#anons ily i will answer you but i can’t do it when i am this frayed bc i’m afraid i will go off
septembersghost · 1 year
if i snap to total derangement it’s because nearly every single thing i have loved most and used as an escape and sanctuary has been trampled and torn to shreds in the past two and a half years on here and i am filled with dread and my nerves feel like raw live wires thank you
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saetoru · 1 year
16 with gojo and its like the song “i wanna fuck you” by akon or something similar lmaoo
16. "this song reminds me of you."
anon ily for this one 💀 this is a rich boy gojo drabble btw this definitely happens in rb! gojo universe
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gojo satoru will get a date with you if it’s the last thing he ever does. if that one weird zenin kid from your literature class was able to land a date with you, then he of all people—a gojo—should be perfectly capable.
all he has to do is wow you with his romantic appeal—and he’s had plenty of experience with wowing people left and right with his charms. plus, he’s had suguru’s help, and as much as he hates to admit it, suguru’s painfully romantic.
it’s a fool proof plan, he thinks. easy peasy and only an utter and completely idiot could mess this up. just make a playlist, suguru had said, one with all the songs they remind you of.
“hey—” he starts.
“leave me alone, gojo,” you say instantly. you don’t even look up from your textbook, only breathing out in irritation from your nose when he plops onto the chair in front of you. “this is my table.”
“technically this table is the property of the university of jujutsu tech at tokyo—”
“if you’re asking for a date, i’ll save you the trouble. the answer is no.”
“you didn’t even hear me out,” he grins smoothly, scooting his chair until it’s next to yours. you try not to strangle him with your phone charger as other students in the library throw death glares your way, unhappy with the way his chair screeches against the floor.
“i don’t have to hear you out.”
“c’mon,” he pouts, poking your arm, “you won’t regret a date with me, i’ll treat you well. spoil you rotten too.”
“you can’t buy my affections,” you turn the page, highlighting a big word that he doesn’t even think he could pronounce if he tried.
“no, but i can win them,” he winks. “i made a playlist of all the songs that remind me of you. pretty romantic huh?”
“is that so,” you finally look up, “a playlist? just for me? am i the first to receive such an honor from the one, the only, gojo satoru?”
it’s meant to be sarcastic, but he grins widely and nods, pulling out his phone as he scrolls through a list of songs.
“of course, you are,” he says proudly, “this song reminds me of you.”
you glance over his shoulder, staring at his screen as he points at it with a finger. the song title makes a vein pop in your forehead.
I Wanna Fuck You
[ E ] Snoop Dogg, Akon
“fuck off, you horny jackass,” you scoff instantly, closing your textbook and hitting him on the arm with it.
“only in your wildest dreams would i fuck you,” you seethe, gathering your things and stomping off. and as gojo sits there, rubbing his arm, trying to ignore all the burning stares, he decides he has to regretfully inform his best friend geto suguru that he is in fact, not as romantic as they thought he was.
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yakultii · 16 days
Do you prefer people or nature?
this is actually a really good question! I mean if you want my genuine immediate answer, I consider people to be nature.. I mean aren’t we? like yeah we have different anatomy to certain animals and certain plants but at the end of the day we are the same thing, living creatures that breathe and die amongst other things.. I recognised this when I was like 5 and my religion teacher would tell me god was in nature, in the grass and the sky, but god was also in me and the people I loved, as well as the fruit I ate and so on.. anyways I’m no longer religious at all but then as an early teen I became super conscious of the fact humans are nature when I found joy and relief in hiking mountains and swimming in the ocean, as it allowed me to feel somewhat whole and renewed, knowing that I was just another piece of earth similar to the ocean and nothing more etc. it was like being a piece in a jigsaw puzzle.. if the piece got lost there’d be other pieces but the picture wouldn’t look the same (and the puzzle would evolve in time as some pieces were lost and new ones were created.. I felt lucky to be a part of the puzzle in a way.. not of society just of earth) anyway I struggle to remember that sometimes now but it always lives in the back of my head.. ok slight tangent, but if u want a more simplified answer when considering people and nature as seperate entities, it’s hard to say.. I mean sure nature (when considering animals, trees, ocean) is easier to get along with (at least that’s what we think) but the complexity of humanity is kind of beautiful.. I mean I don’t feel I fully click with anyone really, but just being able to observe it is (I was going to say nice but a lot of it is not nice) it is just the human experience I guess (and what am I grateful for in this existence if not for knowing all sides of the human experience?)..like yeah there are horrible people in this world (and I hate it so deeply) but there are also plants that can kill you. I think due to human complexities regarding the ways in which our physiological development allows us to think critically and reflectively about everything and then express it with language, we tend to assume humanity is more complex (it’s also a superiority thing) therefore also more problematic than other things which just exist, but don’t we just exist too? just in different ways.. ok that was not a simplified answer at all, I guess I can’t choose my preference as both are fundamental to my existence on this planet even if I am just to observe it and I kind of see them as the same thing.. sorry you had to read all this if you did and sorry if it doesn’t make sense cos my brain is fried rn for many reasons but I swear there’s intent behind it hehe thank u for the question I actually really needed the distraction tonight and this particular question grounded me a little, ily anon, whoever u are <33
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emmyrosee · 2 years
psst I had a thought I think you’d enjoy bc it is certainly bringing me lots of joy this morning-
okay so atsumu right? play fighting with him. pillows, tickles, lots of peppered kisses, the screeching- you’d probably get noise complaints from the neighbours (or some worried check ins to make sure you’re both alright), and when you’d both answer the door out of breath and giggly cause he was chasing you around the apartment, whoever knocked just rolls their eyes and leaves cause obviously no one is in trouble, it’s just young love again.
I bet if you guys were wrestling he’d be the type to go soft on you and let you win a couple rounds (which ofc you know, so you begin to rile him up for a real challenge)
But he’s strong, so he’d have no problem picking you up and throwing you on the bed when your taunts about him not being able to catch you in a chase/beat you in a “fight” finally get to him, and he’s grinning the whole way to your room cause he loves your laugh and he plans on getting his revenge tenfold.
I am incredibly fucking soft for this man I want him to let me think I’m winning and then totally wreck me after 🙂 (I could say the same abt a lot of haikyuu men tho)
Ily, I hope you’re having an amazing day!! 💓
anon <3
(P.s. I hope sending in long rants like this isn’t annoying or a nuisance- just let me know and I’ll knock it off!)
