India
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/07/2024 - 21:05in Military
Russia's effort to improve the fifth-generation Sukhoi Su-75 'Checkmate' single-engine combat aircraft program is facing some obstacles. The project cannot move forward with state funding alone. Last year, potential partnership discussions with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were started. Now, the opportunity to become a partner of India has come to the table.
ROSTEC reported substantial cost reductions in the Su-75 project, attributing them to certain "technical changes". These changes were influenced by the "feedback from a potential buyer" that led to decreased costs. Without any official confirmation, some sources suggest that India could be this potential buyer, as the Hindustan Times said.
Retired Indian Marshal Anil Khosla, in a recent interaction with the media, raised some significant points. He mentions caution, requiring that a detailed cost-benefit analysis be made by New Delhi before making any commitments. He also adds that it is essential for India to strategically assess whether a mutual pact can extract more benefits for India. Any decision must produce favorable results for both parties involved.
Interestingly, India is currently working on its own advanced jet fighter. The ambitious fifth generation combat aircraft (FGFA) project is already underway and New Delhi is heavily invested in its success. From the perspective of Indian defense and industry, can a potential alliance with Russia, a complex geopolitical partner, compromise India's local project?
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Unmanned version of the Su-75.
However, this did not dissuade Russia. They are committed to seeking help for the Su-75 Checkmate project. Although India remains on the list of potential partners, Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade, says that Moscow is also keeping an eye on other foreign customers. The update of the aircraft's layout, control and weapon systems based on customer feedback has led to certain modifications.
It is worth remembering that ROSTEC recently presented the Su-75 at the World Defense Show 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as a way to attract the interest of potential partners or customers in the region. Russia has continuously expressed the importance of the Middle East in the development and trade of its armaments.
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Sukhoi (United Aviation Corporation, UAC) is currently working on the first functional prototype of the Su-75 Checkmate. The plan is to be ready later this year, with tests scheduled from next year. They plan to offer the Su-75 Checkmate in three variants: a single-seat, two-seater and unmanned aircraft. All versions were patented in July 2023.
According to the UAC, improvements are being made to a new anti-radar coating paint scheme that aims to increase the aircraft's stealth performance. They made an announcement earlier this year, revealing that they had obtained a patent for the scheme. The vision, according to Russian UAC engineers, is to camouflage the aircraft so well that not only does it become difficult for radars to detect it, but also for the human eye, under cloudy weather conditions, has difficulty detecting it.
Sukhoi Aircraft Company, part of United Aircraft Corporation at ROSTEC, revealed the Light Tactical Fighter Checkmate at the international air show MAKS-2021, held in Zhukovsky, near Moscow. The foreign launch of this new model took place at the Dubai Airshow 2021, in the United Arab Emirates. Essentially a derivative of the fifth-generation Su-57 fighter, the new warplane is developed in an innovative way by the state-owned technology giant, Rostec.
Tags: Military AviationCheckmateIAF - Indian Air Force/Air Force of IndiaROSTECSu-75sukhoi
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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saltywinteradult · 11 months
One of the few shows still shooting is HOUSE OF THE DRAGON, as you may have read. That’s true. I am told the second season is half done. ALL of the scripts had been finished months before the WGA strike began. No writing has been done since, to the best of my knowledge. HOT D is shot mostly in London (and a little bit in Wales, Spain, and various other locations), which is why filming has continued. The actors are members of the British union, Equity, not SAG-AFTRA, and though Equity strongly supports their American cousins (they have a big rally planned to show that support), British law forbids them from staging a sympathy strike. If they walk, they have no protection against being fired for breach of contract, or even sued.
((Honestly, I was shocked to hear that. One of the two major UK political parties, Labour, has its roots in the trade union movement. How in the world could they have allowed such anti-labor regulations to be enacted? Seems to me that Labour Party really needs to do a better job of protecting the right to strike)).
