#another blog to unfollow i guess and people to block
peachyaliien · 10 months
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raayllum · 18 days
I’m sorry how is arc 2 not about aaravos? Everything about the show leads back to aaravos. The whole lore of the show is centered around aaravos. And it is absolutely titled the mystery of aaravos because it does plan on dealing with the mystery of aaravos in every possible way, and that has infact been confirmed by the showrunners on multiple instances. Aaravos is just as, if not more of a main character than rayllum in the ways that count because everything going on revolves around him. 
And since he’s an EXTREMELY important character, how is it not justified for fans of him to want more screen time of him? 
I’m sorry but not everything about the show revolves around rayllum and you shouldn’t call people out just for wanting to see more of their favorite character.
God forbid something about aaravos is actually about aaravos and not rayllum for once 💀💀
Actually I can and do call people out for wanting to see more of their favourite character when it causes them to be entitled / unfair to the broader story they want to tell. If you haven't been doing those things, then that post wasn't about you, but given the way you put your best foot forward here, I might go out on a limb and guess this might be behaviour you display sometimes, and it may be worth reconsidering.
As a bit of background:
My favourite character in a TV show was once a side character who was in 1/4 seasons, and one episode in the final season, and then he never showed up again. which was Okay, because he was a Side Character and it would've been pretty silly for the show to bend over backwards to include him more. Granted, there were opportunities (him and another character were travelling together, then she showed up at a Plot Relevant location without him and it was never addressed) but the show wasn't bad or wrong for not including more. I wasn't owed more screen time just because he was my favourite character, and while any character can Technically be Levelled Up for more screen time and plot relevance, sometimes characters are just there to serve more minor specific purposes, and that's Okay. It's all about adjusting your own expectations and not being an asshole.
Furthermore, given that I posted my personal opinion on my personal blog and only used my personal tags for it, you had two options for finding this post:
It got sent to you, presumably meaning you had someone else to be salty with in a private manner that would've been far more appropriate
You follow(ed) me, in which case you are more than encouraged to unfollow or block me if I have a post/opinion you find annoying or uncouth. Please do so rather than doing whatever This Is in my inbox in the future, it'll likely save you not only time but also embarrassment
The fact you thought going into the inbox of a Virtual Stranger and getting upset about me not thinking your favourite character is the Most Important Character in TDP Ever — because he isn't — in one (1) post is truly baffling to me in terms of 1) curating your internet experience and 2) interacting appropriately with strangers directly online. I've seen a lot of shit opinions in my day, and I vent in private to my fandom friends about it 99.9% of the time, thank you very much, or post about it in my personal tags on my own blog rather than making it someone else's problem.
In the nature of analysis / debate, though, let me clear what I meant considering 4+ people got their trousers in a twist about the idea that Aaravos isn't a main character.
That said, a few quick disclaimers: Aaravos is a very interesting character to me, and I like him a lot. I've written a fair bit about him in regards to how he's a thematic opposite to Harrow, his view of children, what I think happened to his chest piece, speculation on his banishment, his parallels to Finnegrin, his mythic connections to aspects of the Fae + Egyptian and Greek mythology, his foil relationship to Rayla, his characterization and motifs/symbols. So it's not as though I don't enjoy him or don't think he's important to the story. He is, he's just not a main character nor the most important. Moving on:
Secondly: it seems maybe my meaning of macguffin is getting misconstrued. A story Macguffin is a plot device that drives the story forward. Sometimes it's a character (R2D2 in star wars has to be transported from one dangerous location to safety because he has blue print plans), sometimes it's an object (the one ring, fetch quests, etc). Either way, the story is centralized around 1) characters competing for ownership or safe guarding of said person/thing and 2) through that competition or competing needs, the characterization of the main cast is revealed.
In Arc 1, Zym is the plot Macguffin. He overall has very little personality even once hatched beyond being sweet, occasionally helpful, and scared. He is the titular character, and his existence matters, but mostly because he serves as a motivational point for the characters. Claudia, Soren, and Viren want to stop Zym from getting back to Xadia; Rayla, Callum, and Ezran, want to help him get back.
Zym himself does not drive episodes forward. He rarely makes decisions that impact the main group. His existence or fears cause them to make decisions (they go looking for help because they dropped his egg; Rayla and Callum have to go after Nyx because she stole him) but he is not likewise making decisions for the group. S4 definitely levelled Zym up into him making 1) more independent decisions and 2) having more of his own interior feelings, particularly about his father, but Callum is the one who decides to send him up into the trees; Ezran is the one calling the meeting for Zym to come to Katolis. A couple of exceptions (he has a mini arc about his mom for 2 eps, he has an arc in s2 with Ezran) do not suddenly make Zym a "I'm making decisions that heavily push the plot forward every episode" kind of character.
You'll also note, if you actually read said post you're referencing, that I specified "'the mystery of aaravos' (esp these past two seasons)" and that I never mentioned lore, either, even if I have likewise written about lore extensively (one of my more recent metas on it was about 4.8k words on lore alone, for example).