Also do nOT knock it off, literally and all activity, be it adorable requests like this, or just to talk to lil ole me makes me so giggly and happy 🥹❤️
Your neighbors hate you, because you two are up from the crack of dawn to the latest of dusks, just giggling and screaming with laughter at each other.
And genuinely, truly, Atsumu does not care. If anything, people coming and banging on your door and telling you to shut up only riles him up more. The amount of times you’ve tried to talk to your angry neighbors, only to laugh in their face as Atsumu tickles up your sides or nips at your ear is countless; all your neighbor can do is roll their eyes and ask you to please keep it down, but despite you swearing to, you know better than to make promises.
“Yeah,” he snorts, “keep it down.” Before you can even laugh, he makes a lunge at you to make you scream and dash away again, him hot on your tail and cheeks sore from the grin splitting his face.
He’s just such a snot rocket, I love him so much.
And dONT EVEN HE DOES Try every once in a while to put his pride aside and let you win when rough housing bc like. You’re cute and he loves you, so he’ll let you pin his hands next to his head and be all cocky with your victory, until he decides he has a problem with it.
“Ha,” you chant victoriously. “Suck it, nerd. I win.”
“Yeah yeah,” he snorts, lacing your fingers with his. “You win, baby, now let me up-“
“Big ol’ Atsumu, can’t even take down his better half anymore.”
“Okay, listen-“
“Just wait until the boys hear about how I’m able to pin you so easily.”
“What would they say about the big, bad Atsumu if they could see him now-“
And it doesn’t take him much more than that to shove you on your back, gobble you up in his arms before you hit the ground too hard, and haul you up and into your bedroom, all before you can even say ‘wait.’
“You wanna talk shit?” He growls, hands immediately digging into your ribs and underarms. “Huh? You wanna talk big? Like you aren’t the most ticklish person I’ve ever met?”
“Shut up!” You scream, just kneeing him and writhing but god, he’s so big and he’s smiling so wide at the sight of you, the longer bits of his blonde hair falling all around and it’s almost hard for you to plead for him to stop.
So, instead, for a while, you keep riling him up- shoving and snorting and just laughing until you tap his wrist, letting him know that you’re really done and ready to behave again.
But even then, his hands never leave your body. They smooth out the phantom tickles from your warm skin, or cup your chin to guide you back into a kiss, or even pulling you into his side and gently rubbing your back when he decides that he wants to take a nap.
Because here’s the thing- Atsumu has to be touching you. It’s a thing for him, there’s almost always going to be a hand caressing your cheek, or holding yours, or tickling you, or pinching you, it doesn’t matter, Atsumu needs to be touching you in a way that conveys love and thrill. He’s not good with words, he never has been- but even his twin can attest he shows his best feelings through touch
He craves your challenge, loves the fight you give, addicted to the sound of your shriek filled laughter because it’s fun. Loving you is so fun, it’s what gets him up in the morning and lulls him to sleep at night. And he’s so happy he’s found someone to convey all of this to without having to surrender to words he’s not sure he can rely on.
Atsumu loves you so much it hurts him. He’d move mountains and cross seas, eat sand and fight the wilderness if it meant every day, he could come home and tackle to you to the couch and smother you in all the sappy affection he can.
And if putting you in a tickly full Nelson is his way of showing that, you certainly never complained before.
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paalove · 8 months
prompt? 😇 akk always being moody when aye doesn't give him a good morning kiss and it ruins his whole day. But he is a bit shy and insecure to communicate that. Because this whole boyfriend thing is new to him but damn does he want his good morning kiss.
HI thanks for prompting this [mumbles length of time] ago, ily anon
NOT POSTING ON AO3 UNTIL TOMORROW bc i want to do a couple of simultaneous uploads. for khao's birthday!
“Would you just pay attention,” Akk snaps.
Kan drops his pen and blinks at him.
At least it stops the little song Kan had been singing himself about matrix calculations, but Akk starts to sink in his seat as soon as he thinks that.
Brow furrowing, Kan leans over the table to squint at him before saying, “Are you okay?”
That question is relevant but Akk doesn’t want to answer it.
He’s aware not wanting to talk about his feelings has caused problems before, earlier this year. Like, a couple of months ago, it nearly ended with him getting expelled-
Anyway, Akk doesn’t want to tell the truth.
He mumbles, “Worried about the maths one,” and then, “Sorry.”
“That’s alright,” Kan says, shrugging easily and returning to studying.
But Akk can see the side-eye he’s getting from behind the suddenly-raised textbook and the way Kan’s face is suddenly illuminated means he’s definitely texting someone.
Could be just about any of the others – he talks to Thua most, of course, but Aye is the obvious go-to for any gossip about Akk, and he definitely has suspicions about Kan and Aye conspiring to make their own clingy-boyfriend-stuff seem more reasonable, and of course Wat and Kan have been texting behind Akk’s back for longer than anyone else (but it’s fine – he texts both of them behind the other’s, after all) so it could be-
Is Aye the obvious go-to for Akk?
Well, he’s obvious to the others, but he might not want to be anymore.
This is stupid, he reminds himself. I am being stupid about this and Aye isn’t breaking up with me.
He’s wearing the hoodie that has to prove it, of course, which might be the one bought for him or the one Aye already had – they swap, every so often, for reasons he cannot admit to the others, and indeed had once had to cover Aye’s mouth for an entire lunchtime to stop him from explaining, how they had to smell like the other person – but Akk’s stupid brain keeps doing it anyway.
Aye wanted to, it was just the timing, he tries to convince himself.
Kan’s still watching him from behind the textbook.
It’s not like Akk can criticise him; he’s not studying either.
They probably look silly, just the two of them pretending to study at this table, and Akk can’t remember what the others said they were going to do. He was probably focused on his stupid thoughts.
About Aye, and the timing.
But it can’t be prefect stuff, because Aye and Thua are gone too, and Akk doesn’t remember them even being here at the start of this study period, and he doesn’t know what else it could be but he can’t ask Kan.
He’d sound anxious.
And Kan would know he was spiralling.
Probably other people too – the same ones he and Kan look silly to now, in their pantomime of studying, because of course they’re looking. People haven’t stopped looking at him at school, since everything happened.
It’s Akk’s fault of course, he knows that.
The eyes still burn.
Not always – when Aye’s with him it actually feels kind of good, moving past everything and proving to himself that being looked at, being seen won’t kill him, but…
First of all, Aye isn’t here, which is the root of all of it today apparently, but it’s still fine because when his friends are here it’s fine and Kan is here.
But then, also, maybe not.