-GRRM, Not A Blog, July 22
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Sonic Prime AU: The Acorn Sisters (2023)
[Note: Don’t Reblog Without Permission] 
Credit for Sonic The Hedgehog goes to Sega
Credit for Sonic Prime Series goes to Sega & Netflix
Credit for Archie-Sonic The Hedgehog Comics goes to Archie Comics
Credit for Genesis Wave goes to Ian Flynn
the idea is that when in the Fanon Timeline, when the next genesis wave happens, it isn’t like the last few genesis waves...and it is nothing like the super genesis wave.
because it is also mixed with the paradox prism....
which makes it a Paradox Prism Genesis Wave....
and while it does end up bringing back Julie-Su and some other Echidna,
it also rewrites both Julie-Su and Knuckles’s genetics and history, making it so that those two aren’t blood related at all, but Julie-Su’s half-siblings will still be her half-siblings...
and as for Dimitri and Edmund, I want to go with that they could be Step-Brothers in the Fanon Timeline....but in the canon timeline, they would still be biologically related brothers...
in the Fanon Timeline made by the Paradox Prism Genesis Wave,   
Knuckles’s Dad will be the one that appears in that Sonic Movie 2...
meaning that the Fanon Timeline will be a mix timeline of Archie, IDW and Sonic Prime...as well as the movie timeline.
meaning that in the fanon timeline made by the paradox prism genesis wave...
Sonic’s adoptive parents are Tom and Maddie Wachowski, and if Manic and Sonia are there as well, then they would be Tom and Maddie’s adoptive kids as well.
the paradox prism genesis wave would not only bring back people, zones and dimensions that were erased from existence, as well as do slight rewrite for Knuckles and Julie-Su...
but they could also bring back a old version of someone, like Sally Acorn.
because the merging timelines and only slight alterations...
there are two versions of Sally living in the same timeline, one who still has feelings for Sonic, but knows that he might not feel the same anymore, and will be okay with just being friends...
and the other being the new version who has feelings for Nicole.
I think it would make sense that the New Version of Sally, who I’m just gonna called “Nelly” (and I was originally going to call Reilly before, as it shows in the drawing....but then decided to add the name Nelly in there.) might be sapphic.
the original Sally, could be Heteroromantic or Heterosexual, while the new Sally who ends up with a cool Dad named King Nigel Acorn, is Sapphic.
it could also turn out that Original Sally’s family, the original ones....
couldn’t be placed in the timeline and new dimension that she was placed in,
so they had to be placed with a copy of herself in a clone timeline of the archie sonic’s mobius.
and Sally ends up having her own genetics rewritten and becomes the new Sally aka Nelly’s sister, who has the same first name as her...
but the two have two different middle names....
I know that the new version of Sally wasn’t really given a middle name,
so in the Fanon Timeline, her middle name is Eleanor...
which works for her nickname being Nelly.
it could turn out that both Sally and Nelly’s Mother (King Nigel’s Wife.)
was alive and wasn’t dead, well in the original timeline she was, but in the fanon timeline she is very much alive, but her name isn’t Alicia.
while King Nigel names the new version of Sally, Princess Sally Eleanor Acorn,
his wife and queen, ends up naming their other daughter, Princess Sally Alicia Acorn....
the Anti-Mobius also returns as well, and it be nice if we could just call Princess Alicia from that world as “Ally” for short....well it does seem that is one of her nicknames anyway....
those who are brought back by the paradox prism genesis wave, might not know they were gone, as in “gone-gone” and have no memory of being erased from existence, like them only remembering what they were doing before it happen.
Princess Sally Alicia Acorn, when she is brought back she could of at first be in the new timeline where she and her other self are now sisters...
but then she ends up falling into New Yoke City.
the Sonic she meets, is not the one from her original timeline or even the new merged timeline, but she could still end up helping him try to fight the Chaos Council and help everyone in New Yoke City.
while Sally has a home to go back to, even if it is a merge timeline and alternate version of her old home, and the new version of herself is now her sister, and the new version of her Dad seems even more different than her original one, and not just because of his name being King Nigel Acorn instead.
Princess Sally Alicia Acorn, could end up having mix memories of the original timeline, as well as the memories of the other timeline that was made when she was replaced with a new version of herself, and then having other memories of the new fanon timeline, that has her living with her mother the Queen, and not knowing about her sister or her father Nigel Acorn.
some of the memories of her original timeline, could start to merge with the new timeline, and some memories of her old world start to fade.
it could turn out to upset her, that she has forgot some parts of her original world....and one of those being of  Ken Khan, as some of those memories have become very blurry to her now, as well as his name.
all she can remember that there was someone else she had feelings for besides Sonic, but the image of them had become very blurry in her memories and she can’t even recall their name either, and whenever the name starts to be said in her memory, it comes out as static and maybe what sounds like how Gaster from Undertale, speaks in wingdings. 
when I can, I will draw the Sally on the left again...
she is suppose to be wearing a mix of her original outfit, with a new outfit.
she is suppose to be wearing a shirt, shorts and tights with her original outfit, so a little bit of something old and new.
anyway I know this wouldn’t be canon, that is why it is a fanon that is a crossover between different timelines...                                   
anyway even though I did draw this on May 13, 2023...