Aaravos' plot impact was a lot heavier in S2 and particularly S3 than it is in S4 or S5, as he influenced Viren's decisions more heavily and eventually came into more direct conflict with the core protagonists. This is likewise reflected in Aaravos in S2 and S3 being in multiple episodes (half the season in s2, and almost every episode at least a little in s3).
Meanwhile in Arc 2, Aaravos could effectively, unknown to his pawns drop dead after giving Claudia her final instructions pre-S4, and nothing would be affected plot wise, because Arc 2 thus far has mostly been characters fearing his impending release (the main cast) or dealing with the fallout of his actions from S3 (the Sunfire elf plot line). The only thing we'd lose on that level from a "Claudia believes Aaravos is alive and is trying to free him, but he's not actually" is Callum and Rayla's possession plot line, ironically enough given your apparent dislike of them, until the very very end of 5x09 in which he tries to goad Viren into killing SS.
I'm excited for and expecting that to change in S6 and S7, but that doesn't change what S4 and S5 currently are, either. Same thing for Amaya and Janai more so being main characters, Janai in particular, in S4 and S5, but they were not main characters in the first three seasons. That doesn't mean they're not good, meaningful, and important characters for the story, but I'd be a very poor meta writer / have very poor media literacy if I tried to claim that Janai is a main character in arc 1 over say, Callum.
For another example: everything in Avatar: The Last Airbender revolves around Team Avatar wanting to stop Ozai, but Ozai is not a main character in the show. He's there to be a minor character, an endgame big bad, and to affect his children / embody the conflict the characters are up against. The fact that TDP has so many antagonists that are also Main Characters throughout the whole show (Viren, Claudia) is actually pretty rare in media, particularly for children.
The Legend of Zelda games usually revolve around Link wanting to save or free Zelda, and while certain games flesh her out and make her more developed into a main character, the central character of the narrative is Link, because he's the character we follow the most.
Additionally, the Importance of a character in a narrative has no bearing on whether they're your favourite, or even necessarily whether they're a 'good' / 'well written' character. Rayla, for example, is my personal #1 favourite character in TDP. She is a main character; she is not The main character. That's not an insult to Rayla; she's there to be a foil, one hell of a narrative lancer, and our main elven character. But I can't (nor do I want to) magically change her role in the story to claim that it's something it isn't.
The central main character of TDP is Callum. It always has been, it always will be.
He is the character who shows up in every single episode, he's our central mage character in a show all about magic, he has the most developed relationships out of everyone, he is the POV character we follow the most. That doesn't mean he's your favourite, that doesn't mean he has to be your preference, you don't even have to like him. But he is The Main Character. The majority of the story revolves around him and the people in his life. No amount of liking another character more is going to change that, whether you're clamouring for Rayla, Aaravos, Sol Regem or anyone else.
While there are shows where I think the side lining of characters feels off (Gus and Willow in The Owl House come to mind) that's mostly because 1) that sort of side lining usually happens to characters of colour, as it did there and 2) there's no real reason for the story to sideline them considering everyone lives in close proximity and there's a s1 emphasis that the main character has never had friends before and that she desperately wants some. Therefore, she should be thrilled to have best friends for the first time, but we barely see them. See the disconnect?
Aaravos is a minor character and big bad who is well utilized in the overall minimal screentime he has, especially thus far in S4 and S5. That doesn't mean he's not important to the story, and that doesn't mean he can't or shouldn't be your favourite, but your assertion doesn't miraculously make him our main core protagonist of the entire show, because 1) he's not our central pov character and 2) that's about the only requirement a main protagonist has to have, and 3) that's just not how stories work.
I also have no clue why you brought up Rayllum as a ship, given that I didn't mention them in my OG post at all, but given that you seem to think "this character isn't a main character" is a moral or value statement, I'll assume you said it to ruffle my feathers — that doesn't really work, given that I agree with you that not everything in the show is about Callum or Rayla individually or as a relationship, because it Isn't. Even if I hated them as characters or as a dynamic, however, that wouldn't change the fact that they're two of the core 3 characters (alongside Ezran) and that their relationship has the most screentime out of anyone in the show.
And if the show decided to tone down their screen time to give other characters more time, I'd be okay with that — because I don't need my Personal Favourite to be the most important character in the source material / screen time ever in order to feel secure in liking them, thanks.
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thought--bubble · 2 months
Taking a little breaky break
This is just a heads up for my small little group of people on here. I have come to call my friends. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be taking a much needed respite from tumblr and probably discord, too. I am feeling lost, sad,overwhelmed, and confused.
I know it sounds silly or whatnot, but all of this stuff is overwhelming and depressing, and I feel sick when I open this app at this point.
The best word to use, I guess, would be winded, maybe?
I joined Tumblr in Sept 23, and at first, it was really fun, a much needed escape from my daily never-ending list of crap to do.
I unfortunately learned how crazy this fandom can get early on and the hard way. I had hoped that that was just a one-off due to my newbie ignorance and took it as a lesson learned for myself.
But it's starting to feel like the drama never fucking stops. It just keeps going, and nice people, kind people, just get dragged and ridiculed for seemingly no reason. I will pathetically admit that I am a sensitive soul, and the things I've read and seen have seriously negatively affected me.