Because the other thing is that he’s clearly relying on Aye more than he thought. He feels uneasy, on-edge, like the hoodie has something crawling on it and so does the table and so does the ground, and Akk knows why.
That’s what makes it all so stupid – that he knows why.
He and Aye slept in separate buildings last night, which isn’t that weird for them, no matter what their friends say. But then Aye was a little late, in the morning, so when they actually reunited there were like, three teachers in sight of them, and two of them were vaguely-recognised members of the faculty but Teacher Waree was the third – she likes Aye better now, but it’s not like she can be either of their favourite teacher so it would have just been weird.
They’d moved on quickly, moved into the grounds where their friends were, but all that meant-
“The printer just tried to eat Thua,” Aye announces, throwing himself onto the same part of the bench where Akk is sitting and, incidentally, throwing one leg over Akk’s.
He’s balanced precariously, that being a stupid way to sit on a picnic bench, so Akk steadies him with a hand on his waist. While they’re smiling at each other Kan says or does something that makes Thua put on an exasperated voice, so they’re flirting too, which makes the interruption totally reasonable.
Namo steals Akk’s textbook and lies down on the table, so as to wave his hands in all their faces at once and say, “I also exist, actually.”
“Hi, Wat,” Akk and Kan reply in unison, ignoring Namo to look at the only person still standing up.
Wat waves and tries to pull Namo off the table.
Thua breaks off from whatever he was murmuring to Kan to look confused and ask, “Wait, what were you guys doing before we ran into you?”
“Oh,” starts Wat, “I was actually in the computer room on the second floor, checking my emails, and-“
Aye pokes Akk’s knee.
Akk tilts his head to look at him properly – they’re cuddled up pretty tightly.
“-helping me double check my note about the,“ Namo’s saying, now sitting on top of the table. “What was it? You know, the-“
Aye gives an exaggerated pout and Akk really does try not to stare at his lips, which has always been a difficult task.
They’re very smooth.
And shiny.
One mystery that was finally solved after they started dating was the shininess – Akk never suspected lip balm, he always just thought Aye was kind of… inherently shiny-lipped.
Case in point: when Aye isn’t helping him, Akk is stupid.
“-Yeah, we were looking at Namo’s notes but I still needed to check my email, and-“
The pout slowly slips into an actual frown, and Akk feels his own eyes widen. Aye is frowning at him and it’s probably confusion but the stupid, unsettled part of him that’s been waiting since they met up insists that it’s more than that-
Kan claps once, loudly.
At least when they turn their heads to look at him, they’re synchronised.
“Everyone’s being weird,” announces Kan. “Akk yelled at me about studying better and you two are talking funny.”
The you two indicated seems to be Namo and Wat, who immediately look at each other.
Over their disagreements – or perhaps explanations? – Thua speaks in that unexpectedly-carrying tone he’s always been so good at, voice deceptively soft, saying, “You should study better, Kan. We’ve got a week left to study.”
Pausing for Kan’s whine and the way he dramatically lets his head fall onto the desk, Thua visibly suppresses a smile.
It’s quiet for a moment.
“And that’s making everything weird, of course people are acting like it. Nobody’s being weird,” he adds.
Akk feels more than sees Aye nod in agreement.
Which seems like Akk’s cue, so he leans forwards as much as he can without disrupting Aye (only barely not sitting in his lap at this point) to shake his head at Kan and say, “Stop being a dick to everyone, Kan.”
“Yeah,” jumps in Namo, “Stop being a dick.”
Kan is failing to defend himself against their ganging up on him, probably because his boyfriend is also giggling and Akk knows Kan likes it when Thua’s kind of mean to him, when Aye starts poking his leg again.
“What?” he whispers, not wanting to get the rest of their attention.
Wiggling and tipping his forehead onto Akk’s shoulder, Aye is equally quiet when he asks, “You yelled at Kan?”
Akk freezes, which is his main mistake.
He tries, “I just snapped because he was being annoying,” but Aye felt him freeze and Aye knows how to read him.
There’s a moment when Aye frowns at him again, and this time the overwhelming fear isn’t of the stupid thing – Aye leaving – but of the actual threat, which is Aye figuring out what he’s upset about.
Akk isn’t surprised that Aye stands up.
“What’s up-“
He doesn’t hear the rest of Wat’s question, because it’s better to just go, when Aye starts trying to drag him somewhere.
They don’t go far.
Actually, he’s pretty sure the others will hear them even if they whisper, here, but Aye places him with his back against a wall and boxes him in, so Akk really has no choice to comply.
And get distracted by staring at his lips again.
Only briefly, this time, because Aye quickly takes his hand and says, “You weren’t upset Kan was being annoying.”
“It’s nothing.”
There’s no point insisting on the Kan story – Aye can read him.
Of course, Aye also knows the kind of feelings Akk prefers not to admit to, and he knows their outcomes, so it’s definitely not weird that Aye’s face goes all worried and urgent.
Guilt makes Akk panic and blurt it out.
In a mumble – their friends can still hear them – he says, “When we met up Teacher Waree was there and then our friends were there and we didn’t see each other last night so you didn’t kiss me hello this morning and I’ve been sad about it.”
Eyes now scrunched closed, he has to convince them to peel open, even though he knows Aye won’t be making any of the worst faces he’s picturing. He won’t be disgusted or angry or, like, guilty because it was on purpose – no, at worst, Aye’s going to be suppressing that Akk’s-so-cute smile-
No, wait, there’s one worse, and it’s this.
Confused, Aye says, “Huh? I couldn’t understand you.”
“You didn’t kiss me hello this morning!” Akk repeats; he knows immediately that he was too loud.
None of their friends are making a sound.
Quietly, he adds, “Oh no.”
Aye’s eyes light up with exactly the Akk’s-so-cute look he’d been afraid of, and the hand on his squeezes tight, and he opens his mouth to say something mortifying and-
“Wat,” asks Namo, loudly. “Did you just hear something?”
Oh, fuck.
At least Aye kisses him on the cheek before dragging him back to the table. It’s the only upside to what follows.