I had to make some last finishing touches on May 14, 2023 before I posted it.
anyway this is a Fanon idea, so no need to take it seriously or the wrong way.
but the Sally on the left (my left of course...) is the one who ends up falling into a Sonic Prime AU, and right into New Yoke City.
and ends up meeting another version of Sonic, who also ends up falling there as well.....and just like Sonic, it is possible Nine will have to make something for Sally, to stabilize herself in the new reality she is in and even when she goes to other realities as well, that is in the shatterverse.         
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sonicgirlsmackdown · 11 months
Sonic Girl Smackdown Round 2: Archie Edition! :D
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Schedule for when rounds will take place to be out soon!
Matchups under the cut c:
Left Side:
Relic the Pika vs. Chibi Rose
Fiona Fox vs. Dulcy the Dragon
Princess Undina vs. E.V.E.
Thunderbolt the Chinchilla vs. Ella (sonic x)
Anti-Sally/Princess Alicia vs. Frances (sonic x)
Bunnie Rabbot/Bunnie D'Coolette vs. Gae-Na
Cinder the Pheasant vs. Hershey St. John/Hershey the Cat
[Cinder/Hershey] vs. Gold the Tenrec
Coral the Betta vs. Ivanna Robotina
Hope Kintobor vs. Jani-Ca
Jian the Tiger vs. Julie-Su
Lara-Su vs. Lady Agnes Hopkins
Pearly the Manta-Ray vs. Leeta Wolf
Sally Acorn vs. Lien-Da
X-Robot (sonic x) vs. Lupe the Wolf
Abyss the Squid vs. Lyco Wolf
Belle D'Coolette vs. Mari-An
Bride of Constant Vigil vs. Matilda the Armadillo
Bride of the Conquering Storm (pre-SGW) vs. Megan Acorn
Bunker the Tortoise vs. Melody Prower
Right Side:
Breezie the Hedgehog vs. Nephthys the Vulture
Nicole the Holo-Lynx vs. Nikki the Lynx
Saffron Bee vs. Opal the Jellyfish
Mecha (M) Robotnik vs. Payback Fox
Bernadette (Bernie) Hedgehog vs. Sally Moon
Cassia the Pronghorn vs. Princess Amy
Clove the Pronghorn vs. Queen Alicia Acorn
Echo the Dolphin vs. Queen Angelica
The Iron Queen vs. Rosemary Prower
Lara-Le vs. Rosie the Woodchuck
Mina Mongoose vs. Sallactor
Rosy the Rascal vs. Sasha Cat
Wendy Naugus vs. Scarlette Rabbot
Abby the Koala vs. Shadow the Hedgehog
Alexis Acorn vs. Sonar the Fennec
Blade the Shark vs. Sonia Acorn
Bride of Rich Nights vs. Sonia the Hedgehog
Bride of the Endless Reach vs. Thorn the Lop
Buns Rabbot vs. Uma Arachnis
Carrotia vs. Zouge the Bat
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skrooy · 2 months
Sonic Crack Ships
So lately I've been going through a Sonic phase though its mostly a Tails phase if im being honest with myself. I've been trying to watch all the Sonic media and read all the Sonic comics that I can while playing a few Sonic games here and there. So my messed up brain came up with this stupid idea. What if I put every version of every canon Sonic characters from all Sonic media into multiple rounds of the hunger games simulator until only ones left. So I did that and even though I literally did it yesterday I already forgot who won I just remember it was something stupid. I also did it with all the diffrent canon and AU versions of Tails I could find and the winner was actually Tails from Sonic Boom. But anyways im getting off track where im going with this is that today while I was doing nothing lying in bed my brain came up with an even more messed up idea. What if I put all the Sonic characters not including the humans into a random wheel picker on Google to form a bunch of crack ships. So I did it for every character on the wheel. I now have a list. And I have decided to post this list because I find it funny. And I dare people to draw a couple from this list together or make a short cute crack story about one of these ships. And if you do please send a link to me. Ill die laughing if anyone does this. Sorry if I misspelled some names. P.S. I tried to put pictures on here for each character but I couldn't figure out how. I already have a part 2 for this in the works with even more characters.