When people are catty regarding people they don't like or that don't like them, I can usually reconcile that to a particular degree. People are, in fact, people. Not everyone is going to vibe with everyone, and people will make jokes at others' expense, and it isn't exactly mature, but it happens.
That is what I expected when I heard this was coming. Some catty shit slinging between people who don't like each other.
But that isn't all this was, and I'm having a really hard time with that. I even thought, "Oh maybe some moderately rude jokes here and there where you know cultural differences and stuff could account for that" like I'm from the northeast and we can be harsh out here. So something that may be offensive to someone from another area may be looked at here just as a joke made in poor taste.
I know I myself have made jokes or whatnot, but you would think certain things would be off limits.
I thought I could combat the negative with positives. Silly jokes, little messages filled with love, but even that isn't working at this point.
My heart hurts, and my brain hurts.
And all this stuff has made me question myself. I had a block list a mile long for the longest time. Filled predominantly with people I had never spoken to because I was scared, nervous, I didn't want to accidentally interact with a post of someone who would be upset that I did, I unfollowed blogs I liked based on this same principle. I just desperately did not want to make someone mad or uncomfortable and find myself back in some weird mean anon tornado.
I tried to sus out who would be bothered by my presence and who wouldn't. I can't even know if my thoughts on who may or may not be upset by me were based on my paranoia or a perception i developed or was potentially affected by outside sources.
Now, i just don't know what the hell is going on.
Sorry for the word vomit. Just wanted to be honest. There are some of us out here who are just standing around with question marks over our heads.
Maybe it's because I wasn't here for a lot of that other weirdness. Maybe it's because of early events that shaped my experience on this app, but I for sure 100% need a break.
I'm an odd duck and love this app mostly because it's the only site I've seen where others actively fan-girl over my favorite Ewan character.
But right now, not even my love for Will can keep me on this app, and for those who know me, that's truly saying something.
This post is not meant to badmouth anyone at all. Honestly at this point I couldn't bad mouth anyone because I'm fucking lost on who anyone really is or how they really feel about things, dude I'm just plain lost.
Thank you to those who have been kind. My apologies to those I may have judged or assumed things about based on who the hell knows.
I hope that when I come back, I can open this app without yet another person that I like having a post of them being torn apart. Or a post of a story that I had heard being told in a completely different way and throwing me for a complete loop.
For now I am going to watch Will edits on TikTok and maybe read via Ao3.
Love and healing vibes to all.
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maxcuntstappen · 3 months
heyoheyo quick question i just started getting into f1. this race is the first i watched live while lurking on the tag here and is it always like this? the amount of hateful posts and anti this anti that stuff I've seen is crazy. i know it's sport and everythings competitive but im in other sport fandoms here and the atmosphere is much nicer when cheering for and respecting all athletes with the mutuals.
so yeah i guess i just wanna know if this is always the vibe before getting involved further. which would be sad cause the athletes and racing is very fun
hi anon <3 first of all, i'm so fucking sorry that this was ur first experience live blogging during a race. yest was a toxic whirlwind and i, despite having been part of f1blr for a bit, was quite downtrodden and mad about it.
i will say this. i personally believe it's not as bad as it was yesterday.
there are many reasons for this i think. to begin with, it was the first race of the season effect. everyone's been waiting n dying to see their fav on track and to have a good result and we also didn't really know how the teams would perform. so a lot of expectation -> a lot of disappointment -> mean things on tumblr.
people often find it easier to blame another driver than a whole ass team cause it's easier to direct the anger at a person than a concept which i think is what happened yesterday with multiple drivers.
it's not usually this bad.
it is often quite bad. definitely worse than other fandoms.
i do think the racing makes up for it and that's why i've still stuck around.
ella and i were talking about it and the takes are definitely at its worse during the race and two hours after it.
once we pass that wave, things tend to calm down and we enter the funny text posts territory.
but if you do want to live post/scroll through it, i would stick to my own dash and avoid the main tags.
tumblr gives us the privilege of careful curation and i use that shit everyday. like i will check the bio and do a quick scroll thru each blog i follow.
i also have multiple tags (n blogs) blocked.
there are several people on f1blr who post amazing content and are so on top of updates. but they can be really mean in their phrasing. i don't follow them or block them cause i know that their content will reach my dash through my mutuals but their hot takes won't (especially the text posts where people rant in their tags, those tend to be the meanest).
despite all this, yesterday i spent a good amount of time unfollowing some mutuals. but as i said, i really do believe that f1blr was at its worst then.
there are definitely some blogs that are neutral/nice about the drivers/teams they don't support. these are some of my favourites;
@epylonia @cooali @liamlawsonlesbian @jussst-lurking
i know i have answered ur simple yes/no question with a WikiHow article but i really do hope that bits of it can be helpful to u and that if ur online n scrolling thru jeddah, u see more fun takes than hurtful ones
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
While I do not owe anyone anything, I want to make something completely and perfectly clear. My blog is first and foremost a Chris Evans blog. I write fanfiction for his characters. Whatever is going on in the fandom, it is not coming on my blog.