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arieslost · 1 month
f1 asks!
thank you so much @forzalando for the tag!! <3
who is your favourite driver?
charles marc hervé perceval leclerc. which may come as a surprise to some people but i would genuinely do anything for him. he drives under my favorite number and his birthday is my half birthday so it was written in the stars honestly
do you have other favourite drivers?
in order: lando norris (aka miami grand prix 2024 winner), oscar piastri, lewis hamilton. and of course i always root for my fellow american logan hunter sargeant
who is your least favourite driver?
carlos sainz… lol. i just really can’t stand his attitude and his audacity 96% of the time. when he shuts his mouth and performs well for ferrari, then i’m happy with him. i’m interested to see where he’ll end up next season because he is a very strong driver. a bunch of other drivers piss me off too so i promise it’s not just him but out of all of them i have the most beef with carlos. especially after his classic carlos hissy fit this past weekend.
do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
wherever charles goes, i will follow. that being said, considering how dedicated he is to ferrari, i think him being my number one above all else is rather fitting because i adore ferrari.
if you like teams, what team do you pull for?
ferrari and mclaren, always and forever! a lot of people say you can’t be a fan of both but i truly could not gaf, those are my teams
how long have you been into F1?
since october/november 2023. i was casually following along for the last few races of the season and did my serious deep dive the week of vegas. which was unfortunate because then i had to suffer through winter break dhdjjf but i prevailed!
what got you into F1?
f1 has kind of been etched into the background of my life because i’ve always known who michael schumacher is, what ferrari is, etc etc. its been mentioned in a few books and movies i’ve loved since i was little. one day i just looked up the f1 account on insta, followed it, and the rest is history. very much invisible string theory.
do you enjoy fanfic/RPF?
absolutely! that’s why i’m here!
how do you view new fans?
loveeee!!! it’s especially exciting to see new female fans enter a predominantly male space. i just always hope that they become fans for the love of the sport above all else.
if you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
honestly i would absolutely love to take over as team principal at mclaren. i just feel like i’d have an absolute blast. i would say ferrari but i worship fred vasseur and his bald head
are your friends and family into F1 as well?
i really wish my family was :/ because imagine the suffering i went through when lando won. my only friend that’s into f1 is my incredible online bestie (venus ily) and i don’t know what i’d do if i wasn’t able to scream and cry with her on race weekends. probably implode.
are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
yes absolutely without a doubt 100%! whether you’re on anon, in my inbox, or in my messages i am more than happy to talk to ppl!
no pressure tags (but i’d love to hear what u guys have to say!): @venusacrossthestars @verstappen-cult @lightsoutletsgo @lnfours @thebearchives @foreveralbon & anyone else who is interested in answering ofc!!
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moni-logues · 1 year
When you draw well
So, on the old blog, I had a request for like, the guys' reaction to seeing that reader has pretty handwriting or draws well. This is... kind of that lol. Not all members are present and accounted for. There's not necessarily an element of discovery in all of them. Two of the three are platonic but uh... here you go; some real drabble-y shit.]
If you are the anon that requested this, firstly, I apologise that it has taken me six thousand years. Secondly, I hope this is at least some of what you were looking for! Thank you so much for requesting and for your patience. ily
Feat: Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin
Words: 973
No warnings necessary for this!
You were doodling. As you always were. Should you have been paying attention? Yes, of course! But why bother when Namjoon was to your left, taking all the notes you’d ever need anyway? He would let you use them later and, in return, you bought him booze. A perfect arrangement. 
Hoseok, on your right, leant over your notebook to see what you were drawing. He spluttered as he tried to stifle his giggles. You were doodling your lecturer. If he were a Smurf. Because why not? Hoseok nudged your arm. 
“Let me do one!” he hissed, pulling your notebook towards him. He covered it with his left arm as he worked on his masterpiece and you stared into space waiting for him. Another nudge, some minutes later, brought you back into the room.  
Unlike Hoseok, you were not able to suppress your laughter, snorting loudly, choking, and then hiccuping from the back row. The entire lecture theatre turned to look; the professor paused; even Namjoon rolled his eyes. You apologised weakly when you were able to speak again, shooting a playful glare at the boy responsible for your embarrassment before dropping your head to your folded arms. 
A third nudge. 
“I can’t help it that you’re so much better than I am,” he whispered to you.  
“No, but I can help letting you draw on my notes again!” 
He gave you a grin and a wink. 
“You’re just going to have to teach me, aren’t you?”  
“Guys!” Namjoon hissed. “Shut the fuck up! If you want to use my notes, you have to actually let me take them!” 
“I have a favour to ask.” 
“Of course, you do.”  
You looked up from your desk and fixed your favourite coworker with an expectant glare.  
“This one’s a little bigger than the others.” 
“Of course, it is. What do you want?” 
“It’s your calligraphy shit.” 
“Calling it my calligraphy shit is not going to help you here, Jin.” 
“Your calligraphy side hustle, business, whatever it is. I need it.” 
“You need me to write on something?” 
“A few somethings, actually...” He paused. “Kind of a lot of somethings.” 
“My wedding invitations.” 
“What?! You want me to do the calligraphy on a hundred invitations?” 
“Uh, it’s more like three hund-” 
Jin had got you to do a lot of shit for him in your time as co-workers and then friends. You were never sure how he did it. You started by refusing and it always ended with you doing his favour. Something about his puppy brown eyes, or his charm, his care-free good nature... Something got to you and there you would be, scribbling late into the night to save him from missing a deadline, painting a picture for his intended when he really needed to apologise to them, crafting bespoke shit for him and the countless dinner parties he hosted. He called and you answered. 
But there was a limit.  
“Jin, be serious.” 
“I am being serious! Weddings are expensive-” 
“And you think my time should be free?” 
“No! Just... cheaper than a profession-” 
“I am a professional, you dickhole! I get paid for it, you know!” 
“I know! I know! We’ll pay you!” 
“I’ll charge you double.” 
He sighed.  
“Fine. That will still be cheaper than someone else.” 
That hurt.  
“You undercharge insanely,” he continued and it certainly soothed the bruise. “You are worth so much more, you know. You should stop underselling yourself.” 
Yeah, that was how he got you. 
“Fine,” you replied. “I’ll charge you triple.” 
He grinned and knocked on your desk before turning to walk back to his own. He called over his shoulder as he left. 
“It’s a deal!” 
Jimin gasped. 
“You did this?” he asked, gesturing to just one of the paintings on display. 
You nodded meekly. You hadn’t let him see any of your work yet. It felt... personal. You had barely got used to showing your work in class; showing your (very new) boyfriend felt, somehow, too intimate. Oh, he’d seen you naked. He’d had his hands and tongue all over your naked body. But art was different. Art was personal. Art was subjective. Maybe he wouldn’t like it. Maybe, by extension, he wouldn’t like you anymore. 