Rosy the Rascal x Dark Doom
Scourge the Hedgehog x Trip the Sungazer
Mephiles the Dark x Silver Sonic
Ray the flying Squirrel x Rouge the Bat
Espio the Chameleon x Whisper the Wolf
Sage x Metal Amy
Storm Beard x Tumble the Skunk
Tiara Boobowski x Duck Bill Platypus
Cat (from Sonic Freedom Fighters) x Sonar the Fennec Fox
Hangry x Johnny Lightfoot
Gaia (Light, Dark, or both) x Megan Acorn
Tangle the Lemur x Silver the Hedgehog
Thrash the Tasmanian Devil x Sails
Thorn Rose x Vector the Crocodile
Monkey Khan x Fang the Jerboa
Jack x Tikal the Echidna
Prim x Chip
Werehog Sonic x Blaze the Cat
Nicole the Holo Lynx x Catfish
Knuckles the Dread x Sonic the Hedgehog
Zector the Zone Cop x Metal Tails
Wave the Swallow x Morian Blackthorn
Infinite the Jackal x Mighty the Armadillo
Vermin the Cybernik x Super Mecha Sonic
Porker Lewis x Zails the Zone Cop
Geoffrey St. John x Nazo the Hedgehog
Metal Sonic 3.0 x Manic the Hedgehog
Rocket the Sloth x Eclipse the Darkling
Marine the raccoon x Metal Scourge
Sonia the Hedgehog x Red
Black Rose x Dingo
Metal Knuckles x Nine
Charmy Bee x Neo Metal Sonic
Zknuckles the Zone Cop x Knuckles
Vanilla the Rabbit x Ebony the Cat
Rusty Rose x Perci
Mecha Sonic x Jet the Hawk
Bark the Polar Bear x Emperor Metallix
Mangy x Amy Rose
Sally Acorn x Griff
Fleetway Sonic x Tails the Fox
Bean the Dynamite x Zonic the Zone cop
Nasty Hyenas (the whole group) x Sticks the Badger
Metal Sonic x Stripes the Tiger
Batten x Storm the Albatross
Fiona the Fox x Cream the Rabbit
Anti Tails x Shade the Echidna
Bunnie Rabat x Shadow the Hedgehog
Antoine x Zooey the Fox
Sonic.exe x Jules (yes I know this is Sonics dad in the comics)
Ifrit x MinaMongoose
Rocket Metal Sonic x Tekno the Canary
Avatar x Big the Cat
Zantoine the Zone Cop x Gnarly
Chaos x Rotor the Walrus
Bunny Bones x Anti Sally
Zouge the Zone Cop x Zespio the Zone Cop
Denizen 1998 x Tails Doll
Mecha Knuckles x Honey the Cat
Rebel x Sleet
Knucks x Pseudo Sonic
Solaris x Zally
Nack the Weasel x Athair
Ball Hog x Carrotia
Grand Battle Kuku 15th x Lupe the wolf
Roxy the waiter x Lien-Da
Number 16 Speedy x Alicia Acorn
King Max Acorn x Bearenger
Lawrence x Burning Blaze
Elias Acorn x Fiest the Panda
Ari x Roller
Sallybot x Queen Aleena
Da Bearz (both of them) x Fockewulf
Julie-Su x Dr. Finitevus
Ms. Possum x Catty Carlisle
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ok this will sound weird but,,,thank you for sharing your thoughts on the sonic archie comics 🥺 I always want to talk about mine as well and share my ships but I get worried of getting dunked on by antis lol
if you don’t mind asking, what other ships from the comic you like aside from mighty x ray and snivegg?