I do not care what you think. But when you come onto my blog, do not tell me how myself, my mutuals, my followers, or my anons should think. We come on tumblr to have fun. There is one thing that brought us together, but we have much more in common than that. Guess what? My mutuals and I talk about more than Chris.
This place is not that serious. And I’m sorry that you haven’t met people that you can talk to on a personal level. Try harder. I promise there’s people out there to talk to.
Lately this fandom has made things not fun, and I’m stopping that on my blog. After last night I will not entertain anons coming into my inbox and telling me how I should think. You will get an automatic block.
Tumblr is my escape, and after the last two and half months I’ve had, I need that escape. I have lost eleven people in my life. I have another that is in critical condition. I lost my brother and became a full time aunt to his kids. I’m dealing with my own grief along with two children’s and my parents that lost their son. I do not have the time or brain power to deal with drama that will not affect me in the long run.
I do not go to any blogs on here and tell them how they should think or tell them they’re a terrible person for feeling or thinking the way they do. There’s enough space for you to do that on your blog. Or is it only because you can’t be anonymous?
People should practice kindness. Regardless of how you feel.
Let me repeat, I will not be told what to do on my blog. If you do not like it, I get it. Feel free to unfollow or block whatever it is for you to protect your peace. That’s what I’m doing with mine.
Have the day you deserve.
💋 Jen
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vaspider · 1 year
*deep breath* okay, so.
Sometimes you have to say things out loud which should be perfectly obvious, but:
Nothing I say is ever a commandment, incitement, or request to go bother someone else unless I specifically say 'hey, you should go bother this person,' like when I say 'you should go bother this elected official about this specific topic.' I don't believe in sending people to harass other private individuals, and as long as I've been on this site, I've said that over and over again. I am expressly against harassment of all kinds, and it's not okay to go bother people just because I am arguing with them or have said 'hey don't be a twerp' to them. This is doubly not-okay when you're not part of the community that's arguing or discussing.
And also, I am not responsible for what other people do, and it's really not okay to try to hold me responsible for what other people do unless, you know, I told them to do it. Which I didn't. So let's be very clear: I don't want people to go bother others, and if I find out someone who follows me has gone to harass others based on my stated opinions, they will not follow me or associate with me anymore.
It is always in your power to block someone, including me, and I'm okay with that. What's weird is when you go on rants about how someone (me) should be 'rolled up in a carpet and thrown off a bridge' or that 'every note is a punch in vaspider's antisemitic(1) head' (yeah, those are both real things a person said, recently!) and then tag it with my name so that it comes up when people search for me. It's especially weird if you do that while complaining about harassment. Like, you get that you're a hypocrite, right?
So what I've done is what I recommend for others to do: I blocked the person responsible, I reported the posts for harassment, which they are, and I added their username to my filter list so that I won't forget who they are (which I will, because they are not important to me at all and I will forget they exist by tomorrow) and reblog their posts accidentally in the future. This is the thing that this person could also do, rather than being weird.
Also, if you want me to stop following you, just... block me. It's fucking fine. Don't be weird about it, don't send me a message about it, I don't actually care. If you feel weird about leaving me blocked, then block me and unblock me. It'll force me to unfollow all of your blogs. If a random chronic illness blog I follow or whatever disappears from my dash, I probably won't even notice. I don't know how to say this without sounding mean, but like, there are a lot of people on Tumblr, and I genuinely do not care enough about the random blogs I follow who are not my actual friends to get upset if suddenly one of them disappears and I find out I'm blocked. I'll assume that you decided you didn't want me following you, and I'll move on with my life and probably forget you ever existed. Please curate your internet existence and do not make people's lives your fucking problem. If someone bothers you, block them. For fuck's sake, y'all.
(1) calling another Jew an antisemite is uhhh... well, it's a look, I guess. Especially for disagreeing with someone. It's not cute.
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0w0tsuki · 3 months
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(Screenshot.The post this is from is three posts below if people need it for reference)
It's always pathetic to me whenever chuds on here try to frame their purity cult No Kink at Pride bullshit as "just thinking it's a little weird UwU"
Like oh you just have a personal squick? That's all it is? Oh I'm sorry! I thought people were drumming up weekly harassment campaigns, sending death threats/suicide bait, and socially murdering trans women over this! I'll be sure to leave you be yourself where you're not making your personal disgust other people's problems!
Get real.
Nobody cares about your personal squick. Nobody's saying "You HAVE to like incest, rape, and ageplay and masturbate to all three at once or else you're a transmisogynist!1!" people are asking to not turn your disgust into violence.
Like guess what? I Do Not Like Incest. Because of how society views any relationship between those perceived as a man and women through oppositional sexism, most of the time when people see a man and a woman together out in public they often come to the conclusion that the only reason they have for doing so is because they are in a romantic relationship. This resulted in me and my sibling often getting mistaken for a couple anytime we went anywhere together before we both came out. One time an old man at a flea market tried to sell us BDSM handcuffs and continued to do so even AFTER we told him we were siblings.
Do I plaster "PRO-INCEST DNI" over my blog? Do I personally go out and harass anyone who posts incest? Do I go into anons to "warn" people of other bloggers being into incest. Do I go about mass reporting people who post about incest? Do I write/spread call-out posts for people who post incest?