But the time had come and you couldn’t keep him away anymore. A requirement of the course was to exhibit your work. So, here you were, exhibiting. To everyone. Including your boyfriend. Whom you had never let see your work before now.  
“Holy shit,” he breathed as he drifted away from you, walking slowly to stand in front of each piece, scanning its every inch, taking it in, before moving onto the next. 
You felt physically sick. You didn’t dare turn around to watch him. You didn’t want to see his face. It was fine if he didn’t like it, you kept telling yourself. People have different tastes. It would be fine. Fine. Totally, completel- 
“You are amazing.” 
You jumped; you hadn’t noticed him come back to you. He touched your elbow and drew you around to look at him, a look of awe and wonder on his face.  
“I can’t believe you did all these. I can’t believe you’ve been hiding these from me all this time!” 
He wasn’t angry. He was... laughing?  
“You’re such a little shit!” he cried. “Why wouldn’t you show them to me? I thought you were going to be bad! I thought you were so reluctant to show me because you weren’t good! Baby,” his voice softened as he pulled you a little closer. He tapped his forehead gently against yours. “You’re amazing.” 
“You think so?” Your voice was strangled, choked. This was better than you had expected. 
“Are you kidding me?!” He rolled his eyes and smiled that wide, eye-crinkling smile. “You are such an idiot.” 
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vlovers19 · 1 year
i’m the same anon with the long rant lol. i just want to say welcome back and kudos to you for gracefully answering those anons. i hope that you were not stressed with it. just know that the vmin community truly appreciate your posts 🥹.
this is actually a continuation from my previous ask but i want to share more in a lighter and more emotional note. this is more about how people are downplaying th’s support/love to jm and a reminder on how th loves jm.
i want to bring this up bc whatever th does, antis, solos even fans will find fault with his actions and i feel sad for him. people are ignoring the fact that th loves through big and small acts. idk but to me people appreciate moments that are Loud (i can’t explain it but it’s like when th outright says ily, i like you the most, best friend, chingu) and do not notice or give less importance that th also loves/supports jm through the smallest and most subtle ways. i can list a lot of those moments but it will take me forever lmao but i will mention some.
right off the bat the moment i thought of first is the “needle and thread” one from bv3. like th just bought when he heard jm needed it and he did not immediately say it to jm that he bought it for him. th only told them (members) when they were wondering why there was a needle and thread in the shopping cart and th proceeded to say it was for jm’s pants.
another is when jm says he is alone or in the company, th facetimes/calls him and they do their roleplays kzkzz. it may seem not really “loud” but to me it’s th’s way of saying “hey don’t worry, you’re not alone. i’ll keep you company even if we’re far from each other”.
another is whenever they tease with each other like th teasing jm is just so cute for me (e.g. jm’s “i’m sorry” during the un speech) because to me it translates that “lmao but i am fond of you”
th giving portions of food to jm bc he wants his jm to be healthy 🥹. also i love the moment during an award show when jm was drinking water and th subtly moves a water bottle near jm in case he needs more water.
my favorite tho is when he looks at jm when jm is not looking at him!!! there are so many instances of that and i’m JSJKSJSK. he always does that especially during concerts. (i noticed also that when jm looks back, th will suddenly avoid his eyes… 👀) also moments when jm feels emotional or sick or sad, th always looks at him. you can see that he is concerned for him.
ok this one is not obvious but remember the time th posted on his story that he was watching our blues and he said that it was his drama of his life and he cannot wait for the next episode. he didn’t mention “with you” because he didn’t have to. i think he watched it because his soulmate’s song is there but he also ended up liking the show itself. he does not expilicitly talked about “with you” but still showed support through his own way which brings me to th’s “quietness” during jm’s solo period. his “quietness” is a sign of support on his own way (aside from his weverse comment and liking jm’s ig posts. again, why are people forgetting about this jxjzjsk). it’s like, “it’s jm’s time! let’s celebrate his artistry by focusing on jm and only on jm” in a not obvious way (just like our blues/with you). he did not need to mention online but i know for sure he was proud of jm. heck, vm talked about songwriting for hours and th wanted a dance subunit with jm (also, i want to say i’m so proud of jm!! 🥺 and the success he deservedly got).
perhaps, i am reaching with the last parts but to me th has such a wonderful mind with his unique and out of the boz thinking (i can talk more about this ndjdk) like he sees something in another perspective and yeaah i just love his beautiful mind dndj (idk if it’s understandable but i hope you get the gist lol)
also jm knows about th’s small acts of love and supports and acknowledges it. jm’s reply on th’s bv 2 letter: “they might say i only tend to th and not him. but i actually learn a lot from him. he makes me feel good and touches my heart often. that’s when i feel grateful to have th as my friend so i want to say i’m grateful.”
have a great day and always remember that vm know what they feel for each other (mentioned in bv2) ☺️. *alexa play chingu*
Thank you so much for this. The problem with a lot of people is that they expect too much. They want to always know what is happening with their idols lives forgetting that these people need something called privacy. Little wonder why JK deactivated his Instagram account.
And another thing is people are too focused on the present. They are focused on what they see right now. They don't care what happened in the past or what might happen in the future. They want things done right away. They want to see their idols communicating. They want to know everything that's happening in their lives. And if that doesn't happen, they lash out and look for who is at fault for things not going the way they want, apportioning blames when they have zero idea about what's really going on with their artist. If they are doing well, if they are even eating at all, if their mental health is doing fine, if they fell ill. How their lives are? They don't know. All they do is sit in their homes and bring up all sorts of reasons in their heads.
Oh Jimin is harassing JK
Jk is trying to avoid Jimin because he doesn't want Taehyung to be mad but of course Jimin won't let him be
Jimin and Taehyung are fighting because of JK
So on and so forth. Unfounded theories born out of people's imaginations when in reality, they don't even know if Jimin and Taehyung have drinks in private. They don't even know whether they video chat or call each other. They don't even know if Jimin was in a good headspace, if he even eats at all. If Taehyung is really as happy as he seems. Wasn't he the one who cried in the soop, the one he had with his Wooga squads for reasons only he knows.
No wonder Taehyung got angry recently on a live when he told people to be more creative with their questions. They were asking him mundane things that has little to do with his present circumstances. So all in all, I hope people would just let things slide and stop jumping into conclusions. They are full grown adults and they will do what's best for themselves. Thank you so much for your opinion and for welcoming me back. It's well appreciated. Lol!