Hey, that's okay! And very understandable, for the record
Hehe I definitely don't mind answering! It's like ahsbsbns so many though 😂
So definitely Snivegg and Mightray as you already mentioned
Lienouge (Lien-da x Rouge)
Julouge (Julie-Su x Rouge)
Sallamy (specifically well into the comic or like post the sgw)
Minally (Mina x Sally)
Minacole (Mina x Nicole)
Geofflias (Geoffrey x Elias)
I do like Geoffrey/Sonic (but I most enjoy it when Prince Elias is involved)
Espighty (Espio x Mighty)
Honamy (Honey x Amy)
Omegixit/Fixitmega (Omega x fixit)
SpeedJet (Speedy x Jet)
Eggwily/Wilegg (Dr. Eggman x Dr. Wily)
SonMega (Sonic x Mega Man)
Knuckles x Proto Man/Break Man
Rotommy (Rotor x Tommy)
Adails/Adamails (Adam the ai x Tails)
Shardlias (Shard x Elias)
Silvlias (Silver x Elias)
Lara-Su/Sonia (specifically the 25 yrs later timeline pre King Sonic's messing with the timeline)
Scourgiles (Scourge/Anti-Sonic x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Mileails/Taimiles (Tails x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Soniles (Sonic x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Fionic (Fiona x Nic)
I actually did enjoy Team Chaotix + Knuckles + Mighty as a ship pre SGW
Is there a ship between Sonic or Tails and that copy of Tails Mammoth Mogul made? Because if there is, then that.
Roseamy (Rosie the Rascal/Anti-Amy x Amy)
Mammoth Mogul x Ixis Naugus
Chuck Thorndyke and the scientist who made the shrinkray in the comic (He was like an old roommate/partner)
Razonic (Razor x Sonic)
Geoffilver (Geoffrey x Silver)
Metal Sonic/Tails Doll
Metal Sonic/Metal Tails
Metal Sonic/Metal Knuckles
Shardetal (Metal Sonic x Shard)
SonSpike (Sonic x Spike the porcupine)
Chaonic (Chaos x Sonic)
ChaoKnux (Chaos x Knuckles)
Strikeonic (Sgt Striker x Sonic)
Black Doom/Black Death
Mecha Sally/Nicole
Znively/Zobotnik (The variants of Snively and Eggman from the horizontal dimension of Zone cops)
Sonkhan (Sonic x Monkey Khan)
Monkey Khan/Tails
Bunnalicia (Bunnie x Alicia/Anti-Sally)
Muttails (Muttski/Ben x Tails, post SGW)
Sonic/Muttski (post sgw specifically)
Storm of Clovers (Clove x Conquering Storm)
Julamy (Julie-su x Amy)
Cuorb (Cubot x Orbot)
Sheriff D'coolette/Antoine's Father x Rob o the hedge
Dimitri x Eggman
Eggman x Dr. Light
Coral x Amy
Razor x Blade
Coral x Undina
I hope I didn't miss any since I put these ones down off the top of my head
Really, thank you for the ask! And if you'd like to ask about any ships I like specifically (headcanons/thoughts/whatever), or if there was a pairing you were curious if I liked in any capacity, feel free to shoot me another ask😊
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The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear an appeal from a Christian college in Missouri that sued the Biden administration over its decision to shield transgender people from housing discrimination.
At issue was a 2021 memo from the Department of Housing and Urban Development that interpreted a federal anti-discrimination law as protecting transgender individuals. The College of the Ozarks claimed that the guidance conflicted with its ability to make housing assignments for students on the basis of sex assigned at birth.
"College of the Ozarks brought this challenge for one reason: The Biden administration was attempting to force them to open their dormitories to members of the opposite sex," said Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel Julie Marie Blake. "Though the high court chose not to review this case, we are hopeful it will soon take up related cases....College of the Ozarks will continue to follow its beliefs."
Lower courts, including the St. Louis-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit, sided with the Biden administration on a procedural point last year, finding that the college did not have standing to sue, in part, because the government never attempted to enforce an anti-discrimination complaint against the school.
The 2021 guidance, the Biden administration told the Supreme Court in its written response in late May, does not by itself require the school "or any other housing provider to do or refrain from doing anything." The college, the administration said, "has not alleged any past, current, or threatened enforcement."
The Biden administration's memo was the result of a significant 2020 Supreme Court decision that bars discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County focused on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which explicitly prohibits workplace discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex and religion. A majority of the court held that sexual orientation and gender identity necessarily involve a person's sex. Because of that, they reasoned, the law prohibits LGBTQ+ discrimination.