Hell I'll go one step further. I HATE sissy kink. I have personally talked about it in my blog about how I have been personally traumatized by it, how it set back my transition by years, and how I believe it ultimately does more harm than good to trasfem eggs. I have talked about how sissy communities prey on transfem eggs and purposely set up in spaces where transgirls who are discovering themselves the same time they are experiencing puberty and are having a harm time separating their trans awakening from their sexual one frequent and tell them that their trans existence is a sexual one that they should be ashamed and humiliated by. 80% of my notifications on my alternate kink account are cis men with sissy kinks ignoring my DNI. I've called it transmisogyny kink. I reject the notion that cis men with sissy kinks are TMA and there are trans women who I've unfollowed/blocked over this and I know there are trans women who have me blocked about my stance on this.
STILL. I keep all my hostility to myself. I will rant on my own blog about it. If a post trying to lump me in with cissies gets under my ass I will throw it underwater to rant about and keep it to a screenshot with their name cropped outreblog on another rant so it doesn't gain too much traction and leads to any harassment. The MOST confrontational I'll get is going into posts dedicated to discourse about it and arguing with people specifically signing up to argue about it.
You can be anti-something without being an Anti about it. It's called not liking a thing. It's called being a hater. I fucking wish y'all just "thought it was a little weird"
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frogchiro · 1 year
You’re writing explicit smut and allowing minors to read them, which first of all it’s my right and you know that. Any explicit content has always been 18+, it’s pretty disgusting and disturbing that you’re allowing minors to engage in your content and you
Honestly, I've thought about how to respond to this for a while and I guess here I am now.
Like you pointed out, yes, my blog is +17 and it's openly stated, I never hid it or concealed it. Also yes, I quite obviously write smut but the thing is, even if I would put DNI +18 or even +20, would that change anything? Would that put a magical barrier for ppl under 18 that would make them stop seeing my blog? The answer is simple, no.
The truth is you can't verify whether someone who has '23 years old' in their bio is true to their word, it's quite impossible on the internet.
Another thing is, and let's be honest here, I don't believe that none of us here never read or watched something they weren't supposed to when they were under 18💀 like c'mon, that's literally part of growing up and we're not puritans
Also as it's stated in my rules, 17 year olds are more than selfaware, they can curate their online experience and if they read the warnings, possible triggers and everything else and STILL consent to reading and interacting with it, then there's literally nothing else I can do, it's on them as they are the ones who are responsible, I'm not their parent or their guardian and while I definitely DO NOT encourage people under 18 to interact with +18 content, there's nothing I can do. Like I said before, I don't know and have no way of finding out if the 23 year old is actually 23 or is lying and that's the truth.
Lastly I want to say that you're under no means obligated to agree with me or even tolerate me, just block me and go on with your day and I'd never try to 'make you see things my way'. From what I've seen you're 22, you're older than me so I believe that we can go on our merry ways like adults. If you're uncomfortable (and this goes to everyone) with me and my blog, you're more than welcome to unfollow or just block me, no hard feelings.
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warp--space · 4 months
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Hey, so you blocked me before I could reply. Which good on you, glad people are learning how to do that. But I'm ALSO a CSA survivor and i'd been following you and also have had you reblogging posts of mine from my various blogs for over a year. I have no idea what abuse I'm romanticizing as my ship with All Might is very specifically non-abusive, unless you literally just mean the fact that he's older than me which.... Isn't abusive lmao. And it's kinda shitty to send another person a message like this when you really could have just blocked and unfollowed me without turning it into a moral debate. Because sending this message seems like performative bullshit to upset someone. We are now mutually blocking each other but I'm still kinda praying you see this so you can maybe learn from this to just... Not accuse CSA survivors of romanticizing abuse. Because that's kinda fucking shitty to do.
It's literally either the fact that he's older... or the fact that we have pet names that straight people use all the time without any issue... Or it's something homophobic/transphobic. And I hope I never find out which, since I used to think you were cool.
Have a great day I guess. Hopefully as far away from me as you can get, as you are now blocked on all of my blogs because even if this was a misunderstanding, I don't want to be near someone who announces their departure in a shitty way specifically designed to upset other people.
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adambja · 7 months
this is sort of long and i hope you know i mean well but i think i had to say this as a follower
i find it really frustrating you being so negative (by calling out drama on your page all the time, you post about your tapes with the hashtag void success and with that, your other asks too, all i see is your posts on the void success tag so there’s absolutely no useful info for me to grasp bc i follow you, i already keep up with your posts and don’t need to see it under the void success tag
so it would be helpful if you could stop using void success tag for posts that has nothing to do with “void success”
another thing
if you will stop talking about the hate, believe it or not, they will move on. The noise will die down, they are not obsessed with you to keep talking about you all day and night. If you can remove yourself from the situation (look at it through bird’s eye view)
you’ll actually see how that blog has let no wrong doings slide in the community ever since they got active.