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stinkrascal · 1 year
god i relate to you so much. ik this isn’t saying much but whenever you’re lonely just know we’re lonely together. i love hearing abt your life cuz it always sounds just like mine lol. i haven’t had a SINGLE friend or interaction or ANYTHING since junior year of high school four years ago when i dropped out and had to move to the middle of nowhere in complete isolation due to being poor and no houses/apartments in the city accepting us. anyways i feel you. i haven’t worked in forever either. i tried once and only lasted two days before having a breakdown 😭 i can’t drive so i’m stuck at home all the time with my mom and sister who drive me insane lol anyways i always want to say smth when i read ur text posts bc i relate so much and i love youuuu <333 (also ur so right abt sdv clint. i ALWAYS think abt that!!!)
hey anon aha im really sorry i didnt answer this last night. i ended up just playing sdv all night after making that post, but i really appreciate your msg, it made me feel a lot better. im sorry to hear you can relate to my struggle, but honestly... just knowing theres someone out there going through basically the same thing i am, it really makes me feel seen, like im not alone in this world. and you arent alone either!! its as you said, we're lonely together anon <3 and YES im glad ive found another clint fan!!!
anyways... off topic... but do you wanna be friends? ahahfdoijergtois
ily anon
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dearweirdme · 1 year
I'm curious, why don't you believe the ily hand sign means anything? There's been numerous occasions where they've both quite obviously signed it. If it was only once or twice, then maybe it could just be a coincidence. And it's always towards each other, or when they are around each other. It's never done by or to another member or when they're alone. I personally feel there is plenty of evidence of taekook and the ily gesture.
What did you think of the concert moment where JK is feeling under the weather, and Tae makes the ily sign behind his back, and JK looks at it, and nudges Tae's hand with his own to let him know he's seen it?
Hi anon!
Mmm, it’s a bit more grey than me not believing in it. It’s just too vague for me. As I answered in the ask before this one. There’s too many questions that come with those signs. The ILY sign especially has also been used by other members so I have trouble connecting that to Tae and Jk alone. I do feel that moment when Jk was unwell was specifically Tae signing to Jk, but I am not all that sure that every time they use that signal it is solely for each other. When I see them use that sign in a pic I can not be sure that they do that for them.
Let me show some pics as to why I am not sure.
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To me it looks like all members use those signs. And maybe they do mean something special between Tae and Jk as a couple, but I find that very hard to distinguish when other members use these as well. A thought I’m entertaining is that Jk and Tae noticed what fandom believes and they therefore use it more, but I just can’t be sure enough.
I know this is something many Taekookers believe in and I don’t mean to just throw a bomb in the whole idea. I am just one person, I’m not necessarily right about things, but I do want to share my honest thoughts with all of you.. even if it goes against popular believe.
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astrobei · 1 year
oh suni! you’re a genius. is there anything you can’t do? seem not because you’re a writer, you’re an artist, you know math and you’re a biologist (especially the part with the biologist, because I never managed to finished my natural sciences degree)? did I have a little crush on you? Absolutely Yes! and you’re so kind too. I was never afraid to write to you (and Im like Anxious), because you always answer with kindness and warmth. and you’re an incredible writer! I experience a full range of emotions when I read (and re-read!) your fics. ily user astrobei. hope you’re having a good holiday and a bowl of hot soup 💜
omg hello !! i am. trying to see if i can sleuth my way into figuring out who u are 🤨 first of all u must be some kind of wizard because i am LITERALLY. LADLING OUT A BOWL OF SOUP AS I TYPE THIS. like i’m pouring soup with one hand typing with the other and it may end disastrously for me but whatever it’ll be worth it. SECOND. OH MY GOD HELLO THAT IS SO NICE OF U TO SAY !! i am most certainly not a genius but i feel u so hard on the unfinished natural sciences degree 😭 the number of times this quarter had me questioning every life choice i’ve ever made im literally right there with u 🤝 and hello u had a little crush on me 👁👁 please reveal urself so i can pick u up in a giant hug and spin u around and around and around !! i’m so glad u felt comfortable writing to me because i’m so absolutely sure i had so much fun talking to u ! i get so anxious messaging people too so that actually means the whole entire world to me :^) thank u so so so much for the lovely message anon i love u too !! hope u are also having a fantastic holiday wherever u are right now ! sending so many warm soup vibes ur way 🍲 🫶🏽💕
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
People can't analyze Mike Wheeler without taking in consideration his sexuality. His sexuality is one of the biggest parts of his character arc and it goes beyond his relationship with Will. The van scene showed us that Mike also feels like a mistake for his clear preference for men but this is the beauty and mutual understanding of byler because the love he has for Will is so pure and beautiful that will never be a mistake.
before i agree with everything else, i will say that i wouldn’t use pure to describe their relationship. you seem like you have very based opinions so i doubt it’s intentional but that language feeds into purity culture which is already an issue in this fandom
i agree with what you said completely, though!! mike’s sexuality plays a massive role in his story, as it curated his entire arc for s3 and s4, meaning it’s also going to heavily play into s5 because it’s still unresolved. i know i used to be pretty passive about it but i do think mike being gay is incredibly important to his story. when you start asking questions about mike’s behavior, it starts becoming the most satisfactory answer. why is mike unable to tell el he loves her? he doesn’t love her the way she’s asking him to. why can’t he love her the way she’s asking him to anymore? what changed? the ending of s3. what was important about the ending of s3? mike and el had been broken up for four months when el asked to get back together with him and mike reconciled with will. how does that change anything for mike? well, mike hadn’t been expecting to nor planning on getting back together with el. he planned on asking will if he was ready to move on. why didn’t mike expect to get back together with el? didn’t he love her for the rest of s3? no, because if he did he wouldn’t have given up that fight so easily. mike is too stubborn and he loves too much to give up on someone like that. if he didn’t love her then, when did he stop loving her? mike has only been with el for about six months, most of which doesn’t play out on screen. did he stop when she broke up with him? was their relationship really that shallow? mike never really tried to get back together with el, not in a way the mike we know would. so what changed? when did mike stop loving el? and then you have your answer. mike never loved el in the first place. okay, but he could still like women. what other woman does he show attraction to? none. there isn’t any other character, not even mentioned like phoebe cates, that mike shows attraction to.
this was incredibly simplified and i am also 3 drinks in BUT do you see what i mean?? anyway, understanding mike’s sexuality and then retracing your steps through that storyline makes everything click into place. you can do that with his journey with will, lucas, and eddie, too. his sexuality plays a big part of his story, and sometimes you just have to keep asking questions till you find yourself unable to ask any more questions.
everyone has a right to an opinion, but from my perspective when you don’t stop asking yourself questions about mike and his actions it eventually leads to mike being gay and his being gay is what makes his story flow smoothly, as tragic as it is
anyway ty for the ask anon ily <33
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My princess, I hope this letter reaches you in good times.