The anti-discrimination housing provision of the Fair Housing Act uses language that is similar to what's in the workplace law, including an explicit prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sex.
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ejacutastic · 1 year
A Texas man, Marcus Silva, is suing three of his ex-wife’s friends for $1 million each, claiming that by helping her obtain an abortion medication, they engaged in a wrongful death conspiracy. Silva is being represented by Jonathan Mitchell, one of the architects of the SB 8 anti-abortion “bounty hunter” bill.
Text messages revealed from the lawsuit, showing that the woman was afraid Silva would use the pregnancy to force her back into a relationship, seem to confirm activists’ warnings that abortion bans will enable widespread domestic abuse.
The lawsuit describes a nightmare scenario faced by women across the country. The woman in question legally divorced Silva in February 2022. In July, she discovered she was pregnant with a child conceived with Silva. She reached out to friends via text for help.
Text messages from the lawsuit show that the woman was struggling with a crisis. If she kept the baby, her ex-husband would use it to force her back into the relationship she had just escaped. “I know either way he will use it against me,” she wrote.
“If I told him before, which I’m not, he would use it [to] try to stay with me. And after the fact, I know he will try to act like he has some right to the decision. At that point, at least it won’t matter though.”
Her friends texted, “Mistakes happen … You can’t spiral. Hopefully this is the slap in the body that you need to remove yourself from him.”
Further texts seem to indicate that the friends helped her obtain an abortion medication, for which she expressed her gratitude: “[Y]our help means the world to me … I[‘]m so lucky to have y’all. Really … I was stupid to be doing it all. I didn’t think this would happen since it hasn’t in 7 f—— years either. But it’s still on me. I know I f—– up. Not letting that s— happen again.”
Silva and his lawyer, Mitchell, did in fact “use it against” his ex as she feared by suing the friends for obscene amounts of money and claiming that they committed murder.
Under Texas’ extreme and layered anti-abortion laws, domestic abusers, anti-abortion activists and even complete strangers have a full legal arsenal at their disposal to attack abortion rights. People who perform abortion face potential felony charges of up to life in prison and civil penalties of at least $100,000. In addition, SB 8, the “bounty hunter” bill, enables anyone to sue someone for a minimum of $10,000 for performing or facilitating an abortion.
In Silva’s case, he is pursuing a different legal attack, claiming that the abortion is a murder and pursuing wrongful death civil penalties. Silva also intends to add the manufacturer of the medication to the lawsuit, a similar strategy to the lawsuit that may lead to the banning of abortion pills nationwide.
The government of Texas and anti-abortion groups are throwing every possible legal challenge at abortion, hoping to use these cases as testing grounds to unroll new mechanisms for stopping abortion across the country. At the same time, they are exporting their successful anti-abortion strategies — such as “bounty bills” — to be used against drag shows and LGBTQ people.
But activists across the state are not allowing this to go unchallenged.
Dora Orjel, of the San Antonio-based Mujeres Marcharán Coalition, exposed the dangerous ramifications for domestic abuse: “I am trying to wrap my head around where he finds justice in suing those who assisted his wife in getting the means to self-abort. This just shows how much control he had and continues to have over her.”
Rachell Tucker, an organizer with the Party for Socialism and Liberation, spoke out against the decades-long attack and the complacency of the Democrats, and named working-class self-organization as the way to fight back.
The rightwing has been launching an offensive on women for decades, but what’s worse is the Democrats have used our rights to abortion as a bargaining chip. They have refused to defend us. They have refused to codify and have continued to say they have our backs, but have abandoned us at the most crucial moment. They have left us to fend for ourselves. We must get organized, unify and fight — and that’s what we are doing.
For International Women’s Day on March 8, Mujeres Marcharán held a march that drew hundreds into the street to demand an expansion of abortion rights and LGBTQ rights, in addition to safe housing for all and public transportation, issues that affect all working women. In Houston, the PSL organized a women’s self-defense class; and in Dallas, PSL organizers held an event featuring poetry, speeches, live music, vendors and food. The event celebrated women and culture, but sharply connected the political struggles for women’s and LGBTQ liberation.
There is still a difficult struggle ahead, but the entire weight of Texas’ oppressive political and legal system has failed to stop the full range of rage, love, study and self-organization of grassroots, working-class feminists. All across Texas, la lucha sigue (the struggle continues)!
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