Rosie left bc she kept lying to our faces all the time. Fleur who i genuinely think was a kind person also had some sort of talk going on, on that page but do you think she continued to talk about it over and over again on her page? no. She continued to help people, continued to get success stories on her page (which you are too, congrats on that)
Charm too cleared the air ONCE, when she was involved in drama, she moved on to do the same thing like fleur
charm had spoken up against unique and she left too (moonlight page didn’t exist then)
so you need to see that speaking up against wrong is important. That’s why they do what they do.
Why they talk about you even when you know you’re not doing anything wrong and only want to help:
People can’t afford your tapes and no one wants to shell out money when there are ample of resources out for free
Examples: pink purchased a custom void sub TWICE for us, with nothing to gain.
junfairykyu purchased a custom void sub and shared it with everyone, with nothing to gain.
konnie made a void sub with really good benefits for free (someone entered the void with it too)
i get that you also come across people who ask for too much, that are plain rude but to continue addressing them on your blog (yeah, tiring) we get that you had to deal w some terrible people but address it once and move on? why mention it in every other post.
(cause not everyone is greedy asking for more and more things from you, some simply follow you for advice, your personal experiences with the law and so on and so forth)
you somewhat sound arrogant when you speak with so much confidence, (some (not i) might use the word cocky too) and of course i’m not asking you to do anything about it,
i am just letting you know as someone who’s also into psychology. (perceptions differ, you don’t have to agree (and i don’t mean to offend)
I know it’s up to you, your page, your rules but
as a follower i only say this cause i want to continue following you but if you keep talking about drama and how everyone is “greedy” then i guess i shouldn’t be here.
So if you wish to continue with your old patterns; let me know. Please don’t block me. I’ll unfollow.
Basically you should've came to my DMs
I love how you told me all this
The tag
it's connected to my blog I just can't change because of the posts I post here about the void
All these examples
I actually love these thank you for sharing these
But 😭😭 you don't understand what is happening people are lying to themselves about my tapes and coaching and I am just being dramatic
There's something about these patterns you are talking about - they aren't forced on me BUT I AM THE ONE CHOOSING THEM - because the first drama got me helping a lot of people and I am really glad it happened 💀💀!!
And I have been talking to myself about choosing something else like comfort aka just constant ignoring
Because it's literally marketing people are buying more tapes and coaching and I love coaching people that's why
I am free rn I won't be having that much time like rn on Christmas 😭!!
Also about the free tapes
Honey 😭!!!!!
It's available thru me via request thru my DMs
You can come and get it for free and I will never share it publicly
I won't block you - you aren't rude - you are just talking and I want this here (just talking) I really respect that - I am feeling good cause finally someone who got a brain is actually talking - NOT EVERYONE IS LIKE YOU
And actually I would love to know who is behind this anon mode 🫶🏻!
I am actually thinking about changing many things here so yeah I won't block you and if you wanna follow or unfollow it's okay - I am sure you will like my blog in the next few days - I've been preparing a lot posts during all that drama and they are already scheduled 😭😭😭!!!
And at the end I wanna say "greedy" isn't about everyone I never specified if it's about someone or everyone!
People who are asking for the free tapes aren't greedy at all 😭😭😭!!! They are fine af - most of them are so nice!
Me being "arrogant" it's because I was just dramatic
And about the confidence yes I am so confident it should empower you not make you feel bad - also the why? It's because I know what I am doing + I know why am I here! So ofc I am confident about every single step I take here!
AGAIN I really respect how long you typed this and I appreciate you being so honest with me 😭
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jellybeanium124 · 3 months
longtime mutual blocked me over i/p.
this one really hurt.
idk exactly when we started following each other, but we found each other thru tua so it's gotta have been more than two years.
in september 2023 I was posting my multichap 1920s fic, and they commented on every single chapter, which lead to a little joke we had about being married (I loved them so much for commenting on my fic that I married them).
sometimes when they had a silly opinion I disagreed on (like food preferences or smth, you know, innocent stuff) I would joke about divorcing them, and then remarrying when I "forgave" them.
we had a conversation a while ago about i/p. I knew we were coming at this conflict from very different angles. I reblogged a post earlier today that they didn't like. they messaged me about it. we had another conversation. I thought it was fine. I was willing to move on. went to work. came home. and I was blocked. guess they decided they didn't want to see me any more. because I felt the words of a holocaust survivor were worth sharing (even though I didn't 100% agree with what he said).
every single holocaust survivor will be dead in 10 years or so. the man whose letter I shared was 94 years old. he almost certainly doesn't have 10 years left.
holocaust denial and inversion are going to get so much worse the day the last holocaust survivor dies. this is a thought that's been terrifying me since I was a child.
some of you will know who I'm talking about. this isn't some plea to contact them and go "why did you block noa? she's sad you blocked them. you should reconsider." don't invade their privacy like that, please. they didn't block me on their side blog (idk if they forgot or didn't know they would have to block me on their sideblog for me to no longer be able to see it or what), but I unfollowed out of respect anyways. I think that's the right thing to do.
a friendship of over two years. a friendship that lasted past either of us posting about tua anymore. we didn't just follow each other, we talked. last november they reached out to send me their discord during that brief panic where everyone thought tumblr was gonna be shut down or smth, so we could stay in touch.
this is the one that hurt the most.
other people have blocked me. one person who I lost touch with a long ass time ago found one of my posts to spew horrible jew-hating things in the replies back in october. blocking her was easy. most of the other people were people I was Just Mutuals with and didn't actually talk or anything. it hurts worse when you've taken the step from Just Mutuals to like, friends. it makes me wonder how many other people's breaking points I'm nearing, how many people are one post away from not wanting me to contact them ever again. it's a really sad and scary thought, but like, I can't stop speaking my truth. not now. not after being terrified to speak it for two and a half years.
if you can't handle jewish voices on your dash, take a second to ask yourself why.
this is a very long post just to say... this fourth or fifth divorce isn't so fun. goodbye. I'll miss you. I'm sorry.