This time I came to say to you not be too hard on yourself, do not demand too much, do not judge you and your art too harshly.
I see that you've been feeling bad for not posting too much content, but my princess if what you need is time to rest, if your creativity needs time to recover, if life is too busy, don't pressure yourself to do something that is not necessary.
There is no standard you need to achieve. Anything you offer us is more than good enough, and constantly gives me happiness.
So, I ask my princess, be kind to yourself.
-your friend
ps. I've been thinking and we've talked without the anon, and I don't know if you discovered who I am. But in the case you don't, does it bother you that I might talk to you without the anon and you won't know I'm your friend from the royal letters? It just seems a little unfair that I know who you are and you don't know who I am.
My dear friend! Sorry for taking so long to answer! I’ve been burnt out due to studies lol. Wish me luck for exams my ahhh- 😭
I wanted to say thank you so much tor these kind and sweet words! It helped me back when I was feeling insecure about my art. I did what you said, I tried not to be too harsh and I’m glad to say that it actually helped me improve more. I’ve learnt to give myself time to grow.
I do admit that I kept finding myself reading this message again every time I started to feel pressure, and honestly I can’t thank you enough. 💜🌸 Do ask me for any favour and I’ll gladly help out anytime 💜🌸
Ily very much my lovely friend 💜🌸. And thank you for the flowers 💐
I present u this:
His name is Suzuki
Ps: You don’t have to worry! It won’t bother me at all. I was looking out for ur comfort cuz I don’t want u to feel pressured to reveal urself, it’s ok either way, anon or no anon. That’s why I didn’t question the anons, cuz it’s ur choice, if you’re comfortable with it or not. :) 💜🌸 tho I do apologise cuz it take me time to answer asks these days due to my exams nearing in.
Pss: I named our pigeon friend, Puma tiger leopard /j or Poppy for short
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yakultii · 3 months
I ain't scared, I just thought I might get the most best answer this way..I'm wondering what poet or poem you read (or were read in your childhood) that had you looking for more and aspiring to write your own? If it was a traumatic event, I feel you there. .it can really help to read a complete stranger's words of pain, when they harmonize with our own. I admit, I have only read a couple of your poems but I love your voice, keep on keepin on ☮️ 🕉 💛
HAHA DW I LOVE ANONS <33333 I encourage it.
HONESTLY no poetry inspired me to write poetry (IRONIC) I thought I hated poetry!!!! I’ve written many things since I was a kid but always been more of an essay kinda dude..I attempted to read poetry a few times over my lifetime and mostly it made no sense to me..I thought it was just a bunch of pretentious ppl flexing their advanced vocab (which honestly I lack bc of a whole other story I won’t get into and maybe I was just jealous) - the only time I wrote a poem was back in final yr of highschool lit class when my brain was malnourished af and writing it made me want to kms plus I had major imposter syndrome (and then my lovely grandma went and sent it in to a poetry magazine without me knowing and it got published and still I didn’t think poetry was for me) only in more recent times I no longer have access to a psych who I can send weekly 3000 word emails to and I needed to do something so that I would stop driving myself completely insane bc I also live alone 4hrs from family and no friends so have noone to save me but myself so I started writing every day on wattpad like a digital diary entry(today was day 118 in a row) then I started to see others who had written poetry and combined w the fact that I’ve come very far over the yrs in terms with perfectionism (as in not needing to be) I found myself in a place realising that poetry didn’t have to be “good” and that I could just make it work for me. I could just write for myself. To get things out (even tho it’s only like 5% of my mind). It didn’t need to look impressive for others etc like what I used to think poetry did… so yeah basically poetry is just my budget therapy now and a tool to prevent me from ending things :))))) everything I write about (so far, at time of writing) is from real life experience and I love using it as an outlet to say the things that wouldn’t be taken so well if they were said out loud.. cause everyone has some sort of darker side whether they are exposed to it or not and whilst I do hold onto a lot of hope I love being able to have an outlet to get the rot out of me or at least create something with it so it’s not completely useless and all consuming. ALSO I think it’s cool that poetry allows you to turn your words into art. I’ve always loved art and ppl consider me arty or whatevs but I can’t draw or paint (well - not that it matters) so this is kinda something that comes more naturally to me! (I’ve only been writing poetry for 4 months now so hopefully I can only get better)… AND THANK THE LORD in the meantime as I have come to write my own poetry I am now able to appreciate other people’s poetry, I can understand it more, I can be inspired by it, I can admire it. I get it now. Or at least I think I’m starting to get it…. But to answer ur question l wouldn’t say it was a singular traumatic event which inspired it but rather a combined experience of like 20 genuinely traumatic events combined with being neurodiverse & a lifetime of various mental illnesses which I wouldn’t say are all treated etc. and quite honestly having read NOTHING in the past which resonated with the depth of my own experience so I thought you know what I know I can’t be the only one feeling this, I’m gonna try write my own! If I can’t read it I’ll write it and hope I can be that for someone else I guessss
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moonrisecoeur · 6 months
KISSES YOU bc ur so nice and patient and reassuring !?!?!? i literally AM so in love with you /j /j
i do genuienly get so happy to see pookie online tho like literally get too excited to see when u answer me like the freak i am 🥺
and i really get what u mean, its especially bad for me during depression episodes and i know saying this cannot stop the little rats in ur head either but! its soso hard but its just something u have to work on slowly, like communicating how u feel and not going thru w ur thoughts. like its soso hard n i know that from experience like it took me so long to actually start talking ab stuff that im afraid of or that bothers me, even if it takes a few days. im used to being hurt, but im also used to being loved too? and i cant let that go, and i love loving, and it hurts but i cannot imagine going back to when i refused to love so strongly bc its what keeps me going yk? i know what its like for ppl to fear my love n i dont want the ppl who love me to think that ever bc i love them sm. U R INCLUDED ILY
anyways on a lighter note- i am LITERALLY puppy anon!?!! i love dog leon!!! im literally writing werewolf leon hcs RIGHT NOW bc im so so so normal ab my puppyman. (im so attracted to werewolves.) hes gonna have multiple tags on his collar!!! we can share!!!!! im taking his leash too!!!!
im thinking sooo much ab excitable werewolf re2 leon its not even healthy! i literally have to keep taking breaks with what im writing bc i LITERALLY keep kicking my feet thinking abt him.
why are u joking. u shouldn’t be joking. you should be on your knees begging me to marry you obsessively in love with me. don’t joke about this this is serious.
but also!! yeah i try to be!! i usually just like to say the things that would help me to hear! obviously telling you ‘you’re not a bother’ is nice but at some point you don’t believe it when people say that!! because what if they’re lying just bc they feel bad and they wanna be nice to you but don’t really care for what you have to say? is that irrational? yes, yes it is. but i can’t blame ya!!
so instead i just acknowledge that the rats in ur head won’t believe me so i just !! i tell u that ur attention makes me feel popular instead of telling you you’re not bothering me and i tell u that i’m only being nice to u because i like u not because i feel like i have to be nice to u bc i’m nice to everyone.
fineeeee he can have multiple tags on his collar and you can hold his leash but i wanna pet behind his ears, watch him get all ditzy and happy from the tight leash and pets that he starts panting and drooling aifnsjsjdb im so so so sane
tell me about werewolf re2 leon. GIVE HIM TO ME NOW !! rahhhhhh
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f1nalboys · 2 years
I am BEGGING for an AFAb!reader x Sidney x Tatum Smut. Yours are top tier, B!
creaming i mean creaming i mean- hehehe ily anon!!!! it means a lot that you think that :,) this is a continuation of my other sid x reader x tatum fic i did!!!!
do you enjoy my writing? consider donating to my ko-fi! :-)
Sidney Prescott x Fem!AFAB!Reader x Tatum Riley
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WARNINGS: nsfw, threesome, oral (afab receiving), doggy style, dirty talk, slight degradation, slight praising, this is actually kind of tame/, implication of future sex lolz, sid calls her strap her cock, not proofread!
“You ready to live out another one of your perverted little fantasies?”
Sidney’s words send a shiver down your spine and you swallow hard, answering with a wiggle of your hips. You were on your knees, sitting up with your elbows and Tatum was in front of you, legs spread, breathing hard. Her mouth was covered in your juices and she licked her lips with a smile. “Well? Are you, Y/N?”
“So ready. Been dreaming about this for so fuckin’ long - Shit!” Your arms give out on you as Sidney swipes the head of the strap through your soaked folds, bumping against your clit. You were still sensitive and the sudden shock of pleasure had your legs shaking. Both Sidney and Tatum laugh at you and you can feel your face burning hot in both embarrassment and pleasure.
“Why don’t you start putting that pretty mouth to work before I fuck you,” Sidney coos, running her hand down your back, goosebumps raising in its wake. With a shaky nod you lean in, breathing in Tatum’s scent before licking a slow stripe up her slit. She tasted sweet on your tongue and you were captivated by the way her head tilted back against the pillows.
Another lick, more confident, and you bite back the urge to plunge your tongue inside her. You wanted her to fall apart over and over again, have her fingers tangled in your hair forcing your head down against her cunt until you couldn’t breathe anymore. Sidney’s hand cups your heat and you moan, bucking your hips against her palm. Tatum grabs the back of your head and pushes you in close, gasping at the feel of your nose bumping against her clit.
Sidney’s slender fingers move through your folds, spreading your arousal over your clit before slowly pushing two of them inside you. “So tight for me, fuck, Y/N,” She groans, the pump of her hand slow and shallow. You can’t respond; you were tongue fucking Tatum now and, even when she let go of your head in favor of gripping the bedsheets, you weren’t planning on pulling back any time soon.
You had dreamt and thought about this moment dozens if not hundreds of times before, your own fingers inside you the way Sidney’s were currently, imagining how sweet they both would taste, how fucking hot the moans they’d let out would sound. And here you were, on your knees, buried in Tatum's cunt with Sidney stretching you with her fingers. It was better than you had ever imagined.
“Fuck, you’re tongue! Shit, baby, god. Please use your fingers, god, m’so close, wanna cum so bad,” Tatum whines, back arching slightly when you slip a finger inside her. “Harder, fuck! Fuck, you’re amazing, oh my fucking god-” You add another finger, tongue swirling around her clit quickly, scissoring your fingers inside her. She cums, letting out a choked moan.
Just as your movements begin to slow, Sidney thrusts inside you without warning, the strap stretching you deliciously. “Oh fuck! Fuck, Sid, shit!” You try your hardest to keep your fingers moving inside Tatum, her body jolting with each pump, but Sidney was fucking you at an animalistic pace and your brain was growing foggy. All you could focus on was the building pleasure in your gut, the sound of skin on skin, the feel of her fingers digging into your hips as she forced you to take more of her.
“Such a good slut for me, aren’t you?” She pants, unable to take her eyes off of your cunt, watching her strap disappear inside you. “Isn’t she Tate? Fucking beautiful like this, eating you out, getting fucked. God, why didn’t we invite you over sooner?” She reaches around you and begins to play with your clit, the pit in your stomach growing with each circle. “You’re gonna cum, alright? Be a good little whore for us and cum on my cock, alright baby?”
When you cum you do so with a cry, your legs shaking and eyes squeezed shut. Your senses were flooding with pleasure and you were fucking overwhelmed in the best way possible; you never wanted to stop feeling her fuck you, never wanted to stop hearing her call you a good girl the way she was right now.
Sidney pulls out of you and you collapse onto the bed, gasping for air, and she can’t help but grin. Tatum was watching Sidney with a smile and motions for her to sit beside her on the bed. “We really should’ve had you over months ago, y’know that?” Tatum asks, running her hand through your hair and you laugh. Your eyes are closed and you open them when you feel the bed beside you dip.
“How’re you feeling? Didn't hurt you, did I?”
“I feel so good,” You hum, staring up at Sidney. She had taken her strap off and was sitting down beside Tatum, looking at you with her eyebrows etched together in worry. “You felt great. You both did, I mean… shit, I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before.”
Tatum laughs, throwing an arm around Sidney. “Y’hear that? We fucked her silly!”
“Technically I fucked her silly, Tate,” Sidney says, kissing her on the cheek. Perring back down at you she runs her fingers down your cheek, smiling. “M’glad you had fun. So… you wanna come over next weekend too?”
“Definitely. Did you two get that movie to try and ‘woo’ me?” You tease, sitting up onto your elbows. Tatum flushes red and shrugs; she did. “You’re lucky it worked. Now c’mon, I wanna watch an actual movie.”
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