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green-x-reaper · 9 months
|| Gonna put this under read more cuz no one likes to read drama on the dash:
|| I honestly don't believe that huntress mun ever sent those asks or was faking them because a similar thing happened to fortheloveofscifi. Like the person pretending to be them would send anon hate to multiple blogs then tag the blog they're pretending to be?
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I mean, if you're gonna send anon hate, you'd want to stay anonymous in order to avoid the consequences, ya know? Like why would you want to get caught? From what I know too is that both their blogs are main blogs so if they are just going to send the messages like its from them then why bother using anon? Just for clarification, this message occurred before huntress' harassment. August 16th-17th to be exact to give everyone a better time frame.
Plus a similar thing happened to me when my harraser would make multiple blogs and reblog the post 20-30 different times and send like 20 messages saying the same thing. I know how annoying that is which is the same pattern they're doing for some people.
I guess another thing too is that people don't like them for the subjects they write about. Perfectly fine. Don't have to interact with them. Everyone is entitled to having their comfort zone of which subjects they are comfortable with. Personally, I'm not fond of the dark subjects like that myself as I would like to avoid the topic of SA so I avoid any posts marked as such. Just unfollow or block and that's it. Like done, done.
I've only met them for a week, I think? They came to my IMs, they confided in me that this is how they cope on their past traumas. If this is how they cope then I'm not going to tell them how they should cope since I'm not a licensed therapist. Not my blog, can't tell them what to do or what to write about. I do believe that they should have put those subjects under readmore as not everyone feels that way about writing/reading content talking about SA on the dash or maybe have a better tagging system. But like I said though, can't tell them what to do.
This is just my two cents on the recent drama(s).
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applebutterfemme · 1 year
just had to block another terf, so i guess i’m gonna say this: my blog is absolutely NOT a safe space for terfs, people who preach the “joys” of “traditional femininity” or anything of the like. I am a queer woman with many trans friends who i love dearly, and as for the tradfem stuff, despite the pictures of flowy dresses i may reblog, the women who believe in those principles would absolutely hate me in real life because i don’t agree with them. cottagecore for me is aboute appreciating the simple things in life, taking in small joys, etc. to me, that should be accessible for everyone, queer and marginalized folk especially. so yeah, if you’re a proud ‘radfem’ or ‘tradfem’ please unfollow me so i don’t have to waste any more time blocking, thank you.
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ollyou · 5 months
Sorry another non-art post but I wanted to point out to some very disrespectful people that this is NOT an art only account > <“
This account was actually made to be mostly rambles, and just because I like pmtok and center most of my stuff around olly doesnt mean thats all i do either! I never wanted to be a pmtok-only artist; i just draw what i want to rather than what other people like to see
I’m a rambler at heart and if you dont like that then you shouldnt follow me, or just mute #rambling !! Alternatively if you don’t want to see any negative posts, mute #negative ^_^
Tbh as someone who has never had an anonymous ask box before joining the pmtok fandom, stuff like this just comes off as really mean and dehumanizing?? Please unfollow me if you have a mindset like this. I constantly tell people to just send me fun asks and stop trying to order me around like a slave and then people who claim to follow me pull this…. 😓 I hope you know that if you think you’re entitled to my artwork and can tell me to “shut the fuck up” for simply speaking how I feel about the constant harassment the toxic side of the fandom has given me and my friends/mutuals, I do not like you and you’re not allowed to enjoy my art tbh….
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There is no “we”, just this rude person who likes to pretend they are a fan. But no fan acts like this. I want my fanbase to be a nice and welcoming place full of gentle and friendly people, not entitled bullies who treat me like their slave. Keep it to yourself if you don’t enjoy my rambling, please, or just unfollow/mute the tags I appropriately place for these sorts of posts <3
I blocked this anon immediately after screenshotting this but tbh I’m not sure if that blocks their actual account too… cause I wanna make sure they can’t view my account if all they want to do is dehumanize me. Idk it’s really weird how this fandom acts sometimes which is why I’m so strict with my dni and byf stuff but people don’t listen most of the time…. Agh!!
I make one post telling the people harassing and stalking me for several months if not years to leave me and my friends alone, and these people suddenly get the idea I’m just an art-making machine…. It’s frustrating but in the end I just want to receive nice anon asks. I appreciate all the friendly anons!! Thank you so much. You make my days so much better. I feel bad that sometimes I can’t respond to them, but I read them all. I save them all. I love them all <:)
But yeah… please unfollow me if you’re unwilling to just mute my #rambling and #negative tags when all you do is complain I don’t post art enough…. Also idk, if you want me to post more art then…? Why not you compliment my art? What’s the point of not ever supporting my art when I post it, then complaining and belittling me when I don’t post it? That’s why I block these people. Very very disrespectful.
I know it’s best to just ignore this stuff! And I do. I ignore a lot of it. It is quite annoying, but I ignore it so I can give the nice people room to speak. It’s really rare that I actually speak up about this stuff tbh. I’m almost positive these are all just the same few people block evading me via VPN anyway hahahah. Especially since I’ve seen them do that, too.
Also, I do recognize it’s very likely no one will read this all the way. But I usually don’t write things expecting people to read them! I mostly write stuff for myself, like a journal of some sorts. :D It’s probably a bit weird when I advertise my art and whatnot too, but y’know. I don’t want my tumblr blog to be just… some soulless art dump. I’m not looking for attention, just respect, I guess.
Ah, in the end I’m sure those bullies will use this to fuel their constant harassment of me anonymously (because they too cowardly to hate me normally, I guess), but tbh they just kind of… complain about a singular post I’ll make for the first time in forever for days straight and act like that type of post is all I make, so I guess there’s no appeasing them. Not that I even want to make happy the people who treat me as subhuman.
Idk why people are so entertained by being assholes, but maybe that’s just the naive part of me thinking! I’m no grown adult or anything. In my head I am just a little baby still learning about the online world as I was raised very sheltered from all that stuff and avoided toxicity wherever I went… 💦 I am a tumblr baby! Sorry..!
Ah!!!! Rambling too much. Hahah. Thank you for reading. Hey, if you got this far, why not you send me a friendly anon message? Gotta clean out all the garbage from within my inbox, though I think I’ve done a pretty good job at it as is.
I will post again when I have something to say or more art to share!!!!
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sheinthatfandom · 7 months
Hello! For the fandom ask game, 4, 13, and 25 please!
4 say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
Lol I’m a multipshipper I’m open to all. But I guess one ship I don’t view romantically would be Eddie/ruby and what I’ll say is they are amazing people who are very close: have a lot of love and respect for each other. It’s very easy to see why they would be shipped.
13 your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
Oh I love prompt memes and like bingos awhile ago there was a blog that would post like a weekly thing and people would write the prompts and it was so good and started to like wake up my comatose fic bunny of a brain lol
25 a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
Filter words ships whatever does not bring you joy whatever does not fill you with happiness filter it out and if someone you follow even if it’s a mutual does not tag their posts and it’s icky not just triggering but just ick unfollow and if it’s someone in the tag and they’re icky or making you feel icky block them you owe NO ONE ANYTHING
Fandom positivity ask game
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
Shipping adults with minors? What’s wrong with you?
Hahahha I knew this was gonna happen! Ok first of all, if this is about my fics: I clearly state that all characters I write are aged up. But this is probably about the fanart of Nanami x Yuuji I reblogged, right? I knew I would get hate for that. You know what? This is my blog, and I reblog what I want. So if it bothers you, please unfollow me.
And let me explain it further:
When I ship Yuuji with another character, he is always at least 19 to me. Because that's what I initially thought when I watched the anime. I didn't even know they were supposed to be 15. It was clear to me that Jujutsu Academy is some kind of college. So yes, Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara etc. are all 19 to me in the manga and anime. And 21 or 22 or even older when I write them myself.
Even if Yuuji was 15, it could be legal for him to have a relationship or have sex with an adult as long as that person isn't his teacher or employer or something like that. This depends on the country though, and I don't know about Japan for sure, but I think the age of consent is 13 there? But I know it's definitely legal for a 15-year-old where I live. Nanami would probably be considered a person of authority though, so it wouldn't be ok in that case. But once again, Yuuji is always an adult to me when I write him or watch the anime or talk about him etc. So in that universe, a ship between them would be perfectly fine. BUT NOW TO THE THIRD POINT!!!
Even if a ship was illegal in real life, it would still be fine in fiction because guess what? IT IS FICTION. THE CHARACTERS AREN'T REAL. (And I want to add that we are talking about teenagers here and not children. Teenagers who in real life have sex at that age) And no, this isn't normalizing things. I know many people, including myself, who had a crush on their teachers when they were still teenagers. But did a single one of us ever consider really having sex with a teacher? Did any teacher ever try something like that with us? The answer is NO. Because usually, people are able to see the difference between fantasy and real life.
What bugs me the most about this is that everyone is into it when someone writes a reader insert with an age gap...like a 20-year-old reader and a 40-year-old dilf or teacher. But the moment it is character x character of two guys, it is suddenly a bad thing? Fuck off.
Please everyone unfollow and block me if you have a problem with people shipping Yuuji with characters like Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo etc.
I won't stop posting or reblogging the ships I like just because you don't like them. I am probably a Yuuji Harem person because I think he can be shipped with almost anyone and even if a ship might not be my top choice I still think some fanart is cute and I have no problem reblogging it.
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